Pennsylvania State
Teamsters Local
No. 8
L U 8
for the
July 1, 2021
June 30, 2024
Article Page
I Recognition ......................................... 5
II Security ............................................. 19
III Checkoff ........................................... 20
IV Strikes and Lockouts ........................ 21
V Management Rights .......................... 22
VI Discipline and Discharge .................. 25
VII Tardiness ........................................... 27
VIII Grievance Procedure ........................ 28
IX Seniority ............................................ 34
X Layoff ............................................... 42
XI Recall ................................................ 51
XII Job Vacancies ................................... 53
XIII Leave of Absence ............................. 60
XIV Leave of Absence for
Union Business ............................ 70
XV Wages ............................................... 71
XVI Shift Premium ................................... 74
XVII Overtime ........................................... 75
XVIII Temporary Transfer .......................... 83
XIX Work Schedules ................................ 88
XX Job Information ................................ 93
XXI Reclassification of a Job Into or
Out of the Bargaining Unit ......... 93
XXII Contracting Out Work ...................... 94
XXIII Nondiscrimination ............................ 95
XXIV Vacations .......................................... 96
XXV Holidays ............................................ 101
XXVI Sick Leave ....................................... 107
XXVII On-the-Job Injury or Illness .............. 113
XXVIII Other Paid Time Off ......................... 118
XXIX Health Care Insurance ...................... 124
XXX Life Insurance ................................... 131
XXXI Additional Insurances ………........... 135
XXXII Benefits Into Retirement ................. ...135
XXXIII Mandatory Retirement Plan............... 138
XXXIV Notice of Termination
of Employment ........................... 138
XXXV Safety and Health Conditions ........... 138
XXXVI Educational Privileges ...................... 139
XXXVII Employees Holding Public Office…. 140
XXXVIII Stewards ............................................ 140
XXXIX Union Activities ................................ 143
XL Employee Work Unit
Personnel Files ............................ 145
XLI Agreement Subject to
Applicable Law ........................... 146
XLII Vehicle Registration Fee.................... 147
XLIII Committees ……............................... 148
XLIV Employees Performing Essential
Services ........................................ 148
XLV FMLA …………............................... 150
XLIV Penn State Hospitality Services......... 150
XLVII Term of Agreement .......................... 154
(Salary Schedule) ....................... 157
Index ................................................ 160
This agreement made as of the first day of July 2021,
UNIVERSITY (hereinafter referred to as the
UNIVERSITY (hereinafter referred to as the
1.1 For the purpose of collective bargaining with
respect to wages, hours, and terms and conditions of
employment, the University recognizes the Union as
the exclusive bargaining representative of its regular
technical service employees in the bargaining unit
composed of all such employees wherever employed
by the University in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
vania, except that at all locations other than Univer-
sity Park campus, guards employed to enforce against
employees, and other persons, rules to protect the
property of the University or to protect the safety of
persons on the University’s premises shall be exclud-
ed from the bargaining unit. Guards and other secu-
rity employees located at the University Park campus
are included in the bargaining unit under the provi-
sions of Article IX, Section 904 of the Pennsylvania
Public Employee Relations Act, which permits vol-
untary bargaining on matters inconsistent with said
Act if such matter was provided for in a collective
bargaining agreement in existence on January 1, 1970.
In the event of any strike by technical service
employees, guards and other security personnel shall
continue to perform assigned duties, including the
enforcement against employees and other persons of
laws or rules to protect the property of the University
and the safety of persons on University premises.
1.2 The bargaining unit shall not include any
employees working in an executive, administrative,
academic, supervisory, professional, semi-
professional, or clerical capacity, domestics in the
residence of the University’s President, or student
employees as defined below. The University and the
Union recognize the need for the University to provide
financial assistance including employment of all types
for its students employed while attending school,
between semesters, or between school years. In
addition, nonregular employees (non-students) as
hereinafter defined shall not be in the bargaining unit.
1.3 Definitions
(a) A regular employee is one who has completed the
probationary period and who was or is hired into a
regular job following a job announcement.
(b) A regular job is one that consists of forty (40) hours
or more of work each week and which is intended to last
more than twenty-eight (28) consecutive weeks.
(c) A nonregular employee (wage payroll) is
designated as one of the following:
1. one who works twenty (20) hours or less per week
indefinitely (20 hour-wage payroll)
2. one who works more than twenty (20) hours for up
to twenty-eight (28) weeks (28 week-wage payroll)
3. one who works in a work area in which the
Percentage Model applies
Further information regarding nonregular (wage
payroll) employees is provided in Section 1.5. No such
nonregular employee shall continue employment in a
work unit if there are regular employees on layoff in the
work unit who are qualified, available, and accept an
offer to perform the work. Further no such nonregular
employee, not including students as hereinafter defined,
shall be hired in a work area, if there are qualified regular
employees on layoff in the work unit who express
interest in and are available to perform the work.
(d) A student employee is a full-time (as determined
by University educational policy) student employed to
work twenty (20) hours or less a week. A student
employee may work in a work area more than twenty
(20) hours a week between semesters and school years,
provided that there are no qualified regular employees on
layoff from the work unit who express interest in and are
available to perform the work. In addition, a student
employee may work up to thirty (30) hours in a week in
Transportation, University Police, Bryce Jordan Center,
Palmer Museum, and Penn State Hospitality Services,
where special events on campus require hours of work
by trained student assistants in excess of the twenty (20)
hour limitation per student, provided there are no
qualified regular employees on layoff from the work unit
who express interest in and are available to perform the
work. Special events include concerts, athletic events,
cultural events, University social events, student charity
events, large meetings and conferences, etc. Also, a
student employee in Campus Catering may work up to
thirty (30) hours a week during the peak periods August
15 through December 15 and March 15 through May 5
each year, provided there are no qualified regular
employees on layoff from the work unit who express
interest in and are available to perform the work. The
number of student employees employed in a work unit
during any semester or summer session may not exceed
the number of student employees employed in that work
unit for the same semester or summer session the pre-
ceding year, if there are qualified regular employees on
layoff from the work unit who express interest in and are
available to perform the work. With respect to each
student employee, the University shall provide to the
Union the following information every four (4) pay
periods: partial Penn State identification number
identifier, work unit in which employed or formerly
employed, dates of pay periods worked and the total
number of hours worked per pay period. If there are
qualified regular employees on layoff from a work unit
who express interest in and are available to perform the
work, the University shall provide to the Union the total
number of student employees employed in such work
unit during such semester or summer session and the
total number of student employees employed in such
work unit for the same semester or summer session the
preceding year, within two (2) weeks of the University’s
receipt of the Union’s written request therefor.
A job performed by a student as a formal and integral
part of the student’s educational program, or a job which
is established under a program of student aid or work
study and which is dependent in whole or in part on
funding provided by an outside agency and specifically
designated for such program, shall not be limited by the
provisions of this subsection (d), if the job does not result
in the displacement of bargaining unit employees.
(e) Whenever any words are used in this Agreement in
the masculine gender, they shall be construed also as
though they were used in the feminine gender in all
situations where they would so apply.
1.4 Where practicable with the University’s work
requirements, the University shall combine duties
performed by nonregular employees (non-students)
under the purview of a supervisor in order to create
regular jobs.
If the Union has reason to believe that in a specified
work area the University has nonregular employees
(non-students) that perform duties that could be
combined to create a regular job, the University shall
review the matter and create a regular job, if in its
judgment it is practicable with its work requirements.
1.5 Employment of nonregular (wage payroll)
(a) Twenty hour and twenty-eight week wage payroll
1. The following shall apply to both twenty (20)
hour wage payroll employees and twenty-eight
(28) week wage payroll employees:
a) The stacking of wage payroll employees in
order to avoid the creation of full-time regular
positions is not permitted.
i. The parties intend that stacking shall include
the following general situations:
1. Employee A works a job on the twenty-eight
(28) week list for twenty (20) weeks and
Employee B then works on the same job on
the twenty-eight (28) week list for ten (10)
weeks, thus totaling thirty (30) weeks.
2. Employee A is on the twenty (20) hour wage
payroll list and works from 8:00am to
12:00pm and Employee B, also on the
twenty (20) hour wage payroll list, works
on the same job from 12:00pm to 4:00pm
for more than twenty eight (28) weeks.
ii. Work performed by nonregular employees on
a job at the same time shall not be combined
for purposes of determining whether stacking
has occurred. Therefore the parties do not
intend that stacking include the following
general situation:
The hours worked by six nonregular
employees, each working five (5) hours per
week on the same job and at the same time
(e.g., noon to 1:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday), or approximately the same time (e.g.,
one employee working noon to 1:00 p.m. and
another working noon to 2:00 p.m.) would not
be combined or calculated so as to equal forty
(40) hours of work on a job.
b) The parties agree that the use of wage payroll in
the following situations is acceptable and shall
not be counted, and therefore not subject to
remedy: hours worked by wage payroll
employees covering for extended paid or unpaid
absences in excess of five (5) work days
covered under Article XXVI, Sick Leave, the
Family and Medical Leave Act, Workers
Compensation leave or any other leave outlined
in Article XIII, Leave of Absence; for a leave of
any length under Article XIV, Leave of
Absence for Union Business; or for coverage
under Article XVIII, Temporary Transfer.
c) All hours worked by wage payroll shall mean
all hours paid, including any paid time off these
employees may receive.
d) Reporting
i. With respect to each nonregular employee,
the University shall provide to the Union the
following information every four (4) pay
periods: name, University identification
number, wage payroll designation (i.e. twenty
(20) hour wage payroll or twenty-eight (28)
week wage payroll), work unit in which
employed or formerly employed, dates of pay
periods worked and total number of hours
worked per week. In addition, the University
shall provide to the Union the following lists
every four (4) pay periods: temporary
nonemployee workers employed during the
period; students who dropped from full-time
to less-than-full-time student status;
nonregular, nonstudent wage payroll
employees filling in for full-time employees
on leaves of absence; nonregular, nonstudent
wage payroll employees filling in for twenty
(20) weeks or more for full-time employees
temporarily transferred to another
assignment; and names of the areas to which
the budget numbers shown on the every four
(4) pay period submission of information
apply. If the Union has reason to believe the
information provided by the University
establishes a violation of Article I, Sections
1.3(b) or (c), it shall so notify the University
in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of
receipt of the information. In this notification
the Union will articulate the specific factual
basis for its belief that a violation exists. The
University shall review the matter and
respond to the Union indicating the
University’s findings within sixty (60)
calendar days of receipt of the Union’s
ii. In the case where a wage payroll employee
works in both a technical service and non-
technical service payroll classification, all
hours must be accurately classified in
advance. All hours reported as technical
service to the Union shall be considered
technical service hours.
2. The following shall apply only to a twenty (20)
hour wage payroll employee:
a) the employee shall work no more than twenty
(20) hours per week in the same work unit.
b) the University shall notify the Union in advance
when a twenty (20) hour wage payroll
employee is going to be changed to a twenty-
eight (28) week wage payroll employee. Any
week which is subject to an overtime penalty
may not be counted to the twenty-eight (28)
week allotment.
c) in the case where such an employee works
twenty-one (21) hours or more in a calendar
week, regular employees in the work unit, who
perform similar work as the employee who
exceeded the threshold, will be offered
available overtime hours equivalent to all hours
worked over twenty (20) in the calendar week
and shall be paid at the rate of twice the hourly
rate for such hours worked, providing the work
unit has such overtime available. If such
overtime is not available within six (6) months
of the determination of a violation, the
remaining hours of this penalty will be paid at
twice the hourly rate to those employee(s),
identified by the Union, who perform similar
work as the employee who exceeded the
3. The following shall apply only to a twenty-eight
(28) week wage payroll employee:
a) the employee shall work no more than twenty-
eight (28) weeks within a thirty-week period in
the same work unit.
b) following a break in service of ten (10) or more
weeks, during which no work is performed by
the employee in the same work unit, the wage
payroll employee is considered a new employee
upon returning to work for that work unit and
may be placed in either wage payroll
designation. For purposes of this section the
Housing work unit and the Food Service Dining
Commons work unit shall be considered the
same work unit.
c) in the case where such an employee works for
more than twenty-eight (28) weeks within a
thirty-week period or does not complete a full
ten (10) week break in service following a
twenty-eight (28) week assignment, the job
shall be filled in accordance with the provisions
of Article XII Job Vacancies.
(b) Percentage Model
1. The purpose of the Percentage Model is to
determine allowable wage payroll hours in a work
area as a function of full-time technical service
staffing levels and applies to the following areas:
Bryce Jordan Center, Penn Stater Hotel and
Conference Center, Nittany Lion Inn, and
Laundry Services.
2. There are two limits on the usage of wage payroll
in the Percentage Model:
a) No work area may exceed their wage payroll
usage percentage in a fiscal year.
b) No wage payroll employee shall work more
than 1560 hours performing work classified as
technical service for the same work unit in a
fiscal year.
3. The wage payroll usage percentage is the
proportion of the total number of hours wage
payroll employees spend performing technical
service work compared to the full-time technical
service staffing level in a work area in a fiscal year
(currently July 1 through June 30). Subject to the
following parameters:
a) The Applicable Percentages are: Bryce Jordan
Center 70%; Penn Stater Hotel and
Conference Center 50%; Nittany Lion Inn
40%; and Laundry Services 10%.
b) For purposes of the calculations a full-time
technical service position equates to 2080 hours
per year.
c) The total number of hours wage payroll
employees spend performing technical service
work does include any paid time off these
employees may receive.
d) The hours worked by wage payroll employees
covering for the following absences (Excepted
Wage Payroll Hours) shall be excluded from the
calculation of total number of hours wage
payroll employees spend performing technical
service work:
i. for extended paid or unpaid absences in
excess of 5 work days covered under Article
XXVI, Sick Leave, the Family and Medical
Leave Act, Workers Compensation leave or
any other leave outlined in Article XIII,
Leave of Absence;
ii. for a leave of any length under Article XIV,
Leave of Absence for Union Business;
iii. for coverage under Article XVIII, Temporary
iv. for up to eight weeks spent covering for a job
vacancy which is being actively filled
4. Reporting
a) The University shall provide monthly reports to
the Union for each work area in the Percentage
Model. These reports shall include:
i. Number of Full-Time Technical Service
Positions: refers to the total number of full-
time technical service employees on the last
day of the month, including employees on
leave and vacancies. Vacancies can only be
counted if the University is actively working
to fill, and then only up to a maximum of eight
(8) weeks.
ii. Total Wage Payroll Hours: refers to the total
number of hours worked by wage payroll
employees in the month performing work
classified as technical service.
iii. Excepted Wage Payroll Hours: refers to the
total number of hours worked by wage payroll
employees in the month in the categories
listed in 3d above.
iv. Countable Wage Payroll Hours: refers to the
Total Wage Payroll Hours less the Excepted
Wage Payroll Hours.
v. Wage Payroll Usage Percentage: this is
calculated as indicated in the following
Countable Wage Payroll Hours
(Number of Full-Time Positions
x 2080)
vi. Year-to-Date Total Wage Payroll Hours
vii. Year-to-Date Excepted Hours
viii. Year-to-Date Countable Wage Payroll Hours
ix. Year-to-Date Wage Payroll Usage Percentage
b) Individual Employee Reports Twice yearly
(currently in December and June) the
University shall provide to the Union a report
which includes the total year-to-date hours
classified as technical service worked by each
wage payroll employee who has performed
work classified as technical service in the work
5. If the last month of the fiscal year report shows
that a work area’s Year-to-Date Wage Payroll
Usage Percentage is less than the Applicable
Percentage no remedy is required.
6. The remedy for a wage payroll employee working
in excess of 1560 hours:
a) If one wage payroll employee has worked 1560
hours or more (not including Excepted Hours)
performing work classified as technical service
within the same work unit within a fiscal year,
the University will create a full-time job in the
appropriate job title and grade.
b) Any jobs created shall be filled in accordance
with the provisions of Article XII Job
7. The remedy for wage payroll usage exceeding the
Applicable Percentage:
a) If the last month of the fiscal year report shows
that a work area’s Year-to-Date Wage Payroll
Usage Percentage exceeds the Applicable
Percentage, the following shall apply:
i. If the total hours worked by wage payroll
employees within a work area is in excess of
the Applicable Percentage allotment by one
full hour, the University will create at least
one full-time job in the appropriate job title
and grade in the respective work area.
ii. The Percentage Model Adjustment
Calculation shall be applied to determine if
more than one job must be created.
iii. The following explains the Percentage Model
Adjustment Calculation:
1. Year End Job Count refers to the total
number of full-time technical service
employees on the last day of the fiscal year,
including employees on leave and
vacancies. Vacancies include only those
which the University is actively working to
fill, and then only up to a maximum of eight
(8) weeks.
2. The Compliant Job Count is calculated as
Job Count
Year-to-Date Countable Wage
Payroll Hours
Applicable Percentage x 2080
3. The Percentage Model Adjustment
Calculation is calculated as follows:
Job Count
Year End
Job Count
4. The result of the Percentage Model
Adjustment Calculation (PMAC)
determines the number of positions to be
created as follows, basic rounding shall
a. One (1) hour over up to a PMAC of 1.5 =
one (1) fulltime job
b. A PMAC of 1.5 through 2.4 = 2 full-time
c. A PMAC of 2.5 through 3.4= 3 full-time
d. A PMAC of 3.5 through 4.4 = 4 full-time
e. Etc.
b) Any jobs created shall be filled in accordance
with the provisions of Article XII Job
2.1 Membership in the Union is not compulsory.
Employees have a right to join, not join, maintain or
drop their membership in the local Union as they see
fit subject to other provisions of this article. Neither
party shall exert any pressure on nor discriminate
against an employee in regards to such matter.
2.2 All employees who, at time of the execution of
this Agreement, are members of the Union in good
standing in accordance with its constitution and
bylaws or who may thereafter become members shall
remain members of the Union for the duration of this
Agreement, except that any such employee may resign
from the Union during a period of fifteen (15) days
prior to the expiration of this Agreement, provided that
the employees have entered into a valid and
enforceable written agreement with the Union
requiring same. The Union will provide the University
with a copy of any such agreement. In the event this
provision for Union security shall be declared to be
invalid by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, the
Union shall indemnify and hold harmless the
University from any and all damages, restitution of
amounts paid hereunder, or other monetary liability
which may accrue against the University by virtue of
this Article's provisions.
2.3 The University shall inform all employees at the
time of hire of the existence of this Collective
Bargaining Agreement.
2.4 In the event that the United States Supreme
Court overturns the holding in Janus v. AFSCME
Council 31, and rules that Fair Share provisions in
public sector collective bargaining agreements are
constitutional, the parties agree that the Fair Share
language previously included in this Article 2 shall
automatically be reinstated into the Collective
Bargaining Agreement. If such language would not
comply with the change in law, the parties will bargain
over the language to be reinstated into the Collective
Bargaining Agreement.
3.1 T
he Union will notify the University monthly
of any changes in employee union membership,
Steward status changes, and any required initiation
3.2 The Un
iversity agrees to deduct amounts
equal to the Union's regular dues and initiation fees
from the wages of all members of the Union
covered by this Agreement who have given the
Union authorization in writing for the University to
make such deductions.
3.3 (a) The
University shall remit monthly to the
Secretary-Treasurer of the Union the amounts
deducted in accordance with the provisions hereof
accompanied by a list of the names and social
security numbers of the members for whom such
deductions were made.
(b) The University
shall notify the Union upon hire
and after the completion of the probationary period
of the name and address of each employee so hi
(c) The
University shall monthly remit to the
Union the names of all current probationary and
non-member employees within the bargaining unit.
(d) The University shall monthly remit to the
Union the names of all terminated bargaining unit
employees as well as any employee transferring into
or out of the bargaining unit.
(e) The University shall monthly remit to the
Union the names and social security numbers of all
employees for whom dues have not been deducted.
The University separately shall monthly remit a list
of the names and social security numbers of all
Union stewards.
(f) The University shall monthly remit to the
Union the names of all employees who were paid for
hours worked below their regular job grade rate.
Special Union political action committee,
voter education, and charitable contribution
deductions shall be made from the wages of members
of the bargaining unit who authorize the University
in writing to make such deductions. Such
deductions shall be remitted biweekly to the Union.
An employee's authorization of a special deduction
can be cancelled at any time. At the time of remittance
of such deductions, the University also shall provide
the Union with separate lists of all employees for
whom such deductions have been made.
4.1 There shall be no strikes, slowdowns or ces-
sation of work by the employees or lockouts by the
University during the term of this Agreement.
4.2 The Union shall not authorize or ratify any
strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, interruptions of
operations or picketing at the University. Should any
employee engage in such conduct without Union
authorization or ratification the Union’s sole obliga-
tion shall be to endeavor within twenty-four (24) hours
after receipt of written notice thereof from the
University to bring about a cessation of such conduct.
Employees who have engaged in such conduct shall be
subject to discharge and/or other discipline.
4.3 The University shall not order, authorize, or
ratify a lockout during the life of this Agreement.
Should any lockout occur, the University, in good
faith, shall endeavor within twenty-four (24) hours
after receipt of written notice thereof from the Union
to terminate the lockout and reinstate the employees,
with no loss of pay or any other benefit.
4.4 An employee who refuses to cross a picket
line shall be subject to the terms of Section 1101 of
Article XI of The Public Employee Relations Act of
Pennsylvania (Act 195), except that the University
agrees that it shall not be cause for discharge or dis-
ciplinary action in the event an employee refuses to
enter upon the property of any employer not subject to
the provisions of The Public Employee Relations Act
involved in a primary labor dispute or refuses to go
through or work behind any primary picket lines set up
at the property of any such other employer’s place of
5.1 The Union agrees that except for limitations of
other provisions of this Agreement, expressed or
implied, there are functions, powers, responsibilities
and authorities belonging solely to the University
prominent among which, but by no means wholly
inclusive are: the hiring of employees; the direction of
the working force; the establishment and enforcement
of work rules; the determination of the number of men
or women to be employed or retained in employment;
the employment of students; the scheduling of over-
time and the determination of the amount of overtime
required; the establishment and maintenance of stan-
dards of quality and performance; the determination
of employee competency; the maintenance of disci-
pline; the determination of the work to be performed;
the determination of the physical layout, machines,
tools and equipment to be used in the operation of
the University; the determination of operation sched-
ules; the determination of the number of shifts to be
worked; the determination of the duties to be included
in any job; the elimination, change or consolidation
of jobs, departments, or subdivisions thereof; the
reduction of the work force because of lack of work
or administrative reasons; an
d the suspension, demo-
tion or discharge of employees for just cause. The
University shall meet and discuss on policy matters
affecting wages, hours, and terms and conditions of
employment as well as the impact thereon upon request
by the Union. The University agrees that in the
exercise of its functions, powers, responsibilities and
authorities, including but by no means wholly inclusive
the establishment and enforcement of work rules, it
shall take no action which is arbitrary or capricious or
as a device to denude the bargaining unit or for the
purpose of undermining the Union. The University
further agrees that a grievance may be filed in
accordance with the grievance procedure to determine
whether action taken by the University violates this
Agreement or was arbitrary or capricious, or as a device
to denude the bargaining unit or for the purpose of
undermining the Union.
