TBarCode OCX
Microsoft® ActiveX® compliant Barcode
Vers ion 6.1
1 S eptem ber 2 00 6
TEC-IT Date nver arbeitun g Gm bH
W agnerstr as s e 6
A- 440 0 Steyr , Austria
t + + 43 (0) 7 2 52 72720
f + + 43 (0) 7 2 52 72720 77
of f ice@tec- i t.com
ww w . tec-it.c om
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TBar Code OCX T uto r i al
1 Content
Content 2
Table of Figures 3
Disclaimer 4
General 5
TBarCode OCX - a Microsoft
compliant Barcode Control 5
Scope of this document 5
Installation 5
Registering the Control 5
Licensing 6
Ordering a license 6
Redistribution as part of your Application 6
Limitations of the Demo Download 6
Sample Applications 7
Product Documentation 7
Terms and Definitions 8
ActiveX 8
Container Application 8
Symbology (Barcode Type) 8
Encoding 9
Data Binding 9
Use in Common Applications 10
General 10
Inserting an ActiveX Control 10
Use in Microsoft Office Applications 11
Barcodes in Microsoft Word 11
Insert TBarCode into a document 11
Insert TBarCode for Scripting with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) 13
Insert TBarCode per Code (VBA) 14
Mail Merge Documents 14
Barcodes in Microsoft Excel 15
Insert TBarCode into a spreadsheet 15
Use TBarCode with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) 16
Linked Cell (Data Binding) 17
Insert TBarCode per Code (VBA) 18
Barcodes in Microsoft Access 19
Insert TBarCode into a Microsoft Access Database or Report 19
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) 20
Data Binding 20
Barcodes in Microsoft InfoPath
Data Binding 21
Prepare Microsoft InfoPath to use TBarCode OCX 22
Insert TBarCode OCX into a Microsoft InfoPath Document 25
Change Barcode Settings in a Microsoft InfoPath Document 26
Use in Development-Environments (IDE) 27
Microsoft Visual Basic 27
Use TBarCode in a Visual Basic Project 27
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 27
Use TBarCode in a MFC Application 27
Use TBarCode in a non MFC Application 28
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 29
Use TBarCode as Control 29
Use TBarCode as Library 30
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 31
Use TBarCode as Control 31
Use TBarCode as Library 31
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 32
Inserting TBarCode into a FoxPro-Project 32
Reports & Labels 32
Microsoft Navision
Microsoft Office / VBA 33
Borland Delphi / Borland C++ Builder 33
Using TBarCode in Borland Delphi 6/7 33
Using TBarCode in Borland Delphi 2005 (Delphi for Win32) 34
Create a package for TBarCode OCX 34
Saving the packages 34
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Setting the Project-Options 35
Import TBarCode Component 35
Add Components to the Package 36
Create and Install Package 37
Creating a new VCL Forms Application 38
Sybase PowerBuilder 38
TBarCode OCX in PowerBuilder DataWindow 38
Insert TBarCode 38
Scripting the control within PowerBuilder 10 39
Generating barcode images for the DataWindow 39
Generating the Barcode Images (from the Dialog Window) 39
Getting the Barcodes inside your DataWindow 40
Powerbuilder 10 Sample 41
Oracle Forms / Oracle Reports 41
Inserting into Forms 41
Inserting into Reports 41
Property Pages ActiveX 42
Invoking 42
Contact and Support Information 43
Document History 44
1.1 Table of Figures
Figure 1: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Word (1) 11
Figure 2: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Word (2) 12
Figure 3: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Word with VBA 13
Figure 4: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Excel 15
Figure 5: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Excel with VBA 16
Figure 6: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Excel (Data Binding) 17
Figure 7: Insert TBarCode per Code (VBA) 18
Figure 8: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Access 19
Figure 9: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Access (Data Binding) 20
Figure 10: Using TBarCode in Microsoft InfoPath (1) 22
Figure 11: Using TBarCode in Microsoft InfoPath (2) 23
Figure 12: Using TBarCode in Microsoft InfoPath (3) 24
Figure 13: Using TBarCode in Microsoft InfoPath (4) 24
Figure 14: Insert TBarCode into a Microsoft InfoPath Document 25
Figure 15: Changing TBarCode Settings in a Microsoft InfoPath Document 26
Figure 16: Using TBarCode in MSVC++ 6.0 (MFC Application) (1) 27
Figure 17: Using TBarCode in MSVC++ 6.0 (MFC Application) (2) 28
Figure 18: Using TBarCode in MSVC++ 6.0 (MFC Application) (3) 28
Figure 19: Using TBarCode in Visual Studio .Net 2003 (as Control) 29
Figure 20: Using TBarCode in Visual Studio .Net 2003 (as Library) 30
Figure 21: Using TBarCode in Visual Studio .Net 2005 (as Control) 31
Figure 22: Inserting TBarCode in PowerBuilder 39
Figure 23: PowerBuilder DataWindow “Display As Picture” 40
Figure 24: PowerBuilder DataWindow Bitmap function 40
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2 Disclaimer
The actual version of this product (document) is available as is. TEC-IT declines all warranties
which go beyond applicable rights. The licensee (or reader) bears all risks that might take place
during the use of the system (the documentation). TEC-IT and its contractual partner cannot be
penalized for direct and indirect damages or losses (this includes non-restrictive, damages through
loss of revenues, constriction in the exercise of business, loss of business information or any kind of
commercial loss), which is caused by use or inability to use the product (documentation), although
the possibility of such damage was pointed out by TEC-IT.
