Developing and Deploying a Real-World Solution for Accessible
Slide Reading and Authoring for Blind Users
Zhuohao (Jerry) Zhang Gene S-H Kim Jacob O. Wobbrock
The Information School | DUB Group,
Stanford University
The Information School | DUB Group,
University of Washington Stanford, USA University of Washington
Seattle, USA [email protected] Seattle, USA
Presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides
remains largely inaccessible for blind users because screen readers
are not well suited to 2-D “artboards” that contain dierent objects
in arbitrary arrangements lacking any inherent reading order. To
investigate this problem, prior work by Zhang & Wobbrock (2023)
developed multimodal interaction techniques in a prototype system
called A11yBoard, but their system was limited to a single artboard
in a self-contained prototype and was unable to support real-world
use. In this work, we present a major extension of A11yBoard that
expands upon its initial interaction techniques, addresses numerous
real-world issues, and makes it deployable with Google Slides. We
describe the new features developed for A11yBoard for Google Slides
along with our participatory design process with a blind co-author.
We also present two case studies based on real-world deployments
showing that participants were able to independently complete
slide reading and authoring tasks that were not possible without
sighted assistance previously. We conclude with several design
guidelines for making accessible digital content creation tools.
Human-centered computing
Human computer interac-
tion (HCI); Accessibility technologies.
ACM Reference Format:
Zhuohao (Jerry) Zhang, Gene S-H Kim, and Jacob O. Wobbrock. 2023. De-
veloping and Deploying a Real-World Solution for Accessible Slide Read-
ing and Authoring for Blind Users. In The 25th International ACM SIGAC-
CESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’23), October 22–
25, 2023, New York, NY, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15 pages. https:
People today regularly use presentation software like Microsoft
PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple Keynote for business, edu-
cation, and creative purposes. These software tools employ slides
based on a digital “artboard” canvas, as described by Schaadhardt
et al. [
], which can contain various objects such as text boxes,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 License.
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA
© 2023 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0220-4/23/10.
shapes, images, videos, charts, and diagrams. For blind users, in-
terpreting existing slides and generating new ones both remain
largely inaccessible, which contribute to signicant educational
and professional barriers [
]. To address these challenges, prior
work by Zhang & Wobbrock [
] developed a multi-device multi-
modal system called A11yBoard to make digital artboards accessi-
ble. Although A11yBoard shed light on interaction techniques that
make rich information in 2-D canvases accessible to read and edit
using touch, gesture, audio, speech, keyboard input, and search,
A11yBoard was limited to a proof-of-concept prototype that worked
on an open-source drawing canvas—only a single self-contained
artboard. Furthermore, A11yBoard’s evaluation was based only on
curated usability tasks in a laboratory setting. Although A11yBoard
enabled an important initial exploration of accessible artboards, it
could not support real-world use. Moreover, the literature is clear
that moving from self-contained research prototypes to real-world
eld deployments inevitably elevates not only practical design and
engineering issues, but uncovers new knowledge about the problem
domain [
]. Therefore, to further our knowledge of how to design,
develop, and deploy accessible artboard creation tools, we created
A11yBoard for Google Slides, a major extension of the original self-
contained A11yBoard prototype.
A11yBoard for Google Slides is a deployable multi-device mul-
timodal system that consists of a mobile touch screen application
and a Chrome browser extension (see Figure 1). Created out of a
participatory design process with a blind co-author, A11yBoard for
Google Slides mirrors desktop slides onto a touch screen device,
and enables multimodal interactions to read and edit slide con-
tents. For example, users can employ nger-driven screen reading
] on the touch screen to explore slide content without fear of
altering it accidentally [
]. Audio tones and customized screen
reader outputs are displayed in response to a user’s (1) touches and
gestures, (2) speech commands through the touch screen device,
and (3) keyboard commands through an accompanying Chrome
browser extension that works exclusively on Google Slides pages.
A11yBoard for Google Slides was created through a participatory
design process with a blind co-author over multiple sessions. In
this design process, we rst identied issues with the prototype
version of A11yBoard [
] and explored how presentation software
currently works with commercial screen readers.
We then repeat-
edly tested and improved the design through these participatory
design sessions. As a result, compared to the original A11yBoard
], A11yBoard for Google Slides oers more exibility in slide
A11yBoard for Google Slides employs its own custom speech output because existing
screen readers do not handle slide contents in an accessible manner. For example, on a
Microsoft PowerPoint slide, NVDA would read out objects in their Z-order, regardless
of their placement on the canvas.
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA Zhang et al.
Figure 1: A blind user “nger reading” [
] a slide using
A11yBoard for Google Slides, which consists of a browser ex-
tension and an Apple iOS app. The app shows the slide and
enables touch, gesture, and speech interactions with it.
exploration, is more adaptable to blind users’ workow and devices,
and is integrated into Google Slides’ existing features.
We conducted two case studies as eld deployments [
] to eval-
uate A11yBoard for Google Slides in real-world applications. Two
blind participants were recruited and used the tool independently
for ve and seven days, respectively. They utilized A11yBoard to
read and recreate various slide decks, totaling 4.5 hours each, includ-
ing tutorial usage. Feedback was obtained through interviews, and
back-end log data was analyzed. Our results show that participants
were able to use A11yBoard for Google Slides to read and create
slides independently without sighted assistance, which was a rst
for both of them. Our results also show that although blind users
still feel the need to seek sighted conrmation before they actually
use slides in a presentation, A11yBoard for Google Slides greatly
reduced the amount of back-and-forth when checking with sighted
collaborators. We discuss lessons learned from the design process
and evaluation that could inform the future design of assistive tech-
nologies for digital content creation. Specically, we oer design
recommendations for making content creation on 2-D canvases
more accessible for blind users.
Prior work related to A11yBoard for Google Slides can be classied
into (1) exploration of blind users’ experiences with 2-D digital
content, including presentation software and beyond, and (2) non-
visual interaction techniques for blind users.
2.1 Blind Users’ Experiences with 2-D Digital
Various approaches have been proposed to facilitate access for
blind and low-vision users to 2-D digital content, including digi-
tal artboards, formatted documents, visualization charts, images,
animations, and videos. Prior work on A11yBoard by Zhang &
Wobbrock [
] explored multi-device multimodal interaction
techniques to make digital artboards accessible. However, their
system had limitations as it was conned to a single artboard in
a self-contained prototype, limiting real-world usefulness. Other
works also demonstrated similar eorts. AVScript [
] enabled blind
users to edit videos using text-based interactions through narration
and transcripts. VoxLens [
] provided an inclusive solution for
blind or low-vision users to interact with online data visualizations
through data sonication and speech recognition. Chart Reader [
used a navigation ow for screen reader users to explore and read
visualization charts through their data insights, axes, data points,
lters, etc. Machine learning models were utilized in SciA11y [
which extracted the scientic content from Adobe PDF les and
converted it into an accessible HTML format with additional nav-
igational tools to aid screen readers. Lee et al. [
] demonstrated
a multi-layered touch method for exploring digital images with
AI-generated captions. Relatedly, Zhang et al. [
] oered Ga11y
as a combined machine learning and crowdsourcing solution for
annotating animated GIF images with alt-text descriptions. Li et
al. [
] explored how blind people adopted non-visual interactions
to interact with visual artworks. Peng et al. [
] proposed a
series of methods to non-visually explore presentation videos, vi-
sual design changes in presentation slides, and slide content in an
automatic way. However, most of these prior approaches focused
on providing a non-visually accessible end-result for blind people
to consume, rather than giving access to blind people throughout
the authoring process (i.e., agency to dynamically author the con-
tent independently). In contrast, A11yBoard for Google Slides is
an integrated solution that focuses on both content interpretation
and content creation. This is in keeping with Ladner’s [
] call to
develop tools for people with disabilities to participate in all phases
of the design process, including in prototyping and development,
not just in user research, ideation, and evaluation [5, 15, 34].
