Finance and Economics Discussion Series
Divisions of Research & Statistics and Monetary Affairs
Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
Let’s close the gap: Revising teaching materials to reflect how the
Federal Reserve implements monetary policy
Jane Ihrig and Scott Wolla
Please cite this paper as:
Ihrig, Jane, and Scott Wolla (2020). “Let’s close the gap: Revising teaching materials
to reflect how the Federal Reserve implements monetary policy,” Finance and Economics
Discussion Series 2020-092. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
NOTE: Staff working papers in the Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS) are preliminary
materials circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment. The analysis and conclusions set forth
are those of the authors and do not indicate concurrence by other members of the research staff or the
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Let’s close the gap: Revising teaching materials to reflect how the Federal Reserve
implements monetary policy
Jane Ihrig and Scott Wolla*
October 9, 2020
Abstract The topic of the Federal Reserve’s (the Fed’s) implementation of monetary policy has
a significant presence in economics textbooks as well as standards and guidelines for economics
instruction. This presence likely reflects the fact that it is the implementation framework that
helps ensure that the Fed’s desired level of its policy interest rate is transmitted to financial
markets, which helps it steer the economy toward the Congressional dual mandate of maximum
employment and price stability. Over the past decade or so, the Fed has purposefully shifted the
way it implements monetary policy to an environment with ample reserves in the banking
system, and it has introduced new policy tools along the way. This paper shows that,
unfortunately, many teaching resources are not in sync with the Fed’s current framework. We
review six, 2020 or 2021 edition, principles of economics textbooks, and we find they vary
greatly in their coverage of the concepts associated with the way the Fed implements policy
today and in the longer run. We provide recommendations on how the authors can improve the
next editions of their textbooks. We also review standards and guidelines used by secondary-
school educators. All of these are out of date, and we provide proposals for how these materials
can be updated.
Keywords: Federal Reserve, monetary policy, economic education, introductory economics,
JEL codes: A22, E43, E52, E58
* Ihrig is an economist at the Federal Reserve Board; Wolla is the economic education
coordinator at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Corresponding author: Jane Ihrig; Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System; 20th Street and Constitution, NW, Washington, DC
20551; 202-452-3372 (O); [email protected]. We thank Ellen Meade, Ed Nelson, Mary
Suiter, Gretchen Weinbach and David Wheelock for their useful comments.
Analysis and conclusions set forth in this paper are those of the authors and do not indicate
concurrence by other members of the staff of the Federal Reserve Board or the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis.
The topic of the Federal Reserve’s (the Fed’s) implementation of monetary policy has a
significant presence in economics textbooks as well as standards and guidelines for economics
instruction. This presence likely reflects the fact that it is the implementation framework that
helps ensure that the Fed’s desired level of its policy interest rate is transmitted to financial
markets, which helps it steer the economy toward the Congressional dual mandate of maximum
employment and price stability. Over the past decade or so, the Fed has purposefully changed the
way it implements monetary policy. Unfortunately, many teaching resources have not been
updated. Before the financial crisis of 2007-2008, the Fed implemented policy with limited
reserves in the banking system and relied on the daily use of open market operations as its key
tool. Today and over the longer run, the Fed has stated that it plans to implement policy with
ample reserves and rely on its administered interest rates.
These changes, along with a few
others, seem subtle, but the current framework is very different from the previous one. And,
these changes are not well reflected in teaching resources.
Textbooks both shape and reflect instruction, and the content should evolve over time.
Mankiw (2020) posits that introductory textbooks evolve because the world changes. However,
this change often occurs at a slow and measured pace. Colander (2003) suggests that the content
of a major principles text can only deviate 15 percent from the standard mainstream text. He
suggests that changes greater than 15 percent require professors to modify their notes and
presentations more than the majority of professors are willing to do. Resistance may also reflect
two processes. First, a new textbook will be sent to at least 60 reviewers, many of whom are
teaching professors whose understanding is intertwined with the current textbooks on the market.
See the Statement Regarding Monetary Policy Implementation and Balance Sheet Normalization
Many of them will have an expertise in a specific field of economics and might only be slightly
acquainted with topics in the area where there are new developments. Second, later editions are
affected by the “textbook convergence rule”-- a market test that positions sales of revised
versions of text to the previous versions -- which Colander suggests will result in each edition
deviating less and less from a common standard. While this convergence might lend itself to
consistency in instruction across courses and institutions, it can inhibit the flexibility necessary to
ensure that materials reflect current realities in the field.
Incorporating new developments is particularly important for the introductory course.
These are the courses that focus on economic literacy and shape understanding of economic
systems and decision-making. About 40 percent of undergraduates take an introductory course in
economics (Siegfried and Walstad, 2014). Bowles and Carlin (2020) estimate that roughly two
million undergraduate students take some sort of introductory economics course every year (or
about 600 times the number who enter doctoral programs). Most of these students will never take
another economics course (Siegfried, 2000), so it is critically important to ensure that professors
provide students with accurate and relevant content. Mankiw (2016) realizes that a majority of
students who use his introductory textbooks will not major in the field, and suggests he writes his
introductory book for future voters, not future economists. As such, it is vitally important that the
information conveyed in introductory courses, with the textbooks and supporting teaching
materials, is accurate. This is especially true for monetary policy, which remains one of the least
understood topics in large-scale assessments (Walstad et al, 2013).
In this paper, we start by providing the foundational content that should be covered in
classroom discussions; in particular, material about how the Fed implements monetary policy in
an ample-reserves regime. We lay out a simple supply-demand model, consistent with what is
often presented in principles textbooks, that incorporates the key concepts associated with this
framework. With this framing, we next discuss actions the Fed has taken in recent years,
showing how they are captured in the model. These two sections provide the needed reference
material to teach the basic concepts of how monetary policy is implemented today and over the
longer run.
Then, we review how the ample-reserves framework differs from the limited-reserves
regime the Fed used prior to the financial crisis of 2007-2009. There are many concepts that are
different in these two regimes, including the level of reserves the Fed chooses to supply to the
banking system, the principal policy tools it uses, and the mechanics that ensures the target
policy rate set by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) transmits to financial markets.
This comparison sets the stage for understanding why and where some teaching materials are
Next, we compare the ample-reserve regime content with what is presented in six, 2020
or 2021 edition, principles of economics textbooks by major publishers and familiar authors. We
limited our search to textbooks that have publication dates no earlier than 2020 – which resulted
in a small number of books to choose from. We evaluate the textbooks in three areas and across
15 concepts. The three areas are: information related to the Fed’s policy rate, concepts
associated with the Fed’s policy tools used for implementation, and the discussion of an interest
rate adjustment. The 15 concepts cover factors that should be present in curriculum that is
discussing implementing monetary policy with ample reserves. We also include factors that
should not be present because they are associated with the pre-2009 framework that is no longer
relevant. We create a scoring metric that awards a positive point to those concepts associated
with the current framework and a negative point to those concepts that are holdovers from the
pre-2009 framework.
Overall, we find that the textbooks vary greatly in their coverage of the concepts
associated with the way the Fed implements policy today and in the longer run. Scores range
from –2 to +6, with a perfect score being +12. Half of the textbooks have negative scores, one
scores near zero, and two have positive scores. Those textbooks with negative scores tend to add
a discussion of the Fed’s current policy tools to content that was previously written to cover
policy implementation of times past. Unfortunately, this approach results in some outdated
statements, keeping the focus on the discussion in the old, limited-reserves regime. The textbook
with the highest positive score, on the other hand, covers the ample-reserves regime quite well.
Of note, this textbook is relatively new, and the authors only discuss the Fed’s current policy
tools. Looking at how each of the 15 concepts was scored allows the authors to see where the
textbooks’ material is consistent with the current Fed’s implementation regime and consider
where authors may want to adjust their discussion in future textbook editions. We provide
recommended changes for each textbook; all the textbooks miss at least a few concepts that
could be added to their discussion.
Next, we examine the economic material on monetary policy implementation from the
Voluntary National Content Standards (VNCS) in Economics and the College Board’s Advanced
Placement Macroeconomics Course and Exam Description. These standards and guidelines
provide a baseline for the information being taught in high school economics instruction. We
find that both are quite out of date, with neither including any information about the Fed’s
current, key policy toolsinterest on reserves and the overnight reverse repurchase agreement
(ON RRP facility). In fact, if we applied our scoring metric to these materials, these standards
and guidelines would score worse than any textbook we evaluated. We provide proposals for
how the standards and guidelines should be revised to reflect the Fed’s current implementation
framework. Updating this material is important because teachers and textbooks authors, to some
extent, lean on these resources when considering how to update their own teaching materials.
