8.01 LIQUOR LICENSE CRITERIA ........................................................ 2
8.02 TRANSIENT ROOM TAX ................................................................. 5
8.03 SECONDHAND DEALERS .............................................................. 15
............................................................................................................. 30
8.05 SOCIAL GAMBLING REGULATION .......................................... 38
8.06 BINGO ................................................................................................. 40
8.07 ALARM SYSTEMS ........................................................................... 42
8.08 FILM AND MEDIA PRODUCTION ............................................... 50
8.09 MARIJUANA SALES TAX .............................................................. 54
8.10 SHORT-TERM RENTALS ................................................................ 56
TITLE 8 - 2
Chapter 8.01
8.01.010 Policy and Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to establish criteria to be considered by the Board of County
Commissioners or its designees the County Clerk, the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office, and the
Environmental Health Division, in providing information or making recommendations to the
Oregon Liquor Control Commission concerning the granting, denying, or renewing of liquor
licenses for premises within the unincorporated area of the County. In addition, this chapter will
establish procedures to be used to investigate license applicants in order to provide accurate local
information or make fair, effective, and efficient recommendations. This chapter is necessary to
assist the Oregon Liquor Control Commission in ensuring that premises licensed to sell or dispense
liquor within the County conduct business in a lawful, peaceful, safe, and sanitary manner.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 07-2010, 12/16/10]
8.01.020 Definitions
A. OLCC means Oregon Liquor Control Commission.
B. BOARD means Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners.
C. COMMISSIONER means Clackamas County Commissioner.
D. CLERK means Clackamas County Clerk.
E. SHERIFF means Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office.
F. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH means Environmental Health Section of the Public Health
Division of the Clackamas County Department of Human Services.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.01.030 Application Procedure
A. New Licenses. Any applicant for a liquor license, other than a license renewal, who is
required by the OLCC to provide Clackamas County with notice of the filing of the
application, shall present properly completed application forms prescribed by the OLCC, to
the Clerk along with the appropriate processing fee.
B. Renewal Licenses. The Clerk will receive from the OLCC a list of all liquor licenses that
are due to expire and are subject to a license renewal. Any applicant for renewal of a liquor
license shall mail or deliver the County license renewal processing fee to the County Clerk
at 2051 Kaen Rd. 2
Floor, Oregon City, OR 97045. No application form is required by
the County for license renewals. Applicants for license renewal must certify to the OLCC
that they have paid the County fee. OLCC will provide the Clerk with a list of license
renewal applicants who certify they have paid the County fee.
C. If the County does not provide information or a written recommendation regarding an
applicant, as provided below, to the OLCC within the time allowed by ORS 471.166,
OLCC will proceed as if the County had made a favorable recommendation. The County
may request additional time as provided by statute or administrative rule.
D. Liquor license processing fees are nonrefundable.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 10-2001, 12/13/01; Amended by Ord. 07-
TITLE 8 - 3
2010, 12/16/10]
8.01.040 Investigation of License Applicants
A. The Clerk shall forward the liquor license application, or list of license renewals, for
investigation by the Sheriff and Environmental Health. Each such County agency after
investigation may send the Clerk copies of police reports or other informational documents
regarding an applicant or location, or may provide the Clerk with summaries of relevant
information and a written recommendation. This information or recommendation should be
provided to the Clerk within 15 days after receipt of the application or list of renewals
unless the agency receives permission from the Clerk for an extension of said time.
B. At the end of the investigation time described above, the Clerk shall forward any and all
documentation it has received from County agencies to the OLCC for their use in
determining whether to issue or renew a liquor license.
[Added by Ord. 07-2010, 12/16/10]
8.01.050 Criteria for Investigation
County agency investigations shall be focused on finding information related to an applicant or
location that indicates that one or more of the following has occurred:
A. The application is incomplete;
B. The applicant fails to provide the Clerk or any County agency with reasonably requested
information in a timely manner;
C. The applicant provides the County with false or misleading information;
D. The applicant has been convicted of, or pled guilty to, one or more of the following local,
State, or Federal offenses within the last five years--
1. Driving while under the influence of intoxicants;
2. Drinking alcoholic liquor in a motor vehicle upon a highway;
3. Possession of a controlled substance;
4. Delivery of a controlled substance;
5. Manufacture of a controlled substance;
6. Furnishing alcohol to a minor; or
7. Any other offense involving moral turpitude;
E. The applicant has been under the influence of alcoholic liquor or controlled substances
while on duty in a liquor establishment;
F. The applicant’s record shows, through convictions, guilty pleas, civil compromises,
administrative rulings, or other means, violation(s) of law(s), or code(s), or ordinance(s),
connected in time, place and manner with a liquor establishment, including State alcoholic
liquor and gambling laws;
G. The applicant has maintained, or allowed to exist, an establishment that creates or is a
public nuisance under state law or County code or ordinance;
H. The applicant has maintained, or allowed to exist, an establishment in which any violation
of Federal, State or County law regarding minors, gambling, alcoholic beverages, controlled
substances, obscenity, or prostitution, or violations of Oregon Revised Statutes Chapters
163, 164, 165, or 166, by anyone has occurred;
I. The applicant has maintained, or allowed to exist, an establishment that creates an increase
in disorderly or violent acts, litter, noise, vandalism, or vehicular or pedestrian traffic
congestion, in reasonable proximity to the premises;
TITLE 8 - 4
J. The applicant’s premises put an unreasonable and excessive demand on County services,
including law enforcement;
K. There are sufficient licensed premises in the locality, and public interest or convenience
does not demand a new license or increase in selling or dispensing privilege;
L. There is a history of illegal activities, altercations, noisy conduct, or other disturbances in or
around these particular premises; or
M. The applicant has demonstrated an unwillingness or inability to cooperate with County
agencies and/or neighbors in resolving community disputes related to a liquor-licensed
N. The applicant has made false statements to the OLCC regarding payment of license renewal
fees to the County.
O. There are present any conditions listed in ORS 471.313, OAR 845-005-0320, OAR 845-
005-0325, OAR 845-005-0326, or OAR 845-005, 0355.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 10-2001, 12/13/01; Amended by Ord. 07-
TITLE 8 - 5
Chapter 8.02
8.02.010 Definitions
Except where the context otherwise requires, the definitions given in this section govern the
construction of this chapter.
A. ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING means the operator enters the rent due from a transient on
their records when the rent is earned, whether or not it is paid.
B. BOARD means the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners.
C. CASH ACCOUNTING means the operator does not enter the rent due from a transient on
their records until rent is paid.
D. COUNTY means Clackamas County.
E. HOTEL means any structure, or any portion of any structure, which is occupied or intended
or designed for transient occupancy, for thirty (30) days or less, for dwelling, lodging, or
sleeping purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, any hotel, motel, inn, bed and
breakfast, space in mobile home or trailer parks, tourist home, condominium, hostel, studio
hotel, lodging house, rooming house, apartment house, public or private dormitory, frater-
nity, sorority, public or private club, or similar structure or portions thereof so occupied.
F. OCCUPANCY means the use or possession, or the right to the use or possession, for
lodging or sleeping purposes, of any room or rooms in a hotel, or space in a mobile home,
or trailer park, or portion thereof.
G. OPERATOR means the person who is proprietor of the hotel in any capacity. Where the
operator performs their functions through a managing agent of any type or character other
than an employee, the managing agent shall also be deemed an operator for the purposes of
this chapter and shall have the same duties and liabilities as their principal. Compliance
with the provisions of this chapter, by either the principal or the managing agent, shall be
considered to be compliance by both.
H. PERSON means any individual, firm, partnership, joint venture, association, social club,
service club, fraternity, sorority, public or private dormitory, joint stock company,
corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, trustee, syndicate, or any other group or
combination acting as a unit.
I. RENT means the consideration charged, whether or not received by the operator, for the
occupancy of space in a hotel, valued in money, goods, labor, credits, property, or any other
consideration valued in money, without any deduction; but does not include the sale of any
goods, services, and commodities, other than the furnishing of room accommodations and
parking space in mobile home parks or trailer parks.
J. RENT PACKAGE PLAN means the consideration charged for both food and rent where a
single rate is made for the total of both. The amount applicable to rent for determination of
transient room tax under this chapter shall be the same charge made for rent when
consideration is not a part of a package plan.
K. TAX ADMINISTRATOR means the official appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners to carry out provisions of this chapter.
L. TAX means either the tax payable by the transient or the aggregate amount of taxes due
from an operator during the period for which the operator is required to report the
M. TRANSIENT means any person who exercises occupancy, or is entitled to occupancy, in a
TITLE 8 - 6
hotel for a period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days or less, counting portions of
calendar days as full days. The day a transient checks out of the hotel shall not be included
in determining the thirty (30) day period if the transient is not charged rent for that day by
the operator. Any such person so occupying space in a hotel shall be deemed to be a
transient until the period of thirty (30) days has expired, unless there is an agreement in
writing between the operator and the occupant providing for a longer period of occupancy,
or the tenancy actually extends more than thirty (30) consecutive days. In determining
whether a person is a transient, uninterrupted periods of time extending both prior and
subsequent to the effective date of this chapter, may be considered. A person who pays for
lodging on a monthly basis, irrespective of the number of days in such month, shall not be
deemed a transient.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20; Amended by Ord. 03-
2022, 7/21/22]
8.02.020 Tax Imposed
For the privilege of occupancy in any hotel, on and after the effective date of this chapter, each
transient shall pay a tax in the amount of six percent (6%) of the rent charged by the operator. The
tax constitutes a debt owed by the transient to the County, which is extinguished only by payment
to the operator. The transient shall pay the tax to the operator of the hotel at the time the rent is
paid. The operator shall enter the tax on the records when rent is collected if the operator keeps the
records on the cash accounting basis, and when earned if the operator keeps the records on the
accrual accounting basis. If rent is paid in installments, the transient shall pay a proportionate share
of the tax to the operator with each installment.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.030 Where Tax is Imposed
The tax imposed by this chapter shall apply to all hotels located within Clackamas County.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.02.040 Collections of Tax by Operator, Rules for Collection
A. Every operator renting rooms in this County, the occupancy of which is not exempted under
the terms of this chapter, shall collect a tax from the occupant. The tax collected or accrued
by the operator constitutes a debt owed by the operator to the County.
B. In all cases of credit or deferred payment of rent, the payment of tax to the operator may be
deferred until the rent is paid, and the operator shall not be liable for the tax until credits are
paid or deferred payments are made.
C. For rent collected on portions of a dollar, the first one cent ($.01) of tax shall be collected
on five cents ($.05) through twenty-one cents ($.21) inclusive; and the second one cent
($.01) of tax on twenty-two cents ($.22) through thirty-eight cents ($38); the third one cent
($.01) of tax on thirty-nine cents ($39) through fifty-five cents ($.55); the fourth one cent
($.01) of tax on fifty-six cents ($.56) through seventy-two cents ($.72); the fifth one cent
($.01) of tax on seventy-three cents ($.73) through eighty-nine cents ($.89); and the sixth
one cent ($.0l) of tax on ninety cents ($.90) through the next one dollar and four cents
($1.04) of rent.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.02.050 Operator’s Duties
TITLE 8 - 7
Each operator shall collect the tax imposed by this chapter at the same time as the rent is collected
from every transient. The amount of tax shall be separately stated upon the operator’s records and
any receipt rendered by the operator. No operator of a hotel shall advertise that the tax, or any part
of the tax, will be assumed or absorbed by the operator, or that it will not be added to the rent, or
that when added, any part will be refunded, except in the manner provided by this chapter.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.02.060 Exemptions
No tax imposed under this chapter shall be imposed upon:
A. Any person who rents a room or facility for more than thirty (30) successive calendar days;
(a person who pays for lodging on a monthly basis, irrespective of the number of days in
such month, shall not be deemed a transient);
B. Any person whose rent is of a value less than $15.01 per day;
C. Any person who rents a private home, vacation cabin, or like facility from any owner who
personally rents such facilities incidentally to the owner’s use thereof. A personal rental is
not incidental to an owner’s own use if the private home, vacation cabin, or like facility is
publicly advertised for rent by the owner or any other person or entity including, but not
limited to, rental management agencies or transient lodging intermediaries, as defined by
ORS 320.300;
D. Any occupant whose rent is paid for a hospital room or to a medical clinic, convalescent
home or home for aged people, that are licensed, registered, or certified by the Oregon
Department of Human Services; or
E. Employees, officials or agents of the U. S. Government occupying a hotel in the course of
official business.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2005, 5-26-05; Amended by Ord. 02-
2010, 2/25/10; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.070 Registration of Operator, Form and Contents, Execution, Certification of
Every person engaging or about to engage in, business as an operator of a hotel in this County shall
register with the Tax Administrator on a form provided by the Tax Administrator. Operators
engaged in business at the time this chapter is adopted, must not register later than thirty (30)
calendar days after passage of this chapter. Operators starting business after this chapter is adopted
must register within fifteen (15) calendar days after commencing business. The privilege of
registration after the date of imposition of such tax shall not relieve any person from the obligation
of payment, or collection of tax, regardless of registration. Registration shall set forth the name
under which an operator transacts or intends to transact business, the location of the place or places
of business and such other information to facilitate the collection of the tax as the Tax
Administrator may require. The operator shall sign the registration. The Tax Administrator shall,
within ten (10) days after registration, issue without charge from the occupant, a Certificate of
Authority to the registrant to collect the tax, from the occupant of the hotel, together with a
duplicate thereof, for each additional place of business for each registrant. Certificates shall be non-
assignable and nontransferable and shall be surrendered immediately to the Tax Administrator
upon the cessation of business at the location named or upon its sale or transfer. Each certificate
and duplicate shall state the place of business to which it is applicable and shall be prominently
displayed therein so as to be seen and come to the notice readily of all occupants and persons
seeking occupancy.
TITLE 8 - 8
Said certificate shall, among other things, state the following:
A. The name of the operator;
B. The address of the hotel;
C. The date upon which the certificate was issued; and,
D. “This Transient Occupancy Registration Certificate signifies that the person named on the
face hereof has fulfilled the requirements of the Transient Room Tax Chapter of the
Clackamas County Code by registration with the Tax Administrator for the purpose of
collecting from transients the room tax imposed by the County and remitting the tax to the
Tax Administrator.”
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.080 Due Date, Returns, and Payments
A. The transient shall pay the tax imposed by this chapter to the operator at the time that rent is
paid. All amounts of such taxes collected by any operator are due and payable to the Tax
Administrator on a monthly basis on the fifteenth (15th) day of the month for the preceding
month and are delinquent if received after the last day of the month in which they are due.
B. On or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following each month of collection a
return for the preceding month’s tax collections shall be filed with the Tax Administrator.
The return shall be filed in such form as the Tax Administrator may prescribe by every
operator liable for payment of tax.
C. Returns shall show the amount of tax collected or otherwise due for the related period. The
Tax Administrator may require returns to show the total rentals upon which tax was
collected or otherwise due, gross receipts of the operator for such period, and an
explanation in detail of any discrepancy between such amounts, and the amount of rents
exempt, if any.
D. The person required to file the return should deliver the return together with the remittance
of the amount of the tax due to the Tax Administrator at their office either by personal
delivery or by mail. If the return is mailed, the postmark shall be considered the date of
delivery for determining delinquencies.
E. For good cause, the Tax Administrator may extend for up to one (1) month the time for
making any return or payment of tax. No further extension shall be granted, except by the
Board. Any operator to whom an extension is granted shall pay interest at the rate of one
percent (1%) per month, on the amount of tax due without proration for a fraction of a
month. If a return is not filed and the tax and interest due is not paid by the end of the
extension granted, then the interest shall become a part of the tax for computation of
penalties described elsewhere in this chapter.
F. An operator shall be permitted to deduct as collection expense five percent (5%) of the
amount of the taxes collected, as shown by the return mentioned in paragraph C of this
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.090 Penalties and Interest
A. Original Delinquency: Any operator who has not been granted an extension of time for
remittance of tax due, and who fails to remit any tax imposed by this chapter prior to
delinquency, shall pay a penalty of ten percent (10 %) of the amount of tax due in addition
of the amount of the tax.
