policy@stepupforstudents.org StepUpForStudents.org
PEP Scholarship Student Learning Plan
July 2023
1. What is the Student Learning Plan?
A Student Learning Plan (SLP) is a customized learning plan developed by parents or guardians
and revised, at least annually, to guide instruction for their students and to address the services
needed to fulfill their academic needs.
Student Learning Plans are required only for students participating in the Personalized Education
Program (PEP); however, all Scholarship Programs will have access to the SLP and can utilize this
tool if they would like.
2. How does the Student Learning Plan work/How do I fill out the SLP?
o A Student Learning Plan template will be created by each eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding
organization (SFO). Step Up for Students has created a Student Learning Plan template within their
EMA platform. In the plan, parents and guardians are given a list of nine academic priorities and
nine character/personal learning priorities. Within each category, parents and guardians choose
areas they want their student to focus on. Some examples of academic priorities include Math and
Science. Some examples of personal learning priorities include decision-making and empathy. After
selecting their focus areas, parents and guardians will then rate how well the students are doing in
the selected areas at the time of submission. The SLP will act as a guide for parents and guardians
and is in no way mandating the way a child must be educated. The Student Learning Plan can be
updated as often as the parent desires but must be updated at least once after each school year.
3. Will the student learning plan determine what a parent can purchase with the scholarship funds?
o No, the Student Learning Plan is designed to help parents and guardians meet their student's
individual educational needs.
4. Is the Student Learning Plan required for me to complete?
The Student Learning Plan is required only for PEP students. It is available to students in all other
Scholarship Programs if they choose to utilize it.
5. I accidentally deleted my Student Learning Plan; can I recover it?
o Unfortunately, you cannot recover a deleted Student Learning Plan. You will need to create a new
6. How can I edit my Student Learning Plan?
o You can edit the Student Learning Plan by selecting the “update” option on your dashboard. Simply
select the appropriate responses and then hit the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen.
policy@stepupforstudents.org StepUpForStudents.org
7. My child is in X grade, and I selected reading as something they need help with. What should I do to
help them?
o In the Student Learning Plan in EMA, you click on the priority and will see a definition,
recommendations, suggestions and more to help your child improve in that area.
8. I want more personalized help with this. What can I do?
Families can use a Choice Navigator to help develop a personalized education plan. A Choice
Navigator is an optional service provider intended to help guide parents and guardians through the
choices that will become available to them through an education savings account. Choice
Navigators can also be found on EMA as a provider.
Do we have approved Choice Navigators or can families have any Choice Navigator? Families
can choose from any approved Choice Navigator, which can be found in the Marketplace. The
Choice Navigator is only intended to be a guide and has no control over your educational choices,
instruction, or curriculum.
Are there any fees associated with Choice Navigators? The cost of the service will be determined
by each Choice Navigator. Families can use their Education Savings Account funds to pay for a
Choice Navigator.
9. I selected Reading (or Math or any item) on my child’s Student Learning Plan. How do I find items to
use in MyScholarShop to help my child with that subject?
Scholarship renewal families: Visit MyScholarShop through the SAS portal (your account
dashboard, select Go to MyScholarShop on the left rail menu).
New scholarship families: through EMA using the Marketplace tab on your dashboard (left side).
Search for items in any of the 5 categories available.
The resource links within the SLP will help families find items that can help children in specific
priorities. Families will have access to items on the Marketplace and MyScholarshop after the
student’s account is funded.
10. What if the personalized learning priorities do not include what I want for my student? Am I required
to select from the list provided?
o You are required to select up to six learning priorities for your student. You must choose from the
list provided.
11. Am I required to use the recommendations from the Student Learning Plan, or can I choose my own
o No, you are not required to use the recommendations from the Student Learning Plan.
o You can choose a curriculum that best serves your student’s individual needs.
12. Are there fees associated with the Student Learning Plan?
o No, the Student Learning Plan is provided at no cost to you.
policy@stepupforstudents.org StepUpForStudents.org
13. What if the Student Learning Plan does not show up on my Dashboard? How can I get one?
o You can submit your issue via Chat with a live agent at www.sufs.org.
14. What happens if I do not identify at least six learning priorities? Can I choose fewer than six?
o You are required to select up to six learning priorities for your student. You must choose from the
list provided.
15. How do I evaluate or track my student’s progress over time?
o You can track your student’s progress by selecting the “Edit” option on the Student Learning Plan
and making regular updates to your individual plan. Once inside the portal you can answer
questions about the student’s proficiency and progress. Simply select the appropriate responses
and then hit the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen.
16. Will my student’s funding be in jeopardy if the evaluation reveals low progress for the learning
o The scholarship funding is not impacted by your student’s progress, scores, grades, or rankings,
etc. Tracking your student’s learning priorities is a way for you to document their progress. It is
intended to help fulfill the needs of each student. PEP parents and guardians must complete a
Student Learning Plan for each student prior to funding.
17. Will the student learning plan determine what a parent can purchase with the scholarship funds?
o No, the Student Learning Plan is designed to help parents and guardians meet their students’
individual educational needs.