We reserve all rights to this document and the information contained therein. Reproduction,
use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.
Für dieses Dokument und den darin dargestellten Gegenstand behalten wir uns alle Rechte
vor. Vervielfältigung, Bekanntgabe an Dritte oder Verwendung außerhalb des vereinbarten
Zweckes sind nicht gestattet.
© 1998-2006
TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
Wagnerstr. 6
A-4400 Austria
t.: +43 (0)7252 72720
f.: +43 (0)7252 72720 77
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3 General
3.1 TBarCode OCX - a Microsoft
compliant Barcode Control
TBarCode OCX is a full-featured barcode generator with a broad range of application areas.
TBarCode OCX complies with Microsoft's ActiveX specification and can therefore be used in a
bunch of well-known applications (like word-processors or development environments). It is very
easy to use - embedding a barcode is done with a few mouse-clicks only.
All barcodes in common use are supported ranging from linear barcodes (like Code2of5, Code39,
Code128, EAN UPC, Postcodes, …) to high-density 2D barcodes (like PDF417, MaxiCode, Data
Matrix, QR-Code…) and the UCC/EAN Composite Symbologies.
3.2 Scope of this document
This tutorial concentrates on the first steps for using TBarCode. We show you how to embed the
barcode control into Microsoft Office
and common Development Environments as well as various
other applications.
3.3 Installation
Download TBarCode OCX (http://www.tec-it.com/Download Bar Code Software for Windows).
Execute the downloaded file to install the software. The setup-application copies all files to your
computer and registers
the ActiveX control automatically within the Microsoft
After the installation process the ActiveX Control TBarCode can be inserted into the desired
application (see Use in Common Applications).
3.4 Registering the Control
The ActiveX control must be registered within the Windows Operating System prior use. This
registration is performed automatically by the installation (the setup program).
To learn more about licensing (unlocking the demo version) read ahead in the next chapter.
If you don’t use the setup provided by TEC-IT, you can register the ActiveX control manually
with the "REGSVR32.EXE" utility provided by Microsoft (included in your Windows operating
system or your development environment). Without this kind of registration you can not use
ActiveX Controls.
In this document Microsoft Office 2003 is used for demonstration purposes. But TBarCode can be used with previous (and
upcoming) Office versions, too.
Registering in this context means to „introduce“ the component to the operating system. This is done by making special
entries into the Windows Registry - this is a common procedure for all ActiveX Controls.
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3.5 Licensing
TBarCode is available in different license types.
A Single license for the use of the software on exactly one computer (one concurrent user).
A Site license for the use of the Software on several computers within one Site of the
licensee, however limited to a maximum of 250 concurrent installations or 250 concurrent
A Developer license for the redistribution of the Software as part of the Licensee’s software
application(s). The number of redistributions per license is limited to 10000 installations or to
10000 users. Each developer building applications with the Software needs one Developer
A Web license for the use of the Software on one server for internet-, intranet and other http-
based applications. The number of users per license is limited to 10000. Each web-server
instance needs one Web-License.
For users of TBarCode OCX: the ConvertToStream functions are licensed only with a web license.
We spoke about “registering” in the previous chapter. This kind of registration” is not the
same as licensing. “Registering” a component makes the control available within the
Windows environment. “Licensing” authorizes you to use the product. You can not use an
ActiveX component without registration, but you can use it for testing purposes without
To learn about the restrictions in the demo mode, please refer to Limitations of the Demo
3.5.1 Ordering a license
You can order a license key online from http://www.tec-it.com/orderform
Or contact sales@tec-it.com if you have questions.
3.6 Redistribution as part of your Application
If you build applications with TBarCode, which are distributed to your customers, you need a so-
called Developer license.
Without registering the component file (*.OCX) you can not use an ActiveX control. The .OCX file
contains the ActiveX Type Library.
So make sure that the TBarCode component is registered on each target machine. If you use an
installer this can be achieved by marking the .OCX file as "self-registering". If you don’t use an
installer, you have to register the .OCX file with the system tool "REGSVR32.EXE".
3.7 Limitations of the Demo Download
TBarCode creates all barcodes correctly. In the unlicensed mode each barcode is marked with a
small demo text printed over it. In most cases, except for very small barcodes, this text does not
influence the readability of the barcode. If you want to test the product without the demo text, we
can send you a temporary license key (please contact s[email protected]).
After a period of 90 days (after installation) the barcode generator can be deactivated auto-
matically if it has not been licensed by the user. Applying a license key from TEC-IT will
activate the product in an unlimited manner.
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3.8 Sample Applications
TEC-IT provides sample applications demonstrating the use of TBarCode in common software
products. You can download these samples from http://www.tec-it.com/Download Bar Code
Software for Windows Samples.
Note: Install TBarCode prior to use of the sample applications. TBarCode OCX (the ActiveX
version) or TBarCode DLL must be installed before you can run the samples!
3.9 Product Documentation
The detailed product documentation is available as separate document. You can download the
documentation from http://www.tec-it.com/Download Bar Code Software for Windows Docu-
For barcode specific information we offer a document Barcode Reference”, which can be also
downloaded from the link above.
