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Framingham State University
Residence Hall License Agreement for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Terms and Conditions
1. TERM: The term of this Residence Hall License Agreement is for the entire academic
year, both fall and spring semesters and shall terminate on the day of the resident’s
last regularly scheduled final examination in the spring semester. This Agreement is
non-transferable and does not include residency during Framingham State University’s
Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Break vacation periods except as otherwise provided
herein. The calendar in the Framingham State University Guide to Residence Living
publication lists vacation dates when the residence halls are closed. Each resident will
be held responsible for the complete payment of room and resident meal plan charges
for the fall and spring semesters, or the pro- rated balance if the student is accepted
as a resident after the start thereof, or except as otherwise provided herein.
2. FINANCIAL OBLIGATION: The fee schedule applicable to each resident is established
by the Board of Trustees for the then current year of occupancy by the resident
student. Once established, the fee schedule is available on the Residence Life website.
The resident will be allowed to take residence in a Framingham State University
residence hall when all applicable financial obligations have been paid in full, or is
otherwise approved and in good standing as determined by the Director of Student
Accounts in consideration of financial aid, approved payment plans or other factors.
Failure to pay obligations on the date indicated on the statement of charges may
result in loss of residence hall space. Financial obligations include:
a. Fall Semester Room and Meal Fee: Half (1/2) of assigned academic year
residence rate is payable upon receipt or posting of statement of charges from
Framingham State. Enrollment in a Framingham State resident meal plan is
required of all resident students.
b. Spring Semester Room and Meal Fee: Half (1/2) of assigned academic year
residence rate is payable upon receipt or posting of statement of charges from
Framingham State. Enrollment in a Framingham State resident meal plan is
required of all resident students.
c. Housing Reservation Deposit and Damage Deposit: A Housing Reservation
Deposit of $150 is payable prior to submission of the Housing Application except
as otherwise outlined in the On-Campus Housing Wait List procedures and/or
Returning Student Room Selection Guidelines. The housing reservation deposit is
non-refundable and non-transferable, unless Framingham State is unable to
provide housing or refuses occupancy. If the student remains in housing for the
full term of this Agreement the paid housing reservation deposit will be credited
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to the student’s account after the University’s spring semester add/drop period
has ended. In addition, a $100.00 Damage Deposit will appear as a charge and
must be paid prior to occupancy. The damage deposit will be credited to the
student’s account at the end of the spring semester after any room, floor and/or
hall damage charges have been assessed.
d. Dates Payable: Upon receipt of statement of charges from the University all
payments must be paid in accordance with University procedures and as
outlined by the Office of Student AccountsAll About Tuition and Fees for the
Day Division publication. Payments are accepted online, in person at the Student
Services Center, or by mail.
e. Room Fee: Room rate and meal plan fees (see paragraphs a. and b. above) are
subject to change during the term of this Agreement upon approval of the Board
of Trustees.
effective when signed by the student (and, if necessary, the student’s
parent/guardian). Signature may be completed electronically with submission of the
housing application, or by hand, and received by Framingham State University. The
signature of the student on the Residence Hall License Agreement signifies that the
student has read the terms and conditions stated herein and agrees to abide and be
bound by all terms and policies specified in this Agreement and each and every other
policy or regulation issued by Framingham State regarding residential living.
4. OCCUPANCY: Occupancy is defined by issuance of a key to the resident student for a
specified room, or physical presence of the student in an assigned specified room, or
physical presence of the student’s personal possessions in an assigned specified room.
Occupancy does not require actual physical presence by student and/or student’s
possessions if a key has been issued to the resident student for a specified room.
Residents are expected to be registered as fulltime students prior to taking occupancy
unless otherwise authorized by the Associate Dean of Students or designee.
5. HOUSING ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS: Residents are required to complete the
housing application and sign the Residence Hall License Agreement to receive a
housing assignment.
6. HEALTH RECORDS AND REQUIREMENTS: All residents are required to have
documentation on file with the Framingham State University Health Center that
certifies immunization and meningococcal vaccine and in compliance with state law. In
addition, physical exam records and health insurance documentation is required.
