Erroneous Beliefs Verbalized While Playing Online Poker
Priscilla Brochu,
Isabelle Giroux,
Julie Dufour,
Daniel Fortin-Guichard,
Étienne Gagnon,
David Paquet,
Isabelle Smith,
& Serge Sévigny
École de psychologie, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada
Centre québécois dexcellence pour la prévention et le traitement du jeu et GRIF-
Jeu, Université Laval, Québec, Québec, Canada
Département des fondements en pratiques en éducation, Université Laval, Québec,
Québec, Canada
The objective of this study was to compare erroneous beliefs of online Texas
Holdem poker players with different level of severity of problems, in situations that
could cause negative emotions. Verbalizations of three groups of gamblers (low-risk,
n=10; at-risk, n=10 and problem, n=10) while playing an online poker tournament in
a laboratory setting. Participants were not aware that they played against research
assistants and that all cards received were predetermined and the same for all
participants. Beliefs related to the illusion of control were found in the three groups
of gamblers. At-risk and probl em gambl ers perceptions denote a greater inuence
given to their ability on the game results, with even a denial of the part played by
chance. Poker-specic beliefs, different from those usually held by game-of-chance
gamblers, were also found. These results are discussed to provide ideas in how to
adapt erroneous perceptions questionnaires for online poker players.
Keywords: poker, erroneous beliefs, emotions, online gambling
The outcome of most gambling activities is essentially based on chance, with no
skill involved. Poker, on the other hand, comma nds an element of skill, which sets
it apart from other gambling activities (Bonneau & Turgeon, 2010; Schoenberg,
2018). According to poker players, three types of skills are required in this game:
(1) technical, related to the knowledge of the game rules and odds, (2) psychological,
Journal of Gambling Issues
Volume 49, January 2022 DOI:
such as decoding opponents behaviour and controlling attention spans, impulsivity
and negative emotions provoked by the game, and (3) nancial, involving balance
between risk-taking and minimizing losses (Bouju et al., 2013). Empirical studies
have shown that chance inuences game outcomes more than skill in the short term
(Meyer et al., 2013). In the long term, skill then tends to gain a little inuence on
game outcomes (Bjerg, 2010; Turner & Fritz, 2001), particularly for players who
devote a considerable number of hours to the game (Fiedler & Rock, 2009). But even
with an extensive skillset and a considerable game experience, chance tends to
dominate up to 75% of the course of the game (Du ersh et al., 2017).
Erroneous beliefs
Amisunderstandingoftheinuence of skill on the game outcome can contribute to the
development of gambling problems (Barrault & Varescon, 2012; Lévesque et al., 2018).
According to the cognitive theory of gambling problems, the quantity of erroneous beliefs
and the strength of the gamblersconvictionaboutthosesamebeliefscontributetothe
persistence of gambling behaviours and eventually to the development of a gambling
disorder (Barrault & Varescon, 2012; Jacobsenetal.,2007;Lévesqueetal.,2018;Raylu
distorted understanding of the aspect of chance and that game events must ‘‘ even out.’’
believes that it is possible to inuence or predict the outcome of a game more than
realistically possible based on onesknowledge,skills,orpersonalcharacteristics(Lambos
such as the belief that it is possible to predict upcoming results by nding patterns and
links among past results (illusory correlation), selective attribution of gains to personal
skill and losses to chance (self-serving bias), and attributing more importance to gains
than losses (availability bias;Barrault&Varescon,2012;Fortune&Goodie,2012).
Erroneous beliefs in poker
Erroneous beliefs have been studied in poker players using questionnaires based on the
beliefs of gamblers who practice mainly gambling activities relying on pure chance
(Lévesque, 2017), an approach which, in turn, has led to interpretation problems.
While erroneous beliefs usually distingu ish pathological from non-pathological
gamblers in gambling activities based on chance (Goodie & Fortune, 2013), Mitrovic
and Brownsresults(2009)showedthattherenocorrelation existed between the
erroneous beliefs score on the Gamblers Belief Questionnaire ([GBQ]; Steenberg et al.,
2002) and gambling problems in a sample of poker players when controlling for
participation in gambling activities that did not involve skill. Conversely, the results of
other studies suggested that erroneous beliefs, particularly the illusion of control
assessed using the Gambling Related Cognition Scale ([GRCS]; Raylu & Oei, 2004),
were related to the presence of gambling problems in poker (Barrault, 2012; Barrault &
Varescon, 2013). In the latter study, a questionnaire specic to poker was used to better
encapsulate the mutual inuence of chance and skill of this gambling activity. Contrary
to most gambling activities, it is not erroneous nor illusory for poker players to believe
that it is possible to inuence the outcome of the game with knowledge or the use of
strategy (Barrault & Varescon, 2012; 2015; Bjerg, 2010).
Brochu and colleagues (2015) used a qualitative method to evaluate beliefs related to
chance and skill for three groups of Texas Holdem online poker players presenting
different levels of gambling problem severity: non-problem, at-risk and problem
gambling. The results of the at-risk and problem poker players focus groups
suggested players believe that their skill has a major inuence on the outcome of the
game. In the at-risk and problem groups, verbalizations related to the importance of
practice and learning from losses were observed. Other verbalizations in the at-risk
and problem groups suggested that these players overestimate their respective skill
levels. For example, in the at-risk group, the idea that it is possible to chase losses
easily because of players skill, as well as a previous belief that it was possib le for the
players to become professional poker players (before being confronted with evidence
of their true skill level), were both mentioned. Losses are attributed to external
sources such as cheating opponents and non-randomly generated online cards in the
at-risk and problem groups, which could reect those gamblers tendency to protect
beliefs about their own skill levels.
Erroneous beliefs expressed while gambling
Previous qualitative studies were mostly focused on the beliefs of poker players
outside of a game and collected data via individual interviews or focus groups. Bjerg
(2010) noted that, because of the skill involved in poker, it was not possible to
determine whether beliefs were erroneous or correct without analyzing the context of
the game within which they occurred. Research in this domain has also shown that
gamblers erroneous perceptions are mostly observable when they are active in a
game. Sévigny and Ladouceur (2003) introduced the ‘‘ double switching’’ cognitive
concept to explain the incoherence between gamblers beliefs and behaviours during
a game, compared to outside of a game session. Many factors may explain the
phenomenon of ‘‘ double switching.’’ Certain structural characteristics of gambling
activities that promote the impression of control over the outcome, such as stopping
devices on video lottery terminals, may have an inuence on the emergence of
erroneous beliefs and behaviours in gamblers during a game session (Ladouceur &
Sévigny, 2003). Andrade and Iyer (2007) showed that outside of a game session,
gamblers tend to underestimate the impact of negative emotions related to losses on
their subsequent behaviour. These negative emotions strongly motivate them to
recuperate their losses and re-establish their emotional equilibrium, thus facilitating
risky gambling behaviours motivated by specic erroneous beliefs.
