MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
User's Guide
© 2009
All rights reserved.
Edition notice
October 2009
The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED
MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain
transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these
changes will be incorporated in later editions. Improvements or changes in the products or the programs described may be made at any time.
© 2009
All rights reserved.
This software and any accompanying documentation provided under this agreement are commercial computer software and documentation
developed exclusively at private expense.
Edition notice......................................................................................2
Introducing MarkVision Professional...........................................13
What is MarkVision Professional?..................................................................................................................................13
What can MarkVision Professional do?........................................................................................................................13
What's new in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1?........................................................................................................13
Understanding MarkVision components....................................................................................................................14
Understanding MarkVision terminology................................................................................................................................ 14
MarkVision Client ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
MarkVision Messenger.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
MarkVision Web Server................................................................................................................................................................. 15
MarkVision Server ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Understanding system requirements..........................................16
Computer RAM and processor requirements...........................................................................................................16
MarkVision Client requirements.....................................................................................................................................16
MarkVision Server requirements....................................................................................................................................16
Supported operating systems........................................................................................................................................16
Supported Web browsers ................................................................................................................................................17
Java Virtual Machine recommendations.....................................................................................................................17
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Client..............................................................................................................18
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Server.............................................................................................................19
Installing MarkVision Professional................................................21
Before installing...................................................................................................................................................................21
Minimizing network traffic .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Selecting installation components........................................................................................................................................... 21
Downloading MarkVision Professional................................................................................................................................... 22
Installing MarkVision Professional.................................................................................................................................22
Installing for Windows .................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Installing for Mac............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Installing for HP-UX........................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Installing for IBM AIX ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Installing for Red Hat Enterprise and SUSE Linux Enterprise .......................................................................................... 24
Installing for Sun Solaris SPARC................................................................................................................................................. 25
Upgrading from a previous version of MVP.......................................................................................................................... 25
Importing and exporting MarkVision Server settings............................................................................................26
Moving the MarkVision Server........................................................................................................................................27
Starting and stopping MarkVision Server for Windows.................................................................................................... 27
Starting and stopping the MarkVision Server for Mac ...................................................................................................... 27
Starting and stopping MarkVision Server for UNIX ............................................................................................................ 27
Starting and stopping MarkVision Web service for UNIX................................................................................................. 27
Moving the MarkVision Server ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Using MarkVision Professional......................................................29
Getting started.....................................................................................................................................................................29
Starting the MarkVision Client Application in Windows .................................................................................................. 29
Starting the MarkVision Client Application in Mac OS X .................................................................................................. 29
Starting the MarkVision Client Application in UNIX or Linux.......................................................................................... 29
Accessing the MarkVision Web Client .................................................................................................................................... 30
Selecting a server............................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Using the MarkVision Setup wizard ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Understanding Home screen navigation....................................................................................................................31
Navigating from the Home screen ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Using the All Tasks list................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Results area ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Using Quick Find ............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Using the Folders tab .................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Accessibility ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Multi-select........................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Configuring MarkVision Professional...........................................41
Discovering devices............................................................................................................................................................41
Adding or removing devices ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
Creating discovery profiles.......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Discovering devices....................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Including and excluding devices .............................................................................................................................................. 42
Saving and loading include or exclude lists.......................................................................................................................... 42
Configuring advanced device discovery................................................................................................................................ 42
Importing and exporting discovery profiles ......................................................................................................................... 43
Scheduling device discovery ...................................................................................................................................................... 43
Naming devices............................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Adding devices ................................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Viewing device discovery results .............................................................................................................................................. 44
Removing devices from the server........................................................................................................................................... 44
Organizing devices with filters and folders................................................................................................................45
Creating folders............................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Using filters ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1.......49
Understanding the basics.................................................................................................................................................50
Authentication and Authorization ........................................................................................................................................... 50
Groups ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Access Controls................................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Security Templates......................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Configuring building blocks............................................................................................................................................52
Creating or editing a device password (advanced)............................................................................................................ 52
Creating a PIN................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Managing multiple PIN setups................................................................................................................................................... 53
Using internal accounts................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Using Kerberos authentication (advanced) .......................................................................................................................... 54
Configuring LDAP settings (advanced) .................................................................................................................................. 55
Configuring LDAP + GSSAPI settings ...................................................................................................................................... 58
Using NTLM authentication ........................................................................................................................................................ 60
Securing access....................................................................................................................................................................61
Using backup passwords ............................................................................................................................................................. 61
Setting login restrictions.............................................................................................................................................................. 61
Using a password or PIN to control function access.......................................................................................................... 62
Using a security template to control function access ....................................................................................................... 63
Scenario: Printer in a public place............................................................................................................................................. 64
Scenario: Standalone or small office........................................................................................................................................ 65
Scenario: Network running Active Directory ........................................................................................................................ 66
Managing certificates and other settings...................................................................................................................68
Managing certificates.................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Installing CA Certificates for multiple devices...................................................................................................................... 69
Setting certificate defaults .......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Viewing basic certificate information...................................................................................................................................... 70
Signing certificates......................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Importing certificate stores (SSL) .............................................................................................................................................. 72
Entering a password to access a secured device ................................................................................................................ 72
Creating, editing, or deleting a device password (basic) ................................................................................................. 72
Adding a password to the device password list.................................................................................................................. 73
Editing a password from the device password list ............................................................................................................. 73
Deleting a password from the device password list .......................................................................................................... 73
Using a device policy to set device passwords .................................................................................................................... 74
Configuring advanced credentials ........................................................................................................................................... 74
Setting a communication password........................................................................................................................................ 75
Changing on-board security for a device............................................................................................................................... 75
Configuring menu lockout.......................................................................................................................................................... 76
Configuring confidential printing............................................................................................................................................. 76
Configuring security audit log settings .................................................................................................................................. 77
Configuring 802.1x authentication .......................................................................................................................................... 77
Setting up SNMP ............................................................................................................................................................................. 78
Creating accounts and groups.......................................................................................................................................79
Creating user accounts and groups ......................................................................................................................................... 79
Creating an administrator account .......................................................................................................................................... 79
Creating user accounts ................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Creating a user group.................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Editing an existing user account or group ............................................................................................................................ 80
Removing an existing user account or group ...................................................................................................................... 81
Assigning privileges....................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Configuring active session expiration..................................................................................................................................... 81
Configuring account password expiration............................................................................................................................ 82
Securing communication with the MarkVision Server...........................................................................................82
Using secure communication .................................................................................................................................................... 82
Using LDAP to authenticate user access ................................................................................................................................ 82
Setting server communication security.................................................................................................................................. 84
Setting the server communication security password ..................................................................................................... 85
Setting the server communication security level ............................................................................................................... 85
Selecting server-to-client security ............................................................................................................................................ 86
Disabling or securing remote management of a device.................................................................................................. 86
Synchronizing device communication passwords............................................................................................................. 88
Securing printer communication through lockdown ....................................................................................................... 88
Viewing encrypted hard disk drives......................................................................................................................................... 89
Managing devices.............................................................................90
Finding and organizing devices.....................................................................................................................................90
Finding devices................................................................................................................................................................................ 90
Creating folders and filters.......................................................................................................................................................... 91
Using filters to populate folders automatically ................................................................................................................... 91
Creating maps.................................................................................................................................................................................. 91
Creating custom views and tables................................................................................................................................92
Creating a custom view ................................................................................................................................................................ 92
Editing a custom view................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Creating a custom table ............................................................................................................................................................... 92
Viewing and editing a custom table ........................................................................................................................................ 93
Exporting a custom table............................................................................................................................................................. 93
Gathering information about printers and print jobs............................................................................................94
Collecting information about print jobs ................................................................................................................................ 94
Enabling Job Statistics .................................................................................................................................................................. 94
Collecting information about printers .................................................................................................................................... 95
Enabling Printer Inventory .......................................................................................................................................................... 95
Using the Remote Operator Panel on MFPs..............................................................................................................96
Accessing the Remote Operator Panel ................................................................................................................................... 96
Managing destinations......................................................................................................................................................97
Adding or editing destinations.................................................................................................................................................. 97
Creating or editing destinations for device policies .......................................................................................................... 98
Removing destinations................................................................................................................................................................. 98
Understanding device policies.......................................................................................................................................99
Using device policies ..................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Creating a device policy ............................................................................................................................................................... 99
Applying a device policy .............................................................................................................................................................. 99
Checking device policy conformance ...................................................................................................................................100
Scheduling device policies........................................................................................................................................................100
Downloading generic files.............................................................................................................................................100
Managing resources.........................................................................................................................................................101
Uploading resource files to MarkVision Server ..................................................................................................................101
Removing resource files from the MarkVision Server......................................................................................................101
Downloading resource files to selected devices ...............................................................................................................101
Installing and removing plug-ins............................................................................................................................................102
Managing bookmarks......................................................................................................................................................103
Using bookmarks ..........................................................................................................................................................................103
Creating bookmark folders .......................................................................................................................................................103
Creating a new bookmark .........................................................................................................................................................103
Saving bookmarks ........................................................................................................................................................................104
Loading existing bookmarks ....................................................................................................................................................104
Deleting bookmarks ....................................................................................................................................................................105
Changing bookmark folder properties.................................................................................................................................105
Supporting wireless print servers ...........................................................................................................................................106
Creating a WLAN device policy................................................................................................................................................106
Configuring wireless settings for multiple devices ..........................................................................................................107
Using print queues...........................................................................................................................................................107
Managing queues.........................................................................................................................................................................107
Configuring the MarkVision Server for Windows..............................................................................................................107
Creating print queues .................................................................................................................................................................108
Removing print queues..............................................................................................................................................................109
Windows XP administrator accounts without passwords .............................................................................................109
Configuring TCP/IP port access settings...................................................................................................................110
Formatting storage devices..........................................................................................................................................110
Upgrading print server firmware.................................................................................................................................110
Scheduling tasks................................................................................................................................................................111
Viewing diagnostic information for a device..........................................................................................................111
Checking printer status...................................................................................................................................................112
Viewing the Embedded Web Server for a device..................................................................................................112
Changing printer settings..............................................................................................................................................112
Monitoring printer supplies..........................................................................................................................................112
Setting color print permissions....................................................................................................................................113
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision
Understanding embedded solutions and solution descriptors.......................................................................114
Viewing installed solutions............................................................................................................................................114
Installing embedded solutions....................................................................................................................................115
Step 1: Installing the solution descriptor .............................................................................................................................115
Step 2: Installing an embedded solution .............................................................................................................................116
Uninstalling Embedded Solutions..............................................................................................................................116
Step 1: Uninstalling an embedded solution .......................................................................................................................116
Step 2: Uninstalling the solution descriptor .......................................................................................................................116
Configuring the Embedded Solutions Framework...............................................................................................117
Configuring solutions......................................................................................................................................................118
Licensing embedded solutions....................................................................................................................................118
Installing or upgrading a license.............................................................................................................................................118
Obtaining host IDs........................................................................................................................................................................119
Starting a solution.............................................................................................................................................................119
Stopping a solution..........................................................................................................................................................119
Viewing embedded solutions features.....................................................................................................................120
Importing and exporting solutions............................................................................................................................120
Creating an embedded solution device policy......................................................................................................120
Filtering for devices that support embedded solutions.....................................................................................121
Using the Advanced filter to find devices that support embedded solutions...........................................121
Using custom tables with embedded solutions....................................................................................................121
Using MarkVision Messenger.......................................................123
What can MarkVision Messenger do?........................................................................................................................123
How are actions and events related?.........................................................................................................................123
Understanding events.....................................................................................................................................................123
Device Status Alert event type.................................................................................................................................................123
Printer folder alerts event type................................................................................................................................................123
Selecting devices to monitor....................................................................................................................................................124
Delaying event notifications.....................................................................................................................................................124
Creating an action in MarkVision Messenger.........................................................................................................124
Sending an SMTP e-mail.............................................................................................................................................................124
Setting up an SMTP mail server...............................................................................................................................................125
Executing a command line on a remote host server .......................................................................................................125
Setting up the Tivoli event adapter .......................................................................................................................................125
Triggering a command line with an action .........................................................................................................................126
Previewing the steps ...................................................................................................................................................................126
Step 1: Naming the action .........................................................................................................................................................126
Step 2: Setting user access ........................................................................................................................................................127
Step 3: Selecting the event type..............................................................................................................................................127
Step 4: Selecting the events that trigger the action ........................................................................................................127
Step 5: Choosing a method of device selection ................................................................................................................128
Step 6: Selecting a command...................................................................................................................................................128
Step 7: Composing a command ..............................................................................................................................................128
Step 8: Selecting a filter ..............................................................................................................................................................129
Step 9: Verifying action information ......................................................................................................................................130
Managing actions.............................................................................................................................................................130
Enabling an action........................................................................................................................................................................130
Disabling an action ......................................................................................................................................................................130
Modifying an action.....................................................................................................................................................................130
Deleting an action ........................................................................................................................................................................131
Viewing action information ......................................................................................................................................................131
Setting or changing user data..................................................................................................................................................131
Frequently created actions .......................................................................................................................................................132
Using filters with actions................................................................................................................................................134
Using simple filters.......................................................................................................................................................................134
Using the “Trigger on Active” filter.........................................................................................................................................134
Using the “Trigger on Either Active or Clear” filter ...........................................................................................................134
Using custom filters .....................................................................................................................................................................134
Problems with user accounts and account groups..............................................................................................136
Did a message appear indicating an error reading accounts or passwords during log on?.............................136
User has forgotten their password.........................................................................................................................................137
Problems with network devices..................................................................................................................................137
MarkVision is unable to discover a network device or “Device not responding” appears.................................137
Printer information is incorrect................................................................................................................................................138
Printer icons do not appear ......................................................................................................................................................138
Printers are missing from folders ............................................................................................................................................139
“Error resetting device” message appears...........................................................................................................................139
Problems with MarkVision Web Client......................................................................................................................139
Why can't I access MarkVision Web Client in Windows Vista?......................................................................................139
Why does MarkVision Web Client crash when opened in Internet Explorer 6?.....................................................140
Problems with MarkVision Messenger......................................................................................................................140
MarkVision Messenger is not sending e-mail notifications...........................................................................................140
Why can't I access MarkVision Messenger? .........................................................................................................................140
MarkVision Messenger does not work with Apache installed......................................................................................141
Problems with actions.....................................................................................................................................................141
Cannot create a new action ......................................................................................................................................................141
An action is unavailable..............................................................................................................................................................141
Action does not work or produces unexpected results..................................................................................................141
Action list is empty.......................................................................................................................................................................141
No private actions listed.............................................................................................................................................................142
Miscellaneous problems.................................................................................................................................................142
The client and server cannot communicate .......................................................................................................................142
How do I increase the JVM maximum heap memory?....................................................................................................142
No folders appear .........................................................................................................................................................................143
Cannot enter characters in printers in a different language.........................................................................................143
Cannot send files to a device using Generic File Download .........................................................................................143
Cannot send files to network devices using Resource Management........................................................................144
Cannot enter a PIN using the Operator Panel task...........................................................................................................144
Cannot enter a PIN or password in RHEL 5.0 ......................................................................................................................144
Frequently asked questions.........................................................145
What devices are supported by this version of MarkVision?.............................................................................145
Can I install MVP 11.2.1 over a previous version of MarkVision?.....................................................................145
I have plug-ins installed with my previous version. Is the functionality of those plug-ins
included in this release?............................................................................................................................................145
How can I speed up device discovery?......................................................................................................................145
How do the MarkVision Web Client and Client Application differ?................................................................146
Why are some devices unavailable?...........................................................................................................................146
How do I back up my MVP Server settings and configuration?.......................................................................147
Where is the README file?.............................................................................................................................................147
Where are the Release Notes?......................................................................................................................................147
How do I create and apply a filter to a folder?........................................................................................................148
What is MarkVision Messenger?..................................................................................................................................149
Is there support for IPX or Tivoli?................................................................................................................................149
How do I get to the server after installation?..........................................................................................................150
How do I discover devices?...........................................................................................................................................150
How do I create actions?................................................................................................................................................151
How do I change the MarkVision Web Server port?.............................................................................................152
Uninstalling MarkVision Professional.........................................154
Uninstalling for Windows and Mac OS X..................................................................................................................154
Uninstalling from Windows ......................................................................................................................................................154
Uninstalling from Mac OS X ......................................................................................................................................................154
Uninstalling for UNIX and Linux..................................................................................................................................154
Uninstalling MarkVision Professional ....................................................................................................................................154
Removing shared directories....................................................................................................................................................155
Glossary of Security Terms...........................................................159
Introducing MarkVision Professional
What is MarkVision Professional?
Professional (MVP) is a Web-enabled device management utility designed for IT professionals. MVP
works as a client-server application. The server discovers and communicates with devices on the network and
provides information about them to a client. The client displays device information and provides a user interface to
manage those devices. Each instance of the MarkVision Server can manage thousands of devices at any one time.
Built-in security provisions prevent unauthorized access to devices on the network. Authorized users can use the
MarkVision Web Client to access MVP's management options by connecting to the MarkVision Server from a
supported Web browser.
Customize MVP to see only the device information that you select. Quickly and efficiently locate specific devices on
the network with Quick Find or Discovery Profiles. Use Folders and Filters to group devices based on single or multiple
characteristics (such as color capability, input capacity, and speed) or conditions (such as cover open, low toner, low
paper, and paper jam).
What can MarkVision Professional do?
This guide is written for administrators. To complete these tasks successfully, you should have a working knowledge
of your network hardware and software.
MarkVision Professional lets administrators:
Troubleshoot and fix network printing issues before they are disruptive.
Perform printer and print server maintenance and routine updates remotely.
Diagnose and fix printing problems using Quick Find to locate a specific device on the network.
Use extensive Filters to find and group devices based on one or more characteristics (such as color capability or
multifunction capabilities) or conditions (such as cover open or paper jam).
Configure settings on multiple devices simultaneously with customizable device policies.
Schedule time-intensive activities, such as company-wide device discovery or updating print server firmware
when network use is at a minimum.
Prevent unauthorized access to devices on the network.
Download plug-ins for additional device support at runtime.
View or print customizable reports (custom tables) on selected printers.
Remotely view or (when supported) manipulate printer operator panels.
What's new in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1?
Several new features and enhancements provide even greater control of your network devices:
Introducing MarkVision Professional
Expanded device support
MVP 11.2.1 supports more devices than ever before. MVP 11.2.1 natively incorporates functionality of service packs
and other functional support for the same devices as MVP 11.2, including devices previously supported through
plug-ins. As a means of providing device support, MVP 11.2.1 offers new functionality for next-generation devices,
while carrying forward the same functionality found in MVP 11.2 for both new and existing devices, depending on
the individual device capabilities. For a complete list of supported devices, see the Release Notes.
Expanded operating system and browser support
MVP 11.2.1 includes support for newer operating systems, including Mac OS X 10.5 and Windows Server 2008, as well
as support for Internet Explorer 8.
Incorporation of previous plug-ins
MVP 11.2.1 natively supports service packs and functional plug-ins designed for MVP 11.2. See the Release Notes for
Understanding MarkVision components
Understanding MarkVision terminology
Within this document:
Printers and print servers are sometimes simply called devices.
MarkVision Client is referred to as either MarkVision Client Application or MarkVision Web Client, depending on
the context and how it is launched.
MarkVision Client Application refers to MarkVision Client as a standalone application installed locally on a user
MarkVision Web Client refers to MarkVision Client when it is accessed through a Web browser.
MarkVision Client
MarkVision Client Application—The standalone application can be installed locally on a user workstation.
MarkVision Web Client—The browser-based client is a Java applet version of the client that can be accessed through
a supported Web browser by way of the following URL: http://<yourserver>/markvision. If the MarkVision
Server is not the default server on the machine, access the client through a supported Web browser by way of the
following URL http://<yourserver>:9180/markvision.
The MarkVision Application and MarkVision Web Client are essentially the same program. All folders, filters, devices,
and so on that are managed by the MarkVision Server are available to users of either the application or Web client.
The two versions are functionally equivalent.
The only differences between the application client and the Web client are:
The application does not require the installation of the browser plug-in; and
the web client requires a Web browser and loads more slowly.
Introducing MarkVision Professional
Enable the Web browser to support Sun’s Java Runtime Environment (JRE) by installing the Java plug-in. In
Windows environments, the plug-in is provided and the user will automatically be prompted to install it the first
time they run the MarkVision Web Client.
For information on the Java plug-in software and to download available versions of the plug-in for UNIX and
other platforms, visit
MarkVision Messenger
MarkVision Messenger works with MVP to provide e-mail notification or command line execution when conditions
on a network printer (such as Paper Tray Missing or Toner Low) trigger a pre-defined event. MarkVision Messenger
is a service that runs inside the MarkVision Server. To use this service, the user creates actions using a browser-based
interface. Users can open MarkVision Messenger from the Action menu in the MVP application, or by visiting the URL
http://<yourserver>:9180/messenger or https://<yourserver>:8443/messenger by way of a
Web browser.
MarkVision Web Server
The MarkVision Web Server supports the browser-based component of MarkVision Web Client and MarkVision
Messenger. The MarkVision Web Server is automatically installed with the MarkVision Server. The MarkVision Web
Server uses the standard HTTP port (80) if it is selected as the default server during installation. Otherwise, it accepts
HTTP requests on a non-standard port (9180), and HTTPS requests at TCP port 8443.
MarkVision Server
The MarkVision Server is the engine that powers MVP. The MarkVision Server is the single point of contact between
an instance of the MarkVision Client and all of the devices that MVP manages. The first time a client requests
information, the MarkVision Server gathers the new information from the device and stores it in a cache. Each
subsequent request for the same information is then retrieved from the cache. This eliminates the complexity of
talking to a wide variety of network devices. Client programs only need to send a single protocol to the server, which
knows how to communicate with the devices. At least one MarkVision Server must exist on a network. While it is
possible to install multiple instances of the MarkVision Server on a network, a client can only connect with one server
at a time.
One exception to this architecture is that, for devices that implement remote operator panel support using VNC, the
MarkVision Client will establish a remote operator panel session directly with the printer.
Introducing MarkVision Professional
Understanding system requirements
Computer RAM and processor requirements
512MB required
1GB recommended
Note: At least 2GB of RAM is required when installing the MarkVision Server on Windows Vista. An even higher amount
may be necessary in some situations when more than 2,000 devices are used—for example, when viewing complex
custom tables.
Processor speed
1.8GHz or greater
MarkVision Client requirements
The following are minimum requirements for running MarkVision Client. These requirements should be satisfied
before installing MVP.
Windows Server 2008, Windows 2003 Server SP2 (32-bit), Windows XP SP3 (32-bit), Windows 2000, Mac OS X 10.5,
or a supported UNIX client or Linux operating system
100MB available hard disk space
Internet or TCP/IP connection
If using the MarkVision Web Client, a supported Web browser.
MarkVision Server requirements
The following are minimum requirements for running MarkVision Server. These requirements should be satisfied
before installing MarkVision Professional.
Windows 2000, Windows 2003 Server SP2 (32-bit), Windows Server 2008, Mac OS X server 10.5, or a supported
UNIX server system
500MB available hard disk drive space
Internet or TCP/IP connection
Supported operating systems
Operating systems Hardware
Windows 2008 Server (Enterprise Edition) Intel (IA32)
Windows Vista Business Intel (IA32)
Windows Vista Enterprise Intel (IA32)
Understanding system requirements
Operating systems Hardware
Windows 2003 Server R2 Service Pack 2 (SP2), 32-bit only Intel (IA32)
Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2 (SP2), 32-bit only Intel (IA32)
Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) Intel (IA32)
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) Intel (IA32)
Mac OS X 10.4.x Intel and PowerPC
Mac OS X 10.5.x Intel and PowerPC
IBM AIX 5.3 POWER and PowerPC
HP-UX 11i 11.11 PA-RISC 2.0
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) ES 4 Intel (IA32)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Client 5 Intel (IA32)
SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 Intel (IA32)
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Intel (IA32)
Sun Solaris 9 Sun SPARC and Ultra SPARC
Sun Solaris 10 Sun SPARC and Ultra SPARC
Supported Web browsers
Client operating system Web browser
Any Windows OS Internet Explorer 6.x or later
Windows XP, 2003, and Vista Internet Explorer 7 and 8
Mac OS X Safari
IBM AIX Mozilla 1.7
HP-UX Mozilla 1.7
Solaris Unix Mozilla 1.7
Any Linux Firefox 2.0 or later
Java Virtual Machine recommendations
Operating systems Java VM level
Windows 1.6.0_14-b08
Mac OS X 1.5.0_09
Linux 1.6.0_14
Sun Solaris SPARC 1.6.0_14 (32-bit)
Understanding system requirements
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Client
If the MarkVision Professional Client Application or Web Client perform poorly, crash, or give a memory error, you
may need to adjust the Java settings. Increasing the memory available to MVP will improve performance.
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Client Application in Windows
1 Close the MarkVision Client.
2 Open the registry editor by typing regedit in the command line.
3 Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lexmark\MarkVision for Intranets
4 Modify the key Jvm_Options with value:
-ms64M -mx378M -Duser.language=en
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Client Application in UNIX/Linux
1 Exit the MVP Client.
2 Open the script /usr/mv_pro/bin/mvp.
3 Find the following line:
JVM_ARGS="-ms64M -mx128M"
4 Modify the line to read: JVM_ARGS="-ms64M -mx378M".
5 Save the script, and then restart the MarkVision Client.
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Client Application in Mac OS X
1 Exit the MVP Client.
2 Open the file Info.plist in the /Applications/MarkVision Pro directory.
3 Find the following line:
<string>-ms64m -mx128m</string>
4 Modify the line to read: <string>-ms64m -mx378m</string>.
5 Save the file, and then restart the MarkVision Client.
-ms64M reserves 64MB of memory when the application starts.
-mx378M reserves a maximum of 378MB available RAM.
If the system has more memory, you can specify a larger amount.
For additional Java troubleshooting, refer to the MVP README file.
Understanding system requirements
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Web Client in Windows
1 Click or Start.
2 Click Control Panel.
3 Double-click Java.
4 From the Java tab, click View under Java Applet Runtime Settings.
5 In the Java Runtime Parameters box, type: -ms64M -mx128M.
6 Click OK.
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Web Client in UNIX/Linux
1 From the bin directory of the Java install location (typically, /usr/java/jre1.6.0_xx), open the
ControlPanel script.
2 From the Java tab, click View under Java Applet Runtime Settings.
3 In the Java Runtime Parameters box, type: -ms64M -mx128M.
4 Click OK.
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Web Client in Mac OS X
1 From the Finder desktop, click Go Utilities.
2 Open the folder for the installed version of Java (such as J2SE 5.0).
3 Double-click Java Preferences.
4 In the Java Applet Runtime Parameters box, type: -ms64M -mx128M.
5 Click Save.
-ms64M reserves 64MB of memory when the application starts.
-mx128M reserves a maximum of 128MB available RAM.
If the system has more memory, you can specify a larger amount.
For Windows, the default minimum of 64MB is sufficient when working with fewer than 500 devices.
For additional Java troubleshooting, refer to the MVP README file.
Increasing RAM available to the MVP Server
The default maximum memory of the JVM running MVP Server is 512 MB. However, systems managing a large number
of devices and running certain memory-intensive tasks might need an additional allocation of maximum JVM heap
To increase the JVM heap memory for Windows:
1 Stop the MarkVision Server.
2 Open the registry editor by typing regedit in the command line.
Understanding system requirements
3 Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE --> SOFTWARE --> Lexmark --> MarkVision Server -->
Granite --> 1.0
4 Modify the key Jvm_Options with value -ms256M -mx1024M.
5 Close the registry editor, and then restart the MarkVision Server.
To increase the JVM heap memory for UNIX, Linux, or Mac OS:
1 Stop the MarkVision Server.
2 Open the shell script /usr/mv_pro/bin/, and then navigate to the function setJavaVars
3 Inside this function find the following line:
JVM_ARGS="-ms256M -mx512M"
4 Modify the line to read: JVM_ARGS="-ms256M -mx1024M".
5 Save the shell script, and then restart the MarkVision Server.
Understanding system requirements
Installing MarkVision Professional
Before installing
Minimizing network traffic
MVP lets you choose where to install components. To minimize network traffic and improve performance, install the
MarkVision Server on a host that provides high-speed access to users and to the devices you want to monitor. If your
devices are distributed across a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN), network traffic increases as
users try to access them.
Selecting installation components
While installing the MarkVision components, a dialog appears that shows the hierarchy in which the different
components can be installed.
Note: For Windows-based operating systems, you must select the parent branches in the hierarchy to include any
items located in a sub-branch.
Component Description
MarkVision Client Application
Installs the primary application that is used to manage your devices
Note: The MarkVision Client Application does not require the
installation of Sun’s Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Plug-in.
MarkVision Web Client
Installs a version of the MarkVision Client, which can be accessed
through a Web browser
In order to run the Web Client, you must first enable your Web
browser to support Sun’s Java Runtime Environment (JRE) by
installing the Java Plug-in.
The MarkVision installation process is operating system specific.
Install one of the following smaller versions of the Web browser on
a local machine: Windows Web package, Mac OS X Web package,
or UNIX Web package.
The MarkVision Client Application and the MarkVision Server may be installed separately. The application only requires
one instance of the MarkVision Server installed somewhere on the network, not necessarily on the same machine.
Installing MarkVision Professional
Component Description
MarkVision Server Installs the necessary files to set up the MarkVision Server
You must use the MarkVision Web Server with the MarkVision Web
You may make the MarkVision Web Server the default server on
HTTP port 80. This allows the browser-based application to access
the server from the HTTP port 80, which requires no additional
numbering in the URL. If HTTP port 80 is already in use, assign the
server to HTTP port 9180.
To publish the URL to access MarkVision Professional or Messenger,
create a URL on your Web server that automatically forwards the
user’s browser to the URL used by either tool.
MarkVision Messenger Installs the MarkVision Messenger Web-based utility
The MarkVision Client Application and the MarkVision Server may be installed separately. The application only requires
one instance of the MarkVision Server installed somewhere on the network, not necessarily on the same machine.
Downloading MarkVision Professional
1 Go to
2 From the Select Operating System menu, select your operating system type.
3 Click Download Now.
4 Type your registration information, and then click Start Download.
Note: For UNIX or Linux operating systems, save the MVP package to the /tmp directory.
