Report to the Secretary of the Interior
Au~rlst IWO
Improvements Needed
in Federal Wild Horse
.- --~. .-
Resources, Community, and
Economic Development Division
August 20,199O
The Honorable Manuel Lujan, Jr.
The Secretary of the Interior
Dear Mr. Secretary:
This report discusses the Bureau of Land Management’s efforts to manage wild horses on the
public rangelands in 10 western states, including the removal and disposition of excess wild
horses under the Adopt-A-Horse program.
This report contains recommendations to you in chapters 2,3, and 4. The head of a federal
agency is required by 31 U.S.C. 720 to submit a written statement on actions taken on our
recommendations to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and the House
Committee on Government Operations not later than 60 days after the date of this letter and
to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations with the agency’s first request for
appropriations made more than 60 days after the date of this letter.
We are sending copies of this report to the Director, Bureau of Land Management; Director,
Office of Management and Budget; congressional offices; and other interested parties. If we
can be of further assistance, please contact me at (202) 275-7756. Other major contributors
are listed in appendix II.
Sincerely yours,
James Duffus III
Director, Natural Resources
Management Issues
Executive Summaxy
In response to concerns over the widespread abuse and exploitation of
wild horses and the possibility that the remaining population might
eventually be eradicated, the Congress passed the Wild Free-Roaming
Horses and Burros Act in 1971 to grant the animals special protection.
Subsequent population counts indicated that there were many more wild
horses than previously thought and that these horses were contributing
to overgrazing of the federal rangelands. This new information led the
Congress to amend the law in 1978 and establish protection of the range
from wild horse overpopulation as a major program objective. Accord-
ingly, it authorized the agency responsible for administering the pro-
gram-the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management
limit wild horse populations to levels the range can sustain.
This dual mandate of protecting wild horse populations while at the
same time protecting the rangelands they roam from deterioration con-
tinues to govern program operations.
Responding to expressions of congressional concern over
ment of the wild horse program,
basis for deter-
mining the number of wild horses to be removed from the range; the
treatment of horses disposed of under a special adoption program; and
the cost-effectiveness of other aspects of
wild horse disposal
Since 1980,
has rounded up, removed, and disposed of more than
80,000 wild horses from federal rangelands. About 60,000 of these
horses have been adopted through
Adopt-A-Horse program which
allows individuals to obtain title to up to four horses a year for $125
each. In an effort to enhance the adoptability of wild horses,
recent years has been sending some horses to state prison facilities to be
“gentled” by inmates who halter train them. However, all the wild
horses removed from the range have not proven to be adoptable because
of age or physical imperfection. Accordingly, from 1984 through Sep-
tember 1988,
placed about 20,000 wild horses with large-scale
adopters who agreed to take a minimum of 100 horses when
the normal adoption fee. This program was terminated in response to
widespread congressional and public criticism. Since the summer of
has placed unadoptable horses in private sanctuaries.
Results in Brief
found that despite congressional direction,
decisions on how
many wild horses to remove from federal rangelands have not been
based on direct evidence that existing wild populations exceed what the
Page 2 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Executive Summary
range can support. Moreover, wild horse removals often have not been
accompanied by reductions in authorized livestock grazing levels or
effective range management to increase the land’s capacity. As a result,
range conditions have not demonstrably improved, and the number of
wild horses removed has exceeded the capacity of the Adopt-A-Horse
program. These conditions, in turn, led
to implement two mass dis-
posal options that have resulted in either inhumane treatment and com-
mercial exploitation of the horses or committed the government to long-
term financial responsibility for the removed horses’ welfare.
halter training and gentling program also has not been as cost-effective
as it could be. Many horses remain at prison training facilities much
longer than necessary resulting in increased program costs and lost
adoption opportunities.
Principal Findings
Wild Horse Removals Are
found that existing information is insufficient to determine how
Not Linked to Rangeland
many wild horses the range can support, the extent of degradation
caused by wild horses, or consequently the number of wild horses that
should appropriately be removed from individual herd areas. For
example, for the five
visited (covering 46 wild horse herd
had not assessed the land’s carrying capacities in over 20
years in three cases and in over 10 years in another case. The one
resource area with data less than 10 years old did not use it to set target
wild horse population levels and removal objectives. Despite the lack of
has proceeded with horse removals using targets based on per-
ceived population levels dating back to 197 1 and/or recommendations
advisory groups comprised largely of livestock permittees.
could not provide
with any information demonstrating that fed-
eral rangeland conditions have significantly improved because of wild
horse removals. This lack of impact has occurred largely because
has not reduced authorized grazing by domestic livestock, which
because of their vastly larger numbers consume 20 times more forage
than wild horses, or improved the management of livestock to give the
native vegetation more opportunity to grow. In some areas,
increased authorized livestock grazing levels after it had
removed wild horses, thereby negating any reduction in total forage
consumption and potential for range improvement. According to
range managers,
has not acted to reduce authorized grazing levels
Page 3 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Executive Summary
primarily because it believed it did not have sufficient range condition
data to justify the reductions.
Mass Disposal Led to
By 1986,
was removing thousands more wild horses yearly from the
Inhumane Treatment and
range than its Adopt-A-Horse program could absorb. Faced with the
Commercial Exploitation
escalating costs of maintaining these excess horses in holding facilities,
placed about 20,000 wild horses with large-scale adopters.
not always comply with its regulations and internal guidance for
approving and monitoring these adoptions. This noncompliance resulted
in the inhumane treatment and death of hundreds of horses during the
l-year probation period when the horses were still owned by the gov-
ernment. Most adopters sold thousands of wild horses to
terminated the program in September 1988 after negative publicity
and pressure from the Congress. However, it has not rescinded the regu-
lations authorizing such adoptions.
Disposal Program’
Effectiveness Can
‘s Cost-
Problems continue to exist in
remaining disposal activities.
found that many horses remain at the prison facilities much longer than
the 30 to 60 days needed to halter train them. Some horses remained at
the facilities for up to 19 months, thereby substantially increasing pro-
gram costs. In addition,
found that
adoption staff have ques-
tioned the quality of the training many horses have received.
taken steps to tighten the management of the halter training program
but to date has not established needed standards for the length of time
the prisons should take to halter train a wild horse or the number and
quality of trained horses the prison facilities should produce.
With respect to the wild horse sanctuaries,
believes that
will not
be able to meet its objective of limiting financial support for the sanc-
tuaries to their first 3 years of operation. Accordingly,
believes that
will either have to commit to a long-term financial commitment to
the sanctuaries (now approaching $900,000 a year for the first sanc-
tuary alone) or be prepared to have the horses returned to its custody.
To ensure that wild horse removal decisions are made in the context of a
rational range betterment strategy,
recommends that
tiously develop carrying capacity and range condition data. In locations
where these data indicate that overgrazing is occurring,
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GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Executive Summary
implement range management techniques designed to give native vege-
tation more opportunity to grow and when necessary remove wild
horses and reduce livestock grazing in proportion to the numbers of
each species on the range.
also makes several other recommenda-
tions to improve
wild horse removal and disposal efforts. (See pp.
44 and 56.)
Agency Comments
generally agreed with
recommendations and stated that imple-
menting action to address them either has been taken or is being initi-
disagreed, however, with a recommendation in a draft of this
report to reduce overgrazing by removing wild horses and reducing the
levels of authorized domestic livestock grazing in proportion to the
amount of forage each is consuming and the amount of range damage
each is causing.
revised its recommendation to acknowledge the role
improved livestock management can have in reducing the impact of
domestic livestock grazing on range conditions. Recognizing the diffi-
culty in distinguishing between the impacts of wild horses and domestic
livestock on range deterioration,
also revised its recommendation to
base any needed reductions in grazing activity on the relative numbers
of wild horses and domestic livestock on the range.
Page 6
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Executive Summary
Chapter 1
Exploitation of Wild Horses and Burros Prompted Federal
BLM’s Wild Horse Program
Related GAO Products
Objectives, Scope, and Methodology 18
Chapter 2
Wild Horse Removals
BLM Lacks Adequate Data to Make Informed Wild Horse
Need to Be Linked to
Removal Decisions
Basis for BLM’s Wild Horse Removals Is Inappropriate
Rangeland Conditions
Wild Horse Removals Have Not Significantly Improved
Range Conditions
Recent Wild Horse Removal Levels Have Exceeded
Disposal Capabilities
Recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior
Agency Comments and GAO Response
Chapter 3
Fee-Waiver Adoptions
Increasing the Number of Wild Horses Removed From the
Led to Inhumane
Range Led BLM to Authorize Fee-Waiver Program
Many Fee-Waiver Horses Treated Inhumanely
Treatment and
Thousands of Horses Sent to Slaughter After Title Passed
Recommendation to the Secretary of the Interior
Agency Comments and GAO Response 33
Chapter 4
Continuing Problems
Sanctuaries More Costly Than Originally Thought
With Wild Horse
Halter Training Program Can Be Made More Cost-
Disposal Activities
Alternative Disposal Options May Need to Be Considered
Recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior
Agency Comments and GAO Response
Page 6
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I: Comments From the Department of the
Appendix II: Major Contributors to This Report
Figure 1.1: Wild Horses in Nevada
Figure 1.2: General Areas of Wild Horse and Burro Herds
in the Western States
Fig. 1.3: Locations Where Wild Horses Are Adopted by
the Public
Figure 1.4: Horses Taken From Round-Up Pens on Range
to Preparation Center in Nevada
Figure 1.6: BLM’s Removals of Wild Horses and Burros
and Appropriations, 1983-1990
Animal Unit Month
Bureau of Land Management
Federal Land Policy and Management Act
General Accounting Office
Institute of Range and the American Mustang
Page 7
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 1
Figure 1.1: Wild Horme In Nevada
Source: BLM.
To ensure the survival of the wild horse herds, in 1971 the Congress
enacted the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act (16 USC. 1331
et seq.) declaring that
“wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer
spirit of the West; that they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the
Nation . . . and that these horses and burros are fast disappearing from the Amer-
ican scene.”
The act directed the Secretary of the Interior (this responsibility was
internally delegated to
to protect wild horses and burros from
various types of abuse or death and to consider them in areas they were
found as of 1971 as an integral part of the natural system of the public
lands. Further,
was directed to manage them to achieve and main-
tain a thriving natural ecological balance on the public lands. The act
precludes managing wild horses and burros to areas outside of where
they were found in 1971.
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GAO/RCED-9SllO Rangeland Management
Chapter 1
Soon after the act’s passage, more thorough
censuses revealed that
wild horse populations were much higher than the 9,600 previously
thought to exist. In the ensuing years, the focus of program debates
shifted from ensuring the continued survival of wild horses to deter-
mining the number that should remain on the public lands. On the one
hand, livestock permittees (ranchers who pay a fee to graze their live-
stock on public lands) and wildlife conservationists argued that lower
population levels should be maintained because horse populations were
damaging the range and displacing domestic livestock and various wild-
life species also competing for the limited available forage. Horse protec-
tion groups, on the other hand, argued for higher population levels on
the basis of their view that horses were not a major cause of the ongoing
degradation in public range resources.
Responding to deteriorating range conditions, the Congress enacted the
Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976
43 U.S.C.
1701 et seq.). In
the Congress directed
to scientifically
manage the rangelands under the principles of multiple use and sus-
tained yield. The act defined multiple use as the management of public
lands and their various resource values (fish and wildlife, livestock
grazing, mining, recreation, etc,) so that they are used in the combina-
tion that best meets the public’s present and future needs. The term sus-
tained yield means the achievement and maintenance in perpetuity of a
high-level annual or regular periodic output of various renewable
resources. Under
wild horses and burros are one of the resources
must balance as it manages the range.
also directs
to conduct multiple-use and sustained- yield man-
agement through a land use planning process. Under the act, land use
plans should be based on scientific knowledge of conditions and result in
a management program that allows a judicious variety of uses while
protecting and even enhancing resources.
