Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
The Indian Telecom Services
Performance Indicators October – December 2005
April 2006
TRAI House
A-2/14, Safdarjung Enclave,
Africa Avenue,
New Delhi-110029
Tel: +91-11- 26103466
Fax: +91-11- 26103294
Web: www.trai.gov.in
(i) Introduction
(ii) Quarterly results at a glance
Chapter One : Performance of Fixed Service
Chapter Two : Performance of Mobile Service
Chapter Three : Performance of Internet Service
Chapter Four : Performance of Other Value Added Services
(i) PMRTS (ii) VSAT
Chapter Five : Quality of Service (QOS) Performance
Chapter Six : Performance of Cable TV, DTH & Radio Broadcasting
1.1 Subscribers Base of Fixed Services
1.2 Details of Public Call Offices (PCO)
1.3 Details of Village Public Telephones (VPT)
2.1 Subscriber Base of Mobile operators
2.2 Market Share of Mobile Service Providers
2.3 Growth pattern of Mobile Subscribers Base
3.1 Subscribers Base of Internet Service
4.1 Subscriber Base of Public Mobile Radio Trunking Service (PMRTS)
4.2 Subscriber Base of VSAT Service Providers
6.1 No. of Cable and Satellite TV Households
6.2 Genrewise Cable and Satellite Viewership pattern (in %) in four Metros
6.3 Viewing Pattern of FTA Vs Pay Channels (in % terms) (+4 Cable and
Satellite viewers ) in four Metros
6.4 Average Weekly Reach of DD 1 in Millions among Cable, Non Cable &
Satellite Viewers of 4+
6.5 Colour TV Penetration among C &S Households
6.6 Range of number of channels Pay, FTA, Local regularly carried on
6.7 Information on New Pay Channels and Free to Air (FTA) channels
converted into Pay Channels after 26.12.2003
6.8 No. of Applications/Letters of Intent/Licenses Issued in respect of DTH
Service Provider
6.9 Status of Community Radio Stations in the country
1.1 Details of Fixed Service Licenses issued to private operators
2.1 List of Cellular, Fixed & Unified Access Service Providers
2.2 Average Revenue Per Use (ARPU)
2.3 Usage Pattern for CDMA
2.4 Usage Pattern for GSM
2.5 Revenue Per Minute (RPM)
3.1 Growth Pattern of Internet subscribers
3.2 List of Internet Telephony Service Providers
4.1 Growth Rate of PMRTS subscribers
4.2 Growth Rate of VSAT Subscribers
5.1 Quality of Service Performance for Fixed Services
5.2 Quality of Service Performance for Mobile (GSM) Services
5.3 Quality of Service Performance for ISPs
1.1 This report provides an update on the growth trends for the telecom services for
the period October – December 2005. It presents a broad perspective on the
Telecom Services to serve as a reference document for various stakeholders,
research agencies and analysts as an update over the previous reports. Due to
the Unified Access Service Regime, the details under mobile services combine
both GSM & CDMA. The Fixed Service details also include WLL (F) and Village
Public Telephones (VPT). This report also covers the performance of Cable TV,
DTH & Radio Broadband services. The summary of the growth pattern of Fixed,
Mobile and Internet and Broadband services in form of ‘Quarterly results at a
Glance’ is given at the beginning of this compilation.
1.2 The information for this report has been collected from various telecom
operators and service providers. TRAI collects performance-oriented data from
various service providers on a quarterly basis to monitor the growth trend in
the sector and to decide upon pro-active and suo motto measures to fuel the
growth of the telecom services in the country. The data provided in this report
is purely provisional and subject to change. TRAI regularly conducts review of
its data collection programme to ensure that its processes remains
appropriate/relevant in the rapidly growing telecom sector and are consistent
with changing regulatory framework.
1.3 This quarterly report is available on the TRAI website (www.trai.gov.in
) and is
updated on quarterly basis. Any suggestions pertaining to this may please be
addressed to S. N. Gupta, Pr. Advisor (CN), TRAI; Tel. 26167914, Fax.
26191998 and e-mail: [email protected].in.
(ii) Quarterly Results at a Glance
Performance Indicators of Telecom Services for QE Dec 2005
A. Growth of Fixed & Mobile Services:-
QE Dec
QE Mar 2005
(FY 2004-05)
QE Jun
QE Sept
QE Dec
growth over
Dec 2004
(12 months)
growth over
Mar 2005
(9 months)
over Jun
(6 months)
over Sept
2005 (3
1) Subscriber's Base (in millions)
i) Fixed Line
WLL(F) 44.87 46.19 46.85 48.00 48.84 8.85 5.74 4.25 1.75
ii) Mobile (GSM +
CDMA) 48.01 52.22 57.37 65.07 75.94 58.17 45.43 32.37 16.71
Gross Total 92.88 98.41 104.22 113.07 124.78 34.34 26.80 19.73 10.36
2) Traffic (MOU) (minutes of use/ sub/month) (combined for GSM & CDMA)
i) Mobile (GSM &
CDMA) 327 344 358 367
GSM - 393
CDMA - 462
3) ARPU (Rs./sub/ month) (combined for GSM & CDMA)
i) Mobile (GSM &
CDMA) 399 394 381 374
GSM - 362
CDMA - 256
4) Teledensity
Population in
million (Estimated) 1077 1080 1085 1088 1092
i) Fixed including
WLL(F) 4.17 4.28 4.32 4.41 4.47 7.35 4.58 3.58 1.38
ii) Mobile (GSM +
CDMA) 4.46 4.84 5.29 5.98 6.95 56.00 43.83 31.52 16.28
Gross Total 8.62 9.11 9.61 10.39 11.43 32.50 25.40 18.96 9.95
B. Growth of Internet & Broadband Services:-
QE Dec
QE Mar 2005
(FY 2004-05)
QE Jun
QE Sept
QE Dec
growth over
Dec 2004
(12 months)
growth over
Mar 2005
(9 months)
over Jun
(6 months)
over Sept
2005 (3
1) Subscriber's Base (in million)
i) Internet 5.45 5.55 5.89 6.13 6.70 22.94 20.72 13.75 9.30
ii) Broadband
(>=256 Kbps
download speed) 0.047 0.183 0.399 0.612 0.903 1821.28 393.44 126.32 47.55
2) Minutes of Use
subs/month) 275 305 300 315 189 -31.27 -38.03 -37.00 -40.00
3) ARPU (Dialup
