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An open-air screening of the 3rd Budapest Classics Film Marathon
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As I write these lines, the Preservation & Restoration Workshop India
(FPRWI) 2019 just ended in Hyderabad. It is hard to believe that it is
already the fth time that FIAF has been working in close collaboration
with the Film Heritage Foundation to organize the amazing training
initiative – an event that already welcomed almost 300 participants over
its rst ve editions. Our partnership has got stronger and stronger every
year and, partly as a result, the workshop has got more complex, richer
and more adapted to the specic needs of the participants and to their
dierent knowledge levels.
There are now signs that the Workshop is really starting to make a
dierence, not only by training the next generation of lm archivists in
each of India’s regional lm industries (this year the Telugu lm industry,
whose rich legacy is at risk of total disappearance), but also by raising
public awareness about the urgent need to save lm heritage in India
(thanks to the generous help of various high-prole lm personalities
such as Amitabh Bachchan to promote our cause) but also in other
neighbouring countries. This last point is crucial for us. We have worked
together with the Film Heritage Foundation to open FPRWI to other
countries in the Indian sub-continent. This year we were able to welcome
participants from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal, as well as a strong
contingent of 10 lms archivists from Afghanistan.
We are, as always, very proud of the work done by our Training and
Outreach Coordinator David Walsh, who has once again put together
an ambitious and complex multi-thematic curriculum covering the key
aspects of lm archiving. As a global network of solidarity, FIAF could
also count on the dedication and expertise of some of its 169 aliated
archives and their sta to contribute to the Workshop. From the feedback
we received from the trainers, it was an incredibly rewarding experience
for them too.
Last but not least, we must express our warmest congratulations to
Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, Teesha Cherian, and their dedicated team at
the Film Heritage Foundation, on their key role in the impeccable organi-
zation of this year’s workshop, but also on their unparalleled dedication
to the cause of lm preservation in India and its neighbouring countries.
“FPRWI” is now one of the key events in FIAF’s global training and out-
reach calendar, and one that we now regard as a clear model for other
training initiatives for lm archivists in other parts of the world, such as
the one that took place last May in Bloomington, Indiana, and others
elsewhere in the coming years.
Christophe Dupin
01 News from the
02 News from
the Executive
03 News from the
04 Journal of Film
05 News from the P.I.P.
06 News from the
07 Training and
08 FIAF Congress(es)
09 CCAAA and
10 FIAF Supporters
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01 New FIAF Aliates
The silent green Kulturquartier, where the Arsenal lm archive is located
Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art (founded in
1963 as “Friends of the German Film Archive”) is an insti-
tution located at Potsdamer Platz and in the quiet, leafy
Kulturquartier in Berlin. The institution is dedicated to
developing and fostering international lm and video
art. Its work comprises running the 2-screen Arsenal
cinema, and putting on the Berlinale Forum and Forum
Expanded as part of the Berlin International Film Festi-
val, as well as collecting and distributing works of inde-
pendent and experimental cinema. Arsenal has a lm
collection numbering 10,000 titles. It bears testimony to
the idea of lm (history) as a “living archive”, and spans
both historical trends in the history of the avant-garde
and current trends in lm and video art. The task for the
future will increasingly consist of processing and preser-
ving the collection, as well as opening the archive up to
outside use through digitization/restoration.
Arsenal also encourages public discourse on the
language, history, and future of lm in a wide range of
dierent forms, and provides comprehensive consul-
tation services and research facilities for curators and
scholars, as well as anyone else interested in lm.
The Board of Directors is made up of the lm schol-
ars and curators Milena Gregor, Birgit Kohler, and Ste-
fanie Schulte Strathaus.
As a charitable association, Arsenal – Institute for
Film and Video Art has a cultural remit and receives
funding from the Federal Government Commissioner
for Culture and Media to this end, as well as project-re-
lated support from a wide range of dierent institu-
tions and partners.
Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre, Gatineau, Québec
In 2022, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) will be cele-
brating 150 years of acquiring, processing, preserving,
and providing access to Canada’s documentary heri-
tage. From the establishment of the Dominion Archives
in 1872 to the creation of the National Library of Ca-
nada in 1953, through the merger of these two storied
institutions into Library and Archives Canada in 2004,
and on to today’s “Digital Age,” we have always played
a vital role in documenting our country’s history. LAC’s
employees in the library and archival elds are experts
at ensuring that Canadians are and will be able to mine
the treasures of their collective past.
LAC is home to a Canadian lm repository that is vir-
tually unequalled in the diversity of works it holds. We
have been actively acquiring lms for 50 years, and we
hold master material for many of our titles. We strive to
acquire the most original, complete, and archival mate-
rial, making our lm collection extremely important to
the preservation of Canada’s cinematic heritage.
The acquisition and preservation of lms by LAC
can be traced back to 1967, when a disastrous re in
a Montreal area storage facility destroyed millions
of feet of unstable nitrate lm. Two years after that
tragic event, the Canadian government authorized
the countrys Public Archives to begin collecting lm,
which led to the establishment of the national lm ar-
chives in 1976. To this day, LAC continues to acquire and
preserve lms in both French and English, from private
and government sources.
Nathalie Knoll
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Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario
LAC has the expertise to collect and store nitrate
lm, and is home to a highly specialized dedicated sto-
rage facility for this purpose. With so little of what was
produced in the rst decades of lmmaking in Canada
having survived until the present (as is generally the
case for early lm most anywhere), our role is key in
preserving the countrys early lm history. Our collec-
tion includes signicant works such as Back to God’s
Country (1919), Canada’s oldest feature lm.
In addition to our dedicated lm storage vaults
and a lm preservation laboratory with the ability
to colour grade and print to lm, we have two DFT
4K Scanity scanners and a full digital grading suite.
LAC also has photochemical lm duplication capa-
city, and is currently in the planning stages for the
construction of a new facility that will include a fully
equipped screening room.
Collaboration and cooperation are essential com-
ponents of LAC’s eorts to build a comprehensive col-
lection of Canada’s documentary heritage – a key ele-
ment of which is on lm. We are honoured to now be
part of the FIAF family.
Leslie Weir
Librarian and Archivist of Canada
The cinema of the Cinémathèque Robert-Lynen before its current
The opening of the Cinémathèque de la Ville de Paris
in 1925 was the culmination of 15 years of reection on
the use of cinema as an educational tool. Since then, its
mission has been to educate young audiences to how
cinema can indeed be an educational tool as well as a
recreational activity and a cultural artefact. A place
dedicated to the educational use of images, it has as-
sembled a completely unique archive that reects the
evolution of cinema and related practices, consisting
of lms, photographs, and a range of objects relating
to the various projection devices.
When in 1947 the Cinématheque was allocated
part of Ocampo, a private mansion in Pariss 17th ar-
rondissement, as its new premises, new perspectives
opened up. From 1952 onwards, the then-state-of-
the-art projection room and booth made it a venue of
choice for training teachers in lm culture. The screen’s
heavy velvet curtain nally closed in 1992 after the ven-
ue no longer met the safety requirements pertaining to
places open to the public.
Regulatory safety works are currently in progress,
and the new premises are scheduled to open in 2020,
consisting of a 92-seat projection room plus an exhi-
bition space and educational workshops that will be
open to the general public.
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Building the new cinema of the Cinémathèque Robert Lynen
Robert Lynen (1920-1944)
In 1968, the Cinémathèque scolaire de la Ville de Paris
became the Cinémathèque Robert-Lynen, as a tribute to
Robert Lynen, a rising star of French cinema best known
for his roles in Julien Duvivier’s Poil de carotte (1932)
and Le Petit Roi (1933), and Marc Allégret’s Sans famille
(1937). In 1940 he had taken a break from cinema to join
the French Resistance. He was arrested in 1943 and sent
to Karlsruhe, where he was shot by the Nazis in 1944.
La création de la Cinémathèque de la Ville de Paris en
1925 consacre les années de réexions sur l’utilisation du
cinéma comme auxiliaire de lenseignement, misent en
place dès 1910. Elle a depuis, pour mission de faire du
cinéma un support pédagogique, un spectacle récréatif
et un objet de culture auprès des Jeunes publics. Lieu
dédié à la pédagogie par l’image, elle a su constituer
une archive tout à fait originale, reet de l’évolution de
ses pratiques, constituée de lms, de photographies et
d’objets relatifs aux diérents dispositifs de projection.
Lorsqu’en 1947, la cinémathèque se voit attribuer
pour nouveaux locaux une partie de l’hôtel particu-
lier Ocampo (Paris XVII°), de nouvelles perspectives
s’ouvrent à elle. L’installation alors moderne de la salle
et de la cabine de projection, à partir de 1952, fait de
cet endroit un lieu privilégié pour la formation des ins-
tituteurs à la culture cinématographique. Le lourd ri-
deau en velours de l’écran s’est refermé un jour de lan-
née 1992, les conditions de sécurité d’accueil du public
n’étant alors plus adaptées aux normes en vigueur.
Actuellement des travaux de mise en sécurité ré-
glementaire sont en cours de réalisation et la nouvelle
installation doit ouvrir courant 2020. C’est une salle de
92 spectateurs qui sera accessible, ainsi qu’un espace
d’ateliers pédagogiques et d’expositions qui seront mis
à la disposition d’un plus vaste public.
Robert Lynen (1920-1944)
En 1968, la cinémathèque scolaire de la Ville de Paris
devient Cinémathèque Robert-Lynen. Ce nouveau nom
rend hommage au jeune acteur, étoile montante du ci-
néma français, surtout connu pour ses rôles dans Poil
de carotte (Julien Duvivier, 1932), Le Petit Roi (Julien
Duvivier, 1933) et Sans famille (Marc Allégret, 1937). En
1940, Robert Lynen s’engage dans la résistance et sera
arrêté en 1942. Envoyé à Karlsruhe, il sera fusillé par les
nazis en 1944.
Emmanuelle Devos
Directrice de la Cinémathèque Robert-Lynen
Born with Tunisia’s independence, the idea of promo-
ting the countrys lm heritage couldn’t come to frui-
tion under the Bourguiba and Ben Ali regimes. Over
the years generations of lmmakers, intellectuals, and
cultural players have promoted, nurtured, and protec-
ted the fundamental values of the ambitious project of
a Cinémathèque tunisienne, which has long remained
in embryo – a theoretical claim, a dream, whose rea-
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lization was thwarted by the vicissitudes of a system
incapable of coming to terms with the essentially de-
mocratic nature of moving images.
The project ocially came back on the agenda in
2008 with the construction of the City of Culture, but
only materialized in 2018 when work was nally complet-
ed on this monumental cultural infrastructure, which
the dictatorial system had mainly wanted to build for its
prestige. But as history would have it, the City of Culture
was inaugurated at a time of democratic transition, and
a space within it was dedicated to the Cinémathèque
tunisienne. Having a room and premises to welcome
the public is certainly an major asset, and an acknowl-
edgement on the part of the authorities. However, this
tool may remain ineective without an appropriate
institutional framework and accompanying measures
guaranteeing the projects viability. As such, the inclu-
sion of the Cinémathèque tunisienne within the Centre
national du cinéma et de l’image (CNCI, established in
2011) is the cornerstone that provides this structure with
the legal basis it had always lacked. The Cinémathèque
is now a department within the Centre’s organization
chart, with clearly dened statutory prerogatives. From
a legal, administrative, and nancial standpoint, the
Cinémathèque is dependent on the CNCI, which ensures
its place within the new Tunisian audiovisual ecosystem,
thus contributing a cohesive dynamic welcomed and
supported by the entire lmmaking community.
The Cinémathèque tunisienne must now make up for
lost time, and is relying on its own resources to take root
indigenously in its environment and to serve Tunisian civil
society and its associated network. It participates in a
decentralization program for the regional dissemination
of lm culture. Part museum, the Cinemathque is above
all a welcoming space where people connect through
lms. Little by little, it is building its own identity via its
artistic choices, and has quickly succeeded in building a
regular audience. Through its educational centre, it has
developed an editorial line that reects current social
concerns. With 15 weekly screenings, presented as the
matic retrospectives, it oers an engaging image educa-
tion programme, representing a diversity of tastes and
the b
readth of lm history, curating cycles that whet the
appetite of lm lovers and the curiosity of young audi
ences (lm students in particular). The Cinémathèque
is not subject to any censorship. Its decisions are made
with caution and courage to stir debate, that is, to help
the wind blow but without causing storms.
This sustained pace is a strategic choice to assert
the Cinémathèque’s presence on the cultural scene.
Admittedly, this nancial eort is dicult to maintain,
as it doesn’t yet have the means to implement its am-
bitious policy. Its annual budget of 600,000 Tunisian
dinars, or 200,000 euros, barely allows it to operate. To
optimize resources, it reaches out to peer institutions
in order to create synergies, working relationships, and
solidarity. For example, a partnership with the Nation-
al Library of Tunisia made it possible to set up a conser-
vation space, inaugurated on 1 November 2019 during
the Carthage Film Festival. The Cinémathèque tunisi-
enne denes itself as a facilitator which promotes a
fertile chemistry in the social and cultural community.
In less than two years, it has taken up the challenge
of complying with FIAF’s ethical, technical, and artis-
tic standards, striving to earn its rightful place in the
global network of cinematheques.
New lm shelves for the Cinémathèque tunisienne at the National Library of
Lancée depuis l’indépendance de la Tunisie, l’idée de
valoriser le patrimoine cinématographique n’a pu évo-
luer sous les régimes de Bourguiba et de Ben Ali. De
nombreuses générations de cinéastes, d’intellectuels
et d’opérateurs culturels ont porté, couvé, protégé les
valeurs fondamentales de cet ambitieux projet de Ci-
némathèque tunisienne, qui est resté de longues an-
nées à l’état d’embryon, de revendication théorique, de
rêve, prenant parfois la forme de tentatives dont la ré-
alisation s’est heurtée aux vicissitudes d’un système in-
capable d’assumer lessence démocratique des images
en mouvement.
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Remis ociellement à lordre du jour en 2008 avec
la mise en place de la Cité de la Culture, le projet n’a pu
se concrétiser qu’en 2018, à la n des travaux de cette
monumentale infrastructure culturelle que le système
dictatorial avait surtout voulu ériger pour son prestige.
Mais comme l’histoire en a voulu tout autrement, c’est
dans le cadre de la transition démocratique que la Cité
de la Culture a nalement été inaugurée, en dédiant
un espace à la Cinémathèque tunisienne. Le fait de bé-
nécier dune salle et de locaux pour accueillir le public
est certes un atout important et une reconnaissance de
la part de l’autorité de tutelle. Cependant, cet instru-
ment de travail pouvait très bien rester inopérant si le
cadre institutionnel n’était pas adapté et s’il nétait pas
assorti de mesures garantissant la viabilité du projet.
À ce titre, l’inscription de la Cinémathèque tunisienne
au sein du Centre national du cinéma et de l’image
(créé en 2011), constitue la pierre angulaire permet-
tant à cette structure de trouver le socle juridique qui
lui a toujours manqué. La Cinémathèque tunisienne
est désormais une direction faisant partie de lorgani-
gramme de ce centre dont les prérogatives statutaires
sont clairement dénies. Juridiquement, administrati-
vement, nancièrement la Cinémathèque tunisienne
dépend du CNCI, ce qui lui permet de se positionner
dans le nouvel écosystème audiovisuel tunisien, parti-
cipant ainsi à la cohérence dune dynamique que toute
la corporation des cinéastes salue et soutient.
