Darai, Donja; Grätz, Silvia
Working Paper
Golden balls: A prisoner's dilemma experiment
Working Paper, No. 1006
Provided in Cooperation with:
Socioeconomic Institute (SOI), University of Zurich
Suggested Citation: Darai, Donja; Grätz, Silvia (2010) : Golden balls: A prisoner's dilemma experiment,
Working Paper, No. 1006, University of Zurich, Socioeconomic Institute, Zurich
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Socioeconomic Institute
Sozialökonomisches Institut
Working Paper No. 1006
Golden Balls: A Prisoner’s Dilemma Experiment
Donja Darai, Silvia Grätz
July 2010
Socioeconomic Institute
University of Zurich
Working Paper No. 1006
Golden Balls: A Prisoner’s Dilemma Experiment
July 2010
Author's address: Donja Darai
Silvia Grätz
Publisher Sozialökonomisches Institut
Bibliothek (Working Paper)
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zürich
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URL: www.soi.uzh.ch
Golden Balls: A Prisoner’s Dilemma Experiment
Donja Darai and Silvia Gr
This Version: July 2010
We analyze cooperative behavior in a prisoner’s dilemma game with high stakes, face-to-face
communication, and two rounds of pre-play in which the two final contestants are endoge-
nously selected via a voting process. Using data from the British television game show
“Golden Balls”, we find a unilateral cooperation rate of 55% and a mutual cooperation rate
of 33%. The stake size is on average £13,300 and ranges from £3 to £100,150. Our analy-
sis shows that both stake size and communication have a significant impact on the player’s
likelihood to cooperate. In particular, we observe a negative correlation between stake size
and cooperation. Also certain gestures, as handshakes, decrease the likelihood to cooper-
ate. But, if players mutually promise each other to cooperate and in addition shake hands
on it, the cooperation rate increases. We also show that a player’s expectation about the
stake size matters. Further, we find a strong link between contestant’s pre-play behavior and
the outcome of the prisoner’s dilemma. Players who contribute more to the stake size are
less likely to cooperate, even though each player’s contribution is determined by a random
process. Apart from that, it matters whether a player has lied in the pre-play and whether
she experienced her opponent’s goodwill. Addressing the partner selection process, we find
that contestant’s voting decisions are based on objective criteria, i.e., their opponent’s mon-
etary contribution to the stake size, as well as subjective personal characteristics, i.e., the
opponents’ trustworthiness.
The authors thank Armin Schmutzler, Nick Netzer, Kevin Staub, the seminar participants in Zurich, and the
participants of the ESA Meeting 2010 in Copenhagen for helpful comments and suggestions as well as Max Pfister
for excellent research assistance. Financial support of the Swiss National Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.
The data were provided to the authors by the television show producers, courtesy of Endemol UK plc.
Both authors: Department of Economics, University of Zurich, Bl
umlisalpstrasse 10, CH-8006 Zurich.
1 Introduction
The well known prisoner’s dilemma game has become the classic economic example to demon-
strate non-cooperative behavior: Two contestants face a “dilemma” in which, independent of
the other’s action, each player is better off by defection than by cooperation. But, the outcome
obtained when both defect is worse for each player than the outcome they would have obtained
if both had cooperated. Thus, self-interested behavior does not unequivocally lead to a globally
optimal solution. A common view is that this puzzle illustrates a conflict between individual
and group rationality. Two players who both pursue rational self-interest may all end up worse
off than if both act contrary to rational self-interest.
In contrast to the majority of experiments carried out, this paper analyzes cooperative behavior
in an environment of high stakes and face-to-face communication between players. Players are
not only allowed to talk to each other, but they have the possibility to play with each other, and
thereby get to know each other in two stages of pre-play. For our analysis we use data from the
British television game show “Golden Balls”. The show consists of three rounds, the first two
are pre-play and in the third two contestants play a prisoner’s dilemma with defection being a
weakly dominant strategy. Starting with four contestants, each round every player is randomly
assigned a certain cash value. The values are partly common knowledge and partly private infor-
mation for the respective player. The players then make truthful or untruthful statements about
their values. At the end of each round, each player has to cast a vote against one of the other
players. The one who receives the majority of votes has to leave the show empty-handed and her
values are taken out of the game. Therefore the selection determines the two final players and
the stake size at the same time. The two final players decide about the division of the stakes via
playing a prisoner’s dilemma. Before the dilemma is played, both players are allowed to discuss
with each other.
Our contribution consists not only of (i) the analysis of cooperative behavior in the presence
of high stakes and communication, but also of (ii) the analysis of the players’ behavior in the
pre-play, especially their voting decisions with respect to its influence on the outcome of the
prisoner’s dilemma.
Concerning cooperative behavior, we observe a unilateral cooperation rate of 55% and a mutual
cooperation rate of 33%. We find that both stake size and communication have a significant
impact on the cooperation rate. Our analysis shows a negative correlation between the stake
size and the cooperation rate with a substantial decline around the level of £500. In games
with stakes below that value, the unilateral cooperation rate even increases to 74%, and the mu-
tual cooperation rate to 56%. Further, we can show that player’s expectation about the stake
size matters. If the jackpot is lower than expected, the players are more likely to cooperate.
With respect to communication, certain words and gestures are more important than others.
Mutually promising each other to cooperate and shaking hands on it increases the cooperation
rate, whereas shaking hands without a promise leads to a decline. Apart from those effects,
demographic characteristics, such as age and place of residence, matter.
The analysis of the contestants’ behavior in the pre-play shows that players make their voting
decision dependent on objective criteria such as their opponent’s monetary contribution to the
stake size as well as on subjective criteria such as the player’s trustworthiness and race. In
addition, we observe that the weight given to objective and subjective criteria changes between
the first and the second voting decision. In the second round, apart from stake size, player’s
trustworthiness seems to be more important than player’s demographics. Further, we show that
there is a strong link between the two rounds of pre-prisoner’s dilemma play and the player’s
decision on cooperation. For instance, we find that whether a player lied about her stakes in the
pre-play has a significant effect on the cooperation rate.
While writing the first draft of this paper, it came to our attention that van den Assem et
al. (2010) are simultaneously analyzing data from “Golden Balls”. Both studies are conducted
independently of each other. The only overlap is in the analysis of unilateral cooperation in
the final round. As we mentioned, we also extensively analyze the pre-play with respect to its
influence on the outcome of the prisoner’s dilemma game, and we also include variables describ-
ing communication, e.g., whether players shake hands or promise each other to cooperate. In
addition, the data set used in the two studies differs with regard to the definition of player’s
demographic characteristics and the construction of explanatory variables such as reputation or
reciprocity. Therefore our analysis and results differ in various aspects.
The structure of the paper is organized as follows. We start with a brief review of the re-
lated literature, section 2, followed by a description of the game show and data set, section 3.
In section 4 we explain the strategic considerations of the players and motivate our analysis.
Sections 5 and 6 represent the main part of the paper, including the empirical analysis and ob-
tained results on cooperative behavior in the prisoner’s dilemma as well as contestants’ pre-play
voting behavior. Section 7 concludes.
2 Literature review
In this section, we first review studies that are closely related to our paper in terms of using
television show data and/or in terms of considering a prisoner’s dilemma with defection being
the weakly dominant strategy. Secondly, we present studies analyzing the effect of stake-size,
anonymity, communication, and gestures on cooperative behavior in social dilemma games.
Finally, we give a brief overview of results about lying and discrimination in voting decisions.
Television game shows and weak prisoner’s dilemma
Related studies that use television game show data are provided by List (2006), Oberholzer-Gee
et al. (2010), and Belot et al. (2010). The first two analyze “Friend or Foe”, a US game show,
and the latter analyzes “Will (s)he share or not?”, a show from the Netherlands. In both shows
pairs of players build a jackpot by answering trivia questions together. The teams have to decide
about the division of their accumulated jackpot by playing a prisoner’s dilemma with weakly
dominant strategies. In contrast, in “Golden Balls” stakes are built by a random process and the
two final players are selected on the basis of a two-round voting procedure. Thus, the process of
building the stakes and the pre-play partner selection is rather different. In addition, “Golden
Balls” provides the opportunity to analyze a game with very high stakes, i.e., the average jackpot
is more than three times as high as the average jackpot in “Friend or Foe” and its median value
is more than three times the median in “Will (s)he share or not”. All three studies find a very
high cooperation rate (around 50%), but only Belot et al. (2010) find a none-negligible effect of
the stake size.
Little empirical work has been done on cooperation in prisoner’s dilemma games in which defec-
tion is a weakly dominant strategy.
The only studies we are aware of are Ortmann and Tichy
(1999) and studies related to the work of Rapoport on social dilemmas. Ortmann and Tichy
(1999) analyze the game with respect to gender differences. They find an overall cooperation
rate of 46%, and that females cooperate more frequently than males. The latter studies analyze
the game with respect to the influence of “fear” and “greed” on the cooperation rate.
The exper-
iments show that the cooperation rate is higher in a prisoner’s dilemma with weakly dominant
strategies than in one with strictly dominant strategies.
Stake size, anonymity, and communication
The effect of the stake size on cooperation rates in dilemma games is widely debated and no
clear answer has been found so far. Some experiments show that there is no significant effect,
whereas others suggest that the cooperation or contribution rate decreases with the stake size.
Compared to experiments in the laboratory, contestants in “Golden Balls” do not anonymously
play the prisoner’s dilemma and are allowed to communicate with each other before choosing
their action. The relevance of anonymity in dictator games is shown by Hoffman et al. (1994). If
people feel observed by the experimenters they are more altruistic than in a double-blind setting.
In addition, Rege and Telle (2004) showed that the framing of the instructions of the game may
raise the cooperation or contribution rate. Since the players in the game under consideration
are filmed and play in front of a large television audience, we can expect a similar effect, i.e., a
positive effect on cooperation. The cooperation rate we observe is, however, not much different
to the rate reported by Ortmann and Tichy (1999), which might suggest that the effect of the
There is a vast experimental literature on prisoner’s dilemma games in which defection is a strictly dominant
strategy. The cooperation rate found varies between 30-40%, see, e.g., Shafir and Tversky (1992).
Rapoport (1988) introduced these two concepts in order to provide a meaningful interpretation of the payoff
differences between the unilateral defector’s and the mutual cooperator’s payoff (b= greed) and between the mutual
defector’s and unilateral cooperator’s payoff ( b= fear). Rapoport finds that the cooperation rate in a prisoner’s
dilemma without fear is higher than in one with fear and predicts a cooperation rate of 50% for a no-fear dilemma
that corresponds to the game analyzed in this paper. The prediction is independent of the stake size. Rapoport’s
findings are supported in experiments conducted by Ahn et al. (2001) as well as Ahn et al. (2003).
For a comprehensive survey refer to, e.g., Camerer and Hogarth (1999).
audience is not as strong as expected.
In addition, experimental studies have shown that communication increases the cooperation rate
significantly (for surveys see Sally (1995) and Ledyard (1995)), although from a theoretical point
of view communication is cheap talk (see e.g., Crawford (1998) and Farrell and Rabin (1996)).
Dawes et al. (1977) have shown that face-to-face communication only has an additional effect on
behavior if the subjects are allowed to discuss the game and the strategy they intend to play. If
they only have the chance to get to know each other, an effect on the cooperation rate is almost
not present. Bohnet and Frey (1999) extend the analysis of face-to-face effects on cooperative
behavior and find that merely “seeing” each other’s face without the possibility of communica-
tion, increases the cooperation rate, but that face-to-face communication has a stronger effect,
it rises the unilateral cooperation rate up to 78%.
Furthermore, studies have shown that the effectiveness of communication differs by the words
that are used, for instance, when making a promise. Vanberg (2008) finds that people have a
preference for keeping a promise and are not driven by concerns about their expected payoff.
Another reason for observing an effect of the word “promise” follows from the work of Ellingsen
and Johannesson (2004) who propose that people have a preference for keeping their word per
se. In contrast, Charness and Dufwenberg (2006) develop the idea that people keep promises
because of guilt aversion.
Investigating the effect of how a promise is made within face-to-face
communication, either voluntarily or elicited, Belot et al. (2010) find that players are roughly
50% more likely to cooperate if they made a voluntary promise to share.
Apart from communication, physical contact, or gestures, i.e., handshakes or hugs, between
players might have an impact on cooperation. To our knowledge there exists no experimental
literature analyzing the effect of a handshake on the cooperation rate. Manzini et al. (2009)
address the issue in the minimum effort game and test whether people’s propensity to choose
high effort is increased if subjects can send a “smile” to the other player instead of pressing an
ordinary “ready to play” button. They find that this simple device helps players to coordinate
on a higher effort even though players are not able to see or to talk to each other.
Lying and voting behavior
As already mentioned above, guilt is experienced by subjects if they do not keep a promise
or in other words lied about their intention which strategy they plan to play. Why and when
In laboratory experiments free-form written communication is often used instead of face-to-face verbal com-
munication to be able to disentangle the effect of facial expressions from the bare content of communication. Roth
(1995) provides a survey of bargaining experiments in which the effect of face-to-face communication is tested.
The results suggest that face-to-face communication increases the chance of reaching an agreement even further
than free-form messaging.
In related work, Miettinen and Suetens (2008) show that players feel most guilty if they communicated their
intention to cooperate, but then defected while the opponent cooperated. Charness and Dufwenberg (2010),
however, show that providing subjects merely the possibility of communication by sending the word promise or
not has almost no positive effect on the cooperation rate in a trust game.
people are lying is a further question of high research interest. Gneezy (2005) uses a cheap talk
sender-receiver game and shows that people’s evaluation of whether to lie or not in a situation
depends on the consequences of the lie in terms of payoffs. Thereby not only gains achievable
through lying are considered but also possible losses that might occur to the other players. The
fraction of liars is largest if the resulting gains are high and the costs, i.e., losses for the other
players, are low. If players have the opportunity to costly punish the other subjects for playing
selfishly, they punish much more often if the selfish action followed a deceptive message (Brandts
and Charness (2003)). Another approach to analyzing lying is made by Fischbacher and Heusi
(2008) who try to figure out under which circumstances people lie the most. They find that
the proportion of truthful, partially truthful and untruthful people is more or less the same
independent of the stake size, the consequences of lying, learning, and the degree of anonymity.