Installing MarkVision Professional
Installing for Windows
1 Download MVP.
2 Open the MVP Installation package, and then follow the instructions on the screen.
Installing for Mac
MarkVision Professional for Mac requires two separate installations: one for MarkVision Server and one for MarkVision
Installing MarkVision Server:
1 Download the Mac-MVJServer.dmg file. Save the file to /tmp.
2 Double-click the Mac-MVJServer.dmg file to mount the drive image.
Installing MarkVision Professional
3 Double-click the MarkVision Pro Server.mpkg installation package.
4 Follow the instructions on the screen.
Installing MarkVision Client:
1 Download the Mac-MVJClient.dmg file. Save the file to /tmp.
2 Double-click the Mac-MVJClient.dmg file to mount the drive image.
3 Double-click the MarkVision Pro Client.mpkg installation package.
4 Follow the instructions on the screen.
Installing for HP-UX
1 Make sure you have enough disk space in /opt to install the printer driver. The packages will be installed into
the /opt file system. If this file system is full, create a symbolic link that points to a directory in another file system.
The symbolic link appears to be a real directory, but the files are actually installed in the location the link references.
For example, to install MVP in /disk2/mvp, do the following:
a Create a directory in the location where you want the packages to be installed.
For example: mkdir /disk2/mvp
b Create a symbolic link pointing to the directory you created.
For example: ln -s /disk2/mvp /opt/markvision_pro.
2 Download and save the package in the /tmp directory, and then uncompress the package file:
# /usr/contrib/bin/gunzip /tmp/markvision-pro-hpux11.11.pkg.gz
3 Start the Software Depot Install dialog box by entering: # /usr/sbin/swinstall.
4 Make sure the Source Depot type is Network Directory/CDROM, and the hostname of the computer you are
installing on appears in the Source Host Name box. If either of these fields are incorrect, enter the correct value,
or select it from the list.
5 In the Source Depot Path field, type the following to specify the full path to the HP-UX package file:
6 Select the bundles you want to install.
Installing the complete MarkVision Professional package:
a Click the MarkVisionPro bundle.
b Go to the Actions menu, and then select Mark for Install.
Installing individual MarkVision Professional components:
a Double-click the MarkVisionPro bundle.
Server and Client component bundles appear.
b Double-click each component bundle to view its contents.
c Click each bundle that you want to install, and then select Mark for Install from the Actions menu.
Yes appears beside each selected bundle.
7 Click Actions, and then click Install.
Installing MarkVision Professional
8 Click OK to start the installation.
Note: If the HOME variable was not set for root when you started SAM, an error message appears. Ignore the
message, and then click OK.
9 During installation, select Logfile to view the installation log. Make sure there are no errors or warnings during
10 When the installation is complete, click Done, and then exit SAM.
11 Run the following setup script to complete the installation:
# /opt/markvision_pro/setup.mvjserver
Installing for IBM AIX
1 Download and save the MarkVision Professional package in /tmp.
2 Uncompress the package file:
# /opt/freeware/bin/gunzip /tmp/markvision-pro-aix5.pkg.gz
3 Type the following on the command line, and then press Enter:
# smit install_latest
4 When prompted to for the input device directory for software, type:
5 Select the packages you want to install. All packages are installed by default.
a From the Software to install option, select List.
b Select the packages you want to install.
c Click OK.
6 Specify any other install options.
7 Click OK to begin installing. A message displays when the installation is complete.
8 Run the following setup script to complete the installation:
# /usr/lpp/markvision_pro/setup.mvjserver
Installing for Red Hat Enterprise and SUSE Linux Enterprise
1 Download and save the package in the /tmp directory, uncompress and untar the file named:
$ tar zxvf /tmp/markvision-pro-linux-glibc2-x86.tar.gz.
2 Navigate to the MarkVision Professional directory:
$ cd /tmp/markvision-pro-linux-glibc2-x86
Installing MarkVision Professional
3 Install the complete MarkVision Professional package or select the component bundles you want to install.
To install the complete MVP package, issue the command:
# rpm -ivh *.rpm
To install individual MVP components, specify the file name of the MVP component that you want to install.
For example, to install only the MarkVision Server, issue one of these commands:
# rpm -ivh markvision-pro-MVJserver-*.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh markvision-pro-MVJclient-*.i386.rpm
4 Type /usr/local/markvision_pro/setup.mvjserver in the command line, and then answer any
questions that appear.
Installing for Sun Solaris SPARC
1 Set the NONABI_SCRIPTS environment variable to TRUE.
2 Download and save the package in the /tmp directory, and then uncompress the package file:
# gunzip /tmp/markvision-pro-solaris8-10.pkg.gz
3 Start the package installation program:
# pkgadd -d /tmp/markvision-pro-solaris8-10.pkg
4 Install the complete MarkVision Professional package or select the component bundles you want to install. You
must install all the packages in the same location.
If you want to install the complete MVP package, type all, and then press Enter.
If you want to install component bundles, type each bundle number separated by a comma, and then press
Enter (For example: 1,2,3,4).
5 Follow the prompts, and then answer any questions that appear on the screen.
a To accept the defaults, press Enter.
b To answer yes/no questions, type y, n, or ?, and then press Enter.
A message appears when installation is successful.
c Type q to quit.
6 If the NONABI_SCRIPTS was not set to TRUE, type /opt/markvision_pro/setup.mvjserver on the
command line, and then answer any questions that appear.
Upgrading from a previous version of MVP
If you are upgrading from MarkVision Professional 10.0 or later, install MVP 11.2.1 directly over the old version.
MarkVision itself will migrate any existing settings/configurations to the new version the next time it runs.
Certain plug-ins, such as special product requests from previous releases, may not be supported by MVP 11.2.1.
Before upgrading from a previous version, compare the list of plug-ins installed on your system against the list
of plugins for MVP 11.2.1 listed in the Release Notes. Select Software Update (Manage PlugIns) from the All
Tasks list on the MarkVision Professional Home screen to see a list of plug-ins currently installed on the MVP
Contact your system support person if any of your plug-ins appear not to be supported by MVP 11.2.1.
Installing MarkVision Professional
Importing and exporting MarkVision Server settings
These tasks import and export only folder and filter settings for the MarkVision Server. The following settings will
not be imported or exported:
Administrative Settings
Discovery Profiles
Device Policies
Custom Tables/Views
User Accounts and Groups
Global Passwords
Application Links
Devices (currently discovered and managed)
Note: To save the types of data listed above, either check the documentation for each type to see if import or export
options are provided (for example, the Device Discovery Profiles task provides Import and Export buttons for
discovery profiles), or use the inclusive backup procedure described in Moving the MarkVision Server” to back up
all MarkVision Server data and settings.
Importing MarkVision Server settings
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Import Server Settings from the All Tasks list.
2 Click Browse to find the appropriate server settings file.
3 Click Import.
Exporting MarkVision Server settings
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Export Server Settings from the All Tasks list.
2 Browse to the export location.
3 Name the file.
4 Click Export.
Installing MarkVision Professional
Moving the MarkVision Server
As newer hardware becomes available, it may become necessary to move the MarkVision Professional Server to
another machine, or import settings from one instance of the MarkVision Server to another server. Since MVP is
extremely customizable, you may not want to repeat the process of creating folders, filters, and rediscovering devices.
MVP provides the option of either moving an entire MarkVision Server or exporting specific settings for folder
configuration and MarkVision Messenger actions to a file to be imported on another server.
Starting and stopping MarkVision Server for Windows
Windows 2000
1 Go to Control Panel Administrative Tools Services MarkVision Server.
2 Click Start/Stop.
Note: You can use the same process to start or stop the MarkVision Web service.
Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 Server
1 Go to Control Panel Performance and Maintenance Administrative Tools Services MarkVision
2 Click Start/Stop.
Note: You can use the same process to start or stop the MarkVision Web service.
Starting and stopping the MarkVision Server for Mac
Go to Finder Utilities MarkVision Pro Server
Click Start/Stop Server.
Note: You can use the same process to start or stop the MarkVision Web service.
Starting and stopping MarkVision Server for UNIX
To start the MarkVision Server type: /usr/mv_pro/bin/MvService start.
To stop the MarkVision Server type: /usr/mv_pro/bin/MvService stop.
Starting and stopping MarkVision Web service for UNIX
To start the MarkVision Web service type: /usr/mv_pro/bin/MvWebService start.
To stop the MarkVision Web service type: /usr/mv_pro/bin/MvWebService stop.
Installing MarkVision Professional
Moving the MarkVision Server
Create a backup of MVP customized data and then integrate the data onto a new machine:
1 From the original machine, stop the MarkVision Server.
2 Back up the directories in which the customized data files are stored.
In Windows, the default directories are:
C:\Program Files\Printer\MarkVision Server\granite\data
C:\Program Files\Printer\MarkVision Server\granite\plugins
C:\Program Files\Printer\MarkVision Server\mvp-tomcat\webapps\ROOT
For Macintosh and UNIX, the default directories are:
3 Install the MarkVision Server on the new machine.
4 Stop the MarkVision Server.
5 Replace the data, plugins and ~plugins directories saved during step 2 into the same locations on the new
6 Restart the MarkVision Server.
Note: The listed files do not contain settings for window and frame sizes or positional information.
Installing MarkVision Professional
Using MarkVision Professional
Getting started
Access MarkVision Client through the Markvision Client Application or the MarkVision Web Client.
Starting the MarkVision Client Application in Windows
1 Click or Start.
2 Click Programs or All Programs Printer MarkVision Professional MarkVision Professional.
Starting the MarkVision Client Application in Mac OS X
1 From the Finder desktop, click Go Applications.
2 Double-click MarkVision Pro Client.
Starting the MarkVision Client Application in UNIX or Linux
The MarkVision Client Application is installed locally. You can open it from the command line, or by clicking the
MarkVision Professional icon.
To open the MarkVision Client from the command line:
1 Start an X-Window Terminal or xterm.
2 Type: /usr/bin/mvp in the command line, and then press Enter.
3 Set the DISPLAY environment variable.
Korn (ksh) and Bourne (sh) shell users
Type the following commands in the command line:
export DISPLAY
C shell users
Where hostname is the name of your workstation, type the following commands in the command line:
setenv DISPLAY disphost:0.0
4 If you are running the MarkVision Professional UNIX Client on a different host computer than your X Windows
server, make sure the remote host has permission to access your screen.
If the MVP UNIX Client is running on the host flora, type xhost + flora in the command line.
5 Type mvp in the command line, and then press Enter.
Using MarkVision Professional
To open using the MarkVision Professional icon on UNIX systems:
1 From the CDE panel, click the Printer subpanel.
2 Click MarkVision Professional.
To open using the MarkVision Professional icon on Linux systems:
1 On Gnome and KDE, click Applications System Tools.
2 Click MarkVision Professional.
Accessing the MarkVision Web Client
After the MarkVision Web Server is configured, access MarkVision Web Client through a Web browser.
For example, to start the MarkVision Web Client on a Web server whose IP address is, type in the address field of your Web browser.
Selecting a server
After opening MVP for the first time, you must select a server. Select a server based on the server status. For example,
if there are multiple instances of the MarkVision Server on the network, and multiple clients are active, select a
supported server that has the least number of connections. This provides faster access to MVP.
1 Enter the computer/hostname or IP address of the machine running the MarkVision Server, or click Browse to
locate it.
You may enter localhost if your MVP Server is running on your local computer.
By default, the version of each MarkVision Server is displayed. You may only connect a MarkVision Client
version 11.2.1 to a MarkVision Server version 11.2.1.
2 Click Connect.
Using the MarkVision Setup wizard
The MarkVision Setup wizard will run the first time a client connects to the MarkVision Server, as well as each
subsequent time until you select Do not show me this setup window again. It is recommended that you go through
the Setup wizard at least once and, if you are unsure, accept its default settings.
Device Discovery
Create device profiles and find printers and print servers on a network.
Folder Setup
Organize and manage multiple devices using folders. Using folders allows for quick identification of devices within
a subset of the entire list of devices being managed. Use preconfigured MarkVision folders or configure folders.
Custom Tables / Custom Views
Present device information through customized or preset tables and views.
Using MarkVision Professional
Custom Tables—Create custom tables that are user-defined, tabular views of device information based on Address
Information, Asset Tracking, Code Levels, or Device Overviews. Export the table as a comma separated variable (.csv)
file, which can be opened by spreadsheet or word processing software.
Custom Views—Create multiple views of printers. View the LCD panel, picture of printer, and status of printer for
selected devices. View the operator panel and lock/unlock options in a single task.
Secure Communication
Create a secure channel between a printer and the MarkVision Server.
User Accounts / User Groups
Control access to functionality by limiting user access to tasks and devices. Define groups and set permission levels
for multiple users.
Understanding Home screen navigation
Navigating from the Home screen
The MarkVision Professional Home screen appears after you log on to MVP. MVP tasks can be accessed from different
areas of the Home screen. You may access a task by way of a menu or icon from the menus area, a task link from the
configurable tasks area, or from the All Tasks list. The All Tasks list is the default starting point for all documented
paths in this guide.
Menus area—Contains MVP menus, frequent tasks icons, navigation buttons, and the All Tasks list
2 Configurable tasks area—Contains commonly-used MVP functions and the Frequently Asked Questions list
Note: You can add, delete, or rename tasks or list names in this area.
Messages area—Reports real-time updates of MVP actions, events, tasks, and functions
4 Results area—Contains Quick Find results or folder contents
Using MarkVision Professional
5 Quick Find or Folders area—Contains a search tool or folders
Using the All Tasks list
The All Tasks list is available from the menus area of the MarkVision Professional Home screen.
Task name Task function
802.1x Configure 802.1x authentication settings for a selected device.
About View MVP version information.
Add Devices Search networks and add devices.
Address Information View network identification information about devices
Administrative Settings Configure MVP server-level settings and change settings for device
discovery, naming, and communication.
AppleTalk View or modify AppleTalk network settings.
Application Links Configure external applications to launch from MVP.
Asset Tracking View information with device inventory relevance for selected
Bookmark Management Create, save, and edit printer bookmarks in a printer permanent
Code Levels View firmware code levels for selected devices.
Color Samples Print color samples and conversion tables for settings such as sRGB
Display, US CMYK, and Euro CMYK, among others.
Configuration Page View select settings for a device (including scanner configuration
and paper prompt settings, among many others.) Users can also
save an XML-based list of these settings.
Configure Configure settings for certain forms printers.
Configure Top-of-Form Unit Configure settings for the Top-of-Form Unit on certain forms
printers. The Top-of-Form Unit sets the first line of print on
continuous forms and cut forms.
Contact Name and Location Set the contact name and location for the person responsible for
a device.
Create Windows Print Objects Create a Windows print object (queue) or a remote host computer.
Custom Background Image Load an image to use in the background on the home screen of
the device.
Custom Media - Custom Paper Name View or modify custom paper names.
Custom Media - Custom Paper Type View or modify custom paper type settings.
Custom Media - Paper Loading View or modify paper loading settings.
Custom Media - Paper Texture View or modify custom texture settings.
Custom Media - Paper Type Bin View or modify custom paper bin settings.
Custom Media - Paper Weight View or modify custom paper weight settings.
Using MarkVision Professional
Task name Task function
Custom Tables - Create/Manage Configure and export tables of device information.
Custom Views - Create/Manage Create custom views with multiple pieces of information.
Delete Security Audit Log Delete the Security Audit Log, which tracks security-related events
on a selected device.
Device Discovery Profiles Create discovery profiles to search attached networks and add
discovered devices to MVP.
Device Discovery Results Display device discovery results based on specific discovery
Device Overview View a table of general information about selected devices.
Device Policies - Apply Apply created policies to selected devices to enforce settings.
Device Policy - Check Device Conformance Determine if selected devices are conforming to device policies.
Device Policies - Create/Manage Manage a list of device policies to quickly configure or edit device
settings (such as print quality), or enforce those settings.
Diagnostics Page View and/or save a list of diagnostics settings for a selected device.
Displayed Information Specify the information displayed in the General Settings menu on
a supported device.
Drivers and Utilities (On the Web) Open the driver and utilities Web page.
Email Alert Setup Create and manage e-mail alerts for selected devices.
Email Destinations Create and manage e-mail destinations for selected devices.
Embedded Solutions - Features View a table of information about the Embedded Solutions
framework settings, license settings (if applicable), and settings for
installed solutions on selected devices.
Embedded Solutions - Framework Management Manage settings for the Embedded Solutions framework on
selected devices.
Embedded Solutions - Get Host ID Retrieve the Host ID from selected devices fro deliver to a license
provider in order to generate a solution license.
Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management Manage Embedded Solutions on selected devices: install, remove,
and license solutions and manage their settings.
Emulators View emulator (printer language interpreters) settings for selected
Event Log View and/or save a list of events that have taken place on a selected
device. This list includes such events as firmware updates and
paper jams, among others.
Export Server Settings Export MVP Server settings to a file that can imported to another
server or used to back up an existing server filter or folder.
Fax (Printer) View or modify a printer fax settings.
Fax Destinations Create and manage fax destinations for selected devices.
Note: This task applies only to older devices. For most current
devices with fax capability, the Fax Settings task is appropriate.
Using MarkVision Professional
Task name Task function
Fax Holding Schedule Schedule days and times for accumulated fax jobs to be printed or
Fax Settings View or modify the fax settings for a specified device.
Note: This task applies only to newer devices. For most older
devices with fax capability, the Fax (Printer) task is appropriate.
Feature Overview (Printers) View printer data, such as identification information, capabilities,
code levels, and page count information.
Feature Overview (Print Servers) View print server data, such as identification information, protocol,
and fax settings.
Filters View or edit the list of saved filters, which can be used to limit the
number of devices displayed.
Finishing/Quality View or modify printer finishing and quality settings, such as
copies, collation, and resolution.
Firmware (On the Web) Open a Web page to obtain print server upgrades for supported
print servers.
Firmware Download (Print Server) Upgrade print server firmware.
Folder Configuration Organize devices using folders. Filter folder contents based on
printer attributes.
Font Cartridges View information about any installed font cartridges.
FTP Destinations Create and manage FTP destinations for selected devices.
General Settings (Printer) View or modify printer settings, such as timeout, emulation, and
power saver.
General Settings (Print Server) View or modify print server settings, such as job timeout, contact
name, contact location, and network speed.
Generic File Download Download miscellaneous files such as PostScript files, universal
configuration files (UCF), or font files to one or multiple devices on
your network.
Home Return to the Home screen.
Home Page (On the Web) Visit the MarkVision Web site.
Home Screen Customization Specify which task icons are visible on the home screen of a device.
HTML Configure settings for printing HTML documents on a selected
HTTP Settings View or modify device HTTP settings.
Image Specify how a device will handle images—from scaling to
Import Server Settings Import MarkVision Server folder and filter settings from a saved file
to a server.
Inputs View settings for paper trays and other printer inputs.
Install Authorization Keys Select a file to use as a secure NTP authorization key for a particular
Using MarkVision Professional
Task name Task function
Install CA Certificate Install a CA Certificate for one or more printers.
Internal Account Management Add, edit, or remove internal accounts from a selected device.
IPDS Manage Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) settings on selected
IPSec Manage Internet Security Protocol (IPSec) settings on selected
IPv6 Specify general settings information for a selected device to
support Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
Job Statistics: Trend Analysis Enable MVP to gather and store information about print jobs sent
to a specific device.
Job Timeout (Print Server) View or modify device job timeouts.
LexLink Configure LexLink settings on the device print server. LexLink is a
print protocol used in some older Windows environments such as
OS/2 Lan Server, OS/2 Lan Manager, and Windows NT Advanced
Map Create a graphical representation that illustrates the distribution
of discovered devices.
MarkVision Messenger Launch Open the MarkVision Messenger application.
MarkVision Setup Access the MarkVision Setup wizard.
Menus Page View and/or save a list of menu settings for a selected device.
Meters/Counters View and/or save a list of meter and counter statistics for a selected
MFP - Backup Configuration Information Create a backup copy of all configuration settings on MFP device
(s). The backup copy will be used to restore the settings during disk
recovery or code update operations.
MFP - Default Copy Settings View or modify Copy Settings for an MFP device.
MFP - Default Scan to Email Settings View or modify Scan to Email Settings for an MFP device.
MFP - Default Scan to FTP Settings View or modify Scan to FTP settings for selected MFP devices.
MFP - Default Scan to Network Settings View or modify Scan to Network Settings for an MFP device.
MFP - Default Scan to USB Settings View or modify Scan to USB Settings for selected MFP devices.
MFP - Features View feature information for multifunction devices.
MFP - General Settings View or modify General Settings for an MFP device.
MFP - OptraImage Job Statistics Settings
View or modify OptraImage
job statistics settings for an MFP
MFP - Specify External Destination File View or modify OptraImage external destination settings for an
MFP device.
MFP Status View the current status conditions of multifunction devices.
Names of Devices View or modify device names.
NetWare View or modify the NetWare network settings.
Using MarkVision Professional
Task name Task function
Network Time Protocol (Printer) Synchronize a printer internal clock with the MarkVision Server.
Note: Different generation devices implement time and date
settings in different ways. Certain newer devices support this
method of synchronization.
Network Time Protocol (Print Server) Synchronize a print server internal clock with the MarkVision
Operator Panel View a functional control panel for a specified printer.
Operator Panel Access Control operator-panel access to the Configuration and Reports
menus on supported MarkNet devices.
Operator Panel LCD View the LCD from the control panel for a specified printer.
Operator Panel Lock/Unlock Remotely locks and unlocks a printer control panel.
Output Bin Names View or modify printer custom bin names.
Output Lighting Adjust the brightness of the device display.
Outputs Summarizes device output options. This task is associated with the
Feature Overview tasks.
Page Counts View the current page count information for a printer.
Paper Settings View or modify printer paper settings.
PCL View or modify the PCL settings for a printer.
PDF Specify the size and annotation settings for printing PDFs directly
from supported devices.
Personal Settings Personalize MVP to accommodate the way you work.
Picture of Printer Display a picture of a selected printer.
Ports View or modify device ports.
PostScript View or modify PostScript settings for a printer.
PPDS View or modify PPDS settings for a printer.
Printable Margins Configure the printable margin area for specialized applications
such as Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR).
Printer Inventory Collect printer inventory data for supported printers on a selected
print server.
Print Permissions (Hosts) A configuration of host computer names (a part of Print
Permissions Technology).
Print Permissions (Users) Configure user printing privileges on devices that support Print
Permissions Technology.
Print Pooling Configure print pooling rules on multiple port external print
Profile Destinations Create and manage profile destinations for selected devices.
Property Tag View or modify a property tag (user identification) for a printer.
Publications (On the Web) Open the MarkVision Web page.
Using MarkVision Professional
Task name Task function
Refresh Devices Refresh cached information for selected printer and/or print server
Registration (On the Web) Open the MVP registration Web page.
Remove Devices (Advanced) Remove one or more devices from the list of devices managed by
MVP. Use the Remove Printer icon or the Delete key shortcut.
Remove Windows Print Objects Removes Windows print objects (queues) from remote host
Reset Reset a specified printer or print server.
Resource Management Download fonts and overlays to printers.
Schedule Power Saver Specify when devices should enter Power Saver mode and when
they should wake up.
Scheduling Specify times to automatically initiate certain tasks.
Security - Access Controls Set access controls for a selected device.
Security - Advanced Credentials Specify the User ID, Password, PIN, and Realm for the MarkVision
Security Audit Log Configure Audit Log settings to monitor security-related events on
a particular device.
Security - Backup Password Set a master password for selected devices.
Security - Basic Credentials Maintain a list of device passwords on the MarkVision Server.
Security - Certificate Defaults Configure default settings for security certificates.
Security - Certificate Management Manage security certificates for selected devices.
Security - Communication Password Synchronize a server communication password for one or more
Security - Confidential Print Setup Configure the Max Invalid PIN and Job Expiration settings for
confidential print jobs on a device.
Security - Enter Device Password Enter a password to gain access to a password protected device
for the duration of the current client session.
Security - Internal Accounts Configure internal accounts for a selected device.
Security - Kerberos (Advanced) Set up a Kerberos building block for a selected device.
Security - Kerberos (Basic) Import, view, or modify Kerberos Setup.
Kerberos—A computer network authentication protocol that
allows the user and the server to verify each other.
Security - Kerberos Setup (Basic) Specify the default Kerberos Realm for users.
Security - LDAP (Advanced) Set up an LDAP building block for a selected device.
Security - LDAP (Basic) View or modify LDAP Settings for an MFP device.
LDAP—A network authentication protocol that runs over TCP/IP.
Using MarkVision Professional
Task name Task function
Security - LDAP + GSSAPI Set up an LDAP + GSSAPI building block for a selected device.
GSSAPI—Generic Security Services Application Programming
Interface; an application programming interface that allows
programs to access security services—specifically, Kerberos
Security - Manage Function Access View or modify Function Access for an MFP device.
Security - Menu Lockout Setup View or modify Menu Lockout settings for a device.
Security - Miscellaneous Security Configure security settings—including login restrictions—for a
selected device.
Security - NTLM (Advanced) Set up an NTLM building block for a selected device.
Security - NTLM (Basic) View or modify NTLM settings for a device.
Security - On-Board Security View or modify security settings configured on a particular device.
Security - Password Set up a password building block for a selected device.
Security - Password Configuration Configure password rules and criteria for selected devices.
Security - PIN Set up a PIN building block for a selected device.
Security - Printer Lockdown Force one or more supported devices to communicate exclusively
over a secure communication channel.
Security - Security Templates Use building blocks to create a security template for a selected
Security - Set Device Password View and edit a list of passwords for devices managed by MVP.
Security - SNMP Configure SNMP settings for a selected device.
Security - SSL Setup Configure Secures Socket Layer (SSL) settings on selected devices.
Service Location Protocol Enable or disable the Service Location Protocol (SLP) function on a
print server.
SMTP Server Configure SMTP settings for a selected device.
SNMP Traps View or modify device SNMP trap destination settings.
Software Update (Manage PlugIns) Install and remove new MVPView or modify Kerberos Setup for an
MFP device plug-ins for additional device support.
Special Configuration/Debug (Printer) Enable or disable Hex Trace and Coverage Estimator features for a
Special Configuration/Debug (Printe Server) Configure the Fax Transmit Level and the Fax Receive Threshold
for a selected print server.
Standard Network View or modify standard network settings for selected devices.
Standard Parallel View or modify standard parallel settings for selected devices.
Standard USB View or modify standard USB settings for selected devices.
Status of Printer View the current status conditions of selected printers.
Status Overview View the LCD panel, picture of printer, and status of printer for
selected devices.
Using MarkVision Professional
Task name Task function
Storage Devices View information about a printer storage devices, such as hard
disks and flash memory.
Supplies View supply levels for selected devices.
Supplies (On the Web) Open a Web page where printer supplies can be ordered.
Supply Notifications Configure settings for automatic supply notifications on selected
TCP/IP View or modify the TCP/IP network settings.
Note: Clearing the Enable mDNS check box in the TCP/IP task will
disable communication between the MVP Server and certain
TCP/IP Port Access Enable or disable access to all TCP/IP ports on a selected device.
Technical Support (On the Web) Open a Web page where technical support for products can be
User's Guide Open the MVP User's Guide.
User Accounts and Groups Create or edit individual accounts or account groups to restrict
access to certain tasks.
Waiting Jobs View and/or modify settings related to waiting jobs—for example,
jobs waiting for device resources such as paper of a particular size.
Web Page (Print Server) Open a Web page displaying settings for a selected device.
WLAN Setup and configure wireless devices.
XPS Specify whether to print error pages for XPS documents on a
selected device.
Results area
Devices that are selected using either the Quick Find or Folders tabs are displayed in the results area. The results area
contains a Find Results window if the Quick Find tab is selected, or a Folder Contents window if the Folders tab is
selected. Devices that appear with a strikethrough are not supported for the selected task. Devices that are displayed
in red text are password protected.
Using Quick Find
Use Quick Find as an easy alternative to more powerful device discovery options such as Add Devices and Manage
Discovery Profiles.
To use Quick Find to discover devices on a network:
1 Select a device characteristic:
Available search characteristics are: IP Address/Hostname, Device Name, Hardware Address, Model
(Printer/Print Server), Property Tag, Serial Number, or Other.
Type IP addresses in the form of x.x.x.x (for example,
2 Type or select the appropriate value for the search field.
Using MarkVision Professional
3 Click Find.
4 Click Stop to terminate the current discovery operation.
Note: Most of the Quick Find search options are performed only on devices already managed by the MarkVision
Server. An exception is the IP Address/Hostname option, which also searches the network for matching addresses.
Changing SNMP Community names
Change the read or write access privileges associated with Quick Find with Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) community names. SNMP is used by network management systems to monitor network-attached devices
for conditions that warrant administrative attention.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Administrative Settings from the All Tasks list.
2 Click the Quick Find tab.
3 Type the new community name in the appropriate box to change the default value.
Note: The default value for the Read and Write boxes is public. The community names are case-sensitive.
4 Click OK.
Note: This changes the MVP community name, not the print server community name. To change the print server
name, refer to your print server documentation. Additionally, the MVP task TCP/IP may be used.
Using the Folders tab
This area displays folders that have been configured using the Folder Configuration task and/or the MarkVision Setup
wizard. Discovered devices are saved here.
MVP offers alternative keyboard navigation in accordance with industry standards. The user interface and
task-oriented dialogs allow navigation exclusively through keyboard commands.
Use the Alt key to activate mnemonic (underlined character) options in the Task bar menus.
Use accelerator key combinations to invoke menu items without navigating the menus.
Navigate between sections of a dialog box using either the F6 function key or the Tab key.
Use the Delete key to remove selected device(s) from the server list of managed devices.
Use the Alt key in combination with the left or right arrow to cycle through recently selected tasks.
Use the keypad + and - keys to expand or collapse selected nodes of a device policy.
Use the F5 key to refresh the current task.
When you are presented with a list of items, such as printers, you can select more than one using the Control or Shift
key. This lets you edit an attribute for all the selected devices at one time.
Using MarkVision Professional
Configuring MarkVision Professional
Discovering devices
Adding or removing devices
MVP lets you search a network for printers and print servers. You can schedule and configure discoveries to suit your
needs. Once devices are discovered, their locations are stored on the MarkVision Server and they populate the All
Devices folder.
To discover devices, use the Device Discovery Profiles task or the Add Devices task from the All Tasks list, or use Quick
Find from the MarkVision Professional Home screen. Discovery profiles define the range of devices that you want to
discover, and the configuration of the discovery operation. You can create multiple device profiles, for different sets
of devices. Each profile can be saved and reused for future discoveries.
Creating discovery profiles
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Discovery Profiles from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New, and then type a name for the profile.
