XpressDox Cookbook Page 1
Copyright © 2009 O2Smart (Pty) Ltd.
N.B. This is the last version of the Cookbook to be available in this format. The latest
content is now available at http://www.xpressdox.com/codex/cookbook/.
This document contains various recipes for different aspects of XpressDox. It is
intended to complement the User Reference. The latter document is comprehensive in
that it covers all of the XpressDox commands and functions, but does so to a limited
depth. The Cookbook is designed to give in-depth coverage of certain commonly used
The articles in the Cookbook are not arranged in any particular order, although hopefully
the first few will be of immediate use. One topic which qualifies for first slot is actually
at number 18. It would probably be helpful to visit that section early on.
The Cookbook is likely to be under construction for quite some time, if not always. We
will especially take time to add to it when users report having trouble with any particular
concept, or have requirements which are covered by XpressDox but are not apparent at
first glance.
1. Create a letterhead
Firstly, in Word, create the letterhead document (e.g. with the company logo and
contact information). You can probably just copy the existing company letterhead, if
you have one.
The Merge Field <<DocumentBody>> must be placed in the document at the point
where the body of the document will appear.
Now save this letterhead document as an XpressDox template (using the button
on the XpressDox toolbar).
The letterhead can now be run as a template on its own, and the resulting
merged document can be edited manually to insert the body of the document.
If you have a number of standard letters which need to appear on the
letterhead, then these are created as XpressDox templates with the text of the
letter and relevant Merge Fields, such as <<Addressee>>, <<Address>>,
<<Greeting>> (i.e. Dear ...), <<Salutation>>, in each of the standard letters.
In the first line of the standard letter template, put the command
<<BaseTemplate(Letterhead)>>. Then save the template (in the same folder as
the letterhead) and run it the text of the template, with completed Merge
Fields, will appear inside the letterhead.
The My Documents\XpressDox\Samples folder has some examples of letterheads
and templates that are based on them.
See the section “Use the same letterhead on many different templates” for more
advanced uses of the BaseTemplate command.
2. Make it easy for all templates to use the same letterhead.
This is where the Helper folders in the configuration come into play.
The concept to bear in mind is this: when a template is run by XpressDox, the
internal environment is set up according to the configuration of the folder in which
that template was saved (i.e. the folder where the template is run from). In other
words, every time a template is run, XpressDox makes sure that it‟s containing
folder‟s configuration is active.
To make sure that those templates which require a letterhead all use the same
letterhead, there are a few things to set up:
First, the letterhead template must be created, and must be saved in a
suitable location (in the case of a multi-user environment, a suitable location
would be a shared folder on the network). For this example, suppose that
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location and file name is
A short name (Alias) must be decided on for the folder in which the
Letterhead.xdtpl template is stored. In this example, “utilities” would
be a good choice (note that the Alias does not have to be the name of a folder
or sub-folder, so names like “basetemplates”,docs”, etc. are equally
Every template requiring that letterhead must have the following command
<<BaseTemplate(utilities:Letterhead)>> on the first line (on its own in that
paragraph) of the template.
When a template with the above <<BaseTemplate(...)>> command is run,
XpressDox will look in the configuration for that template‟s containing folder
to find the path to where the Letterhead.xdtpl template can be found. In
other words, it will look for a definition of the Alias “utilities”. The Alias is
defined in the Helper Folders tab in the template folder‟s configuration. This
is done as follows:
Run the XpressDox Configuration, select the template folder as the
“Configuration for folder”, and select the Helper Folders tab;
If there is no Helper folder with alias “utilities”, then create one by
pressing the “New Helper Folder” tab and enter the path (in this
example P:\SharedArea\Templates\Utilities) and alias
Save the configuration.
This means that regardless of where a template is saved, as long as the folder in
which it is saved has the “utilities” Helper Folder configured to the Letterhead
template‟s containing folder, and the BaseTemplate command refers to the template
as “utilities:Letterhead”, then the correct letterhead will be used.
The configuration screen for a typical template folder which was configured as above
would look something like:
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3. Suppress Empty Data
Suppose you have an address captured as four separate data elements. Typically
the Address section of a letter would then look like:
But sometimes the fourth, or maybe even the third, lines are empty, and you
normally don‟t want to leave an empty line between the last non-empty address line
and the Postal Code.
Here is what to do:
<<If(AddressLine3 != “”) the symbol != means ‘is not equal to>>
<<If(AddressLine4 != “”)>>
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Notice that when an If command is the only text in a paragraph, then that paragraph
will not appear in the merged document. The same applies to the End command
(and numerous other commands, e.g. ForEach, Else, the various ChooseFrom
commands, etc.) which appear all on their own in a paragraph.
4. Provide Default Values
Often there is a need to require that the user provide values for data elements, but
that those data elements usually have the same value and only change for
An example might be a discount percentage, or an amount such as a consultation
fee. A typical paragraph might read:
The fee for this consultation is R<<FormatNumber(ConsultationFee)>>, but a discount of
<<DiscountPercent>>% will be applied if the account is settled in full within 14 days of receipt hereof.
When a template with this paragraph is run, then the user will be presented with
capture fields for ConsultationFee and DiscountPercent, but by default both of these
fields will be empty.
Providing default values for those fields would be achieved as follows (assuming the
default for the fee of R450 and the discount as 10%):
a. Create a text file which has two lines in it, and looks like this:
b. Save the file in the same folder as the template, and call it Defaults.xdtxt.
c. In the template itself, put the following command in a paragraph by itself:
Those defaults will be applied when the template is run with “New Data”. (And the
norefresh” parameter ensures that when the data set for this template is used
subsequently, the default data from the defaults file will not be refreshed in the data
set. For a fuller explanation of “norefresh, please see the User Reference and
also example 17 below).
A note about text files: these can be created using NotePad, or even MSWord.
When creating a text file in MSWord, type the file as you normally would, and then
save it using the “Save As” feature, and choose “Plain Text (*.txt)” in the “Save as
type” drop-down box.
5. You work for three bosses
You want to make sure that, when you run a letter template, that the correct boss‟s
contact details appear on the letterhead.
