Non-Renewable Energy Sources Info. Reading
Megawatts are used to measure the output of a power plant or the amount of electricity required by an entire city.
1 megawatt (MW) = 1,000 kilowatts = 1,000,000 watts. Force x distance = work (energy) Work (energy) / time = watts (electricity) or search NYS DEC <- TABLETS “start here for your additional facts research”
Nonrenewable energy is energy which is taken from the sources that are available on the earth in limited
quantity and some types may very well runout in the next fifty to sixty years. Nonrenewable sources are not
necessarily always environmentally friendly and have negative effects on human health. They are called
nonrenewable because they cannot be regenerated within a short span of time relative to human life times.
Nonrenewable sources exist in the form of fossil fuels, natural gas, oil and coal.
1) Oil (Petroleum) or Petrol for short.
Oil was formed from the remains of animals and plants that lived millions of
years ago in marine (ocean water) environments before and during the
dinosaurs. Over the years, the remains were covered by layers of mud. Heat
and pressure from these layers helped the remains turn into what we today call
crude oil. The word “petroleum” means “rock oil” or “oil from the earth.”
Where does Oil come from?
Crude oil is a smelly, yellow-to-black liquid, and rich in energy and is usually found in deep
underground areas called reservoirs. Scientist and engineers explore a chosen area by studying
rock samples from the earth to determine if oil might be found below. Measurements are taken
and if the site seems promising, drilling begins. Above the hole, a structure called a ‘derrick’ is
built to house the tools and pipes going into the well. When finished, the drill well, will bring a
steady flow of oil to the surface.
Pros of Non-renewable
Nonrenewable sources are cheap and easy to use. You can easily fill up your car, power your
motor vehicle and drive anywhere.
You can use a small amount of nuclear energy to produce large amounts of power.
Nonrenewable energy has little or no competition at all. For example: if you are driving an electric
car and your battery goes dead, where do you plug it in again?
Nonrenewable energy is considered less expensive, by some, when compared to the cost of
converting our nation’s industries and economy into one based solely on renewable energy.
Cons of Non-renewable
Nonrenewable sources of energy will expire someday soon. If we as Americans want to maintain
our current standard of living today, Americans of tomorrow (the next generation) will have to
suffer some day down the line.
The speed at which theses resources are being consumed is going to increase as the world
population grows. This can have serious environmental changes and in turn environmental
Nonrenewable sources release toxic gases into the air when burnt, which are the cause of acid
rain and the major cause for global warming today.
Since these sources are going to expire soon, prices of these sources are soaring day by day.
Non-Renewable Energy Sources Info. Reading
Megawatts are used to measure the output of a power plant or the amount of electricity required by an entire city.
1 megawatt (MW) = 1,000 kilowatts = 1,000,000 watts. Force x distance = work (energy) Work (energy) / time = watts (electricity) or search NYS DEC <- TABLETS “start here for your additional facts research”
2) Coal How was coal formed?
Coal is a combustible black to brownish-black rock composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons.
It is the most abundant fossil fuel produced and found in the United States. There are vast coal
reserves in places like Pennsylvania. Coal is a nonrenewable energy source, because it takes
millions of years to create. The energy in coal comes from the energy stored by plants that lived
hundreds of millions of years ago, when the earth was partly covered by vast swampy forests. For
millions of years, layer upon layer of dead and decaying plants piled up and were covered over by
dirt, trapping the energy of the once living plants below ground. The heat and pressure from
above eventually turned this plant matter into what we today call coal.
Pros of Non-renewable
Nonrenewable sources are cheap and easy to use. You can easily fill up your car, power your
motor vehicle and drive anywhere.
You can use a small amount of nuclear energy to produce large amounts of power.
Nonrenewable energy has little or no competition at all. For example: if you are driving an electric
car and your battery goes dead, where do you plug it in again?
Nonrenewable energy is considered less expensive, by some, when compared to the cost of
converting our nation’s industries and economy into one based solely on renewable energy.
Cons of Non-renewable
Nonrenewable sources of energy will expire someday soon. If we as Americans want to maintain
our current standard of living today, Americans of tomorrow (the next generation) will have to
suffer some day down the line.
The speed at which theses resources are being consumed is going to increase as the world
population grows. This can have serious environmental changes and in turn environmental
Nonrenewable sources release toxic gases into the air when burnt, which are the cause of acid
rain and the major cause for global warming today.
