Internet Poker: Data
Collection and Analysis
Haruyoshi Sakai
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................4
ABSTRACT ..........................................................................................................5
DATA COLLECTION............................................................................................7
1. Introduction 7
2. Data Collection Methods 8
3. Screen Capturing Primitives 9
a) Simple Image Matching ................................................................................................................... 9
b) Trie Based Image Matching ............................................................................................................. 9
4. Text Recognition 13
5. Game Element Parsing 15
a) Text Fields...................................................................................................................................... 15
b) Graphical Fields ............................................................................................................................. 16
c) Card Fields ..................................................................................................................................... 17
6. Game Parsing 18
a) Pre-betting Action .......................................................................................................................... 18
b) Betting Action ................................................................................................................................ 20
c) Pot resolution ................................................................................................................................. 22
d) Overall Hand Parsing ..................................................................................................................... 24
7. The Query Environment: Main Components 25
a) Player ............................................................................................................................................. 25
b) Game .............................................................................................................................................. 25
8. The Query Environment: Secondary components 26
a) GameHeader................................................................................................................................... 26
b) Roster ............................................................................................................................................. 26
c) RosterEntry .................................................................................................................................... 26
d) RoundTranscript............................................................................................................................. 27
e) Action............................................................................................................................................. 27
f) Results............................................................................................................................................ 27
g) PokerHand...................................................................................................................................... 27
h) Outcome......................................................................................................................................... 28
i) DataSet........................................................................................................................................... 28
9. Sample Query 29
10. Lessons learned 30
11. Future Directions 31
DATA ANALYSIS: BETTING HABITS...............................................................32
1. Introduction 32
2. Average Normalized Pot Size 33
a) Data................................................................................................................................................ 33
b) Analysis.......................................................................................................................................... 36
3. Betting Round Statistics 38
a) Data................................................................................................................................................ 38
b) Analysis.......................................................................................................................................... 40
4. Player bet size as a proportion of the current pot 41
a) Data................................................................................................................................................ 41
b) Analysis.......................................................................................................................................... 44
5. Conclusion 46
DATA ANALYSIS: DESCRIPTIVE DATA..........................................................47
1. Introduction 47
2. Hand Occurrences 47
3. Winningest and Losingest Players 48
4. Hand with largest pot 49
CLOSING ...........................................................................................................51
My thanks go out to John Jannotti for his help throughout this process.
In the past few years, there has been a massive boom in the popularity of poker
as an American pastime. While there has always been interest in poker in the
United States, the game was propelled into the limelight due in no small part to
the aptly named Chris Moneymaker, an accountant from Tennessee. In 2003,
Moneymaker rose to the top of a then all-time high field of 800 players and
claimed the first place purse of the World Series of Poker main event, raking in a
cool $2.5 million. While the standard buy-in for the main event of the World
Series is $10,000, Moneymaker managed to turn an initial investment of $39
dollars into $2.5 million by winning a satellite tournament on the Internet poker
room, PokerStars. Since then, poker has experienced an explosion in popularity.
The field of the 2004 WSOP swelled to approximately 2,500 players, and this
year’s event is expected to be even larger. Internet poker has seen a similar
explosion of popularity. As I write (at 2 in the morning), PokerStars has 20,070
players at 3511 separate virtual tables with average pot sizes ranging from a
paltry $.25 to $625. With the ever-growing number of players, and ever
increasing money stakes, Internet poker presents a large number interesting
In Internet poker, it pays to have as much data as possible. A player with a large
database of hands often has a huge advantage playing against others. However,
while most Internet poker sites allow you access to the hands in which you
participated, they usually do not allow you access to hands in which you did not
take part. Moreover, the hand histories that one can obtain from the online poker
sites are uneven in quality, some omit important information such as player chip
stacks, and to my knowledge none include temporal information, that is, how long
a player took to act. In the following, I present my method for automatically
transcribing player hands, along with a presentation of some statistics from my
corpus of 64,000 hands of Texas Hold’em.
Opening Remarks
The most popular variation of poker that is played today is undoubtedly
Texas Hold’em, specifically No Limit Texas Hold’em. For that reason, I
chose to focus on this particular poker variation. All of my data was collected
at No Limit tables, and all my remarks pertain specifically to No Limit (though
they are probably true elsewhere as well). In this thesis, I assume a working
knowledge of the rules of No Limit Hold’em, and a familiarity with basic poker
terminology. If you are unfamiliar with Hold’em, I direct you to the appendix,
where you will find some references to familiarize you with the basics as well
as a glossary of the terms I use.
Data Collection
1. Introduction
Figure 1: The PokerStars interface
All Internet poker applications have a large number of commonalities in their
interfaces. This thesis takes the PokerStars interface (see Figure 1) as a
representative of the standard GUI. Each table has some fixed number of
virtual seats (9 in this case), which users can choose to occupy (we see an
unoccupied seat (1) at the bottom of the table). When a seat is occupied, the
player’s name, stack (2), and user icon are displayed. We also see a simple
text console (3), which is used for chat, as well as announcements of various
game events. Lastly is the table itself, which is where the community cards
(4) are dealt. From these elements, the user is able to discern all information
that is relevant to the current state of the game. This user interface is also
the entry point through which I chose to extract all hand data.
2. Data Collection Methods
When approaching the problem of accumulating hand data, there are
three different approaches that lend themselves:
1. Sniffing packet traffic between the poker client and server.
2. Taking advantage of provided hand history facilities.
3. Scraping the screen to obtain game information.
Each of these approaches has its own drawbacks. Option 1 presents a
number of technical difficulties. First, the task of reverse engineering the
packet format would be tedious and time consuming. Second, and more
importantly, the traffic between the client and server is securely encrypted.
While in theory, it should be possible to determine the encryption key through
studious examination of local binaries, in practice this would be extremely
difficult, and probably illegal. Moreover, the packet format and encryption
schemes would vary between poker programs, severely restricting the
general applicability of any code I produced.
Similar considerations apply to using application native hand history
facilities. As noted previously, support for hand histories is uneven. Some
programs do not provide them, and those that do make use of differing
formats. The means for accessing these histories are similarly varied. The
GUI access points differ, as do the formats in which these histories are
transmitted; some are sent by email, others are saved as local text files.
