University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Cooperative Extension Service
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
General Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Remove Debris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Rinse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Detergent Application . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Rinse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Sanitize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Pests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Design and Maintenance of Buildings . . . . .9
Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
The lack of proper sanitation procedures can cost plant opera-
tors a lot of money. Often this loss is not obvious to management.
It shows up in terms of customers going elsewhere, poor employ-
ee morale (this is sometimes blamed on inferior personnel), unre-
ported spoilage problems or poor food quality in restaurants
(resulting in lack of repeat business). More obvious to manage-
ment are direct complaints and government intervention ranging
from the local County Sanitarian to FDA to USDA Inspectors. Lack
of proper sanitation can cause increased returns of products,
shorter shelf life, less profit and can invite the threat of possible
operation shutdown. Good Sanitation Does Not Cost, It Pays.
The condition of the outside of your plant is important in mak-
ing a good first impression. If the outside area is unkempt, it is
likely that the water supply, waste disposal, and sewage dispos-
al systems suffer also. Regulations govern the water supply in
plants that use well water. Test the water periodically to deter-
mine potability. Make sure that no back siphonage can occur
throughout the plant. Generally, sewage disposal and liquid
waste disposal are also governed by regulations. Plants that use
lagoon systems must closely monitor the effluent to make sure
the lagoon is not becoming overloaded. It is imperative that a
member of the quality control team keep records of the Biological
Oxygen Demand (BOD) as well as suspended solids and other
pertinent information dealing with the effluent.
The importance of dry waste disposal is often overlooked in
food processing plants as well as fast food outlets, hospitals,
school cafeterias, etc. Unfortunately, this is sometimes looked on
as a necessary evil and very little time is allocated to the clean-
ing of dry waste disposal units. Very small amounts of accumu-
lated food debris left in the bottom of a trash container can be the
food source and breeding area for literally millions of flies and
other pests, not to mention multitudes of microorganisms. Use a
scraper or hoe to loosen the caked material at the bottom of the
trash container, then wash and spray it. This can disrupt the cycle
and eliminate this particular source of insect infestation.
Remember, research has shown that a single housefly is capable
of carrying six and a half million bacteria, many of which may be
Bacteria, like other forms of life, are confronted with the critical
struggle for existence. They must have food, moisture and ideal
temperature for growth. Bacteria have no way of migrating from
one area to another or from one person to another. This means
they must be conveyed by some sort of “carrier.” If the type of
conveyance is interrupted, the continuous scattering of bacteria
can be controlled. This can be accomplished by utilizing a good
cleaning program that includes an improved method of washing,
rinsing, and sanitizing of all utensils and equipment after use.
Write out the sanitation program of a plant in specific terms so
that any new employee coming on the job can follow the instruc-
tions and know exactly what to do. A checklist may be appropri-
ate to assign specific duties to specific employees. For example:
Employee 1 — Scrape, hose down, and spray dumpster once
each week
Employee 2 Clean restrooms once each day, including
bowls, floors, sinks and drains
Figure 1. Regular cleaning of the Dumpster
(or garbage cans) will aid in decreas-
ing the fly population.
Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Pest Control In Food
Processing, Storage and Service Areas
Figure 2. A single housefly is capable of carry-
ing as many as 6.5 million bacteria ----
a real pest.
Employee 3 — Clean box makeup room each week
Employee 4 — Check traps and bait stations outside the plant
each day
By specifying the individual that is to perform a specific task,
management can do a better job of controlling the level of sani-
tation in and around the plant.
Cleaning is the removal of dirt or debris by physical and/or
chemical means.
Sanitizing is the process used to rid or reduce the number of
microbes (microorganisms) on the surface. Sanitizing cannot be
accomplished until surfaces are clean. Sanitizing cannot be
effective without a good pest control program.
Pest Control is the reduction or eradication of pests (macroor-
ganisms). These include flies, cockroaches, mice and rats, as
well as weevils and other insects that can infest food products.
Pest control cannot be effectively accomplished unless and until
proper clearing has occurred.
