USA Staffing
Hiring Manager
Quick Reference Guide
October 2020
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U.S. Office of Personnel Management
E Street, NW, Washington, DC
Updated October 2020 2
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Logging In ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Hiring Manager Dashboard ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Viewing Hiring Actions ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Requesting a Hiring Action ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Receiving and Accessing Reviews ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Reviewing the Announcement and Assessments ................................................................................................................... 9
Completing Panel Reviews .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Reviewing Applicant Lists ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Batch Printing Applicant Documents .................................................................................................................................... 18
Position Descriptions ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Hiring Manager Feedback Survey ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Additional Help ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Updated October 2020 3
This document provides an overview of USA Staffing for Hiring Managers or other subject matter experts. The USA
Staffing system allows HR users to connect and share information with Hiring Manager users who need to provide
feedback on work within USA Staffing. Through this interface, HR and Hiring Manager users can share notes, review
assessment and announcement information, review applicant documents, and collaborate on certificates/new hires all
within one system. How the system is utilized can vary by Agency and can be adapted to meet the needs of your Agency
and HR Office’s business processes.
Logging In
Your Agency’s HR Office will create an account for you to log into the USA Staffing system. Once an account is created,
you will receive a welcome email titled “Your New USA Staffing Account” containing the email address used to create
your account and information for establishing your password. Click on the link in the body of the email and follow the
on-screen prompts to create a password. Upon the first time logging in, you will be asked to accept the system’s Rules
of Behavior.
Note: As a new system user, you will need to activate your account by creating a password and registering your
Smart Card, such as the Personal Identification Verification (PIV) or Common Access Card (CAC). Once you complete
this step, you will be able to access the system. You will only need to activate your account the first time you log in.
After the initial setup you will be able to access the system directly using your Smart Card. If you have not logged
into your account in more than 365 days, your account will be disabled. Use the “Reset Password link to reset your
password and re-activate your account.
Updated October 2020 4
Hiring Manager Dashboard
The Dashboard is your home page in USA Staffing. On this page, you can request hiring actions, view incomplete
reviews, view and filter my hires, view and filter complete reviews and view a list of my hiring actions to manage your
work. The tiles displayed on this page include:
Incomplete Reviews. This tile displays all reviews assigned to you that have not yet been returned to HR or
reviews where you have not yet completed your individual assignment(s). This tile can be sorted by ascending
or descending due dates. Clicking on the position title will open that review.
My Hires. This tile displays a list of new hires and their status where you are listed as the Supervisor/Manager.
You can search for hires by their name, email, or position title, as well as filter the list based on the hire’s
onboarding status (Active, Inactive or Complete). Clicking on a hire will open the details of the corresponding
hiring action.
Complete Reviews. This tile displays a list of reviews assigned to you that have been returned to HR and
reviews in which you have completed your review assignment(s). Reviews are ordered by due date with the
most recently due at the top. You can search reviews by position title, review name, or request number as well
as filter the list based on the review type (JOA, Panel Review, Applicant List). Clicking the position title will open
the review.
My Hiring Actions. This tile displays a list of requests where you are listed as the Requester with the most
recently created requests at the top. You can search for hiring actions by position title, request number, or
location. Clicking on a position title will open the corresponding hiring action details.
Updated October 2020 5
Viewing Hiring Actions
The Hiring Actions page displays all hiring actions you have access to in USA Staffing.
On this page, you can:
View the Status of hiring actions for which you are the hiring manager.
Initiate a new hiring action if your Agency decides to use this functionality as part of their business process.
Open a Request, by clicking the Request Number link which will take you to the Hiring Action Details page.
See additional details about a request, by clicking the arrow button next to the Request Number to display
the associated Reviews and Announcements.
Search for specific requests by the Position Title, Request Number, or Selectee Name.
A black bell icon next to a request number indicates that the request has active reviews.
A red bell icon indicates the presence of active reviews that are past the designated due date.
Updated October 2020 6
From the Hiring Actions page, you can also click on
Change to apply filters or Reset your list of Hiring Actions.
The filter options are:
Position: Series, Pay Plan, Grade(s)
Request Status: Defaults to all
Customer: Defaults to all
Location: Defaults to all
Requester: Defaults to your name
Request Type: Additional Selection, New Vacancy,
Onboard New Hire
Requesting a Hiring Action
Requests are the beginning of the recruitment process within USA Staffing. A Request is equivalent to a Request for
Referral of Eligibles (SF-39) or a Request for Personnel Action (SF-52). Each Agency may use Requests in USA Staffing
differently; please refer to your HR Office for Agency specific business processes.
