Rev. 6/2015
Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance Coverage paid by your employer
Class 1: All active Contract Employees of the Employer regularly working a minimum of 30 hours per
week and Contract Bus Drivers regularly working 25 hours per week, who are eligible to participate in
the Utah Retirement System, who are a citizen or permanent resident alien of the
United States.
Class 2: All active non-Contract Employees of the Employer regularly working a minimum of 30 hours
per week, who are eligible to participate in the Utah Retirement System, who are a citizen or
permanent resident alien of the United States.
Monthly Benefit
Benefit Amount
Up to 66.67% of your monthly covered earnings
$10,000 per month
Elimination Period
You must be disabled for 120 days before benefits may be payable.
Important Definitions & Features
Definition of Disability
Disability means that, solely because of a covered injury or sickness, you are unable to perform the material duties
of your regular occupation and you are unable to earn 80% or more of your indexed earnings from working in your
regular occupation. After benefits have been payable for 24 months, you are considered disabled if solely due to
your injury or sickness, you are unable to perform the material duties of any occupation for which you are (or may
reasonably become) qualified by education, training or experience, and you are unable to earn 60% or more of
your indexed earnings. We will require proof of earnings and continued disability.
Covered Earnings
Covered earnings means your wages or salary, not including bonuses, commissions and other extra compensation.
Benefit Duration
Once you qualify for benefits under this plan, you continue to receive them until the end of the benefit period
shown below, or until you no longer qualify for benefits, whichever occurs first.
Your benefit period begins on the
first day after you complete your elimination period. Should you remain disabled, your benefits continue
according to the later of your Social Security Normal Retirement Age, or the following schedule, depending
on your age at the time you become disabled.
Age at Disability
Duration of Payments
62 or Younger
Number of Months Benefits Paid
To age 65 or the date the 42
monthly benefit is payable, if later
36 30 24 21 18 15 12
Termination of Disability Benefits
Your benefits will terminate on the earliest of any of the following dates: the date the insurance company
determines you are no longer disabled; the date you earn from any occupation more than the percentage of
indexed earnings as defined in your definition of disability; the date the maximum benefit period ends; the date
you cease to get appropriate care; the date you die; the date you refuse to participate without good cause in all
required phases of the rehabilitation plan; the date you fail to cooperate with us in the administration of the claim.
Benefits may be resumed if you begin to cooperate in the rehabilitation plan within 30 days of the date benefits
Prepared for the employees of Murray City School District
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Effects of Other Income Benefits
The disability benefit provided by this plan is a total benefit; that is, it will be reduced by any disability benefits
payable on behalf of you or your dependents, or a qualified third party on behalf of you or your dependents,
whether or not you are actually receiving them.
Other income sources that may reduce your benefits under this plan include:
- Any Social Security disability or retirement benefits you or any third party receive (or are assumed to receive) on
your own behalf; or which your dependents receive (or are assumed to receive) because of your entitlement to
such benefits.
- Benefits payable by a Canadian and/or Quebec provincial pension plan.
- Amounts payable under the Railroad Retirement Act.
- Amounts payable under local, state, provincial or federal government disability or retirement plan or law as it
pertains to the employer.
- Employer-paid portion of company retirement plan benefits.
- Amounts payable by company sponsored sick leave or salary continuation plan.
- Amounts payable by any franchise or group insurance or similar plan.
- Benefits payable under work-loss provisions of any mandatory “no fault” auto insurance.
- Any amounts paid on account of loss of earnings or earning capacity through settlement, judgment, arbitration or
otherwise, where a third party may be liable, regardless of whether liability is determined.
- Amounts payable under any workers’ compensation (including temporary or permanent disability benefits),
occupational disease, and unemployment compensation. This includes damages, compromises or settlements
paid in place of such benefits, whether or not liability is admitted.
Income sources that WILL NOT reduce your benefits under this plan are:
- Benefits paid by personal, individual disability income policies.
- Individual deferred compensation agreements.
- Employee savings plans, including thrift plans, stock options or stock bonuses.
- Individual retirement funds, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.
- Profit-sharing, investment or other retirement or savings plans maintained in addition to an employer-sponsored
pension plan.
Additional Plan Details & Features
Earnings While Disabled
During the first 24 months that benefits are payable, benefits will be reduced if benefits plus income from
employment exceeds 100% of pre-disability covered earnings. After that, benefits will be reduced by 50% of
earnings from employment.