This leaves the final approach: performing screen captures. While there is
bound to be a number of application specific elements (i.e. fonts, element
positions, card faces, etc.), the general form of the GUI shares the common
elements of player seats, board cards, and chat window. In addition, by
necessity, a screen scraper has full access to all relevant game information.
After all, if the screen scraper could not see it, the human players would not
be able to either.
3. Screen Capturing Primitives
In order to create screen captures on the fly, I resorted to the built-in Java
library, Robot
. This class allows for real time screen capturing as well as
simulated user input (which could be useful for future extensions). This
facility allows for the creation of simple image recognition primitives: simple
image matching and prefix based foreground recognition.
a) Simple Image Matching
This operation is as simple as it sounds, it involves a pixel by pixel
comparison between two images. In pseudocode:
ExactMatch(image_1, image_2)
Input: Two images
Output: True if the images are pixel by pixel matches,
false otherwise
for(x = 0; x < image_1.width; x++) {
for(y = 0; y < image_1.height; y++) {
if(image_1[x][y] image_2[x][y]) {
return false;
return true;
This method gives a quick and easy method of performing a direct
comparison between two passed images.
However, if we wish to make
a comparison between a target image and a collection of comparison
images, this method is inefficient, especially as the number of
comparison images grows.
b) Trie Based Image Matching
To perform proper text recognition one needs to compare screen
images against all possible characters. While it is simple to implement
Note that the image comparison is only affected by the size of the first image, if the second image is larger,
it can still match.
this using simple image matching, the running time becomes unwieldy
as the number of images increases. In order to optimize the running
time when comparing a source image against a large number of
candidate images, it becomes necessary to use a prefix trie. While tries
are commonly used in string matching applications, a simple
generalization allows us to apply the trie technique for image matching.
Given the library of images to compare against, we select a color to act
as a relevant, or foreground color. After this foreground color is selected,
we treat the candidate images as strings with length equal to the pixel
width of the image. The K-th “character” of these image strings
corresponds to the number of foreground pixels in the K-th column of the
candidate image.
Figure 2: The 'T' corresponds to the string 1,1,1,10,10,1,1,1
Once the trie is constructed, in order to find the matching image, we
simply have to traverse the tree, and find the image with the longest
matching prefix. In pseudo-code
In the actual code, the images are paired with data (e.g. a character that matches the image). However, in
the pseudo-code, this detail is elided.
Input: A collection of images
Output: An image trie
trie.root = ConstructNode(images, -1)
return trie
ConstructNode(images, depth)
Input: A collection of images, and the node depth
Output: A trie-node
if(images.size == 1)
node.residents = images
return node
foreach(image in images)
//There are no more ‘characters’ left
if(image.width == depth + 1)
node.residents += image //Add the image
foreach( ( count, matching_images) in child_images)
node.children[count] =
ConstructNode(matching_images, depth + 1)
return node
FindMatch(trie, match_against)
Input: A trie and an image to match against
Output: The matching image, or null if there is no match
cur_node = trie.root
offset = 0
while( cur_node null && offset < match_against.width )
count = match_against.pixelCount(offset)
tmp = cur_node.children[count]
if(tmp == null && cur_node.residents.size == 0)
return null
if(tmp == null)
foreach( image in cur_node.residents )
if( ExactMatch(image, match_against) )
return image
return null;
cur_node = tmp;
4. Text Recognition
Using trie based image matching, the task of performing text recognition
becomes significantly easier. Say we have an image that corresponds to a
body of text that we wish to match against, for example:
Now, to extract the text from the image, we simply need a trie of images
corresponding to the characters of the text’s font. To determine the text
contents, we simply begin at the first column of the image, and advance one
pixel at a time checking whether there is a match in the trie. In pseudo-code:
ParseString(image, trie)
Input: An image to parse and the parsing trie
Output: A string corresponding to the parsed image.
string = “”
offset = 0
while( offset < image.width )
subimage = Subimage of image beginning at offset
match = FindMatch( trie, subimage )
if( match == null )
string += GetCorrespondingChar(match)
offset += match.width
return string
In order to construct the character trie, it was necessary to collect images
matching each of the characters that could be encountered. Once this was
completed, I assembled images into a simple configuration image that was
parsed at run time (Figure 3). This image consisted of the upper and
lowercase letters and the numerals as well as various punctuation
Each individual character is delimited by blue pixels. The
punctuation characters are presented in ASCII-order to ease parsing the
configuration file (red pixels indicate the next character in ASCII order is
In order to preserve my sanity, I did not create an exhaustive listing of all ASCII characters, only those
that are the most common.
omitted). In addition, since character-fields vary slightly in height depending
on their location on the screen, it was also necessary to duplicate the
Figure 3: The character configuration image (slightly enlarged)
In addition, each game has a unique game ID, for which it was necessary to
produce another character configuration image:
Figure 4: Game ID character configuration image
In practice, this solution works very well.
It is a concise representation of a
particular on screen font which can be easily generalized to any font that
might be encountered on Internet poker.
With one small exception: lowercase ‘L’ and upper case ‘I’ look exactly the same. The result is that all
occurrences of ‘I’ are replaced by ‘l’.
5. Game Element Parsing
a) Text Fields
With text recognition in hand, parsing the text based game elements
simply becomes a matter of locating the relevant text fields in the GUI, and
extracting the text. In the PokerStars interface, there are three relevant text
Figure 5: Relevant text fields
1. The unique game ID number
2. Individual player name
3. Player stack
For each of the virtual seats at a table, these fields are always located in
the same spot in relation upper left hand corner of the player window.
Therefore, extracting the values of these text fields is a simple matter of
predetermining their locations, and then scanning these locations when the
need arises.
b) Graphical Fields
Graphical fields are those gameplay related elements of the GUI that are
neither playing cards nor text fields. These are:
1. Player action
2. Button position
Whenever a player performs an action, their icon momentarily changes
reflect the action that they just took. A player has the following actions
available to them: ‘fold’, ‘bet’, ‘call’, ‘raise’, ’check’, ‘muck’, ‘fold’, ‘post small
blind’, ‘post big blind’, ‘post big blind and small blind’, and ‘show cards’.
