Files and le systems
Spooled les
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page
This edition applies to IBM i 7.2 (product number 5770-SS1 and to all subsequent releases and modications until
otherwise indicated in new editions. This version does not run on all reduced instruction set computer (RISC) models nor
does it run on CISC models.
This document may contain references to Licensed Internal Code. Licensed Internal Code is Machine Code and is
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Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2013.
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IBM Corp.
Spooled les......................................................................................................... 1
What's new for IBM i 7.2..............................................................................................................................1
PDF le for Spooled les..............................................................................................................................1
Spooling concepts........................................................................................................................................2
Output spooling...................................................................................................................................... 2
Output queues and spooled les......................................................................................................3
Default system output queues..........................................................................................................4
Spooling writers................................................................................................................................ 4
Spooling writer commands...............................................................................................................4
Input spooling.........................................................................................................................................5
Job input commands........................................................................................................................ 6
Inline data les................................................................................................................................. 7
Considerations for opening inline data les.....................................................................................8
Spooled les and output queues.................................................................................................................8
Spooling overview...................................................................................................................................8
Spooled le............................................................................................................................................. 8
Output queue..........................................................................................................................................9
Multiple output queues........................................................................................................................ 10
Output queue recovery.........................................................................................................................10
Spooled le cleanup.............................................................................................................................11
Default output queues..........................................................................................................................11
Order of spooled les on an output queue.......................................................................................... 12
Data queue support..............................................................................................................................12
Record type 01 data queue entry format.......................................................................................15
Record type 02 data queue entry format.......................................................................................16
Record type 03 data queue entry format.......................................................................................18
Spooled le names...............................................................................................................................20
Spooled le security.............................................................................................................................20
Output queue security..........................................................................................................................21
QPRTJOB job........................................................................................................................................ 22
Spooled le subsystem........................................................................................................................ 22
Spooled le library............................................................................................................................... 23
Spooled les in independent ASPs...................................................................................................... 23
Controlling the method of sending spooled les from list panels...................................................... 24
Managing spooled les.............................................................................................................................. 25
Displaying a list of spooled les...........................................................................................................25
Displaying the contents of a spooled le.............................................................................................25
Displaying messages associated with a spooled le.......................................................................... 25
Holding a spooled le...........................................................................................................................26
Releasing a spooled le....................................................................................................................... 26
Moving a spooled le............................................................................................................................26
Deleting spooled les...........................................................................................................................27
Converting a spooled le to PDF..........................................................................................................27
Exporting a spooled le to your PC......................................................................................................27
Copying a spooled le to a physical le...............................................................................................28
Sending a spooled le to another user or system............................................................................... 28
Changing attributes of a spooled le................................................................................................... 28
Restarting the printing of a spooled le...............................................................................................29
Suspending one spooled le and printing another..............................................................................29
Enabling spooled le notication message.........................................................................................29
Controlling the number of spooled les.............................................................................................. 29
Deleting expired spooled les..............................................................................................................30
Reclaiming spooled le storage...........................................................................................................30
Saving and restoring spooled les.......................................................................................................31
Controlling printing by spooled le size...............................................................................................32
Programming interface information.......................................................................................................... 34
Trademarks................................................................................................................................................ 34
Terms and conditions.................................................................................................................................35
Spooled les
Spooling is a system function that saves data in a spooled le for later processing or printing. Spooled
les work in a way similar to tape les or other device les. Spooled les can help you manage your data
targeted for externally attached devices, such as a printer.
A spooled le holds output data until it can be printed. The spooled le collects data from a device until a
program or device is able to process the data. A program uses a spooled le as if it were reading from or
writing to an actual device.
Spooling functions can help system users to manage input and output operations more efciently.
At the end of a job, the job log can be written to spooled le QPJOBLOG to be printed. After the job log is
written to the spooled le, the job log is deleted.
Related concepts
Spooled les and output queues
What's new for IBM i 7.2
Read about new or signicantly changed information for the Spooled les topic collection.
Converting spooled les to PDF
The Copy Spooled File (CPYSPLF) command has been enhanced to convert spooled les (printer output)
to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) format and store the PDF in the Integrated File System (IFS).
In addition, IBM
Navigator for i has been changed to provide a more direct interface to convert spooled
les to PDF.
See “Converting a spooled le to PDF” on page 27 for details.
Controlling the method of sending spooled les from list panels
By using an environment variable, you can now control whether spooled les are sent using the
panels. See “Controlling the method of sending spooled les from list panels” on page 24
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PDF le for Spooled les
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To view or download the PDF version of this document, select Spooled les.
You can view or download these related topics:
Control language provides a description of the control language (CL) and its commands. Each command
is dened including its syntax diagram, parameters, default values, and keywords.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2013 1
Basic printing provides information about how to understand and control printing: printing elements and
concepts, printer le support, print spooling support, printer connectivity, advanced function printing,
and printing with personal computers
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Spooling concepts
The system supports output spooling and input spooling. Output spooling can be used for printer devices.
Input spooling applies to database le input.
Output spooling
Output spooling can be used for both printer and diskette devices. Output spooling sends job output to
disk storage instead of sending it directly to a printer or diskette output device. Output spooling allows the
job that produces the output to continue processing without consideration for the speed or availability of
output devices.
Additionally, output spooling allows the server to produce output on multiple output devices, such as
printer and diskette devices, in an efcient manner. It does this by sending the output of a job destined for
a printer to disk storage. This process breaks a potential job limitation imposed by the availability or
speed of the output devices.
The main elements of output spooling are:
Device description: A description of the printer device.
Spooled le: A le containing spooled output records that are to be processed on an output device.
Output queue: An ordered list of spooled les.
Writer: A program that sends les from an output queue to a device.
Application program: A high-level language program that creates a spooled le using a device le with
the spooling attribute specied as SPOOL(*YES).
Device le: A description of the format of the output and a list of attributes that describe how the server
should process the spooled le.
Output spooling functions are performed by the server without requiring any special operations by the
program that produces the output. When a device le is opened by a program, the operating system
determines whether the output is to be spooled. When a printer le that species spooling is opened, the
spooled le that contains the output of the program is placed on the appropriate output queue in the
A spooled le can be made available for printing when the printer le is opened, when the printer le is
closed, or at the end of the job. A printer writer is started in the spooling subsystem to send the records to
the printer. The spooled le is selected from an output queue.
IBM i: Spooled les
Spooling device descriptions
Device descriptions must be created for each printer and diskette device in order to dene that device to
the server. Printer device descriptions are created using the Create Device Description for Printer
(CRTDEVPRT) command; diskette device descriptions are created using the Create Device Description for
Diskette (CRTDEVDKT) command.
File redirection of spooled les
File redirection occurs when a spooled le is sent to an output device other than the one for which it was
originally intended. File redirection can involve devices that process different media (such as printer
output sent to a diskette device) or devices that process the same type of media but are of different
device types (such as 5219 Printer output sent to a 4224 Printer).
Depending on the new output device for the spooled le, the le can be processed just as it would have
been on the originally specied device. However, differences in devices often cause the output to be
formatted differently. In these cases, the server sends an inquiry message to the writer's message queue
to inform you of the situation and allow you to specify whether you want printing to continue.
Output queues and spooled les
Batch and interactive job processing can result in spooled output records that are to be processed on an
output device, such as a printer or diskette drive. These output records are stored in spooled les until
they can be processed. A single job can have many spooled les.
When a spooled le is created, the le is placed on an output queue. Each output queue contains an
ordered list of spooled les. A job can have spooled les on one or more output queues. All spooled les
on a particular output queue should have a common set of output attributes, such as device, form type,
and lines per inch. Using common attributes on an output queue reduces the amount of intervention
required and increases the device throughput.
The following lists some of the parameters on the Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) command and what
they specify:
MAXPAGES: Species the maximum spooled le size in pages that is allowed to be printed between a
starting and ending time of day.
AUTOSTRWTR: Species the number of writers that are started automatically to this output queue.
DSPDTA: Whether users without any special authority but who do have *USE authority to the output
queue can display, copy, or send the contents of spooled les other than their own. By specifying
*OWNER for DSPDTA, only the owner of the le or a user with *SPLCTL special authority can display,
copy, or send a le.
JOBSEP: The number of job separator pages, if any, that are to be printed between the output of each
job when the output is printed.
DTAQ: The data queue associated with this output queue. If specied, an entry is sent to the data queue
whenever a spooled le goes to ready status on the queue.
OPRCTL: Whether a user who has job control authority can control the output queue (for example, if the
user can hold the output queue).
SEQ: Controls the order in which spooled les are sorted on the output queue.
AUTCHK: Species what type of authority to the output queue that enables a user to control the spooled
les on the output queue (for example, enables a user to hold the spooled les on the output queue).