(Rs/subs/month) 167 220 200 190 210 25.75 -4.55 5.00 10.53
C. Performance of service providers during the quarter: -
(I) Fixed Line including WLL(F) Subscribers Base(in Million)
1) Basic
QE Dec
QE Mar 2005
(FY 2004-05)
QE Jun
QE Sept
QE Dec
%age growth
over Dec
(12 months)
over Mar
(9 months)
over Jun
(6 months)
over Sept
2005 (3
BSNL 36.49 37.04 36.80 36.80 36.76 0.73 -0.76 -0.11 -0.11
MTNL 4.08 4.06 3.95 4.05 3.86 -5.35 -5.00 -2.35 -4.77
Tata/ Hughes 2.00 2.58 3.07 3.62 4.04 101.60 56.59 31.60 11.60
Bharti 0.80 0.86 0.93 1.06 1.20 49.13 39.42 28.92 13.11
Reliance 1.18 1.31 1.72 2.09 2.57 117.43 96.18 49.42 22.97
HFCL 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.24 31.87 26.32 14.29 9.09
Shyam 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.16 0.17 30.77 13.33 0.00 6.25
Total 44.87 46.19 46.85 48.00 48.84 8.84 5.73 4.24 1.74
(II) Mobile Services Subscriber Base (in Million)
QE Dec
QE Mar 2005
(FY 2004-05)
QE Jun
QE Sept
QE Dec
%age growth
over Dec
(12 months)
%age growth
over Mar
(9 months)
over Jun
(6 months)
over Sept
2005 (3
Reliance 10.15 10.45 11.65
14.68 44.69 40.48
26.01 13.01
Bharti 9.83 10.98 12.26
16.33 66.19 48.72
33.20 16.06
BSNL 8.90 9.90 10.69
14.83 66.72 49.81
38.73 19.79
Hutch 7.18 7.79 8.44
11.41 58.94 46.47
35.19 17.51
Idea 4.70 5.07 5.55
6.47 37.78 27.61
16.58 8.92
Group 2.47 2.58 2.63
2.89 17.10 12.02
9.89 2.85
Others 1.65 1.76 1.87
2.28 38.43 29.55
21.93 9.09
Spice 1.50 1.44 1.47
1.63 8.88 13.19
10.88 9.40
Hughes 0.81 1.09 1.43
3.68 356.58 237.61
157.34 78.64
MTNL 0.78 1.08 1.29
1.65 112.63 52.78
27.91 14.58
HFCL 0.05 0.05 0.06
0.06 22.45 20.00
0.00 0.00
Shyam 0.03 0.03 0.03
0.03 15.38 0.00
0.00 0.00
Total 48.01 52.22 57.37
75.94 58.17 45.43
32.37 16.71
Chapter One
1.1 Subscribers Base: -
1.1.1 As on 31
December 2005 and the Fixed lines were provided by 5 licensed
private operators in addition to incumbents BSNL and MTNL. List of Fixed
Service provider’s along with their area of operation is given in Table 1:
Table 1
Name of the
Service Provider
Area of Operation
1 BSNL All India
2 MTNL Delhi & Mumbai
3 Bharti Telesonic Ltd AP, MP, Delhi, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Chennai,
Karnataka, Kerala, Gujarat, Punjab,
Maharashtra, Mumbai, UP(E),UP(W) including
Uttaranchal, West Bengal and Kolkata
4 Tata Teleservices
(Maharashtra) Ltd
Maharashtra, Mumbai
5 Tata Teleservices Ltd
AP, Tamil Nadu, Chennai,
Karnataka, Gujarat, Delhi, Bihar, Orissa,
Rajasthan, Pun
ab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh,
Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, U.P. (E), U.P (W)
including Uttaranchal, West Bengal and Kolkata
6 HFCL Infotel Ltd Punjab
7 Shyam Telelink Ltd Rajasthan
8 Reliance
AP, Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, HP,
Karnataka, Kerala, MP, Maharashtra, Mumbai
Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu,
Chennai, UP (E), UP (W), West Bengal, Kolkata
The information in this report is based on the data provided by the Fixed
Service Providers. The operator-wise subscriber base is given in Table 1.1.
Subscribers Base nears 49 million
1.1.2 Market Share of DELs
Market Share of DELs (Fixed + WLL (F)) as on
31st Dec 2006
As on 31st December 2005, the total subscriber base of Fixed lines
including WLL (F) stood at 48.84 million. The incumbents BSNL and MTNL
have 75% and 8% market share respectively in the subscriber base, while all
the five private operators have 17% share. In the current quarter the share of
private operators have increased by 2% and the share of BSNL has declined by
2% whereas the share of MTNL remains the same.
As on 31st December 2005 total urban DELs are 34.86 million and rural
DELs are 13.98 million. The market share of Fixed Service Providers in Urban
DELs and Rural DELs is depicted in the charts below:
Market Share of Urban DELs (Fixed + WLL
(F)) as on 31st Dec 2006
Market Share of Rural DELs (Fixed + WLL (F))
as on 31st Dec 2006
1.1.3 Subscriber Base of Fixed & WLL(F) for last five quarters
The subscriber base of the Fixed service sector for last five quarters is depicted
in the bar chart below:
Subscriber Base (Fixed & WLL(F))
31st Dec' 04 31st M ar'05 30th June'05 30th Sept 05 31st Dec'05
Subscriber Base (Fixed )
31st Dec'04 31st Mar'05 30th June'05 30th Sept 05 31st Dec'05
DELs (in Million)
Subscriber Base of WLL(F)
31st Dec'04 31st Mar'05 30th June'05 30th Sept 05 31st Dec'05
(in Millions)
1.1.4 Growth of DELs
The Fixed Service sector has registered a growth of 8,34,081 lines during the quarter from 1
October 2005 to 31
December 2005. The actual number of DELs has increased from 4,80,01,992 as
on 30
September 2005 to 4,88,36,073 as on 31
December 2005. The overall percentage of growth in
subscriber base during the Quarter is 1.74%.
Average percentage growth rate of Total, Fixed Wireline and WLL(F) Subscribers
Percentage Growth of Fixed Subscribers
Oct-Dec'04 Jan-Mar'05 Apr-Jun 05 Jul-Sept 05 Oct-Dec'05
Percentage Growth of WLL(F) Subscribers
Oct-Dec'04 Jan-Mar'05 Apr-Jun 05 Jul-Sept 05 Oct-Dec'05
Percentage Growth of Fixed &WLL(F)
Oct-Dec'04 Jan-Mar'05 Apr-Jun 05 Jul-Sept 05 Oct-Dec'05
1.2 Other Performance Indicators: -
1.2.1 Public Call Offices:
During the current quarter 82,945 new PCOs have been added. Total
number of PCOs in the country as on 31st December 2005 is 37,34,687. The
contribution of BSNL is 20,23,673 i.e. 54% of the total PCOs. The contribution
of MTNL and other private operators is 2,81,876 (8%) and 14,29,138 (38%)
Operator-wise (BSNL/MTNL/Other Private Operators) market share of
PCO is depicted in the chart below. Operator-wise details of PCOs is available
at Table 1.2.
