Purchase Order Commits : Mass Upload
15 Sept 2018
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
Deployed in Production 15 Sept 2018
Enhancement to download Purchase Orders (PO) from ISupplier and Upload PO
Commits via Spreadsheet
Users may download as a report of Purchase Orders available.
Home -> Purchase Orders Mass Upload Form
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
There are two tabs:
Use PO Download to query out your Purchase Orders
Use PO Upload to upload your file
Use Filters to refine your search. Example: Show me POs with ISupplier Status -
“Requires Acknowledgement” / Show me POs that are “Updated On” – Today’s Date.
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
Download Template and Open with Excel
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
Updating Commits
Update only the cells highlighted in Yellow above.
Provide your “Promise_Date” and “Supplier_Quantity” against MSI’s
Need_By_Date” and “Asking_Quantity
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
Updating Commits
There are only 2 Actions to use in the upload template
2) ADD
Always use Action of “UPDATE” when updating the commits, unless there is a need
to “ADD” shipment lines.
A Reason is mandatory whenever your commits (either date / qty) does not match
with MSI’s request.
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
Uploading Your File
Save file as a .csv format and with file name Purchase_Orders
Navigate to tab PO Upload to upload the file
A Request ID will be generated.
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
Validate Upload Status
ISupplier Homepage – View Requests
5 different requests would kick off.
The last 2 requests would trigger
email output to user of
Success/Error details
The first 3 requests indicates that the Upload
is Successful when Completed / Normal.
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
Sample of Email Alert
“Processed” column – “S” indicates Success, and “E” is Error
An error message will be provided when an Error occurred.
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
Adding Lines to Commit (Split)
A “Reason” is mandatory when a Commit is Added / Split against the original MSI
In the original line use Action of “UPDATE”
In the added line, copy paste the original line and amend Promise Date / Supplier Quantity as
necessary. Use Action of “ADD”
Provide “Reason” for each line.
Change request would be routed to the buyer for approval.
There is no need to change the Line / Shipment Number.
In this scenario, the user has
split the request of 200pcs from
MSI to 2 different shipments
P2P-231: Purchase Order Commits: Mass Upload
***Do provide your acknowledgements to MSI POs within 48 hours***
Please see Appendix for using List Separator ~ in your upload file
The Upload File only Accepts “ ~ “ as a List Separator in the .csv file.
There are 2 options to validate / correct this.
Option 1.
If you Save the File to desktop and Open with Excel, It might require you to use Text to columns to List Separate with “ ~
Option 2.
Make changes in Notepad prior to upload (if change is needed)
1.In Excel - highlight Column A,
Excel Header - Data - Text To
2.Delimiters - Select Others ~
3. Finish
1, Open PurchaseOrders.csv
file as Notepad.
2. Header - Edit - Replace
3. If the delimiters is “ , “ ,
Replace all “ , “ with “ ~