AUT: Public authority. Species what control users have over the output queue itself.
TEXT: Text description. Up to 50 characters of text that describes the output queue.
les 3
Default system output queues
Defaults on CL commands use the default output queue for the system printer as the default output
queue for all spooled output. The system printer is dened by the QPRTDEV server value.
When a spooled le is created by opening a device le and the output queue specied for the le cannot
be found, the system attempts to place the spooled le on output queue QPRINT in library QGPL. If for
any reason the spooled le cannot be placed on output queue QPRINT, an error message is sent and the
output is not spooled.
The following output queues are provided:
QDKT: Default diskette output queue
QPRINT: Default printer output queue
QPRINTS: Printer output queue for special forms
QPRINT2: Printer output queue for 2-part paper
Spooling writers
A writer is an IBM i program that takes spooled les from an output queue and produces them on an
output device. The spooled les that have been placed on a particular output queue remain stored in the
system until a writer is started to the output queue.
The writer takes spooled les one at a time from the output queue, based on their priority. The writer
processes a spooled le only if its entry on the output queue indicates that it has a ready (RDY) status.
You can display the status of a particular spooled le using the Work with Output Queue (WRKOUTQ)
If the spooled le has a ready status, the writer takes the entry from the output queue and prints the
specied job or le separators or both, followed by the output data in the le. If the spooled le does not
have a ready status, the writer leaves the entry on the output queue and goes on to the next entry. In
most cases the writer continues to process spooled les (preceded by job and le separators) until all
les with a ready status have been taken from the output queue.
The AUTOEND parameter on the start writer commands determines whether the writer continues to wait
for new spooled les to become available to be written, end after processing one le, or end after all
spooled les that have a ready status have been taken from the output queue.
Spooling writer commands
Here are the commands that you can use to control spooling writers.
Start Diskette Writer (STRDKTWTR): Starts a spooling writer to a specied diskette device to process
spooled les on that device.
Start Printer Writer (STRPRTWTR): Starts a spooling writer to a specied printer device to process
spooled les on that device.
Start Remote Writer (STRRMTWTR): Starts a spooling writer that sends spooled les from an output
queue to a remote system.
Change Writer (CHGWTR): Changes some writer attributes, such as form type, number of le separator
pages, or output queue attributes.
Hold Writer (HLDWTR): Stops a writer at the end of a record, at the end of a spooled le, or at the end of
a page.
Release Writer (RLSWTR): Releases a previously held writer for additional processing.
End Writer (ENDWTR): Ends a spooling writer and makes the associated output device available to the
Note : You can dene some functions to provide additional spooling support. Example source and
documentation for the commands, les, and programs for these functions are part of library QUSRTOOL,
which is an optionally installed part of IBM i.
IBM i: Spooled les
Input spooling
Input spooling takes the information from the input device, prepares the job for scheduling, and places an
entry in a job queue. Using input spooling, you can typically shorten job run time, increase the number of
jobs that can be run sequentially, and improve device throughput.
The main elements of input spooling follow:
Job queue: An ordered list of batch jobs submitted to the system for running and from which batch jobs
are selected to run.
Reader: A function that takes jobs from an input device or database le and places them on a job
When a batch job is read from an input source by a reader, the commands in the input stream are stored in
the system as requests for the job, the inline data is spooled as inline data les, and an entry for the job is
placed on a job queue. The job information remains stored in the system where it was placed by the
reader until the job entry is selected from the job queue for processing by a subsystem.
Figure 1. Relationship of input spooling elements
You can use the reader functions to read an input stream from diskette or database les.
les 5
Figure 2. Typical organization of an input stream
The job queue on which the job is placed is specied on the JOBQ parameter of the Batch Job BCHJOB or
the Start Database Reader STRDBRDR command, or in the job description. The values of the JOBQ
parameter for the BCHJOB command follow:
*RDR: The job queue is selected from the JOBQ parameter on the STRDBRDR command.
*JOBD: The job queue is selected from the JOBQ parameter in the job description.
A specic job queue: The specied queue is used.
For jobs with small input streams, you might improve system performance by not using input spooling.
The Submit Job (SBMJOB) command reads the input stream and places the job on the job queue in the
appropriate subsystem, bypassing the spooling subsystem and reader operations.
If your job requires a large input stream to be read, you should use input spooling (Start Diskette Reader
STRDKTRDR or STRDBRDR command) so that the job can be imported independent of when the job is
actually processed.
Job input commands
You can use these commands to submit jobs to the system. The start reader commands can be used for
spooling job input; the submit job commands do not use spooling.
Batch Job (BCHJOB): Marks the start of a job in a batch input stream and denes the operating
characteristics of the job.
Data (DATA): Marks the start of an inline data le.
End Batch Job (ENDBCHJOB): Marks the end of a job in a batch input stream.
End Input (ENDINP): Marks the end of the batch input stream.
Submit Database Jobs (SBMDBJOB): Reads an input stream from a database le and places the jobs in
the input stream on the appropriate job queues.
Submit Diskette Jobs (SBMDKTJOB): Reads an input stream from diskette and places the jobs in the
input stream on the appropriate job queues.
Start Database Reader (STRDBRDR): Starts a reader to read an input stream from a database le and
places the job in the input stream on the appropriate job queue.
IBM i: Spooled les
Start Diskette Reader (STRDKTRDR): Starts a reader to read an input stream from diskette and places
the job in the input stream on the appropriate job queue.
Inline data les
An inline data le is a data le that is included as part of a batch job when the job is read by a reader or a
submit jobs command. You use SBMDBJOB or STRDBRDR to queue a CL batch stream (stream of CL
commands to be run). That CL batch stream can include data to be placed into inline data les (temporary
les). When the job ends, the inline data les are deleted.
An inline data le is delimited in the job by a //DATA command at the start of the le and by an end-of-
data delimiter at the end of the le.
The end-of-data delimiter can be a user-dened character string or the default of //. The // must appear in
positions 1 and 2. If your data contains // in positions 1 and 2, you should use a unique set of characters,
such as // *** END OF DATA. To specify this as a unique end-of-data delimiter, the ENDCHAR parameter on
the //DATA command should be coded as:
Note : Inline data les can be accessed only during the rst routing step of a batch job. If a batch job
contains a Transfer Job (TFRJOB), a Reroute Job (RRTJOB), or a Transfer Batch Job (TFRBCHJOB)
command, the inline data les cannot be accessed in the new routing step.
An inline data le can be either named or unnamed. For an unnamed inline data le, either QINLINE is
specied as the le name in the //DATA command or no name is specied. For a named inline data le, a
le name is specied.
A named inline data le has the following characteristics:
It has a unique name in a job. No other inline data le can have the same name.
It can be used more than once in a job.
Each time it is opened, it is positioned to the rst record.
To use a named inline data le, you must either specify the le name in the program or use an override
command to change the le name specied in the program to the name of the inline data le. The le
must be opened for input only.
An unnamed inline data le has the following characteristics:
Its name is QINLINE. (In a batch job, all unnamed inline data les are given the same name.)
It can only be used once in a job.
When more than one unnamed inline data le is included in a job, the les must be in the input stream
in the same order as when the les are opened.
To use an unnamed inline data le, do one of the following:
Specify QINLINE in the program.
Use an override le command to change the le name that is specied in the program to QINLINE.
If your high-level language requires unique le names within one program, you can use QINLINE as a le
name only once. If you need to use more than one unnamed inline data le, you can use an override le
command in the program to specify QINLINE for additional unnamed inline data les.
Note : If you run commands conditionally and process more than one unnamed inline data le, the results
cannot be predicted if the wrong unnamed inline data le is used.
les 7
Considerations for opening inline data les
You need to consider these elements when you open inline date les.
The record length species the length of the input records. (The record length is optional.) When the
record length exceeds the length of the data, a message is sent to your program. The data is padded
with blanks. When the record length is less than the data length, the records are truncated.
When a le is specied in a program, the system searches for the le as a named inline data le before it
searches for the le in a library. Therefore, if a named inline data le has the same name as a le that is
not an inline data le, the inline data le is always used, even if the le name is qualied by a library
Named inline data les can be shared between programs in the same job by specifying SHARE(*YES) on
a create le or override le command. For example, if an override le command specifying a le named
INPUT and SHARE(*YES) is in a batch job with an inline data le named INPUT, any programs running in
the job that specify the le name INPUT shares the same named inline data le. Unnamed inline data
les cannot be shared between programs in the same job.
When you use inline data les, make sure the correct le type is specied on the //DATA command. For
example, if the le is to be used as a source le, the le type on the //DATA command must be source.
Inline data les must be opened for input only.
Spooled les and output queues
The spooling function places spooled les (also known as printer output) in an output queue. This allows
you to manage your printing operations more effectively.