Consciente de son retard, la Cinémathèque tuni-
sienne mise sur ses ressources propres pour s’enraci-
ner de manière endogène dans son environnement en
se mettant au service de la société civile tunisienne et
du tissu associatif. Développant un programme de dé-
centralisation, elle participe à la diusion de la culture
cinématographique dans les régions. Espace muséal, la
cinémathèque se veut avant tout un espace convivial
où le lm sert de lien. Peu à peu, les choix artistiques
construisent son identité. En très peu de temps, la ci-
némathèque a réussi à déliser un public. À travers son
Pôle pédagogique, elle développe une ligne éditoriale qui
fait écho aux préoccupations sociales de l’heure. Avec
ses quinze projections hebdomadaires, présentées sous
la forme de rétrospectives thématiques, elle propose un
programme d’éducation à l’image non rébarbatif, mi-
sant sur la diversité des goûts et la richesse de l’histoire
du cinéma, concoctant des cycles qui entretiennent
l’appétit des cinéphiles et la curiosité des jeunes specta-
teurs (les étudiants en cinéma notamment). Pour rap-
pel, la cinémathèque n’est soumise à aucune censure.
Ses choix sont négociés avec autant de prudence que
de courage pour soulever des débats, c’est-à-dire faire
souer le vent sans provoquer de tempêtes.
Ce rythme soutenu constitue un choix stratégique
pour ancrer une présence sur la scène culturelle. Il
est vrai que cela constitue un eort nancier dicile
à maintenir, car la cinémathèque n’a pas encore les
moyens de sa politique ambitieuse. Son budget annuel
de 600 000 dinars tunisiens, soit 200 000 euros, lui per-
met tout juste d’assurer son fonctionnement. Pour op-
timiser les ressources, la Cinémathèque tend la main à
d’autres institutions homologues an de créer des sy-
nergies, de la complémentarité et de la solidarité. C’est
ainsi que le partenariat avec la Bibliothèque nationale
de Tunisie a permis de mettre en place un espace de
conservation, inauguré à l’occasion des Journées ci-
nématographiques de Carthage, le 1er novembre 2019.
La Cinémathèque tunisienne se dénit comme un ad-
juvant favorisant une bonne chimie dans l’espace so-
cial et culturel. En moins de deux ans, elle a relevé de
nombreux dés pour se conformer au normes éthiques,
techniques et artistiques de la FIAF, et mériter ainsi son
entrée de plain-pied et de plein droit dans le concert
des cinémathèques du monde.
Hichem Ben Ammar
Directeur de la Cinémathèque tunisienne
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02 News from the Aliates
The 6th Eye International Conference hosts the 12th Or-
phan Film Symposium – “Water, Climate, and Migration”
The biennial NYU Orphan Film Symposium returns to
Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam 23-27 May 2020, combin-
ing forces with the annual Eye International Conference
o exp
lore contemporary archival and academic debates.
As always, both events assemble lm heritage profession
als, scholars, archivists, media artists, curators, collec-
tors, lmmakers, restorers, and others devoted to saving,
dying, and screening neglected audiovisual media.
This edition focuses on “Water, Climate, and Mi-
gration,” by examining how neglected works have
represented these phenomena throughout the histo-
ry of moving images.
The conference begins with an evening screening
on Saturday, 23 May, followed by three full days and
evenings of symposium presentations and screenings.
Attendees are also invited to “Meet the Archive,” a public
programme highlighting recent projects from the Eye Col-
lection on Saturday afternoon, 23 May, and a programme
f g
uided tours, presentations, demonstrations, and discus-
sions at the Eye Collection Centre on Wednesday 27 May.
For more information:
www.eyelm.nl/conference & wp.nyu.edu/orphanlm
English translation Eye Collection Policy
An English translation of the new Eye Collection Policy
has been published on the Eye website. This document
sets out Eye’s Collection Policy for national and inter-
national fellow institutions, sponsors, the lm indus-
try, academics, and students. It describes Eyes role in
preserving, digitizing, and restoring (analog and digi-
tal) lm heritage, and gives extensive insight into its
activities. You can download the Eye Collection Policy
here: https://www.eyelm.nl/en/le/58641/download
Gerdien Smit
Emil Jannings, Conrad Veidt, Wilhelm Dieterle, and Werner Krauß in Waxworks
by Paul Leni (1924)
Berlinale Classics 2020 – Waxworks by Paul Leni –
World Premiere of the Digitally Restored Version
The Berlinale Classics series will celebrate its opening on
21 February 2020 at the Friedrichstadt-Palast with a scree-
ning of the 1924 silent lm classic Waxworks (
: Paul Leni).
Accompanied by new music from the Ensemble Musikfa-
brik from North Rhine-Westphalia, with Swiss-Australian
ductor Elena Schwarz at the podium, this digital res-
toration under the aegis of the Deutsche Kinemathek and
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the Cineteca di Bologna will be shown onscreen for the
rst time at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival.
The new music for the lm, commissioned by broad-
casters ZDF/ARTE, combines ve acoustic instruments
(clarinet, trombone, viola, guitar, percussion) with two
keyboards and live electronics, in order to illuminate
Waxworks in all its arabesque richness.
No original German version of Waxworks survived.
The digital restoration used nitrate prints of the English,
French, and Czech language versions, as well as addi-
tional elements drawn from them. For the cooperative
project of the Deutsche Kinemathek and the Cineteca
di Bologna, L’Immagine Ritrovata digitized the lm in 4K
resolution and restored it in 2K. The colour concept as
well as the English title cards are based on a tinted and
toned nitrate print from the British Film Institute (BFI),
which served as the primary element for the restoration.
The digital restoration was funded by the German Com-
mission for Culture and the Media (BKM).
The world premiere of the digitally restored version
in Berlin is a cooperative venture between the Berlin
International Film Festival, the Deutsche Kinemathek,
and public broadcaster ZDF in cooperation with ARTE.
The lm will have its TV premiere on ARTE on Monday,
24 February 2020; the Blu-ray/DVD will be released at
the same time by absolut Medien.
Film:ReStored 04
The 4th edition of the Film Heritage Festival “Film:ReS-
tored” took place 24 -27 October at the Filmhaus in
Berlin. Film programmes, talks, and workshop reports
were dedicated to lm sound and were attended by
a large audience. From early experiments like sound-
on-disc, to colorful variable-density sounds and the
elaborate 4-track magnetic sound system, all the way
to experimental lm scores, this year’s festival oered
fascinating new and re- discoveries, not only for the
eyes, but also for the ears. Digital restorations of early
sound lms like Ariane (Germany, 1931) and The Chase
after Millions (Germany, 1930) had their premiere in the
frame of the festival. Workshop reports dealt with early
commercial and experimental lms, such as the works
of Hans Richter, which he re-edited himself with sound
after World War II, and presented technologies and
procedures of preserving and digitizing audio tracks.
International FIAF guests Anna Sienkiewicz-Rogowska
and Jakub Stadnik of the Filmoteka NarodowaInsty-
tut Audiowizualny, Warsaw, oered insights into their
digitization projects and presented innovative sound
digitization techniques. As an example of a current
audio restoration, The Two Joans (Poland, 1935) was
screened, a lm which is a rare document of Polish po-
pular cinema between the wars.
The fourth day of the festival was dedicated to au-
dio descriptions for the visually impaired, taking into
account that these soundtracks become increasingly
requested for historical lms. The audience had the
opportunity to experience exemplary audio descrip-
tions of various classics, such as The Enigma of Kasper
Hauser (West Germany, 1974), or lesser-known works
like the anti-nuclear power docudrama Interim (West
Germany, 1985) from a new perspective.
Details regarding the 5th edition of “Film:ReStored”,
taking place at the end of October 2020, will be pub-
lished in due course.
Anke Hahn
Anna Sienkiewicz-Rogowska and Martin Körber at Film:ReStored 04
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Exhibition on Burn Marks — Film Posters from a Salt
Mine – 28 November 2019 – 31 May 2020
Numerous international lm posters from the rst
40 years of lm history were found in a salt mine in
Grasleben, Germany, in 1986, where part of the Na-
tional Socialists’ Reichslmarchiv (Film Archive of the
Third Reich) had been stored since World War II. We are
presenting two dozen extensively restored posters and
telling their history for the rst time.
Did a miners lamp in Grasleben really tip over in
June 1945, triggering the destruction of countless lm
materials? In a salt mine of all places, where these and
other cultural assets were supposed to be protect-
ed from the eects of war? Or had American agents
and special units already evacuated the storage area
two months before and then used the re to cover
their tracks? These questions can presumably never be
answered. What does survive are historical lm post-
ers into which the traces of time have literally been
burned. These works have come into the care of the
Deutsche Kinemathek in the interim, while further ma-
terials, documents, and objects are still slumbering in
the depths of the salt mine.
Why and how did the lm archives make their way
there in 1944-45, during the last months of the war?
And what happened at the mine after the war ended?
This exhibition tells these stories. It also addresses the
subject of protecting cultural assets and looks into the
painstaking eorts that are undertaken to keep his-
torical legacies from being forgotten. Find out more:
Sandra Hollmann
The Days of Silent Cinema:
Le Giornate del Cinema Muto at Indiana University
Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive and
the Indiana University Cinema hosted highlights of
Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, the silent lm festival
which is presented annually in Pordenone, Italy. The
satellite festival in Bloomington, The Days of Silent Ci-
nema: Le Giornate del Cinema Muto at Indiana Univer-
sity, took place in early November and highlighted six
special presentations from this year’s festival and one
from a previous festival.
Attending and presenting at the festival were Jay
Weissberg, festival director of Le Giornate del Cinema
Muto, as well as composer/musicians Neil Brand (UK)
and Philip Carli (US), and curator/scholars Maggie
Hennefeld (University of Minnesota) and Laura Horak
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(Carleton University), who presented two programs of
short lms highlighting the origins of European slap-
stick, titled Nasty Women 1&2.
All lm screenings were accompanied with piano
scores by Neil Brand or Philip Carli, with the exception
of full orchestral accompaniments for Alfred Hitchcocks
The Lodger and the 1915 “vamp” melodrama A Fool There
Was, starring Theda Bara. Panel discussions with the
guest curators and musicians happened daily as well.
The festival was curated by Jay Weissberg, Rachael
Stoeltje, Laura Horak, Maggie Hennefeld, and Jon Vickers.
Rachael Stoeltje
A New Headquarters and a New Name
On 12 June 2019, the new headquarters of the Cinema-
teca Distrital opened its doors, now as the Cinemateca
de Bogotá. Three lm theatres, an expanded theatre,
several classrooms, a gallery, a specialized consultation
area, conservation spaces, a library, an early childhood
room, and a creation ecosystem have consolidated the
Cinemateca as the rst Cultural Centre of Audiovisual
Arts in Colombia.
Since its opening, activities focusing on audiovi-
sual heritage have been conducted, notably the rst
Restored Cycle, the Digital Preservation Laboratory,
the Hackatón “Pura Sangre Descartado”, the Cine-
matographic Image Digitization Workshop, and 16mm
screenings. It has also continued its own cycles and ex-
hibitions, such as Cinemateca al Parque, Cicla – Cita con
el Cine Latinoamericano, Muestra Afro, and Ciclo Rosa.
Nueva Sede y Nuevo Nombre
El 12 de junio la nueva sede de la Cinemateca Distrital abrió
sus puertas, ahora Cinemateca de Bogotá. Tres salas de
cine, una sala expandida, aulas múltiples, galería, área
de consulta especializada, espacios de conservación, bi
blioteca, sala para la primera infancia y un ecosistema de
creación, consolidan la Cinemateca como el primer Centro
Cultural de las Artes Audiovisuales de Colombia.
Desde su apertura se han realizado actividades
enfocadas al patrimonio audiovisual, destacando el
primer Ciclo Restaurados, el Laboratorio de preser-
vación digital, la Hackatón «Pura Sangre Descartad,
el Taller de digitalización de imagen cinematográca
y proyecciones en 16mm. Se ha dado continuidad a los
ciclos y muestras propias como, Cinemateca al Parque,
Cicla – Cita con el Cine Latinoamericano, la Muestra
Afro y el Ciclo Rosa.
Henry Caicedo
Budapest Classics Film Marathon
he 3rd Budapest Classics Film Marathon proved to be a
huge success. During the festival in September, the Hun-
garian National Film Archive presented more than 100 lm
ssics, many fully restored, including 21 recently res-
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tored Hungarian movies, and 20 lms from FIAF member
institutions. During the 8 days of the retrospective, 17,000
people attended screenings and cine-concerts at ve ve
nues in Budapest, as well as educational workshops on
lm identication, sound restoration, and professional
lectures. Besides screenings, audiences had the chance
to see Hungarian and foreign guest stars arriving in Bu
dapest at the invitation of the Film Marathon and recei-
ving an enthusiastic welcome from the public. This year
lm f
ans had the opportunity to meet in person Pierre
Richard, Udo Kier, Magda Vášáryová, Johanna ter Steege,
Oscar-winning director István Szabó, and Oscar-nomi
nated director of photography Lajos Koltai.
Restorations and DVD Releases
Within the long-term lm restoration and digitization
programme of the Hungarian National Film Fund – Film
Archive launched in 2017, eight outstanding works by
Márta Mészáros were restored during the course of 2019.
Örökbefogadás/Adoption was shown at the Berlinale,
the original uncensored version of Péter Bacsó’s A tanú/
The Witness was screened at Cannes Classics, and Is-
tván Gaál’s Sodrásban/Current at Venice Classics. In
2019, restoration of the ground-breaking animation lm
Fehérlóa by Marcell Jankovics was nalized; in 1984,
this work was voted among the world’s 50 best anima-
tion lms. This was restored thanks to the combined
eorts of the Hungarian National Film Fund and the
American company Arbelos. Furthermore, Béla Tarr’s
Kárhozat/Damnation and the Imre Gyöngyössy-Barna
Kabay lm Jób lázadása/The Revolt of Job, which was
nominated for an Oscar in 1984, were restored. Additio-
nally, in 2019 Hungarian Film Classics were screened at
prestigious festivals such as the Annecy International
Animated Film Festival, Il Cinema Ritrovato, the Lumière
Festival, and the “Toute la mémoire du monde” Festival.
Among others, the Hungarian National Film Archive
released the DVD Gems of Hungarian Animation, which
included 48 animated short lms. This publication se-
lected award-winning lms from the three decades of
the “golden age” of animation.
Sales Results
The distribution department of the Hungarian Natio-
nal Film Archive also closed a successful year. Over the
course of 2019, there were more than 1,500 screenings
in Hungary and abroad of restored Hungarian lm
classics. In the USA Ildikó Enyedi’s Az én XX. századom/
My Twentieth Century and István Szabó’s lms Me-
phisto, Bizalom/Condence, and Redl ezredes/Colonel
Redl were shown, courtesy of distributor Kino Lorber.
My Twentieth Century was also released in Japan and
Greece, and the lms of Márta Mészáros are soon ex-
pected to be released in France.
Tamara Nagy
Australia’s The Sentimental Bloke,
Digitally Restored for its 100th Anniversary
The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia
(NFSA) has completed work on the 30th digital resto-
ration produced as part of its NFSA Restores program:
The Sentimental Bloke.
