USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
Reference(s): See enclosure C
1. Purpose. This instruction prescribes United States Forces Korea (USFK) policies,
procedures, and standard formats for preparing and processing correspondence.
2. Superseded/Canceled. UNC/CFC/USFK Regulation 25-50, 10 July 2016 is
3. Applicability. This regulation applies to USFK Military Service Members, Federal
Government civilian personnel who are assigned, attached or in temporary duty status
and any non-government personnel contributing to; United Nations Command; United
Nations Command Rear; Republic of Korea-United States Combined Forces
Command; Joint United States Military Advisory Group-Korea; Air Force Forces Korea;
Army Forces Korea; Special Operations Command-Korea; Naval Forces Korea; Marine
Forces Korea; Special U.S. Liaison Activity Korea; and National Geospatial Agency
Support Team-Korea.
4. Vision.
a. Provide - to the fullest extent possible - a standard means of preparing
correspondence for combined and joint personnel.
b. Reduce Headquarters-unique policies, procedures, and formats by prescribing
the use of U.S. Joint publications wherever possible.
5. Records Management. Records must be dispositioned in accordance with the
CJCSM 5760.01A Volume II, Joint Staff and Combatant Commands Records
Management Manual-Disposition Schedule.
6. Policy. This instruction assigns responsibilities and provides guidance for USFK
staff on how to process correspondence and administrative procedures. This instruction
implements and aligns with policy, procedures, and actions established by DoD Manual
5110.04 and Army Regulation 25-50. DoD directives will take precedence for all policy,
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USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
ENCLOSURE A Correspondence Management, ................................................ A-1
1. General .......................................................................................................... A-1
2. Enterprise Task Management Solution Software ........................................... A-1
3. Staff Summary Sheets ................................................................................... A-1
4. Correspondence Prepared for Command Group Signature or Approval ....... A-4
5. Editing Tips .................................................................................................... A-5
6. Document Formatting - Font styles ................................................................ A-6
7. Command Group Letterhead ......................................................................... A-6
8. Command Group Signature Blocks ............................................................... A-8
9. Information Papers ........................................................................................ A-10
10. Congressional Point Paper .......................................................................... A-10
11. Decision Paper ............................................................................................ A-10
12. Congressional Question for Record ............................................................. A-10
13. Power Point Slides ...................................................................................... A-11
14. “COMMANDER SENDS” ............................................................................. A-11
15. 3- and 4 - Star Notes ................................................................................... A-11
16. UNC/CFC/USFK Scroll of Appreciation ....................................................... A-12
17. White House Certificate ............................................................................... A-12
18. Routing Awards to the Command Group ..................................................... A-12
19. Dual Language Procedures ......................................................................... A-12
Appendix A USFK ETMS2 Task Management and SLAP Flow Chart ............ A-A-1
ENCLOSURE B. Office Symbols .......................................................................... B-1
ENCLOSURE D. References ................................................................................. D-1
Glossary ................................................................................................................ GL-1
Figure List
Figure 1-1. Assembly of Correspondence Packages .............................................. A-4
Figure 1-2. HQs, UNC Letterhead ........................................................................... A-7
Figure 1-3. HQs, CFC Letterhead ........................................................................... A-7
Figure 1-4. HQs, USFK Letterhead ......................................................................... A-7
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
Enclosure A
1. General
This chapter explains the purpose and describes the preparation of USFK-unique
correspondence. (Refer to the DoD Manual for Written Material Correspondence
Management, (DoDM 5110.4, Volume 1, June 16, 2020) for basic guidance on
correspondence management). In addition, refer to the
USFK PUBLICATION MANAGEMENT for current templates and references.
2. Enterprise Task Management Solution Software (ETMS2)
a. Enterprise Task Management Solution Software (ETMS2) is the required platform
for processing, tracking, and coordinating, administrative command staff actions in USFK.
