Conducting occasional self-inspections will help you remain in compliance with 21 NCAC 14 H Rules and Regulations of
the Board, and the Laws of North Carolina. It may also reduce or eliminate the number of violations cited during a Board
inspection. The owner of the salon, as well as licensees working in the salon, will be cited if violations exist at the time of
our inspection. The following guidelines will assist you with the self-inspection. Salon owners and licensees are responsible
for all Rules and Regulations and are encouraged to review the complete list of Rules and Regulations at:
The answers to all questions below should be “YES” except in the “Other” section, where all answers should be “NO”.
Is everyone that is required to be licensed, actually licensed for the services they are providing?
Is each person’s license a valid (not expired) North Carolina license?
Is each person’s license posted? Note: PDF version of license can be downloaded and printed through Online
Services Main Menu
Is each license posted within the salon? (It must be posted whenever the licensee is working).
Does each licensee have a valid government issued photo identification with him or her whenever working?
Does each licensee have the knowledge to perform blood exposure procedures (first aid) if the skin of the licensee is
punctured? (.0404b)
Does each licensee have the knowledge to perform blood exposure procedures (first aid) if the skin of the patron is
punctured? (.0404c)
Is the salon separate and apart from any building or room used for any other business or purpose? Is the salon is
separated by a solid wall of at least seven feet in height and have separate outside entrance? (.0203a)
Is the salon separate and apart from any building or room used for living, dining or sleeping? (.0203b)
Are all entrances through solid, full length doors installed in solid walls of ceiling height? (.0203b)
If your salon is in a private residence, does it have an entrance and bathroom separate from the private living
quarters? (.0203c)
Are the following working distances observed within the clinic area: (.0204)
o at least 48 inches of space from center to center of each styling chair, esthetics table or manicuring table
o at least 24 inches from the center of the chair forward
o at least 48 inches from the backrest behind the chair to any other styling chair, esthetics table or
manicuring table
o at least 30 inches of space from the back of each styling chair, esthetics table or manicuring table to the
wall of the shop
Is there a sink with hot and cold running water in the shop separate from restrooms? (.0301)
Is ventilation provided at all times in areas when patrons are serviced and is there a continuous exchange of air?
Is light provided in the service area? (.0302b)
Are all federal, State and local regulations regarding fire safety codes, plumbing and electrical are being followed?
Are toilet and hand washing facilities consisting of at least one commode and one hand washing sink with running
water, liquid soap and individual clean towels or hand air dryer provided? (.0303a)
Are toilet and hand washing facilities located in the bathroom? Shops with initial licensure date on or after March 1,
2012 shall have toilet and hand washing facilities in the bathroom. (.0303b)
Are supplies and equipment maintained to safely perform any cosmetic art services offered in the shop? (.0304)
Does each licensee wash his or her hands with soap and water or an equally effective cleansing agent immediately
before and after serving each client? (.0401b)
Is hand sanitizer active ingredient of 70 percent alcohol or higher? (.0401b)
Does each licensee wear clean garments and shoes while serving patrons? (.0401c)
In using a disinfectant, does the user wear personal protective equipment such as gloves recommended by the
manufacturer in the Safety Data Sheet? (.0401f)
Is the entire shop kept clean? (.0402a)
Is waste material kept in receptacles with a disposable liner and the area surrounding maintained in a sanitary
manner? (.0402b)
Are all doors and windows kept clean? (.0402c)
Is furniture, equipment, floors, walls, ceilings and fixtures clean and in good repair? (.0402d)
Is there a sign or lettering designating the entrance of the shop? (.0402f)
Are clean protective capes, drapes, linens, and towels used for each patron? (.0403a1)
Are protective capes that have been in contact with a patron's neck placed in a clean, closed container until
laundered with soap and hot water and dried in a heated dryer? (.0403a2)
Are capes that cannot be laundered and dried in a heater dryer disinfected with disinfectant that is bactericidal,
virucidal and fungicidal and approved by the EPA for use in beauty salons, or salon used in accordance with the
manufacturer directions? (.0403a2)
Are drapes, linens, or towels that have been in contact with a patron's skin placed in a clean, covered container until
laundered with soap and hot water and dried in a heated dryer? A covered container may have an opening so soiled
items may be dropped into the container. (.0403a3)
Are any paper or nonwoven protective drapes or coverings discarded after one use? (.0403b)
Is there a supply of clean protective drapes, linens and towels at all times.? Are wet towels used in services
prepared fresh each day? Are unused, prepared wet towels laundered daily? (.0403c)
Are clean drapes, capes, linens, towels and all other supplies stored in a clean area? (.0403d)
Are bathroom facilities kept clean? (.0403e)
Are all implements washed with warm water and a cleaning solution and scrubbed to remove debris and dried?
Are all implements disinfected with a disinfectant that is bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal and approved by the
EPA for use in beauty salons, or salon settings? (.0403f 2a)
Is the disinfectant mixed and used according to the manufacturer's directions? (.0403f 2a)
After disinfection, are all implements rinsed with hot tap water and dried with a clean towel? (.0403f 2a)
Are all disinfected implements stored in a clean, closed cabinet or container until they are needed? (.0403f 2a)
If using UV-C, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, is the unit used in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions?