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4 Terms and Definitions
4.1 ActiveX
An ActiveX control is an object, which can be inserted in container applications supporting the
ActiveX technology from Microsoft. The control can be printed together with the remaining
document. Its content can be changed at will.
ActiveX controls are sometimes also referred as plug-in, element, control, component (COM
component) and “Steuerelement” (in German).
ActiveX technology is supported by a broad range of applications. Most of the available
development environments, e.g. Visual Basic
, Visual Studio
C/C++, C#, .NET, Borland C++
Builder, Borland Delphi, ASP, ASP .NET (and more) are supporting ActiveX. Beside that you can
use ActiveX controls inside of Microsoft Office, report generators and many other applications.
A special feature of ActiveX Controls is the possibility for "data binding" i.e. the control content
can be bound to a freely selectable data field of the container application e.g. a cell in the
spreadsheet or a data field in a database.
An ActiveX object can be parameterized or controlled by the use of scripting or programming
languages – or without any programming by the end-user itself.
Whenever the term ActiveX is used in this document it refers to TBarCode OCX using the
ActiveX interface. However all TEC-IT products conforming to the ActiveX specification
(TBarCode OCX, TConnector, TFORMer Runtime) can be used in a similar way.
4.2 Container Application
An ActiveX control is a software component or plug-in which is embedded in a container application.
An ActiveX control comes to life with a container application only – it cannot be used as stand-alone
The behavior of an ActiveX control can be controlled by the following techniques:
by adjusting the properties of the ActiveX control by the end-user. In this case no
programming knowledge is required. Just right-click the barcode object and adjust its
In Microsoft applications an ActiveX control can be controlled with VBA (Visual Basic for
Applications). Sometimes JavaScript, JScript or similar scripting languages are available.
Virtually all programming languages (like Visual Basic, C, C++, C#, Pascal, Cobol, RPG, …)
are able to handle ActiveX controls.
4.3 Symbology (Barcode Type)
The term symbology stands for the type of the barcode. TBarCode supports more than 70 different
barcode symbologies (e.g. Code 2of5 interleaved, Code128, PDF417, Data Matrix). Each symbo-
logy specifies how to convert data (“encode” data) into the correct barcode representation.
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4.4 Encoding
The term encoding stands for converting arbitrary data into a barcode. Thus whenever you draw
or print a barcode you are encoding data.
4.5 Data Binding
Data binding refers to the capability of binding TBarCode to a data field of the container application.
If the content of the data field changes, the barcode content changes automatically. The remaining
properties (e.g. the barcode type) remain unchanged.
Data-binding is very useful in applications like Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel
. The barcode
can be inserted into a report or spread-sheet and the content of the barcode is controlled by a table-
cell (linked cell) automatically.
Not all applications support data binding by simply adjusting a data source property.
Sometimes data-binding can be achieved by scripting the ActiveX Control (our support can
help you on demand).
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5 Use in Common Applications
5.1 General
You can use ActiveX Controls (TBarCode, TConnector…) in all applications, which can deal with
ActiveX Controls. These are most of the commonly used standard applications and development
In the next chapters we describe the handling of ActiveX Controls. In this document the TEC-IT
product TBarCode OCX is used, but the steps are basically the same for all other ActiveX controls.
5.1.1 Inserting an ActiveX Control
The exact steps for each application are shown in the following chapters.
Basically the common process for inserting an ActiveX Control into an application (e.g. Microsoft
Word) is as following:
Select Insert Object or Insert ActiveX Control.
Select TBarCode from the list.
Insert the control – adjust the exact dimensions (with the mouse).
Adjust the characteristics of the control (right-click Properties)
Depending on the application you must be in design mode if you want to insert or edit an
ActiveX Control.
A “Toolbox” is very often used to select a control.
In some applications you must first insert an "OLE Container", in which the TBarCode
Control can be inserted.
Make sure that Macros and ActiveX Controls are enabled (Security Settings in Microsoft
Excel and Word).
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6 Use in Microsoft Office Applications
6.1 Barcodes in Microsoft Word
6.1.1 Insert TBarCode into a document
In order to insert TBarCode OCX in a Microsoft Word document execute the following steps:
Open or create your document.
Select Insert Object… from the menu ().
Select TBarCode from the list of object types and confirm with OK.
To set the properties, right-click on the control .
Select TBarCode Object Properties (see Figure 2 on page 12, ).
The property pages appear. (For details on the barcode properties please refer to the
product documentation).
Figure 1: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Word (1)
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Figure 2: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Word (2)
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6.1.2 Insert TBarCode for Scripting with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
Some requirements can be fulfilled only if you script (program) the ActiveX inside of Word. In order
to access the object through an identifier (in your VBA code) you need to insert it the following way.
Open or create your document.
If the “Visual Basictoolbar is not visible, right-click on the menu bar and check Visual
If the Control Toolbox is not visible, right-click on the menu bar and check Control
In the Control Toolbox () click on the Other Controls Icon . – A list with available controls
will appear ().
Select the entry TBarCode. The TBarCode control will be inserted.
Click the Properties icon in the Control Toolbox to open the property:value window .
Now you can use TBarCode in VBA. To address the control use the object name, which is
defined in the properties window.
If you double-click the control you can enter an event-driven code (not shown).
Figure 3: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Word with VBA
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6.1.3 Insert TBarCode per Code (VBA)
To create and insert a TBarCode object per VBA code into a Word document, you can use the
following code:
This code shows how to insert a Code-128 symbol with the data 1234567890 at the actual
cursor position.
