1 Last Updated: July 2024
International Medical Graduates GME Requirements
Board-by-Board Overview
25 states + DC may grant credit towards accredited GME requirements to IMG applicants that meet certain criteria (such as being specialty
board certified, licensed in another state, ECFMG certified, or doing GME internationally, etc.)
o 15 states + DC may grant licenses to IMG applicants without completing accredited GME
8 of these states have “additional pathways” for IMG applicants to become fully licensed without being licensed in another
state or being specialty board certified (FL, IA, ID, IL, LA, TN, WI, and VA).
25 states + GU, PR, and VI do not accept credit towards accredited GME requirements for IMG applicants
Note: Many states allow for accredited GME requirements to be waived if the applicant is specialty board certified, or specialty board-eligible.
However, the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) lists its requirements for Board certification as the following:
1. Finish four years of premedical education in a college or university;
2. Earn a medical degree (MD, DO or other credential approved by an ABMS Member Board) from a qualified medical school;
3. Complete three to seven years of full-time experience in an ACGME-accredited residency training program;
4. Provide letters of attestation from the program director and/or faculty; and
5. Obtain an unrestricted medical license to practice medicine in the United States or Canada.
So, an applicant must complete an ACGME-accredited residency and be licensed to practice medicine in either the U.S. or Canada to be specialty
board eligible.
*Note: All osteopathic boards require applicants to have graduated from American Osteopathic Association (AOA)-approved medical schools, which are all located
in the United States.
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
All other applicants for a certificate of qualification who graduated from a college of
medicine not accredited by the LCME or a college of osteopathy not accredited by the
COCA shall present evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has completed
3 years of postgraduate or residency training in any of the following programs…
Ala. Code § 34-24-
3 years
All other applicants for a certificate of qualification who graduated from a college of
medicine not accredited by the LCME or a college of osteopathy not accredited by the
COCA shall present evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has completed
2 years of postgraduate or residency training
SB 155 (2023)
2 years
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
(a) A foreign medical school whose entrance requirements and course of instruction have
been approved by the Arkansas State Medical Board… (2) Served three (3) years as an
intern or resident in a postgraduate medical education program outside the United
States, completed all steps of the USMLE, obtained ECFMG certification, and either
completed one (1) year or more of fellowship training accredited by the ACGME in the
United States or received ABMS certification by the ABMS; or (3) Completed one (1)
year as an intern or resident in an accredited postgraduate medical education program
in the United States and be currently enrolled in an accredited postgraduate medical
program in Arkansas.
AR Code § 17-95-
403 (2020)
1 year if certain
conditions are met,
enrollment in AR
medical program or
specialty board
certification, 3
years if not
A. In addition to the requirements for licensure prescribed in sections 32-1422 and 32-
1423, an applicant for licensure under this article who attended a foreign school of
medicine and successfully completed all the formal requirements to receive the degree
of doctor of medicine except internship or social service, and is accordingly not eligible
for certification by the ECFMG, may be considered for licensure under this chapter if the
applicant meets the following conditions: 1. Satisfactorily completes an approved fifth
pathway program of one academic year of supervised clinical training under the direction
of an approved school of medicine in the United States. 2. Successfully completes an
approved twenty-four month internship, residency or clinical fellowship program
upon completion of the fifth pathway program.
Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 32-
Application for
2 years with
ECFMG certificate,
3 years without
In addition to other requirements of this chapter… shall show by evidence satisfactory to
the board that the applicant has received credit for at least 12 months of board-approved
postgraduate training for graduates of medical schools in the United States and Canada
or 24 months of board-approved postgraduate training for graduates of foreign
medical schools approved by the board pursuant to Section 2084 other than Canadian
medical schools…
*California’s Physicians from Mexico Pilot Program (MPP) offers nonrenewable licenses,
3 years in duration, to up to 30 Mexican physicians at a time not an unrestricted license.
