Office of the Chief Information
The digital Army will be fueled by data and data analytics. The right data, at the right
time, at the right place will enable faster and better decisions at echelon to out-think
and out-pace any adversary. By its nature, the Army’s Multi-Domain Operations, as part
of Joint All Domain Operations, has a larger and increasing scope than earlier military
operations. Each domain has its own growing information and data flow, from open-
source intelligence, space-based sensors, cyber-space queuing to Soldier medical status
and vehicle self-diagnostics. Today’s Soldiers and Commanders require synthesis across
these domains to dominate the battlespace. With the fires growing in range and
automation and forces increasingly dispersed on the battlefield, speed of decision to
neutralize critical targets can have rapid cascading effects to allow our forces to
penetrate, disintegrate, and then exploit in order to win. Integration and speed of
information is achieved through data and data analytics.
In her 8 February 2022 message to the force, Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth set
as her second goal for the Army to enable success on the future battlefield is to become
“more data-centric. This objective nests with the 5 May 2021 Deputy Secretary of Defense
Kathleen Hicks memo “Creating Data Advantage” which establishes five “DoD Data
Decrees” to transform the Department into a data-centric organization.” The Decrees set
the path to rapidly share decision quality data across the Department of Defense.
Moreover, both Secretary Wormuth’s and Secretary Hick’s direction provides an
operational lens for how the Department should implement the 2018 Evidence-Based
Policymaking Act of 2018 that set Federal goals for data sharing and management.
Data enabled decisions, decisions that will outpace an adversary, will decide future battles.
The Chief of Staff of the Army, General James McConville stated that data is a
Commander’s business. Army and Joint leaders have referred to data as the new
ammunition. This is a useful comparison when an Apache Attack Helicopter takes off on
a mission armed with Hellfire missiles, Commanders intuitively know how many “stowed
kills” are on a flight. Similarly, Commanders need to know how many “stowed kills” are
enabled by their information. Like ammunition, data does not appear on the battlefield
without management. Data needs to be designed, generated, checked for quality,
inventoried, distributed, stored, used, and at some point, disposed of. Data life cycle
management is just as vital as ammunition management to ensure it meets the Army’s
operational needs.
As per the Army Digital Transformation Strategy, data success will require the Army to
prioritize, mature, and scale ongoing data management efforts. This requires addressing
people, culture, and building a foundation for change.
People: The Army is increasing data literacy across Soldiers and civilians. Some will be specialists, such
as data scientists or data engineers. However, to increase change at scale, the Army needs to increase
the basic data skills for generalists that benefit from greater accessibility to quality data to improve daily
decisions, that is, citizen analysts benefiting from our data democracy.
Culture: T
he Army is evolving its culture, not only to embrace data for decision making, but to assist in
its generation and quality control. Army leaders should not pass up opportunities to capture
information of value to others but rather obtain and pass useful information for the greater good. The
Army will achieve success when Army leaders at echelon treat data not as digital exhaust but as a
strategic asset. The main mechanism to facilitate this cultural change is through clearly defined and
scoped projects in which data use provides operational success.
Foundation: The Army is b
uilding a data foundation to guide and accelerate change. The components of
the foundation are both materiel and non-materiel. The primary non-materiel portions of the
foundation are governance and clearly defined roles and responsibilities of data leaders. Materiel
components include the Enterprise Data Service Catalogue, an enterprise API capability, simplified
authoritative data products ready for use, and easy access to data platforms and the cloud.
In 2019 and 2020, under the Army Data Plan Implementation in Support of Cloud Migration
Execution Order, the Army advanced in all three areas through select projects that: built
skills, had near term success in building leadership and organizational understanding, and
piloted several aspects of materiel and non-materiel foundational activities. Based on
these lessons, the Army drafted a Roles and Responsibilities memorandum specifying key
governance roles and their responsibilities in the data life cycle. The Army provided
several “data objects” a data product for use across the Army that simplified complex
interactions and provided an easy reference for authoritative Title 10 and readiness data.
