AMIsim: Application-layer Advanced Metering Infrastructure Simulation
Framework for Secure Communication Protocol Performance Evaluation
Vitaly Ford, Arcadia University ([email protected],
Daniel Tyler, Tennessee Tech University Ambareen Siraj, Tennessee Tech University
The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is a
major component of the Smart Grid. Researchers
have been working to protect its communication by
designing protocols that offer security and privacy in
various ways to different extents. Simulation testing
is a crucial part of any communication protocol de-
velopment. Current simulation frameworks for
power Grid experiments primarily focus on simulat-
ing the electrical components and power flow in the
Grid. In this paper, we introduce a uniform AMI sim-
ulation (AMIsim) framework for evaluating secure
and privacy-preserving AMI protocols. AMIsim al-
lows researchers to conduct a performance assess-
ment of their application-layer security protocols
that are used for aggregation, privacy-preservation,
and confidentiality/integrity protection of smart me-
ter energy data. We report on the empirical results of
conducting experiments in AMIsim with an existing
AMI secure and privacy-preserving protocol.
1. Introduction
With the explosion of Big Data, user privacy can no
longer stay under the radar in data analytics [1]. The
Smart Grid [2] generates an enormous amount of sensor
data containing such information as voltage, current,
power, and energy consumption. Based on the recent
work in the area of privacy-preserving technologies [3,
4, 5, 6], consumer privacy has been identified as a prior-
ity issue in storing and analyzing data in the Smart Grid,
including energy consumption measurements.
The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is a major
component of the Smart Grid. AMI incorporates smart
meters, communication networks, and data management
systems [2]. Smart meters are electrical meters that sup-
port two-way communication between them and utility
Researchers have developed advanced privacy-preserv-
ing protocols, addressing the core issues of smart meter
data communication and handling [7, 8, 9]. The rapid
growth of such protocols needs an effective testing envi-
ronment, where the protocols can be evaluated individu-
ally and comparatively.
Simulation testing is a crucial part of any communication
protocol development. It allows to identify potential
structural and implementation flaws in the protocol and
fulfill initial performance evaluation, without the need to
build a real prototype of the infrastructure to test the pro-
tocol. Also, simulation frameworks allow a protocol in
question to be compared with the other existing protocols
with regard to their utility and performance.
Current simulation frameworks [10, 11, 12, 13] for
power grid experiments primarily focus on simulating
the electrical components and power flow in the Grid.
However, most of the privacy-preserving protocols ad-
dress privacy issues with regard to consumer data, con-
centrating on transferring the energy consumption data
rather than electrical signals and power. Such protocols
primarily operate on the application layer of the Open
Systems Interconnection (OSI) model [14]. Therefore,
the protocol evaluation simulation framework must sup-
port the assessment conducted on the application layer in
order to achieve the desired level of the protocol perfor-
mance analysis. Additionally, the framework should fa-
cilitate understanding the limitations of the protocols un-
der investigation.
This paper introduces a uniform Advanced Metering In-
frastructure simulation (AMIsim) framework for evalu-
ating secure and privacy-preserving protocols developed
for the AMI environment. The proposed framework can
be used to conduct a comparative analysis of various pro-
tocols’ computational and communication performance.
AMIsim offers an intuitive universal platform to conduct
simulations of application-layer AMI protocols used in
secure communication and collection of energy con-
sumption readings.
AMIsim allows researchers to conduct a performance as-
sessment of their application-layer security protocols
that are used for aggregation, privacy-preservation, and
confidentiality/integrity protection of smart meter en-
ergy consumption data. Based on the existing AMI pri-
vacy-preserving protocol [7], we demonstrate how the
framework can be utilized to conduct protocols’ perfor-
mance evaluation.
2. Related Work
For the Smart Grid simulation frameworks that exist to-
day, their primary goals are clustered around simulating
the electrical components, power flow, and various at-
tack schemes that disrupt them. Following is a brief dis-
cussion of some of the existing Smart Grid simulation
The SGsim [10] analyzes the power flow and voltage in
the Smart Grid, as well as phase measurements and opti-
mization applications.
NeSSi2 [20] is a simulation framework developed for
simulating power generation and energy consumption.
NeSSi2 also provides a mechanism to perform energy-
based attacks, such as falsely reporting of low energy
consumption or prices.