Dim oShape As InlineShape
Dim oTBC As Object
Insert a shape containing a barcode object at the actual cursor position.
Set oShape = Selection.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject(ClassType:="TBarCode6.TBarCode6.1", _
FileName:="", LinkToFile:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False)
For easier access link an object to the barcode object inside the shape.
Set oTBC = oShape.OLEFormat.Object
Now adjust the size of the barcode by adjusting the shape
oShape.Width = 200
oShape.Height = 100
Adjust the barcode object properties (barcode type, encoded data...)
oTBC.Barcode = 20 'adjust Code-128
oTBC.Text = "1234567890"
6.1.4 Mail Merge Documents
To use TBarCode OCX with mail merge, TEC-IT provides a Macro for Microsoft Word in the
Download-Area http://www.tec-it.com/Download Bar Code Software for Windows Samples.
After mail merging you can transfer the content of the selectable data field(s) to the barcode(s). To
start with you need an empty barcode object in the document template.
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6.2 Barcodes in Microsoft Excel
6.2.1 Insert TBarCode into a spreadsheet
To insert TBarCode in Microsoft Excel, please follow these steps:
Open or create your document.
Select Insert Object… from the menu ().
Select TBarCode from the list of object types and confirm with OK.
Change to design mode (triangle symbol in the Control Toolbox ) and select TBarCode.
This – and moving the barcode object with the mouse – is only possible after the Design
Mode was activated. If the Control Toolbox is not visible, open it by right-clicking the menu
To change the properties, right-click on the TBarCode object and choose TBarCode Object
Properties ().
The property pages appear. (For details on the barcode properties please refer to the
product documentation).
Figure 4: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Excel
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6.2.2 Use TBarCode with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
To use TBarCode within VBA, please follow these steps:
Open or create your document.
If the toolbar for Visual Basic is not visible, right-click on the menu bar and check Visual
If the Control Toolbox is not visible, right-click on the menu bar and check Control
In the Control Toolbox () click on the More Controls Icon . – A list with available controls
will appear ().
Select the entry TBarCode.
Now move the mouse cursor to the desired position and click the left mouse button. The
TBarCode control will be inserted.
Click the Properties icon in the Control Toolbox to open the property:value window .
Now you can use TBarCode in VBA. (To address the control use the object name, which is
defined in the properties window).
Figure 5: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Excel with VBA
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6.2.3 Linked Cell (Data Binding)
Apart from using the control within VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) the standard property
LinkedCell provided by Microsoft Excel is available. In the Properties” dialog you can set the Linked
Cell, which serves as source for the barcode content ("data binding").
After TBarCode was inserted as described in the previous paragraph, select the TBarCode
object .
Click on the Properties icon in the Control Toolbox.
Enter the linked cell in the Properties Window (here B29 is used). The barcode changes
whenever you change the content of the linked cell (B29).
Figure 6: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Excel (Data Binding)
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6.2.4 Insert TBarCode per Code (VBA)
To create and insert a TBarCode object per code, you can use the following sample:
Dim TargetCell As Variant ' The cell, in which you want to inerst the barcode
Dim CellHeight As Variant ' Height of the target cell
Dim CellWidth As Variant ' Width of the target cell
Dim CellTop As Variant ' Top coordinates of the target cell
Dim CellLeft As Variant ' Left coordinates of the target cell
Dim BCObject As OLEObject ' The TBarCode container object
TargetCell = "C3"
' make sure that the cell height has 30 pixels minimum
If (Range(TargetCell).RowHeight < 30) Then
Range(TargetCell).RowHeight = 30
End If
' get target cell dimensions
CellHeight = Range(TargetCell).Height
CellWidth = Range(TargetCell).Width
CellTop = Range(TargetCell).Top
CellLeft = Range(TargetCell).Left
' insert barcode object into selected cell
Set BCObject = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="TBARCODE6.TBarCode6.1", _
Left:=CellLeft, _
Top:=CellTop, _
Width:=CellWidth, _
' set barcode properties
BCObject.Object.Text = "123456"
BCObject.Object.FontSize = 8
Call this code per macro or per button click, for example.
Figure 7: Insert TBarCode per Code (VBA)
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6.3 Barcodes in Microsoft Access
TBarCode can be used within reports or forms. Database columns can be encoded with TBarCode
directly. Besides the use of fixed values it is also possible to use formulas as data source for a bar-
6.3.1 Insert TBarCode into a Microsoft Access Database or Report
In order to insert TBarCode into a report (or a form), please execute the following steps:
Open or create your report (or form) in the design mode. (Window must be visible).
From the menu select Insert ActiveX Control… (). Alternatively you can select the More
Controls icon from the Toolbox. (If the Toolbox is not visible, right-click inside the toolbar-
area and select Toolbox).
Select TBarCode from the list of object types and confirm with OK.
Move your mouse cursor to the position, where you want to insert the object (report or form)
and click the left mouse button. TBarCode will be inserted ().
To set the properties right-click the TBarCode object and select TBarCode-Object
Properties (or just Properties). The Property Window opens.
Figure 8: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Access
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6.3.2 VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
In order to be able to use TBarCode from VBA, execute the same steps as described above. Keep
in mind the following points, too:
Set the properties of the barcode object in the Access Properties Window (see Figure 8, ).
Only in this dialog you can enter the object name as well as the control data source (list of
selectable data fields).
