Atlantic Marketing Journal Atlantic Marketing Journal
Volume 5 Number 3 Article 4
February 2017
Dynamic Pricing in Major League Baseball Tickets: Issues and Dynamic Pricing in Major League Baseball Tickets: Issues and
Challenges Challenges
John T. Drea
Illinois College
Andrew Nahlik
Illinois College
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Drea, John T. and Nahlik, Andrew (2017) "Dynamic Pricing in Major League Baseball Tickets: Issues and
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ISSN: 2165-3879 (print), 2165-3887 (electronic)
Atlantic Marketing Journal
Vol. 5, No. 3 (Fall 2016)
Dynamic Pricing in Major League Baseball
Tickets: Issues and Challenges
John T. Drea, Illinois College
Andrew Nahlik, Illinois College
Abstract With its origins in the airline industry, dynamic pricing has recently been
extended to the area of Major League Baseball tickets in both the primary and
secondary markets. The present study examines similarities in the application of
dynamic pricing in the airline and MLB industries, as well as the key differences,
which include the interactive effects of competitors in the airline industries and the
presence of a secondary ticket market for MLB tickets. The “zone of reasonableness”
concept used in freight pricing provides a useful framework for understanding the
self-imposed upper and lower price limits for MLB primary market ticket pricing in
primary markets.
Keywords Sports marketing, dynamic pricing, baseball, airlines
Relevance to Marketing Educators, Researchers, and/or Practitioners The
goal of dynamic pricing is to maximize the revenue from a product/service by
adjusting prices in accordance with demand and available inventory. In both the
airline and MLB industries, dynamic pricing increases ticket revenue by raising
prices as inventory decreases and demand increases. For marketing educators
teaching pricing concepts, the paper compares how dynamic pricing is applied in MLB
and airline ticket sales and allows readers to see the effects that competitors,
capacity, and secondary markets can have on prices.
A rapidly growing trend in the business of professional sports is the use of dynamic
pricing as a tool for maximizing revenue generation. Dynamic pricing (DP) is defined
as a system in which prices respond to supply and demand pressures in a real time
(or nearly real time) manner (Sahay, 2007). American Airlines is credited with the
first widespread use of DP as a pricing tool to handle the mismatches in supply and
A previous version was presented/published in the Proceedings of the 2015 AtMa Conference.
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Dynamic Pricing in Major League Baseball Tickets
demand for certain flights (McAfee and te Velde, 2006). DP has spread to numerous
other industries, including entertainment, hotels, manufacturing to order, and lately,
to Major League Baseball.
Conceptually, dynamic pricing can be understood as on a per unit basis as:
Price = Transaction Cost + Marginal Cost + Markup
where the markup is assigned according to what the market will bear, with the lowest
acceptable price being the sum of a transaction cost plus the marginal cost of
generating a unit for sale.
The goal of a DP model is typically one of profit maximization; however, the
implementation of a profit maximization strategy is complex. In the airline industry,
maximizing the revenue for a single flight by filling every seat through discounting
likely means that later flights to the same destination will be difficult to maximize.
In addition, competing carriers in the same segment will likely react to price changes
with their own pricing changes, creating a very dynamic marketplace.
DP is typically most effective when two product characteristics are present
(McAfee and te Velde, 2006).
1. The product/service has a specific expiration date, at which point the value
for the product service becomes zero, such as a hotel room, an airline flight,
an event ticket, or a time-dated (“sell before”) product. This creates a
pressure on the seller to liquidate inventory as the expiration date
approaches, which potentially creates a downward pressure on prices. This
is particularly true when supply exceeds demand.
2. Second, the capacity for the product/service is fixed and can only be
increased at a relatively high marginal cost. This characteristic creates the
opposite effect of upward pressure on pricing, especially when demand
exceeds supply.