The SmartGridLab framework [11] simulates power
supply and demand, as well as real-time demand-re-
Mallapuram et al. [12] used the ns-3 [31] simulation tool
to demonstrate the impact of different attacks on the
Smart Grid infrastructure, simulating false-data injec-
tions, re-routing, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
Yardley et al. [16] developed an ANSI C12.22 protocol
dissector and a specification-based intrusion detection
system and tested their tools on an AMI simulation
The PowerCyber testbed [13] simulates typical power
flow in the Smart Grid, containing power systems, con-
trol centers, and substations. The PowerCyber uses the
DNP3 [21] protocol for communication channels and
can simulate DoS attacks.
Particularly for AMI, some publicly available simulation
testbeds target AMI modeling in terms of the power flow
and energy monitoring [22, 23, 24] but they do not focus
much on the consumer data storage, transfer, and analy-
3. Motivation
Most of the above mentioned open source simulation
tools used in AMI protocol evaluation do not take into
consideration the analysis of privacy-preserving applica-
tion-layer protocols. They primarily focus on assessing
electrical voltage and power variation in AMI. A proto-
type of AMI or a microgrid can be built [16], but it is
neither practical nor feasible for every situation because
of its cost and complicated structural characteristics.
Therefore, there is a definite need for an AMI simulation
framework that can evaluate and compare application-
layer AMI protocols.
3.1. Design Goals
The design goals of the proposed AMIsim are as follows:
It should be open source and available [19].
It should provide a simple gateway to evaluate the
implementation of AMI protocols in a simulated
Any AMI protocol can be assessed within the
same environment, providing an unbiased and
uniform way to compare the performance of dif-
ferent protocol implementations.
It can be used to perform evaluation where com-
putational constraints should be taken into ac-
4. AMIsim Framework Architecture
The proposed AMIsim is designed and developed for an-
alyzing any application-layer AMI security protocol in a
simple and consistent manner. The core units/concepts
in AMIsim are the smart meters, utility company, collec-
tor/aggregator, and trusted third party, which character-
ize a typical AMI environment [2]. The framework al-
lows researchers to have some flexibility in customizing
their own specialized AMI infrastructure based upon in-
herited abstract AMI properties, as well as adding their
own AMI properties. The simulation environment feeds
the Pecan Street dataset [15], which is the world’s largest
publicly available energy dataset. The dataset includes
15-minute and 1-minute interval circuit-level anony-
mized smart meter data from thousands of households in
the Austin, TX area. In addition, as per need, the input
data can be customized by researchers.
Each of the AMIsim core units has its own role with
unique responsibilities, together providing an interface
for building a customizable AMI. The generator creates
realistic smart meter readings and distributes them across
the smart meters. When a smart meter receives a new en-
ergy consumption reading, it performs the necessary
computations according to the protocol under investiga-
tion and forwards the results of the computations to the
neighborhood collector. The collector relays the received
data to the utility company. Additionally, the collector’s
functionality can be expanded to simulate various at-
tacks, such as replay or eavesdropping attacks.
After periodic data gathering from the smart meters, the
collector forwards the data to the utility company. The
utility company conducts the necessary analysis of the
data, as per the requirements of the protocol under inves-
tigation. Afterwards, the utility company has a choice of
sending the data to the trusted third party or keeping the
measurements in the local database.
Fig. 1. Protocol evaluation in the framework: (1) visualization of the running simulation; (2) event timeline; (3)
simulation timing; (4) event log; (5) simulation controls.
Fig. 2. Class hierarchy.
The selection depends on the protocol that is being tested
in the AMIsim framework. An example of a running pro-
tocol evaluation is illustrated in Figure 1.
The features of the proposed AMIsim are as follows:
It is a customizable, modular, and simple-to-use
application-layer protocol simulation
It collects and produces the necessary
performance data without user interaction.
It provides opportunities for assessing network
security against such attacks as fuzzing.
In order to develop a realistic smart metering network, we
studied the literature to determine the typical network
specifications used in AMI. The base wireless
communication standard used in AMI is IEEE 802.15.4
[25]. One of the most common implementations of the
standard is ZigBee [26]. To simulate a ZigBee network
and better understand its performance, we utilized the
data from the literature. IEEE 802.15.4 networks are
expected to transmit data in a range from 10 to 75 meters
[27]. According to the practical experiments in [27], the
packet error rate of an IEEE 802.15.4 outdoor network at
a distance of ~70 meters is approximately 0.1.
Additionally, an average IEEE 802.15.4 data rate is
~163 kbps [28], whereas the maximum is 250 kbps.
1-minute interval data samples are fed to the smart
The trusted third party is created, which stores all
the data and fulfills energy consumption analysis
based upon granular energy measurements.
