Appendix A
Plant Care: Native Hawaiian Species
Common name: Aalii
Scientific name: Dodonaea viscosa
Origin: This species is native to all the
main Hawaiian Islands and occurs widely
throughout the tropics.
Special features: Aalii is a multi-branched
shrub or sometimes a small tree that can
grow to about 25 feet in height. It has red-
dish brown to blackish gray bark. The nar-
row leaves range from 1 to 4 inches long.
Although the leaves are variable, they are
often wavy, papery, and covered with a sticky covering. The small flow-
ers of aalii are greenish or yellowish to red. The dry fruits vary in color
from straw-colored to reddish purple. Each fruit has 2 to 4 papery wings
that contain a small, round seed.
Aalii is an extremely hardy plant that is resistant to wind, drought, and
salt spray. It is adapted to a variety of climates and habitats, occurring
from sea level to high elevations areas with a wide range of annual
rainfall. This plant prefers full to partial sun and well-drained soil,
although they can thrive in a variety of soils. The deep, fibrous root
system helps to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion. Once established,
it requires little maintenance.
Pruning: This plant responds well to pruning. Regular pruning can
promote uniform, thicker hedges. It can also be trimmed and shaped to
have a single trunk.
Irrigation: Aalii is drought tolerant and survives in dry conditions. Once
established, it requires minimal watering likely due to the extensive deep
root system.
Fertilization: Aalii needs little supplemental fertilization if the surround-
ing landscape is fertilized annually. Slow-release fertilizer every six
months. Over fertilizing can attract pests.
Common pests: This plant has relatively few insect pests, although
scales and mealy bugs have been observed, especially on new growth.
A systemic insecticide such as Orthene
or Merit
should control these
pests. Slugs have also been noted to consume aalii foliage at night.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common name: Alahee
Scientific name:
Psydrax odoratum
Origin: Alahee is indigenous to
all the main Hawaiian Islands.
It also occurs on the islands of
Micronesia and the South Pacific.
Special features: This shrub or
small tree has horizontal branch-
es and can grow between 20 and 30 feet tall. Its bark is durable and
whitish. The leaves are oval-shaped with pointed ends and about 2 to 3
inches long. The upper leaf surfaces are glossy, while the lower surfaces
are dull. The bright white flowers are arranged in clusters and can be
mildly to strongly fragrant. The Hawaiian name of this plant refers to
the flower’s fragrance (ala), which is slippery or elusive like an octopus
(hee). The roundish fruits are shiny green and turn blackish when ripe.
Many features of alahee resemble mock orange (Murraya spp.), an
introduced plant that is commonly used in landscaping.
This tough, drought tolerant plant can make an attractive hedge or
tree. Alahee can adapt to a variety of habitats from dry shrublands to
wet forests. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil, but tolerates partial
shade and moist conditions. Once established, alahee requires little
Pruning: In general, little to no pruning in necessary for this species. An-
nual maintenance pruning removes any dead or hazardous branches.
Irrigation: Alahee is drought tolerant. For a few months after outplant-
ing, supplemental irrigation may be necessary if plants show signs of
drought stress. Once established, minimal watering is required.
Fertilization: Young plants can be foliar feed with slow-release fertilizer
every six months. Once established, little supplemental fertilization is
necessary. If leaves appear yellowish, foliar feed them with Miracid
Common pests: Seeds are commonly attacked by seed borers. This
can be prevented by spraying developing fruits/seeds with a standard
insecticide. The species is also vulnerable to sucking insects like aphids,
scales, mealy bugs, and thrips. A systemic insecticide, such as Orthene
or Merit
, should control these pests.
Common names:
Beach Naupaka,
Naupaka Kahakai
Scientific name: Scaevola sericea
Origin: This species of naupaka
is indigenous to the Hawaiian
Islands, as well as throughout the
tropical and subtropical Pacific
and Indian Ocean coasts.
Special features: Beach naupaka is a dense, spreading shrub that can
grow up to 10 feet tall and 6 to 15 feet wide. The waxy and fleshy
medium green leaves grow from 2 to 8 inches long. The flowers are
white or cream colored, often with purple streaks, and have a pleasant
fragrance. All five petals are on one side of the flower making them ap-
pear to have been torn in half. The fruits are fleshy white berries about
1/2 inch long. They can float for months in the ocean and still germi-
nate after having been in salt water for up to a year.
Naupaka is one of the most widely used of our native plants and can be
planted in practically every form of landscape, from beach parks, along
roads and highways, commercial lots, and anywhere else requiring low
maintenance and xeric needs. It is common in hot dry coastal areas on
most of the Hawaiian Islands. Naupaka is easy to grow from seed and
to propagate from cuttings. Even large cuttings up to 3 feet long can be
Naupaka is very commonly used for hedges in medians in the ROW,
where it is often planted in combination with St. Augustine grass and
shower trees or monkeypods. It grows best in full sun but will tolerate
medium shade. Heavier shade, such as it may get under mature shower
or monkeypod trees, will produces lankier growth.
Pruning: Plants prune well, growing back thickly at cut branches and
twigs. It is best to hedge them often to prevent them from becoming
overgrown. Monthly pruning will keep them within size restrictions and
shaped well. Infrequent over pruning results in a bald appearance that
looks bad and takes a long time to fill back out. Keep lower branches
pruned high enough to provide enough room to mow and trim under
the hedge. Do not allow grass or other weeds or ground cover to grow
up inside the hedge.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Fertilization: Beach naupaka grows well in clay, sand, cinder or coral
soils as long as drainage is good. It is wind tolerant and is not injured
by salt spray. It does not require much extra fertilizer. An annual appli-
cation of slow-release nitrogen fertilizer in the medians or in the general
landscape around the naupaka is enough for good growth of naupaka.
Irrigation: Naupaka is drought tolerant and does not require any more
water than is regularly supplied to the median or general landscape. If
irrigation is not used, normal rainfall is usually adequate in most loca-
tions in Hawaii.
Common pests: These shrubs are prone to ants, as well as scale, spider
mites and other sucking insects.
If treatment becomes necessary a systemic insecticide, such as Orthene
or Merit
, will control the infestation. Merit
applied as a soil drench
around the root zone is very effective for long-term control.
Common names: Hibiscus, aloalo
Scientific names: Hibiscus spp.
Hibiscus arnottianus
Hibiscus brackenridgei
Hibiscus clayi
Hibiscus furcellatus
Hibiscus kokio
Hibiscus tiliaceus
Hibiscus waimeae
Origin: Two of the native Hawaiian hibiscus
species (Hibiscus furcellatus and Hibiscus
tiliaceus) are indigenous to the Hawaiian Islands. The remaining five
native species are endemic, or found only in the Hawaiian Islands.
Special features: Hawaiian hibiscus flowers are found on all the main
Hawaiian Islands, except Niihau and Kahoolawe. Most Hawaiian hibis-
cus shrubs grow to a height of 3 to 15 feet tall with a spreading diam-
eter of 8 to 15 feet. Young Hawaiian hibiscus plants have smooth tan
trunks; the trunks of older plants have a wrinkled appearance. Hawai-
ian hibiscus shrubs bear blooms almost every day, but the blossoms last
only for a day even when on the bush. Each native Hawaiian hibiscus is
unique as described below.
Hibiscus arnottianus – This small shrub or tree can grow over 30 feet
in height. It has several Hawaiian names including kokio keokeo, hau
hele, kokio kea or pua aloalo. These names all refer to the species’
white flowers. This plant is only found on Oahu, but an endangered
subspecies is also found on Molokai.
Hibiscus brackenridgei – Mao hau hele is a tall shrub (up 33 feet) with
bright yellow flowers. This species is the official State flower of Hawaii
and is also listed as endangered because few individuals remain in the
wild. Its Hawaiian name refers to the green (mao) dye and its branching
habit that is similar to Hibiscus tiliaceus (hau). In addition, it appears to
move (hele) because after several years of growth, the shrub falls over
then re-roots and forms a new shrub next to where it originally fell.
Hibiscus clayi – This endangered species is a shrub or small tree with
bright red flowers. It is only found on in dry forests on the Island of
Hibiscus furcellatus – This pink-flowered hibiscus is an herb or small
shrub. In Hawaiian it is known as akiohala, akiahala, hau hele, and
hau hele wai. It is often found growing near water (wai), such as wet-
lands or taro patches. This is the only species that is indigenous rather
than endemic to the Hawaiian Islands.
