Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
78 Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 2C5
Employment History
Associate Dean (Graduate Programs), University of Toronto (2023-ongoing)
Professor of Law, University of Toronto (2020-ongoing)
Cross-appointed to the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (2021-ongoing)
Canada Research Chair in Private Law Theory (2015-ongoing)
Associate Professor, University of Toronto (2013-2020)
Assistant and Associate Professor, Queen’s University (2004- 2013)
Litigation Associate, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, New York, NY (2001-2003)
Law Clerk to the late Hon. Mr. Justice Charles Gonthier, Supreme Court of Canada (2000-2001)
Academic History
J.S.D. Yale Law School
Dissertation: “Ownership as Office,” supervised by Professors R. Ellickson and H.E.
LL.M. Yale Law School
LL.B. (Gold Medalist First Class Standing), Faculty of Law, University of Alberta
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B.A. (Honours Philosophy) (Gold Medalist First Class Standing), Faculty of Arts, University
of Alberta
Honours and Awards
Teaching Awards
Mewett Teaching Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law
Law Students Society Teaching Award, Queen’s University, Faculty of Law (2007)
Visiting Fellowships and Professorships
Canada Research Chair in Private Law Theory, 2014-2019, renewed for a second term 2019 -
As described on the Government of Canada website, the “Canada Research Chair program
invests approximately $265 million per year to attract and retain some of the world’s most
accomplished and promising minds.
Professeure invitée, Sciences Po, École de droit, Paris, France, Spring 2011, 2015, 2019
HLA Hart Visiting Fellow in Law and Philosophy, Centre for Ethics and Philosophy of Law
University of Oxford, 2012
Visiting Fellow, Mansfield College University of Oxford, 2011-2012
Visiting Fellow, John Fleming Centre for the Advancement of Legal Research Australian
National University, 2008
Student Prizes and Scholarships
Social Sciences and Humanities Council Doctoral Grant (declined)
Viscount Bennett Scholarship, Yale Law School
Lillian Goldman Scholarship, Yale Law School
Horace Harvey Gold Medal in Law, University of Alberta, Faculty of Law
Cruickshank Karvellas Prize in Taxation, University of Alberta, Faculty of Law
Juriliber Book Prize for Civil Procedure, University of Alberta, Faculty of Law
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George H. Steer Scholarship for Highest Standing in Second Year Law, University of Alberta,
Faculty of Law
Canadian Petroleum Law Foundation Scholarship for Oil and Gas Law, University of Alberta,
Faculty of Law
G.A. Cameron Steer Scholarship for Outstanding Performance in First Year Law, University of
Alberta, Faculty of Law
Ken Boyd Scholarship for Property Law, University of Alberta, Faculty of Law
Bennett Jones Scholarship for Outstanding Performance in First Year Law, University of
Alberta, Faculty of Law
Grant McEachran Gold Medal in Philosophy, University of Alberta, Faculty of Arts
Ryan Styobe Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy, University of Alberta, Faculty of Arts
McEachran Humanities Scholarship in Philosophy, University of Alberta, Faculty of Arts
Selected Professional Affiliations and Activities
Associate Editor, Law and Philosophy (ongoing)
Editorial Board, Queen’s Law Journal (ongoing)
Contributing Editor, Jotwell, Law and Philosophy Section (ongoing)
International Expert, International Advisory Panel, Restatement of the Law (4th), Property,
American Law Institute (ongoing)
Member of the Steering Committee, North America Private Law Theory Workshop (ongoing)
Member of the Steering Committee, Equity Workshop (ongoing)
Mentor, Junior-Senior Mentorship Program of Association for Law, Society and Property
Faculty Advisor, Yale-Toronto Private Law Theory Discussion Group (ongoing)
Member, University of Toronto Law and Philosophy Discussion Group
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Peer Reviewer and Evaluator
Harvard Law Review, Yale Law Journal Stanford Law Review, American Journal of