3 Click Add to add devices to the Include list.
4 Select the type of address, and then enter the range from which the devices will be included. Specify one or more
of the following:
TCP/IP address, subnet, or
Type the IP addresses in the dot notation form of x.x.x.x (for example,
TCP/IP address range Type the TCP/IP address range, beginning with the From box and ending with the
To box.
IPX Type the eight-digit hexadecimal network number on which the print server resides
(for example, 000C2194). If the print server resides on the same network as the
MarkVision Server, type 00000000 (zeros) for the network number.
Note: If you do not know the network number of your print server, you can find it
on the print server setup page, under the NetWare settings.
5 Click OK to return the Device Discovery Profiles screen.
The address or address range is now listed under the Include tab.
6 Click Apply.
Discovering devices
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Discovery Profiles from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a profile from the Device Discovery Profiles dialog.
3 Click Start.
Configuring MarkVision Professional
MVP communicates with the devices included in the selected profile.
To stop a discovery at any time, click Stop.
The Stop button enables you to cancel the Discovery operation that was last started.
Performing a discovery that includes all of the devices on a network, requires a large amount of CPU usage.
This could dramatically slow the MarkVision Server.
Including and excluding devices
When creating a discovery profile, you can include or exclude devices in a device range.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Discovery Profiles from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a discovery profile from the list.
3 Select the Include or Exclude tab.
4 Click Add or Load.
5 Type the address or address range in the text box, and then click OK.
6 Click Apply, and then click Close.
Saving and loading include or exclude lists
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Discovery Profiles from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a discovery profile from the list.
3 Select the Include or Exclude tab.
4 Do one of the following:
To save existing device ranges, click Save. Browse to the desired location, and then click Save.
to load an existing .List file containing device ranges, click Load. Browse to find the file, and then click
Note: Include and exclude lists are ASCII, space-delimited text files whose entries must use the following
format: protocol address read-community-name write-community-name (For example: IP public public).
5 If loading an include or exclude list, click Start to begin discovery on those devices.
Configuring advanced device discovery
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Discovery Profiles from the All Tasks list.
2 Click the Advanced tab from the Device Discovery Profiles main window to configure advanced device discovery
features. The following are features that may be customized for an advanced device discovery profile:
3 Click Close.
Configuring MarkVision Professional
Importing and exporting discovery profiles
Importing a discovery profile
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Discovery Profiles.
2 Click Import.
3 Browse to the discovery profile .xml file.
4 Click Import.
5 Select the new profile from the list, and then click Start to discover devices using the profile.
Note: Click Stop to terminate the discovery operation at any point during discovery.
6 Click Close.
Exporting a discovery profile
Users may export discovery profiles on the MarkVision Server to XML files. These XML files may be imported to the
same MVP server or other MVP servers.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Discovery Profiles.
2 Click Export.
3 Type a name for the discovery profile .xml file, and browse to a location to save it.
4 Click Export.
5 Click Close.
Scheduling device discovery
Schedule device discoveries on a regular basis to ensure that the MVP devices list is always current. If the device
discoveries are network-intensive, schedule device discovery for times when network traffic is minimal.
Note: A device discovery profile must be defined before a task can be scheduled for a profile.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Scheduling from the All Tasks list.
2 Click Add to launch the Add Schedule Wizard.
3 Select Device Discovery: Add Devices.
4 Type a description of the event in the text box, and then click Next.
5 Choose a start date and time from the Start time area.
6 Select a frequency from the “Repeat this event area,” and then click Next.
7 Select a discovery profile, and then click Finish.
The task appears in the All Scheduled Events box.
Naming devices
If a custom name is not defined, MVP will name devices according to the first attribute listed under the Device Naming
Rules tab from the Administrative Settings task of the All Tasks list.
Configuring MarkVision Professional
To customize a device name:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Names of Devices from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the device.
3 Type a custom name.
4 Click Apply.
Adding devices
To discover individual or small groups of devices without creating a profile, use the Add Devices task.
1 Select Add Devices from the All Tasks menu.
2 Select device(s) from the list of devices on the dialog, or click Add to enter a new device address, and then click
3 Select the Advanced tab to reset additional discovery settings.
Note: You can save any new groups of devices that you establish with the Add Devices task as a new discovery
profile by clicking Save as Profile.
4 Click Start to begin the discovery.
Note: You can also select the Exclude tab to select devices from an existing profile that you do not want to
include in the discovery.
5 Click Stop to terminate the current discovery operation.
Viewing device discovery results
After you have performed a device discovery, you can view the discovery results.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Discovery Results.
The discovery results contain a series of log entries detailing the discovery.
2 To export the results, click Export.
3 Browse to the location that you want to save the results, and then click Save.
Removing devices from the server
To disassociate devices with a network, remove them from the server's list of managed devices. You may change any
associated discovery profiles to ensure the devices are not discovered the next time the profile executes. There are
multiple methods for removing devices from the server:
Select the Remove Selected Devices from the server icon.
Execute the Delete key shortcut to remove selected device(s).
Use the Remove Devices (Advanced) task to remove all devices or devices associated with a particular discovery
Configuring MarkVision Professional
To remove devices using the Remove Devices (Advanced) task:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select the Remove Devices (Advanced) task from the All Tasks
2 Specify whether to remove all devices or devices associated with a discovery profile.
3 To remove devices associated with a discovery profile, select the profile from the drop-down list.
4 Click Remove to remove all specified devices from the MarkVision Server.
Organizing devices with filters and folders
Creating folders
Create folders to organize and group devices. When possible, create folders based on static conditions or options to
save network resources on larger printer networks.
The All Devices default root folder cannot be deleted. Any user-created folders are listed below the All Devices
When organizing a large number of printers based on frequently changing criteria (such as paper jams), we
recommend that you use filters rather than folders. Continuously updating and repopulating folders can
dramatically slow your system.
The MarkVision Setup wizard (invoked from the MarkVision Setup task) creates a number of default standard
folders built with commonly-used filter conditions.
Folders based on dynamic conditions—especially when heavily nested—can consume a large amount of
processing bandwidth on the MarkVision Server.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Folder Configuration from the All Tasks list.
2 Select All Devices to create a folder under the root folder, or select a different parent folder.
3 Click New from the Folder window.
4 Type a name for the new folder in the Name box.
5 Add devices to the folder.
Adding devices manually
Use manual selection to add a small number of devices.
a Select the Manual Selection tab.
b Select the device(s) by clicking the check box to the left.
c Click Apply to add the device(s) to the folder.
Configuring MarkVision Professional
Adding devices with filters
Use filters to manage a large number of devices. A filter limits the number of devices visible in a folder to only
those with specified characteristics. Select multiple filter characteristics for an increasingly narrow selection.
a To add devices through the use of filters, select the Filter tab.
b Configure a filter.
6 Click Apply.
Using filters
Filter overview
Limit the number of devices visible in a list or folder to only those with specified characteristics with the Filter task.
Filters can have multiple criteria, allowing for specific device selection. After a folder is created a filter may be applied
to it, or a saved filter may be loaded for use. A folder with no filter contains all the devices of its parent folder. Folders
are hierarchical by nature. A folder may contain at most all of the devices in its parent folder. Filters applied to the
folder will limit the number of devices further.
There are two types of filters:
Basic—Choose one or more common device characteristics as filter criteria.
Advanced—Create multiple filter criteria which may require specification in the Value box.
The following are Advanced filter criteria:
All conditions must be met—Every device must meet every criterion displayed by the filter.
At least one condition must be met—Devices must meet only one condition displayed by the filter.
Device Type—Specify which devices to include in the filter. Choose Printer, Print Server, or Any.
Basic filter example
John is in charge of maintaining the printers in his company. He would like to know which ones need attention now
or in the near future. John does the following:
1 John selects Printer from the Device Type list, because he is only interested in printers.
2 From the Select Filter Type list, he selects Status.
3 He then selects the All Errors and All Warnings check boxes.
4 John selects At least one condition must be met.
5 In the Name field, he changes the default name to My Errors and Warnings.
6 John clicks Apply to create and save the filter.
After John applies the filter to a folder, that folder contains only printers displaying an error or warning state. He can
then select another MVP task such as Status of Printer from the All Tasks list to view the new folder see which printers
are currently exhibiting errors or warnings.
Configuring MarkVision Professional
Advanced filter example 1
Mary would like to create and save a filter that only displays monochrome printers with a firmware code level of
1.10.17. To accomplish this, she creates the following Advanced filter:
1 Mary selects Printer from the Device Type list, because she is only interested in finding printers.
2 She then selects the following filter criteria:
Parameter Operation Value
Color Equal To Monochrome
3 She clicks New to create another filter criterion, and then selects the following from the Parameter and Operation
list boxes. She must manually type in the firmware code (1.10.17).
Parameter Operation Value
Printer Firmware Code Equal To 1.10.17
4 Because Mary's printers need to meet both conditions, she selects All conditions must be met from the dialog.
5 Mary clicks Save Filter As to save the filter.
6 In the Name field, she changes the default name to Firmware code check.
After Mary applies the filter to a folder, the folder contains only monochrome printers with a firmware code equal
to 1.10.17.
Advanced filter example 2
John would like to create a filter that displays only printers whose black cartridge has 50 percent remaining print
capacity or less.
1 John selects Printer from the Device Type list.
2 Next, John selects the following filter criteria:
Parameter Operation Value
Cartridge Levels, Black Percentage Less Than or Equal To 50
3 John clicks Save Filter As to save the filter.
4 In the Name field, he changes the default name to Black cartridge check.
After John applies the filter to a folder, the folder contains only printers containing a black cartridge with 50
percent or less remaining print capacity.
Advanced filter example 3
Jane would like to filter devices by conformance with specific created device policies. To create a Device Policy
Conformance filter, Jane does the following:
1 Jane selects the parameter Policy Conformance.
The value will be one of the device policies on the MarkVision Server (unless no policies have been created yet).
2 Next, Jane selects either Is in conformance with or Is not in conformance with for the operation.
Configuring MarkVision Professional
3 Finally, she types Jane's Printer Policy.
Parameter Operation Value
Policy Conformance Is in conformance with Jane's Printer Policy
Only printers that have all values specified in Jane's Printer Policy are visible if this filter is used.
Configuring MarkVision Professional
Using security features in MarkVision
Professional 11.2.1
The latest suite of security features available in MarkVision Professional (MVP) 11.2.1 represents an evolution in
keeping document outputs safe and confidential in today's busy environments. Incorporating traditional
components such as authentication and group permissions, administrators can use MVP Security Templates to
control access to the devices that produce, store, and transmit sensitive documents. Security templates are an
innovative new tool developed to enable administrators to build secure, flexible profiles that provide end users the
functionality they require, while limiting access to sensitive printer functions or outputs to only those users holding
appropriate credentials. Utilizing soft configuration features alone or in conjunction with physical security such as
Common Access Cards, the printer will no longer be a weak link in the document security chain.
MVP supports many generations of networked print devices. Different generations of devices implement different
mechanisms to allow administrators to protect their devices from unauthorized use of host management software
such as MVP. The security and authentication capabilities of networked print devices may be roughly categorized
into three levels:
Basic—For these devices, use the Security - Basic Credentials task to store a list multiple device passwords in the
MarkVision Server. MVP will attempt to use the passwords stored in that list to authenticate password-protected
devices until it finds a match. It will enable access to the device if a match is found; otherwise, the name of the
device will be displayed in red.
Intermediate—For these devices, use the Security - Communication Password task to store a single
communication password for each MarkVision Server. The Communication Password will be used to authenticate
against device Advanced Passwords. Use the Administrative Settings task to configure the security level used by
MarkVision Professional. Use the Synchronize with Server option on the Security - Communication Password task
to ensure that one or more devices are communicating securely using the same password as your MarkVision
Server. Use the Security - Printer Lockdown task to force these devices to communicate securely with host
management software such as MVP.
Advanced—For next-generation devices that support Building Blocks and the RemoteManagement Access
Control, use the Security - Advanced Credentials task to store a single set of authentication credentials for each
MarkVision Server. MVP will use these credentials to authenticate against these devices. These devices do not
support the MarkVision Communication Password or Printer Lockdown mechanisms, and are unaffected by the
Security Level set in the MVP Administrative Settings task.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Understanding the basics
Securing a printer using MVP involves combining one or more components—Authentication, Authorization, and
Groups—to define who is allowed to use the printer, and which functions those users are allowed to access.
Before configuring printer security, it can be helpful to create a plan that identifies who the users will be and what
they will need to do. Items to consider might include the location of the printer and whether non-authorized persons
have access to that area, sensitive documents that will be sent to or stored on the printer, and the information security
policies of your organization.
Authentication and Authorization
Authentication is the method by which a system securely identifies a user (that is, who you are).
Authorization specifies which functions are available to a user who has been authenticated by the system. This set
of authorized functions is also referred to as “permissions.”
MVP handles authentication and authorization using one or more of the following, also referred to as Building
Internal accounts
Kerberos 5
Some Building Blocks, such as Password or PIN, can be used alone to provide low-level security, by simply limiting
access to a printer—or specific functions of a printer—to anyone who knows the correct code. This type of security
might be appropriate in a situation in which a printer is located in the lobby or other public area of a business, so
that only employees who know the password or PIN are able to use the printer. Because anyone who enters the
correct password or PIN receives the same privileges and users can not be individually identified, passwords and PINs
are considered less secure than other building blocks that require a user to be identified, or both identified and
Administrators can designate up to 32 groups to be used in association with either the Internal accounts or
LDAP/LDAP+GSSAPI building blocks. For the purposes of MVP security, groups are used to identify sets of users
needing access to similar functions. For example, in Company A, employees in the warehouse do not need to print
in color, but those in sales and marketing use color every day. In this scenario, it makes sense to create a “Warehouse”
group, and a “Sales and Marketing” group.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Access Controls
By default, all device menus, settings, and functions come with no security enabled. Access Controls (also referred
to in some devices as “Function Access Controls”), are used to manage access to specific menus and functions or to
disable them entirely. Access controls can be set using a password, PIN, or security template. The number of functions
that can be controlled varies depending on the type of device, but in some multifunction printers, over 40 individual
menus and functions can be protected.
Note: For a list of individual Access Controls and what they do, see “Menu of Access Controls on page 156.
Security Templates
Some scenarios call for only basic security such as PIN-protected access to common device functions, while others
require tighter security and role-based restrictions. Individually, building blocks, groups, and access controls may
not meet the needs of a complex security environment. In order to accommodate users in different groups needing
access to a common set of functions such as printing, copying, and faxing, administrators must be able to combine
these components in ways that give all users the functions they need, while restricting other functions to only
authorized users.
A Security Template is a profile constructed using a building block, or certain building blocks paired with one or more
groups. How they are combined determines the type of security created:
Building block Type of security
Internal Accounts Authentication only
Internal Accounts with Groups Authentication and authorization
Kerberos 5 Authentication only
LDAP Authentication only
LDAP with Groups Authentication and authorization
LDAP + GSSAPI Authentication only
LDAP + GSSAPI with Groups Authentication and authorization
NTLM Authentication only
Password Authorization only
PIN Authorization only
Each device can support up to 140 security templates, allowing administrators to create very specific profiles—or
roles—for each access control.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Configuring building blocks
Creating or editing a device password (advanced)
MarkVision Professional allows administrators to set up a combined total of up to 250 user-level and
administrator-level passwords on each supported device. Each password must be between 8 and 128 UTF-8
characters, and it must be identified by a unique name (example: “IT Manager's Password”). The unique name should
be between 1 to 128 UTF-8 characters.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Password from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Add or edit a password for the device:
Click Add to create a new device password.
Select a password from the list and click Edit to edit an existing device password.
Select the Admin Password box to create an administrator-level password. If an activity is secured by an
administrator-level password, then only that password will grant access to the activity. Administrator-level
passwords also override any normal password. If an activity is protected by a normal password, then any
administrator-level password will also grant access.
To delete a password, select a password from the list and then click Delete. Clicking Delete All will delete
all passwords on the list, whether they are selected or not.
Creating a PIN
Typically, Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) are used to control access to specific device menus or to a device
itself. On certain devices, however, MarkVision Professional allows administrators to create a combined total of 250
user-level and administrator-level PINs that control specific activities, such as scanning or copying. These PINs can
later be used to create security templates that control specific function access.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - PIN from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Add.
4 Type the name of the PIN configuration in the Name box. Each PIN must have a unique name consisting of 1-128
UTF-8 characters (example: “Copy Lockout PIN”).
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
5 Type a four-digit PIN in the appropriate box, and then re-enter the PIN to confirm it.
Note: The indicator light changes to green when the two PIN numbers are identical. When the PIN numbers do
not match, the indicator light remains red.
6 Select Admin PIN if the PIN will be used as the Administrator PIN.
Note: If an activity is secured by a specific Administrator PIN, then only that PIN will grant access to it.
7 Click OK.
Managing multiple PIN setups
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - PIN from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter
the device password to gain access to the device.
To apply settings to multiple devices, use the Device Policies tasks in MVP. See the MVP User's Guide for more
information about using Device Policies.
3 Select a PIN setup from the list and click Edit.
4 Edit the name or the PIN as necessary and click OK.
Note: The indicator light changes to green when the two PIN numbers are identical. When the PIN numbers do
not match, the indicator light remains red.
5 To delete a PIN setup, select it from the list and click Delete.
Note: Clicking Delete All will delete all currently saved PIN setups.
Using internal accounts
MVP administrators can configure one internal account building block per supported device. Each internal account
can include a maximum of 32 user groups and 250 user accounts. The internal accounts building block can be used
in a security template only after each user's group membership has been defined.
Each security template that uses the internal accounts building block must define the user groups that can access
the function(s) protected by the template. Any user who is a member of the groups included in the security template
can access any function controlled by that security template.
Defining user groups
Before creating new internal accounts for a device in MVP, an administrator should first define at least o ne user group.
To define user groups:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Internal Accounts from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
3 Click Setup Groups.
4 Enter names for up to 32 user groups.
Note: Group names have a 128-character limit.
Creating internal accounts
To create an internal account:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Internal Accounts from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device.
3 Click Add.
Enter information into the necessary fields (required fields are in italics):
Account Name—Type the user's account name (example: “Jack Smith”). You may use up to 128 UTF-8
User ID—Type an ID for the account (example: “jsmith”). You may use up to 128 UTF-8 characters.
Password—Type a password of between 8 and 128 characters.
Re-enter Password—Type the password entered in the field above. The indicator light changes to green
when the two passwords are identical. When the passwords do not match, the indicator light remains red.
E-mail—Type the user's e-mail address (example: “”).
Groups—Select the groups to which the account belongs. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple groups
for the account.
4 Click OK.
Note: Clicking Reset will cancel all changes before applying them.
Specifying settings for internal accounts
Settings selected in the Internal Accounts Settings section will determine the information an administrator must
submit when creating a new internal account, as well as the information a user must submit when authenticating.
Require password—Select this box to make the password a required field when creating new internal accounts.
Require e-mail address—Select this box to make the e-mail address a required field when creating new internal
Required user credentials—Select either User ID or User ID and Password to specify the information a user
must submit when authenticating.
Using Kerberos authentication (advanced)
MVP administrators can store only one Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf) on a supported device. However, the
krb5.conf file can apply to multiple realms and Kerberos Domain Controllers (KDCs). An administrator must thus
anticipate all of the different types of authentication requests that the Kerberos server might receive, and then
configure the krb5.conf file to handle all such requests.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Because only one krb5.conf file is used, uploading or re-submitting a simple Kerberos file will overwrite the
configuration file.
The krb5.conf file can specify a default realm. However, if a realm is not specified in the configuration file, then
the first realm specified will be used as the default realm for authentication.
Creating a simple Kerberos configuration file
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Kerberos (Advanced) from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Type the KDC (Kerberos Domain Controller) address in the KDC Address field.
4 Type the number of the port used by the Kerberos server in the KDC Port field.
Note: UDP 88 is the default Kerberos service port.
5 Type the realm used by the Kerberos server in the Realm field
6 Click Apply to save the information as a krb5.conf file on the selected device, or click Undo to reset the fields and
start again.
Uploading a Kerberos configuration file
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Kerberos (Advanced) from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Browse to find the krb5.conf file, then click Add.
4 Click Apply to upload the krb5.conf file to the selected device, or click Undo to reset the field and search for a
new configuration file.
Click Delete to remove the Kerberos configuration file from the selected device.
Click View to view the Kerberos configuration file for the selected device.
Click Test Setup to verify that the Kerberos configuration file for the selected device is functional.
Configuring LDAP settings (advanced)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standards-based, cross-platform, extensible protocol that runs
directly on top of TCP/IP and is used to access specialized databases called directories. Its strength is that it can interact
with many different kinds of databases, making it more flexible than many other authentication methods.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
MVP allows administrators to store a maximum of five unique LDAP configurations on a supported device. Each
configuration must have a unique name.
Administrators can create up to 32 user-defined groups that apply to each unique LDAP configuration.
An LDAP building block cannot be deleted if it is being used as part of a security template.
To add a new LDAP setup
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - LDAP from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Add.
4 Enter the appropriate information in the LDAP Configuration dialog:
Setup Name—This name will be used to identify each particular LDAP Server Setup when creating security
Server Address—Enter the IP Address or the Host Name of the LDAP Directory Server where the
authentication will be performed.
Server Port—The port used by the local computer to communicate with the LDAP Directory Server. The
default LDAP port is 389.
Use SSL/TLS—Select SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), TLS (Transport Layer Security), or None.
Userid Attribute—Enter the name of the attribute that uniquely identifies users. For example, type cn or
userid, where cn stands for “common name.” A user-defined attribute name is also acceptable in this field.
Mail Attribute—Enter the attribute name of the user's e-mail address.
Full Name Attribute—Enter the attribute name of the user's full name.
Note: The Mail Attribute and Full Name Attribute fields are available only on MFPs.
Search Base—The Search Base (sometimes called the Distinguished Name, or DN) is the node in the LDAP
Directory Server where user accounts exist. Multiple search bases may be entered, separated by semi-colons.
A Search Base consists of multiple attributes—such as cn (common name), ou (organizational unit), o
(organization), c (country), or dc (domain)—separated by commas.
For LDAP v3 and later, the Search Base field can be left blank, although it will cause searches to take
considerably longer.
Search Timeout—Enter a value of from 5 to 30 seconds.
Required User Input—Select either User ID or User ID and Password to specify which credentials a user
must provide when attempting to access a function protected by the LDAP building block.
Anonymous LDAP Bind—If selected, MVP will bind with the LDAP server anonymously, and the MFP
Distinguished Name and MFP Password fields will be grayed out.
MFP Distinguished NameEnter the distinguished name of the print server(s).
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
MFP Password—Enter the password for the print server(s).
Note: You should include values in the “MFP Distinguished Name” and “MFP Password” fields if the LDAP
server does not allow anonymous binds. The device will bind to the LDAP server using these credentials so
that it can search the LDAP directory.
Person—Click to select or clear. When selected, the “person” object class is used to search user accounts. If
the server uses different object classes, specify them in the “Custom Object Class” field below.
Custom Object Class—Click to select or clear; the MVP administrator can define up to three custom search
object classes.
Note: If you are unsure about the object classes that the LDAP server uses, type an asterisk (*) in the field
to conduct a wildcard search for all available object classes.
Configure GroupsMVP administrators can restrict access to specific groups by entering identifiers for those
groups (such as the group's common name). Up to 32 groups may be specified.
The Group search base should be specified first (Example: ou=empgroup,dc=orange,dc=com).
The shortname for the group can be user-defined (Example: “staff”).
The Group Identifier is the group's Common Name (cn) (Example: cn=staff).
5 Click OK to save changes, or click Reset to return to previous values.
To edit an existing LDAP setup
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - LDAP from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select a setup from the list.
4 Click Edit.
5 Make any changes in the LDAP Configuration dialog.
6 Click OK to save changes, or click Reset to return to previous values.
To delete an existing LDAP setup
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - LDAP from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select a setup from the list.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
4 Click Delete.
5 Click Yes.
Note: Click Delete All to delete all LDAP + GSSAPI setups in the list.
To validate an existing LDAP setup
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - LDAP from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select a setup from the list.
4 Click Test Setup.
Configuring LDAP + GSSAPI settings
Some MVP administrators may prefer authentication to an LDAP server using GSSAPI (Generic Security Services
Application Programming Interface) instead of simple LDAP authentication because the transmission is always
secure. Instead of authenticating directly with the LDAP server, the user will first authenticate with a Kerberos server
to obtain a Kerberos “ticket.” This ticket is then presented to the LDAP server using the GSSAPI protocol for access.
MVP allows administrators to store a maximum of five unique LDAP + GSSAPI configurations on a supported
device. Each configuration must have a unique name.
Administrators can create up to 32 user-defined groups that apply to each unique LDAP + GSSAPI configuration.
An LDAP + GSSAPI building block cannot be deleted if it is being used as part of a security template.
To add a new LDAP + GSSAPI setup
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - LDAP + GSSAPI from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Add.
4 Enter the appropriate information in the LDAP Configuration dialog:
Setup Name—This name will be used to identify each particular LDAP Server Setup when creating security
Server Address—Enter the IP Address or the Host Name of the LDAP Directory Server where the
authentication will be performed.
Server Port—The port used by the local computer to communicate with the LDAP Directory Server. The
default LDAP port is 389.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Use SSL/TLS—Select SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), TLS (Transport Layer Security), or None.
Userid Attribute—Enter the name of the attribute that uniquely identifies users. For example, type cn or
userid, where cn stands for “common name.” A user-defined attribute name is also acceptable in this field.
Mail Attribute—Enter the attribute name of the user's e-mail address.
Full Name Attribute—Enter the attribute name of the user's full name.
Note: The Mail Attribute and Full Name Attribute fields are available only on MFPs.
Search Base—The Search Base (sometimes called the Distinguished Name, or DN) is the node in the LDAP
Directory Server where user accounts exist. Multiple search bases may be entered, separated by semi-colons.
Note: A Search Base consists of multiple attributes—such as cn (common name), ou (organizational unit),
o (organization), c (country), or dc (domain)—separated by commas.
Search Timeout—Enter a value of from 5 to 30 seconds.
MFP Distinguished NameEnter the distinguished name of the print server(s).
MFP Password—Enter the password for the print server(s).
Person—Click to select or clear. When selected, the “person” object class is used to search user accounts. If
the server uses different object classes, specify them in the “Custom Object Class” field below.
Custom Object Class—Click to select or clear; the MVP administrator can define up to three custom search
object classes.
Note: If you are unsure about the object classes that the LDAP server uses, type an asterisk (*) in the field
to conduct a wildcard search for all available object classes.
Configure GroupsMVP administrators can restrict access to specific groups by entering identifiers for those
groups (such as the group's common name). Up to 32 groups may be specified.
The Group search base should be specified first (Example: ou=empgroup,dc=orange,dc=com).
The shortname for the group can be user-defined (Example: “staff”).
The Group Identifier is the group's Common Name (cn) (Example: cn=staff).
5 Click OK to save changes, or click Reset to return to previous values.
To edit an existing LDAP + GSSAPI setup
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security-LDAP + GSSAPI from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select a setup from the list.
4 Click Edit.
5 Make any changes in the LDAP Configuration dialog.
6 Click OK to save changes, or click Reset to return to previous values.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
To delete an existing LDAP + GSSAPI setup
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security-LDAP + GSSAPI from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select a setup from the list.
4 Click Delete.
5 Click Yes.
Note: Click Delete All to delete all LDAP + GSSAPI setups in the list.
Using NTLM authentication
NTLM (Windows NT LAN Manager) is Microsoft's solution for enabling authentication without requiring the
transmission of a user's password across a network in clear text. Instead of comparing the user's actual password, the
NTLM server and the client generate and compare three encrypted strings based on the user's password.
An MVP administrator can store only one NTLM configuration on a supported device because each device can only
be registered to a single NT domain.
Because the information in the NTLM configuration file is confidential, an MVP administrator must access, and
make changes to, the full NTLM configuration from the Embedded Web Server (EWS) page for a supported device.
MVP allows changes only to the address of the default user domain for the NTLM server.
Open the Embedded Web Server home screen using the secure version of the page (by typing the IP address of
the device into the address bar of the Web browser, beginning “https://”), rather than an unsecured browsing
window. If you do not connect to the Embedded Web Server using HTTPS, you will not be able to register your
device with an NT domain.
The NTLM building block can be used in a security template only after a supported device has registered with
the NTLM domain.
The NTLM building block cannot be deleted or unregistered if it is being used as part of a security template.
Specifying the default user domain for the NTLM server
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - NTLM from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Type the default user domain in the Default User Domain field. This is the default NT domain used when MVP
attempts to authenticate users.
4 Click Apply to save the new default user domain.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Securing access
Using backup passwords
In certain situations (such as an authentication server crash), an administrator may need to alter or remove a device’s
security configuration so that the device can be serviced. A backup password allows an administrator to access the
Security Menu for a supported device, regardless of the building block used to secure it. If, for example, the security
menu for a device requires LDAP authentication to grant access, a backup password will override the requirement
for LDAP authentication.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Backup Password from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select Use Backup Password.
4 Enter a password in the text box, and then re-enter the password in the box below it.
Note: The indicator light changes to green when the two passwords are identical. When the passwords do not
match, the indicator light remains red.
5 Click Apply.
The Backup Password option is disabled by default because it creates a security vulnerability.
To erase an existing backup password, clear the Use Backup Password box, and then enter an empty string in
the Password field and click Submit.
Setting login restrictions
Many organizations establish login restrictions for information assets such as workstations and servers. MVP
administrators should verify that printer login restrictions also comply with organizational security policies.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Miscellaneous Security from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Enter the appropriate login restrictions:
Security Reset Jumper—The Security Reset Jumper is a hardware jumper located on the motherboard of
certain devices. Administrators can use MVP to specify the effect of using this jumper.
No Effect—Removes access to all security menus—use with caution
Warning—Potential Damage: If “No Effect” is chosen and the password (or other applicable
credential) is lost, you will not be able to access the security menus. To regain access to the security
menus, a service call will be required to replace the device RIP card (motherboard).
Access controls = “No security”—Removes security only from function access controls
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Reset factory security defaults—Returns all security settings to default values
LDAP Certificate VerificationSpecify whether the device will request LDAP certificates.
Allow—The device will request a certificate. If no certificate is provided, the session proceeds normally.
If a bad certificate is provided, it will be ignored and the will proceed normally.
Demand—The device will request a certificate. If no certificate or a bad certificate is provided, the session
is terminated immediately.