Overall, the Army has made the greatest progress in areas where decision makers, data
analysts, data ownership and process ownership are aligned. The intelligence, cyber
mission operations, finance, contracting, and logistics domains have this alignment and
have demonstrated an ability to rapidly produce data analytic products in support of
decisions. The warfighting mission area is the most complex and has the greatest cross-
command sharing of data life cycle management responsibilities of all the Army mission
areas. Given these lessons learned, this document provides a refined focus of the Data
Cloud Order to facilitate rapid progress in developing a data-centric Army.
This Army Data Plan has four parts:
It lists the data principles: visible,
accessible, und
linked, trusted, interoperable,
FY22-23 Initiatives
It describes the fiscal year
(FY) 22-23 Plan, which
outlines near-term activities.
It defines the Strategic Objectives
(SO) of the overall effort.
It defines Strategic Efforts (SE),
which organize the activities that
have been tasked to data
community stakeholders.
VAULTIS Principles & Goals
Data that is visible, accessible, understandable, linked, trusted, interoperable and secure
(VAULTIS) improves information sharing for decision-making advantage. These seven
characteristics are described in the table below.
Goals Definition
Consumers can locate the needed data.
The goal of making data visible enables authorized users to discover the existence of data
that is of particular interest or value. Data stewards, data custodians, and functional data
managers are all responsible and obligated to make their data visible to authorized users by
identifying, registering, and exposing data in a way that makes it easily discoverable across
the enterprise, and to external partners as appropriate. Moving towards this type of data
visibility allows users (person and nonperson entities) to discover and rapidly identify who is
responsible for specific data assets, the location of data assets, the types of data assets
available, and the means of accessing the data assets.
Consumers can retrieve the data.
The goal of making data accessible enables authorized users to obtain the data they need
when they need it, including having data automatically pushed to interested and authorized
users. Data accessibility must comply with Public Law (P.L.) 115-435, the Foundations for
Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018. DoD is making data, including warfighting,
intelligence, and business data, accessible to authorized users. Accessibility requires that
protective mechanisms (e.g., security controls) are in place for credentialed users to ensure
that access is permitted in accordance with laws, regulations, and policies.
Consumers can recognize the content, context, and applicability.
Understanding data is critical to enable enhanced, more accurate, and timely decision-
making. The inability to aggregate, compare, and truly understand data adversely affects the
ability of the Department to react and respond. Without proper context, interpretation and
analysis of the data could be flawed, resulting in potentially fatal outcomes. Bringing
together business and technology and applying a data-centric approach enable massive
amounts of data to be transformed into the insights needed to lead DoD more effectively
and efficiently.
Consumers can exploit data elements through innate relationships.
Data-driven decision-making requires
data to be linked such that relationships and
dependencies can be uncovered and maintained. Adhering to industry best-practices for
open data standards, data catalogs, and metadata tagging, the Department ensures that
connections across disparate sources can be made and leveraged for analytics.
Consumers can be confident in all aspects of data for decision-making.
data requires trust to deliver the needed value to its Service members, civilians, and
stakeholders. Lacking confidence in the data may result in less timely decision-making or,
consequently, no decision when one is warranted.
Consumers have a common representation/comprehension of data.
Properly exchanging data between systems and maintaining semantic understanding are
critical for successful decision-making and joint military operations. Achieving semantic as
well as syntactic interoperability using common data formats and machine-to-machine
communications accelerates advanced algorithm development and provides a strategic
advantage to the Department.
Consumers know that data is protected from unauthorized use/manipulation.
As per the DoD Zero Trust Strategy, protecting Army data while at rest, in motion,
and in use (within applications, with analytics, etc.) is a minimum barrier to entry for future
combat and weapon systems. Using a disciplined approach to data protection, such as
attribute-based access control, across the enterprise allows DoD to maximize the use of data
while, at the same time, employing the most stringent security standards to protect the
American people.
Strategic Objectives
A set of eleven Strategic Objectives has been defined to express the long-term goals of
the Army Data Plan effort in support of the Army of 2030. They are often expressed in
terms of tenets or conditions of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO).
