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UC San Diego Residential Life Community Standards
(Updated September 15, 2022)
At UC San Diego, we believe you will find living on campus is an integral part of your education. As a
result of your community living experience, we hope that you will develop a concern and respect for
others; make responsible choices and decisions; share your academic, social, and cultural experience
with other students; and learn to live peacefully in close quarters with a diverse group of people.
It is important to realize that students living in a group environment affect each other's lives in many
ways. We strongly believe that one's actions demonstrate one's commitment to respecting
differences. In addition, we will not accept ignorance, humor, anger, alcohol or substance abuse as
an excuse, reason, or rationale for behavior. Certain shared responsibilities such as cooperation,
inclusion, and respect are integral to any successful group living situation. It also means accepting
personal responsibility for how your everyday actions affect others living with you as roommates and
neighbors. Establishing a positive and supportive residential environment means everyone in the
community must make occasional adjustments in personal habits, attitudes, and beliefs. Successful
on‐campus living means exercising your rights while recognizing your responsibilities in respecting
the equally legitimate rights of the other members in your community.
Community Standards
In accordance with the University of California San Diego Housing Contract, every UC San Diego
student who lives in or enters our residential communities must abide by the Community Standards
and regulations of UC San Diego, including, but not limited to, the UC San Diego Student Conduct
Procedures, the UC San Diego RESNET Acceptable Use Policy, all applicable local, state, and federal
laws, and the Housing Community Standards contained herein.
This document describes residential‐area specific policies and is incorporated into the Standards of
Conduct within the UC San Diego Student Conduct Procedures. Violations of the Community
Standards described below may become the basis for a referral to the student conduct process.
These Community Standards are in place to establish a safe and secure living environment and to
support your success as a UC San Diego student. Any student who anticipates or observes a potential
violation of these Community Standards is expected to immediately remove themselves from the
environment in which the violation may occur. One's presence during any violation of these
Community Standards ultimately condones, supports, and/or encourages the behavior or potential
violation of these Community Standards.
Additionally, breach of any term/provision of the Housing Contract may result in contract
cancellation prior to move‐in, termination of the contract after move‐in, or exclusion from
future UC San Diego student housing application processes.
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Under twenty-one (21): Federal law, California state law, and University policies
prohibit persons under the age of twenty‐one (21) from consuming, possessing,
soliciting, procuring, selling, or manufacturing alcohol at any time. Persons under the
age of twenty‐one (21) in the presence of alcohol with or without objective signs of
intoxication may be in violation of these Community Standards. Alcohol possession or
consumption which can be detected from outside the room/suite/apartment will
result in further inquiry and may be a violation of these Community Standards;
Over 21: Residents who are twenty‐one (21) or older and their guest(s) and/or additional
who are twenty‐one (21) or older may possess and/or consume alcohol in the resident’s
contracted apartment space and specific Graduate and Family Housing (GFH) Community
spaces as designated by the Associate Vice Chancellor of Housing Dining Hospitality or their
designee so long as they are following Federal law, California law, and all other University
policies. Manufacturing alcohol or providing alcohol to those under the age of 21 is
Roommates: Residents who are under twenty‐one (21) and who have roommates who are
twenty‐ one (21) or over may be present in their residence when their roommate is
consuming alcohol, but may neither consume nor possess any alcohol at any time;
Alcohol paraphernalia: Devices and games intended for the rapid consumption of alcohol
(e.g., beer bongs, beer pong, commercial dispensers, etc.) are prohibited whether or not
alcohol is present. The presence of any open, full, or empty alcohol containers will be
interpreted as possession of alcohol;
Bulk Alcohol: Possession of bulk quantities of alcohol is prohibited, including kegs and
punch bowls. Residents who are 21 years old or older may individually have in their
possession no more than the following amounts of alcohol at any time: 72 ounces of
beer including wine coolers, hard ciders, twisted teas, and other 12-ounce containers;
OR 25 ounces (750 milliliters) of wine; OR 6.8 ounces (200 milliliters) of hard liquor.