Guidelines and procedures for ETMS2 usage are set by SJS based on Deputy Chief of
Staff (DCOS) - approved staffing procedures as set forth in the USFK ETMS2 Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP).
b. J-Code and Special Staff under USFK will use assigned ETMS2 core licenses to
route and manage tasks, awards, and approvals to the Command Group. The Executive
Officer (XO) (unless otherwise coordinated through SJS) is designated as the task
manager (TM) for their J-Code. Special Staff sections designate a TM by contacting SJS
Admin and appointing a TM. However, ETMS2 licensed users are spread out across the
command. Consequently, an Action Officer (AO) without an ETMS2 license must route
ETMS2 taskers and requests through their respective XO or TM. Directorate XOs or
TMs will set internal tasking procedures.
c. Refer to the USFK ETMS2 SOP for current procedures.
3. Staff Summary Sheets (SSS)
a. Staff directorates will use the USFK Form 108-E or SSS Form for all
correspondence routed to the Command Group for signature, approval, or information.
b. The SSS needs to state the purpose of the tasking, provide pertinent background
information, and offer guidance regarding responses or recommendations. (Note that the
ideal staff action package permits the reader to reach a conclusion by reviewing only the
(1) Present information concisely. Do not force the decision-maker to read each
reference to understand the scope of the problem and the proposed recommendation.
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
Enclosure A
(2) Include cited references as separate tabs within the package. If necessary,
continue the SSS on a second page. Ensure references are current and valid. Figure 1-1
on page 3 of Enclosure A contains assembly instructions for correspondence packages.
c. Completing the SSS.
(1) The SSS will depict the coordination of agencies outside the Office of Primary
Responsibility (OPR) staff section. Enter the information in the coordination blocks; if
there is insufficient space, annotate on the last line "See continuation page", and add a
second SSS form.
(2) A summary of proposed changes, as well as a copy of the existing regulation,
and any supplements, will accompany new local regulations or changes to existing
(3) Suspense date: Enter the Higher Headquarters, Command Group or other
OPR suspense date in this section
(4) Label all enclosures to the SSS as a TAB”, and briefly summarize.
(a) TAB 01X. Label correspondence for signature or approval as TAB 01X
(b) All subsequent documents for signature will be labeled as TAB 02X,
03X, etc.
(c) Manually staffed correspondence will be tabbed by placing TAB 01X at
the lower portion of the page and ascend numerically.
(d) If multiple signatures are required, properly annotate the
RECOMMENDATION section of the SSS. (Ex: COS, USFK signs the DA Form 638,
block 20 at TAB 01X; and CDR, USFK signs the DA Form 638, block 21 at TAB 02X and
the Award Certificate at TAB 03X).
(e) A Legal Review must be included for either the Chief of Staff or the the
Commander’s approval/signature.
(5) TAB A. List the task or basic document causing the action as TAB A. Place
TAB A at the top of the page with the subsequent tabs in descending order.
(6) TAB B and subsequent TABs. Beginning with TAB B, the tabs will generally
contain technical or substantiating information. List TABs B, etc., in the order discussed
on the summary sheet.
(7) Naming Convention of Documents. Identify electronic document submissions
by TAB type and short document file name (i.e. TAB 01X - Recommendation Memo.doc,
TAB A - Legal Review.pdf).
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
Enclosure A
(8) SSS signatures verifying coordination with the appropriate directorate or
special staff must be at the Director or Deputy Director level. (AO can be any rank but
the SSS must be electronically signed by the Director or Deputy Director)
(9) When working taskings on SIPR, ensure all documents are properly classified
and marked. In addition, state the classification authority and the downgrading
instructions on the SSS. Include “Classified By, Reason, and Declassify on” or “Derived
From, Declassify On, and Date of Source.” Ensure paragraphs are marked with the
appropriate classification level.
d. The SJS Administrative Division will return documents that do not meet the basic
writing and formatting guidelines of this instruction for correction. However, staff
sections can coordinate with SJS Admin to make minor corrections to UNCLASSIFIED
documents but must provide an electronic version of the document to SJS Admin.