These actions can all be easily recognized through the use of simple image
Figure 6: Action configuration file
The button position on the table can also be easily determined through the
use of simple image matching (see Figure 6 for the image configuration file).
Since the table surface is green, to locate the button, one simply has to
determine which seat has a red pixel in front of it (this corresponds to the red
pixels contained in the ‘D’).
These correspond to bet, call, check, fold, muck, post big blind, post big and small blind, post small blind,
raise, seat empty, and show cards respectively.
c) Card Fields
The final category of parsed game elements is the card elements. There
are two types of cards that can be parsed:
Figure 7: Card Types (aces take down a $5000 pot)
1. Hole cards
2. Community cards
These two card types differ only in their placement on the screen. Since
the suit and numerals are placed consistently on each card, correctly parsing
each card is simply a matter of recognizing the suit and the numeral correctly.
This is accomplished in a manner very similar to standard text parsing. One
simply makes use of a trie, constructed using captured images of each of the
numerals and suits. Rather than pairing a character with each image in this
trie, one simply substitutes a suit/numeral value. Below is the configuration
image for card parsing:
Figure 8: Card parsing configuration image
6. Game Parsing
The stages of parsing a complete game of poker can be broken down into
three distinct segments, each of which is parsed in a slightly different manner.
a) Pre-betting Action
The goal of pre-betting action is to determine which players are in the pot,
their stacks, and their names. Determining the identity of the players in the
pot is complicated by the fact that not all players sitting at the table play each
hand. All poker programs allow the users to sit out hands if they choose, and
seated players are also prevented from playing if they time out or have just
sat down at the table.
However, the player with the dealer button must
always be involved in the hand, and the small and big blind must follow the
button in a clockwise order. Therefore, to determine the blinds, one polls the
players on the screen for actions, moving in a clockwise direction around the
table. In practice, it is sufficient to poll for player actions every 100
milliseconds. In addition, the seats that have already acted must be noted,
so that they are not double counted. After the blinds have been posted, the
cards are dealt, and the players in the hand can be deduced by noting which
players have cards dealt to them. Even though the blinds at a table never
change, the first time it is parsed, these blinds need to be determined. This
can be ascertained by checking the amount of a player’s stack before and
after they post the big or small blinds. The difference is the blind amount.
Finally, we cannot begin parsing a game mid-hand. To determine when a
new game has begun, we simply poll the position of the button. Since the
button moves at the end of every hand, a change in button position indicates
that a new hand has begun. In pseudo-code:
Players are prevented from playing after sitting down immediately to the left of the button, as this would
allow them to take advantage of position.
Input: A table of virtual seats
Output: A transcript of the pre-betting portion of the
//Wait for the beginning of a new game
buttonPos = getButtonPosition(table);
while(getButtonPosition(table) == buttonPos) {
wait for 50 ms
buttonPos = getButtonPosition(table);
//Update the stacks of all the players
//Continue polling until the cards are dealt
while( !cardsDealt(table) ) {
//Move around the table, starting one to the
//left of the button
for( seat in table starting to button’s left ) {
//Skip players that have already acted
if(seat.hasActed) {
action = getAction(seat);
if( action == NO_ACTION ) {
if( action == POST_SB ) {
//The blind is the difference between
//the old and new stack
smallBlind = seat.getStack;
smallBlind = smallBlind – seat.getStack;
//Posting big blind and big blind and small
//blind is handled the same way
wait for 50 ms
//Create transcript of player seating, and game statistics
//noting which players have cards dealt to them
return transcript
This allows the capturing of newly seated players posting the blind for entry.
b) Betting Action
The bulk of game parsing occurs while during the betting action. This
covers the betting on all betting rounds (preflop, flop, turn, and river), as well
as the community cards that are dealt. As each betting round is identical in
, they can each be handled in an identical manner. Parsing
community cards is simply a matter of examining the card field in the center
of table, and shall not be discussed further here. The main difficulty is in
determining the order in which players are required to act. In No Limit
Hold’em, the betting begins immediately to the left of the button, and
proceeds around the table in clockwise fashion. Each player can then either
bet, check, call or raise. The betting round ends when either a) the player in
last position checks (indicating that no more money was added to the pot) or
b) the action is called around to the last player that bet or raised or c) there is
only one player left in the pot (this occurs when all the other players fold). At
any time, a player may opt to call, bet or raise all-in. After moving all-in, a
player may perform no further actions. In addition, a player that has moved
all in may win no more from each other player than the total that they
contributed to the pot. Lastly, if a player does not have enough remaining
money to call a bet, they may call all-in instead. Again, note that
determining the amount of a bet is simply a matter of determining a player’s
stack before and after they act. The pseudo-code for parsing follows:
With the exception of preflop, here, the blinds are treated as having already bet, but are able to act in spite
of this.
Input: A table of virtual seats
Output: A transcript of the betting round
activeSeat = //Player to left of button
//Set all player’s amt_in_round to 0
//The amount of that a player has to call to stay in
callBurden = 0;
//Continue until everyone has folded, or everyone has
//met the call burden
while( table.activePlayers > 1 && ( !activeSeat.hasActed ||
activeSeat.amt_in_round callBurden ) ) {
//Poll the next player until they act
do {
action = getAction(activeSeat);
if( action == NO_ACTION ) {
wait for 50 ms
} while( action == NO_ACTION );
//We have an action
activeSeat.hasActed = true;
RECORD ACTION //Record the action for the transcript
//Handle the different action types
if( action == CHECK ) {
//Don’t need to do anything
if( action == BET ) {
callBurden += action.betAmt;
activeSeat.amt_in_round += action.betAmt;
if( action == RAISE ) {
callBurden = action.raised_to;
activeSeat.amt_in_round +=
(cullBurden – active.amt_in_round);
//If the player moves all in, or folds,
if( action.all_in || action == FOLD) {
//Return the transcript of the betting round
return transcript;
c) Pot resolution
This is the final phase of game parsing involves determining who the
winner of the pot (or pots, if there are side pots formed by players moving all-
in). If the pot is won uncontested (i.e. everyone else folds), the winner of the
pot is obvious. However, if the final betting round ends, and there is more
than one player remaining in the hand, that game must be resolved with a
show-down. In the case that there is a side pot or pots (i.e. one or more
players moved all-in, and other players with bigger stacks continued playing),
the pots are resolved in a top-down fashion. The pot with the active players
is resolved with a showdown. Then the side pot involving players with
second highest amount of money invested is resolved by pitting the winner of
the topmost pot against the player (or players) in that side pot
. This
continues with the third highest pot and so on until all pots have been
exhausted. This segment of the game parsing also requires that all players’
final hands be determined. This is accomplished through the following
algorithm for hand checking
1. Sort the player’s 7 cards (5 community and 2 hole cards) by suit (if two cards have the
same suit, sort by numerical value), and check for any flushes. If a flush is found, check
for a straight-flush (check if the value of the 4
card after the flush high card is equal to
the numerical value of the flush high card minus 4, specially casing the ace for the case
of a 5 high flush). If this is found, the player’s hand is a straight flush, otherwise note
that the player has a flush (this might not be their best hand however).