(.0403f 2b)
Are implements that are not immersible or disinfected by UV-C irradiation cleaned by wiping with a clean cloth
moistened or sprayed with a disinfectant that is bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal and approved by the EPA for
use in beauty salons, or salon settings and used in accordance with the manufacturer's directions? (.0403f 3)
Are all disinfected non-electrical implements stored in a clean, closed cabinet or clean closed container? (.0403g)
Are all disinfected electrical implements stored in a clean area separate from other clean implements? (.0403h)
Are disposable and porous implements and supplies discarded after use or upon completion of the service? (.0403i)
Are products that comes into contact with the patron discarded upon completion of the service? (.0403j)
Are containers with open faces covered or closed with plastic wrapping? (.0403k)
Are lancets, disposable razors, and other sharp objects disposed in puncture-resistant containers? (.0403l)
Are all creams, lotions, wax, cosmetics, and other products dispensed to come in contact with patron's skin kept in
clean, closed containers, and conform in all respects to the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act as set forth in PL 75-717.52 accessible at (.0403m)
Are products apportioned for use removed from original containers distributed in a sanitary manner that prevents
contamination of product or container? (.0403m)
Are products dispensed in portions into another container dispensed into a clean container and applied to patrons by
means of a disinfected or disposable implement or other clean methods? (.0403m)
Are products dispensed in portions not dispensed into another container used immediately and applied to patrons by
means of a disinfected or disposable implement or other clean methods? No product dispensed in portions may be
returned to the original container. (.0403m)
Are whirlpools and/or footspas being disinfected properly after each client? On a daily basis? (.0403 o, p)
Are whirlpools and/or footspas records made of the date and time of each cleaning and disinfecting as required by
this Rule including the date, time, reason, and name of the staff member who performed the cleaning? (.0403q)
Is this record made for each whirlpool or footspa kept and made available for at least 90 days upon request by either
a patron or inspector? (.0403q)
Is the water in a vaporizer machine emptied daily and the unit disinfected daily after emptying? (.0403r)
Is the area where services are performed that come in contact with the patron's skin including treatment chairs,
treatment tables, and beds disinfected between patrons? (.0403s)
Is the manufacturers label for all disinfectant concentrate available at all times? (.0403t)
Is the empty concentrate disinfectant bottle kept available until a new bottle is available? (.0403t)
When mixed disinfectant concentrate is placed in a secondary container such as a spray bottle, tub or jar, is that
container labeled to indicate what chemical is in the container? (.0403u)
Are SDS sheets readily available for all disinfectants in use at all times? (.0403u)
Are disinfectants stored and disposed of in accordance with all local, State and federal requirements? (.0403v)
Is the cabinet and supplies of a towel warmer machine emptied daily and the unit dried daily after emptying? (.0403w)
Does the shop have antiseptics, gloves or finger guards, sterile bandages, and other necessary supplies available to
provide first aid? (.0404a)
OTHER (All answers should be “NO”)
Are there any products that contain MMA in the salon? Methyl Methacrylate is prohibited in North Carolina.
Are there any prohibited implements in the salon? Example: Razor-type callus shavers intended to cut growth of
skin, skin tags, corns, and calluses are prohibited in North Carolina cosmetic art shops. (.0401d2)
Are there any prohibited machines in the salon? Example: FDA rated Class III devices. (.0401d3)
Is there carbolic acid (phenol) over two percent strength in the salon? (.0401d4)
Are there animals including insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, or non-human mammals used to perform any
service? (.0401d5)
Are licensees using variable speed electrical nail files that have not been designed for use on a natural nail?
Are licensees using any product, implement, or piece of equipment in any manner other than the product's,
implement's, or equipment's intended use as described or detailed by the manufacturer? (.0401e1)
Are licensees treating any medical condition unless referred by a physician? (.0401e2)
Are licensees providing any service unless trained prior to performing the service? (.0401e3)
Are licensees performing services on a client if the licensee has reason to believe the client has fungus, lice, or nits;
or an inflamed, infected, broken, raised, or swollen skin or nail tissue in the area to be worked on; or an open wound
or sore in the area to be worked on? (.0401e4)
Are licensees altering or duplicating a license issued by the Board? (.0401e5)
Are licensees advertising or soliciting clients in any form of communication in a manner that is false or misleading?
Are licensees using any FDA rated Class II device without the documented supervision of a licensed physician?
Are licensees using any product that will penetrate the dermis? (.0401e8)
Are licensees making any statement to a member of the public, either verbally or in writing, stating or implying any
action is required or forbidden by Board rules when such action is not required or forbidden by Board rules? A
violation of this prohibition is considered practicing or attempting to practice by fraudulent misrepresentation is set
forth in 21 NCAC 14P .0108 of this Chapter. (.0401e9)
Are licensees using or possessing any product banned by the FDA? A list of banned products is available at (.0401e 10)
Are licensees using or possessing any machine for a cosmetic art service that is not classified by the FDA?
(.0401e 11)
Are there any animals (other than service animals or fish in an enclosure) in the salon? (.0402e)
Is there a sign posted that states or implies that some action is required or forbidden by Board rules when such action
is not required or forbidden by Board rules? A violation of this prohibition is considered practicing or attempting to
practice by fraudulent misrepresentation. (.0402g)
Are there disinfected implements stored with any implement or item that has not been disinfected? (.0403k)
Does the salon travel from one location or home to the next? Mobile salons are prohibited in North Carolina.