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
Figure 1-1. Assembly of Correspondence Packages
4. Correspondence for Senior Leadership Approval Process (SLAP)
a. Taskings requiring Senior Leadership Approval (COS or CDR signature) will be in
final format, and routed by the AO/OPR through their directorate (2-Ltr), and to SJS Admin
for staffing. Never bypass SJS Admin and send documents to the Command Group unless
the Action Officer (AO), or Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR), receives prior approval
from the SJS, or a Command Group XO. A Legal Review must be included for the CDR’s
approval/signature. Signed correspondence will be returned to the AO/OPR by the CDR’s
front office, or the Command Group XO. The AO/OPR is responsible for obtaining the final
correspondence from the CDR’s front office, or the Command Group. Route the
correspondence with a USFK SSS.
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
b. The AO or the OPR will ensure:
(1) Correspondence submitted for SLAP will contain the office symbol of the
releaser in the FROM element. Please see Enclosure B for the current USFK Standard
Office Symbol List.
(2) For letter correspondence, the return address element contains the
originator’s office symbol (Ex: Secretary Combined Joint Staff, J1 Manpower, J35 Future
Ops, etc.). Normally, the AO will use the office symbol of the drafting organization unless
the rank of the recipient warrants otherwise. However, if the Commander (CDR) signs
and the Commander’s address is required, on the from line, use “Office of the
Commander”. For COS, use “Office of the Chief of Staff”.
(3) See the DoD Manual for Written Material: Correspondence Management,
NUMBER 5110.04-M-V1, for appropriate letter and memorandum format and
preparation guidelines.
c. Packaging “ghost e-mailon behalf of the Command Group or other GO/FO/SES.
Follow the proceeding instructions to correctly prepare a draft “ghost email” for the
Command Group or other GO/FO/SES. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for the current
templates and references.
(1) Pre-coordinate e-mail content with the appropriate Command Group XO.
(2) Enter the recipient and courtesy copy recipients.
(3) Save the e-mail (Note: It will reside in your “Drafts” folder).
(4) Submit draft to the appropriate Command Group XO for review and approval.
(5) Upon appropriate Command Group XO approval, create a new e-mail and
attach the draft e-mail for the GO/FO. Write a short message to the GO/FO summarizing
the task.
5. Editing Tips
a. Standards of Writing. Write in accordance with DoD Plain Language Program for
rapid understanding by recipient. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for the current
templates and references.
b. Check all work for accuracy. Be brief, use proper format, grammar, spelling, tone,
and answer all possible questions. Remember the “5W”s: Who, What, When, Where,
and Why. Ask, “Would someone from another service understand this?” Have a peer
review the product before forwarding through the chain of command.
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
c. Check for completeness. Coordinate package with the appropriate directorates
before forwarding to the Command Group for action. For example, if packet involves
funds or funding, coordinate with Resource Management (FKRM) or if receiving or giving
an official gift (i.e., transportation, meals, etc.) coordinate with the Staff Judge
Advocate’s office (FKJA).
d. Writing for Senior Leaders. When writing for the Commander to other senior
GO/FO/SES, limit the letter or memorandum to one page. A GO/FO/SES requires only
the executive summary not the action officer level of detail.
6. Document Formatting - Font styles
a. All correspondence for Command Group signature will be prepared in Arial font,
size 11-12 point.
b. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for the current templates and references.
7. Command Group Letterheads
a. Select the proper letterhead.
8760F7AB1%7D). In offices using more than one kind of letterhead, the role in which the
person signs, will dictate the letterhead. Address correspondence from the proper
command perspective. The letterhead, and the accompanying SSS must match the
office symbol of the originating agency. Do not use ‘REPLY TO THE ATTENTION OF'
for any letterhead.
b. United Nations Command Letterhead (Figure 1-2.). Font color is blue for the
header and UN symbol and black for the body of text. Header is Arial bold font. Use 10
point font for Command line, 7 point font for the address lines. Center header on the
page with 1-inch margins (left, right, bottom), and ½ inch top margin. Ensure the top of
United Nations crest remains even with the top line of the header at ½ inch top margin.
Center UN crest over the left margin at 1 inch.
c. Combined Forces Command Letterhead (Figure 1-3.). Font color is black. Header
is Arial bold font. Use 10 point font for Command line, 9 point font for the address lines.
