ISEC Building Use Guidelines
At Northeastern University, partnerships drive progress. Our Interdisciplinary Science and
Engineering Complex (ISEC) brings together industry leaders, innovators, public agencies, and
global scholars to create impact and shape the future of humanity.
As a beacon and resource for our community, ISEC has become one of the most widely used and
sought-after spaces on Northeastern University’s Boston campus. The following guidelines have
been drafted in order to ensure all members of the university’s community can access the space to
participate in collaborative research and learning. When looking to use access different spaces
within ISEC, or to learn more about how to support the upkeep of the building, please refer to the
information in this document.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you in ISEC!
Table of Contents
ISEC Event Space
Reserving ISEC Event/Classroom Space
25Live Guidelines
Using ISEC Classrooms and Auditorium
ISEC Security
Conference Rooms
Conference Room Overview
Conference Room Guidelines
Conference Room Housekeeping
Use of Audiovisual Software
Keeping the Building in Top Condition
Ads, Fliers, and Posters on the Wall
ISEC Offices
Facilities Work Requests
Bicycle Room
ISEC bike room policy
Animals / Pets in ISEC
Common Areas/Shared Space
Kitchen/Lounge/Balcony on Each Floor
Communal Kitchen/Housekeeping
Northeastern Alcohol Policy
Shower Rooms
Laboratory Shared Space
ISEC Loading Dock
Vendor Access
ISEC Event Space (Atrium/Auditorium/Classrooms)
Reserving ISEC Event/Classroom Space
The ISEC auditorium (102), atrium (101), and classrooms (136, 138, 140, and 142) are available for
events, but must be reserved through the Office of the Registrar.
To reserve these locations, log into your me.northeastern.edu account, click on Resources, Campus Space
& Events, Academic Classroom Scheduling. This will take you to 25Live, our classroom assignment
software. You can begin by checking space availability by date or location, then proceed to create an
Event. Once you have added the event to 25Live, it will be reviewed, and a determination will be made if
the venue is available and/or appropriate. You will either receive confirmation or a request for further
information. If you need further assistance, directions for 25Live are available by going to the
25Live Guidelines
Reservation policies, space available, and cost estimates can be found on the Registrar’s webpage.
Using ISEC Classrooms and Auditorium
If you would like to move furniture in the classroom or atrium, you must submit an Event Services
Request to Facilities prior to your event. Only Facilities is authorized to move furniture in ISEC.
The ISEC café space is not part of the lobby event space and may not be used for any events.
Food and drink are not allowed in the ISEC classrooms or auditorium. If you would like to serve
food, you must also reserve the ISEC atrium.
Music is not allowed in the atrium, even soft music - ISEC researchers are hard at work, even on the
weekends, and we cannot disrupt them.
If you would like to set up a table anywhere in the ISEC lobby (such as a welcome or registration
table), you must also reserve the ISEC atrium, which will incur a fee.
The ISEC catering kitchen is only used for the ISEC atrium events and should not be used for any
other purpose.
Outside caterers can use the ISEC catering kitchen, by arranging with the ISEC/EXP Operations
Team, prior to your event.
All ISEC event drop-off and pick-up deliveries (catering, linens, furniture) need to be coordinated
within the window of your event reservation (including the allotted set-up and break-down time).
There is no space in ISEC for event storage; please plan accordingly with vendors.
It is the responsibility of the event coordinator to make sure that outside caterers clean up and clear
out the kitchen before leaving ISEC at the end of the event.
Event organizers are responsible for their guests during an event.
All events must fall within the proper use protocols set forth by Northeastern University, which can
be found here: https://www.northeastern.edu/policies/
It is the event representative’s responsibility to make sure that any third-party vendor has a certificate
of insurance on file with the University per Risk Services and the Office of the University Counsel.
ISEC Security
ISEC entrances are open Monday to Saturday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. but closed Sundays. ISEC lab users
have key card access 24/7 to ISEC entrances. ISEC lab users should not open ISEC entrances for
unauthorized individuals and make sure all doors are closed and latched after they enter ISEC building
during off hours.