CA Bus & Prof Code
§ 2096
AB 1045 (2002):
None for
licensure through
2 years for full
For international medical graduates, the board shall require one year of postgraduate
clinical training approved by the board. An applicant whose international medical school
is not an approved medical college is eligible for licensure at the discretion of the board
if the applicant meets all other requirements for licensure and holds specialty board
certification, current at the time of application for licensure, conferred by a regular
member board of the ABMS/AOA…
Colo. Rev. Stat. §
1 year
(ii) received certification from the ECFMG; (2) has successfully completed not less than
2 years of progressive graduate medical training as a resident physician in a program
accredited by the ACGME, the AOA or an equivalent program approved by the board
with the consent of the department
Conn. Gen. Stat. §
2 years
The Board may grant a license to practice medicine to an applicant educated in a foreign
country who: An applicant under this section shall be certified by the ECFMG. An
applicant under this section shall complete three (3) years of postgraduate clinical
training in a program or programs approved by the Accreditation ACGME or the AOA.
For applicants who hold or have held an unrestricted medical license in another state,
or who hold [ABMS/AOA] Board certification, the Board may find that: (a) A non-ACGME
or non-AOA approved postgraduate clinical training program is substantially equivalent
to the requirements of an ACGME or AOA program and meets the educational
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit.
17, § 4603
None or one year if
licensed in another
state and other
conditions are met,
3 years if not
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
requirements…; and (b) Significant clinical practice in addition to at least one year of
post-graduate clinical training is substantially equivalent to and meets the educational
requirements of § 4603.5.”
c. A degree of Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy, or an equivalent degree, from
a legally incorporated medical college or school located in a country other than the United
States or Canada, which medical college or school is not listed in the International
Medical Education Directory (IMED), but the applicant has completed 3 years of
postgraduate training in a residency program which has been approved by the ACGME
and has successfully passed the examination administered by the ECFMG and the
Del. Code tit. 24, §
3 years
(f) Meets one of the following medical education and postgraduate training requirements:
2.a. Is a graduate of an allopathic foreign medical school registered with the WHO and
certified pursuant to s. 458.314 as having met the standards required to accredit medical
schools in the United States or reasonably comparable standards; … c. Has completed
an approved residency of at least 1 year.
3.a. Is a graduate of an allopathic foreign medical school which has not been certified…
c. Has completed an approved residency of at least 1 year; however, after October 1,
1992, the applicant shall have completed an approved residency or fellowship of at
least 2 years in one specialty area. However, to be acceptable, the fellowship
experience and training must be counted toward regular or subspecialty certification by
a board recognized and certified by the ABMS.
On March 21, 2024, SB 7016 was signed into law, which allows IMGs that completed
“substantially similar” PGT in their home country, have ECFMG certification, have an
active license in good standing, have practiced for at least the last four years preceding
application, and have an offer of employment in the state to be provisionally licensed.
After two years of practice in good standing, it is implied that the license can be converted
to full.
Fla. Stat. § 458.311
SB 7016 (2023)
None if additional
IMG pathway is
1 year if IMG
attended WHO-
certified medical
school, 2 years if
Persons who graduated after July 1, 1985, from medical schools or osteopathic medical
schools which are not approved by the board must complete 3 years of residency,
fellowship, or other postgraduate medical training that is approved by the ACGME, the
AOA, or the board to be eligible for a license to practice medicine in this state. Current
certification of any applicant by a member board of the ABMS may be considered by
the board as evidence that such applicant's postgraduate medical training has
satisfied the requirements of this paragraph…
Ga. Code Ann. § 43-
None if specialty
board certified, 3
years if not
See page 1 note
Such applicants shall possess the degree of Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy,
Bachelor of Medicine or Osteopathy, or a Board-approved equivalent based on
satisfactory completion of educational programs acceptable to the Board… (f) The
Board shall be authorized to establish regulations requiring all such applicants to
satisfactorily complete at least thirty-six (36) months of Board approved,
progressive postgraduate medical training.
Guam Code Ann. §
Guam R.R. § 10404
3 years
No applicant shall be eligible for the examination sooner than the first year of residency;
provided that if the applicant is a graduate of a foreign medical school, the applicant shall
be eligible no sooner than the second year of residency.