Comparative Law, Law and Philosophy, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University
Press, Yale University Press, Journal of Social Philosophy, Alberta Law Review, McGill
Law Journal, Canadian Bar Review, Queen’s Law Journal, University of Toronto Law
Journal, Melbourne Law Journal, Ratio Juris, Israel Science Foundation, Columbia Law
School (Lateral Hiring File) Tel Aviv University (Tenure File), University of Alberta
(Tenure File), SSHRC Foundation, Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS, William &
Mary Law School (Tenure File)
External Examiner, Doctoral Theses
Yara Al Salman, Utrecht University; Achai Burin, Oxford University; Kate Falconer,
Australia National University
Selected Competitive Grants
Canada Research Chair Grant ($100,000 Chairholder’s Grant)
Social Sciences and the Humanities Research Council Award 2019 ($84,000)
University of Toronto Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Faculty of Law Interdiscipinary Fund
University of Toronto, Faculty of Law Scotiabank Fund ($15,000)
University of Toronto, Faculty of Law Scotiabank Fund ($15,000)
University of Toronto, Faculty of Law Torys Fund ($5500)
Administrative Service
Selected University Service: Member of the Provostial Committee for the Search for Dean of
Law (2020); Member of the Provostial Committee for the Renewal of the Dean of Law (2019);
Internship Faculty Advisor, Munk School of Public Policy & Global Affairs 2021)
Selected Faculty Service: Associate Dean, Graduate Programs (2023-ongoing); Decanal
Advisor on Academic Planning and Implementation; Chair of the Faculty Life Committee (2022-
ongoing); Tenure Advisory Committee (2022-ongoing); Research Advisory Committee (2021-
ongoing); Appointments Committee (2018); Internal Teaching Committee (2018); Promotion
and Renewal Committee (2017, 2018); Gender, Accessibility and Diversity Committee (2020-
2021), Distinguished Visitors Committee (2020-2021), Truth and Reconciliation Implementation
Committee (2018), Graduate Education Committee (2018, 2019, 2020), Clerkship Committee
(2016, 2017, 2018) Curriculum Committee (2019-ongoing).
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Scholarly and Professional Work
Selected Publications
Katz L. (2023) ‘Legal Maps’ in Lionel Smith, ed., Stephen A. Smith Private Law Theory (OUP)
(in progress)
Katz L. (2023) Rights Without Standing in Paul Miller & John Oberdiek, eds., Private Law
Methodology (OUP) (accepted, forthcoming)
Katz L. (2023) (with Rutger Claassen), Property: Authority without Office? Journal of Law and
Political Economy (in press)
Katz L. (2022) ‘Property’s Limits 13 Jurisprudence 636
Katz, L. (2021) (with Matthew Shapiro), “The Role of Plaintiffs in Private Law Institutions” in
(Sandy Steel, ed., Private Law and Practical Reason: Essays on John Gardner’s Private Law
Theory (OUP)
Katz, L (2020) ‘The Wrong of Derogation’ in J. Oberdiek & P. Miller, eds., The Oxford Studies
in Private Law (OUP)
Katz, L (2020) ‘Equitable Remedies and “What We Have Coming to Us”,96 Notre Dame Law
Review 1115
Reviewed: Robin Kar, An Interest In What We Have Coming to Us, JOTWELL (September
15, 2022)
Katz, L (2020) ‘It’s Not Personal: Social Obligations in the Office of Ownership, 29 Cornell J.
of L. & Pub. Pol. 101
Katz, L (2020) Ownership and Office: The Building Blocks of a Legal Order,70 University of
Toronto Law Journal 267
Katz, L (with Nicole Roughan), (2020) ‘Introduction to the Idea of Office in Law and
Jurisprudence,’ 70 University of Toronto Law Journal 163.
Katz, L (2020) ‘Conscience with a Filter,21 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 22.
Katz L (2019) ‘Shares as Shares’ in S. Agnew & B. McFarlane, eds., Modern Studies in Property
Law (Bloomsbury 2019)
Katz, L (2019) ‘Foreward’ in Paul Babie & Jessica, Vivien-Wilksch, eds., The Seminal Work of
Leon Duguit (Springer 2018)
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Katz, L (2019) ‘Blowing Hot and Cold’ in John Oberdiek & Paul Miller, eds., Civil Wrongs and
Justice in Private Law (OUP)
Katz, L (2019) ‘Equity: Pathways to Legal Rights’ in Dennis Klimchuk, Irit Samet, & Henry E.
