iMotions Biometric Research, Simplied
Grant Writing
The Complete Pocket Guide
Dr. Robert Atkinson, Associate Professor at Arizona State University
Dr. Cheryl Bracken, Professor at Cleveland State University
Dr. Shaun Owens, Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina
Dr. Roger Taylor, Assistant Professor at Oswego State University of New York
Dr. Holly Witteman, Assistant Professor at Université Laval, Quebec
We would like to thank
for providing valuable input during the preparation phase and
making this pocket guide happen.
Scientic Grant Writing
Why do researchers have to write grant applications?
In a perfect world, researchers have an unlimited amount of money to run their
studies, purchase top-notch soft- and hardware, pay respondents, participate in
conferences, and publish their results in high-impact journals.
The reality is something else. In the wake of significant budget cuts within the recent
years in a volatile economic climate, monetary resources of societies for research and
development (R&D) are not indefinite, requiring a competitive selection procedure
for scientific research projects. In 2014, the United States spent a total of $432 billion
on R&D projects (about 2.74% of their global domestic income), with research being
funded primarily by government grants, companies, and non-profit foundations.
According to the National Science Foundation (NSF), federal R&D money is distributed
in the following way:
Each day, you support each of those R&D sectors indirectly through the taxes you pay,
products and services you purchase from companies, and donations you make to
charities. Something as simple as buying an aspirin may help foot the bill for research
on Parkinson’s disease.
30% Industry funding
30% University funding
10% Federally funded
private contractors
30% Federal agencies
Scientic Grant Writing
Particularly projects with excellent merit and high probability to produce results in
due time will be the ones that receive funding. By contrast, other funding sources
exist that specifically kick-start more “risky” research projects, where outcomes are
not guaranteed but the potential gain for society could be tremendous.
How winning a grant can aect
your scientic career
Jacobs & Lefgren (2000) analyzed the impact of grants
awarded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on the
careers of grant recipients, and showed the following
striking effects:
>> Winning a postdoctoral research grant increases
your chances for publishing within the next five years
by 20%.
>> Winning a postdoctoral grant increases your chances
to publish one paper by 11% and five papers by 23%.
>> Winning a first-time grant will produce one or more
additional publications within the next five years.
>> Winning any NIH grant will on average get you
$252,000 more in NIH funding for the following six to
ten years.
Paying the bill, society expects all funded research projects to live up to the highest
scientific standards. Governmental and nongovernmental agencies, companies,
and foundations spend a significant amount of time and resources screening the
academic landscape for exactly those projects that are aligned with their standards,
philosophy, and vision.
Scientic Grant Writing
Winning grants is prestigious. It is also hard work. Failure is omnipresent, and good
coping strategies and your ability to deal with failure is certainly necessary to keep
going and move on. Good news is that, unlike research paper submissions which have
to be unique, grant applications allow you to work with templates and re-purposed
text, allowing you to focus the most important parts of a proposal: Your research idea
and its packaging.
>> Make writing
grant applications a smooth experience!
Only the best-in-class projects are funded - this is why winning grants is fundamental
for you and your team. Only funding makes your projects possible, enables you to
purchase soft- and hardware, run studies and simulations, pay your respondents,
attend conferences and visit other labs, and publish your results in peer-reviewed
journals. And of course, winning grants and running a successful lab makes your
unit attractive for Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Postdocs and potential
collaborators from neighboring units of your own or even other research institutions.
Besides the direct benefits of having the required monetary resources to get your
research done, writing successful applications also has quite beneficial “side effects”
on your academic career.
In this pocket guide you will find the
most important aspects when it comes
to grant writing, best practices for
content and style.
Let’s make sure that your next proposal
is a success.
What is a grant? ................................................................................. 9
Funding sources ................................................................................. 10
Grant categories ................................................................................. 12
The grant lifecycle ................................................................................. 15
Submit your work to
peer-reviewed journals ................................................................................. 23
and evaluation criteria ................................................................................. 24
Develop a deadline ................................................................................. 26
Plan your proposal ................................................................................. 17
Phrase your idea ................................................................................. 17
Find the right funding program ................................................................................. 19
Carry out pilot studies ................................................................................. 22
Review process
What‘s inside?
Obey the three C‘s ................................................................................. 39
Make it visually appealing ................................................................................. 40
Structure, structure, structure ................................................................................. 40
Avoid jargon ................................................................................. 41
Cite properly and with style ................................................................................. 42
Include gures and graphics ................................................................................. 43
Proposal elements ................................................................................. 31
First page (title page) ................................................................................. 32
Abstract (summery) ................................................................................. 33
Project description ................................................................................. 34
Research design and methods ................................................................................. 35
Budget and timeline ................................................................................ 35
Biosketch(es) ................................................................................ 36
The time after submission .................................................................................. 46
.................................................................................. 48
What is a grant?