SO 1 - Operationalized Data-Driven Decisions that Support Multi-
Domain Operations at Echelon
As part of Information Advantage, multi-domain operations require our Soldiers to make
rapid, informed decisions within the decision loop of an adversary. Our goal is to avoid
having our Soldiers either waste time finding the right data for decision or make decisions
without the appropriate information. The desired outcome is that at all echelons the Army
leverages authoritative data and improves its ability to identify, access, process, analyze,
comprehend, and use information to improve decision-making while decreasing the
workload. Data can be thought of in terms of integrated products that are delivered to our
warfighter at the right time and place. The focus of this outcome is to refine, simplify, and
automate data where appropriate to improve decision-making.
SO 2 - Decreased Time to Field Software and Decision Analytics to
Outpace Any Adversary
The future battlefield is uncertain. Our nation can ask our Soldiers to perform missions we
do not anticipate. The Army needs the ability to innovate and react at speed to support
operations faster than our adversary. Our Army requires the ability to provide new
decision aids, such as data analytics or new software tools to meet mission requirements.
The desired outcome is to improve ways to decrease the time for rapid data analytics and
for identifying needs across the process from validated need through to initial fielded
capability. The focus is on speed of delivery of capability.
SO 3 - Resilient, Protected Data to Sustain Operations in Contested
The Army cannot assume dominance in the cyber domain. Data assets are high value
targets. The Army needs to ensure that in an operation it can count on data being resilient
under enemy attack. The desired outcome is that the necessary changes in process and
technology are implemented to ensure software, data, hosting systems, and transport
systems meet and are kept within security requirements. Data has the right security levels
applied, it is replicated, it is encrypted (confidentiality), any tampering is evident (integrity),
and it is hosted in a manner that it is still discoverable if the network has pressure from
attack (availability).
SO 4 - Holistic and Well-Understood As-Is Data Models to Allow
Agile Responses to Changing Conditions
Understanding of the Army’s data is foundational to Strategic Objectives 1 and 2. This
objective spans beyond understanding of individual systems to broader Army processes.
How information is generated, how separate activities interact using data as the critical
interface, how the context of the data shapes or limits decisions these are examples of
critical questions the Army needs to answer. Without this understanding, the Army will
not have the ability to achieve the speed identified in earlier SOs. This desired outcome is
an Army with a mature understanding of how data supports the decision process
sources, needs, flows, processesso that the Army can rapidly adapt these things in a
dynamic environment. This SO focuses on the doctrine, organization, training, materiel,
leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy (DOTMLPF-P) aspects of quick
delivery, and workforce familiarity with the processes and the systems to be updated.
SO 5 - Asset/Cost Transparency and Accountability
As part of the Army’s data journey, the Army must make resourced informed decisions.
Total life cycle costs need to be comprehensive so that labor and operations costs can be
weighed against capital investments. The Army must also maintain control over its
intellectual property associated with data and data rights. The desired outcome is an
integrated view of costs that incorporates labor, processes, and tools throughout software
and data lifecycles. Transparency and accountability are enabled through better cost
accounting, contract structure, and automated monitoring tools, ensuring efficient use of
resources and compliance with federal and DoD directives and inquiries into IT spending.
SO 6 - Data Available at the Point of Decision, to Employ Capability
at Lower Echelons and in Disconnected, Intermittent or Limited
(DIL) Environments
As a support to Strategic Objective 1, data needs to be available under wartime conditions
against a peer adversary, including in disconnected, intermittent, or limited (DIL)
environments. Not all data needs to be available everywhere on the battlefield. However,
our combat formations need to be able to tailor data transmission and locally store data to
add resiliency to the data needs at echelon. The focus of this SO is on the infrastructure
supporting the data.