1.2.2 Village Public Telephones:
There are 6,07,491 villages in India. During the quarter ending 30
Sept 2005
there were 5,35,048 VPTs in the country whereas by the end of this quarter, the
total number of VPTs has marginally increased to 5,39,356. Thus 4,308 VPTs have
been added during the current quarter. The total number of villages left
uncovered, as on 31st December 2005 are 68,135. BSNL has added 4,329 VPTs
during the quarter. Among the five private operators there was a decrease of 6
VPTs in TATA (MH) and 15 VPTs in HFCL respectively, during this quarter.
Circle-wise and Operator-wise details of village public telephones as on 31st
December 2005 and achievement during the quarter are available at Table 1.3.
Market Share of PCOs as on
December 2005
Pvt. Operators
Status of VPTs as on 31st Decem ber 2005
Balance to
be covered
Chapter Two
2.0 Details of service providers: - The list of all the mobile service providers
along with their licensed service area is following: -
SLNO Service Provider Area for which licensed
with No.
Area for which not
UASL Service
1 BSNL/MTNL All India (23)
2 Bharti All India (23) All India except Raj,
3 All India (23)
Reliance Infocomm (21) Assam & NE
All India except NE
& AS
Reliance Telecom. (7) MP,
WB, HP, Bihar, Orissa,
Assam & NE
Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai,
Kolkata, Maharashtra,
Gujarat, AP, Karnataka,
Tamil Nadu, Kerala, PB,
Haryana, UP (W), UP (E),
Rajasthan & J&K
Reliance Telecom/Infocomm/Reliable
Internet Services Ltd
Reliable Internet Services
Ltd (1) Kolkata
All India except Kolkata
4 Tata Teleservices All India (20) except
(Assam, NE & J&K)
Assam, NE & J&K All India except
(Assam, NE & J&K)
5 Hutch Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai,
Kolkata, Guj, AP, KTK,
Punjab, HR, UP-W, UP-E,
Raj & WB (13)
Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil
Nadu, MP, HP, BR, OR,
AS, NE & J&K
6 Aircel Chennai, TN WB, HP, BR,
OR, AS, NE & J&K (9)
Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,
Maharashtra, Gujrat, AP,
Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab,
Haryana, UP (W), UP (E),
Rajasthan. & MP (14)
AS, NE & J&K
7 IDEA Delhi, MH, Guj, AP, KR,
HR, UP-W, MP (8)
Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu,
Punjab, UP-E, Rajasthan,
WB, HP, Bihar, Orissa,
Assam, NE & J&K
8 BPL Mumbai, MH, TN, KR (4) All India except (Mumbai,
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu,
9 Spice Communications KTK, Punjab (2) All India except
(Karnataka, Punjab)
KTK, Punjab
10 HFCL Punjab (1) All India except Punjab Punjab
11 Shyam Telelink Rajasthan (1) All India except Rajasthan Rajasthan
12 Escorts Communications UP-E, Raj, HP (3) All India except (UP-E,
Rajastahn, HP)
Note: 1. Reliance Telecom for all his circles has applied for Unified Licence.
Note: 2 Reliance Infocomm in J&K, Escorts Communications & Aircel (Dishnet Wireless Ltd) in HP, Bihar & J&K is yet to start
his services.
Subscriber Base crosses 75 million mark
Circle-wise details of Cellular, Fixed & Unified Access Service providers at the
end of the quarter are given at Annex 2.1. All the service areas of the country have
mobile operators ranging from 3 to 7.
Growth of Subscribers Base: -
2.1.1 Subscribers Base
The Mobile (GSM and CDMA) Industry has reached the 75.94 million
subscribers mark (GSM 58.49 million & CDMA 17.45 million) for the quarter
ending 31.12.2005.
2.1.2 Addition in Subscribers Base
The subscriber’s base stood at 75.94 million as against 65.07 million for
the quarter ending 30.9.2005. Around 10.87 million subscribers were added in
this quarter.
2.1.3 Growth Rate
The growth rate for this quarter is 16.72% (15.03% in GSM and 22.79%
in CDMA) as against 13.42% (13.16% in GSM and 14.37% in CDMA) for the
quarter ending September 2005. In this quarter M/s BSNL has crossed the
subscribers base of M/s Reliance and has captured the second position. M/s
Bharti remains the largest mobile operator followed by M/s BSNL and M/s
2.1.4 Company wise Market Share:
a) The Subscriber Base of different Mobile operators is given in Table 2.1. The
top five Mobile operators on the basis of market share are as under: -
Mobile Group
Subscribers as on
December, 05
(in Millions)
Market Share
(in %age)
Technology Used
Bharti 16.33
BSNL 14.83
Reliance 14.68 19.33 GSM & CDMA
Hutchison 11.41 15.02 GSM
IDEA 6.47 8.52 GSM
The details of operator-wise subscribers of GSM and CDMA are given in Table 2.2.
b) Distribution of Subscriber Base and market share of Mobile service as on
December 2005 among Metros, Circles A to C is given in Table 2.3.
2.1.5 Change in Market Structure
The name M/s Hutchison Max Telecom Limited has been changed to M/s
Hutchison Essar Limited. M/s Spice Communications in Karnataka has migrated to
UASL License from CMTS License. M/s Bharti, M/s Reliance and BSNL/MTNL have
license to offer mobile services in all 23 service area. The largest operator, M/s Bharti
is offering services in all the 23 service areas. M/s Reliance is presently offering
services in all service areas except J&K circle. BSNL is also offering services in 21
circles. M/s Tata Teleservices is offering services in all its licensed 20 service areas.
Para 2.0 shows the list of the mobile service providers along with their respective
licensed service area.
During this quarter, M/s Dishnet wireless Services started its services in Orissa and
West Bengal Circles. In this quarter, the subscribers’ base of M/s Bharti in
Maharashtra and M/s BSNL in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Kerala circle had crossed
one Million. In all 22 (19 GSM and 3 CDMA) service providers have crossed one
million subscribers mark. The service areas are Delhi (3), Mumbai (4), Maharashtra
(3), Gujarat (1), Andhra Pradesh (2), Karnataka (2), Tamil Nadu (2), Kerala (1), Punjab
(2) and UP (E) (2).
M/s Tata does not have license to offer access services in J&K, Assam & North East.
2.2 Mobile [GSM & CDMA] Service trends:
2.2.1 Summary findings for GSM Operators:
Share of prepaid subscribers in total subscriber base is up from 76% at the end
of Sept 2005 to 78% at the end of December 2005.
