International Journal of Ph
sical Education
orts and Health 2016
: 17-19
P-ISSN: 2394-1685
E-ISSN: 2394-1693
Impact Factor (ISRA): 4.69
IJPESH 2015; 3(1): 17-19
© 2016 IJPESH
Received: 16-10-2015
Accepted: 18-11-2015
Kulbeer Singh
Research Scholar, Punjabi
University Patiala, Punjab,
Kulbeer Singh
Research Scholar, Punjabi
University Patiala, Punjab,
Analytical study of energy intake and expenditure of
archery players and long distance runners
Kulbeer Singh
Knowledge of food and nutrition has a direct bearing on the maintenance of sound health of an
individual. The energy balance requires the understanding of facets of energy expenditure and energy
intake. The knowledge of caloric intake just like caloric expenditure is very important. Research is
conducted to find out the dietary intake and Expenditure and to evaluate the difference of dietary intake
of Archery Players and Long Distance Runners. It is found that the energy intake was more in Long
Distance Runners as compared to Archery Players and the energy expenditure was more in Long
Distance Runners as compared to Archery Players.
Keywords: energy intake, energy expenditure, archery players, long distance runners
To keep our body cells running properly, they must be supplied with correct amount food
having required chemicals in ratio of the food. The chemicals in food which our body needs
are called nutrients. The nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
These nutrients are chemical substances which are present in the food we eat daily.
Nutrition is the science that deals with food and its uses by the body. The science of nutrition
has a great value for its ultimate goal, the development and maintenance of strong, study
bodies. It is the science of foods and their relation to health. It has an immediate objective for
the determination of what components of foods are needed for health and how much of each
dietary essentials are required for infants, children, adolescents and athletes.
The energy needs and diet schedule for an athlete also varies because of difference in the
factors like age, sex, body size, duration and severity of training, climatic conditions, types of
sports\games, occupation and physical activity patterns. In sportsmen this factor is more
important as there are wide variations in the energy needs between individuals of different
sports activities. Athletic performance improves with wise nutrition and crumbles with
nutritive deficiency. Knowledge of food and nutrition has a direct bearing on the maintenance
of sound health of an individual. The energy balance requires the understanding of facets of
energy expenditure and energy intake. The knowledge of caloric intake just like caloric
expenditure is very important. An athlete or coach must be familiar with the planning of diet
from the view point of nutrient requirement of his body.
For every Kg of body weight 1.3 calories of energy is required every hour. (An athlete
weighting 50 Kg would require 1.3 x 24 hours x 50 Kg = 1560 calories/day). For each hour of
training you require 8.5 calories of energy for each Kg of body weight. (For a two hour
training session our 50 Kg athlete would require 8.5 x 2hrs x 50 Kg = 850 calories). An athlete
weighting 50Kg who trains for two hours would require an intake of approx 2410 calories
(1560 + 850).
Compared with the general population, endurance athletes and those involved in strength or
speed events, such as weight lifters or sprinters, have increased protein requirements. It has
been estimated that non-athletes require 0.75g protein/kg body weight/day, whereas endurance
athletes need 1.2g to 1.4g/kg/day and strength and speed athletes 1.2 to 1.7g/kg/day. However,
these intakes can easily be achieved through a normal balanced diet that meets an athlete's
energy requirements and protein or amino acids supplements are not necessary. Indeed, extra
protein intake above requirements has no advantage for either performance or muscle size.
The present study is the Analytical study of energy intake and expenditure of Archery Players
and Long Distance Runners.
International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health
Objectives of the Study
To find out the dietary intake and Expenditure of Archery
Players and Long Distance Runners.
To evaluate the difference of dietary intake of Archery
Players and Long Distance Runners.
There will be significant difference in energy intake and
energy expenditure of Long Distance Runners and
Archery Players.
The study is delimited to Archery Players and Long
Distance Runners those who have at least participated at
the inter-university level competition.
The study is delimited to Male groups only.
The subjects taken for the study are only 20 in number.
The study is delimited to age ranging between 17 to 25
Significance of the Study
The study will provide the nutritional guidelines for
Archery Players and Long Distance Runners.
The study would lay down the guidelines for the coaches
and physical education teachers and sports administration
for searching the diet given to the players.
The study would help them to find out balance diet for the
athletes according to their game to raise the standard of
the players and the sports performance.
It would help to prepare dietary schedule for long time
training which will help to get best results.
Candice and Christie (2008)
conducted a study to compare
the energy demands of manual harvesting tasks with the
associated energy intake of the workers'. The data indicated
that the tasks placed 'moderate-to-heavy' demands on the
workers resulting in a significant imbalance between the
energy demands of the tasks and the associated energy intake
of the workers. M.N Hassapidou and A. Manstrantoni (2008)
conducted a study on dietary intakes and the energy
balance of elite female athletes of four different sports. It is
concluded that Energy intakes varied between sports and
between athletes of the same sport. Calculated energy
expenditure was higher from the reported energy intake for
most athletes. Athletes with the lowest energy intakes reported
menstrual abnormalities.