In poker, emotions related to the players interpretations of the game situation
concerning chance and skill have a considerable inuence on their subsequent behaviours
(Barrault, 2012; Bjerg, 2010; Lévesque,2017;Moreauetal.,2020a).Apoordecision
made under the inuence of strong negative emotions is a phenomenon called ‘‘ tilt,’’ and
is often caused by an unexpected loss (Moreau et al., 2016; 2020b; Palomäki et al., 2014).
With tilt, players end up feeling frustrated because they believe that they have experienced
an injustice because of chance and can seek a rapid recovery of their losses (Moreau et al.,
2016; 2020a; Palomäki et al., 2013). Since such a comeback is not always possible, players
end up accumulating losses instead of gains (Grifths et al., 2010; Moreau et al., 2020a).
Tilt is said to share certain features with problematic gambling since players experience
losses of control, negative feelings and chasing (Moreau et al., 2016; 2020a). In Bjergs
study (2010), poker players in treatment or who have previously been treated for their
gambling problem reported how their incapacity to self-assess their true skill level and the
factors that inuence it (e.g., emotional upsets) were important aspects in their transition
to problematic gambling. Acquiring furtherknowledgeabouterroneousbeliefsduring
game sessions that are likely to trigger negative emotions would allow for a better
understanding of problem gambling in poker players (Moreau et al., 2016).
To our knowledge, the Bouju and colleagues (2013) study is the only one thus far
published that has focusedonthebeliefsthataroseinthecontextofapokergame
session. In this inquiry, sixteen poker players took part in face-to-face, semi-structured
interviews and were observed during either an online or ofine poker game session.
The interview classied poker players by level of problem according to the number of
satised DSM-IV criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Two criteria or
less refer to social gamblers and the satisfaction of at least three criteria to problem
gamblers. In this study, qualitative analysis results revealed that, compared to social
gamblers, problem gamblers perceived that skill had an increased impact on the game,
which led them to believe they could control chance and quickly make considerable
gains. However, the two groups were not exposed to the same game context during the
experimentation phase (one group was exposed to a mix of online games at the
participantshome,whiletheotherwasexposedtoofine games in live poker rooms;
all players did not receive he same cards). This decision made the comparison of both
groups beliefs dependant, in part, to the game events to which they were exposed.
The role of online poker
Online poker, similar in nature to ofine poker, can also be exceptionally different in
terms of structural characteristics and potential consequences. Since online and
ofine poker are different gambling modalities, the limits of online poker, such as the
potential for fraud (poker bots, cheats-at-play schemes, etc.) and dubious player
practices (computer viruses, hacking, etc.), could also contribute to the reinforcement
of erroneous beliefs, since players often believe they are being cheated when they lose
in online poker games ( McMullan, 2012). Participation in online poker is associated
with high rates of gambling problems (Sirola et al., 2018). In recent years, research
on poker has addressed the characteristics of the game in terms of chance and skill
(Duersh et al., 2020; Palomäki et al., 2020). Since erroneous beliefs related to chance
and skill are recognized for their involvement in the development and persistence
of gambling problems (Lévesque et al., 2018), it is important to document those
erroneous beliefs in relation to the practice of online poker.
Instruments measuring erroneous beliefs should consider the different structural
characteristics of the games played by gamblers. It is possible that the erroneous
beliefs of poker players are different than the false beliefs of those gamblers who
play games based mainly on chance (Barrault & Varescon, 2012; 2015). It is also
necessary to study poker players erroneous beliefs to adapt eventually assessment
tools to poker compared to other gambling activities. A qualitative research design is
appropriate for this task, as it has been applied during the developmental phase of
the current cognitive theory on gambling problems (Goodie & Fortune, 2013).
Qualitative research also allows access to the beliefs of poker players as verbalized
within the dialect of the game (Baribeau, 2010).
Study design, aim and objectives
The present study consisted of a poker tournament where participants were asked to
verbalize their thoughts while playing. The aim of this study was to compare the
erroneous beliefs of three groups of online poker players with different levels of
gambling problem severity. Players were compared in situations that were likely to
evoke negative emotions and tilt during an online tournament of Texas Holdem
poker (i.e., situations where unexpected losses have more chance of occurring). This
game was chosen because of its high popularity at the time of the study (Grifths &
Barnes, 2008). Since erroneous beliefs are generally related to probl em gambling,
the three groups were expected to differ with respect to particular erroneous beliefs.
The three-group design also allows for a better documentation and comparison
of erroneous beliefs, as verbalized by players at three different problem levels. This
documentation will then provide a basisforfutureadaptationofcognitive
interventions and existing assessment toolsforplayerswithgamblingproblemsrelated
to this game.
Participants were invited to play in an online poker tournament. The inclusion
criteria were as follows. Each participant was required to be (1) 18 years of age or
older; (2) a man;
(3) someone who had played online poker for money at least
once a month over the past six months; and (4) someone who had never have been
treated previously for a gambling problem (since therapies for problem gamblers
are mostly of a cognitive-behavioural nature and aim to restructure e rroneous
beliefs related to chance, the inclusion of gamblers who have previously been
treated for a gambling p roblem would have biased the beliefs under study).
Recruitment methods included a list of volunteers available at the Centre
québécois dexcellence pour la prévention et le traitement du jeu research center
The dialect of the game refers to the specic terms and expressions used by poker players to
communicate about certain aspects of poker (i.e., pocket cards, playing the rush, rabbit hunting, etc.).
One study conducted on 180 online poker players described them as young single men, sensation
seekers, persons working full-time, and persons playing approximately ve times per week (Barrault
& Varescon, 2013; Bonn aire & Barrault, 2018; Kairouz et al., 2016; Moreau et al., 2016).
(n=3); the publication of advertisements in local newspapers (n=6), on the radio
(n=3), and on a poker forum (n=1); solicitations on the local sport network website
(; n=1); e-mails to the community of students and employees at Université
Laval (n=6), a nd word of mou th (n=10). The recruitment period took place
between February 10 and September 8, 2010.