5.2 Supervisory Functions
No supervisor shall perform bargaining unit work
except for the purpose of instruction and
demonstration, or if qualified members of the
bargaining unit are not readily available, or if an
emergency or critical problem exists. An emergency
or critical problem shall be defined to mean that
immediate performance of work is required (a) to
preserve life or property, or (b) to protect against
damage to material or process.
The University will investigate all complaints of
violations of this Section brought to its attention by the
Union; if upon investigation the University determines
that a supervisor has performed bargaining unit work
in violation of this Section it will take appropriate
action, including a cease and desist directive, to meet
its commitment under this Section without requiring
the Union to utilize the grievance and arbitration
procedure. In the event that the University determines
that a violation exists, but the action taken by the
University does not, in the judgment of the Union,
cause the violation to cease, or in the event the Union
disagrees with the University’s determination that no
violation exists, the matter may be grieved at the
second step of the grievance procedure. If the matter
is referred to arbitration, and the arbitrator decides in
favor of the Union, the arbitrator shall have the
authority to issue a cease and desist order and to
require the University to pay all or a part of the Union’s
share of the arbitrator’s costs.
5.3 University Directives and Policies Identified
by the Union
Upon request and as specifically identified by the
Union, the University shall provide a copy of any
University work-unit policy or directive pertaining to
members of the bargaining unit. It is understood that
stewards normally inform the Union of such policies
or directives.
6.1 The University shall have the right to disci-
pline or summarily discharge an employee for just
cause. The employee disciplined or discharged may
file a grievance if filed within three (3) work days of
the discipline or discharge. In the event of discharge,
the grievance shall be heard at the Second Step of the
grievance procedure.
6.2 Warning Letters
The University may issue a letter of discipline
(warning letter) to an employee in accordance with the
following procedure:
(a) A meeting between the employee and the
supervisor shall be held as soon as practicable. The
employee’s steward or alternate steward shall be
present at the meeting unless the employee objects at
the beginning of the meeting. At this initial meeting,
the supervisor shall inform the employee that it is a
disciplinary meeting and:
(1) if the facts warrant, that the employee is failing
to meet acceptable standards of performance and that
a warning letter will be issued; or
(2) that following an investigation of no more than
seven (7) work days, a decision of whether to issue a
warning letter will be made.
(b) The supervisor shall have three (3) work days
after the decision to issue a warning letter informing
the employee of the date of the meeting(s) above
mentioned, and the manner in which the employee is
failing to meet acceptable standards of performance.
Except in cases of a third warning letter, the warning
letter also shall inform the employee what is expected
to meet acceptable standards of performance and that
dismissal will result if such standards are not met. A
copy of the warning letter shall be provided to the
Manager of Labor and Employee Relations.
(c) A warning letter is active for a twelve (12)
month period following the date of issue. An employee
with three (3) active warning letters will be discharged.
A warning letter issued to an employee which has been
on file for a period of more than twelve (12) months
following the date of the letter shall not be used in
considering the employee for promotion or transfer.
6.3 Discharge
Discharge of an employee shall be on recommen-
dation of the supervisor to the Dean or other appro-
priate administrative officer of the work unit.
In the event of summary discharge or discharge as
the result of a third warning letter, the supervisor shall
not take action to discharge the employee either sum-
marily or upon a third warning letter without the prior
approval of the Dean, or other appropriate administra-
tive officer, and the Manager of Labor and Employee
Relations. At the time of discharge, the employee shall
be notified that employment is terminated effective
immediately. A third warning letter or summary
discharge letter shall be given to the employee or
mailed to the employee’s last known address. A
summary discharge letter shall include the reason for
the discharge.
6.4 The University shall notify the Union of any
discharge and submit to the Union a copy of any
warning letter or discharge letter given or mailed to an
employee. If discharge is based on a third warning
letter, the University also shall submit copies of the
other two (2) warning letters involved.
6.5 Discipline and Discharge Third Parties
The University and Union agree that the decision
to take disciplinary action should not be based solely
on information provided by undisclosed third parties.
The University and Union recognize, however, that
in special circumstances the identity of a third party
must be shielded, such as, for example, University
students or customers.
7.1 Tardiness is subject to disciplinary action. In
any case, the employee will receive a salary deduc-
tion for time lost because of tardiness as follows:
(a) Less than eighteen (18) minutes in any one day
no salary deduction.
(b) Eighteen (18) minutes or more in any one
day salary deduction will be made starting from the
beginning of the time missed and calculated as
described in Section 7.2.
7.2 Short absences are charged in units of one- tenth
of an hour (six minutes). Fractional parts of a unit are
not counted.
8.1 All disputes concerning the operation or inter-
pretation of this Agreement shall be settled in accor-
dance with the grievance procedure. If a grievance is
once settled at any stage of the grievance procedure,
it shall be considered closed.
8.2 Computing Time Limits
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall not be
applied in computing time limits under this Article,
nor shall the normal work days off of the grievant
employee or his immediate supervisor apply in com-
puting the time limits of this Article. All time limits
may be extended solely by agreement of the parties in
writing. If the party against which a grievance is filed
fails to comply with any such time limit or extension
thereof, the grievance may be appealed to the next
step at the expiration of such time limit.
8.3 Job Evaluation Grievance
(a) If substantial changes are made in the regu-
lar duties and requirements of a job, either party may
propose a revision of the job grade for that job. If there
is a dispute between the Union and the University
regarding the proposed job grade, such dispute shall be
handled through the grievance procedure, except that
the matter shall be reviewed initially by Labor and
Employee Relations on behalf of the University. If the
dispute continues following such review, the matter
shall be handled through the grievance procedure and
heard at the Second Step by the Manager of Labor and
Employee Relations or his designee. If the University
intends to revise the description while a job is in
dispute, prior to making such change the University
will discuss the change with the Union.
(b) If the University creates a new job within the
bargaining unit, it shall give to the Union the job title,
job description together with the degree assigned to
each factor in the evaluation and the job grade prior
to assignment of an employee to the job. In the event
the Union disputes the job grade, the University shall
nevertheless have the right to assign an employee
to that job in its job grade and such dispute shall be
handled in accordance with the grievance procedure,
starting at the Second Step.
(c) In an arbitration hearing concerning the ques-
tions of substantial change and the grade of a job, the
hearing shall be processed in two steps. In the first step
the arbitrator will be asked to rule as to whether or not
there has been substantial change in the job. If the
arbitrator determines that substantial change has
occurred, he shall then also rule on the grade of the
job. If the arbitrator determines that substantial change
has not occurred, he shall not rule on the grade of the
job. If the arbitrator’s decision results in a change in
the grade of the job, the arbitrator’s decision shall be
retroactive to the date the grievance was filed.
8.4 Safety Grievance
A grievance concerning safety shall be discussed
by the employee with the employee’s supervisor. If the
employee is not satisfied with the explanation or action
taken by the supervisor, the grievance shall proceed to
the Second Step of the grievance procedure.
8.5 Job Bid Grievances
If more than one (1) written job bid grievance is
filed for the same announced vacancy, the Union shall,
if it wishes to pursue the matter, select one (1) of the
grievances to be heard at the second step, and the
remaining grievances shall be considered closed.
8.6 Grievance Procedure
The grievance procedure shall be as follows:
FIRST STEP: The employee shall present his
grievance orally to his immediate supervisor, with
or without the presence of the shop steward at the
employee’s discretion. The grievance must be
presented within three (3) days after the employee
becomes aware of or should have become aware of the
circumstances of which he grieves. The answer of
the immediate supervisor shall be given to the
employee within three (3) days after the grievance
is presented.
SECOND STEP: If the grievance is not settled at
the First Step, the grievance must be put in writing
describing the subject matter thereof, within three (3)
days after the First Step answer and two (2) copies
of same must be given to the employee’s immediate
supervisor and one (1) copy must be given to the
Union. A request to schedule the grievance at the
Second Step must be made in writing by an authorized
Union representative to the Manager of Labor and
Employee Relations. Paid representatives of the
Union, the steward if invited by the employee, the
employee [or up to three (3) employees within an
aggrieved group for a group grievance] shall meet
after such request with the Manager of Labor and
Employee Relations, or his designee, and such other
University representatives as are appropriate. The goal
of the parties will be to hold the Second Step meeting
within ninety (90) calendar days of the request for
scheduling. The University and Union
representatives may invite such person or persons as
are intended to present testimony in the hearing at the
Second or Third Steps subject to the provisions of
Section 8.15 in order to ascertain the facts and/or
resolve the dispute. The University shall provide a
decision in writing within ten (10) days to the Union,
with copies to the employee (or group representatives
in a group grievance), and the appropriate steward.
After consideration of such decision, further such
meetings may be held by mutual agreement. A
grievance of the University or a grievance of the
Union shall be initiated upon written request at the
Second Step of the grievance procedure.
THIRD STEP: If the grievance is not settled at the
Second Step, the Union or the University has a right to
request arbitration by giving notice to the other in
writing within forty-five (45) days of the date of the
answer at the Second Step.
8.7 Selection of Arbitrator
(a) If arbitration is requested, the parties shall
attempt to mutually agree on an arbitrator. If such
agreement cannot be reached, the Federal Mediation
and Conciliation Service will be requested to send
a list of seven (7) suggested arbitrators. The parties
shall select the arbitrator from such list by each party
alternately removing one name from the list until one
name remains.
(b) The Union will notify the arbitrator in writing,
with a copy to the Manager of Labor and Employee
Relations, of his selection and request that the
arbitrator provide available dates for the hearing from
91 to 180 calendar days in the future. The goal of the
parties will be to arbitrate the grievance within six (6)
months of the date of the Second Step answer.
(c) In the case of job evaluation grievances, the
parties agree to select a single arbitrator mutually
agreeable to both parties, who will rule on all such
grievances submitted to arbitration during the first
year of this Agreement. The arbitrator selected shall be
experienced in matters relating to job classification
and evaluation and familiar with job rating plans of the
type then currently in effect at the University, and the
arbitrator selected by the parties shall make a
decision based upon the principles of the job rating
plan then currently in effect at the University.
If after each year of this Agreement the parties do
not agree to either (1) continue with the same single
arbitrator for another year or (2) select a different
single arbitrator for another year, the parties shall
select arbitrators for job evaluation grievances in the
same manner as for general grievances, except that the
arbitrators selected shall be from a list of arbitrators
experienced in job evaluation as stated above.
8.8 Arbitrator’s Decision
The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and
binding on the parties and the arbitrator shall be
requested to issue the decision within thirty (30)
calendar days after the conclusion of testimony and
argument. Compliance with the decision of the
arbitrator shall be made at the earliest reasonable
opportunity thereafter.
8.9 Arbitration Expenses
The expenses for the service of the arbitrator shall
be borne equally by the University and the Union.
Stenographic service may be employed in connection
with the arbitration at the discretion of either party at
its expense. If the parties mutually agree upon steno-
graphic service, the expenses therefore shall be borne
equally by the University and the Union.
8.10 There shall be no right to obtain and no arbitra-
tor shall have any power to award or determine any
change in, modification, or addition to, or subtraction
from, any of the terms of this Agreement. Provided,
however, nothing herein contained shall be deemed
to limit the right of an arbitrator to interpret the terms
of this Agreement and clarify apparent inconsisten-
cies therein.
8.11 In a discharge case, the arbitrator shall have the
authority to sustain the discharge, or if he finds that the
discharge was not proper, he shall have authority to
order reinstatement and compensation for time lost
in whole or in part, or to find that the penalty
imposed upon the employee was too severe and
award a less severe penalty.
8.12 Any provision of the grievance procedure may
be waived by agreement of the parties in writing.
8.13 Special meetings may be arranged by agree-
ment of the parties. International representatives, if
requested by the Local Union, may participate in such
special meetings. The party requesting the special
meeting shall notify the other party in writing of the
subject to be discussed.
8.14 The parties shall have the right to pursue any
appropriate remedy, including the right to initiate a
suit in Court in the event of a breach of the Article
of this Agreement concerning Strikes and Lockouts
without submission to the grievance and arbitration
procedures of this Article or in the event of the failure
to abide by an arbitrator’s award. As soon as the
offended party learns of a breach of the Article of
this Agreement concerning Strikes and Lockouts, such
party shall immediately notify the other party of such
breach in order that both parties may endeavor to
remedy the situation.
8.15 Employees attending proceedings pursuant to
the provisions of this Article as grievants or official
Union representatives or witnesses shall be reim-
bursed at their normal rates of pay for any normal work
time missed for such proceedings.
9.1 Employees shall accrue two kinds of seniority
as follows: (a) bargaining unit seniority and (b) work
unit seniority.
If more than one employee has the same bargain-
ing unit seniority date, the seniority as between such
employees shall be determined by the last four digits
of their Penn State identification number, the lower
the number the more senior the employee.
However, if more than one employee has the same
work unit seniority date, then bargaining unit seniority
shall be the next criterion to determine work unit
seniority; provided, however, a work unit seniority
order determined by chance prior to this Agreement
shall continue in effect until such employee changes
to a different job title or work unit.
9.2 Bargaining Unit Seniority Defined
Bargaining unit seniority is all continuous regular
service in the bargaining unit from the first day of
regular employment in the bargaining unit including
periods of layoff and leave of absence without pay.
9.3 Work Unit Seniority Defined
Work unit seniority is all continuous regular service
in the work unit from the first day of regular employ-
ment in the work unit, including periods of layoff or
leave of absence without pay. Work unit seniority is
lost upon the permanent transfer by an employee out
of his work unit. (See Article XXXVIII, Section 38.6
regarding superseniority for Stewards.)
The work units at the University are:
1. Penn State Abington Housing and Food Services
2. Penn State Abington, except Housing and Food
3. Academic Colleges (each separately)
4. Airport Operations
5. Penn State Altoona Housing and Food Services
6. Penn State Altoona, except Housing and Food
7. Applied Research Laboratory
8. Auxiliary Recreation Services
9. Penn State Beaver Housing and Food Services
10. Penn State Beaver, except Housing and Food
11. Penn State Berks Housing and Food Services
12. Penn State Berks, except Housing and Food
13. Penn State Brandywine Housing and Food
14. Penn State Brandywine, except Housing and
Food Services
15. Bryce Jordan Center
16. Café Laura
17. Campus Catering
18. Campus Recreation
19. Dickinson School of Law
20. Division of Undergraduate Studies
21. Penn State DuBois
22. Electro-Optics Center
23. Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Housing
and Food Services
24. Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, except
Housing and Food Services
25. Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus
26. Field Stations (each separately)
27. Food Production and Distribution
28. Food Service Dining Commons
29. Penn State Great Valley
30. Penn State Harrisburg Housing and Food
31. Penn State Harrisburg, except Housing and
Food Services
32. Penn State Hazleton Housing and Food Services
33. Penn State Hazleton, except Housing and Food
34. Housing
35. Housing and Food Services Maintenance
36. HUB Dining
37. HUB-Robeson Center
38. Intercollegiate Athletics
39. Penn State Information Technology
40. Penn State Greater Allegheny Housing and Food
41. Penn State Greater Allegheny, except Housing
and Food Services
42. Penn State Law
43. Penn State Lehigh Valley
44. Penn State Mont Alto Housing and Food
45. Penn State Mont Alto, except Housing and Food
46. Navigation Research and Development Center
47. Penn State New Kensington
48. Office of Business Services
49. Office of Physical Plant
50. Outreach
51. Penn State Hospitality Services
52. Penn State Schuylkill Housing and Food
53. Penn State Schuylkill, except Housing and Food
54. Senior Vice President for Research
55. Penn State Shenango
56. The College of Medicine (Hershey)
57. University Health Services at the Student
Health Center
58. University Libraries
59. University Police
60. Weis Research Center
61. Penn State Wilkes-Barre
62. Penn State Worthington Scranton
63. Penn State York
9.4 Probationary Employee
A newly hired employee on a regular job shall
have no seniority or other benefit rights for the first
ninety (90) calendar days of employment, except that
the employee shall have the retirement and insurance
coverages provided in this Agreement and shall
accumulate vacation, service days, and sick leave
allowance in accordance with this Agreement but shall
not be permitted to use such vacation, service days, and
sick leave until the completion of the ninety (90) day
probationary period. During this ninety (90) day
probationary period, the employee shall be considered
as a probationary employee and during said period the
University may discharge such probationary employee
without being subject to Article VI Discipline and
Discharge and Article VIII — Grievance Procedure.
In the event the employment of any newly hired
employee on a regular job is continued beyond ninety
(90) days, such employee shall be immediately clas-
sified as a regular employee and the employee’s
seniority shall date back to the date on which the
employee was hired.
In the event a new employee changes or is trans-
ferred to a new job title with a different supervisor
during the probationary period, such employee must
serve a new probationary period in the new job before
the employee will be classified as a regular employee.
In the event a probationary employee is laid off,
time spent during layoff shall not count toward the
ninety (90) calendar days. However, time spent in
the probationary period prior to layoff will count
toward completion of the probationary period pro-
vided the employee is recalled in the same job title
within 120 calendar days of the date of layoff.
9.5 Bargaining Unit Seniority
Bargaining unit seniority shall be applicable in
determining the following employee rights:
(a) To award a job to an employee as a result of
the job bidding procedure as provided in the Article
entitled “Job Vacancies” provided that the other
requirements of said Article are satisfied;
(b) To determine the amount of layoff prior to
termination of employment;
(c) To determine the order of layoff in accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement concerning
(d) To determine the order of recall in accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement concerning
9.6 Work Unit Seniority
Work unit seniority shall be applicable in deter-
mining the following employee rights:
(a) To assign overtime work among employees
in accordance with the overtime provisions of this
(b) To determine vacation schedules from among
the times made available by the University in accor-
dance with the provisions of this Agreement concern-
ing vacations.
(c) To determine the regular assignment of days
on and days off and/or shifts where employees with
the same job title within a work area or work group
have work schedules providing for a variety of days on
and days off and/or a variety of shifts in accordance
with the following:
An employee in such an area or group, who wants
to request a change in days off, and/or shift in that area
or group, shall indicate a preference in writing to the
supervisor during March each year. In fulfilling such
requests, supervisors shall put the new schedules into
effect for the next following fall semester.
In determining the assignment of days on and days
off and/or shifts, work unit seniority shall not be
(1) Where an employee requests two (2) weeks
in advance a change of schedule because the
employee is a member of the Armed Forces
Reserve or National Guard and is required to
report for a drill session of two days’ dura-
tion or less, or
(2) Where the assignment of work schedules in
accordance with work unit seniority would
result either in the payment of overtime or less
days of work for the employee with such work
unit seniority.
(d) To determine the assignment of a shift in
accordance with Sections 19.1(c) and (e).
9.7 The parties mutually recognize that the
employee with the greatest seniority may not be
capable or qualified. The University shall, however,
give employees with the greatest seniority first con-
sideration. The determination of the qualifications of
any employee in all circumstances rests with the
University subject to the grievance procedure.
9.8 Termination of Seniority and Employment
Seniority and employment shall be terminated for
any of the following reasons:
(a) Where an employee quits.
(b) Where an employee is discharged for just cause.
(c) Where an employee is absent from work for
three (3) consecutive work days without properly
notifying the University unless the employee can
demonstrate that the absence was caused by an emer-
gency and that it was impossible for the employee to
give proper notification to the supervisor.
(d) Where an employee fails to report to work on the
date scheduled, or given in a “Notice of Recall,” (in
accordance with the provisions of Article XI, Recall),
unless the failure to return is caused by an emergency
and it is impossible for the employee to notify the
(e) Where an employee fails to return to work after
physically being able to do so following a leave of
absence for illness or injury, unless the failure to return
is caused by an emergency and it is impossible for the
employee to notify the supervisor.
(f) Where an employee fails to return from leave
of absence on the required date, unless the failure to
return is caused by an emergency and it is impossible
for the employee to notify the supervisor, or misrep-
resents the reason for a leave of absence.
(g) Where an employee is laid off for a continu-
ous period equal to two (2) years.
9.9 To protect seniority, each employee shall keep
the University informed of the employee’s current
home address and telephone number. At the time of
layoff, an employee shall be given an opportunity to
write the correct home address and telephone number
over the employee’s signature on a University form
furnished for that purpose, and will receive a copy of
such form.
9.10 Posting of Seniority Lists
Each year, during the months of April and October,
within each work unit, two seniority lists of employ-
ees in the work unit shall be posted as follows:
(a) Work unit seniority list. Employees shall be
grouped by job title, by grade in work unit seniority
(b) Bargaining unit seniority list. Employees shall
be listed in bargaining unit seniority order. The list
shall show the employee’s name, job title and grade.
The lists above shall be posted in all usual places for
posting official announcements for employees in that
work unit and two copies of the lists shall be made
available to the Union. Such lists shall remain posted
for the applicable period.
10.1 Definition
A layoff is any curtailment of the work force.
10.2 Order of Layoff
(a) Layoffs of employees shall be made in a work unit
by job title in order of bargaining unit seniority.
Provided, however, that where layoffs of employees in a
job title occur in Food Service Dining Commons work
areas only on varying dates within fourteen (14) calendar
days, the specific date of layoff for each such employee
shall be the date the employee’s specific job is curtailed
and such employee shall not be subject to bumping
during that period.
(b) In the event the jobs being curtailed are performed
by senior employees in that job title, such employees
shall replace the employees with the least bargaining unit
seniority in that job title in the work unit.