Documentation, as instructed by the Framingham State University Health Center, is
expected to be uploaded to the FSU patient portal prior to the student taking
occupancy. Health insurance requirement documentation can be submitted on the
student’s myFramingham account.
7. FAILURE TO PAY REQUIRED FEES: In the event that any of the fees required herein
remain overdue or unpaid Framingham State reserves the right to withhold the
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resident’s diploma for the academic year referred to in this Agreement; the remainder
of the room deposit and damage deposit; and/or to deny the resident the ability to
continue as a student; grant housing for any future semesters; and/or take any other
actions related to unpaid obligations in accordance with University policies or
8. MEAL PLAN: All residents are required to be enrolled in one of Framingham State’s
resident meal plans. Meal plan changes must be made by the last day of the
University’s Add/Drop period. Resident meal plan dining is not available during the
Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring vacation periods.
Voluntary Withdrawal: Residents who voluntarily withdraw either from Framingham
State University or from campus housing/residence halls will have room and board
charges adjusted, if applicable, based on the information noted below. To withdraw
from housing prior to taking occupancy the student must provide written notice to the
Associate Dean of Students via email to residenc[email protected] or complete
withdrawal via the myResLife housing application portal.
Housing Refunds:
a. Fall Semester Room ChargesReturning Student Cancellation Before Fall
i. Prior to July 1, 2024 a student who withdraws from either the University,
or from residence halls/on-campus housing, will be removed from on-
campus housing and have applicable charges removed less a $150
housing reservation cancellation charge.
ii. Between July 1 and September 3, 2024, a student who withdraws from
either the University, or from residence halls/on-campus housing, will be
removed from on-campus housing and have applicable charges removed,
less a $300 housing reservation cancellation charge.
iii. After September 3, 2024 there is no refund on room charges for a
student who withdraws from residence halls/on-campus housing.
b. Fall Semester Room Charges New Student Cancellation Before Fall Term
Classes Begin:
i. Prior to August 1, 2024, an entering new student to FSU who withdraws
from either the University, or from the residence halls/on-campus
housing, will be removed from on-campus housing and have applicable
fees cancelled less a $150 housing reservation cancellation charge or
forfeiture of the $150 housing reservation deposit.
ii. Between August 1 and September 3, 2024, an entering new student who
withdraws from either the University, or from the residence halls/on-
campus housing, will be removed from on-campus housing and have
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applicable fees cancelled less a $150 housing reservation cancellation
charge and forfeiture of the $150 housing reservation deposit.
iii. After September 3, 2024 there is no refund on room charges for a
student who withdraws from residence halls/on-campus housing.
c. Spring Semester Room Charges:
i. Returning Spring Residents: Fall semester resident students who
withdraw from the residence halls/on-campus housing, but not from the
University, remain responsible for spring semester housing charges.
ii. New Spring Residents:
1. Prior to January 1, 2025 a new resident entering housing for the
spring term who withdraws from either the University, or the
residence halls/on-campus housing, will be removed from on-
campus housing and have applicable fees cancelled less a $150
housing reservation cancellation charge or forfeiture of the $150
housing reservation deposit. To withdraw from housing the
student must provide written notice to the Associate Dean of
Students via email to or complete
withdrawal via the myResLife housing application portal.
2. Between January 2 and January 20, 2025, a new resident
entering housing for the spring term who withdraws from either
the University, or the residence halls/on-campus housing, will be
removed from on-campus housing and have applicable fees
cancelled less either a $300 housing reservation cancellation
charge less forfeited$150 housing reservation deposit if
applicable. To withdraw from housing the student must provide
written notice to the Associate Dean of Students via email to or complete withdrawal via the
myResLife housing application portal.