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One of the countrys greatest silent lms, and one
of the few that has survived in its entirety, will pre-
miere at the majestic Open Air Cinema in Sydney on 15
February 2020.
This digital restoration was an international eort,
utilizing multiple sources, including a digital scan of a
pristine ne grain print from the George Eastman Mu-
seum in Rochester, New York. Two DCPs will be avail-
able to exhibitors: a silent version, and one featuring a
new contemporary score, especially composed by ARIA
Award-winning musician Paul Mac.
Restauration numérique du lm australien
The Sentimental Bloke pour le 100ème anniversaire
The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia
(NFSA) a terminé sa 30ème restauration numérique,
dans le cadre de son programme NFSA Restores: The
Sentimental Bloke.
Lun des plus grands lms muets du pays, et l’un des
rares à avoir surcu dans son intégralité, sera présenté
en première mondiale au majestueux Open Air Cinema
à Sydney le 15 février 2020.
Cette restauration numérique est le résultat dun
eort international faisant appel à plusieurs sources,
notamment le scan numérique d’une copie impeccable
au grain n du George Eastman Museum de Rochester,
New York. Deux copies numériques seront disponibles
aux exploitants: une version silencieuse et une version
accompagnée d’une nouvelle partition exclusive, com-
posée par le musicien Paul Mac, lauréat du prix ARIA.
El Sentimental Bloke australiano,
digitalmente restaurado para 100º aniversario
The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA)
ha nalizado su 30ª restauración digital producida como
parte del programa NFSA Restaura (NFSA Restores): The
Sentimental Bloke (Un Tipo Sentimental).
Una de las más grandes cintas mudas del país, y
una de las pocas que han sobrevivido en su totalidad,
será estrenada en el majestuoso Cine al Aire Libre de
Sydney el 15 de febrero de 2020.
Esta restauración digital fue un esfuerzo interna-
cional y utilizó múltiples fuentes, incluyendo el escaneo
digital de una copia prístina de grano no del George
Eastman Museum en Rochester, Nueva York. Dos DCPs
estarán disponibles para los exhibidores: una versión
muda, y una con una banda sonora contemporánea,
compuesta especialmente por el músico ganador del
premio ARIA, Paul Mac.
Miguel Gonzalez
Snowy Hydro 70th Anniversary
In September 2019, the National Archives of Australia
digitized 40 lms from its collection for Snowy Hydro
Limited to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the
Australian Government-owned company. It is res-
ponsible for the most signicant hydro-electricity and
irrigation system in Australia, built from 1949-1972 by a
primarily migrant workforce.
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The 16mm lms document the building of power
stations, tunnels, and dams during this 23-year period.
Original reversals, interpositives, and composite prints
were scanned in 5K on a Lasergraphics ScanStation.
The archive’s digitized footage has been highlighted at
the Snowy Hydro Discovery Centre’s state-of-the-art
immersive theatre experience for visitors to enjoy.
Rahnee Alvarez
A Trip to Mars (Himmelskibet, 1918, dir. Holger-Madsen)
Stumlm.dk – Streaming and Film Archaeology Site
The Danish Film Institute has launched the streaming site
Stumlm.dk, where everyone can follow the digitization
of more than 400 works from the 1903-1928 period.
Running over the next 4 years, this lm-archaeo-
logical project will be both wide-ranging and unpre-
dictable. Some of the old reels have not been viewed
since the 1920s. As the lms are digitized, they will be
streamed on the site, accompanied by posters, photos,
thematic articles, scripts, and contemporary reviews.
Furthermore, an aliated research project will
delve into the exchange between Danish and German
silent lm culture from 1910 to 1930.
Anne Schwartz
A view of the workshop
Workshop, “Enhancement of Quality of Collection
and the Storage of Film” held in Dhaka
A day-long workshop, “Enhancement of Quality of
Collection and the Storage of Film”, involving lm per-
sonalities, was held at the Seminar Hall of the Bangla-
desh Film Archive on 25 September 2019. Representa-
tives of the Bangladesh Film Producers Association,
Bangladesh Film Directors Association, Bangladesh
Film Journalists Association, and Bangladesh Cinema-
tographers Association, as well as a number of eminent
lm actors and actresses participated in the workshop.
The speakers praised the Bangladesh Film Archive’s
signicant role in preserving national history and heri-
tage through the preservation of lms. They expressed
their deep satisfaction with the preservation system,
especially the newly built lm vaults of the BFA. They
assured their thorough cooperation in collecting lms
from dierent sources.
The lm industry workers were informed of the up-
coming 77th FIAF Congress, which will be hosted by the
BFA in Dhaka 28 March-4 April 2021, in conjunction with
the celebration of the golden jubilee of the People’s Re-
public of Bangladesh.
The program was chaired by the Director General of
the BFA, Mr. Bidhan Chandra Karmakar.
Smita Barua
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Hessian Film and Cinema Prize:
Honorary Prize of the Hessian Prime Minister
Volker Bouer awarded to DFF
The Honorary Prize of the Hessian Prime Minister Volker
Bouer was awarded to the DFF – Deutsches Filmins-
titut & Filmmuseum at the celebration of the Hessian
Film and Cinema Prize in the Alte Oper on 18 October.
Director (and CEO) Ellen Harrington, Board Chair Niko-
laus Hensel, and former Director Claudia Dillmann ac-
cepted the award with appreciation: “We are proud that
with the DFF, this is the rst time that an institution has
been honoured with the prize, and even better, that this
is happening in our 70th anniversary year 2019. The insti-
tution owes its dedicated work for cinema and the art of
lm above all to its highly motivated employees.
Frauke Hass
National Audiovisual Institute Launches
4k Streaming Service
On 3 December, the National Audiovisual Institute
(KAVI) in Helsinki launched a greatly expanded strea-
ming service at elonet.nna..
The key addition is 200+ Finnish feature lms, which
are now freely available for streaming anywhere in the
world. The bulk of these lms are available at Ultra HD
resolution, but all feature titles are in at least HD quality.
The number of lms available for streaming will
grow in the coming years, because KAVI owns about
450 feature lm titles in all. This number is about a
quarter of all feature lms ever produced in Finland.
Mikko Kuutti
New Publication:
VUFKU. Lost & Found. Hardcover book
(Ukrainian, English), 256 pages.
A new book has been published, the catalog of the
Dovzhenko Center’s research project, VUFKU. Lost &
Found, which collected unique archival materials, il-
lustrations, and documents of the 1920s. The history
of VUFKU (All-Ukrainian Photo Cinema Management)
is one of the most successful modernization projects
of Ukrainian culture to this day. The book aims not
only to present this forgotten phenomenon, but also
to explore dierent ways of dealing with the lost and
nding it. Specically for the publication, six well-
known writers (Oleksandr Irvanets, Tatiana Maliar-
chuk, Oleksii Nikitin, Anton Sanchenko, Natalka Sni-
danko, and Iryna Tsilyk) have created ctional texts
based on the plots of lost lms from the 1920s that
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have come to us in the form of so-called “libretto-ex-
panded synopsis”.
The book was awarded Special Distinction from the
jury at the IV Competition for the Best Book Design in
2019, among books about cultural studies.
The design and layout is by Aliona Solomadina; the
concept of publication, research, and selection of visu-
al material are the product of the teamwork of the de-
signer, together with creative director Olha Zhuk and
curators / editors Anna Onufriienko, Stanislav Men-
zelevskyi, and Oleksandr Teliuk.
The book was published with the support of the
Ukrainian Cultural Fund.
Video review of the book: https://vimeo.com/355301475
Oleksandr Prokopenko
Sta Announcement
Petra Vlad succeeds Nadia Roch as Head of the Non-
Film Department of the Cinémathèque suisse. Petra
Vlad is currently in charge of the graphic arts oce,
library, documentation centre, and photo library at
the Centre National du Costume de Scène in Moulins,
France. She will take up her duties on 1 January 2020.
The Cinémathèque suisse is dedicating a double DVD
box-set to the city of Lausanne, comprising 49 lms
and a 130-page booklet. Striking images, shot between
1896 and 1982, take into account the evolution of the
life of the city and its inhabitants.
A young visitor at the new Research and Archiving Centre in Penthaz last September
Nearly 3,000 visitors discovered the new Research and
Archiving Centre of the Cinémathèque suisse in Pen-
thaz during an open house held last September. This
was an opportunity for a very wide audience to explore
a high-tech building and discover an exceptional col-
lection, unveiled exclusively to the participants of the
last FIAF Congress in April 2019.
Petra Vlad succède à Nadia Roch au poste de Chee
du Département Non-Film de la Cinémathèque suisse.
Petra Vlad est actuellement responsable du cabinet
d’arts graphiques, de la bibliothèque, du centre de do-
cumentation et de la photothèque au Centre National
du Costume de Scène à Moulins (France). Elle entrera
en fonction au 1er janvier 2020.
La Cinémathèque suisse consacre un double coret
DVD à la ville de Lausanne comprenant 49 lms et un
livret de 130 pages. Des images saisissantes, tournées
entre 1896 et 1982, qui rentrent compte de lévolution
de la vie de la cité et de ses habitants.
Près de 3000 visiteurs ont découvert le nouveau
Centre de recherche et d’archivage de la Cinémathèque
suisse à Penthaz lors de portes ouvertes organisées en
septembre dernier. Loccasion pour un public très large
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d’explorer un bâtiment high-tech et de découvrir une
collection exceptionnelle, dévoilés en exclusivité aux
participants du dernier congrès FIAF en avril 2019.
Catherine Muller
News from PUCP
A new General Coordinator, Carlos Alberto Chavez
Rodriguez, a historian from the Ponticia Universidad
Catolica del Peru, has made his entrance at the PUCP
Film Library.
Dos Caminos (1972, 113 mins., b&w, dir. Salvador
Akoskin) was restored and exhibited; a competitive
fund was won (Ministry of Culture of Peru, “Econom-
ic Stimuli to Culture 2019”) to restore Luis Pardo (1927
feature, b&w, dir. Enrique Cornejo Villanueva).
Fondo Editorial PUCP edited “Hablemos de Cine”,
(Anthology) Vol. 3, by Isaac Leon Frías and Federico de
Cárdenas, and “El Cine de los maestros”, by Federico
de Cárdenas.
Noticias de la PUCP
Nuevo Coordinador General de la Filmoteca PUCP,
Carlos Alberto Chavez Rodriguez, historiador por la
Ponticia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Se restauro y
exhibio Dos caminos (1972, 113 minutos, b/n, de Salva-
dor Akoskin); se gano fondo concursable (Ministerio de
Cultura del Peru, “Estimulos Economicos a la Cultura
2019”) para restaurar Luis Pardo (1927, largo metraje,
b/n, de Enrique Cornejo Villanueva). Fondo Editorial
PUCP edito “Hablemos de Cine”, (Antología) Vol. 3, de
Isaac Leon Frías y Federico de Cárdenas, editores; y “El
Cine de los maestros”, de Federico de Cárdenas.
Installation of New Compact Shelves
ANIM, the Cinemateca’s conservation centre, is cur-
rently installing new compact shelves in 5 of its 10
safety lm vaults. As a consequence, all print loans are
temporarily suspended until the end of December 2019.
The new shelves will also bring about a major re-orga-
nization of the safety lm collections, with the colour
and black & white masters being moved to more recent
and more ecient acclimatized vaults.
New Releases on DCP
On the digitization front, several new Portuguese lms
are now available in DCP format, including Francis-
ca (Manoel de Oliveira, 1981), presented in this year’s
edition of the Venice Film Festival, and The Arms and
the People (a collective lm about the Portuguese
Revolution, 1975), presented at the Lumière Film Fes-
tival. Upcoming digitization projects include Auto da
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Floripes (a 1959 amateur production which would ins-
pire Oliveira’s 1962 lm, Rite of Spring), and Acto dos
Feitos da Guiné (Fernando Matos Silva, 1980), a critical
reection on the crimes of Portuguese colonialism in
Tiago Baptista
UCLA Film & Television Archive Joins UCLA Library
The UCLA Film & Television Archive is now part of the
UCLA Library. The move aligns the second-largest re-
pository of motion picture and broadcast program-
ming in the U.S. with the UCLA Library’s world-class
archival and research collections, and positions the Ar-
chive for greater integration in teaching and learning,
as well as expanded access through the Library’s ro-
bust digital platforms.
Library and Film & Television Archive materials al-
ready signicantly complement one another, and un-
derscore a shared commitment to documenting di-
verse communities:
The Archive preserved and makes accessible on-
line all 21 seasons of In The Life, the rst natio-
nally broadcast news magazine advocating LGBT
visibility and equality. Enhancing the episodes
are synopses and transcripts, story research,
and publicity les in Library Special Collections.
Library Special Collections holds photographs,
correspondence, audio recordings, and more
from the rst female member of the Directors
Guild of America in the Dorothy Arzner Papers,
while the Archive has restored several lms,
including The Wild Party and Working Girls.
“The UCLA Library and Film & Television Archive are
longtime partners with a shared vision of preserving
unique, historical materials and making them avail-
able to the UCLA and wider academic and lm pres-
ervation communities,” said Ginny Steel, Norman and
Armena Powell University Librarian and Interim Direc-
tor of the Archive. “Having the Archive as part of the
UCLA Library strengthens the impact of print, digital,
and audiovisual collections on teaching and learning.
UCLA Film & Television Archive Receives $10 Million
to Support its Preservation Mission
UCLA Film & Television Archive has received a $10 mil-
lion endowment from the Patricia W. Mitchell Trusts
to preserve and share programing from the Archive’s
world-renowned television collection. In honor of the
endowment, the Archive’s television collection will be
named after pioneering television studio executive and
Columbia Pictures Television founder, John H. Mitchell.
The gift also endows the Archive’s full-time television
archivist position, likewise named to honor his legacy.
As a central component of a $20 million bequest to
UCLA from the trusts, the endowment will signicantly
enhance the Archive’s ability to acquire, preserve and
make publicly accessible historic television content. In
addition to funding the development of a state-of-the
art framework for the digital preservation and storage
of television collection holdings, the endowment will
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support the Archive’s public exhibition of TV, includ-
ing screenings, symposia and online initiatives where
visitors can access select materials for research and
enjoyment via the internet. Examples of the Archive’s
recent online projects include a site which oers free
streaming access to 20 seasons of the LGBTQ news and
entertainment magazine program, “In the Life” and a
portal dedicated to rare local news footage of former
Los Angeles Mayor Thomas Bradley.
Todd Wiener
Digitization of Films
Fondazione Cineteca Italiana (FCI) has been digitizing
several lm collections, mainly those in which Milan
plays a central role, such as those of Comerio Films and
other Milanese distributors from the 1920s such as Mila-
no Films. The Cineteca also continued the digitization of
materials of Raggio Film, the production company set
up by actress, lmmaker, and producer Elettra Raggio
(the stage name of Ginevra Rusconi, Milan 1887-1973).
Her paper archive, as well as lm fragments, were do-
nated to the FCI at the end of the 1950s. La morte che
assolve (1918, dir. C.A. Lolli), is the only surviving lm in
which Elettra Raggio acted; in this melodrama dealing
with family morals this great silent diva can be seen in
two roles, together with popular stage actor Ermete No-
velli. The 2K restoration was made by MicLab.
La morte che assolve (1918) contains interesting ex-
tras, such as unpublished lm materials and an in-
depth introduction by Elena Mosconi, a silent cinema
scholar and professor.
