Agricultural Research/March 2003
icture, for example, a female
health enthusiast cruising a
grocery store’s seafood count-
er. She wants to make sure she
gets her recommended dietary allowance
of protein. She whips out her personal
digital assistant, or PDA, and up comes
a searchable version of USDAs flagship
nutrient database of more than 6,000
food items.
Our health enthusiast wants to see
how much protein she’ll get out of that
tuna steak she’s been eyeing. So she pulls
out her stylus, skips the “Browse by Food
Groups” option, and uses the search fea-
ture to go straight to “tuna.” Hmmm, a
3-ounce portion of cooked tuna steak has
25 grams of protein. With that choice,
our 135-pound enthusiast will get half
her recommended daily intake of dietary
protein in one sitting. Not bad.
The new, portable version of USDAs
National Nutrient Database for Standard
Reference is now available for download
free of charge onto hand-held PDAs run-
ning the Palm operating system (Palm
OS) by going to www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/
Nutrition Info While
Nutrition Info While On the Go
foodcomp. The download takes about 30
seconds and requires about 2 megabytes
of available memory on PDAs.
ARS and HealtheTech, Inc., of
Golden, Colorado, worked together to
provide the service through a cooper-
ative research and development agree-
ment (CRADA). ARS has entered into
more than 1,000 CRADAs since federal
technology transfer legislation was
enacted in 1986. That legis-
lation helps the federal
government’s research find-
ings reach and benefit U.S.
consumers and industry.
The PDA application was
developed by scientists at
ARS’ Nutrient Data Laboratory—part of
the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research
Center, located in Beltsville, Mary-
land—and HealtheTech, which develops
and markets medical devices and soft-
ware that measure and monitor im-
portant health variables.
The unique product blends a custom-
made searchable software application
with the nutrient database. “Consumers,
health professionals, and educators seek-
ing user-friendly nutrient data will no
longer be limited to using the USDAs
premier nutrient database only while
online,” says Phyllis E. Johnson, direc-
tor of ARS’ Henry A. Wallace Beltsville
Agricultural Research Center.
Assembled by food groupings, the
database allows users to search by food
name or browse a given category by
scrolling through foods listed alphabet-
ically. Has the dietitian suggested you
eat more high-calcium foods? Try scroll-
ing through the “Dairy and Egg” food
group and point to options that look ap-
pealing. Within seconds, the nutrient
report with a calcium quantity in milli-
grams appears to hone your healthy
choice. Did your doctor say you’re not
getting enough potassium? Try the
“Fruits and Fruit Juices” group as well
as the “Vegetables and Vegetable Prod-
ucts” group.
Another friendly option of the
program is the “Portion Modifier.” If the
portion size listed isn’t what you plan
on eating, you can adjust it up or down.
Agricultural Research/March 2003
Agricultural Research/March 2003
Upgrades Coming Soon
The Nutrient Data Laboratory (NDL)—part of ARS’ Beltsville (Mary-
land) Human Nutrition Research Center—provides the USDA National Nu-
trient Database for Standard Reference (SR) for public use. The database
lists up to 117 nutrients for 6,220 food items and has been hailed by users
as the major authoritative source of food composition in the United States.
While the PDA version may be the best thing since sliced bread for
hand-held-computer techies, other upgrades soon to come will appeal equal-
ly to educators, consumers, and health professionals.
Those who continue to use the original version of
SR via the Internet will find new search capabilities
added to enhance their on-line experience. After key-
ing in a food term, the user will not only trigger a list-
ing of every item in the database containing that food
term, but also a listing of which food groups contain
that term. Users who want to narrow their search fur-
ther can re-search within the food groups presented.
For example, a user searching for carrots may want
to pursue carrots only in the “Baby Foods” group, by-
passing the “Meals, Entrees, and Side Dishes” group.
Also new to the on-line version will be a “Portion Modifier” option.
After clicking on “Carrots, raw,” you’ll be able to choose from a variety of
standard portion sizes. But if you’d prefer to increase or decrease those
portions—essentially customizing your measure—a box will allow you to
do just that. Also new, the Boolean search term “not” will be added, allow-
ing users to exclude unwanted foods, for example, “Carrots, not raw.
The new “Ground Beef Module” will be exclusive to the on-line version
and allows users to trigger data to match specific lean-to-fat percentages
offered regionally. While ground-beef data appears for five standard lean-
to-fat ratios, ranging from 95 percent lean/5 percent fat to 75 percent lean/
25 percent fat, local butchers could offer different ratios. With the “Ground
Beef Module,” the user can choose the percentage of lean meat content
versus fat content, for example, 92 percent lean/8 percent fat, and nutrient
data will be provided accordingly.
The upgrades will soon be available at www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp.
Lastly, a new PC-download version will also launch soon. The NDL,
working with HealtheTech, Inc., of Golden, Colorado, through a cooperative
research and development agreement, has enabled users to download a
searchable version to their PC hard drives for their own use free of charge.
The application runs on Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, or
Windows ME. After the download is complete, Internet connectivity will
no longer be required. This version will include the portion-
size modifier and the Boolean “not” capability
described above as well as the option to search
the entire database at once or, more narrowly, by
food group(s) alone. The PC-download version
will also be available at the web address provided
above.—By Rosalie Marion Bliss, ARS.
USDA’s National Nutrient Database is now
available for download onto hand-held
personal digital assistants running the
Palm operating system (above). At left,
nutritionist Vincent de Jesus uses the
portable database to find the nutrient
content of bell peppers.
The modified
portion’s nutrient
content pops up to
help you make a
final decision.
The system provides infor-
mation on about 30 nutrients for each
food listed. This user-friendly searchable
software application will soon be avail-
able for download onto personal com-
puters, as well.—By Rosalie Marion
Bliss, ARS.
This research is part of Human Nu-
trition, an ARS National Program (#107)
described on the World Wide Web at
Rena Cutrufelli and Vincent de Jesus
are with the USDA-ARS Nutrient Data
Laboratory, 10300 Baltimore Ave., Bldg.
005, Beltsville, MD 20705-
2350; phone (301) 504-0693
[Cutrufelli], (301) 504-0691
[de Jesus], fax (301) 504-
0692, e-mail rcutrufelli@