Hibiscus kokio – Kokio or kokio ula is a shrub or small tree (10-23 feet)
with red to orange (or rarely yellow) flowers. This species is not officially
listed as threatened or endangered, but is considered rare in nature.
Hibiscus tiliaceus – Hau is common on all the main Hawaiian Islands,
especially coastal areas.
Hibiscus waimeae – Kokio keokeo or kokio kea (white hibiscus) is a
gray-barked tree, 20-33 feet tall, with white flowers that fade to pink in
the afternoon. This hibiscus is only found on Kauai.
Pruning: Almost all of the native hibiscus (except Hibiscus brackenridgei)
can be pruned any time during the year to shape future growth, invigo-
rate old plants, manage plant size and get rid of diseased and dead
wood. Prune by shearing back longest branches every 4 to 6 weeks
to maintain shape. Leave the shorter branches to produce flowers. It
is recommended that native hibiscus be pruned less than introduced
hibiscuses that are often used as hedges. Over pruning native hibiscus
can make them more susceptible to insects and disease. Unlike most
hibiscus, the yellow-flowered Hibiscus brackenridgei does not respond
to pruning and does not perform well as a hedge.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
When pruning native Hawaiian hibiscuses, use sharp, clean shears and
make a clean cut just above and angled down and away from an “eye”
or node. Cutting above outward pointing “eyes” will encourage growth
in that direction. Fresh growth comes below every cut. The new growth
resulting from pruning invigorates the plant and will provide a source
for many new blooms. Regular pruning is necessary to have a bushy
plant and to control its shape. About half an inch of wood should be left
between the cut and the leaf node on each branch. See Chapter 6 for
details about pruning.
Fertilization: Fertilize lightly and often. Hibiscus is a heavy feeder but
does not tolerate excessive applications of water soluble fertilizers. Use
fertilizers that include the micronutrients iron, manganese, copper and
boron. Slow-release fertilizers may have advantages over conventional
water soluble ones.
A dry fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10, is acceptable; however, a low
phosphate fertilizer, such as a 7-2-7, is preferred as this might help
produce the most impressive quality and quantity of blooms. The so-
called “bloom specials” with the 10-40-10 type of formula are generally
avoided; phosphorous can build up in the soil over time and cause a
general decline in the health of tropical hibiscus plants.
Over-use of high nitrogen fertilizers may encourage leaf growth rather
than flower production. Water soluble fertilizers are good for spraying
leaves (foliar feeding). High phosphorous water soluble fertilizers can be
used successfully when applied as a foliar feeding. Slightly acid soil (a
pH of 6 to 7) helps the plant absorb nutrients. Hard water and proximity
to things like concrete can move the pH in the wrong direction – toward
an alkaline pH. Yellowing of leaves may indicate that the plant is under
stress either because of too much or too little fertilization, disease or a
variety of other reasons.
Soil and light: Hibiscus is tolerant to many conditions, but grows best
in well-drained sandy soil with some organic content and slight acidity.
For best results, the plants should have direct sunlight at least six hours
a day. The drainage should be good so that water will not pool at the
base of the plant. This can be tested by filling water in the pit taken for
planting and observing how long it takes to drain out.
Irrigation: New plantings of hibiscus need to get regular watering until
the roots are well established. Moisture retention is important, and
organic compost soil amendments added at planting and mulching the
surface around the planting hole helps to retain moisture in a sandy soil.
Established hibiscus plants should receive regular watering either from
rainfall or irrigation. Irrigation watering cycles of once every two to three
days with run times that deliver about one inch of water at each water-
ing is adequate. Make sure there is no long lasting standing water after
irrigation. Hibiscus arnottianus requires more soil moisture than most
of the other native hibiscus species, while Hibiscus brackenridgei can
survive several months without watering
Common pests: Insects, such as aphids, thrips, scale, whiteflies, Chi-
nese rose beetles, and mites can be persistent pests. For most insect
problems Orthene
, a systemic pesticide, is widely used. Products such
as Merit
, containing the systemic active ingredient imidacloprid are
excellent for controlling most insects. Merit
can be applied as a soil
drench, and is an effective treatment for erinium mites when applied af-
ter infected branches are pruned out. Certain types of oils, such as Ultra
Fine Oil
, is effective for whiteflies and scales. Many report good results
with neem products. Plant native hibiscus near a street light to prevent
damage from the Chinese rose beetle or use a systemic herbicide such,
as Orthene
Water plants thoroughly before using insecticides to lessen shock. It
is usually best to apply in the early morning or late afternoon when
temperatures are below 80°F. When applying, both the tops and under-
sides of the leaves should be sprayed. When used as a soil drench, soak
the soil out to 10 feet from the base of the plants. Of course, follow the
label directions. NEVER use liquid Malathion
on hibiscus; it will cause
severe damage to the leaves resulting in yellowing and leaf drop.
Common name: Kou
Scientific name:
Cordia subcordata
Origin: Although this species was
originally believed to be brought to
the Hawaiian Islands by Polynesian
voyagers, recent evidence finds
that kou was actually in the islands
before humans arrived. It is now
considered indigenous to Hawaii.
Special features: Kou is a small evergreen tree with a broad, dense
wide canopy that grows to about 25 feet in height. The canopy can
spread to a width of 25 to 30 feet. The trunk is usually less than 16
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
inches in diameter with pale gray flaky or furrowed bark. The bole of
the tree is often crooked and shaped by the wind. Large orange flowers
are formed all year at the ends of branches and in leaf axils and last
only a few days. The light green leaves are oblong with blunt ends and
about six inches long. Kou trees with variegated green and white leaves
are also known. Kou fruits are woody, small round balls. Generally, kou
fruit all year long, but may be sporadic. The green fruits soon become
brown and then dry to a blackish color when ripe. Young and old fruits
are on the tree all year and constantly fall to the ground, which may
present a hazard if planted too close to driveways, streets or along side-
walks where they can a present a threat for slipping.
Kou is naturally found at elevations from sea level to 100 feet in areas
with 40 to 160 inches of annual rainfall. Kou will not grow at higher
altitudes. It prefers neutral to alkaline soils (pH of 6.1 to 7.4), with soil
textures ranging from sand, sandy clay and clay. Kou prefers full sun but
tolerates some shading. It has a shallow root system and can be dam-
aged by too much surface disturbance. Once established, it requires
little maintenance. However, new shoots are readily produced from the
extensive shallow roots, sometimes forming thickets, and can become
naturalized in low elevation, dry, coastal areas.
Pruning: Kou trees will often grow crooked and corrective pruning dur-
ing the early establishment period is necessary to keep a nice shape.
Annual maintenance pruning to remove dead or hazardous branches
and sucker growth from the roots is necessary for established trees.
Irrigation: Kou trees are moderately drought tolerant and can survive
short dry conditions. The extensive shallow root system does not require
deep watering; consistent light irrigation is sufficient where annual rain-
fall is above 25 inches. Kou leaf drop makes excellent mulch. Leaving
the leaves in place will save water and maintenance costs.
Fertilization: Kou can grow in saline soils and tolerate some salt spray,
but heavy spray can severely damage leaves. Once established, kou
needs little supplemental fertilization if the surrounding landscape is
fertilized annually. Kou is not suitable on acidic clay soils, particularly on
former sugarcane lands.
Common pests: The kou leaf worm (Ethmia nigroapicella), from a
moth, can defoliate and kill kou trees. The wood is very termite resistant.
Large trees can develop heartwood rot.
Common name:
Kukui nut (candlenut)
Scientific name:
Aleurites moluccana
Special features: The kukui nut
tree (often called candlenut) was
designated the official State tree
of Hawaii in 1959 due to its
beauty and usefulness to An-
cient Hawaiians. It is a medium
to large-sized ornamental tree, up to 50 feet tall, with wide-spreading
branches. The leaves are variable in shape. Young leaves are large, up
to 12 inches long, palmate, with three to seven lobes. Mature leaves are
oval shaped with long petioles, whitish on top when young and green
with age. The dingy white or creamy flowers are not showy. The round
fruit is a nut 2 inches or more in diameter. The thick rough hard shell,
making up about 2/3 of the fruit, is difficult to separate from the kernels
and contains one or two seeds.
