Fangyuan Xu
, Weijia Shi
, Eunsol Choi
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Austin
University of Washington
{fangyuan,eunsol} , [email protected]
Retrieving documents and prepending them in-context at inference time improves
performance of language model (LMs) on a wide range of tasks. However, these
documents, often spanning hundreds of words, make inference substantially more
expensive. We propose compressing the retrieved documents into textual sum-
maries prior to in-context integration. This not only reduces the computational
costs but also relieves the burden of LMs to identify relevant information in long re-
trieved documents. We present two compressors – an extractive compressor which
selects useful sentences from retrieved documents and an abstractive compressor
which generates summaries by synthesizing information from multiple documents.
Both compressors are trained to improve LMs’ performance on end tasks when the
generated summaries are prepended to the LMs’ input, while keeping the summary
concise. If the retrieved documents are irrelevant to the input or offer no additional
information to LM, our compressor can return an empty string, implementing
selective augmentation. We evaluate our approach on language modeling task and
open domain question answering task. We achieve a compression rate of as low as
6% with minimal loss in performance for both tasks, significantly outperforming
the off-the-shelf summarization models. We show that our compressors trained
for one LM can transfer to other LMs on the language modeling task and provide
summaries largely faithful to the retrieved documents.
Retrieval-augmented language models (RALMs) (Khandelwal et al., 2019; Izacard et al., 2022; Lewis
et al., 2020; Borgeaud et al., 2022) have shown impressive performance on knowledge-intensive tasks
(Kwiatkowski et al., 2019; Petroni et al., 2021). Simply prepending retrieved documents to the input
without updating the language models (LMs) (Shi et al., 2023b; Ram et al., 2023; Si et al., 2022)
allows retrieval augmentation even for black-box LMs, but such approach comes with limitations.
First, it increases computational costs as LMs now encode substantially more tokens. Second, even if
we manage to adapt LMs to efficiently incorporate longer context (Beltagy et al., 2020; Zaheer et al.,
2020), these models struggle to use all information in the context, frequently missing information
placed in the middle (Liu et al., 2023). Third, prepending a large number of documents in-context
can further confuse LMs with irrelevant information, degrading model performances (Mallen et al.,
2022; Shi et al., 2023a).
To overcome such limitations, we propose RECOMP (Retrieve, Compress, Prepend), an inter-
mediate step for RALMs which compresses retrieved documents into a textual summary prior to
in-context augmentation. Figure 1 illustrates our approach. The generated summary should be concise
to maximize efficiency, be faithful to the retrieved evidence documents, and guide RALM to generate
desired outputs when prepended to the input. To satisfy both efficiency and effectiveness constraints,
our compressor strategically performs selective augmentation by generating an empty summary when
the retrieved documents are irrelevant or unhelpful for target task.
Our code is available at
arXiv:2310.04408v1 [cs.CL] 6 Oct 2023
RECOMP during inference
moved from Smyrna, Tennessee, to
Nissan's facility in Canton, Mississippi.
Early US models include X, S and
PRO-4X, with a choice of 6-speed
manual or 5-speed automatic
transmissions, a choice of [...]
moved from Smyrna, Tennessee, to
Nissan's facility in Canton, Mississippi.
Early US models include X, S and
PRO-4X, with a choice of 6-speed
manual or 5-speed automatic
transmissions, a choice of [...]
moved from Smyrna, Tennessee, to
Nissan's facility in Canton, Mississippi.
Early US models include X, S and
PRO-4X, with a choice of 6-speed
manual or 5-speed automatic
transmissions, a choice of [...]
moved from Smyrna, Tennessee, to
Nissan's facility in Canton, Mississippi.
Early US models include X, S and
PRO-4X, with a choice of 6-speed
manual or 5-speed automatic
transmissions, a choice of [...]
moved from Smyrna, Tennessee,
to Nissan's facility in Canton,
Mississippi. Early US models
include X, S and PRO-4X, with a
choice of 6-speed manual…
Retrieved documents D
(58 tokens)
Retrieve Compress Prepend
No retrieval (0 tokens)
RALM (749 tokens)
Input query x
when did they
stop making the
nissan xterra?
Figure 1: An illustration of RECOMP, which compresses retrieved documents into a texual summary
before prepending it as input to a language model at inference time. The compressed summary guides
the LM to generate the correct answer, while significantly reducing the computation costs required to
encode the documents.
We propose compressors: (1) Extractive compressor which selects relevant sentences from retrieved
document set; (2) Abstractive compressor which generates a summary synthesizing information
from multiple retrieved documents. Both compressors implement multi-document query-focused
summarization (Xu & Lapata, 2020), where we summarize retrieved evidence document set with
respect to the input query. As we aim to enable RALM to generate correct output when summary is
prepended to the input query, we design training schemes to optimize the end task performance. Our
extractive compressor is trained with a contrastive learning objective to identify sentences that lead to
target outputs, and our abstractive compressor is distilled (West et al., 2022) from an extreme-scale
LM (e.g. GPT-3), which achieves impressive summarization performance.
Our experiments show that RECOMP can improve performance of frozen LMs on language model-
ing (Merity et al., 2016) and three question answering datasets (Natural Questions (Kwiatkowski et al.,
2019), TriviaQA (Joshi et al., 2017) and HotpotQA (Yang et al., 2018)), while prepending significantly
fewer tokens compared to RALM without compression. We present two oracle compression methods
an extractive oracle which selects a sentence in evidence documents that leads to the best task
performance and an abstractive oracle which chooses between a summary generated by extreme-scale
LLM (e.g. GPT-3) and no retrieval augmentation that leads to the best task performance. Both oracle
methods achieve a compression rate as low as 6% and significantly outperforms prepending full
documents. Our trained compressors also show promising results. For language modelling, both
trained compressors achieve a compression ratio of 25% with minimal performance drop. When
applied to QA datasets, our best model compresses the documents to 5 - 10% of the original tokens
with at most less than 10% relative performance drop. We conclude with careful analyses of our
approach that reveal both its strength and weaknesses, thereby building foundation for future work.
Given an input sequence
, a target output sequence
and a set of
retrieved documents
, d
, ...d
RECOMP compresses retrieved documents
with respect to
into a summary
which captures core information in
relevant to
with significantly fewer tokens than
. Our
architecture consists of two modules: compressor
and LM
. In this work, we assume a blackbox
LM and train the compressor. Given the set of retrieved
documents (
, d
, ...d
) and the input
, a compressor returns a token sequence
. We design our compressor to be substantially
smaller than LM
, as we aim to reduce computational costs of encoding a set of retrieved documents.
The output from compressor,
, should be: (1) Concise: The summary should be as short as possible
to optimize efficiency. If the retrieved documents do not contain relevant information or retrieval
augmentation is not necessary,
can be an empty sequence. (2) Effecive: when
is prepended to
input sequence
and provided to LM
as a prompt, LM should generate the target output sequence
. (3) Faithful:
should be a faithful and interpretable summary of the input document set (i.e.,
must be entailed by the input document set (
, d
, ...d
)). We focus on training compressors
for conciseness and effectiveness. We summarize the key ideas for our two compressors, extractive
compressors and abstractive compressor here, and discuss their training schemes formally in Section 3.