Spooling overview
Spooling functions are performed by the system without requiring any special operations by the program
that creates the output. When a program opens a printer le, the operating system determines if the
output is to be spooled by looking at the printer le SPOOL parameter.
When a printer le specifying spooling is opened, the spooled le containing the output of the program
(data to be printed) is placed on the appropriate output queue in the system. A spooled le can be made
available for printing when the printer le is opened, when the printer le is closed, or at the end of the
job. This is done by specifying a particular value on the schedule parameter. *IMMED makes the spooled
le available to the writer as soon as the program is opened. *FILEEND makes the spooled le available to
the writer as soon as the le is closed. *JOBEND makes the spooled le available to the writer as soon as
the job is complete.
This process of spooling prevents a potential job limitation imposed by the availability or speed of the
printer devices. That is, the system can process application programs that generate printed output much
faster than printers can print the output.
By spooling (that is, sending the output to output queues to await printing), the system does not have to
wait until the printing for that application program is complete before it can start processing the next
application program.
Spooling is especially important in a multiple-user environment where the number of jobs running often
exceeds the number of available printer devices. Using spooling, output can be easily redirected from one
output queue to another or from one printer to another.
Spooled le
Spooling is a system function that saves data in a database le for later processing or printing. This data,
which is saved and eventually printed, is called a spooled le (or printer output le). When spooling is
used, spooled les are created from the application program, from a system program, or by pressing the
Print key. These les are put in places called output queues.
IBM i: Spooled les
Almost all application programs that generate printed output make use of the spooling support provided
by the IBM i operating system. The values SPOOL(*YES) and SPOOL(*NO) on the SPOOL parameter of a
printer le determine whether spooling support is requested.
Using the Print key to capture an image of a display screen almost always results in a spooled le being
created (SPOOL = *YES must be specied in the printer le named in the workstation device description).
Unless the value has been changed, the default value for the SPOOL attribute in the QSYSPRT printer le
is *YES. When the Print key is pressed, the system looks at the OUTQ parameter in the QSYSPRT printer
le to determine which output queue to send the spooled le to.
Spooling (SPOOL = *YES) has several advantages over direct output (SPOOL = *NO in the printer le):
The user's display station remains available for work.
Other users can request printing work without having to wait for the printer to become available.
If special forms are required, you can have the spooled les sent to a special output queue and printed
at a time when the printer is not busy.
Because disk operations are much faster than printers, the system is used efciently.
Output queue
Output queues are objects, dened to the system, that provide a place for spooled les to wait until they
are printed. Output queues are created by a user or by the system.
You can create an output queue using the Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) command. On the prompt
display, specify the name for the output queue to create. The output queue will be in the library identied
by the library prompt. You can create as many output queues as you want.
When a printer is congured to the system, either manually or through automatic conguration, the
system creates an output queue for that printer in the QUSRSYS library. System-created output queues
are commonly called device output queues and have the same name as the printer device. For example,
when you congure a printer using the Create Device Description (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) command, if you
assign the printer name PRT01 in the DEVD parameter, the system creates an output queue named PRT01
in the QUSRSYS library.
If none of the IBM-supplied default values for the system have been changed, you can identify your
output queue by displaying the system value Default printer (QPRTDEV). Your output queue has the same
name as the value shown for the system printer.
Spooled les are created when application programs are run. If you do not want the spooled les to print
right away, you can have them sent to an output queue that currently does not have a printer assigned to
it. For example, let us assume that you have only one printer available. One of your application programs
creates a job that has 600 pages of printed output. Since all users are using the same printer, you do not
want to print the 600-page job until everyone has nished working for the day. One solution is to create
two separate output queues. One output queue receives the spooled les from the application program
that creates the 600 pages of printed output. The other output queue receives the spooled les from the
jobs run by other users.
The program that creates the 600-page job sends the spooled le to a specic output queue. That output
queue does not have a printer assigned to it. Therefore, the 600-page spooled le has to wait until a
printer is assigned; meanwhile, the spooled les that are in the other output queue can be printed.
Multiple output queues can also be used with deferred printing. To print a large spooled le that exceeds
the current limit for the printer's output queue, the printer can be assigned to an output queue without
any limit. Another solution is to set the maximum spooled le size to print during a specied time. For
example, a maximum spooled le size of 100 pages can be set from 08:00:00 to 17:30:00 hours. During
this time, only spooled les of 100 or fewer pages are printed. After 5:30 p.m. any spooled le prints.
Spooled les that are too large are placed in deferred status (*DFR) until they can be printed. See
Controlling printing by spooled le size for more information about how to congure deferred printing.
les 9
Multiple output queues
You might want to create multiple output queues for these reasons.
Special forms printing
Output to be printed after normal working hours
Output that is not printed
An output queue can be created to handle spooled les that need only be displayed or copied to a
database le. Care should be taken to remove unneeded spooled les.
Special uses
For example, each programmer can be given a separate output queue.
Output of special system les
You might want to consider separate queues for the following system-supplied les:
QPJOBLOG: You might want all job logs sent to a separate queue.
QPPGMDMP: You might want all program dumps sent to a separate queue so you can review and
print them if needed or clear them daily.
QPSRVDMP: You might want all service dumps sent to a separate queue so the service
representative can review them if needed.
Output queue recovery
If a job that has produced spooled les is running when the job or system stops abnormally, the les
remain on the output queue. Some number of records written by active programs might still be in main
storage when the job ends and will be lost. You should check these spooled les to ensure that they are
complete before you decide to continue using the les.
You can specify if all spooled les (except QPJOBLOG) created by the job are to be kept for normal
processing by the printer writer, or if these les are to be deleted.
If an abnormal end occurs, the spooled le QPJOBLOG will be written at the next IPL of the system.
If a printer writer fails while a spooled le is being printed, the spooled le remains on the output queue
Recovery of user-created output queues
If an output queue becomes damaged in such a way that it cannot be used, you are notied by a message
sent to the system operator message queue. The message comes from a system function when a printer
writer or a job tries to add or remove spooled les from the damaged queue.
You can manually delete a damaged output queue or it will be deleted by the system during the next IPL.
After a damaged output queue is deleted, all spooled les on the damaged output queue are moved to
output queue QSPRCLOUTQ in library QRCL. The move operation is performed by the QSPRC00001
system job. The system job issues a completion message to the QSYSOPR message queue when all
spooled les have been moved.
If the output queue resides in an independent ASP, then the spooled les are moved to output queue
QSPRCLOUTQ in library QRCLxxxxx, where xxxxx is the independent ASP number of the primary
independent ASP (for example, QRCL00033 if the primary independent ASP number is 33). The move
operation is performed by the QSPRCxxxxx job, where xxxxx is the independent ASP number of the
primary independent ASP. A message is sent to the QSYSOPR message queue when all spooled les have
been moved.
After the damaged output queue is deleted, it can be created again. Then, spooled les on output queue
QSPRCLOUTQ can be moved to the newly created output queue.
Recovery of system-created output queues
IBM i: Spooled les
If the output queue that was damaged was the default output queue associated with a printer, the system
automatically re-creates the output queue when it is deleted.
This system-created output queue has the same public authority as specied for the device and default
values for the other parameters. After the system re-creates the output queue, you should verify its
attributes are correct or change them, if necessary.
When a damaged output queue associated with a printer is deleted and created again, all spooled les on
the damaged queue are moved to the re-created output queue. This is done by the QSPRC00001 system
job. The system job issues a completion message to the QSYSOPR message queue when all spooled les
have been moved.
Spooled le cleanup
System spooled le recovery starts immediately following an initial program load (IPL). Spooled le
recovery is done under the system job QSPRC00001. Spooled les on destroyed user-created output
queues are moved to output queue QSPRCLOUTQ in library QRCL. Spooled les on destroyed system-
created output queues are moved to the re-created output queues.
Spooled le recovery also starts immediately following a vary-on operation of an independent ASP group.
Spooled le recovery is done under the system job QSPRCxxxxx, where xxxxx is the independent ASP
number of the primary independent ASP. Spooled les on destroyed user-created output queues are
moved to output queue QSPRCLOUTQ in library QRCLxxxxx, where xxxxx is the independent ASP number
of the primary independent ASP.
Default output queues
When a printer is congured to the system, the system automatically creates the printer's default output
queue in library QUSRSYS. The output queue is given a text description of 'Default output queue
for printer xxxxxxxxxx', where xxxxxxxxxx is the name assigned to the printer during
conguration. The printer name is specied in the device description (DEVD) parameter.
The AUT parameter for the output queue is assigned the same value as that specied by the AUT
parameter for the printer device description. All other parameters are assigned their default values. Use
the Change Command Default (CHGCMDDFT) command to change the default values used when creating
output queues with the CRTOUTQ command.