Because of continuing concerns over degradation of rangeland resources
implementation of the wild horse program, the Congress
amended the Wild Horses and Burros Act as part of the Public Range-
lands Improvement Act in 1978 (P.L. 96-514). These amendments
to maintain a current inventory of wild horses. They further
to remove wild horses deemed to be in excess of what the
range can support as documented in (1) land use plans completed under
(2) court-ordered environmental impact statements for the
Page 10 GAO/RCED-!Wl lO Rangeland Management
Chapter 1
grazing program; (3) information from a research program also estab-
lished in the act; or (4) absent any of those, on the basis of all informa-
tion currently available that excess animals need to be removed. Under
the act, removal actions are to be taken to “restore a thriving natural
ecological balance to the range, and protect the range from the deterio-
ration associated with overpopulation.” The amendments in part
defined excess animals as those that must be removed from an area in
order to preserve and maintain a thriving natural ecological balance and
multiple-use relationship in that area. Thus,
management of wild
horse herd levels is to be directly linked to rangeland conditions and
carrying capacity2 for horses and other species, such as wildlife and
domestic livestock.
In 1986, the Congress directed
to accelerate the removal of wild
horses and burros from public rangelands. It took this action in response
to information from
that the population of wild horses and burros
exceeded the range’s carrying capacity and was threatening range
resources. Since that time,
has argued that high wild horse removal
levels are necessary to protect public rangeland resources from further
BLM’s Wild Horse
manages all programs, including the wild horse program, under a
management philosophy of decentralized control, with as much
authority and responsibility as possible delegated to lower operating
is organized with four levels of management, one in the
Washington, D.C., headquarters and three in field operations. The
Director heads the agency, assisted by the program office-the Division
of Wild Horses and Burros in the Land and Renewable Resources direc-
headquarters oversees the program by developing policies,
guidance, procedures, regulations, and budget estimates and organizing
coordination workshops for the field offices.
field operations consist of state offices, district offices, and resource
area offices.
has 12 state offices, each managed by a state director.
State offices are responsible for providing statewide program direction,
oversight, and coordination of resource programs for federal lands
jurisdiction. Each state office has several district offices,
each managed by a district manager. Most district offices are respon-
sible for two or more resource areas. District offices provide oversight
“Carrying capacity refers to assessmenta that determine the consumption by wildlife, wild horses,
and livestock
available forage can support on a sustained-yield basis.
Page 11
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 1
and support to their resource area offices. Resource area offices, each
managed by an area manager, are the primary field location for program
operations. In fiscal year 1990, the equivalent of 145 full-time
employees were expected to be employed to carry out the wild horse and
burro program in
headquarters and field offices.
has identified 270 wild horse and burro herd areas in 10
western states, but it does not plan to manage any horses or burros on
68 of the areas.” (See fig. 1.2.) Almost all herd areas overlap areas where
domestic livestock graze under
permits or leases assigned to
rangeland is divided into 22,000 grazing allotments.4 In
reported a wild horse population of 41,774 on
lands with
74 percent located in Nevada and 10 percent located in Wyoming. The
Forest Service has less than 4 percent of the wild horse population on its
Through its land use planning process,
has determined that about
27,000 wild horses is the most appropriate population level for public
lands that
manages in the West.” Since it believes that about 42,000
wild horses currently roam the range, it has determined that about
15,000 horses are excess and need to be immediately removed.
Once excess wild horses are rounded up, they are disposed of in various
ways, Although most of these horses are removed from public lands in
Nevada, over two-thirds of those removed are offered for adoption by
Eastern States Office and New Mexico State Office under the
agency’s Adopt-A-Horse program (see fig. 1.3.). Since program inception,
has removed and disposed of more than 80,000 wild horses from the
federal rangelands.
The Adopt-A-Horse program allows individuals to take up to four horses
per year for $125 each. Since 1973, about 60,000 horses have been
adopted through this program. To improve the adoptability of older
“The 68 herd areas are generally located contiguous with privately owned lands. To avoid the
problem of removing wild horses that stray onto private lands, BLM designated these areas for com-
plete removal.
4Grazing allotments are designated areas of land available to ranchers with BLM permits or leases for
grazing specific numbers and kinds of livestock.
“The Forest Service administers 43 wild horse and burro herd areas. The act does not protect wild
horses found on other federal lands, such as military bases and national parks and refuges.
“Because wild burros populations total only about 11 percent of the wild population and few
problems have been reported with their adoption, this report deals primarily with wild horses.
Page 12 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Figure 1.2: General Areas of Wild Horse and Burro Herd8 in the Western State8
Lands Managed by BLM
. . . .
Major Wild Home Areas
ooooo Major Wild Burro Areas
Source: BLM.
Page 13
GAO/RCED-W-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 1
Fig. 1.3: Locations Where Wild Horses Are Adopted by the Public
A \r/r Arizona
Adopllon Sslellites In New Mexico
and Eastern State8 Oltic63 in FY 1998
Prison Halter.Tralnlng Centers
Permanent Adoption Centers
(BLM and Contract)
- BLM State Ollice Administrative
New Mexico
State Oll~co
Eastern States Ollice
has since 1986 sent these horses to various state prisons so
that prison inmates can train and “gentle” them before adoption.
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GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 1
Because of a growing backlog of wild horses in
holding facilities,
initiated the so-called “fee-waiver” adoption program in 1984. This
program allowed individuals, and Native American tribes under power-
of-attorney arrangements, to take, free-of-charge, wild horses deter-
mined by
to be unadoptable because of age or physical imperfec-
tions. After a l-year waiting period, the fee-waiver adopters obtained
titles on the horses from
Under this program,
disposed of about
20,000 horses, surpassing adoptions under the Adopt-A-Horse program
in 1987, In September 1988,
terminated the program in response to
intense public and congressional criticism.
Following the termination of the fee-waiver program,
turned to a
second alternative for disposing of wild horses deemed to be unadopt-
able. This alternative involves placing wild horses in private sanc-
tuaries. Wild horse sanctuaries are designed to provide unadoptable
horses humane, life-long care in a natural setting off the public range-
lands. Unlike the fee-waiver program,
retains title to the horses in
the sanctuary and shares in the costs of their maintenance.
Excess horses can travel through a complicated “pipeline” before adop-
tion or placement in a private sanctuary. At various stops in the pipe-
must incur costs for the animals’ care and to assure that they
are humanely treated. For example, after rounding up several hundred
wild horses in Nevada, they are taken by truck to
initial prepara-
tion center near Reno, Nevada, where they are separated by sex into
holding corrals (see fig. 1.4). All horses receive immediate veterinary
examination, vaccinations, and other treatment, are branded with an
identification number, and then are held for a few weeks until they are
strong enough to be shipped out. From here, the horses can be trans-
ported by truck to holding and halter training sites before being sent to
adoption or sanctuary.
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GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 1
Flgure 1.4: Horres Taken From Round-Up
Pens on Range to Preparation Center in
-. -.
Source: BLM.
Page 16 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
In fiscal year 1989, the Congress directed
to establish an advisory
group to assist
in its wild horses and burros program.
plans to
have this advisory group functioning in 1990. The group will gather and
analyze information, make studies, and hear public testimony in order to
offer advice and develop recommendations for the Secretary of the Inte-
rior and
Director to consider.
From 1985 through 1989,
total program costs have averaged
$1,500 for each horse removed from the range. In fiscal years 1985
through 1989,
was appropriated about $81 million to remove and
dispose of 53,925 wild horses and burros and has budgeted another
$13.4 million to remove and dispose of 8,700 more animals in fiscal year
1990. (See fig. 1.5.)
Figure 1.5: BLM’s Removals of Wild
Horses and Burros and Appropriations,
$(thousands)iHon and burros removed
1925 1986
1987 1986
Fiscal Years
- $Appropriations
-1-1 Horse and Burro Removals
Page 17
GAO/RCED-90-110 Raugeland Management
Chapter 1
Related GAO Products
In the past,
has reported that overgrazing is damaging a large por-
tion of the public’s land. Over half of the public rangelands remain in
unsatisfactory condition, and about one out of every five public range-
land grazing allotments is threatened with further deterioration7 The
condition of riparian areas-those ecologically critical zones bordering
rivers, streams, lakes, and bogs-is even worse. Many thousands of
miles of streams have degraded riparian areas needing improvementH
Wild horse and burro populations consume forage on the public range-
lands and consequently contribute to the overgrazing problem. However,
as we have noted in previous testimony,” the primary cause of the deg-
radation in rangeland resources is poorly managed domestic livestock
(primarily cattle and sheep) grazing. When more animals are allowed to
graze in an area than the land can support, forage consumption exceeds
the regenerative capacity of the natural vegetation, resulting in erosion,
watershed damage, and other deterioration. Although recognizing that
overgrazing was occurring,
range managers reported that no adjust-
ments in the authorized livestock grazing levels were scheduled in 75
percent of the allotments threatened with further damage. These man-
agers cited insufficient data on specific range conditions and resistance
by livestock permittees as the primary reasons why action had not been
As we further testified,
has been more concerned with the imme-
diate needs of livestock interests or budget reductions than with
ensuring the long-term health of the range. We further stated that a fun-
damental change in the agency’s management approach and orientation
is necessary if substantive progress is to be made.
Objectives, Scope, and
In response to congressional inquiries reflecting concern over various
aspects of
management of its wild horse program, we began a
programwide review in February 1988. Our work evaluated (1)
basis for determining the number of wild horses to remove from the
public range, (2) the treatment of wild horses removed from the range
anagement: More Emphasis Needed on Declining and Overstocked Grazing Allotments
‘Public Rangeland: Some Riparian Areas Restored But Widespread Improvement Will Be Slow (GAO/
- _
8 106, June 30,1988).
‘Change in Approach Needed to Improve the Bureau of Land Management’s Oversight of Public
Lands (GAO/T-Rm-89-23, April 11,1989).
Page 18
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 1
and adopted in large numbers, and (3) the cost-effectiveness of several
aspects of BLM’S wild horse disposal program.
To determine RIJJ’S basis for removing wild horses from public range-
lands, we focused on Nevada and Wyoming which together have about
84 percent of
wild horse population. We examined
wild horse
and range management in four districts and resource areas in Nevada
and one district and resource area in Wyoming that encompass 46 wild
horse herd areas. We reviewed various documents, such as the legisla-
tive history, regulations, policies, internal guidance, and range manage-
ment plans to determine the basis for both livestock and wild horse
management levels. We interviewed
officials at various levels about
the range management program.
To evaluate the treatment of wild horses removed from the range and
adopted in large numbers, we focused on
fee-waiver adoption pro-
gram. We did not evaluate the treatment of wild horses and burros
adopted under
full-fee adoption program. We concentrated prima-
rily on
Montana State Office which had placed almost 60 percent
of the fee-waiver adoptions and had given thousands of horses to Native
American tribes, and reviewed selected fee-waiver adoptions in Wyo-
ming and New Mexico. In the
Montana State Office, we reviewed
relevant documents and interviewed
officials in the state office, two
district offices, and two resource area offices. To determine if fee-
waivered wild horses were commercially exploited, we obtained records
from and interviewed buyers and managers at horse slaughterhouses
and livestock sales barns in South Dakota, Nebraska, Texas, and
Canada. We also interviewed livestock brand inspectors in Montana,
North Dakota, and South Dakota.
To determine the cost-effectiveness of
halter training program, we
New Mexico and Colorado state offices’ cooperative
agreements with state correctional agencies to train 2,000 wild horses at
4 state prisons. We reviewed documents and interviewed
officials in
both state offices and two district offices. We also reviewed documents
and interviewed officials with the state correctional agencies. To
observe operations, we visited the prisons in Santa Fe and Los Lunas,
New Mexico and Canon City, Colorado.
To assess the cost-effectiveness of sanctuaries, we reviewed the agree-
ments as well as documents on the sanctuaries and discussed various
matters with RLM officials in Washington, D.C., the Montana State Office,
and the South Dakota resource area. We visited two sanctuary sites to
Page 19 GAO/RCED-99-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 1
view pasture conditions and the facilities to maintain horses, We dis-
cussed concerns about sanctuary lands leased from the Rosebud Sioux
tribe with officials from Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs. We inter-
viewed state and other officials about procedures for caring for the
horses, fund-raising, and operating the sanctuary without
We obtained official comments on a draft of this report from
comments are included as appendix I. We conducted our review between
February 1988 and November 1989 in accordance with generally
accepted government auditing standards.