Overall, by pointing out the “lagged” information in textbooks and guidelines we hope
this paper puts a spotlight on an area of economic education that needs a refresh. Our work
differs from Neveu (2020), who also highlights the lag in this content area. He however,
recommends, at a very high level, using balance sheet mechanics to help students understand the
bank-level incentives and decision-making processes that lead to money creation and how that
interacts with monetary policy. Our focus, instead, is grounded in standard textbook supply-
demand models, and we focus on how to update existing materials to bring them up to date on
monetary policy issues. In particular, we provide details of the Fed’s key policy tools, including
discussion of the economic concepts associated with the tools, and explain how they work in
normal times and during periods of severe stress.
In the next two sections, we review the baseline concepts that should be included in
teaching resources about how the Fed implements monetary policy today and in the long run.
Then we compare the current, ample-reserves regime to the pre-financial crisis limited-reserves
regime so the reader can see some of the stark differences in the key concepts and understand
where some of the curriculum are lagging. With this information, we score principles textbooks
and review standards and guidelines on their presentation of the Fed’s implementation regime.
We find some textbooks need substantial updating and some need a few additional points
covered. Both standards and guidelines need substantial updates, as their materials focus on the
way the Fed implemented policy pre-2009. We propose updated language for each of these
sources. Finally, we discuss why there may be a curriculum lag and end with our recommended
summary of how the current ample-reserves regime concepts should be taught. It is only after
these materials are updated that we can be sure that students are taught the relevant concepts
needed to understand how monetary policy is implemented today and in the future.
Overview of the Ample-Reserves Regime
The Fed implements monetary policy with the aim of keeping the market-determined federal
funds rate (FFR) in the FOMC’s target range. The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which
depository institutions, or what we term “banks,” borrow reserves from and lend reserves to one
another on an overnight basis to meet short-term funding needs.
The FOMC, knowing the
linkages from the setting of their policy rate to economic activity, as highlighted in figure 1,
decides the appropriate target range of the FFR knowing it will affect the current level and
expected path of short-term interest rates, which influences long-term interest rates and overall
financial conditions. These financial conditions, in turn, influence the decisions of consumers
and producers, thus affecting overall spending, investment, production, employment, and
inflation in the United States.
Figure 1 - Transmission of Monetary Policy
Banks and a few other government-sponsored entities bilaterally conduct federal funds trades at different rates and
quantities. The FRBNY publishes the effective FFR, the volume weighted median of all fed funds trades, each day.
When the FOMC sets a target for the FFR, its goal is to have trades occur near the target so that the effective FFR is
within the target range.
Once the FOMC determines the appropriate stance of policy, or position of the policy
rate target range, the implementation framework (represented as the orange arrow in figure 1)
ensures that target transmits to market interest rates, from the FFR to broader interest rates as
well. Today, the Federal Reserve is operating with ample reserves in the banking system and is
relying on its administered ratesprimarily interest on reservesto steer the market FFR into
the FOMC target range.
To understand the Fed’s implementation framework it is easiest to consider the stylized
model of the demand for and supply of reserves shown in figure 2. The blue, downward-sloping
curve represents banks’ demand for reserves. Banks demand reserves for a variety of reasons,
including meeting intraday payment needs, earning interest on this high-quality liquid asset, and
meeting internal as well as regulatory liquidity risk management constraints.
Figure 2 Ample-Reserves Regime
There are three segments of the demand curve. First, the top of the curve, which is
truncated by the Fed’s discount rate. This flat portion incorporates the fact that banks should not
be willing to pay more for reserves in the market than the interest rate charged by the Federal
Reserve to banks for loans they can obtain through the Federal Reserve's discount window.
Hence, the discount rate sets a ceiling on fed funds transactions. Second, the middle of the
demand curve that is steeply downward-sloping. This portion of the curve captures the idea that
the lower the cost of overnight borrowing in the federal funds market, the more reserves banks
are generally inclined to hold. That is, the opportunity cost of holding funds declines and having
more reserves helps them not be caught short of funds. Third, the bottom of the curve is where
the quantity of reserves in the banking system is significantly large and the demand curve is
nearly flat, as indicated by the horizontal region. The transition from the steep portion of the
curve to the nearly flat portion illustrates that as the quantity of reserves in the banking system
increases, at some point, banks do not find much benefit from holding additional reserves other
than earning the interest the Fed pays on these balances. As a result, the demand curve flattens
out at a level that is close to the interest rate earned on reserves the IOR rate (or the interest rate
paid on excess reserves). This is a key interest rate that the Fed administers.
To be “ample” the supply curve must intersect the demand curve where it is flat. This
location is consistent with the key feature of an ample regime, which is one where a central bank
does not need to actively react to small movements in the supply of reserves to keep the level of
the FFR in the FOMC’s desired target range.
That is, if the supply curve shifts a little to the left
or right because of factors outside the Fed’s control, it will remain on the horizontal region of the
demand curve and, therefore, achieve nearly the same FFR.
Federal Reserve Banks pay interest on required reserves and excess reserves balances. Since March 2020 reserve
requirement ratios have been set to zero, so banks do not have any required reserves. With this new policy, all
banks’ reserves are excess balances. For more information on reserve balances see:
When supply is ample, the Fed relies on the settings of two of its administered interest
ratesand in particularly IOR – to control the level of federal funds rate. Looking at that bottom
of the demand curve in figure 2, one sees the two critical administered rates: the IOR rate and
the overnight reverse repurchase agreement (ON RRP) offering rate. Each rate is available to a
specific set of counterparties on particular funds deposits held at the Fed. The counterparties can
decide if they want to deposit their funds at the Fed and earn the relevant standing rate or lend it
instead to another market participant at a negotiated rate in one of the various money markets for
funds. Because of this tradeoff, one can think of the Fed’s administered rates as reservation
rates—the lowest rate that counterparties are willing to accept for lending out their funds. And,
they (the IOR rate and the ON RRP rate) set a lower bar on the return a counterparty is willing to
accept from others in money markets. Hence, movements in the Fed’s administered rates
directly help steer money market interest rates.
The Fed’s key administered rate is IOR, which is the interest rate that the Fed can pay
banks on their reserve balances held at the Fed. While banks have several short-term investment
options for their money (see figure 3), the IOR rate offers a safe overnight option to banks.
Because IOR is a risk-free, liquid, investment option, banks will not lend reserves in the federal
funds market for less than the IOR rate. In other words, the IOR serves as a reservation rate for
banks. And, if the FFR were to fall very far below the IOR rate, banks would borrow in the
federal funds market and deposit those reserves at the Fed, earning a profit on the difference.
This activity, known as arbitrage, is an important aspect of the way financial markets, and
monetary policy implementation, work. Arbitrage ensures that the FFR does not fall much below
the IOR rate.
Figure 3 How IOR acts as a reservation rate for banks to arbitrage across money markets
These financial incentives (i.e., reservation rates and arbitrage) ensure that when the Fed
raises or lowers the IOR rate that the FFR also moves up or down. As such, the Federal Reserve
steers the FFR into the target range set by the FOMC by adjusting the IOR rate. And, because the
Fed sets IOR directly, it serves as an effective monetary policy tool. In fact, IOR is the primary
tool used by the Fed for influencing the FFR.
However, not all institutions with reserve accounts can earn interest on their deposits at
the Federal Reserve, and not all important institutions in financial markets have access to Fed
accounts, which means that important short-term rates (including FFR) might drop below the
IOR. So, in 2014, the FOMC announced that it intended to use an ON RRP facility to help
control the FFR.
The ON RRP facility is a form of open market operation where the Fed
interacts with many nonbank financial institutions, such as large money market funds and
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, “Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreement Facility.”
government-sponsored enterprises.
As highlighted in figure 4, when one of these institutions
uses the ON RRP facility it essentially deposits reserves at the Fed overnight, receiving a
security as collateral. The next day the transaction is unwound and the institution earns the ON
RRP rate (which the Fed sets) on the funds it deposited at the Fed.
Because it is a risk-free option, these institutions will never be willing to lend funds for
lower than the ON RRP rate. As such, the ON RRP rate acts as a reservation rate, and institutions
can use it to arbitrage other short-term rates. Thus, the rate paid on ON RRP transactions, which
the Fed chooses to set below IOR, acts like a floor for the FFR and serves as supplementary tool.
