Young Children Develop in an
Environment of Relationships
working paper 1
Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., Chair
Julius B. Richmond FAMRI Professor of Child Health and
Development; Director, Center on the Developing Child,
Harvard University
W. Thomas Boyce, M.D.
Sunny Hill Health Centre/BC Leadership Chair in Child
Development; Professor, Graduate Studies and Medicine,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Judy Cameron, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh; Senior
Scientist, Oregon National Primate Research Center;
Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience and Obstetrics &
Gynecology, Oregon Health and Science University
Greg J. Duncan, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Department of Education,
University of California, Irvine
Nathan A. Fox, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor; Director, Child Development
Laboratory, University of Maryland College Park
Megan R. Gunnar, Ph.D.
Regents Professor and Distinguished McKnight University
Professor, Institute of Child Development,
University of Minnesota
Pat Levitt, Ph.D.
Director, Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute; Provost Professor of
Neuroscience, Psychiatry and Pharmacy
Chair, Department of Cell and Neurobiology, Keck School of
Medicine of the University of Southern California
Linda C. Mayes, Ph.D.
Arnold Gesell Professor of Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and
Psychology, Yale Child Study Center
Special Advisor to the Dean, Yale School of Medicine
Bruce S. McEwen, Ph.D.
Alfred E. Mirsky Professor; Head, Harold and Margaret
Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology,
The Rockefeller University
Charles A. Nelson, Ph.D.
Richard David Scott Chair in Pediatric Developmental
Medicine Research, Children’s Hospital Boston;
Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience, Harvard
Medical School
Ross A. Thompson, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis
Susan Nall Bales
President, FrameWorks Institute
William T. Greenough, Ph.D.
Swanlund Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Cell and
Developmental Biology; Director, Center for Ad vanced Study
at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Eric Knudsen, Ph.D.
Edward C. and Amy H. Sewall Professor of Neurobiology,
Stanford University School of Medicine
Deborah Phillips, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Associated Faculty, Public Policy
Institute; Co-Director, Research Center on Children in the U.S.,
Georgetown University
Arthur J. Rolnick, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Federal
Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Betsy Lozoff, M.D.
Professor of Pediatrics, University of Michigan
Medical School; Research Professor. Center for Human
Growth and Development, University of Michigan
The FrameWorks Institute
The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
The National Conference of State Legislatures
The Birth to Five Policy Alliance
The Buffett Early Childhood Fund
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Palix Foundation
The Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Fund
About the Authors
The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, housed at the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, is a multi-
disciplinary collaboration designed to bring the science of early childhood and early brain development to bear on public decision-
making. Established in 2003, the Council is committed to synthesizing and communicating science to help inform policies that promote
successful learning, adapative behavior, and sound physical and mental health for all young children. For more information, go to
Please note: The content of this paper is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the
funders or partners.
Suggested citation: National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2004). Young children develop in an environment of
relationships. Working Paper No. 1. Retrieved from
© 2004, National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
UpDaTeD & reprinTeD: oCToBer 2009
www.DevelopingChilD.neT Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships 1
Growth-promoting relationships are based on
the child’s continuous give-and-take (“serve and
return interaction) with a human partner who
provides what nothing else in the world can offer
experiences that are individualized to the child’s
unique personality style; that build on his or her
own interests, capabilities, and initiative; that
shape the child’s self-awareness; and that stimulate
the growth of his or her heart and mind.
Young children experience their world as
an environment of relationships, and these re-
lationships affect virtually all aspects of their
development – intellectual, social, emotional,
physical, behavioral, and moral. The quality
and stability of a child’s human relationships
in the early years lay the foundation for a wide
range of later developmental outcomes that re-
ally matter self-confidence and sound men-
tal health, motivation to learn, achievement in
school and later in life, the ability to control ag-
gressive impulses and resolve conflicts in non-
violent ways, knowing the difference between
right and wrong, having the capacity to develop
and sustain casual friendships and intimate re-
lationships, and ultimately to be a successful
parent oneself.
Stated simply, relationships are the “ac-
tive ingredients of the environments influ-
ence on healthy human development. They
incorporate the qualities that best promote
competence and well-being individualized
responsiveness, mutual action-and-interac-
tion, and an emotional connection to another
human being, be it a parent, peer, grandpar-
ent, aunt, uncle, neighbor, teacher, coach,
or any other person who has an important
impact on the child’s early development.
Relationships engage children in the human
community in ways that help them define
who they are, what they can become, and how
and why they are important to other people.