Kukui trees can be planted as a single tree or used as hedges. They
withstand both steady strong winds and severe storm winds, which
makes them suitable for windbreaks or soil stabilization. They thrive
in moist tropical regions up to 2,300 feet altitude. Kukui prefers well-
drained, medium textured soils with pH of 5.0 to 8.0. They do best in
full sun but tolerate up to 25% shade. Kukui is usually propagated from
seed, requiring three to four months to germinate. Once established,
trees require little to no attention, depending on their intended use.
This species is originally native to tropical Asia, but was first brought to
the Hawaiian Islands by Polynesian voyagers to be used for light, medi-
cine and dyes.
Pruning: Kukui trees and hedges can re-grow after very occasional
severe pruning, but tend to die out if severe pruning is too frequent.
Lower branches tend to remain on the trunk and should be periodically
removed during the first five to 10 years of establishment if the tree is
to be used as a single specimen. Because of the multiple stem growth
habit, the trunk of single trees tends to be very crooked and multi-
branched, even with corrective pruning.
Irrigation: Kukui is quite drought tolerant when established, but grows
best with regular irrigation. In the wild, kukui is an indicator of stream
courses. It tolerates moderate salt spray but not highly saline soils.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common name: Milo
Scientific name:
Thespesia populnea
Origin: This species is currently
considered indigenous to the Ha-
waiian Islands, but may have been
introduced to the islands by early
Special features: Milo is a small tree or shrub that reaches a height of
20 to 35 feet and a trunk diameter of 8 to 12 inches. The leaves are
a glossy dark green and the canopy is round and dense. It produces
yellow hibiscus-like flowers throughout the year that last only one day
before drop. Seed pods and leaves are also dropped constantly and
make for a litter problem in maintained urban areas.
Milo grows at elevations from sea level to 900 feet in areas that receive
20 to 60 inches of annual rainfall. It prefers full sun and does not do
well as an understory shrub. It tolerates steady coastal winds and is
very tolerant of salt spray. It is a tough plant and can survive the poor
drainage and hot, dry conditions common to urban areas and rural
Pruning: Milo does not self prune well, tending to develop crooked
stems with stout, low branches that stay on the main structure of the
tree. It forms multiple trunks and must be pruned to a single-stem tree
form in the early stages of establishment. Mature trees are large and
gnarled, spreading out rather than growing tall. Milo tolerates heavy
pruning, even if topped, but this weakens the new growth and branches
will never be as strong as original branches. Prune mature trees only to
remove dead wood and for minor corrective pruning.
Fertilizer: Kukui trees grow in a variety of soils, including low fertility
soils. Regular fertilization during the first several years of establishment
is beneficial. If the general landscape is fertilized on an annual basis,
the kukui will need no further fertilization.
Common pests: A number of fungus diseases are known to attack
kukui trees. These are more common in wet locations where the ku-
kui remains un-pruned. Soil nematodes may also become a localized
Irrigation: Milo develops a deep tap root in sandy soils once estab-
lished and can withstand long dry periods. When planted on shallow,
rocky or occasionally flooded soils, roots tend to be shallow, spreading
on the surface. Once established, milo should not require irrigation
other than from normal rainfall.
Fertilizer: Milo thrives on sandy coastal soils, tolerates saline soils, and
does not do well on upland acidic clay soils. A pH range of 6.0 to 7.4
is best. Fertilize annually with a balanced slow-release fertilizer for the
first five years of establishment. After the tree is established, additional
fertilization other than for the general surrounding landscape is not
Common pests: Milo is highly resistant to drywood termites. It is sus-
ceptible to fungal leaf spot and to a fungal root and stem rot. These are
more common in wet, un-pruned growth.
Common name: Naio,
bastard sandalwood
Scientific name: Myoporum
Origin: Naio is native to all the
main Hawaiian Islands and also
occurs in the Cook Islands.
Special features: This plant has
a highly variable appearance, ranging from a prostrate, sprawling form
(“naio papa”) to an erect shrub or small tree up to 15 feet tall. The bark
is dark yellow-green and can smell similar to sandalwood. The lance-
shaped, somewhat fleshy leaves are between 1 and 8 inches in length.
Leaves are often crowded near the branch tips. Tiny white to purplish
pink flowers form along the stem near the leaves. Naio fruits are either
greenish-white to pink or purplish. These become ribbed when dry.
Naio is found at elevations from sea level to 7,800 feet in dry to wet
areas. This plant can adapt to a variety of habitats as long as the soil
is well drained. It prefers full sun. Once established, this hardy species
requires little maintenance.
Pruning: Maintenance pruning should be done carefully and only when
plants are vigorously growing. The prostrate form can be trimmed as a
ground cover.
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Irrigation: Naio is drought tolerant and requires minimal watering.
Supplemental watering should be provided immediately after outplant-
ing and during prolonged drought conditions. Overwatering the soil
can cause black sooty mold.
Fertilization: A slow-release fertilizer can be applied to young or pros-
trate plants every six months.
Common pests: This plant is somewhat vulnerable to ants, scales,
mealy bugs, spider mites, and aphids. Damage from naio thrips (Klam-
bothrips myopori) has been noticed on prostrate and upright naio plants
in the northwestern portion of Hawaii Island. To date, the naio thrip has
not spread to other areas in the Hawaiian Islands. This pest causes leaf
curling and gall-like deformations on leaves and tips of new growth.
Thrips are often difficult to treat because they live in leaf folds.
Common name: Pili grass
Scientific name: Heteropogon contortus
Origin: This grass is indigenous to the
Hawaiian Islands and also occurs widely
throughout the tropics and subtropics of
Africa, southern Asia, northern Australia and
Oceania. The species has also become a
naturalized weed in tropical and subtropical
regions in the Americas, East Asia and the
Special features: Pili grass is a tropical,
short lived (less than five years) perennial grass that grows in clumps
to a height of 5 feet and a spread of 2 to 5 feet. It recovers well and
thrives by frequent burning. Pili grass develops dark seeds with a single
long stem at one end and a sharp spike at the other, which are capable
of drilling the seed into the soil.
It can be used to control erosion on slopes up to 20°, and grows best
in full sun, but tolerates moderate shade. It is drought and wind toler-
ant, has a high tolerance to salt spray but not to high salt soils. Native
Hawaiians used pili to thatch huts.
Pili grass can be planted from seeds or vegetatively. Commercial seed
production is very low and most small-scale establishment has been by
vegetative splits. However, when seed is used it is important to recog-
nize the existence of two dormancy processes: one for the first four
months after harvest and the other delaying germination up to about 12
Although there are attempts to restore native populations in Hawaii, pili
grass has become a weed in certain areas of the tropics and subtrop-
ics of the American continent and in East Asia. Its spread is assisted by
the use of seasonal fires. This grass can form pure stands in dry areas
which are very difficult to walk through because of the sharp leaves, and
spiked seeds can cause potential discomfort or injury.
Mowing: None, but can be mowed yearly or bi-yearly to six inches to
encourage new growth.
Fertilization: Pili grows on a wide variety of well-drained soils, ranging
from sand to very fertile clay loams. It is less common on heavy clay
soils. It is well-adapted to low fertility, but does not tolerant extremely
low fertility, poor drainage or high salinity soils. Pili responds to moder-
ate applications of nitrogen fertilizer, but high levels of nitrogen can kill
the plants. Once established, pili grass should not need regular fertiliza-
Irrigation: Water pili grass well under dry conditions until it is well es-
tablished. Mature pili grass grows best under dry conditions but will also
thrive with regular irrigation. It will remain greener longer and looks
nicer with regular watering. It does not tolerate long periods of flood-
ing or constant waterlogging, but can tolerate a few days of flooding
on otherwise well-drained soils. Once established, pili grass stands can
remain un-irrigated in areas that get at least moderate annual rainfall.
Common pests and diseases: Pili grass is occasionally subject to at-
tacks by scale, mealy bugs, locusts and grasshoppers, but is otherwise
generally pest-free. Smut diseases can affect seed production and often
tillering behavior. Leaf rust is common on more mature leaves in some
locations. Herbicides, such as triclopyr-picloram mixtures and tebuthi-
uron, are used for woody weed and broadleaf weed control in pili
grasslands. Like most grasses, it is tolerant of 2,4-D, but susceptible to
Pili grass acts as a host for a downy mildew which also infects Zea mays
(corn). Therefore, the use of pili grass near seed corn production areas
of Oahu may not be advisable.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common names: Lonomea,
aulu, kaulu, manele, ae, soap-
Scientific names: Sapindus spp.