Figure 4: ON RRP Transaction
The last administered rate, also featured in figure 2, is the discount rate. As noted above,
the discount rate is set above the target range; it tends to be set 50 basis points (½ percentage
point) above the top of the target range. This tool is intended to serve as a ceiling for the traded
level of the federal funds rate. Of course, the stigma associated with borrowing from the Fed
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. “Reverse Repo Counterparties.”
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreement Facility.”
dampens the discount rate’s effectiveness as a ceiling. Since the discount window serves more
as a safety net for banks to borrow when there are stresses in markets, this administered rate is
not directly influencing the FFR and so is not featured as one of the key rates to ensure day-to-
day implementation of policy.
For the Fed’s administered interest rates to be the key tool for interest rate control,
reserves must remain ample. Over time, there are forces in the economy that slowly drain
reserves from the banking system.
The Fed maintains an ample supply by monitoring the level
and conducting, when deemed appropriate, open market operations (OMOs) where it purchases
securities and injects reserves into the banking system.
This type of open market operation is a
long-standing tool of the Fed; it was the key tool used before the crisis when implementing
policy with limited reserves. Today and going forward, periodic open market operations are an
important tool used to ensure that reserves remain ample so that the administered rates can
continue to steer the FFR into the target range.
To summarize, as presented in table 1, the Fed chooses an implementation regime to
ensure that when the FOMC sets a target range for the federal funds rate, that this setting is
transmitted to financial markets. The current regime choice is an ample-reserves regime. In this
regime, the supply of reserves is large enough that small shifts in this level have minimal impact
Demand for currency grows at a rate of about 6 percent per year. When a bank requests currency for its customers,
an armored truck comes to a regional Federal Reserve Bank, picks up the cash that was ordered, and delivers it to
the ordering bank. The Fed decreases the ordering bank's reserve account to take payment for the cash. See Ihrig,
Senyuz and Weinbach (2020b) for a discussion of key factors that naturally drain reserves from the banking system.
Some call the Fed’s purchases of securities a standard or traditional OMO. The ON RRP facility, which was fully
established in 2015, is another form of an OMO. The traditional OMO is where the Fed determined the quantity of
government securities it wants to buy (or sell) from primary dealers (i.e., securities dealers who are active in the
market for U.S. government securities and have agreed to do operations with the Fed). When the Fed initiates a
purchase, it pays for the securities by crediting the reserve accounts of the banks used by the primary dealers and,
hence, boost reserves in the banking system. The ON RRP facility, on the other hand, stands ready to purchase the
quantity of securities that a broader set of counterparties determine they want to place at the Fed.
on the FFR. This ample level means the Fed does not need to actively monitor and adjust the
supply of reserves with daily open market operations. Instead, in this regime, the Fed relies on
its administered rates, with IOR being the primary tool and the rate associated with the ON RRP
facility being a supplementary tool. Because reserves are ample, these administered rates act as
reservation rates for banks and other key non-bank financial counterparties that influence market
rates when they are deciding where to invest their marginal excess funds. Arbitrage between
alternative short-term investment options ensures money market interest rates converge and are
related to the Fed’s administered rate, and the ON RRP serves as a floor for the FFR. Finally,
the Fed monitors the level of reserves because there is a gradual drain in reserves by factors
outside the Fed’s control. When reserves are judged to be getting close to not being ample, the
Fed will purchase securities through open market operations, which injects reserves in the
banking system, to boost their level.
Table 1 - Key concepts of an ample-reserves regime
Fed’s Choice
Policy Rate
Federal Funds Rate
sets the target range (or the stance of policy) with the goal
of moving the economy toward its dual mandate, as
supplies a level of reserves large enough so that small
movements in this level do not influence the FFR. This
level of reserves intersects the horizontal region of the
demand curve in the money market diagram. This
relatively high level implies the tools the Fed relies on for
Policy Tools
Interest on Reserves
is an administered rate that acts like a reservation rate for
banks and, through arbitrage, helps steer the FFR into the
Overnight Reverse
Repurchase Agreement
(ON RRP) rate
The ON RRP rate is an administered rate that acts like a
reservation rate for a large number of financial institutions
Discount rate
rate is an administered rate that is set above the target
range, with the intention to serve as a ceiling for the FFR.
“Stigma” of borrowing from the Fed may dampen the
Open Market
Operations (OMO)
Implementing Policy in the Ample-Reserves Regime
We now turn to examples of the Fed implementing policy in an ample-reserve regime.
First, we review a standard cut to the policy rate to provide more monetary policy
accommodation to the economy. Here the FOMC announces that it lowers the policy target
range. Along with this announcement, the Fed lowers its administered rates, which encourages
OMOs can be used in other ways during times of stress. For example, large-scale purchases were conducted
during the COVID-19 pandemic to stabilize financial markets.
market rates to decline as well. Second, we discuss, at a high level, some actions the Fed takes
when faced with severe stresses in the economy and the policy rate is dropped to what is termed
the effective lower bound (i.e., near zero). In these extraordinary circumstances, such as during
the 2007-2009 financial crisis and the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the Fed turns to nontraditional
policy tools.
Normal times means Standard Tools
As the economy moves through a normal business cycle, with output ebbing and flowing, the
FOMC may lower or raise the federal funds target range to steer the economy toward the
FOMC’s dual mandate. For example, suppose the economy weakens, with unemployment
starting to rise and inflation averaging below the Committee’s 2 percent target. The FOMC
might decide to make monetary policy more accommodative. If so, the FOMC would lower its
target range for the federal funds rate. And, to encourage this lower policy rate to transmit to
financial markets, the Fed would lower its administered rates (the IOR rate, the ON RRP rate and
the discount rate) accordingly.
Lowering the administered interest rates is what encourages the policy accommodation to
transmit to money markets, broader financial conditions, and the economy more generally.
depicted in figure 1, the lower federal funds rate would rapidly be reflected in the interest rates
that banks and other lenders charge on short-term loans to one another, households, nonfinancial
businesses, and government entities. Similarly, the lower federal funds rates would be reflected
in the rates applied to floating-rate loans, including floating-rate mortgages as well as many
personal and commercial credit lines. Longer-term interest rates move with short-term interest
For more discussion of how changes in the federal funds rate affect the broader economy, see this overview on the
Board’s website:
rates as well as expectations for future short-term rates. When long-term rates decline, they will
spur economic activity and job creation because many key economic decisions--such as
consumers' purchases of houses, cars, and other big-ticket items or businesses' investments in
structures, machinery, and equipment--involve long planning horizons.
Over the past several years, the FOMC has raised and then lowered the target range of the
federal funds rate to move the economy toward its dual mandate. Figure 5 shows the FOMC’s
target range, grey shaded area, over time. When the FOMC decides to make any change to the
policy target range, the Fed adjusts its administered rates. The black line shows the Fed’s chosen
setting of the IOR rate, the interest rate paid on excess reserves. In most instances, the
administered rates will be decreased or increased by the exact same basis points as the target
range. However, the administered rates can be moved by more or less to offset current market
pressures that may be pulling the federal funds rate towards the top or bottom of the target range.
Ultimately, the setting of IOR is such that the market-determined federal funds rate (the effective
FFR), the red line, remains in the target range.
Figure 5 – Federal Funds Rate and Interest on Reserves
Figure 6 graphically illustrates how a cut to the FOMC’s policy target, with the
associated decline in Fed administered rates, transmits to the market federal funds rate. The
demand curve shifts down, but only at its endpoints where the Fed’s administered rates interact
with banks’ decisions to hold reserves. At the y-axis, a lower discount rate implies that banks
will no longer pay rates in the market higher than the new, lower discount rate. And, the flat
portion of the curve also moved down along with the new, lower IOR rate because this is the
new interest rate is the marginal benefit banks get from holding additional reserves. With these
changes, the FFR moves lower. That is, the lower administered rates, working through market
forces, moves the FFR into the target range.