Vendors need to follow the current Facilities access approval process and fill out the corresponding
paperwork to get on the University’s list of approved vendors, etc. Scheduling of the vendor’s service
shall be coordinated via the relevant Department Safety Officer or responsible Departmental point of
contact. Finally, the Department Safety Officer will communicate with their Faculty members and
students so that the occupants will be aware of any service that will be happening in and/or impacting
their laboratory areas. Vendors need to enter via the loading dock and take the freight elevator. The
Department Safety Officer or responsible Departmental point of contact can coordinate with the vendor
on arranging for someone (DSO or designated personnel in the relevant department, OARS Co-op
student, etc.) to meet them and show them to the exact work area, and to show them out when the work is
completed. Without a vendor badge, they would need to be met by an escort who can take them from one
area to the next until the work is done, and then escort them out.
The security of the laboratory spaces is crucial and all ISEC occupants and laboratory users are
accountable for maintaining it. Vendors and other visitors to the laboratory should only be let in by the
person who is responsible, or who has been delegated as responsible, for coordinating with the vendor or
visitor (DSO or designated personnel in the relevant department, OARS Co-op student, etc.). These
arrangements should be made in advance, and back-up points of contact in the respective laboratory group
and/or department should be designated.
ISEC Conference Rooms
Conference Room Overview
There are over 100 research groups in the building. The ISEC conference rooms are used by ISEC faculty
and development. Thus, there is a high demand for ISEC conference rooms. For that reason, there is a
need to implement the following guidelines, with the shared goal of an efficient room reservation system.
There are three conference rooms on most of the floors: X05, X01, and X32, each with different seating
capacities: X05 can accommodate 5 people, and X01 can accommodate 12 people. The largest conference
room X32 can hold 12 people around the table, and an additional 6 people can sit in second-row chairs
without a table.
Conference Room Guidelines
ISEC conference rooms are available for ISEC faculty but must be reserved through the
ISEC/EXP Operations Team.
Any ISEC conference room reservation request should have the
following information: the meeting title, name of the research group; number of attendees, date,
time, and duration of the meeting; copy of the meeting’s Zoom or Teams link.
ISEC conference rooms are used ONLY for research meetings and cannot be used for office
space or lab equipment demonstrations.
All conference room doors in ISEC are unlocked Monday to Saturday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. On
Sundays the conference rooms are locked for cleaning.
ISEC conference rooms are reserved for the use of faculty and research groups whose labs are
currently in residence within ISEC. Unless a lab has its primary space in ISEC, they are not
considered a resident ISEC lab.
Recurring reservations are valid only for the current semester.
Weekly research group meetings should not exceed 2 hours per week, except if more than one
ISEC research group is involved in the same meeting.
ISEC conference rooms cannot be used to teach a class.
ISEC conference rooms cannot be used for events (e.g., group lunch or any group party).
Meetings directly related to research will be given priority.
ISEC conference rooms cannot be reserved by graduate students.
Office hours or capstone projects are not allowed in ISEC conference rooms. Faculty can reserve
a classroom through the Office of the Registrar using 25Live via me.northeastern.edu
for these
For any meetings needing to last more than 3 hours (e.g., outside agency that is reviewing a grant,
etc.) please contact the ISEC/EXP Operations Team
to help coordinate.
Due to the high demand and limited availability of conference room space in ISEC, particularly
for larger groups, the ISEC/EXP Operations Team books conference room spaces strategically,
based on the room capacity and the requester's expected numbers of in-person attendees. If the
requester reserves a large conference room for a large group, but only uses the room with a few
people (ex. 2-3 in-person attendees), the ISEC/EXP Operations Team reserves the right to
relocate these smaller groups from a larger conference room into any available smaller
conference room that can accommodate the smaller group size.
There are additional parameters for use of the conference rooms already established by the Provost’s
The Dean’s office of colleges represented in the ISEC can request a conference room for events
of strategic importance to the College.
Other elements of the university can schedule conference rooms for events of strategic
importance to the university.