Suppose your letterhead template has data elements <<DirectorName>>
<<DirectorPhone>> <<DirectorEmail>> placed in the relevant locations on the
The problem of getting the correct “Director...” information into these data elements
has a number of solutions, but a simple one would be:
a. Create a text file formatted like this:
Frederick Basset,999-888,[email protected]
Charles Brown,888-777,[email protected]
Michael Rowboat,555-444,[email protected]
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Obviously with your own data in it one line for each boss; but note that the
names in the first line must be the same as the names of the data elements
in the letterhead.
b. Save the file, either in the same folder as your templates are run from, or in
a helper folder, and call it something like BossData.xdtxt. (N.B. if you create
the file in MSWord, then it must be saved using “Save As ...” and choose the
“Plain Text” option).
c. In any template which refers to the letterhead via a <<BaseTemplate()>>
command, include a command:
Now, whenever you run a template, you will be presented with a drop-down listing
Frederick Basset, Charles Brown and Michael Rodent. Choosing one of them will
cause the associated data elements to be included in the data set for the template,
and the correct values will be filled in to the relevant merge fields.
6. Working with Help.
Help text can be supplied for any data element, which means that in the data
capture UI, when the user hovers the mouse over the field for that data element,
then the help text is displayed in the help are in the UI.
There are two ways of providing help text for an element:
In the merge field, before the closing field markers (i.e. >>), place the help
text preceded by a question mark:
<<AccountNumber?Enter the account number>>
Use the <<Help>> command:
<<Help(AccountNumber,Enter the account number)>>
Now, it might be that you have a number of templates in a template folder which are
all related (in fact this will most often be the case), and it can become quite tedious
to type the help text into all the relevant merge fields in every template.
As it happens, XpressDox handles the help text in such a way that if help is provided
for a data element which is not captured for a particular template, then it is just
ignored. This means that a time saving way of sharing the help text among all
related templates would be to type all the <<Help>> commands for the relevant
merge fields into a special template reserved only for help text, and then
<<IncludeTemplate>> that help template into all the other templates.
To make sure that no formatted Word text inadvertently gets included from the help
template, use the command <<IncludeTemplateText(HelpFile)>> (i.e.
IncludeTemplateText rather than IncludeTemplate the “Text” command includes only
text, no formatting).
7. Working with repeated elements.
You have an application where a particular set of data are repeated. An example
would be a Will where the names of the children are repeated. A typical template
would have this snippet:
My heir<<When(count(Child) > 1,s are, is)>> my child<<When(count(Child) > 1,ren)>>, viz.
<<Foreach(Child)>><<When(position() > 1, AND )>><<Firstname>> <<Surname>> (age
<<Age>> years) of <<AddressLine1>>, <<AddressLine2>><<End()>>
The above would appear somewhere in the Will and would cause each child‟s
Firstname, Surname and 2 lines of address to be captured for that Will (with extra
logic to control layout of the Address but this is left out so as not to obscure the
point of this example). And the layout of the result in the merged document would
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have the word “AND” (with a space on either side) preceding every heir‟s description
except for the first.
During the course of the winding up of the estate, it might become necessary to
write to each of the heirs separately, and for this purpose one or more letter
templates are set up where the addressee information has to refer to just one of the
The simplest way of marking up the addressee portion of the letter template would
<<Child[$ChildNumber]/Firstname>> <<Child[$ChildNumber]/Surname>>
This would cause XpressDox to include an area for the capture of a data
element called “ChildNumber”.
The square brackets [] notation causes a process which could be called an
“array element selection”. Because the ChildNumber data element is
captured as a number, it will cause the Child element with that number to be
The / before a data element name indicates that the data element after the /
is a sub-element of the preceding element, the “parent” element.
When data elements are referred to within the scope of a <<ForEach>>
command, then the parent data element is inferred as the data element
defined in the ForEach command. Hence in the first snippet, it wasn‟t
necessary to refer to the Child‟s Firstname element as <<Child/Firstname>> (in
fact it would be incorrect to do so).
Other ways of using the square bracket notation would be the following, where the
names of the minor children (i.e. those with ages less than 18 years) are to be
My minor child<<When(count(Child[Age < 18]) > 1,ren are, is)>> <<ForEach(Child[Age <
18])>><<When(position() > 1, AND >><<Firstname>> <<Surname>><<End()>>
Referring to a repeated element when you know at template authoring time what its
position is, is a simple case of typing in a constant value for the position:
My firstborn heir is <<Child[1]/Firstname>> <<Child[1]/Surname>>.
And, just for completeness, the last child would be:
My laat lammertjie is <<Child[last()]/Firstname>> <<Child[last()]/Surname>>.
At this point it makes sense to discuss another aspect of repeated elements: what if,
from within a <<ForEach(Child)>> you want to refer to a data element that is NOT a
sub-element of that Child data element? This is a pertinent question because the
last bullet point above says that within the scope of a <<ForEach(Child)>> the parent
data element of each data element referenced (i.e. Firstname, Surname, etc.) is
inferred as the Child data element.
To illustrate this, using the example of the Will, it might be that the testator wants
to indicate that each heir should be given the same fixed amount of money, but for
some reason (if only for this example), to be totally pedantic the drafter of the Will
wants to list the heirs by name and next to each name reflect this one fixed amount.
We would probably expect a template snippet to look something like this:
<<ForEach(Child)>><<When(position() > 1, AND )>>To <<Firstname>> <<Surname>> the
amount of R<<Share>><<End()>>.
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However, seeing a ForEach like this, XpressDox would want to capture a separate
Share data value for each Child, which is not what is intended here.
What IS intended is that the Share is captured once for the entire Will template, and
that this data element is referred to in the ForEach. This can be achieved in one of
the following ways:
If the Share data element is referred to in a Merge Field anywhere in the
template but NOT inside a <<ForEach(Child)>> then XpressDox will capture it in
the data set at the correct level (i.e. the level of the parent data element of
the Child data element).
Otherwise, XpressDox can be forced to capture the Share data element at the
correct level in the data set by use of the command
Then, the previous snippet must be changed to read:
<<ForEach(Child)>> <<When(position() > 1, AND )>>To <<Firstname>> <<Surname>> the
amount of R<<../Share>><<End()>>.
Note the ../ notation it is very reminiscent of the Windows (and DOS) file path
notation, i.e. where ../ indicates “move up to the previous folder in the file path”. In
XML terms it means “move up one level in the data element path”.
8. Doing calculations.
Simple calculations are simple to perform. The arithmetic operators are the normal
ones except for division:
+, -, * (multiplication) and div (division).
Some examples would be:
You owe me <<FormatNumber(Debt)>>. Pay within 5 days and I will give you a 10%
discount i.e. you will only need to pay <<FormatNumber(Debt * 0.9)>>.
A more formal way of calculating the amount less 10% would be <<Amount (Amount
* 10) div 100>>.