Improving retriever is not the focus of this work, so we assume a set of retrieved documents are provided.
Extractive Compressor Given
, s
in the input document set (
, d
, ...d
we train a dual encoder model
which embeds sentence
and the input sequence
into fixed-
dimensional embeddings respectively. Their inner product represents how helpful it would be for the
to prepend
to the input
to generate
. The final summary
from the compressor will be a
concatenation of top N sentences ranked by their inner product with the input. As this approach is
extractive, we assume the faithfulness criteria is mostly satisfied.
Abstractive Compressor We train an encoder-decoder model
to serve as an abstractive
compressor, which takes the input sequence
and a concatenation of retrieved document set
; d
; ...d
) and output a summary
. Although we do not have human annotations to train this
model, prior work (Goyal et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2023; Potluri et al., 2023) suggests that the extreme-
scale LMs can generate good query-focused summaries when prompted carefully. Yet, using an
extreme-scale model as the compressor is not desirable as we want the compressor to be substantially
smaller than the LMs. Thus, we perform distillation (Hinton et al., 2015) of extreme-scale LMs to
build a lightweight abstractive compressor
. We do not train specifically for faithfulness, but
later manually evaluate the faithfulness in Section 6.
Our compressor resembles text summarization models in the output should be faithful to the original
input, yet the main goal is different. Instead of capturing salient information for humans readers,
compressors aim to produce a concise text that are useful for a LM on an end task. In this section,
we describe how to train the extractive compressor (§3.1) and the abstractive compressor (§3.2)
leveraging end task signals. Further training details can be found in the Appendix A.2.
As we formulate extractive compression as a ranking problem, training extractive compressor re-
sembles training a reranker for the retrieved documents
with two differences. First, our compressor
considers a different granularity of input (sentence) compared to the initial retrieval unit (paragraph).
Second, the sentence is evaluated based on whether it is useful as input for the LM
on the
downstream task (Shi et al., 2023b; Ram et al., 2023).
Input: Base LM
, Compressor
, Training data
, S
, y
is input,
= {s
is a set of
candidate sentences from the retrieved documents for
is the target answer, and score threshold ϵ.
Output: An updated extractive compressor encoder
1: T
2: for i {1, . . . , T } do
3: p
Score(M, y
, [s
; x
4: for j {1, . . . , n} do
5: L
Score(M, y
, [s
; x
]) + ϵ <
Score(M, y
, [p
; x
]) then
7: L L s
8: if |L| > 0 then
9: N
), enc
10: T T {(x
, p
, N
11: enc
= Finetune(enc
, T )
Figure 2: Learning an extractive compressor for lan-
guage modeling task.
Model We train a dual-encoder model
which encodes the input context
and the candidate sentence
We obtain an embedding of
taking the representation of the
token respectively, and compute their sim-
ilarity by calculating the inner product of
the two. We initialize our model with
the contriever checkpoint (Izacard et al.,
2021). This model consists of 110M pa-
rameters, satisfying the efficiency desider-
atum of compressor.
Training Figure 2 presents pseudocode
for training an extractive compressor with
contrastive loss for the language modeling
task. For each input query
, we iden-
tify positive and negative sentences from
retrieved documents.
For each pair of input sequence
and candidate sentences
, we measure
Recent work (Zhang et al., 2022) shows that extractive approach does not always preserve faithfulness, but
such cases are still rare compared to abstractive approaches which can easily hallucinate.
Ram et al. (2023) proposes a document reranker based on a cross-encoder model, which is a similar set-up
to our sentence selector, but less compute efficient.
Score(M, y
, [s
; x
]) = logp
(y| [s
; x
, log likelihood assigned to target output according to LM
when candidate sentence is prepended to the input. We consider the sentence with the highest
log likelihood as a positive example
(line 3). To construct negative examples
= {n
we choose up to five sentences with top contriever score that has the log likelihood lower than the
positive sentence for a threshold(line 6).
Training a compressor for QA task works similarly, but scoring will evaluate whether the LM will
generate the correct answer with summary prepended (change in line 6). Pseudo code for the QA tasks
is in Figure 6 the Appendix. We train our encoder with a contrastive loss (Karpukhin et al., 2020a),
maximizing the similarity between positive pairs
, p
and minimize negative pairs
, N
. The
training objective is to minimize log
Data For the language modeling task, we generate training data using the training split of the
Wikitext-103 dataset, selecting the top 20 sentences from the top 5 BM25 retrieved documents for
each input context
. For the QA tasks, we generate training data using the training split and consider
the top 20 sentences from the top 5 contriever-ms-marco
retrieved documents. We report detailed
statistics for the training data in Table 5 in the appendix. For each sentence from the retrieved
documents, we prepend the Wikipedia page title to it to for decontextualization.
To train an abstractive compressor, we distill the query-focused summarization ability of extreme-
scale LM by generating training dataset from it, filter the generated data, and train an encodedr
decoder model from the filtered dataset (West et al., 2022). In contrast to prior work (Jung et al.,
2023) which use intrinsic summarization metric for filtering, we use the LM’s performance on the
end task with the generated summaries prepended for filtering. Fig. 3 presents pseudo algorithm for
training the abstractive compressor.
Input: Teacher LM
, LM
, Summarization
prompt set
, Compressor
, Training
, D
, y
is input,
is the
set of retrieved document for
is the target
Output: An updated encdec
1: T
2: for i {1, . . . , T } do
3: v
4: for j {1, . . . , n} do
5: s
= Decode(M
, [p
; x
; D
6: v
= Score(M, y
, [s
; x
7: if v
> v
8: s
, v
9: v
= Score(M, y
, [x
10: if v
< v
11: T T {(x
, D
, )}
12: break
13: T T {(x
, D
, s
14: encdec
= Finetune(encdec
, T )
Figure 3: Learning an abstractive compressor for
language modeling task.
Generation From Teacher Model For the
language modeling task, we manually construct
four prompts to summarize evidence document
set (
Given an input
, a retrieved doc-
ument set
, and a prompt
to summarize the
document set with respect to the input, GPT-3.5
generates a summary (line 3).
Filtering with Critic After generating a sum-
mary for each prompt template, we select the
summary which results in the highest end task
performance for each example (
) as the tar-
get summary (line 4-8).
Score(M, y
, [s
; x
is the same as the extractive compressor above.
We then compare the end task performance with
the target summary prepended and with input
only (i.e. no retrieval) on base model
(line 6). If the end task performance gets worse
(e.g., increase in perplexity) when prepending
the summary, we set the target summary to an
empty string (line 7), otherwise we add the tar-
get summary to the training set (line 9). This
allows for selective augmentation and mitigates
the risk of prepending irrelevant documents.
The exact prompts can be found in Table 6 in A.2.
We use gpt-3.5-turbo in all our experiments.
Constructing training datasets for the question answering tasks works similarly, with the following
modifications. As summarization for the question answering task is more straightforward, we use a
single prompt for each dataset. We filter out examples where prepending the summary does not lead
to performance improvement. Pseudo code for the QA tasks is in Figure 7 in the Appendix.