B. Continued Delinquency: Any operator who has not been granted an extension of time for
remittance of tax due, and who failed to pay any delinquent remittance on or before a period
TITLE 8 - 9
of thirty (30) days following the date on which the remittance first became delinquent, shall
pay a second delinquency penalty of fifteen percent (15%) of the amount of the tax due,
plus the amount of the tax due, and the ten percent (10%) penalty first imposed.
C. Fraud: If the Tax Administrator determines that the nonpayment of any remittance due
under this chapter is due to fraud, or intent to evade the provisions thereof, a penalty of
twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount of the tax due shall be added thereto, in addition to
the penalties stated in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this section.
D. Interest: In addition to the penalties imposed, any operator who fails to remit any tax
imposed by this chapter shall pay interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month or
fraction thereof without proration for portions of a month on the amount of the tax due,
exclusive of penalties, for the date on which the remittance first became delinquent until
E. Penalties merged with tax: Every penalty imposed and such interest as accrues under the
provisions of this chapter, shall be merged with and become a part of the tax herein required
to be paid.
F. Petition for waiver: Any operator who fails to remit the tax levied within the time stated,
shall pay the penalties stated. However, the operator may petition the Board for waiver and
refund of the penalty or any portion thereof, and the Board may if a good and sufficient
reason is shown, waive and direct a refund of the penalty or any portion thereof.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.100 Deficiency Determinations, Fraud, Evasion, Operator Delay
A. Deficiency determination: If the Tax Administrator determines that the returns are
incorrect, they may compute and determine the amount required to be paid upon the basis
of the facts contained in the return or returns, or upon the basis of any information within
their possession. One or more deficiency determinations may be made of the amount due
for one or more than one period, and the amount so determined shall be due and payable
immediately upon service of notice as herein provided, after which the amount determined
is delinquent. Penalties on deficiencies shall be applied as set forth in 8.02.090.
1. In making a Determination, the Tax Administrator may offset overpayments, if any,
which may have been previously made for a period or periods against any
underpayment for a subsequent period or periods, or against penalties and interest on
the underpayments. The interest on underpayments shall be computed in the manner set
forth in 8.02.090.
2. The Tax Administrator shall give to the operator or occupant a written notice of their
determination. The notice may be served personally or by certified mail. In the case of
service by mail of any notice required by this chapter, the service is complete upon
receipt by the operator or the operator’ agent or employee, or if refused, the date of its
refusal as shown by the United States Postal Department return receipt.
3. Except in the case of fraud or intent to evade this chapter or authorized rules and
regulations, every deficiency determination shall be made and notice thereof mailed
within three (3) years after the last day of the month following the close of the monthly
period for which the amount is proposed to be determined or within three years after the
return is filed, whichever period expires the later.
4. Any determination shall become due and payable immediately upon receipt of notice
and shall become final within ten (10) days after the Tax Administrator has given notice
thereof. However, the operator may petition for redemption and refund if the petition is
filed before the determination becomes final as herein provided.
TITLE 8 - 10
B. Fraud, Refusal to Collect, Evasion. If any operator shall fail or refuse to collect said tax or
to make within the time provided in this chapter any report and remittance of said tax or any
portion thereof required by this chapter, or makes a fraudulent return or otherwise willfully
attempts to evade this chapter, the Tax Administrator shall proceed in such manner as they
may deem best to obtain facts and information on which to base an estimate of the tax due.
As soon as the Tax Administrator has determined the tax due that is imposed by this chapter
from any operator who has failed or refused to collect the same and to report and remit said
tax, they shall proceed to determine and assess against such operator the tax, interest, and
penalties provided for by this chapter. In case such determination is made, the Tax
Administrator shall give a notice in the manner aforesaid of the amount so assessed. Such
determination and notice shall be made and mailed within three (3) years after discovery by
the Tax Administrator of any fraud, intent to evade, or failure, or refusal to collect said tax
or failure to file return. Any determination shall become due and payable immediately upon
receipt of notice and shall become final within ten (10) days after the Tax Administrator has
given notice thereof. However, the operator may petition for redemption and refund if the
petition is filed before the determination becomes final as herein provided.
C. Operator Delay. If the Tax Administrator believes that the collection of any tax or any
amount of tax required to be collected and paid to the County, will be jeopardized by delay
or if any determination will be jeopardized by delay, they shall thereupon make a
determination of the tax or amount of tax required to be collected noting the fact upon the
determination. The amount so determined as herein provided shall be immediately due and
payable, and the operator shall immediately pay same determination to the Tax
Administrator after service of notice thereof provided. However, the operator may petition
after payment has been made for redemption and refund of such determination, if the
petition is filed within ten (10) days from the date of service of notice by the Tax
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.110 Re-determinations
A. Any operator against whom a determination is made under Section 8.02.100 or any person
directly interested may petition for a re-determination and redemption and refund within the
time required in 8.02.100, hereof. If a petition for re-determination and refund is not filed
within the time required in 8.02.100, the determination becomes final at the expiration of
the allowable time.
B. If a petition for re-determination and refund is filed within the allowable period, the Tax
Administrator shall reconsider the determination, and if the person has so requested in their
petition, shall grant the person an oral hearing, and shall give them ten (10) days’ notice of
the time and place of the hearing. The Tax Administrator may continue the hearing from
time to time as may be necessary.
C. The Tax Administrator may decrease or increase the amount of the determination as a result
of the hearing, and if an increase is determined, such increase shall be payable immediately
after the hearing.
D. The order or decision of the Tax Administrator upon a petition for re-determination of
redemption and refund becomes final ten (10) days after service upon the petitioner of
notice thereof, unless appeal of such order or a decision is filed with the Board within ten
(10) days after service of such notice.
E. No petition for re-determination of redemption and refund or appeal there from shall be
effective for any purpose unless the operator has first complied with the payment provisions
TITLE 8 - 11
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.120 Security, Collection of Tax
A. The Tax Administrator, after delinquency and when they deem it necessary to insure
compliance with this chapter, may require any operator subject thereto to deposit with them
such security in the form of cash, bond, or other security as the Tax Administrator may
determine. The amount of the security shall be fixed by the Tax Administrator but shall not
be greater than twice the operator’s estimated average monthly liability for the period for
which they file returns, determined in such manner as the Tax Administrator deems proper,
or Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), whichever amount is the lesser. The amount of the
security may be increased or decreased by the Tax Administrator subject to the limitations
herein provided.
B. At any time within three (3) years after any tax or any amount of tax required to be
collected becomes due and payable or at any time within three (3) years after any
determination becomes final, the Tax Administrator may bring an action in the courts of
this State, or any State, or of the United States in the name of the County to collect the
amount delinquent together with penalties and interest.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.130 Lien
A. The tax imposed by this chapter together with the interest and penalties herein provided and
the filing fees paid to the Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, and advertising costs which
may be incurred when same becomes delinquent as set forth in this chapter shall be and
until paid remain a lien from the date of its recording with the Clerk of Clackamas County,
Oregon, and superior to all subsequent recorded liens on all tangible personal property used
in the hotel of an operator, which may be foreclosed on and sold as may be necessary to
discharge said lien if the lien has been recorded. Notice of lien may be issued by the Tax
Administrator or their deputy whenever the operator is in default in the payment of said tax,
interest, and penalty and shall be recorded and a copy sent by certified mail to the
delinquent operator. The personal property subject to such lien may be seized by any
authorized deputy or employee of the Tax Administrator and may be sold at public auction
after twenty (20) days’ notice of sale given by two publications in a newspaper of general
circulation in the County. The notices required hereunder shall be published not less than
seven (7) days apart. Such seizure and sale shall be in addition to any other process to
secure payment of the delinquent tax allowed by law.
B. Any lien for taxes shall upon the payment of all taxes, penalties, and interest thereon be
released by the Tax Administrator, and the operator or person making such payment shall
receive a receipt therefore stating that the full amount of taxes, penalties, and interest
thereon have been paid and that the lien is thereby released.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.02.140 Refunds
A. Operators’ refunds. Whenever the amount of any tax, penalty, or interest has been paid
more than once or has been erroneously or illegally collected or received by the Tax
Administrator under this chapter, it may be refunded provided a verified claim in writing
therefore stating the specific reason upon which the claim is founded is filed with the Tax
Administrator within three (3) years from the date of payment. The claim shall be made on
TITLE 8 - 12
forms provided by the Tax Administrator. If the claim is approved by the Tax
Administrator, the excess amount collected or paid may be refunded or may be credited on
any amounts then due and payable from the operator from whom it was collected or by
whom paid, and the balance may be refunded to each such operator, their administrators,
executors or assignees.
B. Transient Refunds. Whenever the tax required by this chapter has been collected by the
operator and deposited by the operator with the Tax Administrator and it is later determined
that the tax was erroneously or illegally collected or received by the Tax Administrator, it
may be refunded by the Tax Administrator to the transient provided a verified claim in
writing therefore, the specific reason on which the claim is founded, is filed with the Tax
Administrator within three (3) years from the date of payment.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.150 Administration
A. Transient Room Tax Fund. The Tax Administrator shall place all monies received pursuant
to this order in the Transient Room Tax Fund.
B. Records Required from Operators. Every operator shall keep guest records of room sales
and accounting books and records of room sales. The operator shall retain all records for a
period of three (3) years and six (6) months after they come into being.
C. Examination of Records, Investigations. For the purpose of enforcing 8.02.100 of this
chapter, if the Tax Administrator has reason to believe that the returns are incorrect or that
fraud, refusal to remit, evasion or operator delay has occurred as set forth in 8.02.100 of this
chapter, then the Tax Administrator or any person authorized in writing by them may
examine during normal business hours the books, papers, and accounting records relating to
room sales of any operator after notification to the operator liable for the tax and may
investigate the business of the operator in order to verify the accuracy of any return made,
or if no return is made by the operator, to ascertain and determine the amount required to be
D. Confidential Character of Information Obtained, Disclosure Unlawful. It shall be unlawful
for the Tax Administrator or any person having an administrative or clerical duty under the
provisions of this chapter to make known in any manner whatever the business affairs,
operations, or information obtained by an investigation of records and equipment of any
person required to obtain a Transient Occupancy Registration Certificate or pay a transient
occupancy tax, or any other person visited or examined in the discharge of official duty, or
the amount of source of income, profits, losses, expenditures, or any particular thereof set
forth in any statement or application, or to permit any statement or application, or copy of
either, or any book containing any abstract or particulars thereof to be seen or examined by
any person. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent:
1. The disclosure to or the examination of records and equipment by another county
official, employee, or agent for collection of taxes for the sole purpose of administering
or enforcing any provisions of this chapter or collecting taxes imposed hereunder;
2. The disclosure after the filing of a written request to that effect to the taxpayer,
receivers, trustees, executors, administrators’ assignees, and guarantors if directly
interested of information as to any paid tax, and unpaid tax or amount of tax required to
be collected, or interest, and penalties; further provided, however, that the Clackamas
County Counsel approves each such disclosure, and that the Tax Administrator may
refuse to make any disclosure referred to in this paragraph when in their opinion the
public interest would suffer thereby;
TITLE 8 - 13
3. The disclosure of the names and addresses of any persons to whom Transient
Occupancy Registration Certificates have been issued; or
4. The disclosure of general statistics regarding taxes collected or business done in the
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
8.02.160 Tax Revenue Sharing
A. Commencing with tax revenues collected January 1, 1993, the total net transient room tax
receipts after operator collection expense of 5% and County administrative costs, not to
exceed 2%, have been deducted, shall be distributed by the Tax Administrator as follows:
1. Between January 1,1993, and June 30,1993, an amount sufficient to bring proceeds up
to a base support amount of $250,000 per year shall be paid in equal quarterly
installments to the Clackamas County Fair; this amount shall be adjusted annually to
allow for inflation by an amount to be determined by the Tourism Development
Council (TDC); these funds shall be used by the Fair for construction, operations and
maintenance, in accordance with its annual budget approved by the Board; and,
2. The balance placed with the County Treasurer for deposit until transferred to the TDC
monthly to pay expenditures authorized as provided below.
B. There is hereby created the Clackamas County Tourism Development Council, consisting
of nine (9) members to be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The TDC is
to oversee the development and promotion of tourism and conventions in Clackamas
C. The TDC is to develop, adopt and implement, subject to Board of County Commissioners’
approval, a Tourism Development and Promotion Master Plan. The Master Plan shall
address at least the following elements: tourism promotion, tourism development,
conventions, visitor information services, special events and festivals, and the County Fair.
The Master Plan may be revised from time to time, subject to Board of County
Commissioners’ approval. Prior to adoption of the Master Plan, the TDC may adopt,
subject to Board of County Commissioners’ approval, an Interim Plan.
D. The funds described in subsection 8.02.160 A 2 above shall be allocated to projects and
programs by the TDC in accordance with the Tourism Development and Promotion Master
Plan, except that revenues collected prior to final Board of County Commissioners’
approval of a Master Plan may be expended pursuant to an interim Plan, if adopted.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.02.170 Appeals to the Board
Any person aggrieved by any provisions of the Tax Administrator may appeal to the Board by
filing a notice of appeal with the Tax Administrator within ten (10) days of the Administrator’s
decision. The Tax Administrator shall transmit said notice of appeal, together with the file of said
appealed matter to the Board who shall fix a time and place for hearing such appeal. The Board
shall give the appellant not less than ten (10) days written notice of the time and place of hearing of
said appealed matter. [Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.02.180 Violations
It is unlawful for any operator or other person so required, to fail or refuse to register as required
herein, or to furnish any return required to be made, or fail or refuse to furnish a supplemental
return or other data required by the Tax Administrator, or to render a false or fraudulent return. No
person required to make, render, sign, or verify any report shall make any false or fraudulent report
TITLE 8 - 14
with intent to defeat or evade the determination of any amount due, required by this chapter. Any
person willfully violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine in an
amount set by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. [Codified by Ord. 05-2000,
7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 5-2003, 3/13/03]
8.02.190 Severance Clause
If any provision of this Chapter 8.02 is adjudged or declared to be unconstitutional or otherwise
held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this chapter
shall remain in full force and effect.
[Added by Ord. 03-2020, 3/26/20]
TITLE 8 - 15
Chapter 8.03
[Chapter 8.03, Secondhand Dealers, codified by Ord. 05-2000, Amended by Ord. 05-2003, 3/13/03
is hereby repealed and replaced by Chapter 8.03 Secondhand Dealers, adopted by Ord. 02-2011,
8.03.010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to strictly regulate certain business activities that present an
extraordinary risk of being used by criminals to dispose of stolen property. This risk is present
despite the best effort of legitimate Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker businesses, because these
businesses process large volumes of goods and materials that are frequently the object of theft.
This chapter is intended to reduce this type of criminal activity by facilitating timely police
notification of such property transactions, and by regulating the conduct of persons engaged in this
business activity. The need for these regulations outweighs any anti-competitive effect that may
result from their adoption.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.020 Definitions
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
A. ACCEPTABLE IDENTIFICATION means either a current driver license, a State of
Oregon Identification Card issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles, or one current
United States federal, state or local government-issued identification card which has a
photograph of the seller.
B. ACQUIRE means to take or transfer any interest in personal property in a voluntary
transaction, including but not limited to: sales, consignments, memoranda between a Dealer
and a private party seller, leases, trade-ins, loans, and abandonments. Any acquisitions of
regulated property by a Dealer will be presumed to be an acquisition on behalf of the
Secondhand Dealer business. Notwithstanding the foregoing, “acquire” does not include:
1. Any loans made in compliance with state laws by persons licensed as Pawnbrokers
by the State of Oregon for the purposes of making a pawn loan; or
2. Memoranda between a Dealer and a person engaged in the business of selling
regulated property.
