This information is provided by Plaza Home Mortgage and intended for mortgage professionals only, as a courtesy to its clients and is meant for instructional
purposes only. It is not intended for public use or distribution. None of the information provided is intended to be legal advice in any context. Plaza does not
guarantee, warrant, ensure or promise that information provided is accurate. Terms and conditions of programs and guidelines are subject to change at any
time without notice. This is not a commitment to lend. Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. is an Equal Housing Lender. © 2024 Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. Plaza
Home Mortgage and the Plaza Home Mortgage logo are registered trademarks of Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners. All rights reserved. Plaza NMLS 2113. P.N.FHA Fixed and ARM Program Guidelines.G.
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FHA Fixed and ARM Program Guidelines
Revised 8/2/2024 rev. 136
FHA conforming and high balance Fixed Rate and 5/1 ARM. All loans must be eligible for FHA
Insurance Endorsement.
Product Code
Available Term
In Months
Eligibility Matrix
Conforming and High Balance
Primary Residence
Min Credit
Underwriting Method
Per 4000.1
Rate/Term Refinance or
Simple Refinance
Per 4000.1
Cash-out Refinance
Per 4000.1
On conforming balance purchase transactions there is no maximum CLTV for secondary financing provided
by Governmental Entities, HOPE grantees, or by HUD-approved Nonprofits. In addition, second liens held
by a family member are eligible up to a maximum 100% CLTV. Refer to 4000.1.II.A.4-Secondary
Financing (TOTAL) for eligible secondary financing, CLTV limits, and Borrower Minimum Investment (MRI)
Maximum LTV is 85% if the borrower has not owned and occupied the property for the last 12 months. If the
property has been owned less than 12 months and has been owner occupied since acquisition then the
LTV is not restricted to 85%. Seasoning is based on case number assignment date.
Manufactured Housing not eligible for High Balance loan amounts.
Manufactured Housing Cash-out: Multi-wide only. Single-wide not eligible for cash-out.
Manually underwritten loans with Credit Scores below 580 may not exceed 31/43% ratios.
4506-C / Tax Transcripts
A signed 4506-C for all years in which income was used in the underwriting decision are
Refer to Plaza’s Delegated Correspondent Credit Overlay Matrix for tax transcript
Refer to 4000.1.II.B.1-Appraiser and Property Requirements
This information is provided by Plaza Home Mortgage and intended for mortgage professionals only, as a courtesy to its clients and is meant for instructional
purposes only. It is not intended for public use or distribution. None of the information provided is intended to be legal advice in any context. Plaza does not
guarantee, warrant, ensure or promise that information provided is accurate. Terms and conditions of programs and guidelines are subject to change at any
time without notice. This is not a commitment to lend. Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. is an Equal Housing Lender. © 2024 Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. Plaza
Home Mortgage and the Plaza Home Mortgage logo are registered trademarks of Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners. All rights reserved. Plaza NMLS 2113. P.N.FHA Fixed and ARM Program Guidelines.G.
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ARM Adjustments
Amortization Term
30 years
Treasury, weekly average of U.S, Treasury securities adjusted to a constant
maturity of one year.
Life Floor
5% below the start rate, but never lower than the margin.
Interest Rate Caps
Interest Rate
Adjustment Date
The first adjustment is 60-66 months after the first payment
date. Refer to Plaza’s Correspondent Seller Guide for
ARM interest rate change dates.
After the initial fixed period, the interest rate may adjust annually.
Adjustment Date
The payment adjustment date is the first of the month following the interest
rate adjustment and every 12 months thereafter.
Conversion Option
Not allowed.
Not allowed.
Borrower Eligibility
Ineligible Borrowers:
Life Estates
Non-Revocable Inter Vivos Trusts
Foreign nationals
Borrowers with diplomatic immunity
Charitable organizations
Non-profit agencies
State or local government agencies
Note: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program recipients are eligible for FHA
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program recipients:
Must be borrower’s principal residence;
Borrower must have a valid Social Security Number (SSN), except for those employed by the
World Bank, a foreign embassy, or equivalent employer identified by HUD;
Borrower must be eligible to work in the U.S. as evidenced by the Employment Authorization
Document issued by USCIS, and
The borrower satisfies the same requirements, terms and conditions as those for U.S. citizens.