One thing to be careful of is to make sure that the arithmetic operators have at least
one space on either side of them. Try it and see what happens if you leave out the
Suppose we have a template producing an invoice, or statement. The data could be
located in a data source, or be captured by the user. It makes no difference where
the data come from, the template and commands will be the same. Here‟s a
Unit Cost
Total In VAT
Cost *
er(UnitCost *
Qty *
9. Using variables.
People are often tempted to use the term “variable” for what XpressDox refers to as
a Data Element. The distinction is an easy one: a Data Element has a constant
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value throughout the template‟s lifetime the value can only be changed when the
user next gets a chance at it in the data capture UI, otherwise, once it‟s captured,
that‟s its value.
XpressDox does, however, have variables: i.e. those data items whose value can
change while a template is running.
Already in the previous example we have a need for a variable an item whose
value is going to change as the template gets run. This is in order to calculate the
totals. The snippet to do this would be:
Unit Cost
Total In VAT
,UnitCost *
VAT”,GetV(“TranCost”) *
”Total”) +
Here the extended cost (“unit cost times quantity”) is also calculated and saved in a
variable (variable “TranCost”). This variable‟s value is then multiplied by 1.14 to get
the VAT inclusive amount (“TranCostPlusVAT”), and this VAT inclusive amount added
to the running total, i.e. the variable “Total”.
The <<SetV>> function sets the value of a variable, and <<GetV>> gets and returns
the value of a variable.
10. Set up a multi-application environment saving merged documents and
captured data in appropriate locations.
You are the site administrator for a large legal firm, and you have set up a number
of XpressDox applications. Each application has its own set of templates which are
located in a folder for each application. Say for example there is an Estates
application, a Litigation application and a Conveyancing application, and these are in
the folders P:\SharedApplications\Estates,
P:\SharedApplications\Litigation and P:\SharedApplications\Conveyancing,
respectively. Drive letter P is mapped to a shared folder on the network.
The default location for merged documents as well as captured data files is the same
folder as that in which the template is located. Clearly this is a good place to start
off, but for more sophisticated applications this is not really appropriate.
What this example will show is how to configure the three applications so that when
a template is required for a particular client, then the template will be selected and
run, and the merged document will be saved in a sub-folder of the application folder,
where that sub-folder‟s name is somehow related to the name of the client for whom
the template is being run (i.e. the sub-folder will have the client‟s name and/or
account number or file number). The name of the merged document file in that sub-
folder will be the same as the template file name.
The data for each client should be saved, in a similar manner, but all data for a
client will be kept in one file (regardless of the template that the data were captured
for) and that data file‟s name should also somehow related to the client‟s name.
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Let‟s assume that the merged document sub-folder will be MergedDocuments, and
that the saved data sub-folder will be SavedData.
Let‟s further assume that the way of identifying the client is via the firm‟s File
Number which is assigned to that client (or to the particular case that is being
worked on for that client). This file number needs to be captured for each template
being run, and so the Merge Field <<FileNumber>> will appear on each template.
You can insist that this data element is never left blank by using the command
<<Required(FileNumber)>> rather than the simple Merge Field.
Now it‟s a case of configuring the three applications so that their merged documents
and captured data are saved to the correct locations.
An example would be to configure the Standard Folders for the
P:\SharedApplications\Estates application as follows:
Document Save Folder:
Pattern for saved file name:
Data Save Folder:
Pattern for saved file name:
Then in the same way, the Litigation application could be configured as:
Document Save Folder:
Pattern for saved file name:
Data Save Folder:
Pattern for saved file name:
However, XpressDox‟s “configuration merging” feature, together with the Windows
File System‟s relative path addressing mechanism, makes this multi-application
configuring a much simpler task.
So, instead of the above configuration settings being done, the configurations for the
separate application folders should be left untouched i.e. empty.
Then, the applications‟ common parent folder, i.e. P:\SharedApplications is
configured instead, so that its Standard Folder Configuration looks like this:
Document Save Folder:
Pattern for saved file name:
Data Save Folder:
Pattern for saved file name:
As long as the application folders Standard Folder configurations have no entries in
them, the merged configuration setting of the parent folder will apply, and the same
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result will be obtained: i.e. the merged documents will be saved under the
application‟s template folder in a folder called MergedDocuments, etc.
This will also mean that a new application added will inherit that same Standard
Folder configuration automatically.
Lastly the above won‟t really work unless users capture the correct FileNumber
value when running a template. You can insist at least that a non-empty value is
filled in by including the command <<Required(FileNumber)>> in each template when
XpressDox sees this it will not accept the “OK” button in the data capture UI until
the user has supplied a value for the required data element(s).
Very lastly, the mechanism of providing help text for relevant data elements in all
templates (as described in example 6) also applies to the <<Required>> command.
The configuration screen for folder P:\SharedApplications would look like this:
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11. Make sure that the same letterhead template is used by all the letter
templates in example 10.
Firstly, you will have set up a letterhead template as in example 2, and it will have
been stored with a name like
All that‟s needed now is that the configuration for P:\SharedApplications (the one
used in example 6) is configured so that it has a Helper folder with suitable Alias (in
example 2 it was “utilities”, and all the <<BaseTemplate>> commands referred to the
letterhead template with the “utilities:” prefix), and which refers to the folder where
the letterhead template is.
The configurations for the application folders (i.e.
P:\SharedApplications\Estates, P:\SharedApplications\Litigation and
P:\SharedApplications\Conveyancing) inherit the Helper Folders from their
parent folder(s) in the same way as they inherit the Standard Folders. That means
that as long as the application folders leave their Helper Folders unconfigured (or at
least do not have a Helper called “utilities”), then they will inherit that “utilities”
Helper from their parent folder.
All that is then needed is to make sure that the various templates (in the application
folders) that will be based on the letterhead all refer to the letterhead template via
the alias “utilities”, i.e. <<BaseTemplate(utilities:Letterhead)>>.
12. Managing contact details on letters.
This is a variation of example 5, but on a larger scale.
It is supposed that you manage the templates for a large company with a large
number directors and secretaries. Some secretaries work for more than one
director, and others for only one (or the “secretary” is a director - i.e. by “secretary”
we really mean the person running a template).
Company letterheads typically have a standard way of indicating the responsible
person‟s contact details. In this discussion the “responsible person” is a director.
That means that typically a letterhead template would have a section dedicated to
the director‟s details. A snippet of a letterhead might look like this:
Yours sincerely
Extension: <<DirectorExtension>>
Email: <<DirectorEmail>>
The issue is that we need to make sure that whoever is running a template that
requires the director‟s details is able to easily provide them. (Example 5 used a text
file with directors‟ details, and this is suitable for a small site where control is easy).
We need to have a database which is available to all users (i.e. people running
templates) which can be maintained and kept up to date by a site administrator. As
far as XpressDox is concerned this can be just about any database, but for purposes
of discussion, this will be an Excel spreadsheet.