Thirty participants were selected to participate in the study according to their score
on the National Opinion Research Centers DSM Screen (NODS; Gerstein et al.,
1999). They were placed into one of the following three groups: non-problem
gamblers (score of 0; n=10), at-risk gamblers (score of 1 or 2; n=10), and problem
gamblers (score of 3 or 4; n=10).
Because of the small sample size, only a visualinspectionofthesociodemographicand
gambling habits variables was carried to verify if groups differed. The subjects were
from Quebec city (90%) and others regions (10%) and spoke French as a rst language,
except for one participant who spoke French uently as a second language. The mean
age of the sample was 26.33 years (SD =7.23).Themajorityofthesamplewassingle
(73.33%) and without children (76.67%). Fiftypercentofparticipantsheldacollege
degree and 23.33% held a university degree. The participants were mostly students
(46.67%) or worked full-time (36.67%). Over half of the subjects (56.67%) earned a
personal annual income of $20,000 or less. Participants had played online poker for an
average of 3.62 years (SD =2.29).Thesubjectshadplayedapproximately three times a
week over the previous six months for an average of 26.11 hours (SD =31.92)per
month over the last year and spent a mean of $398.99 per month (SD =$1,124.10).
The median largest sums lost was much higher for the problem gamblers ($1,150) than
the non-problem gamblers ($175) and the at-risk gamblers ($100). Surprisingly, the
mean hours played, frequency of gambling, and amount spent in the last 12 months
by non-problematic gamblers (NPG) for online poker represent higher amounts
quantitatively than for at-risk gamblers orproblemgamblers.Ontheotherhand,the
gambling habits for NPG are less frequent and the amount spent is lower than the
other groups for the other two gambling forms. The mean amount spent by at-risk
gamblers in the last 12 months on casino games ($655.56) and sports betting ($402.75)
is also surprisingly high compared to the other two groups (NPG: casino games =
$1.00, sports betting = $8.00; PG: casino games = $0.00, sports betting = $17.78). This
nding could be explained by a higher mean annual income in the at-risk group
($31,000 to $40,000) in comparison to the other two groups ($11,000 to $20,000).
We provide further details concerning the gambling habitsofthethreegroupsofpoker
players at poker and at other games in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
Sociodemographic and poker habits questionnaire
This questionnaire, formulated specically for the present study, includes 28 open-
ended and multiple-choice questions on gender, place of birth, rst language, marital
status, education, main occupation, religion, personal annual income, preferred poker
websites and gambling establishments, types and variants of poker played, amount of
money spent, time spent playing, and the number of years of experience at the game.
National Opinion Research Centers DSM Screen (NODS)
The translation and French adaptation (Jacques, 2000) of the NODS (Gerstein et al.,
1999) was used to screen for pathological gambling
over the past year in the sample
of online poker players. The 17 diagnostic questions are based on the 10 diagnostic
criteria of the fourth edition of the DSM-IV (APA, 2000). The items are
dichotomous (i.e., yes or no questions) such as, ‘‘ Over the past 12 months, have
Table 1
Gambling Habits in Poker
NPG (n=10) ARG (n=10) PG (n=10)
Habits by game modality M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
Online poker
Years of experience 3.25 (3.14) 3.50 (2.04) 4.10 (1.58)
Frequency (past 6 months) 55.50 (50.38) 78.00 (69.86) 87.80 (61.26)
Frequency (last month) 7.45 (8.41) 12.22 (10.28) 26.60 (38.30)
Money spent (per month) 47.87 (65.42) 979.25 (1,989.43) 250.80 (348.24)
Hours played (per month) 26.00 (34.04) 37.95 (32.01) 44.20 (30.24)
Largest sum won 1,013.33 (1,456.39) 14,174 .80 (42,454.81) 2,853.20 (3,894.30)
Largest sum lost 481.67 (806.39) 6,396.25 (17,618.96) 1,283.33 (788.46)
Poker at the (identied
gambling site)
Frequency (past 12 mo nths) 2.54 (7.01) 0.70 (1.89) 0.850 (1.76)
Money spent (past 12 months) 2,544.00 (7,765.52) 20.00 (63.25) 327.50 (778.39)
Hours played 17.40 (52.95) 1.80 (4.73) 4.15 (10.30)
Poker at the casino
Frequency (past 12 mo nths) 0.20 (0.42) 0.30 (0.48) 0.95 (1.42)
Money spent (past 12 months) 300.70 (948.44) 125.00 (313.80) 347.50 (770.14)
Hours played (past 12 months) 1.55 (4.73) 1.10 (1.79) 5.40 (11.32)
Poker with friends
Frequency (past 12 mo nths) 23.40 (29.35) 22.15 (22.14) 30.00 (27.75)
Money spent (past 12 months) 255.00 (323.68) 667.00 (1072.24) 979.60 (1625.42)
Hours played (past 12 months) 63.63 (33.30) 92.39 (102.81) 94.65 (75.83)
Note. NPG = non-problem gamblers; ARG = at-risk gamblers; PG = problem gamblers.
Since the NODS was created with the DSM-IV in mind, it has been used to screen pathological
gambling, a term used in the DSM-IV. Subsequent to the publi cation of the DSM-5 in 2013,
pathological gambling is now referred to as ‘‘ gambling disorder.’’ The two terms, even when
considering this change in nomenclature, are conceptually similar. Pathological gambling refers to a
persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behaviour (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
Gambling disorder is dened as a persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behaviour leading to
signicant impairment or distress, as indicated by different factors (i.e., needing to gamble with
increasing amounts of money to achieve excitement, restlessness or irritability when attempting to
stop gambling, etc.) (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
you needed to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling of
excitement?’’ The total score on the NODS can vary between 0 and 10, where a score
of 0 indicates the absence of a gambling problem. Scores between 1 and 2 indicate a
risk of developing a gambling problem, scores of 3 or 4 suggest the presence of a
gambling problem, and scores of 5 or above signal the probable presence of
pathological gambling. The original English instrument possesses high internal
consistency and reliability for prevalence over life (r = 0.99) and over the past 12
months (r = 0.98; Gerstein et al., 1999). The French adaptation of the instrument,
administered to a sample of 865 people, shows an internal consistency of 0.91
(Jacques, 2000).
Individuals who were interested in participating in the study gave their contact
information to the research center via voicemail. When they were contacted, participants
responded to the sociodemographic and poker habits questionnaire and the NODS.