C. BOARD means the Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners or its designee;
THEFT means any conviction for a criminal violation of ORS 162.015 to 162.121; 162.265
to 162.385; 164.005 to 164.235; 164.377; 164.395 to 164.415; Chapter 165, or any similar
provision of previous or later Oregon statutes, or statutes of another state, or of the United
1. Means any sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, family limited
partnership, joint venture, association, cooperative, trust, estate, corporation,
TITLE 8 - 16
personal holding company, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or
any other form of organization for doing business and that either:
a. Acquires regulated property on behalf of a business, regardless of where the
acquisition occurs, for the purpose of reselling the property; or
b. Offers for sale regulated property in Clackamas County.
2. Notwithstanding Subsection 1 above, DEALER or SECONDHAND DEALER does
not include any of the following:
a. A business whose acquisitions of regulated property consist exclusively of
donated items and/or purchases from 501(c)(3) organizations; or
b. An individual or business whose only transactions involving regulated
property in Clackamas County consist of the acquisition of regulated
property for personal use, or the sale of regulated property that was
originally acquired by the seller for personal use; or
c. A person whose only business transactions with regulated property in
Clackamas County consist of a display space, booth, or table maintained for
displaying or selling merchandise at any trade show, convention, festival,
fair, circus, market, flea market, swap meet or similar event for less than 14
days in any calendar year.
F. HELD PROPERTY means any regulated property that cannot be sold, dismantled, altered,
or otherwise disposed of for a proscribed period of time as more specifically described in
Section 8.03.090.
G. INVESTMENT PURPOSES means the purchase of personal property by businesses and the
retention of that property, in the same form as purchased, for resale to persons who are
purchasing the property primarily as an investment.
H. MEDICATION means any substances or preparation, prescription or over-the-counter, used
in treating or caring for ailments and/or conditions in humans or animals.
I. NEW means anything conspicuously not used.
J. PAWNBROKER has the meaning set forth in ORS 726.010 (2) and includes any business
required by ORS 726.040 to hold an Oregon Pawnbroker’s license.
K. PERSON means any individual person, or any partnership, association, company,
organization or corporation.
L. PRINCIPAL means any person who will be directly engaged or employed in the
management or operation of the Secondhand Dealer business, including any owners and
any shareholders with a 5% or greater interest in the company.
M. REGULATED PROPERTY means any property of a type that has been determined by the
Sheriff’s Office to be property that is frequently the subject of theft, including but not
limited to the following property, unless excluded by subsection 3 below, and may be
revised as necessary by the Sheriff’s Office after giving appropriate advance notification.
1. Used Items:
a. Precious metals;
b. Precious gems;
c. Watches of any type and jewelry containing precious metals or precious
d. Sterling silver including, but not limited to, flatware, candleholders, salt and
pepper shakers, coffee and tea sets or ornamental objects;
e. Audio equipment;
f. Video equipment;
TITLE 8 - 17
g. Other electronic equipment including, but not limited to: global positioning
systems (GPS), electronic navigation devices or radar detectors;
h. Photographic and optical equipment:
i. Electrical office equipment;
j. Power equipment and tools;
k. Automotive and hand tools;
l. Telephones or telephone equipment;
m. Power yard and garden tools;
n. Musical instrument and related equipment;
o. Sporting equipment;
p. Outboard motors, and boating accessories;
q. Household appliances;
r. Video game consoles;
s. Property that is not purchased by a bona fide business for investment
purposes, limited to:
i. Gold bullion bars (0.995 or better);
ii. Silver bullion bars (0.995 or better);
iii. All tokens, coins, or money, whether commemorative or an actual
medium of exchange adopted by a domestic or foreign government
as part of its currency whose intrinsic, market or collector value is
greater than the apparent legal or face value; or
iv. Postage stamps, stamp collections and philatelic items whose
intrinsic market or collector value is greater than the apparent legal or
face value.
t. Computers and computer related software and equipment;
2. New items.
a. New items purchased from a licensed business shall be exempt from
regulation under this chapter if the Dealer has a bill of lading, receipt,
invoice or the equivalent for the new items that specifies the seller’s business
name, physical and mailing address, date of transaction and description of
the purchased items. The bill of lading shall be held by the Dealer for one (1)
year, or as long as the property is in the Dealer’s possession, whichever is
longer. Upon reasonable belief that a specific licensed business is dealing in
stolen property, the Sheriff may deem that new items purchased from that
specific licensed business are regulated property.
b. Items acquired from a manufacturer, manufacturer’s representative or
distributor that are discontinued or have been used for display or
demonstration but not previously sold are new and exempt from regulation
under this chapter if the Dealer has a bill of lading, receipt, invoice or the
equivalent that includes the information specified in subsection (2)(a) of this
section. The Dealer must hold the bill of lading, receipt, and invoice or
equivalent for one (1) year or as long as the property is in the Dealer’s
3. Regulated property does not include any of the following property:
a. Books and comic books;
b. Sports cards and sports memorabilia;
c. Glassware and objets d’art including, but not limited to, paintings, prints,
sculptures, ceramics, and porcelains;
TITLE 8 - 18
d. Vehicles required to be registered with the Oregon Motor Vehicles Division;
e. Boats required to be certified by the Oregon Marine Board;
f. Furniture;
g. Refrigerators, freezers, stoves, ovens, dishwashers, washers and dryers;
h. Pursuant to ORS 166.170, firearms and components thereof, including but
not limited to rifles, handguns, shotguns, pellet guns, BB guns, and
N. REMANUFACTURED means that an item has been altered to the degree that that the main
components are no longer identifiable as the original item.
O. SHERIFF or SHERIFF’S OFFICE means the Sheriff of Clackamas County, or their
P. SELLER means any person who:
1. Offers items of regulated property in exchange for money or other
property; or as collateral for a loan; or
2. Donates or abandons items of regulated property.
Q. TRANSACTION REPORT means the record of the information required by Section
8.03.080, transmitted to the Sheriff’s Office by means required in Section 8.03.090.
R. TRADE SHOW means an event open to the public, held in a venue other than a Dealer’s
business location, at which vendors of a specific type of merchandise may exhibit, buy, sell
or trade items that may include regulated property.
S. USED means anything that has been put into action or service.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11; Amended by Ord. 04-2021, 8/8/21; Amended by Ord. 03-
2022, 7/21/22]
8.03.030 Permit Required
A. No person shall act as a Secondhand Dealer in Clackamas County without a valid
Secondhand Dealer’s Permit issued by the Sheriff’s Office.
B. Any person or business that advertises or otherwise holds themself out to be acquiring or
offering for sale regulated property within Clackamas County will be presumed to be
operating as a Secondhand Dealer subject to the terms of this chapter.
C. Any Pawnbroker operating within Clackamas County shall be required to maintain a valid
license pursuant to the Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 726. If any Pawnbroker also acts
as a Secondhand Dealer, that Pawnbroker shall be required to obtain a Secondhand Dealer
permit and meet all requirements of this chapter. Any Pawnbroker that is not a Secondhand
Dealer shall nonetheless be subject to the following sections of this chapter:
1. 8.03.080 Reporting requirements (this section shall be used by Pawnbrokers in order
to meet the requirements of ORS 726.280 – 726.285).
2. 8.03.090 Sale Limitations
3. 8.03.095 Exceptions to Sale Limitations
4. 8.03.100 Tagging and Inspection of Property
5. 8.03.110 Prohibited Acts
6. 8.03.120 Citations
7. 8.03.150 Nuisance
D. The sale of regulated property at events known as “garage sales,” “yard sales,” “flea
markets” or “estate sales,” is exempt from these regulations if all of the following are present:
1. No sale exceeds a period of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours; and
2. No more than four (4) sales are held in any twelve- (12) month period.
TITLE 8 - 19
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.035 Minimum Standards
A. No person may operate as a Secondhand Dealer within Clackamas County unless the person
maintains a fixed physical business location.
B. Any Secondhand Dealer who holds a valid permit may not change the business name of the
premises without notifying the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office at least 30 days prior to
the actual effective date of the name change.
C. Dealers shall comply with all federal, state and local regulations.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.040 Application for Permit
A. An application for Secondhand Dealer’s Permit shall set forth the following information:
1. The name, business and residential address, business and residential telephone
number, birth date, driver license information, including state of issue and license
number and principal occupation of the applicant and any person who will be
directly engaged or employed in the management or operation of the business or the
proposed business;
2. The name, address, telephone number, and electronic mail address of the business or
proposed business and a description of the exact nature of the business to be
3. The web address of any and all web pages used to acquire or offer for sale regulated
property on behalf of the Dealer, and any and all internet auction account names
used to acquire or offer for sale regulated property on behalf of the Dealer;
4. Written proof that the applicant and all principals of the business are at least 18
years of age;
5. Each principal’s business occupation or employment for the five (5) years
immediately preceding the date of application;
6. The business license and permit history of the applicant in operating a business
identical to or similar to those regulated by this chapter.
7. A brief summary of the applicant’s business history in Clackamas County or in any
other city, county or state including:
a. The business license or permit history of the applicant; and
b. Whether the applicant has ever had any such license or permit revoked or
suspended, the reasons therefor, and the business activity or occupation of
the applicant subsequent to the suspension or revocation;
8. The form of the business or proposed business, whether a sole proprietorship,
partnership or corporation, etc., and
a. If a partnership, the names, birth dates, addresses, telephone numbers,
principal occupations, along with all other information required of any
individual applicant, for each partner, whether general, limited, or silent, and
the respective ownership shares owned by each;
b. If a corporation, or limited liability company, the name, copies of the articles
of incorporation and the corporate bylaws, and the names, addresses, birth
dates, telephone numbers, and principal occupations, along with all other
information required of any individual applicant, for every officer, director,
TITLE 8 - 20
and every shareholder owning more than five percent of the outstanding
shares, and the number of shares held by each.
9. If the applicant does not own the business premises, a true and complete copy of the
executed lease (and the legal description of the premises to be permitted) must be
attached to the application;
10. All arrests and criminal convictions relating to fraud, deception, dishonesty or theft,
or citations for violation of Secondhand Dealer ordinance or statutes of any city,
county, or state of each principal and all natural persons enumerated in paragraphs 1
through 7 of this section; and
B. New employees of dealers shall complete and submit the Secondhand Dealer personal
history information as required in Section A of this Subsection. Employees may not
acquire regulated property until all required information has been reviewed by the Sheriff’s
Office, unless the Dealer receives permission from the Sheriff’s Office while those
employees’ background checks are being evaluated. The criteria used to review a new
employee will be the same as those used in the review of an initial application in Section
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.050 Issuance and Renewal of Permit
A. Applications for Secondhand Dealer’s Permit must be notarized, and shall be filed with the
Sheriff and shall include payment of the required fee. Individual employee history forms
containing the required information of each employee need not be notarized, but must be
signed by the specific individual represented on the form.
B. The Sheriff’s Office shall conduct an investigation of the applicant and all principals and
employees directly engaged in the management or operation of the business listed
according to the requirements in Sections 8.03.040(A) and 8.03.040(B). The Sheriff shall
issue such permit if no cause for denial as noted herein exists.
C. The Sheriff shall deny an application for a Secondhand Dealer’s Permit if:
1. The applicant, or any other person who will be directly engaged in the management
or operation of the business, or any person who owns a five percent or more interest
in the business, has previously owned or operated a business regulated by this
chapter or a similar ordinance or law of another city, county or state, and
a. the license and permit for the business has been revoked for cause which
would be grounds for revocation pursuant to this chapter; or
b. The business has been found to constitute a public nuisance and abatement
has been ordered; or
2. Any person involved in the business has been convicted of any criminal offense
related to fraud, deception, dishonesty or theft, or convicted of any violation of this
chapter or laws of any city, county or state; or
3. The operation as proposed by the applicant would not comply with all applicable
requirements of statutes and local ordinances including, but not limited to: building,
health, planning, zoning and fire chapters; or
4. Any statement in the application is found to be false or any required information is
withheld; or
5. Evidence exists to support a finding that the location of the business for which the
application has been filed has a history of violations of the provisions of this
chapter; or
TITLE 8 - 21
6. The operation does not comply with applicable federal or state licensing
D. Notwithstanding Section 8.03.050(B), the Sheriff may grant a permit despite the presence
of one or more of the enumerated factors, if the applicant establishes to the Sheriff’s
satisfaction that:
1. The behavior evidenced by such factor(s) is not likely to recur;
2. The behavior evidenced by such factor(s) is remote in time; and
3. The behavior evidenced by such factor(s) occurred under circumstances which
diminish the seriousness of the factor as it relates to the purpose of this chapter.
E. Secondhand Dealer’s Permits shall be for a term of one year and shall expire on the
anniversary of their issuance. The permits shall be nontransferable and shall be valid only
for a single location. When the business location is to be changed, the permit holder shall
provide the address of the new location in writing to the Sheriff for approval or disapproval
at least 30 days prior to such change.
F. All Secondhand Dealer’s Permits shall be displayed on the business premises in a manner
readily visible to patrons.
G. The Sheriff’s Office will have primary authority concerning the issuance of a permit. If an
applicant for permit is denied, denied applicants will make their first appeal to the
Clackamas County Hearings Officer. If denial of an application for permit is denied by the
Hearings Officer, review shall be by writ of review as provided in ORS 34.010 to 34.100.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.060 Permit Fees
Every person engaged in conducting, carrying on or controlling a Secondhand Dealer’s business
A. File an application as described in Section 8.03.050 and pay a nonrefundable fee as required
by the Sheriff.
B. For renewal of a Secondhand Dealer’s Permit, file an application and pay a nonrefundable
fee as required by the Sheriff.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.070 Additional Locations
A. The holder of a valid Secondhand Dealer’s Permit shall file with the Sheriff an application
for a permit for each additional location, and shall pay a nonrefundable fee as required by
the Sheriff.
B. Permits issued for additional locations shall be subject to all the requirements of this
chapter, and the term of any permit issued for an additional location shall expire on the
same date as the initial permit.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.080 Reporting of Secondhand Dealer Regulated Property Transactions and Seller
A. Dealers shall provide to the Sheriff all required information listed for each regulated
property transaction (not including sales). The Sheriff may designate the format of transfer
TITLE 8 - 22
of this information and may direct that it be communicated to the Clackamas County
Sheriff’s Office Pawn Shop Detail by means of mail, the internet or other computer media.
1. In the event the Sheriff directs that the transaction information be transmitted via
computer media, the Sheriff may also specify the system that will be utilized in
order to ensure conformity among all dealers
2. If, after establishing the format and requirements for the transmission of
computerized reports of transactions, the Sheriff alters the required format; Dealers
will be given at least sixty (60) days to comply with the new format requirements.
If unable to implement the reporting system before the deadline, a Dealer must,
prior to the deadline submit a written request to the Sheriff for additional time.
3. Pawnbrokers are required to report only new transactions. Loan renewals and
redemptions by the original client do not need to be reported as long as the property
involved in the transaction has not left the store for any period of time.
B. If paper forms are approved for use by the Sheriff’s Office, the Sheriff will provide all
Dealers with transaction report forms at cost until sixty (60) days after such time that the
Sheriff directs a change in the reporting method. The Sheriff may specify the format (size,
shape and color) of the transaction report form. The Sheriff may require that the transaction
report form include any information relating to the regulations of this chapter. Dealers may
utilize their own forms, in lieu of those supplied by the Sheriff’s Office, if the Sheriff has
approved such forms. The Declaration of Proof of Ownership is considered to be included
in references in this chapter to the transaction reports, as appropriate. Declaration of Proof
of Ownership will be retained by the business and made available to law enforcement.
C. When receiving regulated property, the Dealer must do all of the following except that
Pawnbroker loan transactions are temporarily exempt from the requirements regarding
copying acceptable identification, obtaining a thumbprint and completion of the Declaration
of Proof of ownership until an electronic reporting system is implemented by the Sheriff’s
Office on October 31, 2011. If unable to comply before the deadline, a Pawnbroker must
submit a written request for additional time to the Sheriff before the deadline. The
requirements for a Dealer at the time of a transaction when receiving any regulated property
1. The Dealer must obtain acceptable photo identification from the seller or pledgor
and verify that the photograph is a photograph matches the individual in the
2. The Dealer must record the seller’s current residential address, telephone number
and thumbprint on the transaction report.