Smith, eds., Philosophical Foundations of Equity (OUP)
Katz, L (2019) “The Philosophy of Property Law, Three Ways” in John Tasioulis, Cambridge
Companion to Law and Philosophy (CUP)
Katz, L (2018) ‘Legal Forms and Propertyin M. Otsuka & J.E. Penner, eds., Property Theory:
Legal and Political Perspectives (CUP)
Katz, L (2017) ‘Property’s Sovereignty,’ 18 Theoretical Inq. In Law 299
Katz, L (2014) The Relativity of Title and Causa Possessionis in J.E. Penner & H.E. Smith,
eds., The Philosophical Foundations of Property Law (OUP)
Katz, L (2013) Spite and Extortion: A Principle of Abuse of Property Right, 122 Yale Law
Journal 1444
Reviewed: Mitch Berman, Abuse of Property Right without Political Foundations, 124 Yale
L.J. Forum 42 (2014).
Katz, L (2013) ‘Causa Possessionis and Relativity of Title,’ in H.E. Smith & J.E. Penner, eds.,
Philosophical Foundations of Property Law (OUP)
Katz, L (2013) ‘The Moral Paradox of Adverse Possession,’ in James Smith ed., Property and
Sovereignty (Ashgate)
Katz, L (2012) Governing Through Owners: How and Why Formal Private Property Rights
Enhance State Power,’ 160 U. Pennsylvania Law Review 2030
Katz, L (2011) ‘The Regulative Function of Property Rights,’ J. of Econ Watch 236
Katz, L (2011) ‘Ownership and Social Solidarity,’ 17 Legal Theory 119
Katz, L (2011) ‘The Concept of Ownership and the Relativity of Title,’ 2(1) Jurisprudence 191
Katz, L (2010) ‘Red Tape and Gridlock: Flight to the Informal Sector,’ 23 Canadian Journal of
Law and Jurisprudence 99
Katz, L (2010) ‘The Moral Paradox of Adverse Possession: Sovereignty and Revolution in
Property Law,’ 55 McGill Law Journal 47
Katz, L. (2010) ‘Red Tape and Gridlock’ in D. Ben Barros ed., Hernando de Soto in a Modern
Market Economy (Ashgate 2010)
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Katz, L (2009) ‘A Traditionalist’s Property Jurisprudence’ in Kim Brooks, ed., Justice Bertha
Wilson: One Woman’s Difference (UBC Press 2009)
Katz, L (2008) ‘Exclusion and Exclusivity in Property Law,58 University of Toronto Law
Journal 275
Katz, L (2006) ‘A Powers-based Approach to the Protection of Ideas,’ 23 Cardozo Arts and
Entertainment Law Journal 687
Also published in Berkeley’s Law and Technology invited paper series, available at (by invitation from Professor R. Merges and Berkeley
Centre for Law and Technology)
Major Works in Progress
People and Things: Property in the Legal Order (under contract with Oxford University Press)
(in progress)
Equity: The Guardian of the Legal Order (in progress)
Katz L (2022) “When Property and Legality Diverge” (JOTWELL)
Panelist, Virtual Panel on “Chile’s Draft Constitution: Economic Rights in Context,” (with Carol
Rose, Jackie Dugard and Domingo Lovera), Canada Council for the Americas (June 2, 2022)
Interviewee, Felipe Jimenez’ Private Law Podcast (March 2022)
Panelist, Virtual Panel on “How Freedom Rules and the Rules of Freedom: Convoys and Legal
Institutions,” University of Toronto.