Haw. Rev. Stat. §
2 years
c. Satisfactory evidence that the applicant has successfully completed one year of
postgraduate internship or resident training in a hospital approved for such training by
Iowa Code § 148.3
None if additional
IMG pathway is
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
the board. An applicant who holds a valid certificate issued by the ECFMG shall submit
satisfactory evidence of successful completion of 2 years of such training.
An applicant who is a graduate of an international medical school shall have successfully
completed 24 months of such training… For those required to have 24 months of training,
the program shall have been 24 continuous months of progressive training in not more
than two specialties and in not more than two programs approved for resident training by
the board.
On May 3, 2024, SF 277 was signed into law, effective January 1, 2025; which allows
the Board to grant provisional licenses to IMGs that graduate from a foreign medical
schools evaluated by the ECFMG, are licensed and in good standing in their home
country for the immediately preceding five years, without pending disciplinary action,
have completed a residency or “substantially similar” PGT in their resident country, have
practiced for at least five years following their PGT, possess basic English fluency and
Federal immigration status, have an offer of employment at an Iowa health care facility,
and have passed the USMLE (which steps not explicitly mentioned). The provisional
license may be converted to a full license after three years of practice in good standing
and without violation, among other requirements.
Iowa Admin. Code r.
SF 277 (2023)
followed, 2 years if
Original documentation of successful completion of two (2) years of progressive
postgraduate training at one (1) training program accredited for internship, residency,
or fellowship training by the ACGME, AOA or the RCPS or its successor organization,
provided however, a resident who is attending an Idaho based residency program may
be licensed after successful completion of one (1) years of progressive post graduate
training, if the following conditions are met: Signed written contract with the Idaho
residency program to complete the entire residency program…
On March 28, 2024, H 542 was signed into law, which allows non-American or Canadian
IMGs that completed PGT in their home country, have an active license in good standing,
practiced at least 3 years post-PGT or practiced 500+ hours, passed USMLE Steps 1 &
2, and have an offer of employment in the state to be provisionally licensed. After three
years of practice in good standing, the license is eligible to be converted to full.
H 542 (2024)
None if additional
IMG pathway is
1 year with contract
to finish 2
year of
residency in state,
2 years if not
(b) that the applicant is a graduate of a medical or osteopathic college located outside
the United States, its territories or Canada… has completed 24 months of
postgraduate clinical training, as approved by the Department
On June 16, 2023, SB 1298 was signed into law, which allows the Department of
Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to issue limited licenses to qualified
IMGs, pursuant to rules the IDFPR must adopt regarding qualifications and fees (law is
effective 1/1/25). After two years of practice in good standing, it is implied that the license
can be converted to full.
225 ILCS 60/11
SB 1298 (2023)
None if additional
IMG pathway is
2 years if not
(1) has been graduated from a medical school outside the United States, its possessions,
or Canada; and (2) submits evidence satisfactory to the board that prior to passing the
examination the applicant has successfully completed a minimum of at least two (2)
years of postgraduate training in a hospital or an institution located in the United States
or Canada which meets the standards… (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the board
IC 25-22.5-3-2
1 year possible
based on Board
discretion, typically
2 years
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
may waive the second year of postgraduate training in the United States or Canada
required of a graduate of a foreign medical school.
Each applicant for licensure by examination in medicine and surgery or osteopathic
medicine and surgery who graduates from an accredited or unaccredited school of
medicine on or after January 1, 2021 shall present to the board proof of completion of at
least 36 months of a postgraduate training or residency training program…
Kan. Stat. Ann. §
3 years (min. 2
years in ACGME
approved program)
Pursuant to KRS 311.571(1)(d), an applicant for a regular license shall have satisfactorily
completed: (a) At least two (2) years of prescribed courses of postgraduate training
in accordance with this administrative regulation…
201 KAR 9:021
2 years
To be eligible for a license, an international medical graduate applicant shall: … 4. have
completed at least 3 years of postgraduate clinical training in the United States or in
Canada in a medical residency or equivalent program accredited by the ACGME of the
AMA, or by the RCPS of Canada, and approved by the board.