To display the properties, click the properties button on the menu bar or right-click the
barcode object and select Properties from the context-menu.
If you want to program the ActiveX Control in VBA you have to use the "object" interface to
access the ActiveX properties and methods.
The example below gives you access to the text property of TBarCode
TBarCode61 is the name, which has been adjusted in the properties.
TBarCode61.object.text = “1234567890”
6.3.3 Data Binding
In reports and forms the barcode content can be bound to a data field. Most commonly the barcode
is bound to a table column. If this is done, the barcode changes according to the actual data record
Please execute the following steps:
Right click TBarCode OCX .
Select Properties from the popup menu .
Select the Data tab .
In the data page, in the Control Source input field, you can select the data field (or the query)
that serves as source for the barcode content ().
This step is only possible if you have defined a data-source for the complete report. You can
do this by opening the properties dialog for the entire report.
Figure 9: Using TBarCode in Microsoft Access (Data Binding)
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Please ensure that the barcode type corresponds with the type of data you want to encode.
If the characters can not be encoded using the selected barcode type, an error message will
be displayed instead of drawing the barcode.
You can also enter an operation as data source (e.g. a string operation like "= field_Ar-
ticleNo + field_Price"). This might be useful for combining several data fields (ArticleNo and
Price) into one barcode symbol (e.g. EAN13 P5).
6.4 Barcodes in Microsoft InfoPath
Microsoft InfoPath can take advantage of barcodes by using TBarCode OCX. Especially when it
comes to 2D barcodes with high data density you get a powerful solution for optimizing data flow.
InfoPath has no built-in property dialog for ActiveX Controls, but TBarCode comes with its
own property dialog - therefore you can adjust all barcode characteristics in an easy way.
6.4.1 Data Binding
Controls in a form are bound to a part of the form’s data source. InfoPath stores the data of a form
as XML documents. The data binding describes which part of the form is saved in the control. In
TBarCode the bound data is encoded as barcode.
When you insert TBarCode, you can choose if you want to bind the barcode control to the data of a
single field (called “Field (element or attribute)”) or to a part of the XML document (called “Field or
Group (any data type)”).
Field (element or attribute):
Only the data of a field, which was filled in by the user, is encoded as barcode.
For example: If the user entered “John Smith”, the encoded data for the field singlename is
John Smith”.
Field or Group (any data type):
TBarCode encodes a part of the XML document. This option allows encoding of a group of
fields – or even the whole form.
For example: If the user entered “John Smith”, the encoded data for the field singlename is
<invrq:singleName xmlns:invrq=http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/infopath/2003/sample/
InvoiceRequest>John Smith</invrq:singleName>”.
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6.4.2 Prepare Microsoft InfoPath to use TBarCode OCX
Perform the following tasks to insert TBarCode into your Microsoft InfoPath document. These steps
are required only if TBarCode OCX was not added to Microsoft InfoPath before:
Open a form in Design mode.
Open the Task Pane . Therefore select View Task Pane from the menu ().
In the Task Pane switch to Controls .
Figure 10: Using TBarCode in Microsoft InfoPath (1)
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Click Add or Remove Custom Controls… () at the bottom of the Task Pane.
You see a list of already installed custom controls. Click Add… () – the “Add Custom
Control Wizard” opens.
Locate and select TBarCode in the list ().
Figure 11: Using TBarCode in Microsoft InfoPath (2)
Click Next until the “Specify a Binding Propertypage is displayed.
Select the binding property Text if you plan to store only a single field in the barcode (“Field
(element or attribute)”).
Select the binding property Value if you plan to store a part of the XML document (“Field or
Group (any data type)”).
Click Next and select the Enabled entry in the “Specify and Enable or Disable Property”.
Click Next and select all data types (by clicking each line) in the “Specify Data Type Options
wizard page .
If you have chosen the binding property Text, then select “Field (element or attribute)” and
leave the default data type as Text (string).
If you have chosen the binding property Value, then select “Field or Group (any type)”.
Then click Finish.
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Figure 12: Using TBarCode in Microsoft InfoPath (3)
Click OK ().
TBarCode appears in the list of available controls ().
Figure 13: Using TBarCode in Microsoft InfoPath (4)
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6.4.3 Insert TBarCode OCX into a Microsoft InfoPath Document
After you added TBarCode OCX to the available controls in Microsoft InfoPath you can add a
barcode to your document by performing these steps:
Drag the TBarCode control from the Task Pane to your Microsoft InfoPath form.
After you release the mouse button a dialog named “TBarCode Bindingappears.
Select the required field or group of the InfoPath document as data source for TBarCode
(). The content of this field or group will be encoded as barcode.
Press OK. A barcode will be inserted into the form.
Figure 14: Insert TBarCode into a Microsoft InfoPath Document
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6.4.4 Change Barcode Settings in a Microsoft InfoPath Document
Right click the barcode .
In the upcoming menu select TBarCode Properties… .
Select the desired tab (e.g. General ).
Select the suitable barcode type ().
Click OK ().
The TBarCode property pages offer a bunch of barcode related options. Please check out
the TBarCode documentation for details.
Figure 15: Changing TBarCode Settings in a Microsoft InfoPath Document
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7 Use in Development-Environments (IDE)
TEC-IT's ActiveX Controls (e.g. TBarCode, TConnector or TFORMer) can be used in various
development environments. Instances of the object can be created, changed and printed.