If no pests are present, cleaning followed by sanitizing is suffi-
cient. If, however, pests are present, they must be controlled
before the sanitizing step. This is because the pests will reconta-
minate any surface that may have been sanitized.
There are five steps that should take place when cleaning an area:
1. Remove debris
Never use a hose when a squeegee, broom or shovel can be
used. In a processing plant, use a shovel to move such items as
eggshells, meat scraps, chicken parts or vegetables. Place these
in containers or troughs, or on conveyors that will remove the
debris from the plant. Food wastes may be removed via truck to
a rendering plant, landfill, or dryer.
In a restaurant or institution (such as hospitals, nursing homes,
jails or schools), use a long handled dustpan to pick up solid
items, paper and other trash. Never dry sweep in areas where
food is on display or customers are eating. A damp mop may be
used to contain spilled liquids. Place food residues in well marked,
plastic lined garbage containers. Tie plastic bags shut prior to
placing them in a Dumpster for removal. In the kitchen, scrape
utensils of any excess food particles or burned on foodstuffs.
In the home, put food remains from plates, cutting boards and
counter tops in the disposal or wrap them and put them in a
garbage can or Dumpster.
2. Rinse
Most food processing plants are required to have a floor drain
every 400 square feet. Hose down (with water) any remaining
small particles of fish, meat, poultry, vegetables, milk or egg liq-
uids. This prepares the surfaces for the next step. Take care to
avoid spraying water directly on motors and other electrical
equipment. If metal bars are used to raise belts, don’t run the
equipment with bars in place. This will damage the belts and pos-
sibly the equipment. Disassemble equipment, such as band
saws, pipes, stuffers, etc. A thorough rinse with cold or tepid
water will make the next step more effective. Remember, some
proteins coagulate at 140°F to 145°F. Never use excessively hot
Figure 3. Specify the individual that is to per-
form certain tasks.
Figure 5. Don’t forget the drains ---- they can be
a source of bad odors. Cleaning is not
finished until the drains are cleaned.
Figure 4. Tie plastic bags shut before placing
them in trash containers.
water or steam; this would bake the protein onto equipment much
as an egg sticks to an ungreased frying pan.
However, use care when using water in food warehouses. Do
not allow moisture to come in contact with dry goods stored in the
building. Clean coolers containing wet products such as meat,
fish, poultry, milk, vegetables, etc., on a regular basis. Make sure
someone is responsible for cleaning and sanitizing often over-
looked areas, such as floor drains.
Depending on the construction, the kitchen of a restaurant or
institution may be treated similarly to a processing plant. If floor
drains are scarce, it may be necessary to use the old-fashioned
mop and bucket. Soak utensils and other items difficult to clean,
such as grinders, mixer parts, beaters, whisks, etc., in 120°F
water to begin loosening the debris. This is generally referred to
as pre-soaking. In the home, everyone knows the value of pre-
soaking hard to clean pots and pans. Your dishwasher may have
a pre-soak cycle built in. Although a part of the next step, a little
detergent added here sometimes helps to loosen stubborn baked
on food particles.
3. Detergent Application
Some food plants and warehouses are equipped with high-
pressure sprayers through which detergent is metered. The loos-
ening action of the detergent, together with the high water pres-
sure, removes the residue from the equipment surfaces. Another
method of applying detergent is by foaming it on the equipment
and allowing it to work for a few minutes prior to the next step of
rinsing. Certain pieces of equipment need to be cleaned manual-
ly using brushes, steel pads, etc.
In most states, restaurants and institutions are required to have
a four-compartment sink. The first compartment is used to rinse
off large particles of adhering soil. The second compartment is
used to apply the detergent in 120°F to 140°F water. The third
compartment is used to rinse and the fourth to sanitize. Brush or
agitate in some manner equipment that has been disassembled
to facilitate removal of debris. Detergents are manufactured to do
specific jobs. Therefore, make a decision on whether to use low
foaming versus high foaming or alkaline versus acid detergent
when consulting with the manufacturer’s representative. Base
your decision on:
a. the soil type (fat, protein, raw, baked on, chemical scale, etc.)
b. the surface to be cleaned (solid, mesh, stainless, galva-
nized, etc.)
c. quality of water (hard, soft)
d. method available for cleaning (spray, foam, manual, etc.)
e. cost (plant personnel, contract)
In the home, this function takes place in the sink where uten-
sils and dishes are usually rubbed with a dishcloth or scouring
pad to remove food residues.