Eligible participants then received an invitation to participate in an online poker
tournament at Université Laval. Upon their arrival in the laboratory, participants were
instructed to be seated in front of a computerequippedwiththeonlinepokersoftware.
They were joined by an interviewer, a doctorate-level graduate student in psychology.
Participants were informed that the other participants in the tournament were in rooms
on other stories of the building to assure their anonymity. They read and signed the
consent form in which the tournament procedure was explained.
Table 2
Gambling Habits Outside of Poker*
NPG (n=10) ARG (n=10) PG (n=10)
Habits per gambling activity M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
Frequency (past 12 mo nths) 7.30 (9.84) 9.45 (15.63) 33.85 (50.28)
Money spent (past month) 3.85 (6.62) 2.70 (4.67) 24.00 (53.89)
Casino games
Frequency (past 12 mo nths) 0.50 (0.71) 1.70 (3.68) 12.55 (37.77)
Money spent (past month) 1.00 (3.16) 655.56 (1650.08) 0.00 0.00
Video lottery terminals
Frequency (past 12 mo nths) 0.95 (0.90) 2.60 (5.50) 32.50 (76.91)
Money spent (past month) 0.56 (1.67) 3.10 (6.87) 8.00 (13.98)
Skill games
Frequency (past 12 mo nths) 0.60 (1.07) 5.40 (15.05) 21.30 (47.72)
Money spent (past month) 6.11 (13.64) 50.00 (158.11) 31.11 (68.64)
Sports betting
Frequency (past 12 mo nths) 2.70 (7.85) 4.35 (7.88) 16.30 (37.24)
Money spent (past month) 8.00 (16.19) 402.75 (1263.95) 17.78 (33.83)
Note. NPG = non-problem gamblers; ARG = at-risk gamblers; PG = problem gamblers.
* Bingo, animal race and stock market participation were not included in Table 2 as their rates were either non-existent or
nearly non-existent.
Before signing the consent, participants were informed that they would receive a $40
gift certicate for a local shopping center as compensation for their participation in the
tournament and $10 in cash to cover their parking fees at the university. To create a
context that is similar to the reality of a poker tournament and to recreate the lure of
gains that players seek, we informed the participants that they had a chance to receive
an additional gift certicate depending on their position in the tournament: $100 for
rst place, $50 for second, $30 third, and $10 fourth. After the experiment, for ethical
reasons, the participants who did not nish the tournament in rst place received a gift
certicate in the amount of the difference between the gift certicate received and the
gift certicate that was given to the rst-place winner in the tournament. All the
participants therefore received the same amount in compensation for their participa-
tion in the study ($140 in gift certicates and $10 in cash for parking fees). Once the
consent form was read and signed, the interviewer explained the instructions for the
verbalizing technique to be used during the tournament (inspired by Ladouceur et al.,
1988): (1) say all the thoughts that come to mind aloud, even those that do not seem
relevant, (2) speak as much as possible and continuously, (3) talk loudly enough to be
heard, and (4) situate self as a poker instructor. Each participant had an opportunity to
practice this technique whileplayingsolitaireforaboutve minutes.
Prior to the study, a software created for this study randomly generated a sequence
of cards for participants and for their opponents (research assistants) until the 30th
hand. During the tournament, for these rst 30 hands, each participant received the
same series of cards as the other participants, and each opponent (from the same
table position) received the same cards for each participant they played against. On
the 31st hand, participants and opponents received different cards that were
randomly dealt by the software so that the outcome of the tournament was not
biased by the experiment. The tournament was programmed so that the value of the
small and big blind bets increased every 15 minutes according to the following
structure: 1530, 3060, 50100, 100200 and 200400. Two research assistants
assumed the role of opponents (there were four opponents altogether) by following
an opponent game protocol indicating the decisions to be made (wait, fold, call, or
raise) at each round (preop, op, turn, and river) for the rst 30 hands of the
tournament. Each protocol considered the cards and decisions made by the
participants. No mistakes in the following of the protocol were made by any of the
research assistants at any moment. The protocols insured that no participant would
be evicted from the tournament before the 31st hand of the game. Throughout the
tournament, the interviewer encouraged the participants to verbalize their beliefs and
questioned them on those beliefs if necessary. After the 30th hand, the research
assistant opponents played for the rest of the tournament without knowing which
cards the participants had and without following a game protocol.
Once the experimentation phase with the tournament was completed for all
participants, they were contacted by telephone or e-mail to reveal the actual context
of the tournam ent, which was that they had played against research assistants who
were following a pre-established game protocol for the rst 30 hands of the game.
The parti cipants were free to agree or refuse to allow their data to be used for the
study; none of the participants refused. This study received the approval of the
Comité déthique à la recherche sur des êtres humains de lUniversité Laval (2009-
032 A-1 / 26-01-2010).
Qualitative analysis procedure
In the Texas Holdem poker tournament, han ds 2 through 7 were selected for
analysis. According to the probability calculator available on the Poker News
hands 2 through 7 involved unexpected loss situations (small probability of
loss; to see the sequence of hands, refer to Table 3). For example, during the third
hand (participants received the king of hearts and ace of spades), the probability of
gains was relatively strong at the beginning (27% at the preop) but was considerably
reduced (11% at the op and 6% at the turn) and reached zero at the river.
Unexpected losses are known to generate negative emotions in poker players,
including tilt (Grifths et al., 2010; Moreau et al., 2016; Palomäki et al., 2014).