The workbook should have a spreadsheet called “Directors” and the first row should
be the names of the data elements as they will appear in the template (i.e. in our
example “DirectorName”, “DirectorExtension”, “DirectorEmail”, etc.). It is a good
idea to have a short code (e.g. the director‟s initials) which can be used as the “ID”
of the data table, so a further column heading “DirectorCode” should also be
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included. (In fact if you make this the first column in the spreadsheet then the data
source wizard referred to below will treat it in the way we would like).
The rows under the first will then each contain the details for one director. There is
a column called “Secretary”, and this needs to contain the Windows logon user name
of the person who will run templates for the director concerned.
The spreadsheet would look something like the screen shot below (although
ultimately will contain many more lines):
Once the spreadsheet is complete it can be saved in a suitable location. For this
example, suppose it is saved in exactly the same place as the letterhead template
(at least it will be a shared location accessible by all users, and might also have
suitable permissions to prevent unauthorised users from changing it).
The spreadsheet then needs to be made available to XpressDox by configuring it as
a data source. The place to do this in this example would be the parent folder used
in examples 7 and 11, i.e. the folder P:\SharedApplications.
Configuring a data source is done in the “Data Sources” tab in the configuration UI
for the relevant template folder (i.e. P:\SharedApplications), as follows:
Press the “New Data Source” button . This starts a wizard.
Choose “Excel Spreadsheet” from the list and press Next.
Press the Browse button and locate the spreadsheet. (The wizard will
construct a “Connection String” which can be left as-is). Press Next.
Choose the Director spreadsheet from this list, and accept the suggestion of
“Director” as to how you will refer to the table in XpressDox. Press Next.
The wizard will suggest that “DirectorCode” be used as the “ID” of the table
accept that by pressing Next.
The wizard now needs to know whether users must be able to select single
rows from this spreadsheet (now called a “table” because it is being treated as
a database) the answer in this case is “yes”, and so click the relevant option
and press Next.
We are using the standard way that XpressDox handles all databases, from
Excel to Access to huge SQL Server databases. XpressDox will always
construct a “search” UI which will be presented to users to enable them to
choose a row from the table in the database. What this search UI looks like
and how the user can filter it depends on the answers to the dialog now
visible. The only thing to be provided at this stage is the column on which the
filter will operate, and it is suggested that this should be “DirectorName”.
Select this and press Finish.
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The data source name should be changed now to “Directors” this is how it
will be reference by template commands in XpressDox. Press TAB after typing
in the name.
Now type the following into the “Filter” text box in the configuration UI:
Secretary='<WindowsLogonUser>' (this is why the “Secretary” column needs
to contain the Windows Logon name of the relevant users), and then save the
You can test whether your setup is correct (and also get some idea of what
the search UI looks like) by pressing the “Test Data Source” button . After
selecting a director, the system shows you what the XML data prepared for
that director look like.
You will then be asked whether you want a “schema” to be generated, and at
this time the answer is “yes” – save the generated schema in the same folder
as the spreadsheet, for future reference (this schema can be included in the
right hand panel of the Template Author‟s Toolkit which will then able you to
easily select the data elements from the data source making sure that they
are correctly spelled, etc.)
Now you are ready to let the user capture their director‟s details:
On the letterhead template, somewhere near the beginning (although from
XpressDox‟s point of view the placing is irrelevant) put the command
Run a template which is based on the letterhead, and see how the user will
experience capturing their Director‟s information (you will have to have at
least one row in the table with a “Secretary” value equal to your logon user
13. Looking up values in a table.
The legislated tariff for a particular type of fee that can be charged is worded
something like this:
“Where the capital amount is less than or equal to 3000, the fee is 56;
Where the capital amount is greater than 3000 but less than or equal to 5000, the
fee is 187;
Where the capital amount is greater than 5000 the fee is 277.
The fee can be calculated as in the following snippet:
The fee for capital amount <<CapitalAmount>> is
Note the following:
The “rows” in the table are separated by commas, which need to be escaped,
and the items in each row are separated by a semi-colon.
The table is enclosed in quotes.
It would be possible for the table to be sourced from a data source, for
example, in which case suppose the data element name in which it is stored
is “FeeTable”, then the Merge Field would be
14. Capture a multi-line address in one field
You might not want to have to define 3 or 4 or some maximum number of address
line data elements and have the user capture the address one line at a time into the
data elements and then provide conditional formatting logic (as in example 3) to
suppress the empty data elements.
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XpressDox supports this by the concept of “long text fields”. The command
<<CaptureAsLongText(Address,4)>> will cause XpressDox to provide a 4-line text box in
the data capture UI when the template is run. The lines of the address are then
typed in by the user one per line (pressing the Enter key at the end of each line).
There is a quirk (or special feature) to this, though, and that is that the
<<CaptureAsLongText>> command does exactly and only what it says: i.e. it captures
the data element as “long text”. What is does NOT do is cause the data element to
be inserted into the document. This is because there are two ways in which the data
element can be included in the document:
<<Address>> will cause the lines of the Address to be included in one line. For
example, the Address captured as:
123 Long Street
Cape Town
would appear as 123 Long Street Winelands Cape Town in the merged
<<InsertFormattedText(Address)>> will cause the Address to be formatted in the
merged document with each line of Address on its own line in the merged
The reason for the command being <<InsertFormattedText>> and not something like
<<InsertMultiLine>> is that the text captured inside a Long Text text box need not
actually contain more than one line, but can be formatted with bold, italic and
underline. The help text in the data capture UI describes how to apply that
15. Define layout in a base template.
Sometimes a letterhead needs to dictate not just things like the company‟s logo and
fairly static items like the directors‟ names; but sometimes the position of the
addressee information and data elements like “Your Reference” and “Our Reference
are required to be in specific positions within the page. These latter items will differ
from one letter to another and therefore need to take the form of merge fields on
the letterhead template itself.
For sake of argument, suppose it is the addressee information that is required to
start in a specific location in the letter head. This can be achieved by putting merge
fields into those specific locations, and a snippet of the letterhead would then look
like this:
Note that in Example 0 above the statement was made that all templates using the
letterhead via a <<BaseTemplate>> command would contain the addressee merge
fields, greeting and salutation, etc. In other words the placement of those merge
fields on the letterhead would be dictated by the originating template, not the base
In this new scenario, the originating templates would (obviously) not have the
addressee information on them (otherwise that information would be duplicated in
the merged document).