Finally, the partner selection process taking place during the two pre-play rounds in “Golden
Balls” draws our attention to the literature on discrimination. A vast economic as well as psy-
chological literature investigates racial and gender discrimination, but usually with the focus
on the labor market. Two leading theories of discrimination have evolved, taste-based (Becker
(1957)) and information-based discrimination (e.g., Anderson and Haupert (1999)). A common
finding is that individuals display “in-group biases” in the sense that they favor members of their
own group (i.e., Turner and Brown (1978)).
Related to the pre-play in “Golden Balls”, which involves the elimination of one contestant in
each round in a voting process, are studies using television game show data from the US show
“The Weakest Link”. These analyze discrimination in contestant’s voting decisions in this show.
Levitt (2004) and Anonovics et al. (2005) test taste-based and information-based theories of
discrimination, determining whether contestants discriminate on the basis of gender, age, race,
and skill level. While Levitt (2004) finds some patterns consistent with information-based dis-
crimination and taste-based discrimination against older players, Anonovics et al. (2005) reveal
taste-based discrimination by women against men. Haan et al. (2002) also use data from “The
Weakest Link”, but analyze whether players make the optimal voting decisions with respect to
maximizing their monetary gains. They find that contestants do not use the optimal strategy.
To summarize, there are various reasons to observe a different cooperation rate than the one
predicted by game theory and the one observed in laboratory experiments without communi-
cation and high stakes. Based on the facts provided by the literature, we try to shed light on
the factors that determine (non-)cooperative behavior in a prisoner’s dilemma with a weakly
dominant strategy following two rounds of pre-play.
3 Game show and data set
In this section we describe in detail the course of events in the game show (section 3.1) and the
data set we use for the analysis (section 3.2).
For a comprehensive survey on empirical findings on discrimination refer to Altonji and Blank (1999).
3.1 Structure of the game show
The game show“Golden Balls” consists of three rounds of play with the final round being divided
into two phases.
Round 1
The game show starts with four players, usually two women and two men, who are briefly intro-
duced by the show host, i.e., the players provide some information about themselves including
their names, occupation and place of residence.
Then the first round starts: 12 golden balls are
drawn from a lottery and four “killer” balls are added, i.e., inside the balls there is written either
a cash amount (in £) or the word “killer”. Killer balls are the worst for the players, because
these may damage the jackpot in the final round. The lottery contains 100 golden balls, which
the players have only limited information about. They only know that there may be doubles
and they know the margins of the distribution, i.e., the lottery always contains a minimum ball
value of £10 and a maximum ball value of £75,000. But players do not know the distribution
of the remaining 98 balls.
The 16 balls are mixed and each player is assigned four balls at random. Each player arranges
the closed balls in two rows in front of herself, with two balls on the front and two on the back
row. The two balls on the front row are successively opened by each player, and the revealed
cash values or number of killers is common knowledge to each player. The content of the re-
maining two balls is private information to each player. The players are allowed to secretly look
inside but then have to close the balls again. Afterwards the show host asks each player to state
what is inside their hidden balls on the back row. The order in which players are asked for
their statements is exogenously determined by the show host. Some time for discussion follows,
in which the players express their distrust about each other’s statements. The discussion ends
with each player secretly casting a vote against one of the other players. On the basis of the
votes, a player is eliminated from the show.
After the player who has to leave is determined,
all players open their hidden back row balls and thereby reveal whether they stated the truth
or not. Finally, the four balls of the leaving player are out of the game, while the remaining 12
are carried over to round 2.
Round 2
At the beginning of the second round, two new cash balls are drawn from the lottery and one
killer ball is added. These three new balls are mixed with the remaining 12 from round 1, and are
equally distributed to the three players at random. Hence, there are at most five killers among
the 15 balls. Again the closed balls are arranged in two rows by each player, i.e., two balls are
on the front and three balls are on the back row. The two balls on the front row are opened
by the players, i.e., their values are common knowledge. The players privately take a look into
Endemol UK ensured us that the four players do not know each other before the show, i.e., they enter the
television studio separately.
The player who receives the highest number of votes has to leave the show. In case of a tie the players having
received no vote can decide which player has to leave. If all players received one vote each, players discuss openly
which player has to leave. If players do not reach a conclusion, ties are broken arbitrarily.
their three back row balls and get the chance to make a statement about their content. This
time the players determine the order of making statements themselves. Like in the first round,
the players then get some time for discussion and afterwards secretly choose a player they want
to vote off.
After the player to leave has been determined all ball values are revealed, the five
balls of the leaving player are out of the game, and the final two players are identified.
Final Round
The 10 balls from round 2 are carried over to the final round and one last killer ball is added.
The maximal amount the players can gain is the sum of the highest five cash values out of the
11 balls. This amount is called the potential jackpot and its size is always announced by the
show host.
First phase
In the first phase of the final round the two players successively select five of the 11 mixed and
closed balls, and these five values build the jackpot. The player who brought the highest amount
of money from round 2 to the final round starts to select one of the balls to “bin”, i.e., to be
taken out of the game, and then chooses one ball to “win”. The balls are not opened until they
have been chosen. Then it is the other player’s turn and vice versa until five balls have been
selected for the jackpot. If a player chooses a killer ball for the jackpot the accumulated amount
up to that point is reduced to one-tenth of the original value.
Second phase
In the second phase of the final round the players play a prisoner’s dilemma in which defection
is a weakly dominant strategy (see table 1).
Table 1: Weak prisoner’s dilemma
Split (C) Steal (D)
Split (C)
J ,
J 0 , J
Steal (D) J , 0 0 , 0
C b= Cooperation, D b= Defection
Such a prisoner’s dilemma has three pure-strategy Nash equilibria, namely (steal, split), (steal,
steal), and (split, steal).
Thus, each player has an incentive to defect, because she is never
monetarily worse off when doing so. Before the players have to decide which strategy to play,
Again, the player with the highest number of votes has to leave the show, and ties are broken in the same
way as in the first round.
The show host explains the different outcomes of the game in each episode with the same neutral words, but
does not suggest that one of the options is better or worse than the other (for the exact wording see appendix A).
Two of the resulting Nash equilibria involve one player to cooperate. Applying the method of iterated
elimination of weakly dominant strategies, however, leaves only the (steal, steal) equilibrium, which should be the
only one observed.
they get some additional time, roughly 30 seconds, to discuss with each other what they are
going to do. In the discussion the players try to credibly state that they want to share the
jackpot, i.e., choose to split.
The dilemma game is played as follows: Each player is assigned two balls, one with the word
“steal” and one with the word “split” inside. Then both players choose one of the balls and open
them simultaneously. If both players chose the split ball, the jackpot (J) is divided equally
between the two players. If one player chooses steal and the other chooses split, the former gets
the whole jackpot and the latter receives nothing. If both chose steal, both get nothing
3.2 Data description
“Golden balls” was first aired on June, 18th 2007 as a late afternoon (5pm) game show. The
show is still running today and reaches up to 2.2 million people per episode which corresponds
to a market share of 21%.
In total, we have records of 222 episodes, with 203 regular and 19 special episodes. In the special
episodes there are either (i) only players that have “lost” on the show before or (ii) four female
or male players. The regular episodes always consist of two women and two men and all players
are on the show for the first time. Importantly, the first series (40 episodes) was filmed prior
to the show’s television premiere. Hence, all players in these episodes had no chance to observe
others playing the show. All later episodes were filmed after the broadcast of the first series.
For all episodes, we recorded variables describing the players (occupation, hometown, gender,
race, and age) and the game (all true and stated ball values in rounds 1 and 2, the order
of making statements in both rounds, votes the players received and submitted, the potential
jackpot size, values of binned balls by each player, the player’s intended strategy
, the jackpot
size, interactions of players before and in the final (handshakes, promises), and the final decision).
Tables 8 and 9 in the appendix provide an overview of the data.
4 Strategic considerations of the players
Following the structure of the game show, we analyze the player’s incentives to behave in a
particular way. The final goal of each player has to be reaching the final round with a jackpot
as high as possible and, most importantly, facing a player who intends to split, independently of
whether the player herself prefers to steal or split. Thus, the players have to trade off these goals
against each other: Players need (i) to get to the final round, (ii) to select the “right” opponent,
and (iii) to accumulate as much cash as possible for the jackpot.
Endemol UK ensured us that the players leave the show separately and thus cannot make any further ar-
“ITV strikes teatime gold”, guardian.co.uk, July, 3rd 2007.
Before the show starts, the players are individually and privately asked to explain which strategy they intend
to play in the final. The recorded statement is only broadcasted to the television audience but not to the other
players or the audience in the television studio.
In the pre-play, players base each of their two voting decisions on exogenous as well as endoge-
nous criteria. We define exogenous criteria as characteristics of the players that are determined
previously to the show, e.g., the player’s age, gender, race, or place of residence. In contrast,
endogenous criteria evolve during the course of the game, and are, for instance, the ball values
dealt to the players, the order of making statements in round 2, or whether a player lied or not.
The latter criteria can be strategically influenced by the players. On the one hand, they can try
to behave in a certain way to signal, for example, trustworthiness. Players can decide whether
to lie or not about the content of their hidden back row balls and if so, to what extent, e.g.,
they can conceal a killer or overstate the amount of a cash value. Furthermore, in round 2 they
can decide when to make their statement about their back row balls. Going first potentially
influences other players’ statements.
On the other hand they can try to influence the other
players’ strategy. During the discussions in round 1 and 2, they can, for instance, state why
they distrust a certain player and try to convince the other players to vote this player off.
Once players reach the final round, they have to make sure that their opponent chooses the split
ball in the final decision. Players use the discussion in the final round to reassure the opponent
that they will cooperate, e.g., players promise each other to share the jackpot and/or shake
hands on sharing it.
To summarize, the final decision as well as the voting decisions are functions of exogenous
personal and endogenous characteristics of the players. Unfortunately, a game-theoretic analysis
of the game is not feasible because the game is too complex and strategies are ill-defined.
However, we will use the logic of backward induction to analyze the decisions made in the
game. Therefore we start with analyzing the decision in the final round and then successively
analyze the voting decisions made in round 2 and 1.
5 Analysis of cooperative behavior in the PD
In this section we identify the influencing factors of cooperative behavior. We observe an average
cooperation rate of 54.5%, which is higher than the one found in weak prisoner’s dilemma ex-
periments without communication, pre-play, and high stakes (e.g., Ortmann and Tichy (1999)).
The rate is also slightly higher than the one observed in “Friend or Foe”, another television game
show experiment, (e.g., List (2006)). Further, we observe mutual cooperation in 33.3% and
successful defection in 42.3% of the cases. Unilateral defectors take home three times as much
money as mutual cooperators, £15,693 versus £4,784, and the average amount of money left on
the table due to mutual defection is £14,426. Altogether 108 players left £1,558,045 on the table.
We will start the analysis in section 5.1 with a discussion of the data and the variables that may
have an influence on cooperative behavior. In section 5.2 we will test the derived hypotheses in
an empirical analysis. In addition we briefly present an alternative approach in section B.
For instance when the first player states high ball values, one is inclined to state a high value as well and
thereby might tell a lie. In addition, in round 2, stating to have one of the two new balls, which are added in that
round, might distract the other players from a worse front row.
5.1 Possible determinants of coop erative behavior
As we already pointed out in section 2, the prisoner’s dilemma under consideration is different in
various aspects from the ones usually analyzed in the literature. In this section we will discuss
the potential impact of those differences on the observed degree of cooperation, and present
first results. The section is divided into four parts that correspond to the groups in which the
variables are presented in the regression tables in section 5.2, (i) player characteristics, (ii) stake
size, (iii) communication, and (iv) pre-play.
(i) Player characteristics
In this category we discuss variables that are exogenously determined. These are demographic
player characteristics
and a variable expressing the player’s experience in the show.
Experience We define the players of the first 40 episodes (series 1) as unexperienced players.
They had no chance to observe other contestants playing the game. In contrast, all later episodes
have been filmed after the television premiere of “Golden Balls”. Thus one could conjecture
that the experienced players are better in assessing whether cooperation or defection could be
successful or not. But from the raw data, we do not observe a substantial difference, neither in
the cooperation rate nor in the distribution of outcomes (see tables 10 and 11 in the appendix).
A binomial probability test
can neither reject the null hypothesis of no difference between the
cooperation rate of experienced and unexperienced players (p=0.372), nor the null hypothesis of
no difference between the probability of mutual cooperation of experienced and unexperienced
players (p=0.481).
Demographics Player’s demographics are defined as exogenous characteristics of a player
such as gender, age, race, place of residence, or occupation (descriptive results are reported in
tables 10 and 11 in the appendix). The relation between demographic characteristics and social
behavior seems to be rather ambiguous. Deriving clear-cut hypotheses about the influence of
these characteristics on the player’s propensity to cooperate is therefore not possible.
Overall, there seems to be no difference between the cooperation rates of men and women.
Concerning the rate of successful cooperation we find that it is lowest for female teams (28.6%)
and highest for mixed gender teams (35.3%). The null hypothesis of no difference between the
overall cooperation rate of men and women cannot be rejected (p=0.435) as well as the one
for the mutual cooperation rate (p=0.503). Players above the age of 40 cooperate significantly
more than players below 40 (p=0.001). There are only small differences in the success rates of
cooperation, teams of players below 40 have the lowest success rate. Whites are more likely to
We also use the player-characteristics to construct variables describing opponent- and team-characteristics.
This result is in contrast to the finding of Oberholzer-Gee et al. (2010) who find an effect of learning for
players in later episodes of “Friend or Foe”.
All tests used in this paper are two-sided binomial probability tests, unless stated otherwise.
However, gender conditional on age tends to have an effect on the cooperation rate, i.e., women below 40
cooperate more than men below 40 and vice versa for men and women over 40. Note, the results concerning age
should not be attached too much weight since the age categories are merely assessed by personal judgment.
cooperate compared to non-whites, but the difference is not significant (p=0.334).
A much stronger effect than the one of age, race and gender, seems to be the effect of whether
a player’s place of residence is England or another part of Great Britain.
Players living in
England cooperate significantly less than players from other parts (p=0.000). In addition, if
neither player lives in England the success rate of cooperation is 50.0% versus 32.5% if both
players live in England, and 33.3% if it is a mixed team. The failure rate is highest for mixed
teams and significantly higher than the one of English teams (p=0.002).