Put simply, grants are non-repayable funds handed out by the government,
corporations or foundations to a recipient. In order to receive a grant, some form of
grant writing – often referred to as proposal or application – is required.
You can either submit proposals to a potential funder on your own initiative, or
respond to a call for proposal from the funder. Most grants fund a specific project or
equipment and require a certain level of compliance and reporting.
Generally, proposal requirements vary depending upon
the grant category
>> Stay in the loop and educate yourself
about the specific application requirements.
We will take a closer look at the different
forms of funding and types of grants in
the following sections.
the funding source
>> >>
Funding sources
Government funding
Major government funding sources in USA include:
National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF is an independent federal agency and supports fundamental research
and education in all the non-medical fields of science and engineering.
Typically, NSF grants go to individuals or small groups of investigators
who carry out research at their home campuses. Some grants further
provide funding for mid-scale research centers, instruments, and
facilities that serve researchers from many institutions. Still, others fund
national-scale facilities that are shared by the research community as a
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Being an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human
Services, NIH is the largest funder of biomedical research in the world,
and the primary agency of the United States government responsible
for health-related projects. Additionally to research conducted on-site,
NIH provides funding for extramural projects all across the US. A study
of Jacobs & Lefgren (2000) shows how winning an NIH grant positively
affects your research productivity.
Most national funding agencies in the US are located on the East Coast:
Funding sources
Funding through US military
The US military primarily funds research projects through the following agencies:
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DARPA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible
for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.
DARPA pursues strategic funding of innovative research proposals.
Office of Naval Research (ONR)
ONR sponsors research in core basic and applied research in new, high-
risk areas investigated by multidisciplinary and multi-departmental
teams. It funds topics that foster leading-edge science and attract new
principal investigators and organizations.
The Swartz Foundation
The strategic intent of the Swartz Foundation is to integrate problem-
solving approaches from physics, mathematics, electrical engineering,
and computer science into neuroscience research to better understand
the relationship between the human brain and mind.
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants year-round to support
original research and broad-based education related to science,
technology, and economic performance.
Private grants are given by a foundation, corporation or nongovernmental agency.
Since private institutions are not buried under as much bureaucracy and red tape as
the federal government, private grants can be easier to get as compared to federal
grants. Examples in the human behavior research fields are:
Private grants
Grant categories
It is important to understand what can and what can‘t be funded on a particular call
for proposals. Basically, there are several different grant categories that differ in
their funding objectives and their scope of funding.
Get familiar with:
NIH Grants
The NIH R03 “Small Grant” category supports small research
projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with
limited resources. It provides funding for up to two years and up
to $50,000. This category is an excellent starting point for your
next pilot study, secondary data analysis or projects aiming at the
development of innovative research methodology/technology as
no preliminary data is required (but may be included if available).
The NIH R21 “Exploratory/Developmental Research” category
provides support for early and conceptual project stages. Project
funding of up to $275,000 is available for up to two years. Particularly
research proposals with a focus on exploratory studies breaking
new ground or extending previous discoveries are fostered. At the
same time, high-risk/high-reward studies are funded that may lead
to a breakthrough in a particular area or result in novel techniques,
agents, methodologies, models or applications that will impact
biomedical, behavioral or clinical research.
Research Grants
are mostly used to support discrete, specified, circumscribed research
projects, typically lasting up to five years. This is NIH’s most commonly
used grant program, supporting the research of teams of scientists from
one or more universities. Grant funds must contribute to the direct costs
of the research for which the funds were awarded, and the benefits should
be directly attributable to the grant.
Grant categories
Resource/Equipment Grants
typically provide funding for specific devices and instruments (such as
biosensors and biomedical imaging devices like EEG, eye tracking or fNIRS
systems) including software that is too expensive to be obtained through
a research project grant. The purchase is typically not bound to one single
project, but can be shared among several groups or scientific programs.
Often, these grants cover the direct costs of the instruments, while the
host institution must meet costs for maintenance, service contracts, and
technical support. An example for an equipment grant is NIH’s Shared
Instrumentation Grant Program.
Career Development Grants
are excellent ways to fund your project at any career stage. Particularly
early-stage investigators (such as PhD students or postdocs) can gain
significant momentum with funding for an intensive, supervised career
development experience in the biomedical, behavioral or clinical sciences
leading to research independence. Funding is provided to junior faculty
members who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding
research, excellent education, and the integration of education and
research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such
activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in
integrating education and research. Examples for this type of grant are
the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program, or NIH’s various
Research Career Development Awards (such as K01, or K99 “Pathway to
Independence” Award).
Education Grants
target at supporting low-income academically talented students who are
pursuing associate, baccalaureate or graduate degrees. With this grant
type, the education of future scientists, engineers, and technicians is
supposed to be secured by curricular and co-curricular activities affecting
students’ academic advancement. For a representative example, visit NSF’s
Undergraduate Education Program.