Never—The device will not request a certificate.
Try—The device will request a certificate. If no certificate is provided, the session proceeds normally. If a
bad certificate is provided, the session is terminated immediately.
Minimum Pin LengthSpecify the length of login PINs (Range: 4-16 numbers).
Panel Login Timeout—Specify how long a user may be logged in before being automatically logged off.
Remote Login Timeout—Specify how long a user may be logged in remotely before being automatically
logged off.
Login failures—Specify the number of times a user can attempt login before being locked out.
Failure time frame—Specify the amount of time before lockout takes place.
Lockout time—Specify the duration of lockout.
4 Click Apply to save changes, or Reset to restore default values.
Using a password or PIN to control function access
Each Access Control (or Function Access Control), can be set to require No Security (the default), or to use any of the
selections available in the drop-down list for that function. For simple authorization-level security (in which individual
users are not authenticated), administrators can control access to specific device functions using a password or PIN.
Only one method of security can be assigned to each Access Control.
All users who enter the correct password or PIN receive the same privileges. For that reason, passwords and PINs are
considered less secure than other forms of authentication.
Note: To help prevent unauthorized access, users are encouraged to securely end each session by selecting Log
out on the printer control panel.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Access Controls from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select an available password or PIN from the drop-down lists.
Note: For more information about creating passwords, see “Creating or editing a device password (advanced)”
on page 52. For more information about creating PINs, see “Creating a PIN” on page 52.
4 Click Apply.
From that point on, users will have to enter the appropriate password or PIN to access the protected functions
on the selected device(s).
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Using a security template to control function access
MarkVision Professional allows administrators to use security templates to control access to various functions on
devices that support advanced security. Configuring access controls using security templates is a three-step process:
Step 1: Create a building block
MVP supports seven building blocks: Password, PIN, Internal Accounts, Kerberos, NTLM, LDAP, and LDAP + GSSAPI.
Building blocks are the fundamental elements used to create security templates. The steps below describe how to
create an internal account building block, but any of the other six building blocks could just as easily be used.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Internal Accounts from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Add.
4 Enter the appropriate information to create the account. If no groups are listed, you will need to create at least
one group to associate with the new internal account. See “Creating user accounts and groups” on page 79 for
more information on creating a new group.
5 Click OK.
Step 2: Create a security template
Once configured, one or two building blocks can be combined with a unique name of up to 128 characters to create
a security template. Each device can support up to 140 security templates. Though the names of security templates
must be different from one another, building blocks and security templates can share a namė.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Security Templates from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Add.
4 Type a name for the security template, and then choose the appropriate building block from the Authentication
Setup and Authorization Setup lists.
5 Select groups as necessary from the Groups list.
6 Click OK.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Step 3: Configure access control for the device(s)
The final step in is to apply the security template, which will secure access to various functions on a device.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Access Controls from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select the newly created security template from any of the available function access drop-down lists, and then
click Apply.
Users will now be required to enter the appropriate credentials in order to gain access to a function controlled
by the security template.
Note: The function access drop-down lists become text fields when you apply a security template to multiple
devices at the same time. In that case, you must type the name of the security template into each of the relevant
function access text fields.
Scenario: Printer in a public place
If your printer is located in a public space such as a lobby, and you wish to prevent the general public from using it,
a password or PIN can provide simple protection right at the device. Administrators can assign a single password or
PIN for all authorized users of the device, or separate codes to protect individual functions. The key to remember is
that anyone who knows a password or PIN can access any functions protected by that code.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Access Controls from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select an available password or PIN from the drop-down lists.
Note: For more information about creating passwords, see “Creating or editing a device password (advanced)”
on page 52. For more information about creating PINs, see “Creating a PIN” on page 52.
4 Click Apply.
From that point on, users will have to enter the appropriate password or PIN to access the protected functions
on the selected device(s).
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Scenario: Standalone or small office
If you do not use an authentication server to grant users access to devices, Internal Accounts can be created and
stored on devices for authentication, authorization, or both.
Step One: Set up individual user accounts
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Internal Accounts from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
3 Click Setup Groups, and configure as needed.
For more information on configuring individual user accounts, see “Using internal accounts” on page 53.
Step 2: Create a security template
Once configured, one or two building blocks can be combined with a unique name of up to 128 characters to create
a security template. Each device can support up to 140 security templates. Though the names of security templates
must be different from one another, building blocks and security templates can share a namė.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Security Templates from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
3 Click Add.
4 Type a name for the security template, and then choose the appropriate building block from the Authentication
Setup and Authorization Setup lists.
Note: It can be helpful to use a descriptive name, such as ”Administrator _ Only”, or
“Common _ Functions _ Template.”
5 Select groups as necessary from the Groups list.
6 Click OK.
Step 3: Configure access control for the device(s)
The final step in is to apply the security template, which will secure access to various functions on a device.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Access Controls from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
3 Select the newly created security template from any of the available function access drop-down lists, and then
click Apply.
Users will now be required to enter the appropriate credentials in order to gain access to a function controlled
by the security template.
Note: The function access drop-down lists become text fields when you apply a security template to multiple
devices at the same time. In that case, you must type the name of the security template into each of the relevant
function access text fields.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Scenario: Network running Active Directory
On networks running Active Directory, administrators can use the LDAP+GSSAPI capabilities of MVP to take
advantage of authentication and authorization services already deployed on the network. User credentials and group
designations can be pulled from the existing network, making access to the printer as seamless as other network
Step 1: Collect information about the network
Before configuring MVP to integrate with Active Directory, you will need to know the following:
1 Kerberos configuration information:
Character encoding (used for passwords)
Location of the Kerberos file on the network (if importing a krb5.conf file)
If creating a Simple Kerberos Setup:
The IP address or hostname of the Key Distribution Center (KDC)
The KDC port (the default KDC port is 88)
The name of the Realm (or domain) where the KDC is located
Note: In Windows Active Directory environments, the Kerberos Realm is the same as the Windows
domain name, such as
The Kerberos username and password assigned to the printer
2 LDAP server information:
The IP address or hostname of the LDAP server
Note: In Windows Active Directory enviornments, the Kerberos KDC and LDAP servers are on the same
machine—the Domain Controller.
The LDAP server port (the default port is 389)
A list of up to three object classes stored on the LDAP server, which will be searched for user credentials during
authentication. This is optional only when the “Person” object class is not selected. Because “person” is the
default object class for Windows AD user accounts, you will have to use the “Custom” object class to specify
other object classes defined on the server.
A list of up to 32 groups stored on the LDAP server that will be used to authorize user access to printer functions
Step 2: Configure Kerberos setup
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Kerberos (Advanced) from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Configure Kerberos settings using the information gathered in step 1.
For more information on configuring Kerberos, see “Using Kerberos authentication (advanced)” on page 54.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Step 3: Configure LDAP+GSSAPI Settings
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - LDAP + GSSAPI from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
3 Click Add.
4 Configure LDAP+GSSAPI settings using the information gathered in step 1.
For more information on configuring LDAP+GSSAPI, see“Configuring LDAP + GSSAPI settings” on page 58.
Step 4: Create a security template
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Security Templates from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
3 Click Add.
4 Type a name for the security template, and then choose the appropriate building block from the Authentication
Setup and Authorization Setup lists.
Note: It can be helpful to use a descriptive name, such as ”Administrator _ Only”, or
“Common _ Functions _ Template.”
5 Select groups as necessary from the Groups list.
6 Click OK.
Step 5: Assign security templates to access controls
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Access Controls from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
3 Select the newly created security template from any of the available function access drop-down lists, and then
click Apply.
Users will now be required to enter the appropriate credentials in order to gain access to a function controlled
by the security template.
Note: The function access drop-down lists become text fields when you apply a security template to multiple
devices at the same time. In that case, you must type the name of the security template into each of the relevant
function access text fields.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Managing certificates and other settings
Using certificates, devices can identify themselves on a network. Using public-key cryptography, certificates allow
devices to establish secure and encrypted connections with printing hosts and authentication servers.
De v ic e s a re s h ip p ed w i t h d ef au lt c e r ti fi c at e s d e s ig n ed t o s ui t al l p ur p o se s . H ow ev er, a n or g a ni z ati o n 's s e c ur i ty p o li c ie s
may require that new certificates be installed, especially if devices are communicating with hosts on external
Managing certificates
MVP allows administrators to create, update, and manage the certificates on a supported device.
Creating a new certificate
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Certificate Management from the All Tasks
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click New.
4 Enter values in the appropriate fields:
Friendly Name—Type a name for the certificate (64-character maximum).
Common Name—Type a name for the device (128-character maximum).
Note: Leave this field blank to use the domain name for the device.
Organization NameType the name of the company or organization issuing the certificate (128-character
Unit Name—Type the name of the unit within the company or organization issuing the certificate
(128-character maximum).
Country Name—Type the country location for the company or organization issuing the certificate
(2-character maximum).
Province NameType the name of the province where the company or organization issuing the certificate
is located (128-character maximum).
City Name—Type the name of the city where the company or organization issuing the certificate is located
(128-character maximum).
Subject Alternate NameType the alternate name and prefix that conforms to RFC 2459. For example, enter
an IP address using the format IP:, or a DNS address using the format Leave
this field blank to use the IPv4 address (128-character maximum).
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Viewing a certificate
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Certificate Management from the All Tasks
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select a certificate from the list.
4 The details of the certificate are displayed in the Certificate Details window.
Deleting a certificate
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Certificate Management from the All Tasks
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select a certificate from the list.
4 Click Delete.
5 Click Yes.
Installing CA Certificates for multiple devices
The CA (or certificate authority) certificates on a device help it to identify the authenticity of other hosts. When a
signed certificate is presented to a device, the device checks whether the signing authority for the certificate—its
CA certificate—is installed.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Install CA Certificate from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the device(s).
3 Browse to the CA Certificate location.
4 Click Apply.
If more than one device is selected for this task, the CA Certificate is applied to all selected devices and
overwrites any existing certificates.
Only one CA certificate at a time can be installed on Basic- and Intermediate-level devices. Installing new CA
certificates on these devices overwrites any existing certificates. Advanced-level devices support multiple
CA certificates. See “Overview” on page 49 for more information about the three types of devices supported
by MVP.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Setting certificate defaults
MarkVision Professional allows administrators to set default values for certificates generated for a supported device.
The values entered here will be present in all new certificates generated in the Security-Certificate Management task,
even though those fields will remain blank on-screen.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Certificate Defaults from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Enter values in the appropriate fields:
Common Name—Type a name for the device (128-character maximum).
Note: Leave this field blank to use the domain name for the device.
Organization Name—Type the name of the company or organization issuing the certificate.
Unit Name—Type the name of the unit within the company or organization issuing the certificate.
Country Name—Type the country location for the company or organization issuing the certificate
(2-character maximum).
Province Name—Type the name of the province where the company or organization issuing the certificate
is located.
City Name—Type the name of the city where the company or organization issuing the certificate is located.
Subject Alternate Name—Type the alternate name and prefix that conforms to RFC 2459. For example, enter
an IP address using the format IP:, or a DNS address using the format Leave
this field blank to use the IPv4 address.
Note: All fields accept a maximum of 128 characters, except where noted.
Viewing basic certificate information
To view basic information about the certificates stored on a device or group of devices:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Certificate Management from the All Tasks
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 The Device Certificates table displays basic certificate information for the selected device(s):
Friendly Name—This is a user-defined name for the certificate.
Common Name—This is a user-defined name for the printer.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Issuer Common Name—If a certificate is signed, this field will display the CA information for the certificate;
if it is not signed, this field will display the Common Name.
Device NameThis is the name of the device as displayed in the MVP device list.
Note: MVP displays the Device Name field because the same certificate could be stored on multiple devices.
Because it manages settings for only one device, the Embedded Web Server does not display the Device
Name field.
Signing certificates
If a device is required to communicate securely across different domains, the security provided by normal (unsigned)
certificates may not be adequate. Unsigned certificates may thus need to be signed by a certificate authority (CA).
CA-signed certificates are considered genuine and are required while communicating securely with unknown hosts.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Certificate Management from the All Tasks
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select a certificate from the list, and then click Download Signing Request.
4 Browse to find a location to save the .csr file, and then click Save.
Note: The .csr file contains the device certificate information in hashed form, minus the private key. This file must
be submitted to a CA, which will generate a signature of the file by encrypting the info contained in the file. The
CA also appends its public key to the signature, and may include other information such as the CA name, a unique
serial number, issue date, and validity period. The signature file must be in PEM format.
5 Once you have received a valid PEM file from the CA, repeat steps 1 and 2 to return to the Security - Certificate
Management task.
6 Select the same certificate from step 3 above, and then click Install new signature.
7 Browse to find the new PEM file, and then click Add.
Note: If the public key of the signed certificate does not match the private key of the selected device certificate,
an error message will be displayed and the signature will not be installed.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Importing certificate stores (SSL)
For communication to occur via the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a print server must first have a certificate registered
for each socket using SSL. A socket is the combination of an IP address and a port.
To upload a new SSL certificate store to a device:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - SSL Setup from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Browse to find the appropriate certificate store, then click Import.
4 Click Apply to upload the certificate store to the device.
Clicking List Certificates will display a list of certificates available on a device.
Clicking Delete Certificates will delete all SSL certificates from a device.
Entering a password to access a secured device
For older-generation devices, you can enter the device password to gain access to the device in MarkVision by using
the procedure described below. For more sophisticated devices, you will need to update the MarkVision Server
authentication settings to match those on the device.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Enter Device Password from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device.
3 Type the device password.
4 Click Apply.
Creating, editing, or deleting a device password (basic)
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Set Device Password from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Edit the Current Password box accordingly.
To create a new device password, delete any text from the Current Password text box, and then proceed to
the next step.
To change an existing device password, type the device password.
4 Type the new password in the New Password box.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
5 Confirm the password by typing it again.
The indicator light to the right of the text box turns green when the two passwords match.
Note: To delete an existing device password, simply remove any text from the New Password and Confirm New
Password text boxes.
6 Click Apply.
Adding a password to the device password list
MVP will attempt to use the passwords stored in the device password list to authenticate password-protected devices
until it finds a match. It will enable access to the device if a match is found; otherwise, the name of the device will be
displayed in red.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Basic Credentials from the All Tasks list.
2 Click Add.
3 Type a new password.
4 Click OK.
Editing a password from the device password list
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Basic Credentials from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Edit.
4 Type a new password.
5 Confirm the changed password.
6 Click OK.
Deleting a password from the device password list
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Basic Credentials from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select the password(s) to delete.
4 Click Remove.
5 Click Yes.
Note: Click Remove All to delete all passwords from the list.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Using a device policy to set device passwords
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Policies - Create/Manage from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New.
3 Select For Any Print Server, and then click Continue.
4 Enter a name for the policy.
5 Expand the Security folder.
6 Select the Password check box.
7 Enter the current password, followed by a colon and the new password. (For example: veronica:betty.)
To set a password for devices with no current password, enter a colon followed by the new password.
To clear a current password, enter the current password followed by a colon.
Because MVP uses the colon as a delimiter, device passwords must not contain colons.
8 Click Apply, and then click Close.
The new device policy can now be applied to devices using the Device Policies - Apply task.
Note: The password will not be changed for any device with a current password that does not match the current
password entered.
Configuring advanced credentials
MarkVision Professional allows users to store multiple security credentials on the MVP Server to be used later when
authenticating to supported devices. The Security - Advanced Credentials task allows users to store authentication
credentials on the MarkVision Server. These credentials allow the MarkVision Server to create and assign a security
template to the RemoteManagement access control, thereby securely authenticating to sophisticated
next-generation devices that have protected remote management. Only one set of authentication credentials can
be stored per MarkVision Server.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Advanced Credentials from the All Tasks list.
2 Enter the User ID, Password, PIN, and Kerberos Realm to be stored on the MVP Server.
Note: The indicator light changes to green when the two passwords are identical. When the passwords do not
match, the indicator light remains red.
3 Click Apply.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Setting a communication password
A communication password helps establish a secure connection between a device and the MarkVision server. It is
possible to communicate securely even if the device does not use a password; however, if a password is set for a
device, it must match the server password in order to establish a secure channel.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Communication Password from the All Tasks
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Synchronize with Server.
4 Click Yes.
Note: Click the check box if you want to change the server communication password before synchronizing.
5 Click OK.
Note: Click Remove password to cancel the device password.
Changing on-board security for a device
This function allows MVP administrators to make changes to select security settings on supported devices. This will
override any previous changes made to the settings on the device itself.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - On-Board Security from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select an authentication method. The choices include Internal, Kerberos 5, LDAP, LDAP + GSSAPI, and NTLM.
4 Set the amount of delay in seconds (between 1-900) before a user is logged out of a device automatically.
5 Enter a value for the Scan to PC Port Range. This is a setting for MVP administrators who have a port-blocking
firewall between an MFP and its users. A valid entry consists of two port numbers separated by a colon.
6 Click Apply to save changes, or click Undo to clear all fields and start over.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Configuring menu lockout
Administrators can use MVP to PIN-protect the Paper, Reports, Settings, and Network menus on supported devices.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Menu Lockout Setup from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select or deselect menus to protect in the Password Protect section
4 Type a PIN number in the Enter PIN text box, and then re-type it in the Re-enter PIN text box.
PINs should use only numbers between 0-9 and should be four characters long.
The indicator light will change to green when the two PINs match; it will remain red if the PINs do not match.
5 Click Apply to save changes, or click Undo to cancel changes and start over.
Configuring confidential printing
Users printing confidential or sensitive information may opt to use the confidential print option, which allows print
jobs to be PIN-protect so that they remain in the print queue until the user enters a PIN on the operator panel of the
device. MarkVision Professional enables administrators to configure the settings for confidential print option.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Confidential Print Setup from the All Tasks
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select an option for Max Invalid PIN:
Select Off to allow users to enter an incorrect PIN as many times as they choose.
Select a value of between 2 and 10 to specify the number of times users can enter an incorrect PIN before
being locked out.
4 Select an option for Job Expiration:
Select Off to allow unprinted confidential print jobs to remain in the print queue indefinitely.
Select a value of 1 hour, 4 hours, 24 hours, or 1 week to specify the amount of time that an unprinted
confidential print job will remain in the print queue before being automatically deleted.
5 Click Apply to save changes, or click Undo to reset both fields.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Configuring security audit log settings
The security audit log allows administrators to monitor security-related events on a device including, among others,
user authorization failures, successful administrator authentication, or Kerberos files being uploaded to a device. This
is an especially important feature for environments where highly confidential or sensitive information is handled.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security Audit Log from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Enter or adjust values in the appropriate fields.
4 Click Apply to save changes to the security audit log settings, or click Undo to reset the fields and start over.
Note: The security audit log for a device can be viewed and deleted on the Embedded Web Server (EWS) page for
each device. You can launch the EWS page for a device using the Web Page (Print Server) task in the All Tasks list.
Configuring 802.1x authentication
Though normally associated with wireless network connections, 802.1x authentication is also used on wired networks
to create port-based connections.
Note: If using digital certificates to establish a secure connection to the authentication server, you must configure
them on the printer before changing 802.1x authentication settings. For more information on configuring digital
certificates, see Managing certificates” on page 68.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select 802.1x from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Adjust the settings as necessary:
Select the Active check box to enable 802.1x authentication.
Type the login name and password the printer will use to log in to the authentication server.
Select the Validate Server Certificate check box to require verification of the security certificate on the
authenticating server.
Note: Server certificate validation is integral to TLS (Transport Layer Security), PEAP (Protected Extensible
Authentication Protocol), and TTLS (Tunneled Transport Security Layer).
From the 802.1x Device Certificate list, choose the digital certificate you want to use. If only one certificate
has been installed, Default will be the only choice listed.
4 Under Allowable Authentication Mechanisms, choose which authentication protocols the printer will recognize
by clicking the check box next to each applicable protocol.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
5 From the TTLS Authentication Method list, choose which authentication method will be accepted through the
secure tunnel created between the authentication server and the printer.
6 Click Apply to save the changes, or Undo to restore the default settings.
Note: Changes to these settings will cause the print server to reset.
Setting up SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used in network management systems to monitor network-
attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention. The Embedded Web Server allows
administrators to configure settings for SNMP versions 1 through 3.
SNMP Version 1, 2c
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - SNMP from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 In the SNMP V1/V2c Enabled field, select Yes.
4 Type a name to be used for the SNMP Community identifier (the default community name is public).
5 To facilitate the automatic installation of device drivers and other printing applications, select Yes in the Enable
PPM Mib (Printer Port Monitor MIB) field.
6 Click Apply to finalize changes, or Undo to restore default values.
SNMP Version 3
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - SNMP from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
3 In the SNMP Version 3 field, select the Yes check box.
4 To allow remote installation and configuration changes as well as device monitoring, type an SNMPPv3
Read/Write (R/W) User name and Password in the appropriate fields.
5 To allow device monitoring only, type an SNMPv3 Read Only (R/O) User name and Password in the appropriate
6 From the SNMPv3 Minimum Authentication Level list, select Authentication, No Privacy; Authentication,
Privacy; or No Authentication, No Privacy.
7 From the SNMPv3 Authentication Hash list, select MD5 or SHA1.
8 From the SNMPv3 Privacy Algorithm list, select DES, AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256.
9 Click Apply to save changes, or Undo to restore default values.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Setting SNMP Traps
After configuring SNMP Version 1, 2c or SNMP Version 3, you can further customize which alerts are sent to the
network management system by designating SNMP “traps”, or events that trigger an alert message.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select SNMP Traps from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
3 Click Add.
4 From the IP Address list, click one of the blank IP address entries (shown as
5 Click the check box next to each condition that should generate an alert.
6 Click Apply to save changes, or Cancel to clear all fields.
Creating accounts and groups
Creating user accounts and groups
Create and manage user accounts and account groups with the User Accounts and Groups task.
Accounts and account groups:
Define user access to the devices that MVP manages.
Limit user access to specific tasks.
Organize accounts into account groups.
Distribute a range of privileges across a number of accounts.
Note: Adding accounts is not required, but creating an administrator account ensures the security of your devices.
Creating an administrator account
To create an administrator account with full privileges, you must also create at least one user account. MVP will
prompt you to create a user account after an administrator account is completed.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select User Accounts and Groups from the All Tasks list.
2 From the User Accounts tab, click Add.
3 Type an administrator account name and password.
Administrator accounts require an authentic user ID and password specific to MVP.
4 Confirm the password by typing it again.
The indicator light to the right of the text box turns green when the two passwords match.
5 Click Finish, then the Creating a User Account dialog appears.
Note: At this time you must create at least one user account or the administrator account will be canceled.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Creating user accounts
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select User Accounts and Groups from the All Tasks list.
2 From the User Accounts tab, click Add.
3 Type an account name and password.
User account passwords may be verified through the LDAP server if it is configured. Otherwise, they are
authenticated locally.
For user authentication with LDAP, account names should correspond to an existing account listed on the
LDAP server unless it is an administrator account.
4 Confirm the password by typing it again.
The indicator light to the right of the text box turns green when the two passwords match.
5 Click Next.
6 Select the privileges that will be available to the account from the Available Privileges window.
7 Click the > button to add or the < button to remove the selected privileges, and then click Next.
Note: Click the >> button to add all privileges or the << button to remove all privileges.
8 Select the device folders that will be available to the user.
9 Click Next or Finish.
Creating a user group
Assigning users to groups ensures that accounts are configured uniformly. Task privileges assigned to the groups
will be available to all users in the group.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select User Accounts and Groups from the All Tasks list.
2 From the User Groups tab, click Add.
3 Enter a group name.
4 Select the user accounts that belong to this group.
5 Click Next.
6 Select the privileges that will be available to the account from the Available Privileges window.
7 Click the > button to add or the < button to remove the selected privileges, and then click Next.
Note: Click the >> button to add all privileges or the << button to remove all privileges.
8 Select the device folders that will be available to the user.
9 Click Next or Finish.
Editing an existing user account or group
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select User Accounts and Groups from the All Tasks list.
2 From the User Accounts or User Groups area, select an account or group, and then click Edit.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
3 From the User Accounts area type the account name and password, or from the User Groups area, select or clear
the check box next to the user name to add or remove the user from a group.
4 Click Next.
5 Select the privileges that will be available to the account from the Available Privileges window.
6 Click the > button to add or the < button to remove the selected privileges, and then click Next.
Note: Click the >> button to add all privileges or the << button to remove all privileges.
7 Select the device folders that will be available to the user.
8 Click Next or Finish.
Removing an existing user account or group
To remove a user account or group:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select User Accounts and Groups from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the account or group that you want to remove, and then click Remove.
Note: If prompted, specify Yes to Remove the account or group.
3 If the Confirm Account and Group Deletion setting is enabled under Personal Settings task, type your user account
and password into the confirmation prompt, and then click OK. If a password is not required, click OK.
Note: Removing groups may affect user access rights. You cannot recover a group once it has been removed.
Assigning privileges
An administrator account must exist before MVP user accounts can be created. The administrator is authorized to
perform all MVP tasks on all devices. If no accounts are created, all MVP users have authorization to perform all tasks.
For non-administrator accounts, user privileges and accessible devices are either defined by the parameters specified
when the user account was created, or the group assigned to the user.
Configuring active session expiration
If active session expiration has been enabled, and a MarkVision Client session remains idle for a specified period of
time, a dialog appears prompting the user to re-enter their password to regain access to the application. Active
session expiration helps to prevent unauthorized users from accessing a MarkVision Client that is left unattended.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Administrative Settings from the All Tasks list.
2 From the Intervals tab of the dialog, specify the active session expiration interval in minutes.
To remove active session expiration, select Never from the “Active session expiration interval (minutes)” area.
3 Click OK.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Configuring account password expiration
To reduce the likelihood of compromised passwords, administrators can set a password expiration interval for user
accounts. After a specified amount of time, a user account password will become invalid, forcing users to change
their MVP passwords. Account password expiration applies to all users with the exception of the administrator, unless
LDAP Server authentication has been enabled. If LDAP Server authentication is enabled, account password expiration
will not be enabled, and password security will depend on the existing password security and network protocols.
Note: To eliminate the need for the administrator to change each user account password for every expiration interval,
make the Change Password task available to all users.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Administrative Settings from the All Tasks list.
2 From the Intervals section of the dialog, specify the account password expiration interval in days.
To remove the password expiration interval, select Never.
3 Click Apply, and then click OK.
Securing communication with the MarkVision Server
Using secure communication
MVP allows secure communication between the MarkVision Server and network devices that support the same
security protocol. Administrators can communicate with, configure, control, and retrieve information from secured
devices on the network. Secure communication reduces the threat of compromised user credentials or device
commands. The total security with which the devices and the server communicate is determined by the security level
setting for the MarkVision Server in conjunction with the communication security setting applied to the device.
Communication security tasks are:
Administrative Settings—Specifies the Server-to-Device Security level and establishes a MarkVision Server
Communication Password—Synchronizes a device communication password and a server communication
password to open a secure communication channel.
Note: Secure communication is limited to configuration commands between the host computer and the device.
Printer Lockdown—Restricts printer access.
You must set a communication password before a printer can be locked down.
The Printer Lockdown task is not available on devices that support building blocks and security templates.
Using LDAP to authenticate user access
MVP administrators can use the company LDAP server to authenticate user IDs and passwords. This eliminates the
need for users to maintain separate MVP logon IDs and passwords.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
When enabling LDAP server authentication, administrators have three modes of LDAP authentication. The following
authentication mechanisms bind to the LDAP server in increasing order of security:
Anonymous LDAP Bind—Binds to LDAP server without a password
Simple LDAP Bind—Binds to LDAP server with credentials in cleartext, or by using an encrypted channel (if an
SSL certificate is supplied)
Kerberos—Authenticates to a Kerberos KDC
Make sure that the administrator password is defined before proceeding with LDAP Server authentication setup.
LDAP Server authentication is only accessible through the Master Administrator account. LDAP authentication works
for all user accounts with the exception of the Master Administrator account. The Master Administrator account must
have a unique MVP password.
Creating a user account using simple LDAP authentication
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select User Accounts and Groups from the All Tasks list.
2 Click Add.
3 Type the existing network log on for the user ID in the Account Name box.
Note: This ID must match the user ID which exists in the LDAP database.
4 Leave the password field blank.
Note: No password entry is required or permitted because LDAP will be used for authentication when the user
logs on.
5 Click the Authenticate using LDAP Server/Kerberos KDC box to select it, then select Simple LDAP Bind from
the Authentication Mechanism drop-down list.
6 Click Next.
7 Enter the information for the LDAP server in the LDAP Settings text boxes:
LDAP Server Address—Enter the IP Address or the Host Name of the LDAP Directory Server where the
authentication will be performed.
Port Number—The port used by the local computer to communicate with the LDAP Directory Server. The
default LDAP port is 389.
Search Base—The Search Base (sometimes called the Distinguished Name, or DN) is the node in the LDAP
Directory Server where user accounts exist.
Note: A Search Base consists of multiple attributes—such as cn (common name), ou (organizational unit),
o (organization), c (country), or dc (domain)—separated by commas.
User Attributes—Enter a value of cn, userid, or userdefined, where cn stands for “common name.
Distinguished Name—Enter the distinguished name of the LDAP Account for the MVP Server. Typical
examples include ou (organizational unit) and o (organization name), where o could be a company's name
and ou could be a certain group of employees at the company (example: o=Acme, ou=managers).
Password and Confirm Password—The indicator light changes to green when the two passwords are
identical. If the passwords do not match, the indicator light remains red.
8 To use SSL, click the Use SSL box to select it, and then type the Certificate Store password in the text box.
Note: MVP administrators can make their Certificate Store password protected by entering a password before
importing the first trusted certificate.
9 Click Next.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
10 Select a certificate from the list, or click Import to import a new certificate.
11 Click Finish.
12 Have the user access MVP and enter their user ID and password that they use for the company local network. The
MarkVision Server will access the company LDAP server directory service and authenticate the user login through
a simple bind protected by SSL.
Creating a user account using secure LDAP authentication
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select User Accounts and Groups from the All Tasks list.
2 Click Add.
3 Type the existing network log on for the user ID in the Account Name box.
Note: This ID must match the user ID which exists in the LDAP database.
4 Leave the password field blank.
Note: No password entry is required or permitted because LDAP will be used for authentication when the user
logs on.
5 Click the Authenticate using LDAP Server/Kerberos KDC box to select it, then select Secure from the
Authentication Mechanism drop-down list.
