Algebra 1
Curriculum Guide
Subject: Algebra I
Teacher Curriculum Guide
Subject: Algebra I
Teacher Curriculum Guide
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
Quarter One
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.FIF.2 - Evaluate functions and interpret the meaning of expressions
involving function notation from a mathematical perspective and in terms of the
context when the function describes a real-world situation.
A1.NQ.2- Label and define appropriate quantities in descriptive modeling
A1. NRNS.3 Explain why the sum or product of rational numbers is rational;
that the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational; and that
the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is irrational.
Unit 1: Foundations of Algebra
Unit Focus: Students will categorize numbers in the real number system and its subsets, use properties of equality, and evaluate expressions.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. NRNS.3
I can:
Evaluate numerical
expressions and algebraic
expressions using the
order of operations.
Use substitution to
simplify expressions.
Translate algebraic
expressions (symbols to
words and vice versa)
Write equations from
verbal expressions and
create linear equations to
represent real-world
5 Days
Glencoe Algebra 1 Part 1:
0-2 Real Numbers P7
0-3 Operations with Integers P11
0-4 Adding and Subtracting Rational
Numbers P13
0-5 Multiplying and Dividing
Rational Numbers P17
1-1 Variables and Expression
2- 1 Writing Equations pg. 79
1-2 Order of Operations pg. 10
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.ACE.1 Create and solve equations and inequalities in one variable that model
real-world problems involving linear, quadratic, simple rational, and exponential
relationships. Interpret the solutions and determine whether they are reasonable.
(Limit to linear; quadratic; exponential with integer exponents.)
A1. AREI.1 Understand and justify that the steps taken when solving
simple equations in one variable create new equations that have the same
solution as the original.
A1. AREI.3 Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including
equations with coefficients represented by letters,
Unit 2: Linear Equations Part 1
Unit Focus: Students will use inverse operations to solve equations containing variables and write equations to represent situations.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. AREI.3
A1. AREI.1
I can:
Solve one-step equations
in one variable.
Solve and create two-step
equations in one variable
to solve real-world
Solve and create
multi-step equations in
one variable to solve
real-world problems.
Use the distributive
property to solve
Solve equations with
variables on both sides
and use them to solve
real-world problems
5 Days
Glencoe Algebra 1 Part 1:
1-3 Properties of Numbers pg. 16
2-2 Solving One-step Equations pg. 87
1-4 Distributive Property pg. 23
2-3 Solving Multi Step Equations pg. 94
2-4 Solving Equations with Variables on
Each Side pg. 101
PPT Adding and Subtracting Equations
PPT Multiplying and Dividing Equations
PPT Solving 2 Step Equations
PPT Multistep Equations
PPT2 Multistep Equations
PPT Distributive Property
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.ACE.1 Create and solve equations and inequalities in one variable that
model real-world problems involving linear, quadratic, simple rational, and
exponential relationships. Interpret the solutions and determine whether they
are reasonable. (Limit to linear; quadratic; exponential with integer
A1. AREI.1 Understand and justify that the steps taken when solving simple
equations in one variable create new equations that have the same solution as
the original.
A1.ACE.4 Solve literal equations and formulas for a specified variable
including equations and formulas that arise in a variety of disciplines.
A1. AREI.3 Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including
equations with coefficients represented by letters,
Unit 3: Linear Equations Part 2
Unit Focus: Students will solve equations containing variables to compare units, calculate percentages, create, or interpret scale models/drawings and to
solve other real-world problems.
Sequences Objectives
A1. AREI.1
A1. AREI.3
I can:
Solve proportions and
use them to solve real
world problems to
include finding missing
lengths in similar figures.
Solve percent problems
using proportions.
Rewrite and use literal
equations to solve real
world problems.
3 Days
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.ACE.1 Create and solve equations and inequalities in one variable that
model real-world problems involving linear, quadratic, simple rational, and
exponential relationships. Interpret the solutions and determine whether they
are reasonable. (Limit to linear; quadratic; exponential with integer exponents.)
A1. AREI.3 Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including
equations with coefficients represented by letter
Unit 4: Linear Inequalities
Unit Focus: Students will apply the properties of inequality to solve inequalities by using inverse operations.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. AREI.3
I can:
Use vocabulary to include
is more than, is less than,
at most, at least, etc.