Your HR Office may initiate the Requests, or if your Agency policy and permissions allow, you can create new requests by
following the steps below.
1. To initiate a new Request, click the Request Hiring Action button. This button can be found in the top right-hand
area on the Dashboard home page as well as the Hiring Actions page.
2. On the Request Hiring Action page, select the appropriate Type of Hiring Request (New Vacancy, Additional
Selection, or Onboard New Hire), and enter the Request Number or click Generate to designate a USA Staffing-
generated number. Please check with your HR Office to determine your Agency’s policy on Request numbering
protocols. Each Request number must be unique and can only be used once. Valid characters include A-Z, 0-9,
and hyphen (-) and can be up to 100 characters.
3. Select the Requesting Customer from the drop-down list. If you do not see the appropriate Customer to assign
to the request, contact your HR Office.
4. The Requester field displays the name of the user who initiated the request or the designated hiring manager.
5. If the position is interdisciplinary, choose Yes from the options provided. You may either select the PD
information by using the Add From Library option or enter the information by selecting the Add Manually
button. To add multiple positions associated with a single Request, repeat this step. If you are recruiting for
multiple grades, each grade must have its own PD number.
Updated October 2020 7
6. Do you want to recruit for a specific number of vacancies per duty location? If Yes, add your location. If No,
enter the number of vacancies in the Total Vacancies field. You can enter a numeric value or if you have more
than one Vacancy, you can use the words “Few” or Many.
7. Enter a City, Zip Code, County, Country, or Location Code in the Duty Location search field. The system will
automatically display a list of locations based on the information entered.
8. Under Position Settings select the required Security Clearance Level, designate if the position is a supervisory
position, select the estimated amount of travel required, select the sensitivity and risk level of the position,
select how the position sensitivity and risk will be determined, and check other boxes as appropriate.
9. Once the request is saved, Documents can be uploaded using the button at the top right section of the page.
10. Once saved, Notes can also be entered using the button at the top right corner of the page.
11. Click Save to leave the Request in an Incomplete status for later review and submission or click Submit to HR to
finalize the Request and transmit it to the HR Office. Submitting the Request will forward the action to your HR
Office for review and action. All requests in an Incomplete status can be deleted prior to clicking Submit to HR.
Updated October 2020 8
Receiving and Accessing Reviews
Once HR has populated the information specific to your vacancy into USA Staffing and they have assigned you a task to
review, an email will be sent to you indicating you have a new Review to complete. You may either click the URL in the
email or log directly into the system.
1. To see your list of active reviews, select Reviews on the top menu bar.
2. The Review Type column will identify which type of Review you have been assigned. There are three different
types of reviews that you may receive in USA Staffing:
Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) reviews can include the assessment, announcement text and/or
the announcement questionnaire for a recruitment. This is typically used to provide hiring managers an
opportunity to review and request changes to the recruitment before it is posted on USAJOBS.
Panel Reviews allow subject matter experts to receive a list of applicants, their documents, their
qualifications determination and their rating (when assessments were used) in order to make decisions
critical to the hiring process. This type of review is typically completed before a final Certificate of
Eligibles is issued to the selecting official to make an official hiring decision.
Applicant List reviews includes Certificate(s) of Eligible applicants who have been referred for selection
consideration. This is typically used by hiring managers and/or subject matter experts to review
applicants, determine which candidates should be interviewed, and make selection decisions.
Updated October 2020 9
Reviewing the Announcement and Assessments
1. To open a Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) review, click the URL from the Review notification email or log
directly into USA Staffing and click the hyperlink for the review either from the Dashboard’s Incomplete Reviews
tile or from the Reviews page.
2. Each Review will have its own details and instructions regarding the actions you should take, the date the
Review must be completed by, and the hiring action to which the Review is tied. When you open a review for
the first time, the instructions from your HR office will be shown.
3. In the top right corner, there are several options:
HR Contact shows the HR person who sent you the review. You can see their phone number and email
address by clicking on the information icon next to their name.
View Instructions allows you to see the review instructions if you need to refer to them again.
Other Reviewers will show you the name(s), contact information and assignments of any other reviewers
who were assigned to review this JOA, if applicable.
Documents allows you to see attached documents or add additional documents to the Review.
Notes allows you see notes added by your HR Office or add additional notes. Notes you save will be
viewable by the HR office.
4. If you have been given the permission to make changes, your edits will be tracked by a distinct color assigned by
the system. If other reviewers are assigned, you will be able to see their edits in other colors. After completing
your edits, be sure to click Save.