Current presentation software tools like Microsoft PowerPoint
or Google Slides provide some built-in accessibility features for
blind people. For instance, Microsoft PowerPoint provides screen
reader support [
] for blind users to navigate through its user
interface elements, including views and ribbon tabs. It also oers
a full set of keyboard shortcuts for creating, deleting, rearranging,
and organizing slides. But these aspects of PowerPoint exist out-
side the artboard itself, which is a largely unstructured space in
which arbitrary objects can exist in any arrangement. As a result,
Microsoft PowerPoint is very dicult to use with a screen reader.
Google Slides oers more, but is still left wanting. It provides a
verbalization of a selected object’s content and formatting styles
]. But it still remains dicult to know which objects are present
and to select them for verbalizing. As with PowerPoint, it remains
dicult if not impossible for users to “read the artboard” to know
what content is present on it. In a related study exploring the acces-
sibility challenges of digital whiteboard tools, Fan et al. [
] found
that even when blind users were able to access individual pieces
of information on a linked-node diagram, it was cognitively de-
manding to understand the spatial relationships between individual
items, especially with a high degree of condence.
So, although most presentation software tools provide some
accessibility features, they mainly focus on making the software
interface accessible, rather than making the 2-D artboard accessible.
In contrast, A11yBoard for Google Slides makes the 2-D canvas
Developing and Deploying a Real-World Solution for
Accessible Slide Reading and Authoring for Blind Users
accessible through non-visual touch-, gesture-, and speech-based
2.2 Non-Visual Interactions for Blind Users
We review dierent input and output modalities that enable non-
visual interactions for blind users, including audio, tactile, haptic,
and multimodal interactions.
Assistive technologies for blind individuals often use audio in-
teractions, which include speech recognition, text-to-speech, and
non-speech audio. Voice assistants and screen readers, such as
VoiceOver [
], NVDA [
], JAWS [
], and Windows Narrator [
enable blind users to access visual elements through speech output.
Previous research has also explored various auditory techniques
to enhance the accessibility of virtual 2-D spaces, including user
interface design [
], graphs [
], maps [
], and
documents [
]. Tactile and haptic interfaces have also been shown
to support non-visual interactions for blind people. These inter-
actions provide more intuitive representations of graphical and
operational information [
]. Previous
research has also investigated various forms of tactile and haptic
feedback for blind people to interact with maps [
] and graphs
]. Multimodal designs, which combine audio and tactile in-
teractions, can create more accessible experiences for blind people
]. In our work here, we employed another set of
multi-device multimodal interactions that include touch, gesture,
audio, speech, keyboard, and search to create an accessible 2-D slide
reading and editing experience. For dierent scenarios, A11yBoard
for Google Slides may provide dierent interaction modalities. For
instance, a blind user can create an object in multiple ways—by
drawing it with a nger, using speech commands, or using keyboard
commands accessed via search.
We present a detailed description of the design and implementation
of A11yBoard for Google Slides. To appreciate the signicant im-
provements made during our iterative participatory design process,
it is necessary to describe the features of A11yBoard [
], which pro-
vided a starting point for our current investigations. Subsequently,
we provide a summary of the design challenges and considerations
that emerged from our participatory design process. This backdrop
will then allow us to reect on the improvements and new features
introduced in A11yBoard for Google Slides.
3.1 A11yBoard in Review
A11yBoard employed a variety of multimodal inputs and outputs.
It supported touch and gesture to enable a user to interpret an
artboard. Blind people could use one nger, the “reading nger”
], to explore the artboard by touching its mirrored image on the
touch screen device, receiving dierent audio tones as feedback
indicating whether they had entered or left an object’s borders.
Furthermore, speech output revealed objects’ shapes. While a user
explored an artboard with their “reading nger, they could also
split-tap (i.e., a “second-nger tap” issued anywhere on the screen
while the rst “reading nger” remained on the intended target [
to receive detailed information about objects (e.g., their positions,
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA
sizes, and colors) as well as to select objects for further action.
When a split-tap was performed on empty space, a “dull” audio
tone was played and the empty location was selected for further
action. Other supported gestures included a two-nger directional
ick to discover nearby objects in the ick direction, and a double-
tap to traverse objects’ Z-order under the current “reading-nger.
Finally, a single-nger dwell initiated speech input, like holding
down a walkie-talkie button before speaking.
Regarding speech input, A11yBoard allows users to issue speech
commands and receive spoken feedback while their nger remains
on the screen. The feedback can be either brief or detailed, provid-
ing information about object properties such as position, size, color,
text, and the closest or farthest objects. Additionally, A11yBoard
supports editing operations through speech commands, enabling
users to create, move, and resize objects with ease. Unlike typical
drag-and-drop methods found in most artboard tools, A11yBoard
separates the moving and resizing process into two phases: First,
users indicate the object they want to move or resize, and second,
they can explore the canvas to nd the desired destination, thereby
deferring the placement decision and reducing cognitive load. Fur-
thermore, A11yBoard facilitates aligning two objects when moving
or resizing one towards another.
To ensure blind users could also execute additional commands
and edit object properties, A11yBoard also oered a search-driven
keyboard interface. This interface allowed users to browse com-
mand keywords in an accessible input box and select them with a
few keystrokes. Examples of these supported commands included
“copy, delete, “bring to front, “send to back, and many more.
3.2 Design Challenges for A11yBoard for
Google Slides
Although the original A11yBoard [
] pioneered a number of useful
interaction techniques, it was severely limited as a real-world tool,
having only one artboard in a self-contained prototype. It therefore
oered no opportunity for real-world use, let alone the ability to
support making slide decks in a commercial tool like Google Slides.
We therefore set out to create A11yBoard for Google Slides, discov-
ering in the process what was necessary for supporting real-world
use of accessible artboards. Before we present our A11yBoard for
Google Slides system, we summarize six key challenges for design-
ing accessible slide reading and authoring.
3.2.1 Limited Control over Slide Content. When working with our
blind co-author, one of the primary challenges we encountered
was how existing commercial software like Google Slides gives
us very limited control over slide content. Because of this, proto-
typing a system to control Google Slides is quite challenging. We
needed to work around the existing interface and APIs, optimizing
A11yBoard’s design to t within the constraints of this commercial
software tool.
3.2.2 Moving from a Single Artboard to a Full Slide Deck. Another
challenge was transitioning from A11yBoard’s single artboard to a
multi-slide deck, which is the norm for commercial presentation
software. This transition required a redesign of A11yBoard’s naviga-
tion and editing features to suit this expanded format. Furthermore,
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA Zhang et al.
we had to develop interactions to support cross-slide operations
(e.g., copy an object from one slide for pasting onto another).