Grant categories
Grants vs. fellowships
>> In general, grants and fellowships do not need
to be repaid. While oftentimes the terms are used
interchangeably, there is one major distinction you
should be aware of:
Grants are tpyically paid to your research institution
which then distributes the money to you and your team.
Fellowships usually refer to funding in support of single
researchers (most likely PhD students or postdocs). In
this case, the money is directly paid to the awardee and
is provided for a limited period of time (comparable to
a contract).
Travel Grants
provide funding for student and re-/postgraduate researchers in order
to attend scientific congresses and conferences or to visit internationally
recognized research institutions to collect data and meet experts to discuss
preliminary results. While not that common for government funding
sources, private foundations typically provide a wide variety of travel grant
The grant lifecycle
Independent of the funding source and grant category you apply for, a typical grant
lifecycle comprises several common elements (or stages).
On your part it will include thorough planning, the writing of the proposal, and the
submission of your grant application (along with some jittering whether your project
will be funded).
To help you gain a competitive edge and prepare the best way possible,
we will get to each of them in the following sections.
Prepare your proposal
(6-12 months)
>> Find the right program for you and your idea
>> Become a “student” of the RFA
>> Develop a timeline for proposal preparation
>> Understand criteria used to evaluate proposals
>> Understand the review process and reviewers
Write your proposal
(1-3 months)
>> Write the proposal clearly and logically
>> Prepare budget with a strong justification
>> Obtain critical input from experienced colleagues
Submit your proposal
and await award notification
(up to 10 months)
>> Track application and await funding decision
>> Start your project and report results
Plan your proposal
Putting together your proposal can easily take 12 months (or even longer), so planning
ahead is certainly key. Keep a keen eye on the horizon, steering safely but steadily
towards accomplishing all necessary requirements of the application.
Frankly, there is nothing more stressful than realizing that you are preparing for
a funding scheme that doesn‘t really support the idea of your project, or noticing
that you have left out core aspects in your research question and missed to contact
relevant stakeholders.
Phrase your idea
Excellent research starts with an innovative and transformative idea.
The best research questions are breaking new ground – they address
something that has not been answered before and siginficantly
contribute to science. You want to push beyond the limits of the known,
and this requires your ideas to be anchored in the framework of existing
theories and hypotheses. Allow your idea to reference the existing
state of knowledge – pick up the threads that were dropped by already
existing studies in the field. Be sure you are up-to-date on techniques and
technology, literature, and interpretations of ideas or theories (Kraicer,
Checklist: Shape your idea
>> Hypothesis:
Is the hypothesis clear, concise, and testable?
>> Focus on aims:
Are outcomes and implications clear?
>> Questions:
Are there questions that need to be addressed?
>> Experimental Design:
Can you specify and design experiments that will allow
you to test your hypothesis?
Where to find inspiration?
Google Scholar is an excellent starting point for keyword search. Access
Google Scholar from within the university network to download papers
directly from the publishers’ websites using the subscription of your
institution. Scholar also lists referencing papers, allowing you to follow
the development of new ideas and research strands based on an original
Microsoft Academic is similar to Google Scholar, allowing you to search for
academic papers and publications.
Loop by Frontiers is the first research network integrating all journals and
academic websites, making researchers discoverable across the boundaries
of publishers and organizations. This is an excellent resource if you would
like to examine the activity of researchers and teams at a certain location or
in a specific research field.
ResearchGate connects researchers across the globe, making it easy for
you to share and access scientific output, knowledge, and expertise. On
ResearchGate you can certainly find inspiration, phrase scientific questions
and project ideas to the community, or contact researchers directly.
LinkedIn offers excellent tools to follow the activity of grant agencies as well
as fellow researchers or groups with a dedicated focus on your scientific
field of interest.
Phrase your idea
Particularly when funding levels are low (as they currently are), uninspired
“copy-paste” science or projects that are too speculative and off-ground
most certainly won‘t be funded (Bourne & Chalupa, 2006).
Be passionate about your ideas. If you are not thrilled about your work or
feel in doubt, it’s probably not a good idea to go for a grant at this stage.
Find the right funding program
It is always a wise decision to stick to realistic goals - pursue ideas that
you can actually accomplish in reasonable time and with predictable
budget. Solving global diseases might sound like an excellent long-term
research endeavor, however it might be hard to accomplish with the help
of existing funding schemes.
To be on the safe side, break the global idea into smaller units and
compartmentalize it into achievable milestones. The more realistic your
idea is, the more likely it will get funded.
Consider this phase as an opportunity
to have an impact. It is your chance
to communicate your ideas to peers
and mentors. Phrase your research
questions theoretically first, and
specify over time. The more concrete
your ideas are stated, the easier it will
be to measure and analyze their effects
while at the same time controlling for
unwanted side effects.
Find the right funding program
All funding agencies have websites where you can get an overview of all
ongoing funding schemes and strands and find suitable programs.
Here is how it goes: Typically, funding programs are announced online in
the form of a Program Announcement (PA) or Request for Application (RFA).