Write, solve, graph
(number line), and
identify solutions of
Solve inequalities that
contain more than one
Create and solve
inequalities for real-world
Solve inequalities with
variables on both sides.
5 Days
PPT Writing & Graphing Inequalities
PPT Adding & Subtracting Inequalities
PPT Solving Inequalities by Multiplication &
PPT Solving Multistep Inequalities
PPT Solving Inequalities on Both Sides
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.FIF.1 Extend previous knowledge of a function to apply to general
behavior and features of a function.
A1.FIF.1a Understand that a function from one set (called the domain) to
another set (called the range) assigns to each element of the domain exactly
one element of the range.
A1.FIF.1b Represent a function using function notation and explain that f (x)
denotes the output of a function of that corresponds to the input x.
A1.FIF.1c Understand that the graph of a function labeled as f is the set of all
ordered pairs (x, y) that satisfy the equation y = f (x).
A1.FIF.2 Evaluate functions and interpret the meaning of expressions
involving function notation from a mathematical perspective and in terms of
the context when the
function describes a real-world situation.
A1.NQ.1 Use units of measurement to guide the solution of multi-step tasks.
Choose and interpret appropriate labels, units, and scales when constructing
graphs and other
data displays.
A1.NQ.2 Label A1.FIF.1a and define appropriate quantities in descriptive
modeling contexts.
A1.NQ.3 Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on
measurement when reporting quantities in context.
Unit 5: Relations & Functions
Unit Focus: Students will use tables, diagrams, graphs, and equations to describe and translate among representations of functions. Students will also use
functions to represent, analyze and solve problems.
Sequenced Objectives
I can:
Represent mathematical
data using graphs, tables,
equations, and ordered
Draw and use mapping
diagrams and vertical
line test.
Use vocabulary:
functions, function
notation, relations.
Determine whether a
relation is a function.
Evaluate functions using
function notation.
5 days
Glencoe Algebra 1 Part 1:
1-5 Modeling Accuracy pg. 33
1-6 Relations pg. 42
1-7 Functions pg. 49
1-8 Interpreting Graphs & Functions
pg. 58
*(Introduction of Transformations &
Function Notation) - Not tested until Unit 14
PPT Graphing Relationships
PPT2 Relations and Functions
PPT Linear or Non-linear
PPT Writing Functions
PPT Graphing Functions
PPT Introduction to Functions (Multiple
Lessons in One PPT)
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.FBF.3 Describe the effect of the transformations k f (x), f (x) + k, f (x + k),
and combinations of such transformations on the graph of y = f (x) for any real
number k. Find the value of k given the graphs and write the equation of a
transformed parent function given its graph. (Limit to linear)
A1.FIF.4 Interpret key features of a function that models the relationship
between two quantities when given in graphical or tabular form. Sketch the
graph of a function from a verbal description showing key features. Key
features include intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing,
decreasing, constant, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums;
symmetries; end behavior and periodicity. (Limit to linear)
A1.FIF.6 Given a function in graphical, symbolic, or tabular form, determine
the average rate of change of the function over a specified interval. Interpret
the meaning of the average rate of change in a given context. (Limit to linear)
A1.FIF.7 Graph functions from their symbolic representations. Indicate key
features including intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing,
decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums;
symmetries; end behavior and periodicity. Graph simple cases by hand and use
technology for complicated cases. (Limit to linear)
Unit 6: Linear Functions Part 1
Unit Focus: Students will find and interpret slopes and intercepts of linear equations that model real-world problems. Students will also solve real-word
problems involving linear equations.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. FIF.7
I can:
Determine the rate of
change from a table.
Find the slope of a line
from a graph, table, and
two points
Interpret slope in the
context of the problem.
Graph a linear function
using multiple methods.
Investigate the effects of
changing parts of
Describe how changing
slope and y-intercept
affect the graph of a
linear function.
5 Days
Glencoe Algebra 1 Part 1:
3-1 Graphing Linear Functions pg.