Figure 6– Lower Administered Rates translate into a lower FFR
This discussion focuses on how the Fed’s administered rates transmit the FOMC’s FFR
target directly to market interest rates. Then consumer and business behavior, which is affected
by the level of interest rates, is captured in standard macroeconomic textbook models of saving,
investment and, ultimately, aggregate supply and demand. Of course, the Fed’s actions
endogenously affect money demand and money supply, as the adjustments to interest rates affect
banks’, consumers’ and businesses’ behavior. However, the Fed does not implement policy by
setting a target for a particular level of the money supply in the economy. Discussions of this
fashion are a holdover of how the Fed conducted and implemented policy in the past. First, the
Fed conducted monetary policy with explicit money supply targets in the 1970s and 1980s, but
has long moved away from this practice as the link between growth in the money supply and
economic activity became unstable.
Second, the Fed implemented policy with limited reserves
before the 2007-2009 financial crisis. Within this old, limited-reserves regime, the Fed provided
daily estimates of the supply of reserves—or money quantities—that were needed to transmit the
FOMC’s target to market interest rates.
In the current, ample-reserves regime, however, the
FOMC does not influence short-term rates through quantities nor consciously target a particular
monetary quantity.
Extraordinary Circumstances means Nontraditional Tools
Twice in recent history the U.S. economy faced severe economic stress. The first was the 2007-
2009 financial crisis and the second was the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. Though the trigger for
each of these events was very different, each resulted in extreme hardships for U.S. households
and businesses that moved employment and inflation away from the Fed’s dual mandate. At the
In the 1970s and 1980s, money supply growth was seen as a key factor influencing economic activity and the
price level. As a result, the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, known as the Humphrey-Hawkins
Act, required the Federal Reserve to set one-year target ranges for money supply growth and to report to Congress
on the behavior of the money supply relative to those target ranges. However, because the historical relationships
among these variables were not stable, the FOMC gradually shifted away from a focus on the monetary aggregates
as a key guide for monetary policy over time. By the mid-1990s, the FOMC increasingly focused on adjusting a
target for the level of short-term interest rates with the goal of influencing overall financial conditions in a way that
would attain the Committee’s dual mandate.
Many textbooks present the limited-reserves framework where the Fed uses OMOs to achieve a desired level of
the money supply to move market interest rates to the FOMC’s target and ultimately steer the economy toward the
Committee’s dual mandate. Today, in an ample-reserves regime, the Fed must ensure the quantity of reserves is
ample, but targeting a particular the level of reserves (or money supply) is not the focus for policy implementation.
onset of each of these events, the FOMC lowered the target range for the federal funds rate to 0
to 25 basis points. It also used “forward guidance” about the likely future setting of the policy
rate and announced balance-sheet programs where it purchased sizable quantities of government
To ensure this stance of policy was transmitted through the economy, the Fed
leaned on many tools-- some standard tools used in different ways and other, nontraditional tools
that are reserved for unusual and exigent circumstances and need the approval of the Secretary of
the Treasury.
These tools tend to be used to support the smooth functioning of financial
markets, help foster accommodative financial conditions or, more directly, support the flow of
credit to households, businesses, and communities.
As these tools were used, reserves in the banking system increased. For example, during
both crises, the Fed conducted large-scale asset purchases to either deliberately push down
longer-term interest rates (the motive during the 2007-2009 financial crisis and subsequent
recession) or aid market functioning and help foster accommodative financial conditions (the
motive during the COVID-19 pandemic). As a traditional open market operation, when the Fed
purchases securities it pays for these securities by adding reserves to the banking sector. The Fed
When central banks provide forward guidance, individuals and businesses will use this information in making
decisions about spending and investments. Thus, forward guidance about future policy can influence financial and
economic conditions today. A timeline of the FOMC’s setting of the policy rate and use of forward guidance is
found here:
In an emergency, the Federal Reserve has the power to provide liquidity to depository institutions using standard,
traditional tools, like open market operations and discount window lending. Under section 13(3) of the Federal
Reserve Act, the U.S. central bank also has authority to provide liquidity to nondepository institutions in “unusual
and exigent circumstances.” Since the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010, the Board's authority to engage in
emergency lending has been limited to programs and facilities with "broad-based eligibility" that have been
established with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. For a detailed discussion of the Federal Reserve's
response to the 2007-2009 financial crisis see:
Similarity, the extensive measures taken by the Fed during the COVID-19 pandemic are found here:
See Ihrig, Weinbach, and Wolla (2020) for a discussion of the Fed’s early monetary policy response to the
COVID-19 shock.
also made adjustments to existing lending facilities and introduced new, emergency lending
facilities to help provide short-term liquidity to banks and other financial institutions.
example, the Fed expanded its currency swap program where it loans dollars to foreign central
banks to alleviate dollar funding stresses abroad. It also introduced the Primary Dealer Credit
Facility during both stress events, which provided overnight loans to primary dealers and helped
foster improved conditions in financial markets. As these counterparties use the Fed’s tools, the
lending boosts reserves in the banking system.
In the 2007-2009 financial crisis and subsequent recession, the Fed’s measures resulted in
reserve balances rising from their pre-crisis $20 billion level to about $2.7 trillion at their peak in
October 2014; it was during this time that the Fed had to abandon the limited-reserves regime.
In 2020, in response to the COVID shock, reserve balances rose from $1.6 trillion in early March
to $3.3 trillion in mid-May. This latter pace of securities purchases had never been seen before,
and the level of reserves that resulted from it was about a 35 percent share of GDP, a share that
had not been recorded since World War II.
In terms of our supply-demand diagram, figure 2, when faced with these shocks, the
Fed’s actions shift the supply curve far to the right. Some have termed the level of reserves at
these times as abundant or super abundant. Since the supply curve remains on the flat portion of
the demand curve, the ample-reserve regime remains in place. The administered rates do their
job to keep short-term interest rates near zero. Then the Fed’s other tools, which are introduced
Section 13.3 of the Federal Reserve Act lays out actions the Fed can take in unusual and existent circumstances.
And, the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 includes additional requirements, among them the approval of the Secretary of the
to help stabilize markets and more directly help credit flow through the economy, are able to
quickly be implemented.
Ultimately, when the economy improves and no longer needs support through these
additional measures, the Fed puts the nontraditional tools “back on the shelf” and takes actions to
slowly reduce the supply of reserves to a more efficient and effective level.
Between late 2014
and early 2020, for example, as the economy grew, the Fed began to lower the level of reserve
balances from their October 2014 peak in an action they termed “normalizing” the balance
This same, slow lowering of reserve balances will most likely occur after the economy
recovers from the COVID-19 shock. But in both cases, the level of reserves will be such that the
Fed continues to implement policy with an ample level of reserves; that is, one where small
movements in the level of reserves do not affect the federal funds rate.
Ample-Reserves Regime is different than a Limited-Reserves Regime
The ample-reserves implementation regime described above should be reflected in the way the
topic is taught in the classroom, with aid from teaching materials. This regime is different than
the pre-2009, limited-reserves regime. This section highlights key differences in the two regimes,
which provides the background for understanding where some textbooks might be out of date.
The FOMC has made statements through the years that it wants, in the longer run, to hold no more securities than
necessary to implement monetary policy efficiently and effectively. Holding other parts of the Fed’s balance sheet
constant, an increase (decrease) in securities will increase (decrease) reserves. So a statement about “holding no
more securities than necessary” is also saying the Fed plans to hold no more reserves than necessary to implement
policy efficiently and effectively. More information about the Federal Reserve’s discussion of efficient and effective
is summarized at the following link:
Over the years the FOMC has released multiple statements related to policy normalization. A summary of these
communications is found here:
Figure 7 presents the standard money market diagram under a limited-reserves regime
(left side) to the same model under the ample-reserves regime (right). The important differences
in how the Fed operates in each of these regimes is embedded in these diagrams. We also
summarize the differences in table 2.
Figure 7 – Graphical Comparison of Limited and Ample-Reserves Frameworks
A key difference across these diagrams is where the supply curve intersects the demand
curve. In the limited-reserves regime (left image), the supply curve intersects the demand curve
on the downward sloping part of the demand curve. This position implies the Fed supplies a
“limited” amount of reserves to the banking system. That is, it targets a particular supply of
reserves so that the market FFR hits the FOMC’s target. And, since relatively small shifts of the
supply curve to the right or left move the FFR rate higher and lower, respectively, the Fed has to
carefully monitor the level of reserves. In the ample-reserves regime (right image), the supply
curve intersects the demand curve on the flat portion of the demand curve. In this region, the Fed
has chosen to offer a sizable level of reserves to the banking system and, since small shifts of the
supply curve have little or no effect on the FFR rate, the level does not need to be monitored as
This difference in location of the supply curve has important implications for the tools the
Fed uses for interest rate control. To solidify this point, let’s consider an expansionary monetary
policy action of lowering the policy rate. In the limited-reserves regime, the Fed would need to
purchase securities in the open market. This means the New York Fed Trading Desk would
purchase securities from primary dealers and pay for those securities by crediting the reserve
accounts of the bank used by the primary dealers. The banks, in turn, would credit the dealer’s
bank accounts. This open market purchase results in an increase in reserve balances (which then
boosts the money supply), and that shifts the supply curve to the right, resulting in a lower FFR.
