Intel 810 and 815 Chipset Family
Dynamic Video Memory Technology
Revision 3.0
March 2002
March 2002 1
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February 2002 2
Table of Contents
Legacy VGA Memory 4
1.2 DVMT Video Memory Size for the PV 4.x Graphics Drivers 4
1.3 DVMT Video Memory Size for the PV 5.x and PV 6.0 – PV 6.6 Graphics Drivers 6
Maximum Video Memory Allocation 6
1.3.2 Memory Reporting for Windows* XP 6
2.1 Video BIOS POST (Power On Self Test) message 7
System BIOS POST message 7
2.3 Windows NT/2000/XP Operating System “Adapter” Tab 7
“Version” Tab 7
“Graphics Accelerator” Tab 8
2.6 Microsoft* DirectX* Diagnostic Tool 8
2.7 Video Memory Checks in DirectX* Games 8
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1. DVMT Overview
Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) enables optimum graphics and memory performance through
Direct AGP and highly efficient memory utilization. DVMT ensures the most efficient use of all available
memory – regardless of frame buffer presence or main memory sizing – for maximum 2D/3D graphics
performance. DVMT dynamically responds to system requirements and applications allocating the proper
amount of display and texturing memory upon operating system boot or real time. For example, a 3D
application might require more texture memory to enhance the richness of 3D objects. The operating
system views the integrated graphics driver as an application, which uses Direct AGP to request re-
allocation of additional memory for 3D applications and returns memory when no longer required.
DVMT allocates video memory based on the needs of the system and current application. The amount of
video memory allocated by DVMT is not configurable by the user.
This document applies to the graphics drivers for the entire Intel® 810 chipset family and Intel® 815 chipset
family. This includes the following products:
Intel 810 chipset
Intel 810E chipset
Intel 810E2 chipset
Intel 815 chipset
Intel 815E chipset
Intel 815EM chipset
1.1 Legacy VGA Memory
DVMT is a unique architecture that initially only uses 1 MB from the system’s physical memory. This 1 MB is
required for legacy VGA graphics support and compatibility. Upon boot the BIOS allocates 1 MB out of
main memory for VGA graphics. An example of when VGA graphics memory is needed would be when the
system is running under MS-DOS* and there is no graphics driver loaded. Once the Windows* operating
system loads, this 1 MB is not visible to the operating system.
1.2 DVMT Video Memory Size for the PV 4.x Graphics Drivers
Upon initialization of the operating system, DVMT examines the operating system, main memory size, and
display cache or Graphics Performance Accelerator (GPA) to determine the best video memory size for the
operating system and integrated graphics subsystem.
The following tables illustrate how much memory is allocated under various operating systems, with and
without display cache or a GPA:
Table 1. Total Graphics Memory With 4 MB Display Cache or GPA PV 4.x Drivers
System Memory Size 32MB 64MB 128MB or greater
Windows 98 (5 + 4) = 9MB (8 + 4) = 12MB (8 + 4) = 12MB
Windows NT*4.0 N/A (8 + 4) = 12MB (8 + 4) = 12MB
Windows 2000 N/A (8 + 4) = 12MB (8 + 4) = 12MB
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Table 2. Total Graphics Memory Without 4 MB Display Cache or GPA PV 4.x Drivers
System Memory Size 32MB 64MB 128MB or greater
Windows* 98 6MB 10MB 10MB
Windows NT*4.0 N/A 9MB 9MB
Windows 2000 N/A 9MB 10MB
Note: The above values in both tables do not include the 1 MB allocated for VGA memory.
Once loaded, the operating system and graphics driver allocate the buffers that the driver needs for
performing graphics functions. The total graphics memory includes space for commands, the frame buffer
(resolution), the Z-buffer, GDI data, and off-screen memory. When display cache or a GPA (4MB) is
installed, the Z-buffer and GDI data are managed directly by the driver from this memory, avoiding real-time
operating system memory manager calls, thereby improving performance.