These documents describe the area of interest for the agency along with
general guidelines for conducting the research. If your project idea does
not fit a particular program, save your time and resources. Instead, apply
elsewhere to guarantee a programmatic fit between your idea and the
desired outcomes of the grant agency.
Great ideas need wings …
and landing gear.
(C.D. Jackson, 1902 - 1964)
Find the right funding program
>> Funding agencies want to give away money and are happy to help with
questions you might have. Don‘t hesitate and contact their staff whenever
you would like to get detailed information about a specific program that‘s
not fully addressed on their website.
Now how can you determine whether the program fits you?
Study the Request for Application (RFA). Understand the
directions outlined in the RFA, the key components, goals, and
areas of emphasis. Build your proposal on these elements.
Check previously funded projects. Find and carefully read
abstracts of previously funded projects. They are a great source
of information. You can search NSF-funded projects on the NSF
website, for example.
Contact colleagues and supervisors who received funding
from a certain source. If your advisor or PI have successfully
applied for a specific grant when they were in your current
position, it certainly is helpful to ask for their opinion on which
funding scheme might be the best fit for you. They can also put
you in touch with their collaborators (in different departments or
universities), spreading the word about your project and assisting
you in localizing the most suitable application target.
Participate in university trainings. Your university might host
dedicated training courses and information sessions on funding
schemes as offered by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, for
Call the Program Manager at the funding agency. Commonly,
each program has a Program Officer (also referred to as Program
Official or Program Administrator) who manages grant portfolios.
Present your idea to them and discuss the fit with the program
priorities. Usually, Program Officers are scientists themselves,
understanding your situation and being able to point you to local
resources at your university.
Find the right funding program
These websites offer meta-searches
across several funding agencies and schemes:
Newton’s List provides an interactive forum for funders and grant-seekers.
The site is a free resource open to individuals searching for international
funding and organizations looking to market their grants to an international
audience. Newton’s list is co-sponsored by NSF, providing information on
current international funding opportunities for students and researchers
working in natural and social science fields.
Grants.gov lists all current discretionary funding opportunities from 26
agencies of the United States government, including the National Institutes
of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy,
and many others - in other words, all the most important public funders
of research in the United States. Grants.gov is free and does not require a
The MIT Office of Sponsored Programs is also an excellent source to browse
national funding opportunities.
The NSF Office of Extramural Research features a primary and an advanced
search page, where you can search using a wide variety of advanced search
NSF offers a free search for all NSF funding programs. The NSF website does
not require any subscription.
Grant Resource Center (GRC). The American Association of State Colleges
and Universities (AASCU) offers a database customized to smaller institutions
and staff assistance. A paid institutional membership is required for access.
GrantForward by the Illinois Research Information Service is monitoring grant
opportunities of over 9,000 sponsors. The service is free for the University of
Illinois (UI) community. Outside the UI system, a paid institutional subscription
of $19 is needed for access.
Carry out pilot studies
Carry out pilot studies
Running a pilot study with a small set of respondents is an excellent way
to generate preliminary data that can be included in your proposal.
This allows you to not only get a feeling for whether or not your idea
works (you might need to revise the experimental protocol), but also
shows reviewers that your experimental approaches are solid and sound.
This is particularly relevant for new applications where piloting data can
serve as general proof of concept for your proposed project.
In case your pilot project and proposal involve human respondents, it is
mandatory to contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB) / Independent
Ethics Committee (IEC) at your institution as they will need to review and
approve any of your experiments.
Why pilot studies?
Pilot studies are necessary for a successful application
in several ways:
>> Run pilots to identify any issues and potential
problems beforehand.
>> Run pilots to exclude factors and parameters that
you did not consider before. Use the results to fine-
tune your proposal.
>> Run pilots to show reviewers that you have the
expertise to design studies as well as to collect,
analyze, and interpret data.
Submit your work to peer-reviewed journals
Submit your work to peer-reviewed journals
Most likely, you will apply for grants after having spent some time at
the lab, helping others doing their research, and collecting pilot data for
As your scientific publication record is a crucial assessment criterion, it
is definitely recommend in preparation of a grant proposal to write up
your recent work and submit it to peer-reviewed journals to be able to
cite your research in your application as submitted, in press (accepted),
or published (do not include any of your work that is still in preparation).
Publish or Perish
>> Anne-Wil Harzing, Professor of International Management at Middlesex
University (London), is providing the free software Publish or Perish, which
retrieves and analyzes academic citations for their impact. It has been
designed to help you present evidence of the impact of your academic
research. Definitely have a look at it!
Understand review
and evaluation criteria
First Review
Your proposal is initially screened by the Program Officer, who accomplishes
a complete non-technical review. Are all required documents attached? Are
all requirements met? Are there any mistakes in spelling, grammar, and style?