Ensure the top of the Ministry of National Defense (MND) and the DoD crests remain
even with the top line of the header at ½ inch top margin. Center MND crest over the left
margin at 1 inch; center DoD crest over the right margin at 1 inch.
d. United States Forces Korea Letterhead (Figure 1-4.). Font color is black. Header
is Arial font. Use 11 point bold font for Command line, and 9 point font for address lines,
non-bold. Center header on the page with 1-inch margins (left, right, bottom), and ½ inch
top margin. Top of command DoD crest remains even with the top line of the header at
½ inch top margin. Center DoD crest over the left margin at 1 inch.
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
e. Office Symbols: Doctrinally, the office symbol identifies the agency, section or
directorate that drafted the document, and not necessarily the signer. Please see
Enclosure B for the current USFK Standard Office Symbol List.
(1) The preferred format for documents routed to the Command Group is the
office symbol of the command followed by the drafting agency’s office symbol.
(2) For example, a document for the CDR’s signature drafted by the SJS is
f. Do not include Unit numbers and APO in the address on correspondence to
specific individuals, such as letters of appreciation.
g. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for the USFK Standard Office Symbol List.
UNIT #15259
APO AP 96271-5259
Figure 1-2. Headquarters, United Nations Command Letterhead
UNIT #15255
APO AP 96205-5255
Figure 1-3. Headquarters, ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command Letterhead
UNIT #15237
APO AP 96271-5237
Figure 1-4. Headquarters, United States Forces Korea Letterhead
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
8. Command Group Signature Blocks
a. The signature blocks consist of name, rank, service, and duty position. Set tabs
for signature blocks at 3.25 inches (on a page with 1-inch left and right margins) in order
to center the signature block on the page. Use the memorandum format for military
addressees, and use the letter format for non-military addressees. Do not include
reference to the organization in the signature block.
b. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for the current Command Group Signature
Block Standard.
(1) Commander, UNC/CFC/USFK.
CDR FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) CDR Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
General, U.S. Army General, U.S. Army
Commander Commander
(2) Deputy Commander (CFC/GCC).
For CFC:
DCDR FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) DCDR Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
General, ROK Army General, ROK Army
Deputy Commander Deputy Commander
For GCC:
CDR FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) CDR Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
General, ROK Army General, ROK Army
Commander Commander
(3) Deputy Commander (UNC/USFK)
DCDR FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) CDR Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
Lieutenant General, USAF Lieutenant General, U.S. Air Force
Deputy Commander Deputy Commander
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
(4) COS (UNC/CFC/USFK); Deputy Commander (GCC).
COS FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) COS Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
Lieutenant General, USA Lieutenant General, U.S. Army
Chief of Staff Chief of Staff
For GCC:
DCDR FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) DCDR Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
Lieutenant General, USA Lieutenant General, U.S. Army
Deputy Commander Deputy Commander
(5) DCS (CFC); Senior Member (UNC); COS (GCC).
For UNC:
SR MBR FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) Sr Mbr Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
Major General, ROKA Major General, ROK Army
Senior Member, UNCMAC Senior Member UNCMAC
For CFC:
DCS FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) DCS Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
Major General, ROKA Major General, ROK Army
Deputy Chief of Staff Deputy Chief of Staff
For GCC:
COS FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) COS Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
Major General, ROKA Major General, ROK Army
Chief of Staff Chief of Staff
(6) U.S. Member UNCMAC.
MEMBER FULL NAME (ALL CAPITALS) Member Full Name (Upper & Lower Case)
Major General, USAF Major General, U.S. Air Force
U.S. Member, UNCMAC U.S. Member, UNCMAC
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
9. Information Papers
a. Use an information paper to present key facts or information in a clear, brief, and
orderly fashion. The first page of the information paper will begin with a bottom line up
front (BLUF) to summarize the main points. Paragraphs will contain only essential facts
concerning the subject. The purpose of the paper will determine if a conclusion or
recommendation is required. Point papers will include the AO’s name, and phone
b. Staff may use information papers to respond to Command Group requests for
information. For example, staff sections may prepare information papers on items of
interest for the COS to highlight events during his absence.
c. Information papers allow the staff to respond quickly to Command Group requests
for information. However, staff agencies must maintain all current papers in accordance
with Records Management Regulations.
d. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for current templates and references.
