Purchase Order
Sample Purchase Order
School Name
School Address
City, State, ZIP
P.O. Number: _______________________________ Date: _________________________________
Vendor Name
Vendor Address
Description Quantity Unit Price Total Amount
Requested By:
(Name of Person) (Name of Club) Subtotal
+ estimated sales tax:
+ estimated shipping charges:
Total of this purchase order:
Notice to the Vendor
Please mail the invoice to the address at the top of the purchase order, care of the ASB Bookkeeper.
Please indicate the purchase order number on the invoice. If all below signatures have not been obtained, this purchase
order is not valid.
Accounts to be Charged (this section must be completed prior to submittal to the ASB bookkeeper)
Club or Class: ______________________________________________________________
Club Account(s) to be Charged: ______________________________________________________________
Submitted and Approved by:
Student Club Representative: ___________________________________________
Signature, Title and Date
We certify that this request has been approved by ASB or Student Council:
Club Advisor: ________________________________________________________
Signature, Title and Date
Principal/School Administrator: ________________________________________________________
Signature, Title and Date
Veried by ASB Bookkeeper: __________________________________________________
Signature, Title and Date
Recorded in ASB Student Council Minutes on: _______________________