Sapindus oahuensis (lonomea, aulu)
Sapindus saponaria (manele)
Origin: The native soapberry trees in-
clude one endemic and one indigenous
Hawaiian species. The endemic species,
Sapindus oahuensis, occurs only on Kauai
and Oahu, while the indigenous species,
Sapindus saponaria, is found only on
Hawaii Island. Sapindus saponaria also
occurs in Mexico, South America, Africa, and the Pacific basin.
Special features: The endemic lonomea is a medium to large-sized
tree that can grow up to 50 feet tall. The bark is gray and has a rough
texture. The papery, dark green leaves are between 3 and 8 inches long
and have a prominent yellow midrib. The indigenous manele grows up
to 80 feet tall and often has a wide canopy depending on the climate
and growing conditions. It has pale brown bark that tends to fall off
when older. This species has shiny green, feather-shaped leaves about
2 to 6 inches long. Manele is one of the few native Hawaiian trees that
loses its leaves seasonally. Both Sapindus species have small, whitish
to cream-colored flowers that develop at the ends of the branches. The
dark brown-black fruits are oval, fleshy, leathery and about 1 inch long.
These trees are often referred to as soapberry because the fruit pulp
produces abundant suds that lather like soap when mixed with water.
The native Sapindus species are tough trees that grow best in full or par-
tial sun. Lonomea requires direct daily sunlight, while manele is adapt-
able to many climates. Soils must be well drained, with soil textures
ranging from sand to cinder and coral. The trees are best grown from
seed; the large black seeds need to be cleaned and scarified to germi-
nate readily.
Pruning: Dead branches and twigs can be pruned as needed. If trees
become infested with black twig borers, cut and remove infected
branches. Fallen fruits can become sticky or slippery in high traffic areas
and should be cleaned up.
Fertilization: Foliar feed every three to six months with small amounts of
slow-release fertilizer to ensure healthy growth.
Irrigation: Lonomea is drought tolerant and does not require much
water once established. Water monthly during the driest months, but
normal rainfall is usually adequate in most locations during the re-
mainder of the year. Overwatering can result in stem rot. Manele is
also drought tolerant, but typically requires moister conditions than its
endemic relative.
Common pests: These trees are prone to ants, as well as scale, mealy-
bugs, whiteflies, aphids and other sucking insects. Manele is also
vulnerable to red spider mites. A standard systemic insecticide, such
as Orthene
or Merit
will work well to control sucking insects. Young
branches are also susceptible to attack by the black twig borer. Mature
trees are typically more pest resistant. The bark can be sprayed with an
insecticide to prevent attacks by the black twig borer. Quickly remove
branches that become infested. If additional treatment for the twig borer
becomes necessary, use a systemic insecticide to control the infestation.
Common names:
Loulu, Pritchardia palms
Scientific names: Pritchardia spp.
Pritchardia affinis (Kona, Hawaii Island)
Pritchardia hillebrandii (Molokai);
Pritchardia remota (Niihau)
Origin: There are 19 Pritchardia spe-
cies endemic to the Hawaiian Islands
and all are called loulu palms. Of the
Hawaiian species, only three (Pritchar-
dia affinis, P. hillebrandii, and P. remota)
are typically used in landscaping. Sev-
eral other commonly used palm species
are endemic to Fiji (Fijian fan palms).
Special features: Loulu palms vary in height from 20 to 130 feet al-
though most grown in Hawaii range 30 to 50 feet. The leaves are fan
shaped and the trunk is columnar, naked, smooth or fibrous, longitudi-
nally grooved, and ringed by leaf scars. The flowers and fruit are borne
in large clusters at the ends of long woody flower stems that, in some
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
species, are longer than the leaves. Loulu palms have course, wavy,
fan-shaped leaves about four feet across. They are emerald green to
grayish or bluish green on top and a waxy grayish green below.
The three endemic loulu palms typically used in landscaping grow best
in full sun and prefer moderately moist and well-drained sand, cinder
or coral soils. Due to the natural coastal habitat of loulu, it does very
well in low-elevation landscapes and tolerates some salt spray.
Pruning: The dead leaves, flowers and fruits can be removed in a land-
scape setting for a cleaner appearance. Dead leaves will stay attached
to the trunk for a long time if not removed on a regular basis. Prun-
ing will make them grow taller faster, especially if flowers and fruit are
Fertilization: Apply a complete palm fertilizer with minor elements. Be
certain that enough magnesium and potassium is present in the fertilizer
component. This is especially critical for a loulu in a pot. Magnesium
and potassium deficiencies are two of the most serious nutritional dis-
orders in palms. The deficiencies are characterized by bright yellowing
(chlorotic) on leaf edges or yellow streaking of the entire fronds. This
can be difficult to reverse. Applications of Epsom salt, or magnesium
sulfate (MgSO4), are good but do not last and usually wash out of the
soil in rainy periods. There are some very good slow-release fertilizer
spikes made especially for palms which contain a good balance of
minor elements with magnesium and potassium.
Irrigation: Loulu palms can withstand short drought periods, but should
be irrigated on a regular basis for best growth and appearance.
Common pests: Loulu palms are prone to damage from leaf roll-
ers, whiteflies, red spider mites and sugarcane borers. Rats will eat the
fruit. Apply systemic insecticides, such as Orthene
or Merit
, to control
Appendix B
Plant Care: Common Roadside Non-native
Common name: Bermuda grass
Scientific name: Cynodon dactylon (Com-
mon Bermuda grass); C. dactylon x C. trans-
vaalensis (hybrid Bermuda grass)
Special features: Bermuda grass is the most
widely used turfgrass in Hawaii. There are
two forms of Bermuda grass: common and
hybrid Bermuda.
Common Bermuda grass is a pure breeding
species, but has many different selected vari-
eties that are referred to as “improved common Bermuda.” All forms of
common Bermuda can be planted from seed and remain true breeding.
One of the best common selections for Hawaii is Sahara.
Hybrid Bermuda grasses have all been developed from crosses between
C. dactylon and C. transvaalensis. There are many selected varieties
of hybrids, ranging from general utility and sports turf, such as Tiffway
to the “ultradwarf” hybrids, such as TifEagle
, that are only used
for golf greens. Bermuda grass hybrids do not produce viable seed
and must be sodded or planted from pieces of stolons (above ground
runners) or rhizomes (below ground runners). The most commonly used
Bermuda grass selections for Hawaii roadsides are a few improved
common Bermudas, and the hybrid Tiffway 419
in high visibility areas
with higher maintenance level.
Light: Both common and hybrid Bermuda grass grow best in full sun
and are very intolerant of shade.
Mowing: Important factors to consider in mowing any grass are how
often and at what height to mow. How often to mow is determined
mainly by the growth rate of the grass, and the setting of the mower for
mowing height. Mow often enough so that no more than 1/3 of the leaf
blade is removed during a single mowing. Mowing intervals generally
can be farther apart when higher mowing heights are used. However,
for purposes of turf maintenance in the rights-of-way, all mowing and
other maintenance activities are on a once every two weeks schedule.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Mowing height for common Bermuda grass is 1½ to 2 inches in rural
areas and 1 to 1½ inches in high visibility urban areas. All hybrid Ber-
muda grass should be mowed at 1/2 to 3/4 inch.
To prevent damage use proper equipment, such as rotary mower and
keep the blades sharpened on a regular basis. Weed eaters should only
be used to trim in narrow or other inaccessible areas. Do not use weed
eaters for mowing.
Fertilization: Bermuda grass requires more fertilization than other warm
season species. For Bermuda grass in the Landscape Maintenance Zone
(LMZ), at least two applications of a slow-release, high-nitrogen formu-
lation per year will be enough to maintain good health and a consistent
rate of growth. The recommended formulation of fertilizer will be made
available to you by the HDOT Engineer. Refer to Chapter 11 for details
about fertilizers.
Irrigation: Bermuda grass is among the more drought tolerant grass
species. They can survive long dry periods by going dormant, where
they turn brown and stop any active growth. The deep roots allow them
to recover when water is again available. Actively growing Bermuda
grass requires between 1 to 2 inches of water per week, either as rain
or irrigation, to stay green and healthy. Deep watering twice a week is
recommended for mature Bermuda grass stands to promote good root
development. The soil should be moistened to a depth of 12 inches with
each watering.