6 Click Next.
7 Enter the information for the Kerberos server in the Kerberos Settings text boxes:
KDC IP/HostName—Enter the Hostname or IP address of the Kerberos Server (Kerberos Key Distribution
Realm—Enter the Kerberos Realm or a domain name that includes all of the components that are used to
identify the domain on your network; for example,
User Name—Enter the user name of the LDAP Account for the MVP Server.
Note: When using Kerberos LDAP authentication, an associated MarkVision Server account may be necessary
depending on the Kerberos configuration. For information on MarkVision Server accounts for Kerberos, see
the Kerberos documentation.
Password and Confirm Password—The indicator light changes to green when the two passwords are
identical. If the passwords do not match, the indicator light remains red.
8 Click Finish.
Setting server communication security
Setting server communication security involves:
Establishing a communication security password for the server
Turning server-to-device security on or off
Use the “Administrative Settings” task in the All Tasks list on the MVP Home screen to set the server communication
security password and server-to-device security.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Setting the server communication security password
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Administrative Settings from the All Tasks List.
2 Select the Communication Security tab at the top of the dialog.
3 Click Communication Password.
4 When prompted, click Yes to continue.
5 Type the new password in the New Password box.
Note: If there is no password assigned, leave the Old Password box empty.
6 Confirm the password by typing it again.
Note: The indicator light will change to green when the two passwords match; it will remain red if the passwords
do not match.
7 Click Apply.
Setting the server communication security level
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Administrative Settings from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the Communication Security tab at the top of the dialog box.
3 Move the slider to indicate the desired communication security level for the server.
Server communication security consists of four security levels:
Server security level Effect
On Allows both secure and insecure communication
Communication is secure only if the device is capable and locked down. Most other
communication is insecure, with the exception of sensitive information (such as
communication passwords, or scan and copy page counts). Sensitive information is always
transmitted across an encrypted channel, even if the device is not locked down.
Note: Advanced devices do not support the “Security - Printer Lockdown” task. For more
information, see “Overview” on page 49.
Off Secure features are not available.
Devices that are locked down will not be discovered.
Note: The MarkVision Server security level is displayed in the bottom right corner of the MarkVision Professional
Home screen.
4 Click Apply, and then click OK.
Note: This setting takes effect immediately, and does not require a service restart.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Selecting server-to-client security
The Communication Security tab on the Administrative Settings Dialog provides an administrator with the option
to use SSL for communication between the MarkVision Server and MarkVision Client.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Administrative Settings from the All Task list.
2 Click the Communication Security tab at the top of the dialog.
3 Select the Use SSL for Server-Client Communications check box to enable SSL communication.
4 Click Apply, and then click OK.
Note: SSL will be used the next time a client connects to the MarkVision Server. The current session will not be affected.
Disabling or securing remote management of a device
MarkVision Professional allows administrators to secure or disable remote management on certain newer devices.
Securing remote management on a device requires that a security template be applied to the Remote Management
access control.
For users creating a new security template, setting up an access control to disable remote management is a three-step
process. For instructions on disabling remote management completely, skip to “Step 3: Configure Remote
Management access control for the device(s).”
Note: Disabling remote management effectively ends communication between a selected device and the MVP
Server. Though the device will appear in the device list following discovery, MVP may not be able to determine its
capabilities and/or characteristics because the device itself will prevent such data from being read.
Step 1: Create a building block
MVP supports seven building blocks: Password, PIN, Internal Accounts, Kerberos, NTLM, LDAP, and LDAP + GSSAPI.
Building blocks are the fundamental elements used to create security templates. The steps below describe how to
create a PIN building block, but any of the other six building blocks could just as easily be used.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - PIN from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Add.
4 Enter a name and PIN in the PIN Setup dialog.
5 Click OK.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Step 2: Create a security template
Once configured, one or two building blocks can be combined with a unique name of up to 128 characters to create
a security template. Each device can support up to 140 security templates. Though the names of security templates
must be different from one another, building blocks and security templates can share a namė.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Security Templates from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Add.
4 Type a name for the security template, and then choose the appropriate building block from the Authentication
Setup list.
5 Click OK.
Step 3: Configure Remote Management access control for the device(s)
The final step in limiting access to devices from the MVP Server is to apply a security template to the Remote
Management access control, or to disable it altogether.
Note: This disables only remote host software management (MarkVision Professional), not the Embedded Web Server
for the device.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Access Controls from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter
the device password to gain access to the device.
The same security template must be installed on each of the selected devices in order to disable Remote
Management on more than one device at the same time.
3 Select the newly created security template from the Remote Management drop-down list, and then click
Note: To disable remote management for the device, select Disabled from the Remote Management drop-down
list, and then click Apply.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Synchronizing device communication passwords
For MVP to manage devices securely, the passwords must match between the server and each managed device.
Synchronizing a device password sets the communication password for the device to the same password that is used
by the server.
Note: The password is set via an encrypted data channel.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Communication Password from the All Tasks
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Synchronize or remove the device password.
To synchronize the device communication password with the MarkVision Server:
a Click Synchronize with Server.
b Click Yes.
To synchronize the device communication password with a new server password:
a Click Synchronize with Server.
b From the “Confirm Synchronize with Server” dialog, click the check box to confirm synchronization.
c Click Yes.
d Type the old server communication password.
e Type a new server communication password.
f Type the new password again to confirm it.
g Click OK, and then click Yes.
To remove the device communication password:
a Click Remove Password.
b Make sure the device is not locked down.
Note: Devices that are not capable of secure communication are displayed with a black line through them in
the results area.
Securing printer communication through lockdown
The Printer Lockdown task lets a user force one or more supported devices to communicate exclusively over a secure
channel. This enables a firewall on the device, turning off most network ports such as HTTP, SNMP, and FTP. Only
secure ports will remain open. The Printer Lockdown task is not available on devices that support building blocks
and security templates.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Security - Printer Lockdown from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
3 Select the Lockdown check box to lock down the device.
To remove lockdown from a device, clear the Lockdown check box.
Note: The Generic File Download and Printer Resource tasks will not be available when the Printer Lockdown option
is enabled.
Viewing encrypted hard disk drives
Some supported devices contain encrypted hard disk drives to protect information stored on the devices. MVP allows
information retrieval from hard disk drives without interfering with device security. If the device has an encrypted
hard disk drive and is communicating over a secure channel, an administrator can use the Storage Devices task to
view the drive. As a precaution, if the hard disk drive is encrypted and the device is not communicating securely, the
task will not display the hard disk drive information. Although MVP is able to view encrypted hard disk drives, MVP
will not allow a user to change the encryption for the device.
Using security features in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1
Managing devices
Finding and organizing devices
Finding devices
There are numerous ways to find devices managed by MVP. You can search for one device using specific criteria, or
multiple devices using a variety of methods to find devices managed by MVP. After MVP recognizes a device using
one of those methods, that device can later be found by other device attributes, such as a serial number or property
Here are some suggested methods for finding one or more printers in MVP:
Searching by printer features when managing a small number of printers
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select the Feature Overview (Printers) or Feature Overview
(Print Servers) from the All Tasks list.
2 Click the Folders tab, and view the folder that contains the printers you want to choose from.
3 Select one or more devices.
4 You can then scan the various features columns.
5 Click any tab to sort the printers according to the criteria you want.
Using Quick Find when managing a large number of printers
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select the Quick Find tab.
2 Select Other from the “Select a field to search” list.
3 Click Find Parameters.
4 Configure the filter to find the feature.
5 Click OK, and then click Find.
Devices on the MarkVision Server appear.
Managing devices
Creating folders and filters
MarkVision gives you several ways to see all the printers available to you at a glance.
Use the Folder Configuration task to create custom folders to organize your printers. If the printers are on a small
network, only one folder may be needed. However, if the printers are distributed across a large network, they can
be organized in multiple folders.
For example, if the printers are concentrated on a small network within a single building, create folders for each
floor or type of printer. For larger printer networks, create a folder hierarchy that includes subfolders identifying
printers by geographical location or subnet.
Apply filter criteria to the folders to automatically populate folder contents or to find a specific printer.
For example, create a folder named Color, and then select the appropriate filter criteria to show only color printers.
MVP applies the filter and adds only color printers to that folder. The same printer can appear in more than one
folder. For example, a color printer with a duplex unit would appear in both the Color folder and the Duplex
Using filters to populate folders automatically
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Folder Configuration from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a parent folder.
3 Skip to step 4 to configure a filter for an existing folder that will not be renamed. To create a new folder or rename
an existing folder:
Click New to create a new folder within the parent folder.
Type a new name in the Name box to rename an existing folder.
4 Select the Filter tab, and then select filter criteria, or select the Manual Selection tab, and then select devices to
add to the folder.
5 Click Apply.
Creating maps
Create a graphic of the distribution of selected printers on a map background. The type of map you create depends
on the structure of your organization. You can create an original image or develop a graphic using a scanned image
such as an area map or building plan. Save the image in JPEG or GIF format.
If your organization has one location with just a few printers, your map could be a simple line drawing or a scanned
plan of your building with icons marking the printer locations. If you are responsible for many printers in various
geographies, you might create maps that correspond with the hierarchy of the printer folders. For example, you
could create a folder for the state where a group of printers are located. Within that folder, create a subfolder for the
city. Additional subfolders could contain printers grouped by the building or floor number. Create a corresponding
map for each folder.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Map from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a folder.
3 Click the Map icon in the lower part of the window.
Managing devices
4 Select a map background from the list, or click Browse to find a graphic.
5 Arrange the device icons on the map image, and then click Apply.
Note: A yellow border around a device icon indicates that the device is in a warning state. A red border indicates
an error state.
Creating custom views and tables
Creating a custom view
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Custom Views - Create/Manage from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New.
3 Give the custom view a name.
4 Add printer attributes to this view by clicking the New Component icon next to the Name field.
As you select the attributes, blocks indicating the size of the data appear in the window below.
5 Arrange the blocks so that each one can be easily viewed.
6 Click Apply.
Once created, custom views are available from the All Tasks list, listed by their custom names.
You can also access custom views by clicking View Custom Views, and then selecting the custom view from
the list.
Editing a custom view
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Custom Views - Create/Manage from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a custom view.
3 Change the custom view.
4 Click Apply.
Creating a custom table
The Custom Tables task provides an easy interface with which to view reports of device information. Although MVP
does not provide a specific report writer, many reporting functions can be accomplished using custom tables. Custom
tables can be sorted by any column and you can customize the appearance of tables by moving columns and changing
the sort column and then saving your preferences. After it has been configured, a custom table can be exported to
a comma-separated values (.csv) file, which can be opened by spreadsheet or word processing software. The Printer
Inventory and Job Statistics: Trend Analysis tasks can also be used to populate databases.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Custom Tables - Create/Manage from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New.
3 Name the table.
Managing devices
4 From the Available Columns box, select the items to be included in the table.
5 Click > to move the selected items into the Columns In Use box.
6 Arrange the columns using the up and down arrows.
For example, to make Duplex Option the first table column, move it to the first position in the Columns In Use
7 Select how to sort the rows of the table.
For example, if you select Color from the “Sort Custom Table By” list, and then click Ascending, the table lists color
printers first.
8 Click Apply.
Note: Select the check box next to Frequent Task to associate a unique icon with the custom table. The icon
appears as a frequent task icon in the menus area of the MarkVision Professional Home screen.
Viewing and editing a custom table
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select the previously named custom table from the All Tasks list.
2 The custom table appears:
To print the custom table, click Print.
To export the custom table, click Export.
3 To customize a custom table while viewing it:
a Reorganize columns by dragging them.
b Click a column heading to sort by that column.
c Right-click the table to save the changes or reset to the default column and sort order.
These changes do not change the table settings managed in each specific Custom Tables task; these are
unique to each user account. To change the default column and sort order, use the Custom Tables task.
A convenient way to design custom tables is to keep the Custom Tables - Create/Manage task open while
testing the table task. Make changes to the column content or order, click Apply, and then context-switch
to the table task and press F5 to pick up the table changes.
Exporting a custom table
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select the custom table from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
3 Click Export.
4 Type a name for the file that will contain the data from the custom table, and select the location where the file
will be saved.
5 Click Export.
Note: The data from the custom table is exported to a comma-separated values (.csv) file, which can be opened by
spreadsheet or word processing software.
Managing devices
Gathering information about printers and print jobs
Collecting information about print jobs
Using the Job Statistics: Trend Analysis and Job Statistics: Collect From Disk tasks, MarkVision Professional can gather
and store information about each print job sent to a specific device. The information includes data such as job size,
job duration, output bins used, and so on. Users can view the collected information using a database tool or an
application specifically designed to interpret and display the information.
Administrators can use the information gathered by the Job Statistics task to answer questions such as:
Which devices are getting the most use?
Which departments are using the device(s) the most?
How long does it take to print a job?
What is the toner level in the device(s)?
When users enable the Job Statistics: Trend Analysis task for a device, MVP registers with the device and then
continually collects alert information, writing it to the connected database. However, any alerts that occur when
network traffic is heavy or when the MVP server is down may be missed. This task does not require that the selected
device contain a built-in hard drive.
When the Job Statistics: Collect From Disk task is scheduled, MVP collects the data from information stored on the
device itself. Because it is not affected by heavy network traffic or an interrupted connection with the MVP server,
this is generally the more reliable of the two tasks; however, it can only be scheduled on devices containing a built-in
hard drive.
These tasks provide approximate data for device(s) and should thus not be used for billing or accounting
The Job Statistics: Collect From Disk setting must be scheduled before a device will begin storing job statistics
data on its hard drive.
Supported database management systems in MVP 11.2.1
Type of database Operating system
CSV Windows, UNIX/Linux
Windows (10g), UNIX/Linux (10g)
Microsoft Access Windows (Access 2002, Access 2003, Microsoft Office Access 2007)
Microsoft SQL Server Windows (SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2005 Express Edition)
Oracle support in MVP 11.2.1 is enabled via plug-ins available at
Enabling Job Statistics
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Job Statistics: Trend Analysis from the All Tasks menu.
2 Select the type of database where the Job Statistics information will be stored.
Note: MVP supports Access and SQL Server databases, as well as CSV format (comma-separated values). The
table below shows the path styles used for each type of database.
Managing devices
3 Enter or select the appropriate information for the database:
Access or SQL Server—Enter the URL, User Name, and Password for the database. The URL is the path to the
database used to monitor this server.
CSV—Browse to or specify the full path of the directory in which CSV data will be stored.
4 Select the printers to be monitored. Click All Printers to monitor all devices on the MVP Server, or click Selected
Printers to choose specific devices on the MVP Server. Select those devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
5 Select Include Device Status Alerts if you want the database to include information about status events such
as paper jams and out-of-paper alerts for the selected device(s).
6 Click Apply.
Note: To collect Job Statistics at a specific time, select the Job Statistics: Collect From Disk option in the Scheduling
task in the All Tasks list.
Database Description
Access, SQL Server
<database driver>:<DSN>
For example: jdbc:odbc:yourdsn
DSN is a Data Source Name that must be created prior to using Job Statistics or Printer Inventory. Use
the ODBC configuration in the Windows Control Panel to create a DSN.
Note: Exporting this information through an ODBC interface is only supported in a Windows
CSV Using the CSV format allows users to export printer data into a text file formatted to accommodate
database fields. Enter the directory address where the text file will be created on the network or
For example: C:\temp\printerinventory\home
Collecting information about printers
Using the Printer Inventory task, MarkVision Professional can gather and store information about the devices on a
network. Users can then view the collected information (printer inventory) using a database tool or an application
specifically designed to interpret and display the information.
Administrators can use the information gathered during the printer inventory process to answer questions such as:
How many devices are on the network?
What types of devices are on the network?
What options are installed on the devices?
What is the lifetime page count of devices?
What are the print job statistics for the devices?
Enabling Printer Inventory
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Printer Inventory from the All Tasks menu.
2 Select the type of database where the printer inventory information will be stored.
Note: MVP supports Access and SQL Server databases, as well as CSV format (comma-separated values). The
table below shows the path styles used for each type of database.
Managing devices
3 Enter or select the appropriate information for the database:
Access or SQL Server—Enter the URL, User Name, and Password for the database. The URL is the path to the
database used to monitor this server.
CSV—Browse to or specify the full path of the directory in which CSV data will be stored.
4 Select the printers to be monitored:
Click All Printers to monitor all devices on the MVP Server.
Click Selected Folders to monitor devices in specific MarkVision folders, and then select the appropriate
Click Selected Printers to choose specific devices on the MVP Server, and then select devices using the Quick
Find or Folders tabs. Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
5 Click Apply.
Database Description
Access, SQL Server
<database driver>:<DSN>
For example: jdbc:odbc:yourdsn
DSN is a Data Source Name that must be created prior to using Job Statistics or Printer Inventory. Use
the ODBC configuration in the Windows Control Panel to create a DSN.
Note: Exporting this information through an ODBC interface is only supported in a Windows
CSV Using the CSV format allows users to export printer data into a text file formatted to accommodate
database fields. Enter the directory address where the text file will be created on the network or
For example: C:\temp\printerinventory\home
Using the Remote Operator Panel on MFPs
MarkVision uses the VNC protocol to provide the ability to view and manipulate device operator panels remotely on
supported MFPs. This feature is available only on certain newer MFPs.
Unlike other MarkVision software-to-device communication, which takes place only on the server, the VNC
communication in this case takes place directly between the MVP client and the device.
Accessing the Remote Operator Panel
Remote Operator Panel functionality on MFPs is provided via an eSF application that comes installed on the device.
MVP must be configured to support this application, and the application must be enabled, before the VNC operator
panel support will be available.
To activate the Remote Operator Panel:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks menu.
2 Select Remote Operator Panel from the list of embedded solutions.
Note: If the Remote Operator Panel eSF application is not in the list, then your device does not support it.
Managing devices
3 Click Fetch Descriptor(s).
This installs the descriptor onto the MarkVision server.
Using the Remote Operator Panel
1 Select the device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
2 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Operator Panel from the All Tasks menu.
3 Click Launch VNC Applet.
The Remote Operator Panel will open in a new browser window.
Note: If a VNC Authentication Page opens, click Click here to continue to access the Remote Operator Panel.
Managing destinations
Adding or editing destinations
MarkVision Professional’s destination management tasks provide the ability to more accurately manage the
destinations to which the devices on your network send information. MVP provides a destination management task
so you can easily add or edit specific destinations for each protocol that your network devices use to transmit
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select one of the three destination management tasks from the
All Tasks list.
Task Name Fields
Fax Destinations Fax Name, Fax number, Shortcut (If applicable)
E-mail Destinations Name, E-mail address, Format, Content, Color, Resolution, Shortcut (If applicable)
FTP Destinations Name, Server, Login, Password, Password confirmation, Path and filename, Format, Content,
Color, Resolution, Shortcut (If applicable)
2 Select the devices that have destination types that you want to manage.
A table will appear on the right side of the screen displaying the existing destinations. If the selected devices have
no current destinations, the table will be empty.
3 Select a destination.
4 Click Add or Edit.
5 Type the information in the dialog, and then click OK.
6 Click Apply.
The new or edited destinations are updated for the selected devices.
Note: MVP does not support Add or Edit for profile destinations. You can only remove profile destinations in
Managing devices
Creating or editing destinations for device policies
You can set specific destinations for print servers through the Device Policies task. To set destinations for print servers:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select the Device Policies - Create/Manage from the All Tasks
2 Either create a new print server policy or edit an existing policy.
Note: When policies containing destinations are applied to devices that already contain destinations, the existing
device destinations are deleted.
3 In the New Policy dialog, click For Any Print Server or Based On A Specific Device.
If you click Based On A Specific Device, select a print server from the Device Selection for New Policy dialog.
4 Expand the MFP folder.
5 Expand the Destinations folder.
Note: Add at least one destination to remove the warning icon, or the information will not be saved.
6 Click the check box next to the destination type that you want to edit, and then click Edit.
7 Edit the destination list accordingly.
8 Click Close to close the Destination Management dialog.
Removing destinations
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select one of the four destination management tasks from the
All Tasks list:
Email Destinations
Fax Destinations
FTP Destinations
Profile Destinations
2 Select the devices with destination types you want to manage.
A table appears on the right side of the screen displaying the existing destinations. The table is empty if the
selected devices have no destinations.
3 Select the destination(s) to remove.
4 Click Remove to remove the selected destinations, or select Remove All to remove all destinations.
Managing devices
Understanding device policies
Using device policies
Reasons to create a device policy
To enforce a standard configuration across a set of devices.
For example, Power Saver is set to Off and Printer Timeout set to 20 for all printers.
To use multiple configurations for a device.
For example, create one device policy to set Toner Saver on with a low resolution for draft printing. Create another
device policy where Toner Saver is set to off with high resolution for final document printing.
Tasks associated with device policies
Device Policies - Create/Manage—Create, edit, or remove a policy.
Device Policies - Apply—Apply a policy to one or more specified devices.
Device Policies - Check Conformance—Determine if selected devices are conforming to device policies.
Scheduling—Specify days and times to automatically apply a policy or perform a conformance check.
Creating a device policy
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Policies - Create/Manage from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New to create a new device policy, or click Copy to copy the settings of an existing device policy.
3 If you selected New, select one of the following options:
For Any Printer (empty printer policy)
For Any Print Server (empty print server policy)
Based On A Specific Device (policy derived from the actual settings of a known device)
4 Type a policy name.
5 Select or change settings, and then click OK.
6 Click Apply to save the policy.
Applying a device policy
A device policy must be created before it can be applied.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Policies – Apply from the All Tasks menu.
2 From the device list, select the devices to update.
3 Select a device policy from the Device Policies list, and then click Apply Policy.
Managing devices
Checking device policy conformance
The Device Policies - Check Conformance task displays selected device settings in comparison with its applied device
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Policies - Check Conformance from the All Tasks
2 Select the device you want to check for policy conformance.
3 Select a policy from the Device Policies list.
4 Click Check Device Conformance.
Results of the conformance check will appear in the field beneath the Check Device Conformance button.
Note: To see a side-by-side comparison of device settings and policy settings, with differences highlighted in red,
right-click any difference noted in the policy conformance results (displayed in red), and then click Details.
Scheduling device policies
Schedule policy applications to multiple devices to provide updates such as daily default resets or device
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Scheduling from the All Tasks list.
2 Click Add.
3 Select Device Policy: Check Conformance or Device Policy: Apply, and then click Next.
4 Schedule a date and time for the update, and then click Next.
5 Select a device policy from the Device policy box, and then click Next.
Note: You may select Apply policy automatically if devices are out of conformance.
6 Select discovered devices from the device folders window, or use the Quick Find feature to locate new devices
and place them in the Selected Printers window using the > button.
7 Click Finish.
Downloading generic files
MarkVision Professional allows users to download miscellaneous files from the MarkVision Server to one or more
devices on a network, allowing the instant distribution of various file types including universal configuration files
(UCF), to any devices that MVP manages. Use the Schedule task to automate file downloads at predetermined times.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Generic File Download from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the file(s) to download from the list of available files on the MarkVision Server.
To add files (if necessary) from another location, click Load, and then browse for the file(s).
3 Click the > button to move the files to the file table.
4 Select a file location from the Target Location list.
Click Remove to remove the selected file(s) from the list.
5 Specify the directory name in the Remote Directory column.
Managing devices
6 Click Next, and then select the device(s).
7 Click Finish to download the selected file(s).
Note: The Generic File Download and Printer Resource tasks will not be available when the Printer Lockdown option
is enabled.
Managing resources
Use the Resource Management task to upload resources files such as fonts and overlays to the MarkVision Server.
Distribute these files to network devices equipped with hard disks or Flash SIMMs. Resource Management is capable
of handling complex formatting for fonts and overlays.
The following fonts and types are supported: PCL Bitmap (SFP), True Type (TTF), Type 1 (PFB). The following overlays
are supported: PCLXL, PS, and PCL5.
Uploading resource files to MarkVision Server
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Resource Management from the All Tasks list.
2 From the Resources folder, select the folder of the font or overlay type.
3 Click Upload to browse for the resource file(s).
Note: To upload multiple files simultaneously, use Ctrl + click to select multiple files.
4 Click Load to load the file into the appropriate Resource Management folder.
5 Click Close.
Removing resource files from the MarkVision Server
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Resource Management from the All Tasks list.
2 On the left side of the dialog, select the folder that contains the file(s) that you want to remove.
3 Select files for removal from the Resource Management table.
You can select multiple files using Ctrl + click.
4 Click Remove.
5 To remove all files listed in the table, click Select All, and then click Remove.
Downloading resource files to selected devices
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Resource Management from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the folder that contains the file(s) to distribute to selected devices.
3 Select the file(s) to distribute to the devices.
Select multiple files by using Ctrl + click.
4 Click Send to Printer.
The Send to Printer Wizard opens.
Managing devices
5 Select the device(s) with hard disks or existing device folders.
If necessary, use a filter to find supported devices.
6 Use the > button to transfer the printers with a hard disk to the Selected Printers window.
Note: Only printers with a hard disk may be selected.
7 Click Next.
8 Select the device(s) with flash memory or existing device folders.
If necessary, use a filter to find supported devices.
9 Use the > button to transfer printers with flash memory to the Selected Printers window.
Note: Only printers with flash SIMM memory may be selected.
10 Click Finish to begin the download.
Installing and removing plug-ins
Download and install new MVP plug-ins on a MarkVision Server for added device or functional support. The plug-ins
may contain downloadable client components. Relevant client information downloads to your workstation when
you log in to the MarkVision Server.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Software Update (Manage PlugIns) from the All Tasks
A dialog appears, listing installed plug-ins.
Note: Select a plug-in, and then click Remove to uninstall it. The plug-is removed from the server and the client.
The uninstall script on the server and the client determines if a restart is necessary.
2 If no plug-ins are listed, download updates from the MarkVision Professional Web site at
3 Click Install New.
A dialog appears.
4 Select and install a plug-in from the directory.
5 The MVP message window (located at the bottom of the MarkVision Professional Home screen) announces the
plug-in(s) installation status:
If the selected plug-in has previously been installed, you will be informed that the plug-in is already installed.
If the selected plug-in is older than the one that is currently installed, the current plug-in will need to be
uninstalled before the older version can be installed.
If an earlier version of the selected plug-in is already installed, you may upgrade the existing plug-in.
After a plug-in has been installed on the server, the MVP Client receives information on the plug-in versions that have
been installed and details on which plug-ins contain downloadable client components. If new client components
are available, the client determines if the server and client are compatible and then automatically downloads the
client component of any plug-ins that it does not already have.
Note: If the client and server are not compatible because the client contains a component that the server does not
have, a warning message is issued and any incompatible client components are removed.
Managing devices
Managing bookmarks
Using bookmarks
The Bookmark Management task lets the user create and save printer bookmarks in the permanent memory of a
printer. A printer bookmark is a link to a document that is stored on a Web server or the Internet. When a bookmark
is called from the BOOKMARKS menu on a the operator panel of a supported printer, the document the bookmark
points to is printed. Bookmarks also store important information about how document(s) are to be printed.
Existing bookmarks may also be loaded into the Bookmark Management task to be organized in folders and then
distributed to supported printers across the network. Multiple bookmarks can then be saved as a configuration file
allowing the distribution of bookmark sets to devices with a single action.
Use the Bookmark Management task to:
Protect a bookmark or folder with a Personal Identification Number (PIN).
Load bookmarks from a printer using an IP address or host name.
Set or change bookmark properties including: name, URL, and available print settings such as duplex, orientation,
and copies.
Note: When you are adjusting the print attributes of a bookmark, the Multi-page Printing (N-UP) setting behaves as
If the device is set to print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper, a 1-UP setting in MarkVision Professional
will not overwrite the printer settings.
However, if the device is set to print 1-UP, a multi-page N-UP setting in MarkVision Professional will overwrite the
printer settings.
Creating bookmark folders
The BOOKMARKS default root folder stores all bookmarks and bookmark folders.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Bookmark Management from the All Tasks list.
2 Click the Add a folder icon at the top of the Bookmark Management dialog.
3 Type a folder name up to 25 characters in length.
To enable optional access protection for the bookmark folder, assign a four-digit numeric PIN number to the
folder. After a PIN is established, PIN entry is required to access the folder contents.
The root BOOKMARKS folder cannot be PIN protected.
4 Click OK.
5 Click Close to exit the Bookmark Management dialog.
Creating a new bookmark
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Bookmark Management from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a folder location for the bookmark.
Managing devices
3 Click the Add a bookmark icon located at the top of the Bookmark Management window.
The Bookmark Properties dialog opens.
4 Under the Bookmarks tab, enter the bookmark name and the URL location for the corresponding document.
You may assign a four-digit numerical PIN to the bookmark. PIN entry will be required to print the bookmark.
5 Verify that the settings listed under the remaining tabs are appropriate for the document.
6 Click OK to create the bookmark.
7 Click Cancel to stop the bookmark creation.
8 Click Close to exit the Bookmark Management dialog.
Note: When you are adjusting the print attributes of a bookmark, the Multi-page Printing (N-UP) setting behaves as
If the device is set to print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper, a 1-UP setting in MarkVision Professional
will not overwrite the printer settings.
However, if the device is set to print 1-UP, a multi-page N-UP setting in MarkVision Professional will overwrite the
printer settings.
Saving bookmarks
Once a bookmark or set of bookmarks has been created or loaded, it can be saved to a file that can be stored on a
computer or a printer hard disk drive for future use.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Bookmark Management from the All Tasks list.
Select the folder or bookmark that you want to save. Selecting a folder for this operation will save all folder
2 Click Save.
If saving the bookmark(s) to a file, select the To File radio button, and then enter the file path in the space
provided or click Browse to find the file location.
If saving the bookmark(s) to a printer, select the To Printer radio button, and then select either the Quick
Find or Folders tab to locate the appropriate printer.
3 Use the > button to add the correct printer(s) to the Selected Printers window.
4 Click OK.
5 Click Close to exit the Bookmark Management dialog.
Loading existing bookmarks
Bookmarks may be loaded from either an existing file or printer memory. Once the Load Bookmark dialog has been
opened, the option to either Browse for a specific file or select a specific printer is provided.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Bookmark Management from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a folder location for the bookmark.
3 Click Load.
Managing devices
The Load Bookmark dialog opens.
If loading a bookmark from a file, select the From File radio button, then enter the file path in the space
provided, or click Browse to find the file location.
If loading a bookmark from a printer, select the From Printer radio button, then select either the Quick
Find or Folders tab to locate the printer.
4 Click OK to load the bookmark.
Click Cancel to stop loading the bookmark.