Page 20
Chapter 2
Wild Horse Removals Need to Be Linked to
Rangeland Conditions
decisions on how many wild horses to remove from federal range-
lands have been made without benefit of solid information concerning
range carrying capacity or the impact of wild horses on range condi-
tions. Instead, its decisions have reflected either the desire to achieve
perceived historic wild horse population levels or deference to advisory
groups largely comprised of livestock permittees. As a result,
horse removals have not produced appreciable improvements in range
conditions and have exceeded the disposal capacity of
basic adop-
tion program. Future wild horse removal decisions need to be considered
in the context of a broader strategy of range improvements based on
accurate carrying capacity and range condition data.
BLM Lacks Adequate
Establishing levels of forage consumption that do not overtax the land
Data to Make
(carrying capacity) and measuring actual consumption to ensure that
such capacity is not being exceeded are critical steps in prudent range
Informed Wild Horse
management. When more animals (domestic livestock, wildlife, and wild
Removal Decisions
horses) graze the federal range than the land can sustain, degradation is
inevitable. While important to the balanced management of all animals
sharing the range’s resources, the mandates of the wild horse act make
data on carrying capacity and the impact of wild horses on range
resources essential to the management of wild horses. Under the act
horses are to be removed from the range to “restore a thriving ecological
balance” -a condition that cannot be known without these data. Given
this mandate and the substantial costs associated with wild horse
round-up and disposal, accurate up-to-date information on the range’s
ability to sustain wild horse grazing must be available for each herd
area to make rational wild horse removal decisions. Removing more
horses than is necessary wastes federal funds, removing less than is
warranted by range conditions contributes to continued resource deteri-
oration and, depending on horse reproduction rates, can lead to higher
removal costs in the future.
Reasonably current carrying capacity data are, however, frequently not
available within
As we reported in our June 1988 report on range
conditions, carrying capacities have not been assessed for 30 percent of
grazing allotments in over 20 years. Another 11 percent of the car-
rying capacity assessments are between 10 and 20 years old. The value
of information this old is questionable.
The availability of carrying capacity data in the
resource areas we
visited with large wild horse populations was consistent with the
Page 21
GAO/RCJSD-90-110 Rangeland Management
chapter 2
Wild Home Removal@ Need to Be Linked to
Rangeland Conditions
wide picture we reported on earlier. For the 6
resource areas cov-
ering 46 herd areas we visited, 3 had not assessed carrying capacities
for over 20 years, and 1 had not assessed carrying capacities in over 10
years. The one area where carrying capacity data was only 6 years old
did not use the data to set target wild horse population levels and hence
the number of horses to be removed to achieve those levels.
One difficulty facing
in determining the impact of wild horses is dis-
tinguishing among forage consumption by species, While existing range-
land monitoring techniques can measure such things as actual grazing
use, percentage consumption of key plant species, and changes in range
conditions over time, existing practices did not distinguish forage con-
sumption among wild horses, domestic livestock, and wildlife species.
field staff report monitoring techniques are difficult, but not impos-
sible, to practice in many herd areas. Since in many herd areas wild
horses coexist with livestock, this distinction is critical in determining
the appropriate mix of animals on the range as well as the species-spe-
cific actions to be taken in responding to degraded range conditions.
Despite lacking adequate data on the number of wild horses the land can
has proceeded with removing the horses. For example, on
at least two occasions,
Nevada State Office concluded that avail-
able data were not adequate to justify removing wild horses; however,
in both instances
responsible district and resource area offices
chose not to revise their plans to remove horses in their areas. In con-
has frequently used the lack of detailed carrying capacity and
range monitoring data to explain why it has not taken action to reduce
widely recognized overgrazing by domestic livestock.
Basis for BLM’s Wild
Without accurate and reasonably up-to-date carrying capacity data,
Horse Removals Is
has based its wild horse removal decisions on either (1) the desire to
achieve perceived historic population levels or (2) recommendations
advisory groups largely comprised of livestock permittees. The
first basis was set aside by the Interior Board of Land Appeals as being
contrary to the requirements of the wild horse act.’ The second basis is,
at a minimum, not consistent with balanced stewardship of range
resources and reinforces the image of undue deference to livestock inter-
ests that we have discussed in previous reports and testimonies.
‘The Interior Board of Land Appeals, part of the Office of Hearings and Appeals, haa quasi-judicial
and appellate responsibilities for the Department of the Interior. The Board of Land Appeals renders
decisions on BLM cases.
Page 2 2
GAO/RCED-S&l 10 Rangeland Management
chapter 2
Wfld Horee Removals Need to Re Linked to
Rangeland Ckmditiona
We found that
set the target population levels for wild horses (and
thereby the number of horses that should be removed to achieve those
levels) in 38 of the 43 herd areas in Nevada and 1 of the 3 herd areas in
Wyoming on the basis of herd populations it believed to exist as far back
as 19’7 1. None were based on estimated herd populations more recent
than 1983.
For example, in a 1987 herd management plan,
set the wild horse
population in six Nevada herd areas at the estimated 1974 population
level of 877 horses, thus reducing the herds by 42 percent from their
estimated 1982 population of 1,506 horses. Similarly, the wild horse
population level for one Wyoming herd area was set to fluctuate
between 90 and 186 horses on the basis of the herd’s estimated size in
1971 of 70 horses.
This basis was rejected by Interior’s Board of Land Appeals. In 1988,
proposed to reduce the combined wild horse herds in 18 areas in
Nevada from about 10,000 to less than 3,000 horses. An animal protec-
tion group challenged the planned removals claiming that
quantitative data linking wild horses to deteriorated range conditions
(the required basis for horse removals established in the wild horse act).
In June 1989, the Board ruled that in the absence of evidence that wild
horse removals would result in a thriving natural ecological balance or
avoid further deterioration of the range, a wild horse level “established
purely for administrative reasons because it was the level of wild horse
use at a particular point in time cannot be justified under the statute.”
also sometimes deferred its horse removal decisions to advisory
groups comprised primarily of livestock permittees. In Nevada,
established target wild horse population levels on this basis in eight
herd areas. Since livestock permittees have a vested interest in keeping
wild horse populations low to reduce competition for forage for their
livestock, setting horse removal levels on the basis of their views may
not be appropriate.
The advisory committees’ membership sometimes included wild horse
advocacy groups but these groups typically had little influence on the
committee’s ultimate decisions, according to
officials and wild horse
advocates. For example, in 1982 two groups advocating wild horse inter-
ests quit the advisory committee working with
to establish target
wild horse population levels for six Nevada herd areas. According to one
member, she concluded that
was predisposed to satisfying domestic
Page 23 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
chapter 2
Wild Horse Removals Need to Be Linked to
Rangeland Conditione
livestock interests and that continued service on the committee served
little purpose.
Wild Horse Removals
Despite nearly 2 decades of
efforts to remove wild horses from fed-
Have Not Significantly
era1 rangelands, we reported in June 1988 that about 60 percent of
a o
11 t
ments, where conditions were known, were in unsatisfactory condi-
Improved Range
tion. Further, nearly 78 percent of the allotments where trend informa-
tion was available were either stable or declining further. With such a
negative picture of overall range conditions, wild horse removals have
not been sufficient to restore federal rangelands as a whole to a thriving
condition. Further,
could not provide us with data to demonstrate
where horse removals have materially improved the specific areas from
which they have been removed.
Wild horse removals have not demonstrably improved range conditions
for several reasons. First, wild horses are vastly outnumbered on fed-
eral rangelands by domestic livestock. In fiscal year 1988, about 4.1 mil-
lion domestic livestock graze
allotments compared to an estimated
42,000 wild horses, In total, the domestic livestock consume 20 times
more forage than wild horses. Even substantial reductions in wild horse
populations will, therefore, not substantially reduce total forage
Second, wild horse behavior patterns make the horses somewhat less
damaging than cattle to especially vulnerable range areas, Available
horse behavior studies demonstrate that, unlike cattle which concen-
trate in lower elevations, wild horses range widely throughout both
steep, hilly terrain and lower more level areas. Range conditions in the
steeper hillier areas where cattle do not frequent are generally better
than in lower areas. Reducing wild horse populations in these areas has
been shown by experience to have a negligible effect on the resource. In
the lower level areas, especially ecologically important riparian areas
adjoining streams and other water sources, cattle do more damage
because they tend to “camp” in the areas instead of watering and
moving on. As we reported in our June 1988 report on riparian area
management, poorly managed domestic livestock grazing is the primary
cause of damaged riparian areas. In these areas, wild horse removals
can be helpful but without improved domestic livestock management as
well, the overgrazing problem cannot be solved.
Third, wild horse removals have taken place in some locations not being
damaged by widespread overgrazing. For example, in Wyoming, a horse
Page 24
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 2
Wild Horse Removals Need to Be Linked to
Rangeland Conditions
protection group wrote
in 1983 asking why so many wild horses
were being removed from a particular herd area when a
draft envi-
ronmental impact statement showed that the area was not damaged by
widespread overgrazing.
1983 final environmental impact state-
ment for this area agreed that widespread overgrazing was not a
problem but stated that the herd reduction from an estimated 1,464 to
470 horses was based on a need to alleviate “isolated” overgrazing
around water resources. Other
documentation, however, attributed
the riparian-area problems in this location to overgrazing by domestic
livestock, not wild horses.
Fourth, in many areas where wild horse removals have taken place,
authorized livestock grazing levels have either not been reduced or have
been increased thereby largely negating any reduction in forage con-
sumption. For example,
removed 349 wild horses (or an equivalent
of 4,188
) from one Nevada herd area in 1986 and then approved
a temporary increase of 2,266
for livestock in the same area in
1987. Similarly, a state office technical review of a district’s 1988
assessment of another Nevada herd area’s range condition showed
extensive overgrazing. The state office’s technical staff recommended
removing 176 wild horses and in addition reducing livestock grazing by
almost 80 percent. Although
district office plans to remove the
wild horses, it does not plan to make any reduction in the permittee’s
authorized livestock grazing level since its conclusion is that wild horses
caused the resource damage.
In another instance,
removed over 2,800 wild horses from a herd
area over 4 years based, in part, on a Nevada district court’s ruling in
favor of a permittee that wild horses were overgrazing the range thus
depriving him of his allocated forage and other range resources. After
the horses were removed,
found that the permittee’s authorized
livestock grazing level continued to result in damage to the range and
stated that livestock grazing should be reduced by 18 percent to correct
the problem. However,
has no current plans to reduce the per-
mittee’s authorized grazing level. Instead more range monitoring data
will be collected and analyzed by
to strengthen support for negoti-
ating grazing reductions with the permittee sometime in the future.
(animal unit month) refers to the amount of forage needed to sustain an adult cow or horse for
one month.
Page 26 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Wild Horse Removala Need to Be Linked to
Rangeland Conditiona
It is apparent that wild horse removals alone will not generate the wide-
spread range improvement that is so badly needed. More intensive live-
stock management and reductions in authorized livestock grazing levels
must also be pursued if range conditions are to improve significantly.
Moreover, reducing authorized grazing levels would likely be cheaper
than wild horse removals to achieve the same reduction in forage con-
domestic livestock grazing management program cur-
rently operates at a substantial loss. In 1989, livestock operators paid a
fee of $1.86 per
(reduced to $1.81 in 1990) compared with
program costs of $3.62 per
Reducing the size of the domestic live-
stock grazing program could, if accompanied by proportionate reduc-
tions in management costs, generate significant savings. Further,
livestock reductions made in place of wild horse removals would save
the substantial expense of rounding up and disposing of the horses.
Recent Wild Horse
Between 1973 and 1984,
removed from the federal range an average
Removal Levels Have
of about 4,300 horses each year. Since this number of horses was rou-
tinely disposed of through
Adopt-A-Horse program, few horses
Exceeded Disposal
remained in holding facilities for extended periods. By 1985, however,
horse removal levels quadrupled to 17,400 horses. The adoption pro-
gram could not handle this many horses and a large backlog of horses in
holding facilities began to build, increasing program costs and gener-
ating the need to develop mass disposal alternatives, such as fee-waiver
adoptions and sanctuaries, that are discussed in subsequent chapters.