Since these sources are going to expire soon, prices of these sources are soaring day by day.
Non-Renewable Energy Sources Info. Reading
Megawatts are used to measure the output of a power plant or the amount of electricity required by an entire city.
1 megawatt (MW) = 1,000 kilowatts = 1,000,000 watts. Force x distance = work (energy) Work (energy) / time = watts (electricity) or search NYS DEC <- TABLETS “start here for your additional facts research”
3) Natural Gas is a gas not liquid, like gasoline from the pump.
Where does natural gas come from?
Millions of years ago, the remains of plants and animals built up in thick layers. This matter then
decayed and is called organic, because it was once alive. Over time, mud and soil covered over
this organic layer. The mud and soil above turned into rock and then trapped the organic matter
below. This layer of plants and animals was then exposed to intense heat and pressure over
thousands of years. Some of the organic matter becomes oil, some coal and some natural gas
tiny bubbles of odorless gas that accumulate. The main ingredient in natural gas is methane, a gas
composed of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.
In some places, gas escapes from small gaps in the rock into the air; then, if there is enough
activation energy from lightning or a fire, it burns. When people first saw the flames, they
experimented with them and learned they could use them for heat and light.
Pros of Non-renewable
Nonrenewable sources are cheap and easy to use. You can easily fill up your car, power your
motor vehicle and drive anywhere.
You can use a small amount of nuclear energy to produce large amounts of power.
Nonrenewable energy has little or no competition at all. For example: if you are driving an electric
car and your battery goes dead, where do you plug it in again?
Nonrenewable energy is considered less expensive, by some, when compared to the cost of
converting our nation’s industries and economy into one based solely on renewable energy.
Cons of Non-renewable
Nonrenewable sources of energy will expire someday soon. If we as Americans want to maintain
our current standard of living today, Americans of tomorrow (the next generation) will have to
suffer some day down the line.
Non-Renewable Energy Sources Info. Reading
Megawatts are used to measure the output of a power plant or the amount of electricity required by an entire city.
1 megawatt (MW) = 1,000 kilowatts = 1,000,000 watts. Force x distance = work (energy) Work (energy) / time = watts (electricity) or search NYS DEC <- TABLETS “start here for your additional facts research”
The speed at which theses resources are being consumed is going to increase as the world
population grows. This can have serious environmental changes and in turn environmental
Nonrenewable sources release toxic gases into the air when burnt, which are the cause of acid
rain and the major cause for global warming today.
Since these sources are going to expire soon, prices of these sources are soaring day by day.
Non-Renewable Energy Sources Info. Reading
Megawatts are used to measure the output of a power plant or the amount of electricity required by an entire city.
1 megawatt (MW) = 1,000 kilowatts = 1,000,000 watts. Force x distance = work (energy) Work (energy) / time = watts (electricity) or search NYS DEC <- TABLETS “start here for your additional facts research”
4) Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus (center or core) of an atom. Atoms are tiny particles that
make up every object in the universe. There is enormous energy in the
bonds that hold atoms together. Nuclear energy can be used to make
electricity. But first, the energy must be released. It can be released in one
of two ways: in the form of nuclear fusion or nuclear fission.
In nuclear fusion, energy is released when atoms are combined or fused
together to form a larger atom. This is how the sun produces energy. In
nuclear fission, atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms, releasing energy. Nuclear power
plants use nuclear fission to produce electricity.
Pros of Non-renewable
Nonrenewable sources are cheap and easy to use. You can easily fill up your car, power your
motor vehicle and drive anywhere.
You can use a small amount of nuclear energy to produce large amounts of power.
Nonrenewable energy has little or no competition at all. For example: if you are driving an electric
car and your battery goes dead, where do you plug it in again?
Nonrenewable energy is considered less expensive, by some, when compared to the cost of
converting our nation’s industries and economy into one based solely on renewable energy.
Cons of Non-renewable
Nonrenewable sources of energy will expire someday soon. If we as Americans want to maintain
our current standard of living today, Americans of tomorrow (the next generation) will have to
suffer some day down the line.
The speed at which theses resources are being consumed is going to increase as the world
population grows. This can have serious environmental changes and in turn environmental
Nonrenewable sources release toxic gases into the air when burnt, which are the cause of acid
rain and the major cause for global warming today.
Since these sources are going to expire soon, prices of these sources are soaring day by day.