3-2 Zeros of Linear Functions pg. 151
3-3 Rate of Change and Slope pg. 160
3-4 Slope-intercept Form pg. 171
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.ACE.1 Create and solve equations and inequalities in one variable that
model real-world problems involving linear, quadratic, simple rational, and
exponential relationships. Interpret the solutions and determine whether they
are reasonable. (Limit to linear)
A1.ACE.2 Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships
between quantities. Graph the equations on coordinate axes using appropriate
labels, units, and scales. (Limit to linear and direct and indirect variation.)
A1. AREI.10 Explain that the graph of an equation in two variables is the set
of all its solutions plotted in the coordinate plane.
A1. FLQE.5 Interpret the parameters in a linear or exponential function in
terms of the context. (Limit to linear.)
A1. SPID.6 Using technology, create scatterplots and analyze those plots to
compare the fit of linear, quadratic, or exponential models to a given data set.
Select the appropriate model, fit a function to the data set, and use the function
to solve problems in the context of the data.
A1. SPID.7 Create a linear function to graphically model data from a
real-world problem and interpret the meaning of the slope and intercept(s) in
the context of the given problem.
Unit 7: Linear Functions Part 2
Unit Focus: Students will identify and interpret the components of a linear graph. Students will also write a linear equation in slope-intercept,
point-slope, and standard forms.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. AREI.10
A1. FLQE.5
I can:
Identify characteristics
of a linear function.
Write and graph a linear
equation using
slope-intercept form.
Write and graph linear
equations using
point-slope form and
standard form.
4 Days
Glencoe Algebra 1 Part 1:
4-1 Writing Equations in
slope-intercept form pg. 225
4-2 Writing the equation of a line in
point-slope and standard form pg. 232
4-7 Inverse of Linear Functions pg.
PPT X and Y-intercepts of a Line
PPT Slope-intercept
PPT Slope-Intercept of a Linear Equation
PPT Graphing a Line using Standard &
Slope-Intercept Form
PPT Point Slope Form
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.FIF.7 Graph functions from their symbolic representations. Indicate key
features including intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing,
decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums;
symmetries; end behavior and periodicity. Graph simple cases by hand and use
technology for complicated cases. (Limit to linear)
A1.FIF.4 Interpret key features of a function that models the relationship
between two quantities when given in graphical or tabular form. Sketch the
graph of a function from a verbal description showing key features. Key
features include intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing,
decreasing, constant, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums;
symmetries; end behavior and periodicity. (Limit to linear)
A1. FLQE.5 Interpret the parameters in a linear or exponential function in
terms of the context. (Limit to linear.)
A1. SPID.8 Using technology, compute and interpret the correlation
coefficient of a linear fit
A1. SPID.6 Using technology, create scatterplots and analyze those plots to
compare the fit of linear, quadratic, or exponential models to a given data set.
Select the appropriate model, fit a function to the data set, and use the function
to solve problems in the context of the data.
Unit 8: Scatter Plots
Unit Focus: Students will graph scatterplots and use trend lines to make predictions.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. FLQE.5
A1. SPID.6
A1. SPID.7
A1. SPID.8
I can:
graph a scatter plot and
write the equation of a
trend line or a line of best
fit and use this equation to
make predictions.
Distinguish between
correlation and causation.
5 Days
Glencoe Algebra 1 Part 1:
4-4 Scatterplots and Lines of Best Fit
pg. 247
4-5 Correlation and Causation pg.
4-6 Regression and Median Fit Line
pg. 259
Scatter Plots
Virtual Practice for Graphing Scatter Plots
PPT Scatter Plots
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
Quarter Two
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1. AREI.11 Solve an equation of the form f (x) = g (x) graphically by
identifying the x-coordinate(s) of the point(s) of intersection of the graphs of y
= f (x) and y = g (x). (Limit to linear)
A1. AREI.5 Justify that the solution to a system of linear equations is not
changed when one of the equations is replaced by a linear combination of the
other equation.
A1. AREI.6 Solve systems of linear equations algebraically and graphically
focusing on pairs of linear equations in two variables.
A1. AREI.6a Solve systems of linear equations using the substitution method.
A1. AREI.6b Solve systems of linear equations using linear combination.
A1. AREI.12 Graph the solutions to a linear inequality in two variables.