4. Rinse
After applying detergent by high-pressure spray, soak tank or
foaming, rinse the equipment with clean potable water. It is
extremely important that all detergent residue is completely
rinsed off since very small amounts of detergent in food can
cause stomach and intestinal disorders similar to the symptoms
of food poisoning. In a restaurant or institution, the third com-
partment of the sink is used for rinsing. In the home, dishes are
rinsed and placed in a rack to air dry. Water for rinsing should be
Figure 6. Disassemble equipment for proper
Figure 8. A four-compartment sink is desirable
in a busy commercial kitchen.
Figure 7. Cleaning with foam. Allow several
minutes for detergent action.
5. Sanitize
There are several general classes of sanitizers. These include:
a. Halogens — chlorine, iodine, and bromine
b. Phenols
c. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
Consider the following items when selecting a sanitizer for your
particular operation:
1. The length of time the sanitizer will be in contact with the
surface to be sanitized. If you are going to soak the equipment,
then the rate of sanitizing action is relatively unimportant.
2. The temperature at which the sanitizer will be used. For
example, in the case of chlorine, as the temperature is increased,
chlorine is less effective.
3. The amount of organic material (fats, proteins, vegetable
materials, etc.) present in or on the equipment to be sanitized. If
the equipment to be sanitized contains many particles of organic
matter in addition to bacteria, the sanitizer will concentrate on the
organic particles and combine with them rather than the much
smaller bacteria. On the other hand, if the equipment is relative-
ly clean and if bacteria comprise the majority of the particulate
matter on the equipment, then the sanitizer will be more effective.
4. The cost of the sanitizer. No matter how efficient a sanitiz-
er may be, its cost may limit its application. Before selecting a
sanitizer, review all considerations in order to determine the most
economical one to use for a particular job.
5. The sanitizer’s pH. It is important to know the pH of the
solution in which the sanitizer will be expected to act. Again,
using chlorine as an example, we find that the lower the pH, the
more effective chlorine is as a sanitizing agent.
6. Determination of the Phenol Coefficient. The bactericidal
effectiveness of a chemical sanitizer can be measured by deter-
mining its Phenol Coefficient. This value is obtained by comparing
the sanitizer’s activity with a pure Phenol. A Phenol is a highly
toxic agent to all bacteria under carefully standardized conditions.
The test is made by separately mixing various concentrations of
Phenol and sanitizer with known numbers of bacteria. After a spe-
cific time limit, the solutions are compared for total kill. The high-
est dilution of the test sanitizing solution that kills all the organisms
in ten minutes is divided by the highest dilution of Phenol giving
the same results, to give the Phenol Coefficient (P). For example,
if the highest dilution d the test solution that gives 100 percent kill
in ten minutes is 1-500 and for Phenol, 1-100, the Phenol
Coefficient is P = 500 100 = 5. Phenol Coefficients are calculated
by the manufacturers of sanitizers in order to determine recom-
mended concentrations for use in solution. Thus, the higher the
Phenol Coefficient, the more effective that particular sanitizer is in
killing bacteria. With a tremendous number of detergents and san-
itizers now being marketed and with some new product being
introduced every day, there are innumerable formulations of
cleaning compounds from which to choose.
Almost every cleaning job has a detergent designed to handle
it. We must become familiar with the proper use of detergents for
various jobs. Any cleaning compound used on product contact
surfaces or in processing areas should be approved by USDA.
The United States Department of Agriculture Consumer and
Marketing Service, Consumer Protection Programs, Technical
Service Division, publishes a list alphabetized by company of
chemical compounds that are approved for use in food opera-
tions. Although this list was compiled for food processors manu-
Figure 9. Air drying of dishes is preferable to
towel drying.