The research assistants, who were undergraduate psychology students, transcribed
the participants verbalizations verbatim for hands 2 through 7 of the tournaments
using Microsoft Word. They transferred the transcription into the qualitative
analysis software QDA Miner version 3.2.9. Thematic analysis was performed
according to the six-step procedure described by Braun and Clarke (2006): (1)
familiarization with the data, (2) development of codes (subthemes), (3) search for
themes, (4) denition and description of themes, and (5) presentation of themes and
subthemes and their analysis with quotations that support the ndings. An inter-rater
agreement procedure was carried out on 35% of the verbatim content. The raters
then applied the codes (subthemes) to eac h relevant text segment. To be considered
an agreement, the application of a theme to a given text segment had to overlap at
least 50% between raters. The reliability statistic chosen was Krippendorffs alpha
because of the complexity of the themes and subthemes that arose from the thematic
analysis (Hayes & Krippendorff, 2007). The val ues of this criterion varied between
0 (total disagreement) to 1 (perfect agreement). Disagreements were resolved by
discussion and reaching a consensus on the re-denition, fusion, separation, or
Table 3
Tournament Hands Selected for Analysis
Hand Cards Common cards Final hand
2K!7# 9!3!8!K# A~ Pairs of K
3K!A" 7~ 2# 9~ 5# Q" Ace and a King
48~ 5" 6"Q"3"3~ J~ Pair of three with Queen kicker
5A!4~ 4# 10!K"10~ 9~ Two pairs (10 and 4) with Ace kicker
64~ 3" 10!7"Q# 6# 5" Straight (3 to 7)
73# 10! 5# 2# 2"Q~ 8" Pair of two with 10 kicker
http://fr.pokernew r-odds-calculator.htm
suppression of themes or subthemes until their nal Krippend orffs alpha criterion
had a value of 0.70 or more. This cut-off is suggested for exploratory studies
(Neuendorf, 2002). The nal themes and subthemes are presented in Table 4. The
nal inter-rater agreement statistic was 97.40% (Krippendorff s alpha = 0.79). The
groups of players were compared based on the presence or absence of subthemes
indicating the presence of erroneous beliefs in their verbalizations. The groups were
considered similar when a theme was evoked in all three groups and considered
different when a theme was evoked in only one or two of the three groups.
Results and discussion
Erroneous beliefs
Erroneous beliefs were identied in each of the three groups (non-problem gamblers,
at-risk gamblers, and problem gamblers). Each erroneous belief was described
Table 4
Themes and Subthemes Related to Beliefs of Chance and Skill
Themes Subthemes
Decision Bad decision / mistake / regret
Good decision
Call / raise
Verbal contradictions
Fold / check
Decision-related elements Number of people in the hand
Opponents cards
Participants hand
Opponents bets
Position around the table
Structure / moment in the tournament
Difcult reading of opponents
Bet or pot amount
Available stack
States / emotions
Other elements
Strategies Bet / raise / reraise
Cognitive reassurance
Other strategies
Luck / chance / skill Luck / chance
Rigged game
Believing oneself to be more skillful than opponents
Skill / experience
Not skillful
Playing style Aggressive / risk-taking
Careful / patient / tight
according to the game context, the group within which it was verbalized, or both.
Erroneous beliefs found in this study were linked to existing literature on erroneous
beliefs in gambling.
The lucky hand
In the non-problem group, the idea that the starting, non-assorted hand of King-7 is
a ‘‘ lucky hand’’ was evoked. This is a medium-strength hand, as its probability of
winning is 28.14% at a table of four players.
The perception of a lucky hand is an
attempt to predict the results of the game based on previous winning experiences.
Unfortunately, the predicted results did not materialize, and this failure led to a loss
associated with negative emotions,
O.K. I have King-7 [king of hearts and 7 of clubs]. This is a hand that I usually
like. [Interviewer (I): Do you?]} Yes, even if it is not forcibly a good hand. [I:
Why do you like that hand?] I dont know, having played many games, they
have been lucky hands. [I: Oh, O.K.] So, in this case, I will bet more [y] I have
the pair of kings, but if he was lucky [one of the opponents, Player 5], he will be
saved by the ace in the end. And there you go! [Player 5 forms a second pair at
the river (a pair of aces) while he only had a pair of 3s before the last round of
the game.] What is kind of a shame is when you have a pair of kings, not
knowing whether the pair of aces will come out. Its a shame because I would
lose a big hand. It wouldnt be fun. (Player #37 from the non-problem group)
The lucky hand reported in the non-problem group is an example of an erroneous
belief known as an illusory correlation, which is the establishment of a link between
independent events in a game (Jacobsen et al., 2007; Labrador et al., 2020). In this
case, players believe that they will be able to predict the outcome of the game based
on their past experiences, although the result of the game depends on winning odds
and one s way of playing the game (number of bets made, use of skill). The lucky
hand is a form of illusion of control known as predictive control, which is the
erroneous belief that it is possible to predict the results of a game based on ones
intuition, emotions, or hypotheses (Mathieu et al., 2018; Toneatto et al., 1997). It is
possible that this erroneous belief also relates to the concept of availability bias or
interpretive contr ol, which is when players remember certain events of a game more
readily, such as their wins, rather than having an overall perspective including both
their wins and losses (Lambos & Delfabbro, 2007; Mathieu et al., 2018; Toneatto
et al., 1997).
Losses because of the opponents lack of skill
In the three groups, there were many situations in which the players attributed their
loss to the opponents lack of skill. The players reported that their opponents made
Verbalizations are free translations from French.
bets that were too low or that were not proportional to the size of the pot, which
made it difcult to detect whether they had a good or a bad hand and made a good
decision as a result (call, raise, or fold). In the problem gambler group, the
opponents lack of skill appeared to create frustration and anger, but this was not
observed in the non-problem and at-risk gambler groups.
8-5 [8 of clubs and 5 of spades; hand 4], Ill never play that. Everyone is in the hand
except me. They keep making strange bets. [I: Which players?] Mostly everyone.
the value of each hand. Theyll have an ace-5 and put all their chips on it. They also
best hand, but also when they have nothing. You cantreallyy Ihavetrouble
playing with players like that. I would rather play against good players. You know
what to expect. (Player #251 from the problem gamblers group)
Anger associated with the lack of skill in an opponent relates to the concept of
exible attribution (interpretive control) described previously. One player from the
problem gamblers group said, ‘‘ Icanbeskillful,butduetothestyleofthetable,Iam
not playing the way I usually would,’’ emphasizing the belief that his loss was because
of the opponents lack of skill rather than his own. The opponents level of skill and
strategy constitutes a large part of the chance aspect that is involved in poker and
inuences the players odds of winning. However, in the problem gamblers group, the
opponentslackofskillandtheuncertaintyitgeneratedintheplayers decision-
making was interpreted as an injustice rather than a fact of the game.
In another excerpt of the transcript for the problem gamblers group, a participant
expressed his frustration of unexpectedly losing a hand to an opponent who would
not have called that hand if the opponent had been skilled.
Ace-3 [Ace of spades and 3 of diamonds: the opponents cards at hand 2]. Damn
that was ugly! He called myy damn that was ugly! What a donkey [bad poker
player]! I put in as much money as there was in the pot, and he called 200 with
his pair of 3s when he had three hearts [followed by his pair of 3s regardless of
the possibility that an opponent could have a ush, as there were three heart
cards on the board]. [I: Uh huh.] Now I have ace-king [participants cards at
hand 3] and I am angry. What a donkey! (Player #110 from the problem
gambler group)
At this hand, the participant had the best hand at the turna pair of kingsand
faced the possibility (a 19.6% chance) of completing a ush in hearts on the river.