Further, decisions made in the game might have implications beyond their immediate conse-
quences, because the game is played in front of a large television audience and is therefore pos-
sibly being watched by friends, family members and/ or colleagues. Depending on the player’s
occupation, it can be in her interest to appear trustworthy. For instance, police officers act as
role models for observing the law and behaving correctly, or teachers are responsible for a moral
education of children. These players have an incentive to behave in a fair way, especially when
it comes to choosing the strategy in the prisoner’s dilemma. We identify roughly 15% of contes-
tants with an occupation for which their reputation is a valuable asset, and construct a variable
“social job”, including e.g., priests, policemen, firemen, childminders, and teachers. Having a
social job might influence cooperative behavior because of two different reasons. On the one
hand, players with a social job could be more cooperative because they want to show that they
behave socially responsible. On the other hand, the causality could be vice versa: Having a
social job could be a sign for being a cooperator itself, because a cooperative person chooses
a job in which she can behave according to her preferences. In that case cooperative behavior
would not be driven by the opportunity to appear trustworthy. Summarizing, it remains unclear
whether we will observe an effect of having a social job.
Social closeness The sociological literature argues that the degree of similarity between play-
ers has an impact on their social interactions. While some people might be willing to cooperate
without discrimination, others are highly suspicious of people who are not like them and prefer
to keep them at arm’s length. In many social networks, e.g., friendships, marriages or busi-
ness relations, one observes that individuals associate disproportionately with others who are
similar to themselves, i.e., people are more likely to form social ties with others who are alike.
This tendency of people to relate to similar types is referred to as “homophily”, first defined by
Lazarfeld and Merton (1954).
Such motivated, we construct an index for the closeness between
Furthermore, based on a player’s hometown we construct variables indicating whether the player lives in
London, in a large or a small city (see table 8).
The hypothesis of no difference between the success rates of not-English and English teams (p=0.284), of
not-English and mixed teams (p=0.454), as well as of English and mixed teams (p=0.849) cannot be rejected.
Neither can the hypothesis of no difference between the failure rates of not-English and English teams (p=0.495)
and of not-English and mixed teams (p=0.162) be rejected.
For a survey with respect to sociology see Jackson (2008) and with respect to cooperative game theory see
van den Nouweland and Slikker (2001). Homophily is usually based on a variety of characteristics, including
gender, race, age, region and education. Studies analyzing the impact of homophily on behavior make use of a
normalized measure of differences between the observed mix of friendships and the expected mix if friendships
were formed uniformly at random. It has been shown that personal characteristics have far weaker predictive
power than network attributes in determining strategic behavior. But they play an important role in determining
the outcomes by affecting the social network, and thus the network’s type in terms of the social distance of
players by accounting for players’ age, gender, race, occupational status, and place of residence
(England). The index ranges from 0 to 1, weighting each component by one-fifth.
the distribution, we observe the majority of players to have an index-value of either 0.6 (44%)
or 0.8 (32%).
(ii) Stake size
Categorizing the jackpot in five divisions (see tables 10 and 11 in the appendix), we find that
the cooperation rate decreases with a continuous increase in the jackpot size. But, surprisingly,
the rate declines sharply from 73.6% for jackpots below £500 to roughly 50% for jackpots above
Concerning the mutual cooperation rate, it is significantly higher if the two players
face a jackpot below the level of £500 (p=0.000). This result is even more remarkable if one
bears in mind that a stake size around £500 is already much higher than the one used in most
laboratory experiments. At the same time, however, the cooperation rate rises with an increase
in the potential jackpot, i.e., the highest possible jackpot the players could obtain after the first
phase of the final round. Hence, the effects of the actual and the potential jackpot operate
in opposite directions. One might presume that the players’ perception of the actual jackpot
depends on the potential jackpot, i.e., two actual jackpots equal in size will be judged differently
depending on their difference to the potential jackpot. In table 2 we explore this issue further.
We depict the cooperation rate for the five different jackpot categories and within each we split
up the rate by the four categories of the potential jackpot. The difference between the highest
potential and the actual jackpot is increasing within each category. Fixing the jackpot categories,
we find that the cooperation rate almost always increases with the size of the potential jackpot.
This corroborates the idea of a biased jackpot perception, that we will discuss in detail in the
Expectation Players might build an expectation about the size of the actual jackpot depend-
ing on the observed size of the potential jackpot. This expectation is used to judge the size
of the actual jackpot. But, computing the correct expectation is a rather difficult task if no
computer is at hand. Therefore, players need some alternative method to calculate their ex-
pectation. As mentioned before, the first 40 episodes have been broadcasted before all other
episodes were filmed. Henceforth, we assume players to take the observed average ratio between
the jackpot and the potential jackpot in series 1 as an estimate to roughly calculate their expec-
tation. The average jackpot in series 1 is £13,066 which corresponds to 27.5% of the average
potential jackpot of £47,526. This ratio is multiplied by the observed potential jackpot in each
interactions an individual with certain characteristics experiences (McPherson et al. (2001)).
For instance, if both players in the final are male, white, have a social job and live in England, the index
takes a value of 0.8, while if both are just male and white it takes a value of 0.4. Currently we refine the index
by looking at peoples’ job-income relationship, which will give us additional variation by player. There we make
use of the socio-economic index for occupational status (Ganzeboom et al. (1992)).
The difference between the cooperation rate is highly significant (p=0.000) taking two categories with the
cutoff of £500.
Table 2: Relation between jackpot and potential jackpot
Jackpot Potential Jackpot Split
in £ in £ Row % N
[3, 500] [5000, 30000] 62.5 32
N=72 (30000, 45000] 85.7 14
(45000, 75000] 75.0 12
(75000, 168100] 85.7 14
(500, 2500] [5000, 30000] 41.2 34
N=100 (30000, 45000] 59.5 42
(45000, 75000] 44.4 18
(75000, 168100] 100.0 6
(2500, 10000] [5000, 30000] 50.0 30
N=102 (30000, 45000] 43.3 30
(45000, 75000] 66.7 18
(75000, 168100] 58.3 24
(10000, 30000] [10000, 30000] 38.9 18
N=116 (30000, 45000] 45.7 46
(45000, 75000] 52.9 34
(75000, 168100] 55.6 18
(30000, 100150] [30000, 45000] 50.0 6
N=54 (45000, 75000] 50.0 22
(75000, 168100] 46.2 26
Note, that the difference between the jackpot and the potential jackpot is increasing with an
increasing potential jackpot per jackpot category.
episode, and determines the players’ expected jackpot.
Depending on whether the jackpot is
above or below the player’s expectation, the propensity to cooperate changes. The cooperation
rate is significantly higher (p=0.002) if the jackpot is below the expectation, and cooperation
is much less successful if the expectation threshold is taken, i.e., 18.4% versus 41.1% of mutual
(iii) Communication
Apart from communication that takes place in round 1 and 2, and in the first phase of the
final round, players explicitly get some time to discuss the strategy they intend to play in the
prisoner’s dilemma. The players use this time to assure each other their willingness to cooperate,
i.e., to choose the split ball. As described in section 2, studies have shown that especially face-to-
face communication, involving a mutual agreement to cooperate, increases the cooperation rate
significantly. We observe that 24.8% of the players voluntarily promise each other to cooperate.
In addition to verbal communication, 39.2% of the players shake hands to corroborate their
intention to split, and 41.4% out of those do both, i.e., they shake hands and promise each other
to share the jackpot. We define dummy variables to control for mutual promises, handshakes
and for whether the contestant starts the final discussion. We expect handshakes and promises
to facilitate successful cooperation.
Note that the ratio between the jackpot and the potential jackpot differs only slightly from the one observed
in the episodes following series 1, there the ratio is 25.7%.
(iv) Pre-play
The next three potential determinants of cooperative behavior evolve within the pre-play.
Lying In connection to communication we address the potential effect of lying on cooperative
behavior. Lying is rather common during the pre-play rounds of the game show and might be
thought of as an inherent part of the game. Players are concerned about maximizing the stake
size, thus having low values or killer balls increases the probability of being voted off. Driven by
the fear of being eliminated from the game when having “bad” balls, the contestants bluff their
way to the final. But a player is revealed as a liar after each round, and might get a reputation
of being not trustworthy, which possibly prevents her from lying. Analyzing our raw data, we
find that 43% of the players who reach the final lied about the content of their balls in round 1
and 37% in round 2. A possible implication of lying is that a liar may want to repay her “guilt”
and therefore is more tempted to cooperate. But a player facing a liar in the final perceives the
liar as untrustworthy per se and thus is less willing to cooperate.
We control for the potential effects of lying by introducing dummy variables for whether the
player or her opponent has lied about a cash value or a killer during the two rounds of pre-play,
since we believe that the perception of concealing a killer may differ from that about overstating
a cash amount.
Kindness In addition, we include variables linked to kindness, experienced kindness, and
its repayment in our analysis. Firstly, we account for the impact of the voting decision on
the behavior of those contestants who remain in the show. After each round of the pre-play,
contestants need to cast a vote against a certain player whom they want to leave the game. It
can happen that a player in the final has voted against her opponent during the pre-play.
might influence the player’s behavior in the final: A player is less likely to cooperate, since she
expressed her dislike against her. In this respect we construct a dummy variable that identifies
the player who voted against her opponent.
Secondly, we define a variable termed “should have left the game” in order to investigate whether
a player responds to experienced kindness. The variable is constructed as follows: First we rank
the three players in round 2 with respect to their weighted sum of cash values and killer balls.
The dummy points at the player with the lowest weighted sum. From a purely monetary
perspective, this player should be voted off the game. But if such a player nevertheless reaches
the final round, she is aware of owing her “survival” to her opponent.
In this respect one could
surmise that she is more likely to split the jackpot in order to pay back her survival.
Luck At last, we want to focus on the first phase of the final round, in which the jackpot is
built by an alternating selection of balls. The player who starts to select the first balls to bin
For a comprehensive discussion of the voting behavior refer to section 6.
In order to rank the players we use the ex-post cash-killer-criterion which is described and discussed in detail
in section 6. We assume that a player, who does have the lowest weighted monetary amount is aware of this and
does value her survival. Often the players address their pass to the final round during the final discussion and
thank their opponent for taken her so far.
and win is the player who brought along the higher sum of cash values, i.e., contributed most to
the potential jackpot. The mean difference between the player’s contributions is £1,678 without
accounting for the possible damage caused by killer balls. The value of the resulting jackpot is
determined purely at random, but one player might be more lucky than the other, i.e., chooses
higher values or bins more killer balls. We control for those effects, constructing three dummy
variables: One for the player who contributed most to the potential jackpot, one for the player
who selects the highest values, and one for the player who bins most killer balls. The more lucky
player or the player who contributed more to the potential jackpot could feel entitled to a larger
piece of the pie and therefore is less likely to cooperate.
5.2 Regression analysis
In order to explore the individual decision process when playing the prisoner’s dilemma game,
we estimate bivariate probits of the probability that player i chooses split or steal as a function
of own and opponents’ characteristics as well as variables determined in the pre-play (see table
3 and table 12).
Additionally, to analyze team cooperation rates, we estimate ordered probits
(see table 4 and 13). We order the outcomes by coding the team outcome as equaling 0 if
both players choose steal, equaling 1 if one player chooses steal and the other chooses split, and
equaling 2 if both players choose split.
Results for unilateral cooperation
We estimate bivariate probits on the probability that player i chooses split (y = 1), or steal (y =
0) as a non-linear function of exogenous demographic player characteristics, D, and variables
that evolved during the game, G, including a constant and one interaction term, namely the
interaction of “handshakes”, x
, and “promise”, x
The conditional probability that player i
chooses split is
P (y = 1|x
, x
, D, G) = Φ(α + β
+ β
+ β
+ Dθ + ) = Φ(m),
where α, β, θ, ν are parameters to be estimated, Φ(·) is the standard normal cumulative distri-
bution function, and m denotes the index α + β
+ β
+ β
+ Dθ + .
In addition, we estimate the same probits including one additional dummy variable, namely whether player
i “voted against (her) opponent” in the pre-play. We exclude the dummy in our main analysis, since including
it reduces the data set by 55 observations which is due to a voting result of 2:1:1:0 in round 1 or 1:1:1 in round
2 (in these cases it is analytically not possible to trace back the players’ individual voting decision). Except for
the episodes with a tie, the outcome of the voting decision is 2:1:0 in round 2, such that none of the final players
received a vote from their opponent. Thus, our control variable only comprises of the voting result in round 1.
Additionally, we only control for the voting decision made by the particular player herself, and not whether this
player received a vote by his opponent in the final, since after round 1 the player can only speculate who had
casted a vote against her. In the remaining data set only 18 out of 390 players have casted a vote against her
final opponent. Thus, comparing table 3 and 12 we find slight changes in the estimation results.
The probit models are built around a latent regression of the form y
= α+β
ε N (0, 1). Given the latent index model, the value of our observed binary variable y is computed according to
the relationship y = 1[y
> 0].
The marginal effect for the k-th independent variable is computed as
P (y = 1|x
, x
, D, G)
= φ(m)β
k = 2, ..., K
where φ(·) is the standard normal density function. The magnitude of the derivative is propor-
tional to φ(m)β
. A change in one of the independent variables results in an effective percentage
change in player i’s likelihood to cooperate.
The estimation results are reported in table 3 and
12 (in the appendix).
Table 3 reports the results of four probit models, which differ with respect to the included vari-
ables in the group of stake size and pre-play. Model (1) and (3) include the continuous variables
jackpot and potential jackpot, while models (2) and (4) include the dummy variable describing
whether the expectation of the resulting jackpot is met or not. In addition to the controls for
personal players’ demographics, stake size, and communication, in models (3) and (4) variables
determined in the pre-play are introduced.
Throughout, addressing demographics, we find that age, whether a player lives in England, or
whether both players live in a small city have a significant effect on the likelihood to cooperate.
If player i is above the age of 40, she is about 16% more likely to cooperate, i.e., split. But, a
player who lives in England, compared to any other part of Great Britain, is roughly 27% more
likely to be a defector, i.e., steal. Additionally, if both final players live in a small city, then
player i’s likelihood to cooperate decreases by up to 14%. All three effects are very robust with
approximately the same magnitude across the four models. The results on players’ gender, race,
and occupational status, however, exhibit no significant effects. We also find no effect for player
i’s experience, i.e., the control for the first series has no significant effect, indicating that players
are not able to profit from a learning effect if they could watch the game show on television before.