Select one or more sanitizers for your specific
facturing products under USDA Poultry, Meat, Rabbit, and Egg
Products Inspectors Programs, it could be used as a guide for the
safe use of detergents and sanitizers in any food related situa-
tion. It can be obtained from:
United States Government Printing Office
Superintendent of Documents
Washington, D.C. 20402
Dip utensils, equipment parts, etc., in a chemical solution or in
180°F water for 30 seconds to complete the sanitizing process.
Sanitize stationary equipment by use of a small pump sprayer in
a small plant or by use of a high-pressure sprayer in a larger facil-
ity. A small hand held spray type bottle may be used in a restau-
rant for table sanitizing. Probably the most generally used sani-
tizer is chlorine. The ability of any sanitizer to inactivate or kill
microorganisms is dependent upon the germicidal action of the
sanitizer itself (i.e., its selectivity and concentration, the length of
time during which the sanitizer is in contact with the surface being
sanitized, the number and characteristics of the microflora pre-
sent, the temperature, the pH and the amount of organic matter
and other incompatible materials, such as mineral deposits). The
greater the number of microorganisms present the more difficult
it is to effectively remove them. Certain sanitizers are more effec-
tive or have a greater germicidal action than others. For instance,
chlorine can be purchased in the form of Sodium Hypochlorite in
5, 11, and 15 percent solutions. Naturally, less quantity of the 15
percent solution is needed than that of the 5 percent solution. If
mineral deposits, milkstone or other incompatible materials are
present on the surface, sanitizers cannot penetrate to the bacte-
ria and therefore, the cost of the sanitizers is wasted. You cannot
sanitize dirt.
When choosing a sanitizer, take care to determine the surface
makeup of the equipment that is to be sanitized. If chlorine is
used in high concentrations on stainless steel equipment, pitting
of the equipment will eventually occur since chlorine in solution
forms an acid. Likewise, the use of iodophores on belts and other
pieces of equipment that can absorb sanitizers tend to stain the
equipment. Do not use phenols in food processing plants. The
odor of a phenol can penetrate food materials, causing undesir-
able flavors and odors in the food. They are at times used in
restrooms, and it is difficult to determine whether or not the
restroom has been cleaned or the phenol compound has simply
been spilled in the area masking the odor of a restroom.
Quaternary ammonium compounds (QUATS) have a use in food
processing plants. However, their use has been Iimited due to the
cost of these compounds.
Let’s review how to obtain a specific parts per million (ppm)
solution from a given solution. Let’s use chlorine as an example.
Usually Sodium Hypochlorite is packaged as a 5.25 percent chlo-
rine solution. To express this as a decimal, we divide:
5.25 = .0525
To get ppm, we multiply .0525 by 1,000,000 or 52,500 ppm,
i.e., the bottle of chlorine in your home contains 52,500 ppm of
chlorine. To get a specific ppm, say 200 ppm, use an equation:
Figure 10. A small pump sprayer may be uti-
lized to sanitize disassembled parts
or stationary equipment (such as
belts, saws or tables).
1 Part = X
52,500 200 ppm
52,500 X = 200 ppm
X = 200
X = .0038
This means (if you are dealing in ml) that you should use .0038
ml chlorine per ml of water.
However, since measuring .0038 ml is difficult, let’s multiply by
1,000 ml (or 1 liter).
3.8 ml of 5.25% Cl in 1 liter of water
will provide a 200 ppm solution
The reasoning is the same in ounces or gallons, i.e., .0038 oz.
Cl per oz. water = 200 ppm. Again multiplying by 1,000 — 3.8 oz.
per 1,000 oz. water (7.8 gallons) = 200 ppm.
.0038 gallon Cl per gallon water = 200 ppm
or .486 oz. Cl per gallon
3.8 gallon per 1,000 gallon water = 200 ppm
Control of pests and use of pesticides are particularly critical in
places where food is prepared, served or packaged. Most indus-
tries and institutions (such as schools and hospitals) are inspected
for sanitation by one or more state, federal or local agencies.