In its fiscal year 1991 budget justification,
has recognized that in
the past it has removed more horses than could be adopted. In 1991,
plans to remove only 4,900 adoptable horses from the range, down from
17,400 removed in 1986 and about 8,700 in 1990. It expects 6,100 wild
horses to be adopted during the year, up about 1,775 from actual 1989
With nearly 60 percent of federal rangelands in unsatisfactory condi-
tion, improvements are needed. In this context, wild horse removals
based on reliable carrying capacity and range condition data make
sense. However, our work during this and several previous reviews dem-
onstrates that reliance on wild horse removals alone to improve range
conditions cannot work. Since domestic livestock substantially out-
number wild horses on federal rangelands and are a primary cause of
range deterioration, any strategy for rangeland improvement must also
include plans for improving the management of livestock to give the
Page 20 GAO/RCED-90-l 10 Rangeland Management
chapter 2
Wild Horse Removal8 Need to Be Linked to
Rangeland Conditions
native vegetation more opportunity to grow and as necessary reducing
authorized livestock grazing levels.
Since wild horse removal and livestock grazing reduction decisions need
to be based on reasonably up to date carrying capacity and range condi-
tion data, efforts to develop these data need to move ahead without
delay. Moreover, once data are developed, we believe
needs to
pursue the actions suggested by the data, both for wild horses and
domestic livestock. Wild horse removal levels based on these data may
be less than historic levels. To this end, we believe
decision to
manage wild horse removals on the basis of the number that can be
adopted is prudent.
Recommendations to
To place
wild horse removal process in the context of a more
the Secretary of the
rational strategy of range improvement, we recommend that the Secre-
tary of the Interior direct the Director of
to take the following
. Expeditiously develop carrying capacity and range condition data in
wild horse herd areas.
. In locations where these data indicate that grazing-related damage is
should incorporate the requirement for intensive live-
stock management techniques in permit conditions to reduce the impact
of this grazing on the range’s resources. Where necessary and appro-
should also remove wild horses and reduce authorized
domestic livestock grazing levels on the basis of the relative numbers of
each species on the range.
After initial population adjustments are made, conduct continued moni-
toring to maintain wild horse and domestic livestock population levels
consistent with what the land can support.
Agency Comments and
agreed with our recommendations to develop range condition data
GAO Response
in wild horse herd areas and conduct continued monitoring.
agreed, however, with a recommendation in a draft of this report that
wild horses be removed and the levels of authorized domestic livestock
grazing be reduced in proportion to the amount of forage each is con-
suming and the amount of damage each is causing.
commented that (1) there are other reasons for removing wild
horses even when overgrazing by them is not indicated and (2) there are
other “less drastic” management techniques that can be applied to
Page 27
GAO/RCED-99-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 2
Wild Horse Removals
Need to Be Linked to
Rangeland Conditions
domestic livestock (but not wild horses) that can improve resource con-
ditions without reducing authorized grazing levels. Among the tech-
cited were installation of range improvements, changes in
grazing season, and institution of rest/rotation grazing systems.
We recognize that wild horses may sometimes have to be removed from
the range for reasons other than overgrazing. However, wild horse
removals have historically been justified by
on the basis of reducing
the horses’ effects on the range. In the areas we examined, removals
were generally done to achieve population targets set at historic levels,
not to alleviate local range problems. Removals for the alternative rea-
sons cited by
have not been a significant factor.
We also recognize that more intensive livestock management can yield
important improvements in range conditions and have revised our rec-
ommendation to state that more intensive livestock management should
be a part of an overall range management strategy and that
use these range improvement techniques as appropriate. However, as
staff have noted, many range areas are overstocked; more animals
are consuming range resources than the range can support. In these
instances, the number of animals consuming the forage needs to be
reduced. When wild horses and domestic livestock occupy the same
range areas,
states that it is often impossible to distinguish between
their impacts. While
field staff believe that range monitoring tech-
niques can distinguish the different effects of wild horses and livestock
on range conditions, we recognize this is difficult to practice. Accord-
ingly, we have revised our recommendations to state that necessary
reductions in grazing activity should be accomplished in proportion to
total numbers of each species.
Page 28 GAO/RCED-99-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 3
Fee-Waiver Adoptions Led to Inhumane
Treatment and Commercial Exploitation
By 1986,
was removing thousands more wild horses yearly from the
range than its adoption program could absorb. Faced with the escalating
costs of maintaining these excess horses in holding facilities, the agency
resorted to placing large numbers with individuals and Native American
tribes under its so-called fee-waiver program. From 1984 through Sep-
tember 1988,
placed about 20,000 wild horses it deemed unadopt-
able with 79 individuals and 4 Native American tribes each of whom
received from 16 to 2,456 wild horses. We found that hundreds of these
horses died of starvation and dehydration during the l-year probation
period and that many adopters, primarily ranchers and farmers in the
midwestern and Great Plains states, sold thousands more to slaughter
after obtaining title from
terminated the program in September 1988 after negative publicity
and pressure from the Congress. It has not, however, rescinded the regu-
lations authorizing such adoptions.
Increasing the Number
Until about 1982, adoption demand was sufficient to absorb the wild
of Wild Horses
Removed From the
Range Led BLM to
horses annually removed from public rangelands, and animals were not
maintained in holding facilities for long periods of time. However, in
began increasing the number of wild horses removed from
public rangelands. By the end of fiscal year 1985, almost 10,000
Authorize Fee-Waiver
unadopted wild horses were being maintained in holding facilities after
removing about 17,400 wild horses from the range that year. Because
horses were remaining,
had to contract for more holding facilities
and had no expectation that the horses would be adopted in the foresee-
able future.
In response to the escalating costs of maintaining excess horses,
revised its regulations in 19841 to allow
Director to reduce or
waive the normal fee of $125 per animal. To qualify for the fee-waiver
policy was to require fee-waiver adopters to take a min-
imum of 100 horses, with a few exceptions.”
regulations also
allowed individuals to sign powers-of-attorney to enable another indi-
vidual (the agent) to receive delivery of more horses than he or she
would otherwise be entitled.
‘43 C.F.R. 4760.4-2(b) was an emergency rulemaking in 1984. The rulemaking became final in April
1986 when BLM completed revision of its wild horse and burro regulations (43 C.F.R. 4700).
tiThe wild horse act, as amended in 1978, and BLM’s regulations limit adopters to no more than four
horses per year unless BLM expressly determines that an individual is capable of humanely caring
for more. The legislative history indicates that restricting adopters to four animals per year was to
discourage potential commercial exploitation or abuse possible with large groups of horses.
Page 29
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 3
Fee-Waiver Adoptions Led to Inhumane
Treatment and Commercial Exploitation
Many Fee-Waiver
Horses Treated
Under its regulations,
was to screen fee-waiver applicants to assure
that they were capable of humanely caring for the horses and under-
stood their responsibility for the horses’ welfare.
was also required
to inspect the applicants’ facilities to assure that they could humanely
support the horses during a l-year probation period. After the horses
were delivered,
was to periodically inspect actual conditions to
verify that the horses were receiving humane care and that the titles
could appropriately be issued at the end of the l-year probation period.
did not always comply with its regulations and internal
guidance for approving and monitoring fee-waiver adoptions, resulting
in the inhumane treatment and death of over 360 horses during the l-
year probation period.
For example, as part of its required applicant screening process man-
dated by a 1983 legal settlement,
is required to conduct telephone
surveys of all individuals signing powers-of-attorney to verify that they
are suitable and explain to them their responsibility for the horses’ wel-
fare.:’ However, according to a Federal Bureau of Investigation report of
a 1987 fee-waiver adoption in Sheyenne, North Dakota,
did not con-
duct the required telephone survey of Native American tribal members
who signed blank power-of-attorney forms without knowing what they
were signing.
terminated this fee-waiver adoption only after over
100 of the horses had died of starvation and dehydration.
In another fee-waiver adoption to three individuals based in Fordyce,
Nebraska, 140 to 160 of the wild horses delivered died during the l-year
probation periodq4 Two of the facilities approved by
were later
found during
inspections to lack adequate forage, water, and
shelter. Over 30 deaths were reported within 10 weeks after the horses
arrived at the two facilities. A veterinarian hired by
to autopsy car-
casses at one of the facilities reported that the horses had died of star-
vation and dehydration and that the remaining horses were in
immediate jeopardy. Yet,
never implemented his recommendation to
supply the horses with supplemental hay. Less than 1 month later, 40
more horses were reported dead, but
took no action. When the sur-
viving horses were finally gathered so that titles could be issued, about
450 of the original 600 horses remained.
“American Horse Protection Association, v. Watt, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, July
8, 1983. BLM’s Washington Office distributed copies of the settlement’s detailed steps for conducting
large-scale power-of-attorney adoptions to all field offices in July 1983 and revised its program gui-
dance in August 1983 to incorporate these requirements.
4BLM’s fee-waiver agreement was with the business formed by three individuals. One acted as power-
of-attorney for each of the 160 adopters.
Page 30
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 3
FeeWaiver Adoptions Led to Inhumane
Treatment and Commercial Exploitation
We asked
officials why they chose to take no corrective action.
Explanations ranged from a lack of clear guidance from
ment, to the expense associated with repossessing the horses, to the
belief that
had done nothing improper.
Thousands of Horses
By its very design the fee-waiver program was a prescription for com-
Sent to Slaughter
After Title Passed
mercial exploitation of wild horses.
and US. Attorney officials in
Montana as well as buyers and state regulators of commercial horse
meat business widely agreed that there was no other practical use for
large numbers of fee-waivered wild horses than to sell them as soon as
possible. As was predicted, our work confirmed that thousands of fee-
waivered horses were sent to slaughter soon after title passed.
Four slaughterhouses in Nebraska and Texas provided us 3,75 1 titles
that they obtained when they bought wild horses from fee-waiver
agents. From these, we learned that the fee-waiver agents associated
with these titles sold up to 99 percent of their wild horses, many within
30 days of title issuance. Although not maintaining records as detailed
as the plants we visited, officials and buyers for other plants in the
United States and Canada told us that they had also bought and slaugh-
tered thousands of fee-waivered horses.
In July 1987 a federal District Court ruled that
could not issue titles
to fee-waiver agents who express an intent to sell wild horses for
made efforts to establish the intent of fee-waiver agents
applying for title when it had evidence that the agents intended to sell
the horses. These efforts, however, were not effective in preventing the
subsequent slaughter of the horses. For example, in November 1987, the
son of a Watford City, North Dakota, fee-waiver agent (who kept the
112 wild horses on his ranch) was quoted in North Dakota papers that
he planned to turn at least 72 “. . . into dog food . . . or make steak for
Europeans.” In response,
initially planned to deny the agent titles,
but after the agent disassociated himself from his son’s statements,
issued the titles in July 1988. An inspection official and a buyer for a
Canadian slaughterhouse stated that the agent and/or his son sold at
least 82 of the horses for slaughter by the fall of 1988.
In another instance,
learned through bankruptcy court proceedings
that a fee-waiver agent in Berthold, North Dakota, intended to sell 296
“Animal Protection Institute of America v. Hodel(671 F. Supp. 695 D. Nev., 1987). This ruling was
upheld on appeal from BLM (U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, October 31, 1988).
Page 31 GAO/RCED-30-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 3
Fee-Waiver Adoptions Led to Inhumane
Treatment and Commercial Exploitation
wild horses. When faced with the possible denial of titles, the agent
stating his intent to use the herd for breeding purposes. How-
ever, court records that we obtained from
files indicate that as late
as December 1987 he intended to sell the horses to slaughter to produce
$150,000 in income during 1988 and 1989. In March 1988,
manager concluded that there was no evidence that the agent intended
to sell the horses for slaughter. After the agent obtained the titles in
May 1988, he sold at least 122 of the horses for slaughter during the
subsequent 8 months.
Two other cases involved a fee-waiver agent in Morrison, Oklahoma, and
a Native American tribe in South Dakota. During September through
November 1988, we obtained testimonial evidence corroborated by
copies of titles from slaughterhouses, buyers, and brand inspection offi-
cials that these agents had sold about 678 wild horses for slaughter and
had 394 untitled horses remaining in their custody. We provided this
information to
subsequently issued titles on 385 of
these horses between December 1988 and July 1989. Through April
1989, at least 234 of these horses were sold and slaughtered.