10. Congressional Point Paper
a. A congressional point paper prepares the CDR for congressional testimony. Write
Congressional Point Papers for a civilian audience, no more than 2 pages in length (not
including questions and answers), and in simple and concise language.
b. Each paper includes a BLUF front and no jargons or acronyms.
c. Unless a Component Paper, (i.e. Eighth Army, 7th Air Force), coordinate
Congressional Point Papers with other staff directorates. For example, the number of
missiles in inventory should be synchronized and correct across the staff.
d. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for current templates and references.
11. Decision Paper
a. A Decision Paper (DP) solicits a decision from a member of the command group.
Decision Papers provide decision makers with the necessary information to arrive at a
logical conclusion. If applicable, DPs will include a resource impact statement.
b. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for current templates and references.
12. Congressional Question for Record
a. A Congressional Question for Record (QFR) provides a response to inquiries
from Senators, Congressional Representatives, and their Staff. The Congressional
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
Liaison Office passes QFR to the Commander’s Initiative Group (CIG) for coordinating
the staff’s response. The CIG provides the vetted QFR to Commander’s staff.
b. Congressional QFR use Times New Roman Font 12. Refer to the USFK SJS
SharePoint for current templates and references.
13. PowerPoint Slides
a. UNC/CFC/USFK standardizes PowerPoint presentations to facilitate rapid
understanding of the subject matter and minimize distractions in presentations.
b. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for current templates and references.
a. The CDR tasks Directorates to draft the body for a “Commander Sends”
communication for publication to the community based on recent or future events:
(1) Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for the current Command Sends
(2) A Commander Sends will not be longer than two pages.
(3) Color coding: YELLOW for safety; RED for fatality; and PURPLE for
(4) The SJS will verify the sequence number with the Command Group and
insert the proper sequence number after final approval.
(5) CDR may ask to insert hyperlinks in the document; therefore, ensure
hyperlinks connect to the proper web site.
(6) Save the Adobe .PDF document as the exact title of the document.
(7) Route through PAO and SJA (as applicable).
b. Submit the Commander Sends with SSS through SJS to the Command Group
(DCOS > COS > CDR-XO > CDR). SJS Admin will distribute the final approved
Commander Sends via e- mail. In addition, the Knowledge Management team will post
to the USFK public webpage, https://pacom.deps.mil/cmds/usfk/SitePages/Home.aspx.
15. 3- and 4-Star Notes
a. The Commander, Deputy Commander, and COS, UNC/CFC/USFK, use 3-Star
and 4-Star notes mainly as congratulatory notes.
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15 June 2022
b. Contact the appropriate XO for strict guidance on how to prepare.
16. UNC/CFC/USFK Scroll of Appreciation Award
a. Any member of the Command Group can nominate an individual or organization
for a Scroll of Appreciation (SOA). However, when the CDR directs an SOA, the
appointed OPR will submit a draft citation using the appropriate UNC/CFC/USFK Scroll
of Appreciation Template. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for the current templates.
b. The nominating person will use the “Submit for Approval” function in ETMS2 and
select the CDR Route for all SOAs.
17. White House Certificate (COA)
a. The CDR, DCDR, COS, DCOS, ADCOS, and CSM are the only approval
authorities that can sign a White House COA for presentation. White House COAs are
for those individuals who contributed significantly to UNC/CFC/USFK. When requesting
a White House COA for command group approval and signature, submit the certificate
with the appropriate Command Group signature block along with a USFK SSS Form
b. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for the current White House COA templates.
18. Routing Awards to the Command Group
a. SJS Admin is the gatekeeper for all USFK awards routed to the Command Group.