The probability that the opponent would complete a second pair on the river was
only 7%. Despite the participants correct interpretation of the game situation, his
feeling of anger, which reected his belief of injustice, appears erroneous. His belief
of injustice concerning chance relates to the concept of ‘‘ moral indignation’’
discussed by Palomäki and colleagues (2013) within a sample of online poker
players. Moral indignation is expressed when players erroneously expect that chance
will be on their side and favor a positive outcome of the game for them. According to
this study, this state of mind can create risky situations in which players seek to chase
their losses and re-establish the expected balance between their wins and losses and
thus, their emotional equilibrium.
Minimization of the consequences of loss or the players role in his loss
After incurring an unexpected loss (because of the strength of the cards and the
associated winning odds) at hand 3, a tendency to minimize the consequences of
the loss or of the players role in the loss was observed in the at-risk gamblers group.
The participants had a rather strong starting hand (ace and king), but the cards
on the board (op, turn, and river) did not allow them to increase that strength.
But you know, even if I have the short stack right now [a small quantity of
chips], at this point, I am not very worried. [I: No?] Its happened to me so often
to get back up y No thats not true, it has happened to me a few times to get
back up and win. (Player from the at-risk gambler group)
I did not lose to a hand where the guy had 4-2 [an opponent won the hand by
forming a ush on the river]. Its for sure that I am a little disappointed, but at
the same time, I played what I had to play so its not a big deal. (Player #229
from the at-risk gambler group)
Overestimating oneschancesofrecuperatinglossesasmentionedintherst of the two
quotations above relates to the erroneous belief known as ‘‘ chasing losses’’ (Jacobsen
et al., 2007). Players beliefs that they can make up for their losses constitutes an illusion
of control known as probability control, which is based on a poor comprehension of odds
(Labrador et al., 2020; Toneatto et al., 1997). The minimization of a loss in the second
quotation above constitutes an attribution bias. In that hand, participants began with a
seemingly strong combination (ace-king), but the cards that appeared on the board at
each round of the game (14% on the op, 11% on the turn, and 0% on the river)
decreased the probability of winning. To continue betting regardless of the small
probability of winning was not a proper strategy. In this case, this strategy was a way to
attribute oneslosstochance(theopponentsgoodcards)ratherthantotheplayersown
lack of skill (the poor decision to continue the hand after the op). This type of reasoning
is called interpretive control, a form of illusion of control in which wins are attributed
exibly to skill while losses are attributed to chance or other dispositions (Baboushkin et
al., 2001; Mathieu et al., 2018; Toneatto et al., 1997). Minimizing the consequences of
losses or of the players own role in the loss as observed in the at-risk gambler group
appears to protect their belief of their own personal skill level. Players might convince
themselves that their personal skill level appears high enough to tolerate their losses while
modulating their negative emotions and the associated negative consequences.
The online game is rigged
In the at-risk and problem gambler groups, a belief that the online game was rigged
was mentioned.
To me, online poker is just an occasional replacement for when I cant play in
person y because I dont trust the poker software on the Internet. I nd that
the odds are higher. While certain hands are rarely seen in person, we see them
often when playing online. So thats why I never play large amounts,
I occasionally play in small online tournaments at $1, $3 maximum. (Player
#235 from the at-risk gambler group)
I never have the impression that the cards are already set in advance. I dont
have the impression that the cards to come are always the same. [I: What do you
mean?] When I am playing, I always have the impression [y] that if I push, my
ace could come out, more than if I had played in small bets, like now, if I pushed
all-iny. Anyway, on the big poker sites, on Stars, Tilt, thats the impression
I developed over time, that aggressive players are rewarded, and players that
wait do not get them [the cards that they want]. I have come to think that they
probably just want their tournaments to roll faster.y If the all-in always win,
they come back into the game and it never ends, whereas if they get them out,
it is benecial for the game. The losers can go to another table, start a new
game. (Player #132 from the problem gambler group)
Beliefs that the online game was rigged (non-random distribution of cards) were
verbalized in the at-risk and problem gambler groups, although in a slightly different
manner. In the at-risk group, the reported belief was that the odds were higher of
getting strong hands (for example getting a ush happens more often on the Internet
than is normally expected with chance). This belie f is erroneous because the players
cards were generated randomly during the online tournament, and the belief seems to
correspond to an incoherence between the participants own belief of chance and
actual results because of chance. This belief is an example of gambler's fallacy
(a form of probability control), which consists of an incorrect comprehension of the
independence of game events. The players who demonstrated this belief expected
that the odds during a short game sequence would correspond to the same odds in
the long term over a long game sequence (Fortune & Goodie, 2012). Their belief of
chance rendered patterns incoherent, such as a series of strong hands that are played
close to each other in time. The belief of higher odds of obtaining strong hands in
online poker seemed to produce a detachment from the consequences of the loss and
from the associated emotions. By attributing the loss to an external factor such as the
non-random generation of the cards, players minimized their responsibility in the
loss. This interpretation may aim to protect the players sense of personal skill.
According to this hypothesis, the belief of higher odds of strong hands in online
poker could be a manifestation of an illusion of interpretive control known as exible
attribution. As mentioned previously, this type of erroneous belief inuences players
to attribute their wins to their personal skill and their losses to external or contextual
factors (Baboushkin et al., 2001; Mathieu et al., 2018; Toneatto et al., 1997).
In the problem gambler group, the belief related to rigged online poker refers to the
belief that it is possible to inuence chance with ones actions. In the cited example
above, player #132 stated, ‘‘ When I am playing, I always have the impression [y]
that if I push, my ace could come out, more than if I had played in small bets.’’
He mentioned that the cards obtained can vary depending on the amount of the
bet made; the higher the bet, the higher the odds of obtaining strong cards. This
belief underlies an overestimation of ones personal capacity to inuence the events
of a game (active illusory control; Lambos & Delfabbro, 2007; Mathieu et al., 2018;
Toneatto et al., 1997).
It was interesting to note that beliefs of a rigged online game were indicated after the
loss at hand 3, while an opponent was completing his ush in an unexpected way on
the river. Situations of unexpected loss‘‘ bad beat’’ in poker slangmay possibly
generate these kinds of erroneous interpretations.