The FCI also nalized the restoration of I Promes-
si Sposi (The Betrothed, 1921), an adaptation by Mario
Bonnard of Alessandro Manzoni’s novel. The DVD is for
sale online (www.cinetecamilano.it), along with the
following, all belonging to the “MIC Treasures” series:
1958 Nelo Risi: un poeta in AEM: digital restoration
of the industrial documentaries shot between 1931-1981
by Milanese poet and lmmaker Nelo Risi, with lively
animations by Mino Maccari. A joint project of FCI-Fon-
dazione AEM-Gruppo A2A. The section titles (such as
“Water equals Energy” and “A River of Light”) hint at
what this work is like, namely a universal history of
electrication, with many links to the Milanese munic-
ipal company AEM.
Franco Piavoli. Poesie in immagini. I cortometrag-
gi 1959-2016. Franco Piavoli (born 1933) is an outsid-
er and self-taught director and painter whose work,
thematically inspired by Lucretius, made of wonderful
meditative images not needing words or dialogue, has
been dened as “a poem, journey, concert on nature,
the universe, life itself. The DVD contains his very rst
works shot with a 8mm Paillard camera and his lat-
est medium-length lm Festa (2016), shot digitally. It is
rounded o by two unpublished interviews.
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Piccolo Grande Cinema – Festival internazionale
delle giovani generazioni
The 12th edition of “Great Little Cinema – International
Festival for Young Generations” created and directed by
the FCI took place from 31 October to 9 November at
MIC-Museo Interattivo del Cinema, Auditorium G. Testo-
ri of Palazzo Lombardia (a Lombardy Region venue) and
in one of the three Cineteca lm theatres, Area Metro-
polis 2.0 of Paderno Dugnano (Milan). Over 11 days the
public attendance was beyond all expectation (6,000+
spectators, 2,800+ students), conrming the Festival’s
power of attraction for spectators of all ages.
The Festival staged 19 international premieres, 4
competition sections, 60 screenings, 100 shorts by
young lmmakers, 17 guests, 140 jury members, spe-
cial screenings and workshops, and festive moments
focused around the evocative power of the Moon.
Edition of the Cineteca Summer Camp
From 23 June to 13 July a lovely mountain location in
Trento Province was the setting for a unique cinema
experience, oering young people eager to have fun
and develop their creativity. 75 children and teenagers
(aged 8-14) had the opportunity, under the guidance
of Cineteca experts, to shoot, edit, and produce a
short movie inspired – once more – by the theme of the
Moon, in this case tied in with the 50th
anniversary of
the Moon landing.
Luisa Comencini
Image of Herman Costa from SCREENTEST by Frank and Caroline Mouris, 1975.
Preservation of Screentest
The Yale Film Study Center has completed preserva-
tion of SCREENTEST, a short lm made by Frank and
Caroline Mouris in 1975. This live-action lm from the
Mourises, made with a grant from the A.F.I., features
nine creative artists donning costumes and taking part
in performances on screen, while the soundtrack is
made up of the artists’ multilayered commentary on
the lm. In the words of Frank Mouris, the lm captures
“the inventiveness that went into their visual image-
ry, the quickness with which they perceived and even
anticipated visual trends, and the devotion to their
own particular kinds of artistry, which bespoke a true
professionalism in this activity which they performed
mostly for themselves and their friends.” Working from
the best surviving 16mm print after the negatives were
lost, the Film Study Center has created new preserva-
tion negatives and prints, as well as digital elements,
for the lm.
Brian Meacham
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The Cinémathèque de Nice in Moscow
On the occasion of the centenary of the Studios de la
Victorine, created in 1919, the Cinémathèque de Nice
had the pleasure of being invited by Gosmofond to
present at the Illusion cinema in Moscow a retrospec-
tive of lms shot in Nice and at the Victorine. From 28
October to 11 November, Moscow audiences were able
to discover some 15 lms, from Jean Vigo’s À propos de
Nice to André Téchiné’s L’Homme qu’on aimait trop, as
well as François Truaut’s La Nuit américaine, Et Dieu
créa... la femme by Roger Vadim, and Jacques Demy’s
La Baie des Anges. Some of these lms were also scree-
ned at the Dom Kino Cinema in St. Petersburg during
the International Cultural Forum in St. Petersburg.
The Cinémathèque de Nice à Moscou
À l’occasion du centenaire des Studios de la Victorine
créé en 1919, la Cinémathèque de Nice a eu le plaisir
d’être invité par le Gosmofond pour présenter au ci-
néma Illusion de Moscou une rétrospective de lms
tournés à Nice et à la Victorine. Du 28 octobre au 11
novembre, le public moscovite a ainsi pu découvrir une
quinzaine de lms, d’A propos de Nice de Jean Vigo à
L’Homme qu’on aimait trop dAndré Téchiné, en pas-
sant par La Nuit américaine de François Truaut, Et
Dieu créa… la femme de Roger Vadim ou encore La
Baie des Anges de Jacques Demy. Une partie de ces
lms a également été reprise au cinéma Dom Kino de
Saint-Pétersbourg à l’occasion du Forum culturel inter-
national de Saint-Pétersbourg.
Guillaume POULET
Silent Film Screenings at Frogner Kino, Oslo
The National Library of Norway has begun a collabo-
ration with Frogner kino, a newly restored cinema in
Oslo from 1926. Over a period of three years, all survi-
ving Norwegian feature lms from the silent era will be
screened in this historic setting, with live music, and
in chronological order. The rst screening took place
on 11 November 2019, and included the lms Dæmonen
(fragment, Jens Christian Gundersen, 1911), Under for-
vandlingens lov (Halfdan Nobel Roede, 1911), and Re-
volutionens datter (Ottar Gladtvet, 1918) – the latter
with musical accompaniment written and performed
by Nils Petter Molvær and Jan Bang.
Eirik Frisvold Hanssen
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The Jean Vigo Institute,
Winner of the “Cooperation in the Mediterranean”
Call for Projects of the Occitan Region
For almost 10 years, the cinematheque has been wor-
king for the recognition of amateur cinema. Through
the “Pyrenees-Mediterranean Film Memory” Project
and its dedicated website, a real local lm memory
is built with each deposit or donation. The Jean Vigo
Institute has just received the support of the Occitan
Region to carry out work to bring amateur archives
closer to Algeria and Tunisia. For two years, the three
lm libraries, accompanied by the Tunisian Federation
of Amateur Filmmakers, will discuss collection and
conservation practices. An inventory of lms on the
Mediterranean and a digitization programme will lead
us to the creation of a montage lm bringing together
the archives of the three lm libraries. Filmer en Mé-
diterranée (Filming in the Mediterranean) is the name
of this ambitious project, which will help to forge links
between the two shores of the Mediterranean.
L’Institut Jean Vigo, lauréat de l’appel à projets
« Coopération en Méditerranée »
de la Région Occitanie.
Depuis bientôt 10 ans, la cinémathèque œuvre pour une
reconnaissance du cinéma amateur. À travers le pro-
jet « Mémoire lmique Pyrénées-Méditerranée » et son
site internet dédié, c’est une véritable mémoire lmique
locale qui se construit à chaque dépôt ou don. L’Insti-
tut Jean Vigo vient de recevoir le soutien de la Région
Occitanie pour mener un travail de rapprochement des
archives amateurs avec l’Algérie et la Tunisie. Durant
deux ans, les trois cinémathèques, accompagnées par
la Fédération tunisienne des cinéastes amateurs, vont
échanger sur les pratiques de collecte et de conserva-
tion. Un inventaire des lms sur la Méditerranée ainsi
qu’un programme de numérisation nous mènera à la
création d’un lm de montage réunissant les archives
des trois cinémathèques. Filmer en Méditerranée, tel est
le nom de cet ambitieux projet qui va permettre de tis-
ser des liens entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée.
Frédéric Borgia
for Best Restored Film 2019
Czechoslovakia 1932
Director: Gustav Machatý Author of the original story and script writer: Gustav Machatý, František Horký
Photography: Jan Stallich Production design: Bohumil Heš Editing: Antonín Zelenka Sound: Josef Zora
Music: Giuseppe Becce Cast: Hedy Kiesler, Aribert Mog, Zvonimir Rogoz, Leopold Kramer
The donors of the restoration project were Mrs. Milada Kučerová and Mr. Eduard Kučera.
Milada & Eduard Kučerovi
A1_Poster_Extase_ENG_2.indd 1 24.11.19 21:24
The recent restoration of Extase (Gustav Machatý, 1932)
was for us an exceptional endeavour which wouldn’t
have been possible without the contribution and colle-
gial help of many institutions worldwide, most of them
FIAF members and aliates. The British Film Institute,
the Bundesarchiv, Cinémathèque16, Cinémathèque
suisse, CNC, the Danish Film Institute, Filmarchiv Aus-
tria, Filmmuseum München, Gaumont, and the Slovak
Film Institute have all contributed to the project, which
aimed to restore the original Czech version of the lm.
It is also thanks to them and the LImmagine Ritrovata
lab that Extase received the Best Restored Film award
at the 76th Venice International Film Festival, and will
be available on a DCP from February 2020.
Mateˇj Strnad
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Films of Jan Krˇíženecký
After much waiting and anticipation, it is with great
pleasure that we can nally announce the release of
the DVD/Blu-ray The Films of Jan Krˇíženecký. This col-
lection contains all the preserved lms by Jan Krˇíže-
necký; made between 1898 and 1911, they are the rst
lms in the history of Czech cinema. Apart from the
lms proper, the Czech-English edition oers rich
supplementary audiovisual material, as well as texts
contextualizing Krˇíženeckýs lms in various aspects.
The approach to how the lms are being presented was
carefully reasoned. It was a conscious decision to “only
digitize” the oldest surviving lm elements, minimi-
zing any restoration attempts in order to present these
pioneering works in a form that brings their diversity
and materiality to the fore.
Jirˇí Anger
Award Granted
The George Eastman Museum has received a grant
award of $340,615 from the National Endowment for
the Humanities for its Protecting the Nitrate Film
Heritage project. Funding will support environmental
upgrades at the Museum’s Louis B. Mayer Conservation
Center in Chili, New York, the repository of 24,000 reels
of 35mm nitrate-based motion picture prints and ne-
gatives, 40,000 nitrate photographic print negatives,
and 25,000 nitrate lm frame clippings. Project activi-
ties include the purchase of a back-up generator, the
installation of an energy recovery system, passive buil-
ding enhancements to increase energy eciency, and
an upgrade of electrical power delivery. The $730,000
project is underway and will be completed by Sep-
tember 2021.
Restoration of two Silent Film Classics
Additionally, the Museums Moving Image Department
has completed the restoration of two silent lm clas-
sics: Joan the Woman (Cecil B. DeMille, US, 1916) and
Sally, Irene and Mary (Edmund Goulding, US, 1925).
Both lms were scanned at the Museum’s Film Pre-
servation Services laboratory, and new 35mm preser-
vation lm elements and DCPs were created. Special
care was taken to reproduce the original Handschiegl
and tinting processes used in Joan the Woman, a pro-
ject supported by the Century Arts Foundation. Sally,
Irene and Mary is unique to the Museum and features
Joan Crawford in a career-making performance. This
project was supported by the Louis B. Mayer Foun-
dation. Prints and DCPs of both titles are available
through the Museum’s lm loan program by inquiring
at lmloans@eastman.org.
Caroline Yeager
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25th Anniversary Celebrations
The San Francisco Silent Film Festival (SFSFF) cele-
brates its 25th anniversary in 2020! Running for 5 days
between 29 April and 3 May, SFSFF showcases silent ci-
nema as it was meant to be seen – on the glorious big
screen with LIVE music! Taking place just days after the
2020 FIAF Congress in Mexico City, you can y direct to
San Francisco to enjoy this incredible live cinema expe-
rience before returning home. FIAF Congress attendees
are eligible for SFSFF’s industry discount, making at-
tendance all the more aordable.
Industry Accreditation Form:
For further information please email
info@silentlm.org or visit www.silentlm.org
Stacey Wisnia
Another Robert W. Paul Film Unearthed in Stockholm
In the frame of her current project, independent resear-
cher and historian Camille Blot-Wellens has identied
another lm by British pioneer Robert W. Paul among
previously unidentied items in the Archival Film Collec
tions of the Swedish Film Institute. Spliced together with
a fragment of a Pathé 1906 lm was an almost com-
plete b&w and tinted nitrate print of the comedy Short-
ted Sammy (1905), not existing in any other archive.
The plan is to make a photochemical preservation and
strike a new 35mm projection print in the coming year at
the Swedish Film Institute’s photochemical laboratory in
Rotebro. This is the third Paul lm recently identied in
Stockholm by Blot-Wellens, after The Fatal Hand (1907)
and A Collier’s Life (1904), both preserved in 2016.
Experimental Cinema for Kids
Repeating last year’s success (see FBO #16), the Swedish
Film Institute once again arranged a special Film Heri-
tage Day for kids on 6 October, with screenings of res-
tored lms, workshops, and guided tours to the archive
and the projection booth. Furthering the introduction
of heritage cinema to a younger audience, the Cine-
mateket on 10 November arranged a special screening
of classic experimental lms for kids, where program-
mer Stefan Ramstedt guided the young, captivated au-
dience through the history of art and experimental lm,
talking about and showing works by Joris Ivens, Len Lye,
Norman McLaren, Peter Kubelka, and others.
Jon Wengström
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Writer Helena Kadare and Co-Director Kristaq Mitro
At the June 2019 ACE Meeting in Bologna,
the Albanian National Film Archive became
the Newest Member of the Association of European
Cinematheques (ACE).
A rarely seen Albanian war lm, Nusja dhe Shtetrrethimi
(The Bride and the Curfew, 1978), was selected for the
Viennale’s “O Partigioano” retrospective series. An emo-
tional 35mm screening at the Austrian Film Museum
reunited screenwriter Helena Kadare and co-director
Kristaq Mitro, 41 years after the Albanian premiere.
Archive director Iris Elezi was the keynote speaker
at the FIAT/IFTA World Congress in Dubrovnik.
AQSHF will digitize its photographic collection, af-
ter receiving the UCLA Librarys Modern Endangered
Archives Program (MEAP) grant.
Iris Elezi
New Publication: Ruth Beckermann
– Filmmuseum Synema Publikationen
Edited by Eszter Kondor and Michael Loebenstein, this
rst English-language publication on Ruth Becker-
mann’s lmic oeuvre includes an original essay by Nick
Pinkerton, an in-depth conversation with the artist,
and a detailed lmography.
Viennese lmmaker Ruth Beckermann, who has
been making lms since the 1970s, has created an ex-
citing and widely recognized body of essay and docu-
mentary lms. Both deeply personal and political, her
lms discuss the complex relationship between history
and the present, while she also reects on her identi-
ty as a Jewish woman in post-war Austria and Europe.
Tropes of travel and migration feature heavily in her
work as means of experiencing the world and staying
alive, literally as well as artistically.
Andrea Pollach
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Amos Vogel Library
at the Austrian Film Museum
Amos Vogel (1921-2012) was one of the most important
personalities of American lm culture. Born in Vienna,
Austria, and forced into exile as a Jew in 1938, he later
became the founder and curator of Cinema 16 (1947-
1963), the largest lm club in the U.S.A. focusing on in-
dependent cinema; and founding director of the New
York Film Festival (1963-1968), focusing on the contem-
porary avant-garde; as well as the author of the inuen-
tial volume Film as a Subversive Art (1974), professor of
lm studies at the Annenberg School for Communica-
tion at the University of Pennsylvania, lecturer, critic,
and consultant at numerous international lm festivals.