Unit 9: Systems of Equations Part 1
Unit Focus: Students will find a solution that satisfies two linear equations by graphing, substitution and elimination.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. AREI.5
A1. AREI.6
A1. AREI.11
A1. AREI.6a
A1. AREI.6b
I can:
Identify solutions of
linear equations in two
Solve systems of linear
equations in two
variables by graphing,
substitution, and
6 Days
Glencoe Algebra 1 Part 2:
6-1 Graphing Systems of Equations pg.
6-2 Substitution pg.348
6-3 Elimination Using Addition &
Subtraction pg. 354
6-4 Elimination using Multiplication pg.
6-5 Applying Systems of Linear
Equations pg. 368
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1. AREI.11 Solve an equation of the form f (x) = g (x) graphically by
identifying the x-coordinate(s) of the point(s) of intersection of the graphs of y
= f (x) and y = g (x). (Limit to linear)
A1. AREI.5 Justify that the solution to a system of linear equations is not
changed when one of the equations is replaced by a linear combination of the
other equation.
A1. AREI.6 Solve systems of linear equations algebraically and graphically
focusing on pairs of linear equations in two variables.
A1. AREI.6a Solve systems of linear equations using the substitution method.
A1. AREI.6b Solve systems of linear equations using linear combination.
A1. AREI.12 Graph the solutions to a linear inequality in two variables.
Unit 10: Systems of Inequalities Part 2
Unit Focus: Students will solve real-world situations using systems of equations.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. AREI.5
A1. AREI.6
A1. AREI.11
A1. AREI.6a
A1. AREI.6b
I can:
Compare and choose an
appropriate method for
solving systems of linear
Solve real-world
application problems
using systems of
equations, including
distance-rate time
problems and mixture
Graph linear inequalities
in two variables and
identify the solution set.
Use linear inequalities to
model real-world
Solve a system of linear
inequalities in two
variables by graphing and
4 Days
Glencoe Algebra 1 Part 2:
5-6 Graphing Inequalities in Two Variable
pg. 321
6-6 System of Inequalities pg. 376
use them to model
real-world problems
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1. NRNS.1 Rewrite expressions involving simple radicals and rational
exponents in different forms.
A1. NRNS.2 Use the definition of the meaning of rational exponents to
translate between rational exponent and radical form.
Unit 11: Exponents & Radicals
Unit Focus: Students will use exponents to describe numbers and use laws of exponents to simply monomials.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. NRNS.1
A1. NRNS.2
I can:
Multiply powers with the
same base.
Raise a power to a power and
raise a product to a power.
Divide powers with the same
base and raise a quotient to a
Simplify expressions
involving zero and negative
Simplify rational exponents
Find the square root.
Simplify radicals using
addition and subtraction.
Simplify radical expressions
using multiplication and
4 Days
Glencoe Algebra 1 Part 2:
7.1 Multiplication Properties of
Exponents pg. 395
7.2 Division Properties of
Exponents pg. 402
7.3 Rational Exponents pg. 410
7.4 Radical Expressions pg. 419
PPT Integer Exponents
PPT for Multiplying Monomials
Online Quiz Multiplying Monomials
PPT Dividing Monomials
Online Quiz for Dividing Monomial PPT
Rational Exponents
PPT Finding Square Root
PPT Simplifying Radicals with Addition and
Online Quiz
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1. AAPR.1 Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials and understand that
polynomials are closed under these operations. (Limit to linear; quadratic.)
A1.ASE.1 Interpret the meanings of coefficients, factors, terms, and
expressions based on their real-world contexts. Interpret complicated
expressions as being composed of simpler expressions. (Limit to linear;
quadratic; exponential.)
A1.REI.4 Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving quadratic
equations in one variable. (Only factoring)
A1.ASE.2 Analyze the structure of binomials, trinomials, and other
polynomials in order to rewrite equivalent expressions.
Unit 12 Polynomials Part 1
Unit Focus: Students will add, subtract, and multiply polynomials by using the properties of exponents and combining like terms.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. AAPR.1
I can:
Classify polynomials by
degree and by number of
Add, subtract, and
multiply polynomials &
Multiply two binomials
and binomials by a
Use the FOIL Method,
the box method, and the
distributive property
multiply binomials.