The results on stake size corroborate our insights gained in section 5.1: As suggested, the higher
the actual jackpot, the less likely player i cooperates; while, the higher the potential jackpot, the
more likely player i cooperates. In addition models (2) and (4) highlight our descriptive finding
that a player is more willing to cooperate if the actual jackpot is below her expectation, i.e.,
her likelihood to cooperate significantly increases by roughly 16%. All effects are independent
of player’s characteristics or communication, and are highly robust.
If x
is a dummy variable, the marginal effect is computed as the discrete difference
4P (y = 1|x
, x
, D, G)
= Φ(m|x
= 1) Φ(m|x
= 0), k = 2, ..., K.
Note that the marginal effect of the interacted dummy variable “handshakes” (x
) and “promise” (x
) is equal to
the discrete double difference
P (y = 1|x
, x
, D, G)
= Φ(m) Φ(β
+ α + + ) Φ(β
+ α + + ) + Φ(α + Dθ + ).
Table 3: Results from binary probit on unilateral cooperation (1)
y = 1 (Split) Marginal Effects
Model (1) Model (2) Model (3) Model (4)
Player Characteristics
Unexperienced -0.028 (0.069) -0.050 (0.069) -0.019 (0.074) -0.041 (0.073)
Male -0.018 (0.059) -0.017 (0.058) -0.019 (0.060) -0.018 (0.060)
Age (>40) 0.164*** (0.064) 0.161** (0.063) 0.174*** (0.066) 0.172*** (0.065)
White 0.117 (0.148) 0.113 (0.145) 0.052 (0.147) 0.046 (0.143)
England -0.269*** (0.078) -0.267*** (0.077) -0.274*** (0.082) -0.271*** (0.081)
London 0.001 (0.103) 0.003 (0.100) -0.059 (0.107) -0.066 (0.104)
Large City -0.054 (0.077) -0.051 (0.075) -0.024 (0.081) -0.018 (0.080)
Student -0.009 (0.096) 0.001 (0.095) -0.020 (0.095) -0.014 (0.095)
Pensioner -0.143 (0.160) -0.160 (0.163) -0.126 (0.164) -0.145 (0.167)
Social Job (Reputation) -0.017 (0.087) -0.032 (0.087) -0.016 (0.090) -0.033 (0.090)
Team Characteristics
Index (Social Closeness) 0.458 (0.309) 0.469 (0.306) 0.592* (0.322) 0.606* (0.318)
Team Male -0.147 (0.099) -0.152 (0.097) -0.183* (0.100) -0.184* (0.097)
Team Female -0.054 (0.095) -0.058 (0.095) -0.083 (0.097) -0.084 (0.097)
Team Age> 40 -0.011 (0.103) -0.009 (0.103) -0.007 (0.106) -0.001 (0.107)
Team Age< 40 -0.049 (0.091) -0.055 (0.090) -0.073 (0.095) -0.075 (0.093)
Team White -0.118 (0.122) -0.124 (0.118) -0.108 (0.124) -0.116 (0.121)
Team England -0.019 (0.093) -0.001 (0.093) -0.021 (0.097) -0.002 (0.096)
Team Large City -0.127 (0.101) -0.128 (0.100) -0.147 (0.101) -0.145 (0.101)
Team Small City -0.141** (0.067) -0.127* (0.067) -0.143** (0.069) -0.126* (0.068)
Opponent Characteristics
Opp. Student 0.087 (0.097) 0.095 (0.095) 0.107 (0.098) 0.111 (0.097)
Opp. Pensioner 0.067 (0.162) 0.049 (0.159) 0.053 (0.171) 0.032 (0.168)
Opp. Social Job 0.040 (0.085) 0.027 (0.085) 0.087 (0.086) 0.073 (0.086)
Stake Size
log(Jackpot) -0.057*** (0.014) -0.057*** (0.015)
log(Pot. Jackpot) 0.097** (0.048) 0.077 (0.050)
Jackpot < Expectation 0.162*** (0.056) 0.173*** (0.059)
Started Discussion -0.008 (0.048) -0.009 (0.047) -0.005 (0.049) -0.006 (0.049)
Handshakes -0.151** (0.067) -0.179*** (0.066) -0.167** (0.068) -0.196*** (0.067)
Promise -0.032 (0.108) -0.063 (0.107) -0.060 (0.109) -0.095 (0.108)
0.281** (0.139) 0.309** (0.170) 0.339** (0.142) 0.372*** (0.054)
Acc. Most Money -0.098* (0.058) -0.099* (0.057)
Selected Higher Values in Bin/Win -0.148* (0.079) -0.157** (0.077)
Binned Most Killers in Bin/Win -0.091 (0.090) -0.092 (0.088)
Lied About Cash Value -0.105* (0.059) -0.106* (0.059)
Lied About Killer -0.018 (0.055) -0.017 (0.055)
Opp. Lied About Cash Value 0.019 (0.058) 0.014 (0.058)
Opp. Lied About Killer -0.048 (0.056) -0.041 (0.055)
“Should Have Left The Game” 0.133** (0.062) 0.144** (0.061)
Wald X
61.23*** 55.18*** 74.06*** 69.14***
Log-Likelihood -273.26 -277.81 -264.75 -268.63
Pseudo R
0.10 0.09 0.13 0.11
N 441 441 440 440
Number of Clusters 222 222 222 222
standard errors in parentheses are corrected for episode clusters; * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
The marginal for the k-th independent variable is computed as
P (y=1|x
= φ(m)β
k = 2, ..., K.
Team variables are dichotomous (equal 1 if both team members have the same characteristics, and 0 otherwise).
The marginal effect of the interacted dummy variables “handshakes” (x
) and “promise” (x
) is computed as the
discrete double difference:
P (y=1|x
= Φ(m)Φ(β
+α+Dθ +)Φ(β
+α+Dθ +)+Φ(α+Dθ+).
Addressing the controls for communication, we find that neither starting the final discussion
nor voluntarily promising each other to cooperate are significant determinants. But, we find a
negative effect of hand shaking: If both final contestants shake hands during the final discussion
to signal their willingness to cooperate, each player actually is more likely to defect. Thus,
handshakes seem to serve as an instrument to manipulate the opponent’s attitude towards co-
operation. Whether shaking hands is perceived differently depending on a promise made at the
same time, we interact both dummy variables. As the results show, we find a positive significant
interaction effect: Shaking hands in combination with a promise actually increases the player’s
likelihood to cooperate. We will further explore whether these effects help cooperators to coor-
dinate by looking at team outcomes in the next subsection.
In models (3) and (4) we introduce controls describing pre-play determinants, e.g., whether
player i accumulated the highest amount of money, selected the higher values, binned most
killer balls, lied about her balls’ content, or should have left the game before.
We find that both, having accumulated more money as well as having selected the higher values
when building the jackpot, have a negative significant impact on the players’ likelihood to coop-
erate. As suggested, a player might feel entitled to a larger piece of the pie, since she contributed
more to the stake size.
Further, we find that a lie about a cash value is treated differently with respect to its influence
on cooperation. If player i lied about a cash value, she is roughly 10% more likely to defect in
the prisoner’s dilemma, but concealing a killer has no effect, neither does a lie of her opponent.
Regarding the control indicating that player i should have left the game before, player i is
roughly 14% more likely to cooperate. As hypothesized a player who should have been voted off
the game, but nevertheless made it to the final, is likely to pay back the opponents’ confidence.
Besides, the introduction of the pre-play controls results in two additional effects regarding team
characteristics. We find that a male player is significantly less likely to cooperate with a male
opponent, indicating that men are more competitive when facing the same sex. Another signif-
icant determinant of cooperative behavior is the index of social closeness between players. The
more similar both final players are with respect to their age, gender, race, and place of residence,
the more likely player i is to cooperate with her opponent. This finding suggests, that in-group
biases may be present.
At last, we briefly want to address table 12 in the appendix. The introduction of the dummy
variable for whether player i voted against her final opponent in the pre-play rounds, results in
a negative significant effect. As suggested, voting against her opponent expresses her dislike and
causes a higher likelihood to defect.
Apart from that effect, the introduction of the control dummy for voting has an impact on the team variables.
Now, a player from a large city, instead of a small city, is less likely to cooperate. But the effect is only significant
at the 10%-level. As mentioned before, this effect might be caused by the reduction of the data set.
Results for mutual cooperation
To understand why players arrive at different outcomes in the prisoner’s dilemma, we estimate
ordered probit models. We observe the discrete variable y that can take on three values, i.e., it
equals 0 if both players choose steal, it equals 1 if one player chooses steal and the other chooses
split, and it equals 2 if both players choose split.
The boundaries between the three cases
are determined by the threshold (ξ
), which needs to be estimated along with the rest of the
parameters. The probabilities of the three events y = 0; 1; 2 are given by
P (y = 0) = Φ(ξ
P (y = 1) = Φ(ξ
m) Φ(ξ
P (y = 2) = Φ(m ξ
where m = α + β
+ β
+ β
+ Dθ + . The marginal effect
of d
) for the jth
response is computed as
P (y = j|x
, x
, D, G)
= [φ(ξ
m) φ(ξ
The results for the three different outcomes are presented in table 4 and 13 (in the appendix).
Concerning team characteristics, the results in table 4 show that teams of English players are
more likely to defect. But the more similar both team players are with respect to their age,
gender, race, and place of residence, i.e., the higher the index value, the more likely they man-
age to successfully cooperate. Addressing the division of team by gender, age or having lied in
the pre-play, there are no considerable differences. The results also highlight the significance
of handshakes and promises. Teams that shake hands or promise each other to cooperate, are
The ordered probit is derived from the latent variable model y
= α + β
+ β
+ β
+ Dθ + + ε
N (0, 1), which is similar to the latent model that led to the binary probit model above. The relation between
y and the latent variable y
is assumed to be given by
y =
0, if y
< ξ
1, if ξ
< ξ
2, if y
If d
) is a dummy variable, then the marginal effect is computed as the discrete difference
4P (y = j|x
, x
, D, G) = P (y = j|(x
, x
, D, G) + 4x
) P (y = j|(x
, x
, D, G)).
Note that the marginal effects of the variables that are interacted involve the coefficient of the interaction term.
Therefore, the marginal effect of x
(analog for x
) for the j-th response is calculated as
P (y = j|x
, x
, D, G)
= [φ(ξ
m) φ(ξ
+ β
and the magnitude of the interaction effect for the j-th response is given by
P (y = j|x
, x
, D, G)
= [φ(ξ
m) φ(ξ
m) φ
+ β
+ β
where φ
(·) denotes the first derivative of the normal density function w.r.t. its argument. Standard errors are
computed by the delta method.
more likely to miscoordinate. In addition, handshakes in combination with a promise increase
the likelihood of mutual cooperation and decrease the one of mutual defection. As the anal-
ysis of the raw data suggests, we find a highly significant and inverse effect of the actual and
potential jackpot. Both players are 5% more likely to defect when the stakes are large, and
are 6% less likely to cooperate. In contrast, teams are almost 10% more likely to cooperate
when the potential jackpot increases. Table 13 in the appendix supports the discussed findings,
highlighting that the players’ expectation about the stake size is also a significant influencing
factor of mutual cooperation. If both players’ expectation about the jackpot is above the actual
one, they are 17% more likely to cooperate, but 16% more likely to defect.
Table 4: Results from ordered probit on outcomes in the PD (1)
y = 0; 1; 2 Marginal Effects
Steal/Steal (0) Split/Steal (1) Split/Split (2)
Team Characteristics
Team Unexperienced 0.000 (0.063) 0.000 (0.013) 0.000 (0.077)
Team Male 0.091 (0.089) 0.006 (0.011) -0.097 (0.083)
Team Female 0.010 (0.064) 0.002 (0.012) -0.012 (0.075)
Team > 40 -0.068 (0.065) -0.023 (0.032) 0.091 (0.096)
Team < 40 0.103 (0.066) 0.012 (0.011) -0.115 (0.070)
Team England 0.121** (0.050) 0.041 (0.026) -0.162** (0.071)
Team Small City 0.079 (0.048) 0.016 (0.013) -0.095 (0.058)
Index (Social Closeness) -0.302* (0.162) -0.063 (0.635) 0.364* (0.195)
Team Never Lied -0.046 (0.059) -0.013 (0.022) 0.059 (0.081)
Team Lying 0.028 (0.053) 0.005 (0.010) -0.033 (0.063)
Handshakes 0.078 (0.054) 0.016* (0.009) -0.094 (0.058)
Promise -0.081 (0.053) 0.127*** (0.016) 0.098 (0.064)
Handshakes*Promise -0.295** (0.129) 0.029 (0.046) 0.324** (0.137)
Stake Size
log(Jackpot) 0.051*** (0.013) 0.011 (0.107) -0.062*** (0.015)
log(Pot. Jackpot) -0.081* (0.043) -0.017 (0.178) 0.098* (0.051)
Wald X
Log-Likelihood -219.55
Pseudo R
N 54 94 74
Number of Clusters 222
Standard errors in parentheses are corrected for episode clusters; * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Summary We identify various player characteristics (e.g., age, living in England, or social
closeness), stakes size, and communication, as well as pre-play to be significant influencing fac-
tors of unilateral and mutual cooperation. Most noticeable are the effects of stake size and
communication. We find a robust and substantial inverse effect of the actual stake size on
cooperation, i.e., the higher the jackpot the more likely players are to defect. Regarding com-
munication, we test for the effect of handshakes and voluntarily stated promises on cooperative
behavior: Players who shake hands are more likely to defect, while handshakes in combination
with a promise are likely to result in cooperation and successful coordination. We are not aware
of any other study having shown similar effects. Both effects are robust and independent of
player characteristics and pre-play determinants.
6 Pre-play decision making: Voting behavior
As the results from the probit regressions suggest, the characteristics of the opponent play a
decisive role for cooperative behavior. Therefore, we draw our attention to the pre-prisoner’s
dilemma play where the selection of the finalists takes place. Starting with four contestants, each
round one contestant is voted off by the other contestants, until only two contestants remain.