3. The dealer must write on the transaction report a complete, legible and accurate
description of the regulated property of sufficient detail to distinguish like objects
one from the other. If an item is new, the Dealer must include the word “new” in
the property description.
a. The Dealer must complete the transaction report in its entirety, and the
individual completing the report must initial it.
b. Transaction reports must be completed in legible printed English.
4. The Dealer must require the Seller to legibly complete the Declaration of Proof of
Ownership except that no such Declaration of Proof of Ownership is required for
pawn loans made in compliance with state law by licensed pawnbrokers.
a. In completing the Declaration of Proof of Ownership the Seller must, at the
time of the transaction, certify in writing that the seller has the legal right to
TITLE 8 - 23
sell the property that is the subject of the transaction and is competent to do
so, and that the property is not rented or leased.
b. The Dealer or Dealer’s employee must place the identifiable print of the
seller’s right thumb (left if right is unavailable) in the thumbprint box on the
Declaration of Proof of Ownership. Thumbprints and the information on the
Declaration of Proof of Ownership may be produced using a digital format
with prior approval of the process from the Sheriff.
c. When no Declaration of Proof of Ownership is required for pawn loan
transactions, the Dealer or Dealer’s employee shall verbally verify that the
seller has the legal right to sell the property that is the subject of the
transaction and is competent to do so, and that the property is not rented or
leased, and enter that information in the transaction report.
5. A Dealer may provide a description of any motor vehicle (including license number)
identified as used in the delivery of regulated property and record the description
and license number next to the seller’s thumbprint.
6. Transaction reports are designed to assist in the investigation of the theft of
property. Therefore, additional reporting for Dealers includes unregulated property
that is identifiable with markings indicating apparent ownership.
7. Dealers must take either a photograph or still video of each person selling or loaning
on an item of regulated property or make a copy of the acceptable identification
presented by the seller. Dealers must also take either a photograph or a still video of
each regulated item listed in 8.03.020(M)(1)(a) through (d) (items including
precious metals, gems, watches, jewelry, sterling silver, etc.). These photos are
required only for new transactions and do not apply to repeated transactions from
the same person of the exact same item. All information on the copy must be legible
and may be made by photostatic copying, computerized scanning or any other
photographic, electronic, digital or other process that preserves and retains an
image, and which can be subsequently produced or reproduced for viewing of the
image. If a photograph is taken, a print of the photograph must be referenced to the
transaction report number. A video photograph (still) must be referenced by time
and date and transaction report number to correspond to the regulated property
accepted. Copied identification must be kept with the transaction report or shall be
referenced to the transaction report number. The photograph or videotape of copied
identification and items listed in 8.03.020(M)(1)(a) through (d) must be kept by the
Dealer for one year and must be provided to the Sheriff’s Office upon request.
D. Dealers must mail or deliver to the Sheriff’s Office at the close of each business day the
original of all transaction reports describing articles received during that business day.
E. Dealers must retain at their business location a copy of all completed and voided transaction
reports for a period of not less than one year from the date of acquisition. Any unused
transaction reports must be available for inspection by the Sheriff’s Office.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11; Amended by Ord. 04-2021, 8/8/21]
8.03.090 Regulated Property Sale Limitations
A. Regulated property is subject to the following limitations:
1. Holding Period: Regulated property acquired by any Dealer must be held for a
period of thirty (30) full days from the date of acquisition. Pawnbroker loan
transactions are exempt from the 30-day hold requirements of this section because
TITLE 8 - 24
of the redeemable nature of the loans and the holding requirements of ORS 726.
However, if the loan is converted to a buy by the Pawnbroker within 30 days from
the date of the pawn transaction, the difference between the original date of the
pawn and the buy will count toward the 30-day hold requirement. All other
provisions of this section remain in effect.
2. Requirements of held property: All held property must remain in the same form as
when received, must not be sold, dismantled, altered or otherwise disposed of, and
must be kept separate and apart from all other property during the holding period to
prevent theft or accidental sale, and to allow for identification and examination by
the Sheriff’s Office. Held property must be kept at the business location during this
holding period so that it can be inspected during normal business hours as provided
in Section 8.03.100.
3. Held property requirements do not apply if:
a. the property is received by a Dealer from another Dealer (regulated by the
Sheriff’s Office or any other nearby police agency approved by the Sheriff)
who has already satisfied the holding requirements of this chapter, and the
receiving Dealer records the original transaction report number on the
transaction report completed for the new transaction.
b. a customer, who originally purchased property from a Dealer, returns it with
the original receipt.
B. Upon reasonable belief that an item of regulated property is the subject of a crime, any
peace officer may provide notice to any Dealer that a specifically described item of
regulated property must be held in a separate Police Hold area for a period not to exceed
thirty (30) days from the date of notification, and is subject to the (30) days upon notice
provided to the Dealer that additional time is needed to determine whether a specific item of
regulated property is the subject of a crime. The Dealer shall comply with the hold notice
and notify the Sheriff’s Office Pawn Shop Detail of the hold notice not later than five (5)
calendar days from the day the notice was received, either by telephone, fax, email or in
person. A Dealer must notify the Pawn Shop Detail of its intent to dispose of any item of
regulated property under Police Hold at least ten (10) days prior to doing so. A Police Hold
area must meet the following criteria:
1. Located out of public view and access, and
2. Marked “Police Hold”, and
3. Contains only items that have been put on Police Hold
C. Any peace officer or Community Service Officer (unsworn peace officers employed by law
enforcement agencies) who places a police hold on any property suspected of being the
subject of a crime shall provide the Dealer with a DPSST number and a valid incident
D. Upon probable cause that an item of regulated property is the subject of a crime, the Sheriff
may take physical custody of the item or provide written notice to any Dealer to hold
such property for a period of time to be determined by the Sheriff, not to exceed the statute
of limitations for the crime being investigated. Any property placed on hold pursuant to
this subsection is subject to the requirements of subsection (A)(2) above, and will be
maintained in the Police Hold area unless seized or released by the Sheriff. Seizure of
property will be carried out in accordance with ORS.
E. If a Dealer acquires regulated property with serial numbers, personalized inscriptions or
initials, or other identifying marks which have been destroyed or are illegible due to
obvious normal use, the Dealer shall continue to hold the regulated property at the business
TITLE 8 - 25
location for a period of ninety (90) full days after acquisition. The Dealer must notify the
Sheriff’s Office by writing “90-day hold” next to the item on the transaction report or by an
electronic means approved by the Sheriff’s Office. The held property must conform to all
the requirements of this section.
F. If a peace officer seizes any property from a Dealer, the Dealer must notify the Sheriff’s
Office not later than five (5) calendar days from the day the seizure occurs. The Dealer
must provide the name of police agency, the incident or case number, the name and DPSST
number of the peace officer, the number of the receipt left for the seizure, and the seized
property information. Notification to the Sheriff’s Office may be given by telephone, fax,
email or in person.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.095 Exceptions to Regulated Property Sale Limitations
A. A Dealer is not required to obtain the seller’s identification, photograph the seller, record
the seller’s thumbprint, or have the seller complete the Declaration of Proof of Ownership if
the Dealer complies with the remaining requirements in Section 8.03.090 and if:
1. The item is acquired through consignment by a Dealer from a person who lives
more than 150 miles from Clackamas County and the consigned property is mailed,
shipped, or sent by courier to the Dealer.
2. The item is acquired during a trade show. All items acquired during a trade show by
a Dealer must be reported. At the time of the transaction, the Dealer must write on
the transaction report a complete, legible and accurate description of the regulated
property of sufficient detail to distinguish like objects one from the other. The
Dealer must also record the name and date of the event and the address of the venue
in the name, date, and address fields of the transaction report form. Items acquired
during a trade show may be sold or traded during the trade show without being held.
Items still in a Dealer’s possession at the end of the show will be subject to the hold
period requirement in effect for that Dealer’s acquisitions of regulated property.
3. The item is acquired from a business whose acquisitions of regulated property
consists exclusively of donated items and/or purchases from a 501(c)(3)
organization. The Dealer must record the name and location address of the business
in the name and address fields of the transaction report form and the date of
4. The item is acquired through an internet transaction. The Dealer must record on the
transaction report the seller’s email address or seller’s identification, the name of the
internet website that listed the item, and the date of the acquisition.
5. The item is acquired by the Dealer from a yard sale, garage sale, estate sale or swap
meet. The Dealer must record on the transaction report the physical address of the
sale location and the date of acquisition. Items acquired under subsection (A) must
be held in compliance with the hold period requirement in effect for the Dealer’s
other acquisitions of regulated property.
B. A Dealer is not required to obtain the seller’s identification, photograph the seller, record
the seller’s thumbprint, nor have the seller complete the Declaration of Proof of Ownership
if the Dealer complies with the remaining requirements in Section 8.03.090 and if the item
is used, regulated property acquired from a licensed business. The Dealer must keep a
receipt for the item from the licensed business that includes the licensed business’ name and
a description of the item. The receipt must be retained at the Dealer’s business location for
TITLE 8 - 26
one year or until the item is sold, whichever is longer. The Dealer must record on the
transaction report the name and location address of the business in the name and address
fields of the transaction report form, and the date of the acquisition. The item does not have
to be held.
C. A Dealer is not required to make a copy of the acceptable identification obtained from
the seller, photograph the seller, or record the seller’s thumbprint if the Dealer complies
with the following requirements:
1. Conducts each and every acquisition of regulated property by either:
a. Not tendering payment to the seller for a minimum of fifteen (15) days after
the regulated property is delivered to the Dealer; or
b. Offering in-store credit that must be used for merchandise only and not
redeemed for cash; and
2. Holds each and every item of regulated property for a minimum of fifteen (15) days
from the date of acquisition; and
3. Complies with the remaining requirements set forth in the Section 8.03.090; and
4. Notifies the Sheriff in writing that each and every acquisition of regulated property
will be conducted by not tendering payment to the seller for a minimum of fifteen
(15) days after the regulated property is delivered to the Dealer.
D. A Dealer is not required to make a copy of the acceptable identification obtained from the
seller, photograph the seller, or record the seller’s thumbprint when the Dealer acquires an
item of regulated property on consignment if the Dealer complies with the following
1. Does not tender payment to the consignor for a minimum of fifteen (15) days after
the regulated property is delivered to the Dealer;
2. Holds each and every item of consigned regulated property for a minimum of fifteen
(15) days;
3. Complies with the remaining requirements in Section 8.03.090.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.100 Tagging Regulated Property for Identification, Sheriff’s Inspection
A. Secondhand Dealer acquiring any regulated property shall affix to such property a tag upon
which shall be written a unique number, in legible characters, which shall correspond to the
number on the transaction report forms required by Section 8.03.080. After the holding
period has expired, the transaction number must remain identifiable on the property until it
is sold.
B. After the applicable holding period has expired, hand tools, or items that are sold with other
like items and have no identifiable numbers or markings need not remain tagged.
C. After the applicable holding period has expired, items that are remanufactured need not
remain tagged.
D. Upon presentation of official identification, the Sheriff may seek permission to enter onto
the business premises of any person with a Secondhand Dealer’s Permit to ensure
compliance with the provisions of this chapter. An inspection shall be for the limited
purpose of inspecting any regulated property acquired by the dealer, held by the dealer
pursuant to Section 8.03.090, or the records incident thereto. Such inspections shall occur
only during normal business hours. The failure to grant permission to the Sheriff for
inspection could result in a violation of this chapter.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
TITLE 8 - 27
8.03.110 Prohibited Acts
A. It shall be unlawful for any principal, employee or Dealer regulated by this chapter to:
1. Receive any property from any person known to the principal, employee or Dealer
to be prohibited from selling by a court order or is under the age of eighteen (18)
2. Receive property prohibited by this chapter. Items specifically prohibited from
being acquired by Secondhand Dealers include:
a. Medications;
b. Gift cards, in-store credit cards, or activated phone cards;
c. Property with serial numbers, personalized inscriptions or initials or other
identifying marks which appear to have been intentionally altered,
obliterated, removed, or otherwise rendered illegible;
d. Any item that cannot be lawfully possessed pursuant to local, state, or
federal law.
3. Act as a Secondhand Dealer within Clackamas County without a valid Secondhand
Dealer’s Permit issued by the Sheriff.
4. Fail to obtain acceptable identification from the person selling any regulated
5. Fail to have the person selling any regulated property sign the transaction report
form describing the article acquired;
6. Fail to retain on the business premises a copy of the transaction report form
describing the acquired regulated property for a period of one (1) year from the date
of acquisition;
7. Fail to mail or deliver to the Sheriff at the close of each business day the original
and second copy of all transaction report forms and required photographs describing
regulated property acquired during that business day;
8. Fail to include on transaction report forms all readily available information required
by the form;
9. Fail to withhold from sale any regulated property for the required holding period
after acquisition;
10. Fail, after acquiring regulated property, to retain the property on the business
premises for the required holding period after its acquisition;
11. Fail to allow inspection by the Sheriff of any regulated property being retained
pursuant to this chapter;
12. Fail to allow inspection by the Sheriff of any records required by this chapter;
13. Fail to have affixed to any acquired regulated property, during the required holding
period, a tag on which is written a number in legible characters which corresponds
to the number on the transaction report form required by this chapter;
14. Continue activities as a Secondhand Dealer after suspension or revocation of a
B. Any violation of Section 8.03.110(A) is a County Code violation punishable by a fine in an
amount set by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11; Amended by Ord. 04-2021, 8/8/21]
8.03.120 Citation
TITLE 8 - 28
A. The Sheriff, upon learning of a violation of Section 8.03.110(A) may issue the Secondhand
Dealer a citation. Such citation shall be delivered at the address listed on the permit
application during regular business hours to a person who appears to be in charge.
B. The citation shall list the nature of the violation, and the time and date of the citation. The
citation shall also indicate the fine assessed for said violation, which is to be paid to the
Sheriff, or appealed within ten (10) days from the date of delivery. Appeal may be taken
under the Hearing Officer procedure outlined in Section 8.03.140.
C. Nothing in this section shall affect the ability of the Sheriff to take any and all actions
otherwise authorized to abate any violation.
D. In the event that fines and fees assessed are not paid in full per the guidelines set forth in
this chapter, the County reserves the right to assign the debt for collection
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11; Amended by Ord. 04-2021, 8/8/21]
8.03.130 Revocation or Suspension of Permit
A. The Sheriff may revoke or suspend any permit issued pursuant to this
1. For any cause which would be grounds for denial of a permit; or
2. Upon a finding that any violation of the provisions of this chapter, federal, state or
other local law has been committed and the violation is connected with the operation
of the permitted business location so that the person in charge of the business
location knew, or should reasonably have known, that such violations or offenses
were permitted to occur at the location by the Dealer or any principal or employee
engaged or employed in the management or operation of the business location; or
3. If lawful inspection has been refused; or
4. If the Secondhand Dealer’s activities cause significant litter, noise, vandalism,
vehicular or pedestrian traffic congestion or other locational problems in the area
around the Dealer’s premises; or
5. If a fine assessed under this chapter has not been paid to the Sheriff or appealed
under Section 8.03.140 within ten (10) days after the date of delivery of a citation;
6. If any statement contained in the application for the permit is found to have been
false; or
7. If any Secondhand Dealer fails to meet federal or state licensing requirements.
B. The Sheriff shall give the permittee written notice of proposed revocation or suspension of
any permit issued pursuant to this chapter by causing notice to be served upon the permit
holder at the address listed on the permit application. Service of the notice shall be
accomplished by either mailing the notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by
service in the same manner as a summons served in an action at law. Refusal of the service
by the person whose permit is revoked or suspended shall be prima facie evidence of receipt
of the notice. Service of the notice upon the person in charge of a business, during its hours
of operation shall constitute prima facie evidence of notice to the person holding the permit
to operate the business.
C. Revocation or suspension shall be effective and final ten (10) days after the giving of such
notice unless such revocation or suspension is appealed in accordance with Section
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
TITLE 8 - 29
8.03.140 Appeals
A. Appeals of violations of this chapter will be made to the County Hearings Officer pursuant
to Chapter 2.07 of the County Code.