Model & Training We use encoder-decoder LM (775M), initialized from T5-large checkpoint (Raf-
fel et al., 2020). This model has been trained with summarization datasets (Hermann et al., 2015).
Data We summarize top 5 retrieved documents for both language modeling and question answering
tasks. We generate training examples using 2% of the training set for the Wikitext-103 dataset. We
generate training examples from the entire NQ training set and TriviaQA training set. For HotpotQA,
we only generate summaries for the training data where the gold answer is in the retrieved documents
(56% of the training data) to reduce API costs. We report percentage of data filtered and percentage
of empty summaries in Table 5 in A.1.
We evaluate our approach on language modeling and open-domain QA following prior work (Shi
et al., 2023b; Ram et al., 2023). For both tasks, we report the task performance as a measure of
effectiveness and the number of tokens provided in context as a measure of efficiency.
We evaluate language modeling perplexity on WikiText-103 (Merity et al., 2016) benchmark on
three open-sourced LMs of varying scale: GPT2 (117M), GPT2-XL (1.5B; Radford et al. (2019))
and GPT-J (6B; Wang & Komatsuzaki (2021)). We train our compressors using GPT2 as the base
model and evaluate whether the trained compressor transfer to GPT2-XL and GPT-J. We use the
BM25 retriever (Robertson & Zaragoza, 2009) to retrieve from the Wikipedia corpus from Dec. 20,
2018 (Karpukhin et al., 2020a). The articles are then truncated into non-overlapping documents of
100 words. During retrieval, articles containing the input sequence
is removed from the corpus to
prevent data contamination. Following Ram et al. (2023), we perform retrieval every 32 tokens.
Datasets We evaluate our model on three benchmark dataset: Natural Questions (NQ) (Kwiatkowski
et al., 2019), TriviaQA (Joshi et al., 2017)) and HotpotQA (Yang et al., 2018). We report results on
development set of NQ, test set of TriviaQA and randomly sampled 500 examples from HotpotQA
development set. We report Exact Match (EM) and F1token-level F1 of answer strings to measure
end task performance.
Base Language Models & Retrieval Corpus We use Flan-UL2 (20B)(Chung et al., 2022), a large
scale instruction-tuned LM. We use contriever model trained on MS MARCO dataset (Campos et al.,
2016) as a retriever on Wikipedia corpus from Dec. 20, 2018 for all three datasets. The articles are
truncated into non-overlapping documents of 100 words.
Prompt Format We include few-shot in-context examples in the prompt, followed by the retrieved
documents and the question. We use five randomly sampled training examples as in-context examples,
which constitutes 110, 147, and 149 tokens on average for NQ, TQA and HotpotQA respectively.
For retrieved documents, we concatenate them in ascending order of retrieval score, with the highest
scored document closest to the question (Si et al., 2022). We do not include the retrieved documents
for in-context examples as it did not improve performance. An example input can be found in
Appendix Table 7.
Baselines We first consider two heuristic token and phrase-level compression methods: BoW,
which converts the retrieved documents to a list of ordered unigram and concatenates them together
Table 1: Results on language modeling task. We report results on GPT-2, GPT2-XL and GPT-J with
compressors trained with GPT-2.
In-Domain Out-Domain
GPT2 (117M) GPT2-XL (1.5B) GPT-J (6B)
In-context Evidence # tokens PPL # tokens PPL # tokens PPL
- 0 37.84 0 19.89 0 11.44
RALM without compression
Top 1 document 141 32.90 14 17.86 141 10.57
Top 5 documents 512 35.53 - - - -
Phrase/token level compression
Top 1 document (BoW) 66 36.13 66 18.85 66 10.97
Top 1 document (NE) 34 37.23 33 19.67 33 11.39
Extractive compression of Top 5 documents (select top 1 sentence)
Oracle 32 30.36 32 16.58 31 9.92
Oracle (w/ gpt2) 32 30.36 32 16.99 32 10.22
Random 27 36.98 27 19.55 27 11.32
BM25 33 36.63 33 19.02 33 11.08
Contriever 33 35.54 33 18.98 33 11.05
Ours (init. w/ Contriever) 31 33.67 31 18.19 31 10.73
Abstractive compression of Top 5 documents
Oracle 68 30.67 66 16.87 65 10.10
Oracle (w/ gpt2) 68 30.67 68 17.23 68 10.37
GPT-3.5 33 34.84 33 18.70 33 10.96
T5 15 37.80 15 19.92 15 11.5
Ours (init. w/ T5) 15 33.64 15 18.09 15 10.66
and Named Entities (NE), which extracts a list of ordered named entities from retrieved documents
and concatenates them. For the extractive compressor on the language modeling task, we use BM25
and Contriever Izacard et al. (2021), which rank the sentences by their similarity to the input
baselines. For the QA datasets, we report results using BM25, Contriever finetuned on MS MARCO
and DPR (Karpukhin et al., 2020b) fine-tuned on NQ. We also report a Random baseline which
randomly selects a sentence from the retrieved documents. For abstractive compression, we report
the performance of the off-the-shelf T5 (large, 770M) model and that of GPT-3.5 model. As we
experimented with multiple prompts for the language modeling task, we report the performance of
the summaries generated by GPT-3.5 model with the best single prompt.
Oracle We explore the performance upper bound of compressioin by considering two oracle
approaches. For the extractive approach, we construct oracle compressor by considering all sentences
in the evidence document set and choosing the sentence that leads to the best end task performance
(i.e., lowest perplexity or highest answer accuracy) for each example. For the abstractive approach,
we consider summaries generated from different prompts (
in Figure 3) and empty summary,
and choose the one that leads to the best end task performance. As oracle compression is model
dependent, we also report model-independent results by always using GPT-2 as a reference LM
(Oracle w/ gpt2) to test how well oracle sentences for one model transfer to other models for the
language modeling task.
Language modeling Table 1 reports the results on language modeling task. All retrieval augmen-
tation methods improve perplexity over no retrieval setting across three LMs. Heuristic token /
phrase-level compression methods (BoW and NE) are worse than prepending uncompressed docu-
ments, potentially due to the disfluency of the prepended text.
Both oracle settings show substantial gain over prepending the entire document set, with only 6-13%
of tokens. More tokens are not always better: prepending top 1 document outperforms prepending
top 5 documents. This confirms that the naive retrieve-and-prepend approach has a significant room
for improvement, as prepending irrelevant documents can hurt performances.
Table 2: Open-domain QA results with Flan-UL2 (20B) as the LM M. We report number of tokens
provided as in-context evidence document, excluding the in-context examples. We train separate
compressors (one extractive, one abstractive) for each dataset. Extractive compressor selects one
sentence for NQ/TQA, and two sentences for HotpotQA.