This series of steps, which are quite abstract, can be difficult for students to follow.
In the ample regime, as shown in figure 6, the Fed no longer relies on OMOs as the
principal policy tool to target the policy rate in its day-to-day, normal operations because small
shifts in the supply of reserves have no impact on the FFR, by design. Instead, the Fed would
lower its administered rates, shifting the bottom of the demand curve down, which induces
market rates, including the FFR, to move in the same direction and by a similar amount. To be
clear, the lowering of the administered rates puts downward pressure on the federal funds rate
and other market rates by lowering the incentive to hold reserves at the Fed. The interest rates
are adjusting through arbitrage. Conceptually, these actions are less abstractthe Fed lowers the
administered rates it controls which encourages market rates, including the FFR, to follow.
A tool that was dropped in the transition from the old toolbox to the new toolbox is
reserve requirements. In the limited-reserves framework, the Fed used reserve requirement
ratios—the fraction of banks net transaction deposits that needed to be held in very safe, secure
assets like reserves—as an important tool for driving the demand for bank reserves, keeping the
downward sloping portion of that curve somewhat steady. In the ample-reserves framework,
banks hold excess reserves, making reserve requirements largely non-binding. Effective March
2020, the Federal Reserve announced that it was reducing reserve requirement ratios to zero. In
short, reserve requirements are now a non-operational tool.
Table 2 – A Comparison of the Limited and Ample Reserve Regimes
Limited-Reserves Regime
Ample-Reserves Regime
Level of Reserves
Limited; banks manage levels,
in part, to meet reserve
Ample; banks tend to have plenty of
reserves for all operational needs
Key policy tools
Open Market Operations
(OMO) Reserve Requirements
Interest on Reserves (IOR) is
primary tool
Overnight Reverse Repo Facility
(ON RRP rate) is supplemental tool.
Reserve requirements are one
factor that cause banks to
demand reserves. Banks pay
attention to their level of
reserves relative to their reserve
requirement. Banks that are
short (long) of their requirement
can turn to the federal funds
market to borrow (lend) funds.
Because of a high level of reserves
in the banking system, most banks
hold excess reserves and so reserve
requirements are not a significant
factor in their decision-making. As
of March 2020, reserve requirement
ratios were set to zero.
Supporting policy
Discount window
Open market operations
Discount window
Graphing: Where
Supply intersects
Supply intersects demand on the
steep, downward sloping, part
of the demand curve.
Supply intersects demand on the flat
part of the demand curve.
Graphing: Change
in Policy Rate
The Fed affects the FFR by
using OMOs to shift the supply
curve left or right.
The Fed affects the FFR by raising
or lowering the IOR and ON RRP
rates to shift the flat portion of the
demand curve up or down.
Example: Key
tools’ action to
monetary policy
FOMC lowers the FFR target.
Fed purchases U.S. Treasury
Securities using open market
operations to increase the
supply of reserves.
FOMC lowers the FFR target range.
The Fed lowers its administered
Note that we are focusing this discussion on the limited-reserves regime that the Fed had in place prior to 2008, as
this is the focus of textbooks’ discussion of the limited-reserves regime. If the Fed chose to implement policy in a
limited-reserves regime from now on, IOR and the ON RRP facility would be available tools. However, in 2019,
the Fed stated that it intends to implement policy using an ample-reserves regime in the longer-run.
What is the State of Teaching Materials?
Given the above discussion of the ample-reserves implementation framework and how that
differs from the pre-2009 limited-reserves regime, we are now set to review teaching materials
for the key concepts they cover. Our analysis adds to the rich literature analyzing the textbook
treatment of topics and concepts. Several studies focus on the treatment of specific content, such
as sunk costs (Colander, 2004), consumption possibility frontiers (Olson, 1997), diminishing
marginal utility (Dittmer, 2005), public choice and government failure (Fike and Gwartney,
2015), international economics (Lee, 1992), consumer choice (Holmgren, 2017),
entrepreneurship (Kent, 1989), perfectly competitive markets (Hill and Myatt, 20017), the
financial crisis (Madsen, 2013), and the GDP expenditures equation (Wolla, 2018). Other authors
have focused on the degree of consensus in the textbook coverage of content. Stiglitz (1988)
found textbooks to be clones of Samuelson’s and suggested market forces had led to
standardization. Colander (2003) discussed the potential forces that have led to textbook
convergence. Peter-Wim Zuidhof (2014) wrote about the shift from the Samuelsonian approach
to one that emphasized core concepts and encouraged students to “think like an economist.”
Walstad, Watts, and Bosshardt (1998) found a “surprising degree of consensus” among textbook
content but criticized textbook length and inadequate coverage of certain topics. We hope to add
to this body of work in this assessment of textbook coverage of how the Fed implements
monetary policy in ordinary times.
To assess whether the ample-reserves regime is reflected in economics classrooms, we
examine three aspects of the economics curriculum. First, we review six prominent principles of
economics textbooks for their coverage of the topic. Because textbooks both guide and reflect
instruction, they have a big influence on student learning outcomes. Next, we examine the
Voluntary National Content Standards (VNCS) in Economics, which serves as a guide to high
school textbook authors and curriculum developers. In addition, the VNCS in Economics serves
as a model for many committees that design state and district-level content standards. Finally, we
examine the AP Macroeconomics Course and Exam Description, which is used by teachers to
design their syllabi – which must be approved by the College Board in order to teach a
sanctioned AP course. These guidelines determine the specific content that AP Macro teachers
are expected to cover and reflect what will be assessed on the AP Macroeconomics exam.
Principles of Economics Textbooks
We focus our examination on prominent principles of economics textbooks for their coverage of
the Fed’s implementation of monetary policy. We limited our search to textbooks that have
publications dates of at least 2020. These include industry-leading textbooks, major publishers,
and familiar authors: Case, Fair, and Oster (2020), Hubbard and O’Brien (2021), Mankiw
(2021), Mateer and Coppock (2021), McConnell, Brue, and Flynn (2021), and Stevenson and
Wolfers (2020). We chose principles-level books because these classes have the largest
enrollment, and because these are often students’ first, and sometimes last, exposure to
economics. In fact, most of the 40 percent of undergraduate students who take an introductory
economics course will never take another economics course (Sigfried, 2000; Sigfried and
Walstad, 2014), so it is important that their exposure to this content reflects current practices.
More generally, all students should expect to be taught material that accurately reflects current
In evaluating these textbooks’ treatment of monetary policy implementation we use a
systematic approach where we allocate points to key concepts that should and should not be
covered in the Fed’s current regime. We focus the evaluation in three areas: information related
to the Fed’s policy rate, concepts associated with the Fed’s policy tools used for implementation,
and the discussion of an interest rate adjustment. These concepts are reported in the appendix,
table A1. If all textbooks covered a give concept, we excluded it from the scoring. For example,
all textbooks mentioned IOR is a tool of monetary policy implementation. So, we do not include
this fact in the scoring metric. Instead our scoring metric focuses on concepts that varied across
the textbooks.
We assign a positive point to a concept that is consistent with an ample-reserve regime.
And, we give a negative point to a concept that is covered and out of date because it reflects
features of a limited-reserves regime. Some books blend correct information using the current
regime with outdated information associated with past implementation practices, so we assign a
positive point for each of the concepts that the book accurately covers and subtract a point for
each of the concepts that inaccurately portray the current regime. In total, we evaluate the
textbooks on 15 different concepts. A textbook that accurately covers all the concepts will
receive a score of +12. A textbook that totally misses the mark will have a score of -3.
Figure 8 reports the overall ratings of the six textbooks in our sample. The textbooks
total scores range from -2 to +6. The scores on each of the concepts are reported in the
appendix, table A2. There are three textbooks with negative scores. These textbooks are those
with the most room for improvement in their content coverage of the Fed’s current and long-run
ample-reserves implementation regime. The other three textbooks have positive ratings,
suggesting that their material more accurately discusses the Fed’s current implementation
regime. Of course, none of these textbooks received the highest score, suggesting that these
latter textbooks have areas for improvement in their content as well.