No alcohol stronger than 80 proof is permitted. Limits apply to full, partially full, or
empty alcoholic beverage containers;
Alcohol delivery: Only permitted for individuals living in Graduate and Family Housing
who are age 21 and over. In Single Undergraduate Housing, regardless of age, alcohol
delivery from any source is prohibited;
Gatherings: Social gatherings, where alcohol is present, are allowed provided all guest(s)
and/or additional occupant(s) are 21 years or older and attendance at the gathering does not
exceed two (2) guest(s) and/or additional occupant(s) per resident of the room/apartment.
Hosting of multiple room gatherings where the consumption of alcoholic beverages takes
place and where people move from one room to another is prohibited. This regulation
applies even if all rooms involved are within allowable guest(s) and/or additional occupant(s)
limits. Social gatherings in designated Graduate and Family Housing spaces (see list at the
end of this document) where alcohol is present, may not exceed the posted room capacity or
18 participants, whichever is smaller. Attendees of any gathering must be able to show proof
of age with government issued identification upon request. For gatherings larger than 18
participants, the host must reserve a space through the GFH online reservation portal and
follow UC San Diego event and permitting policies. This includes events hosted by student
organizations or groups;
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Pubs/Restaurants: Residents consuming alcoholic beverages purchased from a pub or
restaurant in any campus residential community (e.g., Mesa Nueva Pub, North Torrey Pines
Living-Learning Neighborhood, etc.) must follow all applicable University, State, and Federal
regulations adhering to the alcohol license procured by the facility operator. No outside
alcohol is permitted in these licensed areas. No open alcoholic beverages purchased from
these facilities may be taken outside of the licensed areas; and,
Public Consumption: With the exception of balconies attached to a 21+ year old resident’s
unit in Graduate and Family Housing, designated GFH community spaces, or a residential
pub/restaurant, the consumption of alcohol may not occur in public areas in residential
Bathrooms: In keeping with our community living standards, residents are encouraged to be
mindful of the needs of fellow residents who have occasional guest(s) and/or additional
occupant(s) or family members of a different gender, with mobility issues, people with
disabilities who have attendants/caregivers of a different gender, and residents who have
specific religious or cultural accommodations, regarding the use of bathroom facilities.
Roommates and suitemates should be in regular communication with each other to discuss
these needs early and often. Your housing office (e.g. Residential Life Office or Graduate &
Family Housing Leasing Office) can be of assistance to help facilitate this communication.
Residence Halls: All suite bathrooms in the residence halls are gendered. Residents and their
guest(s) may only use bathrooms of the gender with which they identify. Guest(s) who do not
identify with the gender identity of the suite may use the bathroom with the prior approval
of all suite residents; and,
Apartments: Except for designated and approved gender-inclusive assignments, apartment
bathrooms are gendered according to the apartment. Guest(s) who do not identify with the
gender identity of the apartment residents may use the bathroom with the prior approval of
all apartment residents.
Bicycles/Scooters/Skateboards/Roller Skates/Roller Blades/Hoverboards:
Use, possession, and storage of hoverboards is prohibited from all residential facilities.
The use of bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller skates, or roller blades is
prohibited inside any Housing*Dining*Hospitality‐owned or operated facilities;
Residents may store bicycles only in the owner’s bedroom or apartment upon
approval of all roommates, if applicable, or in designated bike rack areas. Bicycles
cannot be stored in stairwells, common areas, and lounges and cannot be locked to
handrails, trees, or signposts;
Bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller skates, or roller blades must not block
entrances/exits or sidewalks around residential facilities;
Residents may not use the room and its utilities to charge any micro-mobility
device (such as an e-scooter) that is owned by someone other than Resident in
exchange for compensation received by Resident;
Performing tricks on bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller skates, or roller blades is
prohibited in or around all residential facilities; and,
Business: Students are prohibited from operating a business or electronic business using any
Housing*Dining*Hospitality owned or operated facilities, equipment, or services. With the
exception of food delivery, no resident may contract any vendor for services in the residential
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facilities without the prior approval of your housing office. This standard also prohibits
residents from renting or leasing their contracted space in undergraduate housing.