3.2.3 More Complex Slide Reading and Authoring Needs. The de-
sign of a new A11yBoard experience for blind users needs to con-
sider the more complex reading and authoring needs of slide decks.
These needs may include more complex shapes and diagrams, such
as arrows and lines, and a large number of slides. Moreover, the sys-
tem needs to support a variety of operations required for creating,
modifying, and presenting slides.
3.2.4 Multi-Device Interference. A11yBoard is a multi-device multi-
modal system, and as such, there is potential interference of screen
readers across dierent devices. This can cause confusion for the
user and interference with the audio output as two screen readers
may speak simultaneously. Therefore, in designing A11yBoard, we
must consider ways to mitigate the potential for screen reader inter-
ference across multiple devices. We must ensure that A11yBoard’s
audio output is clear and concise, regardless of whether the user is
accessing it through their desktop or mobile device, and that it does
not interfere with other screen readers the user might be using.
3.2.5 Balancing Eiciency and Expressiveness. Eciency and ex-
pressiveness are two competing priorities that need to be balanced
when designing A11yBoard. For example, creating a connector be-
tween two objects can have multiple options including whether a
line is straight or curved, which line ends have arrows, what are
the arrow styles, and what are the line widths and line dash styles.
It takes a great amount of unnecessary eort for blind users to
indicate these visual properties before creating a single connector.
The system must be ecient enough to allow users to complete
tasks quickly, while also ensuring that the user’s preferences can
be expressed fully.
3.2.6 Supporting Individual Dierences in Perceptions. Finally, indi-
vidual dierences in perceptions of 2-D artboard information must
be considered. Users might have dierent preferences and require-
ments for how A11yBoard should work, like reporting values in
dierent metrics (e.g., inches, centimeters, or pixels), or creating
and placing objects using dierent methods or sequences. These
individual dierences must be accommodated insofar as possible.
Therefore, our new A11yBoard system must be customizable and
adaptable to suit the diverse needs of blind users.
3.3 Overview: A11yBoard for Google Slides
A11yBoard for Google Slides enhances accessibility with extra inter-
actions for exploring and editing slides. It consists of a web browser
extension for Chrome and Firefox, and a mobile app for iOS devices.
User authentication involves a four-digit code displayed on the
extension, which is entered into the iOS app to connect. The server
retrieves slide content using the Google Slides API [
] and sends
it to the app for rendering basic shapes. Non-visual authoring oper-
ations are validated and applied via HTTP requests to the Google
Slides API.
The touch screen device supports touch, gesture, speech input,
and speech and audio output. Reading operations like selecting
an object or switching slides automatically place the focus on the
Google Slides’ artboard for further editing.
The system supports speech interactions for accessing detailed
object properties and relationships. An intelligent keyboard search
interface handles complex operations not easily done via touch,
gesture, or speech. Customizable speech outputs are generated in
response to user actions.
To avoid conicts with multi-device screen readers, our system
uses a custom text-to-speech technique on the touch screen, allow-
ing desktop screen readers like NVDA and JAWS to work alongside
it. This approach ensures all visual elements like text input in the
browser extension are accessible to screen readers without inter-
fering with touch and gesture inputs.
3.4 Supported Interactions
We now present A11yBoard’s supported interactions in detail, orga-
nized by input modality: (1) touch and gesture, (2) speech commands
and corresponding feedback, and (3) intelligent keyboard search.
3.4.1 Touch and Gesture. Similar to the original A11yBoard [
A11yBoard for Google Slides also comprises a mobile application
that runs on a touch screen device, providing a safe way for blind
users to spatially read slides without fear of accidentally altering
them [
]. The objects on the current slide will be shown on the
touch screen, enabling exploration via touch and gesture (see Fig-
ure 2).
Interpretive Touch and Gestures. A11yBoard for Google Slides
supports single-nger reading to explore the slide and a second-
nger split-tap to select an object and access more detail. However,
audio tone and speech feedback in A11yBoard for Google Slides
have been signicantly improved over A11yBoard [
] to address
the design challenges in Section 3.2.
When exploring a slide using a “reading nger, A11yBoard for
Google Slides employs a layered method to notify users about ob-
jects’ Z-order using dierent audio tones. For example, users hear
a “step-up” sound (notes F-B) when entering an object from the
empty canvas. When the user enters an object that overlaps that
object, users hear a higher “step-up” sound (notes G-C), indicating
that they have entered another object in a “higher” place in the
Z-order. The audio tones get progressively higher as users “step-up”
into more and more overlapping objects. The same scheme works
in the opposite direction when users “step-out” of an object into an-
other overlapped object. Comparing to the original A11yBoard [
which only had a single step-up and step-down sound, A11yBoard
for Google Slides provides much more spatial information by adding
richer Z-order feedback.
A11yBoard for Google Slides provides much more detailed re-
porting for dierent types of objects. In the original version of
A11yBoard [
], when a split-tap happens, all objects are reported
with their color, location, and size. However, dierent object types
serve dierent purposes and should be reported in dierent ways.
For example, in addition to color, location, and size, A11yBoard
for Google Slides reports any text inside a shape or a text box. If
there are long paragraphs inside an object, A11yBoard for Google
Slides will intelligently report a title, a rst sentence, or a rst bullet
point to represent that content. For other objects like a connector,
A11yBoard for Google Slides reports what objects are connected
by it, and where the starting and ending points are, which matter
Developing and Deploying a Real-World Solution for
Accessible Slide Reading and Authoring for Blind Users ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA
Figure 2: Eight touch- and gesture-based interactions, including (a) single-nger exploration to spatially “read” artboard objects,
(b) split-tap to select an object and access more detail, (c) two-nger dwell to initiate speech recognition, (d) two-nger ick to
reveal nearby objects in a given direction, (e) double-tap to step through the Z-order of overlapping objects, (f) three-nger
swipe right/down to switch to the previous slide, and swipe left/up to switch to the next slide, (g) single-nger tap four times to
update the slide for any other changes, and (h) single-nger triple-tap to start creating an object, followed by a unistroke object
more than the connector’s location and size. An example of speech
output for a connector is: A curved line connecting a text box at
top-left corner to a round rectangle at bottom-right corner.
Similar to A11yBoard [
], when an object is selected via split-
tap on the touch screen app, that object will become selected on
the Google Slide in the desktop web browser. Unlike in A11yBoard
], where users needed to open the keyboard search interface
to perform actions like typing text, they can now perform direct
operations on objects, like pressing the Enter key to start typing
text into an object.
To support navigating through a slide deck, A11yBoard for
Google Slides added a new gesture, a three-nger swipe that switches
to the previous slide (by swiping right) or next slide (by swiping
left), which is consistent with gestures to navigate pages on the
iOS home screen, apps in the app switcher, or images in the Photos
app. When users arrive at a new slide, A11yBoard for Google Slides
will report the current slide number and an overview of the slide,
which includes the number of dierent objects on the slide.
Another new gesture added to A11yBoard for Google Slides is a
single-nger quadruple-tap to actively refresh the touch screen de-
vice’s view of the current slide. This gesture is for situations when
a user makes a change to the current slide using the desktop web
browser outside of what A11yBoard provides. After a quadruple-
tap, A11yBoard retrieves the current slide’s contents and refreshes,
providing feedback with a spoken “slide updated” response. Al-
though this situation arises rarely, this gesture provides a way of
forcing the iOS screen to refresh.
