Aviaon Safety
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General Aviaon
Joint Steering Commiee
Safety Enhancement Topic
Controlled Flight Into Terrain
Technological advances in situaonal awareness have dramacally reduced the number of General
Aviaon Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accidents over the past 20 years. Nevertheless, CFIT accidents
connue to occur and at least half of them are fatal. This fact sheet will help acquaint readers with the
precursors of CFIT accidents and highlight some technological and safety risk management soluons.
What is CFIT?
CFIT is dened as an unintenonal collision
with terrain (the ground, a mountain, a body of
water, or an obstacle) while an aircra is under
posive control. Most oen, the pilot or crew is
unaware of the looming disaster unl it is too late.
CFIT most commonly occurs in the approach or
landing phase of ight.
Accidents where the aircra is out of control
at the point of impact are not known as CFIT.
Rather, they are considered uncontrolled ight into
terrain. Similarly, incidents resulng from deliberate
acts, such as terrorism or suicide by the pilot, are
also not considered to be CFIT.
In a typical year, there are about 40 CFIT
accidents, about half of which are fatal.
Why Does it Happen?
Pop Quiz: CFIT accidents occur primarily at
night. True or False? Surprisingly, the answer is
false. Its logical to think that CFIT accidents usually
involve inexperienced pilots in dark night and/or
instrument meteorological condions. Or you might
suppose that most arise from the painful paern of
what accident reports describe as connued VFR
ight into IMC.However, the General Aviaon
Joint Steering Commiee (GAJSC) observed that a
clear majority of the CFIT accidents in a typical year
occur in daylight, and with visual condions.
So how does CFIT happen? How could
anyone connue controlled ight into terrain that
you can easily see and avoid? One major factor is the
loss of situaonal awareness failing to know at all
mes what the aircras posion is, how that
posion relates to the altude of the surface
immediately below and ahead, and how both relate
to the course being own.
Another big factor in CFIT accidents is wire
strikes. You might think most wire strikes are
conned to agricultural ying, but more than half do
not involve this type of operaon. Accident data
also shows that wire strikes oen occur below 200
Connued on Next Page
AFS-850 20_11
feet above ground level. If youve got to y low, give
yourself some room. A lile extra altude – even
500 feet – will keep you above 90-percent of the
Other top causes of CFIT are IFR procedural
mistakes (e.g., ight below minimum enroute
altude, descent below MDA) and unrealisc
aircra performance expectaons (e.g., high density
altude, tailwinds on approach). To avoid these
pialls, make sure youre in compliance with all
aspects of the clearances you accept and the
procedures you y. Equally important is to
thoroughly research the environment you plan to
operate in, especially at high altudes and/or with
short or obstructed runways.
How Can I Avoid CFIT?
Safety Risk Management (SRM) is a vital part
of warding o a possible CFIT accident. It involves
knowing what youre geng into and understanding
what capabilies and resources you have that will
ensure a ight is completed safely. This starts at
preight. Make use of a Flight Risk Assessment Tool
(FRAT) and the PAVE acronym (Pilot, Aircra,
EnVironment, and External Pressures) to help you
build a personalized risk assessment before a ight.
During ight, you also need to stay vigilant
to any changing condions, like deteriorang
weather, fuel status, and the onset of fague. Be
ready and willing to adjust your plans. Dont let Plan
Connuaon Bias (aka Get-there-is) or external
pressure lure you into making a poor decision.
Having a Plan B at the ready can make a route
change much easier to raonalize and accept.
There are a host of technological programs,
applicaons, and devices that can aid pilots in
situaonal awareness and risk assessment (e.g.,
moving maps with terrain overlays). In fact, pilots
have access to more informaon than ever before
and that has already contributed to a 20-year
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reducon in CFIT accidents. But all that informaon
comes in many dierent forms so pilots must be
thoroughly familiar with and procient in device
operaon and informaon interpretaon.
Technology can also lead to unwanted distracons
so remember to always Fly the Aircra First!
Tips and Best Practices
Keep your skills sharp between ights by
ying simulators or ight training devices. Many
feature realisc graphics so you can get a look at
unfamiliar desnaon environments. And you can
pracce instrument procedures before you have to
y them for real. But remember, simulaon is not
adequate preparaon for ights to unfamiliar and/
or challenging environments. Therefore you should
also make it part of your plan to get regular
prociency training with a ight instructor. Of course
we recommend FAA WINGS Pilot Prociency
Training, but no maer what program or instructor
you choose, try to include scenario-based training.
Finally, be sure to give yourself some
breathing room. That means at least a mile from
airspace and 2,000 feet vercally from terrain youre
trying to avoid. And since weather is very dynamic,
you may consider even greater clearance distances
to avoid any unexpected IMC.
Advisory Circular 61-134, GA CFIT Awareness
CFIT Video — What More Can We Do?