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Suppose we now have a small application, and we are going to be running templates
and re-using the data sets captured for previous templates. In this application there
are a number of templates for letters, some of which need to be addressed to the
“buyer” and some to the “seller”. Suppose also that there are some documents,
such as an agreement, that require the address information of both buyer and seller
to appear on them. That means that the data set for the agreement would have
data elements like BuyerName, BuyerAddressLine1, BuyerAddressLine2, etc. and
similar names for the seller (so that they could be referred to on the agreement by
the correct data element names).
The issue is now this: how are we going to use the same letterhead to be a
BaseTemplate for letters to the buyer as well as to the seller, when the merge fields
on the letterhead are <<Addressee>>, <<AddressLine1>>, etc. when sometimes we
would wish them to be <<BuyerName>>, <<BuyerAddressLine1>>, etc. and sometimes
<<SellerName>>, <<SellerAddressLine1>>, etc.?
This is done with the <<ReplaceField()>><<ReplaceFieldEnd()>> commands which are
coded into the originating template.
A typical template addressed to the buyer would previously have looked something
like this:
Dear Sir
Various issues have arisen of interest to buyers.
Yours Faithfully
Using the new letterhead template, which has the addressee information on it, the
new originating document would look like this:
Dear Sir
Various issues have arisen of interest to buyers.
Yours Faithfully
The <<ReplaceField(XXX)>> command means this:
“In the base template, find the merge field <<XXX>> and replace that merge field
with whatever is between this ReplaceField command and its matching
Note that the DocumentBody merge field now also needs a
<<ReplaceField(DocumentBody)>> and a <<ReplaceFieldEnd()>>. This is the case
whenever there are any ReplaceField commands in a template what was initially
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the entire document body now needs to be enclosed in a
<<ReplaceField(DocumentBody)>> and <<ReplaceFieldEnd()>> pair.
Note that a <<ReplaceField>> cannot appear after a <<ReplaceFieldEnd()>> if the two
are in the same paragraph.
Note also that just about anything (other than <<BaseTemplate>> and another
<<ReplaceField()>>) can appear between a <<ReplaceField()>> and
<<ReplaceFieldEnd()>>. For example, it might be that we can infer from the seller‟s
address what the postal code should be, then we could do something like:
<<ReplaceField(PostalCode)>><<If(SellerAddressLine2 =
Then, regardless of what the user enters for PostalCode, when the suburb is
Pinelands or Observatory, the correct postal code will be merged into the document.
Of course, in real life the second line of the address might not be the suburb, but
this example at least illustrates the power of the ReplaceField command.
16. Make data source information available on all templates.
A bit of background: when XpressDox runs a template, it needs two things: firstly,
the template itself, and secondly a Data Set i.e. the data elements which will be
merged into the template to form the final merged document.
In the simplest case, the Data Set is captured by the user in the XpressDox data
capture UI (the UI is constructed dynamically by XpressDox depending on the merge
fields specified in the template).
As we have seen from previous examples, data can be acquired from places other
than the user running the template, e.g.
from a Data Set saved when running another (or the same) template (this Data
Set is what is chosen when the user clicks “Use Other Data” in the data capture
from a text file (using the <<ChooseFromFile>> or <<IncludeFileData>> commands);
from a database or similar data source (using <<ChooseFromDataSource>> or
The “Include...” commands are executed even before the UI is presented to the
user. This means that the Data Set is already populated with data elements from
the relevant file or data source before the user gets a chance to enter data. The
fields in the UI with the same data element names as the data elements in the data
source/file will then be displayed in the UI, for the user to peruse and possibly
The “Choose...” commands are executed when the user presses the browser button
on the UI. Once the user has made their choice, the data chosen are copied into the
Data Set, and displayed in the UI.
Only those data elements which are referenced in the template are displayed there
can be many more which now form part of the Data Set but are invisible as yet
because they are not referenced in the template being run.
Now: it will often be the case that there are data sources whose information should
be available to all templates either all templates in a particular folder, or all
templates in a hierarchy of folders (as described in 10 above). (The kind of data
required on all templates like this would be data like the company or branch contact
details, and other company-related information). Making this data available on all
templates could be achieved by the template author remembering to code the
command <<IncludeDataSourceData>> on every template. This is open to error
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because the Template Author might forget the command on one or more templates.
A less forgettery-prone solution is to use the “Use for All Templates” feature in the
data source configuration UI. If this option is selected in the configuration for the
folder at the top of a folder hierarchy, then the data from that data source will be
available to all templates run from any of the subsidiary folders.
A data source flagged “Use for All Templates” and configured in a user‟s Home folder
will also be available on all templates run by that user, subject to the operation of
the option “Allow User Home Configuration to override this using the same name” (a
checkbox at the top of the data source configuration panel, under the data source
name). In other words, if a user runs a template from folder A and there is a data
source with name B configured for A or one of its parent folders, then if there is also
a data source with name B configured in the user‟s Home folder, the user‟s data
source will be used only if the data source in folder A has the “Allow User Home
Configuration to override ...” option set.
17. Allowing the user to change data source data (and disallowing it).
Suppose you have a data base (it might be a SQL Server data base, or MS Access,
or just a spreadsheet) which has customer names and addresses in it. And suppose
this database is made available to various templates either by using an
<<IncludeDataSourceData>> command, or by the “Use For All Templates” feature
described in example 16 above.
Although a database like this is likely to be set up and maintained (i.e. backed up,
etc.) by a database administrator, it will usually be the users who run the templates
who will be aware of changes to customer data (i.e. changes to addresses and
contact personnel). It would then make sense to allow those users to make the
necessary changes in the database when they occur.
By default, when data from a data source is used on a template, the user is allowed
to change the data in the capture UI, and that changed data appears on the merged
document and is also saved in the data set for that template. Also, by default,
XpressDox will give the user the option of saving that changed data in the
underlying data source. This means that the changed data are available to all other
users of the data source immediately.
However, it may be that you, as template author, either
do not want the data changes made by users to be saved in the data
source, or,
you do in fact want the changes saved, but don‟t want to have XpressDox
prompt the user to confirm this.
These two options are available via the “refresh and save” parameters which are
passed to the <<IncludeDataSource>> and <<ChooseFromDataSource>> commands.
<<IncludeDataSourceData(Contacts,RefreshNoSave)>> will mean that user changes are not
saved to the data source, as will <<IncludeDataSourceData(Contacts,NoRefresh)>>. On the
other hand, <<IncludeDataSourceData(Contacts,RefreshSave)>> will cause XpressDox to
save any changes. (The default “refresh and save” parameter is
Why the “Refresh” concept?
