Productivity Improvement through
Integrated Business Planning (IBP)
Rafiqul Islam,
Senior Director, Global Bioanalytical Services
Background: Today’s bioanalytical lab
Introduction of Integrated Business Planning
Demand Planning
Supply Planning
Managing demand variabilities
Implementation of IBP
Todays Bioanalytical Laboratories
Bioanalytical labs face many unique challenges
Highly variable and complex processes
Highly volatile demand- fluctuation in demand is unpredictable
due to the inherent uncertainty in the drug development process.
Traditional supply chain processes that rely on historic orders
should be thrown out the window.
High fixed cost- highly skilled employees and expensive
Pricing pressure- More outsourcing is done by procurement
rather than bioanalytical scientists
Capacity of the labs is also not well understood. Developing
capacity measures is challenging due to highly variable, complex
processes and highly volatile incoming workload.
Todays Bioanalytical Laboratories
A highly variable demand combined with highly complex
processes and a lack of understanding regarding
laboratory capacity makes it extremely difficult to control
and manage.
Laboratory management is always drifting from crisis to
crisis and dealing with changing priorities to satisfy
High stress diminishes customer service.
Expediting becomes endemic and costs become difficult
to contain.
The ultimate result is poor productivity and significant
loss of profits
Todays Bioanalytical Laboratories
Over the last decade significant attempts have
been made to improve the productivity and
profitability of the bioanalytical labs.
Most of the efforts have been focused on two
main areas:
Technological innovation: automation, MS
technologies, UPLC systems, and electronic lab
Process improvement tools: Lean and Six Sigma
Todays Bioanalytical Laboratories
However none of these solutions are able to predict upturn or
downturn in demand (volume/mix).
Even worse, in most cases, these solutions are designed with
an assumption that demand (volume/mix) will be somewhat
predictable, level and constant which is far from reality.
Bioanalytical labs have been unable to realize the full benefit
of investments in technological innovations and process
improvement tools due to a lack of understanding of demand
and its fluctuations.
We lack the tools and processes to align supply effectively
and efficiently to meet changing demand.
Balancing demand and supply is critical to the success of a
bioanalytical business.
Integrated Business Planning (IBP)
It is a decision making process that ensures that
tactical plans in all business functions are aligned
and support the business plan. This is also known
as Sales and Operational Planning (S&OP).
The objective of IBP is to reach consensus on a
single operating plan that allocates the critical
resources of people, capacity, materials, time, and
money to most effectively meet the market demand
in a profitable way.
IBP has emerged as an essential management tool
in this age of rapid changes, increasingly
demanding customers, and global complex supply
Integrated Business Planning (IBP)
Demand Plan: Developing Forecast
The core of the S&OP process is the reliable demand
plan that will enable operations and logistics to
synchronize internal and external resources, and make
them available in a just in time (JIT) basis to execute
work in timely manner.
Develop “ONE” forecast: It is important to develop one
set of consensus forecast, in both units and dollars, that
the sales organization can execute, the supply
organization can deliver, and finance can synchronize to
the business plan.
Forecasting data should be presented in both aggregate
and in detail. Data should be presented in aggregate
format for long term planning and in detailed format
within Operation’s Planning Fence (OPF).
Demand Plan: Developing Forecast
Source: PCI Associates
Demand Plan: Forecast Accuracy
One thing guaranteed about forecasting is that it will
change. It is difficult to measure the accuracy of
something that is designed to change constantly.
However a certain level of accuracy is required in
forecasting to improve productivity and profitability.
Forecast accuracy should be measured at different
aggregate levels at different time points.
The focus should really be on measuring forecast
accuracy routinely and continue to revise assumptions
behind the forecasting to improve it.
Within OPF, the target accuracy should be greater than
90% in order to achieve optimal resource utilization.
Forecast Accuracy
- Which one is more accurate?
- Which one is easy to manage?
- Which one is more desirable?
Supply Plan
One of the key components of the IBP process is
the supply plan which determines the supply
capability to meet the demand. The goal is to
develop a plan that will include the total supply
chain’s ability to meet client deliverables and
maximizing resource utilizations while minimizing
inventory carrying time and overall cost of service.
Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP): the
process of translating the demand plan into
resource utilization. RCCP should only be done with
high impact resources as opposed to a master
scheduling which should be used for planning all
resources including high impact resources.
Supply Plan
Rough Cut Material Planning (RCMP): This is a
very similar concept to RCCP. The purpose of
RCMP is to develop material resource planning for
high impact materials. For a bioanalytical lab that
will include reference materials, internal standards,
analytical columns, SPE plates and ELISA kits.
Similar to the RCCP, this should be performed in
aggregate. The detail material planning should be
integrated with the master schedule.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are
quantifiable measurements that indicate the
performance and/or progress of a specific function.