Hence, each player faces the decision for whom to vote in round 1 and 2. The voting behavior
will be a function of observable characteristics as well as subjective criteria. We want to map
out some considerations that arise in deciding whom to vote off. Firstly, players have powerful
incentives to vote in a way that maximizes their chance of building up a high jackpot. In that
manner one would like to vote off the player who has the lowest cash values or most killers. But,
at the same time, players need to evaluate the opponent’s character in view of the final round,
i.e., assess her trustworthiness, sympathy or susceptibility to manipulation. Finally, the players
need to vote in a way that increases their chance of survival, thus their optimal action depends
critically on the belief about how other players vote.
In the next three sections we will show how the players balance their voting decision, bearing in
mind the stake size, the opponent’s character and their own survival. In section 6.1, we discuss
the expected voting behavior with the help of three objective evaluation criteria. In section
6.2 we briefly describe the impact of personal player characteristics as well as round-specific
determinants. Finally, in section 6.3 we empirically test the validity of the objective criteria.
6.1 Objective criteria
Each episode, before the players have to decide against whom to cast a vote, the show host
reminds the players to “keep in the cash, and kick out the killers”. Following this prompt, we
describe the player’s voting decision by means of three objective criteria. Each episode and round
these criteria predict one particular player who should be voted off. Throughout we assume that
it is a player’s aim to maximize the potential stake size.
The criteria are defined as follows (see table 5): The cash- (CC) and cash-killer-criterion
(CKC) are constructed on the basis of the (weighted) monetary values of balls and declare the
player with the lowest amount of money to be voted to leave the game. While we count a killer
ball as a ball with zero value in the CC, we attach the killer balls a weight of 0.1 in the CKC,
i.e., one killer ball reduces the monetary value to one-tenth of the original value, a second killer
ball reduces it to one-hundredth of the original value and so forth. The killer-criterion (KC)
counts the number of killer balls per player, and accordingly declares the player with the highest
number of killer balls to be voted off. Here, the total weight lies on the killers and no weight
lies on the values.
Further, within each criterion we distinguish three different time-dimensions, i.e., we determine
the prediction of each criterion separately taking into account (i) the two opened balls on the
front row (ex-ante), (ii) the two open balls and the statements of the hidden back row balls
(stated), and (iii) all revealed balls (ex-post
Table 5: Objective criteria and time-dimension
ex-ante value of open balls number of killers of
open balls
weighted mix of
values and killers of
open balls
stated ex-ante + stated
values of back row
ex-ante + stated
killers of back row
ex-ante + stated
weighted mix of
back row balls
ex-post ex-ante + true val-
ues of back row
ex-ante + true
killers of back row
ex-ante + true
weighted mix of
back row balls
By means of these three, respectively nine criteria, we analyze to what extent each criterion
explains the player’s voting decision within and between round 1 and 2. Descriptive results are
reported in table 14, 15, and 16 in the appendix.
Table 14 presents proportions of players who are effectively voted off in line with the three cri-
teria. Focusing on the time-division of each criterion, in round 1 we find that most players vote
in line with the prediction of the ex-ante CKC and ex-ante CC, as well as of the stated KC. In
round 2 instead, the ex-post CKC and the ex-post CC dominate, but the stated KC again yields
the best prediction. Overall the KC, especially when looking at the stated values, fits best: In
round 1, 81.1% of players who are voted off have the highest number of killer balls both on their
front row as well as stated on their hidden back row balls; in round 2 this proportion slightly
reduces to 70.3%, but still exceeds the CC and CKC.
The findings are confirmed when considering table 15, which separately reports for each crite-
rion the proportions of players who received a vote when predicted. In addition, the results are
distinguished by gender. As above, we focus on the time-dimension of each criterion and find
that the players most frequently vote in line with the ex-ante CKC and CC in round 1, but in
line with the ex-post CKC and CC in round 2. Concerning the KC, players vote in line with the
stated KC in round 1 and the ex-ante KC in round 2. Separating these findings by gender, we
observe that significantly more males than females vote in line with the stated KC and ex-ante
CKC in round 1 (p = 0.024 and p = 0.034) whereas in round 2 more females vote in line with
The main reason why we look at the ex-post criteria is to test whether the players use the ex-ante criteria as
a best estimation of the true state.
Note that we exclude those episodes which have a voting result of 2:1:1:0 in round 1 or a tie in round 2,
since it is analytical impossible to reconstruct the players’ individual decision. Additionally, in tables 15 and 16
we restrict the sample to only those players who take part in both rounds (with an almost equal share of males
(48.5%) and females (51.5%)); thereby we can compare the voting results for both rounds taking the same player’s
decisions into account.
the ex-post CC (p = 0.021).
Most noticeable, in both rounds the players take the statements about killer balls seriously,
although one might argue that statements are only cheap talk and should therefore be ignored.
But a statement about a killer ball has to be treated different from stating a particular value.
In our setting, players have a strong incentive to lie about a killer ball, since it threatens them
progressing in the game. If players nevertheless state to have one, this message is “self-signaling”
and not cheap talk: If a player states to have a killer ball it is the truth.
A first result is that players seem to base their voting decision on objective criteria, but switch
within the time-dimension of the criteria from round 1 to 2. In round 1 the players do not
know the distribution of balls. Only the values of the two revealed front row balls are common
knowledge. Instead in round 2 the players know all remaining values from round 1, thus the
distribution of balls is known and the player’s voting decision is based on more information than
in round 1. Using the statements about the hidden ball values, the players are able to infer -
up to a certain extent - whether a contestant lies. These informational advantage in round 2
explains why players now most frequently vote in line with the ex-post criteria. In what follows
we provide a detailed discussion of this informational separability between players and rounds.
Information based separability of players
As we pointed out above, in the two pre-play rounds the players have different information about
the distribution of values. In round 1, the players face a situation in which they base their voting
decision on an ambiguous distribution of outcomes, created by missing relevant information, i.e.,
they do not know the distribution of values on the back row of each opponent. In round 2 the
situation is modified. After a player is determined to leave the game, all contestants need to
reveal their true values on the back row. The 12 balls carried over from round 1 to round 2
are common knowledge to all remaining contestants, and only the two new added cash values
are unknown. Now, a player can be in two different states: First, if both new values are within
the revealed balls on the front row, or a particular player has at least one new value on her
hidden back row and the other is observable on any other player’s front row, she knows the
exact distribution of values in play. From an informational point of view a player who knows all
ball values in play, makes up her voting decision in a situation where only the precise allocation
of each value is uncertain. Second, if both new values remain unobservable, a player again lacks
information, but not as severe as in round 1.
We use the terminology of uncertainty versus
ambiguity to provide a clear-cut distinction between players informational background in round
1 and 2.
Naturally the extent of information about a state’s probability influences the players’
willingness to bet on the state.
We also analyzed the case when only one of the new ball values is known to a player, termed partial ambiguity
(see table 16). But for the sake of clarity we limit the discussion to the cases when both new values are either
known or not.
Throughout we assume that a player decides against whom to cast a vote being either in an ambiguous or
uncertain state with respect to her informational background about the balls’ values in play.
A large body of literature deals with this pattern; Camerer and Weber (1992) review most important empirical
and theoretical literature on ambiguity in decision making.
We expect that a player, who faces uncertainty about the allocation of balls makes her voting
decision in consideration of all “true” values, and weights the utility of the outcome by the prob-
ability of obtaining it. For those players, the observed effect that players tend to vote by means
of the ex-post criteria should be more pronounced, especially compared to those players who are
in a situation of ambiguity in round 2. Players facing ambiguity should vote most frequently by
means of the ex-ante criteria, especially in round 1.
In round 2, the voting behavior of those
players should only slightly differ within the time-dimension of each criterion.
In what follows we refer to table 16 that presents proportions of the players’ voting decision
by means of the three criteria and its time-divisions. For round 2 the results are separated
between players facing uncertainty or ambiguity. We restrict the data set to compare the same
573 players in round 1 and 2, of which we identify 50 players to be in an uncertain state, and
241 players to be in an ambiguous one in round 2. In round 1 all 573 players are in the same
ambiguous situation.
As suggested, we find that the proportion of uncertain players who vote in line with the ex-post
CKC is significantly higher (p=0.004 and p=0.000) than of ambiguous players.
the spread between proportions of players who consider the ex-post or the stated prediction
within the CKC is much larger for players facing uncertainty than ambiguity.
This indicates
that those players are able to infer which player overstates her hidden values on the back row,
and in return cast a vote against her.
The KC is again special, firstly, due to the self-signaling
message when stating a killer ball, and secondly because the number of killer balls seem to be
the strongest determinant for player’s voting behavior.
Summary With the help of the time-dimension within the three criteria we get information
about the decision making of more than two thirds of the players. For these players we can
say that their decision traces back to an objective evaluation of their opponents by giving most
A choice based on maximizing the expected utility is not possible in this situation, and players form a more or
less vague belief about probabilities to weight outcomes. Quantifying the non-probabilistic ambiguity, alternative
approaches sometimes suppose that the decision maker formulates a subjective, though not necessarily Bayesian,
probability for possible outcomes. Underlying lies the psychological assumption that the subjective weights
given to ambiguous probabilities are the outcome of a mental anchoring-and-adjustment process (Tversky and
Kahneman (1982)). Individuals are assumed to anchor on a particular estimate of the probability and then adjust
it via a mental simulation process. In light of the ambiguity in the probabilities of the outcomes, the player is
unable to evaluate a precise expected utility, since the probabilistic information to the decision maker is incomplete
(see e.g., Hogarth and Kunreuther (1992)). Additionally, optimism or pessimism might be an important feature
of a player’s attitude towards ambiguity, by over (under)-weighting the likelihood of good (bad) outcomes (e.g.,
Chateauneuf et al. (2007) and Cohen (1992)).
We test the hypothesis of no differences between uncertain and ambiguous players for the CKC by comparing
the same 50 players in round 1 and 2.
For instance, in round 2 70% of all player facing uncertainty, vote by means of the stated CKC, but only 55%
of all players in round 1, compared to 64% of players facing ambiguity in round 2. The same holds for the ex-post
CKC, as well as for males and females in both criteria.
Besides we find a different voting pattern for males and females facing uncertainty: A much larger proportion
of males votes in line with the ex-ante CC and CKC than females in round 2, while these are almost equal when
players are ambiguous, or in round 1.
weight to killer balls. Interestingly, given the predictions of all criteria, we find contrary voting
patterns due to informational differences between both rounds of pre-play, i.e., in round 1 most
players vote in line with the ex-ante criteria, but in line with the ex-post criteria in round 2.
6.2 Subjective criteria and pre-play determinants
Regarding players’ choice of their counterpart for the final round, besides the objective criteria,
subjective personal valuations as well as observed behavior in the first two rounds are likely to
play a decisive role.
First, it is likely that people have different “tastes” for others. We find that women are more
likely to vote against men and vice versa. In round 1, males cast a vote against females in 65%
and females against males in even 75%.
In round 2 we find that only females are more likely
to cast a vote against males (52%, p = 0, 096), but that males are significantly more likely to
vote against their same sex (54%, p = 0, 064). This finding suggests that in-group biases may be
prevalent, especially in round 1.
Apart from gender differences, we find that non-whites reach
the final round significantly less frequently: 63% of non-whites do not reach the final (p = 0.000).
Second, we ask whether the order in which players announce the content of their hidden balls
impacts on the players’ voting decision. The determination of the order differs between rounds:
In round 1, the show host calls on a particular player to start telling what is on her hidden back
row balls. Usually this is the player with the weakest front row. Thus, in round 1 the order of
statements is exogenously determined by the show host. In round 2 instead it is endogenous.
The show host asks the players who wants to open up the round. On the one hand starting to
report the content of the hidden back row balls helps to state high values, especially if it is the
truth, and thereby turning the focus on the opponents’ balls. On the other hand, the player
who begins to state her hidden values cannot make her statement dependent on her opponents’
statements, e.g., if all other players confess to have a killer ball a player who states her values
afterward might be more likely to confess a killer as well. After round 2, we observe that only
26.1% of the players who announce first are effectively voted to leave the game, but the second or
third player is voted off in 38.7% and 35.1%, respectively.
Therefore, we expect that the order
in round 2 has explanatory content in the sense that a player has a lower propensity to receive
a vote or is less likely voted off if she makes her statement first. In round 1 we do not expect
the order to have additional explanatory power, since the player is either selected randomly or
due to her weak front row. The effect of a weak front row on the likelihood of receiving a vote
is already captured by the objective criteria.
Over the whole sample, we find only 22 contestants (2.8%) who do not vote in line with neither criterion, and
only 65 contestants (8.3%) who never vote in line with an ex-ante criterion.
The null hypothesis of no differences between the shares of men and women who receive a vote from women
or men, respectively, can be rejected (p = 0.000 and p = 0.000).
In addition, we find that males receive a vote more frequently than females. In round 1, 55% of males receive
a vote (p = 0.000), in round 2 53% (p = 0.012).
The test for the difference between the order of statements is highly significant between the first and second
player (p = 0.000), and the first and third player (p = 0.001). There is no difference between being the second or
third announcer (p = 0.241).
Concluding, we expect that voting incentives switch between rounds: Players are expected
to attach more weight to the objective criteria in round 1, whereas they shift weight from the
objective criteria to personal judgments about opponent’s sympathy or trustworthiness with
regard to the final in round 2.
6.3 Regression analysis
In this section we determine which of the objective as well as subjective determinants, explain
the observed voting pattern best and thus affect a player’s survival within the two rounds of pre-
play. Addressing the objective criteria, which we discussed in section 6.1, we construct variables
for each criterion and their corresponding time-dimension. For each criterion the variables are
composed of (i) the sum of the two open balls, (ii) the sum of the stated values on the back row,
and (iii) a dummy indicating whether the player made a truthful statement about her hidden
back row balls or not.
We expect that the values or number of killers in the open balls on a player’s front row affect the
decision about whom to cast a vote against in both rounds. But, the statements of the hidden
back row balls are only considered in the voting decision in round 2, since in round 2 the players
have some information about their possible content. More precisely, the higher the amount of
cash in the two open balls, the more likely a player survives the pre-play, but the more killer
balls a player has, the more likely she is eliminated from the game.