All India ARPU declined by 3.2%, from Rs.374 per month to Rs.362 per month.
The Postpaid ARPU decreased from Rs. 646 to Rs.621 whereas prepaid ARPU
increased from Rs. 284 to Rs.286.
Average MOU per subscriber per month for the quarter is 393, showing an
increase of around 7% from 368 per month during the quarter ending Sept-05.
Outgoing MOUs increased by 9% while the incoming MOUs increased by 5%
between the two quarters.
The ratio of incoming – outgoing traffic continues to be 60:40 in the quarter.
The all India blended RPM (Revenue per Minute) for the quarter has declined by
8.9%, from Rs. 1.01 in Sept- 05 to Rs. 0.92 in Dec-05.
81% of the Local (Intra-circle) outgoing traffic is accounted by Mobile
terminating traffic.
Proportion of On- network traffic is also growing. The percentage of the on
network (Mobile) traffic terminated within the service area increased from 45%
to 53%.
Trend indicates that the proportion of local calls (MOU) to total outgoing MOU
is increasing and that of long distance is falling.
2.2.2 Summary findings for CDMA Operators:
Share of prepaid subscribers in total subscriber base is 82% at the end of
December 2005, as compared to 80% at the end of September 2005.
All India ARPU for the quarter ending December 2005 is Rs. 256 showing an
increase of 4.92% from Rs.244 (Sep-2005).
All India postpaid ARPU at Rs. 511 per month is about 2.5 times than that of
all India prepaid ARPU of Rs. 207 per month.
Average MOU per subscriber per month for the quarter is 462, showing a
decline of 1.6% from 470 per month during the quarter ending Sep-2005.
The ratio of incoming – outgoing traffic is estimated to be 56:44 in the quarter
ending December 2005 as against 58:42 in September quarter.
The All India blended RPM (Revenue per Minute) for the quarter has increase
by 5.76% from Re. 0.52 in Sep-2005 to Re. 0.55 in Dec-05.
Mobile-to-Mobile Local (Intra-circle) traffic accounts for 87% of the Local (Intra-
circle) traffic.
On an average 60% of the total Intra-circle traffic terminates within own
network (Mobile).
2.2.3 ARPU For GSM:
This implies a growth rate of 10.62%. Growth in average subscriber base in the
corresponding period has been 15.62%.
There has been a decrease in all India blended ARPU per month by about
3.2% from Rs. 381 in the quarter ending Sept-05 to Rs.362 in Dec-05
(Annex 2.2 Table (c)).
Monthly ARPU in postpaid segment has declined from Rs. 646 in Sept-05 to
Rs.621. On the other hand, prepaid segment has shown a marginal increase
in ARPU per month from Rs. 284 in Sept-05 to Rs.286.
Gap between postpaid and prepaid ARPU is narrowing. Postpaid ARPU was
2.27 times that of prepaid ARPU in the quarter ending Sept-05, and this has
narrowed down to 2.17 times in this quarter.
There has been a decline of about 9.04% in ARPU since last year i.e.
between Dec-04 to Dec-05. For CDMA:
The All India blended ARPU has increased by about 5% from Rs. 244 in the
quarter ending Sep-05 to Rs. 256 in the quarter ending Dec-05.
Monthly ARPU in postpaid segment has increased from Rs. 440 in the
quarter ending Sep-05 to Rs. 511 in Dec-05.
ARPU in, prepaid segment has also increased from Rs. 194 in Sep-05 to Rs.
207 in Dec-05.
There is a huge difference between postpaid and prepaid ARPU. Postpaid
ARPU has been 2.47 times that of prepaid ARPU.
Blended Revenue from Usage (Call Revenue adjusted for interconnect
Payments) accounts for 56% showing a decline of 3% from 59% (Sep-2005).
2.2.4 Usage Pattern For GSM
MOU per subscriber increased from 368 in quarter ending Sept-05, to 393
in Dec-05, thereby showing an increase of about 6.79%. Outgoing MOUs
alone increased by 9.15% (from 142 to 155) and incoming MOUs by 4.87%
(226 to 237) (Annex 2.4 Table (b)).
In Postpaid, total MOUs increased by 5.27% from 645 in Sept-05. to 679 in
Dec-05. Increase in prepaid service for the same period has been 10.43%
(from 278 307).
The incoming-outgoing minutes ratio is 61:39. For postpaid, ratio of
incoming-outgoing minutes is 55:45 and for prepaid segment, it is 65:35.
The outgoing MOU per subscriber has been highest in Circle C at 197 per
month and highest incoming MOU per subscriber has been in Metros at 256
per month. Lowest per subscriber usage for both outgoing and incoming has
been in Circle B, for outgoing (144 per month) and incoming (212 per
16 For CDMA
Average MOU per subscriber per month for the quarter is 462, showing a
decline of 1.6% from 470 per month during the quarter ending Sep-2005.
On an average a CDMA subscriber makes 205 minutes of outgoing calls, sends
15 SMS and receives incoming calls for 257 minutes in a month.
The ratio of incoming – outgoing traffic is 56:44.
Circle C at 417 per month has recorded Lowest per subscriber usage for both
outgoing and incoming calls followed by Circle A at 428 per month.
Circle A at 178 per month has recorded the Lowest per subscriber usage for
Outgoing calls followed by Metro at 216 per month (Annex 2.3 Table (a)).
Circle C at 167 per month has recorded the Lowest per subscriber usage for
Incoming calls followed by Circle A at 251 per month (Annex 2.3 Table (a)).
The number of SMS has been highest in Circle B & Metro (16 per subscriber
month), and lowest in Circle C (13).
2.2.5 Revenue Per Minute (RPM) For GSM
¾ The all India blended RPM (Revenue per Minute) for the quarter has
declined by 8.9%, from Rs. 1.01 in Sept- 05 to Rs. 0.92 in Dec-05 (Annex
2.5 Table (b)).
¾ The RPMs for postpaid and prepaid are almost at the same level. For CDMA
¾ The all India blended RPM for the quarter is Re. 0.55. For postpaid alone,
RPM is Re. 0.77 as against Re. 0.49 for prepaid service (Annex 2.5 Table
¾ The all India blended RPM (Revenue per Minute) for the quarter has
increased by 5.76% from Re. 0.52 in Sep-2005 to Re. 0.55 in Dec-05
(Annex 2.5 Table (a)).