To summarize, the main erroneous belief themes observed during the game were
related to: (1) decisions, (2) decision-related elements, (3) strategies, (4) luck, chance,
or skill, and (5) playing styles (see Table 4). The beliefs observed in the non-proble m
and the problem group were mainly based on 2 and 4, while those in the at-risk
group were mainly based on 1, 2 and 4. The main sub-themes observed in the non-
problem group were related to the players past experiences playing poker, emotions,
and the opponents lack of skill. The sub-themes observed in the at-risk group were
mainly related to cognitive reassurance, the opponents luck, and the feeling of
playing a rigged game because of gamblers fallacy. Those observed in the problem
group were related to the frustration and anger caused by the opponents lack of
skill, and the feeling of playing a rigged game because of the manipulation of chance
by the opponent.
It is interesting to note that certain of the same themes and subthemes tend to repeat
themselves in the three groups. The main difference therefore lies in the players
emotional reaction to the events of the game, which is better illustrated in the sub-
themes (i.e., anger and injustice in the problem group, but not in the at-risk or the
non-problem group).
General discussion
The aim of this paper was to compare the specic erroneous beliefs of three unique
groups of Texas Holdem online poker players (i.e., non-problem, at-risk, and
problem) as verbalized during game situations likely to generate negative emotions.
When observing the erroneous beliefs reported in the three groups of gamblers,
it appears clear that they are all related to illusions of control in one form or another
(predictive, interpretive, probability, or active).
Erroneous beliefs relating to illusions of control
While the whole sample of participants was dealt the same sequence of cards, certain
forms of illusion of control were noted in specic groups. This was the case for the
illusion of predictive control, which was only noted in the non-problem group.
Interpretive and probability control were identied in the three groups of gamblers.
Active control (i.e., making higher bets leads to stronger cards) was only observed in
the problem gambler group. Those illusions of control were identied through the
erroneous beliefs verbalized by the players in each group. Other studies have
previously shown that online poker players tend to rely on more erroneous beliefs
than other types of poker players (Dufour et al., 2015). Since the chosen modality of
the poker game was online, the erroneous beliefs observed in the context of this study
are effectively specic to the experience of online poker players and the context of an
online poker game.
The intensity of the players denial of the role of chance in the game, or a lack of
questions about the inuence of ones own skill on the outcome of the game appears
to distinguish the erroneous beliefs of the at-risk and problem gamblers from those of
the non-problem gamblers. While the non-problem gamblers sometimes appeared to
feel that they had more control over the games outcome than they did (e.g., ‘‘ lucky
hand’’ ), the belief of control in the at-risk gambler group appeared stronger because
of their belief that they could make up for their losses, as well as their interpretation
of their losses as caused by factors other than their personal skill. Beliefs of a rigged
online game (higher probability of strong cards) and that losses were because of their
opponents lack of skill as observed in the at-risk and problem gambler groups
emphasize their denial of the role of chance in poker.
The importance of the perception of control over the games outcome, or not
questioning ones skill level with respect to gambling problem severity were also
emphasized in the results of focus groups conducted with online poker players
(no problem, at-risk, and problem; Brochu et al., 2015). The beliefs verbalized in the
at-risk and problem groups, such as the importance of practice, acquiring
knowledge, and learning from ones losses showed that these gamblers consider
skill to be more important than non-problem gamblers, as the latter did not display
this type of belief. In the at-risk and problem gambler groups, personal levels of skill
appeared to be overestimated when compared to the non-problem group because of
the belief that they could make up for their losses or that they had believed at one
time that they could become professional poker players until they were confronted
with evidence that this is not an easy feat. Beliefs resulti ng from signicant denial of
ones own lack of skill or control on the outcome of the game (e.g., cheating
opponents or non-random generation of cards) were noted in the at-risk and problem
gambler groups, but not in the non-problem group.
Erroneous beliefs and the integrity of online poker
At-risk and problem gamblers beliefs related to the lack of integrity of the online
game (e.g., non-random generation of cards and cheating opponents) as observed in
both this inquiry and Brochu and colleagues study (2015) raise certain questions.
Although these beliefs were reported in a context in which cards were generated
randomly, this type of fraud has been conrmed on certain poker websites. For
example, online robotsvirtual opponents with an articial intelligence that can
extract gains from consumerswere used on reputed websites such as PokerStars
and Full Tilt (Dance, March 13, 2011). Gamblers doubts regarding the integrity of
the game are therefore sometimes justied. Although PokerStars and Full Tilt were
the most-visited websites by all three groups of poker players in this study, doubts
concerning game integrity were only verbalized in the at-risk and problem gambler
groups. Could it be possible that the frequency and intensity of these doubts are
related to the presence of a gambling problem?
Alternative explanations to fraud and cheating were mentione d in the at-risk
gambler group studied by Brochu and colleagues (2015) but were not mentioned in
the problem gambler group. For example, concerning the idea that the odds of
obtaining strong hands online are higher than the odds of obtaining such hands
ofine (which allows website operators to earn higher amounts of money at each
pot), it was mentioned in the at-risk gambler group that this nding can be explained
by the speed of the online game and the higher volume of hands played compared to
an ofine game. Such a determination was also the case for the number of bad beats
observed in an online poker game, which can be explained by the tendency to
remember unexpected or less probable game events more easily, as reported by the
at-risk gambler group.
Considering these results, it seems that at-risk gamblers manifest more cognitive
exibility when interpreting their losses compared to the problem gamblers.
Moreover, it is possible that attributing losses to the online games lack of integrity
as seen in the problem gambler group makes it difcult for these gamblers to
question their own level of skill or the limits of their inuence on the outcome of the
game, which encourages them to continue playing.
Erroneous beliefs in clinical practice
When examining certain questionnaires for erroneous beliefs in poker players,
it appears relevant to test additional items that better reect the beliefs reported by
the gamblers in this study to determine whether these items would help discriminate
between poker players with and without gambling problems. Since poker is a
popular online gambling activity, it appears relevant to add items assessing exible
attribution that target dispositions or circumstances that occur in this online game.
Items such as ‘‘ I do not trust online poker websites’’ or ‘‘ When I play poker online,
I sometimes feel that the cards are not generated randomly’’ could be tested.
Considering the multi-player context in poker, it could be interesting to add an item
that evaluates exible attribution, such as ‘‘ I sometimes think that my losses are
caused by my opponents lack of skill. ’’ Certain items that evaluate acti ve illusory
control also do not appear to be adapted to the reality of poker players. An item such
as ‘‘ I have a particular way of betting that allows me to increase my chances of
winning’’ could assess active illusory control more adequately in poker players.