We decided to employ the original A11yBoard’s other gestures,
like a two-nger directional swipe to discover the closest object in
a given direction, and a double-tap to traverse the Z-order under
the current nger location. These gestures were all reported to be
useful and straightforward [59].
Generative Gestures. In addition to touch and gestures that serve
to interpret slides, A11yBoard for Google Slides also supports a
single-nger triple-tap to start creating objects by drawing. After
the triple-tap, A11yBoard gives a speech-based notication, “start
drawing, to inform users that they should start drawing an object
on the canvas. A11yBoard for Google Slides will then recognize the
drawn shape by using the $1 unistroke recognizer [
] and then
tting a beautied shape to the drawn trace. The supported shapes
are shown in Figure 3. Note that to distinguish between a text box
and a rectangle, blind users can draw a big “T” unistroke to represent
a text box. The horizontal line represents the top side of the text
box, with the width as drawn. The vertical line represents the
height of the textbox. A “triple-tap” is required before drawing any
object to ensure that blind users can still explore the slide in a risk-
free way without worrying about accidentally drawing an object
on the canvas. Even if users accidentally trigger object-drawing,
A11yBoard for Google Slides also supports a big “X” drawing to
cancel the current operation.
3.4.2 Speech-Based Interactions. A11yBoard for Google Slides sup-
ports similar speech-based interactions as the original A11yBoard
], which can be inputted by two ngers dwelling on the screen.
To improve the user experience, we added more audio and speech
feedback when users are talking to the system. For example, when
the system stops talking and starts recording again, or when the
system takes some time to process HTTP requests with the Google
Slides API, users hear audio feedback like a clock ticking sound.
A11yBoard for Google Slides also further enhances the range of
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA Zhang et al.
Figure 3: Seven supported shapes that can be drawn as unistrokes [
], including a rectangle, triangle, ellipse, text box, line,
arrow, and cancel the current operation. These unistrokes are recognized with the $1 gesture recognizer [55].
speech outputs by allowing customization. Users can set a speech
output mode via a keyboard command. Available modes and their
corresponding examples are listed in Table 1.
We divide all speech commands into two categories (see Table 2).
First, based on their purpose, the commands can be categorized into
commands, meaning those that help
users interpret existing artboard content or generate new artboard
content, respectively. Second, depending on whether a command
would access or operate on a single object or two objects, the com-
, respectively. mands can be categorized as
Interpretive unary speech commands include commands like
“position, “size, “left, “right, “top, “bottom, “width, “height, and
“color, which give the requested properties according to the current
reporting mode (see Table 1). An additional keyword, “exact, can be
appended to retrieve more precise information. For the “position”
and “size” commands, appending “exact” causes the speech out-
put to give exact pixel values. (An exception is when users set the
speech output mode to an absolute value in inches or centimeters,
appending “exact” gives the output in exact metric values accord-
ingly.) If “color exact” is issued, then RGB values will be reported
instead of color names.
Interpretive binary commands include closest” and “farthest,
which report the closest or farthest object, and its direction, from
the selected object or current nger position. An example output is,
“The closest object is a text box to the south-southwest. A11yBoard
for Google Slides uses the closest named directions to report an
object’s approximate direction. Similar to interpretive unary com-
mands, “exact” can be added after the commands to learn about
an object’s position and size in pixels, and its direction in degrees.
Furthermore, a number can be added after the commands to learn
about a number of objects instead of only one. For example, clos-
est two requests information about the two closest objects to the
nger’s position, reported in increasing distance.
A11yBoard for Google Slides also supports a variety of genera-
tive commands to create and edit objects. A11yBoard for Google
Slides supports generative unary commands like “create, which
enables the creation of dierent types of default objects under the
dwelling nger (e.g., create text box”). Besides creating an object,
“move here and “resize here” are also supported to move or resize
an object to a specic position. Particularly, as was described in Sec-
tion 3.1, “move here and “resize here” would trigger a two-phase
process. First, users would say “move or “resize to initialize the
moving or resizing process for a selected object or on an empty
position. For “resize” specically, users need to indicate a resizing
handle, either a corner (e.g., “top-left”) or an edge (e.g., “bottom”),
by explicitly speaking this handle name after the “resize” command.
Second, users can continue exploring the slide using the full set of
touch, gesture, and speech interactions until they nd a suitable
destination. Users can say “here” to complete the moving or resizing
A11yBoard’s generative binary commands, i.e., those that work
on two objects while authoring slide content, include “move to
align, “resize to align, and “connect with this. Similar to “move
here and “resize here, after an object has been created or selected,
the “move, “resize, and “connect” commands enable the object
to be moved, resized, or connected to another object on the slide.
Generative binary speech commands trigger a two-phase process.
After users initiate the moving, resizing, or connecting process by
saying the relevant speech command, they can continue exploring
the slide until they nd another object to align with or connect to.
Note that the “here command is used when users try to move or
resize an object to a specic location, whereas the “align” command
is used when users try to move or resize an object to align with
another object’s edge. For example, by saying “align left to left,
A11yBoard for Google Slides will resize or move the rst selected
object’s left side to be aligned with the currently selected object’s
left side. For “connect, users can say “with this” to indicate the
object to which they want to connect a rst object.
A separate command is “help, which can be used independently
or in tandem with any other command. When used independently,
A11yBoard for Google Slides will give a quick introduction of avail-
able speech commands, which can be stopped at any time by lifting
the ngers to exit the speech interaction mode. When used in tan-
dem with other commands, A11yBoard for Google Slides will give a
tutorial on how to use the given command, followed by an example.
3.4.3 Intelligent Keyboard Search. To support additional commands
that are not easily completed through touch, gesture, and speech,
A11yBoard for Google Slides also supports an intelligent keyboard
search interface via a browser extension pop-up window, which can
be initiated with a preset keyboard shortcut. The interface consists
only of a search text box, which embeds a list of supported com-
mands to be selected and executed. Users do not need to remember
keywords for this search interface; they only need to type a few
characters related to their command. The keyboard commands can
also be divided into two categories:
Direct editing
commands and
commands (see Table 3).
The direct editing commands are implemented as a simplied
way to edit objects, like create, “speech output mode, “bring to
front, “bring forward, “send to back, and “send backward. By
selecting “create, users are prompted to type in the object type,
which creates a default object at the center of the slide. This ap-
proach serves as an alternative way to create objects, along with
Developing and Deploying a Real-World Solution for
Accessible Slide Reading and Authoring for Blind Users ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA
Table 1: Seven supported speech output modes that can be set to adjust the speech output style and detail, including a brief
reporting mode, a detailed reporting mode, a mode that reports properties using relative percentages, one that reports properties
using relative fractions, and three others that report properties in absolute values using pixels, inches, or centimeters.
Speech Output Mode Example Output
Report briefly “Text box created.
Report in detail A new slide created at page 9 with two text boxes inside.
Relative in percentage “Ellipse moved to 20% of canvas width, 30% of canvas height, with size of 15% by 30%.
Relative in fraction “From left, about one quarter of canvas width; from top, about two thirds of canvas height; from right, one
quarter; from bottom, one eighth.
Absolute in pixels “Nearest object at 45 degrees is a text box at (528, 491) with size of 200 by 100.”
Absolute in inches “Triangle created at 2.7, 3.9 inches with bounding box of 1.5 by 2.0 inches.