In addition, we control for whether it is a good strategy of players to tell the truth about the
content of their hidden back row balls. Although in round 1 the players have no information
about the distribution of balls in play, an honest player might be able to convince the others
that her statement is true, because she is e.g., not nervous. Further, we control for the effect
of lying by including a dummy “lied in round 1” in the regression for round 2, i.e., the dummy
indicates whether a player lied in round 1. A player who lied in round 1 takes the risk of getting
a reputation of being untrustworthy, which she may suffer from in round 2. We observe that a
substantial amount of players lies in round 1 (53%) as well as in round 2 (45%). The average
overstatement is £6,413 in round 1, and £5,069 in round 2.
Concerning the subjective criteria and pre-play determinants (section 6.2), we control for the
effects of players’ age, gender, race, and place of residence as well as the effects of lying and the
order of statements in the regression analysis.
First, we estimate a probit on the likelihood that a player is voted off the game (see table 6).
Second, in an ordered probit estimation we look at the determinants impacting on the likelihood
a player receives 0,1,2, or 3 votes in round 1 (table 17), and 0,1, or 2 votes in round 2 (table
18). Again, we present marginal effects instead of coefficient estimates.
Table 6: Binary Probits on Voting Behavior in Round 1 and 2
= 1 (player i has to leave the show)
Round 1 Marginal Effects
Model (1) Model (2)
Player Characteristics
Male 0.040 (0.035) 0.040 (0.035)
Age > 40 -0.002 (0.035) -0.004 (0.034)
White -0.117* (0.067) -0.109* (0.066)
England 0.023 (0.044) 0.023 (0.043)
Order of Statements 0.024 (0.042) 0.028 (0.041)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
log(Value Open Balls) -0.031*** (0.011)
log(Value Stated Balls) -0.002 (0.017)
Truthful Statements -0.146*** (0.049)
Killer-Criterion (KC)
No. Killers Open Balls 0.142*** (0.036)
No. Killers Stated Balls 0.040 (0.046)
Truthful Statements -0.091** (0.042)
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
log(Whgt. Value Open Balls) -0.074*** (0.006)
log(Whgt. Value Stated Balls) -0.003 (0.010)
Truthful Statements -0.068** (0.033)
Wald X
161.47*** 232.20***
Log-Likelihood -360.51 -364.04
Pseudo R
0.24 0.23
N 842 842
Number of clusters 211 211
Round 2 Marginal Effects
Model (1) Model (2)
Player Characteristics
Male 0.027 (0.045) 0.026 (0.044)
Age > 40 0.051 (0.045) 0.055 (0.044)
White -0.123 (0.084) -0.110 (0.082)
England 0.050 (0.049) 0.051 (0.049)
Order of Statements -0.101** (0.046) -0.097** (0.046)
Lied in Round 1 0.057 (0.038) 0.055 (0.038)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
log(Value Open Balls) -0.031*** (0.011)
log(Value Stated Balls) -0.002 (0.017)
Truthful Statements -0.146*** (0.049)
Killer-Criterion (KC)
No. Killers Open Balls 0.052 (0.049)
No. Killers Stated Balls 0.071* (0.040)
Truthful Statements -0.147*** (0.049)
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
log(Wght. Value Open Balls) -0.034*** (0.008)
log(Wght. Value Stated Balls) -0.020* (0.012)
Truthful Statements -0.191*** (0.041)
Wald X
61.55*** 69.99***
Log-Likelihood -368.25 -367.39
Pseudo R
0.08 0.09
N 631 631
Number of Clusters 211 211
standard errors in parentheses are corrected for episode clusters; * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
Note: 11 special episodes in which all players have the same sex are excluded.
The marginal for the k-th independent variable is computed as
P (y
=1|X,P )
= φ(Xβ + P γ)β
Looking at model (1) and (2) in table 6, we find a significant race effect in round 1. Non-whites
are voted off more frequently than whites. In round 2, the race effect disappears. But other
personal player characteristics, as gender, age or place of residence, have no impact on the likeli-
hood that a player is voted off the game in both rounds. Thus, the gender differences described
in section 6.2 seem to cancel out each other.
Addressing the order in which players make their statements each round, making a statement
first has a significant impact on the likelihood to be voted to leave the game in round 2: If a
player decides to state the content of her hidden back row balls first, the likelihood to stay in
the game increases by roughly 10%. Thus our hypothesis of making the statement first allows
players to credibly state “good” balls, is supported. As suggested, there is no significant effect
of the order of statements in round 1.
Apart from that, we find no significant effect on the probability of being voted off in round 2 if
a player lied in round 1, independent of the lie’s content (overstatement or concealing a killer).
The variables representing the objective criteria are introduced in models (1) and (2), and have a
strong explanatory power, with the highest R
in model (2).
As expected, concerning the open
ball values on a players’ front row, the higher the cash amount the lower a player’s likelihood to
be voted off. The reverse it true when addressing killer balls. The higher the number of killer
balls in the open balls, the more likely a player is voted to leave the game. The statements about
the hidden back row balls have no effect in round 1, and in round 2 only a statement about
a killer ball is significant. This supports our suggestion that statements about cash values are
meaningless, but that statements about killer balls are taken into account in the players’ voting
decision: Confessing a killer ball increases the likelihood of being voted off the game. Further,
the variable indicating whether a player stated the truth, either about her hidden back row
cash values or killer balls has a significant effect. In both rounds it is worthwhile to be honest,
stating the truth reduces the likelihood to be voted off by roughly 10%. In round 2, the effect
is even more pronounced, which might be due to the players’ informational advantage about
the ball values in play. Although the players have no information about the distribution of the
hidden ball values in round 1, a player who states the truth seems to be able to signal credibility.
For a more detailed analysis of the voting process, we draw our attention to the results from
the ordered probit estimation, see table 17 and 18. There we can identify the effects on the
number of votes a player receives. Overall, the results provided by the probit estimation above
are confirmed.
In addition, we find that whether a player lied in round 1 matters for the
probability of receiving zero or two votes in round 2. A player who lied before receives two votes
6% more likely than a player who made an honest statement.
Model (1) simultaneously controls for the CC and KC, model (2) only for the CKC, since it is a mix between
the other two.
From a psychological perspective, people may recognize a liar with the help of certain body signals, for
instance, avoiding eye contact, sweating, or blushing.
The results on the probability of receiving two or three votes in round 1 or 2 are very similar to the ones from
the probit model on the player’s likelihood to be effectively voted off. This confirms the results, since receiving
two or three votes (likely) results in the player’s elimination from the game.
Finally, we find that all effects are more pronounced in round 2 than in round 1. But, the
explanatory power of both models decreases sharply between both rounds. In round 1, the cash-
and killer-criterion in model (1) explain a 16% higher mass of the variance than in round 2
=0.24 to R
=0.008), and the cash-killer-criterion in model (2) explains a 14% higher mass of
the variance than model (2) in round 2 (R
=0.23 to R
=0.09). This decline serves as a further
indicator for the switch between players’ voting behavior. It is likely that players decide on
whom to vote off the game by means of sympathy or trustworthiness. Unfortunately, we are not
able to directly control for those effects.
Summary Our conjectures regarding player’s strategy are largely confirmed in the data. As
we expected, in round 1 neither player takes into account the statements about the hidden
back row balls, and only decides on whom to vote by means of the ex-ante criteria. However,
players discriminate against non-whites. On the contrary, in round 2 taste characteristics become
meaningless, but players punish liars, i.e., liars have to bear the danger of being voted off more
likely. Additionally, a player who decides to state the content of her hidden back row balls first
is more likely to survive round 2. Surprisingly, the trustworthiness of players is highly valued in
both rounds. Hence, strategic considerations, such as accumulating a high jackpot and selecting
a cooperator as the final opponent, rather than player’s characteristics appear to be the primary
determinants of voting behavior in round 2.
7 Conclusion
In this paper we analyze cooperative behavior in a prisoner’s dilemma game in the presence of
high stakes, communication, and two rounds of pre-play, involving two voting decisions. Using
data from 222 episodes of the British television game show “Golden Balls”, we observe a unilat-
eral cooperation rate of 55% and a mutual cooperation rate of 33%.
Summarizing our main results, we find that stake size, communication as well as pre-play have
a significant impact on cooperation. Stake size is inversely related to player’s likelihood to coop-
erate, i.e., the higher the jackpot the more likely players are to defect. Further we can show that
player’s expectation about the stake size matters: If the jackpot is above (below) the player’s
expectation, the propensity to cooperate significantly decreases (increases), and mutual cooper-
ation is less (more) successful. With respect to communication, certain words and gestures are
more important than others. We test for the effect of handshakes and voluntarily stated mutual
promises, and find that players who shake hands are more likely to defect, while handshakes in
combination with a promise are likely to result in cooperation and successful coordination. The
effects of stake size and communication are robust and independent of player characteristics and
pre-play determinants.
The analysis of contestants’ behavior in the pre-play shows that players make their voting deci-
sion dependent on objective criteria, i.e., their monetary contribution to the stake size, as well
as on subjective personal characteristics of their opponents. We show that there is a strong link
between the two rounds of pre-play and the players’ decision in the prisoner’s dilemma. Whether
a player lied in the pre-play or contributed more to the stake size has a negative influence on
cooperative behavior, whereas whether a player enjoys her opponent’s goodwill has a positive
We are aware that there are potential drawbacks associated with the use of television game
show data. The first addresses anonymity: Players on the show interact face-to-face and in front
of large audience, including their family, friends, and colleagues. This might amplify coopera-
tive behavior, e.g., a selfish-person might choose to cooperate only to avoid embarrassment or
punishment by her peer group. The second addresses the selection of players for the show: Con-
testants are not randomly selected, but have to apply to the show. But, with respect to players
exogenous personal characteristics, the sample can be considered, at least to some extent, as
representative of the underlying (British) population.
This paper has shown that decisions in the prisoner’s dilemma are influenced by the stake size,
the player’s expectation about stakes, and communication. We are not aware of any other study
using handshakes and promises, as well as a player’s expectation about stake size to explain
cooperative behavior.
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A Instructions of the prisoner’s dilemma
The show host Jasper Carrott explains the “weak” prisoner’s dilemma in every episode with
almost the same words:
“It is time to split or steal. You have got two final golden balls left, you have each
got a golden ball with the word split written inside, you have got each a golden ball
with the word steal written inside. I will ask you to make a conscious choice and you
will choose either the split or the steal ball, neither of you will know what the other
has chosen. If you both choose the split balls, you split today’s jackpot of £J and
you both go home with £J/2. If one of you splits and one of you steals, whoever
steals goes home with all the money £J, whoever splits goes home with nothing. If
you both decide to steal and you are very greedy, you both go home with nothing.
Before I ask you to choose, Player A, B just check the two balls to make sure you
know which is to split and which is to steal. Do not show to each other. It is very
important that you know which is which. [players check the balls] Are you
happy to know which is split and which is steal? Okay, before I ask you to choose,
I will give you some time to talk to each other about what has happened today and
how you feel. [players discuss] Okay, player A, B choose the split or steal ball
now. [players choose balls] Hold it up, make sure that when you open it, the
other player can see it. Player A, B split or steal? [players open balls]”
B An alternative empirical strategy
In section 5, we have shown which factors significantly influence cooperative behavior. In this
section we present an alternative approach by addressing those players who stated their intended
strategy before the game show started. As mentioned in section 3.2, contestants are individually
asked to make a private statement about the strategy they plan to play in case they reach the
final round. These filmed statements are broadcasted to the television audience, but cannot be
observed by the contestants.
We observe an explicit strategy-statement by 59% of the final players.
Given these individual
statements, we can infer whether contestants stick to their announced strategy or whether they
deviate. In other words, we look at those players who intended to steal (split) before the show
starts, but at the end choose split (steal). If players are either defectors or cooperators, inde-
pendent of the situation and their opponent, we should neither observe switching strategies nor
significant effects of any explanatory variables.
Of course, we cannot verify whether the players are truthfully stating their strategy. But there seems to be
no advantage for a player to lie. Note, that the strategy-statement is not filmed in the first 18 episodes; therefore
the data set is reduced to 204 episodes (408 players).
In table 7 we depict the average cooperation rate for all players and for men and women sepa-
rately depending on their strategy-statement.
Table 7: Relation between commitment and the cooperation rate
All Men Women
Steal (%) Split (%) Split (%) Split (%)
Steal (N=136) 64.7 35.3 37.3 32.8
Split (N=105) 22.9 77.1 82.2 73.3
Other (N=167) 43.1 56.9 51.4 61.1
Total 45.1 54.9 53.1 56.5
N 184 224 102 122
Interestingly, the raw data show that contestants more often state to steal than to split (136
versus 105 players). But we find that players switch their strategy significantly more often
(p=0.008) if they initially planned to steal (35.3% split) than if they planned to split (22.9%
steal), and there is no significant difference between males and females. The hypothesis of no
difference between men and women who initially plan to steal (split) and then split (steal) cannot
be rejected, p=0.590 (p=0.237).
Addressing the players who do not explicitly state their strategy, we find that 56.9% actually
split. The difference between those and the observed average cooperation rate (54,5%) is not
significant (p=0.587).
Thus, one could surmise that a substantial fraction of players are of a certain type, either
cooperators or defectors. The ones that change their strategy make their strategy dependent on
the events in the game as well as on opponent characteristics. We therefore can conclude that
at least 17.6% of the players have situation dependent social preferences.
