Ryan P. Creedon
Pronouns: he/him/his
Website: ryanpcreedon.com
Email: creedon@uw.edu
University of Washington Seattle, WA
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics | Advisor: Bernard Deconinck 2016 –2022
M.S. in Applied Mathematics 2016 –2017
Pennsylvania State University State College, PA
Schreyer Honors College
M.S. in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science | Advisor: Raymond Najjar 2015–2016
B.S. in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (Highest Distinction) 2012 –2016
B.S. in Mathematics (Highest Distinction) 2012 –2016
Professional Appointments
Prager Assistant Professor / NSF MSPRF Fellow 2024
Division of Applied Mathematics | Brown University | Providence, RI
Acting Instructor 2022 –2024
Department of Applied Mathematics | University of Washington | Seattle, WA
Research Interests
General: Methods of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Partial Dierential Equations,
Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis, Applied Analysis, Fluid Dynamics, Math Education
Emphasis: Stability Theory, Nonlinear Waves, Asymptotic & Perturbation Methods, Bifurcation Theory,
Integrable & Near-Integrable Systems, Lie Theory, Variational Methods, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics,
Air-Sea Interaction, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Linear Algebra
[1] R. Creedon, “Spectral stability of all elliptic solutions of the Kawahara equation”, In preparation, 2024.
[2] R. Creedon, H. Nguyen, and W. Strauss, “Proof of the transverse instability of Stokes waves at nite
depth”, In preparation, 2024.
[3] R. Creedon, H. Nguyen, and W. Strauss, “Stokes waves are unstable, even very small ones”, Submitted
to EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences, 2023.
[4] R. Creedon, H. Nguyen, and W. Strauss, “Proof of the transverse instability of Stokes waves”,
Submitted to Annals of PDE, 2023.
[5] R. Creedon and B. Deconinck, “A high-order asymptotic analysis of the Benjamin-Feir instability
spectrum in arbitrary depth”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023.
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[6] R. Creedon, B. Deconinck, and O. Trichtchenko, “High-frequency instabilities of Stokes waves”, Journal
of Fluid Mechanics, 2022.
[7] R. Creedon, B. Deconinck, and O. Trichtchenko, “High-frequency instabilities of a Boussinesq-Whitham
system”, Fluids, 2021.
[8] R. Creedon, B. Deconinck, and O. Trichtchenko, “High-frequency instabilities of the Kawahara
equation”, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2021.
University of Washington | Instructor
Partial Dierential Equations & Waves (Amath 353) Sp. 2024
Beginning Scientic Computing (Amath 301) Sp. 2024
Applied Linear Algebra & Numerical Analysis (Amath 352) Wi. 2024
Class Size: 105 students Course Evaluations: 4.9/5.0 Response Rate: 88%
Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance (Cfrm 405) Au. 2023
Class Size: 80 students Course Evaluations: 4.9/5.0 Response Rate: 81%
Special Topics Course in Asymptotics and Perturbation Methods (Amath 490) Sp. 2023
Beginning Scientic Computing (Amath 301) Sp. 2023
Section A Class Size: 70 students Course Evaluations: 4.8/5.0 Response Rate: 82%
Section B Class Size: 160 students Course Evaluations: 4.9/5.0 Response Rate: 80%
Section C Class Size: 130 students Course Evaluations: 4.8/5.0 Response Rate: 90%
Applied Linear Algebra & Numerical Analysis (Amath 352) Wi. 2023
Class Size: 100 students Course Evaluations: 4.8/5.0 Response Rate: 95%
Introduction to Continuous Mathematical Modeling (Amath 383) Au. 2022
Class Size: 90 students Course Evaluations: 4.8/5.0 Response Rate: 92%
Applied Linear Algebra & Numerical Analysis (Amath 352) Wi. 2022
Class Size: 100 students Course Evaluations: 4.8/5.0 Response Rate: 95%
Partial Dierential Equations & Waves (Amath 353) Su. 2021
Class Size: 60 students Course Evaluations: 4.8/5.0 Response Rate: 91%
Partial Dierential Equations & Waves (Amath 353) Sp. 2021
Class Size: 90 students Course Evaluations: 4.9/5.0 Response Rate: 83%
Partial Dierential Equations & Waves (Amath 353) Su. 2020
Class Size: 40 students Course Evaluations: 4.6/5.0 Response Rate: 85%
Applied Linear Algebra & Numerical Analysis (Amath 352) Wi. 2020