Before issuing titles to the agent in Morrison, Oklahoma, Interior’s Asso-
ciate Solicitor for Energy and Resources wrote him on behalf of
December 1988 asking him to inform
concerning what he intended
to do with the horses after receiving title. The agent wrote
in Jan-
uary 1989 that he did “. . . not intend to use or exploit said horses for
commercial purposes,” but would market them for personal or ranch
use. However, 7 days after
issued the titles on February 17, 1989,
the agent sold about 140 of the horses to a slaughterhouse. An official
from the slaughterhouse contacted us on March 2, 1989, expressing con-
cern over the purchase of these horses (which were at the plant, but still
alive). We notified
and they conducted a second investigation.
directed the plant to proceed with the slaughter of the horses on March
13,1989, because, according to
and Interior officials, the agent did
not criminally intend to misrepresent his plans in his letter.
decided to issue the titles to the Native American tribe in South
Dakota because the names of tribal members that appeared on the titles
we obtained from the slaughterhouses did not match the names of tribal
members with untitled horses.
officials also told us that there was
no power-of-attorney relationship between the tribal members with
untitled horses and the tribal government or another tribal member
under contract with
to perform certain duties relating to the wild
horses (and who had sold them for slaughter). In December 1988,
Page 32 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 3
Fee-Waiver Adoptiona Led to Inhumane
Treatment and fhnmercial Exploitation
issued title to the horses, at least 101 of which were slaughtered within
3 weeks.
The fee-waiver adoption program resulted in the abuse and commercial
exploitation of thousands of wild horses, contrary to
direction. Recognizing the problems and in the face of considerable criti-
cism from the Congress and the public,
terminated this program in
1988 without rescinding the regulations. By its very design and con-
firmed in practice, this program could have only led to the results it
experienced. If this program was reinstituted, we do not believe
could prevent identified abuses from happening in the future.
Recommendation to
the Secretary of the
To significantly reduce the likelihood that wild horses removed from
public rangeland in the future will experience inhumane treatment and
slaughter, we recommend that the Secretary of the Interior direct the
Director of
to permanently rescind the regulations authorizing fee-
waiver adoptions.
Agency Comments and
agrees with the objective of this recommendation, but prefers not to
GAO Response
rescind authority to waive the adoption fee. Instead,
published a
proposed rulemaking in February 1990 to prohibit the use of power-of-
attorney to adopt wild horses and burros where more than four will be
maintained in one location.
notes that the problems with fee-waiver adoptions stemmed less
from the waiver of the fee but from the large numbers of horses con-
trolled by one person. Depending on the market,
notes that even a
person who paid the full adoption fee could profit after a year of caring
for many wild horses. To significantly reduce the profit motive,
proposed rulemaking should make it extremely difficult, if not impos-
sible, for one person to gain control of a large group of wild horses.
wants to retain authority to waive the adoption fee in special situations,
such as to place older or unsound wild horses and burros with humane
groups willing to care for them. We believe
proposed approach, if
finalized, would respond substantively to the thrust of our
Page 33 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 4
Continuing Problems With Wild Horse
Disposal Activities
Although the troubled fee-waiver adoption program has been termi-
nated, problems with
other disposal approaches remain.
horse sanctuaries are likely to be much more expensive than originally
envisioned and may represent only a temporary solution to the disposal
of unadoptable horses. Further,
prison halter training program has
produced questionable results and needs to be revised to improve its
cost-effectiveness. If horse removals above levels that can be handled by
private adoptions are reinstituted, other disposal options will have to be
Sanctuaries More
According to
about 20 percent of the wild horses removed from the
Costly Than Originally
range are unadoptable due to age or physical imperfections. With the
ee-waiver program no longer a viable option for disposing of these
authorized the creation of two private sanctuaries where
these horses could live out their lives in a natural setting off the public
rangelands. While properly run sanctuaries ensure that unadoptable
wild horses are protected and cared for, they are expensive. Further,
plans to finance sanctuaries for only their first 3 years, after which
they are expected to be financially self-supporting through fund-raising
and/or charitable donations. However, available information shows that
sanctuary operators may never be able to achieve anticipated financial
independence from
requiring a long-term commitment of federal
Sanctuaries Provide
Humane Disposal of
Unadoptable Horses
The alternative of privately funded sanctuaries for maintaining
unadoptable wild horses was first proposed in 1986. With the suspen-
sion of the fee-waiver program, through which many unadoptable
horses were previously disposed,
became more interested in this
alternative and the first sanctuary was established in western South
Dakota in the summer of 1988. This sanctuary is to serve as a prototype
and is intended to encourage tourism and economic development in the
area as well as public understanding of
wild horse program.
Unlike the fee-waiver program,
will not issue titles on wild horses
placed on sanctuaries, thus they will never lose their protected status.
plans to monitor their care for as long as the horses
remain on a sanctuary. These attributes have generated significant con-
gressional interest, and the Congress directed
to develop guidelines
and establish additional sanctuaries in 1989.’
‘In October 1989 BLM started sending unadoptable wild horses to a second sanctuary in Oklahoma.
Page 34 GAO/RCED90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 4
Continuing Problema With Wild Horse
Disposal Activities
BLM’s Costs May Exceed
the Low Rate Now Being
Under a June 1988 memorandum of understanding,
agreed to pay
the nonprofit Institute of Range and the American Mustang
runs the South Dakota sanctuary about $1 a day per horse or $602,250
yearly for the 1,650 horses to be maintained on the first sanctuary.” A
closer look, however, shows that this payment does not fully cover the
costs required to operate the sanctuary.
First, the $1 per day per horse was not based on an analysis of sanc-
tuary costs; rather, it was based on an assumption that sanctuary costs
would be less than the cost of maintaining a horse on a contract feed lot.
During the first year of the sanctuary’s operation, this assumption
proved to be conservative, and
subsequently requested that the
rate be increased to $1.50 per horse per day, which would bring
yearly payment to over $900,000. During the first year
also paid for
some additional expenses incurred. For example,
paid $9,000 for
emergency veterinary treatment to control an internal parasite out-
break, bought a squeeze chute for hoof trimming and worming which
cost $10,860, and paid $4,752 for supplemental feed for horses deliv-
ered in poor health.
continued to request rate increases and addi-
tional payments from
as recently as November 1989. As of
February 1990,
plans to revise its agreement with
to increase
the $1 a day fee to an effective payment of about $1.35, bringing the
annual payment to $883,000.
These additional costs incurred to date may presage even higher costs in
the future. In particular,
may have to routinely pay for supple-
mental feed for the horses because the land cannot support them. Much
of the land within the sanctuary is leased from the Rosebud Sioux tribe.
Under federal law, Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs is responsible for
establishing the land’s carrying capacity, and the agency’s March 1989
assessment concluded that the land could support only 824 horses for 7
months without supplemental feeding. Since
has refused to accept
fewer horses, the future cost of providing supplemental feed may
increase substantially.
‘Under the memorandum of understanding, IRAM is designated as an agent for the state of South
Dakota which is identified as the provider of the sanctuary services. As of February 1990, the
capacity of the South Dakota sanctuary system is 1,800 horses.
Page 36
GAO/RCED&O-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 4
Continuing Problems With Wild Iiorae
DIsposal Actlvitiee
Achieving Financial
Independence From BLM
May Never Be Possible
expected each sanctuary to be financially self-supporting
in 3 years, this does not appear feasible at least for the prototype sanc-
tuary established in South Dakota. IRAM’S president stated that to be
self-sufficient, IRAM needed to raise $7.5 million. As of April 1989, how-
ever, IRAM had received less than $16,000 in individual donations and
did not have any corporate donors, which the president considered
essential to the sanctuary’s success.
The $16,000 is not enough to cover the principal and interest on a
$194,000 loan
obtained to purchase private land within the sanc-
tuary, much less pay for the feeding and care of the horses and leasing
land from the Rosebud Sioux tribe.
has also contracted to buy more
land within the sanctuary in 1991 at a cost of $1.4 million. If
raising is not successful,
will either have to assess the costs and
benefits to continue financing the sanctuary beyond the 3 years envi-
sioned or take back the horses.
Halter Training
efforts to increase the adoptability of wild horses by gentling them
Program Can Be Made
in several state prisons has also experienced difficulties. Potential
adopters generally prefer horses younger than 5 years of age because of
More Cost-Effective
the difficulty in changing the behavior of older horses. To increase their
has executed cooperative agreements with the New
Mexico and Colorado state prison agencies to have older horses (gener-
ally ranging in age from 6 to 9 years) gentled by inmates who halter
train them.3 However, because of inefficiencies built into the state pro-
grams, many of these horses remain at the prison facilities far longer
than necessary, increasing costs and resulting in lost adoption
has not established standards for either the length of time the
prisons should take to halter train a wild horse or for the number of
trained horses the facilities should produce for the adoption program.
Such standards would hold down costs for the program and assure an
orderly supply of horses to facilitate adoption planning. While no con-
tractual standard exists,
New Mexico and Colorado state offices
expect that 26 to 40 horses can be halter trained by each facility in 30 to
60 days. Our review showed that many horses remain at the prison
facilities far beyond 30 to 60 days.
“BLM has similar agreements with Wyoming and California state prison agencies.
Page 36
GAO/RCED-99-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 4
Continuing Problems With Wild Home
Disposal Activities
For example, as of December 1988, the average length of stay at New
Mexico’s Los Lunas facility was over 5 months, with 13 percent of the
horses there for more than a year. Similarly, our examination of
records for 29 halter trained horses sent for adoption from Colorado’s
facility in February 1989 showed that the average length of stay was
over 9 months and that 10 horses had been at the facility for between 13
and 19 months.
Our review identified a variety of reasons why wild horses remain at
the prison facilities for extended periods of time. For example,
lier cooperative agreement with the state of New Mexico called for 30
inmates to be available daily to work the horses. However, at the time of
our visit early in 1989, there were only 10 to 12 inmates available to
train up to three horses each. At times there was only one professional
trainer to supervise the halter training by the inmates and to perform
other duties such as supervising the care of the horses at the facility and
construction work by the inmates. Moreover, in 1 year the state prison
agency had fired four employees hired to run the program for various
reasons, disrupting the pace if not the quality, of the training.
In late 1989,
and the state of New Mexico adopted a revised agree-
ment that stipulates that two horse trainers will be at each facility to
supervise training activities. However,
new agreement has weak-
ened the state’s obligation to supply inmates to actually train the horses.
Instead of the mandatory 30 inmates to work the horses on a daily basis,
the state is now required only to provide “as many inmates as possible”
to train horses. Further, no measurable goal for producing trained
horses is stated; rather the state is required to “attempt to produce the
maximum number of gentled and trained horses as their resources can
In Colorado, where 30 inmates were available to train the horses, some
horses languished for over a year because
had no way of tracking
their progress. We brought this problem to
attention, and in
August 1989
Colorado State Director informed us that they had
inventoried all horses at the facility and that each was being individu-
ally tracked for training and care.
Although the reasons varied between the two states, we believe that
provisions in earlier cooperative agreements created an incentive to
keep the horses at the facilities for as long as possible. Although
eliminated obvious incentives in the revised agreements, the condition
remains that
will pay each state on a per-day basis for each horse
Page 37
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 4
Continuing Problems With Wild Horse
Diepoeal Activities
regardless of how long the horses remain at a facility since the states
are not required to process trained horses in a defined time period. In
Colorado, even after the agreement was revised, the state continued to
press for more horses in order to improve their revenues and provide
opportunities for the inmates.
The inability to halter train the horses in a timely manner has also
apparently resulted in lost adoption opportunities. According to adop-
tion staff in
Eastern States Office, to meet popular demand, many
more halter trained horses are needed each month adoptions are held;
however, they have not been able to obtain enough trained horses from
the prison programs.
In New Mexico, until October 1989
also guaranteed the state that
the average actual number of horses available to be halter trained would
not fall below 400 in any given month.
would pay the state $2 a day
or about $60 a month for each vacant slot below the 400 horse min-
imum. For example, if the average actual number of horses for a given
month was 300 or 100 short of the 400 horse minimum,
would pay
the state about $6,000 ($60 times the 100 horse shortfall).
sent hun-
dreds of horses younger than 4 years and older than 6 years to be halter
rule of thumb would indicate that the younger horses
would be adopted without incurring the cost of halter training while the
older horses would be destined for sanctuaries regardless of whether
they have been halter trained. Sending horses to the prison facilities
that were either too young or too old to have their adoptability
increased by such training unnecessarily drove up program costs.