The utility company is created, which connects
the smart meters with the trusted third party.
Smart meters are created as grouped together in
neighborhoods. For each neighborhood, we create
one collector that connects directly to the utility
company. The collector can be adapted to work as
an attacker if required in the experiment.
Collectors forward all smart meter data to the
utility company periodically in a certain preset
interval as per the protocol under investigation
(for example, every 15 minutes). Alternatively,
the collectors can send the data at other intervals
varying from 10 to 20 minutes, if needed, to
decrease the load on the network. These
intermittent intervals enable the collectors to have
less interference with each other during data trans-
Time delays are created to simulate limited smart
meter computational capabilities while executing
the following smart meter activities:
o Registering a new smart meter with the
utility company.
o Encrypting the energy readings by smart
o Sending smart meter data to a collector.
4.2. Implementation
AMIsim utilizes OMNeT++ [17] providing a discrete
time-based simulation interface to evaluate any arbitrary
protocol. OMNeT++ has been recommended by various
experts after comparison with several different network-
ing frameworks [18]. AMIsim provides adapter (wrap-
per) classes for an easy integration of AMI protocols in
the testing environment.
AMIsim framework is developed in C++ language, using
an Object-Oriented Programming approach. Figure 2 de-
scribes the object class hierarchy integrated into the
framework. The object classes within the Simulation
Framework category manage the higher-level network
interactions among the core units of AMI. The object
classes used in Protocol Implementation category are in-
terchangeable, depending on the protocol under evalua-
tion. The object classes at the center of Figure 2, which
inherit from the Adapter class, are used to bridge the gap
between the Simulation Framework and Protocol Imple-
mentation object types. The cInteger class is a helper
class, which extends both the OMNeT++ cNamedObject
class and the Crypto++ Integer class, providing a con-
venient mechanism to convert between those specific
types. The AMIsim code can be found in [19].
As mentioned before, the AMI classes described above
were developed based on OMNeT++. In OMNeT++, the
network is defined in a special NED language (topology
description language [32]). The NED file example of a
network definition with 10 smart meters, 2 collectors,
ZigBee and Wireless communication among the meters,
collectors, utility company, and trusted third party is pre-
sented below.
4.3. NED File
network AMI
int smNum = default(10);// Define 10 me-
int colNum = default(2);// Define 2 col-
// Set a default delay for ZigBee
volatile int smDelay @unit(ms) =
// Datarate is 250 kbps max for ZigBee,
// average is ~163 kbps on 70m distance
channel ZigBee extends ned.DatarateChannel
delay = smDelay;
datarate = 163kbps; // Set a default da-
per = 0.1; // Set a default packet error
channel Wireless extends ned.DatarateChan-
delay = 1s;
datarate = 30Mbps;
// Define an array of meters
sms[smNum]: SmartMeter;
// Define an array of collectors
colls[colNum]: Collector;
uc: UtilityCompany;// Define the utility
// Define the trusted third party
ttp: TrustedThirdParty;
// Define the energy readings generator
gen: DataGenerator;
for i=0..smNum-1 // For every meter, do
// Connect meters with the generator,
sms[i].generatorLine <--> gen.smLine++;
// Connect meters with the collectors
// via ZigBee
sms[i].radio <--> ZigBee <-->
for i=0..colNum-1
// Connect collectors with the utility
// via Wireless
colls[i].ucLine <--> Wireless <-->;
// Connect the trusted third party with
// utility company, directly
uc.ttpLine <--> ttp.ucLine;
4.4. Evaluation Metrics
There are several evaluation measurements that AMIsim
can automatically collect for comparing the performance
of various AMI security protocols. It can calculate the
time taken by a smart meter to perform the required
operations, as well as the communication overhead. It is
important to note that smart meters are limited in their
computational capabilities; therefore, computation time
is the most significant performance metric that needs to
be considered, when comparing various protocols.
Additionally, the amount of data that needs to be sent
across the network from the smart meters to the collector
should be within acceptable margins in compliance with
the limited smart meter storage and low-bandwidth
wireless protocols, such as ZigBee.
The summary of the evaluation metrics that can be
analyzed in the AMIsim framework is presented below.
The total packet size that a smart meter transmits.
Encryption, decryption, and aggregation times
taken by a smart meter.
Congestion analysis based on the number of pack-
ets in a sending queue on the smart meter side.