The conference rooms are otherwise not generally available for booking request from outside of
ISEC conference rooms cannot be reserved in advance for students, but Northeastern students can
walk-in and use any conference room to study if it is empty / available. Students can reserve
conference room in other spaces at Northeastern through
Conference Room Housekeeping
Please keep in mind that the next meeting in this room could be with a potential donor for your research,
your department, or your college.
Be sure to turn off the lights and close the door when leaving the conference room.
Do not leave anything behind.
Please clean the markerboard and leave the room looking neat, with chairs pushed in.
Do not remove anything that you find in the conference room, including chairs, door stops, any
computer accessories, whiteboard markers and erasers.
Please do not disconnect or change the setting of the camera or other AV connections.
Food in ISEC conference rooms is only permissible for meetings of strategic importance to the
university. Due to the high volume and demand of these types of meetings in ISEC, we need to
ensure cleanliness and seamless transitions between meetings. However, if you are hosting a
meeting of strategic importance to the university and will be serving food in a conference room:
please be aware that food scents will linger, as the conference rooms were not designed for food
consumption and cannot properly ventilate scents out of the room. Please choose food with little
to no smell (such as deli sandwiches or salad) and remove all food packaging and food waste
from the room immediately after the meeting. The trash bins in the conference rooms are small,
so please use the kitchen trash bins for this purpose.
Use of Audiovisual Software
Audiovisual systems in the ISEC Auditorium, classrooms and conference rooms are supported by
University IT Services.
If you have any questions or need assistance with any AV trouble shooting, contact IT Service Desk for
help. Call 617. 373.HELP [4357], email help@northeastern.edu, or submit a request through the Tech
Service Portal: https://service.northeastern.edu/tech
ISEC conference rooms are equipped with Microsoft Teams Collaboration Rooms, which support
collaborative meetings through video and content sharing devices, where everyone can be included
regardless of their location. To get started, just invite the room to be a participant in any meeting, call, or
presentation. Direct link about using ISEC Microsoft Teams Collaboration Rooms conference room:
Keeping the Building in Top Condition
Any changes to the physical building may only be made with approval by the ISEC/EXP Operations
Director and by submitting a Space and Capital Project Request (SCPR). This includes furniture orders,
renovations, painting, etc. Please check in with the ISEC/EXP Operations Director, before submitting the
SCPR to initiate this process.
Lab samples, packages, or hazardous materials are not allowed in ISEC passenger elevators. ONLY the
service / freight elevator should be used for those materials.
Ads, Fliers, and Posters on the Wall
No ads, fliers, posters, or banners may be affixed to walls, glass, doors, or railings. The fliers will be
removed by Facilities. Materials may be posted on easels only for events. Please contact the ISEC/EXP
Operations Director, for approval.
ISEC Offices
The vision for the ISEC building was to create a center for interdisciplinary collaboration through visual
connectivity and transparency between spaces. It is for this reason that the building is designed with clear
glass walls instead of solid partitions. Each office has been furnished with a clear glass sidelight, and it is
building policy to have NO window treatment on office sidelights or any partition that blocks the glass to
maintain integrity of the open and transparent building concept.
Items placed on offices and labs windowsill are not allowed, as it will damage the very expensive shades
and change the glass transparency. Equipment and furniture against glass walls between the write-up
spaces and the labs are not allowed.
The following items are not allowed in ISEC offices or write up spaces: Sun lamps, space heaters,
halogen lamps, decorative lights, electric percolators, and all other electric cooking equipment including
hot plates, panini press, toaster ovens, toasters, microwave ovens. Lights that directly assist in reading or
other work functions are permitted.
Storing food in write up spaces is discouraged – perishable meals for the day can be stored in the
communal kitchen refrigerators; the researchers should use lockers or under-desk cabinets to store
personal size snacks. Refrigerators, water coolers, bikes and scooters are not allowed in the lab write up
Facilities Work Requests
When should I submit a work request?
Submit a work request through me.northeastern.edu
for any office or lab maintenance issue, for example:
Key card reader needs battery replacement; bad smells; cleaning issue; HVAC issue; and need for soap or
paper towel refill in the labs and the kitchens.
How do I submit a work request?