Rascher et al (2007) posited that MLB teams were failing to capture millions of
dollars of revenue by not using dynamic pricing, thereby allowing the secondary
market to exploit the demand for certain high demand games. Three years later, the
San Francisco Giants were credited with implementing the first dynamic pricing
system in Major League Baseball (Young, 2010). Since this introduction in 2010, it
is estimated
that twenty-eight of thirty MLB teams (primary market) are
dynamically pricing some tickets for the 2015 season. The secondary market for MLB
tickets is largely dominated by StubHub, which enables buyers (both individual ticket
holders and ticket brokers who purchase blocks of tickets for re-sale) who wish to sell
Private discussion with a MLB team official, April 2015.
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tickets to price their tickets dynamically. This rapid adoption of DP in the MLB
primary market is based upon the belief that the use of DP generates increased
DP has spread rapidly across Major League Baseball, and one of the questions
that remains unanswered in the existing literature is how DP in Major League
Baseball is different from DP as it was originally developed in the airline industry.
The goal of this paper is to examine these similarities and differences and to examine
the issues surrounding the use of dynamic pricing within Major League Baseball.
Price Dispersion, Product Expiration, and Capacity
Models of dynamic pricing suggest that prices should rise after tickets initially go on
sale, then fall as the event approaches in order to maximize revenue. McAfee and te
Velde (2006) found this to be partially correct in their study of DP in the airline
industry ticket prices rose an average of $28.20 two weeks before take-off, and then
rose another $50 in the week before takeoff. Rather than decline immediately before
departure, airline ticket prices actually rose another $16 the night before take-off.
This data was effectively confirmed in a 2011 study by Airlines Reporting
Corporation, which found that prices are 40% above average if purchased the day of
travel but were 6% below average if purchased six weeks prior to departure
(Sakraida, 2012). Escobari (2012) also found that airline prices for a 100 passenger
aircraft increase an average of $1.53 for each less seat that remains available, and
that price increases accelerate during the final two weeks due to a combination of
reduced capacity and price inelasticity among business travelers.
One of the reasons airline ticket prices generally do not fall as the event horizon
approaches is the desire for airlines to price discriminate between different types of
customers. In effect, an airline using DP can charge more to customers that are
willing to pay more for a last minute ticket (Sweeting, 2012). The lack of a drop in
pricing at the end to maximize revenues is likely a function of not having a pool of
travelers waiting for a potential price reduction (people need a reason to travel), and
an airline not wanting to inadvertently reward travelers who wait until the last
minute to book a ticket.
StubHub and Ebay are examples of a platform for dynamic pricing in the
entertainment industry, where prices can fall as an event becomes closer and event
supply exceeds demand. These declines accelerate as the event comes closer and
frequently range in the 30-60% discount from the original ticket price (Sweeting,
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Dynamic Pricing in Major League Baseball Tickets
Consumer Decision Making and Dynamic Pricing
Consumer decision making processes are an important consideration in creating a
DP model. Many DP models are based upon deterministic decision models; that is,
there is little uncertainty in demand and purchase decisions are predominantly a
function of pricing decisions. (An options market for a commodity would be an
example.) Such classic approaches to DP assume that consumers make purchase
decisions when the price of the item to be purchased drops below the value assigned
to it (for example, when an airline ticket that is valued at $300 drops below $300 in
price, the consumer purchases the ticket.) This viewpoint has correctly been
described as myopic (Levin, McGill, and Nediak, 2010). The reality for MLB tickets,
airline tickets, hotel reservations, etc. is that such product markets are
fundamentally stochastic and influenced by a combination of deliberate actions
(pricing, promotion, etc.), random events, and events beyond the control of the seller
(winning percentage, weather conditions, etc.). As an example, regression modeling
of minor league baseball games has shown that even with the independent variables
of winning percentage, weather, day of the week, and presence/absence of promotions,
nearly half of all variation in ticket sales remained unaccounted (Drea, 1991).