(c) In the event the employees so replaced have more
bargaining unit seniority than other employees within the
same or lower grade in the work unit such employees
shall bump the least senior employees in the work unit in
the same or the next two lower grades. Bumps of the least
senior employees beyond the next two lower grades shall
be at the option of the employees. The employees so
bumped shall have the same bumping obligations and
options so that the least senior employees in the work
unit shall be the first laid off. Provided, however, that any
employee bumping into a different job title shall be
capable of performing the work and, except when
bumping into grade 9 through 12, shall meet the
minimum qualifications for the position. The University
is not obligated to train an employee in order to qualify
the employee for bumping.
(d) In 10.2(b) and (c) above, an employee shall fill an
available vacancy in a job title, in lieu of the
announcement procedure, rather than displace or bump
another employee. Where a number of eligible
employees bump into the same job title concurrently, the
choice of available jobs in that job title shall be offered
to employees in accordance with bargaining unit
seniority. The senior employee need not bump a least
senior employee who has fewer regularly scheduled
hours of work, but, in that event, may bump the least
senior employee who has the same number of hours of
regularly scheduled work.
(e) Once all bumps occur in 10.2 (a), (b), (c), and (d)
above, the work schedules of employees in the affected
job titles will be set in work unit seniority order.
10.3 Except for training purposes, such as when a new
dining commons is opened and new employees must be
familiarized with the work area and equipment for a short
period of time prior to beginning normal operations of
the unit, no new regular employees shall be hired in a job
title if any employee in the work unit in that job title is
on layoff and subject to recall in accordance with the
provisions of the Agreement.
10.4 Notice of Layoff
Notice of layoff must be given to an employee in
writing two (2) calendar weeks prior to its beginning
date, except that lesser notice may be given in the event
of unforeseen circumstances. A copy of the notice of
layoff shall be provided to the Union.
10.5 Rights of Employee During Layoff
An employee on layoff shall:
(a) Maintain all group insurance coverages in which
enrolled for the first 180 calendar days of the employee’s
layoff by payment in advance, or following a billing as
specified at the time of layoff, of the regular biweekly
contributions due during the layoff, unless the employee
notifies the University in writing prior to the date of the
layoff that the employee does not wish to continue such
coverage, which notice of termination shall terminate all
insurance coverage as of the end of the final pay period.
No claim shall be paid unless an employee is paid up for
all his insurance. An employee who has not paid the
amount due for contributions when billed by the
University, shall have the full amount due deducted from
the first full salary check upon return to regular
(b) Be eligible for educational privileges for the first
120 calendar days of the employee’s layoff or until the
end of the semester, whichever is greater.
(c) Accumulate work unit and bargaining unit
(d) Not contribute to retirement unless paid for days
during the layoff or unless the employee is a member of
and makes private arrangements to contribute to TIAA-
(e) Receive the cash equivalent of accumulated
vacation, service days, personal holiday, and
compensatory time if recall to regular full-time
employment is not anticipated within 120 calendar days
from the date of layoff. If recall is anticipated within 120
days from the date of layoff, the following conditions
1. At the option of the employee all or part of
accumulated vacation, service days, personal holiday,
and compensatory time may be carried over to the return
to regular full-time employment.
2. If the employee elects to receive payments of the
cash equivalent of accumulated vacation service days,
personal holiday, or compensatory time for all or part of
the work days included in the layoff, and such work days
extend into more than one pay period, the cash equivalent
paid shall be distributed over the appropriate work days
of the employee’s regular work schedule as though the
employee were not on layoff. Accumulated vacation,
service days, personal holiday, and compensatory time
paid under this Section (e)2 shall extend the employee’s
active employment status except with respect to the date
of the layoff. If an employee is receiving payment for
accumulated vacation, service days, personal holiday, or
compensatory time under Section (e)2 herein and is
recalled and required to return to work, the employee
shall receive overtime pay in accordance with Section
17.1(d) of this Agreement.
(f) Not accumulate vacation and sick leave except as
specified in Section (e)2 above and may not use
previously accumulated sick leave.
(g) Receive holiday pay for any holiday that occurs
within the first thirty (30) days of the layoff (or voluntary
leave of absence without pay when granted to an
employee in lieu of working during a period of layoff), if
the employee has completed their probationary period
prior to the date of the layoff.
10.6 Alternate Work
(a) An employee who does not bump into a job in
accordance with Section 10.2 shall accept alternate work
in the bargaining unit offered on a temporary basis which
is not more than two (2) grades below the grade of the
employee’s regular job; provided, however, that grade 7
and 8 employees in Housing and Food Services may
decline alternate work that is two (2) or more grades
below their regular job. Alternate work offered on a
temporary basis which is more than two (2) grades below
the employee’s regular job may be accepted at the
employee’s option. Alternate work may be in any work
unit, including the employee’s normal work unit. A job
grade shall be established by the University for such
alternate work and the employee shall be paid the rate of
the alternate job grade at the appropriate point in the
salary scale attained by the employee.
(b) If no alternate work is offered under Section
10.6(a), and a nonregular employee (wage payroll) is
working in the same work unit, such work shall be
considered as alternate work and offered in accordance
with this Section 10.6, provided the layoff of the regular
employee is for more than ten (10) work days, and the
employee is capable of performing the work and except
for alternate work in grades 9 through 12 has sufficient
previous related training and experience.
(c) If a regular employee subject to layoff of ten (10)
or more work days is not offered alternate work under
Section 10.6(b), the University shall place the employee,
in another work unit at the same campus location to
perform the work of a nonregular employee. The
employee must have the abilities and physical fitness
sufficient to satisfactorily perform the job. The employee
will be offered the work as alternate work. In considering
ability to do the job, a review shall be made of such
things as an employee’s work history, attendance record
(except sick family days, as provided in Section 26.2),
educational background, aptitudes and past work
performance. Warning letters shall not be considered as
part of an employee’s work history or past performance.
Upon request of an employee, alternate work can be
offered for other campus locations. The employee may
choose to decline this alternate work placement in
another work unit and instead be placed on layoff. If the
employee declines the placement no further placement in
alternate work in another work unit is required. If the
employee accepts the placement in another work unit and
the alternate work assignment ends the University shall
again place the employee in another work unit at the
same campus location to perform the work of a
nonregular employee as outlined above in 10.6(c).
(d) Upon request of an employee, the University will
consider alternate work at other campus locations.
(e) Alternate work for purposes of this Section 10.6
may include positions of a higher grade. An employee
may refuse alternate work to a position of a higher grade.
(f) Short-Term Assignments
1. For purposes of this article, a short-term assignment
is a type of alternate work in the employee’s regular work
unit which may be offered to an employee who is not
working as a result of a layoff and not otherwise working
in alternate work. It is defined as a period up through
fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days.
2. The University shall, prior to a layoff (except in the
case of an emergency), notify an employee who is
required to work a known short-term assignment in his
regular work unit during the layoff of the dates of such
short-term assignment. If additional short-term
assignments become available during the layoff, the
University shall offer the work in bargaining unit
seniority order to the employees on layoff who are
qualified to perform the work. An employee on layoff is
not required to accept such additional short-term
assignments, regardless of the grade of the assignment.
3. In Housing and Food Services, if no employee on
layoff accepts such short-term assignment as provided in
10.6f2, such assignments may be offered to employees
on leave as provided in Section 10.10.
(g) During the period the employee is working in the
alternate work the employee shall:
1. Continue as a regular employee of the employee’s
normal work unit, except that (i) time worked on the
alternate work shall not be counted toward the
completion of a learning or training period in the
employee’s normal job; (ii) time worked on the alternate
work shall be counted toward the completion of the
probationary period only if the employee worked forty-
five (45) days in his normal job; (iii) accumulated
vacation time shall be scheduled in accordance with the
procedures of the work unit of the alternate work; (iv)
time worked on the alternate work shall not be counted
toward the calendar day periods specified in Sections
10.5(a) and (b).
2. Be subject to recall in accordance with the pro-
visions of this Agreement.
(h) An employee shall be placed on layoff during any
period of unemployment prior to starting in an alternate
work assignment or returning to the employee’s normal
(i) It shall not be cause to deny pay for work time
missed by an employee scheduled for alternate work who
cannot report at the beginning of the alternate work
because of an illness or injury; provided, however, that
all provisions of Article XXVI, Sick Leave, shall apply.
(j) Except as modified above, all terms and provisions
of this Agreement shall be applicable to an employee on
such alternate work.
(k) No nonregular or student employee shall be hired
in a work unit to perform work that could be alternate
work, if qualified regular employees of that work unit on
layoff express interest in and are available to perform the
10.7 Pay Rate for Paid Time Off
An employee, who due to layoff of 120 calendar days
or less, bumps temporarily into another job or is assigned
to alternate work, shall for that period receive pay for
vacation, compensatory time, sick leave, holidays,
service days, personal holiday, and other paid time off at
the rate of his normal job.
10.8 Superseniority for Job Vacancies
(a) An employee on layoff shall have bargaining unit
seniority that supersedes all other employees when
applying and being considered for job vacancies. In the
event more than one employee on layoff applies for a
vacancy, the order of consideration will be determined
by regular bargaining-unit seniority.
(b) Employees shall not have superseniority when
bidding into a higher grade job than the grade of the job
title from which the employee was laid off, unless the job
into which the employee bids is in grades 9 through 12.
(c) The provisions of this section, 10.8, shall also
apply to laid off employees in alternate work
10.9 Information at Time of Layoff
In the event of a layoff, a work unit will furnish to the
Union within fifteen (15) calendar days of the layoff:
a. The dates of layoff and recall (if anticipated);
b. The names of employees scheduled to work during
the layoff with days of employment, if known, and the
names of those laid off.
10.10 Housing and Food Services
The following will apply in Housing and Food Services
during University Recesses:
1. Voluntary Leaves of Absence
In lieu of layoff, employees in Housing and Food
Services will be offered the opportunity to apply for a
leave of absence. Such leaves will be granted by
bargaining unit seniority to the extent possible on the
same basis used in previous years.
2. Core Group
Work unit employees by bargaining unit seniority
shall have the option to be assigned either core group
work or alternate work; provided, however, if
insufficient employees in a job title select core group
positions, the least senior employee in the job title will
be assigned to the available core group work. The
provisions of Article X, Section 10.6 Alternate Work,
will be applicable to alternate work selected or assigned.
10.11 Unemployment Compensation
The University will not contest unemployment
compensation claims submitted by employees who do
not elect to bump into or accept alternate work in jobs
more than two (2) grades below their regular jobs or who
elect not to accept alternate work in a higher grade.
11.1 Order of Recall
(a) When any job becomes available within a work
unit, an employee in that work unit who had bumped into
another job, had been temporarily assigned in lieu of
layoff or had been laid off shall have recall rights on the
basis of bargaining unit seniority, provided the employee
is capable of performing the job and the job grade is at
the same or lower grade as the grade of his original job.
An original job shall mean the job title and work area (as
referenced in 9.6(c)) of the position that the employee
held as of the date of layoff. An employee must accept
recall to a vacancy in the same grade or no more than two
(2) grades lower than the grade of the employee’s
original job. An employee may elect not to exercise
recall rights to other vacancies. If an employee elects not
to exercise recall rights to such a position, the University
shall not contest the employee’s application for
unemployment compensation benefits. Such recall rights
shall continue until the employee is recalled to his/her
original job or for a period of two (2) years.
(b) At the time of recall the work schedule of
affected employees shall be determined in work unit
seniority order.
(c) Employees who, while on layoff, bid into a
higher grade than their original job shall forfeit their
right to be recalled into their original job except for
employees whose original job is a grade 11 or 12 job.
(d) Employees who, while on layoff, bid into a job
at the same or a lower grade as the original job from
which they were laid off shall retain recall rights to the
original job as stated in 11.1(a). If an employee is
offered recall to their original job and declines the
offer, they shall thereafter forfeit all recall rights to
their original job.
11.2 Notice of Recall
(a) The University may recall an employee by
any available means, including notice given at time
of layoff. If an employee is not contacted by other
means, the University shall mail a notice of recall
to the employee’s last known address. Such mailed
notice shall be by certified mail.
(b) If an employee is not given notice of recall at
time of layoff, such notice shall be made (or post-
marked) at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the date
the employee is to report back to work. If work is
available, however, the employee may return sooner
at the request of the supervisor, if the employee desires
to do so.
(c) Where recall in a job title is made to more
than one area, or where a variety of days on and
days off exist, the date of recall shall be the date an
employee’s specific job is resumed.
12.1 Notification of Job Vacancies
(a) Whenever a position classified as technical-
service becomes available, the University shall pre-
pare a notice of vacancy and display same on the
University electronic bulletin board as provided in this
article, and shall make a copy available to the Union
at that time.
(b) The notification procedure shall not be used for
an employee to change from the employee’s present
job to another within the employee’s work unit with
the same job title and grade. Such moves are lateral
moves and shall be made at the discretion of manage-
ment, on the basis of work unit seniority, and shall not
unreasonably be denied. They are made prior to
announcing a vacancy. In order to be considered for
such a lateral move, an employee must indicate in
writing a desire to make such a move at least five (5)
calendar days prior to the date of the final approval to
fill the vacancy. To permit employees opportunity to
meet the aforesaid five (5) day requirement for a job
with a shift not in effect, employees will be informed
at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of the date
of the job announcement. A lateral move request shall
be submitted on a duplicate form and signed by the
employee and the supervisor. The employee will
retain one copy and submit the other copy to the
supervisor. Such a request shall be valid for a twelve
(12) month period. An employee who has not
submitted a timely request, does not meet the sick-
leave standard in Section 12.3(b) or has been issued
a warning letter in the previous twelve (12) months
will not be given consideration for such a move. Once
it is determined to grant a request for a lateral move,
such move shall be made no later than two (2) weeks
following the decision.
Once all such moves within job title and grade
have been made by management, the resulting vacan-
cy shall be filled in accordance with the other sec-
tions of this Article.
12.2 Job Announcement Procedure
(a) Job vacancy notices, called job announce-
ments, shall be displayed on the University electronic
bulletin board and shall include job title and grade, a
summary of the duties of the announced job vacancy,
shift and general location information, and any edu-
cation, or equivalent, and/or experience preferred.
(b) Job announcements will include the following
“In the absence of any applicants who meet the
stated minimum requirements for an announced job
in grades 5 through 1, extended learning periods may
be provided for individuals who do not meet the
minimum requirement.”
(c) Job announcements shall be displayed for a
period of seven (7) calendar days. In the calcula-
tion of the seven (7) calendar day period, University
holidays shall not be counted, and if the seventh day
is a Saturday, Sunday, or University holiday, the
announcement shall continue to the next University
business day. Except for an announced apprentice
program vacancy, a regular employee who applies
shall be considered for an announced job vacancy
in another work unit only after the employee has
completed at least six (6) months of regular employ-
ment, beyond time spent in a learning period, in the
employee’s present work unit, unless waived by
management. Special consideration, however, shall
be given to waiving said six (6) months’ restriction in
a circumstance where an employee who applies for a
position in grades 1-5 possesses a special skill and is
qualified. In no case, however, shall it be necessary
that time required in the present work unit exceed
twelve (12) months (including periods of layoff).
(d) An announced job vacancy shall be awarded
by management to the employee in the bargaining unit
with the longest bargaining unit seniority who is
reasonably judged to have the ability and physical
fitness sufficient to satisfactorily perform the job.
12.3 Consideration of Bidders
(a) Eligible applicants shall be given the opportu-
nity to provide to the University, via the University’s
electronic bulletin board, complete information in
writing on their background and experience. The
qualifications of each eligible applicant shall be
reviewed in seniority order and each job vacancy shall
be filled by the most senior employee on the list of
eligible bidders who is reasonably judged to have the
abilities and physical fitness sufficient to satis-
factorily perform the job. The parties mutually rec-
ognize that the employee with the greatest seniority
may not be capable or qualified. The University shall,
however, give employees with the greatest seniority
first consideration. The determination of the qualifica-
tions of any employee in all circumstances rests with
the University subject to the grievance procedure. In
considering ability to do the job, a review shall be
made of such things as an employee’s work history,
attendance record [as provided in Section 12.3(b)],
educational background, aptitudes and past work
performance. A warning letter issued to an employee
which has been on file for a period of more than twelve
(12) months following the date of the letter shall not
be used in considering the employee for promotion or
transfer. The University shall inform each senior bid-
der if a less senior bidder is awarded the job.
(b) The following sick-leave standards will be used
for consideration of absences for bidding purposes.
An applicant shall not be considered if the appli-
cant has seven (7) or more occasions of absence dur-
ing the 12-month period immediately preceding the
date of consideration of the applicant:
1. Absences of less than two (2) hours in a workday
shall not be counted toward an occasion of absence.
2. Absences of two (2) hours or more in a work-
day shall be accumulated. Each eight (8) hours of
accumulated time shall count as one (1) occasion of
3. Absences charged to family sick, compensable
work-related illness or injury, or under the Family
and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) shall not be counted
as an occasion of absence.
4. Each full workday of absence, regardless of
length of workday, shall count as one (1) occasion
of absence; provided, however, that an extended
absence exceeding three (3) consecutive workdays
shall be considered only as three (3) occasions.
Talent Acquisition will not forward to an area
considering an employee who bid on a job a copy of a
warning letter which had been on file for a period of
more than twelve (12) months following the date of
the letter.
(d) Conditions of trial periods of up to twenty (20)
days worked:
1. A trial period is not granted to a bidder who
clearly meets the qualifications and physical fitness
requirements of the job.
2. A trial period is not granted to a bidder who
clearly does not meet the qualifications and physical
fitness requirements of the job.
3. A trial period shall be granted to a bidder who
requests it in writing within three (3) work days of
written notification of rejection and who is determined
not to be in 1 or 2 above, where there is question as to
whether or not the employee meets the minimum
qualifications and physical fitness requirements of the
job. The employee shall be informed of deficiencies at
a meeting prior to the beginning of the trial period.
The employee’s steward or alternate steward shall be
present at the meeting unless the employee objects at
the beginning of the meeting.
4. Consideration of requests for trial periods for a
job shall be made on a bargaining unit seniority basis,
if more than one employee makes such request.
5. Only one trial period may be granted for each
job vacancy. If an employee granted a trial period
withdraws the request before commencing the trial
period, other requests made shall be considered in
accordance with (d)4 above.
6. If the University denies the request for a trial
period, the employee may file a grievance, unless
a trial period for the job has been granted to a more
senior employee. The grievant shall be required to
justify meeting the minimum qualifications and phys-
ical fitness requirements of the vacancy sufficient to
warrant a trial period.
7. If the University determines an employee does
not demonstrate satisfactory performance in the job
during the trial period, the employee shall be returned
to the employee’s previous job title without loss of
8. Trial periods shall not be granted for job vacan-
cies in University Police.
9. The University shall not accept formal job bids
from nonregular (wage-payroll) employees for job
vacancies announced in accordance with Article XII.
12.4 Notification of Job Vacancy Status
(a) Once each week, lists containing the follow-
ing information will be displayed on the University
electronic bulletin board:
1. Each job filled within the preceding week indi-
cating the name and bargaining unit seniority date of
the person appointed to the job.
2. Each job in which employees have applied and
no final selection has been made and for which the
closing date of the announcement is at least two (2)
calendar weeks prior to the date of this publishing
of this list; such jobs will remain on subsequent lists
until a decision has been reached.
(b) Such lists shall be displayed on the University
electronic bulletin board until the next list is distrib-
(c) The University shall provide the Union with an
electronic copy of each notice of job vacancy status.
12.5 Multiple Job Vacancies
If within two (2) calendar weeks of the closing
date of an announcement an additional vacancy or
vacancies become available in the work unit in the
same job title, such additional vacancy or vacancies do
not have to be announced under Section 12.2. The
Union shall be notified in such instance within said
two-week period and such vacancy or vacancies shall
be so identified on the notice of job vacancy status
issued pursuant to Section 12.4.
12.6 Written Tests
(a) The questions contained in a written mechanical
or trades, landscape, or cook type of test administered
by the University for the purposes of Article XII, Job
Vacancies, shall be made available for a confidential
review with bargaining unit employees in the work
unit selected by the University, in consultation with
the Union, who have expertise in the job for which the
test is being used.
The University shall reword or clarify, or shall
eliminate, any questions that are identified by these
employees as being unclear or not related to the duties
of the job.
(b) No later than September 30, 1999, the University
shall provide to the Union a list of Office of Physical
Plant and Housing and Food Services written tests
described herein, along with each test’s passing score,
and the guidelines for test administration and secu-
rity. Prior to changing the passing score or guidelines
of any such test, the University will meet and discuss
the change with the Union.
(c) Upon the request of an employee who does not
pass a written test, a representative of the human re-
sources office of the work unit in which the test was
given will meet with the employee to discuss areas
where improvement is needed.
12.7 Alternate Work
The provisions of this Article shall not apply to
alternate work temporarily assigned to a regular
employee subject to layoff.
For any alternate work assignments made after
October 31, 1978, new job descriptions and evalua-
tions will be made and supplied to the Union as new
13.1 Purpose of Leave
A leave of absence without salary may be granted
for absence in excess of accumulated sick leave, mili-
tary service, maternity, childcare, family care, or for
any other reason determined to be at the convenience
of the University.
(a) Absence in Excess of Accumulated Sick Leave
An employee who has used all of his accumulated
sick leave during a period of illness or injury (non-
work related) shall, at the employee’s option, charge
additional absence against all or part of accumulated
vacation, personal holiday or unused service days, as
applicable, or compensatory time off, or be granted a
leave of absence in accordance with Section 13.2 of
this Article.
(b) Absence for Military Service
A leave of absence for extended active military
service and a leave of absence for annual military
training duty shall be granted in accordance with
University policy applicable to all other employees
of the University.
(c) Maternity Leave
When it is determined that an employee cannot
continue actively at work prior to childbirth, the
employee shall first charge such absence to accumu-
lated sick leave. If accumulated sick leave is expend-
ed, the employee shall be placed on leave of absence
without pay, with the employee’s option to use or
not use all or part of accumulated vacation, personal
holiday or unused service days, as applicable, or
compensatory time off prior to the leave commenc-
ing. Normally, cessation of work prior to childbirth
shall not commence earlier than the eighth month of
pregnancy, nor shall absence for childbirth continue
more than six (6) weeks following the birth of the
child, unless there are medical complications related
to the pregnancy or childbirth which require earlier
cessation of work or extension of the time following
childbirth. An employee requesting either exception
may be required by the University to submit a written
statement from her attending physician. Such request
may be subject to review by the University before
(d) Family Leave
1. Leave for the Birth, Adoption, or Foster Care
of a Child
a) Birth or Adoption of a Child
Upon request, a leave of absence shall be
granted following the birth of a child of the employee
or the employee’s partner to continue up to the time
the child is one (1) year of age, or in the case of adop-
tion, from the date the child begins to reside with
the employee to continue up to twelve (12) months.
If requested, such leave shall also be granted for
absences required for the placement for adoption to
proceed. The employee may elect to use accumulated
vacation, unused service days, personal holiday and
compensatory time off, as applicable prior to com-
mencement of no-pay status for the balance of the
b) Foster Care
Upon request, a leave of absence for up to
twelve (12) weeks in accordance with the Family and
Medical Leave Act (FMLA) eligibility shall be grant-
ed for the placement of a child for foster care. The
leave shall commence with time off to attend foster
care placement proceedings, in accordance with the
FMLA. The employee may elect to use accumulated
vacation, unused service days, personal holiday and
compensatory time off, as applicable, prior to com-
mencement of no-pay status for the balance of the
leave. Such absence shall not exceed twelve (12)
weeks within twelve (12) months of placement of a
child for foster care.
2. Leave for a Seriously Ill Family Member
Upon request, a leave of absence to care for an
employee’s seriously ill, verifiable on request by the
University, child, spouse or partner, parent or indi-
vidual who stood in loco parentis to an employee shall
be granted for up to twelve (12) weeks in accordance
with FMLA eligibility requirements. During the leave
the employee shall first use all sick family days, accu-
mulated vacation, unused service days, personal holi-
day, and compensatory time off, as applicable, prior
to commencement of no-pay status for the balance of
the leave. For purpose of subsections (d)2 and (d)3, the
definition of child shall include any biological, ad-
opted, foster, stepchild, legal ward, or child for which
an employee is standing in loco parentis, who is under
18, or over 18 and incapable of self-care because of a
mental or physical disability.
If an employee requests leave for a compelling fam-
ily emergency, such as a terminal illness in the em-
ployee’s immediate household, for family members or
periods of time not covered in the previous sentence,
special consideration shall be given to granting the
leave but at the discretion of the University.
3. Leave for Child Care
A leave of absence for child care up to twelve (12)
weeks in any twelve (12) consecutive calendar month
period shall be granted by the University upon request.
If such leave is granted, the employee shall first use
accumulated vacation, unused service days, personal
holiday, and compensatory time off, as applicable prior
to commencement of no pay status for the balance of
the leave. A leave taken concurrently or on an
overlapping basis by both parents employed by the
University shall not exceed, in the aggregate, a period
of twelve (12) weeks.
4. Military Family Leave
Military Caregiver Leave and Qualifying Exigency
Leave will be granted in accordance with applicable
law. To the extent the law is amended or changed to
require less or more Military Family Leave than is
specified in this section, the University will reduce or
increase the Military Family Leave accordingly.
The Military Family Leave provisions of the FMLA
entitle eligible employees to take FMLA leave for any
“qualifying exigency arising from the foreign de-
ployment of the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or
parent with the Armed Forces, or to care for a service
member with a serious injury or illness if the employ-
ee is the service member’s spouse, son, daughter, par-
ent or next of kin.
a) Qualifying Exigency Leave
The University shall grant an eligible em-
ployee up to twelve (12) weeks of leave during any
twelve (12) month period for qualifying exigencies that
arise when the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or
parent is on covered active duty or has been notified of
an impending call or order to covered active duty.
Qualifying exigencies for which an employee may take
FMLA leave include making alternative child care
arrangements for a child of the deployed service
member, attending certain military ceremonies and
briefings, or making financial or legal arrangements to
address the service member’s absence. The employee
will be required to expend accumulated vacation, un-
used service days, personal holiday and compensatory
time off, as applicable, prior to commencement of no
pay status for the balance of the leave.
b) Military Caregiver Leave
The University shall grant an eligible em-
ployee up to twenty-six (26) weeks of leave during any
twelve (12) month period to care for a covered service
member with a serious injury or illness. The employee
must be the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of
kin of the covered service member. The employee will
be required to expend sick family days, accumulated
vacation, unused service days, personal holiday and
compensatory time off, as applicable, prior to
commencement of no pay status for the balance of the
(e) Absence for Other Reasons
On recommendation of the dean or administrative
officer, a regular employee may be eligible for
consideration for leave of absence without salary for
any reason determined to be at the convenience of
the University.
13.2 Length of Leave
The period during which a regular employee may
be on leave of absence without salary is governed by
the following conditions:
(a) A leave is granted for a specific period of time
to begin on a date specified by the University.
(b) A leave of absence granted to an employee
because of his inability to perform his duties due to
illness or injury (non-job related) is limited as follows:
Length of Continuous Regular Maximum
Service of Any Type With the Length of Leave
University at the Start of the Leave Granted
Completion of probationary
period through 6 months Up to 1 month*
End of 6th month through 1st year Up to 3months
End of 1st year through 2nd year Up to 6 months
End of 2nd year through 3rd year Up to 9 months
End of 3rd year through 4th year Up to 12 months
End of 4th year through 5th year Up to 15 months
End of 5th year through 10th year Up to 18 months
End of 10th year or more Up to 24 months
* An employee who has at least twelve (12)
of University employment (regular or non-regular),
and has worked at least 1,250 hours during the
twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the
leave, is eligible for a leave of absence of up to
twelve (12) weeks.
(c) A leave of absence without salary for other
than illness or injury normally shall not exceed twelve
(12) consecutive calendar months. In no case, may it
exceed a maximum of twenty-four (24) consecutive
calendar months, except for a leave of absence
following a work related illness or injury [maximum
thirty-six (36) consecutive calendar months] or a
military leave of absence (maximum as determined by
(d) If an employee returns to active employment
following a leave of absence, and within sixty (60)
calendar days returns to leave of absence status for the
same illness or injury, the amount of time previously
charged to leave of absence shall be counted against
the appropriate allowance for maximum length of
13.3 Absence for extended sick leave in accor-
dance with the time limits established above shall be
continued only for the period of time the employee is
unable to perform his duties because of his illness or
injury. If the employee does not report for work after
being physically able to report to work, his employ-
ment shall be terminated. If, at the end of his leave of
absence he is still unable to work, all benefits of the
leave of absence without salary shall be terminated.
13.4 If an employee is scheduled for summer
employment and cannot report for work because he
is ill the day the job begins, another employee shall
be selected to fill his job until such time as the ill
employee is able to return to work.
13.5 Membership in Group Insurance Plan
and Retirement Plan While on Leave
(a) The maximum period to retain membership in a
group life insurance plan and/or health care insur-
ance plan is the length of the leave or two (2) years,
whichever is shorter.
(b) Employee charges for health insurance plans
while on leave of absence without salary for reasons
under Section 13.1(a) or (c), or the first twelve (12)
weeks of a Family and Medical Leave Act qualifying
leave under Section 13.1 (d) (provided, however, up
to the first twenty-six (26) weeks for military family
leave as provided by FMLA), or personal leave
granted for formal study, or voluntary leave in lieu
of layoff shall be at the normal applicable employee
contribution rates. Charges for leave for any other
reasons shall be at the entire cost (employee and
University costs).
(c) If the employee is a member of a retirement
plan in effect at the University, the employee is not
eligible to contribute to that plan unless the employee
is a member of and makes private arrangements to
contribute to TIAA-CREF. However, retirement con-
tributions will be deducted from any amounts earned
from the University during any leave.
13.6 Return to Active Service
If the job conditions are the same at the end of the
leave of absence as they were when the leave began,
the employee will be expected to return to active
service. If he does not return to his job at the end of
the leave of absence, his employment is terminated.
13.7 Replacement of Employee
While on Leave of Absence
If the absent employee requests and is granted a
leave of absence for more than five (5) calendar
months and it is determined by management that it
is desirable to fill the position on a regular employee
basis, the position shall be filled under the provisions
of Article XII Job Vacancies except that:
(1) the vacancy shall be posted within the work unit;
(2) the vacancy shall be posted for five (5) calendar
(3) the vacancy shall not be announced campus
The appointment of an employee selected for the
vacant position (hereafter called the second employ-
ee) shall be for a period not longer than the duration
of the leave of absence of the original employee. If the
original employee does not return to employment, the
second employee shall retain the position. If the
original employee returns to employment, the second
employee shall return to his or her former position.
Subsequent vacancies occurring following the
appointment of the second employee described above
shall be handled by management in the most
convenient manner.
13.8 Early Return to Active Service
If an employee while on leave of absence, desires to
return to work before his approved leave ends, he
should contact his supervisor to determine if such a
change is permissible.
13.9 Rights of Employee During Requested
Leave of Absence of 120 Calendar Days or Less
During University Recesses
An employee who requests and is granted a leave of
absence during a period of layoff of 120 calendar days
or less in the employee’s work unit shall:
(a) Make payment in advance for insurances, or
following a billing as specified at the time of leave,
of the regular biweekly contributions due during the
leave. No claim shall be paid unless an employee is
paid up for all his insurance. An employee who has not
paid the amount due for contributions when billed by
the University, shall have the full amount due
deducted from the first full salary check upon return to
regular employment.
(b) Be eligible for educational privileges for the first
120 calendar days of the employee’s leave or until the
end of the semester, whichever is greater.
(c) Accumulate work unit and bargaining unit
(d) Not contribute to retirement unless paid for days
during the leave or unless the employee is a member
of and makes private arrangements to contribute to
(e) If return to employment is anticipated within
120 days from the date of leave, the following
conditions apply:
1. At the option of the employee all or part of
accumulated vacation, service days, personal holiday,
and compensatory time may be carried over to the
return to regular full-time employment.
2. If the employee elects to receive payment of the
cash equivalent of accumulated vacation, service days,
personal holiday, or compensatory time for all or part
of the work days included in the leave, and such work
days extend into more than one pay period, the cash
equivalent paid shall be distributed over the appro-
priate work days of the employee’s regular work
schedule as though the employee were not on leave.
Accumulated vacation, service days, personal
holiday, and compensatory time paid under this
Section (e)2 shall extend the employee’s active
employment status except with respect to the date of
the leave. If an employee is receiving payment for
accumulated vacation, service days, personal holiday,
or compensatory time under Section (e)2 herein and is
recalled and required to return to work, the employee
shall receive overtime pay in accordance with Section
17.1(d) of this Agreement.
(f) Not accumulate vacation and sick leave except
as specified in (e)2 above and may not use previously
accumulated sick leave.
(g) Receive holiday pay for any holiday that occurs
within the first thirty (30) days of the voluntary leave
of absence without pay when granted to an employee
in lieu of working during a period of layoff, if the
employee has completed their probationary period
prior to the date of the leave.
14.1 The University shall grant necessary time
off without loss of seniority rights, but without
continuation of other benefits or rights, to up to two
(2) employees in the bargaining unit designated by the
Union to act as a full-time paid Union Officer or
Business Agent to serve the bargaining unit. Up to
two (2) additional employees designated by the Union
may be granted necessary time off for the same
purpose under the same conditions upon securing the
written permission of the University, which
permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. The
period of the leave of absence shall be commensurate
with the term of office as Union Officer or Business
Agent and shall be renewed from time to time by
the University at the request of the Union and the
employee involved.
14.2 Any employee granted a leave of absence
for Union business will be permitted to continue to
be covered under the University’s insurance program
provided said employee and/or the Union pays the
total cost of the premiums for same for the period of
such leave of absence.
14.3 Up to five members of the Local No. 8
Executive Board shall be continued on the payroll by
the University for the number of normal work hours
missed for a maximum of twelve (12) meetings of the
Local No. 8 Executive Board per calendar year. This
action will be contingent upon the Union reimbursing
the University for all hours paid including the
University’s contributions for retirement and social
15.1 The regular hourly wage rates for the various
job classifications covered by this Agreement are set
forth in accordance with the wage rate schedules
appended to this Agreement and made a part hereof.
15.2 The wage rates provided for in the wage rate
schedules appended to this Agreement shall be sub-
ject to adjustment as follows:
(a) Because gratuities are received there shall be
a reduction in rates paid in Penn State Hospitality
Services in the following positions to the extent
permitted by law but not to exceed the amounts indi-
cated; provided, however, that such reductions shall
not apply to paid time off:
1. The grade 11 rates paid to Table Attendants
thirty percent (30%) at the Nittany Lion Inn and fifty
percent (50%) at the Penn Stater.
2. The grade 9 rates paid to Bellhop/Drivers ten
percent (10%).
3. The grade 9 rates paid to Beverage Mixers
thirty percent (30%).
4. The grade 11 rates paid to Dining Room
Attendantsten percent (10%).
(b) In the event new jobs are created which involve
the payment of gratuities to the employee, the amount
of the deduction from the regular wage rate shall be
mutually agreed upon by the parties. If the parties
cannot agree, the University may make the deduction
it considers proper and the Union shall have the right
to refer the matter to arbitration in accordance with the
grievance procedure.
(c) There shall be deductions for employees eli-
gible to receive meals on the basis of $1.35 per meal
(d) If an employee lives in University facilities,
there shall be a deduction for such lodging.
15.3 Each grade shall have a hiring rate, a “B”
rate, an “A” rate, and a job grade rate.
15.4 Each new employee is to be paid the hiring
rate for the grade of the job.
15.5 An employee shall be paid the “B” rate at the
end of six (6) full pay periods from the date of hire.
15.6 An employee shall be paid the “A” rate at the
end of twenty-six (26) full pay periods at the “B rate.
15.7 An employee shall be paid the job grade rate at
the end of twenty-six (26) full pay periods at the “A”
15.8 At the discretion of the University, an
employee in a job requiring a special skill or
knowledge may be hired at the “B” rate or at the “A
rate. In such situation, the employee shall be paid the
next rate for the grade of the job at the end of six (6)
full pay periods from the date of hire and thereafter
future rate moves in the grade shall be in accordance
with Sections 15.7 or 15.8 as appropriate.
15.9 When an employee is promoted from one
grade to another, the employee is paid the employee’s
attained step rate at the grade of the new job, and
movement thereafter in the grade of the new job, if
applicable, shall be in accordance with the time
limits of this Article XV.
15.10 Time spent on a leave of absence without
pay shall not count toward the completion of any
learning or training period.
15.11 All increases are effective beginning with
the first day of a pay period.
15.12 Any employee who is paid on a red-circle
rate shall receive either the full rate of any wage rate
increase for the employee’s current job grade, or the
new rate of the employee’s current job grade (at the
appropriate point in the salary scale attained by the
employee), whichever rate is higher.
15.13 To the extent that College of Medicine staff
employees not represented by a collective bargaining
representative are eligible to receive an incentive
bonus payment based on financial performance of The
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center relative to the
fiscal year budget, such eligibility similarly shall apply
to members of the collective bargaining unit
represented by the Union at the College of Medicine.
15.14 Wage Reopener Option
The Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage
Earners and Clerical Workers, All Items (CPI-W,
1982-84=100), as reported by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics for the month of June, 2021, shall be the base
index for the wage reopener option. In the event the
index for the month of April, 2023 shall exceed an
increase of fifteen percent (15%) of the June, 2021
base, the wage rates to be paid from July 1, 2023 to
June 30, 2024 shall be subject to renegotiation, at the
option of the Union.
If the Union elects to request such renegotiation, it
shall so notify the University in writing on or before
June 15, 2023. If following such notification by the
Union the parties are unable to agree on wages prior to
July 1, 2023, the provisions of Article IV, Strikes and
Lockouts, shall become inoperative until agreement is
reached and the scheduled July 1, 2023 wage increase
shall not be implemented. Provided, however, the fact
that Article IV is inoperative shall not be deemed to
grant to the employees any right to strike not
permitted by state law governing public employees.
15.15 Direct Deposit of Paychecks
Employees shall be required as a condition of
employment to participate in the University’s program
for the electronic direct deposit of paychecks. To the
extent that this requirement is modified in a favorable
manner for University employees not represented by a
collective bargaining representative, such action(s)
similarly shall apply to members of the collective
bargaining unit represented by the Union.
An employee who begins work between the hours
of 1:00 p.m. and 4:59 a.m. shall be paid a shift
premium for all continuous hours worked on that shift.
Such shift premium shall be sixty cents ($.60) per hour
for shifts beginning between 1:00 p.m. and 9:59 p.m.,
and sixty-five cents ($.65) per hour for shifts
beginning between 10:00 p.m. and 4:59 a.m. The shift
premium shall be added to the base rate before the
calculation of overtime for employees who receive
overtime pay on a shift which qualified for shift
17.1 Definition
Overtime is all authorized time worked by an
employee that is:
(a) In excess of forty (40) hours a workweek. In any
workweek in which a University holiday including a
personal holiday occurs on an employee’s regularly
scheduled work day or an employee has scheduled time
off in advance chargeable to either accumulated vacation
or compensatory time, such holiday or time off shall be
considered as time worked in computing the forty (40)
(b) In excess of an employee’s scheduled work day, if
that employee is regularly scheduled to work forty (40)
hours per workweek.
(c) Performed on a day that is regularly scheduled as a
day off for that employee.
(d) Performed on a day previously scheduled as a
vacation day or a service day for that employee if the
employee is required to work, but such time shall not be
charged against vacation or service day time,
17.2 Limitation of Overtime
Overtime work shall be performed only upon
assignment by the University and shall be limited to strict
necessity. Wherever practical, where there is overtime
available in a job title for an available regular employee
and a nonregular employee (wage payroll), such
overtime work shall be assigned in priority order to the
regular employee.
17.3 Overtime Pay
Overtime work is paid at the rate of time and one-half
the hourly rate. If any overtime work is performed on a
personal holiday, a holiday (as defined in this
Agreement), or a day granted as a holiday in accordance
with Article XXV, Section 25.5, such overtime is paid at
the rate of twice the hourly rate.
17.4 Rotation of Overtime
(a) Overtime work shall be rotated through a cycle on
the basis of work unit seniority among employees with
the same job title in a work area; provided, however, that
employees may be offered the opportunity to opt-out of
the overtime rotation once per quarter, within the first
full week of March, June, September, and December of
each calendar year. An employee’s decision to opt-out
remains in effect until changed by the employee during
the identified opt-out selection time periods. Employees
who opt out of the overtime rotation forgo the
opportunity to volunteer for overtime but may be
required by the University to work overtime as provided
for in Section 17.7. An employee who refuses overtime
work that is estimated by management to last one hour or
more shall lose that turn in the cycle. If no employee in
the work area with the same job title is available, the
work shall be offered to the employee with the longest
work unit length of service in the work area who has the
ability and who is qualified to perform the job. Overtime
that is to last four (4) hours or more and that is scheduled
three (3) work days in advance will, if no qualified
employee in the work area desires such work, be offered
to qualified employees in that job title in the work unit
who have volunteered for such work. Such overtime
work shall be rotated in the same way overtime work is
rotated within the work area. The rate paid shall be time
and one-half the employee’s regular rate, provided that if
the work is in a grade lower than the employee’s present
grade, and the overtime is voluntary, the employee shall
be paid the rate of the lower grade job at the appropriate
point in the salary scale attained by the employee and
provided further if the work is in a grade higher than the
employee’s present grade, the employee shall be paid a
rate based on the provisions of Section 18.2, Article
XVIII —Temporary Transfer. If through an oversight an
employee misses a turn of overtime, that employee shall
be provided an opportunity to work sufficient overtime
hours to compensate for the overtime hours missed, at a
time mutually agreeable to the employee and the
employee’s supervisor, and the employee shall be paid at
the rate of twice the hourly rate for such hours worked.
(b) In the event an overtime assignment is canceled
after employees have been assigned to the work, those
employees shall lose that turn in the rotation.
(c) The following will apply to work beyond the end
of a shift in any work unit except the Office of Physical
1. When two hours or less of overtime is required at
the end of their shift for the employee(s), rotation of
overtime shall not be required. If such employee(s)
work(s) more than two (2) hours, the employee(s) to
whom the work otherwise would have been rotated, if
any, shall be provided an opportunity to work sufficient
overtime hours to compensate for the overtime hours
missed, at a time mutually agreeable to the employee(s)
and the supervisor, and the employee(s) shall be paid at
the rate of two and one-half (2 1/2) times the hourly rate
for such hours worked.
2. Employees subject to this provision shall not be
required to work overtime.
3. This provision is not intended to be a mechanism to
distribute overtime unfairly among employees, and any
disputes shall be settled in accordance with the grievance
procedure. If it is determined by agreement of the parties
or decision of an arbitrator that an employee was
distributed overtime unfairly, that employee shall not be
eligible for overtime under Section c(1) herein for a
period of six (6) months from the date of such
4. Upon request of the Union, or an employee, the
University shall provide overtime information for a job
title in a specified work area.
17.5 Emergency Overtime
Overtime work of a sudden emergency nature (such as
a break in a water pipe) shall be performed by the
employee determined by the supervisor to be the most
available and able to do the job, without regard for work
unit seniority.
17.6 Regular Annual Overtime
In cases of regular annual overtime, such as snow
removal by night janitorial workers, rotation of overtime
on a car-pool basis or other special basis, may be
authorized if sanctioned by a majority of the affected
employees in the work area.
17.7 In rotating overtime work, the qualified
employee, or employees if more than one employee is
needed, in that job title in that work area or work group,
with the least work unit seniority must accept the
overtime work in the employee’s (or employees’)
turn unless other employees accept the overtime in
accordance with Section 17.4 above. Whenever overtime
is to be worked, the employee or employees with the
shortest work unit seniority in the job title in the work
area or work group shall be notified that overtime work
will be required if employees with more work unit
seniority in their turn do not accept the work. Such
notification shall take place as early as feasible.
17.8 Call-Outs
(a) An employee shall be paid for a minimum of four
(4) hours at the overtime rate if the employee is called
out and reports for overtime work that is required at a
time not adjacent to the employee’s regular work hours,
provided the employee has received less than three (3)
calendar days’ notice of such assignment.
(b) An employee shall be paid for a minimum of two
(2) hours at the overtime rate if the employee is called
out and reports for overtime work that is required at a
time not adjacent to the employee’s regular work hours,
provided the employee has received three (3) calendar
days’ or more notice of such assignment.
(c) Work performed on a call-out shall be limited to
that work which necessitated the call-out; provided,
however, that if another work situation occurs which
would require a call-out, an employee already working
on a call-out may be required to perform such additional
work; in such event there shall be no pyramiding of the
call-out minimum time. If call-out work is performed on
a holiday, the employee shall be paid at a rate of twice
the hourly rate.
17.9 Meals for Certain Overtime Situations
If an employee is required to work beyond the
employee’s regular eight (8) hour shift, and the employee
works more than two (2) such overtime hours which
occur during a normal meal period, the University shall
provide sufficient time off without pay for the employee
to eat a meal supplied by the University or, if a meal is
not supplied, to purchase a meal. Such time off shall be
granted during the normal meal period, unless an
emergency prevents granting the time off during that
period. The employee will be reimbursed for a meal
purchased not to exceed Ten Dollars ($10.00) per meal.
If the employee normally receives meals while on the
job, the employee shall not have meal deductions for
such overtime hours worked. An employee shall not be
required to work for more than six (6) consecutive hours
without the opportunity for a meal.
17.10 If an employee is offered an opportunity to
remain overnight in University facilities without charge,
so as to be available for work on the next day, and the
employee remains overnight, the University shall
provide normal scheduled meals which the employee has
not had the opportunity to supply in advance or which
the employee normally does not receive on the job.
17.11 Required Work During Christmas/New Year’s
Holiday Break
An employee on layoff who is required to work while
the employee is receiving holiday pay during a
Christmas/New Year’s holiday break shall receive
overtime pay in accordance with Section 17.3 of the
Agreement for the hours worked, if the employee’s pay
that week exceeds the number of hours of the employee’s
normal weekly work schedule.
17.12 Overtime Rotation in Food Service Operations
The following job titles in Housing and Food Services
operations will be combined for purposes of overtime
rotation (Section 17.4) of the Agreement:
1. Cook A and Cook B at all locations.
2. Food Service Production Worker A, Food Service
Production Worker B, and Food Service Production
Worker A at locations other than University Park.
17.13 Overtime Rotation in the Office of Physical
The following procedures will be followed in
assigning work for certain overtime situations in the
Office of Physical Plant:
(a) Renovation Services
1. When overtime is required on a job, the University
may keep one (1) employee per trade on the job who has
been working on that job, without rotating that
assignment; provided, however, in such event, the
University shall rotate additional positions in the
applicable trade and further provided, a majority of the
employees on the job during the regular shift shall
determine an equitable method for deciding which
employee will remain on the job.
2. This provision affects only Renovation Services in
the trades of refrigeration, electrical, heating and
ventilating, plumbing, carpentry, welding, painting,
sheet metal, and floor covering.
3. Employees subject to this provision shall not be
unreasonably required to work overtime.
4. This provision applies only to jobs already in
progress, and is not intended to be a mechanism to
distribute overtime unfairly among employees.
(b) Work beyond the end of a shift, any OPP area
1. When overtime less than three (3) hours is required
at the end of the shift for the employee(s) to complete a
job, rotation of overtime shall not be required. If such
employee(s) work(s) three (3) or more hours, the
employee(s) to whom the work otherwise would have
been rotated, if any, shall be provided an opportunity to
work sufficient overtime hours to compensate for the
overtime hours missed, at a time mutually agreeable to
the employee(s) and the supervisor, and the employee(s)
shall be paid at the rate of two and one-half (2 1/2) times
the hourly rate for such hours worked.
2. Employees subject to this provision shall not be
required to work overtime.
3. This provision is not intended to be a mechanism to
distribute overtime unfairly among employees, and any
disputes shall be settled in accordance with the grievance
procedure. If it is determined by agreement of the parties
or decision of an arbitrator that an employee was
distributed overtime unfairly, that employee shall not be
eligible for overtime under Section b(1) herein for a
period of six (6) months from the date of such
4. Upon request of the Union, the University shall
provide overtime information for a job title in a specified
work area.
(c) Overtime rotation, all OPP areas except janitorial
1. All rotated overtime will be from one list by job
title. If there is mutual agreement by employees and the
University, rotated overtime may be from one list by job
titles. This rotation list will be used for all rotated
overtime purposes; no separate scheduled
overtime or call-out overtime rotation lists will be
2. This subsection (c) will not apply to regular annual
overtime (as defined under Section 17.6), already-
established annual overtime (rotations such as football
and snow removal), and emergency overtime (as defined
under Section 17.5).
An employee in the bargaining unit may be assigned
temporarily by the University to perform duties other
than those to which the employee is regularly assigned.
In the event an assignment is expected to exceed twelve
(12) consecutive weeks, such assignment shall be made
on the basis of work unit seniority provided the employee
has the qualifications to perform the work. The
University shall determine the grade of the temporary
assignment, and the employee so assigned shall receive
a rate of pay determined in accordance with the
provisions of this Article, subject to the Union’s right to
grieve the rate of pay established. Temporary transfer
shall not be assigned to an employee who is incapable of
performing the work.
18.1 The Same or Lower Grade
If the grade determined by the University is the same as
or lower than the employee’s regular grade, the
employee shall receive his attained rate.
18.2 A Higher Grade
(a) If the grade determined by the University is higher
than the employee’s regular job grade, the employee
shall be eligible for a rate higher than the employee’s
attained rate provided that:
If the new duties consist primarily of lead man or
group leader responsibilities, the employee must be
designated as the lead man or group leader by the
supervisor. [Management need not designate any
employee to fill in for an absent group leader or lead
man. Also, employees whose regular duties require that
they work in the place of the lead man or group leader on
the regular days off of the group leader or lead man in
seven (7) day operations shall not be considered as
having assumed the group leader or lead man duties on
such regular days off.]
(b) If the employee is eligible as described above for a
higher rate and if:
1. The higher grade determined by the University is
grade 11, 10, or 9, the rate paid shall be the rate for the
job at the appropriate point in the salary scale attained by
the employee, or if
2. The higher grade is grades 8 through 1 inclusive, the
rate paid shall be a temporary rate one-half way between
the employee’s present step rate and the rate for the same
step for the grade of the temporary assignment. Time
spent in this period shall be no more than 480 hours on
temporary assignment or, if assigned to the higher graded
assignment on a recurring basis, a combined amount of
time equal to 480 hours. After the 480 hours the
employee shall be paid the rate of the job at the
appropriate point in the salary scale attained by the
18.3 When an employee is temporarily transferred
on a full-time basis to an assignment determined to be in
a grade higher than the employee’s regular grade and the
transfer exceeds thirty-four (34) weeks in a fifty-two (52)
calendar week period, that position shall be made regular
and filled under Article XII Job Vacancies, except:
(a) Where the employee temporarily assigned is
filling the position of an absent employee expected
to return, or
(b) Where the temporary assignment does not replace
an absent employee and the assignment will be
completed within four (4) additional consecutive weeks
or on an estimated date specified by management and
agreed to by the Union, which agreement shall not
unreasonably be withheld.
18.4 The University shall not assign more than one
employee in sequence to a temporary assignment for the
purpose of extending the time limit provisions of this
18.5 An employee on temporary transfer who receives
pay for accumulated vacation, sick leave, holiday pay, or
other paid time off shall be paid based on the rate of the
employee’s normal job.
18.6 An employee shall be immediately eligible for a
temporary transfer assignment following completion
of the probationary period.
18.7 Temporary Transfer in the
Office of Physical Plant
The following conditions apply for temporary transfer
assignments within the Office of Physical Plant (OPP).
(a) Employees will indicate their interest in temporary
transfer assignments by providing complete information
in writing on their background and experience; such list
shall be maintained centrally by the University.
(b) A temporary transfer assignment available under
the purview of a supervisor, expected to last twelve (12)
weeks or less:
1. Shall be made within the crew under the purview of
that supervisor, provided the employee is available and
has the qualifications to perform the work.
2. Should no employee within the crew be available
and have the qualifications to perform the
a) An assignment expected to last eight (8) weeks or
less shall be made to an employee deemed most
appropriate from the employees who have indicated
interest, provided the employee is available and has the
qualifications to perform the work.
b) An assignment expected to exceed eight (8) weeks
shall be made in work unit seniority order from
employees who have indicated interest, provided the
employee is available and has the qualifications to
perform the work.
3. If no available employee with the qualifications to
perform the work has indicated interest in an
assignment, the University may assign the work to the
employee it deems most appropriate to perform the
(c) A temporary transfer assignment, expected to
exceed twelve (12) weeks:
1. Shall be made in work unit seniority order from the
list of employees who have indicated interest, provided
the employee is available and has the qualifications to
perform the work.
2. If no available employee with the qualifications to
perform the work has indicated interest in an assignment,
the University may assign the work to the employee it
deems most appropriate to perform the
18.8 Training Commitment
(a) Housing and Food Services employee (defined
as any technical service employee in the following
work units: Food Service Dining Commons, HUB
Dining, Café Laura, Campus Catering, Food
Production and Distribution, HFS Maintenance
Services, Housing, Penn State Abington HFS, Penn
State Altoona HFS, Penn State Beaver HFS, Penn
State Berks HFS, Penn State Brandywine HFS, Penn
State ErieThe Behrend College HFS, Penn State
Harrisburg HFS, Penn State Hazleton HFS, Penn State
Greater Allegheny HFS, Penn State Mont Alto HFS,
Penn State Schuylkill HFS) may request payment for
the cost of a correspondence course(s) at 100%, and
tuition for a vocational-technical classroom course(s)
at 50%, up to an annual maximum as established by
the University. Such course(s) must be directly related
to specific HFS career goals identified by the employee
in consultation with his supervisor and approved by
the HFS Human Resources office at University Park.
Approval for course payment must be obtained in
advance from management, which shall not unrea-
sonably deny an employee’s request. An employee
who fails to complete a course successfully shall
reimburse the University for the University share of
the course. All time spent by the employee during his
regular work hours in activities relating to taking a
course, such as traveling and attending class, shall be
charged against the employee’s accumulated vaca-
tion if any.
(b) All other employees may request payment for
the cost of a correspondence course(s) at 100%, and
tuition for a vocational-technical classroom course(s)
at 50%, up to an annual maximum as established by
the University. Such course(s) must be directly relat-
ed to specific work unit related career goals identified
by the employee in consultation with his supervisor
and work unit’s Human Resources office. Approval
for course payment must be obtained in advance from
management, which shall not unreasonably deny an
employee’s request. An employee who fails to
complete a course successfully shall reimburse the
University for the University share of the course. All
time spent by the employee during his regular work
hours in activities related to taking a course, such as
traveling and attending class, shall be charged against
the employee’s accumulated vacation if any.
19.1 The establishment of work schedules is a
function of management to be determined solely by
the University, subject to the following limitations:
(a) Employees shall be scheduled to work their
regular hours on a five (5) day per week or less basis,
and days not scheduled as work days shall be consid-
ered as regularly scheduled days off. Provided, how-
ever, the hours may be scheduled by the University
over six (6) days to cover normal operations of the
University which function on a schedule in excess
of five (5) days per week (such as the normal opera-
tion of snack bars and catering services, work in
conjunction with class schedules, animal and poultry
caretaking, operation of the creamery, operation of the
mushroom plant and the operation of Physical
Education facilities). The establishment of any addi-
tional operation on a schedule in excess of five (5)
days per week shall be reviewed with the Union prior
to implementation by the University.
(b) An employee shall be entitled to a meal period
on an employee’s time, to be determined by the
University, but not less than thirty (30) minutes or
more than sixty (60) minutes, during each work day,
except in circumstances, as determined by
management, wherein management requires continu-
ous employment during an employee’s entire shift
because of the nature of the work.
(c) The University shall give an employee one (1)
calendar week’s notice of either a temporary change
in the employee’s regular work schedule lasting less
than sixty (60) calendar days, or a permanent change
that is not to a significantly different shift [see 19.1(e)
below], in accordance with the following:
1. The new shift shall be offered in work-unit
seniority order to employees in the affected job title in
the work group and on the affected shift.
2. If a senior employee(s) decline(s) the new shift,
the least senior employee(s) in the affected job title in
the work group and on the affected shift, shall be
assigned to such shift.
3. In the event of a reasonable business necessity
or emergency that requires a temporary change of shift
the University may assign the work without regard to
If a temporary change of schedule is made which
requires temporary assignment of work on a Saturday
or Sunday for an employee normally not scheduled to
work on a Saturday or Sunday, such temporary change
of schedule shall not change the employee’s regular
work schedule for the purpose of computing overtime
under Section 17.1(c), (work on a regularly scheduled
day off).
(d) The University shall give an employee two (2)
calendar weeks’ notice of a change in the employee’s
regular work schedule which results in a permanent
reduction in weekly hours of work, except that such
period of notice shall not apply in the case of an
(e) The University shall give an employee sixty (60)
calendar days’ notice of a permanent change of shift if
the change is to a significantly different shift such as a
change from day shift to night shift or to working on
Saturday or Sunday in accordance with the following,
except in the case of an emergency:
1. The new shift shall be offered in work-unit
seniority order to employees in the affected job title
in the work group and on the affected shift, except in
the case of an emergency.
2. If a senior employee(s) decline(s) the new
shift, the least senior employee(s) in the affected job
title in the work group and on the affected shift, shall
be assigned to such shift.
(f) An employee who reports to work and there is
no work available shall be paid for three (3) hours on
a straight time basis, unless:
1. The employee has been informed not to report
to work by telephone, personal contact or letter mailed
to his last known address; or
2. An emergency prevents work; or
3. The employee refuses suitable alternate work.
(g) The creation of any additional positions, and
the continuation of current positions, that do not have
a predetermined schedule of work shifts and/or days
off (“various/various positions”) shall be based solely
on business necessity. A schedule with rotating shifts
and/or days off shall be considered a predetermined
schedule for purposes of this provision.
19.2 Nothing herein shall be construed to guaran-
tee a forty (40) hour week.
19.3 Paid Break Time
Where consistent with the University work require-
ments, employees regularly shall be provided thirty
(30) minutes paid break time within a regular work
shift (nonaccumulative).
19.4 Employees in the College of Medicine
working in areas which require “on call” schedules
shall as a condition of employment, when designated
to be “on call” remain within twenty (20) minutes
travel time from the work site. An employee “on call”
must keep the work area informed of the employee’s
location and telephone number while “on call.”
(a) The rate of pay for “on call” is Fourteen Dollars
($14.00) for each eight (8) hours of “on call” time. If
computed on a per hour basis, a rate of One Dollar and
Seventy Five Cents ($1.75) per hour is utilized. An
employee called to work when “on call” shall receive
“on call” pay for all hours of the on call assignment
and, in addition, shall receive pay of time and one-half
the employee’s regular hourly rate for hours worked
on the call-in.
(b) An employee called in to work from “on call”
shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) “call-in” hours,
if the “call-in” hours are at a time not adjacent to the
employee’s regular work hours; the employee shall be
entitled to only one (1) such four (4) hour minimum
during each eight (8) hour or less period spent “on
call” even though called in more than once.
19.5 Employees in the Office of Physical Plant
working in areas which require “on call” schedules
shall as a condition of employment, when designated
to be “on call” remain within sixty (60) minutes travel
time from the work site. An employee “on call” will be
provided a University cell phone and must respond to
all calls received.
(a) The rate of pay for “on call” is Sixteen Dollars
($16.00) for each eight (8) hours of “on call” time. If
computed on a per hour basis, a rate of Two Dollars
and Zero Cents ($2.00) per hour is utilized. An
employee called to work when “on call” shall receive
“on call” pay for all hours of the on call assignment
and, in addition, shall receive pay of time and one-
half the employee’s regular hourly rate for hours
worked on the call-in.
(b) An employee called in to work from “on call
shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) “call-in” hours,
if the “call-in” hours are at a time not adjacent to the
employee’s regular work hours; the employee shall be
entitled to only one (1) such four (4) hour minimum
during each eight (8) hour or less period spent “on
call” even though called in more than once.
19.6 Housing and Food Services Policy Manual
Housing and Food Services (HFS) shall maintain an
employee copy of the HFS policy manual for each
work area, for review by HFS employees during paid
break time or meal periods.
Such manual shall include the dining commons shift
schedules. The manual also shall include a copy of the
June 18, 1993 letter agreed to by the parties regarding
summer alternate work schedules.
19.7 Temporary Assignment to a Different Location
In the event an employee is required to directly re-
port for work on a temporary basis at a campus or other
Penn State location other than that to which he
regularly reports, any travel time in excess of his nor-
mal commute from his residence, in both directions,
shall be considered as time worked.
19.8 Eighty Hours in Fourteen Day Cycle
Where permitted by law, employees may be sched-
uled to work their regular hours on a fourteen (14) day
cycle basis during which eighty (80) hours may be
scheduled without the payment of overtime; provided
however, it is understood that there are no positions
subject to the foregoing as of the effective date of this
20.1 The principal duties of each employee’s regu-
lar job are contained in a job description. The primary
use of the description is the basis for the establish-
ment of the classification and evaluation of the job.
In addition, it may be necessary for an employee
to perform other occasional assignments not related
or similar to the duties contained in the job descrip-
tion. In the event the occasional assignment of other
job duties results in the employee performing a higher
graded job, the provisions of Article XVIII
Temporary Transfer shall be applicable. In the event
the occasional assignment of other duties results in the
employee performing the same or lower graded job,
the employee is paid his regular rate. If the occasional
assignment is to be performed on an overtime basis,
the provisions of this Article shall not be applicable
and the provisions of Section 17.4, Article XVII
Overtime, shall be applicable.
20.2 If the University creates a new job, or revises a
job description, a copy of the new description together
with the degree assigned to each factor in the evaluation
shall be given to the Union.
20.3 The University will provide all technical-
service job descriptions in an online format available
to employees.
21.1 In the event that a study of duties of an existing
non-bargaining unit job indicates that the job should
be in the bargaining unit, the job shall be placed in the
bargaining unit, the incumbent employee in the job
shall remain on the job and the job shall not be
21.2 The incumbent employee shall thereafter be
subject to the Union Security provisions of this
21.3 Bargaining unit and work unit seniority of the
incumbent employee shall begin as of the effective
date of the reclassification of the job.
21.4 University service shall be from the first date
of regular, continuous full-time University employ-
ment in any type of University employment.
21.5 In the event the University studies the duties
performed by an employee in the bargaining unit and
determines that the classification should be changed to
a non-bargaining unit category, the Union will be
notified orally and in writing of such change as soon
as practicable. The notification will indicate the rea-
sons for such reclassification.
21.6 The Union may submit to the University the
title of any position which the Union may believe
properly should be classified as technical service. The
University shall study such position and respond to the
Union indicating the University’s findings with
respect to the appropriateness of the classification.
Disputes in regard to such findings shall be settled in
the manner provided in Section 8.3, Job Evaluation
Grievance, of Article VIII.
22.1 The University will not contract out work
which will cause a layoff from University employ-
ment of bargaining unit employees. However, the
University reserves the right to contract out work
under such circumstances as:
(a) skills or equipment are not available at the
particular campus or other location, or
(b) time of delivery of products or production of
services or completion of projects cannot be met with
existing employees at the particular campus or other
22.2 Nothing contained herein shall limit the
University’s rights with respect to layoff, except for
contracting out work, nor shall it limit the
University’s management right to use new
technology, equipment, machinery, tools, energy or
laborsaving devices, nor shall anything contained
herein limit the University’s management right to
discontinue or reduce services or to purchase or use
new, processed, refined or different products or
materials in providing products or services to all
members of the University community. Nothing
contained herein shall be deemed to require the
University to hire additional personnel in the
bargaining unit.
No employee or applicant for employment covered
by this Agreement shall be discriminated against
because of membership in the Union or activities
on behalf of the Union. Neither the University nor
the Union shall discriminate for or against any
employee or applicant for employment covered by this
Agreement on account of age as defined by law,
ancestry, color, disability or handicap, genetic infor-
mation, national origin, race, religious creed, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status.
Further, the University shall take affirmative action to
employ and advance in employment individuals
without regard to age, ancestry, color, disability or
handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status.
Nothing herein shall be construed to permit Union
activity which interferes with the operation of the
University or violates this Agreement.
24.1 Eligibility
An employee shall be eligible to accumulate vaca-
tion earnings in accordance with this Article upon date
of hire into a regular job; however, vacation may not
be used until after completion of the ninety (90)
calendar day probationary period.
24.2 Accumulating Vacation Time
(a) A regular employee normally scheduled for
forty (40) hours per week shall accumulate vacation
based upon the length of continuous regular service
of any type with the University as follows: A day of
vacation accumulation is equal to eight (8) hours.
Rate of
During first ten (10) years
(120 months) of regular
24 Days
From beginning of eleventh
) year up to and
including the twenty-fifth
) year
(121 months to 300 months)
2 Days
30 Days
From beginning of twenty-
sixth (26th) year (301
months), and continuing
33 Days
An employee earns the appropriate accumulation in
any calendar month in which the employee is paid for
regular work days amounting to two (2) full work weeks
plus one (1) full work day in that month, except that pay
received for accumulated vacation at time of layoff
exceeding 120 calendar days or termination of
employment shall not be credited.
(b) Each regular employee normally scheduled for
less than forty (40) hours per week shall accumulate
vacation on the basis of eight (8) hours for each one
hundred sixty-eight (168) hours paid, and may use
that accrual upon completion of eighty-eight (88) hours
of the said one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours.
(c) Vacation accumulates while an employee is not
actively at work as long as the employee is being paid
full salary. For example, an employee being paid
during a vacation or a sick leave continues to
accumulate vacation during that period.
24.3 Scheduling Vacations
(a) The work requirements of the University shall
take priority over the scheduling of vacation or other
time off for an employee. Nevertheless, the University
shall give consideration to any specific request for
vacation by an employee. An employee requesting
vacation should do so as far in advance of the proposed
date of commencement of the vacation as feasible. In
turn, the University should respond to the request
promptly. Work unit seniority shall determine
competitive requests for vacation within a work area
or work group. A department or other appropriate
work unit may, at its option, establish periods of time
during which vacations are to be taken and/or periods
of time submitted. Vacation requests submitted at
times other than during the specified periods shall be
considered after requests received during the period
have received full consideration.
(b) If vacation or other time off is to be charged
to the vacation accumulation of an employee, it shall
be scheduled and approved by the supervisor in
advance. If an employee is absent without advance
approval by the supervisor, he shall not be paid for the
time and shall be subject to disciplinary action. A
supervisor may allow time off that is not scheduled
in advance to be charged to vacation accumulation
in any case where the supervisor judges the
circumstances to be an emergency.
(c) Time off for vacation shall be charged against
accumulated vacation on the basis of the hours of
absence from the normal work schedule.
(d) If an employee on vacation desires to return to
work before the scheduled vacation ends, the
employee shall contact his supervisor to determine if
such a return is permissible.
24.4 Vacation Relief Crew
To provide for granting requests for short-term use
of accumulated vacation, compensatory time, personal
holidays, and no-pay days each year from the first day
of class of Fall Semester to the last day of class of
Spring Semester, excluding final cleanup periods
(except for cases of extreme emergency), in University
Park Food Service Dining Commons, Food
Production and Distribution, HUB Dining, and
Housing, four (4) grade 10 positions shall be main-
tained to serve as a relief crew.
These employees shall fill in as necessary in order
that employees in the aforementioned work units may
be granted short-term vacation (including
compensatory, personal holiday, or no pay) time off.
The relief worker may fill in for an employee other
than the employee requesting vacation, if temporary
transfer or other arrangements cover the requesting
employee’s work.
A total of thirty (30) days of vacation per week to
requesting employees is guaranteed.
Requests shall be granted on the basis of work unit
Within a work area on any given day, only one (1)
Cook may be off. Within a work area on any given day,
no more than a total of four (4) employees [including
one (1) Cook] may be off.
Requests for vacation time off shall be made at least
twenty-one (21) calendar days in advance of the
first day of the requested vacation period (pre-
scheduled time). The University will respond to the
request at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the first
day of the requested vacation period.
Pre-scheduled time off shall be limited to no more
than five (5) consecutive days, and the maximum
pre-scheduled time off hereunder, together with time
off charged to vacation, compensatory time, personal
holidays, and no pay for other than illness or injury
[time off of less than four (4) hours in any day shall
not be counted] shall be seven (7) days during the
period described herein.
If relief workers are available for requests for pre-
scheduled time off, such requests shall be granted
without regard to the reasons for the requests.
Requests for vacation time off made less than
twenty-one (21) calendar days in advance of the first
day of the requested vacation period shall be granted
without regard to the reasons for the request or the
number of days of time off previously taken, if relief
workers are available.
If the number of vacation requests does not require
assignment of all relief worker time, available relief
worker time shall be utilized in other Housing and
Food Services operations. However, a vacation
request shall have first priority provided the request
is received at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance
of the beginning of the employee’s shift on the day
Relief worker positions shall have flexible days
off and shifts.
With the approval of the Union, the University from
time to time may adjust the number of relief workers
to the extent that four (4) such workers are not needed
to meet the short-term vacation needs of the
employees. The reasonableness of a refusal by the
Union to approve such a reduction shall be subject to
the grievance procedure.
24.5 Termination of Employment
An employee whose employment terminates
because of resignation or dismissal shall receive the
cash value of unused vacation accumulation, com-
puted up to and including the last full day worked,
provided the employee has completed one (1) contin-
uous year of regular employment status immediately
preceding the date of resignation or dismissal and the
employee has given at least one (1) week advance
notice in the event of resignation. If an employee
resigns with one (1) year or more of continuous, regu-
lar employment status preceding the date of resigna-
tion, but has not given at least one (1) week advance
notice of resignation, the employee shall forfeit from
accumulated vacation an amount equal to the product
of the employee’s applicable vacation accumulation
rate for the twelve (12) months prior to termination
times twelve (12).
When an employee retires on a pension, the
employee shall have the option to either use his
vacation accumulation prior to the effective date of
retirement or receive the cash value of unused vaca-
tion accumulation.
25.1 (a) Except at the College of Medicine, the
following days are established as holidays:
A Personal Holiday
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Six days at Christmas time
(b) When Christmas comes on these days the six
(6) holidays are:
Sunday December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Monday December 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Tuesday December 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31
Wednesday December 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30
Thursday December 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31
Friday December 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31
Saturday December 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29
(c) The personal holiday is granted to provide
paid time off for an employee and is scheduled in the
same way in which vacation is scheduled, but such
request shall not be unreasonably denied. A proba-
tionary employee does not earn a personal holiday.
If not used, the personal holiday shall be carried over
into the next calendar year, but not thereafter. The
personal holiday shall be earned upon completion of
the probationary period and on the first calendar day
of each year, January 1, thereafter.
If an employee is required to work on a day previ-
ously scheduled as a personal holiday, pay for such
day will be handled under the provisions of Section
25.4, holiday falling on the employee’s regularly
scheduled workday.
25.2 (a) The following days are established as
holidays for the College of Medicine:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
(b) Because of the necessary operation of the
College of Medicine, regular employees at the
College of Medicine shall earn six (6) service days
each calendar year in lieu of the personal holiday and
the additional holidays granted at Christmas time to
other regular University employees. The Christmas
Day holiday shall be applicable at the College of
Medicine as at all other University facilities. Four
(4) hours of service day time shall be earned in a
calendar month in which the employee is paid for
eleven (11) or more days; provided, however, that
vacation and service day time paid at time of a layoff
exceeding 120 calendar days or termination of
employment shall not be credited toward satisfying
the eleven (11) paid days requirement.
(c) Earned service days shall be scheduled in the
same way vacation is scheduled. Service days earned
may be carried over into the next calendar year but not
(d) An employee whose employment terminates
because of resignation or dismissal shall receive the
cash value of unused service days, computed up to and
including the last full day worked, provided the
employee has earned at least three (3) service days and
the employee has given at least one (1) week advance
notice in the event of resignation. When an employee
retires on a pension, the employee shall have the
option to either use the unused service days prior to the
effective date of retirement or receive the cash value
of unused service days. An employee who is placed on
layoff who has unused service days shall be
compensated for such days in the same manner as
accumulated vacation in accordance with Section
10.5(e) of this Agreement.
25.3 Airport Operations and Bryce Jordan Center
The following days are established as holidays for
Airport Operations employees hired on or after July
1, 2011 and Bryce Jordan Center employees:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Such employees shall earn six (6) service days each
calendar year in lieu of the personal holiday and the
additional holidays granted at Christmas time to oth-
er regular employees pursuant to Section 25.1. The
earning and application of service days shall be in
accordance with provisions elsewhere in the Agree-
ment. No layoffs shall occur during Christmas time,
except in the event of an emergency.
25.4 A holiday is a twenty-four (24) hour period
which begins at 12:01 a.m. on any of the holidays
established by the University pursuant to this
25.5 Where a holiday falls on the employee’s
regularly scheduled work day:
(a) If the employee is not required to work, the
employee shall receive his regular pay for that day.
(b) If the employee is required to work on a holiday
in accordance with the employee’s regular schedule,
the employee shall receive his regular pay for that
entire day, plus a payment of twice the employee’s
regular hourly rate times the number of hours worked
on the holiday. When an employee’s regular work
schedule begins at 8:00 p.m. or earlier on a holiday or
ends at 4:00 a.m. or later on a holiday, that employee’s
entire shift shall be considered to be on the holiday and
subject to the provisions herein. However, no
employee shall receive double holiday benefits for the
same holiday.
(c) The employee shall not be granted equivalent
time off for hours worked on the holiday.
(d) If the employee is required to work on a holi-
day, the employee shall work his regular shift; how-
ever, employees may exchange shifts on a holiday
with approval of the University.
(e) Nonemergency holiday work shall be assigned
in a manner acceptable to the parties.
25.6 Where a holiday falls on the employee’s
regularly scheduled day off:
(a) If the employee is not required to work, he shall
be granted another day of time off with pay as his
holiday. Such time off shall be scheduled in the same
way in which vacation is scheduled and shall be used
for absences before accumulated vacation is used.
(b) If an employee is required to work, he shall
be granted another day of time off with pay as his
holiday, and in addition, he shall receive a payment
of twice his regular hourly rate for each of the hours
worked on the holiday. Such time off shall be sched-
uled in the same way in which vacation is scheduled
and shall be used for absences before accumulated
vacation is used.
(c) If an employee subsequently is required to work
on a scheduled paid day off, which was granted in
accordance with (a) or (b) of this Section 25.6,
payment for such day will be handled under the
provisions of Section 25.5, holiday falling on
employee’s regularly scheduled workday.
25.7 If a holiday occurs while an employee is using
accumulated vacation or sick leave, the employee
shall receive his regular pay for the day and such time
shall not be charged against accumulated vacation or
sick leave.
25.8 If a holiday, except Christmas, occurs on a
Sunday, the University shall observe it on the follow-
ing Monday.
25.9 If an employee is scheduled to work on a
holiday and does not report to work on such a day, he
is subject to disciplinary action and will not be paid
for the day unless the absence is justified by
compelling circumstances.
25.10 An employee on layoff shall be paid for a
holiday that occurs within the first thirty (30) days of
layoff in accordance with Article X, Section 10.5(g).
25.11 An employee on leave of absence without
pay is not granted holidays that occur during the leave,
except voluntary leave when granted to an employee
in lieu of working during a period of layoff [see Article
X, Section 10.5(g)].
25.12 Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
and Juneteenth National Independence Day
Any official observance by the University in
recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday or
Juneteenth National Independence Day that affects
other regular staff employees shall be extended in like
manner to members of the bargaining unit.
25.13 December Holidays
An employee entitled to the December holidays
established in Section 25.1, who regularly works forty
(40) hours per week on a schedule of fewer than five
(5) days per week, shall not be granted another day of
time off with pay pursuant to Section 25.6 if the
December holiday schedule results in all of the
employee’s workdays in a workweek being con-
sidered as holidays, and the employee accordingly
receives forty (40) hours of holiday pay for that week.
26.1 Monthly Sick Leave Rate
An employee who regularly works forty (40) hours
per week shall accumulate one (1) day (8 hours) of
sick leave with pay for each calendar month in which
the employee is paid for regular work days
amounting to two (2) full work weeks plus one (1) full
work day in that month, except that pay received for
accumulated vacation at time of layoff exceeding 120
calendar days or termination of employment shall not
be credited.
An employee who regularly works less than forty
(40) hours each week shall accumulate eight (8) hours
of sick leave for each one hundred sixty-eight (168)
hours paid, and may use that accrual upon completion
of eighty-eight (88) hours of the said one hundred
sixty-eight (168) hours. Paid sick leave may not be
used until after completion of the probationary period.
26.2 Absence Chargeable as Sick Leave
Absence is chargeable as sick leave when the
employee is unable to perform his duties because
of his illness or injury. Time off for an employee’s
routine appointment with a physician, dentist, hospi-
tal, or optometrist is charged to sick leave, provided
it is not possible for the employee to schedule the
appointment on his own time. The request for such
time off shall be made as far in advance as possible.
An employee is expected to return to the job as soon
as the appointment is completed. A supervisor may
request the employee to submit a written statement
from the person with whom he had the appointment.
An employee may use up to five (5) days of
accumulated sick leave per calendar year to care for
a sick family member. Family member as used in
this Section 26.2 shall be defined as the employee’s
mother, father, partner (spouse or an individual with
whom the employee shares a committed, domestic
relationship), child, grandparent, brother, sister, or
person residing with the employee. The care provided
may include bedside care as well as accompanying the
family member to a doctor’s appointment. Absences
provided for in this paragraph shall not be
considered as part of an employee’s attendance record
for purposes of job bidding.
26.3 Fitness for Duty
(Non-Work-Related Illness or Injury)
Where the University questions an employee’s
fitness or ability to perform his or her work, the
University may require certification from a
University-designated healthcare provider specifying
the employee’s fitness and ability to perform his or her
work. Such a determination by the University
concerning the employee’s fitness or ability may be
grieved by the employee pursuant to Article VIII of
this Agreement.
When a fitness for duty evaluation is required by
the University and the employee is determined to be:
(a) fit and able to work in which case the employee
will be paid at the employee’s regular rate for the time
the employee is away from work at the University’s
direction. Paid time will be reduced for appointments
canceled by the employee or other delays caused by
the employee, or
(b) unfit and unable to work in which case the
employee will charge the absence in accordance with
this Article.
If a subsequent fitness for duty evaluation is
required, it shall be considered a separate incident
subject to the provisions of this Section.
26.4 Termination of Employment
Except as provided below, accumulated sick leave
is not reimbursable upon termination of employment.
An employee who retires on a pension who is eligible
for continuation of insurance into retirement in accor-
dance with Article XXXII shall receive one-fourth
(1/4) the cash value of the employee’s unused sick
leave; provided, however, such payment shall not
exceed an amount equal to (a) twelve and one-half (12
1/2) days of pay (100 hours) or (b) seventeen (17) days
of pay (136 hours) if the employee’s accumulated sick
leave balance is at least three-fourths (3/4) of all sick
leave earned.
26.5 Absence for Sickness in Excess of
Accumulated Sick Leave
If an employee has used all of his accumulated
sick leave during a period of illness or injury (non- job
related), additional absence, at the option of the
employee, is:
(a) Charged against other accumulated paid time off
(see Article XXV, Section 25.5) and accumulated
vacation, or
(b) The employee is granted a leave of absence
without pay in accordance with the provisions of the
Article concerning leave of absence for sickness.
26.6 Unusual Use of Sick Leave
(a) Where sick leave use is unusual under the
circumstances, the University may, by notification
in writing, require the employee to present a doctor’s
certificate for each of the next three (3) sick leave
absences that occur during the next six (6) months
of active work. This notification is not a warning let-
ter and does not necessarily mean the employee has
violated policy.
If the employee has more than three (3) sick leave
absences before the completion of the six (6) month
period, nothing herein shall preclude the University’s
sending another letter regarding unusual use of sick
leave prior to completion of the six (6) month period.
(b) An employee shall be sent a warning letter in
accordance with the Article of this Agreement con-
cerning Discipline and Discharge, and shall not be
paid for his absence if the employee fails to present
a doctor’s certificate or if the employee has asked to
have his absence charged to sick leave falsely.
26.7 Notification of Illness
(a) If illness or injury prevents an employee from
reporting to work, he shall notify his supervisor or
an alternate designated by his supervisor as far in
advance as possible, but in no case later than one
(1) hour after the time that the employee ordinarily
reports to work. In work areas where special arrange-
ments for earlier notification are established by the
supervisor, such notification shall be given at least
one-half (1/2) hour prior to the beginning of the shift.
Otherwise, the absence will result in a salary deduc-
tion unless it can be shown that it was impossible
for such notice to be given to the supervisor or the
designated alternate. All special arrangements for
earlier notification established by the University in
accordance with this Section 26.7(a) will either be
posted in the work area or given to the employee in
writing, and a copy will be provided to the Union.
(b) If an employee has a telephone available to
him, he shall call to give such notification unless it
would be a substantial physical hardship to make the
call. If the employee does not have a telephone avail-
able to him, he shall make advance arrangements
with his supervisor for a mutually agreeable method of
(c) In the event a supervisor or the alternate cannot
be reached, a notification may be given to the Uni-
versity telephone operator and such notification shall
be deemed to comply with this Section. However, it
is the employee’s responsibility to first try to contact
his own supervisor or the alternate. An employee who
calls the University telephone operator without first
trying to contact his supervisor or the alternate shall be
deemed as not giving proper notification.
(d) When notification of absence has been
received, if the supervisor feels the circumstances of
the absence to be questionable, the supervisor may
request, but shall not require, the employee to present
a doctor’s certificate upon return to work providing
substantiation of the illness or injury.
26.8 Sickness and Accident Supplement
(a) An employee with five (5) or more years of
bargaining unit seniority who is absent beyond sixty
(60) continuous calendar days for an illness or injury
will be covered by the University’s Sickness and
Accident Supplement. However, an employee shall
not be eligible for this Sickness and Accident
Supplement if such employee has used more than
six (6) sick days of accumulated sick leave without
doctor’s certification in the twelve (12) month period
immediately preceding the absence. The doctor’s
certification must be submitted to the University prior
to the beginning of the absence.
(b) The Sickness and Accident Supplement shall
entitle an employee to receive one-third (1/3) of pay
for work days missed due to illness or injury under the
following conditions:
1. Such pay is available beginning with the sixty-
first (61st) day of the absence and ending on the one-
hundred-eightieth (180th) day of absence.
2. Such pay is not available for any day for which
the employee elects to charge accumulated sick leave
at the regular rate in order to receive full pay for the
day. However, the employee may elect and receive
the Sickness and Accident Supplement pay and charge
one-third (1/3) of a day accrued sick leave and receive
two-thirds (2/3) pay for the day.
If an employee has used all of his accumulated
sick leave, additional absence, at the option of the
employee, may be charged as provided herein against
other accumulated paid time off (see Article XXV,
Section 25.5) and accumulated vacation.
3. Such pay shall be reduced by amounts for
which the employee is eligible from Worker’s
Compensation, Social Security or other disability
coverages not paid for entirely by the employee.
27.1 Eligibility
The following conditions apply for an employee
with an injury or illness compensable (covered by)
under the Workers’ Compensation Act, Occupational
Disease Act, or similar legislation.
27.2 Absence from Work for Employees hired
on or before June 30, 2014
(a) Absence during the first seven (7) calendar days.
If the employee is absent during the first seven (7)
calendar days following the date of injury, full salary
shall be paid and the employee shall be charged one-
third (1/3) of a day of sick leave for each work
day of absence, or if sick leave balance is exhausted,
the employee, at the option of the employee, may use
vacation at the rate of one-third (1/3) of a day for each
day of absence. If an employee who has charged sick
leave or vacation in order to receive salary during this
seven (7) day period subsequently received a Workers
Compensation insurance check for that period, the
employee shall endorse that check and return it to the
University. The charge to sick leave accumulation, or
vacation accumulation if appropriate, shall then be
adjusted and prorated to the difference between the
employee’s gross salary and the amount of the check,
but not to exceed one-third (1/3) day for each day of
(b) Absence for eight (8) or more calendar days. If
the employee is absent for eight (8) or more calendar
days following the date of injury, the employee shall
have the option to continue to receive full salary and
be charged one-third (1/3) of a day of accumulated
sick leave, or accumulated vacation if sick leave is
expended, or to be placed on leave of absence without
pay. Any compensation checks the employee may
receive while receiving full salary shall be endorsed
and returned to the University. The charge to sick
leave accumulation, or vacation accumulation if
appropriate, shall then be adjusted and prorated to
the difference between the employee’s gross salary
and the amount of the check, but not to exceed one-
third (1/3) day for each day of absence. If the
employee requests leave of absence, such leave shall
commence the eighth (8th) calendar day of absence
and may extend up to a maximum of thirty-six (36)
months. The employee shall retain any Workers’
Compensation insurance checks received for the
period of the leave of absence without pay. If the
amount received from Workers Compensation is less
than the employee’s normal rate of pay, the employee
may elect to charge sick leave accumulation in the
appropriate amount, or in the absence of sick leave
accumulation the employee may charge vacation
accumulation in the appropriate amount, in order to
make up the difference in pay during the first twenty-
four (24) months of the leave. If an employee has
earnings sufficient to accumulate vacation and sick
leave, and the employee in any month reaches the
maximum vacation accumulation for the employee,
the one-third (1/3) day charge will be switched from
accumulated sick leave and charged instead to
vacation to the extent that the employee does not lose
the vacation earned for that month.
(c) The one-third (1/3) day adjustment calculations
shall be made no later than five (5) working days
following determination of compensability and the
employee’s election of an option, as applicable, in
sections (a) and (b) above.
(d) For employees hired on or before June 30, 2014,
the Agreement provides for charging absence from
work as a result of an injury or illness compensable
under the Workers’ Compensation Act, Occupational
Disease Act or similar legislation at the rate of one-
third (1/3) of a day of sick leave for each workday of
In the event an employee hired on or before June
30, 2014 needs to miss work for a doctor’s visit for
such injury or illness, the one-third (1/3) charge rate
shall apply, even though the employee is not eligible
for Workers’ Compensation insurance compensation
checks for lost time; provided, however, that the Uni-
versity shall have the right to require the employee
to sign a waiver permitting the University to obtain
medical verification that the absence from work for the
doctor’s visit is bona fide and medically necessary for
treatment of the on-the-job injury or illness.
27.3 Absence from Work for Employees
Hired on or After July 1, 2014
(a) Absence during the first seven (7) calendar days.
For the first seven (7) calendar days of absence for a
compensable injury or illness the employee shall use
accumulated sick leave, or at the option of the
employee, be granted leave without pay.
(b) Absence for eight (8) or more calendar days. If
the employee is absent, due to a compensable injury or
illness, for eight (8) or more calendar days, the
employee shall be placed on a leave of absence. Such
leave shall commence the eighth (8th) calendar day of
absence and may extend up to a maximum of thirty-
six (36) months. The employee shall retain any
Workers’ Compensation insurance checks received for
the period of the leave of absence without pay.
27.4 Modified Duty
An evaluation of the employee’s condition shall
be made as soon as practical to determine the nature,
extent, and anticipated duration of any incapacity.
Based on the evaluation, the employee will be
assigned to modified duty as available and appropriate
to the employee’s physical ability and skills for a
period to be determined on an individual case basis. If
such assignment is to a work schedule different from
the employee’s regular work schedule, the University
shall give the employee five (5) calendar days’ notice.
A grade will be determined for the modified duty and
the employee will be paid at that grade at the
appropriate point on the salary scale attained by the
employee. The full amount of any compensation
checks the employee may receive while the employee
is on modified duty shall be retained by the employee
except to the extent the weekly income from modified
duty and Workers’ Compensation exceeds the
employee’s regular weekly salary based on the hourly
rate of the employee’s regular job, in which event such
excess shall be returned to the University. An
employee on modified duty may be temporarily
replaced in the employee’s regular job for the period
of the modified duty. Subsequent evaluations may be
made as necessary to determine if an employee on
leave of absence can be returned on modified duty.
Except as modified above, all terms and provisions
of this Agreement shall be applicable to an employee
on such modified duty.
27.5 First Ninety (90) Calendar Days
of Medical Treatment
Where provided, and in accordance with appli-
cable law, the employee shall select a health care
provider from a panel of health care providers deter-
mined in advance by the University for any compen-
sable treatment. The employee is required to treat with
a health care provider from the panel for the first ninety
(90) calendar days of medical treatment for the on-the-
job injury or illness. Treatment that may occur
subsequent to the first ninety (90) calendar days of
treatment shall be by any health care provider of the
employee’s choice.
27.6 Insurance During Leave of
Absence Without Pay
The employee’s biweekly contribution for all
group health care and insurance coverages in which
enrolled shall be paid by the University, if the
employee is on leave of absence without pay
following an on-the-job injury, for the first twenty-
four (24) months of such leave, provided the employee
continues to receive Workers’ Compensation
insurance payments.
28.1 Jury Service
If an employee is on jury duty, the University shall
pay the employee’s full salary for time absent from
work. If the approved time absent (as described above)
results in the employee missing more than half of the
employee’s regularly scheduled work shift, the
employee shall be excused from the remainder of the
shift with no loss of salary (see Section 28.7 below).
28.2 Volunteer Fire Fighting
The full pay of an employee shall be paid dur-
ing the time spent by the employee during the
employee’s regular working hours in fighting fires or
in answering other public alarms, provided that the
employee is a member of the volunteer fire depart-
ment that is engaged in the activity or, in the event of
a forest fire, the employee is engaged in an organized
forest fire fighting operation in the area in which the
employee’s campus or center is located (see Section
28.7 below). A member of a volunteer fire department
shall be permitted to wear a device necessary for
receiving alarm messages, but shall not respond to an
alarm unless permission to leave work has been
granted by the employee’s supervisor either at the time
or by advance arrangement.
28.3 Ambulance Driving
(a) A member of a volunteer ambulance club or
organization shall be permitted to wear a device
necessary for receiving alarm messages, but shall not
respond to an alarm unless permission to leave work
has been granted by the employee’s supervisor either
at the time or by advance arrangement.
(b) The full pay of an employee shall be paid during
the time spent by the employee during the employee’s
regular working hours in nonscheduled driving of an
ambulance for a volunteer ambulance club or
organization serving the community where the
employee’s campus or center is located.
(c) If an employee is a volunteer ambulance driver
for a volunteer ambulance club or organization that
does not primarily serve the community where the
employee’s campus or center is located, the full pay of
the employee shall be paid during the time spent by
the employee during the employee’s regular working
hours in driving an ambulance provided:
1. The driving is limited to unplanned emergen-
cies, and
2. The employee is not called from work to drive
(see Section 28.7 below).
28.4 Emergency Rescue
The full pay of an employee shall be paid during
the time spent by the employee during the employee’s
regular working hours when engaged in an organized
emergency rescue of someone trapped in a cave,
provided the employee is a member of an established
spelunking club or organization and the rescue activity
is in the area in which the employee’s campus or center
is located.
28.5 Subpoenaed Witness
If an employee is subpoenaed as a witness, the
employee’s full salary shall be paid for the time spent
by the employee during the employee’s working hours
as a witness (see Section 28.7 below).
28.6 Certified Air-Raid Wardens, Airplane
Spotters, Civil Defense Officials, and Civil
Air Patrol Members
An employee who is certified as an air-raid warden,
airplane spotter, or civil defense official shall be paid
the employee’s full salary for the time spent by the
employee during the employee’s regular working
hours on such duties provided there is an authorized
alert and the Civil Defense authorities have requested
him to report for duty. A member of a Civil Air Patrol
Group involved in an air search and rescue mission
shall be paid the employee’s full salary for the time
spent by the employee during the employee’s regular
working hours provided there is an authorized mis-
sion and the Civil Air Patrol authorities have request-
ed the employee to report for duty (see Section 28.7
28.7 Definition of Paid Time Off
In Sections 28.1 through 28.6 above paid time off
shall include time spent in the activity described, plus
reasonable travel time, time necessary for normal
sleeping, etc., as determined by management.
28.8 Death in Family
Absence from work because of death in an
employee’s family shall be allowed with full pay on
the following basis:
(a) Up to five days (40 hours) to be used consecu-
tively, provided such amount of leave is required, for
1. an employee’s: partner (spouse or an individual
with whom the employee shares a committed,
domestic relationship); parent (including stepparent,
guardian, or foster parent); brother or sister (including
half-brother or half-sister); child or stepchild and
partners of same; and grandchild;
2. an employee’s partner’s: parent (including step-
parent, guardian, or foster parent); child and partner of
same; and grandchild.
A guardian as used in this Section 28.8 shall mean
a person who raised the employee and served in the
place of the parent for a substantial portion of the
employee’s minority life.
(b) Up to one day (8 hours) from the date of death
through the date of the funeral inclusive for
1. an employee’s: grandparent; niece or nephew;
aunt or uncle and partners of same; and brother’s or
sister’s partner;
2. an employee’s partner’s: brother or sister and
partners of same; grandparent; niece or nephew; and
aunt or uncle and partners of same.
(c) An employee who would qualify for death-in-
family paid time off for regular work hours missed
under the provisions of this Section who already is
receiving paid time off chargeable either to vacation
accumulation, compensatory time, a personal holiday
or sick leave accumulation shall have such time off
as applicable charged instead to death-in-family paid
time off, up to the limits allowed under the provisions
of this Section.
Additional time off shall be charged against the
employee’s vacation accumulation or as a payroll
deduction, at the employee’s option.
28.9 Friday following Thanksgiving
An employee whose work schedule includes the
Friday following Thanksgiving and is not required to
work the Friday following Thanksgiving, shall receive
pay for the day as if he had worked his regularly
scheduled hours.
An employee whose work schedule includes the
Friday following Thanksgiving and is required to work
the Friday following Thanksgiving shall receive
compensatory time off equivalent to the number of
hours worked, up to eight (8) hours, in addition to his
normal pay for the day.
An employee whose work schedule does not
include the Friday following Thanksgiving and is not
required to work on the Friday following
Thanksgiving, shall receive eight (8) hours of
compensatory time off.
An employee whose work schedule does not
include the Friday following Thanksgiving and is
required to work on the Friday following
Thanksgiving, shall receive eight (8) hours of
compensatory time off in addition to his pay for the
number of hours worked in that day.
Compensatory time off which is earned as a result
of this section shall be scheduled in the same way in
which vacation is scheduled and shall be used for
absences before accumulated vacation is used.
28.10 Paid Parental Leave
Employees who have twelve (12) months of
continuous full-time service with the University are
eligible for
a paid parental leave from work for the
purpose of bonding with a newborn child/children,
placement of a child/children upon adoption, or
appointment as legal guardian of child/children as
1. Birth of a Child/Children:
Salary and benefits for eligible employees shall be
continued for up to four consecutive weeks within
90 calendar days following the birth of the
child/children for the birthing and non-birthing
Adoption or Legal Guardianship of a
Salary and benefits for eligible employees shall be
continued for up to four consecutive weeks within
90 calendar days following the legal adoption or
guardianship of the child/children.
3. It is the responsibility of the employee to
notify Absence Management of their intention to
request the Paid Parental Leave at least 30 days in
advance, if the need is foreseeable.
4. Any time taken under the Paid Parental
Leave must be utilized consecutively within the first 90
calendar days from the date of the qualifying event.
5. If both parents work for the University and
meet the eligibility requirements of this program, each
employee is individually eligible for up to four
consecutive weeks of Paid Parental Leave as outlined
above. Paid Parental Leave for both parents can run
concurrently, overlap, or be over separate four-week
periods during the first 90 calendar days from the date
of the qualifying event.
6. Paid Parental Leave taken under this policy will
run concurrently with any remaining leave available
under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
7. Employee will be required to present the
requisite documentation to verify the qualifying event.
8. The University will maintain enrolled
benefits for employees during the Paid Parental
period at the employee contribution
29.1 An employee in the bargaining unit has the
option to be insured or not insured in the Universitys
health care programs for medical, dental, and vision
care coverage. Eligible dependents of an employee
may be insured at the option of the employee.
29.2 (a) An employee who opts to be insured in the
Universitys health care programs will have a choice
between either the PPO or the PPO Savings medical
plans. Employee contributions will be determined by
salary indexing and a four-tier rate structure. The
percentage of salary contributions per tier will be
based upon an employees base salary on September
30 of the preceding year. Base salary is defined as the
employees hourly rate x 2080; and hourly rate is
defined as the point in the salary scale attained by the
employee; provided, however, that the contribution
rate for an employee who bumps into a lower graded
position pursuant to Section 10.2 of the Agreement
will be reduced based on the grade of the bumped
position starting with the pay period immediately after
the effective date of the bump. Upon return to the
employee’s original position, the contribution rate will
be adjusted to reflect the base salary for that original
position, starting with the pay period immediately
after the return to the original position.
1. The following applies to the PPO plan
Two persons
Parent & child/children
The 2022 percentage of salary contributions per
tier will be as follows:
The 2023 percentage of salary contributions per
tier will be as follows:
Two persons
Parent & child/children
The 2024 percentage of salary contributions per
tier will be as follows:
Two persons
Parent & child/children
Coinsurance, copay, and deductible amounts that
were in place effective January 1, 2011, will remain the
same through June 30, 2024.
2. The following applies to the PPO Savings plan
option, a qualified high-deductible health plan:
The 2022 percentage of salary contributions per
tier will be as follows:
Two persons
Parent & child/children
The 2023 percentage of salary contributions per
tier will be as follows:
Two persons
Parent & child/children
The 2024 percentage of salary contributions per
tier will be as follows:
Two persons
Parent & child/children
Deductible amounts and out-of-pocket
maximums will be as governed by the Internal
Revenue Service.
In calendar years 2022, 2023, and 2024, the
University will contribute to a Health Savings
Account for employees enrolled in this plan. The
Universitys contribution to this Health Savings
Account will be based upon the employee’s base
salary on September 30 of the preceding year as well
as the tier under which he is enrolled. For purposes of
the Health Savings Account, Family tiers are Two-
person, Parent & child/children, and Family. The
University’s contribution to the Health Savings
Account will be as follows:
Employees with a base salary of $45,000 per year
or less shall receive $800 for those enrolled in an
Individual tier or $1,600 for those enrolled in a Family
Employees with a base salary between $45,001
and including $60,000 per year shall receive $600 for
those enrolled in an Individual tier or $1,200 for those
enrolled in a Family tier.
Employees with a base salary between $60,001
and including $90,000 per year shall receive $400 for
those enrolled in an Individual tier or $800 for those
enrolled in a Family tier.
3. Effective January 1, 2018, when an employee
and the employee’s spouse are both employees in the
bargaining unit, and enrolled in either the Two
Persons tier or the Family tier, the contribution rates
will be based upon the salary of the employee with
the higher base salary on September 30 of the
preceding year. This will not apply if the employee’s
spouse is a University employee who is not in the
bargaining unit; bargaining unit employees in such a
situation who enroll in either the Two Persons tier or
the Family tier may choose whether to be covered by
the medical plans outlined in this Agreement or other
coverage available through the University-employed
spouse, regardless of which employee has the higher
base salary.
(b) Dental and Vision Care
1. The University shall assume the major share of
basic dental care and vision care costs at 80% for the
employee and 70% for covered dependents. Thus, the
employees contribution for a portion of the cost of the
dental and vision programs in which the employee is
enrolled shall be 20% for the employee only and 26%
(the weighted average of 20% and 30%) for employee
and dependent(s).
2. Dental and vision care coinsurance, copay, and
deductible amounts effective January 1, 2021 will
remain the same through June 30, 2024.
3. Effective, no later than January 1, 2023, the
University will offer an enhanced plan design option
for both dental and vision care. In the event the
University can offer the enhanced plans prior to
January 1, 2023, the University will contact the Union
to discuss earlier implementation.
29.3 Health care coverage for the employee and
for dependents is effective on the first day of
employment, provided the employee enrolls within
thirty-one (31) calendar days of that date. If the
employee or dependents are not insured by the
employee within thirty-one (31) calendar days after
becoming eligible, the next eligibility period to
enroll shall be the annual open enrollment period, for
coverage to be effective the next following January
1. No dependent coverage can be elected unless the
employee is covered.
29.4 If employment is terminated, the employees,
and dependent(s) if applicable, health care insurance
coverage is terminated on the last day of the
employees final pay period, provided however, if an
employee or a covered dependent is totally disabled
as of the time of the employees termination, a major
medical claim established for that disability shall
continue to the end of the next following calendar
29.5 When an employee or covered spouse
becomes eligible for Medicare coverage, the
University-sponsored medical plan remains primary.
Information regarding Medicare coverage shall be
provided by the University prior to the sixty-fifth
(65th) birthday. Dental and Vision Care coverages
for employees and their eligible dependents continue
until retirement.
29.6 In the event of layoff, coverage shall be in
accordance with Article X concerning layoff.
29.7 In the event any state or federal health care
legislation as may be enacted during the term of this
Agreement requires a revision of any article or sec-
tion of this Agreement, including the supplements or
riders thereto, or requires the University to provide
to its employees a level of health care benefits which
would constitute a reduction, duplication or
expansion of the health care benefits provided under
the provisions of Article XXIX, the parties shall
enter into immediate collective bargaining
negotiations, after receipt of written notice of desired
amendments by either the University or Union,
solely for the purpose of ensuring compliance with
the applicable legislation and coordinating the health
care benefits required under such legislation with the
benefits provided under the provisions of Article
XXIX, it being understood and agreed that the
parties shall attempt, in good faith and to the extent
practicable under such legislation, to ensure that
there is no reduction, duplication or expansion of the
benefits provided under Article XXIX. If the parties
do not reach agreement within sixty (60) days after
receipt of such written notice, either party may
submit the matter to arbitration in accordance with
the provisions of this Agreement.
29.8 In the event a new or revised health care plan
becomes available during the term of this Agreement,
the University will make the plan available to tech-
nical service employees on the same basis as it is made
available to all other University employees not
represented by a collective bargaining representative.
To the extent that employee contribution rate(s) for
health care coverage(s) applicable to technical-ser-
vice employees are eliminated, reduced, restructured
or otherwise modified in a favorable manner for
University employees not represented by a collective
bargaining representative, such action(s) similarly
shall apply to members of the collective bargaining
unit represented by the Union.
29.9 Maintenance Drugs
The wholesale cost plus handling for filling
common maintenance drug prescriptions through
University facilities shall continue in effect for the
term of this Agreement.
An employee who retires on a pension and is
eligible for continuation of insurance into retirement in
accordance with Article XXXII is eligible to par-
ticipate in the University’s Maintenance Prescription
Drug Plan. Provided, however, that if this provision
shall be held invalid by operation of law, or by any
tribunal of competent jurisdiction, or if compliance
with or enforcement of this provision shall be
restrained by such tribunal pending final determina-
tion as to its validity, Article XLI, Section 41.2 shall
not apply; the Plan simply shall be discontinued for the
aforementioned retirees.
29.10 Health Screens
The University will continue to offer certain health
screens to employees at no cost with no loss for work
time missed.
29.11 Flexible Benefits
Bargaining unit employees hired on or after
January 1, 1994 will be automatically enrolled in
Flexible Benefits Option #1 and have their deduc-
tions for health and life insurance taken on a pretax
basis. To the extent that this requirement is modified
in a favorable manner for University employees not
represented by a collective bargaining representative,
such action(s) similarly shall apply to members of the
collective bargaining unit represented by the Union.
30.1 Each employee shall have the basic amount
of $25,000 of life insurance which shall be paid by
the University. In addition, employees hired prior to
January 1, 1994 may continue participation in the
Level Premium Plan, or choose to participate in the
Age-Graded Plan. Employees hired on or after
January 1, 1994 may choose to participate in only the
Age-Graded Plan. Once an employee discontinues
participation in the Level Premium Plan, he may not
re-enroll in that program.
30.2 Under the Level Premium Plan, the amount
of insurance coverage shall be in accordance with the
following schedules and conditions.
Annual Salary
$14,000 to 15,999
16,000 to 17,999
18,000 to 19,999
20,000 to 21,999
22,000 to 23,999
24,000 to 25,999
26,000 to 27,999
28,000 to 29,999
30,000 and over
(a) For employees who were on the payroll prior
to October 1, 1979 and who continue
employment past the June 30 following their
65th birthday, the amounts of insurance and
cost shall be the following:
Annual Salary Insurance A.D.&D.
$14,000 to 15,999
16,000 to 17,999
18,000 to 19,999
20,000 to 21,999
22,000 to 23,999
24,000 to 25,999
26,000 to 27,999
28,000 to 29,999
30,000 and over
(b) For employees who are hired on October 1,
1979 or later, the amounts of insurance and
cost shall be in accordance with the following
charts following age 60:
Effective July 1 coincident with or next following
the 60th birthday
Annual Salary Insurance A.D.&D.
$14,000 to 15,999
16,000 to 17,999
18,000 to 19,999
20,000 to 21,999
22,000 to 23,999
24,000 to 25,999
26,000 to 27,999
28,000 to 29,999
30,000 and over
Effective July 1 coincident with or next following
the 65th birthday
Annual Salary Insurance A.D.&D.
$14,000 to 15,999
16,000 to 17,999
18,000 to 19,999
20,000 to 21,999
22,000 to 23,999
24,000 to 25,999
26,000 to 27,999
28,000 to 29,999
30,000 and over
This plan provides a total and permanent disability
benefit of the first $20,000 of group term insurance,
paid over a period of five years.
30.3 Under the Age-Graded Plan, an employee
may elect an amount of coverage equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, or 8 times salary (rounded to the nearest $1,000
of salary) to a maximum of $1,500,000. During the
first year of enrollment the maximum amount of
insurance is limited to the lesser of three times salary
or $150,000 without proof of insurability. In
subsequent years, an employee may elect an amount
of coverage equal to an additional one (1) times
salary not to exceed the $1,500,000 maximum. The
amount of insurance under the age-graded plan will
be reduced beginning at the 65th birthday according
to the following schedule:
Age Reduction
65 35%
70 50%
80 75%
This plan provides for a waiver of premium in
the event of total and permanent disability prior to
age 60.
30.4 Life insurance is effective on the first day an
employee is appointed to a regular position in the
bargaining unit, provided the employee has enrolled
within thirty-one (31) calendar days of that date. If
employment is terminated, except for retirement, an
employee’s life insurance coverage is terminated at the
end of thirty-one (31) calendar days following the last
day of an employee’s final pay period.
31.1 Accidental Death and Dismemberment
An employee in the bargaining unit may be in-
sured, at the employee’s option, in the University’s
plan of accidental death and dismemberment insur-
ance, in accordance with the terms and conditions
thereof. This plan is separate and distinct from the
benefit provided by the Level Premium Plan refer-
enced in Section 30.2.
31.2 Short-Term Disability Insurance
Effective January 1, 2022, an employee in the
bargaining unit may be insured, at the employee’s
option, in the University’s plan of short-term disability
insurance, in accordance with the terms and conditions
of the plan.
32.1 Health Insurance
For employees hired prior to January 1, 2010, those
who retire but do not qualify for Medicare coverage
may continue to be insured, together with their eligible
dependents who do not qualify for Medicare, in the
medical coverage by continuing to make contributions
for themselves and, if applicable, for dependent
coverage. Upon qualification for Medicare coverage,
all eligible retirees or dependents may continue to be
insured in a University-sponsored Medicare plan by
continuing to make contributions for themselves and,
if applicable, for dependent coverage. Retirees and
dependents are expected to participate in Medicare at
their own expense.
Employee eligibility to continue into retirement
group insurances listed in this section is determined as
(a) The employee had at least fifteen (15) years
of continuous participation in the applicable group
insurance plan immediately preceding retirement at
age 60 or older (employees hired prior to July 1, 1984
shall be subject to terms and conditions in effect at
time of hire), or
(b) The employee had at least twenty-five (25) years
of regular University employment, including at least
ten (10) years of continuous participation in the
applicable group insurance plan immediately preced-
ing retirement, regardless of age.
(c) An employee whose participation in a group
insurance plan involuntarily ceased because a lay-
off exceeded 120 calendar days in accordance with
Article X, Section 10.5, shall not be considered to
have had a break in participation and, for the purpose
of determining eligibility under this Section 32.1, the
years of continuous participation already accumulated
will be included with years of continuous participa-
tion accrued following recall to active employment.
32.2 Retirement Health Care Savings Plan
For employees hired on or after January 1, 2010, the
University will contribute funds each month on their
behalf to a retirement health care savings plan to help
pay for qualified medical and health-related expenses
in retirement, including the purchase of a health
insurance policy.
Eligibility to access upon termination the plan list-
ed in this section is determined as follows:
(a) The employee has completed fifteen (15) years
of continuous full-time service and is age 60 or older
(b) The employee has completed a minimum of
twenty-five (25) years of continuous full-time service.
32.3 Amount of Life Insurance
Eligible employees as defined in Sections 32.1 and
32.2 may continue $5,000 of life insurance into
retirement, which shall be paid by the University.
32.4 Dental and Vision Coverage
Benefits coverage for employees and their eligible
dependents, except for certain continuances as speci-
fied in the insurance contracts, shall terminate on the
last day of the pay period in which an employee re-
32.5 Implementation of New or Revised Plan
In the event a new or revised plan for continuation
of benefits into retirement for University employees
becomes effective during the term of this Agreement,
bargaining unit members hired on or after the effec-
tive date of University implementation of such new
or revised plan will be subject to conditions govern-
ing such plan as applicable to all other University
employees not represented by a collective bargaining
representative. Bargaining unit members hired prior to
the implementation date of any such new or revised
plan will continue under the conditions set forth in
Sections 32.1 and 32.2 above.
Each employee in the bargaining unit, except those
who previously waived participation, shall be a
member of the appropriate retirement plan in effect at
the University.
An employee shall give two (2) calendar weeks’
notice of termination of employment.
35.1 Safety
The safety of employees is an important concern to
both the University and the Union.
(a) If an employee has reason to believe that a
particular assignment or piece of equipment or
apparatus would present undue hazard to the
employee or to others, the employee has responsibility
for informing the employee’s supervisor of this
(b) If an employee refuses to perform a particular
assignment giving abnormal safety hazard as the
reason for refusal, a University Safety Representative
shall conduct a review of the facts to determine if such
refusal was justified. If the refusal was not justified,
the employee may be subject to disciplinary action.
(c) If an employee has knowledge that a University
vehicle that he operates violates local, state, or fed-
eral codes or regulations governing weight, width or
defective equipment, the employee has responsibility
for informing the employee’s supervisor of the condi-
tion. The University shall be responsible for the pay-
ment of monetary fines for such violations, unless the
employee knew or should have known of the defect
or condition and failed to report the same to the
employee’s supervisor, or unless the employee failed
to follow directions to remedy the defect or condition.
(d) The University shall provide such items of
safety equipment to an employee as are required by
(e) The University shall notify the Union of a bar-
gaining unit employee lost-time accident.
(f) The full-time paid Union Officers shall be
members of the University’s Safety Council.
35.2 Safety Glasses
The University shall provide safety goggles or
shields where necessary for the safety of an employee.
Where an employee’s regularly assigned duties
require the use of machine tools to work to precise
or close tolerances, the University shall pay the addi-
tional costs for having the lenses made of tempered,
industrial quality glass, provided the employee sub-
mits a statement to the employee’s supervisor from a
licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist on which the
cost of the treated glass (excluding the prescription
and grinding) is indicated.
A regular employee will be subject to the provisions
of the University policy of educational privileges for
employees and their eligible dependents in effect on
January 1, 2018; provided, however, the University
may amend or entirely eliminate said policy only to
the extent required by any act of the General
Assembly or in order to receive any appropriation
from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
37.1 A regular employee in the bargaining unit
may hold public office provided it does not inter-
fere with the employee’s performance of University
37.2 An employee who campaigns for any public
office shall resign from the position or request formal
leave of absence without salary for the duration of the
campaign, if the campaign would interfere in any way
deemed significant by officers of the University with
the performance of assigned University duties.
37.3 If an employee is elected or appointed to a
public office that would interfere in any way deemed
significant by officers of the University with the
performance of assigned University duties, the
employee shall resign from the position or petition
the University for a leave of absence without salary
which may or may not be granted at the discretion of
the University.
38.1 The University recognizes the rights of the
Union to designate a reasonable number of Shop
Stewards and alternates from the University’s
employment roles. The authority of Stewards and
alternates so designated by the Union shall be limited
to, and shall not exceed, the following duties and
activities within their assigned areas of responsibili-
ties as mutually agreed upon by the parties:
(a) The investigation and participation in the
processing of grievances with the University or its
designated representatives in accordance with the
provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
(b) The collection of initiation fees and dues when
authorized by the Union, provided that such collec-
tion shall be made at a time other than the work duty
time of either the employee or the Steward.
(c) The transmission to the University of such mes-
sages and information which shall originate, and are
authorized by the Union or its officers, and which are
in writing unless of a routine nature, provided that
the act of such transmission does not cause any work
stoppages, slowdowns, or other interference with the
operation of the University.
38.2 Stewards and alternates have no authority to
take any strike action, or any other action interrupting
the University’s functions. The University recognizes
these limitations upon the authority of the Stewards
and their alternates, and shall not hold the Union liable
for any unauthorized acts. The University, in so
recognizing such limitations, shall have the authority
to impose proper discipline, including discharge, in the
event a Steward has caused unauthorized strike action,
slowdown or work stoppage in violation of this
38.3 Stewards shall be permitted reasonable time
to investigate or participate in the processing of
grievances in accordance with the grievance proce-
dure for employees in the Steward’s area of respon-
sibility on the University’s property without loss of
time or pay during their regular working hours; and
where mutually agreed to by the Union and the
University, off University property without loss of
time or pay. Such time spent in handling grievances
during the Steward’s regular working hours shall be
considered working hours in computing daily and/
or weekly overtime if within the regular schedule of
the Steward.
The Steward shall make arrangements with the
supervisor before making such investigations and shall
also make arrangements with the supervisor of the
employee to whom the Steward is rendering
A Steward may participate in the grievance
procedure unless such participation is specifically
objected to by the employee.
38.4 The Union shall notify the Manager of Labor
and Employee Relations of the name of the Steward
and alternates for each specific area of responsibility
mutually agreed upon by the parties. Any change in
the number of Stewards or alternates or any change
in the specific geographic area served by a Steward
or alternate shall be mutually agreed upon by the par-
ties. The assignment of a specific area for a Steward
shall not prohibit a Steward from serving as a sub-
stitute in another work unit at the campus location
in the absence of a regular Steward or alternate for
a meeting to be held between the University and an
employee in accordance with Article VI of this
Agreement, upon mutual agreement of the parties.
If the University cannot reach a paid Union Officer, or
if mutual agreement cannot be reached, the University
may select an available Steward to serve as a
38.5 The Steward is entitled to time off without sal-
ary to attend Union functions such as labor institutes,
or the time may be counted as part of the Steward’s
annual vacation period. The Steward shall select
which option the Steward desires. Arrangements for
such time off shall be scheduled far enough in advance
to enable the supervisors to provide coverage for the
Steward’s work in the Steward’s absence.
38.6 Superseniority for Stewards
A Steward shall have bargaining unit seniority that
supersedes all other employees in the Steward’s job
title within the Steward’s work unit for layoff and
recall purposes only. This superseniority shall be
contingent upon continued active service as a Steward.
Such superseniority shall not apply to alternate
In the event of layoff where there is a reduction
in the number of operating areas to be served by
Stewards, and where there are more Stewards with
superseniority than the number of areas to be served,
the determination of which Stewards shall have
superseniority shall be determined by the Stewards’
regular bargaining-unit seniority.
39.1 Holding Meetings
The Union may hold a meeting in a University
building with the prior approval of the University.
Such approval shall be granted by the Manager of
Labor and Employee Relations.
39.2 Posting Notices
The University agrees to provide space on existing
bulletin boards to enable the Union to post notices.
Such notices shall be posted by Union Stewards in
their own area of responsibility.
(a) If any notices are posted that are detrimental
to the interest of the University or derogatory to the
University, such notices shall be immediately removed
by the Union upon request by the University.
(b) Such notices shall be posted by the Steward or
an alternate at times other than the Steward’s
University working hours.
39.3 An employee may not attend a meeting of the
Union during the employee’s working hours unless
permission is granted by the supervisor. The time off
shall be charged against vacation accumulation or
shall be treated as a pay deduction.
39.4 Visits to Work Areas
A full-time paid Union Officer or Business Agent
designated under Article XIV of this Agreement may
visit a University work area not otherwise restricted
by University requirements upon request made to the
Manager of Labor and Employee Relations or his
designee. Such request shall be made sufficiently in
advance to provide for arrangements for an alternate
time for the visit if the time first requested would
interfere with University operations. During such visit
the Union Officer or Business Agent shall not
interrupt the employees in the performance of their
duties or permit interruption to take place, without the
consent of the University. Nothing in this section,
however, shall preclude the Union Officer or Business
Agent conferring with an employee on the employee’s
own time.
39.5 Payment of Union Negotiating Team
In respect to collective bargaining sessions for a
new Agreement, the University and Union will share
equally (50-50 basis) the amount of straight time
wages, for up to eight (8) hours, for up to eight (8)
employees attending each joint negotiation session
during their scheduled working hours. Furthermore,
if more than eight (8) such employees attend any joint
negotiation session, this calculation of wages will be
based on the eight (8) highest graded employees
attending. The Union will reimburse the University
for the Union’s share of the employees up to eight
(8) and will reimburse the University for 100% of
the wages for those employees, if any, over eight (8)
on the Union’s negotiating team who attend any joint
negotiation session during their scheduled working
40.1 After the effective date of this Agreement,
all internal correspondence to an employee regarding
conduct or performance, warning letters, letters of
commendation and formal performance evaluations
may not be placed in the employee’s work unit
personnel file unless the employee shall have had
an opportunity to review the material and sign it;
such signature by the employee shall not indicate
concurrence in its contents. The employee shall have
the right to submit two copies of a written statement
concerning any material the employee finds objec-
tionable within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such
material. One (1) copy of such statement shall then
become part of the employee’s work unit person-
nel file and one (1) copy shall be provided to the
employee’s supervisor.
40.2 (a) An employee shall be given reasonable
access to the employee’s work unit personnel file to
review the file during regular business hours of the
office where the file is maintained. Request for such
access to the file shall be made by the employee to
the employee’s supervisor, and a member of manage-
ment shall be present with the employee during the
employee’s review of the file.
(b) An employee shall be permitted to make hand-
written notes from the file, but shall not be permitted
to remove the file or portions thereof. A copy of any
material in the file that, initially, had also been pro-
vided to or by the employee, but which the employee
no longer has in his possession, shall be provided to
the employee upon request.
41.1 If any article or section of this Agreement or
of the supplements or riders thereto, shall be held
invalid by operation of law, or by any tribunal of
competent jurisdiction, or if compliance with or
enforcement of any article or section shall be
restrained by such tribunal pending final determina-
tion as to its validity, the remainder of this Agreement
and all supplements or riders thereto shall not be
affected thereby.
41.2 In the event any article or section is held
invalid or enforcement of or compliance with has been
restrained as above set forth, the parties affected
thereby shall enter into immediate collective
bargaining negotiations after receipt of written notice
of desired amendments by either the University or
Union solely for the purpose of arriving at a mutually
satisfactory replacement for such article or section.
If the parties do not agree on a mutually satisfactory
replacement within sixty (60) days after receipt of
such written notice, either party may submit the matter
to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of this
(a) The vehicle registration fee for individuals who
park in University Park parking lots shall be in accor-
dance with the following schedule:
July 1, 2021
July 1, 2022
July 1, 2023
(b) The registration fee at all other University
locations away from University Park will be the Open
Lot fee as provided by Section (a) herein.
(c) The Union may designate one (1) University
Park employee to serve on an area-specific parking
advisory committee; provided, however, that no
employee may serve on more than one (1) such
(d) Scheduled bus service to and from the Com-
muter Lot, currently provided by the Campus Loop
and Campus Link routes, shall be at no charge to the
employee for the term of the Agreement.
(e) To the extent that the fees set forth herein are
not implemented, delayed in their implementation,
reduced, restructured or otherwise modified in a
favorable manner for University employees not rep-
resented by a collective bargaining representative,
such action(s) similarly shall apply to members of the
collective bargaining unit represented by the Union.
The parties agree that interactions between
employees and management contribute to the mutual
goals of good communication, cooperation, and
understanding. With the exception of the safety and
parking committees mentioned else- where in this
Agreement, the parties also agree that such
interactions should not include discussion of wages,
hours, and terms and conditions of employ- ment
which are under the purview of the collective
bargaining agreement. The Union must approve the
participation of an employee invited or requested by
the University to serve on a formally appointed com-
mittee. It is understood that a group discussing such
things as work processes, quality improvement, or
areas of work-related expertise does not constitute a
formally appointed committee.
44.1 (a) An employee identified by the University as
performing essential services shall be so notified in
writing at the beginning of each fall semester or at the
time of hire into a new position if hired after the
beginning of the fall semester. Unless notified otherwise
by the University, all such employees are expected to
report to work during their normally scheduled work day
during any official University closedown or when the
University announces the activation of essential
employees at a campus or facility.
(b) Each work unit shall designate the job titles that
are essential. If not all employees in a job title are
designated essential, the University will first designate
employees as essential via volunteers in work unit
seniority order. If there are not enough volunteers,
essential status will be identified in reverse work unit
seniority order.
44.2 During any official University closedown or
when the University announces the activation of
essential employees, the following provisions shall apply
to activated essential employees:
(a.) An employee shall be granted equivalent time
off for the hours worked during the University
closedown or essential employee activation period.
Subject to the following limitations:
(1) Hours worked before and/or after the
official University closedown or
activation period do not qualify for
equivalent time off.
(2) Equivalent time off shall not be granted
for hours worked during the official
University closedown or activation
period for which the employee is eligible
for overtime pay.
(b.) Equivalent time off shall be scheduled in the
same manner as vacation accumulation.
(c.) An essential employee who does not report to
work during a closure and/or when activated must charge
the time off to accumulated paid time off.
44.3 The following provisions shall apply to both
employees not identified as performing essential services
and to essential employees who are notified not to report
to work during any official University closedown or
when essential employees are activated:
(a.) The employee shall receive pay for the part of
the work schedule missed during the official University
closedown or essential employee activation period.
(b.) The status of an employee on a regularly
scheduled day off, layoff, or leave of absence without
pay does not change because of an official University
closedown or because essential employees are activated.
However, an employee who had requested to use
vacation, personal holiday, or sick leave time shall not
have such time charged for the period of the employee's
regular work time encompassed by an official University
closedown or essential employee activation period.
The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
of 1993 applies to an employee who has at least twelve
(12) months of University employment (regular or
nonregular), and who has worked at least 1,250 hours
during the twelve (12) month period immediately prior
to an FMLA-qualifying absence.
Applicable unpaid and paid time off will be count-
ed by the University as FMLA-qualifying in cal-
culating the legally mandated entitlement of up to a
total of twelve (12) weeks of FMLA time off within a
twelve (12) month period.
This Article is expressly limited in scope and
applies only to Penn State Hospitality Services
employees. The parties mutually recognize that Penn
State Hospitality Services presents a unique business
dynamic that does not exist in other work units within
the University. Among other things, Penn State
Hospitality Services must respond to customer needs
and related unpredictable work loads, and further must
effectively compete for the services it provides. For
these reasons, the parties have created innovative
mechanisms to address the unique needs of Penn State
Hospitality Services. However, the parties wish to
stress that this Article is specifically tailored to Penn
State Hospitality Services only and shall not be
applicable to other work units. This limitation is not
intended to affect or limit the applicable scope of any
other Article.
Work Schedules
a. All work schedules shall be posted at least two
weeks in advance of the effective date.
b. If customer needs unexpectedly require that
additional staff be scheduled after a work schedule has
been posted, the following order for filling such
assignments with qualified employees is established:
1. Temporary transfer or temporary change of
work location within the work unit
2. Regular employees who volunteer to
change their scheduled shift and/or day(s) off
3. Student employees
4. Nonregular employees (wage payroll)
5. Involuntary change of regular employees’
work schedules by reverse seniority order
c. If customer needs unexpectedly require that fewer
staff be scheduled after a work schedule has been
posted, the following order for changing posted work
schedules is established:
1. Nonregular employees (wage payroll)
2. Student employees
3. Temporary transfer or temporary change of
work location within the work unit
4. Regular employees who volunteer to
change their scheduled shift and/or day(s) off
5. Involuntary change of regular employees’
work schedules by reverse seniority order
d. When changes in scheduling require that regular
employees’ work schedules be changed, the follow-
ing conditions will apply:
Whenever possible, employees will be given at least
seventy-two (72) hours’ notice of changes in
scheduled days of work and/or changes in shift. If
Penn State Hospitality Services is unable to give an
employee seventy-two (72) hours’ notice and the
change in schedule requires the employee to work on
a day previously scheduled as a day off, the employee
will receive one and one-half times the hourly rate for
hours worked on that day. If Penn State Hospitality
Services is unable to give an employee seventy-two
(72) hours’ notice of change of shift, the employee will
receive one and one-half times the hourly rate for
hours worked on the new shift which fall outside of
the originally scheduled shift. [The trigger for the
seventy-two (72) hours’ notice shall be either the
originally scheduled start time or the new start time,
whichever is earlier.]
e. If after a work schedule has been posted, an
employee requests that his scheduled day(s) off be
changed, such request shall be granted provided that
customer needs can be met satisfactorily.
No minimum time is required for a request for
change in schedule or time off. If a number of requests
for schedule changes or time off are received for the
same job title, or work group, every effort will be made
to honor such requests, as long as customer needs can
be met.
f. The Laundry will have three positions on a fixed
schedule: one (1) grade 8 Laundry Operator/Truck
Driver and two (2) grade 11 Laundry Workers. In
addition, the Laundry will maintain four (4) positions
on a “various/various” schedule. All other positions in
the Laundry in existence as of June 30, 2006, which
have been identified as fixed schedule positions, will
remain fixed schedule positions for as long as those
employees remain in those positions.
The following days are established as holidays for
Penn State Hospitality Services employees hired on
or after January 1, 1991:
A Personal Holiday Independence Day
New Year’s Day Labor Day
Memorial Day Christmas Day
Such employees shall earn six (6) service days
each calendar year in lieu of the Thanksgiving Day
holiday and the additional holidays granted at
Christmas time to other regular employees pursuant to
Section 25.1. The earning and application of service
days shall be in accordance with provisions elsewhere
in the Agreement.
Employees holding positions in the Laundry as of
June 30, 2006 will remain covered by the provisions
of Article XXV Holidays for as long as those
employees remain in the Laundry. Should such an
employee move to the Nittany Lion Inn or the Penn
Stater, and he was hired on or after January 1, 1991,
he will be subject to the holiday provisions outlined
in this section of Article XLVI.
Assignment of Tables
Every attempt shall be made to distribute equitably
the assignment of dining room customers to Table
Attendants. However, recognizing the importance of
customer service and satisfaction, the University and
the Union agree that customer requests and accom-
modations shall be the first priority in the assignment
of tables.
Job Announcements
Job announcements for vacancies in Penn State
Hospitality Services will identify the “home base”
of announced vacancies, i.e., Nittany Lion Inn, Penn
Stater, or Laundry.
Subject to the wage reopener option, this
Agreement shall be in full force and effect from July
1, 2021 through June 30, 2024, and shall continue
from year to year thereafter unless written notice of
desire to cancel or terminate the Agreement is served
by either party upon the other at least ninety (90) days
prior to the date of expiration.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have
executed this Agreement on the date and in the year
first above written:
By: Sara Thorndike
Senior Vice President for Finance and
By: Jonathan M. Light
By: Jesika D. Millinder
Jonathan M. Light, President
Jesika D. Millinder, Secretary-Treasurer
Michael Howe, Vice President
Ricardo Veruete, Recording Secretary
David Stevenson, Trustee
Samuel McMurtrie, Trustee
Adam Nileski, Trustee
Heather Deitrich
Jonathan Emel
Matthew Lessman
Timothy Mattis
Douglas Snell
Susan Toner
Effective July 1, 2021
Hiring Rate
B Rate
A Rate
Job Grade Rate
Hiring Rate
Effective July 1, 20
B Rate
A Rate
Job Grade Rate
Effective July 1, 2023
Hiring Rate
B Rate
A Rate
Job Grade Rate
Section Page
Alternate work 10.6 46
12.7 59
Decisions 8.8 32
Expenses 8.9 33
Selection of arbitrators 8.7 31
Attending meetings 8.15 34
39.1 143
Consideration of 12.3 55
Computing time limits 8.2 28
Contracting out work 22 94
Death in family 28.8 120
Direct deposit of paychecks 15.15 74
Discharge 6.3 26
Discipline 6.2 25
Dues checkoff 3.1 20
Definition of 1.3 6
Holding public office 37 140
Nonregular 1.3 6
1.5 9
Regular 1.3 6
Student 1.3 6
Educational privileges 36 139
Friday after Thanksgiving 28.9 121
Grievance procedure 8 28
Section Page
Definition of 25.1 101
25.4 104
Listing of 25.1 101
25.2 102
25.3 104
Pay provisions 25.5 104
25.6 105
Hospitality services 46 150
Notification of 26.7 110
Acc Death & Dismemberment 31.1 135
Life 30 131
Continuation into retirement 32.1 135
32.2 136
Dental 29.2 128
During leave without pay 13.5 66
Health care 29.1 124
Short-term disability 31.2 135
Vision 29.2 128
Job announcements 12.2 54
Job evaluation grievance 8.3 28
Job information 20.1 93
Job vacancy notification 12.1 53
Lateral moves 12.1 53
Definition of 10.1 42
Employee rights during 10.5 44
Notice of 10.4 44
Order of 10.2 42
Section Page
Leave of absence
Early return from 13.8 68
For child care 13.1 63
For family member 13.1 61
For maternity 13.1 60
For military 13.1 60
For other reasons 13.1 64
For Union business 14.1 70
Length of 13.2 65
Membership in group insurance 13.5 66
Purpose of 13.1 60
Return to active service 13.6 67
Meal cost for eligible employees 15.2 72
Attendance at (special) 8.13 33
Holding of (Union) 39.1 143
Membership in the Union 2 19
Nondiscrimination 23 95
Other paid time off
Ambulance driving 28.3 118
Air-raid wardens 28.6 120
Airplane spotters 28.6 120
Civil air patrol 28.6 120
Civil defense officials 28.6 120
Emergency rescue 28.4 119
Jury service 28.1 118
Subpoenaed witness 28.5 119
Volunteer fire fighting 28.2 118
Section Page
Call outs 17.8 79
Definition of 17.1 75
Emergency 17.5 78
Limitation of 17.2 75
Meals 17.9 79
Pay for 17.3 76
Regular annual 17.6 78
Rotation of 17.4 76
Paid parental leave 28.10 122
Pay rate for paid time off 10.7 49
Of Union notices 39.2 144
Of Seniority lists 9.10 41
Probationary employee 9.4 37
Notice of 11.2 52
Order of 11.1 51
Reclassification into or out of
the bargaining unit 21 93
Retirement (mandatory plan) 33 138
Safety 35.1 138
Glasses 35.2 139
Grievance 8.4 29
Bargaining unit 9.5 39
Work unit 9.6 39
Shift premium 16 74
Section Page
Sick leave
Absence chargeable 26.2 107
Accumulation of 26.1 107
Eligibility 26.1 107
Family sick days 26.2 108
Fitness for duty 26.3 108
In excess of accumulated 26.5 109
Termination payoff 26.4 109
Unusual use of 26.6 110
Sickness and accident supplement 26.8 112
Stewards 38 140
Superseniority for layoff & recall 38.6 143
Strikes and lockouts 4 21
Superseniority for job vacancies 10.8 49
Supervisory functions 5.2 24
Tardiness 7.1 27
Temporary transfer
Definition of 18 83
On a full time basis 18.3 84
To a higher grade 18.2 83
To the same or lower grade 18.1 83
Term of agreement 47 154
Notice of 34 138
Of seniority and employment 9.8 40
Unauthorized absence 9.8 40
Trial period 12.3 56
Union activities 39 143
Section Page
Accumulation of 24.2 96
Eligibility 24.1 96
Relief crew 24.4 99
Scheduling of 24.3 98
Termination payoff 24.5 101
Employees receiving gratuities 15.2 71
Hourly rate chart 157
Reopener option 15.14 73
Warning letters 6.2 25
Workers Compensation 27 113
Hired on/before 6/30/14 27.2 113
Hired on/after 7/1/14 27.3 115
Work schedules
Change of 9.6 39
19.1 88
Establishment of 19.1 88
Meal periods 19.1 88
Paid break time 19.3 90
Work units (identification of) 9.3 35