In addition to containing costs,
must take steps to assure that the
horses are properly trained.
has not established agencywide criteria
by which a horse can be determined to be halter trained or a strategy for
ensuring compliance, choosing instead to leave both to the individual
state offices.
New Mexico defines a halter trained horse as one in good condition and,
without resistance, can be approached and haltered, led with a rope,
have its legs lifted for cleaning and hoof trimming, and groomed. Before
a horse is released for adoption, both the trainer and a
must certify that it meets this standard. Colorado’s training manual
states only that a completely halter trained horse is one that can be
haltered and led without resistance. While the trainer says that he
assures that horses are adequately trained before being released for
Colorado State Office makes no such determination.
Page 38
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 4
Continuing problemm With Wild HOIT@
Although difficult to quantify,
adoption staff in the Eastern states
perceive the quality of halter trained horses from New Mexico to be
better than the quality of horses trained in Colorado.
States Office stated that, although showing improved behavior, some
horses from the Colorado facility were not gentle enough to be consid-
ered halter trained.
Inconsistencies in the degree of training and oversight by
could have
legal ramifications. Although no problems have occurred to date, a
consultant has noted that improved consistency and oversight could
vulnerability to liability suits by adopters who are injured
by wild horses presented by
as being halter trained.
Alternative Disposal
fee-waiver program terminated and the long-term financial
Options May Need to
viability of sanctuaries in doubt,
may have to consider other horse
disposal options in the future if its horse removals exceed the number
Be Considered
that have historically been disposed of through
program-about 4,600 horses a year between 1982 and 1989. In this
is establishing an advisory board to examine a variety
of issues aimed at enhancing program effectiveness. As this advisory
board deliberates and develops its recommendations, it would be appro-
priate for
to have it examine the relative merits of several disposal
options not currently in place.
One alternative would be to hold unadoptable wild horses long enough
to sterilize and mark them (with brands or other techniques so they
would not have to be rounded-up in the future) before returning them to
their herd areas. In the past,
has cited a 1982 report by the National
Academy of Sciences as basis for its conclusion that returning unadopt-
able wild horses to existing herd areas is not consistent with the “min-
imum feasible level” of management called for in the wild horse act4
However, in its fiscal year 1991 budget justification
states that,
depending on ongoing research outcomes, sterilization may be worth
considering. This alternative may be the most cost-effective alternative
to sanctuaries if existing sanctuaries fail to reach financial self-suffi-
ciency after 3 years. In the near future,
may have to assess the rela-
tive costs and benefits of continuing to pay the sanctuaries to keep the
horses or sterilizing and returning the horses to the range.
qWild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros-Final Report of the Committee on Wild and Free-
Roaming Horses and Burros, Board on Agriculture and Renewable Resources, National Research
Council, National Academy Press, 1982.
Page 39 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 4
Continuing Problems With Wild Horse
Dleposal Activities
The wild horse act also authorizes euthanasia of healthy wild horses if
necessary to protect the range from overgrazing. This practice has sub-
sequently been banned by annual appropriations language and has
never been used. While currently banned, euthanasia nonetheless consti-
tutes an option that could be reauthorized in the future and, therefore,
should appropriately be examined as a measure of last resort.
Problems with existing horse disposal options need to be addressed.
With respect to
halter training program, controls need to be put in
place to ensure that only horses at trainable ages enter the training
facilities and that horses remain in these facilities no longer than neces-
sary. To do this,
needs to establish an average length of time
required to halter train a wild horse and adhere to an age range for
horses best suited for halter training. Payments to the states should be
limited to only those horses that meet both these criteria. Adoptable
younger horses should be sent directly to adoption.
also must take steps to assure that horses offered for adoption are
properly halter trained. To accomplish this, we believe a standard for
determining that a horse has been halter trained as well as an inspection
strategy to ensure that the standard is met would assist
in ensuring
that a horse is properly trained before it is offered for adoption.
Finally, while private sanctuaries offer humane disposal of unadoptable
horses, rising costs and the probable need for a long-term commitment
of federal resources will require
to seek alternative disposal options
for unadoptable wild horses removed from public rangeland. In this
respect, several options including those allowed under current law (such
as sterilization) and others
would require legislative action
(including euthanasia) have been proposed but previously rejected for
various reasons. As the viability of existing disposal options comes into
question, it would be appropriate for
to reconsider the merits of
these alternatives.
Recommendations to
To reduce the costs associated with disposing of wild horses removed
the Secretary of the
from public rangelands, we recommend that the Secretary of the Interior
Director of
to (1) establish an average length of time
required to halter train a wild horse and an age range for horses best
suited to be halter trained, and limit payment to the states to only those
horses that meet both these criteria; (2) develop a standard for deter-
mining that a horse has been halter trained as well as an inspection
Page 40
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Chapter 4
Continuing Problems With Wild Horse
Disposal Activities
strategy to ensure that the standard is met before offering a horse for
adoption; (3) send adoptable younger horses directly to adoption instead
of sending them to prison facilities for training; and (4) consider a
variety of disposal options for unadoptable horses not currently being
used and, where necessary, make recommendations for congressional
Agency Comments and
HL,M agrees with our recommendations and has taken various actions to
GAO Response
implement them. Regarding the first and third recommendations,
developing bureauwide guidance on prison training facility operations.
The guidance will establish a desired training method for all facilities
and estimate the period of time to train the wild horses.
also issued
instructions in February 1990 to classify 6- to g-year old horses for
training. Younger horses are to be sent directly for adoption unless tem-
porary holding at prison facilities is cost-effective. The prisons will not
halter-train younger horses and will charge
only for feed and daily
maintenance. We believe these actions are responsive to our first and
third recommendations.
also agrees with the second recommendation. Consistent standards
for assuring the quality of halter training were adopted in the fall of
1989 for the Colorado and New Mexico facilities. Once similar standards
are applied to the Wyoming and California facilities, we believe
have fully responded to our recommendation.
agrees with the fourth recommendation and expects to
explore disposal options for unadoptable wild horses when the wild
horse and burro advisory board convenes, as expected, in 1990.
believes that euthanasia is not an option worth considering in light of
past history and public reaction opposing it. We concur with
sion pending the board’s recommendations.
Page 41
GAO/RCED-SO-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Comments From the Department of the Interior
Note: GAO comments
supplementing those in the
report text appear at the
end of this appendix.
United States Department of the Interior
MAY 0 3 1990
Mr. James Duffus III
Natural Resources Management Issues
Resources, Community, and Economic
Development Division
United States General Accounting Office
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Duffus:
Thank you for your letter of March 26.
1990, providing the draft of the
proposed report entitled Rangeland Management:
Improvements Needed in
Federal Wild Horse Program (GAO/RCED-90-110). The Secretary has asked
us to respond.
The enclosed response was prepared by the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM). which is responsible for administration of
the wild horse program. As the response demonstrates, the BLM has
already taken or is initiating steps to remedy most of the problem
areas identified in the draft report.
While agreeing with many of the
report’s recommendations. BLM believes that it also reflects some common
misunderstandings about the program and has provided clarification on
these points under the heading “General Comments.”
The Department of the Interior is committed to administering the
Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act humanely and efficiently.
recommendations in this audit will help us to meet that commitment
more effectively in the future. If you have any questions about the
response to the draft audit, please call Mr. John S. Boyles, Chief of
BLM’s Division of Wild Horses and Burros, at 653-9215.
Secretary - IL3 nd and
Minerals Management
Page 42
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Comments From the Department of
the Interior
Now on p, 27.
Seep 27.
Now on p. 27.
See p, 27.
The Bureau of Land Management's Response to
Rangeland Management: Improvements Needed in Federal Wild Horse Program
The General Accounting Office (GAO) recommendations to the Secretary of
the Interior are underlined below.
Each recommendation is followed by the
rasponse of the Bureau of land Management (BLM).
horae. (p.
We agree that the carrying capacity and range condition of herd areas
should be established expeditiously.
A recent ruling by the Interior
Board of Land Appeals (IBLA) confirms animals should be removed whenever
current resource data shows that the present level of animals is
inconsistent with attainment or maintenance of "a thriving natural
ecological balance"
as required by the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro
Act (Act). The BUi recognizes the need to accelerate efforts to collect
current resource data. Where current data show that a thriving natural
ecological balance is being threatened or not being attained, excess
animals will be removed expeditiously.
In locutions
where this
data iW~ates
that OverPrazing
Eve wild horses and we the levels of authorized domestic livestock
rooortion to the wnt of forage each is cons- and the
wunt of t-0 each is caw. (pp. 32-33)
We agree that overall forage usage within a herd area should not
exceed the level of forage production that can be sustained. However,
we disagree with the implication that adjustments depend solely on
carrying capacity data and that they
be carried out proportionately.
There are other reasons requiring removal of wild horses or burros
even when carrying capacity information is not available or there is no
The Act, for example,
requires removal of wild horses and
burros from private lands when the landowner requests it. Because of
several challenges to actions by the BlM over the years, judicial and
administrative decisions have established additional removal criteria.
Reasons for removals not based on a
"thriving natural ecological balance"
(1) Animals expand outside herd area boundaries.
(2) Animals stray onto private lands and removal is requested by
the landowner.
(3) Animals lives are endangered by an emergency, e.g., drought,
disease, etc.
(4) Animals are part of a research program.
(5) Animals must be removed pursuant to a court order.
(6) Animals must be removed because of overriding provisions in
other legislation,
e.g., the Endangered Species Act.
Page 43
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Canmenta FYom the Department of
the Interior
In the future we expect that factors such as the Endangered Species Act
will require removal of animals even when there is no overgrazing as the
term is normally used.
Removals will continue on a significant number of
herd areas for the reasons listed above irrespective of whether the
carrying capacity has been established.
For purposes of our comments,
removal and adjustment only refer
to situations where the appropriate management level (AML) is to be
changed. We will exclude from consideration removal of wild horses
done solely for the purpose of removing the excess animals due to herd
growth caused by reproduction. While both situations require removal of
making adjustments in the number of animals to achieve a new ARL
will likely require a revision or amendment of land use plans. Removal
of animals to reduce the population to a previously determined AML
only requires data to show that the number of animals on an area is
inconsistent with maintaining a thriving natural ecological balance.
We also disagree with the recommendation that adjustments in use
be made in proportion to the forage each is consuming and the amount
of damage each is causing. In most herd areas, livestock, wildlife,
and wild horses and burros use the same areas, often during the same
seasons. With a livestock/wild horse diet similarity of over 90 percent,
it is impossible in most areas to determine which animal is overgrazing
or causing the "damage."
Almost always, damage is the result of the
combined effect of all of the grazing species on an area.
If reducing
the grazing use were the only or preferable tool for undoing the damage,
then a proportionate reduction would probably succeed.
Often, however, less drastic tools
be employed to accomplish
resource improvement.
In most cases, the BIN attempts to determine what
resource conditions are deficient and what grazing impacts are causing
these conditions.
If the condition is caused by one species, as is
sometimes the case, management actions are developed to correct this
condition. For instance, if on a herd area the primary forage species
are deteriorating due to moderate overgrazing caused mostly by livestock,
installation of range improvements, a change in grazing season, or
installation of a grazing system which provides for periodic rest from
grazing may be sufficient to improve the forage conditions. The same
remedial actions in an area grazed only by horses or wildlife would be
precluded because of statutory and practical problems.
In these areas,
reducing the number of animals allowed to graze may be the only option.
Unfortunately, many of the management options available for
addressing livestock grazing problems are not appropriate or
practical for addressing wildlife and wild horse and burro areas.
As a result, on areaa with both livestock and wild horses, a combination
of the actions involving initiation of grazing systems and range
improvements would be proposed to improve conditions in areas used by
livestock and a reduction in numbers in areas used by wild horses. In
this situation, a proportionate adjustment would not be necessary or
Page 44
Appendix I
Chmmenta From the Department of
the Interior
Now on p 27
See p. 27.
Now on p. 33
See p, 33.
Because of the variety of situations found on the public lands, we
support adjustment in levels of use made strictly in proportion to
the amount of forage consumed and the amount of range damage each species
is causing.