We recommend to check out the sample applications at: http://www.tec-it.com/Download
Bar Code Software for Windows Samples.
Below we use our product TBarCode to describe the handling of ActiveX Controls.
7.1 Microsoft Visual Basic
7.1.1 Use TBarCode in a Visual Basic Project
In order to insert TBarCode in Visual Basic, please execute the following steps:
Open or create your VB Project.
Right-click the Toolbox and select Components from the menu.
Select TBarCode Type Library from the list (Insertable Objects) and confirm with OK.
Now you can use TBarCode as VB Control in the Toolbox.
Set the characteristics of the barcode in the VB properties window (“Properties
In case you prefer the TBarCode "Property Pages" (instead of the VB properties window),
right-click the object and select Properties from the popup menu. (For details please refer to
the TBarCode product documentation).
7.2 Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
7.2.1 Use TBarCode in a MFC Application
In order to use TBarCode in MFC, please follow these steps:
Open or create your MFC based application.
If you create a new project, make sure, that ActiveX Controls is checked (default) on page
3 of the “MFC AppWizard”.
Figure 16: Using TBarCode in MSVC++ 6.0 (MFC Application) (1)
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Select Project Add to Project Components and Controls… from the menu.
Change to the folder Registered ActiveX Controls.
Select TBarCode from the list and click Insert.
A wrapper class for TBarCode is generated automatically (). Click OK to confirm.
Figure 17: Using TBarCode in MSVC++ 6.0 (MFC Application) (2)
The control is thereafter selectable in the control toolbox in dialog editor ().
Work with the assistance of the ClassWizard if necessary.
Figure 18: Using TBarCode in MSVC++ 6.0 (MFC Application) (3)
7.2.2 Use TBarCode in a non MFC Application
For non MFC applications we recommend to use our Barcode Library TBarCode6 DLL. Samples
are available on http://www.tec-it.com/Download Bar Code Software for Windows Samples.
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7.3 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
7.3.1 Use TBarCode as Control
In order to use TBarCode as a control and to embed it in a form in Visual Studio .NET (e.g. in a
“Windows Application” or in an “ASP .NET Web Application”), please follow these steps:
Open or create a project.
In the Toolbox switch to Components ().
Right-click inside the Toolbox and select Add/Remove Items…. A dialog appears.
In the dialog switch to the COM Components tab .
Select TBarCode (check the checkbox).
Confirm with OK ().
Now TBarCode OCX is added to the Toolbox ().
To use the control just drag it from the Toolbox () to your form ().
Figure 19: Using TBarCode in Visual Studio .Net 2003 (as Control)
Mircosoft Visual Studio .NET automatically generates a wrapper class for an existing ActiveX
control. You can use it like any other control in .NET.
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TBar Code OCX T uto r i al
7.3.2 Use TBarCode as Library
In order to use TBarCode per code only (without embedding it as ActiveX control in a form), please
follow these steps:
Open or create a project.
From the menu select Project Add Reference…
In the upcoming dialog switch to the COM tab .
Select TBarCode from the list an click Select .
Confirm with OK ().
Now TBARCODExLib is added to the References of your Project (and can be found in the
“Solution Explorer” Window ).
The TBarCode class can now be used in your code.
Figure 20: Using TBarCode in Visual Studio .Net 2003 (as Library)
Sample usage of the TBarCode class in C#:
TBARCODE6Lib.TBarCode6Class obj = new TBARCODE6Lib.TBarCode6Class();
obj.BarCode = TBARCODE6Lib.tag_BarCType.eBC_2OF5IL;
obj.Text = "12345";
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7.4 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005
7.4.1 Use TBarCode as Control
In order to use TBarCode in Visual Studio .NET (e.g. in a “Windows Application or in an “ASP
.NET Web Application”), please follow these steps:
Open or create a project.
Right-click inside the Toolbox and select Choose Items…. A dialog appears.
In the dialog switch to the COM Components tab .
Select TBarCode (check the checkbox).
Confirm with OK ().
Now TBarCode OCX is added to the Toolbox ().
Drag the control from the Toolbox () to your form ().
Figure 21: Using TBarCode in Visual Studio .Net 2005 (as Control)
Mircosoft Visual Studio .NET automatically generates a wrapper class for an existing ActiveX
control. You can use it like any other control in .NET.
7.4.2 Use TBarCode as Library
Use the same steps as described in 7.3.2.
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7.5 Microsoft Visual FoxPro
7.5.1 Inserting TBarCode into a FoxPro-Project
In order to insert TBarCode in Visual FoxPro, please execute the following steps:
Open or create a FoxPro Project.
Open or create a Form.
Select OLE Container from the Standard Toolbox.
After drawing the outlet of the OLE container, an "Insert object" dialog is opened. Select
TBarCode (Insert Control) and confirm with OK.
The characteristics can be modified in the properties window.
If you prefer the TBarCode property pages, right-click the control and choose Properties
from the pop-up menu.
Within the Project Manager you can add the newly created form to the project.
7.5.2 Reports & Labels
If you want to print barcodes in reports or labels, you need a table with a specific column, in which
TBarCode must be stored as OLE Control (data type “general”). This data field must be initialized
with the data structure of a barcode object before use. For this purpose you need an instance of a
TBarCode object as template (e.g. on a form, it may be invisible).