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
In the words of the distinguished develop-
mental psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner:
in order to develop normally, a child requires pro-
gressively more complex joint activity with one
or more adults who have an irrational emotional
relationship with the child. Somebody’s got to be
crazy about that kid. That’s number one. First,
last, and always.
nurturing and stable relationships with
caring adults are essential to healthy human
development beginning from birth. Early, se-
cure attachments contribute to the growth of
a broad range of competencies, including a
love of learning, a comfortable sense of one-
self, positive social skills, multiple successful
relationships at later ages, and a sophisti-
cated understanding of emotions, commit-
ment, morality, and other aspects of human
relationships. Stated simply, establishing suc-
cessful relationships with adults and other
children provides a foundation of capacities
that children will use for a lifetime.
14, 15, 16, 17
The Issue
healthy development depends on the quality and reliability of a young childs
relationships with the important people in his or her life, both within and outside the family.
Even the development of a child’s brain architecture depends on the establishment of these rela-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
What Science Tells Us
Young children experience their world as an
environment of relationships, and these
relationships affect virtually all aspects
of their development.
2 Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships www.DevelopingChilD.neT
The “serve and return” interaction between par-
ent and baby – in which young children naturally
reach out for interaction through babbling, facial
expressions, and gestures and adults respond
with the same kind of vocalizing and gesturing
back at them builds and strengthens brain ar-
chitecture and creates a relationship in which the
baby’s experiences are affirmed and new abili-
ties are nurtured. Children who have healthy
relationships with their primary caregivers are
more likely to develop insights into other peo-
ple’s feelings, needs, and thoughts, which form
a foundation for cooperative interactions with
others and an emerging conscience. Sensitive
and responsive parent-child relationships also
are associated with stronger cognitive skills in
young children and enhanced social compe-
tence and work skills later in school, which illus-
trates the connection between social/emotional
development and intellectual growth. The
broader quality of the home environment (in-
cluding toys, activities, and interactions with-
in the family setting) also is strongly related
to early cognitive and language development,
performance on IQ testing, and later achieve-
ment in school.
12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Young children also learn a great deal from each
other. They learn how to share, to engage in re-
ciprocal interactions (e.g., taking turns, giving
and receiving), to take the needs and desires of
others into account, and to manage their own im-
pulses. Just being around other children, how-
ever, is not enough. The development of friend-
ships is essential, as children learn and play
more competently in the rapport created with
friends rather than when they are dealing with
the social challenges of interacting with casual
acquaintances or unfamiliar peers.
27, 28
The warmth and support of the caregiver in a
child care setting also influence the development
of important capabilities in children, includ-
ing greater social competence, fewer behavior
problems, and enhanced thinking and reasoning
skills at school age. Young children benefit in
these ways because of the secure relationships
they develop in such settings, and because of the
ways in which the caregivers provide cognitively
stimulating activities and support for develop-
ing positive relationships with other children.
Unfortunately, the generally poor quality of care
provided in many child care arrangements in
the United States does not support these ben-
efits because of high caregiver turnover, poorly
designed programs, or inadequate preparation
of staff. Current research also suggests the addi-
tional risk that a greater amount of time in out-
of-home care during infancy may be associated
with greater disobedience and aggression by the
time children enter school.
12, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Relationships are important to school adjust-
ment. Children who develop warm, positive
relationships with their kindergarten teach-
ers are more excited about learning, more
positive about coming to school, more self-
confident, and achieve more in the classroom.
Relationships with peers also are important.
Children who experience greater peer accep-
tance and friendship tend to feel more positively
about the school experience and perform better
in the classroom.
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
Children have different ways of interacting with
their peers. Some are gregarious, others are too
shy to get involved (although they want to),
some need time to “warm up, and others are
not as interested in being sociable. All of these
variations fall within a normal range, and it is
essential to differentiate among the many poten-
tial reasons (both biological and environmental)
that a young child may have limited or difficult
interactions with others. Playing cooperatively,
making friends, and sustaining friendships over
time are not always easy. Any child with severely
limited peer involvement is at considerable risk
for significant adverse developmental conse-
39, 40, 41, 42, 43
Secure and stable relationships with car-
ing adults assure that young children are ad-
equately nourished; protected from dangerous
illnesses, exposure to toxins, and hazards that
Children who develop warm, positive relationships
with their kindergarten teachers are more excited
about learning, more positive about coming to
school, more self-confident, and achieve
more in the classroom.
www.DevelopingChilD.neT Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships 3
can lead to preventable injuries; provided pre-
ventive health check-ups; protected from ex-
cessive stress; and afforded predictable daily
routines that convey a sense of security. These
influences contribute significantly to healthy
brain development and depend upon the care
and support provided by individuals in the
community as well as in the family.