B. Orders of the Hearings Officer:
1. Every order adverse to a party to the proceeding shall be in writing or stated in the
record and may be accompanied by an opinion.
2. Findings of fact and conclusions of law shall accompany a final order. The findings
of fact shall consist of a concise statement of the underlying facts supporting the
Hearings Officer’s order.
3. The Hearings Officer shall notify the appellant and respondent of a final order by
delivering or mailing a copy of the order and any accompanying findings and
conclusions to the appellant and respondent or, if applicable, their attorney of
record. The Hearings Officer shall issue a final order within fourteen (14) days
from the conclusion of the hearing.
4. The Hearings Officer shall file all final orders with the Clerk of the Board of County
Commissioners. A final order shall become effective five (5) days after it is filed
unless a party makes objections to the form of the order within five (5) days of filing
and the Hearings Officer subsequently amends the final order.
C. Enforcement of Hearings Officer Order:
1. Fines and costs are payable upon receipt of the final order declaring the fine and
costs. Fines and costs under this chapter are a debt owing to the Sheriff’s Office and
may be collected in the same manner as any other debt allowed by law.
2. The Sheriff may institute appropriate suit or legal action, in law or equity, in any
court of competent jurisdiction to enforce any order of the Hearings Officer,
including, but not limited to, an action to obtain judgment for any fine or any
assessment for costs imposed pursuant to Sections 8.03.110(B) or 8.03.140(G).
D. Judicial Review of the final order of the Hearings Officer under this chapter shall be by writ
of review as provided in ORS 34.010 – 34.100.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
8.03.150 Maintenance of Regulated Business Activity in Violation Declared a Nuisance,
Any business maintained in violation of the provisions of this chapter is hereby declared to be a
public nuisance. The Sheriff is authorized to bring any action or suit to seek imposition of fines for
violation of this chapter or to abate such nuisance by seeking injunctive or other appropriate relief
A. Cease all unlawful activities;
B. Close the unlawful business establishment;
C. Return property obtained through unlawful activities to the rightful owners; or
D. Seek such other relief as may be appropriate.
[Adopted by Ord. 02-2011, 9/15/11]
TITLE 8 - 30
Chapter 8.04
8.04.010 Tourist Facilities
Pursuant to ORS 446.425 the Oregon Health Authority delegated to the Clackamas County
Department of Health, Housing and Human Services Public Health Division (“the Division”) the
authority, responsibility and functions to administer recreational facilities health laws under ORS
446.310 et seq. and the implementing regulations. This chapter incorporates the provisions of those
sections by reference.
A. Requirements.
1. Any person establishing, operating, managing or maintaining any travelers'
accommodation, hostel, recreation park or organizational camp, or combination
recreation park - mobile home park (as those terms are defined in ORS 446.310 and
OAR 333-029-0015) must first obtain a license or certificate of sanitation from the
Division. Any person constructing any travelers' accommodation, hostel, recreation
park, or organizational camp must first obtain a permit to do so from the Division.
2. An applicant for a permit to construct a travelers' accommodation, hostel, recreation
park, or organizational camp shall pay the Division a plan review fee. Every
applicant for a license or certificate of sanitation shall pay to the Division a fee.
3. Certificates or licenses issued under this section shall expire at the end of each
calendar year and are not transferable nor shall refunds be made on unused portions
of such licenses or upon applications that have been denied.
4. Anyone who establishes, operates, manages or maintains a tourist facility in
Clackamas County must comply with the laws and regulations regarding the
construction, operation or maintenance of tourist facilities. The Division may deny
issuance, suspend or revoke a license or assess civil penalties for failing to comply
with these laws.
B. Violations.
1. It is unlawful to establish, operate, manage or maintain a tourist facility in
Clackamas County without a current license or certificate of sanitation. Penalty fees
shall be imposed for a failure to apply for or renew a license.
2. Any person who violates the laws regarding the construction, operation or
maintenance of tourist facilities will be subject to civil penalties in an amount set by
the Board of County Commissioners, for each violation.
3. The Division shall provide five days’ advance notice before any civil penalty under
this section is imposed, unless the person incurring the penalty has otherwise
received actual notice of the violation not less than five days prior to the violation
for which a penalty is imposed.
4. Hearings on the denial, suspension or revocation of a license or the imposition of
civil penalties shall be conducted as a contested case following the procedures in
this code. Failure to remit the civil penalty within 10 days after the order becomes
final is grounds for license revocation.
TITLE 8 - 31
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 05-2003, 3/13/03; Amended by Ord. 02-
2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.020 Swimming Facilities
A. Requirements.
1. Any person operating or maintaining a public swimming pool, public spa pool,
public wading pool or bathhouse (as those terms are defined in ORS 448.005 and
OAR 333-062-0015) must first obtain a license to do so from the Division
2. A fee shall be paid to the Division for a license to operate a year-round public
swimming pool, public spa pool, public wading pool or bathhouse either:
a. For profit;
b. For the primary benefit of the patrons, members or employees of the person
operating the public swimming pool, public spa pool, or bathhouse; or
c. In conjunction with a travelers' accommodation or tourist park.
3. A fee shall be paid to the Division for a license to operate a seasonal public
swimming pool, public spa pool, public wading pool or bathhouse either:
a. For profit;
b. For the primary benefit of the patrons, members or employees of the person
operating the public swimming pool, public spa pool, or bathhouse; or
c. In conjunction with a travelers' accommodation or tourist park.
4. A person who operates a single facility containing more than one year-round public
pool or spa shall pay to the Division an additional fee for each pool in excess of (1)
pool for a license to operate such pools.
5. Any person wishing to construct, perform a major alteration or reconstruct any
public swimming pool, public spa pool, public wading pool or bathhouse must first
obtain a permit to do so from the Division.
6. An applicant for a permit to construct, perform a major alteration or reconstruct a
public swimming pool, public spa pool, public wading pool or bathhouse shall pay
the Division a plan review/construction permit fee. Licenses issued under this
section shall expire at the end of each calendar year. Such licenses shall not be
transferable, nor shall refunds be made on the unused portion of such licenses or
upon applications that have been denied.
7. Anyone who establishes, operates, manages or maintains a public swimming pool,
public spa pool, public wading pool or bathhouse in Clackamas County must
comply with the laws and regulations regarding the construction, operation or
maintenance of such facilities. The Division may deny issuance, suspend or revoke
a license or assess civil penalties for failing to comply with these laws.
B. Violations.
1. It is unlawful to operate or maintain a public swimming pool, public spa pool,
public wading pool or bathhouse without a current license.
2. It is unlawful to keep a public swimming pool, public spa pool, public wading pool
or bathhouse open to the public after a permit or license to operate such facilities has
been suspended, denied or revoked.
3. The Division may at all reasonable times enter upon any part of the premises of
public bathing and swimming places to examine and investigate to determine the
sanitary conditions of such places and any violations of law.
4. If the license holder does not correct violations listed in a notice issued by the
TITLE 8 - 32
Division within the specified time period, the Division or its agent may issue a
notice proposing to suspend or revoke the license to operate in accordance with
ORS Chapter 183. A license holder shall have 21 days to request a hearing in
5. Any public swimming pool, public spa pool, public wading pool or bathhouse
constructed, operated or maintained contrary to these laws is a public nuisance,
dangerous to health. The Division may abate or enjoin the nuisance as permitted by
law, including emergency suspension and closure. Under ORS 183.430(2), a license
holder shall have 90 days after the date of notice of emergency suspension to
request a hearing and if a hearing is requested a hearing shall be granted to the
licensee or permittee as soon as practicable after such demand.
6. Hearings on the denial, suspension or revocation of a license shall be conducted as a
contested case following the procedures in this code.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 05-2003, 3/13/03; Amended by Ord. 02-
2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.030 Food Service Facilities
Pursuant to ORS 624.510 the Oregon Health Authority has delegated to the Division the authority,
responsibility and functions to administer food service health laws. This chapter incorporates the
provisions of ORS 624.010 et seq. and the implementing regulations by reference.
A. Requirements.
“Food service facility” means restaurant, bed and breakfast, vending machine, food cart,
warehouse, mobile unit, commissary combination or any other food service facility as
defined by ORS 624.010, ORS 624.310 and OAR 333-150-000 and 333-157-0073.
1. Food Handlers Certificate. Any person handling food in a restaurant or food service
facility licensed under this chapter is required by state law to obtain a certification
within thirty (30) days of hire.
2. Food Service License Fees.
a. Every applicant for a food service facility license, temporary license, or
renewal of a license shall pay a license fee to the Division, unless exempted
under ORS 624.106. Licensees whose food service facility requires a critical
item re-inspection shall pay a fee to the Division as set by OAR 333-12-
b. The license or temporary license shall be posted in a conspicuous place on
the premises of the licensee. For a vending machine or mobile unit the
license shall be posted in a conspicuous place, and a card, emblem, or other
device clearly showing the name and address of the licensee and the serial
number of the licensee shall be affixed to each vending machine or mobile
c. To reinstate a food service facility license after the expiration date, other
than a temporary license, the operator must pay a reinstatement fee per ORS
3. Plans. Properly prepared plans and specifications must be provided to the Division
for review and approval and plan review fees paid: (1) before any construction,
extensive remodeling or conversion is done to an existing structure for use as a food
TITLE 8 - 33
service facility; and (2) before constructing or establishing a food service facility,
including a bed and breakfast, mobile unit or pushcart.
4. Licenses issued under this section shall expire at the end of each calendar year.
Licenses shall not be transferable nor shall refunds be made on the unused portion
of such licenses or upon applications that have been denied.
B. Violations.
1. It is unlawful to operate a food service facility or temporary food service facility
without obtaining a current license to do so from the Division, unless exempt under
Oregon law.
2. It is unlawful to operate a food service facility in a manner that creates an imminent
or present danger to the public health, as those terms are defined in ORS 624.073
and the administrative rules.
3. It is unlawful to continue to operate a food service facility that has been closed due
to uncorrected priority item violations as defined by Oregon statute and
administrative rules.
4. It is unlawful to continue to operate a food service facility that has been closed due
to obtaining a sanitation score of less than 70 on two consecutive complete
inspections conducted within 30 days as defined by OAR 333-157-0030(5)-(6).
5. It is unlawful to construct, extensively remodel or convert an existing structure to
use as a food service facility, or to construct or establish a mobile unit or pushcart
without first providing properly prepared plans and specifications to the Division for
review and approval, and paying plan review fees.
C. Civil Penalties.
1. Any person who violates this section will be subject to civil penalties in an amount
set by the Board of County Commissioners, for each violation.
2. When a person has violated this section the Division will issue a written warning
stating that further violation will result in the assessment of a civil penalty or
revocation or suspension of the license.
3. If the violations continue after the written warning has been issued the Division will
issue a Notice of Intent to impose civil penalties.
4. Civil penalties are due and payable 10 days after the order imposing the penalty
becomes final by operation of law or appeal. The order assessing civil penalties may
be recorded with the County Clerk and listed in the County Lien Record.
5. A person subject to civil penalties under this chapter may request a hearing in
writing within 20 days of service of the order imposing the civil penalty.
6. If a hearing is requested it will be conducted as a contested case hearing under the
procedures set out in this code.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 05-2003, 3/13/03; Amended by Ord. 01-
2008, 3/13/08; Amended by Ord. 02-2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.040 Review of Existing Property’s Drinking Water
Fees shall be paid to the Public Health Division of the Clackamas County Department of Human
Services for a request to review existing property's individual drinking water.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 05-2003, 3/13/03; Amended by Ord. 02-
2018, 3/15/18]
TITLE 8 - 34
8.04.050 School Cafeteria Inspections
Schools requesting cafeteria sanitation inspections or plan review from the Public Health Division
of the Clackamas County Department of Human Services shall pay fees for those services.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 05-2003, 3/13/03; Amended by Ord. 02-
2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.060 Miscellaneous Fees – Hourly Rate
For miscellaneous services of the Environment & Health section of the Public Health Division,
Clackamas County Department of Health, Housing, and Human Services, an hourly fee shall be
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 05-2003, 3/13/03; Amended by Ord. 02-
2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.070 Contested Case Procedures
A. Definitions.
1. DIVISION means the Public Health Division of the Clackamas County Department
of Health, Housing, and Human Services.
2. HEARINGS OFFICER means the officer appointed by Clackamas County to hear
contested cases, and “the County” means Clackamas County.
B. A contested case exists whenever:
1. A constitutional provision or state law requires a hearing upon the action;
2. The Division has discretion to suspend or revoke a right or privilege of a person;
3. There is a proceeding regarding a license to pursue a commercial activity, trade or
profession; or
4. There is a proceeding in which the County by rule or order provides for a hearing, in
accordance with contested case requirements.
C. Notice.
1. When the County is required or permitted to give a person an opportunity for a hearing to
contest the Division action, a notice shall be served personally or by registered or certified
mail on all parties. The notice shall include.
a. A statement of the party’s right to hearing, or a statement of the time and place of the
b. A statement of the authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held;
c. A reference to the particular sections of the ordinance, statutes and rules involved;
d. A short and plain statement of the matters asserted or charged;
e. A statement indicating whether and under what circumstances an order by default may be
f. A statement that active duty service members have a right to stay proceedings under the
federal Service Members Civil Relief Act, and may contact the Oregon State Bar or the
Oregon Military Department for more information, and will include the toll-free numbers
for the Oregon State Bar and the Oregon Military Department and the Internet address for
the United States Armed Forces Legal Assistance Legal Services Locator website; and
g. A statement that if the party desires a hearing, the Division must be notified within a
specified number of days from the date of mailing of the notice.
TITLE 8 - 35
2. The number of days within which the Division must be notified that the party desires a
hearing shall be as follows:
a. Within 20 days of the date of mailing of notice; or
b. When the Division refuses to issue a license required to pursue any commercial activity,
trade, occupation or profession if the refusal is based on grounds other than the results of a
test or inspection that division shall grant the person requesting the license 60 days form
notification of the refusal to request a hearing, unless otherwise specified in the applicable
section of Chapter 8.04.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 02-2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.080 Immediate Suspension or Refusal to Review a License, Notice of Opportunity for
Hearing, Service
A. If the Division finds there is a serious danger to the public health or safety, it may suspend
or refuse to renew a license immediately.
B. The Division shall give notice to the party upon immediate suspension or refusal to renew a
license. The notice shall be served personally or by registered or certified mail and shall
1. A statement of the party’s right to hearing;
2. A statement of the authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held;
3. A reference to the particular sections of the ordinance and rules involved;
4. A short and plain statement of the matters asserted or charged;
5. A statement that the party may be represented by counsel at the hearing;
6. A statement that if the party demands a hearing the Division must be notified within
90 days of the date of the notice;
7. A statement giving the reason or reasons for the immediate actions; and
8. The effective date of the suspension or refusal to renew the license.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 02-2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.090 Orders When No Hearing Requested or Failure to Appear
A. When a party has been given an opportunity and fails to request a hearing within a specified
time, or having requested a hearing fails to appear at the specified time and place, the
Division or hearings officer shall enter an order which supports the Division action.
B. The order supporting the Division action shall set forth the material on which the action is
based, and the material shall be attached to and made a part of the order.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 02-2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.100 Subpoenas, Depositions
A. The Division may issue subpoenas in a contested case. In addition, subject to subsection B,
any party to a contested case shall, upon request, be issued subpoenas by the hearings
officer to compel the attendance of witnesses.
B. Before issuing subpoenas to the requesting party, the hearings officer may require a
showing of need, general relevancy and the evidence to be given by the witness to be within
the reasonable scope of the proceedings.
C. On petition of any party to a contested case, the hearings officer may order the testimony of
TITLE 8 - 36
any material witness be taken by deposition in the manner prescribed by law for depositions
in civil actions. The petition shall include:
1. The name and address of the witness whose testimony is desired;
2. A showing of materiality of the testimony; and
3. A request for an order that the testimony of the witness by taken before an officer
named in the petition for that purpose.