In reality, consumers are likely to be strategic in their behavior by learning how
certain perishable items are priced in a DP environment (Talluri and van Ryzin,
2004). As the level of involvement with a dynamically priced item increases, it
becomes increasingly likely that consumers move away from a deterministic DP
model (purchase occurs when value exceeds price) and become more strategic.
Consumers are likely to communicate with other consumers regarding high
involvement purchases, becoming more sophisticated and strategic in their decision
making to find a price position that maximizes their return (the difference between
price and value assigned). This implies that to maximize revenue from consumers,
the process by which dynamic prices are set should not be completely transparent to
consumers. The pricing systems within most major airlines are “remarkably opaque
to the consumer, which is not surprising given one estimate that American Airlines
changes half a million prices per day” (McAfee and te Velde, 2006). If the time of the
lowest price point can be readily estimated by a consumer and if the consumer is
effectively rewarded for waiting with a lower price, the marginal revenue from each
ticket will decrease as consumers optimize their return by timing their purchases.
Dynamic pricing has its criticisms, which focus on two issues: negative influences
on consumer search behavior, and issues of price fairness. DP complicates search
processes for consumers, who must weigh whether to purchase a ticket early or to
delay a purchase to see if prices fall without knowing how the dynamic model works
(Furtwengler, 2011). Consumer perceptions of the “fairness” of dynamically set prices
is a function of the magnitude of the price increase, the extent to which the customer
is loyal, and the temporal proximity of the price difference (Dai, 2010). Consumers
are likely to describe dynamically set prices as unfair when the difference is to their
disadvantage (Bolton, Warlop, and Alba, 2003). Loyal customers were found to have
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reduced perceptions of price unfairness (than non-loyal customers) when a price
change was small or temporally distant; however, when the price change was large
and/or recent the perceptions of price unfairness were greater (Dai, 2010).
Dynamic Pricing in the Airline and MLB Industries
Extending DP from the airline industry to MLB tickets requires an understanding of
how the two industries are similar and different as it applies to pricing. Clearly, some
similarities exist:
1. Both airline and MLB tickets are sold in advance, and unsold tickets expire
at departure/game time (perishable).
2. Capacity is set in advance and can only be modified at a significant
marginal cost.
3. There is considerable uncertainty about aggregate demand than cannot be
resolved solely through pricing.
4. Consumers operate with imperfect information, but improve their decision
making over time in response to learning (primary vs. secondary markets,
purchase timing.)
There are numerous differences between the airline industry and MLB regarding
the influences for dynamic pricing, as shown in Table 1. Airline ticket pricing
features several factors which contribute to highly complex DP models. These include
the presence of direct competitors within the airline industry and the interactive
effect that changes in process have on competitor prices (and vice versa). While MLB
teams have direct competitors, a consumer is less likely to purchase a ticket for a
game from a competing team in order to obtain a lower price.
One of the key differences between the use of DP in the airline industry and MLB
ticketing surrounds the potential for negative repercussions for perceived price
unfairness. Because airline ticket prices tend to move and down collectively as an
industry, individual airlines are unlikely to be perceived as exhibiting price
unfairness for fluctuating prices since ticket prices for competitors are likely to be
fluctuating as well. (The exception would be tickets purchased within hours of
departure when only one competitor has available capacity.)
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Dynamic Pricing in Major League Baseball Tickets
Table 1: Dynamic Pricing Influences: Differences between Airline Tickets
and MLB Tickets
Major League Baseball
Multiple direct competitors
in geographic proximity are
a direct influence on prices.
Direct competitors have
limited influence on prices,
and are seldom in
geographic proximity.
Generic or total budget
competitors are a greater
No secondary market
Active secondary market
Low. Product is viewed to
some extent as a
commodity, differentiated
on price, services, and
High. Since there are few
direct competitors, MLB
tickets compete against
generic budget competitors
for discretionary spending
Categories of
Few. Typically coach and
first class, with some
Many, depending on
location and amenities.