On June 11, 2024, HB 972 was signed into law, effective August 1, 2024; which allows
the Board to issue licenses to IMGs that hold a medical degree from an international
medical program that is “substantially similar” to the education or training required to
practice in the state, have a license in good standing, have completed a residency or
similar PGT in their licensing country, or have at least five years’ experience as a
practicing physician, have citizenship in the U.S. or Canada, or legal work status in the
U.S., as well as English proficiency, and an offer of employment at a facility owned or
operated by state-licensed hospitals. Licensees can only practice at these facilities for
the first two years of their licensure but "after such time the licensee is no longer subject
to this limitation," and the Board can revoke the license with “clear and convincing
evidence” that services rendered violated medical safety, competency, or conduct
standards established by the Board.
La. Admin. Code tit.
46, § 323
HB 972 (2024)
None if additional
IMG pathway is
followed, 3 years if
Each applicant for a full license must have satisfactorily completed at least 2 years of
postgraduate medical training in an ACGME or AOA approved or accredited Canadian
program. Effective January 1, 2014, each applicant for a full license must have
satisfactorily completed at least 3 years of postgraduate medical training in an
ACGME or AOA approved or accredited Canadian program…
243 CMR 2.03
3 years of ACGME-
accredited GME
(3) Have a doctor of medicine degree from any other medical school, have successfully
completed the requirements for and obtained ECFMG certification, and have
successfully completed 2 years of post-graduate training at an accredited training
Md. Code Regs.
2 years
2. Postgraduate training… Each applicant who has graduated from an accredited
medical school on or after July 1, 2004 or an unaccredited medical school must have
satisfactorily completed at least 36 months in a graduate educational program
accredited by the ACGME, the Canadian Medical Association, the RCPS or the Royal
Colleges of England, Ireland or Scotland
The board may waive the requirements of subsection 2 for a physician who does not
meet the postgraduate training requirements but who meets the requirements of this
subsection. (1) Be a graduate of a foreign medical school, not including a medical school
in Canada or Great Britain; (2) Be licensed in another state; and (3) Have at least 3
years of clinical experience in the area of expertise.
Me. Stat. tit. 32, §
None if completed
GME in selected
countries, or
licensed in another
state, and myriad
of other
qualifications are
met, 3 years if not
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
B. If the physician meets the requirements of paragraph A, the board shall use the
following qualifications of the physician to determine whether to grant a waiver: (1)
Completion of a 3-year clinical fellowship in the U.S. in the area of expertise. The burden
of proof as to the quality and content of the fellowship is placed on the applicant; (2)
Appointment to a clinical academic position at a licensed medical school in the United
States; (3) Publication in peer-reviewed clinical medical journals recognized by the board;
(4) The number of years in clinical practice; and (5) Other criteria demonstrating
expertise, such as awards or other recognition
Certification of Completion of a minimum of 1 year postgraduate clinical training
Medical Doctor
Licensing Guide
1 year
(d) The applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the board of the completion of
one year of graduate, clinical medical training in a program accredited by a national
accrediting organization approved by the board or other graduate training approved in
advance by the board as meeting standards similar to those of a national accrediting
organization. This requirement does not apply: (1) to an applicant who is admitted as a
permanent immigrant to the United States on or before October 1, 1991, as a person of
exceptional ability in the sciencesor (2) to an applicant holding a valid license to
practice medicine in another country and issued a permanent immigrant visa after
October 1, 1991, as a person of extraordinary ability in the field of science or as an
outstanding professor or researcher
Minn. Stat. §
None, if applicant
qualifies as “as a
person of
exceptional ability
in the sciences,”
one year if not.
An applicant must be certified by the ECFMG and have completed three (3) years of
AMA-approved postgraduate training in one (1) recognized specialty area of medicine.
The board may waive the three (3) years of postgraduate training if the applicant
is American Specialty Board eligible. ECFMG certification may be waived for a foreign
graduate who is currently certified by the ABMS.
Mo. Code Regs. tit.
20 § 2150-2.100
None if specialty
board eligible, 3
years if not
See page 1 note
D. Applicants who graduated from an international medical school must present
documentation of having completed either: 1. three (3) or more years of ACGME-
approved postgraduate training in the United States or training in Canada approved
by the RCPSC; or 2. one (1) year of ACGME-approved postgraduate training in the
United States or training in Canada approved by the RCPSC, be currently board certified
by a specialty board recognized by the ABMS and must have approval by the Board.