12, 44
Young children are highly vulnerable emotion-
ally to the adverse influences of parental men-
tal health problems and family violence. One
of the most extensively documented of these
vulnerabilities is the negative impact of a
mothers clinical depression on her young
childrens emotional development, social
sensitivity, and concept of themselves, ef-
fects that have been demonstrated in both
developmental research and studies of brain
functioning. Young children who grow up
in seriously troubled families, especially
those who are vulnerable temperamentally,
are prone to the development of behavioral
disorders and conduct problems.
45, 46, 47, 48, 49
Animal studies have shown that the quality of
the mother-infant relationship can influence
gene expression in areas of the brain that regu-
late social and emotional function and can even
lead to changes in brain structure. The nature
of the relationship also can have long-term
influences (into adulthood) on how the body
copes with stress, both physically and emo-
15, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
Science indicates that the quality of early par-
ent-child relationships can be strengthened,
but successful interventions are more difficult
to achieve when relationships are significantly
troubled or disturbed. Preventive interventions
also can produce a variety of positive outcomes,
depending on the extent to which the knowl-
edge and skills of the staff and the quality of the
implementation are matched to the magnitude
of the challenges being addressed.
12, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65
as the public’s appetite for scientific infor-
mation about the development of young chil-
dren is whetted by exciting new findings, the
risk of exaggerated or misleading messages
grows. Within this context, it is essential that
scientific fact be differentiated from popularly
accepted fiction.
Contrary to common assumptions, scientific
evidence shows that the influence of relation-
ships on development continues through-
out the lifespan. These relationships are not
more important at a particular stage of a child’s
life compared to another, but the nature of
those impacts does vary by age and develop-
mental status.
In contrast to frequently cited concerns, science
indicates that young children can benefit sig-
nificantly from secure relationships with mul-
tiple caregivers (within or outside the family),
while their attachments to their parents remain
primary and central.
There is no credible sci-
entific evidence to support the claim that close
relationships with other nurturing and reliable
adults who they trust, especially early in life,
interfere with the strength of the young child’s
primary relationship with his or her parents.
Although young children certainly can estab-
lish healthy relationships with more than one
or two adults, prolonged separations from fa-
miliar caregivers and repeated “detaching” and
“re-attaching” to people who matter are emo-
tionally distressing and can lead to enduring
problems. There is no scientific evidence to sup-
port the belief that frequently rotating relation-
ships with large numbers of adult caregivers pro-
vide valuable learning opportunities in the early
years of life. Although the importance of sus-
tained, reliable relationships within the fam-
ily is well understood, the need for stable and
predictable relationships in child care set-
tings is acknowledged less frequently, and
the disruptive impacts of the abrupt changes
related to high caregiver turnover are too often
66, 67
Popular Misrepresentations of Science
4 Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships www.DevelopingChilD.neT
the importance of mother-child relation-
ships is old news. The importance of other
family relationships (with fathers, siblings, and
grandparents) is semi-old news. The impact
of these relationships on the development of
the brain is new news. And the important in-
fluence of relationships outside of the fam-
ily with child care providers, peers, teachers,
neighbors, and other adults and children in the
community is even newer, because these in-
dividuals are often valued more for what they
do than for the meaning of their role in the life
experience of very young children. Greater un-
derstanding of what science tells us about the
importance of a range of relationships for early
childhood development leads us to think about
many areas of policy and practice in a new light.
“Quality” in early child care and education,
for example, is often defined in terms of adult-
child ratios, group size, physical facilities, and,
more recently, cognitively oriented curriculum.
But “quality” is perceived differently when we
view child care as a prominent feature of the
environment of relationships in which young
children develop. The importance of ensur-
ing that relationships in child care are nurtur-
ing, stimulating, and reliable leads to an em-
phasis on the skills and personal attributes of
the caregivers, and on improving the wages
and benefits that affect staff turnover.
12, 68, 69, 70
Parental leave policies in the United States cur-
rently provide parents of young children with few
options. A maximum of only three months of
unpaid leave is assured for parents of newborns,
and these policies cover only about half of
American workers. Of those who are eligible for
leave, only those who can get by without earned
income can afford to take it, and fewer than half
of workers even have this option without risk-
ing loss of their jobs. These policies seem highly
problematic when viewed in relation to exten-
sive scientific evidence of the vital importance
of establishing a strong and healthy mother-in-
fant bond beginning in the early months of life.
They elicit even greater alarm when viewed in
the context of concerns about the potential ad-
verse effects on very young babies of early and
extended experiences in out-of-home child care
arrangements of highly variable quality.
71, 72, 73
For mothers receiving welfare support under
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF),
federal rules require that states impose work
requirements of 30 or more hours per week.