In 2013 Amos Vogel’s personal library was returned to
Vienna, the birthplace of its founder, by his sons. Now,
the Austrian Film Museum is pleased to make the Amos
Vogel Library accessible to the public, thus providing
new insights into the ways of thinking and working of
this signicant and subversive pioneer of lm culture.
Elisabeth Streit, Tom Waibel
Edith Schlemmer Celebrates her 50th Anniversary
as a Team Member at Österreichisches Filmmuseum
(Austrian Film Museum)
The Film Museum team congratulates Edith Schlemmer
on 50 years of dedicated service. Ms. Schlemmer o-
cially retired from her role as the lm archivist more
than a decade ago but has continued to serve the mu-
seum as a consultant in the lm collection until this
day, passing on her knowledge to several generations
of archivists and lm enthusiasts.
A trained technician at Listo Film labs, Schlemmer
was recruited by Peter Kubelka and Peter Konlechner
in 1969. She transformed the Film Museum’s sprawl-
ing collection of lms into a proper lm archive. Key
achievements include work on Peter Kubelkas resto-
ration of Dziga Vertovs Enthusiasm. In 1999 she was
awarded the Austrian Decoration for Science and Art
for her services to the public.
In the 1960s Ms. Schlemmer acquired a private col-
lection of 2254 frames and snippets of lms, mostly
silent and mostly from the period between 1910 and
1920, many of which are otherwise believed lost. She
decided to make it available to the Film Museum for
the purposes of research and publication, and it is
published online. Any identication tips are welcome!
Michael Loebenstein
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New Oces
Ngaˉ Taonga Sound & Vision, the audiovisual archive for
Aotearoa New Zealand, moved into new oces wit-
hin the National Library Building in Wellington in Sep-
tember 2019. The move places Ngaˉ Taonga close to New
Zealands two other archival institutions, the National
Library and Archives New Zealand, and the proximity
of all three is expected to create opportunities for more
connections across the recorded heritage sector.
Ngaˉ Taonga Acting Chief Executive Honiana Love
said: “Ever since our previous building was assessed as
earthquake-prone, our priority has been to nd safe
and secure accommodation for our Wellington sta,
and we are very pleased that the risk has been removed
as completely as it can be.
Fraser Pettigrew
Film Curriculum
In autumn 2019 the Croatian Cinematheque began their
project Film Curriculum with a programme of Croatian
lms that are part of the curriculum at Zagreb Univer-
sity. The programme is being developed in cooperation
with university teachers of Croatian cinema, and is ai-
med at students, pupils, and all citizens interested in
Croatian lm history. Once a month, one feature and
one short lm will be screened in the Tuškanac cinema
in Zagreb. Each screening will be preceded by a brief
introductory talk given by a university teacher or some
other lm expert.
Juraj Kukocˇ
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03 News from the EC
> EC Meeting in Vienna
The FIAF Executive Committee (EC) met on 2 and 3 No-
vember 2019 in Vienna, Austria. All EC members were
present except Hugo Villa Smythe, who joined the
meeting by Skype to report on the preparations for the
2020 FIAF Congress. In attendance were FIAF Senior Ad-
ministrator Christophe Dupin and (for his item of the
meeting) P.I.P. Editor Rutger Penne. Here are some of
the highlights of the meeting.
The EC examined the applications for FIAF alia-
tion of 4 institutions – Arsenal – Institut für Film und
Videokunst e.V. (Berlin); Library and Archives Cana-
da (LAC, Gatineau); the Cinémathèque Robert-Lynen
(Paris); and the Cinémathèque tunisienne (Tunis), and
unanimously approved their admission as FIAF Asso-
The EC discussed the cases of a handful of aliates
which have failed to communicate with FIAF and/or
pay their aliation fee for some time, and it was de-
cided to formally write those aliates to warn them of
their likely suspension should the situation not evolve
The EC decided to add a section on “lm restora-
tions undertaken by FIAF aliates” to the 2019 Annual
Reports, which will have to be submitted by all a-
liates by 28 February 2020 (guidelines will be sent by
the Secretariat in early January).
The EC decided to launch the new statistical survey
in January 2020, i.e., 3 years after the last one, once
the nal 2017 statistical report currently drafted by Ra-
chael Stoeltje has been nalized and sent to all a-
liates. Logged-in members of the FIAF community will
be able to retrieve the data from the last survey in the
new online form.
The FIAF Treasurer reported to the EC that the an-
ticipated nal nancial results for 2019 were good,
thanks in particular to the excellent ProQuest sales -
gures for the rst part of the year.
The EC approved the revised 2020 budget intro-
duced by the Treasurer. This included the budgeting of
additional funds for the Secretariats administrative
work (to allow the Senior Administrator to spend more
time on the new FIAF history project – see below), for
the Cataloguing and Documentation Commission (to
reect its increase in membership following the recent
development of its “documentation” mission), and the
upward reassessment of the PIP’s ProQuest income for
2020, based on the latest gures for 2019.
The EC agreed to nalize a proposal to revise the
FIAF Statutes and Rules in line with the discussions of
the Lausanne General Assembly. The proposal will be
submitted to the community ahead of the Mexico City
General Assembly.
The EC assessed the various nominations received
for the 2020 FIAF Award and selected one of the perso-
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nalities nominated. An ocial announcement will be
made as soon as we have found a date and event at
which this Award can be given.
The EC discussed an early draft proposal from seve-
ral members of the CCAAA Board for the creation of a
coordinator position within the Board to increase the
Board’s eectiveness between meetings. The EC ap-
proved such a proposal, which will be discussed at the
next CCAAA Board meeting in January 2020, in prin-
The EC discussed the idea of making the back ca-
talogue of the Journal of Film Preservation freely avai-
lable to all as PDF les on the FIAF website again and
approved it unanimously. This decision should be im-
plemented by the Secretariat in the next few weeks.
The EC unanimously supported the new FIAF Histo-
ry Project led for FIAF by the Senior Administrator and
made possible by signicant funding from Tineke de
Vaal, widow of Jan de Vaal. It was decided that admi-
nistrative arrangements should be sought with the Se-
nior Administrator in the next few months to allow him
to spend enough time coordinating and taking part in
this project over the next couple of years.
The Senior Administrator reported on the rst round
of funding of the new FIAF Internship Fund in 2019 (with
three internships already completed), and introduced
the next round of funding. The EC expressed its sa-
tisfaction with the impact of this new Fund, and dis-
cussed how to promote it more to potential interns and
hosting FIAF archives.
The EC appointed a selection committee to exa-
mine the applications for funding from the 2020 Chris-
tian Dimitriu Fund, which was expected to be launched
in December 2019.
The EC discussed the progress made by Hugo Villa
Smythe and his team regarding the preparations for
the 2020 FIAF Congress. The EC noted the great rele-
vance of the Symposium theme proposed by the Fil-
moteca UNAM and hoped that the proceedings would
be published, perhaps on the model of the recent Hol-
lywood Goes Latin book.
The EC discussed the preparations for the 2021 FIAF
Congress in Dhaka and expressed its concern about the
lack of stability in the leadership of the Bangladesh
Film Archive, and therefore the diculty for the Senior
Administrator and the EC to have one long-term in-
terlocutor in Dhaka. It was decided that the EC should
convey this concern to our colleagues in Dhaka, and
that the EC and the Secretariat should work in close
partnership with the Bangladesh Film Archive on the
organization of the 2021 Symposium and in particular
on the choice of a topic for the Symposium.
The EC heard a progress report from György Raduly,
whose Hungarian National Film Archive was selected
by the last General Assembly to host the 2022 FIAF
Congress. The EC also received conrmation that there
is presently only one declared candidate to host the
2023 FIAF Congress – the Cinémathèque Québécoise.
The EC ocially noted that it had received two for-
mal invitations to host the 2024 FIAF Congress – from
the Film Archive (Thailand) and the Korean Film Ar-
chive. The EC concluded that both proposals seemed
very strong, but it declined to support one or the other
at this stage. The host of the 2024 FIAF Congress will
have to be chosen by the 2021 General Assembly.
> Next EC Meeting
The next EC meeting will take place 19-20 April 2020 in
Mexico City, on the eve of the 2020 FIAF Congress.
FIAF EC membership (2019-21)
The FIAF Executive Committee consists of Frédéric
Maire (Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne), President ;
Michael Loebenstein (Österreichisches Filmmuseum,
Vienna), Secretary-General; Jon Wengström (Swed-
ish Film Institute, Stockholm), Treasurer; Cecilia Cen-
ciarelli (Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, Bologna),
Vice-President; Michal Bregant (Národní Filmový Ar-
chiv, Prague), Vice-Treasurer; Iris Elezi (Arkivi Qendror
Shteteror i Filmit, Tirana), Vice-Secretary-General; Tia-
go Baptista (Cinemateca Portuguesa, Lisbon); György
Raduly (Hungarian National Film Archive, Budapest);
Chalida Uabumrungjit (Film Archive – Public Organi-
zation, Bangkok); Hugo Villa Smythe (Filmoteca de la
UNAM, Mexico City); Paula Félix-Didier (Museo del Cine
Pablo Ducrós Hicken, Buenos Aires); Brian Meacham
(Yale Film Study Center, New Haven); Shivendra Singh
Dungarpur (Film Heritage Foundation, Mumbai).
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04 News from the Secretariat
> FIAF Secretariat Sta
Our new accounting and HR assistant Elsa Deger-
man has now been with us for just over a year and
she seems to have adapted to the demands of the job
magnicently. Her integration into the FIAF team has
been excellent.
Other than that, we are still very happy with our
small pool of excellent freelance specialists (IT spe-
cialist, graphic designer, JFP editor, website develo-
per, training coordinator, French, Spanish and English
proof-readers/translators) who work with us on a pro-
ject by project basis. Our graphic designer Lara Denil
has come back from maternity leave after the birth of
her son Barnabé, and she has already been very busy
working on the layout of the latest issue of the JFP and
the forthcoming new edition of Harold Brown’s Physical
Characteristics of Early Films as Aids to Identication
and will soon start work on the 2020 FIAF Directory!
> FIAF Website / Social Networks
Among the new resources added to the website since
the last EC meeting, you can nd the videos of the
2019 Lausanne Symposium presentations and re-
lated documents when available; the new PACC e-re-
sources; pages; a reorganised, improved and bigger
section presenting FIAF archival documents. With EC
member Brian Meacham’s help, we have turned the
list of photochemical labs around the world into a
searchable database, which we will launch in the next
few weeks. In this fast-evolving eld, we will no doubt
need you help to update the data we have about pho-
tochemical labs worldwide.
We have been able to add a number of videos across
the website, thanks to our new professional Vimeo ac-
count, which is making streaming videos a lot easier.
We have also been working on several new online tools
– in particular regarding FIAF’s history – which will be
ocially launched early in 2020 (see “FIAF’s Historical
Archive” below).
As of 18 December, the FIAF Facebook account
now has 4841 “likes”, i.e. a 29.5% increase over the
last 12 months.
Film historian David Wood in the FIAF oce in July
> FIAF’s Historical Archive
We have kept cataloguing and digitizing more docu-
ments as part of our work on the FIAF paper archive.
We now preserve on our servers over 6000 photographs
and nearly 20,000 single les of archival documents,
many of which are accessible on the FIAF website. The
history section of the website has been restructured
and improved.
Thanks to an active campaigning of all aliates
which have once hosted a FIAF Congress, we have ma-
naged to repatriate vast numbers of photographs of
those congresses – especially for period after 1980-
2010, which was for some reason a particularly poorly
documented period.
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Building new archival shelves for the FIAF oce.
We are also paying particular attention to the pre-
servation of archival documents relating to the Co-or-
dinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations
(CCAAA) and its previous incarnation, the Round Table
Meetings on Audiovisual Records in the 1980s and
1990s, of which FIAF was one of the founder members.
By doing that, FIAF is also playing the role of custodian
of the CCAAAs archive.
Although the project of an ambitious multi-thema-
tic FIAF timeline has been delayed, we have developed
several new tools which will be part of that timeline.
One is an online “memory” game introducing fty of
the most important personalities in FIAF’s history to vi-
sitors of the FIAF website. The game will be launched
early in the new year and will allow you to familiarize
yourselves with our pioneers. The other tool we have
developed with the help of French lm historian Sté-
phanie E. Louis is a comprehensive historical database
of FIAF aliation throughout FIAF’s history, providing
precise and correct aliation information about each
current and past FIAF aliate and its various aliation
categories from 1938 to the present day. This work was
based on extensive research in the FIAF archive – we
thoroughly checked the minutes of every FIAF Congress
and EC meeting since 1938, as well as aliates’ archi-
val les and successive FIAF Directories. In addition to
a very useful search engine (searchable by keyword
and/or date), this resource allows the user to visualize
the geographical evolution of the FIAF network via a
chronological map with a movable cursor. This new da-
tabase is currently being nalized and will be launched
before the Mexico City Congress.
In January and February 2020, we will welcome a
new intern, Barbara Robbrecht (the sixth one since
the start of our partnership with the Université Libre
de Bruxelles), who will help us catalogue and digitize
more documents, and will contribute to our online
historical resources.
Thanks to the FIAF archive inventory and associated
search engine, and more generally the increased avai-
lability of the FIAF archive, we have been welcoming
more and more researchers to the FIAF oce. Several
of them visited us during their summer holiday.
As we keep acquiring more archival collections, we
had to build new shelves to accommodate our ever-
growing paper archive in the FIAF oce. Space might
soon become a problem.
First meeting of the FIAF History Project steering committee in Lisbon last
> A new FIAF History Project
Another important new development as regards our work
on FIAF’s history has been the start of the FIAF History
Project, funded by the Jan de Vaal Fund over the next ve
years, thanks to the great generosity of Tineke de Vaal,
widow of FIAF pioneer Jan de Vaal. Tineke de Vaal, An
dré Stufkens (Joris Ivens Foundation, and an old friend of
eke’s) and Christophe Dupin convened a rst meeting
in Lisbon in September, to which we invited José Manuel
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Costa of the Cinemateca Portuguesa, former FIAF Pre-
sident Robert Daudelin (both old friends of Tineke de Vaal
h a keen interest in FIAF’s history), and Tiago Baptista
(Cinemateca Portuguesa and an EC member). This group
met in Lisbon on 20 September for a full day of discussions
on the possible outcomes of the Project, and in particular
the publication of a book on FIAF’s history. Since then,
FIAF Honorary member Eva Orbanz and French academic
Laurent Le Forestier (who co-organized the FIAF Sympo
sium in Lausanne earlier this year) have both agreed to
n this initial steering group. It was decided that the
rst outcome of the Project should be the publication of
a comprehensive book documenting the rst fty years
of FIAF (from the late 1930s to the late 1980s). It was de
cided that the two future co-editors of the book would
e FI
AF’s Christophe Dupin, who has already carried out
extensive research on FIAF’s history, and André Stufkens,
who recently published a comprehensive monograph on
Jan de Vaal in the Netherlands. The book intends to be a
collective volume, and a call for contributions will be sent
to all in the FIAF community and beyond in the spring.