Miss. Code R. 2605
1 year if specialty
board certified, 3
years if not
See page 1 note
(1) A license will not be granted to a foreign medical graduate unless: (b) the graduate
has had 3 years of postgraduate training education in a program approved by or
affiliated with the World Health Organization and has sufficient fluency in spoken and
written English to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety; or (c) the graduate
has been granted board certification by a specialty board which is approved by and
a member of the ABMS or the AOA, or provides verification of being a certificant of the
CFPC, a fellow of the RCPS…
Mont. Admin. R.
None if applicant
has specialty board
certification, 3
years if not
See page 1 note
To be eligible for licensure under this section, an applicant who is a graduate of a medical
school not approved by the LCME, the Committee for the Accreditation of Canadian
Medical Schools, or the AOA shall submit proof satisfactory to the Board that the
applicant has met all of the following: (1)The applicant has successfully completed 2
years of training in a medical education program approved by the Board after graduation
from medical school, or provides proof of current certification by a specialty board
recognized by the ABMS, Certificate of the College of Family Physicians, Fellowship of
the RCPS…
N.C. Gen. Stat. §
None if specialty
board certified, 2
years if not
See page 1 note
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
Graduates of international schools An applicant who has graduated from a medical
school not located in the United States, its possessions, territories, or Canada, must
present evidence, satisfactory to the board, that the applicant has successfully
completed thirty months of postgraduate training in a program located in the United
States, its possessions, territories, or Canada, and accredited by a national accrediting
organization… However, if such an applicant has not completed thirty months of
postgraduate training in a program approved by the board or by an accrediting body
approved by the board, but has met all other licensing requirements and has
successfully completed one year of postgraduate training in the United States or
Canada in a program approved by the board, and if the board finds that the applicant has
other professional experience and training that is substantially equivalent to the last
eighteen months of postgraduate training, then the applicant may be deemed eligible for
licensure… An applicant seeking licensure under this exception must present evidence
satisfactory to the board that: (1) The applicant is certified by a specialty board
recognized by the ABMS or by a specialty board recognized by the RCPS; or (2) The
applicant has passed the special purpose examination
N.D. Cent. Code §
1 year if ABMS or
other specialty
board certified or
passed the SPEX
exam, plus Board
approval. 30
months if not.
See page 1 note
Official documentation showing: Successful completion of 2 years of approved
graduate medical education
Medicine And
Surgery Guidelines
2 years
(c) Applicants shall have completed at least 2 years of postgraduate medical training,
postgraduate year 1, postgraduate year 2, in a program accredited by ACGME, AOA, or
its equivalent which shall include, at a minimum, the following: (1) Board certification in
the applicant's area of specialty; or (2) Completion of 10 or more years of practice
combined with proof of 2 years of post-graduate training outside the United States or
Canada. (d) Applicants who have not completed 2 years of postgraduate training
in an institution accredited by ACGME or AOA shall petition the board pursuant to
Med 205.01 to determine if the applicant's qualifications meet the requirements of (d)
above. Such petitions shall provide any information in addition to that specified in (d)
above which the applicant wishes the board to consider in making a determination of
N.H. Code Admin.
R. Med. 302
N.H. Code Admin.