Figure 8 – Scoring Principle Textbooks for Content on Monetary Policy Implementation
Those textbooks with the lowest scores tended to have their discussion most consistent
with the Fed’s pre-2009 implementation framework. This methodology is evident in their
presentation of the Fed’s policy tools. In particular, most of these books emphasize OMO as the
tool most often used to move market interest rates. In particular, Mateer and Coppock, state
“Expansionary monetary policy occurs when a central bank acts to increase the money supply in
an effort to stimulate the economy, and it typically expands the money supply through open
market purchases: it buys bonds” (p.1003). Mankiw notes that “open market operations are the
tool of monetary policy that the Fed uses most often” (p. 603). McConnell, Brue, and Flynn
(date) state “open-market operations are the most important of the four monetary policy tools”
(p. 714). All three textbooks include discussion and figures that show the Fed increasing the
money supply to provide monetary policy accommodation; this story and the associated figures
are grounded in the limited-reserves regime.
Our recommendation is that these authors update
their text to the Fed’s current operating regime, where OMO is not the principal tool.
These books largely neglect the Fed’s current, ample reserves, tools. None of these
textbooks characterize IOR as the primary tool of policy implementation, nor discuss how it is a
reservation rate and works through arbitrage to help move the federal funds rate into the
FOMC’s target range. These textbooks’ discussion of IOR focuses on the policy tool as a means
for influencing banks’ decisions about lending and how this affects the money multiplier and
money supply.
Though this connection is valid, it complicates the discussion and could
encourage the reader to think that the Fed thinks about implementing policy in terms of monetary
quantities instead of interest rates. Our recommendation is that these textbooks adjust their
discussions to spend more time on IOR, addressing how it influences market rates, through the
key economic concepts as well as illustrating policy accommodation using IOR (instead of
OMOs). Adjusting their graphical presentation to something like figure 2 will emphasize that the
lower administered rates directly reduce market interest rates. Then the existing textbook
discussions can continue, showing lower market rates spur investment and aggregate demand. In
addition, these textbooks do not mention the ON RRP facility nor that OMOs are a tool to keep
Matter and Coppock figure 31.1 (p. 1004) and Mankiw figure 3 (p. 726) examine the effect of the Fed buying
bonds on the money supply and how that translates into the economy. McConnell et al. Figure 36.3 (p. 720) show
an increase in the money supply, though it does not explicitly note the Fed action that boosted the supply.
For example, McConnell, Brue, and Flynn state “The Fed has, however, shown an eagerness in recent years to
alter the rate of interest on excess reserves (IOER) as a way of managing bank reserves and the supply of money”
(p.714). Mankiw (604) says, “The higher the interest rate on reserves, the more reserves banks will choose to hold.
Thus, an increase in the interest rate on reserves will tend to increase the reserve ratio, lower the money multiplier,
and lower the money supply” (p. 604). Mateer and Coppock say, “This historic change in policy means that banks
now have less incentive to loan out each dollar above the required reserve threshold. The Fed put this policy in place
to reduce the opportunity cost of excess reserves. The increase in excess reserves means that the money multiplier is
much smaller than our earlier analysis implied. When banks hold more dollars on reserve, fewer are loaned out and
multiplied throughout the economy” (p.995).
reserves ample from now on. These two additional concepts can be added to the discussion to
round out the Fed’s current implementation framework.
Turning to the textbooks with positive scores, these books more accurately discuss how
the Fed’s policy tools transmit the FOMC’s target to market interest rates. Each emphasizes that
IOR is the primary tool of the Fed. And, each explains that IOR works through arbitrage or is a
reservation rate for market interest rates. Two of the three also cover the ON RRP facility and
how its rate acts as a supplemental tool. In these textbooks, the discussion of how the Fed
ensures the policy target transmits to market rates is straightforward: increases (decreases) in the
Fed’s administered rates move market interest rates up (down).
Based on our assessment, Stevenson and Wolfers—the newest book on the market (first
edition, 2020) is most accurate in its description of the ample-reserves framework. Stevenson
and Wolfers focus on the Fed’s use of its administered rates to transmit the FOMC’s target to the
federal funds rate. The order in which they introduce the monetary tools is telling. While nearly
all books start their discussions with open market operations and make mention of interest on
reserves last (as the fourth tool)consistent with the idea that IOR is simply an extension of the
old framework (not an entirely new framework) —Stevenson and Wolfers introduce IOR first
and open market operations last, even stating that OMO is “really more of history lesson” (p.
They describe IOR as the Fed’s primary tool, ON RRP rate as a supplementary tool, and
they are the only book in the set that describes the discount rate’s role in setting an effective
ceiling for the federal funds rate. To round out the discussion of the current regime, we
OMOs have been used quite often in 2019 and 2020 as the Fed addressed different stresses. The authors might
consider adjusting their words about OMOs being a historical lesson.
recommend the textbook adds some discussion about what it means for the Fed work operate
with ample reserveswhat is the appropriate level and how OMOs are used to maintain ample.
Case, Fair, and Oster cover both the limited and ample reserve regimes. They clearly
segment their discussion of the Fed’s tools as “tools prior to 2008” then “expanding Fed
activities beginning in 2008” and then “tools after 2008.” In doing so, they provide clear
segmentation of the key tools used in the past versus today.
We recommend that they add to
their discussion of today’s regime how IOR acts as a reservation rate and a discussion how the
Fed’s other administered rates, ON RRP rate and discount rate, influence the federal funds rate.
Finally, Hubbard and O’Brien can improve their discussion and coverage of IOR. For
example, in our scoring, the authors received a point for saying “beginning in 2008, the Fed
began paying banks interest on their reserve holds. The interest rate that the Fed pays on reserves
sets a floor for the federal funds rate” (p.880).
But, they lost points for emphasizing OMO over
IOR when discussing the Fed’s tools in their section on monetary policy tools (p. 853-855) and
in their chapter summary (p. 866). We recommend that they include IOR in their graphical
analysis. In addition, like the previous two textbooks, their material can be enhanced by adding a
discussion of what it means for the Fed to operate with ample reserves.
Our findings about the treatment of the monetary policy tools across the textbooks is
consistent with Colander’s (2003) suggestion that existing textbooks resist change. Most of the
textbooks we examined in this study are several editions into publication. It seems that the
newest tool (IOR) is simply added as an extension to the old framework which, for many of these
For example, they refer to the limited-reserves tools in the past tense “traditionally the Fed had three tools
available to it to control the interest rate via changing the money supply: open market operations, changing the
reserve requirement ratio, and changing the discount rate that banks pay to the Fed to borrow reserves” (p. 526).
We award Hubbard and O’Brien a point for saying IOR is the primary tool, though this is only implied by the text
on page 880. This point could be brought out more forcefully in their next edition.
books, has persisted through several editions. The newest book (first edition in 2020) described
the new framework as a different model, not an extension of the old one. In our estimation,
relieved of the baggage of previous editions, the authors were free to describe how monetary
policy is implemented now, rather than trying to adapt an existing model and text that has deep
roots in past editions and the Fed’s old policy implementation framework.
Standards and Guidelines
Turning to the standards and guidelines for economic instruction, we find they need updating.
Similar to the textbooks that received negative scores, the limited-reserves regime is deeply
entrenched in historical concepts. However, worse than the textbooks, these materials do not
even mention the Fed’s primary tool, IOR. We believe it is a priority to update these materials
because many textbooks and teachers lean on these standards and guidelines.
The Voluntary National Content Standards (VNCS) in Economics, includes 20 broad economics
content standards with specific benchmarks (expected achievement levels) for grades 4, 8, and
12 for each standard. The VNCS are not government mandates. Rather they are a resource for
states, local school districts, individual schools, and for teachers. MacDonald and Siegfried
(2012), contributors to the most recent, 2010 revision, tout the influential effect of the standards,
including that several high school textbooks incorporate the standards and states often use VNCS
as a starting point in developing their curriculums and state-level standards. And, in addition,
many commercial and non-profit producers of economics classroom resources align their
education resources with these standards.