Although modifications are permissible, about
half of the states do not exempt mothers of chil-
dren less than 12 months of age, and some states
permit mandated maternal employment be-
ginning a few weeks after a baby’s birth. When
viewed as an adult-oriented employment policy,
TANF can be a subject for reasonable debate.
But when examined from a child-oriented per-
spective, it reflects a wide gap between what we
know about the importance of early family re-
lationships and what we are doing to promote
the health and well-being of our nations most
vulnerable young children.
74, 75
The Science-Policy Gap
Parental leave policies in the United States
currently provide parents of young children
with few options.
www.DevelopingChilD.neT Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships 5
the science of early childhood develop-
ment is sufficiently mature to support a num-
ber of well-documented, evidence-based impli-
cations for those who develop and implement
policies that affect the health and well-being of
young children. Five compelling messages are
particularly worthy of thoughtful consideration:
When considered within the context of a child’s
environment of relationships, the concept of
school readiness is not exclusively a matter of
fostering literacy and number skills. It must also
include the capacity to form and sustain posi-
tive relationships with teachers, children, and
other adults, and develop the social and emo-
tional skills for cooperating with others.
66, 76, 77
When viewed as an important part of a child’s en-
vironment of relationships, early childhood edu-
cation must strive to involve young children in re-
ciprocal learning interactions with teachers and
peers rather than isolated “pre-academic” work,
and it should capitalize on children’s natural in-
terests and intrinsic drive to learn, rather than
follow an adult-determined agenda. Stated sim-
ply, young children learn best in an interactive,
relational mode rather than through an educa-
tion model that focuses on rote instruction.
Extending the length and coverage of leave cur-
rently provided under the Family and Medical
Leave Act would provide the critical necessities of
time and economic security that are required for
parents to develop the nurturing relationships
with their children that are essential to healthy
development. Much can be learned from other
industrialized nations that promote greater pa-
rental choice and child well-being by providing
subsidized parental leave for those who wish to
stay at home with their babies, and affordable,
decent quality, early care and education for the
children of those who choose or are compelled
to return to work.
73, 78
In the absence of consistent evidence that mater-
nal employment intrinsically helps or hurts most
children, science has little to add to the ongoing
political debate about whether paid work should
be a mandated requirement for mothers on pub-
lic assistance. Nevertheless, emerging data that
suggest that maternal employment in the first
six months of an infant’s life may be associated
with later developmental problems, and con-
cerns about the potential adverse impacts of
extended out-of-home child care experiences
on young childrens social development and
behavior, require thoughtful public discussion.
Each raises serious concerns about the potential
harm of mandated maternal employment and
the limited availability of affordable, high qual-
ity child care, particularly for the already vul-
nerable babies of low-income women on public
assistance. It is time for society to weigh the evi-
dence carefully and fashion a more thoughtful
policy for parents in the workforce, particularly
for those who earn low wages.
12, 79, 80
Traditional child welfare approaches to maltreat-
ment focus largely on physical injury, the rela-
tive risk of recurrent harm, and questions of child
custody, in conjunction with a criminal justice
orientation. In contrast, when viewed through a
child development lens, the abuse or neglect of
young children should be evaluated and treated
as a matter of child health and development
within the context of a family relationship crisis,
which requires sophisticated expertise in both
early childhood and adult mental health. The
regularized referral of suspected cases of child
abuse or neglect from the child welfare system
to the early intervention system would assure
appropriate developmental and behavioral as-
sessment and treatment as needed. Child abuse
prevention strategies that emphasize both the
developmental needs of children and the im-
portance of community-based supports for
families provide another clear example of how
we can close the gap between science and prac-
tice for our most vulnerable young children.
Implications for Policy and Programs
Stated simply, young children learn best in
an interactive, relational mode rather than
through an education model that focuses on
rote instruction.
6 Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships www.DevelopingChilD.neT
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8 Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships www.DevelopingChilD.neT
Working Paper #1
Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships (2004)
Working Paper #2
Children’s Emotional Development is Built into the Architecture of their Brains (2004)
Working Paper #3
Excessive Stress Disrupts the Architecture of the Developing Brain (2005)
Working Paper #4
Early Exposure to Toxic Substances Damages Brain Architecture (2006)
Working Paper #5
The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture (2007)
Working Paper #6
Mental Health Problems in Early Childhood Can Impair Learning and Behavior for Life (2008)
A Science-Based Framework for Early Childhood Policy: Using Evidence to Improve
Outcomes in Learning, Behavior, and Health for Vulnerable Children (2007)
The Science of Early Childhood Development: Closing the Gap Between What We Know
and What We Do (2007)
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