Also, the Program Officer screens the proposal for keywords. If the agency
is funding projects on “immersive learning” in “virtual reality”, however your
proposal is lacking these two keywords, it is rather unlikely that your application
will make it to the second round.
Second Review
In the second phase, your proposal is evaluated technically by a panel of
independent experts (in military funding agencies the review is often done by
the Program Officers themselves). Their independent evaluations are based on
the criteria listed in the Request for Application (RFA) and eventually aggregated
into a single score.
Third Review
The Program Officer determines which projects can be funded within the
given budget. If there’s two competing proposals, the project with the smaller
funding request might be favored in order to prevent the overall budget from
spilling over.
Understand review and evaluation criteria
Evaluation criteria
Most likely, your proposal will be evaluated
based on the following aspects:
>> Intellectual merit. Has your project the potential to advance knowledge
within its own field?
>> Broader impacts. Has your project the potential to benefit across other
fields and contribute to the achievement of outcomes with respect to human
resources in general?
>> Creativity. To what extent do the proposed activities suggest and explore
creative, original or potentially transformative concepts?
>> Organization. Is the plan for carrying out the proposed activities well-
reasoned, well-organized, and based on a sound rationale? Does the plan
incorporate a mechanism to assess success?
>> Expertise. How well are you qualified to conduct the proposed activities?
>> Resources. Are there adequate resources available (either at the home
organization or through collaborations) to carry out the proposed activities.
>> Make sure you understand program and evaluation criteria.
Develop a timeline
Develop a timeline that helps you stay on track and allows you to wrap up your proposal
in due time. Definitely factor in time buffers and give yourself the appropriate lead
time. Keep in mind that piloting and pretesting require additional time resources.
If you rush the preparation of the proposal, it will show (and the reviewers will notice).
Kraicer (2015) and Vilis (1995) recommend to stick to the following timeline and
milestone plan:
Kick your mental gears and start thinking.
Brainstorm interesting projects that are in the tradition of
existing theories and findings while at the same time being
Always keep your scientific track record in mind as it is one
of the most important elements of your proposal. Finish your
ongoing experiments as soon as possible, write up papers, and
submit them for publication.
>> Crawl online resources and start reviewing literature.
>> Touch base with colleagues and mentors to discuss
project ideas and possible issues.
Keep in mind:
Peer-review of submitted papers can easily take six
months or more (dependent on potential revision).
What grant reviewers evaluate most is your scientific impact,
generally represented by the number of published papers in
peer-reviewed journals.
before the deadline
Develop a timeline
Draft and initial version of the main proposal section. Be
aware that this can take four weeks of very intense work.
Block this time off well in advance, and do not schedule
anything else.
>> The main proposal section might be best tackled in one
continuous block of time. Plan in up to six hours per
day each day of the week. You will not get it done in
time if you only work a few hours a week on it.
before the deadline
Run a pilot study to collect preliminary data:
>> Preliminary results will boost the likelihood of the
proposal being funded.
>> Reviewers are critical and might consider a hundred
reasons why one of your proposed ideas will not work.
Any of these can be prevented if you can show that you
have already taken care of them.
>> Small grants are excellent ways to demonstrate that
you already received funding. They will enhance the
success rate of your proposal.
before the deadline
before the deadline
Obtain feedback from your colleagues.
>> Scientific colleagues who can serve as subject matter
experts and are similar to your reviewers are
particularly valuable.
Develop a timeline
>> Hand your proposal to someone who is an expert
editor, spotting spelling and grammar mistakes,
wording and phrasing issues on the fly.
>> Take the time to sit down with them and discuss any
and all issues and flaws. Pay attention to what they
did not understand. Revise and follow up.
>> Give yourself the time to look at the proposal
again with a fresh eye. Twist and tweak, let
your proposal incubate and improve.
before the deadline
(earlier at some institutions)
Submit your proposed experiments to the Institutional
Review Board (IRB) / Independent Ethics Committee (IEC) for
before the deadline
Grab your proposal and read again the guidelines.
Carefully check the instructions. Work on other parts:
>> Get equipment quotations - hardware and sensors,
software, other devices.
>> Get letters of confirmation from collaborators.
>> Get the budget finalized.
Develop a timeline
Generate the final version. Do a thorough proof-reading,
and also hand it to someone who has not seen it before
(you might have gone blind for typos and spelling errors).
Do not trust the spell checker.
Be sure to check formatting requirements (some agencies
require .doc while others request .pdf).
before the deadline
before the deadline
Get all required signatures. Assemble all required copies.
Keep in mind that the copy machine might be occupied or
Submit the proposal electronically
or by express mail/courier.
Get some rest (and coffee).
before the deadline
Put together what appears to you as the final version of the
proposal, including figures and references as well as official
forms. Hand it to colleagues for final review.
before the deadline
What to write:
What to write:
Proposal elements
Often, the difference between success and failure lies not only in the quality of the
science behind your idea, but also in the quality of the proposal itself. Simply put: To
make a lasting impression, your idea needs a nice, well-crafted wrapping.