Table 8: Summary statistics, round 1 and 2
Variable Mean SD Min Max N
Social Job
(1 = social job) 0.14 0.34 0 1 887
Student (1 = student) 0.08 0.27 0 1 888
Pensioner (1 = retired) 0.03 0.17 0 1 888
Place of residence
England (1 = England, 0 = SCO, WAL, NIR, IRL) 0.85 0.36 0 1 886
Large City
(1 = population > 268,300 ) 0.30 0.46 0 1 886
London (1 = London) 0.13 0.34 0 1 888
Gender, race, and age
Gender (1 = male) 0.50 0.50 0 1 888
Race (1 = white) 0.92 0.27 0 1 888
(1 = above 40) 0.43 0.50 0 1 888
Average cash ball in the show 5619.55 10374.12 10 75000 3108
Strategy statement
(0 = steal, 1 = split, 2 = other) 1.08 0.86 0 2 612
Round 1
Value of open balls (balls 1 and 2)
8802.64 13858.91 0 104000 888
Value claimed for balls 3 and 4 14265.86 13908.53 0 83000 888
Value of closed balls (balls 3 and 4) 7852.88 12315.07 0 83000 888
Number of killers in open balls 0.47 0.58 0 2 888
Number of killers claimed 0.23 0.43 0 2 888
Number of killers in closed balls 0.53 0.60 0 2 888
Player lied at least about one ball 0.53 0.50 0 1 888
Player lied at least about one value 0.32 0.47 0 1 888
Player lied at least about one killer 0.28 0.45 0 1 888
Number of killers taken to round 2 2.59 0.76 1 4 888
Round 2
Value of open balls (balls 5 and 6) 9651.32 14275.73 0 103000 666
Value claimed for balls 7, 8 and 9 18421.19 16683.73 105 95000 666
Value of closed balls (balls 7, 8 and 9) 13352.47 16291.90 0 95000 666
Number of killers in open balls 0.44 0.58 0 2 666
Number of killers claimed 0.44 0.52 0 2 666
Number of killers in closed balls 0.75 0.69 0 3 666
Player lied at least about one ball 0.45 0.50 0 1 666
Player lied at least about one value 0.23 0.42 0 1 666
Player lied at least about one killer 0.28 0.45 0 1 666
Number of killers taken to final round 2.14 0.91 0 5 666
Value of balls taken to final round 23003.79 21134.80 150 143300 666
Note that we defined a social job as a job in which people care for other people, e.g., doctors, nurses, child minders, social workers, teachers, police
officers, firemen, soldiers.
Large cities are cities with more than 268,300 inhabitants (based on the Mid-2008 Population Estimates published by the Office for National Statistics).
We estimated by personal judgment whether a player is below or above 40.
Players secretly make this statement about the strategy they plan to play in the final before the show starts. It was introduced in episode 19, series 1.
Killer balls are counted as zero for all value variables.
Table 9: Summary statistics final round
Variable Mean SD Min Max N
Final round (1st phase)
Potential jackpot 51238.36 31261.51 5000 168100 444
Average cash ball 6932.27 12030.86 10 75000 1122
Number of killers 3.21 0.94 1 6 144
Number of killers to bin 1.74 0.92 0 4 144
Number of killers to win 1.47 0.88 0 4 144
Jackpot/Pot. jackpot 0.25 0.28 0.0001 1 444
Final round (2nd phase)
Jackpot 13343.03 19247.56 3 100150 444
Decision (1 = split) 0.55 0.50 0 1 444
Outcome (0 = steal/steal, 1 = steal/split, 2 = split/split) 1.09 .75 0 2 222
Money taken home 4916.96 12000.86 0 100150 444
Money taken home (steal / split) 15693.11 20087.90 3 100150 94
Money taken home (split / split) 4783.64 8440.02 1.83 43950 148
Money left on the table 14426.34 20255.76 100 92330 108
Discussion (1 = starts discussion) 0.5 0.5 0 1 444
Handshake (1 = shake hands) 0.39 0.49 0 1 444
Mutual promise (1 = say promise) 0.25 0.43 0 1 444
Table 10: Cooperation rates by gender, series, demographics, and stake size
Men Women All
(N=207) (N=237) (N=444)
Row % Row % Row % N
Exp erience
Unexperienced (Series 1) 44.4 59.1 52.5 80
Experienced (Series 2-4) 55.0 54.9 54.9 364
40 44.3 53.1 49.2 260
> 40 64.1 59.8 62.0 184
Non-White 46.2 42.9 44.4 27
White 53.6 56.5 55.2 417
Not from England 73.3 70.7 71.8 71
From England 49.4 52.3 50.9 371
Jackpot in £
[3, 500] 71.4 75.7 73.6 72
(500, 2500] 50.9 55.6 53.0 100
(2500, 10000] 56.0 50.0 52.9 102
(10000, 30000] 43.2 51.4 48.3 116
(30000, 100150] 43.5 51.6 48.1 54
Potential Jackpot in £
[5000, 30000] 46.3 51.7 49.1 114
(30000, 45000] 49.3 58.5 53.6 138
(45000, 75000] 52.3 58.3 55.8 104
(75000, 168100] 72.2 53.8 61.4 88
Exp ectation
Jackpot < Expectation 58.3 59.5 58.9 292
Jackpot Expectation 41.3 49.4 46.1 152
Total 53.1 55.7 54.5 444
Table 11: Mutual decision outcomes by series, demographics and stake size
(steal, steal) (steal, split) (split, split)
Row % Row % Row % N
Exp erience
Unexperienced (Series 1) 25.0 45.0 30.0 80
Experienced (Series 2-4) 24.2 41.8 34.1 364
Male Team 35.3 32.4 32.4 68
Female Team 16.3 55.1 28.6 98
Mixed Team 24.5 40.3 35.3 278
Old Team (> 40) 11.8 50.0 38.2 68
Young Team ( 40) 23.6 48.6 27.8 144
Mixed Team 28.4 36.2 35.3 232
Not English Team 25.0 25.0 50.0 8
English Team 28.6 39.0 32.5 308
Mixed Team 14.3 52.4 33.3 126
£500 8.3 36.1 55.6 72
> £500 27.4 43.5 29.0 372
Exp ectation
Jackpot < Expectation 23.3 35.6 41.1 292
Jackpot Expectation 26.3 55.3 18.4 152
Total 24.3 42.3 33.3 444
Winnings on Av. (0, 0) (15693, 0) (4784, 4784) 444
Table 12: Results from binary probit on unilateral cooperation (2)
y = 1 (Split) Marginal Effects
Model (1) Model (2)
Player Characteristics
Unexperienced 0.031 (0.083) 0.011 (0.082)
Male -0.027 (0.066) -0.025 (0.065)
Age > 40 0.204*** (0.069) 0.203*** (0.069)
White -0.066 (0.149) -0.059 (0.148)
England -0.281*** (0.085) -0.277*** (0.086)
London -0.122 (0.116) -0.112 (0.114)
Large City 0.016 (0.087) 0.015 (0.086)
Student 0.009 (0.104) 0.034 (0.103)
Pensioner -0.216 (0.171) -0.234 (0.170)
Social Job (Reputation) -0.019 (0.097) -0.024 (0.096)
Team Characteristics
Index (Social Closeness) 0.509 (0.319) 0.529* (0.312)
Team Male -0.169* (0.101) -0.175* (0.099)
Team Female -0.083 (0.104) -0.076 (0.104)
Team Age> 40 -0.024 (0.111) -0.020 (0.111)
Team Age< 40 -0.049 (0.101) -0.055 (0.098)
Team White -0.036 (0.139) -0.033 (0.137)
Team England -0.049 (0.099) -0.013 (0.099)
Team Large City -0.185* (0.102) -0.179* (0.102)
Team Small City -0.116 (0.075) -0.094 (0.075)
Opponent Characteristics
Opp. Student 0.143 (0.105) 0.159 (0.103)
Opp. Pensioner 0.144 (0.193) 0.119 (0.190)
Opp. Social Job 0.026 (0.097) 0.020 (0.096)
Stake Size
log(Jackpot) -0.055*** (0.016)
log(Pot. Jackpot) 0.107* (0.056)
Jackpot < Expectation 0.164*** (0.063)
Started Discussion -0.024 (0.054) -0.022 (0.053)
Handshakes -0.150** (0.075) -0.183** (0.073)
Promise -0.050 (0.110) -0.080 (0.109)
0.326 ** (0.148) 0.367*** (0.058)
Player Characteristics
Voted against Opponent -0.295** (0.134) -0.301** (0.127)
Acc. Most Money in Round 1/2 -0.120* (0.062) -0.123** (0.061)
Selected Higher Values in Bin/Win -0.137 (0.087) -0.157* (0.085)
Binned Most Killers in Bin/Win -0.066 (0.103) -0.064 (0.102)
Lied About Cash Value -0.084 (0.064) -0.088 (0.064)
Lied About Killer -0.046 (0.061) -0.058 (0.059)
Opp. Lied About Cash Value 0.055 (0.065) 0.050 (0.065)
Opp. Lied About Killer -0.061 (0.061) -0.067 (0.060)
“Should Have Left The Game” 0.178*** (0.068) 0.183*** (0.065)
Wald X
80.52*** 76.05***
Log-Likelihood -226.45 -229.17
Pseudo R
0.15 0.14
N 386 386
Number of clusters 195 195
standard errors in parentheses are corrected for episode clusters; * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
The marginal for the k-th independent variable is computed as
P (y=1|x
= φ(m)β
, k = 2, ..., K.
The marginal effect of the interacted dummy variables “handshakes” (x
) and “promise”
) is computed as the discrete double difference:
P (y=1|x
= Φ(m)Φ(β
Table 13: Results from ordered probit on outcomes in the PD (2)
y = 0; 1; 2 Marginal Effects
Steal/Steal (0) Split/Steal (1) Split/Split (2)
Player Characteristics
Team Unexperienced 0.015 (0.066) 0.003 (0.010) -0.018 (0.075)
Team Male 0.094 (0.088) 0.005 (0.011) -0.099 (0.082)
Team Female 0.020 (0.064) 0.003 (0.010) -0.023 (0.074)
Team > 40 -0.065 (0.067) -0.021 (0.030) 0.086 (0.097)
Team < 40 0.104 (0.065) 0.012 (0.011) -0.116 (0.069)
Team England 0.109** (0.051) 0.034 (0.023) -0.143** (0.070)
Team Small City 0.069 (0.049) 0.013 (0.012) -0.082 (0.058)
Index -0.332** (0.165) -0.065 (0.047) 0.397** (0.197)
Team Never Lied -0.055 (0.059) -0.016 (0.023) 0.070 (0.081)
Team Lying 0.029 (0.052) 0.005 (0.009) -0.035 (0.061)
Handshakes 0.097 (0.097) 0.019 (0.015) -0.116 (0.110)
Promise -0.062 (0.101) 0.125*** (0.021) 0.075 (0.119)
Handshakes*Promise -0.327*** (0.109) 0.035 (0.085) 0.361*** (0.134)
Stake Size
Jackpot < Expectation -0.161*** (0.055) -0.013 (0.015) 0.174*** (0.056)
Wald X
Log-Likelihood -223.65
Pseudo R
N 54 94 74
Number of clusters 222
Standard errors in parentheses are corrected for episode clusters; * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table 14: Voting decision by means of objective criteria
After round 1
After round 2
Criteria to predict a player in out in out
who should be voted to leave
Row % Row % Row % Row %
Cash-Criterion (CC)
stay 87.2 12.8 72.3 27.7
vote to leave 38.3 61.7 55.4 44.6
stay 76.7 23.3 70.0 30.0
vote to leave 69.8 30.2 59.9 40.1
stay 83.0 17.0 74.8 25.2
vote to leave 50.9 49.1 50.5 49.5
Killer-Criterion (KC)
stay 92.0 8.0 83.6 16.4
vote to leave 23.9 76.1 32.9 67.1
stay 93.7 6.3 85.1 14.9
vote to leave 18.9 81.1 29.7 70.3
stay 86.6 13.4 80.9 19.1
vote to leave 40.1 59.9 38.3 61.7
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
stay 87.7 12.3 73.2 26.8
vote to leave 36.9 63.1 53.6 46.4
stay 83.3 16.7 74.1 25.9
vote to leave 50.0 50.0 51.8 48.2
stay 83.2 16.8 74.5 25.5
vote to leave 50.5 49.5 50.9 49.1
N 666 222 444 222
We take into account that the prediction might not be unique per episode,
i.e., more than one player might have a prediction to be eliminated.
Each round, 222 contestants are eliminated. In round 1 (2) 55.4% (52.2%)
of the eliminated players are men.
Table 15: Voting decision per player by means of objective criteria
Players voted by means of
all (%) men (%) women (%)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
Round 1 72.4 74.5 70.5
Round 2 66.5 67.3 65.8
Round 1 36.0 38.5 33.6
Round 2 64.4 62.6 66.1
Round 1 55.3 55.4 55.3
Round 2 70.2 66.9 73.2
Killer-Criterion (KC)
Round 1 82.1 83.0 81.3
Round 2 81.9 84.9 79.1
Round 1 83.6 85.5 81.8
Round 2 78.9 80.2 77.6
Round 1 70.9 72.7 69.2
Round 2 76.3 77.0 75.6
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
Round 1 71.0 74.1 68.1
Round 2 65.8 67.3 64.4
Round 1 55.0 58.3 51.9
Round 2 63.5 61.9 65.1
Round 1 60.4 61.5 59.3
Round 2 66.8 65.5 68.1
573 278 (48.5%) 295 (51.5%)
Note: For purpose of comparability, we restrain the sample to 573 observa-
tions including only those players, who are not being eliminated in round
1. Further we consider only those decisions for which we can trace back
for whom a player voted, i.e., we exclude episodes with a voting of 2:1:1:0
in round 1 and 1:1:1 in round 2.
Table 16: Voting decision per player under risk or ambiguity (by means of objective criteria)
Round 2 Round 1
Players vote by means of Uncertainty Partial Ambiguity Ambiguity Ambiguity
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
all 64.0 66.3 67.2 72.4
men 82.4 64.9 67.7 74.5
women 54.5 67.6 66.7 70.5
all 58.0 67.7 61.8 36.0
men 52.9 65.7 60.6 38.5
women 60.6 69.6 63.2 33.6
all 74.0 70.2 69.3 55.3
men 70.6 66.4 66.9 55.4
women 75.8 73.6 71.9 55.3
Killer-Criterion (KC)
all 84.3 79.8 84.0 82.1
men 82.4 81.3 89.1 83.0
women 85.3 78.4 78.3 81.3
all 84.0 75.9 81.3 83.6
men 94.1 76.9 81.9 85.5
women 78.8 75.0 80.7 81.8
all 78.0 75.2 77.2 70.9
men 88.2 76.9 75.6 72.7
women 72.7 73.6 78.9 69.2
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
all 60.0 64.9 68.0 71.0
men 76.5 62.7 70.9 74.1
women 51.5 66.9 64.9 68.1
all 70.0 61.7 64.3 55.0
men 70.6 59.0 63.8 58.3
women 69.7 64.2 64.9 51.9
all 76.0 66.3 65.6 60.4
men 88.2 64.9 63.0 61.5
women 69.7 67.6 68.4 59.3
50 282 241 573
Note: The sample is restricted to the same 573 players in round 1 and 2.