D. If the hearings officer issues on order for the taking of a deposition and the witness resides
in this state and is unwilling to appear, the hearings officer may issue a subpoena as
provided in subsection A requiring their appearance before the officer taking the deposition.
E. Witnesses appearing pursuant to subpoena, other than parties, or officers or employees of
the Division shall be tendered fees and mileage as prescribed by law for witnesses in civil
actions. The party requesting the subpoena shall be responsible for service of the subpoena
and tendering the fees and mileage to the witness.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 02-2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.110 Conducting Contested Case Hearing
A. The hearing shall be conducted by and shall be under the control of the hearings officer,
conducted pursuant to the procedures in ORS 183.417 et seq.
B. At the discretion of the hearings officer, the hearing shall be conducted in the following
1. Statement and evidence of Division in support of its action;
2. Statement and evidence of affected person disputing division action; then
3. Rebuttal testimony.
C. The hearings officer and the affected parties and the Division or its attorneys shall have the
right to question or examine or cross-examine any witnesses.
D. The hearing may be continued with recesses as determined by the hearings officer.
E. The hearings officer may set reasonable time limits for oral presentation and may exclude
or limit cumulative, repetitious or immaterial matter.
F. Exhibits shall be marked and the markings shall identify the person offering the exhibits.
The exhibits shall be preserved by the hearings officer as part of the record of the
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 02-2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.120 Evidentiary Rules
A. Evidence of a type commonly relied upon by reasonably prudent persons in conduct of their
serious affairs shall be admissible.
B. Irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded.
C. All offered evidence, not objected to, will be received by the hearings officer subject to
their power to exclude irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious matter.
D. Evidence objected to may be received by the hearings officer with rulings on its
admissibility or exclusion to be made at the time a final order is issued.
E. Any time ten (10) days or more before a hearing, any party may serve on an opposing party
a copy of any affidavit, certificate or other document the party proposes to introduce in
evidence. Unless the opposing party requests cross-examination of the affiant, certificate
preparer, or other document preparer or custodian, within five (5) days prior to hearing the
affidavit or certificate may be offered and received with the same effect as oral testimony or
TITLE 8 - 37
the document may be received in evidence.
F. If the opposing party requests cross-examination of the affiant, certificate preparer, or other
document preparer or custodian as provided in subsection E and the opposing party is
informed within five (5) days prior to the hearing that the person will not appear for cross-
examination but the affidavit, certificate or other document will be offered in evidence, the
affidavit, certificate or other document may be received in evidence, provided the hearings
officer determines that:
1. The contents of the affidavit, certificate or other document is of a type commonly
relied upon by reasonably prudent persons in the conduct of their serious affairs; and
2. The party requesting cross-examination would not be unduly prejudiced or injured
by lack of cross-examination.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 02-2018, 3/15/18]
8.04.130 Final Orders on Contested Cases, Notification
A. Final orders on contested cases shall be in writing or stated in the record and shall include
the following:
1. Rulings on admissibility of offered evidence;
2. Findings of fact – the findings of fact shall consist of a concise statement of the
underlying facts supporting the findings as to each contested issue of fact and as to
each ultimate fact required to support the order.
3. Conclusion(s) of law, which are – applications of the controlling law to the facts
found and the legal results arising therefrom; and
4. Order – the action taken by the hearings officer as a result of the finding of fact and
conclusions of law.
B. Parties to contested cases and their attorneys of record shall be served a copy of the final
order. Parties shall be notified of their right to judicial review of the order.
C. Any judicial review of the final order shall be done pursuant to ORS 183.482 for review of
contested cases.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 02-2018, 3/15/18]
TITLE 8 - 38
Chapter 8.05
8.05.010 Purpose
Pursuant to the legislative grant of authority of Oregon Revised Statute 167.121, the Board of
Commissioners of Clackamas County hereby ordains as follows, a chapter which authorizes,
regulates and licenses the playing and conducting of social games in charitable, service clubs, and
religious organizations.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2022, 7/21/22]
8.05.020 Definition
Social game means a game other than a lottery, between players in a charitable, service clubs, or
religious organization where no house player, house bank or house odds exist and there is no house
income from the operation of the social game.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2022, 7/21/22]
8.05.030 Organizations
Charitable, service clubs, or religious organizations may conduct the playing of social games upon
receipt of a valid license issued by the County of Clackamas.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2022, 7/21/22]
8.05.040 Applications
Application for such license shall be made annually to the Board of County Commissioners upon
such form as the Board shall provide. The application for a license shall be accompanied by a fee in
an amount set by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 5-2003, 3/13/03]
8.05.050 Social Game License
Upon presentation of a valid receipt from the County Clerk’s office evidencing payment of the fee
referred to in Section 8.05.040, accompanied by an appropriate application, the Board of County
Commissioners shall refer such application to the Sheriff’s office for investigation and comment.
The Board of County Commissioners may issue a social games license after due consideration of
the Sheriff’s comments.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 5-2003, 3/13/03]
8.05.060 Appeals
Any organization whose application is denied may appeal the denial to the Board of County
Commissioners, which shall hold a hearing on the matter. The applicant may present additional
evidence and testimony to show why its application for a social games license ought to be granted.
TITLE 8 - 39
The Board of County Commissioners must receive notice of appeal on or before 60 days have
elapsed since the Board signed the written denial. [Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.05.070 Suspension
A social games license may be suspended or revoked when it appears to the Board of County
Commissioners that the licensee, its officers, employees or agents have violated this chapter or the
provisions of Chapter 167 of the Oregon Revised Statutes as they relate to gambling, or have
provided false information either on their application or to the Sheriff in the conduct of their
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
TITLE 8 - 40
Chapter 8.06
8.06 BINGO
8.06.010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that bingo or lotto games are conducted only by charitable,
service clubs, or religious organizations within Clackamas County, consistent with the intent of
ORS 167.118 and accompanying criminal prohibitions (or successor statutes).
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2022, 7/21/22]
8.06.020 Game Limitations And Exceptions
No bingo or lotto game shall be maintained, operated or conducted anywhere in unincorporated
Clackamas County for more than two days in any week (Monday through Sunday) by any single
organization, nor for more than 8 hours in any one day (12:0l a.m. through midnight), nor shall any
single structure be used as the location of games of bingo or lotto on more than two days in any
Upon application to the Board of County Commissioners and for good cause shown, the County
Commissioners may by a majority vote, approve one (1) additional day per week usage at a single
This exception is for special events by organizations other than the organization regularly using
that single structure and shall not exceed one (1) additional day per month. This exception shall not
expand the two- (2) days per week limitation for any single organization.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.06.030 State Law
Compliance with the requirements of this chapter shall not excuse any violation of State criminal
provisions relating to gambling (See ORS 167.117 through 167.162).
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.06.040 Inspection Of Games, Premises And Records
Any deputy sheriff or any investigator from the District Attorney’s office, upon presentation of
official identification, shall be permitted entry by the organization conducting a bingo or lotto game
into the premises where the game is played for the purpose of inspecting such premises, the
equipment used in playing such games, and the records kept by the organization relating to the
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.06.050 Definitions
For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
A. BINGO or LOTTO means the game as defined by ORS 167.117(1), or successor statute.
B. CHARITABLE, RELIGIOUS or SERVICE CLUB means those persons within the
TITLE 8 - 41
definition of ORS 167.117(4) (d), or successor statute.
C. PERSON, PERSONS or ORGANIZATION means any human being or, where appropriate,
any combination of human beings or any organized entity in any form including, but not
limited to, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or association.
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00; Amended by Ord. 03-2022, 7/21/22]
8.06.060 Nuisance And Abatement
Any bingo or lotto games maintained, operated, or conducted in violation of this chapter are hereby
declared to be a public nuisance. Upon direction by the Board of Commissioners of Clackamas
County, the County Counsel’s office may bring any action or suit necessary to have such nuisance
abated in any court of competent jurisdiction. [Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
8.06.070 Pre-Existing Nonconforming Games
Bingo games or lotto games, being conducted in compliance with State law on the date of adoption
of the Bingo Ordinance, adopted pursuant to Board Order No. 86-104, shall be allowed to continue
on their existing schedule, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.05.020 of this chapter,
provided that this exemption is limited to the same organization conducting the games, at that same
location, and on the same schedule, as at the date of adoption of this chapter, and is not
[Codified by Ord. 05-2000, 7/13/00]
TITLE 8 - 42
[Chapter 8.07, Burglar Alarm Ordinance, codified by Ord. 05-2000, Amended by Ord. 05-2003,
3/13/03 is hereby repealed and replaced by Chapter 8.07 Alarm Permit, adopted by Ord. 01-2010,
1/28/10;] [Chapter 8.07 adopted by Ord. 01-2010, 1/28/10, is hereby repealed and replaced by
Chapter 8.07 Alarm Systems, adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
Chapter 8.07
8.07.010 Purpose
A. The purpose of this chapter is to reduce the number of the number of false alarms from
private alarm systems by requiring alarm users and alarm businesses to retain responsibility
for maintaining the mechanical reliability and the proper use of alarm systems to prevent
unnecessary emergency response to false alarms and thereby protect emergency response
capabilities of Clackamas County from misuse.
B. This chapter governs systems intended to summon a public safety response, authorizes fees
and fines, establishes a system of administration, sets conditions for the suspension of
public safety response and establishes a public education and training program.
C. The provisions of this chapter shall be administered by the Clackamas County Sheriff and
shall apply only to alarm systems operated in unincorporated Clackamas County, unless
otherwise permitted by law.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.020 Definitions
A. ALARM ADMININSTRATOR means the person or persons designated by the Sheriff’s
Office to administer the provisions of this chapter.
B. ALARM BUSINESS means a business by any individual, partnership, corporation or other
entity, that selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving or
installing any Alarm System in or on any building, structure, or facility. Alarm businesses
also include any person, business, or organization that monitors security alarm systems and
initiates alarm dispatch requests.
C. ALARM USER means any person who has contracted for monitoring, repair, installation or
maintenance service for an alarm system from an alarm installation company or monitoring
company, or an individual or business who purchases, installs (see DIY), or self-monitors
(see MIY) an alarm system which is not professionally monitored, maintained or repaired
under agreement with an alarm business
D. ALARM USER AWARENESS CLASS means a class conducted for the purpose of
educating alarm users about the responsible use, operation, and maintenance of alarm
systems and the problems created by false alarms.
E. ALARM SITE means a structure or portion thereof served by a single security alarm
system. In a multi - tenant building or complex, each portion of the structure or complex
having its own security alarm system is considered a separate alarm site.
F. ALARM SYSTEM means a device or series of devices, which emit or transmit an audible
or remote visual or electronic alarm signal, arranged to identify the occurrence of an illegal
entry or other activity intended to summon public safety response. The term includes
TITLE 8 - 43
hardwired systems, surveillance cameras and systems interconnected with a radio frequency
method such as cellular or private radio signals, and includes local alarm systems. This does
not include an alarm installed in a motor vehicle or a system which will not emit a signal,
either audible or visible, from the outside of the building, residence or beyond, but is
designed solely to alert the occupants of a building or residence.
G. AUTOMATIC DIALING DEVICE means a device connected to a telephone line or
internet connection programmed to select a predetermined telephone number or internet
location (URL address) and transmit by voice message or code signal an emergency
message indicating a need for emergency response.
H. DIY SYSTEM (DO IT YOURSELF) means an alarm system installed by an alarm user.
means an attempt by the monitoring
company, or its representative, to contact the alarm site and/or alarm user and/or the alarm
user's designated representatives by telephone and/or other electronic means, whether or not
actual contact with a person is made, to determine whether an alarm signal is valid before
requesting a burglar alarm dispatch, in an attempt to avoid an unnecessary alarm dispatch
J. FALSE ALARM means an alarm signal, eliciting a response by law enforcement when a
situation requiring a response by law enforcement does not in fact exist. An alarm is not
considered false if there are signs of forced or attempted entry, is caused by violent
conditions of nature or other extraordinary circumstances not reasonably subject to control
by the alarm business operator or alarm user.
means response to an alarm dispatch request by law
enforcement where, in the opinion of responding law enforcement, no evidence of criminal
activity or attempted forced entry is present that can be reasonably attributed to the alarm
activation. Additionally, when law enforcement is unable to determine if evidence of a
criminal offense or attempted criminal offense is present because of inaccessibility of the
alarm site, the response is presumed to be a false alarm, and is subject to false alarm fines.
L. MIY SYSTEM (MONITOR IT YOURSELF) means the monitoring of an alarm system by
the alarm user.
means the process an alarm business uses to keep watch on alarm systems;
to receive alarm activation signals from alarm systems; to verify alarm activations; to relay
alarm dispatch requests to the emergency dispatch center for the purpose of summoning law
enforcement response to an alarm site; and to cancel alarm dispatch requests.
N. PERMIT YEAR means a 12-month period beginning on the day and month on which an
alarm permit is issued.
O. PRIMARY RESIDENT means an alarm user who lawfully occupies an alarm site as an
owner, tenant, or holder of other right to occupy the property.
P. REVOKED OR REVOCATION means the cancellation of a permit because the alarm user
has failed to renew their permit and/or has unpaid fees or fines. Revocation will result in
non-response to alarm calls by law enforcement for up to one year from the date of
Q. REINSTATEMENT means the alarm user has obtained or renewed the required alarm
permit, has paid all associated fees and fines and/or has prevailed on an appeal.
R. RUNAWAY ALARM means an alarm system that produces repeated alarm signals from
the same zone that do not appear to be caused by separate human action.
S. SUSPENSION means the termination of public safety response to alarms at a specified
alarm site as a result of violations of this ordinance.
means an alarm system that is not actively
TITLE 8 - 44
monitored by an alarm business and whose function is to evoke law enforcement response
by means of a generally audible or visible signal, or the alarm user.
with reference to the monitoring of an alarm system, means an attempt by the
alarm company, or its representative, to contact the alarm site and responsible party
(parties) by telephonic or other electronic means, whether or not actual contact with a
person(s) is made, before requesting law enforcement response, in an attempt to avoid false
is a
n electronic picture, pictures or images viewing an area of the
protected premises from which an alarm signal has been received which permits monitoring
business personnel or an alarm user to view the area which has an alarm to verify an
emergency condition exists or alternately that no emergency appears to exist.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.030 Alarm Site Must be Registered
A. Law enforcement response to private security alarm sites in unincorporated Clackamas
County without corroboration of the need for law enforcement services ls a privilege
available only to those alarm users who have alarm systems registered with the Clackamas
County Sheriff's Office and have obtained the required permit. In order to ensure sufficient
law enforcement resources remain available to properly respond to all calls for service, the
Clackamas County Sheriff's Office will respond to alarm calls that are not verified only at
alarm sites where valid permits have been issued.
B. It shall be a violation of this chapter to operate an alarm system without a permit. The alarm
user shall be the responsible party for purposes of enforcing this chapter. Within fourteen
(14) days of a Notice of Violation an alarm user must submit a permit application, and
applicable fees and fines to the Sheriff.
C. Failure to obtain or maintain a valid permit will also result in the Sheriff's Office suspending
law enforcement responses to unverified alarm calls at the alarm site.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.040 Permit Terms and Fees
A. Alarm permits are valid for one year from the date of issuance.
B. Alarm permits are issued to a person or persons (Alarm User) having ownership or control
of an alarm site (e.g., homeowner, business owner, tenant, leaseholder, etc).
C. Alarm permits are issued to a specific alarm user and alarm site until a change of ownership
or control of the alarm site occurs.
D. Alarm permits are non-transferable. A new alarm permit must be obtained whenever there
is a change of ownership or occupancy of an alarm site.
E. An alarm permit fee is not required upon proof that a residential applicant is over 65 and is
a primary resident unless a commercial business is conducted in or on the premises.
F. An alarm permit fee is not required when the alarm user is a public entity (e.g., public
school, US Postal Service, City or County offices, law enforcement or fire agencies) and the
permit issues shall not be subject to suspension.
G. On receipt of the permit application and applicable fees, the alarm administrator (or
designee) shall issue an alarm permit.