Absolute in centimeters “Rectangle resized to 3.5, 23.6 centimeters with size of 15.5 by 21.3 centimeters.
Table 2: Speech commands for interpreting and generating objects, including their types, functions, and usage.
Speech Command Type Function Usage
Position (or Left, Right, Top,
Report position of an object Use directly or append “exact”
Size (or Width/Height)
Report size of an object Use directly or append “exact”
Report color of an object Use directly or append “exact”
Report closest object(s) of an object
or a position
Use directly, append “exact, and/or ap-
pend a number
Report farthest object(s) of an object
or a position
Use directly, append “exact, and/or ap-
pend a number
Create an object by type Append a supported type
Move (A to) here
Move an object to a position Use “here” at final destination to trigger
Resize (A to) here
Resize an object to a position Append a handle after “resize, use “here”
at destination
Move (A to) align (with B)
Move to align with another object Use “align [edge] to [edge]” at target object
Resize (A to) to align (with B)
Resize to align with another object Use “align [edge] to [edge]” at target object
Connect (A) with this (B)
Connect with another object Use “with this” at target object
Report overview of the current slide Use directly
Help N/A Report tutorial of any given com-
mand or in general
Use directly or with any other command
speech commands or nger-drawing an object’s shape. Users can
also change the speech output style to one of the modes in Table 1.
Other direct editing commands are used to change objects’ Z-order.
They can move an object forward or backward, or send an object
to the top or bottom layer. We did not include commands to copy,
paste, or delete objects because Google Slides already supports
copy, paste, and delete with typical keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+C,
Ctrl+V, and backspace. These shortcuts are already made accessible
for blind users.
Another type of keyboard command is used for navigation. In-
stead of developing a complex editing interface on our own, we
utilize the existing interfaces in Google Slides and enable users to
navigate to their desired panel by simulating mouse clicks. These
panels already contain accessible elements that are labeled for
screen readers, but are usually hard to navigate inside the com-
plex visual interface. For example, when an object is selected, users
can type in “ll color” to navigate to the ll color panel of this
selected object. Users can then select from the pre-dened colors
with color name labels or type in exact RGB values. The list of
supported commands include “ll color, “border color, “border
width, “font family, “font size, etc.
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA Zhang et al.
Table 3: Twelve supported keyboard commands including their types and functions that help blind users edit a slide.
Keyboard Command Type Function
Report mode
Direct editing
Change the reporting mode as described in Table 1
Direct editing
Create an object with a type selected in a second input box
Fill color, Border color, Border width, Font family, Font size
Navigate to the corresponding panel
Bring to front or forward
Direct editing
Bring the current object to front or forward stepwise
Send to back or backward
Direct editing
Send the current object to back or backward stepwise
Insert image
Navigate to the insert image window
In this section, we take a step back to present the participatory
design process of A11yBoard for Google Slides. To reconsider and
improve upon the original design of A11yBoard [
] in making it
suitable for real-world use, we carried out a series of participatory
design sessions with the involvement of a blind co-author, GK. The
objective of these sessions was twofold: rst, to foreground the
challenges that must be addressed to enable A11yBoard to work
as a real-world tool within Google Slides (see Section 3.2); and
second, to develop and rene a fully functional system that would
be well-suited to the needs of blind users.
4.1 Method
GK, a co-author on this paper, collaborated with the other authors
over the entire design process. GK was born legally blind and has
been completely blind for seven years. He is an undergraduate
majoring in Symbolic Systems
with years of experience using
presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides
with a conventional screen reader. GK’s expertise in using these
tools was gained through his extensive use of presentation software
in college courses, where he has often collaborated with classmates
to deliver live presentations in class.
Our participatory design process contained two main stages.
First, we conducted an interview with GK to create a shared un-
derstanding of how we should design A11yBoard [
] for real-
world presentation needs rather than just as a self-contained pro-
totype with a single artboard. The interview began by reviewing
A11yBoard’s existing features. GK oered reactions and suggestions
while exploring each feature.
Second, we designed and implemented an initial prototype of
A11yBoard for Google Slides over eight weeks, followed by three
iterative design sessions with GK over four weeks to improve the us-
ability and functionality of A11yBoard for Google Slides. A descrip-
tion of the system features can be found in Section 3. An overview
of the insights we gained from our design process appears in the
section below.
4.2 Insights
In the interview, we discussed limitations of the prior version
of A11yBoard [
], which included that it was limited to a self-
contained single artboard that could not be saved or shared. Also,
it was limited to basic shapes like text boxes, rectangles, triangles,
and ellipses. In Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides, the set
of objects is more extensive and objects can have more complex
properties, such as rotation, borders, and rich formatting. Another
limitation about speech interactions was that although GK was com-
fortable with how A11yBoard reported object properties, dierent
individuals might have dierent preferences for how to perceive nu-
meric and descriptive information. Furthermore, GK mentioned that
some operations via speech were inecient when done frequently,
like creating objects. He suggested implementing gesture-based
object creation as an alternative, which we did.
After we developed the initial prototype, GK guided the other
authors in iterative system evaluation and design. We present the
insights about how we improved A11yBoard for Google Slides
Design more tailored slide exploration. We discovered the need
to design more tailored interactions for a better slide-exploration
experience. Our prototype provided detailed announcements when
accessing objects, but testing with GK showed that more customiza-
tion options were necessary. For instance, a “brevity mode” could
minimize speech announcements and reduce cognitive load. We
also enabled other metrics, such as absolute values in centimeters
and relative values in fractions of slide width and height. GK also
suggested adding a “help command to provide guidance, assigning
dierent pitches for objects that overlap, and reading out dierent
objects dierently based on their typical usage.
Adapt better to users’ workow and devices. We also gathered
insights on how to better accommodate the needs and workow
of blind users. One insight was to provide more audio or speech
feedback to aid users in operating the app on their devices. GK
suggested adding speech reports and audio feedback for system
notications, like entering or leaving the app, and indicating any
unrecognized operation. Another insight was to improve the sys-
tem’s recognition of gesture and speech inputs. GK found that the
old interaction of using one nger to dwell on the screen was easily
misinterpreted into a “nger reading” action. We enhanced the
system’s tolerance of these inputs to better match the exploration
habits of blind users. Lastly, using A11yBoard for Google Slides
together with other software can be challenging for blind users,
leading to unintended operations and extra cognitive load. GK sug-
gested adding a keystroke to reset and refocus the system, allowing
users to recover from accidental movements and continue using the
Developing and Deploying a Real-World Solution for
Accessible Slide Reading and Authoring for Blind Users
app condently. This recommendation aligns with previous stud-
ies that have shown the need to address user concerns regarding
system fragility [43].
Consider trade-os between accessibility and usability. Incorpo-
rating all features of the original A11yBoard system [
] could
enhance the accessibility of Google Slides, but its full usability in
this new context was initially uncertain. For example, while the
original intelligent keyboard search allowed color editing in its
interface, Google Slides already oers accessible elements for the
“ll color” panel, which can be read by current screen readers. GK
proposed a more eective approach of navigating to existing acces-
sible panels instead of introducing additional interfaces for property
editing. This strategy improved usability, avoided confusion from
extra interfaces, and underscored the importance of assessing an ap-
plication’s existing accessibility features and integrating them with
new tools to strike a balance between accessibility and usability.