Supply Plan: Key Performance Indicators
Demand KPIs
Supply KPIs
Forecast vs Budget target vs Actual- ($)Aggregate
Utilization rate- High impact resources
Forecast vs. Actual; for current year vs. previous
year- ($)Service Line
Cost of goods for generating revenue (COGR)
Forecast vs. Actual; for current year vs. previous
year (Units)Service Line
Inventory days on hand or equivalent
Forecast accuracy (Units) Service Line
% On time delivery
Weighted Forecast accuracy (Units) Aggregate
Quality metrics: Assay pass rate, re-work rate,
Number of deviations, Out of specifications,
Incurred sample reanalysis (ISR) failures etc.
All metrics should be accompanied with assumptions, any changes to assumptions,
explanation of major deviations, risks and opportunities to facilitate decision making.
Supply Plan: Key performance Indicators
The KPIs should be detailed enough to uncover valuable
On-time delivery= 86%
Dealing with demand variability
Despite best efforts, it is a reality in the bioanalytical
business for the demand forecast to vary significantly
due to inaccurate assumptions, clinical schedule
uncertainties and changes in client priorities.
Demand variabilities can be managed using “chase
demand” or by “level capacity.”
Level capacity requires keeping the capacity of the lab
constant and influencing demand to match capacity
through an effective sales and marketing plan. These
marketing strategies have very little impact on
bioanalysis demand and usually not effective. This
leaves bioanalytical operations managers to only “chase
demand” effectively.
Chasing Demand
There are several strategies that can be used to
chase demand. The following strategies are relevant
to bioanalytical lab operations.
Flexible Resource Allocation Strategy: An
effective flexible resource allocation strategy
requires an investment in an employee cross-
training plan and a culture where employees get
rewarded for broadening their skill sets.
When done correctly this can be a win-win solution
for the employee and employer. The employer
gets more freedom to strategically utilize the
workforce and the employee benefits from
increasing their skill sets.
Fast tracking system
It is important for a lab to have a clearly defined fast tracking
system to expedite requests. Process improvement tools like
Lean or Six Sigma methodologies should be utilized to
develop a robust fast tracking system.
In order to make the fast tracking system work effectively, only
a small portion of work (10%-20%) should be designated for
the fast tracking system at any time.
The most common reason of failure of fast tracking system is
the system overload.
A better demand management strategy or process re-
engineering is required to improve overall turnaround time
instead of routinely assigning large volume of samples to fast
tracking system.
Proactively chase demand using “What-if”
In a bioanalytical lab, sometimes there is a significant amount
of unscheduled or “on hold” work due to various reasons (e.g.
uncertainties about clinical trials, studies on hold or there is
not enough information from client to schedule the work)
The supply team can use “what if” scenarios to simulate the
impact of a study to coming off hold at various time point and
evaluate its impact on capacity, utilization of high impact
resources and materials planning. This will allow the supply
team to respond to the client requests promptly and
effectively. The simulations may also allow the lab to
approach the client with financial incentives to perform
analysis during a timeframe that is advantageous (i.e.
maximize resource utilization) for the lab.
Proactively chase demand using “What-if”
It is important to note that for successful “what if
scenario simulations, it requires a collaborative work
environment where all team members can discuss all the
possible scenarios, even conflicting ones, openly.
In the end, all the pros and cons should be discussed
systematically, key opportunities and risks should be
identified, and the decision should be made with a
primary focus on maximum resource utilization and
Bioanalytical labs that use “what-if” scenarios as part of
their IBP process are better equipped to handle
unexpected events and last minute requests from a
Implementation Challenge
Integrated Business Planning is not a difficult concept to understand
Real Implementation Challenge
Behavior Change
changing the way we do our jobs
Conflict resolution
Technology to enable implementation
78% of companies say that technology is either
critical or very important for their IBP process.
Technologies are essential to support IBP due to
complex data requirement from multiple
sources, multi-dimensional goals and views,
dynamic business processes, more decision
parameters etc.
Examples: Sharepoint, Spotfire, Electronic lab
notebook, Electronic real-time dashboard etc.
Source: Aberdeen group
In today’s global economy, the client demand for
speed, competition and pricing pressure is only
going to increase.
Only the companies that have a better
understanding of a client’s demand and can align
their supply to match the demand will survive.
An effective IBP process can lead to a better
understanding of the relevant marketplace, improve
resource utilization, decrease inventory levels,
decrease the cost of generating revenue and
improve profitability.
Understanding customer demand better allows labs
to meet the demand more frequently resulting in
increased customer satisfaction and improved
relationship with clients.
Greater employee satisfaction comes from improved
communications, greater opportunity to learn new
skills and better predictability of work load.
The IBP process combined with technological and
process improvement tools can give any lab
significant competitive advantage.
In today’s global economy, the IBP process is
ultimately the strategy for survival.