Pre-existing Conditions
Benefits are not payable for medical conditions for which you incurred expenses, took prescription drugs, received
medical treatment, care or services (including diagnostic measures,) or for which a reasonable person would have
consulted a physician during the 3 months just prior to the most recent effective date of insurance.
Benefits are not payable for any disability resulting from a pre-existing condition unless the disability occurs after
you have been insured under this plan for at least 12 months after your most recent effective date of insurance.
Limited Benefit Period
Disabilities caused by or contributed to by any one or more of the following conditions are subject to a lifetime limit
of 24 months: Anxiety-disorders, delusional (paranoid) or depressive disorders, eating disorders, mental illness,
somatoform disorders (including psychosomatic illnesses).
Benefits are payable during periods of hospital confinement for these conditions for hospitalizations lasting more
than 14 consecutive days that occur before the 24-month lifetime limit is exhausted. Once the 24-month benefits
are exhausted, the plan pays no further benefits.
Disabilities caused by or contributed to by any one or more of the following conditions are subject to a lifetime limit
of 24 months: Alcoholism, drug addiction or abuse.
Benefits are payable during periods of hospital confinement for these conditions for hospitalizations lasting more
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than 14 consecutive days that occur before the 24-month lifetime limit is exhausted. Once the 24-month benefits
are exhausted, the plan pays no further benefits.
This plan does not pay benefits for a disability which results, directly or indirectly, from any of the following:
Suicide, attempted suicide, or whenever you injure yourself on purpose; war or any act of war, whether or not
declared; active participation in a riot; commission of a felony; the revocation, restriction or non-renewal of your
license, permit or certification necessary for you to perform the duties of your occupation, unless solely due to
injury or sickness otherwise covered by the policy.
In addition, we will not pay disability benefits for any period of disability during which you are incarcerated in a
penal or corrections institution for any reason.
Plan Termination
Coverage terminates if the group policy is terminated, if you cease to be in active service, if you are no longer a
member of an eligible class of employees, the day after the last date for which premium has been paid by you or
the employer, or the date you become eligible for a plan of benefits intended to replace this coverage.
If you are disabled and receiving benefits under this plan, your benefits and coverage will continue until the
expiration of your benefit period, or until you no longer qualify for benefits under the plan, whichever comes first.
When Coverage Takes Effect
Your coverage takes effect on the later of the program’s effective date, the date you become eligible, the date we
receive your completed enrollment form, or the date you authorize any necessary payroll deductions.
If you have to submit evidence of good health, your coverage takes effect on the date we agree, in writing, to
cover you.
If you’re not actively at work on the date your coverage would otherwise take effect, you’ll be covered on the date
you return to work.
Family Survivor Benefit
If you die while receiving disability benefits, we will pay a survivor benefit based on 100% of the total of your last
month’s benefit plus the amount of any disability earnings by which this benefit had been reduced for that month.
This plan pays a single lump sum equal to 3 months of benefits. We pay this benefit directly to your lawful
spouse, or to your children in equal shares, if there is no lawful spouse. If you have no lawful spouse or children,
we pay this benefit to your estate.
Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
Once you have received disability benefits for 12 consecutive months, we will increase your benefit each year, by
3%. We will continue these increases for until the benefit period ends, whichever is earlier. (Note: COLA increases
do not affect your plan’s overall maximum or minimum benefit provisions.)
Catastrophic Disability Benefit
If you are receiving disability benefits and, due to your covered injury or sickness: (1) you are unable to perform at
least two of the following: eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, without substantial assistance, or (2)
you have cognitive impairment severe enough to require substantial supervision to protect you or others from
threats to health and safety -- you may be eligible to receive this benefit. The catastrophic disability benefit is a
monthly benefit of 20% of your monthly covered earnings, up to $5,000; 85% to Plan maximum when combined
with disability benefits, and cannot be reduced by other sources of income. We will continue these benefits for a
maximum of 60 months
This information is a brief description of the important features of the plan. It is not a contract. Terms and conditions of insurance are set forth in
Group Policy No. LK-964622. Please refer to your Certificate of Insurance or Summary Plan Description for more detailed information. Coverage
is underwritten by Life Insurance Company of North America, a Cigna company. “Cigna” and the Tree of Life logo are registered service marks of
Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. © Cigna 2015