Common pests: All varieties of Bermuda grass can occasionally be
attacked by certain caterpillars, which are the larval stages of several
small moths. Armyworm and sod webworm are the most destructive,
chewing out large patches of grass in a short period. A small mite,
called Bermuda grass mite, is also a common pest causing the grass
blades to become stunted and dry out.
Control: Several treatments with systemic insecticides, such as Merit
and Orthene
, are effective controls when applied a month apart.
Common name: Be-still
Scientific name: Thevetia peruviana
Special features: Be-still is a close
relative to Nerium oleander, and like
oleander, be-still produces a milky
sap containing a compound that is
extremely poisonous. All plant parts
are poisonous, especially the seeds.
Common symptoms of poisoning: numbness, burning of the mouth,
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Others include
drowsiness, coma, occasional convulsions, and irregular heart beat.
In extreme cases, death can be caused by heart attack. If any of these
symptoms occur shortly after exposure to be-still, call 911 immedi-
Be-still is a fast growing evergreen tropical shrub or small tree that
grows to 10 to 15 feet. It blooms repeatedly all year round with yellow
or orange-yellow, trumpet like flowers and its fruit is deep red/black in
color. The fruit produces a large seed that bears some resemblance to
a Chinese “lucky nut.” The long leaves are green and lance-shaped
and are covered in waxy coating to reduce water loss, which is typi-
cal of oleanders. The stem is green and turns silver/gray as it ages.
Be-still can be grown as shrub or tree. It tolerates most kinds of soil
as long as it is well drained and situated in full sun in a wind shel-
tered area. Be-still is useful as a roadside landscaping plant as it does
not need much maintenance and thrives in hot conditions. It can be
grown from seeds or cuttings.
Pruning: Can be used as a hedge, or trained into small tree form.
Prune occasionally to maintain size and shape. Be careful to wear
protective clothing, gloves and eye protection. Dispose of clippings by
bagging and do not allow exposure to yourself or others.
Irrigation: Water on a regular basis, especially in dry locations, for
best growth and appearance.
Fertilizer: Apply a balanced slow-release fertilizer as needed to main-
tain slow growth and color. Requires pH range of 6.8 to 7.6 (mildly
alkaline) and grows best in sandy and coral soils.
Common Pests: This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or
birds. No insect or disease problems.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common name:
Scientific name: Bougainvil-
lea spp. (over 300 cultivars and
Because many of the hybrids have
been crossed over several genera-
tions, it is difficult to identify many
of them. There is a lot of confu-
sion over the names of bougainvillea varieties and cultivars.
Special features: Bougainvillea often has spiny, cascading stems which
end with colorful bracts of red, orange, purple and other shades with
small white, inconspicuous flowers. Bougainvillea can be used in a mul-
titude of ways: as individual accent plants, as privacy or barrier hedges,
as cascading erosion control plantings on steep slopes, and some
varieties can be pruned into a single-trunk small tree like an ornamen-
tal. The growth rate of bougainvillea varies from slow growing to rapid,
depending on the particular variety and the location. They grow best in
full sun and somewhat dry, fertile soil. They tend to flower all year round
in Hawaii. Typically, bloom cycles are four to six weeks.
Caution: The sap of the bougainvillea can cause skin rashes similar to
poison oak/ivy. So, when working with this plant (e.g., pruning), caution
should be exercised to avoid skin contact with the sap (and thorns).
Pruning: Prune by shearing with power hedge shears to promote the
greatest growth and flowering, as bougainvillea only blooms on new
growth. Shearing is the method of removing the soft tips of young plant
stems to encourage fuller growth. Bougainvillea sends out multiple new
stems just below the sheared tip. To increase vitality, lushness, and color,
shear frequently. The best time to shear is after the flush of color or
flowering cycle (four to six weeks) is completed. Do not allow bougain-
villea to become woody and overgrown unless it is being used on steep
hillsides or other locations where it is intended to cascade and cover a
large area.
Fertilization: Bougainvillea roots are susceptible to burn from fertilizers.
Do not over fertilize. In this case, less is better than more. Bougainvillea
has good salt tolerance and does best with soil pH of 5.5 to 6.5.
Here are some quick fertilizer tips:
Use a low nitrogen and high phosphorus formulation with micro-
nutrients, as well as additional iron and magnesium. Too much
nitrogen will cause excess leafy growth and reduced flowering.
Slow- or time-release fertilizers are good. Follow the fertilizer label.
Plants grow best with small amounts of nutrients constantly available.
Do not apply fertilizers to dry soil; water well after fertilizing.
Irrigation: The amount of watering needed is related to the climate, soil
type, plant size and weather conditions. Plant in well-drained soil.
Helpful guidelines:
Bougainvillea is drought tolerant and requires very little water once
established. If overwatered, bougainvillea will not flower, may lose
leaves or wilt, or even die from root decay.
Drought stress can stimulate flowering. Allow the soil to dry between
watering, but not bone dry, as bracts and foliage will drop.
The first sign of wilting is the best indicator of over/underwatering.
Irrigation should be infrequent but watering run times should be
long enough to thoroughly soak the soil.
Avoid constant, light, and frequent watering. This will promote a
weak and shallow root system and prevent coloring.
Do not allow bougainvillea to sit in water. This may cause bracts to
drop or stop blooming altogether.
Common pests: Common insect pests include caterpillars, mites and
aphids. The “bougainvillea looper,” a small caterpillar of a common
moth, is the most troublesome pest causing extensive chewing damage
to the leaves. Mites and aphids can become problems in overgrown,
un-pruned plants, causing damage to leaves by sucking juices. The
sugary excretions from aphids often result in development of black sooty
mold on the leaves.
Control: Insect pests are best controlled with periodic foliar and soil
applications of systemic insecticides. Orthene
and Merit
are the best
choices. “Leaf spot” can be a problem if foliage or soil stays too wet,
especially in cool weather. Treat with fungicides; correct excessive over-
head watering.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common name: Coconut palm
Scientific name: Cocos nucifera
Special features: Two forms of coconut
palms are found in Hawaii. The common
form has a slender, often slightly leaning,
ringed trunk that can reach a height of 100
feet. The trunk is thickest at the base and
may show some sections of narrowing as
the tree grows taller. These narrowing areas
(called pencilling) result from some environ-
mental stress, often long periods of drought
during earlier years of growth, but are not
necessarily weak spots on the trunk.
A smaller form known locally as Samoan coconut has a shorter, thicker
trunk that grows no higher than 40 feet. It has larger, wider fronds and
bears large bright green fruit.
Pruning: Remove old fronds that hang lower than 90° (approximately
horizontal). Remove dead, dying, damaged and diseased fronds. De-
veloping coconuts (fruits) and flower clusters of both forms of coconut
palms should be removed on a regular basis. Take care not to cut too
close to the inner cone at the top of the trees. A wound can make the
tree more prone to fungal infection that will eventually kill the palm (see
pest section below). When feasible, tree trimming should be done dur-
ing dry weather.
Fertilization: Coconut palms do not grow well under heavy nitrogen
fertilization. Apply a balanced complete formulation, such as 16-16-
16, containing a high percentage of slow-release nitrogen and at least
2% magnesium. Early yellowing of the older fronds can be caused by
a magnesium deficiency; therefore, the need for a magnesium supple-
ment. Coconut palms have good salt tolerance at the root zone, but are
subject to salt spray damage on the fronds unless washed off periodi-
Irrigation: Palms do best in sandy, well-drained soils and should get
regular watering. The slender palm roots grow shallow in the soil and
spread far from the trunk. They do not require the deep watering that
some other trees need. Overwatering can lead to disease problems.
Common pests: A fungal disease called “palm heart rot” is the most
serious pest problem. It has become a major factor in the demise of
mature coconut trees in Hawaii and has devastated coconut stands on
Kauai and Oahu. Coconut plants of all ages can be infected with this
Cause: Phytophthora fungus is relatively new to Hawaii.
The early stage is characterized by the drop of young coconut fruits.
The stem end of small, young fruits or the entire coconut is dark
and rotten.
Larger, immature or mature green fruits have brown, mottled, ir-
regular to circular patterns.
Heart rot of the plant (a rot of the growing point at top of the trunk)
becomes evident as the youngest emerging spear leaf dies.