The Employment Authorization Document is required to substantiate work status. If the Employment
Authorization Document will expire within one year and a prior history of residency status renewals
exists, the lender may assume that continuation will be granted. If there are no prior renewals, the
lender must determine the likelihood of renewal based on information from the USCIS.
A borrower residing in the U.S. by virtue of refugee or asylee status granted by the USCIS is
automatically eligible to work in this country. The Employment Authorization Document is not
required, but documentation substantiating the refugee or asylee status must be obtained.
Social Security Number:
Each borrower on the loan transaction must have a valid Social Security number.
ITIN (IRS Tax Identification Numbers) are not allowed.
This information is provided by Plaza Home Mortgage and intended for mortgage professionals only, as a courtesy to its clients and is meant for instructional
purposes only. It is not intended for public use or distribution. None of the information provided is intended to be legal advice in any context. Plaza does not
guarantee, warrant, ensure or promise that information provided is accurate. Terms and conditions of programs and guidelines are subject to change at any
time without notice. This is not a commitment to lend. Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. is an Equal Housing Lender. © 2024 Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. Plaza
Home Mortgage and the Plaza Home Mortgage logo are registered trademarks of Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners. All rights reserved. Plaza NMLS 2113. P.N.FHA Fixed and ARM Program Guidelines.G.
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Qualifying Credit Score:
A tri-merge credit report is required on all loans
Qualifying score:
o Where three scores are reported, the middle score is the qualifying score
o Where two scores are reported, the lowest score is the qualifying score
o Where only one score is reported, that score is the qualifying score
Where the Mortgage involves multiple Borrowers, the lowest qualifying score of all borrowers is
Where the Mortgage involves multiple Borrowers and one or more of the Borrowers do not have
a credit score (non-traditional or insufficient credit), the lowest qualifying score of the
Borrower(s) with credit score(s) is used
At least one occupant borrower must have a credit score. Manual underwriting guidelines apply
for loans that receive a “Refer” recommendation where the co-borrower does not have a credit
score. Non-traditional credit must be established per FHA guideline requirements.
Housing Payment History:
For purchases and refinances evaluated by an AUS, refer to 4000.1 II.A.4-Accept Risk
Classifications Requiring a Downgrade to Manual Underwriting for situations where the
loan must be manually downgraded.
o Refer to 4000.1.II.A.4 Housing Obligations/Mortgage Payment History and 4000.1.II.A
Undisclosed Mortgage Debt for additional requirements.
When the housing payment history is not evaluated by an AUS, or for Refer or Manually
Downgraded underwritten loans:
o There may be no history of any 30-day late mortgage or rental payments within the last 12
o There may be no more than two 30-day late mortgage or rental payments in the previous 24
o The housing payment history must be documented by:
The credit report; or
VOR received directly from the landlord (for landlords with no Identity of Interest with the
borrower); or
VOM received directly from an institutional mortgage servicer; or
Canceled checks that cover the most recent 12-month period.
Borrowers who are living rent free are eligible provided the Mortgagee obtains verification
directly from the property owner that the borrower has been living rent-free and the amount of
time the borrower has been living rent free.
Revolving and Installment Accounts - Manually Underwritten Loans:
Installment Accounts must have no more than 0 x 30 in the last 12 months and 2 x 30 in the last
24 months.
Revolving Accounts must have no more than 2 x 60 or 0 x 90 in the last 12 months.
Down Payment / Gifts
Per FHA requirements.
Energy Efficient
Allowed per FHA Guidelines.
Escrow Accounts
An Escrow/impound account is required for property taxes and insurance on all FHA loans.
Geographic Restrictions
Properties in Lava Flow Zones 1 or 2 are not allowed.
Manufactured housing not eligible.
Iowa: An attorney’s opinion of title is acceptable in lieu of a title policy, or a title policy may be
ordered through the Title Guaranty Division (TGD) of the Iowa Financial Authority.
Kansas: Properties located in the State of Kansas require the lender to obtain the market value.