In-Context evidence # tok EM F1 # tok EM F1 # tok EM F1
- 0 21.99 29.38 0 49.33 54.85 0 17.80 26.10
RALM without compression
Top 1 documents 132 33.07 41.45 136 57.84 64.94 138 28.80 40.58
Top 5 documents 660 39.39 48.28 677 62.37 70.09 684 32.80 43.90
Phrase/token level compression
Top 5 documents (NE) 338 23.60 31.02 128 54.96 61.19 157 22.20 31.89
Top 5 documents (BoW) 450 28.48 36.84 259 58.16 65.15 255 25.60 36.00
Extractive compression of top 5 documents
Oracle 34 60.22 64.25 32 79.29 82.06 70 41.80 51.07
Random 32 23.27 31.09 31 50.18 56.24 61 21.00 29.86
BM25 36 25.82 33.63 37 54.67 61.19 74 26.80 38.02
DPR 39 34.32 43.38 41 56.58 62.96 78 27.40 38.15
Contriever 36 30.06 31.92 40 53.67 60.01 78 28.60 39.48
Ours 37 36.57 44.22 38 58.99 65.26 75 30.40 40.14
Abstractive compression of top 5 documents
Oracle 51 45.68 53.66 37 71.01 76.38 102 35.80 46.25
GPT-3.5 56 37.12 46.35 41 62.03 69.66 107 31.60 42.65
T5 10 25.90 34.63 7 55.18 62.34 7 23.20 33.19
Ours 36 37.04 45.47 32 58.68 66.34 64 28.20 37.91
Our trained extractive compressor significantly outperforms other extractive baselines (Contriever
and BM25) across all three LMs, while prepending slightly fewer tokens. Comparing to prepending
one document, we achieve a compression ratio of 25% at minimum performance drop. Our trained
abstractive compressor performs the best across the board, achieving the lowest perplexity and
the highest compression ratio. Our abstractive compressor achieves high compression rate through
selective augmentation, prepending summaries to only 33% of examples (length distribution of
generated summaries in Fig. 8).
Open-domain QA We report the results on QA tasks in Table 2. Similar to the language modeling
task, all retrieval augmentation methods improve performance over no retrieval setting, across three
datasets, consistent with previous study on other LMs (Shi et al., 2023b; Mallen et al., 2022; Si
et al., 2022). Unlike language modeling, prepending five documents shows significant gains over
prepending a single document, motivating the use of compression to incorporate more documents.
We find that extractive oracle outperforms the abstractive one in all datasets. Extractive oracle
selects the best one from
candidate sentences, while abstractive oracle selects from two options
prepending GPT-3.5 summary or prepending nothing. Both oracles show improvements over
prepending all information, suggesting that removing irrelevant information benefit the model.
Among extractive baselines, DPR performs the best as it has been fine-tuned on high-quality NQ data.
On NQ, selecting the top 1 DPR ranked sentences from top 5 documents outperforms prepending
top 1 document, with much fewer tokens (39 vs. 132). However, its performance degrades in out of
domain datasets. Off-the-shelf summarization model (T5) boasts the highest level of compression,
achieving 4-6 points gains in EM while adding mere 7-10 tokens.
The trained compressors, both extractive and abstractive, shows promising performances. On NQ
and TQA, the abstractive approach is more effective. On NQ, it achieves a compression ratio of 5%
tokens while losing 2 EM points compared to prepending full documents. On TQA, we observe
similar trends, compression ratio of 5% tokens while losing 3.7 EM points compared to prepending
full sets of documents. On HotpotQA that requires multihop understanding of documents, we
We provide an example where our compressed summary yields correct answer while prepending full
document does not in Table 9 in the appendix.
find extractive approach to be more helpful, achieving 11% compression rate while losing 2.4 EM
points compared to prepending full documents. We find that learning an abstractive compressor
for more complex tasks, such as HotpotQA, demands further study. While extreme-scale LLM
boasts competitive summarization performance under single document setting, they are not good at
synthesizing information from multiple documents (Shaib et al. (2023) and hallucinate more often;
See Section 6 for further analysis).
Transferring Across Different LMs One benefit of textual summary is that they can transfer to
other LMs, unlike approaches such as soft prompts (Wingate et al., 2022; Chevalier et al., 2023;
Mu et al., 2023). We evaluate whether our compressors trained to achieve high performance with
respect to a specific LM (GPT2 for language modeling, FlanUL2 for open domain QA) can transfer
to other LMs. For language modeling, we find that trained compressor transfers well to other LMs
(GPT2-XL and GPT-J), despite they are much larger LMs (Table 1. For open domain QA, we tested
transferring our compressors to LLaMA-13B (Touvron et al., 2023) model. The results can be found
in Table 10 in the appendix. Overall, the performance is worse than the LM from which compressors
are trained on, sometimes unable to outperform other compression baselines (e.g., no clear gain
from using contriever vs. our trained contriever on TQA/HotpotQA), leaving considerable gap to the
oracle compressions for LLAMA itself. Yet, on NQ/TQA, our compressor obtains 5% compression
ratio with less than 5 EM drop compared to full document setting, showing the robustness of our
retrieve-compress-prepend paradigm.
Figure 4: Histogram of abstractive sum-
mary length (# tokens) distribution.
How do the length of the summaries vary? Can the
learned compressor reliably determine when LMs require
retrieved documents or not? As retrieved documents were
hurting the model performances for some input queries,
4-24% of training examples for abstractive compressors
contain empty summary. Fig. 4 presents the length distri-
bution of abstractive summaries on NQ and Wikitext (his-
tograms for other datasets is in Fig. 8 in the appendix). The
input document lengths do not vary significantly across
examples, yet we find the abstractive summary vary significantly in length, suggesting abstractive
compressor enables selective retrieval augmentation. We have not experimented selective compres-
sion with extractive compressor, fixing the number of prepended sentences for the entire dataset
(1 for Wikitext, 1 for NQ/TQA, 2 for HotpotQA). Allowing adaptive augmentation with extractive
summarizer can be a promising direction for future work.
Table 3: Analysis on in-context evidence to answer
questions in NQ dev set. For the last column, we
report how frequently model copies from its evi-
dence on (1) a subset where gold answer is in the
evidence document / (2) when it is not.
Evidence EM %Gold in Evi. %Pred in Evi.
Top 1 33.1 36 92 / 51
Top 5 39.3 57 96 / 81
NE 26.0 46 84 / 48
Oracle sent 60.2 34 93 / 16
Contriever 30.2 25 88 / 36
Ours 36.6 28 90 / 33
GPT-3.5 37.1 45 98 / 85
T5 25.9 30 52 / 20
Ours 37.0 34 98 / 39
How does model leverage the in-context doc-
uments? We evaluate whether retrieval aug-
mented LMs tend to copy answers verbatim
from in-context evidence documents or generate
answers not present in the documents. This is an
desired behavior only when the gold answer is
in the evidence. We first report how frequently
a gold answer span is present in evidence text
(% Gold in Evi). As expected, full documents
contain the answer most frequently, followed
by NE and GPT-3. However, having more gold
answers in the evidence doesn’t equate to better
performance, as the model cannot always iden-
tify the correct answer from the evidence (84 %
for NE v.s. 98% for T5(ours)).
We also observe that model can be easily dis-
tracted by irrelevant contexts, copying from a
document span even when it does not contain
gold answer, echoing findings from prior work (Shi et al., 2023a). Prepending top 5 documents has
a higher frequency (81%) of copying incorrectly compared to top 1 document (51%), and GPT-3
compression leads to an even higher incorrect copying frequency (85%), potentially as query-focused
summarization generates sentences that seemingly contains the answer. Our compressor successfully
reduce such erroneous behavior to 39%.