Updated October 2020 10
5. Once you have completed reviewing a section, change the Approval Status drop-down menu to reflect the
appropriate status, and click Next to proceed to the next review assignment.
Incomplete: I have not finished the review.
Approved: I am comfortable with HR moving forward with the information provided.
Approved Pending Changes: I am comfortable with HR moving forward once the changes are made.
Rejected: I do not approve of this information.
6. As you set the Approval Status for each Review assignment (i.e., Assessment, Announcement Questionnaire,
and/or Announcement Text) you will see a green check mark which indicates you have completed that
assignment. A red checkbox next to a Review assignment indicates the Approval Status is not yet complete.
7. When all the Review assignments have a green check mark next to them, if your permissions allow, click the
Return to HR button to return the Review. If you do not see this option, you are finished when all Approval
Statuses are complete. Note: Changes cannot be made to reviews that have been returned to HR.
Updated October 2020 11
Completing Panel Reviews
1. To open a Panel review, click the URL from the Review notification email or log into USA Staffing and click the
hyperlink for the review either from the Dashboard’s Incomplete Reviews tile or from the Reviews page.
2. When you open a review for the first time, the instructions your HR office entered will be visible. If you have
closed them and need to refer to them again, you can click the View Instructions button.
3. You can use the View Announcement to open a copy of the announcement in a new browser window. The
Documents and Notes can also be helpful tools in referencing additional information or documentation for the
panel review. Documents you add and notes you save will be viewable by the HR office and other reviewers.
4. Select the applicant list(s) you would like to review and click the Review Lists button.
5. On the Panel Review page, you can review applicant information, open their supporting documents, add notes,
and toggle applicants as flagged and/or reviewed to help keep track of your progress.
6. You may also access an expanded view of the applicant record by clicking on the plus button next to the
applicants’ name. The following applicant information may be displayed, depending on the announcement and
the applicant list settings enabled by the HR office:
Contact Information: Email, Phone, Street Address, City/State/Country, and Postal Code.
Preferences: responses to the Preferences section of the Announcement Questionnaire.
Eligibilities: claim(s) and adjudication for any applicable eligibilities.
Assessment: responses to the Assessment Questionnaire.
Updated October 2020 12
7. If you prefer to review the applicant list in a hard copy format, click the Print button.
8. If your permissions allow, you can recommend rating decisions for the candidates on the list by clicking the View
hyperlink for each applicant. Doing so will open a Rating Details popup where you can enter:
Minimum Qualification Determination: eligible or ineligible message, and/or
Rating Determination: score from 70 to 100.
Note: Your applicant ratings will only be viewable to the HR office, and cannot be seen by other panel reviewers.
9. Once you have completed reviewing all applicants on your list, if your permissions allow, change the Status
drop-down menu to reflect Complete, and click Next to proceed to the next review assignment. If you do not
see the Status menu option, follow the instructions from your HR office on completing the panel review process.
Updated October 2020 13
10. When all assignments show a Complete status, if your permissions allow, click the Return to HR button to return
the Review. If you do not see this option, you are finished when all the Approval Statuses are Complete or when
you have completed the steps outlined in the instructions provided by your HR office.
11. A pop-up box will display that says: All review assignments are complete. The review is ready to be returned to
HR. Clicking Return to HR will send the review back to HR and it will no longer be available for you or any other
Updated October 2020 14
Reviewing Applicant Lists
1. To open an Applicant List review, click the URL from the Review notification email or log into USA Staffing and
click the hyperlink for the review either from the Dashboard’s Incomplete Reviews or from the Reviews page.
2. When you open a review for the first time, the instructions your HR office entered will be visible. If you have
closed them and need to refer to them again, you can click the View Instructions button.
3. You can use the View Announcement to open a copy of the announcement in a new browser window. The
Documents and Notes can also be helpful tools in referencing additional information or documentation for the
review. Documents you add and notes you save will be viewable by the HR office and other reviewers.
4. Select the Certificate Number(s) that you would like to review and click the Review Lists button.
5. On the Applicant List page, you can review applicant records, review documents, document selection decisions,
and add notes based on the permissions you have been granted. If you prefer to review the certificate
information in a hard copy format, click the Print button.
6. Click the icon to the left of the applicant's name to view additional information, such as their Contact
Information, Preferences, Eligibilities and Assessment responses, if available.
7. Click the Documents drop-down menu within the applicant’s row to review their supporting documents,
including their resume.