For our eld deployment [
], we used a case study methodology
with two blind users [
]. The goal of our case study was to as-
sess whether blind users can integrate A11yBoard for Google Slides
into their own workow and use it to read and author slide decks
independently. To achieve this goal, we conducted two eld deploy-
ments in which blind participants used A11yBoard for Google Slides
freely, without any supervision or interference from researchers,
over several days. In each case study, we provided a tutorial ses-
sion to introduce the tasks and the system, and then allowed the
participants a few days to complete a task on their own. Once the
participants indicated that they were nished, we conducted an in-
terview to collect their nal artifacts and feedback about A11yBoard
for Google Slides. We also conducted an empirical evaluation of
their activities by analyzing the back-end log data and their verbal
responses to understand how they used the system.
5.1 Participants
Each case study involved one blind participant (P1, P2 accordingly),
recruited through personal communications from our blind co-
author, GK. P1 and P2 both reported being blind since birth, with
P1 having some light perception. P1 was a 24-year-old female gov-
ernment relations analyst at a non-prot accessibility organization,
while P2 was a 30-year-old male graduate student studying design.
Both participants had prior experience using presentation software
like Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides and used Apple iOS
devices and Windows desktop computers or laptops with JAWS
screen readers. P1 used presentation software on a weekly basis as
part of her job, while P2 used it for university courses on a monthly
basis. Participants were compensated $30 for each hour they spent
in the study, including the tutorial session, usage of A11yBoard for
Google Slides, and the follow-up interview.
5.2 Apparatus
The apparatus deployed and tested in this study was the A11yBoard
for Google Slides system, as described in Section 3. Both participants
used their personal Apple iPhone and Windows laptop devices
when working with A11yBoard for Google Slides. We instructed
both participants to turn o their iPhone’s VoiceOver software
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA
after opening the A11yBoard mobile app. Additionally, both partici-
pants used JAWS to interact with Google Slides and our A11yBoard
browser extension.
The study task was to understand a slide deck and create a new
slide with same or similar content inside the same slide deck. The
rst study’s slide deck (depicted in Figure 4a) was about a fundamen-
tal concept in computer science, conditional or if-then statements,
which was presented in a ow chart that had ve shapes, ve con-
nectors, and two text boxes. The second study’s slide deck (depicted
in Figure 4b) was about guidelines of making slides accessible, in-
cluding ve guidelines presented as shapes with a capital letter
inside, and 10 text boxes positioned beneath them.
5.3 Procedure
The study involved three phases. In the initial phase, each partici-
pant had a 90-minute tutorial session individually with the authors.
P1’s session took place on Zoom, while P2’s was in person. Be-
fore each session, participants answered demographic questions
and gave verbal consent. They were instructed to install two re-
quired software components on their devices: an iOS app and a
Chrome browser extension. During the tutorial, participants re-
ceived a Google Slides document and a Google Docs tutorial with a
“cheat sheet” containing simplied information about A11yBoard’s
commands. Researchers demonstrated the system’s features and
had participants try them out. Usability issues were noted and tips
were shared to address them. An exit interview took place after
seven days (for P1) and ve days (for P2). During the interview, par-
ticipants discussed their experiences, the system’s usefulness, task
completion, and comparisons with other tools, along with potential
5.4 Analysis
The data analyzed in this study consisted of four parts: (1) obser-
vational results from the tutorial session, (2) the nal slides made
by participants, (3) back-end time-stamped log data indicating how
P1 and P2 used the system, and (4) the exit interviews and feed-
back about participants’ experiences. We report each of these parts
separately in Section 6.
We present the results from each case study in turn, focusing on
the slides participants made, their use of the A11yBoard for Google
Slides system, and their subjective impressions and feedback char-
acterizing their experiences.
6.1 Case Study 1
In this study, after the tutorial session, P1 was instructed to rst
interpret the slide content and comprehend its structure, and then
replicate a similar slide deck. P1 was permitted to use any existing
features of Google Slides with the assistance of A11yBoard for
Google Slides.
6.1.1 Final Artifact. Overall, the slide created by P1 (Figure 5) con-
tained all the information in target slide 2, with correct content and
objects in the correct order and ow. This result indicated that P1
had a complete understanding of the spatial layout of the original
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA Zhang et al.
Figure 4: Two slide decks used in two eld studies. Each deck contained two slides at the beginning, and participants were
instructed to read, understand, and create new slides in the same deck.
Figure 5: The slide made by P1 in an eort to recreate the target slide shown in Figure 4a, above. The slide is largely an accurate
reproduction except that the two connectors at the bottom have arrowheads on the wrong ends.
slides and could create objects accordingly. However, the created
text box was not formatted with larger fonts as it should have been,
slide also revealed some issues. For instance, the ow chart on the
and the title and paragraph text boxes were not quite aligned.
right side displayed the correct workow, but the two arrows at
the bottom pointed in the wrong direction. Additionally, the title
6.1.2 Overall Impressions and Feedback. P1 reported that after the
90-minute tutorial session, it took her an additional 3 hours and
Developing and Deploying a Real-World Solution for
Accessible Slide Reading and Authoring for Blind Users
15 minutes to complete the task using our system. Specically,
she spent around 60 minutes familiarizing herself with the touch,
gestures, and speech commands, followed by around 45 minutes
reading and exploring the slides. Finally, she spent approximately
90 minutes creating the slide and its contents.
As a regular Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides user, P1
mentioned that A11yBoard for Google Slides helped her to read
the slides more eectively and provided her with the ability to
create objects freely. Comparing to her previous experiences, P1
noted that without A11yBoard for Google Slides, she was limited
to working with text and had no ability to edit the visual layout of
a slide with objects:
“There are so many visualizations that screen readers
cannot deliver to you” (P1).
Without A11yBoard for Google Slides, P1 would have needed
the help of a sighted co-worker or assistive services like Aira to deal
with the visual layouts, images, and charts. P1 reported that produc-
ing a slide deck like this all by herself would have been impossible.
In particular, she appreciated how she could use a “reading nger”
to explore the slides and was “very condent” in understanding
the visual content. Another aspect of A11yBoard that P1 enjoyed
was the ability to explore the slides in a tactile way and to edit the
slides more accurately by using the physical keyboard.
In the opening tutorial, P1 pointed out several usability issues
that hindered her from using the system uently, including gesture
and voice misrecognition. Apart from these usability issues, P1 also
expressed her feelings about performing editing operations. She
thought that there was still too high a cognitive load involved in
editing operations. Specically, she pointed out that she would
need to pay attention to the operation itself and the spatial posi-
tion where the operation occurs, which can be challenging. For
example, when drawing to create an object, there was no interme-
diate feedback until she nished drawing in one stroke and heard
conrmation of the shape she created.
We discussed with P1 whether A11yBoard for Google Slides
could t into her workow and how it might be improved in the
future. P1 expressed a need for more instant and real-time tactile
feedback or conrmation when performing an editing operation,
so that she could feel more condent when using the system. P1
also expressed that she would love to use the system in her daily
workow if the interfering gestures from iOS could be mitigated.
P1 further pointed out that having a more physical layout beyond
the current touch screen and supplementing it with a braille display
would be helpful, which is an interesting venue for future work.
