Impact of L-Arginine on Language Skills in Children with
Hypoxic–ischemic Encephalopathy
Address for correspondence: Gokhan Ozer, MD. Sanko Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Noroloji Anabilim Dali, Gaziantep, Turkey
Phone: +90 342 211 53 12 E-mail: [email protected]
Submitted Date: August 19, 2017 Accepted Date: December 22, 2017 Available Online Date: February 05, 2018
Copyright 2018 by Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology - Available online at
ypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) has multiple
causes, and its treatment methods have not been fully
established. HIE occurs in 1–8 per 1000 live births in devel-
oped countries. Possible disorders of higher cortical func-
tions can generate an important impact on activities of dai-
ly living. Moreover, language acquisition may be delayed,
and children with HIE may exhibit changes in articulation,
speech, uency, and prosody.
In this condition, several areas of the central nervous sys-
tem are aected, with profound adverse eects on lan-
guage, motor, behavioral, auditory, and visual develop-
ment. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is required.
This study aimed to analyze improvement of language skills
in children diagnosed with HIE through standardized test-
ing, classication of development of skills, and clinical obser-
vations. The Classication of Oral Language Skills proposed
by Bevilacqua et al. was used for this study (Table 1).
L-Arginine is a basic natural amino acid. Its occurrence in
mammalian protein was discovered by Hedin in 1895.
ginine is engaged in several metabolic pathways within the
human body. It serves as a precursor for the synthesis of not
only proteins but also urea, polyamines, proline, glutamate,
creatine, and agmatine.
L-Arginine is also required for the
synthesis of creatine, an essential energy source for muscle
contraction. Agmatine, which has a clonidine-like action on
blood pressure, is also formed from L-Arginine, although its
Gokhan Ozer
Department of Neurology, Sanko University Faculty of Medicine, Gaziantep, Turkey
Objectives: The aim
of this study was to investigate the impact of L-Arginine on speech and language development in
pediatric patients with hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
Methods: The oral language skills of 24 pediatric patients with HIE using L-Arginine were classied and the impact of
L-Arginine on language skills was evaluated retrospectively. While there is no standard dose of L-Arginine, the usual
dosage is 2.5 g orally for children younger than 5 years of age and 5 g orally for children older than 5 years of age.
Results: The study enrolled 24 pediatric patients with a mean age of 3.9 years (range: 1.25–12 years). A pre-treatment
median rating of 1 for oral language development increased to 3 post treatment, according to the results of a Wilcoxon
signed-rank test used to examine the statistical signicance of the dierence between 2 variables. The dierence was
statistically signicant.
Conclusion: Although the exact pathophysiology of HIE has not been fully elucidated, it is associated with diuse
cerebral damage that leads to impaired motor and language development; moreover, HIE has no cure. In this study,
L-Arginine therapy had a positive and signicant impact on language development in children aected by HIE. Addi-
tional, larger series are needed to confirm these preliminary findings.
Keywords: Hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy, language skills, L-Arginine
Cite This Article: Ozer G. Impact of L-Arginine on Language Skills in Children with Hypoxic–ischemic Encephalopathy.
EJMO. 2018; 2(2): 70-72
DOI: 10.14744/ejmo.2017.53824
EJMO 2018;2(2):70-72
Research Article
physiological function is not yet fully understood. However,
current interest in L-Arginine is focused mainly on its close
relationship with the important signal molecule nitric ox-
ide (NO). L-Arginine is the only substrate in the biosynthe-
sis of NO, which plays a critical role in diverse physiological
processes in the human body including neurotransmission,
vasorelaxation, cytotoxicity, and immunity.
L-Arginine is traditionally classied as a semi-essential or
conditionally essential amino acid; it is essential in children
and non-essential in adults. Homeostasis of plasma L-Argi-
nine concentrations is regulated by dietary arginine intake,
protein turnover, arginine synthesis, and metabolism. This
may explain why, under certain conditions, L-Arginine may
become an essential dietary component.
L-Arginine nor-
mally constitutes approximately 5%–7% of the amino acid
content of a typical healthy adult diet. This accounts to an
average intake of 2.5–5 g/day, which only meets the bodys
minimal requirements for tissue repair, protein synthesis,
and immune cell maintenance.