2.2.6 Tariff Trends For GSM
¾ Lowest Tariffs available in the market (for local outgoing usage) as of
December-05 for GSM services
Effective charge represents the actual payout by a user with a defined traffic
pattern. Total outgoing traffic have been distributed between fixed and mobile
with further break up into on-net and off-net, based on the information
furnished by the GSM Service providers in the quarterly report.
o Postpaid Service
Effective charge has been calculated for a monthly local usage of 250
outgoing minutes. Around 570 postpaid tariff plans in the country were
analyzed to arrive at the lowest effective charge per minute. The lowest
available effective charge per minute is Rs. 1.20
o Prepaid Service
Majority of the prepaid subscribers are using the Rs.300 or lower
recharge coupon and hence the tariffs applicable for these recharge
coupons (or its minor variants) have been taken as the representative
tariffs for the pre-paid service. On an analysis of about 160 prepaid tariff
plans, it is found that the lowest effective charge per minute is Rs. 1.27. For CDMA
¾ Lowest Tariffs available in the market (for local outgoing usage) as of Dec-05
for Basic & CDMA services
Effective charge represents the actual payout by a user with a defined traffic
pattern. Total outgoing traffic have been distributed between fixed and mobile
with further break up into on-net and off-net, based on the information
furnished by the CDMA Mobile in the quarterly report.
o Fixed (Wireline + Wireless)
Effective charge has been calculated for a monthly local usage of 250
outgoing minutes. All the Postpaid tariff plans in the country were analyzed
to arrive at the lowest effective charge per minute. The lowest available
effective charge per minute is Re. 0.71
o CDMA Mobile Postpaid
Effective charge has been calculated for a monthly local usage of 250
outgoing minutes. All the Postpaid tariff plans in the country were analyzed
to arrive at the lowest effective charge per minute. The lowest available
effective charge per minute is Rs. 1.31
Chapter Three
3.1 Service Providers & Subscribers Base: -
For the quarter ending December 2005, 163 Internet Service Providers were
operational. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has retained its top position and
reported a subscriber base of 25.97 Lakhs against 22.62 Lakhs during the last
quarter. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) has retained second position
with a subscriber’s base of 13.14 Lakhs against 12.07 Lakhs subscribers during the
last quarter. M/s Sify Limited is on the third position with a subscriber base of 8.77
lakhs as against 8.56 lakhs. M/s Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited is at fourth position
with subscriber base of 4.67 lakhs. Reliance Communications Infrastructure Ltd.
reported a subscriber base of 3.40 Lakhs and remained at fifth place during the
quarter ending 31st December, 2005. (Ref Table 3.1).
At the end of quarter ending 31st December,2005 number of Internet
subscribers stood at 67.03 lakhs as compared to 61.25 lakhs during the preceding
quarter registering an increase of 9.44% during the quarter. The annual growth rate
w.r.t 31st December,2004 is 23%. In terms of subscribers the number was 67.03
lakhs at the end of 31st December,2005 as against 54.50 lakhs reported at the end
of 31st December,2004.
3.2 Internet Telephony: -
The Internet Telephony was permitted to Internet service providers w.e.f 1st
April’02. DOT has given permission to 121 ISPs to offer Internet Telephony services
as on March 2005, and as per the report submitted to TRAI, 51 ISPs have started
Internet Telephony services, the list of which is enclosed at Annex 3.2. Total minutes
of the use for Internet Telephony during the quarter were 58.66 million, as compared
to 47.31 million for the last quarter, thus indicates a growth of 23% during the
3.3 Market Share: -
The growth trend indicates a considerable growth in market share of PSU
owned ISPs. During the quarter PSU owned ISPs have captured 58% market share.
The market share of top 5 ISPs is as under:
ISP Share in %
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. 38.74
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. 19.60
Sify Ltd. 13.09
Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. 6.97
Reliance Communications Infrastructure
Ltd. 5.08
Subscribers base crosses 6.7 million – Meets the Broadband policy target
Among PSU owned ISPs; M/s BSNL has reported a subscriber’s base of 25.97
Lakhs during the quarter ending 31
December, 2005 as against 22.62 Lakhs during
the previous quarter registering an increase of 14.80%. M/s MTNL has reported a
subscriber base of 13.14 Lakhs against the subscriber base of 12.07 Lakhs reported
during the previous quarter, registering an increase of 8.80 %.
Chart 1- Subscriber Base
Bharat Sanchar Nigam
Mahanagar Telephone
Nigam Ltd.
Sify Ltd.
Videsh Sanchar Nigam
Reliance Communications
Infrastructure Ltd.
Bharti Televentures
Ltd.(Bharti Infotel)
Data Infosys
Chart 4 - Growth Trends
Q4,04 Q1,05 Q2,05 Q3,05 Q4,05
Quarter Ending
No. of Subscribers (in lakhs)
Private ISP
All ISPs
3.4 Leased Lines Connectivity: -
The numbers of Leased Line Internet connections remained at 14,364 during
the quarter ending December,2005.
3.5 Broadband Connectivity (>=256 Kbps): -
The number of Broadband subscribers as reported by ISPs was 9.03 Lakhs at
the end 31
December,2005 as compared to 6.10 Lakhs of 30
September, 2005,
thus registering a growth of 48% over the previous quarter
3.6 Minutes Of Use (MOU) per subscriber for Dialup Internet access: -
As reported by 34 ISPs for the dialup Internet the average minutes of use per
subscriber/ month was approximately 189 minutes.
3.7 Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) for ISPs: -
A total of approx. Rs 424 crores revenue has been reported during the quarter.
The average revenue per user (ARPU) per month for dialup Internet usage was of the
order of Rs 210.
3.8 International connectivity: -
The bandwidth owned by various IGSP for their ISP operations and Internet
Leased lines is reported to be 10.45 GB for downlinking and 10.36 GB for uplinking.
Chapter Four
4.1 Public Mobile Radio Trunked Service (PMRTS): -
12 service providers of Public Mobile Radio Trunked Services have submitted
their reports in this quarter.
4.1.1 Performance during the Quarter Ending 31
December 2005:
¾ The subscriber base of PMRTS increased from 27867 in Sept, 2005 to 28025 in
Dec., 2005 registering a growth rate of 0.57%.
¾ Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai together account for 71.93% of market
share of the total subscribers. Delhi leads the tally with the market share of
8901 subscribers followed by Bangalore, Mumbai and Chennai with the market
share of 4659, 3829 and 2769 subscribers respectively.
¾ M/s. Procall Private Limited leads the tally of subscribers with a subscriber
base of 8288 followed by The Arvind Mills Ltd. and M/s. QuickCalls India Pvt.
Ltd. with a subscriber base of 7013 and 4109 respectively. M/s Aryadoot
Transport Pvt. Ltd. has increased their subscriber base with the highest
growth rate of 8.94% followed by M/s. Arya Offshore Services Pvt. Ltd. with
5.63% growth rate in this quarter. Five Service Providers viz. M/s. German
Express Shipping Agency (India) Pvt. Ltd., M/s. United Liner Agencies of India
(Pvt.) Ltd., M/s. Procall Private Ltd., M/s. The Arvind Mills Ltd., M/s. Smartalk
Private Ltd. have registered a negative growth of –2.15%, -3.65%, -0.46%, -
0.96% and –2.85% respectively in this quarter.