To assure food has been prepared, packed and held under
sanitary conditions, The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states the following:
“Sec. 402. A food shall be deemed to be adulterated ... (a) (3)
if it consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed
substance, or if it is otherwise unfit for food; or (4) if it has been
prepared, packed, or held under unsanitary conditions whereby it
may have become contaminated with filth, or whereby it may
have been rendered injurious to health; ...”
Examination of this passage of the Act reveals that any food
product containing filth may be in violation if it is even held under
conditions where food may become contaminated, regardless of
whether it is a hazard to health.
Regulatory action can be taken if food becomes contaminat-
ed, or is prepared, packed or held under conditions where it could
become contaminated with insect fragments, rodent hair, bird
feathers, feces, etc.
Top management is ultimately responsible for identifying a
competent person to develop a pest prevention and control pro-
gram. Give them the necessary support to carry out the program
and ensure that pesticides are used in accordance with label
instructions. Persons who apply pesticides in industrial and insti-
tutional settings have a responsibility to use the needed pesti-
cide, to apply it correctly (according to label instructions), and to
be certain there is no hazard to man or the environment. Guard
against the spread of microorganisms and filth by flying and
crawling insects, rats, mice, and other vermin.
Pest control is often ignored until pests and their damage are
discovered. For example, if rodents or insects are found in a food
storage room, temporary measures are taken to eliminate them.
The real trouble, however, is not corrected. This situation needs a
sustained effort, including: inspecting incoming food for evidence
= .15 (150,000 ppm)
150,000 200 ppm
150,000X = 200 ppm
.0013 oz. Cl
oz. water
USE .0013 oz. Cl per oz. water
There are 128 oz. per gallon
128 oz. water
.0013 oz. Cl
.1664 oz. Cl
gallon oz. water gallon
.1664 oz. Cl
X 5 gallons = .83 oz. Cl
MIX .83 oz. Cl with 5 gallons water to obtain
a solution with 200 ppm Cl.
Our unit has purchased industrial strength
Chlorine (Cl). It contains 15 percent Cl. We
need to fill a 5 gallon holding tank with 200
parts per million (ppm) of Cl. How much of the
15 percent Cl shall I use?
of insects or rodents before storing it, rodent proofing the room,
storing the food off the floor, keeping the room clean, and inspect-
ing the room for insect and rodent activity on a regular basis.
The method of treating a single outbreak is a poor concept of
sanitation. In the heavily regulated food industry, this could be dis-
astrous since contaminated food can be seized and destroyed
and fines levied against the company. Embarrassment, bad pub-
licity and economic loss to an industry or institution can some-
times be worse than regulatory actions. Take every fitting precau-
tion to exclude the pests from all sections of the processing plant.
Eliminate cracks and crevices in food storage and handling
areas by proper construction or repairs. A tight, waterproof,
smooth surface is easier to clean and keep clean. Properly con-
struct concrete block, poured concrete or brick walls to eliminate
cracks and pores that could offer insects shelter or access.
Make all food handling and storage areas accessible to rou-
tine cleaning. Seal cabinets and kitchen equipment to the wall or
floor, or have at least six inches of clearance to allow adequate
cleaning. Kitchen equipment one to two inches off the floor or 1/4
inch from the wall, is very difficult to keep clean and is usually an
attractive site for cockroaches and other pests.
Locate food handling machinery to allow thorough cleaning.
Cracks and crevices leading into voids often form insect breeding
and harborage areas.
Containers should be stacked on pallets. Leave aisles
between stacked containers and walls for inspection and cleaning.
Where practical, stack items 18 inches off the floor and 18 inches
away from walls. This is called the “18 inch rule of sanitation.”
Make sure that all doors and windows are tight fitting and that
screens are provided on all windows and doors that can be opened.
Screened doors should open to the outside. Take the nature of the
surroundings into account when selecting construction materials.
Food handling and storage areas should be rodent proof and
bird proof. Remember, mice can enter openings less than 1/4
inch, and rats can enter openings less than 1/2 inch in diameter.
Remove waste food or garbage to proper storage or dispos-
al sites at least daily.
Design a routine schedule for cleaning all areas. Some areas
may need cleaning only once a week, others every day. In addi-
tion, spot clean spills and accidents.