Eventually all leaves are killed and the palm dies.
Spread: The disease is slow in development, and early stages of infec-
tion may be difficult to detect. The disease can be spread by the move-
ment of infected nuts and transplanted trees. Because transplanting
coconut is a common landscaping practice in Hawaii, symptomless but
infected trees may be transported great distances.
Tree pruning operations can also spread palm heart rot by carrying
fungal spores from diseased plants to healthy plants on contaminated
trimming equipment and tools. Wounds to the top growing heart of the
palm caused by careless pruning can also spread the disease. Insects,
birds and rodents can also spread the fungus by carrying spores or
infected palm tissue.
Prolonged rainy periods favor disease development and spread, as well
as over watering in combination with too much nitrogen fertilization.
Control: Fungicides and other pesticides are not effective. Diseased
trees and nuts should be removed and burned at the first signs of infec-
tion. The presence of infected host tissue is a serious threat to healthy
coconut trees in the surrounding area. Diseased plants keep the fun-
gus for many months, even after the plants have died. Tools should be
cleaned, then immersed in a disinfectant (e.g., rubbing alcohol) after
trimming operations on each tree are finished, especially at sites known
to have the disease.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common name: Fijian fan palm
Scientific name: Pritchardia pacifica
Special features: Fijian fan palms are
medium-sized palms that reach between
20 and 30 feet in height. The fan-shaped
fronds (or leaves) are coarse, pleated and
about four feet across. They are covered in
whitish-brown fuzz when young but older
fronds are mostly hairless. The trunk is co-
lumnar, smooth, unarmed and pale gray.
The flowers and fruit are borne in large
clusters at the ends of long woody flower
stems. The flowers are yellowish-green
and the round fruits are dark brown to blackish.
The Fijian fan palm is used widely in landscaping throughout the Ha-
waiian Islands. It is originally native to Fiji, Tonga, and possibly Samoa.
This species prefers full to partial sun and tolerates some wind. It grows
best in moist, but well-drained soils.
Pruning: The dead leaves, flowers and fruits can be removed in a land-
scape setting for a cleaner appearance. Dead leaves will stay attached
to the trunk for a long time if not removed on a regular basis. Prun-
ing will make them grow taller faster, especially if flowers and fruit are
Fertilization: Apply a complete palm fertilizer with minor elements. Be
certain that enough magnesium and potassium is present in the fertilizer
component. This is especially critical for a loulu in a pot. Magnesium
and potassium deficiencies are two of the most serious nutritional dis-
orders in palms. The deficiencies are characterized by bright yellowing
(chlorotic) on leaf edges or yellow streaking of the entire fronds. This
can be difficult to reverse. Applications of Epsom salt, or magnesium
sulfate (MgSO4), are good but do not last and usually wash out of the
soil in rainy periods. There are some very good slow-release fertilizer
spikes made especially for palms which contain a good balance of
minor elements with magnesium and potassium.
Irrigation: Fijian fan palms prefer moist soil and should be irrigated on
a regular basis for best growth and appearance.
Common pests: Fan palms are prone to damage from leaf rollers, red
spider mites and sugarcane borers. Rats will eat the fruit. Apply systemic
insecticides, such as Orthene
or Merit
, to control insects. This species is
susceptible to a disease called lethal yellowing that causes fruit drop and
yellowing fronds.
Common name: Monkeypod
Scientific name: Samanea saman
Special features: The monkeypod tree is a
very large, fast growing shade tree. In Ha-
waii, it will typically grow to heights of 50
to 80 feet and forms an umbrella shaped
canopy over 100 feet in diameter. It is a
fast growing tree, producing 3 to 5 feet
of new growth per year until it reaches a
mature size. The mature monkeypod usu-
ally forms a single short, stout trunk about
6 to 8 feet high and 3 to 5 feet in diam-
eter. The top of the trunk forms a bole
with three to five large scaffold branches
radiating out to form the main structure of the canopy.
The leaflets are light sensitive and close up at night and during very
cloudy weather. The monkeypod can be very messy during February
through April in Hawaii. Leaves and seed pods begin to drop dur-
ing these months. A large tree can drop hundreds of pounds of sticky,
brown seed pods that cover the entire area under the tree canopy,
requiring daily removal from sidewalks and parking lots in high mainte-
nance areas. Removal of pods from the lawn area may also be neces-
sary before mowing.
Monkeypods have adapted to a wide range of soil types and pH ranges.
They grow well in sandy or heavy clay soils. However, monkeypods form
a massive root system that can be very shallow in clay soils or in urban
areas where streets and sidewalks surround the tree canopy. These sur-
face roots often become destructive to sidewalks, walls and foundations.
Monkeypod trees in these locations are also very susceptible to uproot-
ing in hurricane force winds. When grown in sandy or gravel type soils,
surface roots are not as common and the root system is deeper.
Pruning: Selective, correctional pruning of lower branches as the
grows is necessary only until the mature height of the main trunk is
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common name: Oleander
Scientific name: Nerium oleander
Special features: Oleander is a tough,
durable fast-growing evergreen shrub or
small tree that is inexpensive and easy
to grow. It reaches heights up to 25 feet,
with spreading upright branches. The
flowers grow in clusters at the end of
each branch. They are white, pink, red
or yellow and are often sweetly scented.
The fruit is a long narrow capsule, 2 to 9
inches long, which splits open at maturity
to release numerous downy seeds.
Oleander is tolerant of poor soils and hot, dry conditions and grows
best in full sun to part shade. It is commonly used in landscaping free-
way medians and along roadsides because it is easily maintained and
After that, the maturing tree should be pruned to remove dead
branches and other possibly hazardous limbs as described in Chapter
6. Although monkeypods can recover well from very heavy pruning, this
practice should never be necessary if planted in a location that allows
for the full mature canopy size and if early corrective developmental
pruning has been done.
Irrigation: Monkeypods need regular irrigation during the first years
of establishment. As they become well established in their particular
environment, additional irrigation is usually required only in very dry
Fertilization: Monkeypods are well adapted to low fertility soils. Fertilize
every six months with a balanced slow-release fertilizer during the first
three to four years of establishment. Change to an annual application
as the trees mature and then only as needed.
Common pests: The caterpillar stage of several moths and butterflies
can feed on the young leaves as they emerge. Ants can burrow into
twigs and cause damage to the growing tips of branches. Several other
wasps and flies can lay eggs in developing seed pods but this is not
necessarily all bad. Treatment with insecticides is usually not required. If
insecticides are applied, injection and root drench are most effective.
able to survive the heat and exhaust fumes of heavy highway traffic.
Oleander shrubs that have become stressed or diseased may generate
a type of oil from the trunk and shallow roots that can saturate the soil
in its vicinity. The oil is light-brown colored and has a rancid scent.
Oleander is normally grown from vegetative cuttings. It can also be
grown from seed but selected cultivars may not grow true to form.
Young plants grow best in spaces not competing with other plants for
Safety First! Be careful when handling oleander – it is poisonous!
Oleander is one of the most poisonous of commonly grown garden
plants and in some cases can cause death, especially in young children,
if eaten in even small amounts. All parts of the plant are poisonous,
including dry leaves and the smoke if burned. Contact with the leaves,
especially the sap, can cause severe blisters and rash on the skin and
possible permanent damage to eyesight if in the eye.
Reactions to eating the leaves or sap can consist of nausea and vomit-
ing, excess salivation, abdominal pain, and diarrhea that may or may
not contain blood. Reactions affecting the heart consist of irregular or
erratic heartbeat, sometimes a racing heart at first that slows to below
normal. Arms and legs may become pale and cold due to poor blood
circulation. Other symptoms can include drowsiness, tremors or shak-
ing of the muscles, seizures, collapse, and even coma that can lead to
Medical treatment: Poisoning reactions to oleander plants appear very
quickly and may require immediate medical care. Induce vomiting as
a protective measure to reduce absorption of the poison. Charcoal can
be chewed and swallowed to help absorb any remaining toxins. Further
medical attention may be required and will depend on the severity of
the poisoning and symptoms. Call 911 and get immediate medical help
if any of the severe reactions described above occur.
Pruning: Wear heavy work gloves, long sleeves and eye protection to
protect yourself from any poisonous parts of the oleander. Oleander
has a tendency to become tall and leggy. Overgrown plants should be
pruned as needed to maintain a nice rounded shape.