The subscriber base of service providers of PMRTS is given in Table 4.1.
4.2 VSAT services: -
VSAT services are being provided by 9 VSAT service providers.
4.2.1 Performance during the quarter ending 31
December 2005:
¾ VSAT services are being provided by 9 VSAT service providers.
¾ M/s Telstra Vishesh has not submitted their report for the last quarter.
¾ In the present quarter, there was an addition of 3494 new subscribers. The
total number of subscribers increased from 43083 in September, 2005 to
46577 in December, 2005, registering a growth of 8.11% as against the growth
rate of 6.23% in quarter ended September, 2005. HCL Comnet remained the
market leader with 16192 VSAT subscribers followed by Hughes Escorts
Communications Ltd. (HECL) with 14267, Bharti BT with 6929 and Comsat
Max with 4661 VSAT subscribers respectively.
¾ M/s HCL Comnet added the maximum number of new connections 1310 with a
percentage growth rate of 8.80.
VSAT services accelerate growth
The number of subscribers of each service providers along with the Market Share
in terms of Percentage of Subscribers as on 31
December 2005 is given in Table
Chapter Five
5.1 Quality of Service performance of Basic Service Operators for the quarter
ending 31
December 2005: -
Based on Quality of Service Parameters reported by all the Basic Service
Operators for the quarter ending December 2005, the information on QoS
performance is attached to this report as Annex 5.1.
From perusal of the report (Annex 5.1) following points emerge: -
(1) Provision of telephone within 7 days for exchange areas declared “On
Demand” (100% in <7days).
60 out of 71 Licensees have not met the QoS benchmark for this parameter. The
performance of M/s BSNL (Bihar, Assam, Jharkhand, J & K, NE-I & WB),
Reliance (Delhi, MH, Punjab, KTK, Chennai, Mumbai, UP-E, UP-W & WB) and
Bharti Tele- ventures (MH, Kolkatta & UP-W) is (28.33%, 39.86%, 36.96%,
16.38%, 40.00% & 33.28%), (22.65%, 15.31%, 48.24%, 12.44%, 48.64%,
40.93%, 37.26% 43.48% & 0.00%) and (18%, 9.01%, 34.27% & 9.95%)
respectively, which is way below the TRAI stipulated benchmark of 100%.
(2) Fault incidences per month per 100 telephones (should be less than 5 Faults
per 100 phones per month)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (except Tamilnadu & Kolkatta) and MTNL
(Mumbai & Delhi) have not met the stipulated QoS benchmark for this
Among the Private Operators only Bharti Tele-ventures (AP, DL, GJ, MH, PB, KR,
Kolkata, UP(W)), Reliance Infocom (GJ, PB, Raj, TN, UP-E & WB) have not met
the TRAI stipulated benchmark of <5 for this parameter.
(3) Percentage of faults repaired by next working day (should be >90%)
M/s Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limted has not submitted their performance for this
parameter whereas M/s MTNL have not met this benchmark in their Delhi circle
and data not reported for Mumbai circle.
Among the private operators M/s Tata Tele-services (AP, TN, KTK, Mumbai),
Reliance Infocom (AP, BR, Delhi, GJ, MH, HR, KTK, KR, Kolkata, WB) and Bharti
Tele-ventures Limited (AP,GJ, MH, PB, Mumbai) have not met the benchmark for
this parameter whereas, M/s Reliance (KR, AP, Delhi, GJ, KTK), Bharti Tele-
ventures (AP, MH) and Tata (TN) have submitted their performance in this
quarter as (3.23%, 2.87%, 2.92%, 2.80%, 3.47%), (1.72%, 16.00%) and 0.00%
respectively, which is the worst performance against the TRAI stipulated QoS
benchmark of >90%
(4) Mean Time to repair (MTTR) (should be <8hrs.)
M/s BSNL, in only 8 out of 26 circles have met the benchmark whereas MTNL
(Delhi & Mumbai) have not met this benchmark. The performance of M/s Tata
Tele-services (TN), Bharti Tele-ventures (MH), BSNL (Chennai, NE-I) and MTNL
(Mumbai) is (27.00 hrs), (612.60 hrs.), (20.00 hrs., 31.00 hrs.) and (25.10 hrs.)
respectively, which is way below the TRAI benchmark of <8 hrs.
(5) Call Completion Rate in local network (should be >55%)
M/s BSNL in 05 out of 26 circles has not met the OoS benchmark and MTNL
Delhi and Mumbai have not achieved the benchmark.
Among the private Operators only Tata (AP, Delhi, KTK, Chennai), and Bharti
Tele-ventures (AP, KR, Kolkatta, UP-W, PB, HR) have not achieved the desired
QoS benchmark of TRAI. Reliance Infocom has not reported the data for this
(6) Metering and Billing credibility
Not more than 0.1% of bills should
be disputed over a billing cycle
Only 01 (NE-II) out of 26 service areas of BSNL and M/s MTNL, Mumbai have
not met the benchmark for this parameter.
Among the Private Operators M/s Tata Teleservices (GJ, MH, Mumbai), Bharti
(AP, GJ, PB, KTK, KR, Kolkatta, Mumbai, UP-W), M/s Reliance (AP, MH, Raj,
KTK, KR, Mumbai, Orissa UP-E, West Bengal) and Shyam Tele-link (Raj) have
not achieved the TRAI’s QoS benchmark of <0.1%.
(7) Customer Care: Promptness in attending 95% of customers requests
(Benchmarks for Shifts, Closures and providing additional facilities are <3
days, <24 hours and <24hours respectively)
(i) Shifts:-
M/s BSNL have met the QoS benchmark for this parameter in Only 12 out of
26 circles. Whereas, MTNL (Delhi, Mumbai) have failed to meet the
requirement on “Customer care – Shifts”.
Among the private operators only Shyam Telelink (Rajasthan), Tata (Chennai,
Delhi & Gujarat), Reliance (KR, UP-W, AP) and Bharti (Kolkatta & PB) have
met the QOS benchmark on Customer Care (Shifts).
(ii) Closures:-
Only 7 out of 26 service areas of M/s BSNL have met the TRAI QoS
Benchmarks whereas M/s MTNL (Delhi and Mumbai) have also failed to meet
the benchmarks.
Among the private operators only Tata (Chennai, AP, GJ, MH), Bharti (Kolkata,
UP-E, MP), Reliance Infocom (Orissa), HFCL, Punjab and Shyam Telelink,
Rajasthan have met the stipulated benchmark.