Louise Martin et al. (2006)
conducted a study to establish
the nutritional practices and activity patterns of elite female
soccer players. It is concluded, to encourage consumption of
carbohydrate-electrolyte beverages to enhance carbohydrate
intake and increase fluid intake, and ensure sufficient iron rich
foods are included in the diet to meet the DRI. S. Vogt et al.
(2005) made a research to quantify the nutritional status of
eleven cyclists of a professional. The analysis of the food diary
showed that these experienced riders composed a
carbohydrate-rich and low-fat diet by themselves as
recommended for high-performance endurance athletes. When
compared to nutritional guidelines, the composition of the diet
in the present study can be considered as adequate. Hill and
Davies (2002)
made a research to determine the energy
expenditure (EE) and hence energy requirements of
lightweight male rowers Due to the underreporting of EI, diet
recording may not be an appropriate way of assessing energy
requirements in lightweight male rowers. A benefit of
accurately determining energy requirements, as with DLW, is
that male lightweight rowers will be able to successfully
manipulate their EI and achieve the set weight cut-off for
participation without compromising their health or
The players selected for sample were provided Performa of
daily energy intake and energy expenditure chart. For
determining the caloric intake, a record of everything eaten
and drink along with the specific amount has recorded. A food
database had been prepared of different Indian foods about 50
commonly used recipes and for determining the caloric
expenditure every activity done by the player in the whole day
e.g. walking, running, exercising etc. has recorded.
For determining the total daily caloric/energy intake and
expenditure for 7 days was recorded and thus total caloric
intake and expenditure in Kcal/day had been found.
As per the nature of the study the investigator used ANOVA
and t-test to find out the nutritional status of Archery Players
and Long Distance Runners.
Analysis and Discussion
Data has been analyzed to test the mean as well as comparison
of energy intake and expenditure of Judokas, Yoga
Practitioners, Archery Players and Long Distance Runners.
Comparative analysis of the selected variables have
statistically analyzed by applying ANOVA and t-test.
Table 1: Mean, S.D. and ‘t’ ratio for Calories Intake of Long
Distance Runners and Archery Players
Total No. of
Mean S.D. t-ratio
Long Distance
70 5118.1 94.58
Archery Players 70 3732.8 100.09
** Significant at 0.01 and 0.05 level
No of observations = No. of days x No. of subjects
In Table 1, the mean scores show that the energy intake of
Long Distance Runners and Archery Players (5118.1 and
3732.8) respectively. Thus the result indicates that the energy
intake was more in Long Distance Runners as compared to
Archery Players. When ‘t’ value was calculated (t = 84.16,
significant at both the levels of significance i.e. 0.05 and 0.01
respectively), it gives significant difference in the caloric
intake between Long Distance Runners and Archery Players.
Table 2: Mean, S.D. and ‘t’ ratio for Calories Expenditure of Long
Distance Runners and Archery Players
Total No. of
Mean S.D. t-ratio
Long Distance
70 5462.6 96.97
Archery Players 70 3390.6 118.99
** Significant at 0.01 and 0.05 level
No of observations = No. of days x No. of subjects
In Table 2, the mean scores show that the energy expenditure
of Long Distance Runners and Archery Players (5462.6 and
3390.6) respectively. Thus the result indicates that the energy
expenditure was more in Long Distance Runners as compared
to Archery Players. When ‘t’ value was calculated (t = 112.9,
significant at both the levels of significance i.e. 0.05 and 0.01
respectively), it gives significant difference in the caloric
expenditure between Long Distance Runners and Archery
The statistical analysis of data shows that the calories intake
and also expenditure of long distance runners is more than
International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health
other groups of Athletes or players. Energy intake depends
upon the duration of activity and intensity of exercise. Long
duration exercise needs high intake of energy. Long distance
runners perform activities for long period of time. They burn
more calories as so their intake and expenditure is high. Cathy
et al. (1992)
conducted a study on daily energy expenditure
and nutrient intake of male athletes who run more than 70
km/wk and find that their energy intake is less than energy
expenditure. His results are relevant to this study because this
study also shows that the energy intake of Long Distance
Runners was less than energy expenditure.
Results also show that the calories intake and expenditure of
Archery Players is low in comparison to Long Distance
Runners. Energy intake depends upon the duration of activity
and intensity of exercise. Short duration exercise needs less
intake of energy. They consume less energy due to low
intensity of exercise because they don’t need high energy in
their specific work. They also need less no. of calories because
they do not need high strength and Aerobic capacity in
comparison to long distance runners.
When ‘t’ value of the caloric intake between Long Distance
Runners and Archery Players was calculated (t = 84.16,
significant at both the levels of significance i.e. 0.05 and 0.01
respectively), it gives significant difference in the caloric
intake between Long Distance Runners and Archery Players.
Calculated ‘t’ value of the caloric expenditure between Long
Distance Runners and Archery Players was 112.9 and it gives
significant difference in the caloric expenditure between Long
Distance Runners and Archery Players. So our last hypothesis
of the study that there will be significant difference in energy
intake and energy expenditure of Long Distance Runners and
Archery Players is accepted.
The energy intake was more in Long Distance Runners as
compared to Archery Players.
The energy expenditure was more in Long Distance
Runners as compared to Archery Players.
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