6.1.3 Performance and Activities. In view of the nal artifact along-
side P1’s verbal statements and the back-end log data, we could
reconstruct the process of how P1 used A11yBoard for Google Slides
to complete the assigned task. To begin, P1 explored the canvases
on slides 1 and 2 to understand their contents. This exploration was
not strictly separated from the editing process, which was happen-
ing throughout her usage of the system. Specically, P1 frequently
used split-taps to examine objects’ contents, positions, and sizes
in detail. P1 then created several slides and experimented with
the system’s functionality. During this process, P1 conrmed how
A11yBoard for Google Slides works by realizing that the objects
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA
would be selected automatically in her laptop browser, and she just
needed to press the Enter key to start typing text inside them.
Next, P1 created two text boxes, a title and an introduction text
box, on the left side of the slide by triple-tapping on the screen and
then drawing uppercase unistroke “T” letters. P1 also used speech
commands to create two shapes, the rectangles containing “State-
ment 1” and “Statement 2, on the right side of the screen. Because
the default shape size was 100 by 100 pixels, the two rectangles
were in their default size and were not resized by P1. For the other
shapes, P1 chose to copy and paste the “Start, “Expression, “Stop,
“True, and “False objects directly from the original slide. We ac-
knowledge that copying and pasting objects is within the purview
of free and unfettered usage of A11yBoard for Google Slides, and
this activity showed that A11yBoard for Google Slides served as a
complement to the existing Google Slides system, not a replacement,
which ts our expectation. After copying and pasting objects, P1
then created ve connectors in sequence to build the ow chart. P1
rst connected “Start” to “Expression, then connected “Expression”
to “Statement 1” and “Statement 2. Finally, P1 created the last two
connectors from “Stop” to “Statement 1” and “Statement 2, which
is opposite the intended direction.
As for the keyboard interface, P1 did not utilize the keyboard
search interface much for navigating among interface panels or per-
forming editing operations. When asked about this, P1 responded
that there was not much formatting needed, as the main focus was
on ensuring the content was correct. However, when prompted to
recall the tutorial session, P1 acknowledged that using the keyboard
search feature would have been helpful for editing object properties
and navigating through panels.
In conclusion, while there were some usability issues and in-
herent limitations in A11yBoard for Google Slides as a real-world
solution for making 2-D content accessible, P1 was still able to
successfully read and edit her slides independently. Vitally, P1’s ac-
complishment transformed a formerly “impossible task” (her words)
into a possible one.
6.2 Case Study 2
Similar to study 1, the second case study also involved understand-
ing and recreating a slide deck, which is about design guidelines for
making accessible presentations. Unlike the rst case study, which
involved understanding the ow of a connected shapes diagram,
the main challenge in this case study was to understand the layout
of the ve object groups, their corresponding positions, and how
to create, edit, and align them correctly.
6.2.1 Final Artifact. Figure 6 shows the nal slide created by P2.
The slide deck created by P2 captured most of the content in the
original slide, including the ve shapes that contained the ve de-
sign guidelines, with ve text boxes positioned under each elliptical
shape. This indicates that P2 was able to understand the layout of
the slide and recreate the objects in the correct order and position.
However, there were a few imperfect details in the recreated slide.
Firstly, the ve text boxes at the bottom that explained each design
guideline were missing. P2 explained that he skipped creating them
due to personal time constraints, as creating a set of ve more text
boxes was a redundant process to what P2 had already done. Sec-
ondly, the ve elliptical shapes were not exactly the same size, and
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA Zhang et al.
Figure 6: The slide made by P2 in an eort to recreate the target slide shown in Figure 4b, above. Note that ve text boxes of
explanation were missing because P2 reported that creating a similar set of text boxes were trivial and he did not want to
they were not perfectly aligned. Finally, the letters inside the shapes
were not formatted in the same way as the target slide. But overall,
the recreated slide by P2 demonstrated a good understanding of
the original slide’s layout and content.
6.2.2 Overall Impressions and Feedback. P2 reported that after 90
minutes of the tutorial session, he spent 3 hours completing the
task. He took full advantage of the tutorial document and explored
all possible touch, gesture, and speech commands for around 1.5
hours to understand the system and the target slide’s layout. P2
then created a new slide using speech commands and completed
the task after another 1.5 hours.
P2 compared his prior experience of using presentation software
with this experience of using A11yBoard for Google Slides. He said
that previously, he could only make slides out of existing templates
and copy and paste text from written documents into slides with
a title and a paragraph text box. Any other slide layouts, or using
objects other than text boxes, were simply impossible for him to
attempt. With A11yBoard, he was able to perform editing operations
on objects, which was groundbreaking for him.
“I won’t be able to create this kind of slide before [using
A11yBoard for Google Slides]. I would have to take
visual assistance [without the system]” (P2).
P2 also raised some usability issues that happened during the
eld deployment, including the same issue P1 had of accidentally
leaving the A11yBoard iOS app because of the iOS’s swipe-up app-
switching gesture. P2 also faced the challenge of drawing smaller
objects, like a small text box on a relatively small Apple iPhone
screen, which is the universal fat nger problem that can be miti-
gated on a bigger touch screen like an Apple iPad.
P2 said that A11yBoard denitely would be benecial when
working with Google Slides, given that the task was not accessible
at all without A11yBoard. He said that he would not be able to
create a slide deck with so many objects without sighted assistance.
He did say that he would still want sighted assistance for nal
conrmation of his slides after using A11yBoard if he were to deliver
a presentation, but that the use of A11yBoard would signicantly
reduce the time needed to interact with a sighted assistant from
Aira or his co-workers.
“I would like to spend as much time as possible work-
ing on slides independently without sighted assistance.
Right now I think I have at least 90% to 95% indepen-
dence [with A11yBoard for Google Slides]” (P2).
P2 also believed that A11yBoard could not only be used in busi-
ness and educational settings but also by middle- and high-school
students as the rst tool for them to interact with 2-D canvases.
As for improvements, P2 pointed out the same issue as P1, which
is the challenge of executing an operation while also maintaining
spatial awareness of nearby objects. P2 would like a solution in-
volving a physical layout, such as using Wikki Stix
to represent
objects. In this case, he would be more condent in editing one
object while being able to touch and sense other objects nearby in
a physical form.
6.2.3 Performance and Activities. We studied how P2 created his
slides using A11yBoard for Google Slides. Initially, P2 created a
new slide and entered a title in the default title text box. He then
focused on the top-half of the slide and created ve elliptical shapes
by drawing them left to right. P2 was mindful of aligning the ob-
jects and tried to keep the size consistent. He later realized that he
could copy-and-paste the shapes for consistency. P2 then turned
to the laptop and typed letters in each shape. After completing the
top-half, P2 repeated the same process for the bottom-half of the
slide. However, he stopped before creating the remaining ve text
Developing and Deploying a Real-World Solution for
Accessible Slide Reading and Authoring for Blind Users
boxes as he considered it a trivial but repetitive task, given he had
already shown he could create text boxes and enter text into them.
During the exit interview, P2 conrmed that he was able to read
and edit the slides independently, demonstrating that A11yBoard
for Google Slides has successfully made previously inaccessible
canvases accessible.
In hindsight, P2 expressed that he could have created the slide
more eciently if he had considered using copy-and-paste sooner.
Despite a few usability issues raised by his eld deployment, P2
believed that A11yBoard could be benecial in his daily work by
signicantly reducing time needed for sighted assistance.