Example code for the initialization of the data fields of a barcode object:
FOR n = 1 TO 10
WITH THISFORM.[Name of the TBarCode object instance]
.barcode = 20 && Barcode-Type = Code128
.TEXT = "000070000041"
.printdatatext = .T.
.BACKCOLOR = 16777215
.FORECOLOR = 0 && 16711680 -> (blue)
After this code has been executed, an OLE Picture/ActiveX Bound Control can be inserted into a
Report or Label Form. In this sample, you have to specify "Table1.BC" as data source (field).
Please take a look at our FoxPro-Sample, which can be downloaded from http://www.tec-
it.com/Download Bar Code Software for Windows Samples!
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7.6 Microsoft Navision
Under Navision TBarCode OCX cannot be inserted into a report directly. So you have to use the
following workaround:
Create or open a report and insert a Picture Box.
Create a barcode image (per code) using the TBarCode OCX Control.
Load the image to the Picture Box.
Sample code for creating a barcode image:
COM objBC; // this is com object instantiation
objBC = new COM("TBarCode6.TBarCode6.1"); // create class TBarCode6
objBC.Text = "121212" // set barcode data
objBC.Barcode = 20; // 20 ... use Code-128
objBC.SaveImage(DateiNameBmp, 4, pxWidth, pxHeight, nXRes, nYRes);
For more detailled information, please take a look at our Navision Tutorial, which can be down-
loaded under http://www.tec-it.com/Download Bar Code Software for Windows Samples or
contact our technical support.
7.7 Microsoft Office / VBA
Please refer to Use in Microsoft Office Applications.
7.8 Borland Delphi / Borland C++ Builder
7.8.1 Using TBarCode in Borland Delphi 6/7
To insert TBarCode in Delphi or Borland C++ Builder, please follow the steps described here:
Select Components Import ActiveX Control from the menu.
Select TBarCode Type Library from the list.
Click the Install button and confirm the following popup windows with OK. The TBarCode
Control can now be used like a standard component (Toolbar ActiveX).
For an overview over the properties and methods which are provided by the TBarCode object
please refer to the product documentation. Please take a look at our samples, which can be
downloaded from http://www.tec-it.com/Download Bar Code Software for Windows Samples!
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7.8.2 Using TBarCode in Borland Delphi 2005 (Delphi for Win32)
To insert TBarCode in Delphi 2005, please follow the steps described here: Create a package for TBarCode OCX
Choose File New Package – Delphi for Win32 in the menu Saving the packages
Save the package in a
separate directory.
In the Save Package As Dialog first choose the directory (here
My Documents/Borland Studio Projects/TBarCode6) and then give
the name of the package-project (here TBarCode6).
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TBar Code OCX T uto r i al Setting the Project-Options
Choose Options under menu Project
Describe your package in the Options Dialog
under Description
Now the directory must be adjusted. Choose Directories/Conditionals in the tree.
Under Output directory, choose the directory where you saved your project. Import TBarCode Component
The next step: import TBarCode OCX. Choose menu Component Import Component
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In the Wizard, choose Import ActiveX Control
and click Next.
On the next page, choose TBarCode OCX
Click Next
On the next page, leave all default values as is.
Click Next. The wizard will take you to the last
page. Here you can choose to create a new
Click Finish to close the wizard. In the main window of Delphi you will find TBARCODE6Lib_TLB.
Save this Unit in the same directory where the package-project is located. Add Components to the Package
The next step: add TBarCode OCX to the
Choose menu Project Add to Project
Under Add Unit click Browse to look for
Click OK to add TBarCode.
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TBar Code OCX T uto r i al Create and Install Package
The next step: create the package.
Choose the entry Build <ProjectName>
(In our sample: Build TBarCode6) under
menu Project.
The next step: install the created
Choose the entry Install Packages
under menu Component.
To add the created project click Add.
Choose the created package (here
The chosen package (TBarCode6) is
now listed in Design Packages. Click
OK to end the installation.
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TBar Code OCX T uto r i al Creating a new VCL Forms Application
Create a new VCL Forms Application.
Choose File New VCL Forms Application
In the tool Tool Palette you can find the new
category ActiveX.
TBarCode OCX was added in this category
and is now ready to use.
7.9 Sybase PowerBuilder
7.9.1 TBarCode OCX in PowerBuilder DataWindow
In PowerBuilder
the use of ActiveX Controls (like TBarCode) is not possible within so-called
DataWindows, if the Control is bound to the band layer. This limitation is not caused by TBarCode.
To get dynamic “data driven” barcodes you have to use the following workaround.
Instead of placing the TBarCode OCX control inside the DataWindow, you have to insert it into
the dialog Window. Thus it can be programmed for our workaround as follows.
By using this control you can create a bitmap file for each barcode, save it to disk and load it to a
picture data field in the DataWindow. That has to be done for each data row/record set.
This workaround is described in detail in the following sections.
7.9.2 Insert TBarCode
To insert TBarCode into a PowerBuilder dialog window, please execute the following steps:
Select Controls OLE from the menu.
Select the page Insert Control from the Tab (PB10).
Select TBarCode from the list.
If desired, change the properties in the context menu (OCX Properties).
PowerBuilder version 7-10
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In PowerBuilder Version 7, 8, 9 and 10 always insert TBarCode with Insert Control because
Create New does not work with scripting.