If the system does not contain display cache or a GPA is not installed, the Z-Buffer and GDI data are
allocated to system memory. In this configuration, DVMT will reduce the amount of graphics memory
allocated from system memory to ensure the best usability and performance of the operating system and
graphics subsystem. Figures 1 and 2 show that when display cache or a GPA is available, this “local
memory” is used for the Z-buffer and GDI data. When in a configuration without display cache or a GPA,
this “local memory” is moved into system memory. Also, when there is no display cache and a GPA is not
installed, for example in a 32 MB system, the total graphics memory is reduced to ensure usability of the
operating system. This is done by reducing the frame buffer size to 2.5 MB, as noted in figure 2 below. In
this configuration, 24-bit color is not supported above 1024 x 768 screen resolution.
Physical Local Memory
Non –
4MB Frame
cache or
Figure 1. Memory Model With Display cache or GPA
Local Memory is moved
into system memory.
The size varies,
depending on the O
memory config
S &
Non –
4MB Frame
2.5MB with 32MB
System Memory
Figure 2. Memory Model Without Display cache or GPA
February 2002 5
1.3 DVMT Video Memory Size for the PV 5.x and PV 6.0 – PV 6.6 Graphics Drivers
Upon initialization of the operating system, DVMT examines the operating system, main memory size, and
the display cache or Graphics Performance Adapter (GPA) to determine the best video memory size for the
operating system and integrated graphics subsystem. Additional optimizations were made on the PV 5.x
and PV 6.0 through PV 6.6 drivers to further enhance performance over the PV 4.x drivers.
The following tables illustrate how much dedicated memory is initially allocated under various operating
systems, with and without display cache or GPA for the PV 5.x and PV 6.0 – PV 6.6 drivers.
Table 1. Minimum Graphics Memory With 4 MB Display Cache or GPA for PV 5.x/6.0-6.6 Drivers
System Memory Size 32MB 64MB 128MB or greater
Windows* 98 (5 + 4) = 9MB (6 + 4) = 10MB (6 + 4) = 10MB
Windows Me 5 + 4) = 9MB (6 + 4) = 10MB (6 + 4) = 10MB
Windows NT*4.0 N/A (6 + 4) = 10MB (6 + 4) = 10MB
Windows 2000 N/A (6 + 4) = 10MB (6 + 4) = 10MB
Windows XP N/A N/A (6 + 4) = 10MB
Table 2. Minimum Graphics Memory Without 4 MB Display Cache or GPA PV 5.x/6.0-6.6 Drivers
System Memory Size 32MB 64MB 128MB or greater
Windows* 98 6MB 10MB 12MB
Windows* Me 6MB 10MB 12MB
Windows* NT*4.0 N/A 7MB 10MB
Windows* 2000 N/A 7MB 10MB
Windows* XP N/A N/A 10MB
Note: The above values in both tables do not include the 1 MB allocated for VGA memory. Windows Me* is
supported in the PV 5.1 and later drivers. Windows XP* is supported in the PV 6.4.1 and later drivers.
1.3.1 Maximum Video Memory Allocation
DVMT allocates additional video memory at application run time, depending on system
configurations and application requirements up to a total of 32MB. The amount of system memory
used for graphics could be as high as 32MB but will never fall below the minimums described in
tables 1 and 2 of section 1.3. The video memory allocated beyond the minimum is dynamically
allocated and will fluctuate as application demand for graphics memory increases or decreases.
Graphics intensive applications such as games and multimedia applications are examples of
applications that may require additional system memory to be allocated for graphics. Video
memory allocation is transparent to the user.
1.3.2 Memory Reporting for Windows* XP
Starting with the PV 6.6 graphics drivers, under Windows XP only, the video memory size reported
in the Microsoft* DirectX* Diagnostic Tool (Section 2.6) is always “32 MB.” This graphics driver
change is to support applications and games that use the same method as the DirectX Diagnostic
Tool to determine the amount of video memory. Microsoft Plus! for Windows XP is one such
application. The actual total video memory remains the same as in previous graphics driver
versions and has not increased. The driver footprint remains as described in tables 1 and 2 of
section 1.3.
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2. Reported Video Memory with PV 1.x – 6.x Graphics Drivers
In systems containing Intel chipsets with integrated graphics, several messages or displays concerning
“video memory size” may be shown. Below are descriptions of the messages displayed by the operating
system, video BIOS, graphics driver, and games.