3. After January 20, 2025 there is no refund on room charges for a
student who withdraws from residence halls/on-campus housing.
d. Withdrawal or Leave of Absence from University During Fall or Spring Term:
The following refund schedule only applies to students who voluntarily withdraw
or take a leave of absence from the University. This schedule is effective
beginning the first day of classes of the term and charges are based upon the
later of the following: (a) the date that the withdrawal or leave of absence from
the University is filed; or (b) the date that all personal items are removed from
student’s assigned room and residence hall check-out has been confirmed as
completed. Refunds are less the non-refundable $150 housing reservation
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i. Fall 2024 Term Room and Meal Plan Charge Refund Percentage Schedule:
1. Through September 18, 2024 - 80%
2. September 19-25, 2024 - 60%
3. September 26-October 2, 2024 - 40%
4. After October 2, 2024 - 0%
ii. Spring Term 2025 Room and Meal Plan Charge Refund Percentage
1. Through February 4, 2025 - 80%
2. February 5-11, 2025 - 60%
3. February 12-18, 2025 - 40%
4. After February 18, 2025 - 0%
e. Meal Plan Refund:
In the event of student voluntary withdrawal or leave of absence meal plan refund is
based on pro-rated adjustment based upon the later of the following: (a) the date that
the official withdrawal or leave of absence from the University is in effect; or (b) the
date that all personal items are removed from student’s assigned room and residence
hall check-out has been confirmed as completed.
Termination of Agreement/Involuntary Withdrawal:
Residents are not eligible for a refund of room or meal plan charges if required to
leave the residence hall due to either Framingham State University imposed
disciplinary sanctions, or, violation resulting in termination of this of the Agreement.
10. DAMAGES: The resident is responsible for the condition of resident’s assigned room
and should carefully document the condition of the room on the Room Inventory in
the myResLife Portal when taking occupancy. At the end of occupancy Residence Life
staff will inspect the room and hall for damages. Students will be responsible for lack
of cleanliness, theft, replacement costs for loss of assigned Framingham State
property, and cost of damages not attributed to normal wear and tear. In rooms with
more than one occupant the charges will be divided equally among all occupants
unless clear documentation exists proving that only specific individual(s) should be
held accountable. Damage occurring in common areas and not attributable to specific
persons will result in charges that are equally distributed among residence hall
community members.
11. VACATION PERIODS: Residence halls are closed to residents, and residents are
required to vacate during the Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Break vacation periods
with the exception of a hall(s) designated to include these vacation periods or
students allowed to opt into vacation housing in a designated vacation hall. These
halls are noted in the Framingham State University Guide to Residence Living and/or
Room Selection Guidelines. Students assigned to a hall designated for academic year
vacation housing may remain in housing for the Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring
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Break vacation periods. Residents approved to remain in housing for a vacation period
remain responsible for all terms and behavioral expectations outlined in this
Residence Hall License Agreement. Additional charges apply for vacation period
housing in any hall that is not fully open for the vacation period, but which offers an
opt-in opportunity. Specific vacation dates and times are outlined in the Framingham
State University Guide to Residence Living.
12. END OF OCCUPANCY: At the end of the occupancy period, upon termination of this
agreement, or upon notice from the Office of Residence Life the resident must vacate
the space and follow proper check-out procedures as published in the Guide to
Residence Living. Failure to check-out properly will result in a $25 charge for
administrative costs. At the conclusion of their occupancy, residents are responsible
for the removal of all personal property from their assigned room or unassigned
common locations. Failure to remove personal belongings within 48 hours of the
conclusion of the occupancy will result in a removal charge being assessed and the
forfeiture of such property to be disposed of by the University at its discretion.
13. BEHAVIOR: All residents must abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as
well as Framingham State University policies outlined in the Framingham State RAM
Student Handbook; Guide to Residence Living; and/or other official Framingham State
University publications and notices. These policies include, but are not limited to: a.
Alcohol Policy; b. Drug Policy; c. Weapons policies; d. Fire Safety Policies; d. Parking
policies; e. Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy; f. Solicitations; and, g. Equal Opportunity,
Diversity and Affirmative Action Plan. In addition, residents and their guests must
abide by local, State and Federal laws and regulations as a condition of this
Agreement. Behavior in violation of policies or regulations may result in the resident’s
dismissal from the residence halls and/or other sanctions in accordance with
Framingham State administrative procedures and/or termination of this agreement.
14. MEDICAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL SITUATIONS: The Associate Dean of Students reserves the
right to take any necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being
of the residence hall community and its members. This right includes the right to
terminate this Agreement in conjunction with a voluntary or involuntary leave of
absence, and/or for sufficient medical or psychological reasons. Re-admission to
housing is subject to the approval of the Associate Dean of Students.
15. ENTRY TO RESIDENT ROOMS: Authorized Framingham State personnel and/or FSU
authorized vendors may enter resident rooms without notice for the following
reasons: maintenance and housekeeping purposes; fire, health and safety inspections;
inspection for damage; vacation closing inspections; end-of-semester package/mail
delivery; to inspect facility conditions; to plan repairs or improvements; and, for
emergency purposes. Framingham State also reserves the right to enter a resident’s
room if there is a reasonable cause to believe that a violation of Framingham State
policies, rules or regulations is taking place.
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a. If there is some specific reason to suspect that a criminal offense has taken place
or that evidence of such an offense may be secured in a room, Framingham State
University personnel will enter the room only with the resident’s permission or
pursuant to a warrant.
b. If in the course of any entry made pursuant to this paragraph 15, illegal or
restricted materials are found in plain view, they will be removed and the
affected resident(s) will be notified of the confiscation and face possible
disciplinary action.
16. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Residents are responsible for their personal belongings
brought into the residence halls. Except as required by law, Framingham State does
not assume responsibility for loss of, or damages to, personal articles by fire, theft or
any other cause. The Office of Residence Life and Housing recommends that each
student acquire insurance coverage for their personal belongings. At the conclusion of
their occupancy, residents are responsible for the removal of all personal property
from their assigned room or unassigned common locations. Framingham State
University is not responsible for personal belongings left after occupancy ends. Failure
to remove personal belongings within 48 hours of the conclusion of the occupancy will
result in a removal charge being assessed and the forfeiture of such property to be
disposed of by the University at its discretion.
17. CLEANLINESS: As a condition of residency, residents are responsible for the cleanliness
of their rooms and must maintain reasonable sanitation and safety standards.
Residents agree to remove trash from their assigned space regularly. Students are
responsible for cleaning their rooms. If the University must clean the room, a cleaning
charge will be assessed to the resident.
18. ANIMALS: For health and safety reasons, no animals or pets, with the exception of
tropical fish or goldfish in a tank of 10 gallons or smaller, are permitted within the
residence halls. Service dogs and assistance animals that assist residents with
disabilities, and are approved in advance, by the Disability and Access Services
Coordinator and Residence Life Office, are permitted in the residence halls and must
remain in compliance with all University policies. The Policy for Service and Assistance
Animals includes the application for service and assistance animals. The deadline for
fall semester is May 1 for current residents and June 15
for new and incoming
residents. For the spring semester the deadline is December 1
for both current and
new or incoming residents.
19. KEYS: Keys will be issued at the beginning of occupancy and must be returned at the
end of occupancy or upon termination of this Agreement. Residents must maintain
possession of room keys at all times. No resident student is permitted to lend issued
key(s) to another person. Failure to return a key will result in a lock change with the
cost assessed to the student. Lost keys must be reported immediately to a residence
hall staff member.
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20. RESIDENCE HALL GUESTS: Resident guest privileges are extended to host guests and
visitors in accordance with the Guest Policy as outlined in the Guide to Residence
Living. The host resident is responsible for the actions of resident’s guest(s) and guest
behavior will be imputed to the host resident.
21. PARKING: Resident students are not guaranteed parking privileges. All residents are
bound by Framingham State University parking regulations.
22. REASSIGNMENT OF ROOM: Framingham State reserves the right to reassign residents
to another space or residence hall or assign another student to a vacant space in a
room at any time during the occupancy for reasons deemed sufficient by the
University. This Agreement will remain in effect and will apply to the resident’s
occupancy of that other space. A resident assigned to a multiple occupancy room with
a vacancy may not occupy the vacant bed, dresser, desk or wardrobe which must be
maintained for a new assigned occupant. Failure to maintain the vacancy for a new
occupant may result in resident incurring housing premium charge for a double-as-
single room or be relocated to another space or residence hall. Students who reside in
areas designated for persons with disabilities may be relocated when it is assigned to
someone who requires the space to accommodate a disability.