Go to: me.northeastern.edu
> Resources > Campus Space and Events > Facilities & Residential Life
Work Request
Bicycle Room
Short-term bike parking is available in the ISEC bike room on the first floor or designated outside areas
with bike racks. Door access to the bike room will be given to ISEC faculty, staff and graduate students
who use their bike for commuting upon request.
ISEC bike room policy:
The ISEC bike room is only available to ISEC occupants doing work in the building. If they are
not on the Boston campus their bike cannot be in the ISEC bike room. No other bikes may be
stored in the ISEC bike room.
ISEC bike room users should check the weather in the morning, if there is a storm that they will
be unable to ride their bike at the end of the workday, they should not bring their bike to ISEC.
Bikes should not be stored overnight in the ISEC Bike Room.
No bikes are allowed in the corridors, entranceways, lobby, labs, elevators, or common area nor is
it permitted to lock them in other parts of the building.
All bikes should be marked with the owners’ contact information or ISEC bike tag.
The ISEC bike room will be checked daily and any bike that is in violation of the above
guidelines will be removed without notice.
Empty cardboard boxes must be recycled and should not be left in any ISEC common spaces. Each floor
has a recycling hamper (near the freight elevator). Cardboard boxes must be flattened and broken down
before they are placed in the cardboard recycling hamper. Empty cardboard boxes should be removed
from the lab regularly.
A work request should be submitted if there are many cardboard boxes after a lab cleanout or for removal
of wooden pallets. Wooden pallets should not be stored in the write up spaces or in the lab. Pallets are
not permitted in write up spaces. Pallets are permitted in lab spaces only for the immediate purposes of
either receiving or removing lab equipment. A work request for removal of the pallet shall be placed
immediately after the lab equipment is removed from the pallet.
The ISEC battery collection bin is located at ISEC basement near the services / freight elevator. For more
info, please go to https://facilities.northeastern.edu/materials-recycling/recycling/
Animals/Pets in ISEC
For full information on the University’s policies on pets on campus, please read the
Policy on Pets on
Common Areas/Shared Space
ISEC does not receive mail directly from any carriers (e.g., FedEx, Amazon, UPS, etc.). Northeastern
University has two central mail and packages receiving facilities: Mail Services and Transportation.
Northeastern University’s Boston Campus mailing address should be used; do not use the ISEC street
Please note, ISEC mail delivery is only available for faculty whose primary lab is located in ISEC. All
other mail will be re-directed back to campus mail for re-routing through Transportations/Mail Services to
the appropriate primary lab location. The ISEC/EXP Operations Team will not continue to track the status
of packages once they have left ISEC. In addition, all bulk orders for event purposes (water, soda, juice
etc.) need to be delivered to the warehouse (1 Marbury Terrace), not the Columbus Place mail room. Mail
services does not have the capacity to delivery bulk orders to ISEC.
Please contact ISEC/EXP Operations Team
for more information about ISEC packages and mail
receiving, and shipping process.
Kitchen/Lounge/Balcony on Each Floor
The kitchens and lounges are common areas intended to serve the building’s users: Northeastern faculty,
staff, visitors, graduate students, and undergraduate students. These spaces are not designed to be used for
events; they are not large enough to host events without disrupting the intended use by the occupants and
students. Hosting an event in these spaces could exceed the maximum occupancy allowed and violate the
fire code. The ISEC lobby is the only space that can be booked for events. It can be reserved through the
Registrar office using 25Live (See Event section of this document). The following items are not allowed
in ISEC kitchen: Hot plates, panini press, toaster ovens.
Communal Kitchen/Housekeeping
Communal kitchen and refrigerators are not for long term food storage, but only daily use.
Raw meat, poultry and seafood are not allowed in the communal kitchen’s refrigerators and
freezers. Any raw meat, poultry and seafood that is found in the communal kitchen’s refrigerators
and freezers will be discarded.
Wet dishes should not be left to dry on the kitchen counter, this will damage the countertops.
Any personal dishes and utensils left unattended on the kitchen counters will be discarded.
No food should be disposed in the kitchen sink, as there is no disposal, this will clog the sink.