H. An alarm permit shall be posted at the alarm location and must be visible to responding law
TITLE 8 - 45
I. Alarm permits may be renewed under the following conditions:
1. The alarm site has no unpaid fines;
2. The permit is not suspended for excessive false alarms;
3. The permit is not revoked; and
4. The alarm user updates the registration information, or verifies that the existing
information is current.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.050 Duties of the Alarm User
A. An alarm user shall maintain the alarm site and the alarm system in good operating
condition and free of false alarms. In addition, the alarm user shall ensure that all persons
with access to the premises have an adequate understanding of the alarm system to prevent
an unintended activation.
B. An alarm user shall make every reasonable effort to arrive at (or arrange for a designated,
responsible person to arrive at) the alarm system's location within thirty (30) minutes after
being requested by the monitoring company or law enforcement to:
1. Deactivate the alarm system;
2. Provide access to the alarm site; and/or
3. Provide alternative security for the alarm site.
C. An alarm user shall provide updated names and contact phone numbers to the alarm
monitoring company of at least two (2) individuals who are able and have agreed to:
1. Receive notification of an alarm system activation at any time;
2. Respond to the alarm site at any time; and
3. Provide access to the alarm site and deactivate the alarm if necessary.
D. An alarm user must report their assigned permit number to their monitoring company.
E. An alarm user may not activate an alarm system for any reason other than an occurrence of
an event that the alarm system was intended to report.
F. An alarm user may not use automatic voice dialers
G. An alarm user must notify the monitoring company of the alarm site of any suspension of
law enforcement response (as provided under this chapter) and request that the monitoring
company not make a burglar alarm dispatch request.
H. An alarm user is responsible for obtaining and annually renewing the alarm permit.
I. An alarm user is financially responsible for paying fees and fines as outlined in this
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.060 Duties of Alarm Installation and Monitoring Companies
A. An alarm business shall take reasonable measures to prevent the occurrence of false alarms,
and will take corrective action following a third (3rd) false alarm activation (in a permit
year) with the alarm user. It shall be a violation of this chapter for an Alarm User to incur a
False Alarm at the permit address during the alarm permit year. The fourth False Alarm in
a permit year shall be cause to suspend the alarm permit for one year from the date of the
last False Alarm.
B. The alarm installation company shall provide written and oral instructions to each of its
alarm users regarding the proper use and operation of their alarm system, specifically to
TITLE 8 - 46
include all instructions necessary to arm and disarm, and how to cancel an unintended alarm
C. Alarm installation companies shall not install or issue a device to activate a hold up
alarm, which is single action, non-recessed button.
D. An alarm installer or monitoring company must not use automatic voice dialers.
E. Each alarm installing company and alarm monitoring company shall designate one
Individual who has the knowledge and authority to address false alarm issues and
respond to requests from the alarm administrator. The name, phone number and email
address of this individual must be provided to the alarm administrator and be annually
F. A monitoring company shall:
1. Not make an alarm dispatch request of a law enforcement agency in response to a
burglary alarm signal, excluding panic, duress and hold up signals, during the first
seven (7) days following an alarm system installation.
2. Attempt to verify, by calling the alarm site and/or alarm user by telephone, to
determine whether an alarm signal is valid before requesting dispatch. Verification
shall require, as a minimum, that a second call be made to a different number if the
first attempt fails to reach an alarm user who can properly identify themselves to
attempt to determine whether an alarm sign al is valid, EXCEPT in the case of a
panic, duress, hold up or robbery, or in cases where a crime-in-progress has been
3. When requesting law enforcement response to an alarm site, provide information
which may include, but is not limited to, the following information:
a. The alarm site permit number;
b. The location of the alarm activation to include all additional address
identifiers (suite number, apartment number, unit number, etc.); and/or
c. The type of alarm activation (burglary, panic, motion, etc.) and the
identification of the alarm signal (north, south, front door, back slider, etc.).
G. Transmitted video images should show obvious criminal event-in-progress prior to
dispatching law enforcement resources. A person merely seen on video does not
establish criminal intent or activity. If transmitted images do not show an obvious
criminal event-in-progress the standard verification process of calling the premises and
authorized key holders must be undertaken.
H. A monitoring company shall fully inform and caution the Clackamas County
Department of Communications (CCOM) dispatcher at the time the initial request is
made, of known precautions responding law enforcement personnel must take to avoid
Incurring injury.
I. A monitoring company, after receiving notice from the alarm administrator that an
alarm user's registration status is that of non-registered, shall not make a burglar alarm
dispatch request from that alarm user until the required permit has been issued and the
alarm user has provided the permit number to the company.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.070 False Alarms
It shall be a violation of this chapter for an alarm user to incur a false alarm at the permit
address during the alarm permit year. The fourth (4
false alarm in a permit year shall be
cause to suspend the alarm permit for one year from the date of the last false alarm.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
TITLE 8 - 47
8.07.080 Fees and Fines
Fines and fees associated with this chapter shall be set by resolution of the Board of County
A late charge may be imposed if fines and fees are not paid within thirty (30) days after the
invoice is mailed.
The alarm administrator may assess the alarm user a fine for a false alarm occurring at the
alarm user's alarm site.
The alarm location may be suspended from law enforcement response if the alarm user has
failed to make a timely payment of a fee or fine assessed under Section 8.07.100 (A)(3) of
this chapter.
Additional fines may be imposed to the person(s) operating an unregistered alarm system
that results in a dispatch request to an alarm activation.
If cancellation of law enforcement response occurs prior to their arrival at the alarm site
within 10 minutes of the initial request, the response is not considered a false alarm and no
false alarm fine will be assessed.
The alarm installation company shall be assessed a fine if responding law enforcement
determines that an on-site employee of the alarm installation company directly caused the
false alarm. In this situation, the false alarm will not be counted against the alarm user.
The monitoring company shall be assessed a fine for failure to verify alarm system signals
as specified in Section 8.07.060 (F) (2) of this chapter.
A fine shall be assessed if an alarm business makes a false statement concerning the
inspection of an alarm site, the performance of an alarm system, or a call confirmation log.
A fine shall be assessed if a monitoring company continues to request law enforcement
response to a runaway alarm at an alarm site that has received four (4) or more alarm
signals in a permit year from a singular zone where the alarm site has been suspended for
excessive false alarms.
Notice of the right of appeal under this chapter will be included with notice of any fine.
The alarm administrator may offer a one-time waiver for the false alarm fine for the first
chargeable false alarm during the alarm user's 1-year registration period, pending the
successful completion of the online alarm user awareness class available through the alarm
administrator. In order to have the fine waived, the alarm user shall have successfully
completed the class within 30 days of the fine notice. Alarm users without online access
may request the online school and test be mailed to them. Reasonable additional time to
complete the alarm user awareness class shall be allowed for mail delivery.
In the event that fines and fees assessed are not paid in full per the guidelines set forth in
this chapter, Clackamas County reserves the right to assign the debt for collection.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.090 Audible Alarms; Restrictions, Abatement of Malfunctioning Alarm
Any bell, horn, or siren used in conjunction with an alarm system which can be heard outside a
building, structure, dwelling or facility for more than fifteen (15) minutes continuously or
intermittently and the alarm user is not readily available or able to silence the device, is a public
nuisance and may be disconnected or otherwise silenced by responding law enforcement personnel.
Disconnection may be made by such means as is reasonably necessary to silence the alarm. The
alarm user shall be solely responsible for property damage associated with disconnecting or
TITLE 8 - 48
silencing the alarm, as well as, the costs of reconnection. The County, its employees or agents shall
not be responsible or liable for damage resulting from such a disconnection
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.100 Suspension of Response
A. The alarm administrator may suspend law enforcement response to unverified alarm calls at
an alarm site if it is determined that:
1. The alarm user has four (4) or more false alarms during a permit year;
2. There is a statement of material fact known to be false in the alarm permit application.
3. The alarm user has failed to make timely payment of a fee or fine assessed under
Section 8.07.080 of this chapter; or
4. An appeal request has been denied for failure to provide adequate documentation as to
the cause of the violation and the corrective action taken.
B. Unless there Is separate indication that there is a verified crime in progress, law
enforcement may refuse response to an alarm dispatch request at an alarm site for which the
alarm permit is revoked or suspended.
C. The alarm administrator may again suspend law enforcement response to a reinstated alarm
site by again revoking or suspending the alarm registration if it is determined that two (2)
false alarms have occurred within sixty (60) days after the reinstatement date.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.110 Appeals
A. If the
alarm administrator assesses a fee or fine, suspends an alarm registration or
denies the issuance, renewal or reinstatement of an alarm permit, the alarm
administrator shall send notice of the action and a statement of the right to appeal to the
affected alarm user or alarm business.
B. The alarm user or alarm business may appeal any action described above to the Sheriff, or
their designee(s), within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the notice. Failure to deliver
the appeal within that time period is a waiver of the right to appeal.
C. The procedure for an appeal to the Sheriff, or their designee(s), is as follows:
1. The alarm user or alarm business submits a written request and provides supporting
and mitigating information for appeal as outlined in the appeal guidelines provided
in the Notice of Right to Appeal.
2. The Sheriff, or designee(s) will review the appeal within thirty (30) days after
receipt of the request and will consider the evidence submitted by the appealing
party. The Sheriff, or designee(s), will base its review of the decision by a
preponderance of evidence and will render a decision within fifteen (15) days after
the date of the review. The decision shall affirm or reverse the decision or action
taken by the alarm administrator. The decision of the Sheriff, or designee(s}, shall
be the final determination of the County in the matter.
3. Filing of an appeal stays the payment for a fee or fine until the appeals process has
been exhausted. Any false alarms accrued following the suspension date will be
added to the total count at the maximum fine rate.
4. Appeal of a final determination of the County may be taken exclusively by writ of
review in the manner set forth in ORS 34.010 to ORS 34.100.
TITLE 8 - 49
D. The alarm administrator or designee(s), may adjust the count of false alarms or assessed
fees based upon:
1. Evidence that a false alarm was caused by action of a communications services
provider (i.e., telephone, cellular, cable company);
Evidence that a false alarm was caused by a power outage of more than 4 hours
or severe weather such as a tornado, earthquake, or excessive winds where a
high wind warning has been issued and measured by a local, recognized weather
monitoring station (sustained winds of 40 mph or greater).
Evidence that an alarm dispatch request was not a false alarm.
E. The alarm administrator may waive all or part of the false alarm fine due to extenuating
circumstances or to encourage corrective action with supervisor approval.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.130 Confidentiality
Clackamas County will strive to ensure confidentiality of information submitted by permit
applicants and holders and will disclose such information only to the extent required by law.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.140 Allocation of Revenues and Expenses
All fees and fines collected pursuant to this chapter shall first be set aside solely for the
administration of this chapter. Funds collected beyond the requirement of the administration of the
alarm chapter shall be used to reimburse the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Patrol Division as
a means of cost recovery for public safety response. The Sheriff shall maintain records sufficient to
identify the sources and amounts of that revenue.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.150 No Duty to Respond
Alarm registration is not intended to, and does not create a contract, duty, obligation or
relationship, between the Clackamas County Sheriff or Clackamas County and the alarm user or
alarm business, nor does it guarantee law enforcement response to any alarm call when there is no
other indication of the existence of an actual emergency. Any and all liability and consequential
damage resulting from failure to respond to an alarm dispatch request is hereby disclaimed and
immunity as provided by law is retained. By applying for an alarm permit, the alarm user
acknowledges that alarm response may be influenced by the availability of law enforcement
resources, priority of calls, weather conditions, traffic conditions, emergency conditions, staffing
levels and prior response history.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
8.07.160 Severability
The provisions of this Ordinance are severable. If a court determines that a word, phrase,
clause, sentence, paragraph, subsection, section, or other provision is invalid or that the
application of any part of the provision to any person or circumstance is invalid, the remaining
provisions and the application of those provisions to other persons or circumstances are not
affected by that decision.
[Adopted by Ord. 06-2019, 8/8/19]
TITLE 8 - 50
[Chapter 8.08, Adult Care Homes, repealed by Ord. 03-2012, 1/4/12 is replaced by Chapter 8.08,
Film and Media Production, adopted by Ord. 11-2012, 11/8/12]
Chapter 8.08
8.08.010 Purpose
This chapter is intended to provide an efficient and uniform permit and approval processes in
unincorporated Clackamas County for the motion picture, television, and commercial photography
industries throughout Clackamas County, for the safety of the public and the promotion of its
[Adopted by Ord. 11-2012, 11/8/12]
8.08.020 Definitions
A. CHARITABLE FILMS, shall mean commercials, motion pictures, television, videotapes,
digital recording or photography produced by a nonprofit organization, which qualifies
under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as a charitable organization. No
person, directly or indirectly, shall receive a profit from the marketing and production of the
film or from showing the films, tapes or photos.
B. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY shall mean a moving image or photography production
created to advertise or sell a product or service.
C. MOTION PICTURE, TELEVISION, shall mean and include all activity attendant to
staging or shooting commercial motion pictures, television shows or programs,
commercials, and student films produced to satisfy a post-secondary school course
requirement at an educational institution in any medium including film, tape or digital
D. NEWS MEDIA, shall mean the photographing, filming or videotaping for the purpose of
spontaneous, unplanned television news broadcast or reporting for print media by reporters,
photographers or camerapersons.
photographing, filing, or videotaping:
1. For the purposes of:
a. Promoting communities within Clackamas County, including local
TITLE 8 - 51
b. Making government more accessible and understandable by offering
information about services, meetings, workshops, programs, projects,
activities, the history of the region, and public meetings;
c. Creating documentaries and local productions; and
d. The teaching of film and media productions techniques such as camera
work, editing, and studio productions;
2. By local community media centers supported by the municipalities, educational
institutions, and cable subscribers within Clackamas County.
F. STUDIO shall mean a fixed place of business certified as such by local fire authority
having jurisdiction where filming activities (motion or commercial photography) are
regularly conducted upon the premises.
[Adopted by Ord. 11-2012, 11/8/12]
8.08.030 Permits and Exemptions
A. Permits: Applicants must obtain permits for commercial photography, motion picture, or
television production within any unincorporated area within the County.
B. Exemptions: The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to or affect the following:
1. Reporters, photographers, or camerapersons in the employ of a newspaper, news
service, or similar entity engaged in on-the-spot, spontaneous print media,
publishing, or broadcasting of news events concerning those persons, scenes, or
occurrences which are in the news and of general public interest.
2. The recording of visual images whether motion or photography, solely for private
personal use and not commercial use.
3. Filming activities whether motion or commercial photography conducted at a studio.
4. Charitable films
5. Public, educational, and government access centers.
[Adopted by Ord. 11-2012, 11/8/12]
8.08.040 Application for Permit
A. The following information shall be included in the application for permit:
1. The name, address, email address, and telephone number of the person(s) in charge
of the activity;
TITLE 8 - 52
2. The property address at which the activity is to be conducted as well as the name of
the representative of the property, their address, email address and telephone
3. The specific location on the property that will be used by the applicant;
4. The hours and dates such activity will occur;
5. The exact number of personnel to be involved;
6. A general statement of the character or nature of the proposed activity, including a
description of any activity that may cause public alarm such as but not limited to,
animals, gunfire or pyrotechnics, and low flying aircraft;
7. The requested number of County personnel (i.e., police fire) needed for public
safety during the activity. The applicant shall reimburse the County for any
personnel provided as agreed upon at the time of application;
8. The exact amount/type of vehicles/equipment to be used during the activity, along
with a parking plan; and
9. A commitment that the applicant shall hold the County harmless and otherwise
indemnify the County against any liability caused by the proposed activity.
B. The permit is valid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of issuance or for a single
production (whichever comes first). If multiple productions are taking place by a single
production company, a permit is required for each production.
C. An extension of the sixty (60) day permit may be requested in writing, must be made to the
County, and must be received by the County no less than twenty-four (24) hours during the
County's normal business days (Monday-Thursday) prior to the expiration of the existing
permit. The extension request must include the following information:
1. Duration of the extension request.
2. A revised Certificate of Insurance covering the extension dates; and
3. A check for any additional fees associated with the extension request.
D. Upon the written request of the applicant, the County may change the date for which the
permit has been issued, provided established limitations are complied with in respect to
time and location of production.