Due to their influence on what is taught in the classroom, it is important that the
benchmarks that describe the Fed’s current implementation of monetary policy reflect current
practice. The current benchmarks state that the Federal Reserve System’s “major monetary
policy tool is open market purchases and sales of government securities” and that that the
Federal Reserve’s target for the federal funds rate is “largely reached by buying and selling
existing government securities.” (Council for Economic Education, 2010). Other benchmarks are
also outdated.
Siegfried and Meszaros (1998) report that one of the five criteria the authors used in
creating the VNCS was that the standards should be correct and reflect the best scholarship
within the discipline. We agree. Our prosed changes can be found in table 3.
Table 3: Proposed Changes to Voluntary National Content Standards
Current Benchmark
Monetary policies are
decisions by the Federal
Reserve System that
lead to changes in the
supply of money, short-
term interest rates, and
the availability of
credit. Changes in the
growth rate of the
money supply can
influence overall levels
of spending,
employment, and prices
in the economy by
inducing changes in the
levels of personal and
business investment
Monetary policy
decisions by the
Federal Reserve lead to
changes in interest
rates and broader
financial conditions.
These changes
influence overall levels
of spending,
employment, and
prices in the economy
by inducing changes in
the levels of personal
and business savings
and investment
In the Federal Reserve’s
current implementation
regime, the focus should be
on how the Fed’s setting of
its policy tools directly
influence short-term interest
rates and broader financial
conditions, which influence
employment and prices.
The Federal Reserve
System’s major
monetary policy tool is
open market purchases
or sales of government
securities, which affects
the money supply and
short-term interest rates.
The Federal Reserve’s
major monetary policy
tool is interest on
reserves. Changes in
this rate, along with the
Fed’s other
administered rates,
directly affect short-
1. The key tool in the
Federal Reserve’s
current implementation
regime is its
administered interest
rates, not open market
Other policy tools used
by the Federal Reserve
System include making
loans to banks (and
charging a rate of
interest called the
discount rate). In
emergency situations,
the Federal Reserve
may make loans to
other institutions. The
Federal Reserve can
also influence monetary
conditions by changing
depository institutions’
reserve requirements.
term market interest
rates. The other
administered rates
include overnight
reverse repurchase
agreement (ON RRP)
rate (which sets a floor
for the federal funds
rate), and the discount
rate (which helps set a
ceiling for the federal
funds rate.
In normal times, open
market operations are
used to ensure reserves
remain ample.
At times, the Federal
Reserve uses forward
guidance about the
expected path of the
federal funds target
range over the next
several months or
In emergency
situations, , the Federal
Reserve can use the
full set of its tools to
stabilize financial
markets, help put
downward pressure on
longer-term interest
rates, and keep credit
flowing. Most of these
tools are subject to
prior approval of the
Secretary of the
2. Reserve requirements
were never a significant
tool in the current
implementation regime
and have been
inoperative since March
3. OMOs are used in
normal times to maintain
ample reserves or, in
crisis events, to mitigate
stresses in financial
markets and help put
downward pressure on
longer-term interest
4. In recent years, the
FOMC has used forward
guidance on the policy
target range when the
target range has been
near zero.
5. As a result of Dodd-
Frank, the Fed cannot
directly lend to any
individual institution.
All lending has to be
“broad based” and
approved by the
Secretary of the
The Federal Reserve
targets the level of the
federal funds rate, a
The Federal Reserve
targets the level of the
federal funds rate, a
As with benchmark #8, the
text needs to be updated to
short-term rate that
banks charge one
another for the use of
excess funds. This
target is largely reached
by buying and selling
existing government
short-term rate that
banks charge one
another for the
overnight use of funds.
This target is largely
reached by adjusting
the rate of interest on
reflect the current “major”
tool used by the Fed.
The Federal Reserve
tends to increase
interest rate targets
when it feels the
economy is growing too
rapidly and/or the
inflation rate is
accelerating. It tends to
lower rate targets when
it wants to stimulate the
short-term growth of
the economy.
The Federal Reserve
tends to increase its
target for the policy
interest rate when it
judges there are no
employment shortfalls
and average inflation is
too high.
It tends to lower its
interest rate target
when there are
shortfalls in
employment or
average inflation is too
Update the language to
reflect the FOMC’s 2020
consensus statement on
Longer-Run Goals and
Monetary Policy Strategy.
Turning to the Advanced Placement (AP) Macroeconomics Course and Exam
Description, we find its guidelines are similarly outdated. The College Board designs the AP
Macroeconomics course to reflect the content of an introductory college-level macroeconomics
course. In 2019, 5,595 schools offered AP Macroeconomics courses and 146,091 students took
an AP Macroeconomics class.
The 2019 AP Macroeconomics Course and Exam Description
states “the tools of monetary policy include open market operations, the required reserve ratio,
and the discount rate. The most frequently-used monetary policy tool is open market operations.”
Unlike the college classroom, AP Macroeconomics teachers cannot stray too far from the
prescribed curriculum—they must submit a syllabus and receive approval from the College
Based on “Program Summary Report,” published by the College Board, 2019, available here: https://secure-
Board before being approved to teach the course. In other words, the syllabus must align with the
AP curriculum. Further, AP teachers spend much of their time preparing students for the AP
exam, which assesses student understanding of the AP Macroeconomics curriculum, including
monetary policy implementation. As such, outdated concepts in the curriculum are directly
reflected in the instruction by teachers and understanding by students. Our proposed changes can
be found in table 4.
Table 4: Proposed Changes to AP Macroeconomics Course and Exam Description
Current Guidelines
Central banks implement
monetary policies to
achieve macroeconomic
goals, such as price
Central banks implement
monetary policies to
achieve macroeconomic
goals such as maximum
employment and price
Given the Fed’s
congressional dual
mandate, one should add
maximum employment to
the guideline
The tools of monetary
policy include open-market
operations, the required
reserve ratio, and the
discount rate. The most
frequently used monetary
policy tool is open-market
The tools of monetary
policy implementation
include the central bank's
administered interest rates
(interest on reserves, ON
RRP rate, and the discount
rate) as well as open
market operations.
The key policy tool is
interest on reserves.
Redirect teaching to the
Fed’s administered rates.
Drop mention of reserve
requirements, which have
been set to zero since
March 2020.
Should consider adding the
point that interest on
reserves is the primary
When the central bank
conducts an open-market
purchase (sale), reserves
increase (decrease), thereby
increasing (decreasing) the
monetary base.
When the central bank
raises (lowers) its
administered rates, market
interest rates increase
Redirect teaching to the
key policy tool.
The effect of an open-
market purchase (sale) on
the money supply is greater
than the effect on the
monetary base because of
the money multiplier.
This issue does not need to
be discussed in the current
Many central banks carry
out policy to hit a target
range for an overnight
interbank lending rate. (In
the United States, this is
the federal funds rate.)
No Change
Central banks can
influence the nominal
interest rate in the short run
by changing the money
supply, which in turn will
affect investment and
consumption. [See also EK
MKT-5.G.2 for the
influence on net capital
Central banks can
influence market interest
rates by adjusting their
administered interest rates,
which transmit to overall
financial market
conditions and ultimately
affect investment and
Adjusted the text to focus
on the Fed’s current
implementation regime,
where the policy tools
directly influence short-
term interest rates and
broader financial
Expansionary or
contractionary monetary
policies are used to restore
full employment when the
economy is in a negative
(i.e., recessionary) or
positive (i.e., inflationary)
output gap.
The Federal Reserve tends
to increase its interest rate
target when it feels there
are no employment
shortfalls and average
inflation is too high.
It tends to lower its
interest rate target when
there are shortfalls in
employment and or
average inflation is too
First, the guideline should
include the Congressional
dual mandate of maximum
employment and price
stability. Second, the
language is updated to be
consistent with the
FOMC’s 2020 consensus
statement on Longer-Run
Goals and Monetary Policy
Monetary policy can
influence aggregate
demand, real output, the
price level, and interest
rates. [See also EK MKT-
5.E.3 for the effect on
exchange rates.]
Monetary policy can
influence interest rates,
aggregate demand, real
output and the price level.
Adjust the list to put
interest rates first, as this is
the link from the FOMC’s
target range to financial
A money market model
and/or the ADAS model
are used to demonstrate the
short-run effects of
monetary policy.
No Change
There should be a change
in the way these models
depict a change in Fed
policy. The standard
money market model
should be adapted to reflect
the ample-reserves
framework (see figure 2).