R. Med. 205.01
None, if Board
applicant meets
requirements; 2
years if not
An applicant, who has graduated from a medical school on or after July 1, 2003… the
applicant has completed, and received academic credit for, at least 2 years for post-
graduate training in a program accredited by the ACGME, the AOA, or any other
equivalent group or agency which the Board, upon review, has determined has
comparable standards, and has a signed contract for a third year of postgraduate
training in a program accredited by the ACGME, the AOA, or any other equivalent group
or agency…
N.J. Admin. Code §
13:35-3.11 (E)
2 years + contract
for third year in
accredited program
C. A graduate of a board-approved medical school located outside the United States or
Canada may be granted a license to practice medicine in New Mexico, provided the
applicant presents evidence to the board that the applicant is a person of good moral
character and is in compliance with the United States immigration laws and provided that
the applicant presents satisfactory evidence to the board that the applicant has
successfully passed an examination as required by the board and has successfully
completed 2 years of postgraduate medical training in an approved postgraduate
training program…
NM Stat § 61-6-11
2 years
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
Has completed at least 36 months of postgraduate education, not less than 24 months
of which must have been completed as a resident after receiving a medical degree from
a combined dental and medical degree program approved by the Board
NRS 630.160(c)(2)
3 years
B. For issuance of a license to practice medicine, graduates of medical education
programs neither registered by the department nor accredited by an accrediting
organization acceptable to the department, except those applicants seeking licensure
pursuant to section 6528 of the Education Law, shall meet the following requirements:
(2) those individuals who make application for licensure on or after July 1, 1981, shall
have completed at least 3 years of postgraduate training approved by the ACGME or
the American Osteopathic Association or their predecessors or successors D.
Fellowships determined to be other than clinical or postgraduate hospital training
obtained outside the United States or Canada may be accepted on a pro rata basis
at the discretion of the Committee on the Professions, based on the content of the
experience as compared to the experience obtained in the postgraduate training
prescribed in subdivision (b)(2) of this section.
N.Y. Comp. Codes
R. & Regs. § 60.3
3 years, but GME
completed outside
of the U.S. and
Canada may be
accepted at a pro
rata basis to defray
the normal
(A) An applicant for a license to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine
and surgery must meet all of the following requirements: (b) Hold certification from the
ECFMG and have successfully completed not less than twenty-four months of
graduate medical education through the second-year level of graduate medical
education or its equivalent as determined by the board.
Ohio Rev. Code §
Ohio IMG License
2 years
The applicant shall have satisfactorily completed twelve (12) months of progressive
postgraduate medical training approved by the Board or by a private nonprofit accrediting
body approved by the Board in an institution in the United States, its territories or
possessions, or in programs in Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia or New
Zealand approved by the Board or by a private nonprofit accrediting body approved by
the Board.
Okla. Stat. tit. 59 §
493.1 (C)
None if GME
completed in
selected countries,
1 year if not
(b) Have satisfactorily completed the following post-graduate requirement: (C) 3 years
of training in an approved program if a graduate of an unapproved school of medicine.
OR Rev Stat §
3 years
(4) Have successfully completed the following graduate medical training requirement:
(ii) 2 years of graduate medical training at a first and second-year level if the applicant
is a graduate of an accredited medical college… (iii) 3 years of graduate medical
training at a first, second and third-year level if the applicant is a graduate of an
unaccredited medical college…
49 Pa. Cons. Stat. §
2 years if IMG
accredited medical
school, 3 years if
(d) Candidates shall be certified by the ECFMG or by Board-approved successors, or by
an equivalent Board-approved entity. (e) Candidates shall satisfactorily complete at
least one (1) year of progressive post-graduate medical training approved by the
Board or by a nonprofit private accreditation entity approved by the Board, at an institution
in the United States of America, Canada or Puerto Rico approved by the Board or by a
nonprofit private accreditation entity approved by the Board.
P.R. Laws tit. 20, §
1 year
Foreign Medical Graduates: An applicant seeking licensure to practice medicine in
Rhode Island who is a Foreign Medical Graduate must: (d) applicants must have
satisfactorily completed two (2) years of progressive postgraduate training, internship
and residency or a comparable fellowship in a training program accredited by the
ACGME. The Board may grant up to twelve (12) months of credit at the internship
level to an applicant with a minimum of three (3) years of progressive international
postgraduate training when advanced standing is also granted by the ABMS.
R.I. Code R. § 3.1.3
1 year if applicant
has completed 3+
years of GME
internationally and
specialty board
certified, 2 years if
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
(A) To obtain a permanent license to practice medicine in this State an applicant shall
comply with the requirements of this section. (2) An applicant who graduated from a
medical school located outside of the United States shall: (a)(i) possess a permanent
Standard Certificate from the ECFMG; and (ii) document a minimum of 3 years of
progressive postgraduate medical residency training in the United States approved
by the ACGME, AOA, or postgraduate training in Canada approved by the RCPS, except
that if an applicant has been actively licensed in another state for the preceding
five years or more without significant disciplinary action, the applicant need only
document one year of postgraduate residency training approved by the board.