5 Click Close to exit the Bookmark Management dialog.
Deleting bookmarks
The Bookmark Management task is only an interface through which bookmarks may be manipulated for other devices
and locations. As a result, deleting a folder or bookmark through this process only removes the selected item(s) from
the interface, not from the saved location of the file.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Bookmark Management from the All Tasks list.
2 Load the folder or bookmark set that contains the bookmark(s) that you want to delete.
3 Select the folder or bookmark that you want to delete.
Note: Selecting a folder for this operation will delete all folder contents.
4 Click the Delete Folder/Bookmark icon at the top of the Bookmark Management dialog.
The Confirm Removal dialog opens.
5 Click Yes to delete the selected items.
6 Click Save confirm the bookmark deletion.
7 Click Close to exit the Bookmark Management dialog.
Changing bookmark folder properties
Using Bookmark Management, users can edit characteristics for a bookmark or folder, such as folder name or PIN
number, bookmark name, URL, and PIN access number. This function also allows users to change the Page Layout,
Paper, and HTML/PDF print attributes for bookmark documents.
Note: The Bookmark Management task is only an interface through which bookmarks may be manipulated for other
devices and locations. As a result, any changes to the properties of a folder or bookmark will not be permanent until
the file is saved.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Bookmark Management from the All Tasks list.
2 Load the folder or bookmark set that contains the bookmark(s) for edit.
3 Select the folder or bookmark.
If the correct bookmark is not already listed, reload it.
4 Click the Modify properties of selected item icon at the top of the Bookmark Management dialog box.
Managing devices
5 Edit the appropriate fields.
6 Click OK.
Note: When you are adjusting the print attributes of a bookmark, the Multi-page Printing (N-UP) setting behaves as
If the device is set to print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper, a 1-UP setting in MarkVision Professional
will not overwrite the printer settings.
However, if the device is set to print 1-UP, a multi-page N-UP setting in MarkVision Professional will overwrite the
printer settings.
Supporting wireless print servers
MVP offers support for several wireless devices. MVP offers a WLAN task and a WLAN device policy option to:
Set up and edit wireless settings for supported print servers attached to the network, and then transfer the settings
to the supported devices.
Support wireless configurations for both Ad Hoc and Infrastructure Basic Service Set (BSS) modes, as well as WEP
and WPA-PSK security modes.
See the Release notes for a complete list of the printers and print servers supported by MVP.
For security modes that utilize CA certificates as part of an authentication mechanism, an additional task called
Install CA Certificate is available in the All Tasks list to install CA Certificates on devices.
Creating a WLAN device policy
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Policies — Create/Manage from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New.
3 Select For Any Print Server, and then click Continue.
4 From the Print Server Policy area, expand the WLAN folder.
5 Enter the SSID, BSS Type, Channel, and Wireless Security Mode for the device.
For more information on your wireless settings, see your wireless network documentation.
6 Enter the appropriate authentication or encryption information for the wireless security mode that you selected
by expanding the WEP or WPA folders under WLAN.
7 Click Apply.
Managing devices
Configuring wireless settings for multiple devices
The WLAN task provides the ability to configure the wireless settings on multiple devices simultaneously. If multiple
devices are selected for use with this task, make sure that only the values that are shared by all of the selected devices
are changed. Some settings are specific to one device and changing them can disrupt wireless communication for
that device.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select WLAN from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the device(s).
3 Enter the SSID, BSS Type, Channel, and Wireless Security Mode for the device.
For more information on the wireless settings, see your wireless network documentation.
4 Enter the appropriate authentication or encryption information for the wireless security mode that you selected.
Some wireless security modes require certificates to work properly.
5 To install the appropriate certificates, go to the print server Embedded Web Server or use the Install CA Certificate
Note: You can access the Embedded Web Server by clicking Web Page (Print Server) in the All Tasks list on the
MVP Home screen.
6 Click Apply.
Using print queues
Managing queues
Create and remove Windows print objects (queues) on host computers that utilize Windows-based platforms. Queue
management utilizes two tasks to manage print objects:
Create Windows Print Objects—Create Windows print queues on multiple host computers simultaneously.
Note: In order to create print objects on remote host computers (computers on which an instance of the
MarkVision Server is not running), the MarkVision Server must first be configured to perform the necessary
network operations.
Remove Windows Print Objects—Remove print queues from host devices.
Configuring the MarkVision Server for Windows
To create print objects on remote host computers, the MarkVision Server service for Windows must be configured
to run in the context of a valid administrative user ID and password. This allows the MarkVision Server service to
perform network operations such as listing the existing print objects and drivers that reside on other computers.
Note: This step only needs to be performed once on each MarkVision server.
1 Click or Start.
2 Click Control Panel.
3 Double-click Administrative Tools.
4 Double-click Services.
5 From Services, right-click MarkVision Server, and then select Properties.
Managing devices
6 Click the Log On tab.
7 Click This account.
8 Type the user ID and password for an administrative account.
Creating print queues
To create print queues on selected computers:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Create Windows Print Objects from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
3 Click > to move the printers to the Selected Printers window, and then click Next.
4 In the Domains and Workgroups list, select the domain of the computers you want to create print queues on.
5 In the Server(s) list, select the host servers that you want to create print queues on.
Click > to transfer the computers to the Selected Servers window.
Note: Each domain can list several computers. To create print queues on host computers under different
domains, repeat steps 4 and 5. Select different domains with each pass until all of the desired host computers
are present in the Selected Computers window.
6 Type a network administrator user ID and password.
For each selected computer, you must supply a network administrator user ID and password. This allows MVP
to create the print queues on host computer(s).
If you are using the Windows XP or Windows Vista operating systems, and the network administrator account
does not include a password, see “Windows XP administrator accounts without passwords” on page 109.
7 In the queue management wizard, select the printers that you want to create queues for. Locate the printers
using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
8 Select the type of print object that you want to create on the host computer.
Note: MVP will attempt to locate and match the type of print object that is selected with the appropriate device
and drivers by name comparison.
9 Click Next.
10 Verify that the print queue information is correct for each host computer in the queue creation table. If the default
settings are incorrect, select the table entry, and then modify each of the fields in the dialog box below the table.
11 Click Select to open the Print Driver dialog.
12 Select a driver source.
13 Select a driver from the list, and then click OK.
If the driver is not included in the list:
a Make sure the MarkVision Server radio button is selected as the driver source.
b Click Add, browse to the driver, and then click OK.
c Select the driver from the list, and then click OK.
Managing devices
14 To remove a print object from the list to be created, select the table entry that contains the print object you want
to remove, and then click Remove.
15 Click Apply to save any changes, and then click Finish.
Removing print queues
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Remove Windows Print Objects from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the domain of the host server.
3 Select the host server that contains the print queue.
Use the > button to add the server to the Selected Servers box.
4 Enter a network administrator user ID and password.
5 Click Next.
6 Select the print queue or queues to remove from the list of print objects present on the system.
7 Click Finish.
Windows XP administrator accounts without passwords
In most cases, when selecting a server using either the Create Windows Print Objects task or the Remove Windows
Print Objects task, an administrator account user name and password for that specific computer must be entered. If
the administrative account that is used to complete this process does not include a password, or if use of an
administrative account without a password is preferred, the following procedure must be completed on the target
1 Click or Start.
2 Click Control Panel.
3 Double-click Administrative Tools.
4 Double-click Local Security Policy.
5 From the Local Policies folder, select Security Options.
6 In the Policy column, double-click Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon
7 Change the value to Disabled, and then click OK.
Managing devices
Configuring TCP/IP port access settings
You can enable or disable access to each TCP/IP port.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select TCP/IP Port Access from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Enable or disable access to TCP/IP ports as necessary.
Note: The ports marked with double-asterisks control basic device functions, including communication with the
MarkVision Server. Use caution when modifying.
4 Click Apply to save changes, or click Undo to cancel changes.
Formatting storage devices
You can use the Storage Devices task to format a device hard disk or flash memory.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Storage Devices from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the device(s).
3 Click the Format icon for either the hard disk or the flash memory.
Warning—Potential Damage: This action erases all files on the selected storage device.
Upgrading print server firmware
Occasionally, the flash memory for print servers must be updated. For example, Customer Support may recommend
a firmware upgrade to solve a network printer problem. Use MVP to flash multiple supported print servers
1 Download the latest flash files from the MarkVision Professional Web site:
All supported firmware (flash) files are available free of charge.
2 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select the Firmware Download (Print Server) task from the All
Tasks list.
3 Select the print servers you want to update.
Note: MVP will associate firmware files by their extension to specific model types.
4 Click New File to add new files to the MVP list of downloadable firmware files (for example, files that you have
5 Click Start to begin the upgrade process.
Warning—Potential Damage: The print server may be damaged if it is turned off or reset during a firmware flash.
Use the Scheduling task to perform flash operations at night, on holidays, or at other times when printer traffic is
very light.
Managing devices
Scheduling tasks
Schedule tasks such as Device Discovery or Generic File Download on a specific day at a specific time. Each task can
have multiple schedules.
Note: Some scheduled events require additional setup before you enter the Scheduling task. For example, before
scheduling a device discovery, you must configure a discovery profile using the Device Discovery task.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Scheduling from the All Tasks list.
2 Click Add.
3 Select an event type to schedule, and then type a description.
4 Click Next.
5 Select a date and time, and then click Next.
Note: Other tabs will allow you to enter parameters specific to this scheduled event such as database type and
policy name.
6 Click Finish.
The scheduled event appears in the calendar window of the Scheduling task.
Viewing diagnostic information for a device
Through its Diagnostics tools, MVP provides users with the ability to view and/or save various diagnostic reports for
supported devices. These reports can aid technical support staff in diagnosing problems with devices.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select one of the following tasks from the All Tasks list:
Menus Page—View and/or save a copy of the menu settings list for a device.
Meters/Counters—View and/or save a copy of the meters and counters data for a device. Examples include
scan activity and supply status, among others.
Note: The Meters/Counters tool provides approximate meter and counter data for a device and should thus
not be used for billing or accounting purposes.
Configuration Page—View and/or save a copy of the configuration settings list for a device. Examples include
size sensing settings and energy conservation configuration, among others.
Diagnostics Page—View and/or save a copy of the diagnostic settings list for a device. Examples include
page registration and EP setup, among others.
Event Log—View and/or save a copy of critical events for a device. Examples include paper jams and firmware
updates, among others.
Note: Select Summary or Complete to specify the level of detail shown in the Event Log.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Save to save a copy of any of the above diagnostics reports.
The Meters/Counters report is saved as an XML file; the other reports are saved as HTML files.
Managing devices
Checking printer status
MVP provides a number of tasks that present a read-only view of printer information in the View and Features menus.
In particular, you may wish to select one of the following from the View menu:
Status of Printer
MFP Status
Picture of Printer
Page Counts
Operator Panel LCD
Custom Tables
Custom Views
Viewing the Embedded Web Server for a device
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Web Page (Print Server) from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the appropriate print server, and then click Launch.
If the selected printer supports an Embedded Web Server, it appears in a separate browser window.
Note: Not all print servers support Embedded Web Servers.
Changing printer settings
MarkVision provides a large number of tasks to configure specific types of settings on devices. These are generally
available under the Settings menu, organized by category (for example, Network or Printer). You may also select
these tasks from the All Tasks list.
1 Change printer settings by selecting the item you want to change.
2 Select one or more printers, and then do any of the following:
Change the settings appropriately.
Create a device policy to coordinate multiple settings and save them as a unit.
Apply the policy to one or more devices at a time, or save it for future use.
Monitoring printer supplies
There are several methods you can use to monitor printer supplies.
Create a folder to monitor supplies:
1 Select Folder Configuration from the All Tasks list.
2 Create a folder with a filter based on the status criteria you are interested in.
For example, create a folder named All Status Errors and Warnings, and configure the filter to display only
those devices containing status errors or warnings. The folder content dynamically changes as devices
communicate filter related criteria.
Managing devices
Perform a Quick Find to monitor supplies:
1 Click the Quick Find tab.
2 From the Select a Field to Search box, select Other.
3 Configure the search parameters.
4 Click Find.
The search results are displayed.
5 Click Stop to terminate the current discovery operation.
Check the status of supplies for selected printers:
1 Select Status of Printer from the All Tasks list.
2 Open a folder, and then select printers.
Note: The MVP Map task displays an icon for each device. These icons give you an indication of device status. A yellow
border around a device icon indicates a warning state. A red border indicates an error state.
Setting color print permissions
MVP allows an administrator to restrict color printing for specific users for supported color printers on a network.
Administrators can closely monitor and save color printing resources by restricting color printing access. MVP print
permissions technology consists of two related tasks that control user access to color printing:
Users Table—Displays and controls access to color printing by User ID.
Hosts Table—Controls print permissions on a specific host computer allowing you to override user-level
permissions on a specific host computer.
Specify color permissions (whether a user may print with color) for a user by adding his or her ID to the Users Table.
For example, if a user with access to the Users Table task sets color permissions to On, the color permission for their
host computer can be disabled by setting the Color permission to Off, and the Override permission to On in the Hosts
Table. If color printing is disallowed, jobs will still print, but in monochrome.
The following tables illustrate some print permission settings scenarios:
User table settings example
User ID Color Result
Mary On Mary can print color on any selected printer.
Bob Off Bob cannot print color on any selected printer.
Hosts table settings example
Computer (host) name Color Override Result
MARYSPC On On A user logged on to Mary’s computer can print color on any selected printer,
regardless of the user print permissions.
BOBSPC Off On A user logged on to Bob’s computer cannot print color on any selected
printer regardless of the user print permissions.
MARYSPC Off Off A u ser l og ged on t o M ar y ’s com pu ter w ill n ot be ab le t o pr i nt co lo r jo bs unl es s
that user's User ID is granted color printing permissions in the User Table.
Managing devices
Managing embedded solutions in
MarkVision Professional
Understanding embedded solutions and solution
MVP includes built-in support for many embedded solutions and supports additional solutions by fetching and
installing solution descriptors. Solution descriptors are XML files that are installed on the MVP Server. They are
included with each embedded solution and describe to MVP which configurations options are available in each
Installing a solution descriptor to the MVP Server is necessary only if you intend to deploy a particular embedded
solution to other devices. If you do not intend to manage an embedded solution using MVP, it is not necessary to
install its descriptor file.
MarkVision Professional uses FTP to install eSF applications on devices. If the FTP operation succeeds, MVP will report
that the application installed successfully. However, though communication with the device via FTP was successful,
the actual installation of the eSF application may have failed. This can happen because of a licensing issue or because
a sol ut i on is n o t com pa t ib l e w it h a pa r ti c u la r d ev i c e. W h en u s in g M VP t o deplo y a n eS F a pp l i ca ti on t o m u lt i pl e d ev i ce s ,
you should first test the deployment process on a single device to ensure it works correctly.
Viewing installed solutions
To view all the solutions installed on a device:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks list.
2 Select the device(s).
If one device is selected, then all solutions installed on that device are listed. If multiple devices are selected, then
the list of solutions that MVP can manage, including those whose solution descriptors have been installed in MVP,
are listed.
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision Professional
Installing embedded solutions
MVP will test files selected for installation to determine if they are not solutions (for example, firmware update files).
MVP will display a warning that the file may not be a solution and advise the user that any files sent to the device will
be processed. MVP 11.2.1 will allow the user to either cancel the installation and choose another file, or send the file
to the device(s) anyway.
Step 1: Installing the solution descriptor
Use one of the following methods to install a solution descriptor on the MVP Server:
Method one
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 If the embedded solution you wish to install on the MVP Server is already installed on the device, select the
embedded solution from the list.
4 Click Fetch Descriptor(s). This will read the solution descriptor from the device if this method is supported by
the device. If it is not, a dialog will open so that you can browse to the file to be installed.
Method two
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Click Manage Descriptors.
4 Click Add.
5 Select a solution descriptor from the Open dialog.
6 Click Open.
The installed solution descriptor appears in the Plug-ins/Solutions on Server box. The solution descriptor
details appear in the Details box.
If the descriptor file is not valid, MVP will display an error message.
7 Click Close.
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision Professional
Step 2: Installing an embedded solution
After the solution descriptor file is installed in MVP, install the associated embedded solution file on the selected
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solution Management from the
All Tasks list.
2 Find and select the device(s) on which the solution will be installed.
MVP displays the embedded solutions available for deployment on selected device(s) in the configurable area of
the screen. When solutions which are configurable via MVP are selected, the Solution Specific Actions window
displays Import and Export buttons. If a selected solution is not configurable, the Solution Specific Actions window
displays a message referring the user to further information.
3 Click Install.
4 Browse to the appropriate folder, and then select the solution file.
Note: Embedded Solutions flash files typically have an .fls extension.
5 Select the solution file, and then click Add.
Uninstalling Embedded Solutions
Step 1: Uninstalling an embedded solution
If an embedded solution is no longer necessary, uninstall it from the device(s):
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks list.
2 Select the device on which the solution is installed.
3 Select a solution to uninstall.
4 Click Uninstall.
5 Click Yes.
Step 2: Uninstalling the solution descriptor
If an embedded solution is no longer necessary, you can uninstall the solution descriptor, and then uninstall the
associated solution file. However, after a solution descriptor is removed, the associated solution cannot be managed
on any devices through MVP. Solution descriptors consume very little memory on the MarkVision Server and do not
affect system performance, so do not remove descriptors unless you are certain you will not need to manage the
associated solution in MVP in the future.
To uninstall a solution descriptor file:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks list.
2 Click Manage Descriptors.
3 Select the solution descriptor file to be removed from the Plug-ins / Solutions list
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision Professional
4 Click Remove.
5 Click Close.
Configuring the Embedded Solutions Framework
The Framework Management task allows the configuration of the Embedded Solutions Framework on enabled
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Framework Management from
the All Tasks menu.
2 Select a device.
3 Enter the appropriate information.
Configuration settings
Configure framework settings:
HTTPS Proxy Server—Configure the proxy server IP for embedded solutions using third party software.
HTTPS Proxy Port—Configure the proxy port.
No Proxy For—Configure a list of host names for which a proxy server is not required.
Note: When multiple devices are selected, the configuration changes are applied to all selected devices.
Network License settings
Note: Embedded solutions can be licensed either through a license server (a separate computer running a
license server), or they can be licensed on a per-node basis. In the former case, the Network License settings
are relevant, as they configure the eSF framework on the printer to point to the license server. In the latter case,
the license info for the solution must be configured in the Manage Solutions task. For more information on
licenses, see “Installing or upgrading a license” on page 118.
Configure network licensing for embedded solutions on the devices:
Server—Configure the IP address of the license server.
Note: Specify up to three license servers. The server information is optional and is only used for more than
one server.
Port—Configure the socket port information for the license server.
Note: Each license server should have a corresponding license port.
Heartbeat PeriodSpecify in number of minutes the time required to communicate with the server.
Number of RetriesSpecify the maximum number of attempts.
4 Click Apply to save, or click Undo to clear the information.
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision Professional
Configuring solutions
The Solutions Management task allows you to configure solutions on a single device or on multiple devices at once.
Like many tasks in MVP, this works differently if more than one device is selected. If one device is selected, the solutions
currently installed on that device will be listed. If more than one device is selected, all solutions that the MVP Server
knows—that is, those either supported natively or with a plug-in, or those for which solution descriptors have
previously been installed—will be listed. Thus, by selecting multiple devices, you can configure the same solution
on more than one printer at once. Attempts to configure solutions not installed on selected devices will result in
errors being reported in MVP's Message Window.
To configure embedded solutions in MVP:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
All installed embedded solutions appear.
3 Select a solution.
Note: The “Solution-specific actions” block will be populated with buttons appropriate to the selected solution
(s) on the selected device(s). If no configuration options are available for a single solution the following message
appears: This solution is not configurable using MarkVision Professional. In this case
either a solution descriptor or a custom plug-in for this solution may be available from the MarkVision Professional
Web site.
4 Click Configure.
The Configure dialog appears.
5 Change the settings as desired, and then click OK to apply the settings to the selected device(s) or click Cancel
to exit the dialog.
Licensing embedded solutions
Installing or upgrading a license
MVP enables license installation for an embedded solution for single or multiple devices. Licensing is restricted to
devices that support the Embedded Solutions Framework, or have the embedded solution installed.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks list.
2 Select the device(s).
All installed solutions appear.
3 Select the solution that requires a license.
4 Click Update License.
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision Professional
5 Select Use a local license file from the Update License dialog.
6 Browse for the appropriate file, and then click Add.
Note: Licensing is solution-specific; some solutions may not require licenses.
7 Click Update License to update or Cancel. A status message appears.
Obtaining host IDs
Obtain a host ID from the device(s), and then place them in a specified file for use in licensing your eSF applications.
The content and format of host IDs are determined by eSF-enabled devices. The Get Host ID task is restricted to
devices that support any version of the Embedded Solution Framework.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Get Host ID from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the device(s).
3 Click Browse from the Save Host IDs to File box.
4 Select a file in the Save Host ID dialog, give it a .txt file extension if necessary, and then click Open.
Note: If an existing file is selected, specify whether to overwrite the file.
5 Click Open.
Note: The Host ID file can be viewed with Notepad.
Starting a solution
Start an embedded solution to refresh the values of the solution.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks menu.
2 Select the device(s).
3 Select one or more solutions from the list.
4 Click Start.
5 Select Yes from the confirmation message.
Stopping a solution
Stop an embedded solution to refresh the values of the solution.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks menu.
2 Select the device(s).
3 Select one or more solutions from the list.
4 Click Stop.
5 Select Yes from the confirmation message.
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision Professional
Viewing embedded solutions features
To view the details of an embedded solution such as configuration, licensing, and general information:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Features from the All Tasks list.
2 Select the device.
The features appear in tabular format. Additional tables will appear for every installed solution descriptor. For
selected devices which do not have a particular solution installed, the columns for that solution will be empty.
Importing and exporting solutions
The settings of some Embedded Solutions can be exported to a file or imported to a device. The Import and Export
buttons are solution specific, and appear only when they are supported. If Import is supported by a solution, the
solution settings can be imported into a device. Export allows the settings for a device to be saved to a file for import
into the same solution on another device.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Embedded Solutions - Solutions Management from the
All Tasks list.
2 Select the device(s).
3 Select the appropriate solution.
4 Click Import or Export.
a If you clicked Import, browse and select the appropriate .xml file from the Choose file dialog, and then click
b If you clicked Export, name the file, and then select Save.
Creating an embedded solution device policy
Create a device policy that is specific to an embedded solution.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Device Policies - Create/Manage from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New.
3 Select For Any Printer from the New Policy dialog, and then click Continue.
4 Type a policy name in the Name box.
Note: You may add comments in the Comment box.
5 Edit the settings for the embedded solutions that are available on the selected device from the Embedded
Solutions folder.
6 Click Apply.
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision Professional
Filtering for devices that support embedded
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Filters from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New.
3 Type a name in the Name box.
4 Click Basic.
5 Select a type from the Device Type list.
6 Select Embedded Solutions from the Select Filter Type list.
7 Select Yes to filter for devices with embedded solutions.
8 Click Apply, and then click Close.
Using the Advanced filter to find devices that
support embedded solutions
Create an advanced filter to discover devices with a specific embedded solution installed. An Advanced filter can be
configured to identify devices that support the Embedded Solution Framework with the following parameters: name,
state, version, or license.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Filters from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New.
3 Type a name in the Name box.
4 Click Advanced.
5 Select a device type from the Device Type list.
6 Select a parameter type for an embedded solution from the Parameter list.
7 Select an operation type from the Operation list.
8 Select values for the parameter from the Value list.
Note: The available operators and values change depending on the selected parameter.
9 Click Apply, and then click Close.
Using custom tables with embedded solutions
To view the version of an Embedded Solutions Framework installed on a device:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Custom Tables - Create/Manage from the All Tasks list.
2 Click New.
3 Type a name in the Name box.
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision Professional
4 Select Embedded Solutions Framework Version from the Available Columns box and any other options.
Use Ctrl + click to select multiple items.
5 Use the arrows to move items to the Columns in Use table.
6 Click Apply, and then click Close.
7 MVP adds the custom table name to the All Tasks list.
To view the version of embedded solutions on a device:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select the custom table name (created above) from the All Tasks
2 Select the device(s).
3 MVP populates the table with data from the selected device(s).
Managing embedded solutions in MarkVision Professional
Using MarkVision Messenger
What can MarkVision Messenger do?
Use MarkVision Messenger to create actions that perform printer administration tasks in response to printer events.
Use the following examples for ideas about how you can use MarkVision Messenger to:
Keep a log of all printer paper jams
Delay event notifications
Monitor specific paper trays
E-mail or page someone when a specific event occurs
Order supplies
How are actions and events related?
Device status events are conditions signaled by messages such as Paper Tray Missing or Toner Low. Folder events
are signaled when devices enter and/or exit a particular folder.
Actions are associations that specify event-driven commands. Actions can be configured to occur automatically,
conditionally, or repeatedly.
MarkVision Messenger allows administrators to create actions that specify commands that are executed when
specified events such as Paper Low or Paper Tray Missing occur across a set of devices. You can specify which
commands MarkVision Messenger executes when device status events occur.
Understanding events
Device Status Alert event type
A Device Status Alert is a notification that something has changed at a printer. For example, when a paper tray is
removed from a printer, the printer tells MarkVision Messenger that the tray is missing. This event is represented in
MarkVision Messenger by name = Paper Tray Missing and state = ACTIVE. When the tray is replaced,
the printer conveys the event to MarkVision Messenger. This event is represented in MarkVision Messenger by name
= Paper Tray Missing and state = CLEARED. You can configure the action to respond to an event when
the state is ACTIVE, when the state is CLEARED, or both. If the action responds to Device Status Alerts, you will be
prompted to choose the specific device status alerts that will trigger the action.
Printer folder alerts event type
A folder alert is generated when printers enter and/or exit a specified folder. For example, you can create a folder in
MVP that contains printers with a Toner Level less than 10%, and create an action in MarkVision Messenger to notify
you when printers enter this folder. Each MarkVision Messenger action that responds to printer folder alerts must be
associated with a specific folder. When creating Folder Alerts, you will be prompted to choose a folder.
Using MarkVision Messenger
Selecting devices to monitor
When choosing devices for an action to monitor, there are three choices:
All Devices on the MarkVision Server—Monitors all devices on the MarkVision Server
Devices in a Specified Folder—Monitors only a specific folder
Selected Devices—Monitors a small number of specific devices
Delaying event notifications
You can set up an action to delay execution of its command until an event has been active for a specified amount of
For example, when an action is created that sends an e-mail notification for a Load Paper or Envelope condition, an
e-mail is sent. The e-mail recipient receives the message and checks the printer, only to find that someone else has
loaded the paper. By using the Delay Time option, you can create a filter that will only send a notification if the Load
Paper or Envelope condition has been active for a specified amount of time. Likewise, if the action is triggered by a
Folder Alert, you can delay its execution by using the “with a delay of” option.
Creating an action that uses the Delay Time option
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Create New.
2 Enter the appropriate action and command information in the setup screens.
3 Type the filter information. If the action is triggered, a Device Status Alerts:
a From the Filter Type screen, select Trigger on Active.
b From Delay Time, specify how long the action waits before executing the command.
c Click the right arrow button, and then complete the remaining steps.
If the action is triggered by Folder Alerts:
a From the Filter Type screen, select Simple Filter.
b From the “with a delay of” menu, specify how long the action waits before executing the command.
c Click the right arrow, and then complete the remaining steps.
Creating an action in MarkVision Messenger
MarkVision Messenger can be configured to send SMTP e-mails when an action is triggered, execute command lines
on a remote host or the MarkVision Server, or send status alerts to a Tivoli event server. You must set up the SMTP
mail server and Tivoli event adapter before MarkVision Messenger can be configured to send SMTP e-mails or Tivoli
status alerts.
Sending an SMTP e-mail
When an action is triggered, MarkVision Messenger sends an e-mail to specified addresses. The e-mails are highly
customizable from within MarkVision Messenger. For example, an action triggered by a Folder Alert event, can send
an e-mail to an administrator when monitored printers enter a Low Toner folder. Configure the e-mail message to
list attributes such as: the printer model, IP address, and the time when it entered the Low Toner folder.
Using MarkVision Messenger
Setting up an SMTP mail server
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click SMTP Setup.
2 Enter the mail server information in the SMTP Mail Server box.
3 Enter the e-mail information in the From box.
4 If SMTP authentication is required, select My server requires me to login to send e-mail, and then type your
SMTP user credentials in the Login and Password fields.
5 Click Done to return to the MarkVision Messenger Home screen.
Note: Messenger can only communicate with SMTP servers that are running on the default TCP 25 port.
Executing a command line on a remote host server
When an action is triggered, it executes a command line on a remote host server. In order to execute command lines
on a remote host server, the Remote Execution (REXEC) client must connect to a REXEC server on the remote host
server. You can specify whether to perform commands conditionally or repeatedly, and how to execute them.
The action can execute its command.
Only after a specified delay period:
For example, if the action sends an e-mail message when a printer goes offline, you can delay the execution of
the command for a specified amount of time. Then, if the printer returns online during the delay period, the e-
mail will not be sent.
After additional conditions have been met.
For example, if the action is triggered by a Paper Tray Missing event, but you only want to execute the command
when the event occurs for Tray 3, you can write a custom filter to specify that the action only respond when Tray
3 is removed from monitored printers.
Send device status alerts to a Tivoli event server
MarkVision Messenger contains a custom event adapter that integrates with Tivoli's event management console.
This event adapter lets administrators use the Tivoli event console to monitor printer events across a range of devices
in real time. In order for Tivoli to display printer events, you must first set up the Tivoli event adapter by creating an
action in MarkVision Messenger.
Setting up the Tivoli event adapter
The Tivoli event adapter lets administrators monitor printer events across a range of devices in real time. In order to
send device status alerts to Tivoli, create an action in MarkVision Messenger.
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Create New.
2 Type a name and description for the adapter, and then click the right arrow.
3 Select Device Status Alerts as the alert type, and then click the right arrow.
4 Select the type of event that will trigger the action from the Event list, and then use the arrow buttons to move
the event to the Selected Events box.
5 Click the right arrow.
6 Choose the method of device selection, and then click the right arrow.
Using MarkVision Messenger
7 Select Send Device Status Alerts to a Tivoli Event Server from the dialog, and then click the right arrow.
8 Type the Tivoli configuration settings, and then click the right arrow.
9 Specify the filter settings, and then click the right arrow.
10 A summary of the action is displayed. If you are satisfied with the action, click Yes, and then click the right
arrow to enable the Tivoli event adapter.