When a user chooses “Use Other Data” in the data capture UI, then they are given
the chance to select the Data Set which was saved for a previous template, and this
is then used as the Data Set for the current template. However, this Data Set may
have been created and saved days or weeks (or longer) in the past, and the data
may no longer be current. However, if some of the data elements come from a data
source, that data source is likely to be more current than the saved Data Set from a
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previous template, and so the “Refresh” options cause XpressDox to refresh the data
from the data source.
“Refresh” and “Save” are linked, because it would be counterproductive to allow
users to save their changes into the data source, only to find that when they “Use
Other Data” the changes are essentially lost.
However, it might be that in some circumstances the data in the original Data Set
should not be refreshed from the data source (this would be the case with example
4 above (Provide default values)). In this case the “NoRefresh” options make
Note that “RefreshOptionalSave” is the default, and so if you do not want the user
changes saved in the data source, and/or you do not want the data refreshed when
the user chooses “Use Other Data”, then you will have to designate either
RefreshNoSave” or (probably) “NoRefresh” (which implies no save) in the data
source command.
The processing of <<IncludeFromFile>> and <<ChooseFromFile>> with regard to the
“Refresh and save” options is almost the same as for the data source commands,
but there is no “Save” concept when dealing with data from text files.
18. Moving around.
There was once a tourist travelling around in Ireland. On a certain occasion she
wanted to go to Limerick, and so got into her hired car and started driving, knowing
that she could always ask for directions. In the end, she stopped at the side of a
country road and asked a local inhabitant if he could direct her to Limerick. The
elderly gentleman looked slowly up the road, and then down the road, and then said
(to be read in a nice thick Irish accent), “If Oi were going to Limerick, I wouldn‟t be
starting here”.
It‟s sometimes like that with the Microsoft file-and-folder explorers, which often
enough open far away from where you want to be.
That‟s why we invented the XpressDox Explorer which is the interface that is
provided when you click “Save Template”, “Open Document”, and “Run Template”.
The Explorer has two “most recently used” (“MRU”) lists: one for files and one for
folders. The dropdown list at the top of the UI is populated with the folder MRU and
the right hand list view is populated with the file MRU when the “Recent Files and
Folders” node in the tree view is selected. (Expanding the Recent Files and Folders
node in the tree view shows all the recently used folders. In addition, the recently
used files appear in the “File name” drop-down list).
When you select “Open Document” and “Run Template” then the Recent Files list is
shown when the Explorer opens. When you select “Save Templates” then the list of
files (and sub-folders) in the folder at the top of the folder MRU is shown.
This way, once you start working in a particular folder or folders, the MRU lists will
tend to have the files from those folders and you will not be required to navigate too
far and wide to find the templates or other files that you are working with.
Browsing to a folder
When pressing the “Explore” button you will be given a special version of a Windows
file opening dialog. This is because the Windows folder opening dialog is the one
that most often gives rise to the “if I were going to Limerick ...” situation. Amongst
other things it doesn‟t show you the contents of a folder, and often we don‟t really
know which folder we want unless we can see what‟s in it. So XpressDox gives you
this special file opening dialog, which helps you select a folder.
Notice that the default file name in the File Name field is “Choose Folder.ext this is
a hint to you that it is the folder that you are choosing. Even if you select a file in
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this dialog (by double-clicking the file name) it is only the folder that is selected (and
placed at the top of the folder MRU), but the file name will be put into the XpressDox
Explorer‟s File Name drop down. This can be confusing at times (even to the
author) but you will get used to it after using it a few times and the odd moment of
confusion is definitely outweighed by the ease of finding the folder that you want.
You can create lists of “favourite” folders. These lists appear under the “My Folders”
node in the tree view.
Creating a list can be done by:
a. Right-clicking on a file in any view and selecting “Add to My Folders”. It is
the folder, not the file, that is added to My Folders. You will need to type in a
list name, or select one which is already there, and the folder is added to that
list with the name you give it.
b. Use the “Add to folder list” toolbar button at the top left of the Explorer UI.
A “Shared Folders” folder list can also be created which contains folders used
commonly throughout an organisation with multiple users sharing the same lists of
templates. See the Supervisor‟s Guide for instructions on how to implement this
Handy navigation helps
a. In the “Open Document” mode you might want to view the files in the current
folder in the folder MRU: do this by clicking the right-hand-most button next
to the folder drop-down ( );
b. To view the files in the same folder as a file in the Recently Used files list:
right-click the file, and choose “Open Containing Folder”.
c. If you need to open the merged document from a template in the Recently
Used List (or any other list for that matter): right-click the file and choose
“Open Merged Document Folder” and then select the desired merged
Template Usage
You will notice a text area at the bottom left of the Explorer. It is either yellow or
pinkish, depending on what you‟re doing. When you save a template, you can type
a description, or instructions on usage, into this area. Then, when a user sees that
template in the Explorer, and clicks on it, these instructions are displayed in that
This is useful for the situation where you might have two or more templates which
are similar in function and you need to guide the user as to which one to use.
19. Where have all my data elements gone (Part 1)?
XpressDox has a number of commands which are used to choose data elements,
either from lists or data sources or whatever. These are the commands listed in the
“Data Capture” node of the Template Author‟s Toolkit.
These commands are very literal in their behaviour, for example
<<ChooseFromList(Province, ...)>> will present the user with a drop-down list of options
from which to choose the value of the data element named “Province”. It does NOT
cause the value of the data element to be inserted into the document. There needs
to be a merge field such as <<Province>> (or maybe <<ToUpper(Province)>>, or
something) which tells XpressDox where (and how) to insert the data element value.
Thus, it might happen every so often that everything works as expected: the user
gets a nice list of options to choose from, the template runs smoothly, but the
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chosen option never appears in the merged document. This can of course be exactly
what you, the template author, desire, but it may be that you expected that
XpressDox would insert the result of the user‟s choice at the point where the
<<ChooseXXX>> command appeared in the template. Hence the question which is
the heading of this topic. Hopefully the topic has answered the question.
A very simple example of why you might want the user to choose a value and not
have that value in the merged document is the situation where you would use the
choice in one or more <<If()>> commands to include or exclude paragraphs from
the end result. Or, perhaps, you want the option to be captured when one template
is run so that it can be used when running a subsequent template.
20. Where have all my data elements gone (Part 2)?
You have authored a template with some good conditional assembly in it, but the
XpressDox data capture interface does not present some of the field for capture.
An example might be:
I appoint <<Fullnames>>, and if <<When(GenderOfAppointee = “F”,she,he)>> is unavailable, then
<<When(GenderOfAppointee = “F”,her,his)>> cousin.