Class Size: 110 students Course Evaluations: 4.6/5.0 Response Rate: 93%
Partial Dierential Equations & Waves (Amath 353) Su. 2019
Class Size: 25 students Course Evaluations: 5.0/5.0 Response Rate: 91%
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University of Washington | Teaching Assistant
Applied Linear Algebra (Amath 584) Au. 2021
Partial Dierential Equations & Waves (Amath 353) Sp. 2020
Applied Linear Algebra & Numerical Analysis (Amath 352) Au. 2019
Introduction to Dierential Equations and Applications (Amath 351) Wi. 2019
Applied Complex Analysis (Amath 567) Au. 2018
Partial Dierential Equations & Waves (Amath 353) Su. 2018
Introduction to Dierential Equations & Applications (Amath 351) Su. 2018
Advanced Methods for Partial Dierential Equations (Amath 569) Sp. 2018
Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (Math 125) Au. 2016
Section CC Class Size: 30 students Course Evaluations: 4.9/5.0 Response Rate: 63%
Section CD Class Size: 30 students Course Evaluations: 5.0/5.0 Response Rate: 70%
Pennsylvania State University | Teaching Assistant
Atmospheric Dynamics (Meteo 420) Sp. 2016
Professional Tutoring
Bellevue Learning Center | Instructor 2023 –2024
Algebra 2, Precalculus, and SAT Math Prep Summer Instructor
Tutored calculus and linear algebra in-person for local Seattle high school students
University of Washington Women’s Center | Tutor & Mentor 2017 –2024
Algebra, Precalculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Physics, Chemistry
Tutored underrepresented minority groups from local Seattle high schools
Penn State Learning | Tutor & Guided Study Group Leader 2013 –2015
Algebra, Precalculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Dierential Equations
Tutored in-person and online through Penn State’s World Campus
Guided Study Group leader for Calculus I with Analytic Geometry (Math 140)
Received inaugural Guided Study Group Leader Award in 2016
Student Mentorship
1. Noah McMahon, Undergraduate Mathematics Major, University of Washington, Mar. 2023 –Dec. 2023.
2. Rohan Sabhaya, Making Connections Mentorship Program, University of Washington Women’s Center, Feb.
2019 –Jun. 2019.
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Invited Talks
1. Transverse instability of Stokes waves in nite depth, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent
Structures (NWCS24), Baltimore, MD, Jun. 24-27, 2024.
2. Tranverse instability of Stokes waves part ii: nite depth, UW Applied PDE Seminar, Seattle, WA, May
30, 2024.
3. Transverse instability of small-amplitude Stokes waves in innite depth, Joint Math Meetings (JMM24),
San Francisco, CA, Jan. 3-6, 2024.
4. On the transverse instability of Stokes waves, SIAM Pacic Northwest Section Conference (SIAMPNW23),
Bellingham, WA, Oct. 13-15, 2023.
5. The instability spectrum of small-amplitude Stokes waves, UW Applied PDE Seminar: The Stability of
Water Waves, Seattle, WA, Apr. 27, 2023.
6. Instabilities of small-amplitude Stokes waves, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent
Structures (NWCS22), Bremen, Germany, Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 2022.
7. Spectral instabilities of periodic water waves, SIAM Annual Conference (AN22), Pittsburgh, PA, Jul. 11,
2022 (Student Travel Award).
8. High-frequency instabilities of small-amplitude Stokes waves, The Twelfth IMACS International
Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory (IMACS22),
Athens, Georgia, Mar. 30-Apr. 1, 2022.
9. High-frequency instabilities of Stokes waves, AMS Annual Conference (AMS22), Seattle, WA, Jan. 5-8,
10. High-frequency instabilities of Stokes waves: a perturbative approach, SIAM Annual Conference
(AN21), Spokane, WA, Jul. 19, 2021 (Student Travel Award).
11. High-frequency instabilities in a shallow-water model with full dispersion, SIAM Conference on
Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (NWCS20), Bremen, Germany, Jul. 29, 2020 (canceled due to
1. The instability spectrum of small-amplitude Stokes waves, Drexel Waves Workshop, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, March 30-31, 2023 (Early Career Travel Award).
2. Deviations from climatological turbulence below the mixed layer in the North Pacic, American
Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 21, 2016.