Very few articles have investigated the eects of L-Arginine
supplementation on CNS function. A previous study has
shown its anti-aging properties and its positive eects on
memory impairment and dementia.
The role of NO in the long-term potentiation of neuronal
activity. The NO produced diuses back to the presynaptic
neuron, where it enhances the release of glutamate. The
increased glutamate release leads to greater activation of
postsynaptic glutamate receptors, thereby increasing the
eectiveness of that synapse. Plus signs indicate stimula-
tion, and L-arg denotes L-Arginine
Pediatric patients with established HIE aged 1–12 years
who received L-Arginine therapy were retrospectively eval-
uated by an expert neurologist. L-arginine therapy used as
a supplement by the parents of the patient. The Classica-
tion of Oral Language Skills proposed by Bevilacqua et al.
was used to monitor the language development of study
patients. Patients were included in the study if they had
taken L-Arginine for a minimum of eight weeks. While there
is no standard dose of L-Arginine, the usual dosage is 2.5 g
orally for children less than 5 years of age and 5 g orally for
children older than ve years of age. The classication of
language skills of children was assessed and rated before
and after L-Arginine use by contacting their parents on two
occasions, and the ratings were compared statistically.
Statistical Method
The normality of distribution was tested using Shapiro–
Wilk test for continuous variables. Wilcoxon signed-rank
test was used for comparison of two dependent measure-
ments. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for
Windows (version 24.0), and a P-value of <0.05 was consid-
ered statistically signicant.
The study enrolled 24 patients diagnosed with HIE, includ-
ing 18 boys and six girls, with a mean age of 3.98±2.41
years (range, from 15 months to 12 years). Using Wilcoxon
signed-rank test, the pre-treatment median rating of the
Classication of Language Skills was found to be 1 and the
post-treatment median rating was found to be 3 (Table 2),
with a statistically signicant dierence (p=0.001).
Experiments in animals also suggested that NO is involved
in memory, because inhibiting NO synthesis in vivo impairs
learning behavior.
In 16 elderly patients with senile de-
mentia, L-Arginine (1.6 g/day) has been found to be eec-
tive in reducing lipid peroxidation and increasing cognitive
In their recent report, Ohtsuka et al. explored
the possible role of L-Arginine in Alzheimer’s disease, tak-
ing into consideration known functions of L-Arginine in
atherosclerosis, redox stress and the inammatory process,
regulation of synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis, and
modulation of glucose metabolism and insulin activity.
L-Arginine is commercially available in several countries in
variable dosage forms and mostly indicated as a nutrition-
al supplement. It is available as capsules, tablets, powder,
eervescent granules, injection, infusion, and cream, with
a very wide range of doses. Studies have shown that L-Ar-
ginine, through its versatile metabolic and physiological
Table 1. Classication of oral language skills proposed by
Bevilacqua et al. (1996)
Classication Language development
1 Does not speak, only produces undierentiated
2 Speaks only isolated words
3 Construct simple sentences, with two or three
4 Constructs sentences with four or ve words
5 Child is uent in oral language
Table 2. Pre-treatment and post-treatment median ratings by
the classication of language skills tool
Variable Pre-treatment Post-treatment P†
Classication of 1[1-1] 3[2-5] 0.001*
language skills
*Signicant at 0.05 level
Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
Median [25%-75%]
Ozer et al., Impact of L-Arginine on Language Skills / doi: 10.14744/ejmo.2017.53824
pathways, can improve many body functions. To summa-
rize some of its eects, L-Arginine is involved in the pro-
duction of a variety of enzymes, hormones, and structural
proteins. Arginine has a positive eect on cerebral as well
as systemic circulation.
In this study, the positive eects of L-Arginine on language
development were demonstrated in children with HIE. A
limitation of the study was the reliance on a single classi-
cation system for assessment of the patients. However, it
should be noted that feedback obtained from the parents
and caregivers of the patients was signicantly more in-
forming and promising than the study’s statistical ndings.
In light of our study data and clinical observations, it is clear
that L-Arginine is associated with a positive and signicant
impact not only in language domain but also in sensory,
motor, and visual domains. Therefore, further studies on
larger series are needed to establish the benets of L-Argi-
nine in these patients.
Ethics Committee Approval: The study was approved by the
Local Ethics Committee.
Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed.
Conict of Interest: None declared.
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