The project has since received the full support of the FIAF
Executive Committee.
> FIAF Publications
2020 FIAF Directory
We will be publishing the 2020 edition of the FIAF Direc-
tory in January. In order to do this we have had to ask
our 169 aliates to update their contact details elec-
tronically via an online form. The Directory will be pu-
blished in February and copies will be sent to each FIAF
aliate. The updated data will also be available via the
online search engine from early January.
Aliates’ Annual Reports
To this day we have received the 2018 Annual Reports of
143 out of 164 Aliates this year (including 87 Members
out of 89, and 56 Associates out of 75). Although this
gure is one of the highest in FIAF’s history, thanks in
particular to the Secretariats relentless campaigning
in the spring, it still means that 21 FIAF aliates have
not fullled this important FIAF duty again this year.
Don’t hesitate to consult this invaluable resource do-
cumenting the state of our worldwide community in
any given year (you must be logged in to access these
reports). Each Annual Report is available both indivi-
dually and in a full volume on the FIAF website.
The new Call for Annual Reports will be sent in ear-
ly January and will have to be returned to the FIAF
Secretariat by 28 February.
Camille Blot-Wellens delivers the Ernest Lindgren Lecture on Harold Brown at
the BFI on 10 December
Film Identication Book Project
Although we have not managed to publish the new,
expanded edition of Harold Brown’s book Physical
Characteristics of Early Films as Aids to Identication
in this calendar year as we had initially hoped (it was
probably a little too ambitious to think we could, consi-
dering the complexity of the project and the richness
of the information and illustrations added to the old
edition), the objective is now to release it in time for
the 2020 FIAF Congress. Although we missed the op-
portunity to publish it in the year of Harold Brown’s
centenary, 2020 will mark the 30th anniversary of the
rst edition – another appropriate date for the release
of the new edition! Camille Blot-Wellens, the editor
of the book, is currently working around the clock on
the completion of the book with our copy-editor and
proof-reader Cathy Surowiec and our graphic designer
Lara Denil. This beautiful new edition will no doubt be-
come a best-seller for FIAF for many years, in the same
was that This Film Is Dangerous has been for 18 years!
As part of the ongoing lm identication project,
and as a way of promotion for forthcoming book, Ca-
mille was invited to give the Jonathan Dennis Lecture
Harold Brown and lm identication to a packed audi-
torium at the Giornate del Cinema Muto in Pordenone
on 9 October. She also delivered the annual Ernest
Lindgren Lecture on the same topic at the BFI in Lon-
don on 10 December.
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Partnership with IUP
Indiana University Press is still distributing ve FIAF pu-
blications: This Film Is Dangerous, the Advanced Projec-
tion Manual, the FIAF Digital Projection Guide, the FIAF
Moving Image Cataloguing Manual, and Hollywood Goes
Latin. It will soon distribute the new edition of Physical
Characteristics of Early Films as Aids to Identication.
Once again, our partnership with IUP helps us raise awar-
eness about FIAF and its publications in North America.
Partnership with Technès:
Tales from the Vaults book
FIAF’s partnership with the international academic
project Technès is going to materialize into an import-
ant book, provisionally entitledTales from the Vaults:
an Illustrated History & Geography of Film Technolo-
gy. The project will involve all interested FIAF aliates,
which will be able to propose an object from their non-
lm collections with a special technical or technologi-
cal signicance, and write about it.
The editorial team will consists of the Bent Tur-
quety (Université de Lausanne/Technès), Nicolas DU-
LAC (Université de Montréal/Technès), and Rachael
Stoeltje (IULMIA/FIAF), and myself as Associate Editor,
have been drafting a call for papers (the short version
can be found in the EC documents; the longer version
is still being nalized). The idea is to launch the Call for
Papers as soon as possible. It is hoped that most of the
writing can be done by the end of 2020. Various options
are being pursued re: the publication of the book (i.e.
published by FIAF only – with Technès funding – or in
collaboration with an established publisher). I remind
you that the GA-approved 2020 budget includes 5000€
towards this publication.
Future FIAF Publications
Other future FIAF publications are being discussed for
the next couple of years, in particular a volume of the
proceedings of the forthcoming Mexico City Sympo-
sium on the theme of “Preventing and managing natu-
ral and human-made disasters in lm archives”, on the
model of our recent Hollywood Goes Latin book, and
the volume about the rst 50 years of our Federation
(see also “FIAF History Project”). It is fair to say that
FIAF has developed a healthy publishing programme of
important books in our eld over the last few years.
> FIAF-Supported events and Projects
“Share That Knowledge” Project
You will remember that in Prague our colleagues gave
a presentation on their new “Share That Knowledge!
Finding Strategies for Passing on Knowledge Across
Generations of Archivists” project. They sought the
endorsement and support of FIAF, which the EC ap-
proved in principle. A number of FIAF and other ar-
chives have now signed up to the project, and they are
seeking funding from various sources. To help them
publicize the project, we have created a dedicated
page on the FIAF website.
In the autumn, FIAF also provided support to two
lm heritage events involving FIAF colleagues from
FIAF archives:
FIAF sponsored a lecture by Anna Sienkiewicz-Ro-
gowska and Jakub Stadnik of FINA in Warsaw as part
of the “Film:ReStored 04” festival in Berlin at the end of
October (see also the News from the Aliates section).
On 6 December, as part of the 6th International Is-
tanbul Silent Cinema Days, a round-table discussion
took place in Istanbul on the preservation of, and ac-
cess to, the silent lm heritage. The guest speakers
were Iris Elezi (Albanian Film Archive), Iga Harasimowicz
(Filmoteka Narodowa) and György Ráduly (Hungarian
Film Archive). The meeting, organized with some FIAF
nancial support, was attended by those working in
local archives and repertory programming. The conver-
sation, which was moderated by Elif Rongen-Kaynakçi
(Eye Filmmuseum) concentrated mainly on the redisco-
very of lost lms made possible by improved communi-
cation between European lm archives and emphasized
the importance of collaborations to restore and digitize
those lms. Furthermore, information was exchanged
about national initiatives of streaming media platforms
as a new way to reach audiences.
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Christophe Dupin with Wolfgang Klaue at his home in August
> FIAF Representation
Since the last FBO, the Senior Administrator has repre-
sented FIAF in the following places:
Visit of the Cinémathèque tunisienne and mee-
tings in Tunis with colleagues from various FIAF
archives (early July);
Visit of the DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Film-
museum in Frankfurt (1 August);
Visit of FIAF Honorary Member and former FIAF
President Wolfgang Klaue in Berlin (6 August);
Visit of ECPAD, FIAF Member in Ivry-sur-Seine, in
the outskirts of Paris (12 September);
The Senior Administrator gave a presentation
on “lm canons in the 1950s” at a symposium in
Paris on 11 September;
Christophe Dupin attended the Giornate del
Cinema Muto for three days in early October,
where he had several appointments with FIAF
He delivered a presentation on former FIAF
President Michelle Auberts contribution to our
eld, at a Symposium in Paris (10 October);
He attended, along with PIP Editor Rutger
Penne, a meeting with ProQuest in Cambridge
(UK) on 21 October;
The Senior Administrator and the FIAF Pre-
sident both spoke at a special tribute to Freddy
Buache at the Cinémathèque suisse in Lau-
sanne on 19 November;
Christophe Dupin gave a short lecture on
Harold Brown as part of the Ernest Lindgren
Annual Lecture at the BFI in London on 10 De-
cember (see also “Film Identication book”).
Visit of ECPAD in September
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05 Journal of Film Preservation
We were very pleased at the reception accorded our
celebratory issue No. 100, in which we reprinted ar-
ticles from earlier issues of the Journal. Several people
have commented on how interesting they found it.
We have consequently decided to make republishing
a more regular part of our programme: as you will have
seen, Issue #101 contains the text of – together with a
commentary on – the 1934 report by the British Kine-
matograph Society that underpinned Ernest Lindgren
and Harold Browns development of the National Film
Library / National Film Archive. Next years Spring issue
(#102) will reproduce a 1940 article on cataloguing to-
gether with commentary by Thelma Ross, the present
Head of the Cataloguing and Documentation Commis-
sion. We hope that aliates will nd this new strand in-
teresting, and we very much welcome suggestions for
other historical articles (and possible commentators).
Lara Denil working on the layout of the latest issue of the JFP in the FIAF oce
Also in preparation for Issue #102 are an article on
the video collections of the Bibliothèque nationale de
France, several texts on stills collections and digitisa-
tion, a discussion of the uncertain nature of archival
collecting, and the rst part of a comprehensive Oral
History interview with Robert Daudelin. These last two
are examples of another recent policy decision: that
of always trying to include one or two longer articles
than we have heretofore considered. We will also pub-
lish contributions from our colleagues in Barcelona,
Frankfurt, Helsinki, and Montevideo about their past
or present work, and will present a new cinematheque
being built in Istanbul.
We are always happy to receive suggestions for fu-
ture articles from aliates, and particularly urge you
to suggest books and DVDs produced by you or in your
countries that we can consider for review.
Elaine Burrows
JFP Editor
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06 News from the P.I.P.
> P.I.P. Contributors
Free-lance Indexers Volunteer Indexers PIP Staff
PIP Contributors
Individual Persons Indexed Journals
The P.I.P. is currently indexing a total of 147 lm jour-
nals. 58 of these titles are indexed by volunteer indexers
(39 in total, who are mostly working for FIAF aliates),
while an additional 43 are done by 11 free-lancers, who
are paid for their work. Besides the editing of all the
indexing contributions we receive, Associate Editor An-
thony Blampied and I are also indexing 46 journals
from scratch ourselves.
Currently we are looking to expand our network
of contributors in France, Italy, and Latin America. In
France we are looking for extra volunteer indexers to
take over a number of French journals which we are
already indexing. In Italy we would like to increase our
urnal coverage, and therefore we are searching for a
new free-lancer with Italian as a mother tongue and
an excellent written knowledge of English. One of our
top priorities for the following months is to recruit new
contributors in Latin America. With the help of Biblio
ci, the network of lm documentation specialists in the
sh-speaking world, we aim to identify interesting
lm journals and to nd qualied persons to do the work.
> Indexing Workshops
We are planning an indexing workshop to be held du-
ring the 2020 FIAF Congress in Mexico in collaboration
with Biblioci and the Filmoteca de la UNAM.
> FIAF Databases:
New Pricing for FIAF Aliates
As announced in the previous FBO, in 2020 we are in-
troducing a new pricing model. FIAF aliates can now
subscribe to the FIAF Databases (which includes access
to the International Index to Film Periodicals and the
Treasures from the Film Archives) at a considerably
lower price.
FIAF Membership PIP Discount
Category A: 3,050€ 300 150€/title indexed (free
when indexing 2 titles)
Category B: 2,250€ 300 150€/title indexed (free
when indexing 2 titles)
Category C: 1,850 150 150€/title indexed (free
when indexing 1 title)
Category D: 1,250 150 150€/title indexed (free
when indexing 1 title)
Category E: 650€ 90 90€/title indexed (free
when indexing 1 title)
Rutger Penne
P.I.P. Ed it or
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07 News from the Commissions
CDC members Anna Fiaccarini and Rutger Penne discuss the project of a new International Directory of Film and TV Documentation Collections with FIAF web
developer Jean-Pascal Cauchon in the FIAF oce.
> Cataloguing and Documentation
Commission (CDC)
The CDC projects are now organized in two “depart-
ments”: one that addresses cataloguing of moving
images and one devoted to cataloguing, preservation,
and access needs of documentation, with a task force
and rapporteur assigned to each project.
The CDC recruited several new members to full
its Documentation remit. Mats Skärstrand is now a
Full Member, and rapporteur for a project on the cata-
loguing of lm-related documentation. Mats has been
on the CDC as a Corresponding Member for a number
of years, contributing to projects such as the Manual.
Murchana Borah and Nancy Kauman are now Corres-
ponding Members who will be working with Mats. Cor-
responding Member Dawn Jaros was recruited to assist
the CDC in a new project addressing the preservation
of lm-related documentation. Additional Correspon-
ding Members who have joined us recently include Sa-
rah Clothier, as part of the LoD task force, and Georg
Eckes and Michael Campos-Quinn, as part of the Trea-
sures from the Film Archives task force.
The Treasures Task Force, led by Rutger Penne and
Adelheid Heftberger, nalized a survey for users and
non-contributors to gather quantitative and qualita-
tive data in order to help make decisions about the
best way forward. Peter Bubestinger, CEO of AV-RD (a
rm specializing in “developing Free Software/Open
Source solutions for professional user-cases”), was
approached to do a consultancy based on the “Requi-
rements for the Treasures Project” document, which
was nalized mid-September. He has agreed to deliver
a report by early 2020. A new update of the Treasures
from the Film Archives database (with a total of 60,848
records) was published in October on the FIAF website
and the Ovid and ProQuest platforms.
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The Special Collections Directory Task Force, led
by Anna Fiaccarini, is revising and updating the former
“International Directory of Film and TV Documentation
Collections” with a new design and search interface,
to be hosted on the FIAF website. The nal title is “In-
ternational Directory of Film-Related Collections and
Libraries”. The task force has worked on a “controlled
list” of typologies of documents for inclusion in the
new database, and developed a rst draft of the
search interface. This new dataset and search inter-
face project was presented to FIAF’s website program-
mer (Jean-Pascal), who will be working on the develop-
ment of an online tool.
CDC member Laurent Bismuth and TC member
Caroline Fournier are working together on the conti-
nued development of a “user-friendly” Preservation/
Restoration Report, based on CWS (Cinematographic
Works Standards aka EN 15907) and The FIAF Moving
Image Cataloguing Manual. A modied report is being
tested in the course of two restoration projects. Should
the tests prove successful, a new draft of the report
would be submitted to all members during the 2020
CDC meetings in Bologna. If approved, this “Research
and Analyze” part of the Preservation/Restoration Re-
port will be achieved, and the Task Force will turn its
attention to the second part of the report, which will
be dedicated to laboratories’ actual work, and how to
document it usefully by gathering information about
processes and devices.
The Moving Image Cataloguing Manual Task Force,
led by Natasha Fairbairn, launched a Survey and Open
Forum to gather feedback about the Manual and pro-
posed improvements; they are available on the FIAF we-
bsite. Issues and topics arising in the Open Forum will be
collated into regular Question & Answer digests by Ste-
phen Danley, to be made available via the FIAF website.
The Linked Open Data Task Force, with rapporteur
Adelheid Heftberger, has formed a working group with
six members from dierent domains: Eleonore Ems-
bach, Anna Bohn,
Raymond Drewry, Paul Duchesne, Mark J. Williams,
and Georg Eckes. They will dedicate their time and ex-
pertise in order to develop two specic tasks: ontolo-
gies for the audiovisual domain (collect, present, and
create) and using Wikidata as a source for identier
(both pull and push). The second task should result in a
paper for lm archives on how to engage with Wikida-
ta on a practical level.