However, submit military or civilian awards or decorations for Command Group to the
J14 (military awards) and J15 (civilian awards) branch for processing in ETMS2. Access
specific guidance on how to submit an award by following the J14 and J15 appendixes
located in ETMS2.
b. Joint Awards. U.S. Service members and Federal Government civilian personnel
permanently assigned to UNC/CFC/USFK and in a joint billet are eligible for joint
awards. Local National (LN) civilians, contractor personnel, and foreign military, are not
eligible for joint awards, but may be eligible for Service awards. Staff directors, may
submit as an exception to policy with CDR approval for U.S. Service members assigned
to UNC/CFC/USFK, but not in a valid joint billet.
c. Refer to the USFK SJS SharePoint for current templates and references.
19. Dual Language Procedures
Combined Forces Command (CFC) official languages are Hangul (Korean) and English.
Therefore, dual-language procedures apply when documents or staff actions require
CFC coordination/approval.
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15 June 2022
a. Prepare and use Hangul and English on permanent documents, publications,
plans, and orders in a paragraph-by-paragraph format.
b. Short correspondence, such as a SSS or staff actions routed to the CFC
Command Group, use a sequential format (e.g., alternate lines/paragraphs of English
with Hangul directly beneath).
c. Prepare messages in separate, identical Hangul, and English versions.
Originating office will complete translations prior to submission to SJS. C1 provides
translation services for actions beyond a staff section capability to internally translate.
USFKI 5711.01
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USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
Appendix A to Enclosure A
USFK ETMS2 Task Management and SLAP Flow Chart
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15 June 2022
USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
Title of Directorate/Division/Branch OFFICE SYMBOL
Command Group
Commander FKCC
Speechwriter FKCC-SW
Special Assistant FKCC-SA
Executive Officer FKCC-XO
Command Sergeant Major FKCC-CSM
USFK Washington DC LNO Office FKCC-LNO
Commander’s Initiatives Group FKCC-CIG
Deputy Commander FKDC
Status of Forces Agreement Office Secretariat FKDC-SA
USFK Support Company FKDC-USC
Chief of Staff FKCS
Deputy Chief of Staff FKCS-0
J1 Director FKJ1
J1 Personnel Readiness Division FKJ1-1
J1 Personnel Services Division FKJ1-2
J1 Civilian HR FKJ1-CHR
J2 Director FKJ2
J2 Deputy Director FKJ2-0
J2 Executive Officer FKJ2-XO
J2 Intel Resources Program FKJ2 IRP
J2 Security & Foreign Disclosure FKJ2 FDO
J2 Administrative Officer FKJ2-A
J2 CW Intelligence Operation Center FKJ2-CWIOC
J2 Intelligence Operations Division FKJ2-3
Intelligence Operation Branch FKJ2-31
Force Modernization Branch FKJ2-32
Intel System Integration FKJ2-37
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J2 Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Division FKJ2-6
J2X FKJ2-61
Joint Combined Intelligence Center FKJ2-62
Exercise Branch FKJ2-51
Plans Branch FKJ2-52
Targeting BDA Branch FKJ2-53
Strategic Analysis Branch FKJ2-54
Intelligence Fusion Center FKJ2-21
Combined Intelligence Operations Center FKJ2-22
Imagery Branch FKJ2-23
Production & Dissemination FKJ2-26
Strategic Analysis Branch FKJ2-27
Indications and Warnings Branch FKJ2-33
United States Watch FKJ2-58
Combined Watch FKJ2-59
J3 Director FKJ3
J3 Deputy Director FKJ3-0
J3 Executive Officer FKJ3-XO
J3 Administrative Officer FKJ3-A