Campus Card: UC San Diego students must carry their Campus Card (i.e., UC San Diego student
identification) and abide by the Campus Card Terms and Conditions at all times.
Child Welfare/Care of Minors: Residents, and not the University, are responsible for
supervising their children or children in their care (i.e., individuals <18 years old) to prevent
harm to them or to other individuals or damage to property.
Controlled Substances: Federal law, California state law, and University policy prohibits the
unlawful possession, solicitation, procurement, sale, consumption, or manufacture of narcotics or
controlled substances. Cannabis and cannabis products containing tetrahydrocannabinol and/or
cannabidiol are prohibited in Housing*Dining*Hospitality facilities. In addition, the Residential
Community Standards provide that:
Possession or consumption of controlled substances that can be detected from outside the
room/suite/apartment will result in further inquiry and may be a violation of these Community
Persons in the presence of controlled substances, with or without objective signs of
intoxication, may be in violation of these Community Standards.
The possession and/or use of drug paraphernalia is prohibited in or around all residential
facilities; and,
The use of any prescribed medication, over the counter drugs, and other controlled
substances in an abusive or recreational manner is prohibited. Prescription medication may
only be used or possessed by the person to whom it is prescribed.
Failure to Comply: Residents and their guest(s) and/or additional occupant(s) must comply
with the directives of University and public officials in the performance of their duties.
Specifically, residents must:
Answer their room/suite/apartment door while present in the residence;
Immediately produce their UC San Diego Campus Card and/or government issued identification
upon request; and,
Immediately identify their guest(s) and/or additional occupant(s).
Fire Policy:
a. Appliances: Every electrical appliance must be UL‐listed and may only be used within the
limitations of that listing. All appliances (e.g., cooking, portable heaters, etc.) with exposed
heating elements are prohibited. Microwaves must be 750 watts or less and refrigerators must
be 5.0 cubic feet or less. Heat producing cooking appliances (e.g., toasters, electric grills, water
boilers, coffee makers, rice cookers, etc.) must be used in kitchen areas only. Portable or
installed air conditioning or heating units are prohibited;
b. Causing a Fire: Residents may not cause a fire to start for any reason, whether the cause was
intentional or by accident. The resident responsible may be financially liable for any associated
c. Burnt Food: Burned food may activate the building fire alarm and the resident responsible may
be financially liable for any associated costs;
d. Evacuation Maps: Evacuation maps may not be removed or altered;
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e. Extension cords and power strips All extension cords and/or power strips must have the
following components: 1) Must be three‐pronged; 2) Must be UL Listed; 3) Must be plugged
directly into a wall outlet (not another extension cord or power strip); 4) Must be sized
adequately to handle the load; and, 5) Power strips must be circuited and have an on/off switch.
Extension cords may only be used on a temporary basis and not as a substitute for permanent
wiring. A power strip with a built‐in breaker may be used in place of an extension cord for low‐
draw appliances (generally 600 watts or less). Some examples of appliances with low wattage
that can be used with power strips include, laptop computers (40W‐120W), 25" televisions
(150W), clock radios (7W), gaming consoles (195W) and curling irons (90W). Multi‐plug, non
circuited, adaptors and extension cords can create fire hazards and are not allowed. Flexible
wiring (i.e., circuited power strips and extension cords) shall not be extended through walls,
ceilings, floors, under doors or floor coverings, or be subject to environmental or physical
damage. Wiring, including but not limited to electrical, telephone, cable, or computer wiring,
from apartment to apartment or from room to room is prohibited;
f. Failure to Evacuate: It is each resident’s responsibility to immediately evacuate to designated
assembly areas when the fire alarm activates. Failure to evacuate immediately, even during a
fire drill, is prohibited.