If you are interested in being involved with the
CDC, please do not hesitate to contact Thelma Ross at
Members of the CDC:
Thelma Ross (Head), Adelheid Heftberger (Deputy
Head), Rutger Penne (Ex-ocio), Laurent Bismuth,
Natasha Fairbairn, Anna Fiaccarini, Maria Assunta Pi-
mpinelli, Mats Skärstrand
> Technical Commission (TC)
TC Membership
In October Céline Ruivo went on sabbatical, and Anne
Gant has stepped in as TC Coordinator. During the sab-
batical of Céline, Caroline Fournier (Cinémathèque su-
isse) has agreed to join the TC. The TC added two new
corresponding members: Simon Lund (Cineric lab, New
York) and Katerina Kampoli (ECPAD, France).
The Digital Statement
In an eort to speed up the completion of the Digital
Statement, the TC has agreed to work simultaneously
on the remaining parts. It is no surprise that the
conclusion of the group is that it is dicult to write by
committee. So the remaining parts are being prima-
rily generated by various experts, using existing docu-
ments, with the TC as the reviewing body.
Since June 2019 (the date of the last report), the
TC has been working on the Digital Statement Part II,
which deals with scanning. This is being sent to the
Corresponding Members for comment in the coming
weeks, with a goal of publishing in January 2020.
Part III (a discussion of restoration ethics) is being
simultaneously pursued by Uli and Caroline, with re-
quested passages from a variety of colleagues.
Part IV (sound) will also be generated from docu-
ments and discussions with sound experts, including
Jean-Pierre Verscheure.
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Additional projects
Uli: A project on lm defects has been initiated
through the BA thesis project of HTW student Jonas
Trenkler, supervised by Ulrich Ruedel and Oliver Han-
ley in Berlin in coordination with Camille Blot-Wellens.
The project aims to document and classify lm “de-
fects” and their historic, material, and photographic
process genesis through investigation and documen-
tation (e.g., photographically, microscopically) of
nitrate elements, historic contemporary literature,
and expert interviews with lm restorers, to more
restoration-ethically guide decision-making on their
(non)-removal in digital restoration.
Camille: The project of the new, expanded edition
of Harold Brown’s Physical Characteristics of Early
Films as Aids to Identication is delayed, but all the
texts and illustrations have been ready since the Sum-
mer. The texts need to be revised by Cathy Surowiec,
who is now working on them. We hope that it can be
ready in the rst part of 2020, but given the complexity
of the layout (there are hundreds of illustrations), I pre-
fer not to indicate any exact deadline. This project was
presented in the frame of the Jonathan Dennis Memo-
rial Lecture I was asked to deliver during the last Porde-
none festival. I was also invited to Berlin at the end of
November to present the project during an event orga-
nized by the Bundesarchiv with the support of the ACE.
To end this year of the commemoration of the cente-
nary of Harold Brown, the BFI invited me to give the
Ernest Lindgren Memorial Lecture in early December at
the National Film Theatre, where I naturally also men-
tioned the publication.
Camille is also at the FIAF school in Mexico right
now as a trainer.
Members of the TC:
Anne Gant, Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam, Acting
Head; Camille Blot-Wellens, Consultant, Stockholm;
Caroline Fournier, Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne; Ti-
ago Ganhão, Cinemateca Portuguesa / Museu do Cin-
ema, Lisbon; Rodrigo Mercês, Cinemateca Brasileira,
São Paulo; Davide Pozzi, L’Immagine Ritrovata, Bolo-
gna; Ulrich Ruedel, HTW / University of Applied Sci-
ences, Berlin; Céline Ruivo, Cinémathèque française /
Musée du cinéma, Paris (currently on sabbatical leave).
PACC meeting in Pordenone
> Programming and Access to Collec-
tions Commission (PACC)
In early November, following a discussion with the FIAF
EC, Massimo Benvegnù decided to step down from his
duties as Head of PACC, as he felt he was no longer able
to commit his time and energies to the required degree.
The Commission members and the EC respect Massimo’s
dicult decision and wish to thank him for his eorts in
reviving the Commission, successfully recruiting several
new, active members, and spearheading a number of
important PACC projects during his tenure. Massimo will
continue to contribute to the work of the Commission
as a corresponding member, and will remain involved
in discussions on particular topics relevant to his expe-
rience and practice as a lm programmer.
In light of Massimo’s resignation, the FIAF EC ap-
pointed Mateˇj Strnad of Národní lmový archiv, Prague,
as the new Head of PACC. For the position of Deputy
Head the members armed the nomination of Chicca
Bergonzi of the Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne. Pe-
ter Bagrov of the George Eastman Museum, Roches-
ter, previously a corresponding member, will assume
a full member position. The remaining full members
currently serving on the commission are Elaine Burrows
(Consultant, London); Oliver Hanley (Filmuniversität
Babelsberg, Potsdam); David Kehr (The Museum of Mo-
dern Art – Department of Film, New York); and Brian
Meacham (Yale Film Study Center, New Haven).
bulletin online
07 News from the Commissions - www.afnet.org | 40
12.2 019
The extended Commission lineup and its compo-
sition as a whole will be the subject of further dis-
cussions in tandem with specic work-plans and the
division of tasks among the current membership. Ne-
vertheless, the Commission wishes to preserve conti-
nuity in many of the projects initiated in the last 12
months, at least one of which, a major revision of
PACC’s e-resources page on the FIAF website, already
bore its rst fruit this autumn.
The revamped page now features around 60 additio-
nal links to valuable archival resources that have been
made available by both FIAF and non-FIAF institutions
around the world. New to the page is a section compri-
sing 30 catalogues and databases of archival lm and
lm-related collections that can be accessed online.
Another new section gathers a similar number of links
to online video platforms where lms from the aliates’
collections can be freely viewed online. Additionally, the
already existing collection of collection policy docu-
ments published by FIAF aliates has been expanded.
Each section is prefaced by a concise editorial state-
ment highlighting the importance of the resources from
the perspective of programming and access.
PACC will continue to add to the existing sections of
its e-resources page on a regular basis, and is already
tentatively working on new sections to make an even
wider range of resources available. The Commission
would like to extend its thanks to those aliates that
have already contributed feedback, corrections, and
additions since the revamped site went live in Sep-
tember, and we would like to take this opportunity
to encourage all aliates and casual readers alike to
keep us updated on any new activities, publications,
and projects that benet the community so that we
can feature these on the page.
PACC has also continued to investigate the relations
between FIAF members and rights-holders and distribu-
tors, focusing especially on certain distributors’ pricing
icies when it comes to screening heritage/back-cata-
logue lms in FIAF members’ own venues. Once sucient
a has been collected from the aliates, the Commis-
sion will be in a much better position to assess the situa-
tion, and will discuss the suitable options for joint nego-
tiations, most probably during the 2020 FIAF Congress.
e wi
sh to thank all those who have responded to our di-
rect e-mail inquiries, shared their individual experiences,
d pr
ovided us with valuable information in the process.
Additional topics covered at the most recent PACC
meeting, which took place during the Giornate del Ci-
nema Muto festival in Pordenone in October, included
the decline in the number of lm prints being screened
at archival lm festivals and, in direct relation to this,
the increasing need for projection training coordina-
tion; nitrate shipping training and certication; and
the FIAF Pool 2.0, i.e., an infrastructure to inform each
other of recent digital restorations available through
the aliates using contemporary communication me-
dia. Considering the recent membership changes wit-
hin the Commission, ongoing discussions in the upco-
ming months will reveal which of the ideas outlined
above will develop into projects with dedicated time-
lines and outcomes.
PACC has also been receptive to the concerns of the
FIAF community as to the diculties in approaching
certain member archives about accessing lm ele-
ments from their collections. We are pleased to report
that the FIAF EC has reached out to the members in
question and the initial response has been reassuring
and hopeful.
Anyone who is interested in becoming involved in
the work of PACC, or who would like to put forward
suggestions or comments, is very welcome to contact
Mateˇj Strnad at matej.strna[email protected].
Members of PACC:
Mateˇj Strnad, Národní lmový archiv, Prague (Head);
Chicca Bergonzi, Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne (De-
puty Head); Peter Bagrov, George Eastman Museum,
Rochester; Elaine Burrows, Consultant, London; Oli-
ver Hanley, Filmuniversität Babelsberg, Potsdam; Da-
vid Kehr, The Museum of Modern Art – Department of
Film, New York; Brian Meacham, Yale Film Study Cen-
ter, New Haven.
bulletin online
08 Training & Outreach - www.afnet.org | 41
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08 Training & Outreach
The FIAF Training and Outreach Program has been
ocially running now for three years. Our Training
and Outreach Coordinator David Walsh has now
been in place since October 2016. All our past trai
ning events can be consulted on the FIAF we
Here are some highlights of our new projects and
initiatives since the Spring.
> Recent Training and Outreach
Biennial Audio-Visual Archival Summer School
(BAVASS), Indiana, May 2019
This two-week intensive summer school was hosted
by the Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Ar-
chive under the expert hand of its director, Rachael
Stoeltje. This event is intended as the rst edition of
a multi-strand summer school to be held every two
years as a complement to the biennial Restoration
Summer School staged by the Cineteca di Bologna
and L’Immagine Ritrovata in association with FIAF.
The Indiana event was able to take advantage of a
large pool of experienced internal trainers augmented
by outside experts to cover a wide range of topics, in-
cluding lm handling, audio-tape digitization, digital
infrastructure and workows, photograph conserva-
tion, cataloguing, etc. The valuable support given by
Indiana University in making their sta and premises
available hugely added to the success of the School,
which was attended by 50 students in a complex in-
terlocking timetable of lectures and practical ses-
sions. An in-depth article on the School by Rachael
Stoeltje was published in the October 2019 issue of the
Journal of Film Preservation.
The work supported by the British Council to assess
the lm archive situation in Nepal and to produce a
proposed course of action has continued, albeit with
some diculties. Following the visit to the Nepal Film
Development Board and to Nepal TV by David Walsh
and Shivendra Singh in March, further attempts
to gather information were hampered by a lack of
communication from the Film Development Board
contact. This was resolved by the local British Coun-
cil oce stepping in, and a provisional action plan
as well as a proposal for future training in 2020 have
been created and are currently being considered by
the Film Development Board and the British Council.
Although the Film Development Board are now plan-
ning to build improved storage for their lm collection
and have sought our advice on the specication, the
primary problem as we see it is that a lm archive as
an entity does not exist. The report urges the setting
up of an archive as a priority.
[Sensitive content has
been redacted]
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Guidance for Planning and Building Film Stores
It has become apparent that there is a worldwide need
to oer some key points of guidance for archives plan-
ning lm storage. Too often such projects are subject
to local government practices for funding and procure-
ment, and archives struggle with dening their needs
and creating a set of basic specications. David Walsh
is currently talking to various experts in environmen-
tally controlled building design in the hope of coming
up with a brief set of specications as a starting point
for any storage project. He is also investigating a col-
laboration with Bath University in the UK to oer lm
storage design as a project for Masters students in
their MSC courses.
North Africa
In July the Senior Administrator was invited to Tunis
to visit the Cinémathèque tunisienne and show FIAF’s
continued support to this institution, which was inau-
gurated last year and is still in development. He took
part in several meetings with the representatives of se-
veral FIAF archives on both sides of the Mediterranean,
during which initial plans for future short thematic
training events for North African were drafted.
David Landolf leading the training workshop on small-gauge lm equipment
in Caen
Francophone Workshops fort the FIAF,
FCAFF and Inédits Networks
After two workshops, held at the Cinémathèque des
Pays de Savoie et de l’Ain (4-5 April) on the theme of
“FFmpeg and other open source software for audio-
visual archives”) and in Bern (15-16 May) on “mainte-
nance and use of small-gauge lm equipment”), a new
workshop on “maintenance and use of small-gauge
lm equipment” was led by David Landolf in Caen,
Normandy, as part of the Inédits Annual Meeting in
In total, this programme, initiated in 2017 and sup-
ported by FIAF, has so far given birth to 6 thematic
workshops on 5 dierent themes. A total of 60 parti-
cipants have been taught by 4 dierent trainers in 3
dierent venues.
Film Preservation and Restoration School, Mexico,
22-26 October 2019
The Cineteca di Bologna and LImmagine Ritrovata in
Bologna in collaboration with FIAF organized this Pre-
servation and Restoration School convened by UNAM
in Mexico City. FIAF’s David Walsh and Camille Blot-
Wellens were among the trainers. FIAF oered two
scholarships for the School. To complement the trai-
ning on high-level restoration techniques provided by
the experts from L’Immagine Ritrovata, Camille Blot-
Wellens and David Walsh dealt with some of the issues
around lm technology, preservation, and access,
while Walter Forsberg, an independent expert, provi-
ded some excellent advice on the use of open-source
and low-cost tools for managing digital material.
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FPRWI 2019: the group photo
Assistance to the Archivo de Imagenes
en Movimiento – Archivo General de Puerto Rico
On his way to the Mexico event, the T&O Coordinator
paid a two-day visit to this FIAF aliate at their re-
quest to oer advice, assistance, and training. This is
an example of a national lm archive with severe un-
derstang, there being only a single person to cover
every activity. David Walsh has since completed a re-
port for the Director of the Archivo General.
Film Preservation & Restoration Workshop India,
Hyderabad, 8-15 December 2019
The 5th Film Preservation & Restoration Workdhop In-
dia, oganized by the Film Heritage Foundation in col-
laboration with FIAF, took place 8-15 December in Hy-
derabad, once again drawing together a large training
faculty from around the world, including a number of
colleagues from FIAF archives. This year the workshop
oered two streams, one for beginners and one for
more experienced participants, and featured as before
lectures and a lot of practical work. 38 students fol-
lowed the basic course and 37 the advance course, for
a record total of 75 students – from India (53), Afgha-
nistan (10), Sri Lanka (8), Bangladesh (2), and Nepal
(2). FIAF gave 5 scholarships to students, from Sri Lanka
(Dammith Fonseka, Hewage Ravindra Priyantha Lal,
Kohilawaththe Gedara Gamini Rupasinghe, and Sasika
Ruwan Marasinghe) and India (Ranjita Ganesan). The
whole event went very smoothly, and initial feedback
from both the advanced and basic course participants
was extremely positive.
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> Future Training and Outreach Initiatives
2020 Programming Winter School
The 5th FIAF Programming Winter School will take place
at the Cinémathèque française in Paris 2-3 March 2020,
in the 2 days preceding the Toute la mémoire du monde
festival. Christophe Dupin and Samantha Leroy are na-
lizing the 2-day programme, which will include sessions
on programming specialized collections, the challenges
of sub-titling, developing audiences, and programming
in new cinémathèques, as well as our usual portraits of
experienced programmers. Registrations will open in
early January – check the FIAF website.
Short Technical Training Events
Unfortunately we have not been able to stage such an
event this year, despite our eorts to nd a suitable
venue and host institution (and despite the apparent
need for such training). It remains our ambition to put
on at least one of these events in 2020. In May 2019,
David Walsh, Iris Elezi, and Christophe Dupin discussed
the project of a workshop in Tirana for lm archive
colleagues in the Balkans. The initial plan of holding
it in November 2019 had to be postponed, but we are
hoping the workshop can take place in 2020.
Projection Workshops in Europe
Following several requests for projection workshops in
Europe, the Training and Outreach Coordinator and the
Senior Administrator have started discussing the pos-
sibility of organizing analog lm projection workshops
on the European continent, perhaps on the model of
those organized by AMIA in the U.S.
Francophone Workshops
Discussion are under way with the FCAFF and Inédits
networks for further short thematic workshops in 2020.
Digital Archives Summer School
FIAF will support the Digital Archives Summer School
held at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOL
(Potsdam, Germany) from 14-18 September in 2020.