S.C. Code Ann. §
1 year if the
individual has been
practicing in
another state for at
least 5 years
without disciplinary
action, 3 years if
The applicant shall also present evidence satisfactory to the board of successful
completion of a program as an intern or resident, or of equivalent service approved by
the board, in a hospital approved by the board, for such time as the board requires by
rule adopted pursuant to chapter 1-26.
If the applicant completed graduate medical education training after July 1, 1987, submit
a certificate showing that the applicant has successfully completed a program of graduate
medical education of at least 2 years through a hospital approved by the board. The
records of the graduate medical education program must establish the degree of
proficiency of the applicant's performance.
S.D. Codified Laws
§ 36-4-11
S.D. Admin. R.
Completion of GME
program, minimum
of 2 years
In order to meet the qualifications for full licensure, applicants for a full medical license
who are graduates of international medical schools must provide proof of the following:
Successful completion of a three (3) year US residency program approved by the
ACGMEThis requirement may be deemed satisfied if the applicant is board certified
by an ABMS specialty board.
On April 24, 2023, SB 1451 was signed into law (effective July 1, 2024), which allows the
Board to grant provisional licenses to qualified IMGs who completed a 3 year PGT
program in their home country or have practiced as a physician outside of the country for
at least 3 of the last 5 years, have English proficiency, can legally work in the country,
and have an offer of employment from a healthcare provider with an ACGME-accredited
residency program, among other requirements. Provisional licenses transfer to a full,
unrestricted licenses after 2 years if the practitioner is in good standing.
Licensure FAQ TN
Board of Medical
SB 1451 (2023)
None if additional
IMG pathway is
followed or
specialty board
certified, 3 years if
(B) graduated from a medical school located outside the United States or Canada and
has successfully completed 2 years of graduate medical training approved by the
board in the United States or Canada
TX Occ Code §
2 years
(e) satisfy the division and board that the applicant: (i) has successfully completed 24
months of progressive resident training in a program approved by the ACGME, the
RCPS, the CFPC, or any similar body in the United States or Canada approved by the
division in collaboration with the board; or (ii) (A) has successfully completed 12 months
of resident training in an ACGME approved program after receiving a degree of doctor
of medicine as required under Subsection (1)(d); (B) has been accepted in and is
successfully participating in progressive resident training in an ACGME approved
program within Utah
UT Code § 58-67-
2 years, or one
year completed
and a second in
progress in the
The applicant must have satisfactorily completed a postgraduate medical training
program approved by the Board or by a private nonprofit accrediting body approved by
the Board in an institution in the United States, its territories or possessions or Canada
V.I. Code tit. 27, §
3 years
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
approved by the Board or by a private nonprofit accrediting body approved by the Board.
The program must be at least thirty-six (36) months.
Has completed at least 12 months of satisfactory postgraduate training in one
program or institution approved by an accrediting agency recognized by the Board for
internships or residency training.
On April 4, 2024, HB 995 was signed into law (effective July 1, 2024), which allows IMGs
with medical degrees from WHO-recognized schools that are licensed and have been
practicing for at least 5 years, have a valid ECFMG certificate, passed USMLE Steps 1
& 2, and have an offer of employment from a qualifying medical care center to receive a
provisional license that is valid for 2 years. After the 2 year period, licensees may apply
for a renewable two-year extension if they practice in a medically underserved area, pass
USMLE Step 3, and enter into a full-time employment agreement with a qualifying
medical care center. After at least 2 years of practice under the renewable license (at
least 4 years overall), the physician may apply for a full, unrestricted license.
VA Code § 54.1-
HB 995 (2024)
None if additionalx
IMG pathway is
followed, 2 years if
(2) A graduate of a Board-approved medical school outside the United States or Canada
shall submit evidence of success of completing at least 3 years of postgraduate
training in a U.S. or Canadian program accredited by an organization that is acceptable
to the Board and that meets such other requirements as the Board may establish by rule.