Different items in gambling questionnaires measure illusory correlations (predictive
control), but none assess the lucky hand concept reported in the non-problem
gambler group of this study. Rather, there are general items that assess gamblers
capacity to predict upcoming results rather than an example of illusory correlation
that can occur at poker (i.e., GBQ: ‘‘ I am pretty accurate at predicting when a win
will occur’’ ). An item such as ‘‘ In my experience, certain hands that are not
necessarily associated with high odds of winning are favorable to me’’ could be
Many questionnaire items assess the idea of chasing ones losses in gambling (GBQ:
‘‘ If I continue to gamble, it will eventually pay off and I will make money’’ ; GABS:
‘‘ If I lose, it is important to stick with it until I get even’’ ). If the common language
of poker players as observed in this study was used for questionnaires, an item such
as ‘‘ Even if I have a small stack, it is O.K. because I know that I can catch up’’ could
be used specically with poker players. All the aforementioned recommendations
still hold relevancy at the time of publication, considering the fact that those
questionnaires still hold a reasonable amount of use in clinical assessment to this day
(Bücker et al., 2019; King & Whelan, 2020; Mestre-Bach et al., 2020).
Erroneous beliefs revealing a high degree of denial of chance were observed when
gamblers faced unexpected losses. As stated by Grifths and colleagues (2010) and
Moreau (2016; 2020a), tilt (i.e., frustration associated with the impression of
experiencing an injust ice because of chance) often occurs after an unexpected loss.
Research concerning negative emotions and perceptions in the context of unexpected
losses could allow for further understanding of the erroneous beliefs of poker players.
Considering these results, prevention and treatmen t strategies aiming to help
gamblers reect on their level of skill, use of strategy, and the limits of their inuence
on the games outcome could be benecial since poker, compared to other gambling
activities, partly relies on skill, which can emphasize erroneous beliefs in players.
In poker, beliefs related to the roles of skill and chance can be evaluated within the
game session in which they manifest. In online poker, erroneous beliefs related to the
integrity of the online poker game (other players practices, whether the website is
rigged, etc.), which tend to be a motivator to chase losses and continue playing,
should be explored in cognitive restructuring. Supporting gamblers in their
interpretation of game situations could also be an interesting option for restructuring
erroneous beliefs.
Studys strengths and limitations
The main strength of the present study is that the erroneous beliefs were expressed
in real time by the participants as they are playing. Those beliefs, because of this
fact, can be considered ‘‘ hot’’ beliefs. This term refers to the way players react to
events in the context of a gambling activity (David et al., 2002; Smith et al., 1993;
Simon et al., 2015).
The study also has several limitations that should be considered. Despite the depth of
information gathered in this study, the intrusive nature of the thinking aloud method
(Dickerson & OConnor, 2006) could have inuenced the results. Indeed, the ndings
depended on participants ease at verbalizing their thoughts and their capacity to do
so while playing (Delfabbro & Winefeld, 2000). Certain verbalizations were limited
to description s of behaviours during the game rather than explanations of the causes
that preceded or justied them (Walker, 1992) and thus, were of little relevance for
analysis. The administration of instruments via telephone is also a notable limitation
to the study since it opened the possibility of bias in the answers reported by the
participants. In addition, conclusions are limited by the challenge to establish a
consistent gambling experience across participants. Indeed, the individual choices
inevitably modied the experience and could have altered verbal reports. Moreover,
the number of game situations analyzed was limited, and the hands selected for
analysis occurred at the beginning of the tournament. It is possible that, as
the tournament progressed and the related emotions intensied, the end of the
tournament may have constituted a relevant game sequence to analyze for the
presence of erroneous beliefs.
A thematic analysis method also involves the risk of missing potential nuances or
misinterpreting data. As with the subjective and reexive nature of this method, the
analyzed data therefore relied on the authors choices and interpretations, which is a
potential limit given the inuence it has on the outcomes of the study if not carried
out properly. Nevertheless, this method was chosen given the exibility it allows and
its ove rall ease of use with large data sets.
Participants were recruited between February 10 and September 8, 2010. Since the
recruitment took place more than 10 years ago, this limitation must be considered
when interpreting the results. Even if the division of players in three distinct groups
allowed comparison despite small numbers, the sample of participants recruited for
each group (n=10), does not adequately allow generalization. Nevertheless, given the
frequency of erroneous beliefs observed in the present study, there is still a high
probability that similar cognitive distortions take place in many other Texas
Holdem online poker players. Finally, despite the variety of recruitment techniques
used, an insufcient number of pathological gamblers (endorsing ve or more criteria
on the NODS) were recruited. The results of the present study therefore only apply to
gamblers who present subclinical levels of gambling problems.
The results of this study support the signicance of erroneous beliefs in gamblers who
play online poker, whether they have a gambling problem or not. The ndings
showed that at-risk and/or problem gamblers who play online poker tend to believe
that their personal skill largely inuences the games outcome, such that the role of
chance is denied. Doubts about the integrity of the online game, a preoccupation that
has been documented in previous studies, was one of the erroneous beliefs specic to
online poker demonstrated by these groups. The results of the present study support
the implementation of protection measures for poker players so that they can play on
websites that they trust. Moreover, pairing the erroneous beliefs emphasized in this
study with items in questionnaires designed to evaluate these cognitions in poker
players allowed us to suggest new items that consider chance and skill, online
practice, and slang used by poker players.
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Submitted July 3, 2020; accepted November 17, 2021. This article was peer reviewed.
All URLs were available at the time of submission.
For correspondence: Isabelle Giroux, Ph.D., École de psychologie, Université Laval,
2325, allée des Bibliothèques, Quebec, QC, Canada, G1V 0A6.
E-mail: isabelle.giro[email protected]
Competing interests: None declared (all authors).
Ethics approval: This study, ‘‘ Perceptions des joueurs de poker et problèmes de jeu,’’
was approved by Laval Universitys research ethics committee on January 26, 2010
(approval # 2009-032 A-1).
Acknowledgements/Funding Source(s): The study was funded by Fonds de la
prévention et du traitement du jeu de lUniversité Laval, the Fonds de recherche
québécoisSociété et culture (FRQSC) and the Ministère de la Santé et des Services
sociaux (MSSS) du Québec. First author was funded by the FRQ SC) and the Centre
Dollard-Cormier, Institut universitaire sur les dépendances. Funders had no role in the
study design, collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data, writing the manuscript, or
the decision to submit the paper for publication.