Keep oleander trimmed to 6-10 feet tall when grown in open medians
and interchanges. In narrow medians and roadside locations prune to
keep the size within safe limits. Prune the branches all over the olean-
der, from the very bottom to the top. Pay special attention to the bottom
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common name: Rainbow shower tree
Scientific name: Cassia x nealiae
Special features: Rainbow shower trees
are cultivars of a sterile hybrid between
amaltas (Cassia fistula) and Java cas-
sia (Cassia javanica). One advantage
of its sterility is that there are no seed-pods, and the tree is tidier than
other shower trees. Propagation is by air layer or grafting. The rainbow
shower tree is a moderately fast grower, reaching a mature size of to 40
to 50 feet if allowed to grow unpruned. It grows best in full sun, hot and
dry conditions.
The four cultivars of rainbow shower trees provide a wide range of
‘Wilhelmina Tenny’: This cultivar produces a heavy bloom of flow-
ers from March through September. The flowers are multi-colors of
deep cerise to yellow and no seed pods are ever produced.
‘Queen’s Hospital White’: Flowers open pale yellow and fade rap-
idly to white. This cultivar flowers from March through August and
produces a limited amount of seed pods.
‘Lunalilo Yellow’: Flowers open bright yellow orange and fade to
of the plant where it needs to be the strongest and bushy. Allow enough
room under the plant for mowing and other regular maintenance. By
removing suckers, and leaving just a few stems at the bottom, oleander
can be formed into very attractive small trees.
Fertilizer: Oleander grows well in most soils with a pH range of 5.5 to
7.8. It has medium salt tolerance but does not grow well in soils with
high coral content. An annual application of a balanced slow-release
fertilizer, such as 10-10-10 at a rate of 15 pounds per 1,000 sq. feet
around the root zone is enough to keep the plants flowering and grow-
ing at a slow rate.
Irrigation: Water newly planted oleander two to three times a week as
it is getting established. Once it becomes established it is very drought
tolerant. However, it can survive both dry and well-drained wet soils.
Fastest growth occurs when irrigated during drought. Occasional deep
watering once every several weeks during normal weather is enough to
maintain healthy plants in Hawaii.
bright yellow with age. This is the only rainbow shower cultivar that
has a fragrance. It flowers May to September and produces few
seed pods.
‘Nii Gold’: Similar to ‘Wilhelmina Tenny’ with flowers of deep gold
to strong yellow. Its short month-long flowering period is highly vari-
able, occurring anytime from spring to fall. It rarely produces seed
Pruning: Prune rainbow shower trees after flowering period. Prune back
(heading back not thinning) mature rainbow showers in urban areas
each year to keep their size within the bounds of the surroundings and
to maintain proper clearance for sidewalks and streets. Dead and dam-
aged branches should also be removed at this time.
Young rainbow shower trees should be lightly pruned annually to shape
and direct growth. Mature trees in open suburban and rural areas
should be allowed to grow to their mature size without major prun-
ing. Lower branches should be removed as the tree grows to raise the
canopy high enough to allow mowing and other regular maintenance in
the surrounding landscape. Prune to remove dead or damaged branch-
es when necessary.
Fertilization: These trees have a low salt tolerance. Fertilize annually
with a balanced slow-release formulation, such as Triple 15
or Triple
, at a rate of 6 to 10 pounds of fertilizer per 1,000 sq. feet of root
zone. Measure the root zone by calculating the area under the drip line
of each tree. Irrigate well after applying fertilizer. See Chapter 11 for
details about fertilizers.
Irrigation: Rainbow shower trees are very drought tolerant and show
moderate wind tolerance. Newly planted trees should get frequent
watering until well established. Refer to Chapter 8. Once established,
mature trees do not require frequent irrigation. Windy slopes may need
extra watering during hot dry months. Irrigation schedules should be
adjusted to account for seasonal demands. See Chapter 12 for details
about irrigation.
Common pests: Rainbow shower trees are relatively pest free. Occasional
attacks from chewing or sucking insects can be treated with pesticides that
are commonly used for the ornamental landscape. Refer to Chapter 10 for
details about pesticides.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common name: Seashore paspalum
Scientific name: Paspalum vaginatum
Special features: Seashore paspalum spreads
rapidly by stolons and rhizomes to form a
fine-textured, dense turf with a deep root sys-
tem. In the ROW, it is used exclusively for high
visibility, high maintenance areas. Seashore
looks very similar to hybrid Bermuda grass,
but is darker green with thicker stolons and
rhizomes and slightly wider leaf blades. Com-
pared to Bermuda grass, seashore paspalum
can form a higher quality turf in shadier conditions and in waterlogged
There are several cultivars of seashore available in Hawaii. The original
form, introduced in the mid 1970s, was simply called seashore pas-
plaum and is still in heavy use today. Newer cultivars have recently been
introduced, such as ‘Sea Isle 1’ and ‘Sea Isle 2000.’ All three of these
do not produce viable seed and must be grown vegetatively from sod
or stolons. A more recent seeded cultivar, called ‘Seaspray,’ has proven
to be a very acceptable alternative to the more expensive vegetative
Mowing: All seashore paspalum varieties are best mowed below one
inch; however, this requires the use of a reel type mower and is not
practical for most purposes in the ROW. Mowing with a high quality
rotary mower at a height of 1/2 to 1 inch is the best alternative. Thatch
problems increase with higher mowing heights. Weed eaters should be
used only for trimming in narrow or inaccessible areas, never for larger
open areas where a rotary mower has access. Since seashore paspalum
is used exclusively in high visibility locations, edging along curbs and
sidewalks should be done with a power edger, not a weed eater.
It is very important that mowing schedules be kept to once every two
weeks and that no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade is removed at each
mowing. Scalping is common in seashore when it is not mowed often
Fertilization: Once established, seashore paspalum does not need
much fertilization. It tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and pH
from 3.6 to 10.2. For the purposes of the ROW, one application of a
slow-release high nitrogen formulation per year will be enough to main-
tain good health and a consistent rate of growth. Too much fertilizer will
lead to a rapid thatch buildup and interfere with mowing. The recom-
mended formulation of fertilizer will be made available to you by the
HDOT Engineer. Refer to Chapter 11, “Fertilizers” for more details.
Irrigation: Seashore paspalum is very salt tolerant and can be irrigated
using non-potable water, including high salt brackish water. It can sur-
vive in waterlogged soils for long periods of time. Actively growing sea-
shore needs 1 to 2 inches of water per week as rain or irrigation. Deep
watering twice a week is recommended for mature seashore stands to
promote good root development. The soil should be moistened to a
depth of 12 inches with each watering. Early morning irrigation times
(between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.) work best.
Common pests: Seashore paspalum can occasionally be attacked by
armyworms, sod webworms, mole crickets and grubs. Weeds are also a
common problem in all turf grasses.
Control: Several treatments with systemic insecticides, such as Merit
and Orthene
, are very effective controls when applied a month apart.
Be careful when using herbicides on seashore paspalum, many of them
will injure this grass. Most mixes of 2,4-D, MCPP, and dicambra are la-
beled for seashore and are effective post-emergent controls for broad-
leaf weeds. The products Sedgehammer
and Certainty
are labeled
and effective on nutgrass and kylinga. A list of approved herbicides will
be provided to you by the HDOT Engineer.
Special Considerations: Excessive thatch buildup is the most common
problem with seashore paspalum. Thatch is the brown stemmy under-
growth between the soil and the green part of the leaf blades. When
thatch gets thicker than 1/2 inch it begins to interfere with mowing,
causing scalping. It also prevents water from soaking down into the
soil, increasing water run-off, and often leads to increased insect and
disease problems.
Rapid thatch buildup is caused by over watering, over fertilizing, and
mowing infrequently at heights above 1½ to 2 inches. When thatch
reaches levels of over one inch, it must be removed by verticutting to
restore it to favorable conditions.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Common name:
Silver Trumpet tree
Scientific name: Tabebuia
Special features: This Ta-
bebuia is one of over 100
species. It is a medium
growing evergreen tree
that grows 25 to 30 feet,
with a dense irregularly
shaped canopy. Flower
blooms start in late spring and continue through the summer in Hawaii.