23. USE OF ROOM DURING VACATION PERIODS: Framingham State may, with prior
notice to the resident, use a resident’s assigned space during vacation periods. The
resident agrees, upon reasonable notice, to remove personal belongings during any
vacation periods when the University will use the room.
24. RIGHT TO INCREASE OCCUPANCY: Framingham State reserves the right to increase
room occupancy as long as such increase conforms to prevailing occupancy and health
standards. In the event Framingham State does increase room occupancy and the
residents of increased occupancy areas do not have all the furniture provided under
normal circumstances, the room fee will be reduced by 20%, beginning when the
occupancy is increased and continuing until the room is no longer required to remain
at increased occupancy.
25. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: Framingham State does not unlawfully discriminate in
admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its educational programs and
activities on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, gender,
sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital or
parental status, or veteran status in housing or in the assignment of persons as
roommates. The full Framingham State University Notice of Non- Discrimination and
Diversity is published in the RAM Student Handbook.
26. VIOLATIONS OF THE AGREEMENT: Framingham State, in its sole discretion, will
determine if you are in violation of this Agreement. Violations of this Agreement
include, but are not limited to: 1) failure to make payment of required charges by
announced deadlines; 2) a change in your student status, including academic or
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disciplinary sanctions; 3) failure to attend classes; 4) failure to retain your student
status; 5) failure to comply with Framingham State University policies or state or
federal laws; or any violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
a. Contract Termination by Framingham State University: In the event of factors
beyond its control, Framingham State reserves the right to alter or terminate this
Agreement and a pro rata adjustment will be made in the event of such a
termination. Framingham State, in its sole discretion, can also terminate this
Agreement at any time if the resident is in violation of the Agreement.
b. Contract Termination by the Resident: The resident may request to terminate
this Agreement and withdraw from housing by providing written notice to the
Associate Dean of Students via email to residenc[email protected] or by
completing withdrawal via the myResLife housing application portal. If the
resident has occupied an assigned space, the resident must vacate the space and
follow proper check-out procedures as published in the Guide to Residence Living
before the Agreement will be terminated. Failure to check-out properly will
result in a $25 charge for resulting administrative costs. Residents who withdraw
from the Residence Hall License Agreement, but not from the Univerity, remain
liable for room and board charges for the term of the Agreement, except as
provided for in paragraph 9 of the Terms and Conditions of this Residence Hall
License Agreement.
28. REMEDIES. If you are in violation of this Agreement and Framingham State elects not
to terminate the Agreement, Framingham State can, without demand or notice (other
than as provided in this paragraph), in addition to other remedies allowed by law: a.
Terminate your right to occupy the premises, but not terminate the License
Agreement or end your monetary obligation for the premises; and, b. Enforce terms
and conditions outlined in the Framingham State University Student Financial
Responsibilities Agreement (SFRA).
29. CUMULATIVE REMEDIES. The exercise of any remedy by Framingham State shall not
be taken to exclude or waive the right to exercise any other right or remedy which
Framingham State might have.
30. ADDENDA. Housing rules, policies, and/or regulations appearing in the most recent
RAM Student Handbook and/or Guide to Residence Living, or as revised and published
from time to time by Framingham State are made a part of this Residence Hall License
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Framingham State University
Residence Hall License Agreement for Academic Year 2024-2025
(To be completed by students who are under 18 years of age and a parent/legal guardian)
Please acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions of the
2024-2025 Residence Hall License Agreement:
Student ID Number: ________________________________
Resident’s Name (print): ________________________________________________________________
te: / /
Parent/Guardian Name (print): ___________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________
/ /
Return this document to the Office of Residence Life and Housing, Framingham State University, via
one of the options listed below:
Email: Scan and email to (only accepted from FSU student email
US Mail:
Office of Residence Life
Framingham State University
100 State Street; PO Box 9101
Framingham, MA 01701-9101
Fax: 508-626-4638