When a new building is to be built, consult experts on the
design and building materials to be used, since this is very impor-
tant in a sanitation program.
Train maintenance personnel in sanitation. Many mainte-
nance personnel forget to clean tools used in the offal room
before using them in the processing or packaging area. If some-
one has to step on a conveyor belt to reach an overhead motor,
make sure that it is cleaned afterwards.
A situation arose in one plant where management decided to
close off the outside door of the box makeup room. To do this,
they simply removed the door knob from the door, locking it shut.
However, they forgot to fill in the hole the missing door knob cre-
ated. This caused a l-5/8 inch opening to the outside. Air was
sucked in through the small opening into the box room and out
into the main part of the plant. The opening was located adjacent
to a dirty dock and dirt and debris were sucked in with the air. As
a result of this, the shelf life of the product produced in that plant
Figure 11. Minor items, such as a door knob
hole, can cause major problems.
This can result in the loss of truck-
loads of food production.
decreased by three days. This was just enough to begin spoilage
and cause customers to complain. Once the situation was recog-
nized, a 1-5/8 inch plug was placed in the door and an exhaust
fan was mounted in the wall to correct the air flow problem. The
shelf life was regained. Indeed, very small items can cause very
large problems. Screen or seal vent pipes, sewage lines, and
other openings in walls and floors to prevent vermin entry.
The outside of the building presents the first impression of
your operation to the public. Keep grass short, shrubs neatly
trimmed and clean paved access ways. Maintain proper drainage
to reduce or eliminate shelter areas for pests.
Surround the building foundation with an 18 to 24 inch strip
of 88 inch pebbled rock piled four inches deep in a trench. This
discourages rodents from burrowing around buildings and keeps
some turf pests from entering buildings. This makes an excellent
area for traps and bait stations at food processing and storage
facilities. If the bottom of the trench is lined with tar paper, weed
growth will be retarded for a short time.
To reduce pest and vermin harborage, control weeds under
fences or other barriers with various herbicides labeled for this
Clean up all debris and trash. Store necessary supplies and
equipment on racks at least 18 inches off the ground or on con-
crete slabs to reduce rodent and insect harborage.
Place garbage and food waste in enclosed containers that
are emptied regularly. Containers should be off the ground on
racks or on a concrete slab.
Slope the grounds properly for adequate drainage. Poor
drainage around buildings provides breeding places for insects
(such as termites and cockroaches) and microorganisms (such
as wood destroying fungi).
Locate outdoor lighting fixtures at a distance from buildings
and aim them toward the buildings to help keep flying insects that
are attracted to light away from doors and windows.
You must instill in each employee the knowledge and desire
to maintain cleanliness in a plant. Good housekeeping costs
money, but poor sanitation costs more. Control over product
quality begins with good sanitation today. There is no substitute
for cleanliness and no excuse for its absence.
An inspection program is necessary for a good preventive
sanitation program. You will need to have inspection forms to fit
the needs of your industry or institution. A checklist developed by
the National Pest Control Association is included to indicate the
variety of items that should be inspected on a routine basis.
Figure 12. Cracks and spaces such as those
created where pipes come through
the wall or floor should be sealed
Trade and brand names are used only for
information. The Cooperative Extension
Service, Unversity of Georgia College of
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences does
not guarantee nor warrant the standard of any
product mentioned; neither does it imply
approval of any product to the exclusion of
others which may also be suitable.
PREPARED FOR _________________________ INSPECTED BY _________________________
LOCATION ______________________________ DATE _________________________________
_______________________________________ TIME _________________________________
The items below are to be checked YES or NO to indicate if the guidelines of the NPCA Sanitation and Pest Control Floor-
Level Inspection Manual are met.
Entries in the right hand column indicate deficiencies which should be corrected.