Note: After a Tivoli event adapter is created in MarkVision Messenger, configure the Tivoli server for MarkVision
Messenger alerts. Refer to the Tivoli documentation for information about configuring the Tivoli server.
Triggering a command line with an action
When triggered, an action executes a command line. For example, to keep a log of offline devices, configure an action
to respond to the "Offline" Device Status Alert. Each time a monitored device goes offline, the specified information
is written to a text file. The information MarkVision Messenger writes to this text file is highly customizable. For
example, you can specify that the text file lists the device model, page count, and the time at which it went offline.
Previewing the steps
An action causes a command to execute when an event occurs. MarkVision Messenger prompts for several types of
information during action creation.
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Create New.
2 Complete the following steps in the Configure Action dialog:
Name and describe the action.
Set user access.
Select the type of events that will trigger the action.
Select the events or folders that will trigger the action.
Select which devices to monitor.
Select the type of command to execute.
Compose the command and any parameters for the event(s).
Select or create a filter for the events.
Review the action information.
Note: To stop previewing the choices, select Do not display this screen again.
3 Click the right arrow to continue.
Step 1: Naming the action
When an action is named, the name appears in the Action list on the MarkVision Messenger Home screen.
1 From the Description Information screen, type a unique name for the action in the Name box.
2 Enter a more detailed description about the action and what it does in the Description field.
3 Enter additional information associated with the action in the Notes field.
4 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Using MarkVision Messenger
The Name box is limited to 80 characters.
The Description and Notes boxes are limited to 255 characters and are optional fields.
Step 2: Setting user access
This screen only appears if user accounts have been created in MVP
1 Select Public to make the action available to all users.
2 Select Private to associate the action only with your account.
Note: A private action does not require a special access password from within MarkVision Messenger. However,
since it is associated with the user name used to create it, the action is only accessible to that specific user.
3 Click the right arrow to continue.
Step 3: Selecting the event type
Specify which type of event the action will monitor:
1 From the Event Type dialog, choose Device Status Alerts or Device Folder Alerts.
2 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Step 4: Selecting the events that trigger the action
Depending on the selected event type, specify which folders or Device Status Alerts the action will monitor. If the
action is triggered by a Device Status Alert, add or remove events from the Selected Events list. If the action is triggered
by a Printer Folder Alert, select a folder and then continue to the next step.
If the action is triggered by a Device Status Alert
From the Events dialog, add an event to the Selected Events list:
1 From the Events dialog, choose whether to sort the events by Type or Severity.
2 Select a category from the Categories list.
3 Select the event and then use the arrows to add or delete events to the Selected Events list:
Click the left arrow to delete the events from the list.
Click the right arrow to add events to the list.
Click the right arrow set to add all events to the list.
Click the left arrow set to delete all events from the list.
4 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
If the action is triggered by a Printer Folder Alert
1 Select a folder.
2 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Using MarkVision Messenger
Step 5: Choosing a method of device selection
Specify which devices to monitor. MarkVision Messenger provides a list of all available devices capable of producing
the selected events.
1 From the Event Sources dialog, select one of the following settings:
Monitor All Devices on the MarkVision Server
Monitor Devices in a Specified Folder
Monitor Selected Devices
2 If Monitor Selected Devices is specified, select devices to monitor:
Click Select All to select all devices currently in the Selected Devices list.
Click Deselect All to remove all devices selections from the Selected Devices list.
3 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Step 6: Selecting a command
1 Specify in MarkVision Messenger which type of command the action will execute.
From the Command Type dialog, make one of the following choices:
Send SMTP E-mail
Execute a command line on a remote host
Note: This option requires the presence of a REXEC server on the remote host.
Execute a command line on the MarkVision Server
Note: You must be logged in as the MarkVision administrator to select this option.
Send Device Status Alerts to a Tivoli Event Server
Note: This option is only available if the Device Status Alert option is selected.
2 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Step 7: Composing a command
Follow the appropriate instructions below according to the command type you selected in the previous step.
Composing an SMTP e-mail
1 If the SMTP mail server information is not set up, MarkVision Messenger will prompt for the mail server and mail
path information. Type the requested information, and then click the right arrow to continue.
2 Type the recipient's e-mail address in the To box. Separate multiple e-mail addresses with commas.
3 Type optional e-mail addresses in the Cc box. Separate multiple e-mail addresses with commas.
4 Type the purpose of the e-mail in the Subject box.
5 Type an e-mail message in the Body box.
Using MarkVision Messenger
6 Add keyword(s) to any text box by:
Selecting a keyword from the Keywords list, and then clicking right arrow next to the appropriate text box.
Typing the parameters directly into the text box
7 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Executing a command line on a remote host
1 Type the remote host information in the Hostname, Username, and Password boxes.
2 Type the name of an executable command in the Command Path box.
3 Add keyword(s) to the Command Line Parameters box by:
Selecting a keyword from the Keywords list, and then clicking right arrow beside the command line box.
Typing the parameters directly into the text box.
4 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Executing a command line on the MarkVision Server
1 Type the name of an executable command in the Command Path field.
2 Add keyword(s) to the Command Line Parameters field by:
Selecting a keyword from the Keywords list, and then clicking the right arrow beside the command line box.
Typing the keyword directly into the text box.
3 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Sending Device Status Alerts to a Tivoli server
If you have not previously entered the Tivoli configuration settings:
1 Type the Tivoli server location.
2 Type the server port.
3 Type the path of your event buffer file.
4 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Note: If you have already entered Tivoli server settings, you will be directed to the next step.
Step 8: Selecting a filter
1 Select a filter.
If the action is triggered by a Device Status Alert:
Choose Trigger on Active to set the command to execute only when a condition becomes active.
Note: The execution of the command can be delayed until the condition has been active for a specified
amount of time.
Choose Trigger on Either Active or Clear to set the command to execute each time a condition becomes
active or clear.
Choose Custom to customize and define when the command executes, and then upload an existing script
file or write a new one.
Using MarkVision Messenger
If the action triggered by a Printer Folder Alert:
Choose Simple Filter to set the action to execute when a device is added to the folder, removed from the
folder, or both.
Note: The execution of the command can be delayed until the condition has been active for a specified
amount of time.
Choose Custom to define when the command executes, and then upload an existing script file or write a new
Note: If you selected Custom, click Next, to set up a custom filter.
2 Click the right arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue.
Step 9: Verifying action information
Verify all action information.
1 Review the summary in the text box.
Note: Information cannot be altered from the text box. To make changes, click the left arrow, and change the
information from the appropriate dialog.
2 Click Yes to enable the action or No to disable the action.
Note: To cancel the creation of an action, click the up arrow to return to the MarkVision Messenger Home screen
without creating an action.
Managing actions
Enabling an action
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, select an action to enable by selecting the check box to the left
of the action name.
2 Click Enable Selected.
Note: The status of the selected action changes to Enabled.
Disabling an action
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, select an action to disable by deselecting the check box to the left
of the action name.
2 Click Disable Selected.
Note: The status of the selected action changes to Disabled.
Modifying an action
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Modify next to an action to select it for changes.
2 Select the portion of the action you want to modify.
Using MarkVision Messenger
3 Follow the instructions on the screen.
Each choice defaults to the current setting for the selected action.
You cannot modify an action that is enabled by another user.
You cannot modify an action that another user has selected.
Deleting an action
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, select an action to delete by selecting the check box to the left of
the action name.
2 Click Delete Selected.
The selected action is removed from the actions list.
You cannot delete an action that is enabled by another user.
You cannot delete an action that another user has selected.
Viewing action information
To display a detailed summary of an action:
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click the name of the action.
2 Click Done to return.
Note: You can only view information for one action at a time.
Setting or changing user data
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Set User Data.
A list of all available devices and current user data is displayed.
2 Enter the device information in the Data field.
3 Select the device(s) to associate with this data by:
Selecting the check boxes to the left of the device names
Clicking Select All to select all devices
Clicking Deselect All to remove all device selections
4 Click Apply to save the changes and refresh the data, or click Done to cancel the changes and return to the
MarkVision Messenger Home screen.
User-defined data is user-specific and cannot be viewed or altered by another user.
The Data field is limited to 80 characters.
Using MarkVision Messenger
Frequently created actions
Creating an action to generate reports
Action-generated reports are helpful for tracking information. For example, as an account administrator, you can set
up an action to generate a report containing billing and delivery information for all ordered supplies.
To create an action to generate event-specific reports:
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Create New.
2 Type the action information in the setup screens that follow, and then click Next.
3 From the Events screen, select Supplies Alerts from the Categories list.
4 Select events to monitor, and then click > to add them to the Selected Events list.
5 Click Next to continue.
6 Select the device(s) to monitor, and then click Next.
7 Type the command information and keywords in the appropriate boxes.
8 Click Next, and then complete the remaining steps.
Keeping a log of paper jams
You can create an action to keep a log of device events. For example, you may want to keep a log to determine the
average time it takes to clear paper jams.
To set up an action to log paper jams:
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Create New.
2 Type the action information in the setup dialogs that follow, and then click the right arrow.
3 From the Event Type dialog, select Printer Device Status Alerts, and then click the right arrow.
4 From the Events dialog, choose Supplies Alert from the Categories list.
5 Select Paper Jam as the event, and then click the right arrow to add it to the Selected Events list.
6 Click the right arrow to continue.
7 Select the device(s) to monitor, and then click the right arrow.
8 Select Execute a Command Line on the MarkVision Server, and then click the right arrow.
Note: Because command lines are run on the MarkVision Server, only the MarkVision administrator may select
this option.
9 Type the name of an executable command in the Command Path box.
Note: Make sure the command accepts the inserted keywords and writes them to the end of a log file.
10 Select the keywords to appear in the log file, and then click right arrow to add them to the Command Line
Parameters field.
Note: Make sure the keywords are inserted in the correct order.
11 Click the right arrow to continue.
Using MarkVision Messenger
12 From the Select a filter dialog, select Trigger on Either Active or Clear.
Note: This creates two lines in the log file: the times that paper jams occur and the times they are cleared.
13 Click the right arrow, and then complete the remaining steps.
Monitoring device paper trays
You can use a filter to narrow the events that trigger an action. For example, if Tray 2 is configured on all the devices
for company letterhead, and you want to monitor for Load Paper or Envelope events on Tray 2, a custom filter is
necessary. To write a custom filter to monitor specific paper trays:
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Create New.
2 Type the action information in the setup dialogs that follow, and then click the right arrow.
3 From the Event Type dialog, choose Printer Device Status Alerts, and then click the right arrow.
4 From the Filter Type dialog, choose Custom, and then click the right arrow.
5 In the text box, enter a script that only executes the command when the parameter is Tray 2.
IfThen (EventDataIs("location", "Tray2"))
6 Click the right arrow, and then complete the remaining steps.
Ordering supplies
If you have an automated ordering system on your network, set up an action to order supplies for all devices attached
to the server. The action invokes the automated ordering system to order toner for the printer.
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Create New.
2 Enter the action information in the setup screens that follow, and then click the right arrow.
3 From the Event Type screen, choose Printer Device Status Alerts, and then click the right arrow.
4 From the Events screen, choose Supplies Alerts from the Categories: list.
5 Select Supply Low and Supply Empty, and then click the right arrow to add them to the Selected Events list.
6 Click Next to continue.
7 Select the device(s) to monitor, and then click the right arrow.
8 Select Execute a Command Line on the MarkVision Server, and then click the right arrow.
9 Enter the path to the automated ordering system program in the Command Path field.
10 Select the keywords to pass to the automated ordering system, and then click the right arrow to add them to
the Command Line Parameters field.
Note: Make sure you insert the keywords in the correct order.
11 Click the right arrow to continue.
12 From the Filter Type screen, choose Trigger on Active.
13 Under the Delay Time option, type 10, and then select Day(s) from the list box.
14 Click the right arrow, and then complete the remaining steps.
Using MarkVision Messenger
Using filters with actions
Using simple filters
The following are examples of uses for the simple filter:
Configure an action that executes a command when a device meets filter requirements. For example, create a
folder that contains only printers with a page count greater than 10,000. When the page count of a monitored
printer exceeds 10,000, it is added to the folder.
Monitor only printers with an installed flash device. For example, if a folder contains only printers with an installed
flash device, and a flash device is removed from a monitored printer, it is removed from that folder. The filter
automatically updates the folder when the printer fails to meet the filter requirements.
Use the “with a delay of” option to delay the execution of an action for a specified amount of time after a device is
added or removed from a folder.
Using the “Trigger on Active” filter
Choose the “Trigger on Active” filter to set an action to only execute a command when a condition becomes Active.
For example, if you are monitoring the Paper Tray Missing event and someone removes a tray from a monitored
printer, the printer generates a Paper Tray Missing event with a state of Active. The Active state satisfies the condition
of the filter and the specified action is executed. When the paper tray is replaced, the printer generates another Paper
Tray Missing event with a state of Clear. The Clear state does not satisfy the condition of the filter and the action is
not executed.
Using the “Trigger on Either Active or Clear” filter
Choose the “Trigger on Either Active or Clear” filter to set an action to execute each time a condition becomes Active
or Clear. For example, use the filter to keep a log of all printer paper jams to determine the average time it takes to
clear a jam. When a paper jam occurs, the printer generates an event with a state of Active. This satisfies the condition
of the filter and executes the action. When the paper jam is cleared, the printer generates another event with a state
of Clear. This event also satisfies the condition of the filter and executes the action. There are now two lines on the
log file, one with the time at which the paper jam occurred and another with the time it was cleared.
Using custom filters
Use a custom filter to define how an action executes. Upload a script file or write a new one. MarkVision Messenger
provides a very simple scripting language to define filters. The following is a complete list of the statements and
conditions available for use in a custom filter:
While (Condition)
WaitUntil (Condition)
IfThen (Condition)
{ StatementList }
Using MarkVision Messenger
And (Condition_1...Condition_n)
Or (Condition_1...Condition_n)
EventDataIs (key, value)
SourceDataIs (key, value)
Scripting example - “Trigger on Active” filter
The following is an example of the script representation of the built-in “Trigger on Active filter”:
IfThen (EventDataIs("state", "ACTIVE"))
The effect of the EventDataIs condition is to ask the event for the value of the event: state keyword. This keyword
can be inserted into command lines and e-mail messages. The IfThen statement executes the next statement if
the condition EventDataIs ("state", "ACTIVE") is true. An EventDataIs condition is true if the value
of the keyword (state) matches the given value (ACTIVE). The next statement, Distribute, causes the command
to execute.
Scripting example - “Trigger on Active” filter with a 30 second delay
The following is an example of script used when the “Trigger on Active filter” action is delayed by 30 seconds:
WaitUntil (TimeIsAfter(30))
IfThen(EventDataIs("state", "ACTIVE"))
The braces ({}) are used to group statements into a list. They were not needed in the previous example because the
IfThen and following statements were treated as a single statement.
The WaitUntil statement causes the script to pause execution until the condition is true. The TimeIsAfter
condition checks for true only after the specified number of seconds has passed. If the event is still active after 30
seconds, the Distribute statement executes the command.
Scripting example - “Trigger on Either Active or Clear” filter
The following is a script representation of the built-in “Trigger on Either Active or Clear” filter for these circumstances:
the Paper Tray Missing event is selected for Tray 3, there is a 20-minute delay before the command is executes, and
the command repeats every 20 minutes if the condition remains Active.
While (And(EventDataIs("state", "ACTIVE"), EventDataIs("location", "Tray 3")))
IfThen(EventDataIs("state", "ACTIVE"))
In this example, And was used to build a compound condition. The While loop is only entered or repeated if the
event is active for Tray 3. The code within the loop is the same as the code for the “Trigger on Active” filter, except
the TimeIsAfter condition is set to wait 1200 seconds (20 minutes).
Using MarkVision Messenger
Problems with user accounts and account groups
Did a message appear indicating an error reading accounts or
passwords during log on?
These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following:
From the Services control panel, verify that the MarkVision Server is running on the Web server.
If the service is not running:
1 Restart the service.
2 Ask the user to log on again.
If the service is running:
1 Log on to MarkVision using the administrator user name and password.
2 Use the User Accounts and Groups task to reconfigure or add the user account.
3 Ask the user to log on again.
If MarkVision Server is running on the Web server, reset the user password:
1 Click User Accounts and Groups from the All Tasks menu.
2 Select the appropriate account, and then click Edit.
3 Change the password information as necessary.
4 Click Finish.
5 Ask the user to log on again.
1 Close MVP, and then start it again.
2 Select the correct MarkVision Server from the Select MarkVision Server list, or Browse to find the correct
MarkVision Server..
3 Click Connect.
4 Type your Account Name and Password.
5 Click Login.
Contact your system administrator.
If LDAP authentication is enabled, verify that all LDAP settings are correct in MVP and on the LDAP server. User
account names should be consistent with the account listings in LDAP server directory service.
User has forgotten their password
Reset the user password:
1 Make sure the MarkVision Server is running on the Web server.
2 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, click User Accounts and Groups from the All Tasks list.
3 Select the appropriate account, and then click Edit.
4 Change the password information as necessary.
5 Click Finish.
6 Ask the user to log on again.
Problems with network devices
MarkVision is unable to discover a network device or “Device not
responding” appears
The power cord is plugged into the printer and a properly grounded electrical outlet.
Make sure the printer is turned on.
Make sure other electrical equipment plugged into the outlet is working.
Make sure the LAN cable is plugged into both the print server and into the LAN.
Make sure the LAN cable is working properly.
Turn the printer and the print server off, and then turn them on again.
Print a setup page for the printer. The print server should appear in the list of attachments on the setup page.
Make sure the TCP/IP on the print server is activated. The protocol must be active for the print server and MVP
to work. From the printer control panel, make sure the protocol is active.
See your print server documentation for instructions.
Make sure the print server lights are on.
Print a setup page from the print server.
Refer to the print server documentation for instructions.
Check the SNMP community name set in MVP.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Administrative Settings from the All Tasks list.
2 Click Quick Find.
3 Verify the community name.
This is the MVP community name, not the print server community name.
Check the SNMP community name set in the print server. For more information, refer to the print server
1 PING the print server.
2 If the PING works, check the IP address, netmask, and gateway of the print server to make sure they are correct.
3 Turn the printer off, and then PING again to check for duplicate IP addresses.
If the PING does not work, check the setup page you printed to be sure IP is enabled.
4 If TCP/IP is enabled, check the IP address, netmask, and gateway to be sure they are correct.
5 Make sure bridges and routers are functioning correctly.
6 Make sure all the physical connections among the print server, the printer, and the network are working.
Turn the printer and the print server off, and then turn them on again. Turn the printer on first so the print server
can determine whether the printer is enabled for Network Protocol Alliance NPA.
Printer information is incorrect
If MVP displays printer or print server information that appears to be incorrect, refresh the printer and print server.
Occasionally, the printer may lose contact with MVP because something happens to the printer. For example, if the
printer is turned off, the information in MVP is not updated until the printer is turned back on.
Printer icons do not appear
These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following or contact your system administrator:
From the Services control panel, verify that the MarkVision Server is running on the Web server. If it is not running,
stop and restart service.
If the service is running, ask the user to repopulate the folder with printers.
1 Make sure the MarkVision Server is running.
2 Remove the devices for which icons did not appear.
3 Rediscover the devices
Printers are missing from folders
Run another device discovery.
“Error resetting device” message appears
MarkVision Professional uses Multicast DNS (mDNS) to check the status of certain devices. When mDNS is disabled
on a device, MVP is unable to communicate with it.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select TCP/IP from the All Tasks menu.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the device password to gain access to
the device.
3 Select the Enable mDNS check box.
4 Click Apply.
Problems with MarkVision Web Client
Why can't I access MarkVision Web Client in Windows Vista?
1 Click .
2 Click Control Panel.
3 Click Network and Internet.
4 Select the Security tab, then click Local intranet.
5 Click the Enable Protected Mode check box to clear it, then click OK.
6 Click OK to close any Windows dialogs that are open.
7 Close and then restart Internet Explorer.
8 Launch MarkVision Web Client.
Why does MarkVision Web Client crash when opened in Internet
Explorer 6?
When running the MarkVision Web Client on Internet Explorer 6, opening MarkVision Messenger or a device Web
page (by selecting Web Page (Print Server) in the All Tasks list on the MarkVision Home Screen) can cause Internet
Explorer 6 to crash. To solve this problem:
1 From the Internet Explorer menu, select Tools, then select Internet Options.
2 Click the Advanced tab.
3 From the Settings list, click Enable third-party browser extensions (requires restart).
4 Click OK.
5 Start MarkVision Web Client.
This problem only occurs if Internet Explorer 6 or earlier is set as the default Web browser.
You can also prevent MarkVision Web Client from crashing in Internet Explorer 6 by first opening a new browser
window, and then launching MarkVision Web Client.
Problems with MarkVision Messenger
MarkVision Messenger is not sending e-mail notifications
These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following:
Verify the e-mail address in the To box of the 'Compose SMTP E-mail” dialog.
Verify the SMTP mail server and mail path.
Review the system log.
Verify that the mail server is running.
Restart the MarkVision Web Server service to verify that it is running correctly.
Why can't I access MarkVision Messenger?
Stop and restart the MarkVision Web Server service to verify that it is running correctly.
If the MarkVision Web Server is not the default Web server, did you add HTTP port 9180 in the address?
HTTP port 80 and/or HTTP 9180 might not be available.
MarkVision Messenger does not work with Apache installed
MarkVision Messenger works on ports 8007 and 8009 by default. If Apache is installed and listens on either of these
ports, MarkVision Messenger will not function properly. When installing Apache, check for port availability, and
then assign the appropriate port to MarkVision Messenger.
Problems with actions
Cannot create a new action
Restart the service.
Ask the user to log in again and attempt to create an action.
An action is unavailable
Another user may have the action selected. Try again later, or contact the user who has the action selected.
Action does not work or produces unexpected results
If an action does not work, try one or more of the following solutions:
Make sure that the command line does not contain an error.
Make sure that the correct device is selected and operating properly.
Make sure that the correct event is selected. Click the action name to review a detailed summary and verify its
Restart the MarkVision Web Server service to verify that it is running correctly.
Review the system log.
Action list is empty
These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following:
The actions may be listed as private by other users.
Create an action.
Restart the MarkVision Web Server service to verify that it is running correctly.
No private actions listed
Private actions are associated with individual user names. Only those actions associated with the user name are
Stop and restart the MarkVision Web Server service to verify that it is running correctly.
Miscellaneous problems
The client and server cannot communicate
If there is a firewall installed on the network, and the MarkVision Client and the MarkVision Server exist on opposite
sides of the firewall, the client will not be able to communicate with the server. MVP will stop responding after the
initial request. For the best results, only use an instance of the client that exists inside the firewall.
How do I increase the JVM maximum heap memory?
How do I increase the JVM maximum heap memory for systems managing a large number of devices and
running the Job Statistics: Trend Analysis task?
The default maximum memory of the JVM running MarkVision Server is 512 MB. However, systems managing a
large number of devices and running the Job Statistics: Trend Analysis task might need an additional allocation of
maximum JVM heap memory.
How do I allocate the maximum JVM heap memory for my operating system?
For Windows operating systems:
1 Stop the MarkVision Server.
2 Open the registry editor by typing regedit in the command line.
3 Navigate to:
'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE --> SOFTWARE --> LEXMARK --> MarkVision Server -->
Granite --> 1.0'
4 Modify the key 'Jvm_Options' with value '-ms256M -mx1024M'.
5 Close the registry editor, and then restart the MarkVision Server.
For UNIX, Linux, or Macintosh operating systems:
1 Stop the MarkVision Server.
2 Open the shell script '/usr/mv_pro/bin/', and then navigate to the function
3 Inside this function find the line the following line:
JVM_ARGS="-ms256M -mx512M"
4 Modify the line to say: JVM_ARGS="-ms256M -mx1024M".
5 Save the shell script, and then restart the MarkVision Server.
No folders appear
If MVP does not display folders, and during log on a message indicates an error reading folders:
From the services control panel, verify that the MarkVision Server is running on the Web server. If it is not running,
restart the service. If the service is running, ask the user to recreate their folders.
Contact the system administrator.
Cannot enter characters in printers in a different language
In some situations, a user may need to enter information in a printer in a different language than the MVP client is
currently using. MVP has some limitations configuring or entering specific characters for devices in a language that
MVP does not support. You must enter the characters manually, without using MVP.
Cannot send files to a device using Generic File Download
Printer Lockdown may be enabled. Because the Printer Lockdown task allows communication only over secure ports,
it must be disabled to allow access to the FTP port required for Generic File Download.
To disable Printer Lockdown:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Printer Lockdown from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Clear the Lockdown check box to remove lockdown from the device(s).
Cannot send files to network devices using Resource Management
Printer Lockdown may be enabled. Because the Printer Lockdown task allows communication only over secure ports,
it must be disabled to allow access to the FTP port required for the Resource Management task.
To disable Printer Lockdown:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Printer Lockdown from the All Tasks list.
2 Select devices using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Use Ctrl + click and Shift + click to select multiple devices.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Clear the Lockdown check box to remove lockdown from the device(s).
Cannot enter a PIN using the Operator Panel task
The operator panel screen will remain black while you are entering a PIN using the Operator Panel task in MVP. This
is designed to avoid revealing the PIN on screen. The PIN will not register—and the screen will remain black—unless
you press Enter on your computer keyboard or click
on the remote operator panel.
To enter a PIN using the remote operator panel:
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Operator Panel from the All Tasks list.
2 Select a device using the Quick Find or Folders tabs.
Note: When a device managed by MVP is not supported by a specific task, its name will appear with a black line
through it in the Quick Find or Folders tabs. Password-protected network devices are displayed in red. Enter the
device password to gain access to the device.
3 Select the PIN-protected function.
4 Enter the appropriate PIN and press Enter on your computer keyboard, or click on the remote operator panel.
Cannot enter a PIN or password in RHEL 5.0
Because SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) is disabled by default in RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 5.0, users must
enable it in order to enter values into password and PIN fields in MVP.
Enabling SCIM in RHEL 5.0
1 From the RHEL desktop, click System Preferences More Preferences SCIM Input Method Setup.
2 From the left pane, expand the FrontEnd menu, and then click Global Setup.
3 In the Options section, clear the Embed Preedit String into Client Window check box.
4 From the left pane, expand the Panel menu, and then click GTK.
5 Clear all check boxes, and then click Apply.
Frequently asked questions
What devices are supported by this version of
How do I know which devices this version of MVP will support?
For a complete list of supported devices, see the Release Notes available at
Can I install MVP 11.2.1 over a previous version of
Do I need to uninstall the previous version of MarkVision Professional first?
If you are upgrading from MarkVision Professional 10.0 or later, install MVP 11.2.1 directly over the old version.
MarkVision itself will migrate any existing settings/configurations to the new version the next time it runs.
Certain plug-ins, such as special product requests from previous releases, may not be supported by MVP 11.2.1.
Before upgrading from a previous version, compare the list of plug-ins installed on your system against the
list of plugins for MVP 11.2.1 listed in the Release Notes. Select Software Update (Manage PlugIns) from the
All Tasks list on the MarkVision Professional Home screen to see a list of plug-ins currently installed on the
MVP Server.
Contact your system support person if any of your plug-ins appear not to be supported by MVP 11.2.1.
I have plug-ins installed with my previous version. Is
the functionality of those plug-ins included in this
Will my plug-ins still work if I upgrade to MVP 11.2.1?
All major functional and device support plug-ins that were released to the public for MarkVision Professional 11.2
are incorporated into MarkVision Professional 11.2.1. If you have specific field-fix plug-ins or custom-code plug-
ins installed with your version, please check the list of plug-ins included in MarkVision Professional 11.2.1 in the
Release Notes before upgrading. The Release notes are available at
How can I speed up device discovery?
Will limiting the scope of my discovery speed up the process?
The time it MVP takes to discover devices depends on the scope of the discovery. A device discovery spanning
multiple subnets ( requires more time than a device discovery spanning a single subnet
Frequently asked questions
What is the best time to discover devices?
From the Scheduling task, the MarkVision Server allows you to perform network discoveries once, daily, weekly,
or monthly. Device discoveries can be scheduled to occur at times when network traffic is not busy. Schedule a
recurring device discovery to ensure that the list of devices is current.
Why is my first discovery after a restart slower than later discoveries?
The MarkVision Server is building its memory cache of device information along with the first discovery. The
information will already be in cache for the next discovery.
How do the MarkVision Web Client and Client
Application differ?
MarkVision Web Client vs. MarkVision Client Application
The standalone application can be installed locally on a user’s workstation. MarkVision Client files are then copied
onto the user computer during the installation process. The browser-based client is a version of the client that can
be accessed through a supported Web browser They are essentially the same program. All folders, filters, devices
managed by the MarkVision Server are available to users of the application and the client if the user has access.
What plug-ins are necessary?
The MarkVision Web Client requires the installation of the Java browser plug-in. Since the MarkVision Web Client
runs through a Web browser, it can access the MarkVision Server from any computer on the network.
Why are some devices unavailable?
Why are some devices crossed out?
Devices that are crossed out do not support the selected task. For example, not all printers can report their toner
levels. When this occurs, the name of the device incapable of the selected task has a line through it.
If a selected device does not support the current task MVP responds in the following way:
For a single device selection, the message Device Incapable of Task is displayed.
When multiple devices are selected, and one or more of them do not support the current task, either of the following
For read-only tasks (such as status and toner levels), MVP displays the Device Incapable of Task
message in place of the task information for that device. All supported devices have their appropriate
information displayed.
For multi-device configuration tasks, MVP warns you that some of the devices will not be affected by the task
because they do not support the function or feature that is being configured.
Why are some devices displayed in red?
Devices that are displayed in red text are password protected. In order to gain access to a password protected
device, use the Enter Device Password task to access the device for the duration of the session. Access the Enter
Device Password task from the MarkVision Professional Home screen All Tasks list.
An administrator has the option to add a device password to the Manage Global Password list. If a user has access
to the Manage Global Passwords list task, they will in turn have access to every device that MVP manages that has
a password included in the list. Because the Manage Global Passwords list task provides access to valuable device
passwords, access to the task should be limited to administrative personnel.
Frequently asked questions
Are sensitive files displayed when viewing encrypted hard disk drives?
If you use the Storage Devices task to securely view an encrypted hard disk drive, the only information that is
available is file name, file type, file size, and the date that a file was saved on the hard disk. The contents of any
files saved on the hard disk will not be displayed.