E. No film permit shall be issued for any production or use that violates federal, state or local
F. To ensure cleanup and restoration of any public property, an applicant may be required to
submit a refundable deposit. Upon completion of filming and inspection of the site by the
County, if no verifiable damage has occurred, the security deposit should be returned to the
TITLE 8 - 53
G. Fees shall be set by a resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners.
[Adopted by Ord. 11-2012, 11/8/12]
8.08.050 Liability and Insurance
A. Before a permit is issued for the use of any public property for the purpose of taking motion
pictures, television, or commercial photography, a certificate of insurance will be required
in the amount not less than $1,000,000 naming the County as a co-insured for protection
against claims of third persons for personal injuries, wrongful deaths, and property damage.
The County, including its officers and employees, shall be named as additional insured. The
certificate shall not be subject to cancellation or modification until after thirty (30) days'
written notice to the County. A copy of the certificate shall remain on file with the County.
B. An applicant shall conform to all applicable Federal and State requirements for Worker's
Compensation Insurance for all persons operating under a permit.
[Adopted by Ord. 11-2012, 11/8/12]
8.08.060 Violation
If an applicant violates any provisions of this ordinance or a permit issued pursuant thereto, the
County may provide the applicant with a verbal or written notice of such violation. If the applicant
fails to correct the violation, the County may revoke the permit and all activity must cease.
[Adopted by Ord. 11-2012, 11/8/12]
8.08.070 Rules and Regulations
The County is hereby authorized and directed to promulgate rules and regulations, subject to
approval by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners, governing the form, time and
location of any activity occurring within the County.
[Adopted by Ord. 11-2012, 11/8/12]
TITLE 8 - 54
Chapter 8.09
[Adopted by Ord. 04-2015, 4/16/15; Repealed by Ord. 09-2015, 12/17/15; Chapter title amended
by Ord. 02-2017, 1/26/17]
8.09.010 Definitions
A. Marijuana item has the meaning given that term in ORS 475B.015(16).
B. Marijuana retailer means a person who sells marijuana items to a consumer in this state.
C. Retail sale price means the price paid for a marijuana item, excluding tax, to a marijuana
retailer by or on behalf of a consumer of the marijuana item.
[Added by Ord. 02-2017, 1/27/17]
8.09.020 Tax Imposed
As described in ORS 475B.345 the County of Clackamas hereby imposes a tax of three percent on
the retail sale price of marijuana items by a marijuana retailer in the unincorporated areas of
Clackamas County.
[Added by Ord. 02-2017, 1/27/17]
8.09.030 Collection
The tax shall be collected at the point of sale of a marijuana item by a marijuana retailer at the time
at which the retail sale occurs and remitted by each marijuana retailer that engages in the retail sale
of marijuana items.
[Added by Ord. 02-2017, 1/27/17]
8.09.040 Interest and Penalty
A. Interest shall be added to the overall tax amount due at the same rate established under ORS
305.220 for each month, or fraction of a month, from the time the return to the Oregon
Department of Revenue was originally required to be filed by the marijuana retailer to the
time of payment.
B. If a marijuana retailer fails to file a return with the Oregon Department of Revenue or pay
the tax as required, a penalty shall be imposed upon the marijuana retailer in the same
manner and amount provided under ORS 314.400.
C. Every penalty imposed, and any interest that accrues, becomes a part of the financial
obligation required to be paid by the marijuana retailer and remitted to the Oregon
Department of Revenue.
D. Taxes, interest and penalties transferred to Clackamas County by the Oregon Department of
Revenue will be distributed to the County’s general fund.
E. If at any time a marijuana retailer fails to remit any amount owed in taxes, interest or
penalties, the Oregon Department of Revenue is authorized to enforce collection on behalf
of the County of the owed amount in accordance with ORS 475B.700 to 475B.755, any
agreement between the Oregon Department of Revenue and Clackamas County under ORS
TITLE 8 - 55
305.620 and any applicable administrative rules adopted by the Oregon Department of
[Added by Ord. 02-2017, 1/27/17]
8.09.050 Referral
This ordinance in substantially the same form was referred to and approved by the electors of
Clackamas County at the statewide general election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
[Added by Ord. 02-2017, 1/27/17]
TITLE 8 - 56
Chapter 8.10
[Adopted by Ord. 09-2020 (11/25/20 – effective date 7/1/21); Effective date continued to 7/1/22
by BO 2021-23 (4/29/21); Effective date continued to 7/1/23 by BO 2022-62 (6/30/22);
Repealed by Ord. 02-2022 (9/8/22 – effective 12/7/22); Adopted by Ord. 04-2023 (9/7/23 –
effective date 12/6/23)]
8.10.010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to regulate short-term rentals in order to enhance public safety and
livability within the unincorporated areas of Clackamas County. Specifically, this chapter addresses
public safety concerns typically associated with short-term rentals, and clarifies the process for
both property owners and staff related to registering short-term rentals and enforcing violations of
these standards.
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]
8.10.020 Definitions
Except where the context otherwise requires, the definitions given in this section govern the
construction of this chapter.
ADMINISTRATOR means the County Administrator of Clackamas County or his/her
DWELLING UNIT is a single unit providing complete independent living facilities for
one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking
and sanitation. For the purposes of this chapter only, a guest house is considered to be part
of the dwelling unit to which it is accessory, even though it is a separate structure. Guest
house shall have the meaning given to that term in Section 202 of the Clackamas County
Zoning and Development Ordinance.
OCCUPANTS means persons who are authorized to stay within a short-term rental.
OWNER is the owner or owners of a dwelling unit used as a short-term rental.
OVERNIGHT means anytime between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. on the following
PREMISES means the short-term rental and the lot on which it is located.
REGISTRANT means the owner, or agent of the owner, designated on the registration to
act for the owner, who is responsible for ensuring the short-term rental adheres to all
applicable requirements to maintain a short-term rental registration.
REGISTRATION means a short-term rental registration with the County as required by this
SHORT-TERM RENTAL means a dwelling unit, or portion of a dwelling unit, that is
rented to any person or entity for lodging or residential purposes, for a period of up to 30
consecutive nights.
SLEEPING AREA means a room or other space within a dwelling unit designed and
intended primarily for sleeping.
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]
TITLE 8 - 57
8.10.030 Applicability
This chapter shall apply within the unincorporated areas of Clackamas County including
within urban growth boundaries, but shall not apply within the boundaries of any incorporated
city. This chapter does not apply to hotels, motels, bed and breakfast facilities, hostels,
lodging and resort accommodations in commercial zones, campgrounds, recreational vehicle
(RV) camping facilities, or organizational camps.
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]
8.10.040 Short-Term Rental Registration Requirements
A. All short-term rentals shall be registered, except that any short-term rental that
qualifies for an exemption to the Transient Room Tax under Section 8.02.060(C), as
“incidental” use of the property, shall be exempt from the registration requirements set
forth herein.
B Application forms for a registration for a short-term rental will be available online at
Clackamas.us/str and at County offices. Applications for registrations for a short-
term rental must be submitted to the County by a signed affidavit of compliance. The
application documents must include at least the following:
1. The location of the premises.
2. The true names, telephone numbers, addresses, and email addresses of the
property owners.
3. That the use complies with all building and fire standards and all other
applicable requirements in Section 8.10.050.
4. That the applicant has submitted a Transient Room Tax registration form
to the County.
5. The name, telephone number, address, and email address of a contact person
who shall be responsible and authorized to respond to complaints concerning
the use of the short-term rental.
6. Proof of liability insurance coverage on the short-term rental.
7. Owner must prohibit STR renters from subleasing the property or otherwise using
it to generate income, must terminate rental agreement immediately upon learning
of such activities, and must not rent to anyone who the owner has reason to
believe intends to use the STR for such activities.
8. That the applicant has met and will continue to comply with the standards
and requirements of this chapter.
C. No short-term rental may be publicly advertised for rent unless it has been
registered with the County.
D. A short-term rental registration terminates automatically if the property is
transferred, or if state statutes, regulations or guidelines are modified or
changed to prohibit operation of the short-term rental under this chapter.
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]
TITLE 8 - 58
8.10.050 Standards and Conditions
Any short-term rental must comply with the following standards at all times, in addition to
any other state and local requirements:
Remittance of all applicable fees and taxes, namely a state lodging tax currently
at 1.5%, Clackamas County Transient Lodging Tax, currently at 6%, and a
Clackamas County STR administration fee, currently at .85% of the amount
charged for occupancy of the STR.
Dwelling Unit. The short-term rental must be operated within a legally-
established, permanent dwelling unit.
1. The dwelling unit associated with a short-term rental shall not have been
established through a land use approval or other approval process that
specifically limited the use of the dwelling unit, the occupancy of the dwelling
unit, or the duration of the existence of the dwelling unit. Examples of non-
qualifying dwellings include those approved as an accessory farmworker
dwelling, a caretaker dwelling, or a temporary dwelling for care.
2. Guest houses may only be used as a short-term rental if the guest house has
been legally established.
3. Temporary sleeping accommodations such as tents and recreational vehicles are
not considered to be dwelling units under the county’s zoning and development
ordinance and may not be used as a short-term rental.
Maximum Occupancy. The number of occupants in the short-term rental shall not
exceed the number of occupants authorized in the registration. The maximum
occupancy shall be clearly posted in the short-term rental, disclosed in any advertising
of the availability of the short-term rental, and included in any rental agreement with
tenants. The maximum occupancy authorized in the registration for the short-term
rental shall be calculated as follows:
1. Two occupants per sleeping area, plus four additional occupants.
2. Roll-out beds, fold-out couches, or other similar temporary beds shall not be
considered a “sleeping areas” for the purposes of calculating maximum allowed
occupancy, but could accommodate the four additional occupants.
3. In no case shall more than 15 occupants be authorized by a short-term rental
registration. If only a portion of a dwelling unit is used as a short-term rental, all
occupants, including those occupying the portion of the dwelling unit not used as
a short-term rental, shall be counted toward the 15-occupant maximum.
Noise. Notice shall be clearly posted in the short-term rental that identifies and
informs occupants of their obligation to abide by the County’s current noise control
ordinance standards (Clackamas County Code Chapter 6.05).
Parking. One off-street motor vehicle parking space per sleeping areas is required.
Garage space may be used to meet required parking standards if evidence is provided
that there is sufficient cleared garage space to fit a vehicle(s). All required parking
spaces must be available for occupants to use.
1. In no event shall vehicles block access for emergency vehicles, block access to
the premise, block a parked motor vehicle, or otherwise park in a manner that
violates the County’s current parking and towing ordinance standards
(Clackamas County Code Chapter 7.01). Violation of this section may subject
TITLE 8 - 59
the offending vehicle to immediate tow pursuant to ORS 98.853.
Short-term rentals in dwellings approved under the “resort accommodations” category
in the Rural Tourist Commercial district are not required to provide more off-street
parking than was required and approved under Zoning and Development Ordinance
Garbage. All garbage from a short-term rental shall be legally removed from the
premises by the owner, occupant or franchised service provider at least once per week
during any week, or portion thereof, in which the short-term rental is occupied. All
outdoor garbage receptacles shall be covered and secured to prevent spillage. Recycling
container(s) shall be available for use by renters.
Registration Identification. The registration identification number assigned to the short-
term rental by the Administrator shall be included on any advertisement or rental
platform where the short-term rental is offered to the public for occupancy.
Contact information for the responsible party as well as the County’s registration
identification number shall be posted, while paying guests are on the property, in an
area and size to be readily visible from the nearest public roadway.
Building and Fire Safety. A short-term rental shall comply with all ordinances that
apply to a dwelling, and all structural components shall be kept in sound condition and
good repair. In addition:
1. Working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors shall be
installed and maintained in locations as required by the Oregon
Residential Specialty Code.
2. Working fire extinguishers shall be placed in the kitchen and next to each
wood burning appliance in an easily accessible location. A minimum of
two (2) extinguishers are required in each Dwelling Unit.
3. Code-compliant pool and hot tub barriers shall be present.
4. Every sleeping area shall have not less than one operable emergency
escape and rescue opening, including basement sleeping areas.
5. The dwelling shall have no open building or zoning code violations.
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]
8.10.060 Examination of Books, Records and Premises
To determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter, the Clackamas County
Zoning and Development Ordinance, and any local tax measures, the Administrator may
examine or cause to be examined by an agent or representative designated by the
Administrator, at any reasonable time, the premises, and any and all financial, operational
and facility information, including books, papers, and state and federal income tax returns.
Every owner is directed and required to furnish to the Administrator the means, facilities and
opportunity for making such examinations and investigations.
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]
TITLE 8 - 60
8.10.070 Emergency Revocation
In the sole determination of the County, when a violation of the building code or
applicable county ordinance exists at a short-term rental that presents an immediate
serious fire or life safety risk, the Clackamas County Building Official may immediately
revoke the short-term rental registration as a fire or life safety risk. The Clackamas
County Building Official shall provide written documentation of the violation, and
notification of the owner’s right to appeal, as provided in 8.10.100.
Upon an emergency revocation, the short-term rental shall not be rented or used as
a short-term rental unless the revocation is withdrawn or a new short-term rental
registration has been obtained.
At any time following the emergency revocation of a short-term rental registration
pursuant to this subsection, the Clackamas County Building Official may reinstate
the registration upon an inspection by the Clackamas County Building Official
verifying that the subject building code or county ordinance violation has been
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]
8.10.080 Administration and Enforcement
The County encourages owners, registrants, occupants, and affected residents and owners of
nearby properties, to cooperate directly to resolve conflicts arising from the occupancy
of any short-term rental. Along those lines, the first attempt to remedy a violation of
any of the standards in this chapter should be to contact the representative associated
with the registration, as identified in the approval notice and the required short-term
rental posting. In the event that the listed representative does not respond within 24
hours or does not adequately remedy the issue, the Clackamas County Department of
Finance should be notified.
For acts of noncompliance, the Department of Finance shall administer, supervise,
and perform all acts necessary to enforce this chapter or any other chapters of the
Clackamas County Code applicable to short-term rentals, except as otherwise
provided for in state law or in the Clackamas County Code such as, but not limited
to, those regulations for which the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office has been
vested with enforcement authority.
When noncompliance is suspected, program staff shall issue a warning in writing,
advising an owner and/or registrant of an alleged violation(s) of this chapter or the
County’s noise control ordinance standards (Clackamas County Code Chapter 6.05)
or the County’s parking and towing ordinance standards (Clackamas County Code
Chapter 7.01) related to the same short-term rental. Two is the maximum number of
warnings a short-term rental is entitled to receive before formal enforcement actions
are initiated.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, Chapter 2.07 of the Clackamas County
Code shall govern the process for enforcement of this chapter, including but not
limited to the notice and procedures associated with any compliance hearing.
An owner that operates a short-term rental without an approved registration or while
suspended from the program for a violation(s) of this Chapter shall be subject to
TITLE 8 - 61
immediate citation.
A person who receives a citation for violation of this chapter shall respond within
thirty (30) days of the issuance of the citation by demonstrating resolution of the
violation and payment of any penalties established under this chapter, or by requesting
a hearing as provided in this section.
The provisions in this section do not apply if the Administrator or Hearings Officer
have reason to believe that the violation(s) pose an immediate threat to the health, life,
and safety of occupants and may impose Emergency Revocation measures as
identified in Section .070 of this Chapter.
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]
8.10.090 Penalties
Violation of this chapter shall be punishable by suspension or revocation of a short-term
rental registration, and/or by a penalty or fine in an amount set by resolution of the Board of
County Commissioners.
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]
8.10.100 Transition Provisions and Applicability Dates
It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners that this Chapter be revisited in 2 years
after the effective date of the adoption of the ordinance establishing this Chapter. At that time,
the Board of County Commissioners shall evaluate the cost and efficacy of the program and
make a determination whether to continue, amend, or discontinue the regulation of short-term
[Added by Ord. 04-2023, 9/7/23]