Massachusetts: Septic system inspection required when a property is transferred to a different
owner (purchase money). All systems must be inspected within 2 years prior to the transfer of title to
the property served by the system. Inspections conducted up to 3 years before the purchase may be
eligible when accompanied by records demonstrating that the system was pumped at least once a
year during that time.
This information is provided by Plaza Home Mortgage and intended for mortgage professionals only, as a courtesy to its clients and is meant for instructional
purposes only. It is not intended for public use or distribution. None of the information provided is intended to be legal advice in any context. Plaza does not
guarantee, warrant, ensure or promise that information provided is accurate. Terms and conditions of programs and guidelines are subject to change at any
time without notice. This is not a commitment to lend. Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. is an Equal Housing Lender. © 2024 Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. Plaza
Home Mortgage and the Plaza Home Mortgage logo are registered trademarks of Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners. All rights reserved. Plaza NMLS 2113. P.N.FHA Fixed and ARM Program Guidelines.G.
Page 4 of 6
Montana: Lot size of the property may not exceed 40 acres.
Rhode Island: Manufactured housing not eligible.
West Virginia: Delegated deliveries only.
Good Neighbor Next
Allowed per FHA Guidelines.
Allowed per FHA Guidelines.
Identity of Interest
The terms Identity of Interest and Non-Arm’s Length describe certain transactions between parties
with family or business relationships that may pose increased risk and warrant additional precautions
when evaluating that risk.
Conflicts of Interest:
Participants that have a direct impact on the mortgage approval decision are prohibited from having
multiple roles or sources of compensation, either directly or indirectly, from a single FHA-insured
transaction. These participants are:
Indirect compensation includes any compensation resulting from the same FHA-insured transaction,
other than for services performed in a direct role. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Compensation resulting from an ownership interest in any other business that is a party to the
same FHA-insured transaction; or
Compensation earned by a spouse, domestic partner, or other Family Member that has a direct
role in the same FHA-insured transaction.
Participants that do not have a direct impact on the mortgage approval decision may have multiple
roles and/or sources of compensation for services actually performed and permitted by HUD,
provided that the FHA-insured transaction complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws,
rules, and requirements.
Temporary Buydowns for ARM transactions
One-time close construction
Borrower may not act as an interested party to a sales transaction for the subject if the builder
and/or property seller is a company owned by the borrower or where the borrower is a principal
agent, sales agent, loan originator, mortgage broker or partner for the builder or property seller.
Realtor/loan broker acting as the listing agent as well as the mortgage originator/broker.
Borrower is a principal of the title company and/or settlement agent for the subject transaction.
Loan Limits
For most single-family mortgage insurance programs, the maximum insurable amount is the lesser
The Nationwide Mortgage Limit for the area, usually a county or metropolitan statistical area
(MSA), or
The applicable LTV limit, determined by a fixed percentage of the lesser of the sales price or the
appraised value.
Manufactured Housing is not eligible for High Balance loan limits.
Maximum Base Loan Amount
Contiguous States
High Balance
High Balance
There are no properties in Hawaii with loan limits higher than the applicable base conforming limits for 2024.
As a result, there are no High Balance limits specific for this state.
Maximum base loan amounts are county specific and may be lower in a particular county.
This information is provided by Plaza Home Mortgage and intended for mortgage professionals only, as a courtesy to its clients and is meant for instructional
purposes only. It is not intended for public use or distribution. None of the information provided is intended to be legal advice in any context. Plaza does not
guarantee, warrant, ensure or promise that information provided is accurate. Terms and conditions of programs and guidelines are subject to change at any
time without notice. This is not a commitment to lend. Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. is an Equal Housing Lender. © 2024 Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. Plaza
Home Mortgage and the Plaza Home Mortgage logo are registered trademarks of Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners. All rights reserved. Plaza NMLS 2113. P.N.FHA Fixed and ARM Program Guidelines.G.