5.2 Quality of Service performance of Cellular Mobile Service Providers for
quarter ending 31
December 2005: -
a) This report covers performance of 87 GSM Cellular Mobile operators and 41
CDMA service operators vis-à-vis the QoS benchmarks prescribed by TRAI.
b) M/s Dishnet Wireless Limited (West Bengal, Assam, North East and Orissa)
and M/s HFCL Punjab have submitted their first performance monitoring
reports in this quarter. Thus, the number of service providers who have
reported their QOS performance has increased from 123 to 128 in this quarter.
The summary of status of the service providers who have met the benchmarks in
this quarter as compared to previous quarter is given in the following table:
5.2.1 The analysis of PMR of 128 Cellular licensees in 23 service areas is as
under: -
(A) Network Performance
i. Accumulated down time of community isolation:- M/s BSNL
(MH, OR), Bharti (AP), Reliance-GSM (AS) and BPL (TN) are not
meeting the benchmark of <24 hrs. for this parameter. However,
the performance of M/s Bharti Tele-ventures, in respect of this
No. of operators
Meeting the benchmarks
Quarter ending
Sept, 2005
Quarter ending
Dec, 2005
Out of
123 (Nos.)
Out of
123 (%)
Out of
128 (Nos.)
Out of
128 (%)
Accumulated down time of
community isolation
<24 hrs 99 80.49% 123 96.09%
Call Set-up Rate
licensee’s own network)
>95% 119 96.75% 127 99.22%
Service Access Delay Between
9 to 20 Sec
112 91.06% 128 100.00
Blocked Call Rate
(i) SDDCH Paging
Channel Congestion
<1% 105 85.36% 117 91.41% 4
(II) TCH Congestion
<2% 99 80.49% 109 85.16%
Call Drop Rate
<3.0% 121 98.37% 126 98.44%
% of connection with good
voice quality
>95% 121 98.37% 126 98.44%
Response Time to the
customer for assistance
age of calls answered
(electronically) within
20 seconds = 80%
80% 113 91.87% 125 97.66%
%age of calls answered
(electronically) within 40
seconds = 95%
95% 104 84.55% 125 97.66%
%age of calls answered
by operator (voice to
voice); within 60
seconds = 80%
80% 99 80.49% 99 77.34%
%age of calls
answered by operator
(voice to voice); within
90 seconds = 95%
95% 88 71.54% 89 69.53%
Complaints per 100 bills
<0.1% 93 75.61% 107 83.59%
% of complaints resolved
with 4 weeks
100% 118 95.93% 128 100.00
Period of all
refunds/payment due to
customers from the date of
resolution of complaints
as in (9) above
<4 weeks 119 96.75% 126 98.44%
parameter is 177.67 hrs which is way beyond the benchmark of
<24 hrs.
ii. Call Set-up Success Rate – Only M/s Bharat Sanchar Nigam
Limited, Orissa has not met the TRAI stipulated benchmark of
iii. Service access delay – All the operators have met this benchmark
of 9 to 20 seconds.
iv. Blocked Call Rate
1. SDCCH/Paging Channel Congestion – Only 11 service providers namely,
M/s BSNL (MH, KTK, Raj, BR, OR), M/s Bharti Televentures (Raj), Idea Cellular
(MP), Reliance GSM (WB, BR, NE) and Aircel (Chennai) have not met the
benchmark of <1%. The performance of M/s BSNL (RJ) is 7.90% which is much
beyond the benchmark of <1%.
2. TCH Congestion – M/s BSNL (AP, KTK, RAJ, BR, OR, AS), Idea Cellular-MP,
Reliance Telecom (MP, WB, BR, OR, NE) and Aircel Cellular Limited, Chennai
reported their performance for this parameter as (4.90%, 5.80%, 7.90%, 4.50%.
8.20%, 4.64%), (12.28%), (8.90%, 8.26%, 9.80%, 6.83%, 8.45%) and 7.63%
respectively, which is much above the benchmark of <2.00%.
iv) Call Drop Rate - All the service providers have met the benchmark of this
parameter except BSNL (BR – 3.20%) and Reliance GSM (NE – 4.60%) against
the benchmark of <3%.
v) %age of good voice quality- All the Service Operators have met the
benchmark for this parameter except BSNL (BR and OR).
(B) Customer Help Line - Response time to the customer for assistance
(i) %age of call answered (electronically) within 20 sec:- The performance of
M/s Idea Cellular (HR), Tata CDMA (Mumbai) and BPL (Mumbai) is 40.00%,
0.00% and 77.87% respectively. M/s Tata, Mumbai with performance of
0.00% is the worst one.
(ii) %age of call answered (electronically) within 40 sec:- M/s Tata-CDMA
(Mumbai) is having the worst performance as 0.00% for this parameter
against the TRAI benchmark of 95%.
(iii) %age of call answered by operator (voice to voice) within 60 sec:- The
performance of M/s Reliance-CDMA (AP, KTK, UP-W, UP-E, MP, WB, BR,
Orissa, Delhi, Kolkata) and BSNL (KTK) is (36.21%, 54.91%, 35.27%,
35.27%, 56.17%, 49.76, 49.76%, 56.17%, 56.11%, 49.76%) and (53.00%)
respectively for this parameter which is way below the TRAI benchmark of
(iv) %age of call answered by operator (voice to voice) within 90 sec:- The
performance of Reliance CDMA (AP, UP-W, UP-E, WB, BR, Kolkata), Idea
Cellular (Delhi) and BSNL (KTK) is (50.37%, 48.45%, 48.45%, 69.19%,
69.19%, 69.19%), (15.00%) and (58.00%%) respectively, which is way below
the TRAI benchmark of 95%.
(C) Billing Complaints
(i) No. of Complaints per 100 bills issued the performance of M/s Tata
Teleservices CDMA, Mumbai is 1.04% against the TRAI benchmark <0.1%.
5.2.2 Details of Quality of service:
Detail of performance related to Network Performance, Customer help line and
billing complaints are available at Annex 5.2.
5.3 Quality of Service Performance of Internet Service Providers: -
5.3.1 The annex 5.3 indicates the Quality of Service achieved by Top 20 ISPs during
the quarter: It is observed that most of the ISPs are able to meet the
benchmarks, barring one or two cases.