g. False Fire Alarms: Causing a false fire alarm (pulling fire alarm stations without cause, tampering
with smoke detectors, etc.) is prohibited and a violation of the California Fire Code. Engaging in
such behavior may be punishable by up to 6 months in jail and/or $1,000 fine;
h. Fire and Emergency Equipment: It is a misdemeanor to tamper with, cover, hang items on,
damage, dismantle, deactivate, alter, or otherwise interfere with fire alarm pull stations, smoke
and heat detectors, fire extinguishers, hoses, fire sprinkler systems, EXIT signs, and emergency
lighting or any other fire/emergency equipment. Hanging items on, damaging, dismantling,
deactivating, covering, or otherwise altering smoke detectors, heat detectors, or any
fire/emergency equipment is prohibited. Additionally, such conduct may result in housing
contract cancellation, exclusion from future UC San Diego student housing application
processes, suspension, and/or administrative fees associated with the violation(s);
i. Fire Doors: Residents must not bypass or disable safety design features by obstructing,
propping, or blocking doors and/or latches;
j. Flammable, Explosive, or Corrosive Substances: Storage or use of any flammable liquids,
fireworks, compressed gas canisters, photo developing chemicals, or corrosive materials, in any
quantity, is prohibited in or around Housing*Dining*Hospitality facilities. No vehicles or
machines with flammable or corrosive materials can be brought into or stored in or around the
Housing*Dining*Hospitality facilities;
k. Halogen Lamps: Halogen lamps are prohibited; and,
l. Open Flames: Use of candles, charcoal grills, incense, tiki torches, or any other open flames are
prohibited in or around Housing*Dining*Hospitality facilities. Individual residents cannot bring
barbecues (including electric barbecues, smokers and similar products) as they are prohibited in
all facilities. In addition, propane gas and charcoal for BBQs may not be stored in or around any
Housing*Dining*Hospitality facility. Gas BBQs are available for resident use in designated
Guests and Additional Occupants: A resident is defined as the UC San Diego-affiliated
person contracted to live in University housing, or primary resident. An additional occupant
exists only in Graduate and Family Housing and is defined as the person(s) contracted to
live in University housing with the resident. A guest(s) is defined as anyone not contracted
to live in the residential space being visited (e.g., individual room, suite, and/or apartment).
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During special events (e.g., the Sun God Festival) or unique circumstances (e.g., public
health concerns), additional restrictions may be implemented for guest(s) and/or additional
Restrictions may be placed on guest visitation to mitigate the risks associated with
COVID-19 or other public health concerns, except for necessary care givers. These
restrictions may be more conservative than the Orders issued by the County, State, or
Federal Health Officer, and may consider the orders in addition to guidance concerning
Institutions of Higher Education, Local, State, and Federal law, or University policy.
Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and additional occupants.
Should the guest(s) or additional occupant(s) violate any University policy including
these rules, the resident may be held accountable, and their guest or additional
occupant may be asked to leave;
Residents must always accompany guests while in the residential community;
Residents must properly and accurately identify guest(s) and additional occupant(s) to
University or Public Officials upon request;
Undergraduate Housing Residents may not host overnight guests more than six nights
per quarter or three nights consecutively. Overnight guests of Graduate and Family
Housing residents are permitted to stay for up to two weeks; and,
Guests may not sleep in any of the common rooms or public spaces.
11. Health and Safety: Students present in University owned, operated or leased facilities must not
engage in conduct threatening the health or safety of any person, and must abide by any enhanced
guidance imposed to mitigate the risks associated with COVID-19 or other public health concerns (e.g.,
physical distancing, masking, sequestration, isolation housing, etc.).These restrictions may be more
conservative than the Orders issued by the County, State, or Federal Health Officer and may consider
the orders in addition to guidance concerning institutions of Higher Education, Local, state, and Federal
law, or University policy. For the most current requirements in place, please refer to the websites for
Student COVID-19 Compliance (studentcovidcompliance.ucsd.edu) or Return to Learn
12. Living Space Agreement: Within the first four weeks of moving into their contracted space,
undergraduates residing in Single Undergraduate Housing are required to complete a “Living Space
Agreement” (Agreement) with their on-campus housing room/apartment mates. Living Space
Agreements are facility-specific and designed to facilitate discussion and compromise around issues of
individual preference. Stipulations in the Living Space Agreement supplement the Residential Life
Community Standards; in any conflict between the terms of a Living Space Agreement and the
Residential Life Community Standards, the Residential Life Community Standards will prevail.