5 Days
Glencoe McGraw-Hill:
8-1 Adding and Subtracting
Polynomials pg. 491
8-2 Multiplying a Polynomial by a
Monomial pg. 498
8-3 Multiplying Polynomials pg. 506
8-5 Using the Distributive Property
pg. 520
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1. AAPR.1 Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials and understand that
polynomials are closed under these operations. (Limit to linear; quadratic.)
A1.ASE.1 Interpret the meanings of coefficients, factors, terms, and
expressions based on their real-world contexts. Interpret complicated
expressions as being composed of simpler expressions. (Limit to linear;
quadratic; exponential.)
A1.REI.4 Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving quadratic
equations in one variable. (Only factoring)
A1.ASE.2 Analyze the structure of binomials, trinomials, and other
polynomials to rewrite equivalent expressions.
Unit 13: Polynomials Part 2
Unit Focus: Students will factor polynomials and apply factoring techniques to solve problems.
Sequenced Objectives
I can:
Find the square of a
Find the product of a sum
and difference.
Factor trinomials.
Factor perfect square, the
differences of two
Factor a monomial from a
polynomial (GCF).
Factor higher degree
polynomials by grouping.
Choose an appropriate
method for factoring a
Combine methods for
factoring a polynomial.
5 Days
Glencoe McGraw-Hill:
8-4 Special Products pg. 512
8-6 Factoring Quadratic Trinomials
pg. 531
PPT Factor Trinomials
Online Quiz Factor Trinomials
PPT Factor Perfect Square and Difference of
Two Squares
Difference of Two Squares
PPT Factoring GCF
Online Quiz Common Factors
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.ACE.2 Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships
between quantities. Graph the equations on coordinate axes using appropriate
labels, units, and scales. (Limit to quadratic)
A1.FIF.5 Relate the domain and range of a function to its graph and, where
applicable, to the quantitative relationship it describes. (Limit to linear;
quadratic; exponential.)
A1.FIF.7 Graph functions from their symbolic representations. Indicate key
features including intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing,
decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums;
symmetries; end behavior and periodicity. Graph simple cases by hand and use
technology for complicated cases. (Limit to linear; quadratic; exponential only
in the form y = ax + k.)
A1.FBF.3 Describe the effect of the transformations k f (x), f (x) + k, f (x + k),
and combinations of such transformations on the graph of y = f (x) for any real
number k. Find the value of k given the graphs and write the equation of a
transformed parent function given its graph. (Limit to quadratic)
Unit 14: Quadratic Equations & Functions Part 1
Unit Focus: Students will identify, graph, and transform quadratic equations.
Sequenced Objectives
I can:
Graph quadratic functions
using x|y charts and study
the effects of changing a
and/or c.
Identify the vertex as a
maximum or a minimum.
Identify the domain and
range from the graph of a
quadratic function.
Find the vertex and axis
of symmetry by using x=
-b/2a and use it to graph
quadratic functions of the
form 𝑦= ax
+ bx + c
Identify transformations
of quadratic functions
from vertex form
Graph and transform
quadratic functions.
4 Days
Glencoe McGraw-Hill:
9-1 Graphing Quadratic Function pg.
9-2 Transformations with Quadratic
Equations pg. 571
9-4 Solving Quadratic Equations by
Factoring pg. 588
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1. AREI.4 Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving quadratic
equations in one variable. A1. AREI.4a Use the method of completing the
square to transform any quadratic equation in x into an equation of the form (x
h) 2 = k that has the same solutions. Derive the quadratic formula from this
A1.ACE.1 Create and solve equations and inequalities in one variable that
model real-world problems involving linear, quadratic, simple rational, and
exponential relationships. Interpret the solutions and determine whether they
are reasonable. (Limit to quadratic)
A1. AREI.4b Solve quadratic equations by inspection, taking square roots,
completing the square, the quadratic formula and factoring, as appropriate to
the initial form of the equation. Recognize when the quadratic formula gives
complex solutions and write them as a + bi for real numbers a and b. (Limit to
non-complex roots.)
A1.ASE.3a Find the zeros of a quadratic function by rewriting it in equivalent
factored form and explain the connection between the zeros of the function, its
linear factors, the x-intercepts of its graph, and the solutions to the
corresponding quadratic equation.