2. Sort the cards by numerical value.
3. Step through the cards one by one, performing the following checks in order:
a. Check whether the 3
card after the current is the same value. If it is, we have 4
of a kind, this is the best possible hand.
b. Check whether the 2
card after the current is of the same value. If it is, we
have at least 3 of a kind. If we previously had a pair, the player has a full house
as their best possible hand. Otherwise, note the index of the 3 of a kind
c. Check whether the next card has the same value. If it does, there is a pair. If
there was previously a 3 of a kind, we now have a full house, the best possible
hand for this player. Otherwise, note index of the pair.
d. Check whether the last value we checked 1 higher than the current card value.
Keep track of the number of consecutive cards. If this number ever reaches 5,
the player has a straight.
For quick reference, the ranking of hands in Hold’em, from best to worst is: straight-flush, four of a kind,
full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, two pair, pair, high card.
I elide the pseudo-code on this one, it’s more complicated than it’s worth
4. Check the remaining possible outcomes. If the player had a flush from step 1, their best
hand is a flush. Failing that, using the information noted in 3, check for a straight, 3 of a
kind, two pair, and pair in that order. If the player has none of these, they have high
Compared to determining the player’s hands, determining the winner of each
pot is relatively simple:
Input: A collection of pots, in highest-amount-invested-
first order.
Output: A transcript of the pot results.
bestHand = null;
foreach(pot in pots) {
//Check players, in act order
foreach( seat in pot ) {
hand = getHand(seat);
//Check the player’s hand, see if it’s a winner
if(hand != MUCK) {
//If this player shows a better hand,
//he/she is the current winner
//(any hand is better than a null hand)
if( hand > bestHand ) {
potResult.clear(); += seat;
bestHand = hand;
//The player ties
if( hand == bestHand ) { += seat;
//return a transcript of the events
return transcript
d) Overall Hand Parsing
Once obtained, the elements of prebetting, betting action, community
cards and pot resolution are concatenated to produce a complete transcript
of the hands. Sample output from the program follows:
Hosting Application: PokerStars
Game ID: 1437847749
Starting time: 1112137891635
Players: 4 / 9
Blinds: 10.0 / 20.0
Play Money: false
1 hazards21 ( 2345.0 in chips )
2 HaveMyCash ( 2000.0 in chips )
Button 3 TheNutters ( 2468.0 in chips )
5 sigalit ( 777.5 in chips )
0.6 - sigalit posts SB of 10.0
4.0 - hazards21 posts BB of 20.0
3.0 - HaveMyCash folds
0.0 - TheNutters folds
3.8 - sigalit raises 40.0 to 60.0
1.7 - hazards21 folds
Main pot:
sigalit wins pot (40.0)
7. The Query Environment: Main Components
Once a corpus of data has been assembled, it is necessary to create an
environment in which the data can be examined in a meaningful way. I
chose to create two main units of functionality in my query environment
which represent the important components of the data, namely the players
and games.
a) Player
Between the two primary components, the player is far simpler. As noted
previously, each player is associated with an identifying name (usually
indicating their massive poker playing skills). In addition, for ease of access,
each player is associated with all of the games that they have taken part in.
Therefore, a player can be summarized as follows:
Type Name
String m_playerName
Set<Game> m_games
b) Game
In essence, a game is composed of the following components:
1. Header information (i.e. blinds, start time, number of players involved)
2. Player roster (the name of the players in the game, their relative position, and stacks)
3. Betting action and community cards
4. Pot resolution
5. The per-player game outcomes (i.e. money won or lost, betting round played to, etc)
Each of these elements has corresponding field in a game object:
Type Name
GameHeader m_header
Roster m_roster
Map<Round,RoundTranscript> m_rounds
List<Results> m_resolutions
Map<Player, Outcome> m_outcomes
These fields correspond to the sum total of the information recorded in a
single game transcript, and allow the hand data to be programmatically
8. The Query Environment: Secondary components
I now briefly present the secondary components of the query environment.
a) GameHeader
As noted, the game header contains metadata about a hand of Hold’em.
While most of this data could be ascertained through an examination of the
betting action, it is much simpler to store it in advance.
Type Name Description
String m_appName
The hosting poker application (i.e.
long m_gameId
The unique game ID
Date m_startingTime
The start time of the game
byte m_numPlayersIn
The number of players
participating in the hand
byte m_numSeats
The number available seats
float m_smallBlind
The size of the small blind
float m_bigBlind
The size of the big blind
float m_totalPotSize
The total pot size
b) Roster
This object is responsible for storing information about the seating
arrangement of the players, as well as their initial state. It is essentially a
mapping between players and RosterEntries.
Type Name Description
Map<Player, RosterEntry>
A collection of roster
entries, mapped from
Set<Player> m_players
A set of the players in the
c) RosterEntry
The RosterEntry stores the starting information about a player in a specific
Type Name Description
Player m_player
The player whose information this is
float m_stack
The amount of money the player has
HoleCards m_cards
The player’s hole cards (if any)
byte m_position
How many players act before them
boolean m_isButton
Whether or not the player has the
dealer button
d) RoundTranscript
This is simply a list of the actions performed by the players in this betting
round, along with any community cards that were dealt.