J3 Joint Operations Coordination Element FKJ3-JOCE
J3 Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction FKJ3-CWMD
J3 Combined Joint Fire and Effects FKJ3-CJFE
Fires Plans Branch FKJ3-CJFE-FROPS
Targeting Branch FKJ3-CJFE-TGT
J3 Current Operations Division FKJ3-3
Current Operations Branch FKJ3-31
Current Operations Joint Operations Center FKJ3-32
Joint Operations Center Liaison Officer Branch FKJ3-33
J3 Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection FKJ3-4
ATFP Antiterrorism Branch FKJ3-41
ATFP Critical Infrastructure Protection Branch FKJ3-42
ATFP Antiterrorism Plans Branch FKJ3-43
ATFP Operations & Assessments FKJ3-44
J3 Future Operations Division FKJ3-5
FUOPS Plans Branch FKJ3-51
FUOPS Special Technical Operations Branch FKJ3-52
FUOPS Operations Analysis Branch FKJ3-53
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J3 Korean Battle Simulations Center FKJ3-KBSC
KBSC Information Technology FKJ3-KBSC-IT
J3 Training Readiness Exercise Division FKJ3-7
TREX Training, Readiness, and Certification Branch FKJ3-71
TREX Support Branch FKJ3-73
J3 Theater Missile Defense Division FKJ3-TMD
TMD Plans and Exercises Branch FK3-TMD-PLEX
TMD Operations Branch FKJ3-TMD-OPS
J3 Information Operations Division FKJ3-9
IO Plans and Military Decisive Operations FKJ3-91
IO Military Information Support Operations FKJ3-92
IO Electronic Warfare FKJ3-93
IO Computer Network Operations FKJ3-94
IO Operations Security FKJ3-95
J4 Director FKJ4
J4 Deputy Director FKJ4-0
J4 Executive Officer FKJ4-XO
J4 Administrative Officer FKJ4-A
J4 Logistics Operations Division FKJ4-3
LOGOPS Current Operations Branch FKJ4-31
Material Readiness Branch FKJ4-32
J4 LOGOPS Petroleum Branch FKJ4-SAPO
J4 Transportation Division FKJ4-4
Transportation Plans & Operations Branch FKJ4-41
Lines of Communication Data Branch FKJ4-42
Combined Transportation Branch FKJ4-43
J4 Plans and Exercise Division FKJ4-5
Plans Branch FKJ4-51
Exercises Branch FKJ4-52
CLOC Materiel and Equipment Readiness Branch FKJ4-53
CLOC Transportation Branch FKJ4-55
J4 Multinational Logistics Division FKJ4-9
International Agreements Branch FKJ4-91
J5 Director FKJ5
J5 Deputy Director FKJ5-0
J5 Assistant Deputy Director FKJ5-00
J5 Executive Officer FKJ5-XO
J5 Executive Support FKJ5-EA
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J5 Strategic Communications Division FKJ5-1
Engagements & Effects FKJ5-11
Analysis Branch FKJ5-12
J5 U.S. Policy Division FKJ5-2
Security Affairs Branch FKJ5-21
Alliance Management Branch FKJ5-22
J5 U.S. Plans Division FKJ5-3
Plans Branch FKJ5-31
Strategic Deployment Branch FKJ5-32
Policy Analysis Branch FKJ5-33
J5 Strategic Assess Division FKJ5-4
Korea Analytics & Strategic Shaping FKJ5-41
Regional Analytics & Strategic Design FKJ5-42
J5 Alliance Strategic Policy Division FKJ5-5
Policy Coordination Branch FKJ5-51
Policy Operations Branch FKJ5-52
J5 Alliance Strategy Plans & Program Coordination Division FKJ5-6
Force Plans Branch FKJ5-61
Deliberate Plans Branch FKJ5-62
J6 Director FKJ6
J6 Deputy Director FKJ6-0
J6 Executive Officer FKJ6-XO
J6 Administrative Officer FKJ6-A
J6 Plans and Operations Division FKJ6-3
Spectrum Management FKJ6-31
Information Assurance FKJ6-32
Network Operations FKJ6-33
Allied & Joint COMSEC FKJ6-34
Communications Planning FKJ6-35
J6 Architecture / Engineering and Governance Division FKJ6-5
Architecture & Engineering FKJ6-51
JIE Governance and Interoperability FKJ6-52
J6 Resources FKJ6-8
J8 Director FKJ8
J8 Deputy Director FKJ8-0
J8 Administrative Officer FKJ8-A
J8 Planning Program and Capabilities Division FKJ8-2
