What IS a Senior Letter?
Senior Letters are positive letters written to seniors. They are delivered to seniors at the Senior Breakfast during
the last week of school.
What kinds of things can I write about in a senior letter?
There are many acceptable topics for senior letters. These include, but are not limited to
• congratulating the senior on graduating
• wishing the senior well in his/her next phase of life (college, military, career)
• reminiscing on fond memories (childhood, school, social gatherings, etc…)
*This is not an appropriate time to bring up old grudges or get one last dig in at a person.
When do seniors receive their letters?
Seniors receive their letters AT the senior breakfast at the end of the year. Seniors who are not able to attend
the breakfast can pick them up from Mrs. MacAllaster (Main Hall Front Office) the next morning.
They will also be available for pick up AFTER graduation practice. This is because we stuff the folders right up until
the last minute; they will not be ready until the breakfast, so seniors CANNOT pick them up early.
When is the senior breakfast?
TBA - but usually the week of senior final exams.
How do I write a senior letter and get it to a student?
Senior letters can be written on notebook paper, colored paper, stationary, cards, etc… Please place senior letters
in envelopes. On the middle of the left side of the envelope, please write the full name of the student to
whom the letter is addressed. If a student is from another country, but has an American name, please tell
us that as well. For example, write: Ye Sol “Jane” Lee. The more information you give us, the easier it is for
us to make sure the letter gets to the right person. There will be senior letter drop boxes in the Main Office,
Counseling Suite, and in the West Hall Office.
What if somebody outside of school (parents, grandparents, family friends, etc…) wants to send me a
• People who live locally can mail their letters or choose to bring their letters to the school and drop them off at the
front desk or Media Center.
• People who live farther away can mail their letters, or, if saving postage is a real concern, they can e-mail the
letters to your parents who can then print them off and drive them up to the school.
• Envelopes should contain the address in the regular location and the student’s full name, including middle name,
birth name, and American name as applicable, on the left side of the middle of the envelope.
Full Student Name Here
Example: Ye Sol “Jane” Lee --SO IMPORTANT!!!
Send letters to:
South Forsyth Unleashed Memories
South Forsyth High
585 Peachtree Parkway
Cumming, GA 30041
Who reads the senior letters?
Senior letters are delivered to students during the senior breakfast. All letters are subject to be opened.
Can people send items other than letters?
This is NOT advisable. If people want to send money, please have them send it directly to your house. We make
EVERY effort to deliver the right letters to the right people, and we are very successful at this, but I wouldn’t want
something to accidentally happen to your money. Also, we are really only equipped to store and sort letters. If
people want to send you large gifts or photo albums full of memories, please have them deliver those to your
When can I begin turning in senior letters?
We will receive letters between January 25th and April 23rd. After that, we will need time to sort and organize
Please contact Mrs. Rebecca Hewitt with any questions.
770-781-2264 ext.100612