Type Name Description
The dealt community cards (if any)
Round m_round
Which round this is (i.e. flop, river,
List<Actions> m_actions
The actions taken in the round
Set<Players> m_players
The players in the round
e) Action
This records the details of any action that a player takes. The available
actions are: check, bet, raise, fold, call, and post SB/BB/BB and SB.
Type Name Description
Player m_player
The player performing the action
float m_amt
The amount of money added to the
pot (if any)
float m_delay
The amount of time a player took to
perform an action
float m_toLevel
The amount that the player raised to
(if any)
ActionType m_type
The type of action (i.e. fold, check)
boolean m_allIn
Whether a player is all in with this
f) Results
This documents the outcome of a single pot of the game.
Type Name Description
float m_potAmount
The size of the pot
List<Player> m_winners
The winners of the pot
byte m_potNum
The pot number (the bottom-most
pot is 0)
PokerHand m_bestHand
The winning hand
g) PokerHand
This represents a 5-card hand in poker.
Type Name Description
Card[] m_cards
An array of the 5 cards used in the
byte m_handType
The type of the hand (i.e. pair, full
house, etc). This can be used for
comparing the strength of hands
(higher value is a stronger hand)
I elide a description of BoardCards, it is simply an array of cards
h) Outcome
This represents the fate of a particular player in a given game. This outcome
can be either win or lose. A player can lose by folding, mucking, or showing
a hand that is beaten. A player can win by showing a winning hand, or
winning the pot uncontested (everyone else folds).
Type Name Description
Player m_player
The player whose outcome this is
byte m_outcome
The outcome (fold, muck, win-
show, lose-show)
boolean m_potContested
Whether the pot was contested
Round m_round
The betting round this outcome
occurred on
i) DataSet
Last, but not least, I touch upon the object that holds the record of all the
games and players, and acts as a programmatic entry point for all queries.
In essence, this is simply a set of all players (accessible by name), and all
games. Both the collection of players and games can be iterated over.
Type Name Description
A map from player names
Set<Game> m_gameSet
A set of all the games
9. Sample Query
I now present the code of a sample query (the results of this query will be
discussed in the following sections). The query in question prints out the
total size of all pot sizes in terms of multiples of the big blind. The results are
categorized by blind size, and printed to an output stream.
public void performQuery(DataSet ds,
PrintStream... output) {
TreeMap<Float, LinkedList<Float>> results =
new TreeMap<Float, LinkedList<Float>>();
//Iterate over all the games
for(Game cur: ds.getGames()) {
float blind = cur.getHeader().m_bigBlind;
if(!results.containsKey(blind)) {
new LinkedList<Float>());
float potSize =
cur.getHeader().m_totalPotSize / blind;
//Add the normalized pot size to the results set
//Prints the collected data to output
10. Lessons learned
While developing the hand parser, I made several realizations. First, in
retrospect, I feel it was a mistake to parse betting rounds by using the on-
screen action indicators rather than parsing the text console. I encountered
a number of unexpected issues while coding the action parsing. For
example, the action indicators on the player icon continue displaying the
player’s action for approximately 3 seconds after they perform that action.
This can lead to confusing scenarios in which players act fast enough that
action returns to a player while they are still displaying their previously taken
action. Also, in order to ensure that actions were recorded in the correct
order, it was necessary to implement a game logic that mirrored that which
was already implemented server side. It would have been far more efficient
to simply parse the text console (which was guaranteed to be in the correct
order) rather than going to the screen. I had briefly considered this approach
when I began coding, however I underestimated the difficulties of on-screen
parsing, and opted to take the action-icon route instead. By the time that I
had fully determined the difficulties that this method presented, it would have
taken more time to rewrite my hand parsing than to finish the on-screen
action scraping implementation. However, in any future implementation that I
may write, I will certainly use text-console parsing for actions rather than
screen parsing. Also, this is an application that readily lends itself to a
database backend. Since the corpus of data in question (64,000 hands) was
relatively small, and I did not have sufficient time to learn and implement a
database back-end, I opted to use a simpler Java class-based backend.
However, this solution will not scale well, and there are a number of
performance and functionality benefits that a proper database backend will
impart. Future implementations would benefit from an implementation that
makes use of a database.
11. Future Directions
As indicated in section 10, there are several reimplementation goals that
provide a boost to performance and ease the burden of hand parsing
implementation for other poker programs. However, in terms of extended
functionality, there is a large possibility space. As a future end goal, I would
like to create a poker collection/analysis tool with a full graphical front-end as
well as a fully customizable and extensible database-based backend.
As a
first step towards this goal, I implemented a (very) simple graphical front-end
which allowed runtime loading of database queries using the reflection
capabilities of Java. While this is a nice start, I found that the time involved in
writing a query dominated the time that was required to compile the query
into my test program. Therefore, in practice, I found little need for the
runtime extensibility functionality that I coded.
Another possible avenue of extension is the implementation of a poker-
playing AI agent. In conjunction with the table parsing that I have already
implemented, it would not be terribly difficult to create a simple agent which
played a tactically simple but sound game. Such an agent could be quite
profitable, especially at the lower blind games, where the players are far
Lastly, an interesting programming language project would be to create a
specialized query language for the purposes of examining the accumulated
hand data.
There is a large number of interesting problems in this area, and these
suggestions are by no means intended to be exhaustive.
This differs from existing programs, which do no support easy extension.
Data Analysis: Betting habits
1. Introduction
In this section I present my analysis of several queries that I found to be
interesting, or informative in some way. Before I present any data from my
data set, there is a major disclaimer that must be noted. In general, the
hands that are revealed in Internet poker are those that win. This is due to
the fact that players whose hands are beaten are allowed to muck their
hands without showing their cards. Consequently, it is usually the case that
the only time a losing hand is seen is when the loser has to reveal his hand
before the winner. Therefore, when drawing conclusions about hand
selection, one must always be careful to note that stronger hands will have
disproportionate representation. That said, I now present the statistics of my
data set.