Feasibility of the protocol in terms of ZigBee
network’s throughput (the average size of the
packet queue on the smart meter side) and error
5. A Case Study: A Protocol’s Performance
We conducted simulation experiments on a machine
with Intel Core i7-3610QM 2.3 GHz processor. To sim-
ulate smart meter’s limited computational capabilities,
we calculated the number of clock cycles needed for a
particular function with a certain set of tasks. Given that
number of clock cycles and the average smart meter’s
processor speed (for instance, 120 MHz, 32-bit ARM
Cortex-M4 [29]), we then compute the time it can take a
smart meter to finish that specific function. ARM Cor-
tex-M4 is approximately 100 times slower than Intel
Core i7-3610QM (according to [30]) in performing float-
ing-point operations per second (FLOPS). Therefore, we
assume that a smart meter’s processor is about 100 times
slower than the processor that we have used for our ex-
periments. To conduct experiments on machines with
different processors, we recommend determining the dif-
ference between the processor that is being used and In-
tel Core i7-3610QM. That way one can apply that devi-
ation to the constant (which was equal to 100 in our case)
and identify how slower the smart meter would be in
comparison with the processor that is being used.
We selected a privacy-preserving AMI protocol that we
had previously designed and developed [7] to evaluate
its performance within AMIsim. We implemented the
protocol with the appropriate classes using the frame-
work. The simulation experiments contained two collec-
tors and nine smart meters. It was not necessary to in-
crease the number of meters and collectors because
AMIsim is based on the discrete time-based simulator
where a higher number of the meters would not influence
the overall meters’ performance metrics, as long as the
number of collectors is increased as well.
While running the simulation, we collected data
corresponding to the performance, particularly
computational and communication overheads. Using the
protocol, the total size of the packets sent by the smart
meters at the data transmission phase was 300 bytes,
which included encryption of the message, integrity
verification, and timestamp.
Fig. 3. Computation overhead.
Fig. 4. Packet queue size.
Figure 3 illustrates different statistical metrics of the time
taken to perform the necessary cryptographic computa-
tions by each of the nine smart meter’s processor (SM1
to SM9) during the simulation in the AMIsim. As it can
be seen that the average lies in the range of 0.431 to
0.433, which signifies that smart meters can successfully
perform the necessary computations within a second.
After gathering the data corresponding to the computa-
tional overhead on the Intel processor, we multiplied the
time measurements by 100 to simulate the ARM Cortex-
M4 processor used in the smart meters that performs
floating-point operations approximately 100 times
slower than the processor that ran our simulation. We
calculated statistical metrics including the minimum, av-
erage, maximum, and standard deviation from the mean,
provided the time performance data that have been
changed by 100. As a result, we deduced the approxi-
mate time it would take to run the necessary computa-
tions on the smart meters.
Figure 4 demonstrates different statistical metrics of the
packet queue size on the smart meters due to simulated
packet loss and network congestion in AMIsim with one-
second smart meter data transmission intervals. The
packet error rate was set to 0.1 to represent the ZigBee’s
data transmission properties. It should be noted that the
average packet queue size was nearly one during the sim-
ulation, meaning that the computational overhead did not
cause any network congestion at the end nodes (smart
meters). It can also be concluded that performance wise,
the protocol under consideration is feasible to be de-
ployed in ZigBee networks. The accuracy of the protocol
under investigation is outside of the scope of this work
and demonstrated in [7] for interested readers.
Conclusion and Future Work
The current simulation frameworks mostly focus on sim-
ulating the electrical components and power flow in the
Smart Grid. However, there is a need for comparing the
performance of privacy-preserving application-layer
protocols in AMI. We have developed a simulation
framework AMIsim based on OMNeT++. AMIsim al-
lows comparing existing application-layer protocols in
terms of their computational and communication perfor-
mance. It provides a set of high level abstract conceptual
modules to simulate communication among a utility
company, trusted third party, and smart meters.
We performed experiments in AMIsim and demon-
strated its effectiveness with the protocol under investi-
gation. It can serve as a benchmarking tool for compar-
ing application-layer AMI protocols’ performance over-
As a future work, we plan to explore an integration of the
AMIsim framework with other simulation frameworks
to extend the existing features and share the developed
framework with the Smart Grid community. We plan to
conduct multiple experiments, where different existing
protocols applicable in this environment will be imple-
mented to demonstrate AMIsim’s applicability in the
protocol performance evaluation. Additionally, an as-
sessment of network security against attacks such as
fuzzing will be conducted in AMIsim.
We would like to thank the Center for Manufacturing
Research, as well as the Cybersecurity Research and
Outreach Center at Tennessee Tech University, for fi-
nancial support during design and development of this
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