Its masses of yellow trumpet flowers are very showy. The foliage varies
from gray-green to silver-green and is mostly deciduous. Some trees
lose leaves prior to blooming while others can hold some of their old
leaves while in flower. One good trick is to cut off all added water six to
eight weeks before spring. This will encourage leaf drop and produce
a much heavier show of flowers. Tabebuias in irrigated landscapes are
usually poorer bloomers due to this excess water.
The trunk and wood of this Tabebuia is brittle and likely to break in strong
winds, but the tree always comes back. Newly planted large field grown
trees take several years to stabilize root strength. So, strong storms can
easily topple large, newly planted trees. Stand them up immediately.
The silver trumpet is best used for small spaces, in full sun and on well-
drained soil. The tree has no pests.
Pruning: The silver trumpet typically has a single trunk that often grows
crooked and twisting and the branches droop. The bark of the trunk
and branches is rough and corky and thorns are common.
The wood is brittle and susceptible to breakage. Regular corrective prun-
ing during establishment and the first eight to 12 years of growth is es-
sential to develop a strong single trunk. Annual pruning to remove dead
and damaged branches and occasional shaping of the crown is impor-
tant. Seed pods and leaves are not a litter problem.
Irrigation: The silver trumpet has average water needs. It has moderate
tolerance to salt spray and high drought tolerance. Once established,
water regularly but do not overwater in winter. Minimal irrigation in
winter months will help promote more flowering in the spring.
Common name:
St. Augustine
Scientific name: Stenotaphrum
Special features: St. Augustine
grass is a very dense, course
textured, dark blue-green turf that
spreads by thick stolons. It does not
produce rhizomes (underground
runners) and is more shallow-rooted than most other warm season turf
grasses. St. Augustine is very shade tolerant, but wears down rapidly
under moderate amounts of foot traffic. It is used most often in the
ROW in high visibility narrow medians where shower trees or monkey
pods are planted in combination with naupaka hedges, which produce
a moderately shaded, low foot traffic area. There are many cultivars of
St. Augustine grass; ‘Floratine’ is most commonly used in Hawaii.
St. Augustine is established vegetatively from sod or small plugs or
sprigs of rooted sod. It will build a very thick thatch over time, particu-
larly when given large amounts of water and fertilizer.
Mowing: Due to the very course nature and thick thatch of St. Augus-
tine, recommended mowing heights are much higher than for other
warm season grasses. Regular mowing every two weeks at 3 to 4 inches
is best. A heavy duty rotary mower is necessary and frequent blade
sharpening is important. Weed eaters should be used only for trimming
in narrow places that are inaccessible to mowers.
Fertilization: St. Augustine does not need much fertilization once it is es-
tablished. One application of a slow-release high nitrogen formulation
per year will be enough to maintain good health and a consistent rate
of growth. Too much fertilizer will lead to a rapid thatch buildup and
interfere with mowing. When thatch reaches levels of over two inches,
it must be removed by verticutting in order to restore it to favorable
conditions. Be careful when verticutting St. Augustine. Do not remove
all surface growth, leave at least 1/4 inch of rooted stolons on the soil
surface to provide the re-growth.
Fertilization: Silver trumpet does best in well-drained clay or sandy
soils with relatively neutral pH (6.6 to 7.5). Fertilize well with a balanced
slow-release fertilizer during establishment and semi-annually (March
and September) thereafter.
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
The recommended formulation of fertilizer will be made available to
you by the HDOT Engineer. Refer to Chapter 11 for more details about
Irrigation: St. Augustine is shallow-rooted and does not tolerate long
dry periods. It should be irrigated on a regular basis and not allowed to
dry out. Two inches of water per week as rain or irrigation are neces-
sary for good growth. Deep watering twice a week is recommended for
mature stands to promote good root development. The soil should be
moistened to a depth of 12 inches with each watering. Heavy thatch
may interfere with water penetration and cause excessive runoff. In that
case, water more often using shorter run times. Early morning irrigation
times (between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.) work best.
Although St. Augustine has a higher salt tolerance than most other
warm season grasses, it may not tolerate the high salt content of brack-
ish water. Other non-potable water sources are usually acceptable to
Common pests: The main insect pest of St. Augustine is the chinch bug.
Chinch bugs suck the juices from the leaves and cause dry yellow to
brown looking patches. Army worms, sod web worms and grubs also
cause damage.
Control: Many insecticides, including Talstar
, Sevin
, Delta Guard
and Dylox
, are available for control. Merit
and Orthene
are effective
on a variety of worm pests.
St. Augustine is sensitive to many post emergence herbicides, particu-
larly those that control grassy weeds. Never use any of the arsenic-type
herbicides containing MSMA or CMA that are used to control grassy
weeds, such as crabgrass. St. Augustine is also sensitive to 2,4-D found
in many broadleaf herbicides. Sedges, such as nutgrass and kylinga,
can be controlled with Sedgehammer
, Image
or Certainty
. A list of
approved herbicides will be provided to you by the HDOT Engineer.
Common name:
Zoysia grass
Scientific names: Zoysia japonica
(Japanese lawn grass); Zoysia ma-
trella (Manila grass); Zoysia tenui-
folia (temple grass, Korean grass,
velvet grass)
Special features: Three differ-
ent species of zoysia are found in
Hawaii, as listed above. Z. japonica is sometimes called Japanese lawn
grass, but is most often referred to simply as zoysia grass. The only zoy-
sia grass used in the ROW is ‘El Toro.’ Another commonly used home
lawn selection is emerald zoysia (often called poky grass), a hybrid of Z.
japonica x Z. tenuifolia.
‘El Toro’ zoysia is a selection of Z. japonica that resembles centipede
grass in appearance. It is deeply rooted and forms a dense medium
green lawn, spreading by both stolons and rhizomes. The leaf blades
have a medium to course appearance, thinner than St. Augustine. ‘El
Toro’ is a sterile cultivar and is established by sodding or plugging. The
establishment and growth rate of ‘El Toro’ is much faster than other spe-
cies of zoysia, but slower than seashore paspalum and Bermuda grass.
It has medium shade and drought tolerance. Zoysia grasses also have
an extremely high wear tolerance.
A seeded cultivar of zoysia, called ‘Zenith,’ closely resembles ‘El Toro’
but is slow to establish from seed and does not match the uniformity
and overall quality of ‘El Toro.’ However, it would make a more easily
and cheaply established substitute when used in suburban medians or
Mowing: The general appearance of ‘El Toro’ and other zoysia grasses
is influenced more by proper and regular mowing than any other factor.
Mowing at regular intervals of every two weeks with proper mowing
equipment is very important to keep ‘El Toro’ healthy. Weed eaters are
to be used for trimming inaccessible areas only. The recommended
mowing height for ‘El Toro’ is 3/4 inch to 1½ inches. When used in
the ROW, the best maintenance height is just over one inch. This is at
the bottom end of the mowing height which can be made with a rotary
mower; therefore, a 1½ inch mowing height is more practical. When
maintained at heights over two inches, zoysia grasses will form a puffy,
tufted, dense mat with a deep thatch. This condition makes it very dif-
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
ficult to mow and can be scalped very easily. However, when not mowed
at all this dense multi-tufted mat will not grow more than 6 to 10 inches
tall and may be acceptable in less visible suburban interchanges. In this
case, however, weed and tree sapling invasion would be left unchecked
due to lack of mowing.
Fertilization: Mature stands of ‘El Toro’ need only an annual applica-
tion of slow release, high nitrogen fertilizer. As with other species of
turfgrass, too much nitrogen fertilizer causes heavy thatch build up. The
recommended formulation of fertilizer will be made available to you by
the HDOT Engineer. Refer to Chapter 11 for more details about fertil-
Irrigation: Zoysia grasses require very little water once they are fully
established. Between one to two inches of water per week, either as rain
or irrigation, is enough to keep zoysia green and healthy. Deep water-
ing twice a week is recommended for mature stands. The soil should be
moistened to a depth of 12 inches with each watering. Early morning
irrigation times (between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.) work best.
Common pests: Zoysia grasses usually have very few insect problems.
White grubs are the most common problems that may occasionally oc-
Control: Several treatments with systemic insecticides such as Merit
and Orthene
are very effective controls when applied a month apart.
Once a zoysia grass stand is fully established, weeds are not usually a
big problem. If weeds do become established, there are many effec-
tive post-emergence and pre-emergence herbicides that are labeled for
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Highway Manual for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance