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Success for All: A Quantitative Synthesis of U.S.
Alan C. K. Cheung, Chen Xie, Tengteng Zhuang, Amanda J. Neitzel & Robert E.
To cite this article: Alan C. K. Cheung, Chen Xie, Tengteng Zhuang, Amanda J. Neitzel & Robert
E. Slavin (2021) Success for All: A Quantitative Synthesis of U.S. Evaluations, Journal of Research
on Educational Effectiveness, 14:1, 90-115, DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2020.1868031
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/19345747.2020.1868031
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Published online: 16 Apr 2021.
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Success for All: A Quantitative Synthesis of U.S. Evaluations
Alan C. K. Cheung
, Chen Xie
, Tengteng Zhuang
, Amanda J. Neitzel
and Robert E. Slavin
Department of Educational Administration and Policy, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China;
Institute of International and Comparative Education, Faculty of
Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China;
Center for Research and Reform in
Education, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Success for All (SFA) is a comprehensive whole-school approach
designed to help high-poverty elementary schools increase the read-
ing success of their students. It is designed to ensure success in
grades K-2 and then build on this success in later grades. SFA com-
bines instruction emphasizing phonics and cooperative learning,
one-to-small group tutoring for students who need it in the primary
grades, frequent assessment and regrouping, parent involvement,
distributed leadership, and extensive training and coaching. Over a
33-year period, SFA has been extensively evaluated, mostly by
researchers unconnected to the program. This quantitative synthesis
reviews the findings of these evaluations. Seventeen US studies
meeting rigorous inclusion standards had a mean effect size of
þ0.24 (p < .05) on independent measures. Effects were largest for
low achievers (ES¼þ0.54, p < .01). Although outcomes vary across
studies, mean impacts support the effectiveness of Success for All
for the reading success of disadvantaged students.
Received 22 January 2020
Revised 25 September 2020
Accepted 19 October 2020
Success for all; meta-
analysis; literacy instruction;
high-poverty schools;
struggling readers
The reading performance of students in the United States is a source of deep concern.
American students perform at levels below those of many peer nations on the Program
for International Student Assessment (PISA; OECD, 2019). Most importantly, there are
substantial gaps in reading skills between advantaged and disadvantaged students,
between different ethnic groups, and between proficient speakers of English and English
learners (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2019). These gaps lead to ser-
ious inequalities in the American economy and society. Americas reading problem is
far from uniform. On PISA Reading Literacy (OECD, 2019), American 15-year-old stu-
dents in schools with fewer than 50% of students qualifying for free lunch scored higher
than those in any country. The problem in the United States is substantially advancing
the reading skills of students in high-poverty schools. The students in these schools are
CONTACT Chen Xie [email protected] Institute of International and Comparative Education, Faculty of
Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
Institute of Higher Education, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
Supplemental material for this article can be accessed online at https://doi.org/10.1080/19345747.2020.1868031.
ß 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
2021, VOL. 14, NO. 1, 90115
capable of learning at high levels, but they need greater opportunities and support to
fully realize their potential.
Research is clear that students who start off with poor reading skills are unlikely to recover
without significant assistance (Cunningham & Stanovich, 1997; National Reading Panel,
2000). A study by Lesnick et al. (2010) found that students reading below grade level in third
grade were four times more likely than other students to drop out before high
school graduation.
Evidence about the role of early reading failure in long-term school failure (e.g.
National Reading Panel, 2000) has led to a great deal of research and development
focused on ensuring that students succeed in reading in the elementary grades. Recent
reviews of programs for struggling readers by Neitzel, Lake, et al. (2020) and Wanzek
et al. (2016) have identified many effective approaches, especially tutoring and profes-
sional development strategies. However, in high-poverty schools in which there may
be many students at risk of reading failure, a collection of individual approaches may be
insufficient or inefficient. In such schools, whole school, coordinated approaches may be
needed to ensure that all students succeed in reading.
Success for All
Success for All (SFA) was designed and first implemented in 1987 in an attempt to serve
very disadvantaged schools, in which it is not practically possible to serve all struggling
readers one at a time. The program emerged from research at Johns Hopkins
University, and since 1996 has been developed and disseminated by a nonprofit organ-
ization, the Success for All Foundation (SFAF). SFA was designed from the outset to
provide research-proven instruction, curriculum, and school organization to schools
serving many disadvantaged students.
Theory of Action
Success for All was initially designed in a collaboration between researchers at Johns
Hopkins University (JHU) and leaders of the Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPS),
whose high-poverty schools had large numbers of students falling behind in reading in
the early elementary grades, losing motivation, and developing low expectations for
themselves. Ultimately, these students entered middle school lacking basic skills and, in
too many cases, no longer believing that success was possible. The JHU-BCPS team was
charged with developing a whole-school model capable of ensuring success from the
beginning of students time in school. The theory of action the team developed focused
first on ensuring that students were successful in reading in first grade, providing a cur-
riculum with a strong emphasis on phonemic awareness and phonics (National Reading
Panel, 2000; Shaywitz & Shaywitz, 2020; Snow et al., 1998), and using proven instruc-
tional methods such as cooperative learning (Slavin, 2017), and effective classroom man-
agement methods (e.g. Good & Brophy, 2018). Students in grades 15 are grouped by
reading level across grade lines, so that all reading teachers had one reading group. For
example, a reading group at the 31 level (third grade, first semester) might contain
some high-performing second graders, many third graders, and some low-performing
fourth graders, all reading at the 31 level. Students in the primary grades, but particu-
larly first graders, may receive daily, 30-min computer-assisted tutoring, usually in
groups of four, to enable most struggling readers to keep up (Neitzel, Lake, et al., 2020;
Wanzek et al., 2016).
The core focus of the SFA model is to make certain that every student succeeds in
basic reading. In addition to the reading instruction and tutoring elements, students
who need them can receive services to help them with attendance, social-emotional
development, parent involvement, and other needs. After students reach the 21 reading
level, they continue to receive all program services except tutoring. The upper-elemen-
tary program is an adaptation of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition
(CIRC; Stevens et al., 1987). The design of the SFA program in at reading levels 35is
focused on cooperative learning, comprehension, metacognitive skills, and writing.
The theory of action for SFA, therefore, assumes that students must start with suc-
cess, whatever this takes, in the expectation that early success builds a solid base for
later learning, positive expectations for future success, and motivation to achieve.
However, success in the early grades is seen as necessary, but not sufficient. Evidence
on the difficulties of ensuring long-term maintenance of reading gains from highly suc-
cessful first grade tutoring programs (e.g. Blachman et al., 2014) demonstrate that ensur-
ing early-grade success in reading cannot be assumed to ensure lifelong reading success.
The designers of SFA intended to build maintenance of first-grade effects by continuing
high-quality instruction and classroom organization after an intensive early primary
experience sets students up for success. Beyond reading and tutoring, the design seeks
to build on students strengths by involving their parents, teaching social-emotional
skills, and ensuring high attendance.
Figure 1 summarizes the SFA theory of action. At the center is success in reading in
grades K-2, and then 35. All other components of the model support these outcomes.
Only tutoring is limited to Grades 1 and 2. Other elements continue through the grades.
The logic of Success for All is much like that of response to intervention (Fuchs &
Fuchs, 2006), now often called Multi-Tier Systems of Support (MTSS). That is, teachers
receive extensive professional development and in-class coaching to help them use pro-
ven approaches to instruction and curriculum. Students who do not succeed despite
Figure 1. Theory of action for Success for All.
enhanced teaching may receive one-to-small group or, if necessary, one-to-one tutoring.
Ongoing assessment, recordkeeping, and flexible grouping are designed to ensure that
students receive instruction and supportive services at their current instructional level,
as they advance toward higher levels. Program components focus on parent involve-
ment, classroom management, attendance, and social-emotional learning, to solve prob-
lems that may interfere with students reading and broader school success. Each school
has a full-time facilitator to help manage professional development and other program
elements, some number of paraprofessional tutors, and coaches from the nonprofit
Success for All Foundation, who visit schools approximately once a month to review the
quality of implementation, review data, and introduce additional components.
Program Components
Success for All is a whole-school model that addresses instruction, particularly in reading, as
well as schoolwide issues related to leadership, attendance, school climate, behavior manage-
ment, parent involvement, and health (see Slavin et al., 2009,formoredetail).Theprogram
provides specific teacher and student materials and professional development to facilitate
use of proven practices in each program component.
Literacy Instruction
Learning to read and write effectively is essential for success in school. Success for All
provides in-depth support for reading acquisition. Instructional practices, teachers
guides, student materials, assessments, and job-embedded professional development are
combined to create a comprehensive reading program.
The Success for All reading program is based on research and effective practices in
beginning reading (e.g. National Reading Panel, 2000), and appropriate use of coopera-
tive learning to enhance motivation, engagement, and opportunities for cognitive
rehearsal (Slavin, 2017; Stevens et al., 1987).
As noted earlier, students in grades one and up are regrouped for reading. The students
are assigned to heterogeneous, age-grouped classes most of the day, but during a regular
90-minute reading period they are regrouped by reading performance levels into reading
classes of students all at the same level. For example, a reading class taught at the 21
level might contain first, second, and third grade students all reading at the same level.
The reading classes are smaller than homerooms because tutors and other certified staff
(such as librarians or art teachers) teach reading during this common reading period.
Regrouping allows teachers to teach the whole reading class without having to break
the class into reading groups. This greatly reduces the time spent on seatwork and
increases direct instruction time. The regrouping is a form of the Joplin Plan, which has
been found to increase reading achievement in the elementary grades (Slavin, 1987).
Preschool and Kindergarten
Most Success for All schools provide a half-day preschool and/or a full-day kindergarten
for eligible students. Research supports a balance between development of language,
school skills, and social skills (Chambers et al., 2016). The SFA preschool and kindergar-
ten programs provide students with specific materials and instruction to give them a
balanced and developmentally appropriate learning experience. The curriculum empha-
sizes the development and use of language. It provides a balance of academic readi-
ness and nonacademic music, art, and movement activities in a series of thematic
units. Readiness activities include use of language development activities and Story
Telling and Retelling (STaR), which focuses on the development of concepts about
print as well as vocabulary and background knowledge. Structured phonemic aware-
ness activities prepare students for success in early reading. Big books as well as oral
and written composing activities allow students to develop concepts of print story
structure. Specific oral language experiences are used to further develop receptive and
expressive language.
Curiosity Corner, Success for Alls pre-kindergarten program, offers theme-based
units designed to support a language-rich half-day program for 3- and 4-year olds that
supports the development of social emotional skills and early literacy.
KinderCorner offers a full-day theme-based kindergarten program designed to sup-
port the development of oral language and vocabulary, early literacy, and social and
emotional skills needed for long term success. KinderCorner provides students with
materials and instruction designed to get them talking using cooperative discussion with
an integrated set of activities. Opportunities for imaginative play increase both self-regu-
lation and language. Formal reading instruction is phased in during kindergarten.
Media-based phonemic awareness and early phonics ease students into reading, and
simple but engaging phonetically regular texts are used to provide successful application
of word synthesis skills in the context of connected text.
Beginning Reading
Reading Roots is a beginning reading program for grades K-1. It has a strong focus on
phonemic awareness, phonics, and comprehension (Shaywitz & Shaywitz, 2020; Snow
et al., 1998). It uses as its base a series of phonetically regular but interesting minibooks
and emphasizes repeated oral reading to partners as well as to the teacher. The mini-
books begin with a set of shared stories, in which part of a story is written in small
type (read by the teacher) and part is written in large type (read by the students). The
student portion uses a phonetically controlled vocabulary. Taken together, the teacher
and student portions create interesting, worthwhile stories. Over time, the teacher por-
tion diminishes and the student portion lengthens, until students are reading the entire
book. This scaffolding allows students to read interesting stories when they only know a
few letter sounds.
Letters and letter sounds are introduced in an active, engaging set of activities that
begins with oral language and moves into written symbols. Individual sounds are inte-
grated into a context of words, sentences, and stories. Instruction is provided in story
structure, specific comprehension skills, metacognitive strategies for self-assessment and
self-correction, and integration of reading and writing. Brief video segments use anima-
tions to reinforce letter sounds, puppet skits to model sound blending, and live action
skits to introduce key vocabulary.
Adaptations for Spanish Speakers
Spanish bilingual programs use an adaptation of Reading Roots called Lee Conmigo
(Read With Me). Lee Conmigo uses the same instructional strategies as Reading
Roots, but is built around shared stories written in Spanish. SFA also has a Spanish-lan-
guage kindergarten program, Descubre Conmigo (Discover with Me). Students who
receive Lee Conmigo typically transition to the English SFA program in Grade 2 or 3,
using special materials designed to facilitate transition. Schools teaching English learners
only in English are provided with professional development focused on supporting the
language and reading development of English learners.
Upper Elementary Reading
When students reach the second grade reading level, they use a program called Reading
Wings, an adaptation of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)
(Stevens et al., 1987). Reading Wings uses cooperative learning activities built around
story structure, prediction, summarization, vocabulary building, decoding practice, and
story-related writing. Students engage in partner reading and structured discussion of
stories or novels, and work toward mastery of the vocabulary and content of the story
in teams. Story-related writing is also shared within teams. Cooperative learning both
increases students motivation and engages students in cognitive activities known to
contribute to reading comprehension, such as elaboration, summarization, and rephras-
ing (see Slavin, 2017). Research on CIRC has found it to significantly increase students
reading comprehension and language skills (Stevens et al., 1987).
Reading Tutors
A critical element of the Success for All model is the use of tutoring, the most effective
intervention known for struggling readers (Neitzel, Lake, et al., 2020; Wanzek et al.,
2016). In the current version of SFA, computer-assisted tutoring is provided by well-
qualified paraprofessionals to groups of four children with reading problems. However,
students with very serious problems may receive one to two or one to one tutoring. The
tutoring occurs in 30-minute sessions during times other than reading or math periods.
Leading for Success
Schools must have systems that enable them to assess needs, set goals for improvement,
make detailed plans to implement effective strategies, and monitor progress on a child
by child basis. In Success for All, the tool that guides this schoolwide collaboration is
called Leading for Success.
Leading for Success is built around a distributed leadership model, and engages all
school staff in a network of teams that address key areas targeted for continuous
improvement. The leadership team manages the Leading for Success process and con-
venes the staff at the beginning of the school year and at the end of each quarter to
assess progress and set goals and agendas for next steps. Staff members participate in
different teams to address areas of focus that involve schoolwide supports for students
and families as well as support for improving implementation of instructional strategies
to increase success.
Schoolwide Solutions Teams
A Parent and Family Involvement Team works toward good re lations with parents
and to increase involvement in the school. Team members organize welcome visits
for new familie s, opportunities for informal chats among parents and school staff
members, workshops for parents on su pporting achievement and general parenting
issues, and volunteer opportunities. Solutions teams also focus on improving attend-
ance and i ntervening with students having learning and behavioral problems.
Program Facilitator
A program facilitator works at each school to oversee (with the principal) the operation
of the Success for All model. The facilitator helps plan the Success for All program,
helps the principal with scheduling, and visits classes and tutoring sessions frequently to
help teachers and tutors with individual problems. He or she works directly with the
teachers on implementation of the curriculum, classroom management, and other issues,
helps teachers and tutors deal with any behavior problems or other special problems,
and coordinates the activities of the Family Support Team with those of the instruc-
tional staff.
Teachers and Teacher Training
Professional development in Success for All emphasizes on-site coaching after initial
training. Teachers and tutors receive detailed teachers manuals supplemented by three
days of in-service at the beginning of the school year, followed by classroom observa-
tions and coaching throughout the year. For classroom teachers of grades 1 and above
and for reading tutors, training sessions focus on implementation of the reading pro-
gram (either Reading Roots or Reading Wings), and their detailed teachers manuals
cover general teaching strategies as well as specific lessons. Preschool and kindergarten
teachers and aides are trained in strategies appropriate to their students preschool and
kindergarten models. Tutors later receive two additional days of training on tutoring
strategies and reading assessment.
Throughout the year, in-class coaching and in-service presentations focus on such
topics as classroom management, instructional pace, and cooperative learning. Online
coaching is also used after coaches and teachers have built good relationships.
Special Education
Every effort is made to deal with students learning problems within the context of the
regular classroom, as supplemented by tutors. Tutors evaluate students strengths and
weaknesses and develop strategies to teach in the most effective way. In some schools,
special education teachers work as tutors and reading teachers with students identified
as learning disabled, as well as other students experiencing learning problems who are
at risk for special education placement. One major goal of Success for All is to keep stu-
dents with learning problems out of special education if at all possible, and to serve any
students who do qualify for special education in a way that does not disrupt their regu-
lar classroom experience (see Borman & Hewes, 2002).
Consistency and Variation in Implementation
Success for All is designed to provide a consistent set of elements to each school that
selects it. On engaging with schools, school and district staff are asked to agree to
implement a set of program elements that the developers have found to be most import-
ant. These include the following:
A full-time facilitator employed by the school. Typically, the facilitator is an
experienced teacher, Title I master teacher, or vice principal already on the
school staff, whose roles and responsibilities are revised to focus on within-school
management of the SFA process.
At least one full-time tutor, usually a teaching assistant, to work primarily with
first graders who are struggling in reading.
Implementation of the SFA KinderCorner (or Descubre Conmigo) program in
kindergarten, Reading Roots (or Lee Conmigo) in grades 1 and 2, and Reading
Wings in grades 2 and above (for students who have tested out of Reading
Roots). KinderCorner and Reading Roots are complete early reading approaches,
but Reading Wings is built around widely used traditional or digital texts and/or
trade books selected by schools.
Professional development by SFA coaches, consisting of 2 days for all teachers,
plus monthly on-site visits by SFA coaches.
Regrouping for reading. During a daily 90-minute reading period, students are
regrouped for reading starting in grade 1, as described above.
These elements are considered essential to SFA, and SFAF does not engage with
schools that decline to implement and maintain all of them. After program inception, it
of course occurs that schools cannot keep to their initial commitments, and some
accommodations have to be made. For example, a school under financial pressure may
have to use a half-time facilitator rather than full-time.
With respect to other elements of SFA, such as leadership, parent involvement, and
special education policies, SFAF negotiates variations to accommodate school character-
istics and district policies. As a result of its strong emphasis on consistency, the program
elements believed to be most essential to reading outcomes do not vary significantly
from school to school.
Evolution of Program Components over Time
The basic design and operation of Success for All has remained constant for its entire
33-year history, but there has been constant change in the specific components. These
are introduced because of learnings from experiences in schools, demand from schools
and districts, findings of research, external grants, and advances in technology (see
Peurach, 2011). The Reading Roots (K-1) reading program, for example, developed tech-
nology to help teachers present lessons and manage regular assessments. Reading Wings
(25) has increasingly focused on the teaching of reading comprehension using meta-
cognitive strategies. The tutoring program has evolved substantially. The main driver
has been a quest for cost-effectiveness, as tutoring is expensive. Initially, tutoring was
done by certified teachers one-to-one. However, this was not economically sustainable
for most schools, so in the mid-1990s, SFAF developed a new model appropriate for use
by teaching assistants. In the 2000s, SFAF began to introduce computer-assisted tutor-
ing, taking advantage of increasing availability of computers in schools. SFAF then
began to develop and evaluate small group tutoring. In 2016, SFAF developed a com-
puter-assisted small-group model that teaching assistants could use reliably with success
in groups of four. This model requires one-eighth the personnel costs per tutored stu-
dent of our original model, and gets equal outcomes, so it allows schools to serve many
more students for the same cost (Madden & Slavin, 2017).
Some whole programs have been added, to enable SFAF to serve additional popula-
tions. SFAF added a preschool program in the mid-1990s, and added Spanish bilingual
and sheltered English program around the same time. SFAF added the Leading for
Success component in the 2000s, to improve schools capacities to distribute leadership
among its staff.
Any program as comprehensive as Success for All has to evolve to keep up with the
times and to constantly improve its outcomes and reduce its cost and complexity.
Success for All has always learned from its partners and its own staff, and incorporates
these learnings continuously, in ways large and small.
Research on Success for All
Success for All has been in existence for 33 years, and currently (2020) provides services
to about 1,000 schools in the United States. About half of these use the full program,
and half use major components (most often, the K-2 reading program). The program
has placed a strong emphasis on research and evaluation, and has always carried out or
encouraged experimental or quasi-experimental evaluations to learn how the program is
working and what results it is achieving for which types of students and settings.
Studies of Success for All have usually been done by third party evaluators (i.e. research-
ers unrelated to the program developers). They have taken place in high-poverty schools
and districts throughout the United States.
The present synthesis of research on Success for All includes every study of reading
outcomes carried out in US schools that evaluated the program using methods that
meet a set of inclusion standards described below. The purpose of the synthesis is to
summarize the evidence and to identify moderators of program effects, and then to con-
sider the implications of the findings for theory, practice, and policy.
The Need for a Meta-Analysis on SFA
Over the past 33 years, SFA programs have been widely applied and evaluated through-
out the United States to help youngsters with their reading progress. However, these
reports only focus on single evaluations of the intervention rather than synthesizing
studies of all high-quality experiments over time. A meta-analysis of SFA studies was
reported as part of a meta-analysis of comprehensive school reforms by Borman et al.
(2003), and another meta-analysis was part of a synthesis of research on elementary
reading programs by Slavin et al. (2009). SFA outcomes for struggling readers were
included in a synthesis on that topic by Neitzel, Lake, et al. (2020). However, the
present synthesis is the first to focus in detail on Success for All alone, enabling much
more of a focus on its evidence base than was possible in reviews of many programs.
Also, the review uses up-to-date methods for quantitative synthesis (e.g. Borenstein
et al., 2009; Pigott & Polanin, 2020).
The main objective of the current meta-analysis is to investigate the average impact
of SFA on reading achievement. The three key main research questions are as follows:
1. What is the overall effect of SFA on student reading achievement?
2. Are there differential impacts of SFA on the reading achievement of different
subgroups of students?
3. What study features moderate the effects of SFA on reading achievement?
Data Sources
The document retrieval process consisted of several steps (see Figure 2). The research
team employed various strategies to identify all possible studies that have been done to
evaluate reading outcomes of SFA. First, the team carried out a broad literature search.
Electronic searches were made of educational databases (ERIC, Psych INFO,
Dissertation Abstracts) using different combinations of key words (for example,
Success for All,”“SFA,”“reading,”“Comprehensive School Reform) and the years
19892020. In addition, previous meta-analyses on reading interventions were searched
Figure 2. Flow chart of study selection.
and the reference lists of these meta-analyses were examined to identify any SFA studies.
The authors contacted the Success for All Foundation, the developer of the program, to
identify studies that might have been missed in the search, especially unpublished stud-
ies. Articles from any published or unpublished source that met the inclusion standards
were independently read and examined by at least two researchers. Any disagreements
in coding were resolved by discussion, and additional researchers read any articles on
which there remained disagreements.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies were similar to those of the What Works
Clearinghouse (WWC, 2020). They are as follows.
1. The studies evaluated SFA programs used in elementary schools. Studies had to
appear between 1989 and 2020.
2. Studies had to be of students who started SFA in grades pre-K, K, or 1, as most
tutoring (a key element of the theory of action) takes place in first grade.
3. The studies compared children taught in schools using SFA with those in control
schools using an alternative program or standard methods.
4. Random assignment or matching with appropriate adjustments for any pretest
differences (e.g. analyses of covariance) had to be used. In randomized experi-
ments, a number of schools volunteered to participate, and half were assigned at
random to use SFA, while the remaining schools continued using existing meth-
ods. In matched studies, schools assigned to use SFA were matched in advance
with control schools on factors such as pretests, poverty indicators, ethnicity, and
school size. Post-hoc studies in which matching was done after experimental and
control schools completed implementation were excluded. Studies without con-
trol groups, such as pre-post comparisons and comparisons to expected scores,
were also excluded.
5. Pretest data had to be provided. Studies with pretest differences of more than
25% of a standard deviation were excluded, as required by WWC
(2020) standards.
6. The dependent measures included quantitative measures of reading performance
not created by SFA developers or researchers.
7. A minimum study duration of one school year was required.
8. Studies had to have at least two schools in each treatment group. This criterion
avoided having treatment and school effects be completely confounded.
9. Study reported results at the end of the intervention period (for the main analy-
ses) or interim results (for exploratory analyses examining impacts over time).
Studies that met the inclusion criteria were coded by one of the study team members
and verified by another study team member. The fully coded data are available on the
Johns Hopkins University Data Archive (Neitzel, Cheung, et al., 2020). Data to be coded
100 A. C. K. CHEUNG ET AL.
beyond outcome measures, sample sizes, and effect sizes included substantive factors,
methodological factors, and extrinsic factors. These are described below.
Substantive Factors
Substantive factors describe the intervention, population, and context of the study.
These coded factors included duration of intervention, student grade level, and popula-
tion description (race, ethnicity, English learner status, and free/reduced price meals sta-
tus). Schools were categorized as being primarily African-American, Hispanic, or White
if more than half of students were of that race (or if there were subgroup analyses by
race). They were considered high-poverty if at least 66% of students qualified for
free lunch.
Methodological Factors
Methodological factors included the research design (randomized or quasi-experimental
design), and the type of outcome. Outcomes were categorized into three groups: general
reading/comprehension, fluency, or alphabetics (WWC, 2014). Alphabetics includes sub-
skills of reading such as letter identification and phonics outcomes, fluency includes
reading accuracy and reading with expression, and comprehension outcomes assess the
ability to understand connected text. General reading includes all types of reading out-
comes. Comprehension is weighted heavily in general reading measures, so we com-
bined general reading and comprehension scores into a single factor. The reading
posttest scores used as the main outcome measures were those reported from the final
year of implementation for a given cohort. For example, in a 3-year study with a K-2
and a 1-3 cohort, the third-year scores in grades 2 and 3 would be the main outcomes,
and these would be averaged to get a study mean.
Extrinsic Factors
Extrinsic factors coded included publication status, year of publication, and evaluator
independence. Studies were considered independent if the list of authors did not include
any of the original developers of SFA.
Statistical Analysis
The effect sizes of interest in this study are standardized mean differences. These are
effect sizes that quantify the difference between the treatment and control group on out-
come measures, adjusted for covariates, divided by standard deviations. This allows the
magnitude of impacts to be compared across interventions and outcome measures.
Effect sizes were calculated as the difference between adjusted posttest scores for treat-
ment and control students, divided by the unadjusted standard deviation of the control
group. Alternative procedures were used to estimate effect sizes when unadjusted postt-
ests or unadjusted standard deviations were not reported (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001).
Studies with cluster assignments that did not use HLM or other multi-level modeling
but used student-level analysis were re-analyzed to estimate significance account for
clustering (Hedges, 2007a).
In meta-analysis models, studies were weighted, to give more weight to studies with
the greatest precision (Hedges et al., 2010). In practice, this primarily involves weighting
for sample size. Weights for each study were calculated according to the following for-
þ s
where W
is the weight for study j, k
is the number of findings in study j, v
is the aver-
age finding-level variance for study j, and s
is the between-study variance in the study-
average effect sizes (Hedges et al., 2010; Tipton, 2015). Variance estimates were adjusted
for studies with cluster-level assignment, using the total variance for unequal cluster
sample sizes (Hedges, 2007b).
We used a multivariate meta-regression model with robust variance estimation (RVE)
to conduct the meta-analysis (Hedges et al., 2010). This approach has several advan-
tages. First, our data included multiple effect sizes per study, and robust variance esti-
mation accounts for this dependence without requiring knowledge of the covariance
structure (Hedges et al., 2010). Second, this approach allows for moderators to be added
to the meta-regression model and calculates the statistical significance of each moderator
in explaining variation in the effect sizes (Hedges et al., 2010). Tipton (2015) expanded
this approach by adding a small-sample correction that prevents inflated Type I errors
when the number of studies included in the meta-analysis is small or when the covari-
ates are imbalanced. We estimated three meta-regression models. First, we estimated a
null model to produce the average effect size without adjusting for any covariates.
Second, we estimated a meta-regression model with the identified moderators of interest
and covariates. Both the first and second models included only the outcomes at the end
of the intervention period. Third, we estimated an exploratory meta-regression model
including the same identified moderators of interest and covariates, but that added
results from interim reports, to better explore the change in impact over time. Both of
the meta-regression models took the general form:
¼ b
þ b
þ b
þ g
þ u
þ e
where T
is the effect size estimate i in study j, b
is the grand mean effect size for all
studies, b
is a vector of regression coefficients for the covariates at the effect size level,
is a vector of covariates at the effect size level, b
is a vector of regression coeffi-
cients at the study level, and X
is a vector of covariates at the study level, g
is the
study-specific random effect, and u
is the effect size specific random effect. The X
and X
included substantive, methodological, and extrinsic factors, as outlined above. All
moderators and covariates were grand-mean centered to facilitate interpretation of the
intercept. All reported mean effect sizes come from this meta-regression model, which
adjusts for potential moderators and covariates. The packages metafor (Viechtbauer,
2010) and clubSandwich (Pustejovsky, 2020) were used to estimate all random-effects
models with RVE in the R statistical software (R Core Team, 2020).
102 A. C. K. CHEUNG ET AL.
Since first implemented in Baltimore in 1987, over 60 studies have been carried out to
examine the effectiveness of SFA. However, only 17 studies met the inclusion criteria
for this review. Common reasons for exclusion (see Online Supplementary Appendix 1)
included failure to have at least two schools in each treatment condition (k¼17), no
appropriate data, or nonequivalent or missing pretests (k ¼ 13), non-US locations
(k¼17), program started after first grade (k¼2), comparing to normed performance
(k¼2), or comparing two forms of SFA (k¼4).
Characteristics of Studies
The majority of the included studies were quasi-experiments (k ¼ 15), and only two
were randomized studies. Three of the included studies were published articles and 14
were unpublished documents such as dissertations, conference papers, and technical
reports. In terms of the relationship of the developer to the evaluator, most of the stud-
ies were determined to be independent (k¼13), while the remaining studies included at
least one of the developers in the author list of the study (k¼4). All but one of the stud-
ies took place in schools with very high levels of economic disadvantage, with at least
66% of students receiving free or reduced-price lunches (k¼16).
Across these 17 studies, a total of 221 separate effect sizes were coded, with an aver-
age of 13 effect sizes per study. Six studies reported final effect sizes after 1 year
(n ¼ 55), 3 studies reported effect sizes after 2 years (n ¼ 20), and 9 studies reported
effect sizes after 3 or more years (n ¼ 146). Six studies reported 85 outcomes for
African-American students, either by reporting on a predominantly African-American
student sample or by reporting on outcomes for African-American students separately,
within a heterogeneous sample. Outcomes for Hispanic students were reported in 3
studies (n¼34). One study reported outcomes for White students (n¼4). Four studies
reported outcomes separately for English Learners (ELs), while eight studies reported on
outcomes for low achievers separately. Outcomes were mainly of general reading or
comprehension measures (n¼90) and alphabetics (n¼97), with fewer findings reported
on fluency measures (n¼34).
Overall Effects
The results for the null model and full meta-regression model is shown in Table 1,
which lists the two randomized studies and then all quasi-experiments in order of
school sample size. The meta-regression model controlled for research design, independ-
ence of evaluator, duration of study, race/ethnicity of students, language status of stu-
dents, baseline achievement level, and outcome type. There was an overall positive
impact of SFA on reading achievement across all qualifying studies (ES¼þ0.24,
p < .05). However, these outcomes vary considerably, with a 95% prediction interval of
0.27 to þ0.75. The prediction interval provides a sense of the heterogeneity of the out-
comes, with 95% of the effect sizes in the population expected within this range. Study
characteristics and findings of the 17 included studies are summarized in Table 2, and
more detailed study-by-study information is shown in Appendix 2 in the
Online Appendix.
Only two of the studies of SFA were large-scale cluster randomized experiments.
Borman et al. (2007) carried out the first randomized, longitudinal study. Forty-one
schools (21T, 20C) throughout the United States were randomly assigned to either the
treatment or control condition. Children were pretested on the PPVT and then indi-
vidually tested on the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test each spring for 3 years, kinder-
garten to second grade. At the end of this 3-year study, 35 schools and over 2,000
students remained. Using pretests as covariates, the HLM results indicated that the
treatment schools significantly outperformed the controls on all three outcome meas-
ures, with an overall effect size of þ0.25 (p < 0.05). The effect sizes were þ0.22, þ0.33,
and þ0.21 for Word Identification, Word Attack, and Passage Comprehension,
The second large-scale cluster randomized longitudinal study was carried out by
Quint et al. (2015). Similar to the Borman study, 37 low-SES schools from five school
districts in the United States were randomly assigned to treatment (N ¼ 19) or control
conditions (N ¼ 18). Students were followed from kindergarten to second grade. The
treatment schools scored significantly higher than the controls on phonics skills for
second-graders who had been in the treatment group for all three years. No statistically
significant differences were found on reading fluency and comprehension posttests.
However, among the lowest-performing students at pretest, those in the treatment group
scored significantly higher than their counterparts in the control group on phonics
skills, word recognition, and reading fluency.
All other US studies of SFA used quasi-experimental designs, in which schools were
matched at pretest based on pretests and demographics, and then students in both
groups were assessed each year, for from 1 to 5 years. Most of these quasi-experiments
involved small numbers of schools, and would not have had sufficient numbers of clus-
ters (schools) for adequate statistical power on their own. However, this meta-analysis
combines these with other studies, weighting for sample size and other covariates, to
obtain combined results that are adequately powered.
Table 1. Meta-regression results.
Reference Coefficient SE t df p
Null model
Intercept 0.10 0.06 1.59 9.42 0.146
Success for all versus control (Intercept) 0.24 0.08 3.07 7.24 0.017
Randomized Studies Quasi-experiments 0.05 0.18 0.27 3.14 0.804
Independent Evaluations Not independent evaluations 0.07 0.13 0.48 4.39 0.653
1 year studies 3þ Year studies 0.06 0.14 0.44 7.92 0.670
2 year studies 0.27 0.11 2.43 1.91 0.141
Black students Mix of students 0.08 0.20 0.42 5.54 0.687
White students 0.41 0.23 1.74 3.79 0.162
Hispanic students 0.06 0.27 0.21 2.75 0.846
No EL students Mix of language status students 0.10 0.08 1.13 2.39 0.358
EL students 0.04 0.07 0.59 2.06 0.615
General Reading/Comprehension outcomes Fluency outcomes 0.05 0.06 0.83 5.05 0.443
Alphabetics outcomes 0.18 0.03 6.93 4.97 0.001
Low achievers Moderate/High Achievers 0.46 0.15 3.19 4.33 0.030
Mix of students 0.09 0.05 2.03 2.68 0.146
Note. SE: standard error; df: degrees of freedom.
104 A. C. K. CHEUNG ET AL.
Table 2. Features and summary of outcomes of included studies.
Study Design Evaluator Sample Sample description n Outcome Duration Grade Study ES Low achiever ES
Quint et al. (2015) CR Ind. 37 Schools,
1,635 students
Five school districts, mostly
in or on outskirts of
large or midsize cities in
the Northeast, South,
and West
12% W, 18%AA, 88%FRL,
24%ELL, 66%H
28 GR/C, Al 3 years K-2 þ0.08 þ0.18
et al. (2007)
CR 35 Schools,
2,108 students
Title I schools throughout
the U.S.
72%FRL, 56%AA,
30%W, 10%H
3 GR/C, Al 3 years K-2 þ0.25
Correnti (2009) CQE Ind. 115 Schools,
3,783 students
High-poverty schools in 17
69%FRL, 52%AA,
21%W, 18%H
1 GR/C 3 years K-2 þ0.43
et al. (1996)
CQE 67 Schools,
2,060 students
High-poverty schools in
Houston, TX
78%FRL, 54%H, 38%AA
3 GR/C 1 year 1st þ0.19
Ross, Smith,
et al. (1996)
CQE Ind. 12 Schools,
781 students
Memphis, TN 4 GR/C, Al, Fl 1 year 1st þ0.01
Slavin et al. (1993) CQE 10 Schools,
1,495 students
African-American students
in high-poverty schools
in Baltimore, MD
59 GR/C, Al, Fl 3 years preK-1 þ0.59 þ1.17
4 years preK-2 þ0.29 þ0.91
5 years preK-3 þ0.41 þ1.29
6 years preK-4 þ0.41 þ0.78
K-5 þ0.46 þ1.01
et al. (2005)
CQE 8 Schools,
577 students
Mostly Hispanic
communities in the US
8 GR/C, Al 1 year K þ0.28
Ross and
Casey (1998a)
CQE Ind. 8 Schools,
356 students
High-poverty schools in Ft.
Wayne, IN
75%FRL, 45%minority
8 GR/C, Al, Fl 2 years K-1 þ0.26 þ0.34
et al. (2001)
CQE Ind. 6 Schools,
398 students
Diverse students in
Miami, FL
2 GR/C 4 years 14 þ0.11
Livingston and
Flaherty (1997)
CQE Ind. 6 Schools,
828 students
High-poverty multilingual
schools in Modesto and
Riverside, CA.
12 GR/C 2 years K-1 þ0.65
3 years K-2 þ0.40
4 years K-3 þ0.12
noz and
Dossett (2004)
CQE Ind. 6 Schools,
349 students
High-poverty schools in
Louisville, KY
1 GR/C 3 years 13 þ0.15
Ross, Nunnery,
et al. (1996)
CQE Ind. 5 Schools,
428 students
Tucson, Arizona 16 GR/C, Al, Fl 1 year 1st þ0.41 þ0.51
Table 2. Continued.
Study Design Evaluator Sample Sample description n Outcome Duration Grade Study ES Low achiever ES
Ross and
Casey (1998b)
CQE Ind. 4 Schools,
581 students
Suburban schools in
Portland, OR.
15% minority
16 GR/C, Al, Fl 1 year K þ0.16 þ0.36
1st 0.02 0.18
Ross, Smith, Bond
et al. (1994)
CQE Ind. 4 Schools,
179 students
African-American students
in high-poverty schools
in Montgomery, AL
8 GR/C, Al, Fl 2 years 12 þ0.58 þ1.01
Ross et al. (1995) CQE Ind. 4 Schools,
257 students
Title I schools in Ft.
Wayne, IN
20 GR/C, Al, Fl 3 years K-2 þ0.10 þ0.56
4 years K-3 0.10
14 0.00 þ0.29
Ross et al. (1997) CQE Ind. 4 Schools,
291 students
A medium-size
midwestern city
24 GR/C, Al, Fl 2 years K-1 þ0.28 þ0.18
3 years K-2 þ0.16
13 þ0.02
Wang and
Ross (1999)
CQE Ind. 4 schools,
340 students
High poverty African-
American schools in
Little Rock, AK
8 GR/C, Al, Fl 1 year 1st þ0.24
2nd 0.05
Note. CR: cluster randomized; CQE: cluster quasi-experiment; Ind.: independent; W: White; AA: African American; FRL: free/reduced lunch; ELL: English Language Learner; H: Hispanic; GR/
C: general reading/comprehension; AL: alphabetics; FL: fluency; n: number of effect sizes; ES: effect size.
106 A. C. K. CHEUNG ET AL.
One of the QEDs was notable for its large size and longitudinal designs. Slavin et al.
(1993; also see Madden et al., 1993) evaluated the first five schools to use Success for
All. The schools, all high-poverty schools in Baltimore, were each matched with con-
trol schools with very similar pretests and demographics. All students were African
American and virtually all students qualified for free lunches. Within schools, indi-
vidual students were matched with control students. Students were followed from
first grade onward, in a total of five cohorts. The mean effect size across all five
cohorts after 3 years was þ0.59 (p ¼ .05) for all students and þ1.17 (p < .01) for low
achievers. The mean effect size for fifth graders who had been in treatment or con-
trol schools since first grade was þ0.46 (n.s.) overall and þ1.01 (p < .01) for low
achievers. A follow-up study of these schools was carried out by Borman and Hewes
(2002). It obtained data from three cohorts of students followed to the eighth grade,
so students would have been out of the K-5 SFA schools for at least three years.
Results indicated lasting positive effects on standardized reading achievement meas-
ures (ES ¼þ0.29, n.s.), and SFA students were significantly less likely to have been
retained in elementary school (ES ¼þ0.27, n.s.) or assigned to special education
(ES¼þ0.18, n.s.), in comparison to controls.
The second major, large-scale QED was a part of the University of Michigans
Study of Instructional Improvement (Rowan et al., 2009). This study compared more
than 100 schools throughout the United States that were implementing one of three
comprehensive school reform models: Success for All, Americas Choice, or
Accelerated Schools. There was also a control group. Students in the SFA portion of
the study were followed from kindergarten to second grade. The detailed findings
were reported by Correnti (2009), who found an overall effect size of
þ0.43 (p < .01).
Table 3. Substantive and methodological moderators.
Moderator Level kn ES SE t df p
Research design Randomized 2 31 þ0.20 0.14 1.44 1.51 0.322
Quasi-experiment 15 190 þ0.25 0.09 2.71 6.36 0.033
Duration 1 year 6 55 þ0.25 0.09 2.91 4.88 0.035
2 years 4 32 þ0.46 0.15 3.11 5.19 0.025
3þ years 9 134 þ0.19 0.10 1.77 5.12 0.135
Race Black 6 85 þ0.28 0.10 2.80 4.27 0.046
Hispanic 3 34 þ0.25 0.24 1.06 3.68 0.355
White 1 4 þ0.60 0.21 2.92 4.14 0.042
Mix 10 98 þ0.19 0.14 1.37 7.79 0.210
Language Learner status EL 4 18 þ0.27 0.10 2.80 4.55 0.042
Not EL 4 12 þ0.33 0.10 3.41 4.70 0.021
Mix 15 191 þ0.23 0.08 2.88 7.74 0.021
Outcome type General reading/comprehension 17 90 þ0.19 0.08 2.52 7.51 0.038
Alphabetics 12 97 þ0.32 0.09 3.50 7.44 0.009
Fluency 9 34 þ0.14 0.08 1.71 7.03 0.132
Achievement status Low achiever 8 60 þ0.54 0.15 3.69 6.16 0.010
Average/High achiever 8 60 þ0.07 0.07 1.05 5.36 0.338
Mix 14 101 þ0.16 0.08 2.00 8.23 0.080
Evaluator status Independent evaluator 13 148 þ0.22 0.10 2.18 9.50 0.056
Not independent evaluator 4 73 þ0.28 0.10 2.80 3.02 0.067
Note. k: number of studies; n: number of outcomes; ES: effect size; SE: standard error; df: degrees of freedom. Mean
effect sizes for each moderator category were calculated by estimated a model including the same covariates as those
shown in Table 1 without an intercept, with the moderator included as a categorical variable.
Substantive and Methodological Moderators
Several important demographic and methodological moderators of treatment impacts
were identified and explored statistically (see Table 3). Not all coded factors and poten-
tial moderators were able to be examined, because of very unequal distributions of stud-
ies within moderators, or substantial correlations between moderators and
study features.
Research Design
Differences in effect sizes between studies that used randomized designs (k ¼ 2,
ES¼þ0.23) and studies that used quasi-experimental designs incorporating matching
(k ¼ 15, ES¼þ0.24) were tested. This difference was not statistically significant.
Evaluator Status
We also compared differences in effect sizes for studies conducted independently from
the SFA developers and those conducted in collaboration with SFA. Effect sizes for stud-
ies from independent evaluations (ES¼þ0.21, p < .10) were similar to those from stud-
ies conducted with the program developers (ES¼þ0.30, p < .10). This difference was
not statistically significant.
Effect sizes were compared for studies at the end of 1, 2, and 3 or more years. Effect
sizes averaged þ0.25 after 1 year, þ0.46 after 2 years, and þ0.19 after 3 or more years.
Appendix 3 in the Online Appendix shows year-by-year outcome trends for longitudinal
studies, with mean outcomes by year similar to the duration findings.
Race & Ethnicity
Outcomes for samples of mostly African-American students averaged þ0.30 (p < .05;
k ¼ 6). In mostly Hispanic samples (k ¼ 3), effect sizes averaged þ0.24 (n.s.). One study
included mostly White students, with average effects of þ0.63 (p < .05). The remaining
10 studies included outcomes of a mix of race and ethnicities, with mean effect sizes of
þ0.23 (n.s.)
English Learner Status
Impacts were similar for English Learners (ES¼þ0.13, p < .05), non-English Learners
(ES¼þ0.36, p < .05) and mixed samples (ES¼þ0.23, p < .05). These differences were
not statistically significant.
Achievement Status
Outcomes including all students had a mean effect size of þ0.24 (k ¼ 17). Outcomes for
low achievers averaged þ0.54 (
p < .01), significantly higher than outcomes for average/
high achievers (ES¼þ0.07, n.s.), and those for mixed samples (ES¼þ0.16, n.s.).
108 A. C. K. CHEUNG ET AL.
Outcome Type
Differences in effect sizes across outcome types were also statistically examined. The
mean effect size across studies with general reading or comprehension outcomes was
þ0.20 (n ¼ 90). This contrasted with mean effect sizes across alphabetics outcomes
(ES¼þ0.32, n ¼ 97), and fluency outcomes (ES¼þ0.14, n ¼ 34). Alphabetics outcomes
were significantly higher than fluency outcomes (p < .01).
Success for All is a very unusual educational reform program, unique in many ways. It
has operated for 33 years with the same basic philosophy and approach, although it has
constantly changed its specific components in response to its learnings (Peurach, 2011).
Its dissemination has waxed and waned with changing educational policies, SFA served
as many as 1,500 schools at one time, in 20002001. Currently, there are about 500
schools using the full program and another 500 schools using components. In contrast,
in two prominent charter networks, KIPP serves 242 schools, and New Yorks Success
Academies serve 45. Also, the program is relatively long-lasting. Data reported by Slavin
et al. (2009), indicates that the median SFA school stays in the program for 11 years,
and there are several that have used it more than 20 years. At a cost of $117 per student
per year (as reported by Quint et al., 2015), SFA is relatively cost-effective (Borman &
Hewes, 2002).
In its long history, Success for All has frequently been evaluated, mostly by third parties.
There were 17 studies that met rigorous inclusion standards. In contrast, the great majority
of programs that met the inclusion standards of the What Works Clearinghouse or Evidence
for ESSA have been evaluated in just one qualifying study, and very few have been evaluated
more than twice.
Across the 17 qualifying US studies, the mean effect size was þ0.24 for students in
general, and among 8 studies that separately analyzed effects for the lowest achievers,
the mean was þ0.56. These are important outcomes. As a point of comparison, the
mean difference in National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading
achievement between students who qualify for free lunch and those who do not is
approximately an effect size of 0.50 (National Center for Education Statistics (NCES),
2019). The mean outcomes of Success for All are almost half of this gap, and the out-
comes for lowest achievers equal the entire gap.
An important and interesting question for policy and practice is whether SFA works
particularly well with sub-populations. The only important factor with sufficient studies
to permit subsample analyses was lowest-achieving students (usually students in the low-
est 25% of their classes). As noted earlier, the mean effect size for low achievers
was þ0.54.
It is possible to speculate about what aspects of SFA made the program more effective
for lowest achieving students. Low achievers are most likely to receive one-to-one or
one-to-small group tutoring, known to have a substantial impact on reading achieve-
ment (Neitzel, Lake, et al., 2020; Wanzek et al., 2016). Also, there is evidence that
cooperative learning, used throughout SFA, is particularly beneficial for low achievers
(Slavin, 2017).
The findings of the subgroup analyses with low achievers may be especially important
for schools serving large numbers of students who are poor readers. Quint and her col-
leagues argued that the cost of SFA, which they estimated at $117 per pupil per year,
was relatively modest when compared to that of business-as-usual reading programs. In
other words, for schools with a high percentage of poor readers, SFA offers a pragmatic
alternative supported by evidence of effectiveness.
The effects of SFA are generally maintained as long as the program remains in oper-
ation. In the one study to assess lasting impacts (Borman & Hewes, 2002), outcomes
maintain in follow-up as well. This is an unusual finding, and contrasts with the declin-
ing impacts over time seen for intensive early tutoring (e.g. Blachman et al., 2014;
Pinnell et al., 1994). Beyond SFA itself, this set of findings suggests that a strategy of
intensive tutoring and other services followed up with continued interventions to
improve classroom instruction to maintain early gains may have more promise than
intensive early intervention alone.
The importance of tutoring for struggling readers in the early elementary grades is
suggested by the substantially greater short- and long-term impacts of SFA for the low-
est-achieving students, who are those most likely to receive tutoring, of course. Another
interesting point of comparison also speaks to the importance of tutoring as part of the
impact of SFA. Of the four largest evaluations of SFA, three found strong positive
impacts. In these, schools were able to provide adequate numbers of tutors to work with
most struggling readers in grades 13. However, the fourth study, by Quint et al.
(2015), took place at the height of the Great Recession (20112014). School budgets
were severely impacted, and during this study, most schools did not have tutors. This
study reported significant positive effects for low achievers, but all outcomes were much
smaller than those found in the other studies.
Many phonetic reading programs emphasizing early intervention show substantial
positive effects on measures of alphabetics, but not comprehension or general reading.
The outcomes of SFA are strongest on measures of alphabetics (ES¼þ0.32), but are
also positive on general reading/comprehension (ES¼þ0.19), indicating that the pro-
gram is more than just phonics.
A distressingly common finding in studies of educational programs is that studies
carried out by program developers produce much more positive outcomes than do
independent evaluations (Borman et al., 2003 ; Wolf et al., 2020). In the case of
Success for All, studies including SFA developers as co-investigators (k ¼ 4) do obtain
higher effect sizes than do independent studies (k ¼ 13) (ES¼þ0.30 versus þ0.21,
respectively), but this difference is not statistically significant. However, this analysis
was underpowered, with only 17 studies, so these results must be interpreted
with caution.
Policy Importance of Research on Success for All
Attempts to improve the outcomes of education for disadvantaged and at-risk students
fall into two types. One focuses on systemwide policies, such as targeted funding, gov-
ernance, assessment/accountability schemes, standards, and regulations. These types of
strategies are rarely found to be very effective, but they do operate on a very large scale.
110 A. C. K. CHEUNG ET AL.
In contrast, research and development often creates effective approaches, proven to
make a meaningful difference in student achievement. However, these proven
approaches rarely achieve substantial scale, and if they do, they often do not maintain
their effectiveness at scale (see Cohen & Moffitt, 2009, for a discussion of this dilemma).
Success for All is one of very few interventions capable of operating at a scale that is
meaningful for policy without losing its effectiveness. At its peak, Success for All oper-
ated nationally in more than 1,500 schools, and its growth was only curtailed by a shift
in federal policies in 2002. Its many evaluations, mostly done by third party evaluators,
have found positive outcomes across many locations and over extended periods of time.
In the current policy climate in the United States, in which evidence of effectiveness
is taking on an ever-greater role, Success for All offers one of very few approaches that
could, in principle, produce substantial positive outcomes at large scale, and this should
have meaning for national policies.
The importance of Success for All for policy and practice is best understood by plac-
ing the program in the context of other attempts to substantially improve student
achievement in elementary schools serving many disadvantaged students. A recent
review of research on programs for struggling readers in elementary schools by Neitzel,
Lake, et al. (2020) found that there were just three categories of approaches with sub-
stantial and robust evidence of positive outcomes with students scoring in the lowest
25% or 33% of their schools in reading. One was one-to-one or one-to-small group
tutoring, by teachers or teaching assistants, with a mean effect size of þ0.29. Another
was multi-tier whole school/whole school approaches, consisting of Success for All and
one other program. The third was whole class Tier 1 programs, mostly using coopera-
tive learning. What these findings imply is that in schools with relatively few students
struggling in reading, tutoring may be the best solution for the individuals who are
struggling. Even though tutoring is substantially more expensive per student than
Success for All, in a school with few struggling readers, it may not be sensible to inter-
vene with all students.
On the other hand, when most students need intervention in reading, it is not sens-
ible or cost-effective to solve the problem with tutoring alone. In the United States, the
average large urban school district has only 28% of fourth graders scoring proficient
or better on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (National Center for
Education Statistics [NCES], 2019), and in cities such as Dallas, Milwaukee, Baltimore,
Cleveland, and Detroit, fewer than 15% of students in the entire district score at or
above proficient. In such districts, and in individual low-performing schools even in
higher-performing districts, trying to reach high levels of proficiency through tutoring
alone would be prohibitively expensive.
The findings of the evaluations of Success for All have particular importance for spe-
cial education policies. The structure of SFA adheres closely to the concept of Response
to Intervention (RTI). SFA emphasizes professional development, coaching, and exten-
sive programming to improve outcomes of Tier 1 classroom instruction, which is then
followed up by closely coordinated Tier 2 (small-group tutoring) or Tier 3 (one-to-one
tutoring) for students who need it. Longitudinal research found substantial and lasting
impacts on the achievement of the lowest achievers, and on reductions in assignment to
special education as well as retentions in grade (Borman & Hewes, 2002).
Beyond the program itself, the research on Success for All, as applied to low-achiev-
ing students, illustrates that the educational problems of low-achieving students are fun-
damentally solvable. Perhaps someday there will be many approaches like Success for
All, each of which is capable of improving student achievement on a substantial scale.
Research on Success for All suggests that disadvantaged students and struggling readers
could be learning to read at significantly higher levels than they do today, and that sub-
stantial improvement can be brought about at scale. The knowledge that large-scale
improvement is possible should lead to policies that both disseminate existing proven
approaches, and invest in research and development to further increase the effectiveness
and replicability of programs that can reliably produce important improvements in read-
ing for disadvantaged and low-achieving readers.
Open Scholarship
This article has earned the Center for Open Science badge for Open Data. The data are openly
accessible at https://archive.data.jhu.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7281/T1/VDZAZY.To
obtain the author s disclosure form, please contact the Editor.
This work was supported by the the National Social Sciences Funding 2019 (National Education
Sciences Planning, National Youth Project, Evaluation of Evidence-based Educational
Experiments, grant number CGA190249).
Alan C. K. Cheung http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9013-1586
Chen Xie
Tengteng Zhuang
Amanda J. Neitzel
Robert E. Slavin
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