Additionally, when there is conflict, residents are expected to review and revise their agreement,
consulting with their Resident Assistant/House Advisor as needed. A Living Space Agreement must be
completed each time there is a change in contracted occupants of a room/suite/apartment and will be
due within four weeks of that change becoming effective. It is the responsibility of each resident to
complete this agreement; Resident Assistants/House Advisors can facilitate Living Space Agreements
upon request.
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13. Noise:
Quiet Hours: The minimum quiet hours in each residential community, except La Jolla Del
Sol, start at 10pm each Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and end at
7am the following morning and start at 12am (midnight) each Friday and Saturday, and
end at 9am. At La Jolla Del Sol, quiet hours start at 10pm each Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday, and end at 8am the following morning; and start at 11pm on
each Friday and Saturday, and end at 8am the following morning. Please respect that
during UC San Diego posted finals weeks, 24-hour quiet hours are in effect in all residential
communities; and,
Courtesy Quiet Hours: Any student resident may ask any other student resident(s), guest(s)
and/or additional occupant(s) to cease making noise that is disruptive to study or sleep at
any time. Failure to comply with requests may be a violation of these Community Standards.
Student residents are expected to directly request that other student resident(s), guest(s)
and/or additional occupant(s) cease any activity hampering their ability to study or sleep.
Student resident(s), guest(s) and/or additional occupant(s) are required to self‐monitor
noise that may disrupt the study or sleep of others at any time. It is not acceptable to
assume that a noise level is appropriate until someone complains about it.
14. Posting/Solicitation: All posting, distribution, or solicitation in the public areas of
Housing*Dining*Hospitality facilities, including residential restaurants and market services must be
approved by the office responsible for the specific facility. Refer to your residential area’s standards
and the University posting policy for further detail. Posting on exterior balconies, porches, or railings of
apartment rooms is prohibited. Postings inside bedrooms or on the inside of exterior‐ facing bedroom
windows or doors may not interfere with the operation of doors or windows or otherwise endanger
health or safety. Posting of material in common living areas of apartments not open to the general
public is permitted provided that none of the residents of adjoining rooms with access to the common
area object to the material. Any material posted in the common area of apartments must be removed
if any resident of an adjoining room with access to the common area objects to the posting of such
15. Residential Facilities:
Alteration/Construction: Alteration or construction of any kind in or outside of your
Housing*Dining*Hospitality residential space is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited
to, using heavy building materials; installing front screen doors; building platforms, lofts, or
shelving units inside your Housing*Dining*Hospitality residential space or on the patio or
balcony; installing paneling, closet organizers, mirrors, cork, bottle caps, or track lighting; or,
installing bamboo covering on the patio or balcony above railing;
Balconies and/Window Ledges: Balconies, ledges, window ledges, and sunshades may not
have any items hanging from them or covering them. Further, balconies, patios, and
decks may not contain decorative items, food storage, trash, trash containers, items to be
recycled, or recycling containers;
Cleanliness: Residents are responsible for maintaining a clean, sanitary, hygienic, and
hazard‐free living environment. Administrative charges and/or other sanctions will be
assessed, and a report of the issues referred to the Student Conduct process, for excessive
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cleaning that must be performed by University and/or University‐contracted staff, including
Environment, Health, and Safety (EH&S) inspection staff;
Closet/Cabinet Doors: Removing doors is prohibited. If doors are removed, they will be re‐
installed immediately, and the student will be assessed an administrative charge for their
Damage/Theft: The University, at its sole discretion, will determine costs for the theft,
conversion, destruction, or damage to University fixtures, furnishings, equipment or
decorations or damage to a residential facility. Payment for such costs shall be made by the
resident and is due upon receipt of the notice. Damage should be reported immediately to
Housing’s HDH Fix It Maintenance and Pest Control Hotline 858‐534‐2600. Do not attempt to
repair damages; doing so may result in additional administrative charges;
Decorations: Corridor, room, and common area decorations must conform to EH&S
standards: Damages resulting from violating these Community Standards may be assessed to
the resident(s).
i. Decorative materials are not permitted in corridors.
ii. Do not obstruct exit signs, fire alarms, extinguishers, sprinkler heads, or hose cabinets.