Is generated summary faithful and comprehensive? We (the authors) manually evaluate outputs
of the abstractive compressors on two axes (Chen et al., 2023): Faithfulness: whether the summary
can be entailed by the retrieved documents, Comprehensiveness: whether the summary contains
sufficient information to answer the question, regardless of whether the generated information comes
from the retrieved documents. For both, we select one of three labels: Yes, Partially, No, and report
the % of Useful summaries which are both faithful and comprehensive. Annotation sample can
be found in Table 11 in the appendix. We evaluate the summaries generated by GPT-3.5 and our
abstractive compressor. We randomly sample 30 non-empty summaries from the test set.
Table 4: Manual analysis on abstractive summaries generated
for NQ, TQA and HotpotQA (HQA) dataset.
Dataset Model
% Faithful % Compre.
% Use.
GPT-3.5 90 0 10 97 0 3 83
Ours 80 13 7 100 0 0 80
GPT-3.5 97 0 3 90 0 10 83
Ours 83 3 14 96 0 4 77
GPT-3.5 74 0 26 78 0 22 50
Ours 67 0 33 74 0 26 40
Table 4 presents annotation results.
GPT-3.5, substantially bigger than
our compressor, generates more use-
ful summary across all three datasets.
Overall, our abstractive compressors
were less faithful compared to the
original GPT-3.5, while improving
comprehensiveness. The effectiveness
of summarization also depends on the
datasets – summaries from both mod-
els were the most faithful for TQA
and the least faithful for HotpotQA
dataset. In terms of comprehensive-
ness, we find both models easily find the information for NQ, but struggle with HotpotQA. These
results partially explain why the performance gain was limited for HotpotQA.
Efficient RALM He et al. (2021) improves efficiency of RALMs by improving retrieval compo-
nents, such as data store compression, dimensionality reduction for neural retriever. A line of work
also introduces reducing retrieval frequency through selective retrieval (He et al., 2021; Mallen et al.,
2022) or using a larger stride (Martins et al., 2022). In this work, we improve efficiency of RALM by
compressing retrieved documents into a concise summary or an empty sequence, facilitating selective
retrieval augmentation.
Prompt Compression Recent work (Wingate et al., 2022; Chevalier et al., 2023; Mu et al., 2023)
proposes compressing long contexts into summary vectors (soft prompts) that can be used by LMs,
rather than shorter textual summaries. Such soft prompts can serve as efficient replacements for
plain-text demonstrations, minimizing the computational costs during inference. Another related line
of work proposes context distillation (Snell et al., 2022; Choi et al., 2022; Padmanabhan et al., 2023),
which injects the prepended context into the parameters of an LM. Compared to above approaches,
our approach yields more interpretable textual summary that can transfer across different LMs, and
can be applied to black box LMs without requiring gradient updates. Prior work has studied textual
compression for other tasks, such as political fact checking (Chen et al., 2023) and instruction
learning (Yin et al., 2023).
Distillation / Goal Oriented Summarization Recent work introduces symbolic knowledge distil-
lation (West et al., 2022), which transfers knowledge from a teacher model by generating a training
dataset with the teacher model and train a student model on it. For better performance, they introduce
critic criteria, which filter undesirable examples from generated training dataset. Such distillation
technique has been applied for various applications including summarization (Jung et al., 2023),
which aims to generate high quality summaries while we optimize for generating effective summary
for downstream LMs. One work that is similar to our setting is Hsu & Tan (2021) which trains an
extractive summarization model to optimize for prediction accuracy of a sentiment prediction model
based on the summary.
We introduce RECOMP, a method which compresses retrieved documents into textual summaries
before prepending them to improve in-context retrieval augmented language models. We present
two compression models an extractive compressor and an abstractive compressor. We design a
training scheme which leverages end task signals from a blackbox LM to generate useful summaries
and allowing the compression models to perform selective augmentation. Our experiments show that
our compressors can improve the efficiency of retrieval augmented LMs significantly with minimal
drop in performances.
We thank the members of the UT and UW NLP community for feedback on the project. We especially
thank Alisa Liu, Junyi Jessy Li and Greg Durrett for providing comments on the draft. The project is
partially funded by NSF grant (IIS-2312948).
We use commercial language model to generate training data for our compressors, which might
include factual error. We conduct careful human evaluation on the data generated and present our
analysis in the paper.
We release our codes, prompt, and data generated with API access publicly.
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Figure 5: We report the data distribution on NQ dev set, TriviaQA dev set and HotpotQA dev
set comparing the end task performance when prepending the oracle compression method (oracle
sentence or GPT-3 summaries) and when not prepending anything for the base model (Flan-UL2).
We report the statistics of the data used to train compressors in Table 5. We use SpaCy (Honnibal
et al., 2020) to extract named entities.
Extractive Data Generation We generate data using the training data for the four datasets we
tested (Wikitext, NQ, TQA and HotpotQA). We use the NLTK package to perform sentence splitting.
We remove examples without any negatives.
Abstractive Data Generation We report prompt used to generate summaries in Table 8. We
queried the Open AI API with temperature of 0.7 and top p = 1. For the language modeling task,
we use an ensemble of four prompts and choose the one which leads to the lowest perplexity as the
target. If none of the summaries lead to perplexity decrease, we treat an empty summary as target.
We queried the OpenAI API with temperature of 0.7 and top p = 1. We generate four summaries per
example for randomly sampled 2% of the training data (48,013 examples).
Extractive Compressor For language modeling, we use the contriever checkpoint
trained with
unsupervised data. For the QA tasks, we use the contriever checkpoint fine-tuned on the MSMARCO
task (Campos et al., 2016)
, following prior work (Si et al., 2022; Shi et al., 2023b). We implement
the model using the Transformers (Wolf et al., 2019) and the sentence-transformer library (Reimers
& Gurevych, 2019). We train with Adam optimizer (Kingma & Ba, 2014), using a batch size of 64,
learning rate of 2e-5 and 1000 warmup steps for 3 epochs. We report results on the model with the
best reranked perplexity on our validation set for the language modeling task and the best reranked
accuracy for the QA tasks.
Input: Base LM
, Compressor encoder
, Training data
, S
, y
is input,
= {s
is a set of candidate sentences from the retrieved document for x
, y
is the target answer.
Output: An updated extractive compressor encoder enc
1: T
2: for i {1, . . . , T } do
3: p
Score(M, y
, [s
; x
4: for j {1, . . . , n} do
5: L
6: if Score(M, y
, [s
; x
]) < Score(M, y
, [p
; x
]) then
7: L L s
8: if |L| > 0 then
9: N
), enc
10: T T {(x
, p
, N
11: enc
= Finetune(enc
, T )
Figure 6: Learning an extractive compressor for QA task. The Score here is the exact match between
the decoded answer and the gold answers.
Input: Teacher LM
, Base LM
, Summarization prompt
, Compressor
, Training data
, D
, y
where x
is input, D
is the set of retrieved document for x
, y
is the target answer.