SO 7 - Cloud, Data, and Development, Security and Operations
(DevSecOps) Enabled Workforce & Leaders That Support Digital
The Army’s journey to a data-centric organization will consist of continuous feedback
between data tools and our Soldiers and civilians. In order for the Army to move at speed
and scale, the data tools and software need to be intuitive, easy to use from mission need
to continuous improvement. The Army recognizes that DevSecOps tools in a robust cloud
environment are a critical component for speed and enablement. Easy to use tools will
grow skills and data capacity within the Army. Skilled and empowered users in turn will
drive change in the data toolsets. Army leaders will gain experience managing this
feedback. The focus of this objective is providing the right environment to improve
workforce digital literacy and culture.
SO 8 - Innovation and Modernization Through Data for Warfighting
Functions in Order to Overmatch the Enemy
Data enabled operations span all the traditional warfighting functions, from fires to
logistics to maneuver. The focus of this objective is to ensure all Army battlefield processes
benefit from data driven decisions.
SO 9 - Secure & Interoperable Joint/Coalition Capable Army Data
Platforms that will Enable Defeat of Near-Peer Adversaries
Joint All Domain Command and Control requires integration and synchronization of the
Joint force at the data level. Army data processes and systems need to work seamlessly
and flexibly with Joint and coalition partner equivalents in a dynamic wartime
environment. Sharing of information at the data layer, as opposed to system integration,
can offer this speed and flexibility. This objective requires purposeful data management to
promote this type of interoperability. For example, data tagging to support data
permission with coalition partners needs to be designed and managed as part of the data
lifecycle. This objective focuses on joint and coalition interoperability at the data level.
SO 10 - Distributed Decision-Support Capability to Take Full
Advantage of Army Expertise in Contested Environments
As an adjunct to
Strategic Objective 6
, the Army needs to ensure flexibility across the range
of military operations. As Multi-Domain Operations transition between phases and have
changing command and control (C2) relationships, with a very dispersed threat
environment, the Army needs to call on the expertise needed to understand the pieces of
that environment to enable decision making in a fluid situation under enemy attack.
Distribution helps with resiliency and brings broader expertise to bear immediately that
can’t all be deployed or collocated. The focus here is on ensuring capabilities work from
competition to conflict.
SO 11 - Refined Understanding of DOTMLPF-P for Future Cloud and
Data Requirements
Any comprehensive change in the Army touches doctrine, organization, training, materiel,
leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy. Becoming a data-centric Army is
no different. The outcome is that the Army absorbs lessons learned regarding all
DOTMLPF-P aspects of data enabled operations, incorporates them as requirements for
the future Army, and applies them in operations.
FY22-23 Plan
The near-term lines of effort to achieve the Strategic Objectives are encapsulated in the FY
22-23 Plan. The approach is not to attempt to solve all digital operations issues in the
Army at the outset. Gaining feedback from actual Army operations is necessary to ensure
a lasting and effective solution. Therefore, the FY22-23 Plan focuses on exercises
involving a small number of operational units. Once real-world experience is gained the
lessons learned will be institutionalized across the broader Army in a later phase leading
up to the Army of 2030. The following figure provides an overview of the Plan, with the
text below each bubble describing each Step.
FY 22-23 Plan
Step 1
Echelons Above
Brigade (EAB)
Forces Command
(FORSCOM) and G-
3/5/7 identify the units
and exercises. Strategic
Focus is:
Aligned Corps Multi- Domain
Task Force (MDTF)
Step 2
Prioritization of
Get digital operations
(i.e. data, cloud, Unified
Network, and artificial
intelligence (AI)) needs
statements (from field
units identified in Step
Mission statement of needs
(requirements) to enable
experiments that identify
take-aways(capabilities to be
sustained past the
experiments and leave
residual value)
Step 3
Prioritization of
SE teams identify
solutions to address the
capability gaps
identified in Step 2
Work with the units to further
refine the requirements
Determine the nature of
solution, resourcing, and
timeline to achieve the
Bring in expertise as needed
to assist (e.g. Cross-Functional
Team skills)
Provide the plan to achieve
the need
Step 4
Program Objective
Memorandum 24
Execution and
Provide the solution to the
Monitor progress and capture
lessons learned
Army Data Panel (ADP) to
review implementations of
the digital operations needs
statements: resourcing,
integration, overcoming
friction points, proposed
solutions, and policy issues
ADP to provide a foundation
for follow-on work to include
planning for the next POM
Strategic Efforts
The lines of effort to achieve the FY 22-23 Plan are expressed in terms of a set of eight
Strategic Efforts. They are defined below.