Force Structure Branch FKJ8-21
Programming Branch FKJ8-22
Capabilities Branch FKJ8-23
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J8 Comptroller FKJ8-4
Budget Execution Branch FKJ8-41
Accounting and Management Branch FKJ8-42
Special Staff
Secretary Joint Staff FKSJ
Deputy Secretary Joint Staff FKSJ-0
Administration Branch FKSJ-A
Operations Branch FKSJ-OPS
SJS Staff Action Control Officer FKSJ-SACO
Protocol Office FKSJ-P
Command Historian FKSJ-HO
Knowledge Management FKSJ-KM
Records Management FKSJ-RM
Judge Advocate FKJA
JA Special Advisor FKJA-SA
JA Administrative Section FKJA-A
JA Administrative Law FKJA-AL
JA International Law FKJA-IL
JA Operational Law FKJA-OL
JA Multinational Legal Affairs FKJA-MLA
Provost Marshall FKPM
Deputy Provost Marshall FKPM-0
PM Chief of Operations FKPM-OPS
PM Chief of Customs FKPM-C
PM Law Enforcement FKPM-LE
PM Resource Manager FKPM-RM
PM Physical Security Sergeant FKPM-S
Transformation & Restationing FKTR
Inspector General FKIG
Religious Affairs (Command Chaplain) FKCH
Joint Cyberspace Center Director FKJC
HQ Commandant FKHQ-CMDT
USFK Diversity and Inclusion FKHQ-DI
Surgeon General FKSG
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Public Affairs Director FKPA
PA Deputy Director FKPA-0
PA Media Relations FKPA-MR
PA Plans & Policy FKPA-PP
PA Community Relations FKPA-CR
Engineers FKEN
Plans and Operations Branch FKEN-PO
Theater Master Plans Branch FKEN-TM
Construction Branch FKEN-CP
Real Estate / SOFA Branch FKEN-RS
Environmental Branch FKEN-ENV
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15 June 2022
a. Army Regulation 25-50, Preparing and Managing Correspondence, 10 October
b. DoD Manual 5110.04, Volume I, Manual for Written Material, Correspondence
Management, 16 June 2020, and Volume II, Manual for Written Material, Examples and
Reference Material, 9 July 2020.
c. CJCSI 5701.01C, Policy for the Development of CJCS, Joint Staff, and J-Directorate
Directive, 1 October 2011.
d. CJCSI 5714.01D, Policy for the Release of Joint Information, 18 April 2012.
e. USFK SJS SOP, ETMS2 (TMT), Business Rules and Instructions for Processing
Taskers, Version 4.7, 1 February 2022.
f. USFK Staff Action Officer Handbook, 21 April 2017
h. USFK SharePoint Portal Governance Plan
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USFKI 5711.01
15 June 2022
ADCS Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff
AO Action Officer
AR Army Regulation
AFFOR-K (7AF) Air Forces Korea
BLUF Bottom Line Up Front
CDR Commander
CFC Combined Forces Command
CIG Commander’ Initiative Group
COA Course of Action
COS Chief of Staff
CSM Command Sergeant Major
DCDR Deputy Commander
DCS Deputy Chief of Staff
DoD Department of Defense
DP Decision Paper
HQ Headquarters
JUSMAG-K Joint United States Military Affairs Group-Korea
LNO Liaison Officer
MARFOR-K Marine Forces Korea
NGIA National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
OPR Office of Primary Responsibility
OPT Operational Planning Team
PAO Public Affairs Office
QFR Question to Record
ROK Republic of Korea
DACO Staff Action Control Officer
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SJS Secretary Joint Staff
SJA Staff Judge Advocate
SOA Scroll of Appreciation
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SOCKOR Special Operations Command-Korea
SSS Staff Summary Sheet
SUSLAK Special U.S. Liaison Activity Korea
TM Task Manager
ETMS2 Enterprise Task Management Solution Software
UNC United Nations Command
UNC-R United Nations Command-Rear
USFK United States Forces Korea
XO Executive Officer