A Student’s Short Guide to
Getting the Best Letters of Recommendation
Who Do I Ask?
Someone who knows you WELL!
Someone who can talk about how well you work, your character, and your abilities
Someone who you can trust to take the time and put in the effort to create a STRONG letter for you
Some good choices might be:
o Faculty Members (especially those from whom you have taken more than one course)
o Advisors (those that have worked closely with you for an extended period)
o Coaches and/or Club Sponsors (who can attest to your character, leadership skills, and response to
challenging situations)
o Supervisors in Employment, Service Learning, or Volunteer Settings (especially those who have worked
with students focused on an area of academic or career passions)
o For some scholarships/academically competitive programs the person MUST be able to speak to your
abilities as a student they MUST have taught you!
When Do I Ask?
If you are asking a school counselor or faculty member who is likely to get swamped with requests during
“recommendation season” it would be best to ask at least three to four weeks before the letter is needed. For
others, it would be most polite to give at least two weeks’ notice.
How Do I Ask?
Ask potential recommenders, “Will you be able to write me a strong letter of recommendation?” Be sensitive
to the response you get. If someone is hesitant, respect that and move on to another choice. If they feel they
would not be the best person to write a letter for you, they probably are not. If a potential recommender
suggests that you write the letter and they will sign it, get another recommender.
Do NOT ask when the person is in the middle of a crowd of other students or workers or in the middle of
handling a “hot” situation. Choose a quiet time to ask in person, or make your request in a note or via e-mail.
What Do I Provide the Recommender?
There are a number of things you can/might want to provide:
o Information about the letter’s purpose (A letter might look different if it was for a scholarship than if it
were in support of an application for a competitive business school and that might look different from one
supporting an application to art school.)
o Information about the letter’s recipient (what is the college, major, scholarship awarder, looking for in
you? What should the recommender highlight about you?)
o Due dates for the letter’s completion/receipt
o A brief resume listing your scholastic, extracurricular, employment, and community service
o A brief biography if you have compelling family or personal history details that are relevant
o Previous work samples if it has been a while since you have worked with (or studied under) the person
Two Last CRUCIAL Items
Letters that are confidential always carry more weight with the recipient. If a form allows you to waive the
right to see the letter do so!
Your recommenders have done you a favor that has taken them a serious amount of time. Be sure to
THANK THEM and follow up by letting them know if you were accepted to a program or won a
scholarship. Your thanks/news are more meaningful than you might imagine to someone willing to go the
extra mile to support you!
n order to write an effective letter of recommendation, please provide me with the following:
ame and/or title of person or office to whom the letter should be sent:
xact Address:
3. Deadline Date:
ajor and why you want to attend this college, university, graduate school, program or deserve this
scholarship, award, etc.
5. A
listjust a grocery list, nothing formalof all the good things you have done (volunteer activities, honors,
awards, outstanding projects, athletic achievements, related work, your GPA, etc) If you have a resume, then
please submit that.
6. The course or courses you took with me and the title/subject matter of one or more papers.
our name spelled exactly as you would like it to appear in the letter. Please print:
our phone number(s) and your email in case I have any questions:
9. Please indicate whether you will pick up the letter or whether it should be sent directly to the institution to
which you are applying.
0. Please indicate in your email or below that I have permission to review your transcript, GPA etc.
I ___
______________________ give __________________, permission to review my transcript,
(print your name)
GPA, etc. in order to write this letter (s)
Signature date