Figure 22: Inserting TBarCode in PowerBuilder
7.9.3 Scripting the control within PowerBuilder 10
To access the Properties and Methods of the ActiveX Control use the following syntax:
ole_1.object.text = "hello"
ole_1.object.barcode = 20 ' 20 = Code 128
The barcode type (the symbology) is set by assigning a number to the barcode property.
Please refer to the documentation "Barcode Reference" (http://www.tec-it.com/download
Bar Code Software for Windows Documentation) to learn more about other supported
barcode symbologies.
7.9.4 Generating barcode images for the DataWindow Generating the Barcode Images (from the Dialog Window)
You need a TBarCode OCX object in your dialog window, which can be programmed. In our sample
it is called “w_barcode_printing”.
Open your source code. In the section where you prepare the data for the output you have to do
something like the following to save the barcode images:
//Image path and filename
ls_image = "C:\_APPS\FeeSystem\bc1.jpg"
//Saves the barcode as a JPEG
w_barcode_printing.ole_barcode.SaveImageEx (0, ls_image, 4, 100, 300, 80, 127, 127)
NOTE: Currently PowerBuilder only supports Bitmaps, JPEGs, and GIFs. You cannot use the EMF
file type
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With the SetItem() function you can finally assign the name of the generated barcode bitmap file to
the column used in the DataWindow (bc_pic).
Using this approach will allow you to simulate the data binding inside the DataWindows. Getting the Barcodes inside your DataWindow
Inside your DataWindow you have to create a column with a STRING data type. Here we use the
name bc_pic. This column will contain the path and the name for each barcode bitmap file for each
record. Then insert a Column control for the created data field.
In the “General” properties of the Column control check the DISPLAY AS PICTURE box as shown
below. This will make the control show the picture and not the filename inside the control frame.
For example: If the column contains the value “c:\picture.jpg”, the control will display the picture
and not the text “c:\picture.jpg”.
Figure 23: PowerBuilder DataWindow “Display As Picture”
Instead of using a Column control you may also insert a Computed Field control and use the
BITMAP() function to convert the picture’s path to a graphic.
Figure 24: PowerBuilder DataWindow Bitmap function
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TBar Code OCX T uto r i al Powerbuilder 10 Sample
Check out the sample for Powerbuilder 10, which is provided with the TBarCode OCX
Setup. If you use elder versions of Powerbuilder, please contact TEC-IT support for a
sample: support@tec-it.com
7.10 Oracle Forms / Oracle Reports
7.10.1 Inserting into Forms
In order to insert an ActiveX Control in an Oracle Form please execute the following steps:
Create a new form.
In the layout editor:
a) Draw an ActiveX control.
b) Right-click with the mouse and select Insert Object.
c) Select the TBarCode Control.
Select Menu Program OLE Importer from the menu and import the control.
Create a button and add a when-button-pressed trigger on the canvas (where you can call
the ActiveX control).
Close the layout editor (This step is VERY IMPORTANT!).
Run the form.
Press the button to run the ActiveX.
7.10.2 Inserting into Reports
Oracle Reports does not support ActiveX Controls.
The user can call an executable from within a report. For instance you can generate barcode
bitmaps with the TEC-IT product Barcode Studio which can be executed in command line mode
(without a visible window). Barcode Studio creates and saves a bitmap whenever it is called.
Afterwards the generated bitmap can be loaded into an image inside the report.
Another possibility is to use the TFORMer product family (advanced label and form reporting tool).
Use TFORMer Designer to design your barcode label or report. Thereafter use TFORMer Runtime
(or the command line tool TFPrint.exe) to generate and print the complete report. TFORMer
supports direct printer output, PostScript, PDF and HTML Output directly (without any additional
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8 Property Pages ActiveX
8.1 Invoking
In most Windows applications the content and the appearance of an ActiveX Control can be
changed with a right mouse-click. After right-clicking the object a context-menu will appear. Select
TBarCode-Object Properties from the menu to open the "Property Pages". This dialog window
offers access to barcode specific settings.
The Property Pages are used to change the characteristics of the Control or the OLE object
– without a single line of code.
In some applications you can use the menu entry Properties (no BarCode-Object Properties, just
Properties!), too. In this window all properties of the ActiveX (including the TBarCode properties)
are listed as "property : value" pairs.
Some properties – in particular data binding (which is available in special applications like Microsoft
Excel only), or OptResolution (which is supported by TBarCode OCX but not available in the
"Property Pages") – can be set up in this dialog only!
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9 Contact and Support Information
TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
Wagnerstr. 6
AT-4400 Steyr
+43 / (0)7252 / 72 72 0
+43 / (0)7252 / 72 72 0 – 77
mailto:suppor[email protected]
AIX is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.
HTML, DHTML, XML, XHTML are trademarks or registered trademarks of W3C, World Wide Web Consortium, Laboratory for Computer
Science NE43-358, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139.
is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA.
is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., used under license for technology invented and implemented by
, Windows
, Microsoft Word
, Microsoft Excel
are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Navision is a registered trademark of Microsoft Business Solutions ApS in the United States and/or other countries.
is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.
is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company.
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.
SAP, SAP Logo, R/2, R/3, ABAP, SAPscript are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany (and in several other countries).
All other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. If any trademark on our web site or in this
document is not marked as trademark (or registered trademark), we ask you to send us a short message (
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10 Document History
Date Author Changes
06-Oct-2005 GuenterK
07-Mar-2006 StephanG New Document Layout