Items of any kind may not be affixed or adhered to any ceiling and no ceiling may be
altered by painting.
iii. Walls may not be altered in any way and any item hanging from any wall must be
mounted with removable adhesive strips or painter’s tape; and, any decoration on the
exterior of the door must be limited to two pieces not larger than 8 1/2" x 14" each;
Doors/Walls: Written messages, tacks, or tape (other than painter’s tape) placed directly on
any door or wall is prohibited;
Door Closure Devices: California State law requires that door closure devices be in working
order. If a door closure device has been tampered with, it will be repaired and the residents
Elevators: Tampering with, misuse of, or vandalism of elevators is prohibited by law and
University policy. Those responsible for such activities will be charged for cleaning or repair;
Furnishings: Moving furniture from any rooms/suites/apartment/public area is prohibited.
Students who move furniture from public areas or use furniture for purposes other than its
intended use may be referred to the Student Conduct process and assessed any labor costs
associated with returning the furniture to its appropriate location or its replacement. Outdoor
use of University‐owned furniture from rooms/apartments/suites/public areas is prohibited;
Keys: Residents are responsible for all University‐issued keys. Duplication or use, without prior
authorization, of any University‐issued key is prohibited. Providing false information to obtain a
University key is also prohibited. UC San Diego Police will charge a fee for any lockouts that
they facilitate after-hours. Students may be charged for the costs associated with a lost or
stolen key(s), or key(s) that are not returned after a resident vacates a space;
Painting: Residents are prohibited from painting the interior or exterior of their residence;
i. Undergraduate Residential Spaces: Pets and animals are prohibited in all undergraduate
residential spaces. This includes pets or animals of visitors, regardless of length of stay.
However, the following exceptions apply: 1) Personal ‘Service or Assistance Animals’ that
assist with a disability as certified by the Office for Students with Disabilities; and, 2)
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Aquarium fish in tanks not to exceed 10 gallons. Limit of one tank per resident;
ii. Coast, La Jolla Del Sol, Mesa, and OMS: The University will approve two indoor cats, caged
birds, and fish in aquariums with a capacity of 30 gallons or less, per apartment. A signed
pet addendum and a $250 pet deposit will be required for up to 2 indoor cats.
iii. Rita, Mesa Nueva, Nuevo West, and Nuevo East: The University will only approve fish in
aquariums with a capacity of 30 gallons or less, per apartment. Cats are not allowed at
Mesa Nueva, Nuevo East, Nuevo West, or Rita.