Summary Statistics:
$0.10 Big Blind Games:
$1.00 Big Blind Games:
$2.00 Big Blind Games:
$4.00 Big Blind Games:
$6.00 Big Blind Games:
$10.00 Big Blind Games:
$20.00 Big Blind Games:
Total Games:
Total Unique Players:
As I did not have enough time to devote to observing all types of game
simultaneously, my data collection in different blinds varied significantly. As
a rule I was more interested in seeing how the higher stakes players played,
so I only collected lower blind games for the purposes of establishing a
baseline. I now present some statistical analysis.
2. Average Normalized Pot Size
a) Data
In the following chart
we see the distribution of pot size for $.10 blinds.
0 102030405060708090100
Pot size as multiple of big blind
Mean: 20.1
Std Dev: 30.7
Mode: 2.5
Chart 1: Distribution of pot size for $.10 big blinds
From this we see that the average pot size is approximately 20 times the big
blind, while the pots are most frequently between 2 and 3 times the big blind.
This corresponds to the case where every player folds to a bet, or the small
blind calls a half bet, and the big blind checks. While this is the commonest
pot size, there is also a relatively gradual tailing off in the distribution.
Contrast this with the distribution of the pot size obtained in the $4.00 big
blind games:
Please note that in all the distributions I present, the final column indicates the number frequency of
items with value greater than the highest marked bucket. In this case, pots with size greater than 100.
0 102030405060708090100
Pot size as multiple of big blind
Chart 2: Distribution of pot size for $4.00 big blinds
Lastly, consider the distribution of the $20.00 big blinds:
Mean: 14.0
Std Dev: 25.0
Mode: 2.5
0 102030405060708090100
Pot size as multiple of big blind
Chart 3: Distribution of pot size for $20.00 big blinds
This is the tightest distribution, with the lowest mean and standard deviations.
Note that once again the mode is between 2 and 3 times the big blind.
Mean: 13.3
Std Dev: 19.7
Mode: 2.5
b) Analysis
In general, it is interesting to know how large pot sizes get as a function of
blind size. The average pot size is affected by several factors the most
important of which are:
1. The number of players involved in a pot, and how long they stay in
2. The size of the players’ bets/raises
3. The willingness of players to call bets/raises
As we shall see in the following sections, all of these factors are
interrelated. As the number of players involved in a pot increases, there is a
greater and greater incentive for additional players to become involved, as
the size of the pot, as well as the pot odds
become more and more
favorable. Therefore, to some extent, the number of players experiences a
positive feedback loop. The greater the number of players entering a pot, the
greater incentive for additional players to enter. But what helps determine
willingness to enter the pot? While this is a function of players’ preferences
and hole cards, it is also affected by the size of the bets/raises that the
players expect to encounter. If the players generally make small bets/raises,
players will be more inclined to enter a pot cheaply by limping
. Therefore,
the size of player bets has a direct impact on the size of the pot. As we will
shall see, players at lower levels are much more likely to limp or bet weakly,
and thus players are incentivized to participate in pots. As a result, smaller
bets and raises have the seemly unintuitive effect of increasing pot size.
Lastly, having more players that are more willing to call bets/raises are
also likely to increase the size of bets (as a bet needs to be larger to be
significant) and also to increase the number of players involved in the hand
(they are more willing to stick around). A player’s willingness to call a bet is a
function of the size of the bet, as well as their expectation that others will also
call. Clearly, a player should almost always be willing to call a bet that is a
mere 1/10
of the pot. Similarly, a player should be more willing to call a bet
Pot odds refer to the return/investment ratio of an action. For example, if 5 players enter a pot, each
calling the big blind, the 6
player to act will be getting 6.5 to 1 odds on their money by calling the big
blind as well. They only have to win 1 out of 7.5 times in order to break even.
A player is considered to limp if they simply call the big blind preflop.
that is ½ the size of the pot if they expect that the 6 players following them
will also call the bet (they are effectively getting [1 + 7 * .5 = ] 4.5 to .5 odds
on their call).
This data, and the data to follow supports the hypothesis that games at
lower blind levels:
1. More players are involved in pots, and stay in pots longer
2. Players make smaller bets/raises
3. Players are more willing to call bets/raises
The following data further supports this conclusion.
3. Betting Round Statistics
a) Data
In this table we have the percentage of players that see the flop (provided the
hand reaches the flop), as well as the percentage of times that the game
proceeds to the flop. Only games with a full compliment of 9 players are
Blind Level % of Players
to Flop
% of games with
flop seen
$0.10 40% 90%
$4.00 35% 79%
$20.00 32% 70%
Table 1: Flop Statistics
This chart illustrates what percentage of hands at a given blind level end at a
given betting round.
Preflop Flop Turn River
Betting Round
$.10 Blinds
$4.00 Blinds
$20.00 Blinds
Chart 4: Indicates what percentage of games end at a given betting round
Finally, this chart indicates what percentage of hands end on a given betting
round, given that they reach that betting round (since 100% of hands end on
the river once they reach the river, the river is omitted from the chart).
Preflop Flop Turn
Betting Round
$.10 Blinds
$4.00 Blinds
$20.00 Blinds
Chart 5: Percentage of time a hand ends on a betting round, given that it reaches that round
b) Analysis
This data reinforces the conclusions of the previous section. In the lowest
blinds, a greater percentage of players see the flop, and the flop is seen
more often. As the blinds increase, the number of players seeing the flop,
and flop seen decrease. This indicates that players at higher blind levels are
not only involved in fewer pots, but flops are seen less often. This conclusion
is further reinforced by Chart 4. We see that at the highest blind, the largest
proportion of the games end preflop (that is, all players but one fold), and the
smallest percentage of games at the smallest blind end preflop. Conversely,
the smallest blinds have the highest percentage of hands ending on the river,
whereas the largest blinds have the smallest. This demonstrates that players
at smaller blinds are more willing to stay in a pot longer than players at
higher blinds. Chart 5 demonstrates this point more clearly. From this chart
it becomes obvious that the lower the blind level, the more willing the players
are to stay in hand. Also, we find that the flop produces the highest
percentage of folded hands. This is to be expected, as at this point the
players have seen 5/7 of the cards that they will be dealt. Consequently,
most players make (or miss) their hand on the flop, and will usually be more
willing to fold to bets.