Output: An updated encdec
1: T
2: for i {1, . . . , T } do
3: s
= Decode(M
, [p; x
; D
4: v
= Score(M, y
, [s
; x
5: v
= Score(M, y
, [x
6: if v
< v
7: T T {(x
, D
, )}
8: break
9: T T {(x
, D
, s
10: encdec
= Finetune(encdec
, T )
Figure 7: Learning an abstractive compressor for QA task. The Score here is the exact match between
the decoded answer and the gold answers.
Table 5: Training data statistics for abstractive and extractive compressors.
Extractive Abstractive
Train Validation % filtered |N | Train Validation % filtered % empty
NQ 42,149 9,769 46 4.44 39,466 4,931 50 25
TQA 70,032 8,753 56 4.37 48,322 5,887 32 16
HotpotQA 24,526 3,068 69 4.33 26,556 2,937 42 4
Wikitext 1,398,318 1,5483 41 4.04 38,410 9,603 0 24
Figure 8: Histogram of abstractive summary length (# tokens) distribution for testing data of NQ,TQA,
HotpotQA and Wikitext.
Abstractive Compressor We implement the model using the Transformers (Wolf et al., 2019). We
train abstractive summarizer with Adam optimizer (Kingma & Ba, 2014), using a batch size of 16,
learning rate of 1e-5 and 1000 warmup steps for 3 epochs.
Table 6: Example abstractive and extractive compression on wikitext-103 dev set and NQ.
Wikitext-103 Input
Original Top 1 document
present in most of
the Mediterranean
Sea, only missing
from the section east
of Crete, and along
only the north @-@
west coast of the
Black Sea
Sea of Crete” Sea of Crete The Sea of Crete (, ””Kritiko Pelagos””) or Cretan Sea, is a sea, part of the Aegean Sea, located in
its Southern extremity. The sea stretches to the North of the island of Crete, East of the islands of Kythera and Antikythera,
South of the Cyclades, and West of the Dodecanese islands of Rhodes, Karpathos and Kassos. The bounding sea to the
West is the Ionian Sea. To the Northwest is the Myrtoan Sea, a subdivision of the Mediterranean Sea that lies between the
Cyclades and Peloponnese. To the East-SE is the rest of the Mediterranean Sea,
Method Compressed document
present Mediterranean Sea missing section east Crete along north west coast Black The Kritiko Pelagos Cretan sea part
Aegean located Southern extremity stretches North island East islands Kythera Antikythera South Cyclades West Dodecanese
Rhodes Karpathos Kassos bounding Ionian To Northwest Myrtoan subdivision lies Peloponnese SE rest
Kythera the Aegean Sea the Ionian Sea Crete Southern South Rhodes the Myrtoan Sea Cretan Sea Antikythera Dodecanese
Kassos Karpathos West the Black Sea & Sea of Crete Peloponnese the Mediterranean Sea Cyclades
Extractive compres-
To the Northwest is the Myrtoan Sea, a subdivision of the Mediterranean Sea that lies between the Cyclades and Peloponnese.
NQ Input Original Top 5 document
who got the first no-
bel prize in physics
receive a diploma, a medal and a document confirming the prize amount. Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics
() is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding
contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in
1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize,
and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The first Nobel Prize in Physics was
science, Ernest Lawrence won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939. Lars Onsager won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. Christian B. Anfinsen won the Nobel
Prize for chemistry in 1972. Ivar Giaever won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1973. Carl Richard Hagen is noted for his work in
physics. In engineering, Clayton Jacobson II is credited with the invention of the modern personal watercraft. Ole Singstad
was a pioneer of underwater tunnels. Ole Evinrude invented the first outboard motor with practical commercial application,
recognizable today Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics () is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is
one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the
Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The
first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to physicist Wilhelm R00f6ntgen in recognition of the extraordinary services he
was also awarded the Abel prize. In addition, eight
have gone on to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics: Claude
Cohen-Tannoudji, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Albert Fert, Alfred Kastler, Gabriel Lippmann, Louis N
00e9el, Jean Baptiste Perrin and Serge Haroche, while other ENS physicists include such major figures as Paul Langevin,
famous for developing Langevin dynamics and the Langevin equation. Alumnus Paul Sabatier won the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry. A ranking of universities worldwide based on ratios of alumni to Nobel prize-winners published in 2016 by
American scholars Stephen Hsu and Jonathan Wai placed ENS as the first university worldwide, far
rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays (or x-rays). This award is administered by the Nobel Foundation and
widely regarded as the most prestigious award that a scientist can receive in physics. It is presented in Stockholm at an
annual ceremony on 10 December, the anniversary of Nobel’s death. Through 2018, a total of 209 individuals have been
awarded the prize. Only three women (1.4% of laureates) have won the Nobel Prize in Physics: Marie Curie in 1903, Maria
Goeppert Mayer in 1963, and Donna Strickland in 2018. Alfred Nobel, in his last will and testament, stated that his
Method Compressed document
T5 Wilhelm R
ontgen received the first Nobel Prize in Physics in recognition of his extraordinary services. It is one of the five
Nobel Prizes established by Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901.
The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to physicist Wilhelm R
ontgen in 1901 for his discovery of the remarkable rays
(or x-rays). Since then, 209 individuals have been awarded the prize, with only three women (1.4% of laureates) having won
Table 7: Example input to the Flan-UL2 for NQ with in-context examples and retrieved documents.
Dataset Prompts
NQ who won a million on deal or no deal Answer: Tomorrow Rodriguez
who is the woman washing the car in cool hand luke Answer: Joy Harmon
who is the actor that plays ragnar on vikings Answer: Travis Fimmel
who said it’s better to have loved and lost Answer: Alfred , Lord Tennyson
name the first indian woman to be crowned as miss world Answer: Reita Faria
Retrieved Docs
Table 8: Prompts used to generated summaries from GPT-3.5-turbo.
represent the
actual input query and retrieved documents.
Dataset Prompts
Compress the information in the retrieved documents into a 2-sentence summary that
could be used to answer the question: Question:
Retrieved documents:
Compressed documents:
Compress the information in the retrieved documents into a 2-sentence summary that
could be used to answer the question: Question:
Retrieved documents:
Compressed documents:
Source documents:
Generate a reasoning chain to answer the
Generate the next two sentences of the given query using the information from the
provided documents. \nSource Documents: docs \nQuery: query \n
Select sentences from the retrieved docs that are most likely be in the next sen-
tence.\nSource Documents: docs \nQuery: query\n
Generate the next one sentence of the given query using the information from the
provided documents\nSource Documents: docs \nQuery: query \n
Summarize the information from the provided documents
Source Documents:
\nQuery: query\n
Table 9: Case study of how compressing the retrieved documents helps the model to identify the right
answer from NQ dev set.
Question: host of the late show who was once a correspondent for the daily show.