In this section, we reect on what the A11yBoard deployments
have taught us and we discuss the broader implications of making
2-D presentation tools accessible to blind users. We present design
recommendations drawn from our own participatory design and
deployment process for future use by designers and researchers.
We also discuss A11yBoard’s limitations and avenues for future
7.1 Design Recommendations
We present ve design recommendations for making 2-D canvases
accessible to blind users. They arise from our participatory design
and deployment eorts. We oer them in hopes that they might
serve as a resource for future designers and researchers.
7.1.1 Provide Spatial, Intuitive, and Immediate Feedback. We gained
a signicant insight into the importance of providing spatial and
intuitive feedback to blind users. This is due to the complexity of
2-D content, which is inherently challenging for screen readers.
With the advancement of touch screen devices and their haptic fea-
tures, it is increasingly feasible to provide intuitive and immediate
spatial feedback for 2-D objects on the touch screen. However, a
challenge remains in making sense of 2-D content semantically. For
instance, we found that blind participants could easily comprehend
a ow chart when they were provided with a brief introduction.
Nevertheless, when presented with a new 2-D space, blind users
must take considerable time to explore that space and understand
its objects, properties, and relationships.
7.1.2 Tailor Feedback Based on Context and Individual Dierences.
Dierent objects serve dierent purposes. When exploring a 2-D
artboard through touch and gesture, it is crucial to emphasize dif-
ferent object attributes when delivering audio or speech feedback
to eciently convey the most signicant information to blind users.
For example, the positions and sizes of rectangles are important,
but the positions and sizes of connectors are less important than the
rectangles they might connect. Additionally, individual dierences
in human perception should be considered, and customization op-
tions should be provided accordingly. This priority aligns with how
all screen readers oer the ability to adjust speech verbosity. Apart
from verbosity, metrics and other attributes should also be included
in the customization options.
7.1.3 Provide Multimodal Ways to Create and Edit. During our
participatory design process, we discovered the signicance of
providing multimodal options for creating and editing objects, as
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA
these “authoring” operations can occur at any point while the user
works. For instance, creating an object can happen when a user has
just nished typing on the keyboard or while exploring the 2-D
canvas. In either case, the user might prefer to continue with their
current workow and avoid switching devices. Thus, it is crucial to
oer an accessible means to create and edit objects through each
modality, ensuring that the designed system is exible in this way.
7.1.4 Consider the Role of AI-Generated Content (AIGC). The re-
cent advancements in AIGC technology, such as Microsoft Oce
Copilot [
] and GPT-4 [
] based models, have made creating
2-D visual content, such as slides, eortless. These tools can gener-
ate high-quality visual content from inputs, including prompts and
data, which can signicantly benet blind users in creating visual
content. However, with such tools, it becomes even more crucial
to provide blind users with access to the auto-generated content,
as A11yBoard for Google Slides does, to ensure they have agency
and control over the visuals. Further research is required on how
to tailor these AIGC tools to suit accessibility needs. Additionally,
AIGC can be utilized to comprehend and standardize users’ natural
language input as operations, creating a true “virtual assistant” to
assist blind users in reading and creating visual content.
7.1.5 Balance Cognitive Load and Functionality. Another crucial
lesson we learned from our design process is the importance of bal-
ancing cognitive load and functionality. Manipulating 2-D content
can be challenging, as software such as Adobe PhotoShop or Illus-
trator requires users to possess professional skills that are acquired
over years. The full range of functionality can create a signicant
cognitive load for users, even for software that is relatively feature-
light, such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. While the
initial eort of learning a complex but useful system should not be
perceived as a barrier, we still need to meticulously design our sys-
tem’s functionality to avoid overwhelming users with all possible
features, rendering it unusable.
7.2 Limitations
One limitation of our study is that it only involved the task of repro-
ducing a few existing slides. We acknowledge that the real-world
scenarios people encounter could be more complex and varied.
Therefore, while our study provides valuable insights into the de-
sign of an accessible 2-D slide creation tool for blind users, further
research is needed to fully evaluate the usability and eectiveness
of A11yBoard for Google Slides in a greater range of scenarios. Also,
the valuable contributions of our blind co-author, GK, primarily
pertain to a specic subgroup within the blind community, charac-
terized by individuals with similar needs. While their expertise has
been instrumental in addressing the requirements of this particular
user group, it is important to acknowledge that their insights may
not be universally applicable to the entire blind community.
In addition to the study limitations, there are also some technical
limitations to our system. One limitation is the lack of cross-device
undo and redo functionality. This is because the Google Slides API
does not provide these features, and it is not possible to undo an
operation performed on a mobile device from a desktop computer.
This limitation could be a source of frustration and confusion for
ASSETS ’23, October 22–25, 2023, New York, NY, USA
blind users who switch between devices frequently or who acciden-
tally make a mistake and need to backtrack. We recognize that this
is a signicant usability limitation and suggest that future iterations
of the A11yBoard system need to add cross-device undo and redo.
Another limitation of A11yBoard for Google Slides is the lack
of integration with Apple’s VoiceOver mobile screen reader. This
means that blind users who rely on VoiceOver will need to turn it
o before using A11yBoard, which can add an additional layer of
complexity to their workow. For example, when they accidentally
exit the App, it would be hard for blind users to realize that they
have done so without screen reader announcements.
This work opens up several areas of future research. One potential
direction is exploring the use of advanced AI-generated content
(AIGC) techniques, like large language models (LLMs), to auto-
matically generate slides. This could reduce the cognitive load in
creating accessible visual content, but careful curation is necessary
to meet the needs of blind users. Balancing automation with user
control over visual content is another aspect to investigate, along
with enabling accessible ne-tuning processes to personalize the
generated content.
Another area to explore is enhancing collaborative slide edit-
ing accessibility. With A11yBoard’s improvements in slide reading
and authoring, extending these benets to collaborative editing
becomes essential. Possible approaches include using AIGC tech-
niques to generate alternative descriptions for visual content, aiding
team members using dierent assistive technologies, or develop-
ing new collaboration features that support real-time collaboration
with various assistive technologies. Whichever approach is cho-
sen, it should prioritize accessibility and intuitiveness for all team
members, regardless of their abilities.
In this work, we have presented A11yBoard for Google Slides, a
multi-device multimodal system deployable in real-world scenarios
to make Google Slides, a commerical presentation tool, accessible
to blind users. We described the A11yBoard system consisting of a
Chrome browser extension and an Apple iOS mobile app. We also
described the participatory design process we followed with a blind
co-author that led to A11yBoard’s interaction design. A11yBoard
for Google Slides addresses the key challenges of designing an
accessible experience of reading and editing slide decks for blind
users. To put A11yBoard for Google Slides through its paces, we
deployed it in two case studies that showed our blind participants
were capable of reading and creating slides independently and
eciently, without the need for sighted assistance, something that
had been previously impossible for them. We also oered design
recommendations for the further development of accessible content
creation tools. In the end, it is our hope that A11yBoard for Google
Slides provides a signicant step towards making 2-D presentation
tools more inclusive and accessible for all users.
This work was supported in part by the University of Washington
Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and
Zhang et al.
Experiences (CREATE). Any opinions, ndings, conclusions or rec-
ommendations expressed in our work are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reect those of any supporter.
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