Katz, L, (2021) “Beyond Exclusion” JOTWELL
Katz, L. (2020) ‘Authority in Our Time’ JOTWELL
Speaker, “Property Law and the Rights of Women” session in the Conference on Safety and
Security of Women: National Judicial Institute Program, June 7-9, 2017
Presenter, Seminar on Resource Allocation for the Chinese State Commission Office for Public
Sector Reform (SCOPSR), Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Panelist Department of Justice, Aboriginal Affairs, Rethinking Aboriginal Title, February 10,
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Panelist, TVO The Agenda with Steve Paiken, Television segment on Digital Rights
Management and The Idea of Ownership, (June 22, 2015)
Katz L “Governing Through Owners: Private Control over Public Space,Op-ed in The Globe
and Mail (August 2014)
Global TV, Interview on Owners’ Obligations in the Public Sphere
Katz, L “‘No Strings Attached’ Property and Governance,” Op-ed in The Globe and Mail
(January 12, 2012)
Commissioned Government Reports
Katz, L., Expert Report for the Department of Trade (Canada), Are Emission Allowances
Property Rights? Part 1 (February 2022), Part II (September 2022) (~38,000 words)
Katz, L., Expert Report for the Department of Justice (Canada), Report on the Proper
Interpretation of Crown Patents (2021) (~14,000 words)
Katz, L., Expert Report for the Department of Justice (Canada), Reconciling Treaty Claims and
Land Grants(2021) (~23,000 words)
Invited Lectures, Workshops and Presentations
Presenter, Rob Stevens’ The Laws of Restitution, Private Law Theory Seminar Harvard Law
School, April 3, 2023
Commentator, Yale-Toronto Private Law Theory Seminar, February 18, 2023
Presenter, Panel on Property Law, Bruce Ziff Festschrift, University of Alberta, February 17,
Commentator, North American Private Law Theory Workshop, UCLA, February 25, 2023
Panelist, Texas A&M Property Law Fall Symposium, November 11, 2022
Presenter, Workshop on ‘Hanoch Dagan’s A Liberal Theory of Property,World
Interdisciplinary Network of Institutional Research, September 9, 2022
Presenter, Property Law Workshop, Utrecht University, June 9, 2022
Presenter, Buccerius Law School & Notre Dame Law School, Workshop on Methodology in
Private Law, Hamburg May 26, 2022
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Presenter, University of Girona, University Adolfo Ibáñez (in Chile) and Externado de
Colombia, Philosophical Study of Private Law, University of Girona, April 7-8, 2022
Presenter, Faculty Workshop, McGill law School, March 25, 2022
Panelist and Commentator, Private Law and Emerging Technology, Indiana University, Maurer
School of Law, September 10, 2021
Presenter, Faculty Lecture Series, Melbourne Law School, June 2021
Presenter, Natural Property Rights Roundtable and Symposium, New York University, April 22,
Presenter, Faculty Lecture Series, Cardozo Law School, April 14, 2021
Presenter, Workshop on John Gardner’s Private Law Theory, Oxford University, March 30, 2021
Presenter, Kadish Center for Morality, Law & Public Affairs, (Property and Justice Series),
November 20, 2020
Organizer and Presenter, Workshop on James Penner, Property Rights: Re-Examined, University
of Toronto, October 22, 2020
Presenter, University of Amsterdam, Centre Transformational Private Law, October 19, 2020
Presenter, Villanova Law School, Faculty Lecture Series, September 30, 2020
Commentator, Workshop on Lionel Smith, How We Act for Others in Law, McGill Law School,
September 18, 2020
Presenter, Private Law Theory Seminar, Tel-Aviv University, May 2020
Presenter, Philosophy Speaker Series, Department of Philosophy, McMaster University,
February 2020
Presenter, Queen’s Colloquium in Legal and Political Philosophy, Queen’s University (Canada),
October 28, 2019
Organizer and Presenter, Equity Workshop, Notre Dame Law School, September 13, 2019
Organizer and Presenter, Symposium on the Idea of “Office”, University of Toronto, Faculty of
Law, June 13, 2019
Presenter, Analytic Legal Philosophy Conference, Georgetown Law School, May 3, 2019
Presenter, Progressive Property Law Workshop, Cornell Law School, May 2019
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Presenter, Yale Law School Legal Theory Workshop, April 4, 2019
Presenter, Kings College London, Faculty Workshop, March 15, 2019
Presenter, Sciences Po, Paris, Faculty Workshop, March 8, 2019