In particular, the model
should start with changes
in the Fed’s administered
rates that affect market
interest rates, which will
ultimately affect
investment and AD-AS.
This linkage does not start
from that OMOs affect the
supply of money.
In reality, there are lags to
monetary policy caused by
the time it takes to
recognize a problem in the
economy and the time it
takes the economy to adjust
to the policy action.
No Change
Updating the VNCS will ensure that this content is reflected in state and local standards
and included in materials designed by organizations and firms that prepare classroom materials.
Updating the AP Macroeconomics curriculum and exam creates incentives for teachers to update
their instruction, and for students to be taught the correct information. These high school courses
provide some students with the only economics course they will ever take, and for others the
classes provide foundational information as they move to college courses. In both cases, it’s
important that the content reflects current practice. So why are these standards and guidelines out
of date? The next subsection looks at this curriculum lag.
The Curriculum Lag
Given that the Fed has been implementing monetary policy with ample reserves for about a
decade, why are academic materials not up to date? Part of this curriculum lag may reflect the
fact that the Fed did not formally announce that it will continue in this framework over the
longer run until January 2019. So, textbook authors, standards, and guidelines might have been
waiting for a formal announcement from the Fed that it was not returning to the limited-reserves
regime. However, the Fed had signaled it was leaning toward adopting this framework for some
time, and the Fed had been actively using the current policy tools since raising the federal funds
rate target above the effective lower bound in December 2015.
Another reason for the slow response to update economic materials may reflect the fact
that there are not a lot of educational materials for educators to lean on for guidance in making
accurate changes. Around the time of lifting the policy rate from near zero (fall, 2015), the
Journal of Economic Perspectives published “Rewriting Monetary Policy 101: What's the Fed's
Preferred Post-Crisis Approach to Raising Interest Rates?” (Ihrig, Meade & Weinbach). Though
a widely-read generalist journal, it is not directly targeted to economic educational outlets.
Stepping forward, in 2019, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis published “A New Frontier:
Monetary Policy with Ample Reserves” (Wolla); this resource is a short piece that introduced the
reader to IOR and the ON RRP rates in the ample-reserves regime, in its Page One Economics
series, a publication written for economic educators. This educational piece was followed by
“The Fed’s New Policy Tools,” (Ihrig and Wolla) in August 2020, also part of the Page One
Economics series, which provides a discussion of all the policy tools used in the ample-reserves
framework. As materials stand today, the most complete discussion of the concepts of policy
implementation is found in this paper.
We provide an overview of the framework and the
policy tools, we walk through the mechanics of how the Fed raises or lowers interest rates, and
we discuss how the framework works in normal times as well as periods of stress. In addition,
In 2020, many additional education resources were posted on the Federal Reserve System’s websites, including
“The Fed’s New Monetary Policy Tools” (Page One Economics, St. Louis Fed), “How Does the Fed Influence
Interest Rates Using Its New Tools” (Open Vault Blog, St. Louis Fed), and “Closing the Monetary Policy
Curriculum Gap: A Primer for Educators Making the Transition to Teaching the Fed’s Ample-Reserves Framework
(FEDS Notes, Federal Reserve Board of Governors). Ihrig, Senyuz, and Weinbach (2020a) have a primer that
presents most of the key concepts of an ample regime. However, they do not walk through an interest rate
adjustment. Also, their discussion is quite detailed in some areas, making it a good resource for money and banking
courses that dive into more details than discussed in a principles textbook.
for those schooled in the limited-reserves regime, the comparison section helps to hit home how
existing tools are used differently (or not at all) as well as outlines the new tools.
Recommendations for Teachers, Professors, Curriculum Specialists, and Textbook Authors
The Fed stated it is using an ample-reserve regime now and over the longer run. It is time that
teaching materials are updated. In many ways, the Fed’s current ample-reserves framework is
easier for students to understand than the limited-reserves framework. For example, focusing on
how the Fed influences the federal funds rate with a limited supply of reserves, students used to
be required to understand how the New York Fed’s Trading Desk buying and selling of bonds in
the open market affected the supply of reserves. Students were introduced to technical details of
the operations and accounting concepts. While these details may seem like natural connections to
professors, they are often complex and abstract to introductory students—it’s no wonder
monetary policy was one of the least understood topics in large-scale assessments (Walstad et al,
At its most basic level, the ample-reserves framework requires students to know more
intuitive concepts. Once the student learns that the Fed uses its administered rates to steer the
federal funds rate, the intuition is straight forward. Students can easily grasp how IOR acts as a
reservation rate and arbitrage helps keep market interest rates near IOR. These two concepts are
discussed in other areas of economics as well. As such, we disagree with Hubbard and
O’Brien’s (2021) view that the ample-reserves framework is “a more complicated mechanism”
(p. 880).
Further, rather than tying monetary policy implementation to the textbook content of
money and banking and the money supply, we recommend focusing directly on the Fed’s ability
use these tools to influence the federal funds rate and other market interest rates. These are
demand-side tools that affect business investment and personal consumption decisions. One can
discuss monetary policy implementation at the introductory level in the context of aggregate
supply and demand. For example, expansionary monetary policy results in lower interest rates
that encourages spending and investment by consumers and firms. This additional spending
increases aggregate demand and employment, moving the Fed toward its maximum employment
and price stability goals.
The Fed has been implementing monetary policy in an ample-reserves regime for nearly a
decade. While several statements and articles discussing the current framework were published
by the Federal Reserve between 2009 and today, not many were provided for educators, and it
wasn’t until January of 2019 that the Fed formally announced that it would continue in the ample
reserves framework over the longer run. As such, it is not surprising to see the varied textbook
treatment of the topic.
We provided a detailed description of the ample-reserves framework using classroom-
friendly models and language, and we contrasted it with the limited-reserves framework. Then
we assessed the treatment of monetary policy implementation in six principles-level textbooks –
all by major publishers and popular authors. Specifically, we scored the textbooks on a total of
15 different concepts grouped into three areas – the policy rate, the policy tools, and interest rate
adjustment– assigning both positive and negative points for different concepts. We found half of
the textbooks with negative net scores and the other half with varying degrees of net positive
scores. We reviewed where the books hit the mark and provided recommendations for where
content improvements can be made. Finally, we assessed the Voluntary National Content
Standards in Economics and the AP Macroeconomics Course and Exam Description. In both
cases, updates are needed; we proposed specific updates to make these materials consistent with
the Fed’s current framework.
While the Fed’s current framework is not well represented in curriculum materials, we
hope that this article encourages and guides a shift away from content that focuses on the
limited-reserves framework that was used prior to 2009 and toward the ample-reserves
framework the Fed uses today and will do so from now on. This revision is especially important
at the principles-level because these classes have large enrollment and, for many students is their
first and last exposure to economics. As such, it is important that the content reflects current
practices. More generally, all students should expect to be taught material that is accurate and
reflects current practice.
Appendix – Textbook Scoring Metric
Table A1 provides the 15 specific concepts used in evaluating the principles textbooks. Each
concept that we deemed important to the ample-reserves framework received +1 point. Each
concept that was outdated received -1 point. A textbook that covered all the concepts correctly
would score +12; whereas, a textbook that covered all the material inaccurately would score – 3.
The concepts are grouped into three areas: information related to the Fed’s policy rate,
concepts associated with the Fed’s policy tools used for implementation, and the discussion of an
interest rate adjustment. Most of the points are given for explaining the correct policy tools and
how they work in the ample-reserves framework.
Table A1 Scoring Metric
Awarded Points
Fed’s policy rate
FOMC determines the target range for FFR
Fed’s policy tools
IOR is the primary tool the Fed uses to adjust the FFR
IOR is a reservation rate
IOR works through arbitrage
ON RRP facility/rate is a supplementary tool for adjusting the FFR
The discount window/rate sets a ceiling on the FFR
Reserves are classified as ample
OMOs are used to ensure reserves remain ample (not to adjust FFR)
Because reserves are ample, reserve requirements are not a significant
Uses some version of ample regime figure
OMO is the Fed’s primary tool for adjusting the FFR
IOR is used to manage the level of reserves / supply of money
Interest rate adjustment
The Fed adjusts the FFR by moving the administered rates (at least
Uses some version of ample regime figure
Uses some version of limited regime figure
Table A2 reports the scores for each of the six textbooks in our sample on each of the 15
concepts. The total score is reported at the bottom of the table.
Table A2 – Scoring details for each textbook
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