More information will be available in January 2020.
Pablo Insunza Rodríguez at the Cineteca di Bologna and Francisco Ramirez
Vasquez at the Cinemateca Portuguesa.
FIAF Internship Fund
Following the successful launch of the FIAF Internship
Fund last autumn, which saw the completion of the
rst two internships (Or Kellerman at Eye Filmmu-
seum and Pablo Insunza Rodríguez at the Cineteca di
Bologna), three more internships were approved by the
selection committee in June, in the rst of two rounds
of funding in 2019. Claudio Santancini (Austrian Film
Museum), Francisco Ramirez Vasquez (Filmoteca de la
UNAM), and José Tomaz Antonio Zita (INAC, Mozam-
bique) all carried out their internship at the Cinemate-
ca Portuguesa over the Summer.
A new round of applications was initiated in late
September. Three applicants were selected by the Se-
lection Committee appointed by the Executive Com-
mittee: Svitlana Vedeneeva (Oleksandr Dovzhenko Na-
tional Centre) for an internship at the Jugoslovenska
kinoteka; Lilia Ben Achour (Cinémathèque tunisienne)
at the Institut Jean Vigo; and Hsin-Ning Chang (Taiwan
Film Institute) at the Korean Film Archive.
Eight colleagues from FIAF archives have now been
supported through this Fund. We would like to encou-
rage more archivists to apply for funding, and more
FIAF archives to welcome them, as the experience
seems incredibly vaulable to all involved. The next
round of funding will take place in April 2020.
bulletin online
09 FIAF Congresses - www.afnet.org | 45
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09 FIAF Congresses
> 2020 FIAF Congress in Mexico City
The 2020 FIAF Congress will take place in Mexico City
20-24 April 2020 and will be hosted by the Filmoteca de
la UNAM. The 2020 FIAF Congress website is now avai-
lable here. You will nd all the practical information
you need, and can now register online. Congress News-
letter #1 and Congress Newsletter #2 can be down-
loaded from the FIAF website.
The theme of the Symposium will be “Prevención y
manejo de desastres naturales y humanos en los archi-
vos fílmicos” (“Preventing and managing natural and
human-made disasters in lm archives”). The Call for
Papers can be downloaded in ENGLISH, FRENCH, and
SPANISH. Deadline for submissions is 6 January 2020.
The 2020 Christian Dimitriu Fund provides funding
assistance to FIAF aliates to attend the 2020 FIAF
Congress in Mexico City. This Fund is intended to en-
courage a diverse range of FIAF representation at the
annual Congress and to provide assistance to aliates
who may otherwise be unable to attend due to nan-
cial constraints. The FIAF Executive Committee has
agreed to allocate grants of between 500€ and 1,000
for the Mexico City Congress. Note that the Fund does
not cover the entire cost of the trip of a FIAF aliate’s
representative to the FIAF Congress – the aliate’s -
nancial contribution must at least match the amount
awarded by FIAF. Funding will be disbursed as an ex-
pense reimbursement, upon presentation of ight or
hotel receipts.
Information about the Fund and the funding ap-
plication form can be found on the FIAF website (you
must be logged in to access that page).
> 2021 FIAF Congress in Dhaka
The 2021 Congress will take place in Dhaka (Bangla-
desh) from 28 March to 4 April 2021 and will be hosted
by the Bangladesh Film Archive. The FIAF Executive
Committee and Senior Administrator are monitoring
the preparations of this Congress closely. The topic
of the Dhaka Congress Symposium is being discussed
with the hosts and will be communicated to aliates
in the Spring.
A video presenting Dhaka and the Bangladesh Film
Archive is available on the FIAF website.
> Further FIAF Congresses
The 2022 Congress will be hosted by the Hungarian
National Film Archive in Budapest. More details will be
available nearer the time of that congress. The host of
the 2023 Congress will be announced at the end of the
General Assembly in Mexico City in April 2020.
The main venue of the 2020 FIAF Congress
bulletin online
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10 CCAAA and Audiovisual
Archiving Associations
The Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives As-
sociations (CCAAA) has been active on a number of
fronts in the past six months. As the current Chair, re-
presenting FIAF, please see the following report of ac-
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
27 October was the World Day for Audiovisual Heri-
tage. Again this year the CCAAA provided a poster,
an ocial statement, and oversaw the list of events
worldwide on its website. 86 institutions have posted
information about their celebrations this year.
Archives at Risk Project
The CCAAA Board launched an Archives at Risk (A@R)
planning and research project. This involved hiring an
outside consultant, with the rst task of conducting
interviews with members of all CCAAA organizations
to determine the denition of Archives at Risk, and
what the goals should be moving forward. Secondly,
the consultant is working on an environmental scan
of the world in this area and providing research fee-
dback. The last step will be nal reports with options
of the way forward. The Consultant is working CCAAA
Chair Rachael Stoeltje at each step, and the nal re-
ports will be completed and sent to the Board at the
end of December 2019.
July and September Conference Calls
In addition to the March annual meetings, this year we
held two additional online board meetings in July and
September to discuss projects and issues.
Joint Technical Symposium 2019
The Joint Technical Symposium took place in Hil-
versum, The Netherlands, 3-5 October, in conjunction
with IASA’s 50th anniversary conference, and was at-
tended by over 200 people. The programme consisted
of 2 full days of presentations and one day of shared
workshops with IASA. In addition to the general confe-
rence, we awarded inaugural JTS awards to those who
have made a dierence in our technical elds. The in-
dividuals were nominated by CCAAA organizations and
a committee selected the nal winners: Dietrich Schül-
ler, Reto Kromer, Kate Murray, The Irish Film Archive,
The Reel Thing, and Barbara Flueckiger. The 2019 Team
that made JTS 2019 were Sound and Vision’s Erwin
Verbruggen and Rasa Bocyte, AMIAs Laura Rooney,
and, representing FIAF and CCAAA, Rachael Stoeltje.
It was a rather full 18 months of work for everyone in-
volved, but it was a success in the end.
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CCAAA Chair Rachael Stoeltje visits the FIAF oce after the JTS in Hilversum.
From 1 January 2020 Toby Seay will replace Rachael
Stoeltje as Chair of the CCAAA Board, representing
IASA. The Board will have a conference call in Janua-
ry to discuss the next steps and the future of the or-
ganization, and will meet again in person at UNESCO
Headquarters in Paris on 23-24 March.
Calendar of CCAAA Associations’ Main Events
The 23rd SEAPAVAA Conference took place in Nou-
méa, New Caledonia, 25-30 June 2019. The topic of the
conference was “Memory, History, and Archives.
The 50th IASA Conference took place from 30 September
to 3 October 2019 in Hilversum, The Netherlands.
The 2019 ICA Conference took place 21-25 October
2019 in Adelaide, Australia.
The 2019 FIAT-IFTA World Conference was held in Du-
brovnik, Croatia, 13-16 November 2019.
The 2019 AMIA Conference took place in Baltimore,
Maryland, USA, 12-16 November 2016.
ARSC’s 54th Annual Conference will take place 20-23
May 2020 in Montréal, Québec. The Call for Presenta-
tions is open until 4 January 2020.
FIAF’s 76th Congress will take place in Mexico City 20-
24 April 2020.
The next SEAPAVAA Conference, on the theme of “AV
Archiving in Changing Times: Successes, Failures, and
Challenges”, will take place at the Grand Mercure hotel
in Da Nang, Vietnam, 8-12 June 2020. The deadline for
the submission of proposals is 3 February 2020.
For the rst time in more than 25 years the FIAT/IFTA
Executive Council and the IASA Board have decided
to join forces in 2020 and organize a joint conference
with an integrated programme. The 51st IASA Confe-
rence will also be the 44th FIAT/IFTA World Conference.
Together with our host RTÉ, a long-standing and ac-
tive member of both organizations, we are bringing
together the two leading associations in broadcast,
media, sound, and audiovisual archiving. This joint
Conference will take place 26-29 October 2020 at the
world-famous Trinity College, Dublin.
AMIA will celebrate its 30th anniversary conference in
El Paso, Texas, 11-14 November 2020. Watch for the Call
for Proposals in February.
The 2020 ICA Congress, on the theme “Empowering
Knowledge Societies”, will take place in Abu Dhabi 16-
20 November 2020. The deadline for the submission of
proposals and papers is 1 February 2020.
FIAT-IFTA's 2019 World Conference in Dubrovnik
bulletin online
11 Supporters - www.afnet.org | 48
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11 Supporters
FIAF has welcomed a new Supporter (non-prot) since
the last FBO: the University of Zürich. This brings the
total of FIAF Supporters to 55 (36 commercial compa-
nies, 13 non-prot organizations, and 6 individuals).
The Department
With the three perspectives of lm analysis, lm histo-
ry, and lm theory, which inform the Film Studies cur-
riculum, the teaching and research activities at the Zu-
rich department stand in a liberal arts/cultural studies
tradition. Taking into account their development from
the 19th to the 21st century, lm and cinema are exa-
mined as (audio-)visual phenomena in the context of
their social and artistic practice, with a view to theore-
tical discourses, and in relation to other constellations
and forms of the visual and the acoustic.
The department is now one of Europe’s teaching and
research centers in the eld of lm studies. It oers a
home base as well as a site of exchange to numerous
scholars at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels. The de
dicated administrative sta and a well-equipped library
and v
ideo collection ensure excellent working conditions
for research and teaching on the Oerlikon Campus,
where the department has been located since 2010.
Film Studies is oered as a rst minor (60 credits) wit-
hin a Bachelors degree programme. Students acquire
fundamental knowledge, approaches, and methods
in lm analysis, lm theory, and lm history. They are
equipped with the ability to critically investigate issues
of lm aesthetics and pertinent scholarly positions in
the eld. Beyond providing an overview of the subject
area, the programme aims to advance students’ com-
petence in methodical, scholarly thinking.
The study programme focuses on the theory, aes-
thetics, and history of the medium of lm and the ins-
titution of cinema, from the beginnings to the present.
Cinematic works are analyzed and contextualized
culturally and historically.
The Department of Film Studies also oers three
study programmes leading to a Master of Arts. Film
Studies can be chosen as a rst minor (30 credits) wit-
hin the Master’s degree programme of the Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences. In addition, there are two op-
tions for a major in Film Studies: the specialized Mas-
ter’s programme “Theory and History of Film” (90
credits), in combination with a rst minor (30 credits)
oered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, or
the “Master of Arts in Film Studies” oered by the
Swiss Cinema Network (120 credits).
A Master’s programme can be followed by doctoral
studies, which focus on an independently conducted
research project (dissertation) and lead to the doctoral
degree (PhD). It is possible to write a PhD thesis in En-
glish. However, to pursue doctoral studies and partici-
pate in academic life, candidates must have sucient
knowledge of German.
The Chairperson, Prof. Dr. Barbara Flueckiger, is specia-
lized in exploring the interaction between lm technolo-
gy and aesthetics. Numerous projects in the eld of lm
archiving and restoration have followed this approach.
While the goal of AFRESA (2008–2011) was to de-
velop an integrated system for the digitization, pre-
liminary restoration, and automatic registration of
archival lms, Film History Remastered (2011–2013)
investigated the eects of digitization on our percep-
tion of lm history. DIASTOR (2013–2015) was a colla-
borative applied research project which built on the
insights of the two former ones. Its goal was to help in-
dustry partners to develop scientic workows for the
digitization and restoration of historical lm material,
based on material and aesthetic investigations.
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12.2 019
Four interrelated projects deal with the specic
subject of color in lm. The ERC Advanced Grant pro-
ject FilmColors. Bridging the Gap Between Technology
and Aesthetics (2015–2021) explores the more than 200
lm color processes which have been developed since
the invention of lm. FilmColors is based on a truly in-
terdisciplinary research design, with a novel methodo-
logy which explores the interaction of technological
advances and limitations with lm color aesthetics,
therefore identifying diachronic patterns of stylistic
means. In order to achieve this, the visual analysis and
annotation software VIAN has been developed which
allows crowdsourcing of color analyses of large groups
of lms. The tightly related projects Film Colors. Tech-
nologies, Cultures, Institutions (2016–2020) and Autono-
mous Film Colors in Animation and Digital Productions.
An Intercultural Comparison (2019–2023) both make use
of the VIAN application as well as of extensive histori-
cal research to connect various aspects of lm colors
– from technology and aesthetics to narration, percep-
tion, and the aective eects of color, as well as their
cultural and institutional development in lm history.
Finally, ERC Proof of Concept: Development of a New
Versatile Archival Film Scanner (2018– 2020) aims at de-
veloping a multi-spectral and versatile core lm scan-
ner unit which adapts the spectral distribution and the
directional arrangement of its illumination system. This
approach leads to better results in terms of both the
accuracy with the original colors and the potential to
digitally reconstruct faded colors.
Many of the results of these four projects are publi-
shed on the Timeline of Historical Film Colors, created
and curated by Barbara Flueckiger since 2012. This
online platform provides comprehensive information
about historical lm color processes invented since the
end of the 19th century, including specic still-photo-
graphy color technologies that were their conceptual
Aolternstrasse 56
8050 Zürich
T: 41 44 634 35 37
F: 41 44 634 49 10
Film Classic Returns to the Screen
The Center for Researchers of Brazilian Cinema (CPCB)
has among its objectives Film Preservation. The Center
began its Film Restoration Program in 1999. The rst title
restored was Watson Macedo’s classic Aviso aos Nave
gantes, 1950. The centenary of the director’s birth is 2019.
To celebrate both anniversaries, the CPCB held ses-
sions with Aviso aos Navegantes followed by a panel
discussion on the restoration of the lm and the work
of Macedo, the pioneer of Chanchada, an important
movement in Brazilian Cinema. The events took place
at the Brasília Film Festival (November) and the Rio
Film Festival (December).
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11 Supporters - www.afnet.org | 50
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In the framework of the ongoing 10-year digital lm
restoration project of the Hungarian National Film
Fund, Hungarian Filmlab is constantly working clo-
sely on restoration projects with the Hungarian Film
Archive. This year we have nished the digitization
and restoration of 42 Hungarian features. Béla Tarr’s
world-famous 439 minutes of Sátántangó (1994) were
scanned in 4K on our Northlight II scanner. This feature
was invited to Berlinale 2019 and the Shanghai Inter-
national Film Festival, screened together with Márta
Mészáros’s Holdudvar/Halo (1969).
We are not only producing digital copies, but also
preserving lms on colour or black & white 35mm lm
prints, such as Körhinta / Merry-Go-Round (Zoltán
Fábri, 1956), screened at Cannes Classics 2017.
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> Current FIAF Supporters
DANCAN cinema services
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11 Supporters - www.afnet.org | 52
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Eastman kodak CY
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11 Supporters - www.afnet.org | 53
12.2 019
SD Ciné Serve
www.skinsoft.fr (Français)
www.skinsoft.org (English)
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11 Supporters - www.afnet.org | 54
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www. lm-foundation.org
tisch.preservatio[email protected]
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11 Supporters - www.afnet.org | 55
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FIAF Bulletin Online #18 - 12/2019
Editor: Christophe Dupin
Editorial assistant: Christine Maes
Graphic design/layout: Lara Denil
Proof-reader: Catherine A. Surowiec
Published by FIAF
Rue Blanche 42
1060 Brussels
Send your news and comments to