Gold answer: Stephen Colbert
Type In-context documents Predicted Answers
None Chelsea Handler
Top 5
by Conan O
Brien, in 2009. Leno explained that he did not want to see a repeat of the hard
feelings and controversy that occurred when he was given the show over David Letterman
following Carson
s retirement in 1992. O
s last ”Late Night” episode was taped on
February 20, 2009. Former Saturday Night Live alum Jimmy Fallon took over as host of
”Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” on March 2, 2009. The Colbert Report that aired four days a
week on Comedy Central from October 17, 2005, was hosted by Stephen Colbert, one of the
regulars on Comedy Central
s The Daily season as host began with a notable interview with
former British prime minister Tony Blair. The live interview occurred the night before a book
signing at Eason’s which attracted international attention when Blair was pelted with shoes
and eggs and successfully evaded an attempted citizen’s arrest on charges of war crimes. On
1 February 2013, Pat Kenny returned to host that night’s edition when Tubridy’s father died.
In 2015, Tubridy’s tone and choice of questions when interviewing Anti-Austerity Alliance
TD Paul Murphy in relation to the campaign against the implementation of a water tax was
much criticised. Opponents of the ’Michigan, interviewing Eminem. Colbert has been given
near-full control of the show, with little interference from CBS management in regard to
format. Colbert brought most of his staff from ”The Colbert Report” with him to ”The Late
Show”, as well as outsiders such as Brian Stack, who is best known for his work on Conan
s programs, and Jon Stewart, former host of Colbert
s previous sister program ”The
Daily Show”, who is credited as executive producer. Colbert no longer uses the character he
had portrayed on ”The Colbert Report”, jokingly remarking to Jeb Bush that ”I used to play
a Show” has had three regular hosts: Gay Byrne, Pat Kenny and Ryan Tubridy. Frank Hall
deputised for Byrne for one season in the 1960s. There have been at least four occasions on
which another presenter has hosted the show. The first was when Byrne became unexpectedly
and seriously ill. Frequent panelist Ted Bonner presented instead. The second time was
towards the end of a show about feminism, when Byrne ushered a young Marian Finucane
into his seat to present the remainder of the show. On another occasion, radio broadcaster
and former news reader Andy O
Mahony replaced Byrne for an interview popular acclaim.
Colbert would host the program until he was chosen to replace David Letterman as host of
s ”Late Show” in 2015. Ed Helms, a former correspondent from 2002 to 2006, also
starred on NBC
s ”The Office” and was a main character in the 2009 hit ”The Hangover”.
After filling in as host during Stewart
s two-month absence in the summer of 2013, John Oliver
went on to host his own show on HBO, ”Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”. In 2016,
former correspondent Samantha Bee launched her own late-night talk show ”Full Frontal
with Samantha Bee”. Bee
s husband Jason
Samantha Bee
Former Daily Show correspondent Stephen Colbert was chosen to replace David Letterman
as host of CBS’s ”Late Show” in 2015, while Ed Helms, a former correspondent from 2002
to 2006, also starred on NBC’s ”The Office” and John Oliver, who filled in as host during Jon
Stewart’s absence in 2013, went on to host his own show on HBO.
T5 (ours)
Stephen Colbert was a former correspondent for The Daily Show and later became host
of CBS’s ”Late Show” in 2015. He has since brought most of his staff from ”The Colbert
Report” with him to ”The Late Show”, with little interference from CBS management in
regard to format.
Stephen Colbert
Table 10: Open-domain QA results on LLaMA-13B. We report the results of oracle compressions
with Flan-UL2, the base model for the compressors, (Oracle w/ FLAN) and the oracle compression
results for LLaMA-13B.
In-context evidence # tok EM F1 # tok EM F1 # tok EM F1
- 0 30.89 40.73 0 65.00 71.18 0 24.20 34.50
RALM without compression
Top 1 document 132 33.35 43.13 136 66.62 73.10 138 34.40 44.17
Top 5 documents 660 37.04 47.60 667 70.61 77.51 684 37.00 47.11
Phrase / token level compression
Top 5 documents (BoW) 450 33.05 43.36 259 66.59 73.40 255 30.00 39.13
Top 5 documents (NE) 338 34.60 44.91 128 65.88 72.59 157 29.20 37.93
Extractive compression of top 5 documents
Oracle 31 56.62 68.89 31 84.61 80.46 69 42.20 51.34
Oracle (w/ FLAN) 34 40.89 50.06 32 68.52 74.96 70 35.20 45.13
Random 32 30.33 39.85 31 62.80 69.25 61 27.40 36.27
Contriever 36 32.52 42.01 40 65.88 72.44 78 34.60 43.99
Ours (init. w/ Contriever) 37 34.38 44.15 38 65.28 71.85 75 33.20 42.88
Abstractive compression of top 5 documents
Oracle 50 45.60 84.87 38 74.37 79.83 98 41.40 51.54
Oracle (w/ FLAN) 51 38.98 49.40 37 69.86 76.46 102 35.40 46.17
T5 10 33.38 43.54 7 63.18 70.92 7 30.40 40.60
Ours (init. w/ T5) 36 36.32 46.10 32 66.27 73.12 81 30.80 40.61
Table 11: Example summaries and their manual analysis labels. See Table 12 for more example.
Dataset Model Query, Passages and Summary Evaluation
NQ Ours Question: when will miraculous ladybug season 2 episode 12 come out
Passages: 2016 on TVNZ’s TV2. In Japan, Disney Channel streamed the episode ”Stormy
Weather” through its mobile application on 1 July 2018, before the official premiere on 23
July in the same year. The second season premiere is scheduled for a global launch around
September–November 2017 in Europe, At a panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2017, it was
announced that the second season would have its North American release on Netflix in
December 2017, with 13 episodes to be released. KidsClick will start airing season 2 of this
show in the US starting 30 August 2018, marking the first time that Korea on 1 September
2015 on EBS1. In the United States, the series debuted on Nickelodeon on 6 December. In
the United Kingdom and Ireland, the show premiered on 30 January 2016 on Disney Channel.
A Christmas special was released in 2016 and the second season premiered in French on
TF1 and in English on Disney Channel UK in 2017. Netflix acquired the U.S. video-on-
demand streaming rights and further seasons are in production. Set in modern-day Paris, the
series focuses on teenagers Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste. When evil arises,
Marinette transforms into her superhero persona Ladybug, while Adrien transforms rights in
Europe, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, and free-to-air rights in Spain, Germany, Russia
and Turkey. South Korea was the first country to premiere ”Ladybug”, with girl group Fiestar
to sing its translated theme song. It aired on 1 September 2015 on EBS1, and ran for 13
episodes until November 2015, with repeats through February 2016, and its second half of
the season airing from 1 March 2016. SK Broadband, having participated in the production,
provided the episodes on video on demand exclusively to subscribers of their IPTV platform
B TV, about a half-hour following the South Korean broadcast of Season 2 of this show airing
on American over-the-air television. A third season is also in development. On 22 January
2018, Zag posted on Instagram that the crew was working on a fourth and fifth season. On 31
August premiered a new series with Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir which this
time is in chibi style. On 5 September 2018, Skydance Media has acquired the live-action
film and live-action television rights. Kimberly Cooper, a blog writer who has contributed
to news media such as ”The Huffington Post”, wrote that the show has inspired teens and
adults to create Channel on 1 November 2016. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the show
premiered on 30 January 2016 on Disney Channel The first series was also made available to
Netflix subscribers in the UK. Among the free-to-air terrestrial television broadcasters in the
Republic of Ireland, Raidi
o Teilif
Eireann premiered the show in 2018 on RT
E2’s teenage
programming block, TRT
E. In Australia, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation released
the show on its ABC iview streaming service on 1 January 2016, and premiered the show on
its linear channel ABC3 on 22 March 2016. In New Zealand, the show premiered on 27 April
Summary: Miraculous Ladybug season 2 episode 12 is scheduled for release in December
2017 on Netflix in North America. The show premiered in South Korea on 1 September 2015
and has since been aired in various countries, including in the United States, the UK, and
New Zealand.