Risk for
perceptions of
Low. Prices tend to move as
an industry, so perceptions
of unfairness by individual
competitors is rare.
High, if a competitor allows
prices to rise unrestrained
for high demand games.
Low. Buyers often make
purchase decisions several
weeks prior to departure.
Impulse purchases are
Varied. Some purchases
are made weeks/months in
advance, but many tickets
are sold based on an
impulse basis on the day of
A second key distinction between the airline and MLB industries is that MLB
ticket buyers are both consumers and fans. A fan has a monetary value that is in
addition to the ability to purchase single game tickets, including pre-sold
(season/package) tickets, media viewership, parking concessions, and the purchase of
licensed merchandise. Perceptions of price unfairness among the fans of a particular
MLB team potentially impacts these additional revenue streams. MLB teams are
advised to avoid maximizing the ticket revenue stream for exceptionally high demand
tickets at the risk of triggering perceptions of price unfairness, which would lower
behavioral intention to re-purchase and lower overall lifetime revenue.
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The Zone of Reasonableness and MLB Ticket Pricing
Another key distinction between airline and MLB ticket pricing is the effect of the
secondary market (StubHub) on primary market ticket sales. Unlike the primary
market, the MLB secondary market operates on a more market driven basis for ticket
pricing with less of a concern for perceptions of price unfairness or the potential
negative effects of having ticket prices fall below the prices paid by season ticket
holders. If a ticket with an initial value of $100 is sold later on StubHub for $300,
the perceptions of price unfairness are focused on the secondary market provider
(StubHub) and not the MLB team that no longer controls the ticket price. The
secondary market is also unconcerned with any effects of price unfairness when
individual game tickets fall below the per game ticket price paid by a season ticket
holder. This frequently results in a broader range of potential ticket prices found in
the secondary market, compared to the restricted range of prices in the primary
Figure 1: The Zone of Reasonableness for MLB Ticket Pricing
Variable cost plus
transaction costs
Ticket Value to Consumer
Season Ticket Holder Price
Zone of
Zone of reasonableness, secondary market
of price
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Dynamic Pricing in Major League Baseball Tickets
One way of understanding the differences of DP in the primary and secondary
markets is through the application of the “zone of reasonableness” pricing concept to
the field of dynamic pricing. The zone of reasonableness is a concept used in both
energy pricing (Fox-Penner and Wharton, 2007) and freight pricing (Drea and Hanna,
2006) to determine the floor and ceiling prices for a particular item. In the MLB
primary market ticket pricing, the range of available ticket price positions is bounded
on the lower end by the price per game paid by season ticket holders, and on the upper
end by a price above which perceptions of price unfairness would likely develop. In
the MLB ticket secondary market, the range of potential ticket prices is considerably
broader, since the secondary market in unencumbered by perceived lower price limit
imposed by season ticket holders or concerns of price unfairness as an upper limit.
Not pricing below the per game price paid by a season ticket holder is believed to be
an important mechanism to guarantee season ticket holders that they are receiving
the best price per game for their tickets and that they would not benefit by purchasing
tickets individually in the primary market. In 2013, MLB entered into an agreement
with StubHub to establish a minimum ticket price of $6, which includes all
transaction fees (Fisher, 2012), and this price establishes the lower price limit for the
secondary market.
There is support that some professional sports teams use a “zone of
reasonableness” concept when implementing DP. For example, a high demand MLB
ticket would be the San Francisco Giants vs. Oakland Athletics at AT&T Park in San
Francisco on Friday, July 24, 2015. A ticket purchased through the team in the lower
box area was priced at $122.50 from primary market (SF Giants) vs. an average price
of $162.15 in the secondary market (StubHub prices for this area ranged from $102.95
to $219.95). By comparison, a low demand ticket in a lower box area for the June 29,
2015 game between the Cincinnati Reds and the Minnesota Twins at Great American
Ball Park in Cincinnati was priced at $37 in the primary market (Cincinnati Reds)
vs. an average price of $24.85 in the secondary market (StubHub prices for this area
ranged from $16.83 to $33.01). In each of these two examples, the MLB teams appear
to have constrained the range of prices in the primary market in order to protect the
interests of season ticket holders and fans.
