NV Department of Health and Human Services
Drug Transparency Reporting Instructions
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Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Compensation & Samples Reporting Instructions
Version (v): 09/29/2022; Supersedes: 09/19/2022
NRS 439B.660(4)
Reporting Date: On or before March 1
Reporting Frequency: Annually
Form Template Name: "Compensation_Samples_Template vmm.dd.yyyy”
Worksheet Tabs:
First Tab: Comp&Sample Template
Second Tab: Samples Without NV Rep (Optional)
Purpose: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 439B.660(4) requires that sales representatives registered
with the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) that engage in business in Nevada
submit a report detailing their compensation and samples distributions in Nevada for the preceding
calendar year (January 1
to December 31
). Eligible events that should be reported include any type
of compensation greater than $10 or total compensation with a value that exceeds $100 in aggregate.
Sales representatives are required to report the names of all licensed, certified, or registered health
care providers, pharmacy employees, operators or employees of a medical facility, and individuals
licensed or certified under the provisions of title 57 of NRS to whom they provided samples. Meals may
be reported in aggregate. I.E. Meals provided for 12 staff members totaling $120.00.
Reporting Requirements Detailed in NRS 439B.660(4) can be found at the following link:
1. The department’s excel template provides representatives a standardized form to use for
reporting that incorporates all the fields required by law (Compensation_Samples_Template
vmm.dd.yyyy). Review instructions carefully as omission of indicated fields will result in
submission rejection.
2. All fields listed in the template document are required fields, unless otherwise noted.
3. Please do not rearrange or change the departmental template headers in any way.
4. All values should be specific to the calendar year immediately preceding the year of report
5. PLEASE NOTE: Representatives who do not have a state-issued pharmaceutical representative
identification number should contact the drug manufacturer directly.
6. All representatives registered with a status of “active” during the reporting period must submit
a report, even if they did not complete eligible compensation or sample distribution events. The
Activity field described below should indicate “No” for representatives that completed no
eligible compensation or sample distribution events during the reporting period.
NV Department of Health and Human Services
Drug Transparency Reporting Instructions
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7. For reporting meals in aggregate, it is acceptable to put the total number of staff
under “Recipient first name (column G). As an example, “10 staff members”. In
this case H-J would remain blank.
8. For samples that are not attributed to a Nevada representative, please use 2
on template (Without NV Rep). Please note this tab is not required by statute.
9. For technical assistance, send your questions to: [email protected]
Selected Detailed Field Descriptions:
“Manufacturer Name”:
The name of the drug manufacturer on behalf of which the sales representative was
registered to provide compensation or sample(s).
“Representative State ID:
Submissions lacking this field for any entry will be rejected. This is the State-issued
pharmaceutical representative 7-digit identification number that was issued at the time the
manufacturer registered the representative in Nevada to engage in business in the state.
Representatives may have multiple identification numbers if the pharmaceutical representative
worked for multiple manufacturers. It is critical to ensure the state issued identification number
coincides with the enrollment(s) under the listed manufacturer.
“Representative First Name”:
This is the first name of the pharmaceutical representative.
“Representative Last Name”:
This is the last name of the pharmaceutical representative.
For representatives registered with a status of “active” that completed no eligible
compensation or samples distribution events during the reporting period, this should be
marked as “No”. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
“Transaction Date”:
The transaction date is the date on which the representative provided the compensation or
sample to the recipient.
“Recipient First Name”:
This is the first name of the recipient who was provided or received the compensation or
NV Department of Health and Human Services
Drug Transparency Reporting Instructions
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Recipient Last Name”:
This is the last name of the recipient who was provided or received the compensation or
Recipient Professional Designation”:
This is the job title, position, or professional designation of the recipient who was provided or
received the compensation or sample. Select from the drop-down list of options.
National Provider Identifier (NPI) number is a required field for health care providers who have
an assigned NPI. Each NPI number is 10 digits. The individual NPI number for each provider
should be used instead of the institutional number. If the recipient does not have an NPI
number, leave blank.
Practice Zip Code”:
Enter the zip code of the provider’s practice location. For providers with multiple locations, it is
acceptable to use the zip code where the meal was provided.
Compensation Amount”:
If compensation was provided, enter the dollar amount or the equivalent dollar amount
provided. If compensation was not provided or did not meet the criteria per regulation, leave
blank. Compensation is a blanket term for items of value transferred to a recipient.
Compensation Type”:
Choose compensation type from drop down list. If compensation was not provided or did not
meet the criteria per regulation, leave blank.
Sample-Drug Name”:
If a sample drug was provided, enter the proprietary name of the drug. The proprietary
prescription drug name should be entered unless the drug does not have a proprietary drug
name. If there is no proprietary name, the nonproprietary drug name should be used for this
value. If no drug sample was provided, leave blank.
If a sample drug was provided, enter the 11-digit National Drug Code (NDC) of the sample drug
provided (format XXXXX-XXXX-XX). Provide the complete NDC with hyphens (-) separating the
labeler, product, and packaging codes. Example: 01234-1234-01. Include any leading zeros. If
no drug sample was provided, leave blank.