The default output queue for a printer is owned by the user who created the printer device description. In
the case of automatic conguration, both the printer and the output queue are owned by the system
prole QPGMR.
The system is shipped with the defaults set to use the default output queue for the system printer as the
default output queue for all spooled output. The system printer is dened by the Default printer
(QPRTDEV) system value.
When a spooled le is created by opening a printer le and the output queue specied for the le cannot
be found, the system attempts to place the spooled le on output queue QPRINT in library QGPL. If for
any reason the spooled le cannot be placed on output queue QPRINT, an error message is sent and the
output is not spooled.
The following output queues are supplied with the system:
Output queue
QPRINT Default printer output queue
QPRINTS Printer output queue for special forms
QPRINT2 Printer output queue for 2-part paper
Spooled les 11
Order of spooled les on an output queue
The order of spooled les on an output queue is mainly determined by the status of the spooled le.
A spooled le that is being processed by a writer might have a status of printing (PRT status), writer (WTR
status), pending to be printed (PND status), or being sent (SND status). Spooled les with a status of PRT,
WTR, PND, or SND are placed at the top of the output queue. A spooled le being processed by the writer
might have a held (HLD) status if a user has held the spooled le but the writer is not yet nished
processing the le. All other spooled les with a status of RDY are listed on the output queue after the le
being processed by a writer, followed by deferred spooled les (DFR status), and then followed by
spooled les with a status other than RDY or DFR.
Each group of spooled les (RDY and non-RDY les) is further sorted by:
1. The output priority of the spooled le.
2. A date and time eld (time stamp).
3. The SCHEDULE parameter value of the spooled le. Files with SCHEDULE(*JOBEND) specied are
grouped together and placed after other spooled les of the same job that have SCHEDULE(*IMMED)
or SCHEDULE(*FILEEND) specied.
4. The spool number of the spooled le.
For output queues with SEQ(*JOBNBR) specied, the date and time eld is the date and time that the job
that created the spooled le entered the system. (A sequential job number and time of day value are also
assigned to the job when it enters the system.) That is how the spooled les are sorted on the queue.
For rst-in-rst-out (*FIFO) output queues, the date and time change to the current system date and time
A spooled le is created by opening a device le.
The output priority of the job that created the spooled le is changed.
The status of the spooled le changes from non-RDY to RDY.
Note : The date and time do not change when the reason the status changes from RDY to WTR or from
WTR to RDY is because the writer was canceled. Also, the date and time do not change when the status
changes from RDY to DFR, or from DFR to RDY.
A spooled le is moved to another output queue that has SEQ(*FIFO) specied.
Because of the automatic sorting of spooled les, different results occur when SEQ(*JOBNBR) is specied
for an output queue than when SEQ(*FIFO) is specied. For example, when a spooled le is held and then
immediately released on an output queue with SEQ(*JOBNBR) specied, the spooled le will end up
where it started. However, if the same spooled le were held and then immediately released on an output
queue with SEQ(*FIFO) specied, the spooled le would be placed at the end of the spooled les that
have the same priority and a status of RDY.
Data queue support
There are two different types of data queue support for spooled les.
Data queue support on output queues
Support is available to optionally associate a data queue with an output queue using the Create Output
Queue (CRTOUTQ) or Change Output Queue (CHGOUTQ) command. Entries are logged in the data queue
when spooled les are in ready (RDY) status on the output queue. A user program can determine when
a spooled le is available on an output queue using the Receive Data Queue (QRCVDTAQ) API to receive
information from a data queue. See the Receive Data Queue (QRCVDTAQ) API in the Programming topic
for more information.
Each time a spooled le on the output queue reaches RDY status an entry is sent to the data queue. A
spooled le can have several changes in status (for example, ready (RDY) to held (HLD) to release (RLS)
to ready (RDY) again) before it is taken off the output queue. These status changes result in entries in
the data queue for a spooled le each time the spooled le goes to RDY status.
IBM i: Spooled les
A spooled le can reach RDY status in these instances:
When initially spooled on the output queue.
When the spooled le is opened and the schedule parameter value is *IMMED.
When a job completes and the spooled le schedule parameter value is *JOBEND.
When the spooled le is released.
When a spooled le is moved to this output queue from another output queue.
When a writer is ended immediately while printing a spooled le (the spooled le status is reset from
WTR to RDY).
The data queue must be created with a maximum message length (MAXLEN) parameter value of at least
128 bytes. The sequence (SEQ) parameter value should be *FIFO or *LIFO. The format of the CRTDTAQ
command is:
CRTDTAQ DTAQ (<library name>/<data queue name>) MAXLEN(128) SEQ(*LIFO)
The Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) and Change Output Queue (CHGOUTQ) commands have a data
queue (DTAQ) parameter, which is used to specify the data name. An error occurs when using these
commands if the specied data queue does not exist or if the user creating or changing the output
queue does not have use authority to the data queue.
After a data queue is associated with an output queue, any spooled le that is placed on the output
queue in a ready status causes an entry to be placed on the data queue. The data queue entry is added
regardless of the authority the user generating the spooled le has to the data queue.
The entry in the data queue has a format of record type 01. See Record type 01 data queue entry format
for a description of the information contained in record type 01.
Environment variable data queue support
Using the Add Environment Variable (ADDENVVAR) or Change Environment Variable (CHGENVVAR)
command, you can associate a data queue with a job or the system. As spooled les are created, the
entries are logged in the data queue. Using the Receive Data Queue (QRCVDTAQ) API to receive
information from the data queue, a user program can determine when a spooled le has been created
by the job or by the system. Use the environment variable data queue support if you need to determine
the identity of a spooled le that was stored under a QPRTJOB and was created by a job such as a
remote command system job.
Using the CL command ADDENVVAR, and specifying a fully qualied data queue name for the
environment variable QIBM_NOTIFY_CRTSPLF, you can associate a data queue with a job or the system.
The command use is as follows:
VALUE('*DTAQ <library name>/<data queue name>')
The data queue must be created with a record length of at least 144 bytes. The data queue must also
have a public authority of *USE, or you need to grant the QSPL user prole *USE private authority to the
data queue. You must ensure that the containing library has a public authority of *EXECUTE, or you need
to grant the QSPL user prole *EXECUTE private authority to the library. The format of the CRTDTAQ
command is:
CRTDTAQ DTAQ (<library name>/<data queue name>) MAXLEN(144) AUT(*USE)
If you want the data queue information to have dates and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), you
can use the same environment variable with a different value. Replace the *DTAQ with *DTA2 in the
les 13
ADDENVVAR command above. This value causes a type 03 data queue entry to be placed in the data
queue instead of a type 02 entry. The command format is as follows:
VALUE('*DTA2 <library name>/<data queue name>')
The length of the type 03 data queue entry is 200 bytes. Use the following command format to create a
type 03 data queue:
CRTDTAQ DTAQ (<library name>/<data queue name>) MAXLEN(200) AUT(*USE)
Once a data queue is associated with a job or the system, any spooled le created by the job or system
will automatically have an entry placed in the data queue. For this action to occur, the user or user
prole QSPL must have authorization to the data queue.
Note : An environment variable that is specied at the job level takes precedence over the same
environment variable specied at the system level.
Error conditions
An error occurs if the specied data queue does not exist or if the user creating or changing the output
queue does not have use authority to the data queue.
After a data queue is associated with an output queue, any spooled le that is placed on the output queue
in ready status causes an entry to be placed on the data queue. The data queue entry is added regardless
of the authority the user generating the spooled le has to the data queue.
If the system tries to add entries to a data queue that does not exist or that has an invalid length, the
system continues with its processing but sends an informational message to the QSYSOPR message
queue. This message indicates that there is a problem with the data queue and species the data queue
name. This message is sent the rst time a specic problem occurs with the data queue of an output
queue. The message is sent once every 24 hours.
For example, if message X is received at 10:00 a.m., it is logged in the QSYSOPR message queue. If
message X is received again at 10:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., or 1:30 p.m., it will not be logged. As
you can see, the message will not be logged until after 10:00 a.m. the next day, even if it continues to be
received all day.
If after message X is logged at 10:00 a.m., message Y is received at 2:00 p.m., message Y is logged. If
message X is received again at 2:30 p.m., message X will be logged again even though it was logged
earlier in the day.
The intent is not to log the same recurring message all day, but to inform the user of each change of error
messages associated with the data queue of a particular output queue.
Additional considerations
Changing the data queue of an output queue is allowed regardless of whether there are spooled les on
the output queue. For data queue entries of record type 01, only spooled les that reach RDY status after
the change will have entries on the data queue. Spooled les already having a status of ready on the
output queue will not have entries on the new data queue.