4. Player bet size as a proportion of the current pot
a) Data
We now examine perhaps the most telling data with regard to player skill, the
distribution of bet size with relation to the pot.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 More
Bet size as proportion of pot
Chart 6: Distribution of bets, with bets as proportion of the pot for $.10 blinds
In this chart we see the bet distribution as a function of the pot. In the lowest
blind level, the bets are distinctly skewed towards the low end of the bet
spectrum. As we increase the blind size, the skew will shift away from the
bottom end of the spectrum, and move towards the top end. We also see a
relatively large proportion of bets that are more than 1.5 times the size of the
pot. These bets are considered to be over-bets.
Mean: 0.59
Std Dev: 0.51
Bets above 1.5: 3.5%
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 More
Bet size as proportion of pot
Mean: 0.61
Std Dev: 0.43
Bets above 1.5: 1.6%
Chart 7: Distribution of bets, with bets as proportion of the pot for $4.00 blinds
As the blinds increase, the bet distribution moves more towards the upper
end of the bet range, and the percentage of over-bets decreases markedly.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 More
Bet size as proportion of pot
Mean: 0.72
Std Dev: 0.40
Bets above 1.5: 1.7%
Chart 8: Distribution of bets, with bets as proportion of the pot for $4.00 blinds
In the final chart, we see a decided shift towards the upper end of betting
range. The average bet’s value has increased substantially, and players err
on the side of a higher bet rather than a lower bet.
b) Analysis
Here we find the root of the weaker play found at the lower blind levels.
Players at the lower levels systematically bet weakly. Betting in poker serves
several purposes, including:
1. To get more money into the pot
2. To thin the field (when you have a hand that plays well against a small number of
players, but loses values as the number of players increases)
3. To bluff (to induce your opponents into folding)
4. To gain a free card (i.e. scare your opponents into just calling rather than betting or
5. To gain information about your opponents hand
However, as mentioned before, the smaller the bet, the more inclined a
player should be to call. When a bet is so small that a player has better than
4 or 5 to 1 odds to call, a player should call with almost any hand. However,
this effectively eliminates 4 of the 5 purposes in betting (and weakens the
remaining one). If you bet weakly, there is little chance that you will
significantly thin the field. Moreover, a bluff with a weak bet gives one’s
opponents a strong incentive to call. Therefore, bluffing weakly simply puts
more of your money into a pot you expect to lose (if you thought you had the
best hand, you wouldn’t be bluffing). In addition, a weak bet is unlikely to
cow opponents into meekly calling or not raising. Lastly, if you bet such that
your opponent is getting correct odds to call irrespective of the cards they
hold, you have gained no information at all. This leaves only betting to get
more money into the pot. However, by doing this, you are attracting more
players into the pot, and more players means a greater chance that another
player can catch a miracle card to beat you. Therefore, players at lower blind
levels actually remove most of the value of betting, and in essence create a
game that is far more governed by luck.
In fact, this is probably the root cause of larger and longer pots found at
lower blinds. Players at these levels have learned from experience that they
will not face strong betting. Consequently, they are not afraid to put money
into the pot to try and hit long-shot draws. Moreover, they know everyone
else’s proclivity for calling, and know that they will most likely be getting
proper odds to call, since everyone else will as well. Lastly, since they know
that most other players are compulsive callers, they are less inclined to bet
strongly with anything less than the best (or near best) hand. After all,
betting strongly just means that they lose more money when a player holding
the jack and 3 of spades hits his flush on the river! This creates an
environment where players are actively encouraged to maintain poor playing
However, a player moving from a lower blind level to a higher would
rapidly find that their weak betting strategy is no longer effective. Many more
pots are bet and raised strongly, thus making simply calling with weak hands
less viable. In addition, a player that bets weakly will often find themselves
re-raised for all of their money. In other words, players that move up in
blinds have to quickly adapt their style to avoid being bullied by strong
It is also worth mentioning the over-betting. As seen above, players at the
$.10 blinds over-bet the pot more than twice as much as the higher blind
players. Many weaker players think that the best strategy is to commit all or
most of their money to the pot when they pick up a decent hand. However,
this is a mistake for two reasons:
1. If your hand is best, you are scaring players away
2. If your hand is not best, you will lose a lot of money
If one’s hand is actually the best hand, one gains the most money by having
a few players with second-best hands stay in the pot. These players can pay
off bets in later rounds. By over-betting, a player scares away decent hands
that would otherwise have given away some more of their money. However,
by putting in such a large bet, players are actually ensuring that they will only
be called by very strong hands, hands that are probably better than their own.
In essence, by over-betting a pot with a pretty good hand one will only be
called by a superior hand.
5. Conclusion
In this section, we have seen that players at lower blinds tend to make
mistakes in fundamental poker strategy. They enter too many pots, bet
weakly, and stay in pots longer than they should. As the blinds increase in
value, however, players tighten up significantly, and start betting much more
aggressively. This suggests several basic approaches to playing the
different blind levels.
At low levels, hands that are traditionally considered to be very strong (for
example, a pair of aces or kings) lose a bit of value since they will likely be
facing a number of other players. Since one can expect to see the flop
cheaply (as seen above, there are few aggressive bets), drawing hands
(suited cards for flushes, and consecutive cards for straights) go up in value,
and one should be willing to call moderate bets with these hands. Therefore,
at lower blinds, it is advised to lower one’s requirements for starting hands,
and to see more flops, hoping to hit a straight or a flush.
However, at blinds, this strategy is no longer as sound. Since there are
fewer players involved in pots, drawing hands lose value much of their value.
Not only can one no longer expect to see the flop cheaply, there are also less
players to pay off flushes and straights. In addition, limping into pots will no
longer be profitable, since there is a good possibility that a player later in the
act order will make an aggressive raise, which you will not be in the position
to call. It therefore becomes necessary to play a tighter game, and to be
more selective with hands, as well as more aggressive.
Data Analysis: Descriptive Data
1. Introduction
In this section, I present data of little strategic import. Rather, this is data that
I found to be interesting for its own merits.