Not faithful, Comprehensive
TQA Ours
Question: In which novel does Flora Poste move to live with her relatives, the Starkadders,
in Sussex?
Passages: to be a writer, decides that the only way for her to live whilst researching her
writing is to stay with relatives. Her city-based relatives show no interest, so she sends letters
to her country relatives. There are a few responses, most of them unsuitable, but one is
intriguing. Flora decides to stay for a while with the Starkadder family on their rundown farm.
The Starkadders are an assortment of rustic, uncouth, and truly eccentric characters, each of
whom has a hurdle (be it physical, emotional, or spiritual) to overcome before reaching his
or her potential. Flora quickly realises that, relatives at the isolated Cold Comfort Farm in
the fictional village of Howling in Sussex. The inhabitants of the farm – Aunt Ada Doom,
the Starkadders, and their extended family and workers feel obliged to take her in to
atone for an unspecified wrong once done to her father. As is typical in a certain genre of
romantic 19th-century and early 20th-century literature, each of the farm’s inhabitants has
some long-festering emotional problem caused by ignorance, hatred, or fear, and the farm is
badly run. Flora, being a level-headed, urban woman in the dandy tradition, determines that
she must Have Always Been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm””, set several years later and
based on ””Conference at Cold Comfort Farm””, when Flora is married with several children,
was broadcast. In 1995 a television film was produced which was generally well-received,
with critics. Janet Maslin in the ””New York Times”” wrote that this screen version ””gets
it exactly right””. The film starred Kate Beckinsale as Flora, Joanna Lumley as her friend
and mentor Mary Smiling, Rufus Sewell as Seth, Ian McKellen as Amos Starkadder, Eileen
Atkins as Judith, Stephen Fry as Mybug, Miriam Margolyes as Mrs. Beetle, and Angela
Thorne as dies suddenly of a heart attack and Lady Place is rented out, with the view that
Titus, once grown up, will return to the home and run the business. After twenty years of
being a live-in aunt Laura finds herself feeling increasingly stifled both by her obligations to
the family and by living in London. When shopping for flowers on the Moscow Road, Laura
decides she wishes to move to the Chiltern Hills and, buying a guide book and map to the
area, she picks the village of Great Mop as her new home. Against the wishes of her extended
respects to her brother. Agnis is moving to the ancestral family home in Newfoundland,
which has been abandoned for 44 years. Realizing that Quoyle is at a total loss through grief,
she first offers to stay a few more days and help him through the crisis, and then persuades
him to move with her. While struggling to rebuild his life, fix up the derelict house, and care
for his daughter, Quoyle meets local resident Wavey Prowse, a widow who has a pre-teen
boy with a learning disability. Wavey’s son and Quoyle’s daughter become friends, while the
two adults become friends,
Summary: Flora Poste moves to live with her relatives, the Starkadders, on their rundown
farm in Sussex. The Starkadders are eccentric characters with various obstacles to overcome.
Faithful, Not comprehensive
Table 12: Example summaries and their manual analysis labels (continued).
Dataset Model Query, Passages and Summary Evaluation
Question: The composer of the music for the ballet ”The Seasons” was the director of what
organization from 1905 to 1928?
Passages: The Seasons (ballet) The Seasons (, ””Vremena goda””; also ) is an allegorical
ballet in one act, four scenes, by the choreographer Marius Petipa, with music by Alexander
Glazunov, his Op. 67. The work was composed in 1899 and first performed by the Imperial
Ballet in 1900 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The score for Marius Petipa’s ””Les Saisons””
(””The Seasons””) was originally intended to have been composed by the Italian composer
and conductor Riccardo Drigo, who was Glazunov’s colleague and close friend. Since
1886, Drigo held the posts of director of music and ””chef d’orchestre”” to the Ballet of the
harmonium, guitar and even mandolin). ””The Seasons”” was commenced shortly after the
premiere of Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto, and continued while he was completing
his first ballet, ””Swan Lake””. In 1875, Nikolay Matveyevich Bernard, the editor of the
St. Petersburg music magazine ””Nouvellist””, commissioned Tchaikovsky to write 12
short piano pieces, one for each month of the year. Bernard suggested a subtitle for each
month’s piece. Tchaikovsky accepted the commission and all of Bernard’s subtitles, and
in the December 1875 edition of the magazine, readers were promised a new Tchaikovsky
piece each month throughout 1876. The January and February pieces The Seasons (Cage)
The Seasons is a ballet with music by John Cage and choreography by Merce Cunningham,
first performed in 1947. It was Cage’s first piece for orchestra and also the first to use what
Cage later called the ””gamut”” technique, albeit in an early form. Cage composed the music
in early 1947, in the midst of working on ””Sonatas and Interludes””. A piano version was
first completed, and an orchestral arrangement followed. Cage dedicated ””The Seasons”” to
Lincoln Kirstein. The ballet was premiered on May 17, 1947 by the Ballet Society (by which
the work was commissioned) at a new orchestra version. Morton Gould retained the piano
part for many of the pieces and orchestrated the work throughout, recording it with himself
at the piano in 1951 for American Columbia. In 1965, Kurt-Heinz Stolze orchestrated a
number of the pieces as part of the music for John Cranko’s ballet ””Onegin””. More recent
orchestral versions have been produced by David Matthews (for symphony orchestra), Peter
Breiner (for solo violin and symphony orchestra), and Georgii Cherkin (for solo piano and
symphony orchestra). French composer Philippe Sarde arranged the Barcarolle as a main
theme for the 1988 movie ””The Bear””. Slava Cranko was not invited to direct, and Sir John
Gielgud was brought in. Prosecuted for homosexual activity, Cranko left the UK for Stuttgart,
and in 1961 was appointed director of the Stuttgart Ballet, where he assembled a group of
talented performers such as Marcia Hayd
ee, Egon Madsen, Richard Cragun, Birgit Keil
and Suzanne Hanke. Among his following choreographies were ””Romeo and Juliet”” by
William Shakespeare in 1962, set to music by Prokofiev, ””Onegin”” in 1965, an adaptation
of the verse novel ””Eugene Onegin”” by Alexander Pushkin, set to music by Tchaikovsky
(mainly ””The Seasons””), orchestrated by Kurt-Heinz Stolze, ””The Taming
Summary: 1. The composer of the music for the ballet ””The Seasons”” is Alexander
2. Alexander Glazunov composed the music for the ballet ””The Seasons”” in 1899.
3. The ballet ””The Seasons”” was first performed by the Imperial Ballet in 1900.
4. From 1905 to 1928, the director of an organization was Marius Petipa.
5. Marius Petipa was the choreographer of the ballet ””The Seasons””.
6. Therefore, the composer of the music for the ballet ””The Seasons”” was the director of
the Imperial Ballet from 1905 to 1928.
Not Faithful, Comprehensive