2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a. s., Modřanská 621, 143 01 Praha 4, Czech Republic, tel.: +420 261 301 111, fax: +420 261 301 999,
e-mail: [email protected] IČO: 26183960, DIČ: CZ 26183960, Společnost je zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem
v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 6613. Č.: 51-1400870237/0100, 714154001/2400, 188430466/0300 www.2n.cz
How to send or receive SMS message via GSM module by
AT commands
1. Make sure the SIM card has logged into your GSM gateway correctly.
2. Verify quality of signal to be sure that SMS messages will be send and received.
3. Connect gateway to your PC via cable RS232.
4. Open control panel of your computer to see on what COM port your computer
recognized the GSM gateway (Pic. 1).
Pic. 1
2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a. s., Modřanská 621, 143 01 Praha 4, Czech Republic, tel.: +420 261 301 111, fax: +420 261 301 999,
e-mail: [email protected] IČO: 26183960, DIČ: CZ 26183960, Společnost je zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem
v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 6613. Č.: 51-1400870237/0100, 714154001/2400, 188430466/0300 www.2n.cz
5. Get connection via Telnet application (Putty, HyperTerminal), Open Putty specify
COM3, Speed 57600 and Open (Pic. 2).
Pic. 2
6. Once you will connect you are able to send AT commands to send or receive SMS
message via GSM module.
2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a. s., Modřanská 621, 143 01 Praha 4, Czech Republic, tel.: +420 261 301 111, fax: +420 261 301 999,
e-mail: [email protected] IČO: 26183960, DIČ: CZ 26183960, Společnost je zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem
v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 6613. Č.: 51-1400870237/0100, 714154001/2400, 188430466/0300 www.2n.cz
How to send SMS message
There are two ways how to send SMS message to GSM network. Sending messages via
the module directly to the GSM network, or sending messages to memory of the module
and then by command to send to the GSM network.
Sending messages via the module directly to the GSM network
1. You are able to choose if you like to use text mode or PDU mode (Hexadecimal code)
2. Use at+cmgf? To check what mode you are in.
To switch mode to:
PDU at+cmgf=0
text at+cmgf=1
3. Use at+cmgs="phone number of receiving side" to send message straight away
to GSM network. Press "Enter".
4. You will get this sign ">" that means you can start to write text of SMS message.
Press "CTRL+Z", to send SMS message to network. You can see example on (Pic. 3).
Pic. 3
2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a. s., Modřanská 621, 143 01 Praha 4, Czech Republic, tel.: +420 261 301 111, fax: +420 261 301 999,
e-mail: [email protected] IČO: 26183960, DIČ: CZ 26183960, Společnost je zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem
v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 6613. Č.: 51-1400870237/0100, 714154001/2400, 188430466/0300 www.2n.cz
Sending messages to memory of the module and then by command to send to
the GSM network
1. Use at+cmgw="phone number of receiving side" to send message to storage.
Press "Enter".
2. You will get this sign ">" that means you can start to write text of SMS message.
Press "CTRL+Z", to send SMS message to memory. You will get answer +CMGW: some
number. That number means what position in storage is your SMS message. Example on
(Pic. 4) is +CMGW: 3
3. Use at+cmss=3 to send SMS message from storage to GSM network. You can see
whole AT communication on (Pic. 4).
Pic. 4
2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a. s., Modřanská 621, 143 01 Praha 4, Czech Republic, tel.: +420 261 301 111, fax: +420 261 301 999,
e-mail: [email protected] IČO: 26183960, DIČ: CZ 26183960, Společnost je zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem
v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 6613. Č.: 51-1400870237/0100, 714154001/2400, 188430466/0300 www.2n.cz
How to receive SMS message
1. You are able to choose if you like to use text mode or PDU mode (Hexadecimal code)
2. Use at+cmgf? To check what mode you are in.
To switch mode to:
PDU at+cmgf=0
text at+cmgf=1
3. You are able to see list of SMS messages you have got assign under the module.
4. Use at+cmgl="all", "rec read", "rec unread" to see list of all messages, only read
messages or only unread messages. Example on (pic. 5).
Pic. 5
5. Use at+cmgr=8 if you want to read exact SMS message (Pic. 6). Position of SMS
message you can find out from list of messages. Example on (Pic. 5) +CMGL: 8.
2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a. s., Modřanská 621, 143 01 Praha 4, Czech Republic, tel.: +420 261 301 111, fax: +420 261 301 999,
e-mail: [email protected] IČO: 26183960, DIČ: CZ 26183960, Společnost je zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem
v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 6613. Č.: 51-1400870237/0100, 714154001/2400, 188430466/0300 www.2n.cz
Pic. 6