It is the user's responsibility to manage the data queues. These responsibilities include creating, clearing,
and deleting data queues.
When clearing all output queues during IPL, any associated data queues are not cleared. If a damaged
system output queue is found, it is re-created without any associated data queue name. Damaged data
queues are not re-created.
IBM i: Spooled les
Record type 01 data queue entry format
The Record type 01 data queue entry format table shows the format of a 01 data queue entry when a
spooled le changes to ready status on an output queue.
Table 1. Record type 01 data queue entry format
Decimal Offset Hex Offset Type Description
0 0 CHAR(10) Function
Identies the function that created the data
queue entry. The value for a spooled le is
10 A CHAR(2) Record type
Identies the record type within the
function. Valid values are:
A spooled le that is in READY status
has been placed on the output queue.
12 C CHAR(26) Qualied job name
Identies the qualied job name of the job
that created the spooled le placed on the
output queue.
Job name
User name
Job number
38 26 CHAR(10) Spooled le name
Identies the name of the spooled le
placed on the output queue.
48 30 BINARY(4) Spooled le number
Identies the unique number of the
spooled le placed on the output queue.
52 34 CHAR(20) Qualied output queue name
Identies the qualied name of the output
queue on which the spooled le was
Output queue name
Library of the output queue
72 48 CHAR(8) Job system name
Identies the name of the system on which
the spooled le was generated.
Spooled les 15
Table 1. Record type 01 data queue entry format (continued)
Decimal Offset Hex Offset Type Description
80 50 CHAR(7) Spooled le creation date
Identies the date on which the spooled
le was created in CYYMMDD format (local
system time).
87 57 CHAR(1) Reserved
88 58 CHAR(6) Spooled le creation time
Identies the time that the spooled le was
created in HHMMSS format (local system
94 5E CHAR(7) Spooled le creation date in UTC
Identies the date on which the spooled
le was created in CYYMMDD format.
101 65 CHAR(1) Reserved
102 66 CHAR(6) Spooled le creation time in UTC
Identies the time that the spooled le was
created in HHMMSS format.
108 6C CHAR(20) Reserved
Record type 02 data queue entry format
The Record type 02 data queue entry format table shows the format of a DTAQ entry for creating a
spooled le.
Table 2. Record type 02 data queue entry format
Decimal Offset Hex Offset Type Description
0 0 CHAR(10) Function
Identies the function that created the
data queue entry. The value for a spooled
le is *SPOOL.
10 A CHAR(2) Record type
Identies the record type within the
function. Valid values are:
A spooled le has been created and
placed on the output queue.
16 IBM i: Spooled les
Table 2. Record type 02 data queue entry format (continued)
Decimal Offset Hex Offset Type Description
12 C CHAR(26) Qualied job name
Identies the qualied job name of the job
that owns the spooled le placed on the
output queue.
Job name
User name
Job number
38 26 CHAR(10) Spooled le name
Identies the name of the spooled le
placed on the output queue.
48 30 BINARY(4) Spooled le number
Identies the unique number of the
spooled le placed on the output queue.
52 34 CHAR(20) Qualied output queue name
Identies the qualied name of the output
queue on which the spooled le was
Output queue name
Library of the output queue
72 48 CHAR(26) Creating qualied job name
Identies the qualied job name of the job
that created the spooled le.
Job name
User name
Job number
98 62 CHAR(10) User data
Identies the user specied data for the
spooled le that was created.
108 6C BINARY(4) Auxiliary Storage Pool
Identies the Auxiliary Storage Pool where
the spooled le was created.
Spooled les 17
Table 2. Record type 02 data queue entry format (continued)
Decimal Offset Hex Offset Type Description
112 70 CHAR(8) Thread ID
Identies the thread of the job that
created the spooled le.
120 78 CHAR(10) System name
Identies the name of the system on
which the spooled le was generated.
130 82 CHAR(7) Creation date
Identies the date on which the spooled
le was created in CYYMMDD format (local
system time).
137 89 CHAR(6) Creation time
Identies the time that the spooled le
was created in HHMMSS format (local
system time).
143 8F CHAR(1) Reserved
Record type 03 data queue entry format
The Record type 03 data queue entry format table shows the format of a DTA2 entry for creating a
spooled le.
Table 3. Record type 03 data queue entry format
Offset Hex Offset Type Description
0 0 CHAR(10) Function
Identies the function that created the data queue
entry. The value for a spooled le is *SPOOL.
10 A CHAR(2) Record type
Identies the record type within the function. The
valid value is:
A spooled le has been created and placed on
the output queue.
12 C CHAR(26) Qualied job name
Identies the qualied job name of the job that
owns the spooled le placed on the output queue.
Job name
User name
Job number
18 IBM i: Spooled les
Table 3. Record type 03 data queue entry format (continued)
Offset Hex Offset Type Description
38 26 CHAR(10) Spooled le name
Identies the name of the spooled le placed on
the output queue.
48 30 BINARY(4) Spooled le number
Identies the unique number of the spooled le
placed on the output queue.
52 34 CHAR(20) Qualied output queue name
Identies the qualied name of the output queue
on which the spooled le was placed.
Output queue name
Library of the output queue
72 48 CHAR(26) Creating qualied job name
Identies the qualied job name of the job that
created the spooled le.
Job name
User name
Job number
98 62 CHAR(10) User data
Identies the user-specied data for the spooled
le that was created.
108 6C BINARY(4) Auxiliary storage pool
Identies the auxiliary storage pool where the
spooled le was created.
112 70 CHAR(8) Thread ID
Identies the thread of the job that created the
spooled le.
120 78 CHAR(10) System name
Identies the name of the system on which the
spooled le was generated.
130 82 CHAR(7) Creation date in UTC
Identies the date in UTC on which the spooled
le was created in CYYMMDD format.
Spooled les 19
Table 3. Record type 03 data queue entry format (continued)
Offset Hex Offset Type Description
137 89 CHAR(6) Creation time in UTC
Identies the time that the spooled le was
created in HHMMSS format.
143 8F CHAR(57) Reserved
Spooled le names
When spooled les are created, the spooled le name is typically the same as the name of the printer le
that was used to create it. For example, if the Print key is pressed, the spooled le is called QSYSPRT,
because QSYSPRT is the printer le used by the Print key operation.
There are several ways in which the spooled le can have a different name:
The Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF) command was used and a name was specied in the
SPLFNAME parameter. For example, typing the following command:
causes the name of the spooled le to be REPORT1 instead of QSYSPRT.
The OVRPRTF command was used and a different printer le is specied in the TOFILE parameter. For
example, typing the following command:
causes the spooled le to be called PRTF2 (the name of the printer le specied in the TOFILE
parameter of the OVRPRTF command).
Some IBM applications might create spooled les that have names different from the printer les used
to create them. Users have no control over spooled le names in this situation.
Spooled le security
Spooled security is primarily controlled through the output queue that contains the spooled les.
In general, there are ve ways that a user can become authorized to control a spooled le (for example,
hold or release the spooled le):
User is assigned spool control authority (SPCAUT(*SPLCTL)) in the user prole.
This authority gives a user control of all spooled les in the output queues of all libraries to which the
user has *EXECUTE authority. Only grant this authority to appropriate users.
User is assigned job control authority (SPCAUT(*JOBCTL)) in the user prole, the output queue is
operator-controlled (OPRCTL(*YES)), and the user has *EXECUTE authority to the library that the output
queue is in.
User is granted authority by the use of a spooled le security exit program. A spooled le security exit
program can be registered for the QIBM_QSP_SECURITY exit point to allow more granular access to
individual spooled les and to control access/operations to a spooled le for any user. A user can be
granted or denied access to any spooled le for one or several operations. For more information about
how to use a spooled le security registered exit program, see the Spooled File Security Exit Program
User has the required object authority for the output queue. The required object authority is specied by
the AUTCHK parameter on the CRTOUTQ command. A value of *OWNER indicates that only the owner of
the output queue is authorized to control all the spooled les on the output queue. A value of *DTAAUT
indicates that users with *CHANGE authority to the output queue are authorized to control all the
IBM i: Spooled les
spooled les on the output queue. The use of a spooled le security exit program can override this
object authority and stop the user from controlling the spooled le.
Note : The specic authorities required for *DTAAUT are *READ, *ADD, and *DLT data authorities.
A user is always allowed to control the spooled les created by that user unless not allowed by a
spooled le security exit program.
For the Copy Spooled File (CPYSPLF), Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF), and Send Network Spooled File
(SNDNETSPLF) commands, in addition to the ve ways already listed, there is an additional way a user
can be authorized.