However, we are committed to improving
where needed.
To this end, the BUl will continue to
the land use
planning and public input
as outlined in the Federal Land Policy
and Management Act of 1976 for apportioning forage and to assure that
subsequent management actions are practical and effective in solving
local resource problems.
We believe that this response is sufficient to close out this
livestock m
the lend. (p. 33)
The BlM concurs with this recommendation. Where grazing use
by livestock, wildlife, and wild horses and burros is inconsistent
with land use plans or will prevent attainment of “a thriving natural
ecological balance,” the BLM will make changes in grazing use. In
furtherance of this commitment, we intend to place increased emphasis
on resource monitoring and completion of herd management area plans.
Depending on budget levels, this may require a shifting of resources
from other parts
the program.
(P. 40)
fee wai - v er a&&&lS.
We agree with the objective of this recommendation, which is to
“significantly reduce the likelihood that wild horses removed from
public rangeland in the future will experience inhumane treatment and
however, we are taking steps to achieve the objective through
a different approach.
A proposed rulemaking to revise the existing regulation on “Supporting
information and certification for private maintenance of more than 4 wild
horses or burros” was published in the Federal Benistsr on February 6,
1990 (55 FR 3989).
This rulemaking will prohibit the use of power of
attorney to adopt wild horses or burros when the adoption will result
in the maintenance of more than 4 untitled wild horses or burros in one
location. The section of the rules being revised (Section 4750.3-3)
regulates approval of adoption applications where the applicant requests
to adopt more than 4 animals per year or where more than 4 untitled
adopted wild horses or burros are to be maintained in one location.
The purpose of the rulemaking is to prohibit an individual from gaining
control of more than 4 wild horses or burros by using one or
Two comments were received on the proposed rulemaking, both
The BUI expects this rulemaking to become final before the
end of Fiscal Year (FY) 1990.
Page 45 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
the Department of
the Interior
Now on
Most of the problems with fee waiver adoptions stemmed not so much
from the waiver of the fee but from the large numbers of animals
controlled by a single individual.
Even at full fee, an individual
gaining control of many wild horses could possibly make a profit after a
year of care, depending on
market. By making it extremely difficult,
if not impossible, for one individual to gain control of a large group of
wild horses,
the proposed rulemaking significantly reduces
motive for adoption.
The BIM prefers not to rescind the regulation authorizing the
Director to waive the adoption fee.
Even though fee waivers have
bean terminated by BIM and prohibited in the FY 1990 Appropriations Act,
it ia conceivable that at some future date the use of the fee waiver
could be consistent with the objective of placing wild horses and burros
in appropriate private care. For example, there could be situations where
the Government might have a need for adopters for older or unsound wild
horses and a wild horse or humane group might be willing to provide homes
for the animals. Waiving the fee in such circumstances could be
beneficial for the Government and for the animals.
We believe that publication of the final rulemaking will be sufficient to
close out this recommendation.
oriteria. (P. 50)
We agree with this recommendation and are working toward implementing
The BlM’s FY 1990 Annual Work Plan assigned
New Mexico State
Office the lead role in developing Bureauwide guidance for operation of
prison training facilities and a training course for prison facility
horse trainers.
The desired training method to be implemented at all
prison facilities will be established and also the estimated period of
time to train the animal.
The BlM’s Washington Office Instruction
Memorandum No. 90-307 dated February 1, 1990, established the policy
for classifying excess wild horses into
categories. Horses in the
age group
5 through
9 years old are classified for the prison training
Horses on either side of this age spread will be shipped to an
adoption center or to a sanctuary.
However, since the holding facility
in Bloomfield, Nebraska, closed early in FY 1990, we anticipate the need
to hold
of these horses temporarily at the prisons. We will only
be charged
for the feed consumed and a daily maintenance cost for each
animal maintained but not trained.
Page 40 GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Canmenta From the Department of
the Interior
Nowon p.40.
See p.41.
Nowon p.41
See p.41.
.LRLweloD a *tandard for deternininn a hm
as e to a that the standard
fore y. (pp. 50-51)
We agree with this recommendation.
This topic was discussed at the BIM
Wild Horse and Burro Workshop in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 4-7,
1989. As a result, both the
Mexico and Colorado State Offices
included similar requirements in amendments
the Cooperative Agreements
with both States. In order for the BIM to accept a horse as halter
trained, the following requirements must be met:
(a) The trainer is able to walk up to and halter the horse in a pen,
with the horse remaining calm and offering limited avoidance.
(b) The horse can be led with slack in the lead rope.
(c) The trainer is able to pick up all four feet without significant
resistance. Hooves can be cleaned and trimmed.
(d) The trainer is able to comb and brush the horse on the body, legs,
and neck without significant resistance.
Both a BIM and a State prison employee will sign the training
certification. These requirements are contained in an Amendment with the
New Mexico prison system dated September 26, 1989, and Modification 04
with the Colorado prison dated November 30, 1989. These changes postdate
the information in the last paragraph on page 47 of the draft audit
report. Although we do not yet have a Bureauwide policy in effect,
Mexico and Colorado prisons now have consistent training standards
and inspection certification.
lslendy to adoDtionead of
for m. (p. 51)
We agree with this recommendation. As indicated previously, Instruction
Memorandum No. 90-307, dated February 1, 1990, established policy for
classification of excess wild horses and burros. The age group of
horses to be
directly to adoptions is weaned horses through the age
of 4. Horses age 5-9 go to the prisons for training. The Instruction
Memorandum also gave the preparation facilities the option to send horses
under the age of 5 to the prison to be held until an adoption event, if
space is available and it is cost-effective. The prisons will not halter
train these younger horses;
they will be held and BIM charged for the feed
consumed and for daily maintenance. The New Mexico and Colorado prisons
charge a separate fee for each halter trained horse.
We believe that this response is sufficient to close out this
Page 47
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Comments From the Department of
the Interior
Seep. 41.
Nowon p.40.
lClPnsider a v- for m
connressional. (P.
We agree with this recommendation. Many alternatives are being
explored for the unadoptable horses--such as selective removals,
fertility control methods,
and use by underdeveloped countries.
In a
selective removal of excess animals, unsound horses and those 10 years
of age and older are released back on the range.
This approach can
also be combined with fertility control treatments to reduce the rate of
population growth of the free-roaming herds, The BLM believes that these
management practices hold promise for reducing or eliminating the number
of unadoptable wild horses removed from the range.
Of course, the E&M
will pay close attention to the effect
selective removals and
fertility control on herd structure and population dynamics.
On page 50,
states that "it would be appropriate for BIN to
reconsider the merits of [sterilization and euthanasia]." Despite the
provision in the Act for humane destruction of excess wild horses and
burros for which there is no adoption demand by qualified individuals, we
believe that past history and public reaction preclude euthanasia as an
alternative worth considering.
The Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, which should be reestablished
by the end of this fiscal year,
will undoubtedly explore the subject of
unadoptable horses.
The BIH will wait for the Board's advice before
considering any recommendations for congressional action.
Page 48
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Commenta From the Department of
the Interior
See p. 2
See comment 1
Now on p, 3.
See comment 2
In addition to responding to the CAO'# rpocific rocoarend&tiona, the BU4
believes that some correction8 or clarifications
other part8 of the
text would be helpful.
Problem areaa from the text are underlined below,
followed by BLM'# position or ruggested chenges.
1. n
more. (P. 1)
wild horror rinoe
the pro&rem total
ebout 100,000.
2. Thit
or w to lonp
* (P* 2)
On pago 2 and elmewhero,
report refera to “commrcini
adopted via the fee waiver program.
The meaning
the phrero ir quite oleer in the oontext
report, i.e.,
sale for sleughtor of wild horsor
title wa#
conveyed to the adopterr by the United
However, the u*o of
this phrrse in this aenre ten be somewhat confueing eince %ommercial
exploitation" h&a A different meaning ee defined in &LM’e wild horeo
regulationa at 43 CFR 4700:
wCommercial oxploitatiotV means using a wild horae or
burro because of it8 characterirticr of wildnera for direct or
indirect financial gain.
wildness include
the rebellious and feisty neturo of ruch animal8 and their
defiance of man ea exhibited in their undomorticatod and untamed
Use as maddle or pack rtock and other ura4 that require
domestication of
animel &to not commercial exploitation of
the animals boceume
their cheractorirtica
The regulatory definition of commercial exploitation applioe to
animals considered wild
and burros undor the Wild Free-Roaming
Horse and Burro Act,
to titled aninalr, which according to tho
Act 1088 their
wild horres end burroe.
A 1987 court ruling enjoined BIH
trenaforring titlo to
adoptod animalr in
where tha adopter haa it any timo oxprersod
an intent to UIO the l niaal
commercial purpomen after the paesago
of title.
Elrewhoro in tho
decirion, the expression "put to
commerciel use" appears.
Soveral other variatione on there
are used in the
including "commercially exploited."
The court doe4 not define what is meant by the phrase "commeroirl
purposee" or my of tho other phreses containing the word
In an adoption hendbook releared in December 1989, BIM definea
commercial purpoeer aa followr:
Page 49
GAO/lUXD-90.110 Rangebnd
Appendix I
Comments F’rom the Department of
the Interior
Now on p. 24.
See comment 3.
Now on p, 8.
See comment 4.
Commercial purposes include slaughtering the animal or selling
it for slaughter and using a wild horse or burro because of its
characteristics of wildness for direct or indirect financial gain.
When the GAO report uses “commercial exploitation,” it is actually
referring to sale of wild horses after titling.
For clarity, the BIH
suggests that the GAO usa the language of the court ruling, that is,
“commercial purposes.”
3. Domestic of about 4.2 mm the 42.004
9.. . ,. (p.2)
While we do not disagree with these figures, their uaage certainly
gives A mis-impression of the actual relationship between the
number of livestock and wild horse and burro numbers on the public
By law, wild horses are limited to the nreas where they
existed in 1971 (about 34 million acres of BIN-administered land).
The 4.2 million livestock cited are found on 170 million acres of
A more valid comparison between these species would compare forage
consumption only on herd management areas where both types of animals
occur. When considering these nraas, the relative difference in
livestock and wild horse use is not nearly so disproportionate.
For instance,
in Nevada which has almost 75 percent of the wild
horses, an estimated 40 percent of the total forage available for
wild horses and livestock in herd wrens is used by wild horses.
The remaining 60 percent is used by livestock.
(See analysis in
Attachment 1.)
4. w on the western we nre descded frv
Jo the North American by S~anieh in thk
16th (P. 8)
This statement reflects a popular sentiment but one that does not
accord with the conclusions of the scientific community.
See quotes
“Contemporary North American wild horses are variously claimed,
depending on the claimant and the locale, to be the wild-mustang
descendants of domestic horses introduced by the Spaniards in the
sixteenth century, or of miscellaneous cavalry mounts, work
horses, and saddle animala escaped or abandoned
(National Research Council, m
“Dendrograms constructed using pairwise comparisons of
distance measurements (D) for the domestic breeds and
the wild horse populations substantiate anecdotal accounts of the
origins of Great Basin horses from draft horses, saddle horses of
American breed origin and Spanish Barbs.”
(Ann T. Bowling, u
me Paw and
Gene- Final Research Report to
United States Department of the Interlo;,
Bureau of Land
Management, January 15, 1988, p. 11.)
Page SO
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Commenti From the Department of
the Interior
Nowonp. 11.
See comment 5
Now on p. 12.
See comment 6
Now on p, 19.
See comment 7.
Now on p, 21.
See comment 8.
The BLN suggests rewording the GAO statement along the lines of the
sentences below:
Spanish explorers brought horses to the North American continent
in the 16th century. Early horse herds on the western range were
composed of horses escaped from or released by the Spanish or
Indians who had acquired
5. -5. the Congress accew the removal of wild
and &ros fm. (p. 12)
The BIM suggests that the word “authorized” be replaced with
“directed.” The President’s budget submitted to Congress for
FY 1985 requested $5.08 million for the wild horse and burro
program and proposed the removal of lass than 6,000 animals.
Congress increased the funding by $11 million and directed BU4
to remove 17,142 excess animals.
