Verizon Wireless Activation Procedure
This document explains the procedures for activating and installing your MultiModem MTC-C2-B08 CDMA
modem. The enclosed modem has been pre-configured to operate on the Verizon Wireless network. However,
before you can begin to use the modem, you will need to set up a wireless account with Verizon Wireless. An
unlimited text message plan is recommended.
Verizon Wireless Account Setup:
1) Contact Verizon Wireless to obtain an account.
2) Provide the Verizon Wireless agent with the modems MEID number printed on the bottom of the modem.
3) You may be asked to provide the modem’s model number. If asked for this number, give the modem’s Order
P/N, which is MTC-C2-B08.
4) Every wireless modem will have its own unique phone number. This phone number will be given to you by
Verizon Wireless.
Preinstalling the Modem Drivers:
1) Before connecting the modem to the USB port, navigate to the Multitech website, and in their search bar,
search for MTC-C2-B08-N2-Kit, the URL is as follows:
Download the driver, which will save as EV3-C2-USB zip file
2) Extract the folder, navigate to the Driver folder and run the TelitUSBInstaller_Qc_U8.00.04.exe
3) Windows may pop-up a User Account Control window. Select the Yes button to continue with the driver
4) There will be a transitory screen, then the process will complete. Click the Finish button.
5) Next, continue with installing the modem driver.
Installing the Modem:
1) Connect the modem to the USB port on your PC.
2) Navigate to your Device Manager and unfold your Modem option
You should see your modem availble as Telit CDMA USB Modem
3) Double-click on the modem to check the COM Port that we will open with a terminal connection
4) If you do not have a terminal service on your machine, you can download one by searching for putty, and the
download URL is as follows:
5) Once putty is running, select Session at the top of your category, click the Serialradio button, type in your
COM port in the Serial Line, and change the Speed to 115200.
When you are ready, you can click open and a black dialog box will appear. This is where you will activate your
Activating Your Wireless Modem:
1) First you will need to enable echo using the command ate1
2) Next, you will need to enable text mode and new message indication by entering the commands
AT+CMGF=1 then AT+CNMI=1
3) Confirm that the modem is registered to the Verizon Wireless Home network, enter: AT+CREG? If the
modem is registered on the Home Network it should respond with: +CREG: 0,1 NOTE: First time activation may
not work if the modem is roaming (CREG:0, 5). If anything other than the noted two comes in, your modem is
most likely not registered.
4) Now you can start your Over-the-air Service Programming (OTASP) session, enter: ATD*22899; NOTE: Ensure
there is a semi-colon ; after the dial string entered above, or the call made will be a circuit-data call.
The following messages will display:
Modem Response
Configuring WIN-911
1) With your modem now registered, open the SMS Definition in your WIN-911 configurator and input your settings
You will also have to change the Modem Initialization string to include text mode, delete SMS messages, and new
message indication, +CMGF=1;+CMGD=1,4;+CNMI=1;e0
2) Once the modem has been configured, you can open the Phone Book definitions to configure a User with an SMS
Connection. Remember to save your settings when you have completed making your changes
3) You can now test the modem by starting Scan & Alarm. First, select History on the top left of the WIN-911 Alarm
Monitor window, you are looking for a good response from your Modem. Next, click the Manual Message button to
send a test SMS to the SMS connections you have defined.
4) Select an SMS Connection and enter a message in the Message To Send field. Type in a message to send to an
operator that you have created and click send. If you get a response of “Succeeded”, then the message was
successfully sent to the modem
- COM Select the COM port the cellular modem is
assigned to
- Network Type GSM e.g AT&T, T-Mobile
ggggggggggg!!!!!CDMA e.g Verizon, Sprint
………………………..HSPA e.g Rogers, Telus
- Modem Initialization A string of AT+ commands that will
initialize the modem’s protocol
If you were unsuccessful at installing the modem, here are a few things you can try
- Make a connection to PuTTY and type in the commands to send a test message. Make sure
Scan & Alarm is not running. If the message failed, run the AT+CREG? Command, you may
receive the following responses:
0,1 Register
0,2 Searching for Signal
0,5 - Roaming
If you receive a response of something other than (0,5) or( 0,1) your modem is most likely
not registered with your cellular provider. You will have to contact Verizon and register your
- Check the Initialization String and confirm that is correct. Ensure there is a semi-colon ; in-
between the AT commands.
- Send a manual message using PuTTY by entering the command
AT+CMGS=<country code><phone>
Send the message by hitting (ctrl+z)
Make sure that Scan & Alarm is closed before opening up your connection with Putty
- Check your Phonebook Definition and confirm that you have the correct SMS number and
Country Code.
If you are still experiencing any issues with your modem, please contact Specter Instruments
Technical Support Department at 512-326-1011 x3 or toll free in the US and Canada at 1-800-331-
8740 x3