n. Recycling and Trash: Regular removal of recycling and trash is each resident’s responsibility. All
recycling and trash should be regularly taken to designated recycling and trash containers. If
recycling or trash from a resident’s room or apartment is found in non‐designated areas (e.g.,
outside door, on the balcony, etc.), residents will be held accountable for its appropriate removal
and cleaning, and any related administrative charges;
o. Roofs/Rails/Ledges: Residents are prohibited from scaling or climbing walls, traversing to/from
balconies, patios, and/or accessing roofs, rails, and ledges of all Housing*Dining*Hospitality
residential facilities. Placing objects on the roofs, rails, or ledges, or throwing objects to or from
the roofs, rails, or ledges of any residential facility is prohibited;
p. Security: Residents may not bypass or disable residential security in any way. Residents should
not allow suite and/or building access to unauthorized persons. Students are reminded to lock
doors and close and lock windows when they are not present in the room or while asleep in the
room. Students are required to call the HDH FixIt Maintenance and Pest Control Hotline at 858‐
534‐2600 if they are unable to lock and secure room doors and/or windows. If a resident sees
suspicious activity, they are expected to call University Police at 858‐534‐4357. The safety and
security of the community is everyone’s responsibility;
q. Unauthorized Entry: Unauthorized entry is prohibited. Use of residential facilities by outside
organizations and/or the general public is limited and must have the prior approval of the
housing office responsible for the space;
r. Unauthorized Events: All group activities, hired performances, or organized and/or publicized
events in or around the residential facilities, including public areas, must have the prior approval
of the housing office responsible for the space;
s. Unauthorized Use of Public Areas: Depending on the unique architecture of each residential
community, public areas are generally defined as any residential space excluding residence hall
bedrooms and the interiors of apartments. All public areas must be kept free of obstructions. No
one may sleep in public areas unless it is in conjunction with a University‐sponsored event.
Public areas may be closed at any time by the housing office responsible for the space; and,
t. Windows and Screens: Throwing to or from, dropping, or allowing any object to fall from any
window, climbing in or out of windows, or the removal of window screens is prohibited. Any
weather‐related damages that occur to a room as a result of a resident not closing a window will
be billed to the resident(s) responsible for the damage. Additionally, you may not cover or hang
items from windows or window ledges.
Residential Restaurant and Market Service Facilities
a. Conduct: Disruptive behavior in dining facilities will result in formal documentation
through the Student Conduct process. Dining Services Managers may ask any resident or
their guest(s) to leave the premises if such action is necessary. For purposes of this section,
disruptive behavior applies to, but is not limited to:
i. Activities Recreational activities, running with or throwing items are not permitted in
any residential restaurant or market service facilities.
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ii. Food Fights - Throwing food (including drinks) or dining-related items (e.g., plates,
bowls, utensils, trays, etc.) or engaging in food fights within residential restaurant and
market service facilities is prohibited.
iii. Health and Safety - Running, standing on tables, throwing non-food related items
within the facilities or engaging in behavior that poses a health or safety concern for
other patrons, staff, or guests is prohibited.
iv. Theft Baskets and/or shopping carts are provided at market service facilities for
resident and guest convenience. Placing items in a personal backpack or other bag
before purchase is not permitted. Passing food items to any person without purchase
is also prohibited.
b. Dishware: Residents and guests are responsible for returning dishes, bowls, utensils, cups,
and baskets to one of the designated bussing stations located at each dining facility.
c. Dress Code: Residents and guests entering dining facilities must wear a shirt, pants or the
equivalent (e.g. dress, skirt, shorts, etc.), and shoes while inside all residential restaurant
and market service facilities.
d. Meal Plan Use: Keeping Campus OneCards safe is the cardholder’s responsibility. The
cardholder is the only person authorized to use an associated Dining Plan or Triton Cash
Account. Dining Plan funds are non-transferable unless authorized in writing by
Housing*Dining*Hospitality. Meal plan holders may not give their ID card to any other
student or guest to use.
Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment: Per the University’s Smoke & Tobacco Free
Environment Policy, smoking and tobacco use of any kind is not permitted in any area owned
or leased by UC San Diego.
Weapons and Explosives: University policy prohibits the use or possession of firearms on
campus, with or without a valid permit. This includes any device resembling a firearm,
including, but not limited to airsoft, paintball, bb guns, and nerf‐type guns. Also prohibited is
the use, possession, or storage of any kind of ammunition, explosive, or weapon(s),
including, but not limited to: stun guns, daggers, knives with a fixed blade over 2.5 inches
(except those used to cook), martial arts equipment, slingshots, spear guns, bows and
arrows, explosives, fireworks, laser pointing devices and Taser guns. The improper discharge
of a chemical agent including, but not limited to, mace, pepper spray, or other aerosols is
prohibited. Other items or implements used aggressively or for violent purposes are
prohibited and should be reported to the UC San Diego Police at (858) 5344357.