3. Daily variability of ocean mixed layer base diusivities in the northeast Pacic, American
Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, January 10, 2016.
Service & Outreach
University of Washington
Co-leader of the Mathematics in Climate Science Journal Club 2023
Speaker for the Research Panel for Undergrad Majors, Department of Applied Mathematics 2023
Volunteer for the UW Sample-A-Class Program 2023
Volunteer for the Pre-Application Review (PAR) Program, Department of Applied Mathematics 2022
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Leader of the Teaching College Mathematics Journal Club 2020 –2021
Co-organizer and Co-founder of the BIG Networking Event 2017, 2019
Graduate Student Representative for the Department of Applied Mathematics 2019 –2020
Outreach Coordinator of SIAM UW Student Chapter 2018 –2019
President of SIAM UW Student Chapter 2017–2018
Pennsylvania State University
President of Chi Epsilon Pi Meteorological Honor Society 2015–2016
Poster Session Judge, SIAM Pacic Northwest Section Conference, Bellinghan, WA, Oct. 14, 2023.
Minisymposium Organizer, Nonlinear Waves, SIAM Pacic Northwest Section Conference, Bellinghan, WA,
Oct. 13-15, 2023.
Scientic Program Committee Member, Water Waves, The 12th IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear
Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, Georgia, Mar. 30-Apr. 1, 2022.
Minisymposium Organizer, The Euler Water Wave Problem - Part III of III, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear
Waves and Coherent Structures, Bremen, Germany, July 29, 2020 (canceled due to Covid-19).
Conference Sta, Applied Mathematics: The Next Fifty Years, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Jan.
2019-Jun. 2019.
Conference Volunteer, Recent Advances in Nonlinear Waves, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Jul. 31,
Journals Refereed
AIMS Mathematics
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Wave Motion
Water Waves
External Service
Project Mentor and Consultant, Polygence 2023
Outreach Committee of Spectra: the Association for LGBT Mathematicians 2022
Internship Experiences
Pacic Marine Environmental Laboratory | NOAA 2015–2016
Advisor: Meghan Cronin
Analyzed upper-ocean mooring data from Ocean Climate Stations KEO and Papa
Congured simulations of upper-ocean turbulence according to the KPP model
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Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Columbia University 2014 –2014
Advisor: Jason Smerdon
Validated tree-ring reconstruction of European hydroclimate against twentieth century observations
Calculated principal components of tree-ring reconstruction of European hydroclimate
Summer Schools & Workshops
1. Mathematics Teacher-Scholar Symposium (MaTSS), Department of Mathematics, Reed College, May 2021.
2. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Washington,
Mar. 2019 Jun. 2019.
3. Solving Problems in Multiply Connected Domains, NSF-CBMS, University of California, Irvine, Jun.
4. Workshop in Nonlinear Waves, Drexel University, May 2018.
5. Topics in Nonlinear Water Waves, The Burgers Summer School Program, University of Maryland, Jun. 2016.
Selected Awards and Grants
NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship ($190,000) 2024–
Boeing Award for Teaching | University of Washington 2023
Boeing Award for Research, Teaching, and Service | University of Washington 2021
Boeing Award for Teaching | University of Washington 2020
Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Fellowship ($17,500) 2016–2019
Werner A. Baum Scholar | American Meteorological Society 2015–2016
Barry M. Goldwater Honorable Mention 2015
Ernest F. Hollings Scholar | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration 2014–2016
Schreyer Honors Scholar | Pennsylvania State University 2012–2016
Professional Aliations
Association for Women in Mathematics 2017
Mathematical Association of America 2017
American Mathematical Society 2016
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2016–
American Geophysical Union 2015–2020
American Meteorological Society 2014 –2020
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Operating Systems:
Windows PC, OSX, Linux/Unix
Graphical Software:
Inkscape, Tikz, GeoGebra
Word Processors:
Microsoft Oce, L
GitHub Repositories:
Matlab: Highly Procient
Mathematica: Highly Procient
Python: Procient
Maple: Procient
Fortran: Basic
R: Basic
In the Media
1. When Math Equals Fun, UW College of Arts & Sciences Newsletter, University of Washington, 2019.
2. Schreyer Scholar Investigates Climate Science-Oceanography through NOAA Program, PSU News,
Pennsylvania State University, 2015.
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