5.3.2 The observations on QOS Benchmarks are as follows: Service Activation Time :
All the ISPs have met the benchmark of 6 hrs. ISPs Hathway Cable & Datacom
Pvt. Ltd., Tata Teleservices Maharashtra Ltd., HFCL Infotel Ltd., Fascel,
Hughes, Broadband Pacenet (I) Pvt. Ltd. and Webel ISP have not provided the
data. Time to Access :
ISPs are required to achieve the benchmark 30 sec. The ISPs Hathway Cable &
Datacom Pvt. Ltd., Fascel, Hughes, Broadband Pacenet (I) Pvt. Ltd. and Webel
ISP have not provided the data, rest others have met this benchmarks. Probability of Accessing the ISP Node :
ISPs are required to maintain the parameter of 80% for the first attempt, 90%
for the second attempt and 99% for the third attempt. All the ISPs are able to
meet this benchmark.
Hathway Cable & Datacom Pvt. Ltd., Fascel Ltd., Hughes, Broadband Pacenet
(I) Pvt. Ltd. and Webel ISP have not provided us the data. ISP Node Unavailability :
ISP Nodes unavailability should not exceed 30 minutes in a month. Except
Asianet Sattelite Communication Ltd. and WWW communications Ltd., other
ISPs are able to achieve this benchmark.
MTNL, Hathway Cable & Datacom Pvt. Ltd., Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra)
Ltd., Fascel Ltd., Hughes, Broadband Pacenet (I) Pvt. Ltd. and Webel have not
provided us the data.
28 Grade of Service :
ISPs are required to maintain the Grade of Service on the link connecting
PSTN node to the ISP node as 1 in 100. Two ISPs (VSNL and BG Broadband
India Pvt. Ltd.) have informed that the information regarding the above
mentioned benchmark can not be provided as the BSO has not given the
information to them.
Reliance Communications Infrastructure, Hathway Cable & Datacom Pvt.
Ltd., Fascel, WWW Communications, Hughes, Broadband Pacenet (I) Pvt. Ltd.
and Webel ISP have not provided us the data. Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) :
As per clause 1.9 Schedule ‘C’ of ISP license, ISPs are required to rectify
90% of faults resulting due to subscriber complaints within 24 hours and 99%
within three days.
All the ISPs have been rectifying the fault within stipulated period of three
days. Hathway Cable & Datacom Pvt. Ltd. and Fascel have not provided us the
Chapter Six
6.1 This is the report in respect of Broadcasting and Cable Service and this
a) Total No of Cable and Satellite TV Households as per the estimates in the
Report of Media Partners Asia Limited on Asia Pacific Pay TV and Broadband
Markets 2006 ( Media Partners Research Estimates) for year ending Dec 2005
is 64.85 Million. The figures as per two surveys, one done by the National
Readership Survey and Indian Readership Survey are also given alongside in
Table 6.1. (Table 6.1)
b) Relative genre wise % share of viewership Vs Advertisement Revenue during
2004 and 2005. (Table 6.2)
c) Relative % share of viewing pattern of channels (Pay Vs FTA Vs local) in four
Metros during 2004 and 2005. (Table 6.3)
d) Range of number of channels carried regularly carried across cable Network(s)
and cities where digital services are offered. The data is in respect of the
quarters ending Sept 2005 and Dec 2005. (Table 6.4 (a) &(b))
e) Details of new pay channels / FTA Channels converted to Pay after 26.12.2003
on the basis reports received from broadcasters / distributors of TV Channels
under clause 4 of the Tariff Order of 1.10.2004. (Table 6.5)
f) Details of no of applications, received, no of Licenses issues for DTH services.
(Table 6.6)
g) Information on total Advertisement Revenue of FM Radio Stations who have
given their reports.
h) Status of Community Radio Stations in the country as on 30.11.2005 (Table
6.2 This above information has been given in 8 tables appended to this report.
Brief Highlights in respect of data contained in these tables are indicated below:
A. Cable Television
a) Table 6.2 indicates that the relative % share in total advertisement revenue in
respect of General Entertainment Channel and Regional Language channel
have not moved in the same direction as the relative % f share in total viewer
ship of these two genre of channels between the years of 2004 and 2005. In the
case of genre of General Entertainment Channel there is a small % increase in
relative viewer ship share from 33% from 2004 to 33.6% in 2005 but its relative
share in % advertisement revenue has gone down from 47% in 2004 to 39.5%.
In the case of genre of Regional Language Channel though there is a fall
(around 4.5 %) in relative viewer ship % share in 2005 over 2004 the relative
Advertisement Revenue share % has increased (around 4.4%) in 2005 over
b) It may be seen from Table 6.3 indicate that the % share of FTA channels in
Delhi and Kolkata have gone up in the quarter ending Dec 05 over the previous
quarter ending Sept 05. There is no perceptible change in relative % ages of
share between pay, FTA and local channels Chennai and Mumbai in the two
c) As per the Media Partner’s Asia Limited report on Asia Pacific Pay TV and
Broadband Markets 2006 (Media Partners Research Estimates) the total Cable
Industry Revenue is estimated at US$3530 Million (INR 15490 crores approx))
for the Year ending December’ 2005. The estimated figure for 2004 was at US $
2675 Million. (Table 6.1)
d) Table 6.4 (a) & (b) gives an indication of maximum and minimum of range of
number of FTA, Pay and Local channels, in Analogue and/or Digital mode,
regularly carried during the quarter ending Dec 05 on cable TV networks which
have been reported. Figures for the previous quarter as available (without any
break up of analogue/digital) have also been given in the table. The gap
between the ranges of maximum and minimum in a particular quarter may be
due to different sizes of reporting networks operating in different areas and in
different economic clusters and variations between the quarters may be partly
due to different networks reporting and the number of agencies reporting for
the quarters. The maximum and minimum figures may not be of the same
network or area reporting as the range indicated is based on overall figures
reported across different networks operating in different areas of different
service providers.
e) Table 6.5 giving information on names of New Pay Channels and Free to Air
(FTA) channels converted into Pay Channels after 26.12.2003 indicates that
there have been 30 new pay channels/ converted FTA Channels to pay that
have been launched since 26.12.2003. This is based on information reported
by broadcasters in terms of clause of 4 of the TRAI’s Tariff Order of 1.10.2004
on broadcasting and cable services.
B. DTH Services
6.3 It can be seen from table 6.6 that besides the existing DTH player there could
be four more players who may come into the market in the future. The entry of more
number of DTH operators may signify effective competition to cable TV platform.
C. Radio
6.4 The total Advertisement Revenue up to the quarter ending with Sept 05 and
Dec 05 of 7 FM Radio Service Providers who have given their reports are summarized
Revenue from Advertisement /Air Time Sale
(Rs in crores)
No of Service
No of Radio
Reported for
For Qtr
Ending Sept
For Qtr
Ending Dec
For year
ending Mar
For year
7 18 56.28 111.33 133.29 101.09
6.5 Table 6.7 gives the status on Community Radio Stations in the country.