SE01 - Activities for Future Decision Making
Identify and perform priority operational activities and exercises in support of Army 2030
force development that center on future force data-centric decision making and
operations. Although activities across the Army enterprise are in scope, activities here
are mainly focused on three echelons: theater, aligned corps (MDTF) and divisions as a
unit of action. SE01 will identify opportunities to employ data in novel ways against
relevant problems. Feedback from users/operators will be captured. Establish and
institutionalize a feedback process and mechanism for decisions across DOTMLPF-P. The
goal is that lessons learned from the activities provide a robust knowledge base for
optimizing data-centric decision making across the DOTMLPF-P.
SE02 - Data Management and Engineering
Provide data management, processes, and data services to support rapid development of
data-driven decision capability, to include appointment of data stewards, identification of
authoritative and priority data, and mature Identity, Credential, and Access Management
(ICAM) solutions. The main focus here is on the data that supports SE01 activity. Factor in
echelon data needs and relevant user stories. SE02 will result in data that supports decision
making and innovation at speed, achieved through the VAULTIS goals of Army data strategy
and managed by a well-defined and mature data governance practice.
SE03 - Architecture
Architect and govern the infrastructure required for supporting critical missions and
capabilities such as operations / intelligence (ops/intel) integration. If a new mission thread
or capability is identified in SE01, SE03 generates the architecture of how the systems and
business activities work together to achieve that outcome. Look for flexible operational and
system architectures that are force structure and geographically agnostic to accommodate
multi-domain formations and theater specific environments.
SE04 - Unified Network
SE04 provides a Unified Network in support of SE01. The Unified Network (UN) is a
weapons system that enables MDO, and aligns multiple, complex network modernization,
data, cloud, and convergence efforts into a single coherent approach to support large-
scale ground combat operations (LSGCO), Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2),
and MDO-capable Army operating with joint/coalition partners. The UN delivers a common
suite of hardware and software, employing the principles of zero-trust, through a series of
integrated activities encompassing the operating environment, services infrastructure, and
the transport layer, and is built to support the convergence of the Army Integrated Tactical
Network (ITN) and Integrated Enterprise Network (IEN).
SE05 - Talent
Deploy existing talent, train Army manpower, and hire needed expertise to deliver the
right talent at the right locations. SE05 strives to achieve:
An Army that is data-informed, technologically-enabled, and capable of Multi-Domain
Operations supporting global competition and armed conflict
Increased availability of technical skillsets and the ability to rapidly derive insight from data
and field applications across Army formations
SE06 Scalable Data-driven Decision Support
SE06 seeks to define the decision frameworks, technological requirements, and
governance needed to enable self-service, data-driven decision support at echelon in a
secure, scalable, repeatable manner. In order to accomplish this we will:
Define the frameworks that enable operational data consumers to design and
implement decision support products
Establish the requirements to broadly enable secure, scalable, autonomous data
Develop the requirements for a self-service data platform
Establish a federated computational governance model
SE07 - Cloud at Echelon
Provide cloud and cloud services at echelon. Cloud is the backbone of the Army’s
modernization strategycloud-enabled, data-driven decisions at the speed of relevance.
The effects of SE07 activity include:
Reduce barriers to entry
Accelerate data-driven decisions
Optimize the security accreditation process
Provide IT asset/cost transparency and accountability
SE08 - Data Protect
Develop enterprise-wide policy and guidance for the Army to specify, when data is
aggregated and integrated into operations, how the classification level of data may change
and how to further protect its dissemination and use throughout its lifecycle. The term
“aggregation” is used here in the sense of associating data describing one set of
information to data for a different set of information, e.g. ammunition and location. Doing
so can potentially raise the classification level of the aggregation relative to the individual