Presenter, Singapore Symposium in Legal Theory, National University of Singapore, January 24,
Presenter, University of Virginia Legal Theory Workshop, December 4, 2018
Commentator, North American Private Law Theory Workshop, Yale Law School, October 26,
Inviter Speaker, Book Symposium on Gregory Alexander, Human Flourishing (OUP 2018
Cornell Law School), October 25, 2018
Presenter, Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies Symposium on Irit Samet, Equity: Conscience
Goes to Market, University of Toronto, September 15, 2018
Presenter, Civil Wrongs and Justice Symposium, Rutgers Law School (Camden), October 5,
Presenter and Organizer, Conference on Equity and Commercial Law, St Hugh’s College,
Oxford, May 2, 2018
Presenter, Modern Studies in Property Law, University of College London, April 12, 2018
Presenter, Private Law Theory Seminar Series, Western Law, April 5, 2018
Presenter, North American Workshop on Private Law, University of Southern California,
December 1-2, 2017
Presenter, Philosophical Foundations of Equity Conference, King’s College London, June 29-30,
Presenter, Legal Theory Seminar, Goethe University Frankfurt, May 17, 2017
Presenter, Legal Theory Workshop, Fordham Law School, February 22, 2017
Presenter, NYU Colloquium in Legal, Political and Social Philosophy, New York University,
New York, November 10, 2016
Presenter, Property-Works-in-Progress, Boston University, School of Law, September 22-23,
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Presenter, Philosophy of Contract Law, Yale Center for the Study of Private Law, September 16-
17, 2016
Presenter, National University of Singapore Property Theory Workshop, July 29, 2016
Keynote Speaker, World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research, University of
Bristol, April 4-6, 2016.
Presenter, University of California, Los Angeles, Faculty of Law/Department of Philosophy,
Legal Theory Workshop, March 31, 2016.
Presenter, Columbia Law School, Conference on Sovereignty and Property, September 25-26,
Panelist, Sciences Po, Property Theory Panel (Panel with Professor R. Ellickson), Doctoral
Intensive Week, June 15-22, 2015
Presenter, Harvard Law School, North American Private Law Workshop, October 17, 2014
Presenter, Harvard Law School, Private Law Lecture, October 8, 2014
Panelist, Panel on Peter Gerhart, Property and Social Morality, Annual Property Law and Society
Conference, May 2, 2014
Presenter, Western University, Regional Private Law Theory Workshop, April 11, 2014
Presenter, Tel Aviv University, Private Law Theory Seminar, February 19, 2014
Invited Speaker, William & Mary Law School (Honouring Tom Merrill), Annual Brigham-
Kanner Property Rights Conference, October 17, 2013
Presenter and Co-organizer, NYU Property Theory Workshop, NYC, NY May 23-25, 2013
Presenter, DePaul University College of Law, Faculty Workshop Series, April 10, 2013
Presenter, Cornell Law School, Author-Meets-Critics Panel: Gregory S. Alexander & Eduardo
Peñalver, An Introduction to Property Theory, October 3, 2012
Presenter, Fordham Law School, Property Works in Progress, June 2012
Presenter, University of Edinburgh, Private Law Theory Panel, May 2012
Presenter, University College London, Symposium on the Philosophical Foundations of Property
Law, May 2012
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Presenter, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Symposium on the New Dimensions of
Property, November 6, 2011
Panelist, Georgetown Law School, Author-Meets-Critics Panel: Hanoch Dagan, Property: Values
and Institutions, March 5, 2011
Commentator and Co-organizer, New York University School of Law, Property Theory
Workshop, July 31, 2010
Presenter, Cornell Law School, Progressive-Property Roundtable, June 8, 2010
Panelist, Author-Meets-Critic Panel: Arthur Ripstein, Force and Freedom, Canadian
Philosophical Association, May 31, 2010
Presenter, University of Western Ontario, Private Law Theory Conference, February 20, 2010
Presenter, Brooklyn Law School, Faculty Seminar Series, October 26, 2009
Presenter, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Anglo-American Property Theory Workshop, July
11, 2009
Presenter, Cornell Law School, Progressive Property Theory Roundtable, June 8, 2009
Presenter, University of Colorado, Property Works-in-Progress Conference, June 1, 2009
Presenter, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Legal Theory Workshop, March 13, 2009