26 V.S.A. § 1391
3 years (Canadian
GME not accepted)
IMG Clinical Experience License: Those meeting specific criteria and requirements
below can be licensed for 2 years, with the option for one renewal for a total practice time
of four years. 1) Be a Washington state resident for at least one year; 2) Be ECFMG
certified; and 3) Pass all steps of the USMLE… 2) Complete a background check; and 3)
Maintain practice agreement between the license holder and the supervising physician
with the medical commission.
ApplicationEligibility requirements—Foreign graduates… (b)(i) Except as provided in
(b)(ii) of this subsection, that he or she meets all the requirements which must be met by
graduates of the United States and Canadian school of medicine…
(b) That the applicant has completed two years of postgraduate medical training in a
program acceptable to the commission
IMG Clinical
Experience License
SHB 1129 (2021)
RCW 18.71.051
RCW 18.71.050
2 years (the clinical
experience license
is a bridge to
residency license,
accredited PGT is
still required)
Except as provided in pars. (c) to (f), an applicant for a license to practice medicine and
surgery who is a graduate of a foreign medical college must supply evidence satisfactory
to the board of all of the following: 1. That the applicant is a graduate of and possesses
a diploma from a foreign medical college credentialed by an agency approved by the
board. 2. That the applicant has obtained certification by the ECFMG or a successor
organization. 3. That the applicant has passed all steps of the USMLE administered by
the NMBE and the FSMB, or their successor organizations. 4. That the applicant satisfies
one of the following: a. The applicant has successfully completed and received credit for
24 months of postgraduate training in one or more programs accredited by the
ACGME, the AOA, or a successor organization. b. The applicant is currently enrolled in
a postgraduate training program accredited by the ACGME, the AOA, or a successor
organization; the applicant has successfully completed and received credit for 12
consecutive months of postgraduate training in that program; and the applicant has
received an unrestricted endorsement from the postgraduate training program director
Wis. Stat. § 448.05
AB 954 (2024)
None if additional
IMG pathway is
followed, 2 years if
License can
be granted w/o
May grant
credit to GME
reqs. to
applicants that
meet certain
Minimum amount of
accredited GME
required for
that includes confirmation that the applicant is expected to continue in the program and
complete at least 24 months of postgraduate training.
On March 22, 2024, AB 954 was signed into law, which allows IMGs with a medical
degree from an international medical program approved by the ECFMG, have completed
a residency program or PGT substantially similar to a residency, ECFMG certification,
passed all Steps of the USMLE, has federal immigration status, practiced for at least five
years post-PGT and at least one continuously of the last five before application, and with
an offer for employment at a qualifying healthcare facility to be provisionally licensed.
Provisional licensees must practice under supervision, but the provisional license can
convert to full licensure after three consecutive years of practice in good standing.
Minimum qualifications for initial licensure as a medical doctor for applicants who have
received the degree of doctor of medicine or its equivalent from a school of medicine
outside of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or Canada… Has
successfully completed at least 2 years of ACGME approved postgraduate clinical
training; Has successfully completed a graduate medical education residency program
outside of the United States and a minimum of 2 years of fellowship training in the United
States in a clinical field related to the applicant’s residency training which was
completed… OR Holds current certification by a member board of the ABMS and a
minimum of one year of graduate clinical training which comports with the
accreditation requirements
W.V. Code R. § §11-
1 year if specialty
board certified, 2
years if not
See page 1 note
All applicants for licensure other than a training license must demonstrate one (1) or more
of the following: (A) Successful completion of not less than two (2) years of
postgraduate training in an ACGME, AOA, or RCPS accredited program; or, (B)
Successful completion of not less than one (1) year of postgraduate training in an
ACGME, AOA, or RCPS accredited program and: (1) Current certification by a medical
specialty board that is a member of the ABMS or the BOSBOC; or (2) Continuous full
and unrestricted medical licensure in good standing in one or more states and/or the
District of Columbia for the preceding five (5) years.
Wyo. Board of
Medicine Rules § 4
1 year if specialty
board certified or
licensed in another
state, 2 years if not
See page 1 note