If DSPDTA(*YES) was specied when the output queue was created, any user with *USE authority to the
output queue is allowed to copy, display, send, or move spooled les assuming that the user is not
stopped by the use of a spooled le security exit program. The specic authority required is *READ data
If the user is authorized to control the le by one of the ve ways already listed previously, using
DSPDTA(*NO) when creating the output queue will not restrict the user from displaying, copying, or
sending the le. DSPDTA authority is only checked if the user is not otherwise authorized to the le.
DSPDTA(*OWNER) is more restrictive than DSPDTA(*NO). If the output queue is created with
DSPDTA(*OWNER), only the owner of the spooled le (the person who created it), a user with
SPCAUT(*SPLCTL), or a user granted access by the use of a spooled le security exit program can display,
copy, or send a le on that queue. Even users with SPCAUT(*JOBCTL) on an operator-controlled
(OPRCTL(*YES)) output queue cannot display, copy, move, or send spooled les they do not own.
See the Security topic for details about the authority requirements for individual commands.
To place a spooled le on an output queue, one of the following authorities is required:
Spool control authority (SPCAUT(*SPLCTL)) in the user prole. The user must also have *EXECUTE
authority to the library that the output queue is in.
This authority gives a user control of all spooled les on the system and should only be granted to
appropriate users. If you have spool control authority you can delete, move, hold, and release any
spooled les on the system. You can also change the attributes of any spooled le.
Job control authority (SPCAUT(*JOBCTL)) in the user prole and the output queue is operator-
controlled (OPRCTL(*YES)). The user must also have *EXECUTE authority to the library that the output
queue is in.
*READ authority to the output queue. This authority can be given to the public by specifying AUT(*USE)
on the CRTOUTQ command.
Related information
Copy Spooled File (CPYSPLF) command
Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF) command
Send Network Spooled File (SNDNETSPLF) command
Spooled File Security Exit Program
Output queue security
Output queues are created with a level of security determined by the value of the AUT parameter on the
Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) command.
To work with the spooled les on that output queue, you must have the appropriate authority for that
output queue (as specied in the AUT parameter). For example, holding or releasing a spooled le might
require one level of authority while reading the contents of that spooled le might require a higher level of
For more information about spooled le and output queue security, see the Security topic.
les 21
A QPRTJOB job is a job that spooled les are associated with when the current job's user name is not the
same as the user prole currently running.
System jobs can change to run under a user's prole in order for a user to obtain ownership of the spooled
le instead of the system job. For example, if you send a spooled le using the Send Network Spooled File
(SNDNETSPLF) command to user TINA on a different system, the le is spooled for job 999999/TINA/
QPRTJOB. Spooling the le for this user's job instead of the system job makes sure that user TINA owns
the spooled le. Then, when she runs the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, the spooled le
sent to her is shown.
Note : Use the SPLFOWN parameter to specify who owns the spooled le.
QPRTJOB jobs are created automatically by the system. There can be more than one QPRTJOB per user
on a system. A QPRTJOB has a default value of 9999 spooled les. That number can be expanded to the
maximum of 999,999 by changing the number in the Maximum printer output les (QMAXSPLF) system
value. For more information about the Maximum printer output les (QMAXSPLF) system value, see the
Work Management topic. When a user's QPRTJOB gets full, the system automatically creates a new one
for the user. A separate QPRTJOB is created for each user that receives spooled les sent by the
SNDNETSPLF command. If you use the SNDNETSPLF command to send users TINA and KEVIN spooled
les, there would be jobs named 999999/KEVIN/QPRTJOB and 999999/TINA/QPRTJOB on the receiving
QPRTJOB jobs are created and used by a variety of system functions. For example:
Using the Send TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF) or SNDNETSPLF commands to send a spooled le to
another user on a different IBM i platform.
Sending a spooled le from VM or MVS
through a VM/MVS bridge to a IBM i platform.
Receiving a spooled le using TCP/IP or the line printer daemon (LPD) process.
Using the Create Spooled File (QSPCRTSP) Spool API to create a spooled le for another user.
Using the Set Prole (QWTSETP) Security API to set the user prole to a different user and then create a
new spooled le.
Other applications that are running can use the QSPCRTSP and QWTSETP APIs resulting in additional
QPRTJOB jobs on the system.
Using the UNIX SETGID API to create a spooled le for a different, current, or group user prole when
Using the UNIX SETUID API to set the user prole to a different user and then create a new spooled le
for that user.
QPRTJOB jobs continue to be reused until they have been inactive more than 24 hours. Inactive means all
spooled les for the job have been deleted and no new ones have been received for that user in more than
24 hours. The recovery is done by the system job QSPLMAINT.
Spooled le subsystem
The spooled le subsystem, QSPL, is used for processing the printer writer programs and must be active
when printer writer programs are active. The spooled le subsystem and the individual printer writer
programs can be controlled from jobs that run in other subsystems.
The Start Printer Writer (STRPRTWTR) command submits writer jobs to the job queue of the spooled le
Requests for writer jobs are placed on the QSPL job queue, and the next entry on the QSPL job queue is
selected to run if:
The number of active jobs is less than the QSPL subsystem attribute of MAXJOBS.
The number of active jobs from the QSPL job queue is less than the MAXACT attribute for the job queue.
IBM i: Spooled les
Spooled le library
The spooled le library (QSPL or QSPLxxxx, where xxxx is the number of the basic user ASP or primary
independent ASP) contains database les that are used to store data for inline data les and spooled les.
Each le in library QSPL or QSPLxxxx can have several members. Each member contains all the data for
an inline data le or spooled le.
When the spooled le is printed or deleted, its associated database member in the spooling library is
cleared of records, but not removed, so that it can be used for another inline data le or spooled le. If no
database members are available in library QSPL or QSPLxxxx, then a member is automatically created.
Having some empty spooled le members available for creating new spooled les increases system run-
time performance. However, a large number of empty spooled les can use large amounts of storage and
decrease system abnormal IPL performance. For example, each spooled le member might take 24 KB of
It is best to keep the QSPL or QSPLxxxx library small by periodically deleting old spooled les with the
DLTSPLF or CLROUTQ commands. This procedure allows database members to be used again, rather than
having to increase the size of the spooling library to accommodate new database members.
Displaying the data in the QSPL or QSPLxxxx library might prevent the data from being cleared, wasting
storage space. Any command or program used to look at a database le in the QSPL or QSPLxxxx library
must allocate the database le and member; if a writer tries to remove an allocated member after printing
is completed, it will not be able to clear the member. Because the member is not cleared, it cannot be
used for another inline data le or spooled le, and it will not be removed by setting the Automatically
clean up unused printer output storage (QRCLSPLSTG) system value or running the RCLSPLSTG command.
Saving a database le in the QSPL or QSPLxxxx library can cause more problems than displaying the data
in one member of the le because all members will be allocated a much longer time when a database le
is saved. Because restoring these les destroys present and future spooled le data, there is no reason to
save one of these les.
The QSPL or QSPLxxxx library type and authority should not be changed. The authority to the les within
QSPL or QSPLxxxx should also not be changed. The QSPL or QSPLxxxx library and the les in it are
created in a particular way so that system spooling functions can access them. Changing the library or
les could cause some system spooling functions to work incorrectly and destroys the integrity of the
spooled le security scheme.
Spooled les in independent ASPs
Spooled les can be stored in output queues that are located in independent disk pools (also known as
independent auxiliary storage pools or independent ASPs).
The creator of the spooled le must make sure the output queue to be selected is on the independent
ASP that is wanted. This can be managed several ways such as through the printer le, job attribute, job
description, or user prole.
The creator of the spooled le should make sure that a change of the name space (a set of libraries to
which a job can resolve) does not occur during the creation of the spooled le. The printer writer must be
started from a job with the independent ASP as part of its name space (job was started with INLASPGRP
set to independent ASP or user has done SETASPGRP independent ASP to get independent ASP in its
name space) in order for the printer writer to use that independent ASP and process the spooled les.
If the name space does change and the independent ASP on which the spooled le is being created gets
varied off (this occurs if a name space change was made and the reservation on the independent ASP was
gone), then put and close errors might occur. This might also cause data inaccuracies in spooled internal
information. These inaccuracies can be xed when the independent ASP is varied back on. Because the
recovery of this condition is done in a background job, users might see some inconsistencies for those
spooled les until the QSPRCxxxxx system job is able to nish the operation. If the independent ASP is
not varied off, creation of the spooled le should be able to continue without any trouble.
The QSPMNxxxxx job has the following responsibilities:
les 23
Clearing unused database members for deleted spooled les
Automatic removal of database members that have not been reused within the days specied on the
Automatically clean up unused printer output storage (QRCLSPLSTG) system value
The QSPRCxxxxx job has the following responsibility:
Moving stranded spooled les onto output queue QSPRCLOUTQ in the QRCLxxxxx library in the primary
ASP when a damaged output queue is deleted by a user
Note : There is one QSPMNxxxxx and one QSPRCxxxxx system job for each ASP group that is varied on.