8. Click to toggle the icons to the right in each applicant’s row per your Agency’s policy.
Your HR Office will inform you of any business processes they have identified for using
these options. If no business processes have been identified, you may use them to
denote follow-up actions with a candidate, indicate whether you have reviewed the
candidate, and/or designate candidates of interest.
Updated October 2020 15
9. From this page you can also add Notes to document your review process. Notes you save will be viewable to
other reviewers as well as the HR office. Along with the note, the system saves the full name of the user who
added the note, as well as the date and time the note was added.
You can add notes to an individual applicant record in the Notes column on the certificate,
You can select multiple applicants using the checkboxes to the left of the applicants' names, and use the
Add Notes button to add the same note to all the selected applicants, and/or
You can add notes for the whole certificate by clicking on the Notes located in top right corner of the
10. To document a selection decision for an individual applicant, click on the No Decision hyperlink to pull up the
Selection Decision box. Choose the appropriate selection decision (Selected, Alternate Selection, Not Selected,
Declined/Withdrawn) from the drop-down menu.
Updated October 2020 16
11. For selected applicants, choose the Hiring Action Number that should be associated with the selection, and the
appropriate Duty Location, PD number, and series, if multiple ones are available. If the review settings allow
selections to be returned individually, you will receive a message asking if you would like to have the HR office
start onboarding for that applicant. Choosing Yes will send a notification email to the HR Contact letting them
know that a selection decision has been made, so they can begin onboarding the selectee.
12. To document selection decisions for multiple applicants with the same selection decision outcome, check the
box to the left of all appropriate applicant records and select Make Selections.
13. When all selection decisions have been made, enter the outcome for each certificate using the Approval Status
(Incomplete, Selection Made, Selection Not Made) drop-down located at the bottom right of the certificate. If
multiple certificates were selected, you can use the Next button to navigate between certificates.
Updated October 2020 17
14. Once selection decisions for all certificates are documented, click the Back to Assignments button located in the
bottom right corner of the page. The status for each completed certificate assignment will be shown in green. If
any certificates show an Incomplete status in red text, this indicates the Approval Status is not yet complete.
15. When all certificate assignments are complete, and if your permissions allow, click Return to HR to return the
Review. If you do not see this option, you are finished when all the statuses are complete.
16. A pop-up box will display that says: All review assignments are complete. The review is ready to be returned to
HR. Clicking Return to HR will send the review back to HR and it will no longer be available for you or any other
Reviewers to make comments.
17. Once the review is returned, you will be invited to complete a survey about your experience with the hiring
action. This survey is voluntary and confidential, and we highly encourage you to take a few minutes to complete
it. The results are used by OPM and by each agency to make changes to the hiring process that will increase
hiring manager satisfaction with HR services and improve the quality and timeliness of the applicants referred.
Updated October 2020 18
Batch Printing Applicant Documents
1. To print multiple applicantsdocuments at the same time from either a panel review list or a certificate, select
the box on the top left of the grey bar to select all the applicant records at once. Select Print Documents.
2. Select all the appropriate documents type(s) and the order in which you would like them to be printed, then
click Print Documents.
3. You will receive a pop-up with a Confirmation message that reads: Batch printing in progress. When complete,
you will receive an alert; click the alert to download the file. Once your batch print file is ready, you will see a
new alert in the Alert icon at top right side of the page. To open the batch print document, click on the alert.
Updated October 2020 19
Position Descriptions
The Position Descriptions page allows you to search for position descriptions you have access to in USA Staffing. To
access this page, log into USA Staffing and click Position Descriptions on the top menu bar.
On this page you can Search for position descriptions by the PD number, position title, series, and/or grades. Once the
Search results are displayed, you can use the View PDF and/or View Documents to see the details for that specific PD.
Hiring Manager Feedback Survey
The red Feedback button on the Hiring Manager screens allow Hiring Managers to answer a survey and submit
comments directly to the USA Staffing Program Office. This survey will be used to collect comments from Hiring
Managers across government who utilize Hiring Manager as part of the recruitment and selection process. Your input
will help us measure the effectiveness of the Hiring Manager tool and will also influence future changes to the system.
The survey is optional and can be completed by clicking on the button to the right of the page.
Additional Help
For questions or comments around the content of a Review assigned to you or for questions regarding the business
processes for your Agency, please contact your HR Office. To further clarify system processes and to troubleshoot issues
with system functionality, click the question mark icon in the upper righthand corner of the page to review
detailed information about the page currently open.
If you need further assistance after reviewing the Online help or if you cannot access an area of the system due to your
permissions, please contact your local Human Resources Office.