Because the data element “GenderOfAppointee” only appears in the “when”
conditional expression, XpressDox needs to be explicitly requested to capture this
data item. This can be done via a Choose... command (e.g.
<<ChooseFromRDBList(GenderOfAppointee,F,M)>>), or by using the command
21. Format an ID number.
You want to ensure that an ID number is captured as numeric digits, but that it is
rendered in the merged document with formatting or spacing characters.
For example, the South African ID number consists of 4 parts: The first 6 digits are
the date of birth of the person, the next four are a tie-breaker (so that people born
on the same day get a unique number), and the next two have other meanings (in
the old South Africa they referred to a person‟s racial classification). The last digit is
a check digit helping to detect transcription errors.
Traditionally, the SA ID number has been written xxxxxx-xxxx-xxx, although writing
it with no formatting delimiters is also legally acceptable (if not as easy on the
human eye).
XpressDox‟s FormatNumber function will do two things:
1. When the data element is captured, a check is done to make sure it is
numeric and the user warned if this is not the case;
2. It will format the number according to the formatting pattern provided.
Thus, the merge field to capture a South African ID number as numeric digits and
then render it according to the traditional format is:
22. Include a template whose file name is inferred from the data at run time.
Suppose you are running a system (i.e. XpressDox templates) for a small business
and, instead of keeping your clients‟ addresses and addressee information in a
database (or spreadsheet, which is the same thing, from XpressDox‟s point of view),
you have decided to keep the address information as a set of templates, each with
one client‟s address, laid out and formatted as you would like it to appear on a
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You have configured a helper folder whose alias is “Clients, and in that folder are
templates with the names “Addr001.xdtpl”, “Addr002.xdtpl”, etc. Where the
numeric parts of the template names are the account numbers of the clients.
The idea would be that each template requiring these client addresses would at least
have a merge field to capture the account number. A snippet might look like this:
Dear Sir
At this point we would like to put something under the <<BaseTemplate()>> which
would include the template with the client‟s address in it, something like
But, the IncludeTemplate command is actually executed before the data capture
form is presented to the user, so it isn‟t possible to know the value of the
AccountNumber data element at the time the IncludeTemplate executes.
That is why XpressDox has the InsertDocument command.
The difference between IncludeTemplate and InsertDocument is that IncludeTemplate
takes a constant (“hard-coded”) value as the name of the template (which is known
to the template author at the time the template is coded), whereas InsertDocument
is given the name of the template either in a data element or an XpressDox variable.
In the case of this example, if the address templates had been stored in the same
folder as the template being run, and if their file names had been the account
numbers, then we could have accessed them at run time like this:
Dear Sir
This would work because the AccountNumber data element would actually contain
the address template name, and as it has no helper folder alias in it, the document
will be inserted from the template folder (i.e. the folder from which the originating
template is run).
However, in this example, the address templates are in a helper folder (alias
“Clients”), and the names of the address templates contain the AccountNumber but
are not the AccountNumber.
This means we have to somehow construct the address template reference out of
the helper alias, the AccountNumber data element value and the string “Addr”. This
is done using the “concat” function and constructing the result into an XpressDox
variable. The resulting snippet would look like this:
Dear Sir
Please note the use of quotes: the “hard wired” values are in quotes, whereas the
data element name is NOT in quotes. This instructs the system to find the value of
the data element, in this instance the value that the user entered for the
AccountNumber data element in the capture screen.
If the “AddressTemplate” variable name had not been in quotes, the system would
try to look up the value of a data element called “AddressTemplate”, and use that as
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the XpressDox variable name. It is theoretically possible for this to work, but in this
instance it is not what is wanted.
23. Run a template for a number of data sets, and print the merged documents.
Remember that a “data set” in XpressDox terms is the set of data elements used in
a template. The data values come either from being captured by the user, or from
data source, or both. This data set is saved whenever a template is run, in a location
and with a name depending on the configuration for the template folder.
By default the data set is saved in the same folder as the template, and with the
same name as the saved merged document but with the extension “xddata.xml”.
This example will assume you have set up an application in a manner similar to that
described in example 10 above. In other words, the data sets all contain a data
element with a client‟s account number, and, in particular, the data sets are saved in
files whose name is the account number.
Suppose, then, you have decided to do something like send a newsletter to each
client, and want to personalise it with information from the data set for each client.
For this you would use the XpressDox “Batch Run Templates” feature (the
button). This feature:
presents you with a list of templates to choose - the one you want will either
be in the Recent Files list, or else you use the Explorer to navigate to where
the template is. Select the template.
presents you with a list of data sets to choose choose the ones you want.
The system then runs the template against each data set, and leaves the merged
document open in Word.
Once all the documents have been merged, you can print them all using the Print All
Documents button in the XpressDox Utilities toolbar, and then close them all with
the Close All Documents.
Notice that in the first bulleted step above you could actually choose any number of
templates to be run. If more than one template is chosen, the XpressDox will run
each template against each of the chosen data sets.
An important point to be aware of is that if a template contains
<<IncludeDataSourceData()>> or <<IncludeFileData()>> commands, then the XpressDox
Batch Run feature will assume that ALL the data elements for the template(s) will be
supplied by those data sources or data files. You will NOT then be presented with a
list of data sets to choose. Have a look at example 2424 below.
24. Run a “mail merge”.
You want to print a document for a number of clients, where all the client contact
information as well as pertinent information for the document content is contained in
a database.
The database is defined in a data source called “Clients”. You want to send the
document to all clients where the column “Mailshot” in the data base contains the
value “yes”.
A snippet of a template to do this would look like:
<<IncludeDataSourceData(Clients,,range=Mailshot = ‘yes’)>>
<<If(position() > 1)>>..............Page Break........<<End()>>
Dear <<Salutation>>
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Body of letter
<<End(foreach client)>>
The <<If(position() > 1)>> will insert a page break at the beginning of each client except
for the first, so that the letter to each client appears on its own page. For
readability, the “....Page Break....” above is not a real page break. In reality you
would insert a Word page break, and make sure there are no paragraph ends
between the <<If(position() > 1)>> and its <<End()>>. Have a look at the template
Invitation(Like a Mailmerge)” in the My Documents\XpressDox\Samples folder.
25. Why do my calculations not work?
In general, XpressDox handles calculations in an obvious way. For example, the
merge field <<FormatNumber(Amount * 1.1)>> will show the Amount data element plus
10%. Or <<Amount1 + Amount2>> will show the sum of those two amounts.
But <<FormatNumber(Amount1+AnotherAmount-Amount2)>> will in all likelihood show “N”
is not a valid digit. The problem is that the minus sign (or, in XML a “Dash”) is a
valid symbol in an element name, and so AnotherAmount-Amount2 is actually a data
element, and will (probably) have no value, and so the XML processor will not know
how to add it and return “NaN” (Not a Number) for its value.