If a printer writer or job ends abnormally, it might cause a spooled le or an output queue to become
unusable or to be left in an unstable state where some operations are not permitted. In such cases, you
can use the Start Spool Reclaim (STRSPLRCL) command to repair spooled les and output queues
that are left in unrecoverable states. If the STRSPLRCL command fails to repair the spooled les and
output queues, you need to vary off the independent ASP and then vary it back on again.
Spooled les placed into an independent ASP are automatically detached from the job when the job ends
and no spooled les for the job reside in the system or basic user ASPs. You should ensure that all
applications make use of the spooled le identity values JOBSYSNAME and CRTDATE, including specic
date and time, to prevent duplicate spooled le or duplicate job error messages. Note that when an
independent ASP is moved from system A to system B on a fail-over, the spooled les no longer have the
original jobs available to them (the spooled les have been detached from the job). When the spooled
les are detached, there is no operating system protection from another job starting with same identity as
a job that ran on system A.
An independent ASP cannot be varied on if it contains a spooled le that already exists on the system or
basic user disk pools (*SYSBAS). For more information, see Printing considerations in the Disk
management topic collection.
For more information about working with independent ASPs, see the Using independent disk pools topic.
The following CL commands have spooled le in independent ASP limitations related to S/36 support,
operational assistant support, and library name space.
Change Job (CHGJOB) command
Change Writer (CHGWTR) command
Copy Spooled File (CPYSPLF) command
Hold Job (HLDJOB) command
Reclaim Spool Storage (RCLSPLSTG) command
Release Job (RLSJOB) command
Work with Job (WRKJOB) command
Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command
Controlling the method of sending spooled les from list panels
By using an environment variable, you can control whether spooled les are sent using the SNDNETSPLF
OPTION(*SPLF) panels.
The default method of sending spooled les from the WRKSPLF, WRKOUTQ, and WRKJOB OPTION(*SPLF)
panels by specifying "1=Send" uses the SNDNETSPLF command. If you would prefer to use the
SNDTCPSPLF command to send spooled les from these panels, you can do that by using the
environment variable QIBM_SNDSPLF_OPT.
To change the default command for your job to be SNDTCPSPLF, enter the command:
To change the default command for the system to be SNDTCPSPLF, enter the command:
IBM i: Spooled les
The environment variable name and its value must be uppercase. If the environment variable is not found
or not set to TCP, the system defaults to use the SNDNETSPLF command from the spooled le list panels.
Related information
Send Network Spooled File (SNDNETSPLF) command
Send TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF) command
Managing spooled les
Spooled les management includes tasks such as holding a spooled le, releasing a spooled le, and
moving a spooled le.
Displaying a list of spooled les
To display a list of spooled les (printer output), use either of these methods.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
The default setting is to display all printer output associated with the current user. You can display
other printer output by clicking Actions > Include from the table.
Character-based interface
Use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command.
Displaying the contents of a spooled le
To display the contents of a spooled le (printer output), use either of these methods.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
3. Right-click the printer output le that you want to display.
4. Click Open.
Character-based interface
Use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, and then use option 5 (Display).
Notes :
1. The IBM Navigator for i interface has the additional capability to display ASCII spooled les.
2. The character-based interface has the additional capability of being able to display *LINE and *IPDS
spooled les.
Displaying messages associated with a spooled le
To display messages associated with a spooled le (printer output), use either of these methods.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
3. Right-click the printer output le that has a message.
4. Click Reply.
Character-based interface
les 25
Use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, and then use option 7 (Message).
Holding a spooled le
To temporarily prevent the spooled le (printer output) that you selected from printing, use either of these
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
3. Right-click the printer output le that you want to hold.
4. Click Hold.
5. Specify the hold options and click OK.
Character-based interface
Use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, and then use option 3 (Hold).
Note : The character–based interface has the additional capability of being able to hold all spooled les
with the same user, print device, form type, user data, or ASP with one action.
Releasing a spooled le
To release a spooled le (printer output) that is being held, use either of these methods.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
3. Right-click the printer output le that you want to release.
4. Click Release.
Character-based interface
Use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, and then use option 6 (Release).
Note : The character–based interface has the additional capability of being able to release all spooled
les with the same user, print device, form type, user data, or ASP with one action.
Moving a spooled le
To move the spooled le (printer output) from one output queue to another output queue, use either of
these methods.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
3. Right-click the printer output le that you want to move.
4. Click Move.
5. Specify the name of the printer or output queue where you want to move the printer output and click
Character-based interface
Use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, and then use option 2 (Change).
Note : The character–based interface has the additional capability of being able to change an attribute for
all spooled les with the same user, print device, form type, user data, or ASP with one action.
IBM i: Spooled les
Deleting spooled les
To delete a spooled le (printer output), use either of these methods.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
3. Right-click the printer output le that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Delete to conrm.
Character-based interface
Use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, and then use option 4 (Delete).
Note : The character–based interface has the additional capability of being able to delete all spooled les
with the same user, print device, form type, user data, or ASP with one action.
Converting a spooled le to PDF
To convert a spooled le to a PDF le, follow these steps.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Select Basic Operations from IBM Navigator for i.
2. Select Printer Output
3. Select the printer output le that you want to convert.
4. Right click or from the Select Action menu, select Export as and PDF using Infoprint Server. Then
select to output queue, to integrated le system, or to e-mail to indicate the output requested. An
IBM Infoprint Server for iSeries license is required. Another option to convert the spooled le to PDF is
available using Transform Services. See “Exporting a spooled le to your PC” on page 27.
5. Additional panels are presented depending on the output requested. Enter the appropriate information
or take the defaults and press OK.
Character-based interface
Use the Copy Spooled File (CPYSPLF) command. Use the TOFILE(*TOSTMF) parameter to indicate that
you want to copy the spooled le to a stream le. Use the TOSTMF and WSCST parameters to specify the
location and format (PDF) of the output in the stream le. The IBM Transform Services for i licensed
program must be installed.
Related tasks
Exporting a spooled le to your PC
To export a spooled le (printer output) to your PC le system where you can work with it using PC tools,
follow these steps.
Related information
Copy Spooled Files (CPYSPLF) command
Exporting a spooled le to your PC
To export a spooled le (printer output) to your PC le system where you can work with it using PC tools,
follow these steps.
Note : Using a mapped network drive and le shares on your PC, you can use this function to export
spooled les into the Integrated File System (IFS). In order to convert spooled les to Portable Document
Format (PDF), the IBM Transform Services for i licensed program (5770-TS1) must be installed.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Select Basic Operations from IBM Navigator for i.
2. Select Printer Output.
les 27
3. Select the printer output le that you want to copy to the PC.
4. Right-click or from the Select Action menu, select Export as ASCII Text to convert the spooled le to
an ASCII text le. Select Export as PDF using Transform Services and to client le system to convert
the spooled le to a PDF. Select Export as Raw to copy the spooled le to the PC with no conversion.
5. Specify whether you want to open or save the le. If you want to save the le, specify the le name and
where you want to store it. Then click Save.
Related tasks
Converting a spooled le to PDF
To convert a spooled le to a PDF le, follow these steps.
Copying a spooled le to a physical le
To copy a spooled le to a physical le, use the Copy Spooled Files (CPYSPLF) command.
The original spooled le is not affected by the copy operation and can still be printed by the printer writer
program. When copying a spooled le to a physical le, many device attributes cannot be copied.
Sending a spooled le to another user or system
To send a spooled le (printer output) to a remote system that is running TCP/IP or to another user on the
Systems Network Architecture distribution services (SNADS) network, use either of these methods.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
3. Right-click the printer output le that you want to send.
4. Click Send.
5. Click Send via TCP/IP to send the printer output to a remote system that is running TCP/IP or click
Send via SNA to send the printer output to another user on the SNADS network.
6. Specify the send options and click OK.
Character-based interface
Use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, and then use option 1 (Send) to send the
printer output to another user on the SNADS network. To send a spooled le to another user using TCP/IP,
use the Send TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF) command.
Changing attributes of a spooled le
To change a spooled le's (printer output's) attributes, use either of these methods.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
3. Right-click the printer output le that you want to change.
4. Click Properties.
5. Specify the attributes or properties that you want to change and click OK.
Character-based interface
Use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, and then use option 2 (Change).
Note : The character–based interface has the additional capability of being able to change an attribute for
all spooled les with the same user, print device, form type, user data, or ASP with one action.
IBM i: Spooled les
Restarting the printing of a spooled le
To restart printing a spooled le on a particular page, follow these steps.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations > Printer Output.