1. Absence of pest harborage ________ ________ 1.
2. Absence of pest breeding ________ ________ 2.
3. Garbage handling systems ________ ________ 3.
4. Garbage storage area ________ ________ 4.
5. Garbage containers ________ ________ 5.
6. Garbage container cleaning ________ ________ 6.
7. Trash disposal ________ ________ 7.
8. Paving and drainage ________ ________ 8.
9. Weed control ________ ________ 9.
10. Perimeter rodent control ________ ________ 10.
11. Perimeter insect control ________ ________ 11.
1. Rodent proofing ________ ________ 1.
2. Insect proofing ________ ________ 2.
3. bird proofing ________ ________ 3.
4. Roofs ________ ________ 4.
5. Other structures ________ ________ 5.
6. Lighting ________ ________ 6.
1. Walls ________ ________ 1.
2. Floors ________ ________ 2.
3. Ceilings ________ ________ 3.
4. Cleanability ________ ________ 4.
5. Pits ________ ________ 5.
6. Floor drains ________ ________ 6.
7. Plumbing ________ ________ 7.
8. Ventilation ________ ________ 8.
9. Condensation ________ ________ 9.
10. Lighting ________ ________ 10.
Packaged and Dry Food Storage
1. Pest evidence absent ________ ________ 1.
2. Proper storage practice ________ ________ 2.
3. Good housekeeping ________ ________ 3.
4. Empty container storage ________ ________ 4.
Damaged Good Storage
5. Segregation ________ ________ 5.
6. Repackaging ________ ________ 6.
7. Proper housekeeping returned goods ________ ________ 7.
8. Adequate handling program ________ ________ 8.
Refrigerated Area
9. Pest evidence absent ________ ________ 9.
10. Condensation absent ________ ________ 10.
11. Cleaning satisfactory ________ ________ 11.
12. Other ________ ________ 12.
1. Enclosed areas easily opened ________ ________ 1.
2. Spaces under and behind equipment cleaned ________ ________ 2.
3. Counter and surface areas clean ________ ________ 3.
4. No permanent food storage in preparation area ________ ________ 4.
1. Clean ________ ________ 1.
1. Storage area for receptacles adequate ________ ________ 1.
2. Storage area clean ________ ________ 2.
3. Containers of proper type ________ ________ 3.
4. Garbage containers regularly covered ________ ________ 4.
5. Shows evidence of regular cleaning ________ ________ 5.
Toilet Facilities
1. Adequate for current number of employees ________ ________ 1.
2. Sanitary and in good repair ________ ________ 2.
3. Door self-closing and does not open into food area ________ ________ 3.
4. Adequate ventilation and no offensive odor ________ ________ 4.
5. Lockers regularly emptied and clean ________ ________ 5.
6. Area free of old clothes and trash ________ ________ 6.
Handwashing Facilities
7. Adequate and convenient ________ ________ 7.
8. Appropriate trash receptacles ________ ________ 8.
1. Accessible for cleaning ________ ________ 1.
2. Clean ________ ________ 2.
1. Easily cleaned ________ ________ 1.
2. Pest harborage absent ________ ________ 2.
1. Clean ________ ________ 1.
2. Pest harborage absent ________ ________ 2.
1. Clean ________ ________ 1.
2. Regular trash removal ________ ________ 2.
1. Floor areas clean ________ ________ 1.
2. Equipment and counters easily cleaned ________ ________ 2.
3. Pest harborage absent ________ ________ 3.
1. Rodents ________ ________ 1.
2. Insects ________ ________ 2.
3. Other ________ ________ 3.
1. Rodents ________ ________ 1.
2. Insects ________ ________ 2.
3. Other ________ ________ 3.
REPORT REVIEWED: on __________________________________ (Date) by ________________________ inspector
with ___________________________________________________ (Name) for the client
_______________________________________________________ (Manager) for the client
The University of Georgia and Ft. Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state
cooperating. The Cooperative Extension Service, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental
Sciences offers educational programs, assistance and materials to all people without regard to race, color, national origin,
age, sex or disability.
An Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Organization Committed to a Diverse Work Force
Food Science 11-1
Bulletin 927 Reprinted June 1999
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, The University of Georgia College
of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.
Gale A. Buchanan, Dean and Director
Prepared by
George A. Schuler,
Maxcy P. Nolan,
A.E. Reynolds
and W.C. Hurst,
Extension Food Scientists