A1. AREI.11 Solve an equation of the form f (x) = g (x) graphically by
identifying the x-coordinate(s) of the point(s) of intersection of the graphs of y
= f (x) and y = g (x). (Limit to linear; quadratic; exponential.)
A1.FIF.8 Translate between different but equivalent forms of a function
equation to reveal and explain different properties of the function. (Limit to
linear; quadratic; exponential.)
A1.FIF.6 Given a function in graphical, symbolic, or tabular form, determine
the average rate of change of the function over a specified interval. Interpret
the meaning of the average rate of change in a given context. (Limit to linear;
quadratic; exponential.)
Unit 15: Quadratic Equations & Functions Part 2
Unit Focus: Students will solve quadratic equations using factoring, graphing, and the quadratic equation.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. AREI.4
A1. AREI.4b
A1. AREI.11
I can:
Solve quadratic
equations by
factoring, using the
quadratic formula,
and completing the
Determine the
number of solutions
of a quadratic
equation by using
the discriminant.
Write a quadratic
function in vertex
5 Days
Glencoe McGraw-Hill:
9-5 Solving Quadratic Functions by
Completing the Square pg.596
9-6 Solving quadratics using the
Quadratic Formula pg. 606
9-7 Solving Systems of Linear and
Quadratic Equations pg. 6149-7
9-9 Combining Functions pg. 630
Identify the
max/min, line of
symmetry, domain,
and range.Solve
quadratic equations
by graphing, using
the graphing
calculator, and by
square roots.
Apply quadratics to
real world
Determine the
average rate of
change between two
points on a
quadratic function.
Solve systems of
equations by
graphing and
graphing calculator.
Based on 90 Minutes of Daily Instruction
South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Standards
A1.ACE.2 Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships
between quantities. Graph the equations on coordinate axes using appropriate
labels, units, and scales. (Limit to linear; quadratic; exponential with integer
exponents; direct and indirect variation.)
A1.FBF.3 Describe the effect of the transformations k f (x), f (x) + k, f (x + k),
and combinations of such transformations on the graph of y = f (x) for any real
number k. Find the value of k given the graphs and write the equation of a
transformed parent function given its graph. (Limit to linear; quadratic;
exponential with integer exponents; vertical shift and vertical stretch.)
A1.FIF.4 Interpret key features of a function that models the relationship
between two quantities when given in graphical or tabular form. Sketch the
graph of a function from a verbal description showing key features. Key
features include intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing,
decreasing, constant, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums;
symmetries; end behavior and periodicity. (Limit to linear; quadratic;
A1.FIF.5 Relate the domain and range of a function to its graph and, where
applicable, to the quantitative relationship it describes. (Limit to linear;
quadratic; exponential.)
A1.FIF.7 Graph functions from their symbolic representations. Indicate key
features including intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing,
decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums;
symmetries; end behavior and periodicity. Graph simple cases by hand and use
technology for complicated cases. (Limit to linear; quadratic; exponential only
in the form y = ax + k.)
A1.FIF.9 Compare properties of two function given in different representations
such as algebraic, graphical, tabular, or verbal. (Limit to linear; quadratic;
A1.FLQE.1 Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear
functions or exponential functions by recognizing situations in which one
quantity changes at a constant rate per unit interval as opposed to those in
which a quantity changes by constant percent rate per unit interval.
A1.FLQE.2 Create symbolic representations of linear and exponential
functions, including arithmetic and geometric sequences, given graphs, verbal
descriptions, and tables. (Limit to linear; exponential.)
Unit 16: Exponential Functions
Unit Focus: Students will graph and use exponential functions model and solve real-world problems.
Sequenced Objectives
A1. FLQE.1
A1. FLQE.2
I can:
Evaluate and graph
exponential functions.
Sketch the graph of an
exponential function from
a verbal description
showing key features.
Identify key features of an
exponential function
including intercepts,
4 Days
PPT Geometric Series
PPT Exponential Functions
PPT Exponential Growth and Decay
horizontal asymptotes,
and end behavior.
Model growth and decay
using exponential
Write and use recursive
and explicit formulas for
geometric sequences and
arithmetic sequences.