Table 17: Ordered probit regression results on the number of votes (round 1)
= 0; 1; 2; 3 (Number of votes a player receives in round 1 per episode)
Marginal Effects
No. of Votes Variables Model (1) Model (2)
0 Player Characteristics
Male -0.051 (0.035) -0.051 (0.035)
Age > 40 0.012 (0.034) 0.015 (0.034)
White 0.135** (0.058) 0.126** (0.059)
England -0.009 (0.045) -0.002 (0.046)
Order of Statements 0.021 (0.042) 0.016 (0.042)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
log(Value Open Balls) 0.097*** (0.010)
log(Value Stated Balls) -0.025 (0.019)
Truthful Statements 0.111*** (0.036)
Killer-Criterion (KC)
No. Killers Open Balls -0.159*** (0.040)
No. Killers Stated Balls -0.007 (0.050)
Truthful Statements 0.148*** (0.037)
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
log(Wght. Value Open Balls) 0.110*** (0.007)
log(Wght. Value Stated Balls) -0.011 (0.012)
Truthful Statements 0.138*** (0.036)
1 Player Characteristics
Male 0.007 (0.005) 0.008 (0.006)
Age > 40 -0.002 (0.005) -0.002 (0.005)
White -0.005 (0.005) -0.008** (0.004)
England 0.001 (0.006) 0.000 (0.007)
Order of Statements -0.003 (0.006) -0.003 (0.007)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
log(Value Open Balls) -0.013*** (0.002)
logsumvalueclaims1 0.003 (0.003)
Truthful Statements -0.011*** (0.004)
Killer-Criterion (KC)
No. Killers Open Balls 0.021*** (0.007)
No. Killers Stated Balls 0.001 (0.007)
Truthful Statements -0.012*** (0.003)
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
log(Wght. Value Open Balls) -0.017*** (0.003)
log(Wght. Value Stated Balls) 0.002 (0.002)
Truthful Statements -0.022*** (0.007)
2 Player Characteristics
Male 0.025 (0.017) 0.024 (0.017)
Age > 40 -0.006 (0.016) -0.007 (0.016)
White -0.064** (0.027) -0.060** (0.028)
England 0.004 (0.022) 0.001 (0.022)
Order of Statements -0.010 (0.020) -0.008 (0.020)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
log(Value Open Balls) -0.047*** (0.006)
logsumvalueclaims1 0.012 (0.009)
Truthful Statements -0.053*** (0.018)
Killer-Criterion (KC)
No. Killers Open Balls 0.076*** (0.020)
No. Killers Stated Balls 0.003 (0.024)
Truthful Statements -0.071*** (0.019)
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
log(Wght. Value Open Balls) -0.052*** (0.005)
log(Wght. Value Stated Balls) 0.005 (0.006)
Truthful Statements -0.066*** (0.018)
3 Player Characteristics
Male 0.020 (0.014) 0.019 (0.013)
Age > 40 -0.005 (0.013) -0.005 (0.013)
White -0.066* (0.036) -0.058* (0.034)
England 0.003 (0.017) 0.001 (0.017)
Order of Statements -0.008 (0.016) -0.006 (0.015)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
log(Value Open Balls) -0.037*** (0.005)
logsumvalueclaims1 0.010 (0.007)
Truthful Statements -0.046*** (0.016)
Killer-Criterion (KC)
No. Killers Open Balls 0.061*** (0.016)
No. Killers Stated Balls 0.003 (0.019)
Truthful Statements -0.066*** (0.019)
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
log(Wght. Value Open Balls) -0.041*** (0.004)
log(Wght. Value Stated Balls) 0.004 (0.004)
Truthful Statements -0.051*** (0.013)
Wald X
284.59*** 390.05***
Log-Likelihood -875.00 -870.64
Pseudo R
0.18 0.19
N 842 842
Number of clusters 211 211
standard errors in parentheses are corrected for episode clusters; * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Note: 11 special episodes are excluded (all players have the same sex)
marginal effects:
P (y=j|X,P )
= [φ(ξ
X β P γ) φ(ξ
X β P γ)]β
Table 18: Ordered probit regression results on the number of votes (round 2)
= 0; 1; 2 (Number of votes a player receives in round 1 per episode)
Marginal Effects
No. of Votes Variables Model (1) Model (2)
0 Player Characteristics
Male -0.002 (0.037) -0.002 (0.037)
Age > 40 -0.030 (0.035) -0.033 (0.035)
White 0.039 (0.074) 0.031 (0.076)
England -0.045 (0.041) -0.047 (0.042)
Order of Statements 0.175*** (0.046) 0.170*** (0.045)
Lied in Round 1 -0.065** (0.031) -0.062** (0.031)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
log(Value Open Balls) 0.036*** (0.009)
log(Value Stated Balls) 0.005 (0.015)
Truthful Statements 0.177*** (0.047)
Killer-Criterion (KC)
No. Killers Open Balls -0.047 (0.040)
No. Killers Stated Balls -0.044 (0.033)
Truthful Statements 0.014 (0.054)
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
log(Wght. Value Open Balls) 0.040*** (0.007)
log(Wght. Value Stated Balls) 0.017* (0.010)
Truthful Statements 0.182*** (0.034)
1 Player Characteristics
Male 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
Age > 40 -0.000 (0.001) -0.000 (0.001)
White 0.002 (0.008) 0.001 (0.006)
England 0.002 (0.004) 0.002 (0.004)
Order of Statements -0.014* (0.007) -0.013* (0.007)
Lied in Round 1 -0.000 (0.001) -0.000 (0.001)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
log(Value Open Balls) -0.000 (0.001)
log(Value Stated Balls) -0.000 (0.000)
Truthful Statements 0.004 (0.003)
Killer-Criterion (KC)
No. Killers Open Balls 0.000 (0.001)
No. Killers Stated Balls 0.000 (0.001)
Truthful Statements 0.000 (0.001)
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
log(Wght. Value Open Balls) -0.000 (0.001)
log(Wght. Value Stated Balls) -0.000 (0.000)
Truthful Statements 0.004 (0.003)
2 Player Characteristics
Male 0.002 (0.037) 0.002 (0.037)
Age > 40 0.030 (0.036) 0.034 (0.036)
White -0.041 (0.082) -0.032 (0.082)
England 0.043 (0.037) 0.044 (0.038)
Order of Statements -0.161*** (0.039) -0.157*** (0.039)
Lied in Round 1 0.066** (0.031) 0.062** (0.031)
Cash-Criterion (CC)
log(Value Open Balls) -0.036*** (0.010)
log(Value Stated Balls) -0.005 (0.015)
Truthful Statements -0.181*** (0.049)
Killer-Criterion (KC)
No. Killers Open Balls 0.047 (0.040)
No. Killers Stated Balls 0.044 (0.033)
Truthful Statements -0.014 (0.055)
Cash-Killer-Criterion (CKC)
log(Wght. Value Open Balls) -0.040*** (0.007)
log(Wght. Value Stated Balls) -0.017* (0.010)
Truthful Statements -0.186*** (0.036)
Wald X
102.47*** 110.81***
Log-Likelihood -634.79 -633.74
Pseudo R
0.08 0.09
N 631 631
Number of clusters 211 211
standard errors in parentheses are corrected for episode clusters; * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Note: 11 special episodes are excluded (all players have the same sex)
marginal effects:
P (y=j|X,P )
= [φ(ξ
X β P γ) φ(ξ
X β P γ)]β
Working Papers of the Socioeconomic Institute at the University of Zurich
The Working Papers of the Socioeconomic Institute can be downloaded from http://www.soi.uzh.ch/research/wp_en.html
1006 Golden Balls: A Prisoner’s Dilemma Experiment, Donja Darai, Silvia Grätz, July 2010,
47 p.
1005 Probability Weighting as Evolutionary Second-best, Florian Herold, Nick Netzer, July
2010, 32 p.
1004 Trade Openness, Gains from Variety and Government Spending, Sandra Hanslin,
April 2010, 46 p.
1003 Is the Welfare State Sustainable? Experimental Evidence on Citizens’ Preferences for
Income Redistribution, Ilja Neustadt, Peter Zweifel, March 2010, 32 p.
1002 Preferences for Health Insurance in Germany and the Netherlands – A Tale of Two
Countries, Peter Zweifel, Karolin Leukert, Stephanie Berner, March 2010, 22 p.
1001 Convex Treatment Response and Treatment Selection, Stefan Boes, January 2010,
28 p.
0920 Bounds on Counterfactual Distributions Under Semi-Monotonicity Constraints,
Stefan Boes, December 2009, 38 p.
0919 Rotten Kids with Bad Intentions, Nick Netzer, Armin Schmutzler, December 2009,
38 p.
0918 Partial Identification of Discrete Counterfactual Distributions with Sequential Update
of Information, Stefan Boes, December 2009, 37 p.
0917 How much do journal titles tell us about the academic interest and relevance of
economic reserach? An empirical analysis, Felix Schläpfer, December 2009, 14 p.
0916 Fine Tuning of Health Insurance Regulation: Unhealthy Consequences for an
Individual Insurer, Johannes Schoder, Michèle Sennhauser, Peter Zweifel, August
2009, 18 p.
0915 Capping Risk Adjustment?, Patrick Eugster, Michèle Sennhauser, Peter Zweifel,
September 2009, 27 p.
0914 A Pharmaceutical Innovation: Is it Worth the Money? Whose Money?, Michèle
Sennhauser, Peter Zweifel, September 2009, 22 p.
0913 Copula-based bivariate binary response models, Rainer Winkelmann, August 2009,
26 p.
0912 Simulating WTP Values from Random-Coefficient Models, Maurus Rischatsch, July
2009, 6 p.
0911 Physician dispensing and the choice between generic and brand-name drugs – Do
margins affect choice?, Maurus Rischatsch, Maria Trottmann, July 2009, 15 p.
0910 GPs' preferences: What price fee-for-service?, Peter Zweifel, Maurus Rischatsch,
Angelika Brändle, July 2009, 21 p.
0909 Economic Well-Being, Social Mobility, and Preferences for Income Redistribution:
Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment, Ilja Neustadt, Peter Zweifel, July 2009,
revised January 2010, 33 p.
0908 Robust estimation of zero-inflated count models, Kevin E. Staub, Rainer
Winkelmann, June 2009, 22 p.
0907 Competitive Screening in Insurance Markets with Endogenous Wealth
Heterogeneity, Nick Netzer, Florian Scheuer, April 2009, 28 p.
0906 New Flight Regimes and Exposure to Aircraft Noise: Identifying Housing Price Effects
Using a Ratio-of-Ratios Approach, Stefan Boes, Stephan Nüesch, April 2009, 40 p.
0905 Patents versus Subsidies – A Laboratory Experiment, Donja Darai, Jens Großer,
Nadja Trhal, March 2009, 59 p.
0904 Simple tests for exogeneity of a binary explanatory variable in count data regression
models, Kevin E. Staub, February 2009, 30 p.
0903 Spurious correlation in estimation of the health production function: A note, Sule
Akkoyunlu, Frank R. Lichtenberg, Boriss Siliverstovs, Peter Zweifel, February 2009,
13 p.
0902 Making Sense of Non-Binding Retail-Price Recommendations, Stefan Bühler, Dennis
L. Gärtner, February 2009, 30 p.
0901 Flat-of-the-Curve Medicine – A New Perspective on the Production of Health,
Johnnes Schoder, Peter Zweifel, January 2009, 35 p.
0816 Relative status and satisfaction, Stefan Boes, Kevin E. Staub, Rainer Winkelmann,
December 2008, 11 p.
0815 Delay and Deservingness after Winning the Lottery, Andrew J. Oswald, Rainer
Winkelmann, December 2008, 29 p.
0814 Competitive Markets without Commitment, Nick Netzer, Florian Scheuer, November
2008, 65 p.
0813 Scope of Electricity Efficiency Improvement in Switzerland until 2035, Boris Krey,
October 2008, 25 p.
0812 Efficient Electricity Portfolios for the United States and Switzerland: An Investor
View, Boris Krey, Peter Zweifel, October 2008, 26 p.
0811 A welfare analysis of “junk” information and spam filters; Josef Falkinger, October
2008, 33 p.
0810 Why does the amount of income redistribution differ between United States and
Europe? The Janus face of Switzerland; Sule Akkoyunlu, Ilja Neustadt, Peter Zweifel,
September 2008, 32 p.
0809 Promoting Renewable Electricity Generation in Imperfect Markets: Price vs. Quantity
Policies; Reinhard Madlener, Weiyu Gao, Ilja Neustadt, Peter Zweifel, July 2008,
0808 Is there a U-shaped Relation between Competition and Investment? Dario Sacco,
July 2008, 26p.
0807 Competition and Innovation: An Experimental Investigation, May 2008, 20 p.
0806 All-Pay Auctions with Negative Prize Externalities: Theory and Experimental
Evidence, May 2008, 31 p.
0805 Between Agora and Shopping Mall, Josef Falkinger, May 2008, 31 p.
0804 Provision of Public Goods in a Federalist Country: Tiebout Competition, Fiscal
Equalization, and Incentives for Efficiency in Switzerland, Philippe Widmer, Peter
Zweifel, April 2008, 22 p.
0803 Stochastic Expected Utility and Prospect Theory in a Horse Race: A Finite Mixture
Approach, Adrian Bruhin, March 2008, 25 p.
0802 The effect of trade openness on optimal government size under endogenous firm
entry, Sandra Hanslin, March 2008, 31 p.
0801 Managed Care Konzepte und Lösungsansätze – Ein internationaler Vergleich aus
schweizerischer Sicht, Johannes Schoder, Peter Zweifel, February 2008, 23 p.
0719 Why Bayes Rules: A Note on Bayesian vs. Classical Inference in Regime Switching
Models, Dennis Gärtner, December 2007, 8 p.
0718 Monoplistic Screening under Learning by Doing, Dennis Gärtner, December 2007,
29 p.
0717 An analysis of the Swiss vote on the use of genetically modified crops, Felix
Schläpfer, November 2007, 23 p.
0716 The relation between competition and innovation – Why is it such a mess? Armin
Schmutzler, November 2007, revised January 2010, 37 p.