Good writing will not save ideas, but
bad writing will kill good ones.
(J, Kraicer, 2015; p.1)
Start with a good idea - then improve
the packaging
>> Often, good ideas are not funded because they
are not packaged well.
>> For every good idea that is funded there are others
that are not, simply because they are not packaged
>> Poor ideas will not be successful regardless of how
well they are packaged.
When you compare grant applications and scientific papers, you will notice that
successful proposals share the following characteristics:
>> The writing is more energetic, positive, direct, and concise.
>> Sentences are shorter, key phrases, and elements are highlighted.
>> The subject matter is easy to understand, with fewer highly technical terms.
>> Figures and tables are placed consciously.
What to write: Proposal elements
First page (title page)
Fill in the cover page completely and accurately (up to 10% of all
applications have something missing from this page):
1 First page (title page)
2 Abstract (summary)
3 Project description
4 Budget information
5 Biosketch(es)
What goes into a proposal?
>> Obtain all signatures.
>> Use a distinct, descriptive, and appropriate title for your project.
Use a two-part title as it can easily be repurposed across
applications, for example:
part 1:Multisensory data collection in immersive learning
environments” (general).
part 2: “Effects of cognitive load on facial expressions and EEG
theta frequency power in classroom student populations” (more
specific, more targeted towards the Program Announcement).
An excellent grant proposal is well-prepared, thoughtfully planned, and concisely
packaged. Typically, grant proposals contain the following elements:
The following pages will take a closer look at the main purpose and characteristics of
each proposal element and provide quick tips that will help you master the individual
What to write: Proposal elements
Abstract (summary)
The project abstract is the most important section of your proposal as it
typically is the only section that every reviewer reads. It is supposed to
describe your project as concisely, accurately, and logically as possible,
mostly limited to a single page. Make sure that the abstract is not just
a simple summary of the proposal but stands on its own and can be
understood even if separated from the rest of the application.
>> Take the summary seriously.
Write it last.
>> It is the first part that is read by the Program Officer. It sets the
first impression and determines who will review it.
Remember that it will be read both by experts who know your
research field and by those who don‘t
>> Include hypotheses, objectives, procedures, research plan,
timeline, and significance.
>> State long-term objectives and concrete aims (+ hypotheses).
>> Connect your proposal to the Program Announcement (PA) and
Request for Application (RFA).
>> Present why your proposal is unique, relevant, significant, and
why it needs to be supported.
What to write: Proposal elements
Project description
The project description contains the following elements:
Background and significance. Focus on the three questions:
1 What is known?
2 What is unknown?
3 Why is it essential to find out?
Critically evaluate existing studies and be aware that your
reviewers might have contributed significantly to the existing
state of knowledge. Link your current project to the missing
aspects of previous research and make clear how your project
will result in an advancement of the field.
Specific aims & intellectual merit. Explain how and why your
current project has the potential to advance knowledge in your
specific field. Phrase the intellectual merit in an impersonal and
objective way, sequentially and logically. Do not include any first
person references or value judgments about the merits of your
work – that is for the reviewers to decide.
Broader impact. Address in this section the broader impact
of your research on neighboring fields, science and technology
in general, the overall well-being of individuals and society or
relationships between academia, industry, and others.
Pilot & preliminary data. Show preliminary/pilot data to
document your credibility and research experience. Pilot data
helps reviewers understand that you considered side effects and
hidden factors.
Hypothesis and long-term objectives. Phrase hypotheses that
can be quantified and tested. Explain how your current question
has impact on long-term objectives. Why is your research
significant and relevant?
What to write: Proposal elements
Research design and methods. Describe how you want to test
the hypotheses and how you will fulfill the specific aims. Outline
the research method and design to accomplish each aim and
explain the rationale. Describe data collection, analysis, and
interpretation. If you apply novel techniques, explain why they
are superior to existing methods.
Budget & timeline
Inexperienced writers typically propose too much and misestimate time
and monetary limitations.
Always make sure to prepare a budget with strong justifications,
avoiding reviewers’ impression that your project is overly ambitious or
lacks focus. Make use of a project timeline and explicitly list the amount
of time you and your colleagues will spend carrying out each portion of
the project. Remember to align your budget with the agency’s guidelines
in the Program Announcement (PA) / Request for Application (RFA) – your
proposal will be judged on the degree of reasonableness.
Mention and document how your home institution will assist you
in running the project (for example, providing resources that are not
directly covered by the funding scheme).
>> Make sure to explain thoroughly how you plan to collect and analyze the data.
What to write: Proposal elements
In this section, biosketches of all project members are listed (typically
one page per person), including their contact details, current and
previous positions as well as a list of their publications and contributions
to science that are considered crucial for the current proposal.
The biosketch section is supposed to highlight your and your colleagues’
expertise and skills in the field. Sometimes personal statements can be
added, allowing you to describe your professional and academic profile
in more detail. Most likely, you can repurpose this section across several
grant applications.