2. Hand Occurrences
Here is the number of occurrences of the different hand types that I have
appeared in hands I have transcribed.
Hand Type # of Occurrences
High Card 2057
Pair 8713
Two Pair 7008
Three of a Kind 1848
Straight 1535
Flush 1312
Full House 1263
Four of a Kind 127
Straight Flush 27 (2 Royal flushes)
3. Winningest and Losingest Players
Here is a listing of the top 10 winningest and losingest players, both
normalized, and un-normalized.
Winningest Players Losingest Players
Name: Big Blinds won per
hand entered:
Name: Big Blinds lost per
hand entered:
lobojiji 1.56 2fouroffsuit -2.89
m@ldito 1.37 69PokerDog -2.64
LotG 1.32 123shank -1.98
bigslick789 1.30 Donald -1.82
michael1123 1.25 EY400 -1.76
nutsetter 1.24 SPlKE01 -1.58
cpfactor 1.20 JuiceltUp -1.37
TheAvatar 1.12 KdNZ -1.22
brettk00 1.07 dud711 -1.21
DV6215 1.05 mdcslcmdc -1.21
Table 2: Winningest and Losingest Players, normalized to blind size
Winningest Players Losingest Players
Name: Total Dollars Won: Name: Total Dollars Lost:
Halfrek $33,752.80 SPlKE01 -$25,057.90
michael1123 $20,578.50 69PokerDog -$20,601.66
BBuddy $11,553.00 Donald -$14,041.50
Euphoria18 $11,229.00 thorladen -$12,598.72
brettk00 $9,640.65 ElkY -$11,715.80
bigslick789 $8,947.25 EY400 -$11,379.50
TheTakeover $8,499.23 EASSA -$11,130.50
inturn $7,580.00 curzdog -$9,600.34
TheSeize $7,288.50 hazards21 -$8,819.50
twincaracas $6,870.30 ibiza007 -$7,873.25
Table 3: Winning and Losingest Players, absolute
4. Hand with largest pot
This is the observed hand with the largest pot:
Hosting Application: PokerStars
Game ID: 1500749300
Starting time: Sun Apr 10 10:38:52 EDT 2005
Players: 9 / 9
Blinds: 10.0 / 20.0
Play Money: false
0 StuDaKid ( 5702.0 in chips )
1 SixSticks ( 1884.0 in chips )
2 michael1123 ( 8928.0 in chips )
3 Halfrek ( 16864.0 in chips ), cards: [ 8d 6d ]
4 stormcrow ( 547.0 in chips )
5 ibiza007 ( 2487.0 in chips )
6 jayla ( 4609.0 in chips )
Button 7 lNcinerate ( 9199.0 in chips )
8 Lyric ( 2135.0 in chips ), cards: [ 7h 7s ]
0.0 - Lyric posts SB of 10.0
0.0 - StuDaKid posts BB of 20.0
5.4 - SixSticks folds
3.3 - michael1123 raises 60.0 to 80.0
1.1 - Halfrek calls 80.0
0.4 - stormcrow folds
14.9 - ibiza007 folds
1.6 - jayla calls 80.0
1.0 - lNcinerate folds
1.9 - Lyric calls 70.0
0.5 - StuDaKid folds
Flop is [ 5c Qh Kd ]
1.2 - Lyric checks
1.9 - michael1123 checks
1.8 - Halfrek checks
0.6 - jayla checks
Turn is [ 5c Qh Kd 7d ]
10.5 - Lyric bets 300.0
8.1 - michael1123 raises 500.0 to 800.0
2.1 - Halfrek calls 800.0
1.4 - jayla folds
3.4 - Lyric raises 1255.0 to 2055.0 and is all in
15.2 - michael1123 raises 1256.0 to 3311.0
20.4 - Halfrek calls 2511.0
River is [ 5c Qh Kd 7d 4s ]
9.4 - michael1123 bets 2000.0
4.4 - Halfrek raises 11473.0 to 13473.0 and is all in
1.1 - michael1123 calls 3537.0 and is all in
Side Pot 1:
1.5 - Halfrek shows [ 8d 6d ] for Straight - Eight high.
[ 8d 7d 6d 5c 4s ]
2.8 - michael1123 mucks
Halfrek wins pot ( 13586.0 )
Main pot:
5.9 - Lyric shows [ 7h 7s ] for Three of a Kind - Sevens.
[ 7d 7s 7h Kd Qh ]
Halfrek wins pot ( 6505.0 )
StuDaKid folded on PREFLOP ( stack change: -20.0 )
SixSticks folded on PREFLOP ( stack change: 0.0 )
michael1123 mucked on RIVER ( stack change: -8928.0 )
Halfrek showed hand and won on RIVER ( stack change: 11163.0 )
stormcrow folded on PREFLOP ( stack change: 0.0 )
ibiza007 folded on PREFLOP ( stack change: 0.0 )
jayla folded on TURN ( stack change: -80.0 )
lNcinerate folded on PREFLOP ( stack change: 0.0 )
Lyric showed hand and lost on RIVER ( stack change: -2135.0 )
I have presented my methodology and findings on Internet poker. As
mentioned early, the data I have collected, as well as the analysis I have
performed are only beginning to scratch the surface. To properly the gauge
the performance of a single player, it would be necessary to record many
more games than I had time for. In addition, there is a huge set of possible
circumstances that can be presented by the board. In order to cover this
range of possibility with any degree of thoroughness, I would require a data
set that is orders of magnitude larger.
However, in spite of the relatively small data set, there was still some
interesting data to be found. Hopefully future work will uncover more useful
Image 1: Doyle Brunson
1. Poker Rules sites:
A simple rules summary
An exhaustive rules listing
2. Glossary
Term Definition
Stack The amount of money a player has; their chip stack
Muck Folding a losing hand at a showdown with out showing it. This
can only be done if a better hand has already been shown
Preflop The first round of betting
Flop The second round of betting
Turn The third round of betting
River The fourth and final round of betting
Button /
Dealer button
A marker indicating that a player is the “dealer” and thus the last
to act
Blind A mandatory preflop bet. The bet is “blind” because the player
must act without seeing their hand.