Panelist, American Association of Law Schools 2009 General Meeting Panel, “Hernando de Soto
in a Modern Market Economy,” January 7, 2009
Presenter, Australian National University, Legal Theory Series, December 3, 2008
Presenter, Georgetown University Law Centre, Conference on “The Public Nature of Private
Property,” November 15, 2008
Presenter and Co-organizer, New York University School of Law, Property Theory Workshop,
July 27, 2008
Presenter, Radzyner School of Law, Interdisciplinary Centre, Herzliya, Israel, Faculty Seminar
Series, May 20, 2008
Co-organizer and presenter, Special Workshop on the Law and Philosophy of Property at the
World Congress for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), August 6, 2007
Presenter, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, Faculty Seminar Series, April 19,
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Presenter, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Young Canadian Scholars Conference, January
26, 2007
Presenter, University of Helsinki, Finland, Conference on Collective Intentionality V, September
1, 2006
Presenter, Cardozo Law School, 5
Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, August
12, 2005
Presenter (Blind Competition), Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum, May 28, 2005
Presenter, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Faculty Seminar Series, March 2005
Selected Engagement with My Work
Citation and discussion in case books, treatises and encyclopediae, including:
J.W. Singer, B.R. Berger, N. M. Davidson, Property Law: Rules, Policies and Practices
J. Dukeminier, J.E. Krier, G.A. Alexander, Property (2017)
H.E. Smith & T. W. Merrill, Property Principles and Procedures
R. Ellickson, C. Rose, Perspectives on Property Law, Gary Myers, Principles of Intellectual
Property, Law of Vendor and Purchaser (3rd edition)
G. Alexander & E. Peñalver, An Introduction to Property Theory (2012)
A. Smit & M. Valiante, Public Interest, Private Property: Law and Planning Policy (2015)
Ziff, Principles of Property Law
Anger & Honsberger, The Law of Real Property
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (discussed in Jeremy Waldron’s entry on Property and
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Citation and discussion in international and interdisciplinary scholarship:
G. Ablavsky, ‘Getting Public Rights Wrong: The Lost History of the Private Land Claims,’
74 Stanford L. Review 277 (2022)
J. Blocher, M. Gulatua, ‘Navassa: Property Sovereignty and the Law of the Territories,’ 131
Yale L.J. 2390 (2022)
Lee Fennell, ‘Streamlining Property,’ 117 Northwestern U. L. Rev. 95 (2022)
J.-S. Beaudry & A. Nair, ‘Property, Equality and the Freedom to Discriminate,’11 Modern
Studies in Property Law (2021)
Henry Smith, ‘Equity as Meta-Law,’ 130 Yale L. J. 1050 (2021)
Maureen E. Brady, ‘Turning Neighbors into Nuisances,’ 134 Harv. L. Rev. 1609 (2021)
Hanoch Dagan, A Liberal Theory of Property (2021)
Billy Christmas, Property and Justice: A Liberal Theory of Natural Justice (2021)
Nico Cornell, ‘Competition Wrongs,’129 Yale L.J. 2030 (2020)
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J.E. Penner, Property Rights: A Re-Examination (2020)
Jeremy Waldron, "Property and Ownership", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(Summer 2020 Edition)
Kim Ferzan, ‘Losing the Right to Assert You’ve Been Wronged: A Study in Conceptual
Chaos?’ in Civil Wrongs and Justice in Private Law (Paul Miller and John Oberdiek, eds.,
Civil Wrongs and Justice (2020)
Anita Bernstein, The Common Law inside the Female Body (2019)
G. Alexander, Property and Human Flourishing (2018)
Jeremy Waldron, Exclusion: Property Analogies in the Immigration Debate 18 Theoretical
Inquiries L, 469 (2017)
Katrina Wyman, The New Essentialism in Property, 9 J. of Legal Analysis 183 (2017)
J. Klick & G. Parchomovsky, ‘The Value of the Right to Exclude: An Empirical
Assessment,’ 165 U. Pa. L. Rev. 917 (2017)
Hugh Breakey, Intellectual Liberty: Natural Rights and Intellectual Property (2016)
Robert C. Ellickson, The Affirmative Duties of Property Owners: An Essay for Tom
Merrill, 3 Brigham-Kanner Prop. Rts Conf. J. 43 (2014)
Imgoen Goold, Kate Greasley, Jonathan Herring, Persons, Parts, and Property: How Should
We Regulate Human Tissue in the 21
Century? (2014)
Thomas W. Merrill, ‘The Property Strategy,’ 160 U. Pa. L. Rev. 2061 (2012).