Teams that routinely approach stadium capacity have the flexibility of pursuing
additional pricing objectives beyond profit maximization. The St. Louis Cardinals,
which use DP and routinely sell out, had 79% of home games in the 2014 season with
some tickets priced at $10 or less and 36% of home games had some tickets priced for
$5. (St. Louis Cardinals, 2015). This is done by making some areas unavailable for
season ticket sales, such as high in the top deck of the stadium, and in some areas of
the bleachers. These sentiments were echoed by Joe Strohm, VP for Ticket Sales from
the Cardinals. “The biggest challenge was communicating the new pricing structure
to our fans and overcoming the concern of season ticket holders that we would be
undercutting their price. We have guaranteed season holders that we will never sell
individual tickets below the game value of their ticket” (Rishe, 2012).
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Carr and Lovejoy (2000) previously considered this goal of pricing in order to
sellout as a poor strategy in industries such as airlines and hotels, but it may have
value in professional sports ticket markets where the presence of a sellout has
benefits for enhancing the attractiveness of a ticket and emphasizing the scarcity.
For the majority of entities using DP, the primary pricing objective is profit
maximization. While both airlines and MLB teams use DP and embrace profit
maximization, the implementation of DP in each industry is substantially different.
Some of these discrepancies are related to different market structures, with a) more
direct competition and less brand differentiation in the airline industry and b) the
presence of an active secondary market for MLB tickets. At the same time, it is worth
noting that airlines have customers and MLB teams have fans, some of whom are
ticket buying customers and all of whom contribute to the revenue stream for the
MLB team. As a result, the implementation of DP in MLB ticket sales is different
from the implementation of DP within the airline industry.
MLB tickets priced using DP are constrained at the upper and lower levels by
the “fan as a customer” duality faced by team ticket staffs. The lower level of
acceptable ticket prices is constrained by per game prices paid by season ticket
holders, while the upper level of acceptable prices is constrained by issues of price
fairness, which is more difficult to quantify. Secondary MLB ticket markets do not
have these same constraints, which results in a greater level of price dispersion on
the secondary market. These differences are represented by the zone of
reasonableness pricing model.
As a tool for maximizing MLB ticket revenue, DP is most effective when the
demand for tickets exceeds the perceived supply. This scenario allows an MLB team
to extract more value from the transaction by setting a dynamically priced ticket
higher than the price paid by a season ticket holder, yet below a price point that
triggers perceptions of price unfairness. In a scenario where the demand for tickets
does not exceed the supply, DP provides a basis for price discrimination by charging
a higher price to buyers who purchase tickets within the last day before game time
have the ability to pay a price premium for such decisions.
One of the issues for future research in this area is to quantify the costs incurred
by MLB teams for the constraints that prevent teams from fully maximizing revenues
(as occurs in the secondary market), and to determine what actions, if any, can be
undertaken that would allow dynamically set process to fluctuate more fully in
accordance with market demands.
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Author Information
Dr. John Drea earned his D.B.A in Marketing from Southern Illinois University. He
is a Professor and Chair of the Management and Organizational Leadership Program
at Illinois College, as well as Emeritus Professor of Marketing at Western Illinois
University. His research has appeared in the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales
Management, Transportation Journal, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of
Transportation Management, and numerous other outlets.
Mr. Andrew Nahlik earned his M.A in Economics from the University of Florida. He
is an instructor in the Economics, Accounting, and Finance department at Illinois
College. His previous research has been used in technical reports for various
government agencies such as the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife and the
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and other interested parties.