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Manufactured Housing
Must be classified as Real Property
Single-wide and multi-wide allowed
Single-wide manufactured homes are limited to purchase and rate/term refinance transactions
Manufactured homes must have been built on or after June 15, 1976
Manufactured homes must be at least 12 feet wide and have a minimum 400 square feet of
gross living area
Leasehold properties are ineligible
Condo projects, including site condos, comprised of manufactured homes are ineligible
The manufactured home may not have been previously installed or occupied at another location
All manufactured housing must meet FHA guidelines, restrictions in these Program Guidelines,
and Plaza’s Manufactured Housing Guidelines.
Manufactured housing not eligible in states of Hawaii and Rhode Island.
Manufactured Homes located within a Special Flood Hazard Area are not eligible unless a
FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Elevation Certificate (FEMA Form 086-0-33)
prepared by a licensed engineer or surveyor stating that the finished grade beneath the
Manufactured Home is at or above the 100-year return frequency flood elevation is provided,
and flood insurance under the NFIP is obtained.
Maximum Loans
A maximum of four Plaza loans is permitted to one borrower.
Property Eligibility
Ineligible Properties:
Commercial property
Geothermal homes
Geodesic Domes
Mobile homes
Non-warrantable condos
Working farms, ranches, orchards
Properties with C6 quality rating
Properties with C5 or C6 condition rating
Properties secured with PACE obligations or PACE like assessments
New Construction Refers to Proposed Construction, Properties Under Construction and
Properties Existing less than One Year:
FHA treats the sale of an occupied Property that has been completed less than 1 year from
the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy or local authority equivalent as an “existing”
New Construction must comply with the minimum documentation requirements per Sections
II.A.8.i.i.i-v of the 4000.1 Handbook.
Refer to Plaza’s FHA New Construction Documentation Requirements document.
Repair Escrows
Per FHA guidelines.
Escrow holdbacks are not allowed on manufactured housing.
Cash-Out Refinances of Government Loans:
The borrower must have made at least six consecutive monthly payments on the mortgage that
is being refinanced beginning with the payment made on the first payment due date.
The first payment due date of the refinance loan must occur no earlier than 210 days after the
first payment due date of the existing loan.
This information is provided by Plaza Home Mortgage and intended for mortgage professionals only, as a courtesy to its clients and is meant for instructional
purposes only. It is not intended for public use or distribution. None of the information provided is intended to be legal advice in any context. Plaza does not
guarantee, warrant, ensure or promise that information provided is accurate. Terms and conditions of programs and guidelines are subject to change at any
time without notice. This is not a commitment to lend. Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. is an Equal Housing Lender. © 2024 Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. Plaza
Home Mortgage and the Plaza Home Mortgage logo are registered trademarks of Plaza Home Mortgage, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners. All rights reserved. Plaza NMLS 2113. P.N.FHA Fixed and ARM Program Guidelines.G.
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Single Unit Approved
(SUA) Condos
TOTAL Scorecard Accept required for LTV > 90%
HUD Form 9991 along with all documents required per the FHA Single-Unit Approval
Document Checklist (FM-530) must be sent to Project Standards department for approval
General SUA requirements are listed below. Refer to Plaza’s Project Standards for full SUA
o Must be an established project with 5+ units
o Project with manufactured homes are not eligible
o 50% or more owner occupancy required
o Single Entity Ownership maximum of 10% for projects with 20+ units and maximum 1 unit for
projects with fewer than 20 units
o FHA Concentration maximum of 10% for projects with 20+ units and maximum 2 units for
projects with fewer than 20 units
Subordinate Financing
New or existing subordinate financing is allowed per the LTV/CLTV limits.
Properties with Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) obligations are ineligible.
Any PACE obligations or liens must be paid and satisfied at or prior to closing.
PACE liens may not be subordinated.
Temporary Buydowns
Temporary Buydowns are eligible subject to the following:
3-2-1, 2-1 and 1-0
Purchase transactions only
Qualify at the note rate
Funds may come from the lender, borrower, seller or other eligible interested party
Interested Party Contribution (IPC) limits apply when the source of funds is a party to the
Buydown Agreement must be included in the loan file
Texas Home Equity
Cash out is not allowed in Texas.
Rate/Term Refinance
Simple Refinance
Cash-Out Refinance
Underwriting Method
All loans must be decisioned through FHA TOTAL Scorecard as submitted to DU, LPA, or