How do I back up my MVP Server settings and
How do I back up my MVP Server settings and configuration for Windows, Mac, and UNIX operating systems?
You will need to back up the directories where the MVP Server customized data files are stored:
In Windows, the default directories are:
C:\Program Files\Printer\MarkVision Server\granite\data
C:\Program Files\Printer\MarkVision Server\granite\plugins
C:\Program Files\Printer\MarkVision Server\mvp-tomcat\webapps\ROOT\~plugins
For Macintosh and UNIX, the default directories are:
Where is the README file?
Where is the README file for Windows and Macintosh operating systems?
For Macintosh operating systems, access the README file in usr\docs\readme.
For Windows operating systems:
1 Click or Start.
2 Click Programs or All Programs Printer MarkVision Professional MarkVision Professional
MarkVision Professional Read Me.
Where is the README file on the MarkVision Web Server?
You can link to the README file at: http://<your server>/markvision, where <your server> is the IP
address or hostname of the machine that is running the MarkVision Server.
If MarkVision Professional is not the default Web server, change the URL to: http:<your server>//:
Where are the Release Notes?
Where can I find the Release Notes for MVP?
You can find the latest Release Notes for MVP at
Frequently asked questions
How do I create and apply a filter to a folder?
Create a filter using the Filters task.
Create a Basic or Advanced filter, and then apply it to a folder.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Filters from the All Tasks list.
Filter Creation dialog appears.
2 Click New.
3 From the Filters dialog, name the filter.
4 Select either Basic or Advanced.
Basic filter
Select the filter conditions. If you select more than one condition, you can specify whether a device must meet
any or all conditions in order to be included in the folder.
All—device must meet all conditions
Any—device must meet at least one condition to be included in the folder
Advanced filter: Example 1
Create conditions by selecting a parameter and a logical operation, and then selecting or typing in a value.
For example, to filter out all color printers:
a From the parameter box, select Color.
b From the operation box, select Equal To.
c From the value box, select Monochrome.
As in the Basic filter configuration, if All is selected, a device must meet all conditions. If Any is selected, a device
must meet at least one condition to be included in the folder. If only one condition is specified, the Any and
All radio buttons are unavailable.
Advanced filter: Example 2
To filter in all printers with Job Timeouts greater than or equal to 90 seconds:
a From the parameter box, select Job Timeout.
b From the operation box, select Greater Than Or Equal To.
c Type 90 in the value box.
How do I apply a filter to a folder?
After a filter is created, apply it to a folder using the Folder Configuration task.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select Folder Configuration from the All Tasks list.
The folder configuration window appears.
2 Select a folder.
If a filter has previously been applied to the folder, the filter settings appear.
3 Click Apply.
Frequently asked questions
Manual selection overrides filters. For example, if the filter Color Equal To Monochrome is applied, and you
have already manually selected various color printers, those manually selected printers remain in the folder.
If you want to apply a previously created filter, click Load Filter, and then choose the filter.
What is MarkVision Messenger?
What does MarkVision Messenger do?
MarkVision Messenger is a browser-based tool that automates responses to printer problems or events. MarkVision
Messenger allows the creation of actions that automate many printer administration tasks. Use the wizard-based
interface to create actions that track paper jams or send e-mails when specified device conditions occur.
How do I access MarkVision Messenger?
Access MarkVision Messenger from MarkVision Professional or a Web browser.
To access MarkVision Messenger from MarkVision Professional, select MarkVision Messenger Launch from
the All Tasks list of the Markvision Professional Home screen.
To access MarkVision Messenger from a Web browser:
1 Open a Web browser.
2 Type http://<your server>/messenger where <your server> is the IP address or hostname
of the machine that is running the MarkVision Server.
Note: If MarkVision Professional is not the default Web server, the MarkVision Messenger address is:
http://<your server>:9180/messenger. The messenger portion of the URL is case-sensitive
and must be lowercase.
Is there support for IPX or Tivoli?
Which platforms support IPX?
IPX management support is only available for a MarkVision Server running on a Windows 2003 Server, Windows
XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT workstation. UNIX Clients can connect to a Windows-based MarkVision Server
to manage printers with the IPX protocol. IPX protocol support must be installed on the Windows 2003 Server,
Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT workstation. If IPX protocol support is not installed, the IPX option is
disabled. The NetWare protocol for the supported print server must be active to be discovered.
Note: Not all devices are available through IPX support.
How can I install IPX?
The easiest way to configure the print server for NetWare jobs in non-NDPS and non-NEPS environments is to use
the Network Printer Utility for NetWare (Interwin). The Network Printer Utility (Interwin) automatically creates all
the necessary NetWare objects (print queue objects, print server objects, and printer objects).
Where can I find additional support for Tivoli?
Contact the place where you purchased the printer.
Frequently asked questions
How do I get to the server after installation?
How do I access the MarkVision Server from the MarkVision Client Application?
MarkVision Client Application is installed locally and can be launched like other programs installed on the machine.
For example, in Windows environments, double-click the MVP icon on the desktop. This version of the client does
not use a Web browser.
After starting MVP:
1 Type the hostname or IP address of the machine running the MarkVision Server, or click Browse to locate your
2 Click Connect.
3 If user accounts are enabled, enter the name of a user account and the associated user password.
4 Click Login.
How do I access the MarkVision Server with the MarkVision Web Server?
Since the MarkVision Web Client is browser-based, open a browser and point it to the MVP URL. If MVP is the default
Web server, the URL is: http://<your server>, where <your server> is the IP address or hostname of the
machine that is running the MarkVision Server. If MarkVision Professional is not your default Web server, the URL
is: http://<your server>:9180.
The MarkVision Web Client launches a browser window from which MarkVision Professional runs as a Java applet.
In order to run the Web Client, you must enable your browser to support Sun's Java Runtime Environment, by
installing the Java plug-in. In Windows environments, the plug-in is provided and you are automatically prompted
to install it the first time you run the MarkVision Web Client.
How do I discover devices?
Device discovery is managed through the use of discovery profiles. During MVP setup, a default device discovery
profile is typically established. Create a device discovery if a discovery profile was not created during the initial setup.
Can I use the Manage Discovery Profiles task?
After a discovery profile is created, use the Manage Discovery Profiles task to discover devices. Use the Discovery
Profiles task to discover new devices.
1 From the MarkVision Professional Home screen, select the Device Discovery Profiles task from the All Tasks
2 Select the profile from the Discovery Profiles window.
3 Click Start.
4 MVP communicates with the devices included in the selected profile.
Note: Click Stop Discovery, to stop a discovery at any time.
Note: Performing a discovery with the Full Discovery profile, or any profile that includes all of the devices on a
network, requires a large amount of CPU usage. Running a full discovery can dramatically slow down the MarkVision
Can I use the Quick Find task to discover devices?
Use the Quick Find task to discover devices and filter a device search for previously discovered devices.
Frequently asked questions
While searching by TCP/IP address, discover multiple devices using a wildcard variable. Use a zero (0) or asterisk
(*) as a wildcard character when performing a Quick Find based on a network subnet. For example, in order
to find all the printers on the 122 subnet, type in the address value This would find devices with
IP addresses of,,, and so on.
If you enter a TCP/IP address, MVP first checks the list of devices already discovered. If the address is not in the
list, MVP initiates a device discovery to find it.
IPX discoveries can only be performed using the Device Discovery task.
Can I add devices without creating a profile?
It is possible to discover devices without creating a profile. Use the Add Devices task to discover small groups of
To use the Add Devices task:
1 Select Add Devices from the All Tasks menu
2 Select a specific device or devices from the list of existing devices on the screen, and then click OK.
Note: Select the Exclude tab to select devices from an existing profile that you do not want to include in the
3 Select the Advanced tab to reset additional discovery settings.
4 Click Start to begin the discovery.
5 Click Stop to terminate the current discovery operation.
Note: Click Save as Profile to save the discovered devices as a discovery profile.
How do I create actions?
Creating an action using MarkVision Messenger
The following steps provide an example of how to create an action in MarkVision Messenger. This sample action
sends an e-mail message to a specified address whenever a printer monitored by the MarkVision Server enters a
Paper Jam state.
1 From the MarkVision Messenger Home screen, click Create New.
2 Provide action information:
Type the name of the action (required)
Type a description of the action (optional)
Type notes about the action (optional)
3 Click the right arrow icon.
4 Choose whether to make the action private or public, and then click the right arrow icon.
5 Select Device Status Alerts, and then click the right arrow.
6 Choose the event that will trigger the action.
Select Paper Jam from the Events list, and then click the right arrow to add Paper Jam to the Selected Events
7 Click the right arrow. Select a method of device selection.
Frequently asked questions
8 Click Monitor All Devices on the MarkVision Server, and then click the right arrow.
9 Select the type of command the action will execute. Click Send SMTP E-mail, and then click the right arrow.
10 If you have not entered settings for your SMTP server, type the SMTP mail server information (for example,
11 In the From box, type an e-mail address.
12 Click the right arrow.
13 Compose an e-mail message.
In the To box, type the e-mail address of the message recipient.
To carbon copy (Cc) someone, type their e-mail address in the Cc box.
For this example, type Paper Jam in the Subject box.
In the Body box, type: There is a paper jam at: $ {source.ipAddress}, model: $
{source.model}, and then click the right arrow.
Note: Both source.ipAddress and source.model are keywords. You can select them from the
Keywords list, and then move them to the Body box by clicking the right arrow. The
source.ipAddress keyword contains the TCP/IP network address (if applicable) of the print server to
which the printer is attached. The source.model keyword contains the model name of the printer. Many
keywords are available in MarkVision Messenger. Find a description of each in the Keyword Detail box,
under the Keywords list.
14 Select filter type for the action:
Trigger on Active—Sends an e-mail whenever a printer enters a Paper Jam state
Trigger on Either Active or Clear—Sends an e-mail whenever a printer enters or exits a Paper Jam state
Custom—Create a custom filter script
15 Click Trigger on Active, and then click the Next arrow icon.
A summary of the action appears.
16 Click Yes to enable the action.
What are the results of this action?
If a printer monitored by MarkVision Professional enters a Paper Jam state, an e-mail will be sent to the specified
e-mail address. The subject will be "Paper Jam," and the body will be similar to: “There is a paper jam at:, model: generic printer.” In this example, is the TCP/IP network address of the
print server to which the printer is attached, and generic printer is the model name of the printer.
How do I change the MarkVision Web Server port?
Changing from HTTP port 9180 to HTTP port 80
The port upon which the MarkVision Web Server responds to Web requests is configurable. It may become
necessary to change the port setting to simplify the Web Client URL by changing from HTTP port 9180 to HTTP
port 80. Since HTTP port 80 is the standard port for Web browsers, setting the HTTP port to 80 eliminates the need
to specify 9180 in the MarkVision URL.
Frequently asked questions
Change the MarkVision Web Server port by editing the server.xml file, located at:
For Windows: C:\Program Files\MarkVision Server\mvp-tomcat\conf\
For Mac, Linux, and UNIX: /usr/mv_pro/mvweb/www/conf
Within the server.xml file, locate the following tag section:
<!-- changed to 9180 for non-default web server -->
minSpareThreads="10" />
Copy the section and paste it below the original. Under this heading, change the port= value to 80 and save the
changes. Stop and restart the Web server service to make the changes operational. This will allow the MarkVision
Web Server to accept requests from both ports.
Additionally, you can change the server port in Linux and UNIX by running the setup.mvjserver script and
then follow the instructions.
What port should I use?
The MarkVision Web Server can only be set to listen to HTTP port 80 provided no other Web server is currently
using the port. Do not remove the prior section containing 9180 as some functions of MVP may require this port.
Frequently asked questions
Uninstalling MarkVision Professional
Uninstalling for Windows and Mac OS X
Uninstalling from Windows
1 In Windows XP and earlier, click Start.
2 Click Programs or All Programs Printer Software Uninstall.
3 Follow the instructions on the screen.
Default program file locations
MarkVision Application—C:\Program Files\Printer\MarkVision Professional
MarkVision ServerC:\Program Files\Printer\MarkVision Server\Granite
Uninstalling from Mac OS X
1 Launch Finder.
2 Click Application Utilities MarkVision Pro
3 Click the lock image to gain administrator access.
4 Click the Uninstall button.
Default program file locations
MarkVision Application/Application/Markvision Pro
MarkVision Server
/Applications/Utilities/MarkVision Pro Server
MarkVision Uninstall/Applications/Utilities/MarkVision Pro
Uninstalling for UNIX and Linux
Uninstalling MarkVision Professional
A system administrator can remove the MarkVision Professional package using the utilities in the table below.
Depending on your operating system, mark the package for removal after you start the program. You can also type
the package names you want to remove on the command line. For more information, see the documentation that
came with your operating system.
Uninstalling MarkVision Professional
Package removal utilities
With root authority, you can remove MVP using these utilities:
Operating system Utility
HP-UX sam
IBM AIX smit
Sun Solaris SPARC pkgrm
If you are running Sun Solaris, HP-UX, or an IBM AIX system, remove the menu links by running the following
/usr/mv_pro/bin/mark2cde -d
If you are using Sun Solaris, run the uninstall script to remove symbolic links created during installation.
Removing shared directories
Package removal utilities usually do not remove directories shared by more than one package. After you remove all
of the MVP packages, some directories may need to be removed manually.
To see if any directories remain after removing all the packages, check the directory where you installed MVP. By
default it is installed in the following locations:
Uninstalling MarkVision Professional
Menu of Access Controls
Depending on device type and installed options, some Access Controls (referred to on some devices as Function
Access Controls) may not be available for your device.
Function Access Control What it does
Address Book Controls the ability to perform address book searches in the Scan to Fax and Scan
to Email functions
Change Language from Home
Controls access to the Change Language feature from the printer control panel
Color Dropout Controls the ability to use the Color Dropout feature for scan and copy functions
Configuration Menu Protects access to the Configuration Menu
Copy Color Printing Controls the ability to perform color copy functions. Users who are denied will have
their copy jobs output in black and white
Copy Function Controls the ability to use the Copy function
Create Bookmarks at the Device Controls the ability to create new bookmarks from the printer control panel
Create Bookmarks Remotely Controls the ability to create new bookmarks from the Bookmark Management task
in the All Tasks list.
Create Profiles Controls the ability to create new profiles
E-mail Function Controls access to the Scan to Email function
eSF Configuration Controls access to the configuration of any installed eSF applications
Fax Function Controls access to the Scan to Fax function
Firmware Updates Controls the ability to update firmware from any source other than a flash drive.
Firmware files which are received via FTP, the MVP Server, etc., will be ignored
(flushed) when this function is protected.
Flash Drive Color Printing Controls the ability to print color from a flash drive. Users who are denied will have
their print jobs output in black and white.
Flash Drive Firmware Updates Controls the ability to update firmware from a flash drive
Flash Drive Print Controls the ability to print from a flash drive
Flash Drive Scan Controls the ability to scan documents to a flash drive
FTP Function Controls access to the Scan to FTP function
Held Jobs Access Protects access to the Held Jobs function
Manage Shortcuts at the Device Protects access to the Manage Shortcuts section of the Settings menu on the printer
control panel
Network Ports/Menu at the Device Protects access to the Network/Ports section of the Settings menu from the printer
control panel
Function Access Control What it does
NPA Network Adapter Setting
When disabled, all network adaptor NPA settings change commands are ignored
Operator Panel Lock Protects access to the Operator Panel Lock. Users who are denied access cannot
enable or disable the printer control panel lock.
Option Card Configuration at the
Controls access to the Option Card Configuration section of the Settings menu from
the printer control panel. This applies only when an Option Card with configuration
options is installed in the device.
Paper Menu at the Device Protects access to the Paper menu from the printer control panel.
Paper Menu Remotely Protects access to the Paper Settings task in the All Tasks list.
PictBridge Printing Controls ability to print from an attached PictBridge capable digital camera.
PJL Device Setting Changes When disabled, all device settings changes requested by incoming print jobs are
Release Held Faxes Controls the ability to release (print) Held Faxes.
Remote Certificate Management When disabled, it is no longer possible to manage certificates using remote
management tools. Certificate Management is limited to the operations available
from the printer control panel and MVP.
Remote Management Controls access to printer settings and functions by remote management tools such
as MarkVision Professional. When protected, no printer configuration setting can
be altered except through a secured communication channel (such as that provided
by a properly configured installation of MarkVision Professional).
Reports Menu at the Device Protects access to the Reports menu from the printer control panel
Service Engineer Menus at the
Protects access to the Sevice Engineer menu from the printer control panel
Settings Menu at the Device Protects access to the General and Print Settings sections of the Settings menu from
the printer control panel
Solution 110 The Solution 1 through Solution 10 Access Controls can be assigned to installed
eSF applications and/or profiles created by LDSS. The Access Control for each
Solution is assigned in the creation or configuration of the application or profile.
Supplies Menu at the Device Protects access to the Supplies menu from the printer control panel
User Profiles Controls access to Profiles, such as scanning shortcuts, workflows, or eSF
Web Import/Export Settings Controls the ability to import and export printer settings files (UCF files) from MVP
Licensing notice
This product contains software developed and copyrighted by Lexmark.
In addition, the product software may contain:
Software licensed under the provisions of the GNU General Public License version 2 and the GNU Lesser General
Public License version 2.1
Software licensed under other licenses
Click the title of the document you want to review:
Third-party licenses
The third-party software covered by these third-party licenses is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the licenses referenced above. These licenses do not provide you any rights to Lexmark
copyrighted software.
Software source code
This product includes software, JmDNS 0.2, developed and distributed by Arthur van Hoff and Ric Blair and distributed
according to the GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 ( The sourcecode
is available locally at:
— Windows: <install dir>\MarkVision Server\granite\src\
— Linux/Mac: /usr/mv_pro/src/
Glossary of Security Terms
Access Controls
Settings that control whether individual device menus, functions, and settings
are available, and to whom. Also referred to as Function Access Controls on
some devices.
A method for securely identifying a user.
Authorization A method for specifying which functions are available to a user, i.e. what the
user is allowed to do.
Building Block
Authentication and Authorization tools used in MVP. They include: password,
PIN, Internal accounts, LDAP, LDAP+GSSAPI, Kerberos 5, and NTLM.
A collection of users sharing common characteristics.
Security Template
A profile created and stored in MVP, used in conjunction with Access Controls
to manage device functions.
Glossary of Security Terms
802.1x 77
private 127
public 127
Access Controls
list of 156
managing with PIN or
password 62
understanding 51
accessibility 40
multi-select 40
MarkVision Messenger 149
secured device 72
creating 79, 80
editing 80
account group
removing 81
action 141
command 128
creating 151
creating logs 132
custom filter 134
deleting 131, 141
disabling 130, 141
enabling 130, 141
filter 134
folder alert 123
MarkVision Messenger 124, 126
modifying 130, 141
monitoring trays 133
naming 126
reports, generating 132
verifying 130
viewing information 131
actions 123
active session
expiration 81
destinations 97
filter 46
advanced credentials 74
device status 127
printer folder 127
All Tasks list 32
Apache 141
filter 148
applying, scheduled
device policy 100
policy conformance 100
using Kerberos (advanced) 54
using LDAP 55
using LDAP + GSSAPI 58
using NTLM authentication 60
understanding 50
understanding 50
MVP Server settings and
configuration 147
filter 46
bookmark 103
changing 105
creating 103
deleting 105
loading 104
saving 104
bookmark folders
creating 103
building blocks
adding to security templates 63
internal accounts 53
Kerberos 54
NTLM authentication 60
CA Certificates
installing 69
CA certificates
signing 71
certificate stores
importing for SSL 72
creating new 68
deleting 68
managing 68
setting defaults 70
signing 71
viewing 68
viewing basic information for 70
bookmark 105
settings, printer 112
SNMP community name 39
user data 131
status, printer 112
collecting information
about devices 95
about print jobs 94
about printers 95
action 128
command line 128
MarkVision Server 126
remote server 125
security 82
communication password
setting 75
installing 21
MarkVision Client 86
MarkVision Client
Application 14, 21, 29
MarkVision Messenger 15, 21
Server 14, 15, 16, 21, 86
MarkVision Web Client 14, 21, 30
MarkVision Web Server 15
confidential printing
configuring 76
embedded solutions 117, 118
MarkVision Server 107
wireless settings 107
filter 46
account 79, 80
bookmark 103
bookmark folders 103
custom view 92
device policy 99
discovery profiles 41
filters 91
folder 45
folders 91
group 79
map 91
print queue 108
creating logs
action 132
table 92
custom filter
action 134
custom table
editing 93
exporting 93
viewing 93
custom tables
embedded solutions 121
custom view
creating 92
editing 92
database support in MVP 11.2.1 94
supported for MVP 11.2.1 94
event notification 124
action 131, 141
bookmark 105
descriptor file
fetching 115
installing 115
uninstalling 116
adding 97
device policies 98
editing 97
removing 98
crossed out 146
discovering 145, 150
discovery 41
discovery profile 150
monitoring 127
password 82
policy 99
policy conformance 100
red text 146
searching 39
status alert 123
device discovery
advanced 42
scheduling 43
device policies
destinations 98
device policy
applying 99
applying, scheduled 100
creating 99
embedded solutions 120
password 74
scheduling 100
WLAN 106
device status
alert 127
adding 44
collecting information about 95
discovering 41
monitoring 124
naming 43
removing 44
supported 145
diagnostic reports
viewing and saving 111
shared 155
action 130, 141
device 145, 150
device 41
excluding devices 42
include and exclude lists 42
including devices 42
viewing results 44
discovery profile
device 150
discovery profiles 41
creating 41
exporting 43
importing 43
resource files 101
files 100
viewing and saving reports 111
account 80
custom table 93
custom view 92
destinations 97
group 80
embedded solutions 114
configuring 117, 118
custom tables 121
device policy 120
exporting 120
features 120
filter 121
importing 120
installing 115, 116
starting 119
stopping 119
uninstalling 116
Embedded Web Server
print server 112
action 130, 141
hard disk 89
error messages
“Error resetting device139
event notification
delay 124
event type
selecting 127
events 123
monitoring 125
active session 81
discovery profiles 43
embedded solutions 120
e-mail command
MarkVision Messenger 128
e-mail notification
MarkVision Messenger 15, 124
finding devices 90
embedded solutions 120
Fetch Descriptor(s) 115
downloading 100
action 134
advanced 46
applying 148
basic 46
conformance 46
embedded solutions 121
Trigger on Active 134
Trigger on Either Active or
Clear 134
using 46
filters 91
creating 91
finding devices
feature 90
Quick Find 90
firewall 142
upgrade 110
firmware flashing
print server 110
flashing 110
creating 45
monitoring 127
printers missing 139
folder alert
action 123
creating 91
storage device 110
function access
using security templates to
control 63
Function Access Controls 51
list of 156
Generic File Download
and Printer Lockdown 143
unable to send files using 143
getting started
Home screen 31
MarkVision setup 30
creating 79
editing 80
understanding 50
user 80
hard disk
encrypted 89
Home screen
All Tasks list 32
Find Results 39
Folders 40
Quick Find 39
Host ID
obtaining 119
operating system 24
printer 138
discovery profiles 43
embedded solutions 120
CA Certificates 69
components 21
descriptor file 115
embedded solutions 115, 116
license 118
MarkVision 22, 23, 24
MarkVision Client
Application 14, 21
MarkVision Messenger 21
MarkVision Professional 22, 25
MarkVision Server 21
MarkVision Web Client 21
MarkVision Web Server 15
plug-in 102
upgrading from a previous version
of MVP 25
internal accounts
using 53
Interwin 149
support 149
increasing heap memory 19, 142
increasing RAM settings 18
plug-in 146
Java Virtual Machine 17
Job Statistics
enabling 94
JVM 142
increasing default maximum
memory 19
increasing default memory
settings 18
Kerberos authentication
advanced 54
unsupported 143
authenticating with (basic) 82
configuring 55
server 86
installing 118
limiting access to devices 86
HP-UX 154
Red Hat Enterprise 24, 154
support 16
SUSE Enterprise 24, 154
bookmark 104
printer 82, 88
lockout 61
failure 61
restrictions 61
Mac OS X
uninstalling MVP 154
Macintosh 27
queue 107
creating 91
features 13
installing 22, 23, 24
starting in Mac OS X 29
starting in Windows 29
terminology 14
uninstalling 154
upgrading from a previous
version 25
MarkVision 11.2.1
new features and
enhancements 13
MarkVision Client 142
components 86
system requirements 16
MarkVision Client Application
accessing 29
installing 14, 21
Messenger 123, 124, 132, 134, 140,
accessing 149
action 124, 126
e-mail command 128
e-mail notification 15, 124
installing 21
selecting devices 128
MarkVision Professional
downloading 22
explanation 13
installing 22, 25
uninstalling 154
Server 21, 101, 128, 138, 142, 143,
command line 126
components 86
configuring 107
installing 21
moving 28
password 82
removing files 101
settings, importing and
exporting 26
starting 27
stopping 27
system requirements 16
MarkVision Web Client 30
crashing in Internet Explorer
6 140
installing 21
problems opening in Windows
Vista using Internet Explorer
7 139
MarkVision Web
Server 140, 141, 142, 150
installing 15
MarkVision Web service
starting 27
enabling 139
menu lockout
configuring 76
action 130, 141
device 127
devices 124
events 125
folder 127
supplies 112
monitoring trays
action 133
MarkVision Server 28
accessibility 40
MVP Client
increasing available RAM for 18
MVP Server
backing up settings and
configuration 147
increasing available RAM for 19
limiting access to devices
from 86
action 126
NetWare 149
NPA 137
NTLM authentication
using 60
Host ID 119
on-board device security
changing 75
operating systems 17
HP-UX 23
supported 16
Operator Panel task
unable to enter a PIN using 144
operator panels
accessing remotely 96
supplies 133
support 16
unable to enter in RHEL 5.0 144
adding to device password list 73
backup passwords 61
creating or editing 72
creating or editing (advanced) 52
deleting from device password
list 73
device 72, 82
device policy 74
editing from device password
list 73
MarkVision Server 82
reset 137
security 82
password, communication
server 84
synchronizing 88
print 113
assigning 52
managing multiple setups 53
unable to enter in RHEL 5.0 144
unable to enter using Operator
Panel task 144
installing 102
Java 146
removing 102
and upgrading to MVP 11.2.1 145
from a previous version of
MVP 145
device 99
policy conformance
applying, scheduled 100
device 100
80 152
8007 141
8009 141
port 9180 152
port access
TCP/IP 110
80 15
9180 15
permissions 113
print jobs
collecting information about 94
print queue
creating 108
removing 109
print server
Embedded Web Server 112
firmware flashing 110
refreshing 138
wireless 106
icons 138
lockdown 82
refreshing 138
printer folder
alert 127
Printer Inventory
enabling 95
collecting information about 95
printers missing
folder 139
access 127
assigning 81
system requirements 16
access 127
managing 107
Quick Find 150
finding devices 90
increasing available amount for
MVP Server 19
increasing for MVP Client 18
system requirements 16
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 24
print server 138
printer 138
Release Notes 147
Remote Management
disabling 86
securing 86
remote operator panel
unable to enter a PIN using 144
remote operator panels
accessing 96
remote server
command line 125
account group 81
destinations 98
devices 44
plug-in 102
print queue 109
shared directories 155
removing files
MarkVision Server 101
diagnostics 111
reports, generating
action 132
password 137
resource files
download 101
uploading 101
Resource Management
and Printer Lockdown 144
unable to send files to network
devices using 144
RHEL 5.0
unable to enter a PIN or password
using 144
bookmark 104
Active Directory networks 66
printer in a public place 64
standalone or small office 65
using passwords and PINs 64
device discovery 43
device policy 100
task 111
device 39
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 86
secured device
accessing 72
802.1x authentication 77
adding password to device
password list 73
advanced credentials 74
assigning a PIN number 52
Authentication 50
Authorization 50
backup passwords 61
communication 82
confidential printing 76
configuring audit log settings 77
deleting password from device
password list 73
disabling remote management of
devices 86
editing password from device
password list 73
groups 50
importing SSL certificate
stores 72
Kerberos authentication 54
LDAP (basic) 82
LDAP + GSSAPI authentication 58
LDAP authentication 55
login restrictions 61
managing certificates 68
managing multiple PIN setups 53
menu lockout 76
NTLM authentication 60
password 82
printer lockdown 88
securing remote management of
devices 86
security templates 63
server 84, 85
setting a communication
password 75
setting certificate defaults 70
using security templates to control
function access 63
viewing basic information for
certificates 70
security audit log 77
Security Templates
understanding 51
security templates
using to control function
access 63
event type 127
selecting devices
MarkVision Messenger 128
MarkVision Server 15
MarkVision Web Server 15
password, communication 84
security 84, 85
selecting 30
Tivoli 125, 128
user data 131
importing and exporting for the
MarkVision Server 26
settings, printer
changing 112
shared directories
removing 155
CA certificates 71
certificates 71
simple filters 134
SMTP mail server 125
SNMP community name
changing 39
SNMP community names
verifying 137
viewing 114
importing certificate stores 72
embedded solutions 119
MarkVision in Mac OS X 29
MarkVision in Windows 29
MarkVision Server 27
status alert
device 123
status, printer
checking 112
embedded solutions 119
MarkVision Server 27
MarkVision Web service 27
storage device
formatting 110
Sun Solaris SPARC 25
monitoring 112
ordering 133
IPX 149
Tivoli 149
operating systems 16
supported devices 145
SUSE Linux Enterprise 24
passwords 88
system requirements
MarkVision Client 16
MarkVision Server 16
processor 16
RAM 16
custom 92
custom, exporting 93
scheduling 111
TCP/IP port access
enabling and disabling 110
server 125, 128
support 149
Tivoli Plus module 149
Tivoli event server 125
Tivoli Plus module 149
Trigger on Active
filter 134
Trigger on Either Active or Clear
filter 134
MarkVision Web Client 140
descriptor file 116
embedded solutions 116
MarkVision 154
HP-UX 23
IBM AIX 24, 154
Sun Solaris SPARC 154
support 16
language 143
firmware 110
resource files 101
user data
changing 131
setting 131
filter 46
action 130
SNMP community names 137
action information 131
custom table 93
solutions 114
using to access remote operator
panels 96
Web browsers
supported by MarkVision Web
Client 17
support 16
uninstalling MarkVision 154
Windows XP
WLAN 109
configuring settings 107
print server 106
WLAN 107
device policy 106
Windows XP 109