A good rule, then is to put a space around ALL the arithmetic operators (i.e. around
+ - * div).
Note also that “/” is NOT the symbol for division: “div” is the symbol for division.
26. Conditional Inclusion of Paragraphs and Clauses.
Numerous instances of the use of <<If()>> commands appear in the preceding
examples. There is no great difference between using an If command to include or
exclude a few words or letters or to include or exclude a paragraph or group of
Instances where this would be applicable would be, for example, to include a party‟s
date of birth when the party is an individual, or to include a longish paragraph
describing a company when this is applicable (and exclude the date of birth).
A template snippet might look like this:
<<If(PartyType = ‘Individual’)>>
Date of birth: <<FormatDate(DateOfBirth, “yyyy-MM-dd”)>>
Registration Number: <<RegistrationNumber>>
<<If(PartyType = ‘Company’)>>
Carrying on business as <<TypeOfBusiness>> and registered according to the laws of
In most cases, the <<If()>> command used like this will be sufficient to include and
exclude the relevant paragraphs depending on the values of data elements entered
by the user.
Sometimes, though, this might not be sufficient, because there are far too many
different options from which to choose. For example, if you were setting up a
template for a title deed and wanted to have the user choose the title deed
conditions, the problem becomes a huge one. This is because just about every
property will have its own more or less unique set of title conditions, and to attempt
to put “if” logic into a template to handle this situation would be impossible.
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For a situation like this, the different clauses would be constructed and saved in an
appropriate folder, or set of folders. The user would be required, when they run the
template, to choose the clause, or clauses, which the document needs. This is
achieved with the <<InsertDocument()>> command.
When XpressDox sees the InsertDocument command in the template it presents the
user with a data capture control which, when selected, brings up the XpressDox
Explorer. The Explorer is opened at the folder which the template author has
configured in the template configuration as the “Library Folder”. (It would make
sense for the Library folder to be the folder where the clauses have been stored).
As long as the files containing the clauses are reasonably named, the user will be
able to choose the relevant clauses for the task at hand. (This is where the
Explorer‟s “Template Usage” feature would be very useful in guiding a first-time user
in their choice of clause).
A snippet of a template using an InsertDocument command might look like this:
The property is to be transferred subject to the following conditions:
1. <<ForEach(ConditionClause)>>
2. <<InsertDocument(Clause)>>
3. <<End()>>
Notice that since the <<ForEach>> and <<End()>> are alone in their own
paragraphs, those two paragraphs will not appear in the merged document. This
will leave only the clauses selected by the user, suitably numbered.
When inserting documents into other documents in this way the styles of the source
and destination documents play an important role. The default formatting option for
InsertDocument (and for IncludeTemplate) is “Destination”. This means that the
documents will format as expected as long as the styles in the inserted document
match (by name and formatting properties) the equivalent style in the destination
document. Depending on how the template and clauses have been constructed, it
may be that Source formatting would be preferable. But that takes us into Word
styles, which is a topic too vast to be dealt with in this Cookbook.
27. When to use quotes and when not.
XpressDox tries to use quote marks as sparingly as possible. Rather, it insists on
quote marks an as few places as possible. Template authors may find this
disconcerting to begin with, particularly if they have been using other document
assembly products where quote marks are used in many places where XpressDox
does not require them.
The following is a re-print from the XpressDox User Reference:
f. Quote marks (i.e. “...” or „...‟ or "..." or '...') need only appear:
i) in the conditional expressions in If and When commands when comparing
with a string value, e.g. <<If(Answer = „yes‟)>> but not when comparing with
a numeric value, e.g. <<When(count(Child) > 1,children,child)>>;
ii) around formatting parameters passed to functions, e.g.
<<FormatNumber(Amount, “#!,0.00”)>>
iii) in GetV and SetV functions around the variable names, and in SaveV around
the variable name as well as the data element name.
iv) in XSLT functions like concat if items being referred to are string literals.
XpressDox Cookbook Page 25
Copyright © 2009 O2Smart (Pty) Ltd.
28. Format a date in Archaic form.
For fun, or perhaps a real need, you want to format a date in the old style, with
dipthongs after the day number, etc., rendering “2009-06-23” as “the 23
day of
June in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand And Nine”.
Here‟s how you would do it, supposing that the data element DateOfSignature hold
the date to be formatted.
<<SetV(‘day’,FormatDate(DateOfSignature,”dd”)) this sets the variable “day” to the day number of
the DateOfSignature data element>><<FormatNumber(GetV(‘day’),”#”) the value of the day number
is inserted into the document, with leading zeros
rd,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,st) the day number is used as an index into the list of dipthongs and picks out
the correct one>> day of <<FormatDate(DateOfSignature,”MMMM”) the month part of
DateOfSignature is inserted into the document, spelled out fully>>
<<SetV(‘SignYear’,FormatDate(DateOfSignature,"yyyy")) the variable “SignYear” has its value set to
the year part of the DateOfSignature>>in the year of Our Lord <<NumberPhrase(GetV(‘SignYear’))
the numeric value of the variable “SignYear” is rendered in words>>.
After setting the command out as above, you can change the font on the
<<GetListItem(...)>> command to be superscript, so the “23rd” will be rendered
29. Handle gender.
Suppose you have a document which you want to personalise as far as pronouns are
concerned. In other words, instead of having he/she in many places, you want to
have only “he” or “she” depending on the sex of the party concerned. This could be
done by determining the sex up front at the beginning of the template like this:
And then in the body of the template, whenever the document would previously
have had “he/she”, put:
<<When(PartyIsMale = “true”,he,she)>>
While this is nice, it is bit tedious to type the <<When(PartyIsMale = “true”,he,she)>>
wherever it is required. If there are many places where “he/she” is to be replaced,
then one way to create a shortcut is to use a variable, like this:
<< ChooseUsingCheckBox (PartyIsMale)>>
<<If(PartyIsMale = “true”)>><<SetV(“he”,”he”)>><<Else()>><<SetV(“he”,”she”)>><<End()>>
Then, in all the places where “he/she” is to be replaced, instead of using the “When”
above, just type:
Even nicer is that you can handle “him/her” and “his/her” in the same way:
<< ChooseUsingCheckBox (PartyIsMale)>>
<<If(PartyIsMale =
Then the following becomes possible:
If <<GetV(“he”)>> makes a written request, then <<Getv(“his”)>> copy will be sent directly to
Similar shortcuts can be made for handling plurals.