How to write:
How to write:
Style and layout
There’s a couple of simple tricks that can boost the readability of your proposal,
making it much easier and fun to read for eviewers. If you present your ideas in an
overly complicated way, they might lose track and skip core aspects of your proposal
(Bourne & Chalupa, 2006).
Remember: Your reviewers are your strongest advocates. Provide them with the best
reading experience possible.
Reviewers are people, too.
>> Reviewers are people like you and me - they might do
their review task over and above their daily mandated
activities, on evenings, weekends, holidays or when
commuting back home. They might wait until the last
minute to begin their review and or accomplish it in bits
and pieces.
You certainly want the reviewers to be your enthusiastic
champions. Make sure to refer to RFA requirements
clearly. Logically prepare and well structure your
proposal to make the reviewers‘ lives a bit easier (and
yours) - after all, if you make them think too hard to
grasp your idea, your chances of getting funded move
towards zero.
The next pages describe which guidelines you should follow in order to improve the
readability of your proposal and gain the reviewers‘ interest and approval.
Obey the three C‘s - concise, clear, and complete
Write the proposal logically and clearly. Keep in mind that you will always
have less space than you would want, so explain your project exhaustively,
yet as brief as possible. Make sure to describe all central aspects of your
project, but do not fill the maximum page count if you can communicate
the rationale of your research within fewer pages.
How to write: Style and layout
Specify the scope up-front and build an architecture that always routes
back. How is your central idea reflected in the theoretic introduction? How
does it affect your experimental paradigm or your budget? Breadcrumbs
that all link back to your core proposition will help reviewers immensely as
they show your strength in binding all together.
>> You forget to explain why your
project is needed, and what the specific aims or objectives are to
test your hypothesis.
>> You do not describe potential outcomes, conclusions,
and implications.
>> You do not properly describe the background of the field, leaving
out core references and publications.
>> You do not describe your own preliminary/pilot data, proposed
sample sizes or statistical tests.
>> You use the catch-phrases cutting-edge and innovative
throughout, without stating hypotheses, experimental designs,
budgets, and goals.
>> Your proposal is not aligned with the funding agency’s Program
Announcement (PA)/Request for Application (RFA), or contains
copy-pasted text from other proposals without adapting passages
and key words to the current funding scheme.
>> Your proposal contains mistakes in spelling, grammar, and style.
How to write: Style and layout
Make it visually appealing
Use line spacing between paragraphs and set margins to 0.8 or 0.9 inch.
Keep paragraphs in a reasonable length and try to use four or more
paragraphs per page. Provide white space generously (also to the right
and left), avoid dense text blocks and text wrapping. Obey to standards
expected by the agencies – for example, NIH highlights their format
requirements on their Write Your Application website.
>> You use several type styles conjunctively. Your paragraphs
contain sentences that are bold-faced, ALL-CAPITALIZED, italic
and underlined.
>> You write in 9-point Times New Roman, single-spaced without
spaces between paragraphs, headings, or subheadings.
Structure, structure, structure
Make use of subheadings and a numbering system that ties it all together.
Use bold only for subheadings, or for the most important topic sentences.
Start each section with a summary of the key points. Remember: Reviewers
might not read your proposal in one piece, and often parallel to other
applications (and their own work) - any guidance that you offer them will
be appreciated as they can skip back and forth without losing focus on the
relevant information.
>> You do not use any subheadings.
>> You use subheadings inconsistently. For example, you start off
by listing goals I, II, and III, but then label your experiments (a)
through (h) without any obvious relationship to the goals.
How to write: Style and layout
Avoid jargon
Reviewers might come from other research fields, so don’t rely on
unexplained jargon. According to Henson (2004), scientists want their
work to appear scholarly, so they habitually inflate their prose with large
words and complicated sentences to achieve the effect of serious thinking.
However, such tactics can have the opposite effect on readers.
>> You use lots of acronyms, and define them several pages after
you first use them (or do not explain them at all).
>> You use lots of jargon. Instead of use you write utilize, instead
of method you say methodological technique, making it hard
for reviewers from other fields to grasp your idea quickly.
>> Don‘t be poetic. Keep your wording
short, crisp, and clear.
How to write: Style and layout
Cite with style
When formulating the motivation for your proposed project, make sure
to cite all relevant work. As stated by Bourne & Chalupa (2006), your
reviewers might be experts in your field, so not citing their work at all or
citing them not appropriately will give them the impression that you did
not do your homework. Therefore, make sure to reference your current
ideas to existing research theories and findings.
Additionally to listing references in your text, you certainly want to cite
them correctly and according to established standards. Citation standards
define the format of references in the continuous text as well as in the
bibliography/list of references. Be aware, though: Unlike a research paper,
you may be limited to the number of citations in your grant application -
choose wisely and pick those that are well known or support your work.