Northeastern Alcohol Policy
Per Northeastern Alcohol Policy, serving alcohol is not allowed in ISEC open kitchen or any common
spaces, “Alcohol may only be served on campus in locations that are deemed by NUPD and/or Office of
Risk Services to have controllable access”. For more details, please see https://cpb-us-
w2.wpmucdn.com/sites.northeastern.edu/dist/8/805/files/2020/09/alcohol-guidelines.pdf and https://risk-
Shower Rooms
ISEC showers are shared space, with card access. If you need access, please contact the
Operations Team. Any items left unattended will be discarded. Towels and personal items must be
removed after leaving the room. Users should leave the shower room neat and clean exactly as they find
Laboratory Shared Space
Laboratories, offices, other physical space, and equipment supporting Northeastern University activities
are valuable and limited resources requiring active management and continuous stewardship. Shared
resources among university members can be assigned to address diverse space related needs in the
university including enabling efficiency in activities that require common resources, fostering
collaboration between interdisciplinary activities, enabling close working relationships between university
members, using and sharing common equipment, addressing the reality of shortage of space, among
others. Support by the university, its colleges and its departments for the shared resources should result in
better safety, community, and efficacy in the shared investments as faculty and staff can focus on the
intended scholarship, teaching, and service. The Faculty Senate of Northeastern University has passed
multiple resolutions for charters that create an efficient and equitable agreement concerning the use and
operation of shared resources. For example, the College of Engineering Research Space Policy requires a
shared space charter that addresses operational, cost and personnel related topics, such as: lab rules,
guidelines and procedures for lab access, safety, OARS and ECOS requirements, normal operations,
equipment scheduling, repairs, supply stocking, and cost sharing. The Shared Space Charter Template is
available from the Faculty Senate Research Policy Oversight Committee and the Provost Office.
For any given collaboration between researchers or research groups in ISEC, the corresponding
Department and/or College Administrators (e.g., Department/College Safety Officers, Department
/College Financial Administrator/Point of Contact, etc.), are responsible for assisting the ISEC research
collaborators in the creation of a shared resource charter as described above. Individual shared resource
charters created for collaborations internal to ISEC do not supersede and therefore must abide by the
following: the ISEC Building Use Guidelines outlined in this document, as well as all Northeastern
University policies. A shared resource charter for a collaboration in ISEC may only encompass spaces
that have already been assigned to the research groups involved in the charter.
ISEC Loading Dock
When using the loading dock, advance communication with the ISEC/EXP Operations Team
is required.
Include the date and time that use of the loading dock is needed, as well as the purpose. All reservations
should be made at least 48 hours in advance to provide effective coordination. Reservations made with
less than 48 hours of advance notice will be accommodated on an as-able basis, but may not be approved
if the dock is otherwise reserved. If you have not made a reservation to use the loading dock with the
ISEC/EXP Operations team, the dock may not be available for use at the desired time.
Nothing should be left on ISEC loading docks even for a short period of time.
Do not back into the loading dock until you are ready to load/unload the equipment. After
loading/unloading pull out of the loading dock.
Make sure the overhead door is always closed unless backing in or pulling out.
Anything left unattended on the loading dock will be discarded.
Do not block the main entrance of the loading dock. All unauthorized vehicles will be towed.
Vendor Access
Vendors need to follow the current Facilities access approval process and fill out the corresponding
paperwork to get on the University’s list of approved vendors, etc. Scheduling of the vendor’s service
shall be coordinated via the relevant Department Safety Officer or responsible Departmental point of
contact. Finally, the Department Safety Officer will communicate with their Faculty members and
students so that the occupants will be aware of any service that will be happening in and/or impacting
their laboratory areas. Vendors need to enter via the loading dock and take the freight elevator. The
Department Safety Officer or responsible Departmental point of contact can coordinate with the vendor
on arranging for someone (DSO or designated personnel in the relevant department, OARS Co-op
student, etc.) to meet them and show them to the exact work area, and to show them out when the work is
completed. Without a vendor badge, they would need to be met by an escort who can take them from one
area to the next until the work is done, and then escort them out.