6. In 145 full-eimevees wmoved to carry
& the wild horse mburrp orogEgg in BLh headauarters and field
affices. (P. 13)
We suggest rewording as follows:
In FY 1990, 145 full time equivalents were expected to be
available to carry out the wild horse and burro program in
ELM headquarters and Field Offices. A full time equivalent
is one person working for a year. The actual number of employees
working in the program is considerably larger because the
majority of employees in the wild horse and burro program
also work in one or more other program areas.
Toj,rfreatmentes waved from the rau
(p. 22)
The BLM believes that by focusing on the fee-waiver program, GAO only
evaluated the treatment of wild horses adopted under fee waivers. The
treatment of excess horses placed through this segment of the adoption
program is not necessarily indicative of the treatment of all excess
wild horses.
About three-quarters of all wild horses removed from
public lands were placed in private care without fee waivers.
aected eithklL the desire to
This statement reveals a misunderstanding of how BlH arrives at
appropriate management levels (AML’s) and, subsequently, the decision
to remove excess animals. The BLM uses the land
planning process
to arrive at AML’s for individual herd management areas. Advisory
“largely comprised of livestock permittees” are certainly among
the many groups consulted as part of the planning process.
Page 51
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
AppendLx I
Chnments From the Department of
the Interior
Now on p. 21.
See comment 9.
Now on p. 22.
See comment 10.
to intimate
theirs is the only voice heard is to
misrepresent how the process works.
There are numerous opportunities
for public input provided prior to final decisions, and wild horse
interest groups--along with other affected interests--routinely
participate in the planning process. Provisions for public
participation are contained in BLM’s planning regulations
at 43 CFR 1610.2.
The BIM has no desire to achieve perceived historic levels, but is
instead committed to managing appropriate numbers as identified
through the planning process. Nonetheless, there are sound reasons
why the planning process could not be expected to arrive at a number
times larger than the population that existed in 1971. The Act
prohibits the BU4 from managing wild horses in areas where they did
not exist in 1971. Wild horses, like most wildlife specier, expand
their ranges when populations increase. Because of this natural
phenomenon and the prohibition on management of the animals outside
their 1971 areas, it is not legally possible to manage a total
greater than the population that existed in 1971.
also requires removal of wild horses from private lands
when the private landowner requests it. Many of the herd areas in
existence in 1971 have private water sources or contain significant
tracts of intermingled private lands. Private landowners have asked
the BIM to removal wild horses
burros from many
the these
tracts. Under these circumstances, it is not possible to manage
populations of wild horses or burros; accordingly, the land use plans
required removal
all of the wild horses or burros from a number of
herd areas.
m. (P. 25)
to cm
The BIN would add that removal
“lesr than is warranted by range
also increases Federal expenditures because future
removals and management costs will be greater as a result of
increased population and high rates of reproduction.
in -vine m
is gan\ann bv sneciak. (p.
distinguishing among forage consumption by species
(wild horsea, livestock, and wildlife) is difficult, particularly
when all species use the same area and during the same periods of
the year.
Distinguishing use between livestock and wild horses in
most situations is virtually impossible because of similar diets,
dentition, and grazing methods. However, we disagree that this
problem necessarily creates difficulty in establishing a carrying
Page 52 GAO/RCEMO-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Comment6 From the Department of
the Interior
Now on p. 24.
See comment 11.
Now on p. 26.
See comment 12.
Now on p. 34.
See comment 13.
Over the years,
the BIN has used two different methods to determine
carrying capacity.
the limitationa of a one-time survey
in establishing carrying capacitiar,
the BIN awitched several
ago to a policy of monitoring to establish carrying capacities. The
primary requirement under this approach ia maintenance of a fairly
stable and known level of grazing use.
Under those conditions,
monitoring the level (percent utilization of key forage clpeciee)
of grazing use by all apociem over a period of 3 to 5 years, it in
possible to determine whether
overall level
use is
This information
aloo be used to ertablieh the total
of the needed adjustment in une by all ungulates when use is
excessive or there is a rurplus.
However, those studios cannot be
used to dstermina how much each rpecios’ grazing use should be
Adjumtmonts of uno on the public lands, particularly when those
uses involve a ro-allocation of resourcea, have a number of legal,
environmental, social, economic, and political impact*. The
impacts and analyria of alternatives are quite
complicated and should be rubjoct to public scrutiny and comment.
Consequently, the allocation of forage among animal species is more
properly determined through the land use planning process.
11. EVEfhpr. we w not able to identifv
havs. (P. 28)
We queetion the GAO’s underlying assumption hero, that wild horse
removals ehould or must materially improve the areas where removals
occur. Normally wild horoe removala are only made to reestablish a
moderato level of grazing use. When this is the cape, although
annual utilization of forage species will be reduced, this reduction
will seldom result in a measurable improvement in range condition.
Measurable changes in range condition normally require 5 to 10 yoara.
12. m to a&g.$ out 6.100 u the w UD &~t 200 frpls
sctual. (P. 31)
Since 19S9 horse adoptions totaled 4,325, the target
FY 1990 is
increase of 1,775, not 200.
13. AccPrdinn to w 30 osrcent of the whoreseed froln
are mdur (p. 41)
This figure was adjurted downward to about 20 percent recently when
BIM expanded the age category
adoptable animals. Currently,
horses sent to
on the basin of age must be 10 or older.
Page 63
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Comments From the Department of
the Interior
Analysis of Forage Use by Livestock and Wild Horses
The GAO report indicates that 4.2 million domestic livestock vastly
outnumber the 42,000 wild horses currently on federal rangelandr. This
comparison implies that there is a drastic inbquity between the amount of
reaourcas allocated to wild horses and burros ar compared to
livestock. Although these levels are set in land usb plans and arrived at with
considerable public input and analysis of the social, economic, political, and
environmental impacts, we understand that some
not agree
with the
allocation produced by this process.
However, the figures presented are an apples vs oranges comparison. The
area occupied by the 4.2 million livestock is many times larger than the area
legally available to WH&S's.
A more valid comparison can be obtained by using
data published in the FY 1989 Public Land Statistics and the lateet
for Nevada whore most of the wild
horses are
Livestock Forage
42,256,400 Acres
Livestock Forage Consumption (1989): 1,860,900 AUM's
Livestock Forage Consumption Rata:
Q.256.400 ~SXR~ - 24.3 acres/AUK
Assuming the Livestock Forage Consumption Rate (24.3 acres/AUM) within herd
areas is the same as the statewide average, the livestock forage consumption
within herd areas can be calculated as follows:
* 14.131.299 - 581,530 AUM's livestock use
24.3 acres/AIR4
This calculation more than likely considerably overstates the
livestock usage within herd areas.
of livestock use combined
with the WH&B usage would result in an average forage utilization of 14.6
acres/AUM within Nevada herd areas.
Wild Horse and Burro Acreage: 14,131,200 Acres
WH6R Forage Consumption (1989): 12 months X 32,067 animals - 384,800 AUM's
Using this data, a more valid comparison betwben livestock and wild horse and
burro use can be made on the areas where both are found.
Total Forage Consumption:
384,800 AlJM's + 581,530
- 966,330 AUM's
966.330 - 60% Livestock forage usage
581,530 livestock AUM's
966.330 total AUM'g - 40% M-l&B forage
384,800 WH6B AUM's
* Acreage of herd areas designated for long-term management of Wti&S's (HMA's).
Attachment 1
Page 54
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Canmente From the Department
the Interior
The following are
comments on the Department of the Interior’s
letter dated May 3, 1990.
GAO Comments
report that 100,000 wild horses have been removed since the
program’s start in 1973 may overcount wild horse removals. In June
told us that, due to poor recordkeeping in the early years, sep-
arate data on wild horse and burro removals were not available for
those years. Although using these data would add up to 100,000 animals
removed since 1973, an unknown number of wild burros is included for
1973-79. Wild horse removals between 1980 and 1989 total about
80,000. We changed the report to reflect the time period when specific
data exist on wild horse removals.
2. Phrases such as “commercially exploit” are widely used to concisely
describe selling a wild horse for slaughter. Contrary to
the 1987 court ruling frequently refers to commercial exploitation. Fur-
even used the phrase in its August 1987 instructions to field
offices regarding the court ruling (for example, “Withhold title in case
of any adopter who has expressed an intent to
to commercially
exploit the animal(s)“). For conciseness, we use “commercially exploit”
and similar phrases, rather than “commercial purposes.”
3. In citing the total numbers of wild horses and domestic livestock on
federal rangelands, we were not attempting to imply that wild horses
and domestic livestock share range resources throughout the West.
Instead, we cited the data to demonstrate that public lands overgrazing
cannot be fully addressed by concentrating exclusively on wild horses.
We agree that specific comparisons between wild horse and livestock
use can be made. However,
could not provide us such data specific
to the herd areas we examined. Rather,
could only provide data on a
resource areawide basis. These data show that wild horses consume
much less than 40 percent of the available forage suggested by
in its
comments. In the four Nevada resource areas we reviewed, wild horses
consumed 19 percent of the available forage compared with 81 percent
by domestic livestock.
4. The alternative language suggested by
as well as the quotes from
other reports on the subject are entirely consistent with the presentation
in our report. Accordingly, we have made no changes to reflect
Page 55
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Comment4 From the
Dqartment of
the Interior
6. We revised the report to state that the Congress directed
to accel-
erate the removal of wild horses and burros in 1985.
6. We revised the report to state that 146 full-time equivalent employees
were expected to carry out the program in fiscal year 1990.
7. We revised the report to state that we did not evaluate the treatment
of wild horses and burros adopted under
full-fee adoption
We do not agree with
position that our statement reveals a mis-
understanding about how
develops its appropriate management
levels, We understand that wild horse levels are prepared as part of the
land use planning process mandated by
However, we do not
believe that a level can be justified as representing a sound management
decision merely because it is recorded in a land use plan. If a level is
developed without regard to land conditions or wild horse range impact,
its inclusion in the land use plan does not make it more useful or appro-
priate. In this connection,
provides no evidence to refute our finding
(along with the finding of Interior’s Board of Land Appeals) that wild
horse levels are being established arbitrarily without a sound factual
With respect to
view that it is not legally possible to maintain wild
horse numbers much greater than those existing in 197 1, we have
revised our report to clarify
the act limits wild horse management
to herd areas where they were found at the time the act was enacted in
1971. However, we question
underlying assertion, that removal
decisions can appropriately be driven by the desire to achieve any his-
toric population levels, As Interior’s Bureau of Land Appeals has ruled,
removal decisions must be based on data describing impact on range
conditions. As we have demonstrated, such data does not currently
We agree that the act requires
to remove wild horses from private
lands if they have stayed there. However, none of the 46 herd areas we
examined created this predicament. Almost all were isolated from
nonfederal lands and removals were done to reach the appropriate man-
agement level, not because horses were straying
private lands.
9. We revised the report to state that removing less horses than is war-
ranted contributes to continued resource deterioration and potentially
higher removal costs.
Page 56
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix I
Canmenta Fkom the Department of
the Interior
10. We revised our report to more clearly link the difficulty in distin-
guishing forage consumption among species to determining the impact of
wild horses on range conditions, not determining carrying capacity.
We agree that public scrutiny and comment obtained in
process provide important input in adjusting uses of the public lands.
However, by developing and providing appropriate data on range condi-
tions and where practical the relative impacts of different uses,
help ensure that its final decisions are consistent with what the range
can support.
11. Where wild horses were part of the overgrazing problem, one reason
they have not resulted in apparent range improvements is because the
removals have not been accompanied by needed reductions in domestic
livestock grazing or more intensive livestock management.
12. We corrected the report to reflect that 4,325 wild horses were
adopted in 1989.
13. We revised the report to reflect
expanded age category for
adoptable animals.
Page 57
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
Appendix II
Major Contributors to This Report
Community, and
Development Division,
Washington, D.C.
Charles S. Cotton, Assistant Director-In-Charge
Bob Robinson, Assistant Director
Carolyn Kirby, Evaluator-in-Charge
Dennis Richards, Evaluator
San Francisco
Regional Office
David Moreno, Site Senior
Eddie Uyekawa, Evaluator
Denver Regional
Yvonne Rodriguez,
Site Senior
Pamela Jo Timmerman, Evaluator
Page 58
GAO/RCED-90-110 Rangeland Management
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