2.1 Video BIOS POST (Power On Self Test) message
On some systems, a “video memory size” message in the video BIOS “splash” or “boot” message is shown
when the system begins to boot. This message displays the amount of main system memory that will be
used solely for legacy VGA memory. MS-DOS*, for example, requires this memory for video display. The
video BIOS will use either 512 KB or 1 MB for legacy VGA memory, based on system BIOS settings or the
settings of the system or motherboard manufacturer. From the operating system’s perspective, this
memory is removed from the system, so that it is invisible to the operating system. For example, a 64 MB
system using a 1 MB setting in the system BIOS will report 63MB of total system memory.
2.2 System BIOS POST message
During POST, some system BIOS’s display the amount of physical “Display Cache” or the size of the GPA
in the system. This will be either 0MB or 4MB.
2.3 Windows NT/2000/XP Operating System “Adapter” Tab
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems contain an “Adapter” tab
that is located in the “Display Properties” / “Settings” / “Advanced” dialog in Windows 2000 and Windows XP
and is located in the “Display Properties” / “Settings” / “Adapter” dialog in Windows NT 4.0. This tab
displays the maximum amount of frame-buffer memory possible by the graphics device. This does not
indicate whether display cache or a GPA is present.
2.4 “Version” Tab
PV 4.x and previous graphics drivers include this Intel custom tab. PV 5.x and later do not include this tab.
The “Version” tab displays “Memory Size” and a number. This tab displays the amount of memory totally
dedicated to local memory for display. This can be as low as 1MB, depending on the operating system and
the amount of total system memory. This page was not designed to display physical display cache (or
GPA) memory information.
The “Memory Size” reported under Windows NT or Windows 2000 with any memory configuration is 4MB if
display cache or a GPA is present. However, when the GPA is not installed, the “Memory Size” reported
varies, depending on the operating system and memory configuration. Since this does not include all the
sources of video memory, the amount listed will not be the same as in Table 1 and 2.
The following table indicates how much memory is reported by the “Version” tab under the various
Windows* operating systems:
Table 3. Version Tab Memory Reported by OS and Memory Size.
Version Tab Memory Size
Reported with Display
Cache or GPA
Version Tab Memory Size
Reported with Display
Cache or GPA
32MB 64MB 128MB
32MB 64MB 128MB or
February 2002 7
Operating System
Windows 95 4MB 4MB 4MB NP NP NP
Windows 95 OSR2.1
Windows 95 OSR2.5
Windows 98 SE 4MB 4MB 4MB 1MB 2MB 2MB
Windows* NT* 4.0 NP 4MB 4MB NP 1MB 1MB
Windows 2000 NP 4MB 4MB NP 1MB 2MB
Note: NP = No Version tab displayed
2.5 “Graphics Accelerator” Tab
PV 5.x through 6.2 graphics drivers include this Intel custom tab. This tab is not included in PV 6.3 and later
graphics drivers. There are different versions of this tab in the PV 5.x and PV 6.0 through PV 6.2 graphics
The version of this tab that is in PV 5.x includes a “Video Memory” section. The information in this section
reflects the amount of display cache or GPA memory available. If there is no display cache or GPA card
installed, the values will all be “0 Bytes.” Since this does not include all the sources of video memory, the
amount listed will not be the same as in Table 1 and 2.
The version of this tab that is in PV 6.0 through 6.2 does not include a “Video Memory” section.
2.6 Microsoft* DirectX* Diagnostic Tool
The Microsoft* DirectX* Diagnostic Tool is included in most versions of Windows. On the “Display” tab of
this utility, there is an item labeled: “Approx. Total Memory.” The amount of video memory listed on this tab
varies between Windows versions, DirectX versions, graphics driver versions, and the current video mode.
In most configurations, the amount reported will be between 4 MB and 8 MB. Since this does not include all
the sources of video memory, the amount listed will not be the same as in Table 1 and 2.
2.7 Video Memory Checks in DirectX* Games
Some games that use DirectX* for graphics display will check for available video memory in order to confirm
that the system meets the minimum requirements to run the game. There are a number of different
methods used to determine available video memory:
Some games use a DirectX call to get the amount of local video memory. Games that use this
method to check for 8 MB or more of local video memory may fail to install or run with DVMT.
Some games may request that only local video memory be allocated for performance reasons.
With DVMT, only non-local video memory may be available for the game, resulting in the game
failing to run.
In most cases, a patch for the game can correct either of these issues.
A list of known games that have issues such as these is available on the Intel Support
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