American Psychological Association (APA)
This style is most commonly used within the social sciences.
The complete APA publication manual can be downloaded
from their website.
Text: Data was collected using iMotions Biometric
Research Platform (2016).
Reference: iMotions Biometric Research Platform (version
6.1) [Computer software]. (2016). Copenhagen, Denmark:
iMotions A/S.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
The IEEE citation reference can be downloaded from their
Text: Data was collected using [1].
Reference: [1] iMotions Biometric Research Platform
version 6.1. Copenhagen, Denmark: iMotions A/S,
How to write: Style and layout
Automate the formatting of your
literature database.
Different grant applications require different reference formatting. Of course
you can do all the editing manually. This. however, takes time and is prone
to errors.
Instead, make use of software for automatic, on-the-fly formatting of your
literature database in a consistent way, for example in Microsoft Word or
Apache OpenOffice.
The two most widely used ones are:
EndNote (Thomson Reuters) is a commercial reference management
software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when
writing essays and articles. EndNote offers a plugin for Word and OpenOffice,
and can import/export citation libraries, for example, from Google Scholar.
Also, EndNote can be used for literature search based on keywords.
Mendeley (Elsevier). Available for students and researchers, Mendeley is
a bibliography software maintaining your literature database. It allows
for online literature search and exports formatted citations into Word or
Include graphics and figures
Captivating and engaging grant proposals not only use text, but also place
figures, images, and tables in order to convey preliminary/pilot results, your
background, and approach and thinking. Use figure legends consciously,
and highlight the significance of the figure for your proposal, for example,
by marking the significant effect that justifies the proposed project.
How to write: Style and layout
Figures and tables serve as visual aids for the reviewers to understand
your proposal as best as possible. Use graphs to delineate your long-term
objective and your specific aims as well as a timeline, your hypotheses,
and methods. Feel encouraged to include relevant decision trees, flow
charts examples, and pictures as they will subserve the overall impression
of structure and completeness.
Never copy-paste a figure from your own or other publications.
Figures should be customized to the grant application.
>> Add legends and scale bars.
>> Annotate figures and highlight key elements.
>> Scale text for readability.
>> Use colors for intuitive understanding.
>> Write a good caption.
The time after submission
Once you have submitted your proposal, it is certainly not the time to just sit
around and wait. Remember that the review process can easily take six to twelve
months, with additional time passing until the funds are disbursed and you can get
started purchasing soft- and hardware, paying off your colleagues, and reimbursing
respondents. Ideally, you are notified that the reviewers were thrilled by your
application, and that funding begins at the designated start date. Congratulations!
In this case, you might want to check out NIH’s advice on how to manage your grant.
However, rejection is inevitable, even for applications with solid scientific background
and excellent packaging. Rejection does not mean that your ideas are not worth
funding. Instead, funding levels in the current round might have been too low to
support your proposal.
The main advice is to keep trying. Always check if a re-submission is possible –
slight changes might turn the tide. If possible, ask why the proposal was rejected:
Are other programs more suitable for resubmission? Was my budget appropriate?
Can I improve any of the scientific project sections? Address each of the emphasized
aspects with facts, and make it clear in the resubmission that you understand what
was wrong with the proposal in the first
place. Indicate exactly how you overcame
the issues, and why the updated version
is much improved.
Don‘t feel intimidated by the excessive
workload that flows into assembling all
the bits and pieces that make up your
proposal. Take one step at a time and ...
Everything is theoretically
impossible, until it‘s done.
(Robert A. Heinlein)
Bourne, P. E., & Chalupa, L. M. (2006). Ten Simple Rules for Getting Grants. PLoS
Computational Biology, 2(2), e12.
Casella, P. (2007). Top 10 Things You can Do To Write and Effective Grant
Application. Online resource accessed on 2016-03-27.
Darley, J. M., Zanne, M. P., & Roediger H. L. (2004, 2nd). The Compleat Academic: A
Career Guide. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Grimpe, G. (2012). Extramural research grants and scientists’ funding strategies:
Beggars cannot be choosers? Research Policy 41 (8), 1448-1460
Henson, K. (2004). Grant writing in higher education. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Horta, H., & Santos, J. M. (2016). The impact of publishing during PhD studies
on career research publication, visibility, and collaborations. Research in Higher
Education 57 (1), 28-50.
Howlett, S., & Bourque, R. (2011, 5th). Getting Funded: The complete guide to
writing grant proposals. Seattle, WA: Word & Raby Publishing (book resources
available online).
Jacob, B.A., & Lefgren, L. (2011). The Impact of NIH Postdoctoral Training Grants on
Scientific Productivity. Research Policy 40 (6), 864-874.
Kraicer, J. (2015). The Art of Grantsmanship. Strassbourg: Human Frontier Science
Program. Available online, downloaded on 2016-03-25.
Vilis, T. (1995). An example schedule for a graduate scholarship application. Online
resource accessed on 2016-03-27.
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