2. Right-click the printer output le for which you want to restart printing and select Properties.
3. On the General tab of the Properties window, click Restart Printing.
4. On the window that displays next, specify the page information and click OK.
Suspending one spooled le and printing another
To temporarily stop the printing of one spooled le (printer output) and start the immediate printing of
another spooled le (printer output), follow these steps.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Basic Operations.
2. Click Printer Output.
3. Right-click the printer output le that you want to begin printing next.
4. Click Print next. This printer output is moved to the top of the output queue.
5. Right-click the printer output le that is currently printing.
6. Click Hold.
7. Specify to hold At end of page and click OK. This printer output stops printing at the end of the current
page. The next printer output in the output queue starts printing.
8. Right-click the printer output le that is stopped.
9. Click Print next. This printer output is moved to the top of the output queue and will resume printing
with the page following the last page printed.
Enabling spooled le notication message
To be notied when a spooled le (printer output) completes printing or is held by the printer writer
program, you need to enable the spooled le notication function.
IBM Navigator for i
1. Expand Users and groups.
2. Click Users.
3. Right-click the user name that you want to change and select Properties.
4. On General panel, click Jobs under Additional user settings.
5. Click Display Session.
6. Select Send message to spooled le owner.
Controlling the number of spooled les
The number of spooled les on your system should be limited. When a job is completed, spooled les and
internal job control information are kept until the spooled les are printed or canceled. The number of
jobs on the system and the number of spooled les known to the system increase the amount of time
needed to perform IPL and internal searches, and increase the amount of temporary storage required.
Periodically identify spooled les that are no longer needed and delete them. For more information about
how to display a list of spooled les, see Display a list of spooled les.
You can control the number of generated job logs with the LOG and LOGOUTPUT parameters on the
Create Job Description (CRTJOBD) or Change Job (CHGJOB) commands, or with the QLOGOUTPUT
system value. For more information, see Job log pending.
les 29
You can specify the maximum number of spooled les generated by a job with the QMAXSPLF system
You can also control the number of days that joblogs and other system output stays on the system by
making use of the system cleanup function. For more information, see the Change Cleanup command.
Related tasks
Displaying a list of spooled les
To display a list of spooled les (printer output), use either of these methods.
Related information
Create Job Description (CRTJOBD) command
Change Job (CHGJOB) command
Job log pending
Change Cleanup (CHGCLNUP) command
Deleting expired spooled les
You can use the EXPDATE or DAYS parameter on the Change Printer File (CHGPRTF), Create Printer File
(CRTPRTF), Change Spooled File Attributes (CHGSPLFA), or Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF)
command to make a spooled le eligible for deletion using the Delete Expired Spooled les (DLTEXPSPLF)
For example, the following command creates a job schedule entry which causes the DLTEXPSPLF
command to delete all expired spooled les on your system every day:
Reclaiming spooled le storage
You can use the Reclaim Spool Storage (RCLSPLSTG) command or the Automatically clean up unused
printer output storage (QRCLSPLSTG) system value to reclaim spooled le storage. These are the only
allowable ways to remove spooled database members from the QSPL or QSPLxxxx libraries. Any other
way can cause severe problems.
For more information about spooled le storage, see Spooled le library.
Automatically clean up unused printer output storage (QRCLSPLSTG) system value
Use the Automatically clean up unused printer output storage (QRCLSPLSTG) system value to adjust the
desired balance between spool performance and auxiliary storage. This system value can be used to clean
up unused printer output storage on system auxiliary storage pools (ASPs), basic user ASPs and
independent ASPs. For more information see, Storage system values: Automatically clean up unused
printer output storage in the System values topic.
Note : System performance is degraded if Automatically clean up unused printer output storage
(QRCLSPLSTG) is set to 0 days.
Assume that one of your application programs had an error and it produced thousands of spooled les
that were of no value to you. When this happened those spooled les used lots of storage space on your
system. To reclaim the spool storage, complete the following tasks:
1. Change the Automatically clean up unused printer output storage (QRCLSPLSTG) system value to 1.
2. Delete all the unwanted spooled les that the application program created. Note the time of day you
deleted all the unwanted spooled les.
3. After 24 hours, provided the empty spooled le members are not reused, the system reclaims the
auxiliary storage that was being used by the empty spooled les.
4. Change the Automatically clean up unused printer output storage (QRCLSPLSTG) system value back to
its former value.
IBM i: Spooled les
Reclaim Spool Storage (RCLSPLSTG) command
Alternatively, you can immediately reclaim all empty spooled le members by using the Reclaim Spool
Storage (RCLSPLSTG) command with the DAYS parameter set to *NONE. This command can be used to
clean up unused printer output storage on system auxiliary storage pools (ASPs), basic user ASPs, and
independent ASPs.
Notes :
1. Any unused database members are deleted immediately when running the RCPLSPLSTG command
with the Days parameter set to *NONE. That means that there is no pool of unused members that can
be used when creating spooled les.
2. Lock contention can occur on output queues or spool database les, resulting in bottlenecks and
severe performance problems.
Assume that one of your application programs had an error and it produced thousands of spooled les
that were of no value to you. When this happened those spooled les used lots of storage space on your
system. To reclaim the spool storage, complete the following tasks:
1. Delete all the unwanted spooled les that the application program created.
2. Run the RCLSPLSTG command with the DAYS parameter set to *NONE. The system immediately
reclaims all auxiliary spool storage that was being used by the unwanted spooled les.
System ASP storage
You can reduce the amount of storage taken up by spooled les by moving or creating spooled les
directly into a user auxiliary storage pool (ASP) or independent ASP. You can accomplish this by specifying
*OUTQASP on the SPLFASP parameter when creating an output queue in a library that is located in the
user ASP or independent ASP.
All spooled les that you place in this output queue have the spooled le data stored in the user ASP or
independent ASP in a library QSPLxxxx, where xxxx is the user ASP or independent ASP number.
Note : For les on a user ASP, the links to the job still reside on the system ASP. If the system ASP is lost,
all spooled les in the user ASPs are lost. If a user ASP is lost, only spooled les in that user ASP are lost.
Saving and restoring spooled les
You can use the SPLFDTA parameter on the Save Library (SAVLIB), Save Object (SAVOBJ), Restore Library
(RSTLIB), and Restore Object (RSTOBJ) CL commands to save and restore spooled les without losing the
print delity, attributes, or identity of the spooled les.
To maintain 100% print delity when you restore saved spooled les, you must:
Save and restore all external resources within the libraries that they existed in when the spooled le
was created.
Make sure that the user prole (spooled le owner) exists and has the appropriate authorities to all the
external resources required for the spooled le to print, including integrated le system directories, true
type font integrated le system les, font resource objects, overlays, form denitions, page denitions,
page segments, and embedded object integrated le system les.
Make sure that the Resource Allocation Table (RAT) has the same fonts and linked fonts as when the
spooled le was created. This is only necessary for those spooled les that use true type linked fonts.
Make sure that all of the true type fonts that are used by the spooled les are in the appropriate
directories on your system.
Make sure that the environment variable QIBM_AFP_RESOURCES_PATH is set to the appropriate path
for those spooled les that use embedded objects but were not directory qualied.
Restore all embedded objects used by spooled les into the same directories that they were in when
the les were created.
les 31
When a spooled le is in the process of being saved or restored, another restore or save operation will be
blocked. The blocked operation might fail to save or restore that spooled le. A diagnostic message will
be issued when this occurs.
When a spooled le is restored, it is reattached to the original job if the original job still exists on the
system. If the original job does not exist, then the spooled le is restored in a detached state. If the
spooled le is restored in a detached state, it is possible to have more then one spooled le with the same
fully qualied job name, spooled le name, and spooled le number. Under these conditions, access to
the restored spooled le requires the user or application to include the job system name and spooled le
creation date. This enables the operating system to select the correct spooled le.
The order of spooled les that you restore is determined mainly by attributes such as the status of the le
and is not necessarily the order in which you restore them. For more information, see Order of spooled
les on an output queue.
For information about the procedures that were used to save and restore spooled les before V5R4 of
IBM i, see Save spooled les in the Systems management topic collection.
Controlling printing by spooled le size
You can use the MAXPAGES parameter on the Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) or Change Output Queue
(CHGOUTQ) command to control the printing of spooled les by size.
For example, assume that you want to restrict spooled les with more than 40 pages from printing
between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on output queue MYOUTQ. Between noon and 1 p.m. you want to allow
spooled les with 10 pages or less to print. The following command implements these restrictions:
CHGOUTQ OUTQ(MYOUTQ) MAXPAGES((40 0800 1600) (10 1200 1300))
IBM i: Spooled les
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36 IBM i: Spooled les
Product Number: 5770-SS1