Reviews of/ responses to my work, including:
Robin Kar, An Interest In What We Have Coming to Us, JOTWELL (2022)
Mitch Berman, Abuse of Property Right without Political Foundations, 124 Yale L.J.
Forum 42 (2014).
Selected Workshops and Conferences I Organized
Conference on Philosophical and Legal Dimensions of Group Ownership, Co-Organizer,
University of Toronto, May 4-5 2023
Workshop, Avihay Dorfman on Tort Law, Organizer, May 4, 2023
KCL/Toronto/Notre Dame Equity Workshop, Organizer, University of Toronto, 2022
I initiated this ongoing partnership with Notre Dame and KCL and serve on the Organizing
Committee. The most recent iteration was held at the University of Toronto, in 2022. King’s
College with host the next workshop.
Workshop, Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economics Analyses Workshop,
Organizer, 2020
Workshop on James Penner, Property Rights: A Re-examination Workshop, Organizer, October
22, 2020
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The Idea of Office: Perspectives from Private Law, Public Law, and Jurisprudence Conference,
Co-Organizer, June 13-14, 2019
I also served as co-editor for the special issue in the University of Toronto Law Journal
Book Symposium on Irit Samet, Equity: Conscience Goes to Market, Organizer, 2018.
Legal and Theoretical Aspects of Equity and Commercial Law, Co-organizer, held at St. Hugh's
College, Oxford, May 2, 2018
Analytical Legal Philosophy Conference, Co-Organizer, University of Toronto, April 27-28,
Oxford-UCLA-Toronto Colloquium in Legal, Political and Moral Philosophy, Co-Organizer,
June 22-23, 2017
Legal Theory Workshop, Co-Convener, University of Toronto, 2016-2019
I initiated a Law and Philosophy Visitorship at the University of Toronto, bringing in legal
philosophers from around the world for short immersive visits
Oxford/Toronto/UCLA Colloquium in Legal, Political & Moral Philosophy, Co-organizer, 2017
The first colloquium in Toronto was followed by one in Oxford and then UCLA.
North American Private Law Theory Workshop, Co-Organizer, October 23-24, 2015
NYU Property Theory Workshop, Co-Organizer, 2006-2011
I co-organized this small, intensive, pre-read workshop annually with Professor Katrina
Wyman at New York University
Selected Grants (Competitive)
Canada Research Chair Grant ($100,000)
Social Sciences and the Humanities Research Council Award 2019 ($84,000)
University of Toronto Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Faculty of Law Interdiscipinary Fund
University of Toronto, Faculty of Law Scotiabank Fund ($15,000)
University of Toronto, Faculty of Law Scotiabank Fund ($15,000)
University of Toronto, Faculty of Law Torys Fund ($5500)
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Courses Taught
Property Law (lecture)
Trusts and Equity (lecture)
Land Transactions (lecture)
Advanced Property (seminar)
Property and the City (seminar)
Property Law and Development (seminar)
Doctoral and Post-doctoral Supervision
Supervisor, Doctoral and LL.M. theses
Konstanze von Schütz, LL.M. (completed), S.J.D. Candidate, 2017-ongoing (now tenure-track
professor at McGill University)
Étienne Cossette-Lefebvre, LL.M. (completed), S.J.D. Candidate, 2019- ongoing
Dimitrios Tsilikis, S.J.D. Candidate, 2022-ongoing
Anne-Sophie Ouellet, LL.M. (completed) 2017-2018
Member, Doctoral Committee
Greg Bowley, S.J.D. (completed) (now tenure-track professor at University of New Brunswick)
Steve Lorteau, S.J.D. Candidate, 2021-ongoing
Supervisor, Visiting Doctoral Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
Ronit Levine-Schnur, Postdoctoral Fellow (2015-2017) (now tenured professor at Reichman
University (IDC Herzliya))
Zihao Sun, Visiting Doctoral Student (Tsinghua University) 2022
Adrian Rudert, Visiting Doctoral Student (Goethe University Frankfurt) 2017
Xu Huageng, Visiting Doctoral Student (Tsinghua-University) 2016
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